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Bronte Parsons
Existing Products Research
• Short cuts- Deep time
– There are multiple narrators in this podcast who each give their
opinion on the topic of time but it is sort of told as a story. The
narrators describe the setting as well as the other characters
who can be heard in the background but the Narrator is only
one who can be heard properly. The podcast has quite a
melancholic and eerie soundtrack that changes songs and pace
depending on the tone of the story. This means the narrator can
control the emotions of listener easier. There are also diegetic
sound and songs play into background by characters in story
which increases immersion and makes it seem like we are in the
same room as the narrator.
Existing Products Research
• The archers
• - There is a theme song at the beginning which sets tone as it is quite old
fashion as the show has been running a long time, light-hearted and not
that serious sounding which is similar to the events of the show as nothing
important or over top happens but it is quite relaxing. There are many
voice actors because the show has a soap opera format as the story is on-
going and many characters are introduced to as throughout the series.
Instead of focussing on one of characters for a whole episode the show
consists of short scenes focussing on multiple characters. To stop the
episode from becoming confusing there is a long pauses to mark when a
scene has finished and when a new scene starts the voice actors often
describe where they are or what they are doing. There is also a lot of
diegetic sound which signals to the listener where the characters are in the
location and it was almost always used to signal that the character is
performing an action. Due to there being time limits character will
reference past conversations instead of them being actually included in the
Existing Products Research
• No sleep podcast episode 1
– The podcast begins with a long trigger warning which is probably just
to get the listen excited for the programme as they will think that the
story will definitely be terrifying if it has a warning. The warning is
worded more like a challenge than a warning but the story they used
was actually that scary and wasn’t written very well. However the
music used still manages to set the dark tone well as it is very low
pitch and sort of droning however it is on quite a short loop and isn’t
varied which means it doesn’t suit the tone of all the scenes. Because
there is no diegetic audio the podcast seems like the narrator is
reading from a book rather than him actually experiencing story as it is
being told. The voice actor was quite convincing but he didn’t change
his voice often enough so it became boring.
Existing Products Research
• The wrong station
• - This podcast begins with the sounds of a radio tuning along with
horror movie sounds in-between the tuning and then then tuning
stops and a ominous voice says “you have reached the wrong
station”. This was quite effective as it gives the podcast it’s self a
back story and it already puts the listener on edge as they feel as
though they were not meant to find the podcast. There is no music
and diegetic noise there is only narration. The narrator is speaking
as though he is directly addressing the listener because he asks
rhetorical questions and even says hello before beginning his story.
This all increases the believability and gets the listener invested in
the world of storyteller. This world creation outside of the stories
themselves is also an opportunity to fit in a long developing story
throughout all the episodes.
• 1.The Archers (BBC
2. Short cuts (BBC 2019)
3. No Sleep Podcast (Player FM 2019)
4. The Wrong Station (Player FM 2019)
• The story takes place in a little cottage in the middle of a wood in the
countryside when a father and son go on a holiday that they have been
looking forward to for a long time. The boy’s mother is dead but the father
and son have a good relationship. The son is about 14 or 15 years old and
is the narrator. Story will start would with the son describing what a good
relationship he has with his dad. When they arrive at the notice a painting
of a demon with the inscription “I am Raah Caliman” The father reads this
out and the glass from the front of the painting crashes to the floor.
• Later that night the father appears drunk even though he hasn’t been
drinking . The son tries to make conversation but the father is distracted
because he is reading a book. At one point the father tells the son to be
quiet as he cannot hear what the book is telling him. The next day the son
finds that the book is empty. Similar to the Shining film the book could be
found again with “he needs to learn” written repeatedly then “he must be
taught a lesson” then “he should be punished” written in it with pen.
• During the night the son can heard his father pacing around complaining.
On day 2 the son notices that his dad’s eyes have from blue to brown and
a cloth has been thrown over the painting.
• Over the course of the podcast the father will freakout at the son but then
will be remorseful and shocked at himself. This will make the son feel
confused and he doesn’t know how to act around his father. Throughout
the podcast the dad will freakouts will become more frequent he will
become less remorseful. The father appearance also changes as he grows
horns, long teeth, his skin turns red and his hair goes white.
• On day 3 the cloth will be taken off the the painting they will see that the
painting has changed the demon is now close towards the outside of the
painting. They are both terrified at this point but the father wants to make
the holiday work so they remain at the house. The story ends when the
father becomes fully possessed by the demon and strangles his son whilst
the father is stuck in the painting watching and trying get out of the
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
• My initial reaction to the brief is positive because
there is a lot of different elements that can be used
such as music, sound effects, voice acting. There is
also a lot of different software that will be used for
example Cubase can be used create the dialogue as
well as the music, Photoshop can be used to create
the podcast’s cover for the if I put the audio on
YouTube, and Premiere Pro can be used can be used
to combine the photo with the audio and export it to
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
• What I may struggle with is the writing of the story
because I will have to be careful with how I word the
story so it is affective in podcast format. I will also have
to get better control of my voice so it doesn’t sound
monotone and I will have pay close attention to my
pacing so that the listener is able to process all the
information and they know when there is a new scene.
I will also have to create song that are able to set the
tone of the scene and can transition into the next song
seamlessly. The getting the audio mix right is also very
important because I the songs and sound effect should
be loud enough to have a impact on the audience but it
might get too loud and distraction from the dialogue.
Working Title:
The Portrait
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make?
What did you learning during research that will help you?
Proposal- Audience
Working Title:
The Portrait
My product will probably come under the gratification of Entertainment as podcasts are
generally used to relax as they are fictionally so won't be used for information and podcasts are
generally listened to individually mainly due to it not being interactive. It also a good source of
escapism because like many other horror products the audience thinks of what they would do in
this unlikely situation and how they would escape it. The podcast will probably be aimed at
people aged 13-18 because the main character is a teenager and has to deal with some of the
tasks of growing up suddenly which I think is semi-relatable with members of this age group.
I think the podcast could appeal to both a male and female audience but the narrator and side
character are male so would appeal more to male audience. The psychographic group would be
Belonger because the story is based around the father and son's relationship. Products about
families appeal to Belongers . Product is probably aimed at a working class audience because it is
Proposal-ConceptWorking Title:
The Portrait
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
The podcast will start off with a brief intro telling the listener the name of the podcast and what episode
will be played.
The story will be set in a cottage in the countryside next to a lake. In this cottage are a father and son
who are on holiday. When they arrive at the cottage they discover a portrait of a demon. The father
becomes possessed by the demon within the painting and gets nastier throughout the story. During the
night banging can be heard and is diegetic but I will use it later on as a non-diegetic motif before the
father freaks out which will create anticipation and suspense. The father's physical appearance will
change throughout the story which will give me a chance to use body horror techniques influenced by
the writer like H.P Lovecraft and the illustrations of the Manga writer Junji Ito. The body horror will also
allow me to include a lot diegetic audio when the transformation are happening. I will also increase
distortion in the father's voice a points to covey that the demon is controlling him. It is emphasised that
the father and son had a good relationship before the father was possessed to make the audience feel
especially sorry for the son and justifies why he doesn't confront his dad. I will use a mixture of narration
and dialogue to tell the story and music to set the tone of scene as well as actions for example I will use
violin's for violent or fast actions. The story will end with the father turning complete into a demon and
killing the son with the real father trapped in the portrait.
Shaun of the dead re-dubbing list of
• •Footsteps (at different distances and amount of echoes)
• •Hand grabbing wooden gate
• •Gate swings open
• •Character signing
• •Zombie noises in the distance
• •Ambulance noises
• •Character scratches head
• •Character trips over
• •Character yawns
• •Man runs past
• •Head scratch 2
• •Fridge door opens
• •Fridge generator noises
• Coke Can banging together
• Fridge Open 2
• Cornetto grab
• Corner shop music
• Lid fridge shuts
Foley-Shaun of the dead-Redubbing
When we redubbed the audio for the sequence we used a Tascam Portable Audio
Recorder to record audio around college. We had to consider the environment
that the character is in. To recreate these environments we recorded the audio in
a similar space as the where the character was in the scene for example when
we recorded the audio for the outside scenes outside and we also recorded
ambience for the outside scene but the footstep recording had its own ambience
in the background so I just used that as ambience instead. When made audio for
scene inside the shop we recorded it the studio room so there wouldn't be any
background noise and put the recording device closer to the source of the foot
steps so they sounded a lot closer. To make the atmosphere of the shop realistic
shop more realistic I downloaded a upbeat royalty free song from the website and made it seem distant and coming from radio. I did this by
clicking on the audio clip and the going to the audio SFX section and set preset to
in a large room and added the audio effect of highpass. We also recorded a
generator for the noise from the freezer. Most of the work I did in premiere was
putting the audio clips in the right place, adjusting the audio levels, and cutting
out any background noise.
Link to
Foley-Shaun of the dead-Redubbing
Nursery Rhyme task script
• Sound climbing up wall and sitting on it huffing puffing
• "humpty dumpty sat on a wall"
wind blowing and falling sound
• "Humpty dumpty a had great fall"
• "all the king horses"
• Neighing sounds
• "and all the king's men" trumpets and sword sounds
• "could put humpty together again"
sounds of egg yolk or negative sound effect
Nursey Rhyme task
• I chose the rhyme Humpty Dumpty. In this task it was important to
get the pacing correct as the rhyme if read out normally is only about
ten seconds in length. I split the rhyme into different and inserted
recording that helped described that section for example after the
line "all the king's horses" I inserted the sound of hooves clip clopping
and horse neighing. I worked in Adobe Audition and learnt how to use
panning to give the audience of idea where in a scene a sound is
coming from. I also experimented with some of the effects for
example I added reverb to one of the clips to simulate echo as the
speaker was falling down a long distance and I also use the recording
technique of starting off with the mic close to my mouth then moving
it further away from my mouth to stimulate the distance growing
during the fall. Link to the Rhyme on Youtube:
Garage Band
• For my Garage band experiment I have experimented with a variety of techniques in
Garageband. In my experiments I have attempted create a dramatic non-diegetic
sequence to convey the horror and power of the portrait. I learnt how to import a
sample into Garage Band and edit it. I created a new project and then inserted the
sample into it and slowed the new sample down. I cut the original sample in half and
then inserted the the slowed down sample next to it. This meant that the sample would
go from being fast to slow. The main reason why I did was because I wanted to hold the
sample but I was unable to because I couldn't turn the sample into a key on the
keyboard. I then split the appart the sample using the the split regions button and copy
moving the sample snippet. I copyed many short sections leaving the varied spaces
between each sample which made the sample start to sound like morse code. I
designed it this way to suggest that the portrait using itss powers to send signals to the
father's brain. I used the show automation and change the volume of the sample track
to slowly fade out. I also made a drum track and I wanted to synched up the fade out
off the sample track to the fade in to the drum track. I learnt how to edit the presets
using the smart controls and I learnt how to record using the computer keyboard by
opening the musical typing button and pressing record.
