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Luke Headland
Existing Products Research
• Analysis ‘3 True Scary Horror Stories’ – Mr Nightmare
• The video starts off with very deep, low and disturbing music which sets the tone for the rest of the video
as well as the stories. During the first opening seconds of the first story, the viewer is fixed into the horror
atmosphere. The narrator’s voice is also perfect for the style and genre of the story, as it is quite low and
deep sounding, which fits the overall horror atmosphere that the producer wants to put the audience
members in. The narration isn’t too quick, and is at a nice slow pace so the audience members can easily
keep up with the story and feel amerced. The overall audio picks up slight speed during a climactic
moment in the story to try and put the audience members on edge and to try and make them feel what
the characters in the story are feeling. This is achieved through a change in music. Often the music picks
up speed and becomes louder and more intense, and the voice of the narrator also changes picking up
speed and intensity. The music also doesn’t stop or pause between the stories which helps maintain the
uncomfortable atmosphere and doesn’t take the audience out of the overall horror / scary environment.
Supporting the audio is also an unnerving background image to play along with the audio. The images
used are often closely related to the story and are sometimes quite unpleasant to view, especially when
they are mixed in with the tone of the audio. The stories featured in the video are also very relatable but
with a twisted theme to them. The sound effects used in the stories have a lot in common with the music
as they are both disturbing and unpleasant to hear. They are also perfectly timed, and used to scare the
audience member, sometimes releasing tension that they have built up, and other times just to highlight
different objects or actions that happen in the stories. The stories take place in familiar locations and
situations that a lot of audience members can relate to when listening, which also adds to the tension,
making the audience feel even more unease, raising several questions and making them feel more fearful,
as if the events in the stories could also happen to them.
Existing Products Research
• Analysis ‘3 Disturbing Audio Recordings’ – Mr Nightmare
• The main premise of this audio is very intriguing, as it raises curiosity with the audience because of its
interesting concept and title. The key element that draws in the audience here is the audio recordings listed
in the title. The title makes the audience ponder on what these recordings could be, and makes them want
to listen in more to find out. The video offers the promised audio clips from the title, as well as some insight
/ backstory on the recordings which should peak the audiences interest further. The way the overall audio is
constructed and presented is in a way that many audience members will be able to keep up with and
understand. There are moments where the narrator talks and gives information on the audio clip before it is
played, and then also offers more information and theories after the clip has finished. The ‘disturbing’ audio
clips played in the video are uninterrupted so that the audience can fully amerce themselves in the clip and
try to understand and deconstruct the meaning or what is being said. This can leave the audience members
with a lot of unsettling questions, as well as greatly unnerving them, as with context (which the narrator
provides) the audio clips are very disturbing and unpleasant to listen to. Much like the previous researched
product, this audio also contains a looped, unsettling background theme throughout the duration of the
audio to add that extra horror element and to try and make the audience feel as scared and uneased as
possible. As the topics at hand are really quite disturbing, the music fits perfectly in the background and
adds to the overall horror ambiance and atmosphere. The topics that are discussed in this video are also
related to the real world and connect to events that have previously taken place. A lot of the events
discussed are often tragedies, which adds to the unpleasantness and unease at the audiences expense and
can also spark a sense of sorrow and dread, making the audio seem all the more realistic.
Existing Products Research
• Analysis ‘Ghost Stories with Boogie2988’ – H3 Podcast
• The premise of the story in this segment of a podcast can relate to a lot of the audience on an emotional
level. There are many factors of this audio clip that could draw in a bigger audience as it is related to day
to day life and things a lot of people experience. As for the basic audio and what the audience is hearing,
the main factor of this clip is the communication / commentary between the podcast host and the guest.
The interesting topic at hand draws in the viewer and doesn’t make them think about other elements of
the podcast, as they are too focused and interested on the main commentary. The lack of background and
music highlights the seriousness of the clip, and that they are perhaps talking about a sensitive topic and
some people may find it distasteful if there is creepy or disturbing music and sound effects in the
background. One reason why there is no music or sound effects is purely because of the reason that there
doesn’t need to be any. The topic and story being told by the guest is interesting enough without the
music or sound effects, that the audience doesn’t process the fact that those elements are missing. The
communication in the podcast is also very clear, easy to understand and feels very natural. It doesn’t feel
scripted and feels as though it is a normal conversation between two people, which is one factor a lot of
people like about podcasts, because the audio and commentary doesn’t feel forced and unnecessarily
complicated to understand and to keep up with. The clip overall projects a surreal and somewhat
sympathetic feel onto the main guest that is speaking, as he is talking about something that a lot of people
can relate to, and could perhaps help people through grieving processes in their life. The overall sad, yet
positive energy from the guest and host also factors into the mood and atmosphere the clip creates, and
makes it feel like a serious, yet somewhat relaxed environment for the audience at home.
Existing Products Research
• Analysis ‘He's Still Out There... ’ – CreepsMcPasta
• The clip begins with the narrator breaking the fourth wall and talking directly with the audience. The
unerringness of the subject makes the story seem all the more real, and makes the audience members
feel more uncomfortable, giving them feelings as if they are not alone and are in danger. The narrator
uses a worried sounding voice to convey this to the audience which adds a sense of seriousness to the
clip, making the audience feel all the more uncomfortable which sets the tone for the rest of the clip. The
subtle background music throughout the duration of the clip adds the the unsettling atmosphere and
overall tension built throughout the clip. This disturbing music, mixed with the disturbing story as well as
the very worried and creepy sounding narration, all factor together and gives the clip its overall horror
tone and feeling. The story at hand is also has some relatable elements, such as being home alone, which
makes the story feel all the more real, and gives the impression that it could happen to anyone, which
could make the audience feel scared and paranoid, ultimately achieving its goal of unnerving the
audience. The story also features some unnatural elements, which raises a lot of questions for the
audience, making them want to know more and continue listening to the story to find out what happens
next. The narrator has also changed his voice and style throughout different points of the video, to imply
that another person / character is talking. The narrator uses a much more disturbing, dark and unnerving
voice effects when narrating main antagonist of the story. This effect comes at the most tense points in
the story, which only adds more tension to the audience, leaving them hooked on finding out what
happens next. A lot of tense moments are built up with music and different sound effects, as well as the
narrator pausing and speaking more slowly to add to the tension. The story ends on a disturbing note
which leaves a lot up to the audiences imagination and doesn’t end on a happy note.