Garage Band
Automation in use
Smart controls
My timeline
You can alter the position
of notes and even increase
there length. If the beat
does seem correct you can
use the quantize tool mark
with the letter Q.
Youtube link to the
Script Key
• Narrator
• Son
• Dad
• Music/sound effects
Script Draft
Script Draft
• Spooky intro music Introduction to podcast and name of story
• Me and my dad have always been tight. It sounds strange, but I’d never seen my Dad get nasty or say a bad word
about anyone. And he had always been kind to me. Had never said anything but good things about me.
• We were driving along happily, and had been looking forward to this holiday for over a year now. We both
enjoyed fishing and going on walks so we had booked a cottage in the middle of a wood near a lake. Dad had got
the address of the cottage from a man he’d never met before.
• ‘He was a quite an odd bloke Daniel, nobody seemed to notice him but me. He was strange looking too, he had a
young face, but had a snow white goatee, and long white hair like a wizard. It didn’t make sense.’
• Ambience The cottage was almost completely desolate of furniture and I wondered what sort of person could
endure living there. The place was dusty, cobwebs hung from the corners, mould climbed the walls. It looked as if
it had never been rented out before. There was only one chair at a small, square, dining table, one plate, one knife
and fork, there was only one bed. This was no place for co-habitation.
• My dad usually made the best of every situation but he appeared crestfallen.
• ‘What a dump,’ he said.
• No pictures hung on the walls except on that hung over the fireplace. Sample Guitar sound effect on the word
"Razor" in the song Cosmik Debris.( 1 sec) Then distorted sample from the song Ya Bent El Sultan (During
description of demon) It was a large painting of a horrific male, inhuman, figure with serrated spiralling horns,
yellow serpent eye, a red misshapen, lumpy face, with a baboon’s snout. The figure had it’s fists pressed against
the front of the painting as if it was trying to hammer its way out. “What the fuck!” I exclaimed “No wonder this
place is deserted.” There was an inscription etched deep into the bottom of the rotten wooden frame.
• “I am Raah Kaliman” said my dad, reading out the inscription. Glass smashing Just as he said this the glass covering
of the painting fell to the floor. REACTION
Script Draft
• Sounds of knives and forks
• I noticed during supper that evening that my dad wasn’t himself, he was distant, brooding and was nearly unable to
look me in the eye. ‘You’re eating like a pig Daniel,’ he said, briefly looking at me, then returning to his meal.
• ‘Am I ? What am I doing?’ I replied shocked
• ‘Did I teach you to eat without a knife? You think your friends at school like having to watch you eat like that?’ he said,
pointing at my fork.
• ‘Sorry I didn’t know it was a problem,’
• ‘Do you see me or anyone else eating without a knife? It’s bizarre!’
• ‘But you never told me about it before.’
• ‘I shouldn’t have to tell you, it’s just basic fucking manners A two year old has manner than you.’
• ‘Okay, okay, god!’ I said but just kept using the fork.
• Sounds of loud footsteps and cutlery cutting meat Violin screeching My Dad shot round the table and closed my hand
around the knife until it hurt and began cutting my meat wildly with my hands and kept saying,
• ‘There! There. There. You see. There! Easy!’
• Pages turning Later on that night I found my dad slouched in the armchair in the living room reading a small black
book. It was hard to make conversation as he focussed so intensely on the book that he had it held almost at point
blank range from his face.
• ‘What is the book about’
• ‘Jesus Christ I just want some peace and quiet, is that too much to ask for?’
• ‘But I was just…’
• ‘Will you shut up, I can’t hear what the book is telling me.’
• I thought this was a weird way of putting it.
• ‘Okay, sorry Dad, Well night then. Love you.’
Script Draft
• Banging motif I was woken by the sound of 3 loud purposeful knocks coming
from somewhere in the house and then a frantic drumming of what sounded like
fists on wood, as if something was trying to break through, something trying to get
out or get in. The banging became louder and louder until the walls began to
vibrate, then it became more muffled, then there was silence.
• Footstep and heavy breathing It was not long after that I heard footsteps climbing
the stairs. Then I heard someone pacing two and fro across the landing outside my
door. My dad was muttering and swearing under his breath. Each time he passed
the bedroom door I tensed up, leaned forward in my bed, not knowing what to
expect. He stopped outside my door and I heard him say, ‘Stupid fucking boy.’
Then he walked on.
• Footsteps coming downstairs When I came downstairs that morning the painting
had a white cloth thrown over it. Balloon rubbing noises As soon as I saw my dad I
noticed that his appearance had changed, his hands and his eyes were not his
own. His hands looked as though they had been inflated to odd proportions, his
fingers were long and spaghettified with bloated round ends that looked like
baubles, they seemed, perversely, to start at the wrist. Chalk scrapping noises His
eyes had caved into his skull and his brow slumped over them. The most obvious
distortion though was that his irises had changed from blue to yellow. I said
nothing, maybe it would pass.
Script Draft• After breakfast I headed into the living room and spotted the book my dad was reading. I was curious as to
what so interesting about the book. Pages Turning As I flicked though the pages I realised that the book was
just blank pages, a notebook. I felt uneasy – what could he see there? It was only until the last few pages that I
began to see words written, Sound of writing the words were repeated and chaotically spread over the pages.
The first words written were “He needs to learn” then “He should be taught a lesson” then “He must be
punished.” As I read this I felt a powerful sinking feeling. When I turned around my father walked through the
door, he had white goatee beard. “Let’s go fishing” he said.
• Sound of footsteps on leaves My dad seemed a lot calmer than he was the day before but I couldn’t shake the
sense of dread as we walked down to the lake. We spent the whole day down at the lake but I was unable to
catch any fish, my dad on the other hand had caught eight trout.
• Banging Motif
• “Oh dear you haven’t caught a single fish have you?”
• “Yeah oh well.”
• “It’s not just ‘oh well though’ is it.”
• “What?”
• “If I wasn’t here you would have nothing to eat right now. You would starve. Some fucking gratitude would be
nice sometimes.”
• “Yeah, but I usually catch more fish than you.”
• “This is isn’t about the fish! This is about you being a little fucking leech all your life! There‘s going to come a
time pretty soon, boy, when you have to stand on your own two feet. I've got to say it’s not looking very
promising at the moment is it?”
• My dad had leaned in closer to me so close his spit sprayed my face as he talked. I looked up at him and saw
that the veins in his face where pulsating and were huge, to the point where they looked like live
eels wriggling underneath the skin, and his face was bright red as though his head was being crushed by
some great unholy weight. I recoiled away from him.
• “I’m not a leech.”
• “What are you then? Okay, if you aren’t man enough to catch the food you get to cook the food like a
Script Draft
• When we arrived back at the cottage we found that the cloth had
fallen off the wall. Dramatic sound effect When I went to pick
it up I realised that the painting had changed drastically. The
figure in the painting had changed and was worse than ever for on
half of the portrait was the monster whilst the other half was my
dad. When my dad saw this he started crying. We both started
• “What’s happening to me? Oh my god I'm so sorry please forgive
me. I don’t know who I am anymore.”
• “It’s ok dad, it’s not your fault, it’s this place, it’s evil. We’ve got to
get out of here”
• “No bloody way! This is our dream holiday.”
• “Dad, please, let’s just get out of here”
• “Cook those fish, boy, I'm hungry.”
Script Draft
• Sound of food cooking
• My dad had never asked me to cook before and I didn’t know where to start. It was dark inside the cottage
so I cooked by candle light.
• “I want that fish tender, Daniel. The fish has to be tender, those potatoes had better be brown and crispy.
You better be listening to what I'm saying.”
• “Yeah”
• “Good. Make sure those tomatoes aren’t too soft. They must keep their shape.”
• “Dad, I don’t think I can manage this. It’s...
• “I’ll tell you what it is, it’s piss easy. You better fucking manage this or you will be in the shit. You’ve already
ruined this holiday.”
• Half an hour later I knew the meal was unsavable. I just pretended to still be cooking to delay the inevitable.
Tapping The longer I took the more agitated my dad became and he began to tap rapidly on the table so I
brought the meal in.
• “It’s not looking great at the moment but I tried my best.” I said slowly entering the room Walking sound
• “Give me the plate! Just give me the plate,” he said, as he snatched the plate away from my hands. He begun
to prod the food with his fork.
• “Tender? Fucking tender?, the fish is fucking raw are you trying to kill me? The potatoes are burnt to shit and
these tomatoes looks like cow dung.”
• “But I tried my hardest.”
• “Well you can try all you want but there is nothing you can do about being a useless little cockroach.
Honestly, I always thought you’re so useless that you couldn’t function properly as a human being, but even
I'm disappointed with this embarrassing mess. You say you try your hardest but you’re so stupid there is
not point you trying really, is there? You’re fucked in life, you’re a failure. This won’t do though, get back in
that kitchen and cook it again.”
Script Draft
• Just as I was walking back into the kitchen my dad yelled “Don’t fuck it up this time.” This was the last
straw and I turned to confront my dad. My head spun around I witnessed the most petrifying sight of my
life. Crumbling sound and splat sound My dad’s skin was peeling off and flesh and blood from his mouth
was thrown across the room. Grinding sound Where flesh had once been long metallic teeth that looked
like drills emerged. Cracking and ripping sound Ripping Intensifies Then the top half of his head burst into
two pieces and flopped over his ears and a head with two massive rotating long horns sprouted. The
creature had spider legs instead of hands and these hands clamped onto the rest of my father’s body and
unattached the rest of my dad’s body in one action. The creatures full form was exposed. Clip clopping and
peddling sound The creature’s legs were like a goat’s and were held onto the creature’s body by an organic
marionette controller on the creature’s back. Metalica clanking, cogs churning, and drilling The torso and
back was made up of many metal pieces and cogs randomly and carelessly jammed together. Pigs
distorted screeching Trapped within these cogs were small pigs which were being shredded by the cogs
but kept alive by drip tubes so their screaming never ended. Dripping noise There were pipes in the torso
that leaked oils and blood out onto the floor. I was completely frozen with fear.
• The dad's voice has reached peak distortion and pigs voice repeat “What the fuck are you looking
at you ugly little bastard” The creature barked and the pigs seemed to repeat what it was saying.
• “What the hell are you staring at?”
• Running sound The creature sprinted towards me. Impact Sound and crunch/ snap sound I tried to punch
the creature but it grabbed my hand and crumpled my arm like a piece of paper. Then the hands wrapped
around my neck and tightened. Pig screeching and heart slowing down sound The pigs seemed to burst
under the pressure like blackheads but then they were instantly rebuilt.
• “You stupid, stupid, stupid boy. You’re going to live in there as well.”
• I began to lose consciousness and before I blacked out my head tilted backwards and I spotted the
portrait. Inside was my dad who was crying and banging on the sides of the portrait trying to escape.
Heart beat stops
Script Final
Script Final
• Spooky droning music Introduction to the Podcast and name of story
• Ambience (is will be recorded for most scenes differing depending on the location) The holiday
cottage had barely any furniture. Cobwebs hung from every corner, black mould climbed the walls.
It looked as if it had never been rented out before. There was only one chair at a small, square,
dining table, one plate, one knife and fork. This was no place for two people.
• My dad usually made the best of every situation, he never had a bad word to say about anything or
anyone. But a shadow seemed to pass over his face.
• Nothing adorned the walls except for a large solitary portrait hung over the
fireplace. Sample sound effect on the word "Razor" in the song Cosmik Debris.( 1 sec) Then
distorted sample from the song Ya Bent El Sultan (During description of demon) 6-10 seconds
It depicted a hideous, inhuman figure with serrated, spiralling, horns, yellow serpent eyes, a red
misshapen, lumpy face, with a baboon’s snout. The figure had its fists pressed against the front of
the painting as if it was trying to hammer its way out.
• “What the hell is that?” I exclaimed,
• “It’s the worst thing,’ my Dad replied.
• There was an inscription etched deep into the bottom of the rotten wooden frame.
• “I am Raah Kaliman.” said my dad, dramatically, reading out the inscription. The glass covering of
the painting fell to the floor and smashed. Glass Smashing
Script Final
• Knife and fork clinking noise During supper that evening my dad wasn’t himself, he was distant,
brooding and almost unable to look me in the eye. ‘You’re eating like a pig Daniel,’ he said. He had
never said anything like this to me before.
• ‘Am I? ’
• ‘Did I teach you to eat without a knife, boy? You think your friends at school like having to watch
you eat like that?’
• ‘Sorry I didn’t know it was a problem.’
• ‘Do you see me or anyone else eating without a knife? It’s bizarre!’
• ‘But you never told me about it before.’
• ‘I shouldn’t have to tell you, It’s just basic bloody manners.’
• ‘Okay, okay, god!’
• Chair being pulled around the ground and cutting meat sound My Dad shot round the table and
closed my hands around the knife and fork until they hurt. He began moving my hands wildly to cut
the meat. Violins play violently
• ‘For christ sake! There! Not hard is it! There!’
• He said nothing to me for the rest of the evening but sat in the dark in front of an empty hearth
underneath the painting. He was reading by the light of a single candle some strange black book he
had found.
• ‘Goodnight then, Dad, Love you.’
• He said nothing.
Script Final
• Banging I was woken by the sound of 3 loud purposeful knocks, and then a frantic
drumming of what sounded like fists on wood, as if something was trying to break
through. The banging became louder and louder until the walls began to vibrate,
then it became more muffled, then there was silence.
• Footsteps I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and tensed. As my Dad passed the
bedroom I heard him say, ‘Stupid fucking boy.’
• In the morning I noticed that his appearance had changed, his hands and his eyes
were not his own. Balloon rubbing His fingers were long and spaghettified with
bloated round ends that looked like baubles. Chalk scraping noise His eyes had
caved into his skull and his brow slumped over them. His irises had changed from
blue to yellow. I said nothing; maybe it would pass.
• Pages turning I picked up the book my Dad had been reading. It was just blank
pages? There was nothing there? Not until the very last page. Sound of writing
Written in a chaotic scrawl was the line, “He needs to learn” then further down
“He should be taught a lesson” then “He must be punished.”
• I felt a powerful sinking feeling. When I turned around, my father was there
watching me. He now had a white goatee beard.
• “Let’s go fishing,”
Script Final
• Sounds of footsteps on leaves
• I did not catch a single fish at the lake, my dad though caught three
trout. I hoped that catching less fish than him would make him
• Banging motif
• “Oh dear you haven’t caught a single fish have you?”
• “Yeah, oh well.”
• “If I wasn’t here you'd have nothing to eat, would you? Nothing.
Would you?
• “No I suppose not.”
• “your cooking tonight pal. If you can't provide the food you cook
the food. Got it? I said Got it?”
• "yeah"
Script Final
• Cooking noises
• The kitchen was dark. My dad had never asked me to cook before and I didn’t know where to start.
• “I want that fish tender, Daniel. The fish has to be tender, and those potatoes had better be brown and crispy. Are you
listening to what I'm saying?”
• “Yeah.”
• “Good. And make sure those tomatoes aren’t too soft. They must keep their shape.”
• “Dad, I don’t think I can manage this. It’s...
• “I’ll tell you what it is, it’s piss easy. You better fucking manage it, I can tell you, or you will be in the shit. You’ve already
ruined this holiday.”
• Tapping
• I had no idea whether the meal was right or not right. My Dad drummed his fingers on the table.
• "It should be hear by now, Daniel’
• Nervously I entered the room with the plate of food.
• “It’s not looking great at the moment but I tried my best.” Nervously I entered the room with the plate of food.
• “Just give me the plate then. Give me the plate.”
• He snatched the plate away from my hands and began prodding the food with his fork.
• “The potatoes are neither brown or crisp. The onions are charred and inedible. The tomatoes have no shape. Let’s try
the fish? I said tender, Daniel, didn’t I? This fish is fucking raw! It’s as I thought, You’re trying to kill me?
• “But I tried my best.”
• “ Yeah, but you’re such a simpleton your best isn't shit is it? Are you embarrassed, Daniel? Good! You’re screwed in life,
boy, you’re a failure. This won’t do though, get back in that kitchen and cook it again, boy”
• As I was walking back into the kitchen my dad yelled,
• “Don’t fuck it up this time.”
Script Final
• This was the last straw. I turned to confront my dad but what I saw was the most petrifying sight of my life.
Crumbling and splat sound My dad’s skin was peeling from his flesh, blood from his mouth was thrown across
the room. Grinding sounds Where flesh had once been long metallic teeth that looked like drills emerged. Cracking
and ripping sound Ripping Intensifies Then the top half of his head burst into two pieces, flopped over his ears,
and a head with two massive rotating horns sprouted. Clip clopping sound Spider legs instead of hands and these
hands clamped onto the rest of my father’s body and unattached what was left of his humanity. The creature’s full
form was exposed. Its legs were like a goat’s and were held on to the creature’s body by an organic marionette
controller embodied in the creature’s back. Metalica clanking, cogs churning, and drilling The torso was made up
of many metal pieces and cogs randomly and carelessly jammed together. Pigs distorted screeching Trapped
within these workings were small pigs which were being shredded by steel blades but somehow kept alive in
constant agony.
• The dad's voice has reached peak distortion and pigs voice repeat
• “What the fuck are you looking at you ugly little bastard,”
• The creature barked and the pigs seemed to repeat what it was saying.
• “What the hell are you staring at?”
• Running sound
• I held my arms up, as the creature sprinted towards me, it caught hold of my wrists and crumpled them like
paper. Impact Sound and crunch/ snap sound Then the hands wrapped around my neck and tightened.
• Pig screeching sound The pigs burst under the pressure like blackheads.
• As I lost consciousness, the last thing I saw was my dad trapped inside the painting, crying, screaming, and
pounding his fists without end.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Glass of portrait smashing I will buy a cheap plate or cup and throw
it on the ground .
Ambience Record empty room that would roughly
match the size of the one in the scene.
For scenes outside do the same but
Knife and fork sounds Scrape knife and against each other and
clink of different surfaces to test for the
clearest sound.
Footsteps Record actor's footsteps with Tascam at
diferent surfaces/speeds depending on
how the movement is being described in
the scene.
Impact or sounds I will punch meat
Chalk scraping (Non-diegetic) Record chalk being scraped along rough
stone floor or chalk board. The audio
layer will be placed many times over each
other to create a itching sound.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Pig voice lines and screeches I will do my best impression of a pig
talking in a pig voice and will change the
pitch using a sampler in Audition. Will
make some screeches myself and
download some actually pig screeches
and mix them together to make the pigs
seem more humanoid
Drilling, clanking, and cogs churning I will bang/scrape hallow metal pipes
together, Record my drill being used, I will
probably need the cogs turning sound
form a royalty free sound effect
Banging motif (sometimes non-diegetic) I bang the table with my hands
Pages turning Hold book close to microphone and turn
pages. I might have to get this sound off
the internet though.
Fire getting lit sound (non-diegetic) Hole mic close to a lighter and turn it on.
The effectiveness of this will depend on
how noisy the flame is.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
Cooking sounds I will quite a greasy meal or boil some
water so the cooking will be easily
Arm snapping noise I will grab a by bunch of thin sticks and
snap them
Balloon rubbing noise I will rub a balloon with my hands and I
will probably lower the speed of it to
make it seem more demonic
Actor Role Location for recording
Me Son/sound effects/Pigs My house
Dai Parsons Dad/Narrator My house
Band Name Track Name Link
Ahmed Adawia Bent Esoltane
Frank Zappa Cosmik Debris
Timestamp is 1:15 to 1:16
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Plate and Cup £1-£7 Glass smashing
Cubase 9 £80 (already
Music and distorting vocals
Garage band Free (Comes
with the Macs)
Balloon £3-£5 Balloon rubbing and possibly meat
being cut
Adobe Audition £16 per month
(already owned
with the
creative cloud)
Sequencing the audio together and
exporting it.