1. Mr. Nightmare ‘3 True Scary Horror Stories’ – 2017
2. Mr. Nightmare ‘3 Disturbing Audio Recordings’ – 2016
3. H3 Podcast ‘Ghost Stories with Boogie2988’ – 2018
4. CreepsMcPasta ‘He’s Still Out There…’ – 2017
My Ghost Story Podcast Script
I will be making a horror story based podcast show featuring a host and a guest talking
about real life ghost encounter experiences / stories. The guest will talk about his
experience to the host and the host will react to the story whilst its being told. The story
will be a personal experience of the guest, and will talk about how he encountered a
strange figure one late night in a dark alleyway whilst coming home late from school,
when the guest approached the figure he noticed how unnatural it was by looking at its
strange, disturbing appearance and height. Deciding to ignore the mysterious figure, he
continues the walk home when he turns around to see that the figure has moved and is
now looking directly at him from the opposite end of the alleyway. In fear, he decides to
run home and doesn’t come in contact with the figure for the rest of the night, that is
until he falls asleep that night, when he is awoken at scratches at his window. When he
goes to investigate, he finds the same figure looking up at his bedroom window, stood still
and staring at him. In a panic he returns to his bed and eventually falls asleep, only to
never see the figure ever again.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Idea 1 -
Narrated Ghost Story
Story Ideas
• I – A man realizes his new house
is haunted with an evil spirit that
wants to take over him, if he
doesn’t get help to defeat the evil
spirit it will posses and become
• II – A ghost that haunts a school
encounters a cleaner working the
late shift one night.
• III – A man encounters a stranger
one night, only to find that he
was a spirit and he died a long
time ago.
• IV – An evil spirit possesses an
item owned by a family that
ultimately haunts them.
• V – Several teenagers in
detention learn of a story about
how their school is haunted by an
evil spirit.
Audio Elements
• Ominous Music
• Loud Sound Effects
• Tension Building Music
• Different Voice Pitches & Acting
• Edited Voices
• Audio Ques
• Subtle Sound Effects
• Custom Made Sound Effects
• Appropriate Sound Effects
• Drawn Out Narration
• Slow Deep Narration
• Background Noises
Different voice pitches and
tones during different parts of
the story, e.g. Quicker paced
& louder voice during tension
building points and breaking
Adding music & sound effects
at the appropriate times &
masked with the voice audio.
Audio Recordings:
• Gather noises and sound effects from
everyday objects and edit them with
Premier and other editing software.
Possible Sound Effects:
• Echoes, Faint Screams, Ghostly
Howls, Rattling Chains, House Noises,
Creeks, Natural Environment Sounds
Recording Audio
Initial Reaction 1 – Recording & Editing
• I am feeling confident with recording sound effects as long as I have the
right equipment, as well as the right tools and locations to find and record
the different sounds. Compiling different sound effects that I have
recorded and collected is something that I have had a lot of experience
with in the past, from experiments to LVL 2 media. For my idea / project, I
know how I will be collecting my sound effects, as I can find all the right
equipment I need at home and at college. I will be recording the sounds in
a quite room that I can find in college, and at home. I will be recording
multiple versions of the sound effects to make sure I have enough for my
projects and so that I have a lot of them to change and edit. Compiling the
sound effects onto editing software is something I am conferrable and
familiar with from past work and experiences in all of my other media
projects. I will also be working on mixing all of the different tracks
together, from voice audio, to music, to sound effects and making them all
blend together well so the overall product sounds very clean and smooth,
and no audio is too quite or loud which could interrupt the story.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Idea 2 –
Horror Story Podcast
Story Ideas
I – Horror podcast with multiple
people talking about the horror genre,
films, stories and sharing their
thoughts on the topic.
II – A continuous loop of different
horror and ghost stories playing with
all kinds of different horror elements
to the background audio.
III – Two people talking about real life
ghost stories and encounters and
giving reactions to the stories for the
audience at home.
IV – A group of people talking about
ghost stories that they like and find
interesting, and other people rate the
stories and give their opinions on what
they thought of them.
V – Continuous looped ghost stories
with different narrators each time and
each with a different theme.
Audio Elements
• Ominous Background Music
• Scary Sound Ques
• Background Sounds / Noises
• Tension Building Music
• Deep Atmospheric Noises
• Loud Sound Effects
• Natural Narration
• Custom Made Sound Effects
• Appropriate Sound Effects
Natural speaking, like a
normal conversation between
two people. Improvised
sentences to make it feel
more real and not set up and
staged. Clear microphones
and easy to hear voices.
Back and forth conversation,
switching between the guest
and host. Music and sound
effects played at the
appropriate times.
Audio Recordings:
• Recording the conversation in a quite
room with two microphones, having a
natural conversation about the stories
whilst being recorded.
Possible Sound Effects:
• Horror Sound Ques, Subtle
Background Music & Noises, Tension
Building Sound Effects.
Recording Audio
Initial Reaction 2 – The Story
• I am confident in coming up with my own story, as I have made some
stories in the past in different Media projects and for personal work. There
are a lot of writing techniques I can imply into my main story that will be
told in my project. I will try to use creative and descriptive writing to really
try and get my audience interested. As my project is a podcast, I will also
be talking about the story, whilst someone else is telling it to me, and will
try to make it sound like a realistic conversation between two people on a
podcast. I will be improvising a lot of what I will be saying, as will the
person telling the story to make it seem like a genuine and real
conversation, and so it doesn’t feel as scripted and set up. Because my
project will be set up like a conversation from a segment of a podcast, I
may include fourth wall material, addressing the audience at certain
points, asking them to respond to certain elements about the story and
getting them to give me their opinions and thoughts around the beginning
and end of the story which will hopefully make the project seem all the
more legitimate and real and not set up and staged.
Working Title: ‘The Ghost Story Podcast’
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
Primary Target Audience: Teenagers & Young Adults, Aged 16 – 24 Social Status: Balanced Psychographics: Belonger
Secondary Target Audience: Adults, Aged 18+ Social Status: Type B Psychographics: Achiever
One reason why I have chosen this group as my primary audience is the fact that scary ghost stories mostly appeal to younger
audiences rather than older, as younger people are typically more interested in these topics and genres. My product is also something
that people can enjoy and relax as they listen to it, and doesn’t involve a lot of active involvement. As for secondary audience, I feel
that people in these groups would also enjoy my product, but not as much as my primary audience.
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help
you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group?
Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.)
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
Two people sat in a room talking about encounters with ghost / unnatural experiences. The host asks the guest if he has any ghost
stories to share, and the guest gives an in depth story to the host and the audience about his encounter. The host reacts to the story
and a lot of the talking is improvised to make it feel like a real conversation and reactions are given from the host during pauses in the
story to process what is happening and what the host thinks. After the story the host gives his opinions as well as asks the audience at
home to give their own opinions about the story. The audio will feature the use of different sound effects, as well as background music
that will play throughout the whole of the video to add more of a horror atmosphere and should hopefully make the audience feel
more invested in the story.
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What did you learning during research that will help you?
• Recording a lot of the sound effects for the foley went
well and a lot of the sounds worked really well with
the clip. Recording the sound effects was also quite
easy and successful, and we didn’t have any problems
with the audio after, other than the background car
noises in some of the clips. Merging the sounds with
the clip was also quite successful, although I did have
to change the speed and volume of some of the clips,
but everything else feels and sounds quite natural. I
think I could have made the volume higher on most
of the clips as they are quite hard to hear. I also think
I could have added some better sound effects for the
shop scene in the clip, as I thought they were too
subtle and didn’t feel realistic enough. Another thing I
think I could have done is recorded more sound
effects for more ambience and background noises, to
make the clip seem more real. I have learned that
creating foley work is actually a lot harder than it
seems, and it takes a lot of work, time and precise
editing for it to work properly and feel realistic.
• Write about your experiences of recording in different places.
• What effect did it have? How will this influence your project?
• Recording the indoor sounds were a lot simpler than recording the outdoor sound
effects, as we had problems with background noises, such as wind and traffic
which interfered with the overall audio, making some sound effects, such as
footsteps hard to hear. Recording the indoor sound effects were the most simple
and easy to record, as there wasn’t a lot of distracting background noises and the
audio came out very clear. The sound effects we recorded weren’t too complex.
The main sound effects we recorded were short and simple, so we were able to
edit them on Premier how we wanted very easily. For the outdoor scenes in the
clip, we recorded some sound effects outside to make it feel more realistic, and for
the indoor scenes in the footsteps were recorded indoors on an appropriate
surface. The background noises, mainly from the sound effects recorded outside,
were quite noticeable in the clip, and we weren’t able to remove them.
Garage Band
As this was my first time using Garage Band, all of it
was new to me so I had to try to navigate through the
user interface and put together a small music track. I
started looking through the available sound effects
and music tracks on the right side of the page, and
decided to put a few of them together to hear what
they would sound like and if they mixed together well.
After messing and listening to all of the different
sounds and music, I started to chose some clips that
appealed to me, and tried to match them with other
sound clips to try and make a decent music beat. As
the music goes on, I started adding other audio
elements to add more to the songs so it didn’t feel
repetitive. I started to add drum beats to try and make
the music more catchy and to give it more of a
rhythm. Mixing the different sound elements together
was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be, as a
lot of the clips find a way to automatically sync
together, to form a beat / song that feels quite natural
to listen to and doesn’t sound messy.
I think I could have added some smaller
sound elements, like sound effects to
separate the music more, and giving it
more structure. I also think I could have
added some subtle elements to the
song, for example, a slow build up at the
start and a slow fade out.
Script Draft
Script Final
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Tension Building Sounds YouTube
Subtle Background Music YouTube
Intro Music Sound Effects Garage Band / Beep Box
Bang / Thud Noises for Intro Recording Making the Sounds
Eerie Build Up for Intro Garage Band / Beep Box
Actor Role Location for recording
Me Podcast Host Home or College
George Podcast Guest Home or College
Band Name Track Name Link
Kevin MacLeod ‘The Dread’
Kevin MacLeod ‘The House of Leaves’
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Blu Snowball Microphone Owned Voice / Narration Audio
Computer Owned Editing & Compiling Audio
Sound Recorder Owned Recording Background Noises
Garage Band / Music Software Owned Background Music
Narrators Free Main Audio & Story Narration
Daily Reflection Day 1
Before I began recording any of my
podcast, I decided to create the
background music I would be using
throughout the duration of the podcast.
I wanted to create something very
subtle, and was able to create a track in
GarageBand and BeepBox. Most of the
music was created with GarageBand,
but I then decided to implement some
little sounds I made from BeepBox, and
mixed them both together in
GarageBand. I only decided to make
one original music track, as I wanted to
fill the rest of the duration with existing
music I had chosen from my research.
My Music Track:
Daily Reflection Day 2
I recorded all my narration for my product in Audacity. As I was reading from a script, I
decided to do the full recording two times, so I had a lot of material to work with in case I
didn’t like the way a line was delivered or sounded in the first recording. I also recorded one
line sentences or words that I would edit into the conversation, to make it feel more real
and like how a normal conversation would feel such as some stuttering and stumbling in
some sentences, and sometimes overlapping words.
Daily Reflection Day 3
After I had recorded all my
voice and narration audio, I
decided to mix them together
in Sony Vegas. I tried to mix
them together in a way that it
would sound like a realistic
conversation, as both my
narration and my guest's
narration had to be recorded
separately at home. Mixing
both the audio clips took some
time, as I wanted it to feel as
natural as possible, but I think
it came out very well in the end
and sounded quite convincing.
Daily Reflection Day 4
After I had completed all my audio recordings
and created my background music, as well as
downloaded other existing background music
I would be using for my product, I then
started compiling everything onto Adobe
Audition. I first began by adding my narration
tracks, and then added the background
music. I went online to download a few
sound effects, such as Discord sound effects
to give the impression we were in a chat
room. I played these to give the impression
that the guest had joined a voice chat or call
with the host to add to the realism. I also
created some into sound effects in
GarageBand to start off the clip, to give the
impression that the podcast had just started.
After I had compiled all of the audio, I
uploaded my product to YouTube.
• Strengths:
– Researching helped me decide which elements and sound effects would work well for my own project. I looked
through multiple different existing products on YouTube, such as short ghost stories and podcast clips. As I was
listening to the audio, I was taking in all the different elements and how the clips were edited and put together, such
as the volume of the music in the background, and the appropriate use of different sound effects for each point in the
story, and what times were best to increase the volume of the music to create more suspense and to build up tension.
I was also able to look into how the narrator presented his voice when reading the story, and how it was often
changed to fit the theme of the story, for example, the narrators voice would increase in volume and speed during a
tense part of the story, and would be more soft and quite around the beginning and end. This helped me understand
how to set the mood for the story, and helped me understand what emotions the narrator was trying to convey to the
audience, to make them feel more amerced in the story. Looking at podcast clips showed me how to take a
conversation between two people, and make it more interesting to the audience by having real people talk about real
events, which makes the ghost story feel all the more genuine and realistic.