Big piece of meat £5 Impact sound
Daily Reflection Day 1
• I met up with my actor we recorded all of the narration
and dialogue for my story. Then I realised at the
podcast was far too lengthy and lasted about fifteen
minutes. I then rewrote the script and recorded the
second version and timed it until the podcast was cut
down to the right amount. I made sure to not cut out
pieces that would enable me to add sound effects or
parts that are vital to explaining the storyline. I then
dumped the all the audio clips into Adobe Audition and
labelled them based on what scene they were for
example the first scene would be labelled 1 and the
second take of the first scene would be called 1
Daily Reflection Day 2
• I created separate tracks for the different audio files. The I placed the best
audio files the I wanted to use in the correct order. I cut these sections of
these files down because there were unnecessary and unnatural pauses
when because it was hard to read the lines and get the timing right. After
this I mixed the Audition Multi-track this was quite difficult because Dai
was inconsistent with how far he's was from the microphone when
speaking. This meant I had to mix the audio in such a way that the audio
was audible and realistic whilst still keeping the tone of the actor's voice. I
then add effects to the demon's dialogue section, I used pitch shifters, the
flanger, and the distortion tool to make its voice seem more demonic and
unnatural. I have also turned the volume up greatly to give the listener a
jump scare and to distort the audio more. This meant the voice also had a
robotic sound to it which highlights the fact that the demon is partly made
from metal machinery. Then I placed replica of section with less distortion
and with higher pitch to help convey the idea that demon is made up of
multiple beings.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• Today I recorded the balloon sound effect using my phone. I then added it
to the timeline on the part of the father's first appearance change. I
wanted to give the rubbing sound an buzzing noise to make it resemble a
group of fries so I added the flanger effect balloon. This created the desire
effect which was to make the sound seem unnatural and hard to listen to.
I did further work on audio mixing and created the intro/outro music. I
also added the razor sample from Cosmik Debris because it is short and
harsh sounding so grabs the audience's attention. I tried to make it sound
like an electric chair. I used this sample directly after the protagonist sees
the portrait. It acts as a sign that the protagonist is shocked by the
painting, I found that similar non-diegetic sound effects are in cartoons to
describe the character's emotions for example when the character is
shocked there is usually a sound similar to a car's wheels breaking or when
a character has failed and the "wah wah waah" sound is played. I also put
this clip into the flanger to make it sound like an electric chair. Lastly I
exported the Audition project as an MP3 and placed it in one drive so I
could complete my work at home.
Daily Reflection Day 4
• I recorded the rest of my sound effects and added them to the
Adobe Audition multi-track. Then did further work on the audio
mixing and panning. I spent a lot of time rearranging the audio
clips, this mainly consisted of deciding whether to have the sound
effects play before or after the narration. I exported the mixdown
into a premiere pro project. I also created a thumbnail for the
podcast in Photoshop which was made from a photo of a mask I
have. The I cut the background of the photo and altered the
colours. Then I inserted two images from the internet one was a
picture of some pigs in black and white the other was the sky at
night. I deleted the black in the back and white pig picture and
place the image layer of the night sky at the back. The night sky
image replaced the black making it sort of look like the pigs are in
space. I was aiming for an ominous cosmic horror vibe when I
created the thumbnail. Then I exported the Photoshop project
onto the video layer in the Premiere project. I added text to the
video and exported the project to YouTube.
Link to the finished Podcast is here:
• The research was helpful as it allowed me to gain a understanding of the structure of
the podcasts and the different type of sounds used and the appropriate time to use
them. When I did the existing product research I learnt about how to transition
between scenes for example one of the ways to do this was to left a silence of about
four seconds after a scene ends or another way is to play a sound effect when a new
scene starts. I used the technique of using the silence as this means that if I use an echo
effect in the scene then this silence will allow the echo to fade out before the next
scene begins. The existing product research and the Shaun of the Dead redubbing task
taught me how to create a setting using sound effects instead of an narrator which
meant I could shorten my script greatly as I didn't have to write about everything
happening in the scene and it helps the audience to visualize the force at which an
action is happening. A weakness to my research experiments was that I didn't the write
the script of the nursery rhymes and I didn't create the visual elements in the Shaun of
the Dead sequence which meant that I wasn't practiced in making a script
that complements the podcast median. I gained good understanding of how to use the
Garageband for instance learnt how to add different instruments to the time, play
instruments and record using a keyboard, and use automation to change the measure
of an effect in a audio track over time. However I had less time to develope my skills in
Adobe Audition because I spent a lot of time trying to record the audio which meant
that it took a long time to find the apreriate tools or effects to use and I didn't know
how to save Multitrack properly so I ended up having to do a section of my project
twice when I switch computers. So instead of trying to save the project I as an Audition
file I save it as a mp4 and put it on One Drive so I can download the audio when
continuing work on a different computer.
• The planning stage allows me to use the knowledge of how podcasts are
structured from the research work to plan all of the sounds within the
podcast. There is a section labelled sound effects where I was able to plan
what sound effects I will need based on my script. This slide made
production a lot quicker because I referred to when I was in the
production phase instead of trying to remember the sound effects or
making them up on the spot. I decide what sound effects should use when
I wrote the script. I tried to write some scenes to have a lot verbs so there
was a lot of opportunity to put diegetic sounds into the scene. The after
completing my first draft I then recorded the length of the podcast and I
after several attempts I had written a podcast that was under eight
minutes. When I was cutting down my script I tried not to cut out parts
where sound effects where inserted. Although when I timed the script I
did not consider the long pauses to separate scenes or pauses in narration
when I sound effect is played so unfortunately the podcast ended being
quite long anyway.
Time Management
• I feel as though my product is finished although it could have definitely been
improved with additional time. I am not satisfied with the amount of songs I
have included in podcast and it would be greatly improved if I added more
songs. In some sections of the podcast fail to convey their tone due to a lack of
music. If I had a lot of time I would create a long soundtrack that varies in
intensity and volume depending on the scene. There was often a soundtrack
throughout the whole podcast in the horror podcasts I looked at but it would
take a long time to mix the soundtrack.
• It would have been good to have time to rewrite the script again to include
more diegetic audio. I also would have liked to experiment with reverb effects
to give the podcast more of a sense of physical space within the settings and
increase immersion.
• If a had more time I would have exported more images onto the YouTube
video containing the podcast. At the moment only have one image throughout
the entirety of the video which would bore the listener. I would have probably
had a different image for each scene or location. This would also signal to the
listener that a new scene has begun because sometimes it is hard to identify
the transition between them.
Technical Qualities
The other podcasts seem to have an extract of the podcast before the title music and
introduction. My podcast though just starts off with the intro music and the narrator
introducing the title of podcast and episode. I think that having a preview is a good idea
because it grabs the audiences attention as they have just heard the extract without context
so they become confused and want to find out how the story progresses to the point. It also
helps summaries the plot or set the tone of the story. A similar technique is used when a film
or book begins with a flash forward. I recorded the sound effect audio on my phone and the
narration and dialogue on a Snowball iCE usb microphone. The sound effects have a good
audio quality but the some of the father's dialogue gets distorted unintentionally due to the
actor being too close to the microphone, also a lot of my lines are quite muffled because I was
sitting too fa away from the microphone. Random distortion breaks the immersion because its
sounds robotic and is irritating to listen to. My project uses panning to create a realistic
environment and to highlights the location of the source of the sound. In the scene where the
father transforms into a demon I added lot's of sound effects cut the audio files up and gave
each metallic bang and pig squeal a different area on the headphones. It did this to
disorientate the listener and make them feel claustrophobic by having the audio overlap and
through the use of panning making it seem as the listener is physically surrounded by noises.
Not only does the sound effects in this sequence help create spatial awareness but the
excessive use of sound effects helps emphasise that the demon is huge because it's body is
made from the source of the sound.
Audience Appeal
I think that my product appeals to my target audience. The product appeals to teenager
because the protaganist a similar age. However the podcast will also appeals to parents
because becoming a bad parent is a common paranoia amongst parents. This paranoia is used
in a lot of horror films such as The Shining or The Babadook. The gratification of the podcast is
entertainment mainly because the podcast is very unrealistic due to the whole concept for
example demons are not real and the podcasts follows irritating horror movie logic in terms of
character motivation and logic for example the audience will wonder why the family don't just
leave the cottage. I created a scene where it partly explains why they don't leave the cottage
but I had to take it out due to time limits. The unlikely nature of podcast means it will appeal
to the audience's need for escapism. This need frequently exploited in horror movies as it is
then interesting for the audience to think about how they would respond if they were in the
protagonist's situation. However the story isn't completely unrelatable because the bullying
and abuse the protagonist suffers from his dad isn't that uncommon and the story is only
completely supernatural in the last scene when the dad transforms. The need for relaxation is
not satisfied though because the objective of the content is to be scary, there are some
instances of the audio becoming distorted due to the distance between the microphone when
recording. In terms of psychographics this will appeal to Belonger because the story's only
protagonists are the father and his son. Belongers identifiy with products that are related to
family. Belongers will also sympathy with the son because he doesn't really have a goal in the
story, he just wants to enjoy his holiday and fit in with his dad dispite what is happening. The
podcast isn't aimed a particular class but it is free so will appeal to a working class
Aural Qualities
I think that final product turn out to be successful although it definitely could be be
improved. I main complaint that I have with my podcast is the re-use of voice actors for
different characters. I used Dai for the Dad and the Narrator because nobody else was
available and my was too monotone to be the narrator. This is extreme confusing because the
Narration is from the perspective of the Son but it sounds like the father is thinking it which
leaves audience confused as to who is the protagonist. Another big weakness of my podcast
is the lack of background diegetic sound effects for example noises such as footsteps, the
sounds of clothes rubbing, and ambience. This background noise adds a lot of realism to
podcasts and I discovered they where used frequently when I did my product research.
Without these minor sounds my podcast ended up sounding like it was taking place in a
vacuum instead of a cottage and makes audio seem unnatural because the volume goes from
zero to maxium volume. There is also a similar problem with my sound effects because a
good ammount my more noticeble sound effects have very abrupt cutoffs with makes them
seem artificial. The role of the majority of my sounds effects is to convey that a certain action
is taking place. I tried to use the diegetic sound effects as efficiently as possible for example I
have tried to create an audio alternative to jump scares in horror movies by making certain
sound diegetic effects a lot louder and the section before the sound effect quiet. The sudden
transition from quiet to loud gets the listener's attention and can be used to make an action
more dramatic or powerful for instance when I made the sound of the chair being pulled out
loud than it would be realistically. I also used noises with the scene to build tension for
example in the final scene I increased the stamping of the demon's hooves and added more
and more sound effects until it is hard to heard the narration. This further reinforces
vulnerability of the protagonist as it is as if his thoughts have become clouded by fear. In
terms of mixing I think the whole podcast is too quiet after exporting it, however is may just
be due to the fact I have switched headphones. I used a similar technique as was used in
intro of The Wrong Station Podcast when it recreated a radio being tuned. I tried to recreate
a recording being broken.