• Weaknesses:
– One weakness I had with my research is that I wasn’t able to plan out exactly what elements of my research I would
use in my own project as I was looking at all kinds of different elements, such as music, narration styles & sound
effects, I wasn’t sure if I would be using all of these elements in my project, and some of them I did leave out, such as
different narration styles, as I did keep the same tone for the whole of my project. I think for improvement, I could’ve
looked into more podcast clips, as that is what I eventually planned on doing. I think if I looked at more podcast clips it
would’ve given me a better idea on how most of them are set up, and I could’ve maybe made my own podcast a little
different, with some extra details. I think if I looked into some more podcast clips, overall my project could’ve been a
little better, as I would’ve understood more on how I should set my product up, and what other elements I could’ve
used to make it more interesting and entertaining, and maybe could’ve made it a little bit longer.
• Strengths:
– My planning really helped me with my final product, as I was able to map out all of my different ideas and explore
them in more detail, and I was able to go more in depth on different ideas, as well as all of the different elements I
could use for my products and how I could’ve made it as interesting as possible. My planning also helped me
understand what would work for my project and what wouldn’t have. For example, I was originally going to have a lot
more sound effects in my project, but found that they didn’t fit the podcast theme, and felt a little out of place, so I
decided to take out a lot of sound effects that I was going to use, and only added the ones that I felt were necessary,
such as the intro music and Discord sound effects (Video & voice chatting software). Planning was also helpful
because I was able to see if my project would work with the music and script I had planned out for it. I was able to go
through my script and take out things that I thought wouldn’t work for my podcast, and also add things that improved
my product and added more depth and detail to it. I had also planned out what music I was going to make, and if it
would work well with my project. After planning out the right atmosphere I was going to have, I was able to start
making the music for the project making sure that it fit the theme and overall horror atmosphere I was going for.
• Weaknesses:
– One weakness I had with my planning is not knowing if all of my planned out elements would work with the theme of
my project, so I kept having to add, remove and change things that I thought would fit the podcast theme. A lot of the
original elements I had planned to use did not fit the style of a podcast or a talk show, and a lot of them felt very out
of place and inappropriate to be played whilst two people were talking to each other having a normal conversation. I
think if I had researched a little more on podcast clips, I wouldn’t have struggled so much with removing all of the
original elements I had planned to use in my project, as I would’ve already known what elements would’ve worked for
a podcast theme before I started working on my planning, so I wouldn’t have planned out different music and sound
effects that I would’ve eventually just taken out of my final product.
Time Management
• Strengths:
– One strength with my time management was even though I didn’t have a solid schedule, I was still able to complete
all my production work on time, whilst still having time to edit and improve upon a few things, such as adding little
details to improve my work. I also felt like I overall had enough time to work on my production and didn’t feel as
though I was rushing any of my work, or feeling like I didn’t have enough time to finish anything. I was able to look
back at my script and change or add little things that I felt improved my product, spending time refining it.
• Weaknesses:
– I think I could’ve planned out my time a little better as I didn’t really have a time schedule to work with, and just
moved from task to task, without acknowledging how much time I was spending on each task. There were some tasks
that I think I could’ve spent a little less time on, and would’ve made it easier for me if I had planned out how much
time I would be spending on certain tasks, so I wouldn’t be wasting time or spending too long on something that
didn’t need giving a lot of time. I think if I had created a time management schedule and mapped out how much time
I would spend on each task, I could’ve spent more time working on my final product and more important aspects of
the project. I think that having a time management schedule could’ve improved my final product as I would’ve had a
lot more time to work on it if I planned out all of my other tasks appropriately, making sure I didn’t spend too much
time on little things, and focusing all of my time on the final product.
Technical Qualities
My Project:
Existing Product:
Both products have relatively the same theme and subject. They both feature a conversation
between two or more people that feels very natural and unscripted, which was something I
tried to do with my own project, as I wanted to give the impression that it was a normal and
real conversation between two people, which is why I didn’t add a lot of sound effects or
loud music, as I felt that it would ruin the realism of my product and would make it feel a
little more forced and scripted. I think both products share this similarity, and both feel as
though they are real and unscripted conversations, or at least as close as possible to
unscripted. One difference that I think both the products have is other minor elements, such
as music. I wanted to add subtle background music to my project to try and entice my
audience more, as I felt that it would feel quite boring without these elements. The music I
used also fit the theme of the podcast and the main subject focused on and didn’t feel
unnecessary or out of place, compared to the existing product that has chosen to withdraw
music or any sound effects. One reason I believe in which the existing product does not
contain music or sound effects is mainly because of the people featured in the clip. These
people are very well known amongst the internet community, and a lot of people would be
interested in what they have to say regardless of music or sound effects.
Aural Qualities
Overall, I am happy with how my work turned out. I don't think there were any other
features I could have added to my product such as more music and sound effects. I
think if I added more music and sound effects it might have ruined the product, and
made it sound less realistic than I wanted it to be. As far as audio quality, I think my
product sounded very clean and clear, and I didn’t have a problem with bad audio or
bad microphones, so overall my product sounded very smooth and clear. My personal
favourite aspect of my product was my original music background track that I had
played during the first half of the podcast clip. This music track was my first ever
original music track made with GarageBand, and I think it went very well with my
product and didn’t feel out of place at all. I also used some smaller elements, such as
small beats from BeepBox and merged all the audio clips together in GarageBand to
create one track. One thing I think I could've improved upon with my product was the
duration, there were times when I felt that my product sounded a little rushed, mainly
due to the narration, I think I could've added more to my script to stretch out the
conversation a little more to make it longer. Overall I think my product was very
creative and I am glad I chose to create a podcast styled product, as I had never done
anything like it before, and I have learnt a lot of different aspects and work that goes
into creating a podcast.
Audience Appeal
I think my product appeals to both my primary and secondary target audience as I
have featured a lot of elements that both these audiences would enjoy. I think that it
will mainly appeal to my primary target audience of teens and young adults, as I have
included a lot of things that this age range would enjoy when looking for a ghost
story / horror podcast show or clip. My product is also a sense of escapism, and
something that my audience can relax to which only involves optional responses and
feedback so they don’t feel obligated to interact or respond in any way to the
product, only if they wish to, which is why I think it appeals to both my primary and
secondary audience. I think that the smaller aspects such as the music would also
appeal greatly to both my target audiences, as it fits the style and theme of my
product, and my audience would expect these features when looking for scary
related material online, and It should also help them get into the subject at hand,
and hopefully provoke an emotional response after they have finished listening to my
product, which would then engage them to look at more similar products and so on.

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Existing Products Research • Analysis ‘3 True Scary Horror Stories’ – Mr Nightmare – • The video starts off with very deep, low and disturbing music which sets the tone for the rest of the video as well as the stories. During the first opening seconds of the first story, the viewer is fixed into the horror atmosphere. The narrator’s voice is also perfect for the style and genre of the story, as it is quite low and deep sounding, which fits the overall horror atmosphere that the producer wants to put the audience members in. The narration isn’t too quick, and is at a nice slow pace so the audience members can easily keep up with the story and feel amerced. The overall audio picks up slight speed during a climactic moment in the story to try and put the audience members on edge and to try and make them feel what the characters in the story are feeling. This is achieved through a change in music. Often the music picks up speed and becomes louder and more intense, and the voice of the narrator also changes picking up speed and intensity. The music also doesn’t stop or pause between the stories which helps maintain the uncomfortable atmosphere and doesn’t take the audience out of the overall horror / scary environment. Supporting the audio is also an unnerving background image to play along with the audio. The images used are often closely related to the story and are sometimes quite unpleasant to view, especially when they are mixed in with the tone of the audio. The stories featured in the video are also very relatable but with a twisted theme to them. The sound effects used in the stories have a lot in common with the music as they are both disturbing and unpleasant to hear. They are also perfectly timed, and used to scare the audience member, sometimes releasing tension that they have built up, and other times just to highlight different objects or actions that happen in the stories. The stories take place in familiar locations and situations that a lot of audience members can relate to when listening, which also adds to the tension, making the audience feel even more unease, raising several questions and making them feel more fearful, as if the events in the stories could also happen to them.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Analysis ‘3 Disturbing Audio Recordings’ – Mr Nightmare – • The main premise of this audio is very intriguing, as it raises curiosity with the audience because of its interesting concept and title. The key element that draws in the audience here is the audio recordings listed in the title. The title makes the audience ponder on what these recordings could be, and makes them want to listen in more to find out. The video offers the promised audio clips from the title, as well as some insight / backstory on the recordings which should peak the audiences interest further. The way the overall audio is constructed and presented is in a way that many audience members will be able to keep up with and understand. There are moments where the narrator talks and gives information on the audio clip before it is played, and then also offers more information and theories after the clip has finished. The ‘disturbing’ audio clips played in the video are uninterrupted so that the audience can fully amerce themselves in the clip and try to understand and deconstruct the meaning or what is being said. This can leave the audience members with a lot of unsettling questions, as well as greatly unnerving them, as with context (which the narrator provides) the audio clips are very disturbing and unpleasant to listen to. Much like the previous researched product, this audio also contains a looped, unsettling background theme throughout the duration of the audio to add that extra horror element and to try and make the audience feel as scared and uneased as possible. As the topics at hand are really quite disturbing, the music fits perfectly in the background and adds to the overall horror ambiance and atmosphere. The topics that are discussed in this video are also related to the real world and connect to events that have previously taken place. A lot of the events discussed are often tragedies, which adds to the unpleasantness and unease at the audiences expense and can also spark a sense of sorrow and dread, making the audio seem all the more realistic.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Analysis ‘Ghost Stories with Boogie2988’ – H3 Podcast – • The premise of the story in this segment of a podcast can relate to a lot of the audience on an emotional level. There are many factors of this audio clip that could draw in a bigger audience as it is related to day to day life and things a lot of people experience. As for the basic audio and what the audience is hearing, the main factor of this clip is the communication / commentary between the podcast host and the guest. The interesting topic at hand draws in the viewer and doesn’t make them think about other elements of the podcast, as they are too focused and interested on the main commentary. The lack of background and music highlights the seriousness of the clip, and that they are perhaps talking about a sensitive topic and some people may find it distasteful if there is creepy or disturbing music and sound effects in the background. One reason why there is no music or sound effects is purely because of the reason that there doesn’t need to be any. The topic and story being told by the guest is interesting enough without the music or sound effects, that the audience doesn’t process the fact that those elements are missing. The communication in the podcast is also very clear, easy to understand and feels very natural. It doesn’t feel scripted and feels as though it is a normal conversation between two people, which is one factor a lot of people like about podcasts, because the audio and commentary doesn’t feel forced and unnecessarily complicated to understand and to keep up with. The clip overall projects a surreal and somewhat sympathetic feel onto the main guest that is speaking, as he is talking about something that a lot of people can relate to, and could perhaps help people through grieving processes in their life. The overall sad, yet positive energy from the guest and host also factors into the mood and atmosphere the clip creates, and makes it feel like a serious, yet somewhat relaxed environment for the audience at home.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • Analysis ‘He's Still Out There... ’ – CreepsMcPasta – • The clip begins with the narrator breaking the fourth wall and talking directly with the audience. The unerringness of the subject makes the story seem all the more real, and makes the audience members feel more uncomfortable, giving them feelings as if they are not alone and are in danger. The narrator uses a worried sounding voice to convey this to the audience which adds a sense of seriousness to the clip, making the audience feel all the more uncomfortable which sets the tone for the rest of the clip. The subtle background music throughout the duration of the clip adds the the unsettling atmosphere and overall tension built throughout the clip. This disturbing music, mixed with the disturbing story as well as the very worried and creepy sounding narration, all factor together and gives the clip its overall horror tone and feeling. The story at hand is also has some relatable elements, such as being home alone, which makes the story feel all the more real, and gives the impression that it could happen to anyone, which could make the audience feel scared and paranoid, ultimately achieving its goal of unnerving the audience. The story also features some unnatural elements, which raises a lot of questions for the audience, making them want to know more and continue listening to the story to find out what happens next. The narrator has also changed his voice and style throughout different points of the video, to imply that another person / character is talking. The narrator uses a much more disturbing, dark and unnerving voice effects when narrating main antagonist of the story. This effect comes at the most tense points in the story, which only adds more tension to the audience, leaving them hooked on finding out what happens next. A lot of tense moments are built up with music and different sound effects, as well as the narrator pausing and speaking more slowly to add to the tension. The story ends on a disturbing note which leaves a lot up to the audiences imagination and doesn’t end on a happy note.