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Existing Products Research • Short cuts- Deep time – There are multiple narrators in this podcast who each give their opinion on the topic of time but it is sort of told as a story. The narrators describe the setting as well as the other characters who can be heard in the background but the Narrator is only one who can be heard properly. The podcast has quite a melancholic and eerie soundtrack that changes songs and pace depending on the tone of the story. This means the narrator can control the emotions of listener easier. There are also diegetic sound and songs play into background by characters in story which increases immersion and makes it seem like we are in the same room as the narrator.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • The archers • - There is a theme song at the beginning which sets tone as it is quite old fashion as the show has been running a long time, light-hearted and not that serious sounding which is similar to the events of the show as nothing important or over top happens but it is quite relaxing. There are many voice actors because the show has a soap opera format as the story is on- going and many characters are introduced to as throughout the series. Instead of focussing on one of characters for a whole episode the show consists of short scenes focussing on multiple characters. To stop the episode from becoming confusing there is a long pauses to mark when a scene has finished and when a new scene starts the voice actors often describe where they are or what they are doing. There is also a lot of diegetic sound which signals to the listener where the characters are in the location and it was almost always used to signal that the character is performing an action. Due to there being time limits character will reference past conversations instead of them being actually included in the programme.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • No sleep podcast episode 1 – The podcast begins with a long trigger warning which is probably just to get the listen excited for the programme as they will think that the story will definitely be terrifying if it has a warning. The warning is worded more like a challenge than a warning but the story they used was actually that scary and wasn’t written very well. However the music used still manages to set the dark tone well as it is very low pitch and sort of droning however it is on quite a short loop and isn’t varied which means it doesn’t suit the tone of all the scenes. Because there is no diegetic audio the podcast seems like the narrator is reading from a book rather than him actually experiencing story as it is being told. The voice actor was quite convincing but he didn’t change his voice often enough so it became boring.
  • 5. Existing Products Research • The wrong station • - This podcast begins with the sounds of a radio tuning along with horror movie sounds in-between the tuning and then then tuning stops and a ominous voice says “you have reached the wrong station”. This was quite effective as it gives the podcast it’s self a back story and it already puts the listener on edge as they feel as though they were not meant to find the podcast. There is no music and diegetic noise there is only narration. The narrator is speaking as though he is directly addressing the listener because he asks rhetorical questions and even says hello before beginning his story. This all increases the believability and gets the listener invested in the world of storyteller. This world creation outside of the stories themselves is also an opportunity to fit in a long developing story throughout all the episodes.
  • 6. Bibliography • 1.The Archers (BBC 2019) 2. Short cuts (BBC 2019) 3. No Sleep Podcast (Player FM 2019) 4. The Wrong Station (Player FM 2019)
  • 8. Story • The story takes place in a little cottage in the middle of a wood in the countryside when a father and son go on a holiday that they have been looking forward to for a long time. The boy’s mother is dead but the father and son have a good relationship. The son is about 14 or 15 years old and is the narrator. Story will start would with the son describing what a good relationship he has with his dad. When they arrive at the notice a painting of a demon with the inscription “I am Raah Caliman” The father reads this out and the glass from the front of the painting crashes to the floor. • Later that night the father appears drunk even though he hasn’t been drinking . The son tries to make conversation but the father is distracted because he is reading a book. At one point the father tells the son to be quiet as he cannot hear what the book is telling him. The next day the son finds that the book is empty. Similar to the Shining film the book could be found again with “he needs to learn” written repeatedly then “he must be taught a lesson” then “he should be punished” written in it with pen.
  • 9. Story • During the night the son can heard his father pacing around complaining. On day 2 the son notices that his dad’s eyes have from blue to brown and a cloth has been thrown over the painting. • Over the course of the podcast the father will freakout at the son but then will be remorseful and shocked at himself. This will make the son feel confused and he doesn’t know how to act around his father. Throughout the podcast the dad will freakouts will become more frequent he will become less remorseful. The father appearance also changes as he grows horns, long teeth, his skin turns red and his hair goes white. • On day 3 the cloth will be taken off the the painting they will see that the painting has changed the demon is now close towards the outside of the painting. They are both terrified at this point but the father wants to make the holiday work so they remain at the house. The story ends when the father becomes fully possessed by the demon and strangles his son whilst the father is stuck in the painting watching and trying get out of the painting.
  • 10. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction • My initial reaction to the brief is positive because there is a lot of different elements that can be used such as music, sound effects, voice acting. There is also a lot of different software that will be used for example Cubase can be used create the dialogue as well as the music, Photoshop can be used to create the podcast’s cover for the if I put the audio on YouTube, and Premiere Pro can be used can be used to combine the photo with the audio and export it to YouTube.
  • 11. Idea Generation/Initial Reaction • What I may struggle with is the writing of the story because I will have to be careful with how I word the story so it is affective in podcast format. I will also have to get better control of my voice so it doesn’t sound monotone and I will have pay close attention to my pacing so that the listener is able to process all the information and they know when there is a new scene. I will also have to create song that are able to set the tone of the scene and can transition into the next song seamlessly. The getting the audio mix right is also very important because I the songs and sound effect should be loud enough to have a impact on the audience but it might get too loud and distraction from the dialogue.
  • 12. Proposal Working Title: The Portrait Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) Project Concept (approx. 200 words) What is the concept for your project and what are you going to make? What did you learning during research that will help you?
  • 13. Proposal- Audience Working Title: The Portrait Audience: My product will probably come under the gratification of Entertainment as podcasts are generally used to relax as they are fictionally so won't be used for information and podcasts are generally listened to individually mainly due to it not being interactive. It also a good source of escapism because like many other horror products the audience thinks of what they would do in this unlikely situation and how they would escape it. The podcast will probably be aimed at people aged 13-18 because the main character is a teenager and has to deal with some of the tasks of growing up suddenly which I think is semi-relatable with members of this age group. I think the podcast could appeal to both a male and female audience but the narrator and side character are male so would appeal more to male audience. The psychographic group would be Belonger because the story is based around the father and son's relationship. Products about families appeal to Belongers . Product is probably aimed at a working class audience because it is free.
  • 14. Proposal-ConceptWorking Title: The Portrait Project Concept (approx. 200 words) The podcast will start off with a brief intro telling the listener the name of the podcast and what episode will be played. The story will be set in a cottage in the countryside next to a lake. In this cottage are a father and son who are on holiday. When they arrive at the cottage they discover a portrait of a demon. The father becomes possessed by the demon within the painting and gets nastier throughout the story. During the night banging can be heard and is diegetic but I will use it later on as a non-diegetic motif before the father freaks out which will create anticipation and suspense. The father's physical appearance will change throughout the story which will give me a chance to use body horror techniques influenced by the writer like H.P Lovecraft and the illustrations of the Manga writer Junji Ito. The body horror will also allow me to include a lot diegetic audio when the transformation are happening. I will also increase distortion in the father's voice a points to covey that the demon is controlling him. It is emphasised that the father and son had a good relationship before the father was possessed to make the audience feel especially sorry for the son and justifies why he doesn't confront his dad. I will use a mixture of narration and dialogue to tell the story and music to set the tone of scene as well as actions for example I will use violin's for violent or fast actions. The story will end with the father turning complete into a demon and killing the son with the real father trapped in the portrait.
  • 16. Shaun of the dead re-dubbing list of noises • •Footsteps (at different distances and amount of echoes) • •Hand grabbing wooden gate • •Gate swings open • •Character signing • •Zombie noises in the distance • •Ambulance noises • •Character scratches head • •Character trips over • •Character yawns • •Man runs past • •Head scratch 2 • •Fridge door opens • •Fridge generator noises • Coke Can banging together • Fridge Open 2 • Cornetto grab • Corner shop music • Lid fridge shuts
  • 17. Foley-Shaun of the dead-Redubbing When we redubbed the audio for the sequence we used a Tascam Portable Audio Recorder to record audio around college. We had to consider the environment that the character is in. To recreate these environments we recorded the audio in a similar space as the where the character was in the scene for example when we recorded the audio for the outside scenes outside and we also recorded ambience for the outside scene but the footstep recording had its own ambience in the background so I just used that as ambience instead. When made audio for scene inside the shop we recorded it the studio room so there wouldn't be any background noise and put the recording device closer to the source of the foot steps so they sounded a lot closer. To make the atmosphere of the shop realistic shop more realistic I downloaded a upbeat royalty free song from the website and made it seem distant and coming from radio. I did this by clicking on the audio clip and the going to the audio SFX section and set preset to in a large room and added the audio effect of highpass. We also recorded a generator for the noise from the freezer. Most of the work I did in premiere was putting the audio clips in the right place, adjusting the audio levels, and cutting out any background noise. Link to Foley:
  • 18. Foley-Shaun of the dead-Redubbing
  • 19. Nursery Rhyme task script • Sound climbing up wall and sitting on it huffing puffing • "humpty dumpty sat on a wall" wind blowing and falling sound • "Humpty dumpty a had great fall" • "all the king horses" • Neighing sounds • "and all the king's men" trumpets and sword sounds • "could put humpty together again" sounds of egg yolk or negative sound effect
  • 20. Nursey Rhyme task • I chose the rhyme Humpty Dumpty. In this task it was important to get the pacing correct as the rhyme if read out normally is only about ten seconds in length. I split the rhyme into different and inserted recording that helped described that section for example after the line "all the king's horses" I inserted the sound of hooves clip clopping and horse neighing. I worked in Adobe Audition and learnt how to use panning to give the audience of idea where in a scene a sound is coming from. I also experimented with some of the effects for example I added reverb to one of the clips to simulate echo as the speaker was falling down a long distance and I also use the recording technique of starting off with the mic close to my mouth then moving it further away from my mouth to stimulate the distance growing during the fall. Link to the Rhyme on Youtube:
  • 21. Garage Band • For my Garage band experiment I have experimented with a variety of techniques in Garageband. In my experiments I have attempted create a dramatic non-diegetic sequence to convey the horror and power of the portrait. I learnt how to import a sample into Garage Band and edit it. I created a new project and then inserted the sample into it and slowed the new sample down. I cut the original sample in half and then inserted the the slowed down sample next to it. This meant that the sample would go from being fast to slow. The main reason why I did was because I wanted to hold the sample but I was unable to because I couldn't turn the sample into a key on the keyboard. I then split the appart the sample using the the split regions button and copy moving the sample snippet. I copyed many short sections leaving the varied spaces between each sample which made the sample start to sound like morse code. I designed it this way to suggest that the portrait using itss powers to send signals to the father's brain. I used the show automation and change the volume of the sample track to slowly fade out. I also made a drum track and I wanted to synched up the fade out off the sample track to the fade in to the drum track. I learnt how to edit the presets using the smart controls and I learnt how to record using the computer keyboard by opening the musical typing button and pressing record.