  • 6. Bibliography 1. Mr. Nightmare ‘3 True Scary Horror Stories’ – 2017 2. Mr. Nightmare ‘3 Disturbing Audio Recordings’ – 2016 3. H3 Podcast ‘Ghost Stories with Boogie2988’ – 2018 4. CreepsMcPasta ‘He’s Still Out There…’ – 2017
  • 8. Story My Ghost Story Podcast Script I will be making a horror story based podcast show featuring a host and a guest talking about real life ghost encounter experiences / stories. The guest will talk about his experience to the host and the host will react to the story whilst its being told. The story will be a personal experience of the guest, and will talk about how he encountered a strange figure one late night in a dark alleyway whilst coming home late from school, when the guest approached the figure he noticed how unnatural it was by looking at its strange, disturbing appearance and height. Deciding to ignore the mysterious figure, he continues the walk home when he turns around to see that the figure has moved and is now looking directly at him from the opposite end of the alleyway. In fear, he decides to run home and doesn’t come in contact with the figure for the rest of the night, that is until he falls asleep that night, when he is awoken at scratches at his window. When he goes to investigate, he finds the same figure looking up at his bedroom window, stood still and staring at him. In a panic he returns to his bed and eventually falls asleep, only to never see the figure ever again.
  • 9. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction Idea 1 - Narrated Ghost Story Story Ideas • I – A man realizes his new house is haunted with an evil spirit that wants to take over him, if he doesn’t get help to defeat the evil spirit it will posses and become him. • II – A ghost that haunts a school encounters a cleaner working the late shift one night. • III – A man encounters a stranger one night, only to find that he was a spirit and he died a long time ago. • IV – An evil spirit possesses an item owned by a family that ultimately haunts them. • V – Several teenagers in detention learn of a story about how their school is haunted by an evil spirit. Audio Elements • Ominous Music • Loud Sound Effects • Tension Building Music • Different Voice Pitches & Acting • Edited Voices • Audio Ques • Subtle Sound Effects • Custom Made Sound Effects • Appropriate Sound Effects • Drawn Out Narration • Slow Deep Narration • Background Noises Narration: Different voice pitches and tones during different parts of the story, e.g. Quicker paced & louder voice during tension building points and breaking tension. Editing: Adding music & sound effects at the appropriate times & masked with the voice audio. Audio Recordings: • Gather noises and sound effects from everyday objects and edit them with Premier and other editing software. Possible Sound Effects: • Echoes, Faint Screams, Ghostly Howls, Rattling Chains, House Noises, Creeks, Natural Environment Sounds etc. Recording Audio
  • 10. Initial Reaction 1 – Recording & Editing • I am feeling confident with recording sound effects as long as I have the right equipment, as well as the right tools and locations to find and record the different sounds. Compiling different sound effects that I have recorded and collected is something that I have had a lot of experience with in the past, from experiments to LVL 2 media. For my idea / project, I know how I will be collecting my sound effects, as I can find all the right equipment I need at home and at college. I will be recording the sounds in a quite room that I can find in college, and at home. I will be recording multiple versions of the sound effects to make sure I have enough for my projects and so that I have a lot of them to change and edit. Compiling the sound effects onto editing software is something I am conferrable and familiar with from past work and experiences in all of my other media projects. I will also be working on mixing all of the different tracks together, from voice audio, to music, to sound effects and making them all blend together well so the overall product sounds very clean and smooth, and no audio is too quite or loud which could interrupt the story.
  • 11. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction Idea 2 – Horror Story Podcast Story Ideas I – Horror podcast with multiple people talking about the horror genre, films, stories and sharing their thoughts on the topic. II – A continuous loop of different horror and ghost stories playing with all kinds of different horror elements to the background audio. III – Two people talking about real life ghost stories and encounters and giving reactions to the stories for the audience at home. IV – A group of people talking about ghost stories that they like and find interesting, and other people rate the stories and give their opinions on what they thought of them. V – Continuous looped ghost stories with different narrators each time and each with a different theme. Audio Elements • Ominous Background Music • Scary Sound Ques • Background Sounds / Noises • Tension Building Music • Deep Atmospheric Noises • Loud Sound Effects • Natural Narration • Custom Made Sound Effects • Appropriate Sound Effects Narration: Natural speaking, like a normal conversation between two people. Improvised sentences to make it feel more real and not set up and staged. Clear microphones and easy to hear voices. Editing: Back and forth conversation, switching between the guest and host. Music and sound effects played at the appropriate times. Audio Recordings: • Recording the conversation in a quite room with two microphones, having a natural conversation about the stories whilst being recorded. Possible Sound Effects: • Horror Sound Ques, Subtle Background Music & Noises, Tension Building Sound Effects. Recording Audio
  • 12. Initial Reaction 2 – The Story • I am confident in coming up with my own story, as I have made some stories in the past in different Media projects and for personal work. There are a lot of writing techniques I can imply into my main story that will be told in my project. I will try to use creative and descriptive writing to really try and get my audience interested. As my project is a podcast, I will also be talking about the story, whilst someone else is telling it to me, and will try to make it sound like a realistic conversation between two people on a podcast. I will be improvising a lot of what I will be saying, as will the person telling the story to make it seem like a genuine and real conversation, and so it doesn’t feel as scripted and set up. Because my project will be set up like a conversation from a segment of a podcast, I may include fourth wall material, addressing the audience at certain points, asking them to respond to certain elements about the story and getting them to give me their opinions and thoughts around the beginning and end of the story which will hopefully make the project seem all the more legitimate and real and not set up and staged.
  • 13. Proposal Working Title: ‘The Ghost Story Podcast’ What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Audience: Primary Target Audience: Teenagers & Young Adults, Aged 16 – 24 Social Status: Balanced Psychographics: Belonger Secondary Target Audience: Adults, Aged 18+ Social Status: Type B Psychographics: Achiever One reason why I have chosen this group as my primary audience is the fact that scary ghost stories mostly appeal to younger audiences rather than older, as younger people are typically more interested in these topics and genres. My product is also something that people can enjoy and relax as they listen to it, and doesn’t involve a lot of active involvement. As for secondary audience, I feel that people in these groups would also enjoy my product, but not as much as my primary audience. Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) Project Concept (approx. 200 words) Two people sat in a room talking about encounters with ghost / unnatural experiences. The host asks the guest if he has any ghost stories to share, and the guest gives an in depth story to the host and the audience about his encounter. The host reacts to the story and a lot of the talking is improvised to make it feel like a real conversation and reactions are given from the host during pauses in the story to process what is happening and what the host thinks. After the story the host gives his opinions as well as asks the audience at home to give their own opinions about the story. The audio will feature the use of different sound effects, as well as background music that will play throughout the whole of the video to add more of a horror atmosphere and should hopefully make the audience feel more invested in the story. What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What did you learning during research that will help you?
  • 15. Foley • Recording a lot of the sound effects for the foley went well and a lot of the sounds worked really well with the clip. Recording the sound effects was also quite easy and successful, and we didn’t have any problems with the audio after, other than the background car noises in some of the clips. Merging the sounds with the clip was also quite successful, although I did have to change the speed and volume of some of the clips, but everything else feels and sounds quite natural. I think I could have made the volume higher on most of the clips as they are quite hard to hear. I also think I could have added some better sound effects for the shop scene in the clip, as I thought they were too subtle and didn’t feel realistic enough. Another thing I think I could have done is recorded more sound effects for more ambience and background noises, to make the clip seem more real. I have learned that creating foley work is actually a lot harder than it seems, and it takes a lot of work, time and precise editing for it to work properly and feel realistic.
  • 16. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project? • Recording the indoor sounds were a lot simpler than recording the outdoor sound effects, as we had problems with background noises, such as wind and traffic which interfered with the overall audio, making some sound effects, such as footsteps hard to hear. Recording the indoor sound effects were the most simple and easy to record, as there wasn’t a lot of distracting background noises and the audio came out very clear. The sound effects we recorded weren’t too complex. The main sound effects we recorded were short and simple, so we were able to edit them on Premier how we wanted very easily. For the outdoor scenes in the clip, we recorded some sound effects outside to make it feel more realistic, and for the indoor scenes in the footsteps were recorded indoors on an appropriate surface. The background noises, mainly from the sound effects recorded outside, were quite noticeable in the clip, and we weren’t able to remove them.
  • 17. Garage Band As this was my first time using Garage Band, all of it was new to me so I had to try to navigate through the user interface and put together a small music track. I started looking through the available sound effects and music tracks on the right side of the page, and decided to put a few of them together to hear what they would sound like and if they mixed together well. After messing and listening to all of the different sounds and music, I started to chose some clips that appealed to me, and tried to match them with other sound clips to try and make a decent music beat. As the music goes on, I started adding other audio elements to add more to the songs so it didn’t feel repetitive. I started to add drum beats to try and make the music more catchy and to give it more of a rhythm. Mixing the different sound elements together was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be, as a lot of the clips find a way to automatically sync together, to form a beat / song that feels quite natural to listen to and doesn’t sound messy. I think I could have added some smaller sound elements, like sound effects to separate the music more, and giving it more structure. I also think I could have added some subtle elements to the song, for example, a slow build up at the start and a slow fade out.
  • 21. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Tension Building Sounds YouTube Subtle Background Music YouTube Intro Music Sound Effects Garage Band / Beep Box Bang / Thud Noises for Intro Recording Making the Sounds Eerie Build Up for Intro Garage Band / Beep Box N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 22. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Me Podcast Host Home or College George Podcast Guest Home or College N/A N/A N/A
  • 23. Music Band Name Track Name Link Kevin MacLeod ‘The Dread’ 6A5E405DA65E5240&index=25 Kevin MacLeod ‘The House of Leaves’ L6A5E405DA65E5240&index=37 N/A N/A N/A
  • 24. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Blu Snowball Microphone Owned Voice / Narration Audio Computer Owned Editing & Compiling Audio Sound Recorder Owned Recording Background Noises Garage Band / Music Software Owned Background Music Narrators Free Main Audio & Story Narration N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
  • 26. Daily Reflection Day 1 Before I began recording any of my podcast, I decided to create the background music I would be using throughout the duration of the podcast. I wanted to create something very subtle, and was able to create a track in GarageBand and BeepBox. Most of the music was created with GarageBand, but I then decided to implement some little sounds I made from BeepBox, and mixed them both together in GarageBand. I only decided to make one original music track, as I wanted to fill the rest of the duration with existing music I had chosen from my research. My Music Track:
  • 27. Daily Reflection Day 2 I recorded all my narration for my product in Audacity. As I was reading from a script, I decided to do the full recording two times, so I had a lot of material to work with in case I didn’t like the way a line was delivered or sounded in the first recording. I also recorded one line sentences or words that I would edit into the conversation, to make it feel more real and like how a normal conversation would feel such as some stuttering and stumbling in some sentences, and sometimes overlapping words.
  • 28. Daily Reflection Day 3 After I had recorded all my voice and narration audio, I decided to mix them together in Sony Vegas. I tried to mix them together in a way that it would sound like a realistic conversation, as both my narration and my guest's narration had to be recorded separately at home. Mixing both the audio clips took some time, as I wanted it to feel as natural as possible, but I think it came out very well in the end and sounded quite convincing.
  • 29. Daily Reflection Day 4 After I had completed all my audio recordings and created my background music, as well as downloaded other existing background music I would be using for my product, I then started compiling everything onto Adobe Audition. I first began by adding my narration tracks, and then added the background music. I went online to download a few sound effects, such as Discord sound effects to give the impression we were in a chat room. I played these to give the impression that the guest had joined a voice chat or call with the host to add to the realism. I also created some into sound effects in GarageBand to start off the clip, to give the impression that the podcast had just started. After I had compiled all of the audio, I uploaded my product to YouTube.
  • 31. Research • Strengths: – Researching helped me decide which elements and sound effects would work well for my own project. I looked through multiple different existing products on YouTube, such as short ghost stories and podcast clips. As I was listening to the audio, I was taking in all the different elements and how the clips were edited and put together, such as the volume of the music in the background, and the appropriate use of different sound effects for each point in the story, and what times were best to increase the volume of the music to create more suspense and to build up tension. I was also able to look into how the narrator presented his voice when reading the story, and how it was often changed to fit the theme of the story, for example, the narrators voice would increase in volume and speed during a tense part of the story, and would be more soft and quite around the beginning and end. This helped me understand how to set the mood for the story, and helped me understand what emotions the narrator was trying to convey to the audience, to make them feel more amerced in the story. Looking at podcast clips showed me how to take a conversation between two people, and make it more interesting to the audience by having real people talk about real events, which makes the ghost story feel all the more genuine and realistic. • Weaknesses: – One weakness I had with my research is that I wasn’t able to plan out exactly what elements of my research I would use in my own project as I was looking at all kinds of different elements, such as music, narration styles & sound effects, I wasn’t sure if I would be using all of these elements in my project, and some of them I did leave out, such as different narration styles, as I did keep the same tone for the whole of my project. I think for improvement, I could’ve looked into more podcast clips, as that is what I eventually planned on doing. I think if I looked at more podcast clips it would’ve given me a better idea on how most of them are set up, and I could’ve maybe made my own podcast a little different, with some extra details. I think if I looked into some more podcast clips, overall my project could’ve been a little better, as I would’ve understood more on how I should set my product up, and what other elements I could’ve used to make it more interesting and entertaining, and maybe could’ve made it a little bit longer.