  • 22. Garage Band Automation in use Smart controls My timeline You can alter the position of notes and even increase there length. If the beat does seem correct you can use the quantize tool mark with the letter Q. Youtube link to the sequence: wQSVT_grw
  • 24. Script Key • Narrator • Son • Dad • Music/sound effects
  • 26. Script Draft • Spooky intro music Introduction to podcast and name of story • Me and my dad have always been tight. It sounds strange, but I’d never seen my Dad get nasty or say a bad word about anyone. And he had always been kind to me. Had never said anything but good things about me. • We were driving along happily, and had been looking forward to this holiday for over a year now. We both enjoyed fishing and going on walks so we had booked a cottage in the middle of a wood near a lake. Dad had got the address of the cottage from a man he’d never met before. • ‘He was a quite an odd bloke Daniel, nobody seemed to notice him but me. He was strange looking too, he had a young face, but had a snow white goatee, and long white hair like a wizard. It didn’t make sense.’ • Ambience The cottage was almost completely desolate of furniture and I wondered what sort of person could endure living there. The place was dusty, cobwebs hung from the corners, mould climbed the walls. It looked as if it had never been rented out before. There was only one chair at a small, square, dining table, one plate, one knife and fork, there was only one bed. This was no place for co-habitation. • My dad usually made the best of every situation but he appeared crestfallen. • ‘What a dump,’ he said. • No pictures hung on the walls except on that hung over the fireplace. Sample Guitar sound effect on the word "Razor" in the song Cosmik Debris.( 1 sec) Then distorted sample from the song Ya Bent El Sultan (During description of demon) It was a large painting of a horrific male, inhuman, figure with serrated spiralling horns, yellow serpent eye, a red misshapen, lumpy face, with a baboon’s snout. The figure had it’s fists pressed against the front of the painting as if it was trying to hammer its way out. “What the fuck!” I exclaimed “No wonder this place is deserted.” There was an inscription etched deep into the bottom of the rotten wooden frame. • “I am Raah Kaliman” said my dad, reading out the inscription. Glass smashing Just as he said this the glass covering of the painting fell to the floor. REACTION
  • 27. Script Draft • Sounds of knives and forks • I noticed during supper that evening that my dad wasn’t himself, he was distant, brooding and was nearly unable to look me in the eye. ‘You’re eating like a pig Daniel,’ he said, briefly looking at me, then returning to his meal. • ‘Am I ? What am I doing?’ I replied shocked • ‘Did I teach you to eat without a knife? You think your friends at school like having to watch you eat like that?’ he said, pointing at my fork. • ‘Sorry I didn’t know it was a problem,’ • ‘Do you see me or anyone else eating without a knife? It’s bizarre!’ • ‘But you never told me about it before.’ • ‘I shouldn’t have to tell you, it’s just basic fucking manners A two year old has manner than you.’ • ‘Okay, okay, god!’ I said but just kept using the fork. • Sounds of loud footsteps and cutlery cutting meat Violin screeching My Dad shot round the table and closed my hand around the knife until it hurt and began cutting my meat wildly with my hands and kept saying, • ‘There! There. There. You see. There! Easy!’ • Pages turning Later on that night I found my dad slouched in the armchair in the living room reading a small black book. It was hard to make conversation as he focussed so intensely on the book that he had it held almost at point blank range from his face. • ‘What is the book about’ • ‘Jesus Christ I just want some peace and quiet, is that too much to ask for?’ • ‘But I was just…’ • ‘Will you shut up, I can’t hear what the book is telling me.’ • I thought this was a weird way of putting it. • ‘Okay, sorry Dad, Well night then. Love you.’
  • 28. Script Draft • Banging motif I was woken by the sound of 3 loud purposeful knocks coming from somewhere in the house and then a frantic drumming of what sounded like fists on wood, as if something was trying to break through, something trying to get out or get in. The banging became louder and louder until the walls began to vibrate, then it became more muffled, then there was silence. • Footstep and heavy breathing It was not long after that I heard footsteps climbing the stairs. Then I heard someone pacing two and fro across the landing outside my door. My dad was muttering and swearing under his breath. Each time he passed the bedroom door I tensed up, leaned forward in my bed, not knowing what to expect. He stopped outside my door and I heard him say, ‘Stupid fucking boy.’ Then he walked on. • Footsteps coming downstairs When I came downstairs that morning the painting had a white cloth thrown over it. Balloon rubbing noises As soon as I saw my dad I noticed that his appearance had changed, his hands and his eyes were not his own. His hands looked as though they had been inflated to odd proportions, his fingers were long and spaghettified with bloated round ends that looked like baubles, they seemed, perversely, to start at the wrist. Chalk scrapping noises His eyes had caved into his skull and his brow slumped over them. The most obvious distortion though was that his irises had changed from blue to yellow. I said nothing, maybe it would pass.
  • 29. Script Draft• After breakfast I headed into the living room and spotted the book my dad was reading. I was curious as to what so interesting about the book. Pages Turning As I flicked though the pages I realised that the book was just blank pages, a notebook. I felt uneasy – what could he see there? It was only until the last few pages that I began to see words written, Sound of writing the words were repeated and chaotically spread over the pages. The first words written were “He needs to learn” then “He should be taught a lesson” then “He must be punished.” As I read this I felt a powerful sinking feeling. When I turned around my father walked through the door, he had white goatee beard. “Let’s go fishing” he said. • Sound of footsteps on leaves My dad seemed a lot calmer than he was the day before but I couldn’t shake the sense of dread as we walked down to the lake. We spent the whole day down at the lake but I was unable to catch any fish, my dad on the other hand had caught eight trout. • Banging Motif • “Oh dear you haven’t caught a single fish have you?” • “Yeah oh well.” • “It’s not just ‘oh well though’ is it.” • “What?” • “If I wasn’t here you would have nothing to eat right now. You would starve. Some fucking gratitude would be nice sometimes.” • “Yeah, but I usually catch more fish than you.” • “This is isn’t about the fish! This is about you being a little fucking leech all your life! There‘s going to come a time pretty soon, boy, when you have to stand on your own two feet. I've got to say it’s not looking very promising at the moment is it?” • My dad had leaned in closer to me so close his spit sprayed my face as he talked. I looked up at him and saw that the veins in his face where pulsating and were huge, to the point where they looked like live eels wriggling underneath the skin, and his face was bright red as though his head was being crushed by some great unholy weight. I recoiled away from him. • “I’m not a leech.” • “What are you then? Okay, if you aren’t man enough to catch the food you get to cook the food like a
  • 30. Script Draft • When we arrived back at the cottage we found that the cloth had fallen off the wall. Dramatic sound effect When I went to pick it up I realised that the painting had changed drastically. The figure in the painting had changed and was worse than ever for on half of the portrait was the monster whilst the other half was my dad. When my dad saw this he started crying. We both started crying • “What’s happening to me? Oh my god I'm so sorry please forgive me. I don’t know who I am anymore.” • “It’s ok dad, it’s not your fault, it’s this place, it’s evil. We’ve got to get out of here” • “No bloody way! This is our dream holiday.” • “Dad, please, let’s just get out of here” • “Cook those fish, boy, I'm hungry.”
  • 31. Script Draft • Sound of food cooking • My dad had never asked me to cook before and I didn’t know where to start. It was dark inside the cottage so I cooked by candle light. • “I want that fish tender, Daniel. The fish has to be tender, those potatoes had better be brown and crispy. You better be listening to what I'm saying.” • “Yeah” • “Good. Make sure those tomatoes aren’t too soft. They must keep their shape.” • “Dad, I don’t think I can manage this. It’s... • “I’ll tell you what it is, it’s piss easy. You better fucking manage this or you will be in the shit. You’ve already ruined this holiday.” • Half an hour later I knew the meal was unsavable. I just pretended to still be cooking to delay the inevitable. Tapping The longer I took the more agitated my dad became and he began to tap rapidly on the table so I brought the meal in. • “It’s not looking great at the moment but I tried my best.” I said slowly entering the room Walking sound • “Give me the plate! Just give me the plate,” he said, as he snatched the plate away from my hands. He begun to prod the food with his fork. • “Tender? Fucking tender?, the fish is fucking raw are you trying to kill me? The potatoes are burnt to shit and these tomatoes looks like cow dung.” • “But I tried my hardest.” • “Well you can try all you want but there is nothing you can do about being a useless little cockroach. Honestly, I always thought you’re so useless that you couldn’t function properly as a human being, but even I'm disappointed with this embarrassing mess. You say you try your hardest but you’re so stupid there is not point you trying really, is there? You’re fucked in life, you’re a failure. This won’t do though, get back in that kitchen and cook it again.”