  • 32. Planning • Strengths: – My planning really helped me with my final product, as I was able to map out all of my different ideas and explore them in more detail, and I was able to go more in depth on different ideas, as well as all of the different elements I could use for my products and how I could’ve made it as interesting as possible. My planning also helped me understand what would work for my project and what wouldn’t have. For example, I was originally going to have a lot more sound effects in my project, but found that they didn’t fit the podcast theme, and felt a little out of place, so I decided to take out a lot of sound effects that I was going to use, and only added the ones that I felt were necessary, such as the intro music and Discord sound effects (Video & voice chatting software). Planning was also helpful because I was able to see if my project would work with the music and script I had planned out for it. I was able to go through my script and take out things that I thought wouldn’t work for my podcast, and also add things that improved my product and added more depth and detail to it. I had also planned out what music I was going to make, and if it would work well with my project. After planning out the right atmosphere I was going to have, I was able to start making the music for the project making sure that it fit the theme and overall horror atmosphere I was going for. • Weaknesses: – One weakness I had with my planning is not knowing if all of my planned out elements would work with the theme of my project, so I kept having to add, remove and change things that I thought would fit the podcast theme. A lot of the original elements I had planned to use did not fit the style of a podcast or a talk show, and a lot of them felt very out of place and inappropriate to be played whilst two people were talking to each other having a normal conversation. I think if I had researched a little more on podcast clips, I wouldn’t have struggled so much with removing all of the original elements I had planned to use in my project, as I would’ve already known what elements would’ve worked for a podcast theme before I started working on my planning, so I wouldn’t have planned out different music and sound effects that I would’ve eventually just taken out of my final product.
  • 33. Time Management • Strengths: – One strength with my time management was even though I didn’t have a solid schedule, I was still able to complete all my production work on time, whilst still having time to edit and improve upon a few things, such as adding little details to improve my work. I also felt like I overall had enough time to work on my production and didn’t feel as though I was rushing any of my work, or feeling like I didn’t have enough time to finish anything. I was able to look back at my script and change or add little things that I felt improved my product, spending time refining it. • Weaknesses: – I think I could’ve planned out my time a little better as I didn’t really have a time schedule to work with, and just moved from task to task, without acknowledging how much time I was spending on each task. There were some tasks that I think I could’ve spent a little less time on, and would’ve made it easier for me if I had planned out how much time I would be spending on certain tasks, so I wouldn’t be wasting time or spending too long on something that didn’t need giving a lot of time. I think if I had created a time management schedule and mapped out how much time I would spend on each task, I could’ve spent more time working on my final product and more important aspects of the project. I think that having a time management schedule could’ve improved my final product as I would’ve had a lot more time to work on it if I planned out all of my other tasks appropriately, making sure I didn’t spend too much time on little things, and focusing all of my time on the final product.
  • 34. Technical Qualities My Project: Existing Product: Both products have relatively the same theme and subject. They both feature a conversation between two or more people that feels very natural and unscripted, which was something I tried to do with my own project, as I wanted to give the impression that it was a normal and real conversation between two people, which is why I didn’t add a lot of sound effects or loud music, as I felt that it would ruin the realism of my product and would make it feel a little more forced and scripted. I think both products share this similarity, and both feel as though they are real and unscripted conversations, or at least as close as possible to unscripted. One difference that I think both the products have is other minor elements, such as music. I wanted to add subtle background music to my project to try and entice my audience more, as I felt that it would feel quite boring without these elements. The music I used also fit the theme of the podcast and the main subject focused on and didn’t feel unnecessary or out of place, compared to the existing product that has chosen to withdraw music or any sound effects. One reason I believe in which the existing product does not contain music or sound effects is mainly because of the people featured in the clip. These people are very well known amongst the internet community, and a lot of people would be interested in what they have to say regardless of music or sound effects.
  • 35. Aural Qualities Overall, I am happy with how my work turned out. I don't think there were any other features I could have added to my product such as more music and sound effects. I think if I added more music and sound effects it might have ruined the product, and made it sound less realistic than I wanted it to be. As far as audio quality, I think my product sounded very clean and clear, and I didn’t have a problem with bad audio or bad microphones, so overall my product sounded very smooth and clear. My personal favourite aspect of my product was my original music background track that I had played during the first half of the podcast clip. This music track was my first ever original music track made with GarageBand, and I think it went very well with my product and didn’t feel out of place at all. I also used some smaller elements, such as small beats from BeepBox and merged all the audio clips together in GarageBand to create one track. One thing I think I could've improved upon with my product was the duration, there were times when I felt that my product sounded a little rushed, mainly due to the narration, I think I could've added more to my script to stretch out the conversation a little more to make it longer. Overall I think my product was very creative and I am glad I chose to create a podcast styled product, as I had never done anything like it before, and I have learnt a lot of different aspects and work that goes into creating a podcast.
  • 36. Audience Appeal I think my product appeals to both my primary and secondary target audience as I have featured a lot of elements that both these audiences would enjoy. I think that it will mainly appeal to my primary target audience of teens and young adults, as I have included a lot of things that this age range would enjoy when looking for a ghost story / horror podcast show or clip. My product is also a sense of escapism, and something that my audience can relax to which only involves optional responses and feedback so they don’t feel obligated to interact or respond in any way to the product, only if they wish to, which is why I think it appeals to both my primary and secondary audience. I think that the smaller aspects such as the music would also appeal greatly to both my target audiences, as it fits the style and theme of my product, and my audience would expect these features when looking for scary related material online, and It should also help them get into the subject at hand, and hopefully provoke an emotional response after they have finished listening to my product, which would then engage them to look at more similar products and so on.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  7. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  8. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  9. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  10. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  11. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  16. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  17. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  18. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  19. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  20. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  21. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.