  • 32. Script Draft • Just as I was walking back into the kitchen my dad yelled “Don’t fuck it up this time.” This was the last straw and I turned to confront my dad. My head spun around I witnessed the most petrifying sight of my life. Crumbling sound and splat sound My dad’s skin was peeling off and flesh and blood from his mouth was thrown across the room. Grinding sound Where flesh had once been long metallic teeth that looked like drills emerged. Cracking and ripping sound Ripping Intensifies Then the top half of his head burst into two pieces and flopped over his ears and a head with two massive rotating long horns sprouted. The creature had spider legs instead of hands and these hands clamped onto the rest of my father’s body and unattached the rest of my dad’s body in one action. The creatures full form was exposed. Clip clopping and peddling sound The creature’s legs were like a goat’s and were held onto the creature’s body by an organic marionette controller on the creature’s back. Metalica clanking, cogs churning, and drilling The torso and back was made up of many metal pieces and cogs randomly and carelessly jammed together. Pigs distorted screeching Trapped within these cogs were small pigs which were being shredded by the cogs but kept alive by drip tubes so their screaming never ended. Dripping noise There were pipes in the torso that leaked oils and blood out onto the floor. I was completely frozen with fear. • The dad's voice has reached peak distortion and pigs voice repeat “What the fuck are you looking at you ugly little bastard” The creature barked and the pigs seemed to repeat what it was saying. • “What the hell are you staring at?” • Running sound The creature sprinted towards me. Impact Sound and crunch/ snap sound I tried to punch the creature but it grabbed my hand and crumpled my arm like a piece of paper. Then the hands wrapped around my neck and tightened. Pig screeching and heart slowing down sound The pigs seemed to burst under the pressure like blackheads but then they were instantly rebuilt. • “You stupid, stupid, stupid boy. You’re going to live in there as well.” • I began to lose consciousness and before I blacked out my head tilted backwards and I spotted the portrait. Inside was my dad who was crying and banging on the sides of the portrait trying to escape. Heart beat stops
  • 34. Script Final • Spooky droning music Introduction to the Podcast and name of story • Ambience (is will be recorded for most scenes differing depending on the location) The holiday cottage had barely any furniture. Cobwebs hung from every corner, black mould climbed the walls. It looked as if it had never been rented out before. There was only one chair at a small, square, dining table, one plate, one knife and fork. This was no place for two people. • My dad usually made the best of every situation, he never had a bad word to say about anything or anyone. But a shadow seemed to pass over his face. • Nothing adorned the walls except for a large solitary portrait hung over the fireplace. Sample sound effect on the word "Razor" in the song Cosmik Debris.( 1 sec) Then distorted sample from the song Ya Bent El Sultan (During description of demon) 6-10 seconds It depicted a hideous, inhuman figure with serrated, spiralling, horns, yellow serpent eyes, a red misshapen, lumpy face, with a baboon’s snout. The figure had its fists pressed against the front of the painting as if it was trying to hammer its way out. • “What the hell is that?” I exclaimed, • “It’s the worst thing,’ my Dad replied. • There was an inscription etched deep into the bottom of the rotten wooden frame. • “I am Raah Kaliman.” said my dad, dramatically, reading out the inscription. The glass covering of the painting fell to the floor and smashed. Glass Smashing
  • 35. Script Final • Knife and fork clinking noise During supper that evening my dad wasn’t himself, he was distant, brooding and almost unable to look me in the eye. ‘You’re eating like a pig Daniel,’ he said. He had never said anything like this to me before. • ‘Am I? ’ • ‘Did I teach you to eat without a knife, boy? You think your friends at school like having to watch you eat like that?’ • ‘Sorry I didn’t know it was a problem.’ • ‘Do you see me or anyone else eating without a knife? It’s bizarre!’ • ‘But you never told me about it before.’ • ‘I shouldn’t have to tell you, It’s just basic bloody manners.’ • ‘Okay, okay, god!’ • Chair being pulled around the ground and cutting meat sound My Dad shot round the table and closed my hands around the knife and fork until they hurt. He began moving my hands wildly to cut the meat. Violins play violently • ‘For christ sake! There! Not hard is it! There!’ • He said nothing to me for the rest of the evening but sat in the dark in front of an empty hearth underneath the painting. He was reading by the light of a single candle some strange black book he had found. • ‘Goodnight then, Dad, Love you.’ • He said nothing.
  • 36. Script Final • Banging I was woken by the sound of 3 loud purposeful knocks, and then a frantic drumming of what sounded like fists on wood, as if something was trying to break through. The banging became louder and louder until the walls began to vibrate, then it became more muffled, then there was silence. • Footsteps I heard footsteps climbing the stairs and tensed. As my Dad passed the bedroom I heard him say, ‘Stupid fucking boy.’ • In the morning I noticed that his appearance had changed, his hands and his eyes were not his own. Balloon rubbing His fingers were long and spaghettified with bloated round ends that looked like baubles. Chalk scraping noise His eyes had caved into his skull and his brow slumped over them. His irises had changed from blue to yellow. I said nothing; maybe it would pass. • Pages turning I picked up the book my Dad had been reading. It was just blank pages? There was nothing there? Not until the very last page. Sound of writing Written in a chaotic scrawl was the line, “He needs to learn” then further down “He should be taught a lesson” then “He must be punished.” • I felt a powerful sinking feeling. When I turned around, my father was there watching me. He now had a white goatee beard. • “Let’s go fishing,”
  • 37. Script Final • Sounds of footsteps on leaves • I did not catch a single fish at the lake, my dad though caught three trout. I hoped that catching less fish than him would make him happy. • Banging motif • “Oh dear you haven’t caught a single fish have you?” • “Yeah, oh well.” • “If I wasn’t here you'd have nothing to eat, would you? Nothing. Would you? • “No I suppose not.” • “your cooking tonight pal. If you can't provide the food you cook the food. Got it? I said Got it?” • "yeah"
  • 38. Script Final • Cooking noises • The kitchen was dark. My dad had never asked me to cook before and I didn’t know where to start. • “I want that fish tender, Daniel. The fish has to be tender, and those potatoes had better be brown and crispy. Are you listening to what I'm saying?” • “Yeah.” • “Good. And make sure those tomatoes aren’t too soft. They must keep their shape.” • “Dad, I don’t think I can manage this. It’s... • “I’ll tell you what it is, it’s piss easy. You better fucking manage it, I can tell you, or you will be in the shit. You’ve already ruined this holiday.” • Tapping • I had no idea whether the meal was right or not right. My Dad drummed his fingers on the table. • "It should be hear by now, Daniel’ • Nervously I entered the room with the plate of food. • “It’s not looking great at the moment but I tried my best.” Nervously I entered the room with the plate of food. • “Just give me the plate then. Give me the plate.” • He snatched the plate away from my hands and began prodding the food with his fork. • “The potatoes are neither brown or crisp. The onions are charred and inedible. The tomatoes have no shape. Let’s try the fish? I said tender, Daniel, didn’t I? This fish is fucking raw! It’s as I thought, You’re trying to kill me? • “But I tried my best.” • “ Yeah, but you’re such a simpleton your best isn't shit is it? Are you embarrassed, Daniel? Good! You’re screwed in life, boy, you’re a failure. This won’t do though, get back in that kitchen and cook it again, boy” • As I was walking back into the kitchen my dad yelled, • “Don’t fuck it up this time.”
  • 39. Script Final • This was the last straw. I turned to confront my dad but what I saw was the most petrifying sight of my life. Crumbling and splat sound My dad’s skin was peeling from his flesh, blood from his mouth was thrown across the room. Grinding sounds Where flesh had once been long metallic teeth that looked like drills emerged. Cracking and ripping sound Ripping Intensifies Then the top half of his head burst into two pieces, flopped over his ears, and a head with two massive rotating horns sprouted. Clip clopping sound Spider legs instead of hands and these hands clamped onto the rest of my father’s body and unattached what was left of his humanity. The creature’s full form was exposed. Its legs were like a goat’s and were held on to the creature’s body by an organic marionette controller embodied in the creature’s back. Metalica clanking, cogs churning, and drilling The torso was made up of many metal pieces and cogs randomly and carelessly jammed together. Pigs distorted screeching Trapped within these workings were small pigs which were being shredded by steel blades but somehow kept alive in constant agony. • The dad's voice has reached peak distortion and pigs voice repeat • “What the fuck are you looking at you ugly little bastard,” • The creature barked and the pigs seemed to repeat what it was saying. • “What the hell are you staring at?” • Running sound • I held my arms up, as the creature sprinted towards me, it caught hold of my wrists and crumpled them like paper. Impact Sound and crunch/ snap sound Then the hands wrapped around my neck and tightened. • Pig screeching sound The pigs burst under the pressure like blackheads. • As I lost consciousness, the last thing I saw was my dad trapped inside the painting, crying, screaming, and pounding his fists without end.
  • 40. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Glass of portrait smashing I will buy a cheap plate or cup and throw it on the ground . Ambience Record empty room that would roughly match the size of the one in the scene. For scenes outside do the same but outside. Knife and fork sounds Scrape knife and against each other and clink of different surfaces to test for the clearest sound. Footsteps Record actor's footsteps with Tascam at diferent surfaces/speeds depending on how the movement is being described in the scene. Impact or sounds I will punch meat Chalk scraping (Non-diegetic) Record chalk being scraped along rough stone floor or chalk board. The audio layer will be placed many times over each other to create a itching sound.
  • 41. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Pig voice lines and screeches I will do my best impression of a pig talking in a pig voice and will change the pitch using a sampler in Audition. Will make some screeches myself and download some actually pig screeches and mix them together to make the pigs seem more humanoid Drilling, clanking, and cogs churning I will bang/scrape hallow metal pipes together, Record my drill being used, I will probably need the cogs turning sound form a royalty free sound effect website. Banging motif (sometimes non-diegetic) I bang the table with my hands Pages turning Hold book close to microphone and turn pages. I might have to get this sound off the internet though. Fire getting lit sound (non-diegetic) Hole mic close to a lighter and turn it on. The effectiveness of this will depend on how noisy the flame is.
  • 42. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound Cooking sounds I will quite a greasy meal or boil some water so the cooking will be easily audible Arm snapping noise I will grab a by bunch of thin sticks and snap them Balloon rubbing noise I will rub a balloon with my hands and I will probably lower the speed of it to make it seem more demonic
  • 43. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Me Son/sound effects/Pigs My house Dai Parsons Dad/Narrator My house
  • 44. Music Band Name Track Name Link Ahmed Adawia Bent Esoltane Frank Zappa Cosmik Debris Timestamp is 1:15 to 1:16
  • 45. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Plate and Cup £1-£7 Glass smashing Cubase 9 £80 (already owned) Music and distorting vocals Garage band Free (Comes with the Macs) Music Balloon £3-£5 Balloon rubbing and possibly meat being cut Adobe Audition £16 per month (already owned with the creative cloud) Sequencing the audio together and exporting it. Big piece of meat £5 Impact sound
  • 47. Daily Reflection Day 1 • I met up with my actor we recorded all of the narration and dialogue for my story. Then I realised at the podcast was far too lengthy and lasted about fifteen minutes. I then rewrote the script and recorded the second version and timed it until the podcast was cut down to the right amount. I made sure to not cut out pieces that would enable me to add sound effects or parts that are vital to explaining the storyline. I then dumped the all the audio clips into Adobe Audition and labelled them based on what scene they were for example the first scene would be labelled 1 and the second take of the first scene would be called 1 B.
  • 48. Daily Reflection Day 2 • I created separate tracks for the different audio files. The I placed the best audio files the I wanted to use in the correct order. I cut these sections of these files down because there were unnecessary and unnatural pauses when because it was hard to read the lines and get the timing right. After this I mixed the Audition Multi-track this was quite difficult because Dai was inconsistent with how far he's was from the microphone when speaking. This meant I had to mix the audio in such a way that the audio was audible and realistic whilst still keeping the tone of the actor's voice. I then add effects to the demon's dialogue section, I used pitch shifters, the flanger, and the distortion tool to make its voice seem more demonic and unnatural. I have also turned the volume up greatly to give the listener a jump scare and to distort the audio more. This meant the voice also had a robotic sound to it which highlights the fact that the demon is partly made from metal machinery. Then I placed replica of section with less distortion and with higher pitch to help convey the idea that demon is made up of multiple beings.
  • 49. Daily Reflection Day 3 • Today I recorded the balloon sound effect using my phone. I then added it to the timeline on the part of the father's first appearance change. I wanted to give the rubbing sound an buzzing noise to make it resemble a group of fries so I added the flanger effect balloon. This created the desire effect which was to make the sound seem unnatural and hard to listen to. I did further work on audio mixing and created the intro/outro music. I also added the razor sample from Cosmik Debris because it is short and harsh sounding so grabs the audience's attention. I tried to make it sound like an electric chair. I used this sample directly after the protagonist sees the portrait. It acts as a sign that the protagonist is shocked by the painting, I found that similar non-diegetic sound effects are in cartoons to describe the character's emotions for example when the character is shocked there is usually a sound similar to a car's wheels breaking or when a character has failed and the "wah wah waah" sound is played. I also put this clip into the flanger to make it sound like an electric chair. Lastly I exported the Audition project as an MP3 and placed it in one drive so I could complete my work at home.
  • 50. Daily Reflection Day 4 • I recorded the rest of my sound effects and added them to the Adobe Audition multi-track. Then did further work on the audio mixing and panning. I spent a lot of time rearranging the audio clips, this mainly consisted of deciding whether to have the sound effects play before or after the narration. I exported the mixdown into a premiere pro project. I also created a thumbnail for the podcast in Photoshop which was made from a photo of a mask I have. The I cut the background of the photo and altered the colours. Then I inserted two images from the internet one was a picture of some pigs in black and white the other was the sky at night. I deleted the black in the back and white pig picture and place the image layer of the night sky at the back. The night sky image replaced the black making it sort of look like the pigs are in space. I was aiming for an ominous cosmic horror vibe when I created the thumbnail. Then I exported the Photoshop project onto the video layer in the Premiere project. I added text to the video and exported the project to YouTube.
  • 51. Link to the finished Podcast is here:
  • 53. Research • The research was helpful as it allowed me to gain a understanding of the structure of the podcasts and the different type of sounds used and the appropriate time to use them. When I did the existing product research I learnt about how to transition between scenes for example one of the ways to do this was to left a silence of about four seconds after a scene ends or another way is to play a sound effect when a new scene starts. I used the technique of using the silence as this means that if I use an echo effect in the scene then this silence will allow the echo to fade out before the next scene begins. The existing product research and the Shaun of the Dead redubbing task taught me how to create a setting using sound effects instead of an narrator which meant I could shorten my script greatly as I didn't have to write about everything happening in the scene and it helps the audience to visualize the force at which an action is happening. A weakness to my research experiments was that I didn't the write the script of the nursery rhymes and I didn't create the visual elements in the Shaun of the Dead sequence which meant that I wasn't practiced in making a script that complements the podcast median. I gained good understanding of how to use the Garageband for instance learnt how to add different instruments to the time, play instruments and record using a keyboard, and use automation to change the measure of an effect in a audio track over time. However I had less time to develope my skills in Adobe Audition because I spent a lot of time trying to record the audio which meant that it took a long time to find the apreriate tools or effects to use and I didn't know how to save Multitrack properly so I ended up having to do a section of my project twice when I switch computers. So instead of trying to save the project I as an Audition file I save it as a mp4 and put it on One Drive so I can download the audio when continuing work on a different computer.
  • 54. Planning • The planning stage allows me to use the knowledge of how podcasts are structured from the research work to plan all of the sounds within the podcast. There is a section labelled sound effects where I was able to plan what sound effects I will need based on my script. This slide made production a lot quicker because I referred to when I was in the production phase instead of trying to remember the sound effects or making them up on the spot. I decide what sound effects should use when I wrote the script. I tried to write some scenes to have a lot verbs so there was a lot of opportunity to put diegetic sounds into the scene. The after completing my first draft I then recorded the length of the podcast and I after several attempts I had written a podcast that was under eight minutes. When I was cutting down my script I tried not to cut out parts where sound effects where inserted. Although when I timed the script I did not consider the long pauses to separate scenes or pauses in narration when I sound effect is played so unfortunately the podcast ended being quite long anyway.
  • 55. Time Management • I feel as though my product is finished although it could have definitely been improved with additional time. I am not satisfied with the amount of songs I have included in podcast and it would be greatly improved if I added more songs. In some sections of the podcast fail to convey their tone due to a lack of music. If I had a lot of time I would create a long soundtrack that varies in intensity and volume depending on the scene. There was often a soundtrack throughout the whole podcast in the horror podcasts I looked at but it would take a long time to mix the soundtrack. • It would have been good to have time to rewrite the script again to include more diegetic audio. I also would have liked to experiment with reverb effects to give the podcast more of a sense of physical space within the settings and increase immersion. • If a had more time I would have exported more images onto the YouTube video containing the podcast. At the moment only have one image throughout the entirety of the video which would bore the listener. I would have probably had a different image for each scene or location. This would also signal to the listener that a new scene has begun because sometimes it is hard to identify the transition between them.
  • 56. Technical Qualities The other podcasts seem to have an extract of the podcast before the title music and introduction. My podcast though just starts off with the intro music and the narrator introducing the title of podcast and episode. I think that having a preview is a good idea because it grabs the audiences attention as they have just heard the extract without context so they become confused and want to find out how the story progresses to the point. It also helps summaries the plot or set the tone of the story. A similar technique is used when a film or book begins with a flash forward. I recorded the sound effect audio on my phone and the narration and dialogue on a Snowball iCE usb microphone. The sound effects have a good audio quality but the some of the father's dialogue gets distorted unintentionally due to the actor being too close to the microphone, also a lot of my lines are quite muffled because I was sitting too fa away from the microphone. Random distortion breaks the immersion because its sounds robotic and is irritating to listen to. My project uses panning to create a realistic environment and to highlights the location of the source of the sound. In the scene where the father transforms into a demon I added lot's of sound effects cut the audio files up and gave each metallic bang and pig squeal a different area on the headphones. It did this to disorientate the listener and make them feel claustrophobic by having the audio overlap and through the use of panning making it seem as the listener is physically surrounded by noises. Not only does the sound effects in this sequence help create spatial awareness but the excessive use of sound effects helps emphasise that the demon is huge because it's body is made from the source of the sound.
  • 57. Audience Appeal I think that my product appeals to my target audience. The product appeals to teenager because the protaganist a similar age. However the podcast will also appeals to parents because becoming a bad parent is a common paranoia amongst parents. This paranoia is used in a lot of horror films such as The Shining or The Babadook. The gratification of the podcast is entertainment mainly because the podcast is very unrealistic due to the whole concept for example demons are not real and the podcasts follows irritating horror movie logic in terms of character motivation and logic for example the audience will wonder why the family don't just leave the cottage. I created a scene where it partly explains why they don't leave the cottage but I had to take it out due to time limits. The unlikely nature of podcast means it will appeal to the audience's need for escapism. This need frequently exploited in horror movies as it is then interesting for the audience to think about how they would respond if they were in the protagonist's situation. However the story isn't completely unrelatable because the bullying and abuse the protagonist suffers from his dad isn't that uncommon and the story is only completely supernatural in the last scene when the dad transforms. The need for relaxation is not satisfied though because the objective of the content is to be scary, there are some instances of the audio becoming distorted due to the distance between the microphone when recording. In terms of psychographics this will appeal to Belonger because the story's only protagonists are the father and his son. Belongers identifiy with products that are related to family. Belongers will also sympathy with the son because he doesn't really have a goal in the story, he just wants to enjoy his holiday and fit in with his dad dispite what is happening. The podcast isn't aimed a particular class but it is free so will appeal to a working class audience.
  • 58. Aural Qualities I think that final product turn out to be successful although it definitely could be be improved. I main complaint that I have with my podcast is the re-use of voice actors for different characters. I used Dai for the Dad and the Narrator because nobody else was available and my was too monotone to be the narrator. This is extreme confusing because the Narration is from the perspective of the Son but it sounds like the father is thinking it which leaves audience confused as to who is the protagonist. Another big weakness of my podcast is the lack of background diegetic sound effects for example noises such as footsteps, the sounds of clothes rubbing, and ambience. This background noise adds a lot of realism to podcasts and I discovered they where used frequently when I did my product research. Without these minor sounds my podcast ended up sounding like it was taking place in a vacuum instead of a cottage and makes audio seem unnatural because the volume goes from zero to maxium volume. There is also a similar problem with my sound effects because a good ammount my more noticeble sound effects have very abrupt cutoffs with makes them seem artificial. The role of the majority of my sounds effects is to convey that a certain action is taking place. I tried to use the diegetic sound effects as efficiently as possible for example I have tried to create an audio alternative to jump scares in horror movies by making certain sound diegetic effects a lot louder and the section before the sound effect quiet. The sudden transition from quiet to loud gets the listener's attention and can be used to make an action more dramatic or powerful for instance when I made the sound of the chair being pulled out loud than it would be realistically. I also used noises with the scene to build tension for example in the final scene I increased the stamping of the demon's hooves and added more and more sound effects until it is hard to heard the narration. This further reinforces vulnerability of the protagonist as it is as if his thoughts have become clouded by fear. In terms of mixing I think the whole podcast is too quiet after exporting it, however is may just be due to the fact I have switched headphones. I used a similar technique as was used in intro of The Wrong Station Podcast when it recreated a radio being tuned. I tried to recreate a recording being broken.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  5. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  6. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  7. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  8. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  9. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  10. Final version of your script, ready to be used in production.
  11. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  12. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  13. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  14. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  15. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  16. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  17. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  18. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  19. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  20. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.
  21. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses