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Attached gingiva and
Procedures for gingival Augmentation
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 Introduction
 Definition
 Clinical significance of attached gingiva
 Characteristics features of attached gingiva
(i) Width of attached gingiva
(ii) Gingival biotype
 Methods to measure attached gingiva
 When to consider increasing the width of attached gingiva
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 Procedures to increase the width of attached gingiva
 Healing following gingival augmentation procedures
 Conclusion
 References
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1) The periodontium consists of 4 principal components :
- Gingiva - Cementum
- Periodontal ligament - Alveolar bone
2) Based on the functional criteria, the oral mucosa may be divided into
3 major types:
Masticatory mucosa Lining mucosa Specialized mucosa
( gingiva , hard palate)
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Gingiva is divided anatomically into:
- Attached
- Interdental
The specific structure of different gingiva reflects its effectiveness as a
barrier to the penetration by microbes and noxious agents into deeper
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Walter B. Hall (1984) – defined attached gingiva as
“ that gingiva extending from free margin of the gingiva
to mucogingival line minus the pocket or sulcus depth
measured with a thin probe in the absence of inflammation”
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Clinical significance of attached gingiva
The structure of the gingival tissues is the basis for the
healthy gingival function.
The presence of thick keratinized gingival covering
serves as an effective barrier that resists damage from the
physical forces of mastication & thermal and chemical
 The integrity of the gingival connective tissue also
seems to counteract the forces applied to the gingiva by
the muscles of mastication and facial expression and
also frenal pull.
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 Width
1. It is the distance between the muco-
gingival junction & the projection on the
external surface of the bottom of the
gingival sulcus or the periodontal pocket
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Methods to measure the width of attached gingiva
Tension test
Roll method
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Measurement method
Clinical method Radiographic method
-MGJ was revealed with Schiller's iodine solution
& marked over each tooth with a piece of metal
wire before taking a panoramic radiograph.
- Width of RAG is measured from the
radiographs as the midfacial distance from the
cementoenamel junction to the mucogingival
(Talari & Ainamo J 1976)
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Histochemical method
Step 1 : Paint the gingiva & oral mucosa with
Schiller’s or Lugol’s solution
Step 2 : The alveolar mucosa takes on a brown
colour owing to its glycogen content, while
the glycogen free, attached gingiva remains
Step 3: Measure the total width of the unstained
gingiva and substract the sulcus/pocket
depth from it to determine width of attached
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Tension test
Step 1: Stretch the lip or cheek to demarcate the
mucogingival line
Step 2: See for any movement of the free gingival
Step 3: If the free gingival margin moves during
stretching of lips then the attached gingiva
is considered to be inadequate
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Roll method
It is done by pushing the adjacent mucosa
coronally with a dull instrument
If the gingiva moves with the instrument
then the width of the attached gingiva is
considered inadequate
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2. The width of attached gingiva in specific areas
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The width of attached gingiva in specific areas
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transition from
primary to
Supra-eruption of
positioning of
teeth in the arch
Frenal attachment
3. Width of attached gingiva is influenced by
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Longitudinal and cross-sectional epidemiologic
studies have demonstrated that during the transition
from the primary to the permanent dentition, a decrease
in the width of the band of attached gingiva takes place
(Birnstein and Eidelman 1983; Tenenbaum and Tenenbaum 1986;
Bimstein et al. 1986)
After this initial decrease, with tooth eruption, a gradual
increase takes place leading to a band of attached
gingiva which is wider in adults than in the primary
(Bowers 1963; Rose and App 1973; Vincent et al. 1976)
Transition from deciduous
to permanent dentition
Width of attached gingiva:
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(Ainamo and Talari 1976)
There is a general increase in the width of attached gingiva from the primary to
permanent dentition as well as with increasing age
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Ainamo & Talari et al 1976, 1978 :
The width of attached gingiva increases with age and in supraerupted teeth.
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Methods to measure the thickness of attached gingiva
1. Conventional histology on cadaver jaws
2. Modified caliper
3. Transgingival probing
4. Histologic sections
5. Radiographs
6. Probe transparency
7. Ultrasonic devices
8. Cone Beam Computed Tomography
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 Thickness
Mixed thick- thin
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Comparison of Tissue Response to Inflammation, Crown Lengthening and
tooth extraction
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Factors for prevalence of varying gingival biotype
Tooth form
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Role of attached gingiva in :
1. Periodontics:
Adequacy of
gingiva various
between attached
gingiva & gingival
Adequacy of attached gingiva : various concepts
- Adequate zone of gingiva considered - Corn 1962 claimed that
critical for maintainance of the marginal apicocoronal height of keratinized
tissue health & for prevention of continuous tissue ought to exceed 3mm.
loss of connective tissue attachment
(Nabers 1954; Oschsenbein 1960; Friedman &
Levine 1964; Hall 1981; Matter 1982)
- Wennstrom, Lindhe & Nyman in early 1980s - Bowers 1963 suggested that less than
contradicted the previously believed concepts 1mm of gingiva may be sufficient
of minimum width of attached gingiva
- Friedman 1962; De Trey & Bernimoulin 1980 stated that an adequate amount of
gingiva is any dimension of gingiva which (1) is compatible with gingival health or
(2) prevents retraction of the gingival margin during movements of the alveolar
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Correlation between attached gingiva & gingival
Stoner and Masdyasna (1981) found no
association between calculus and gingival
recession but found that it was closely
related to the width of keratinized
Dorfman et al in 1982 - In a 4 yr follow up study of pts with bilateral gingival
recession with inadequate width of attached gingiva – No further recession in
areas with inadequate width of attached gingiva
Concluded that, recession sites with lack of attached gingiva will not develop
further attachment loss & recession , if the inflammation is controlled.
2) In a controlled animal study Gould et al in 1992, evaluated whether a gingival graft
to augment the attached gingiva would prevent development of gingival recession
Concluded that recession continued to develop to a similar degree as in a non
grafted sites & augmenting the width of AG does not prevent or retard the
marginal recession.
gingival width.
But the evidence from the prospective
longitudinal studies show that the attached
gingival width is not a critical factor for the
prevention of marginal tissue recession, but
that the development of a recession will
result in loss of gingival width.
Thus it can be concluded that,
-the evidence from the prospective longitudinal
studies show that the attached gingival width is not
a critical factor for the prevention of marginal tissue
recession, but that the development of a recession
will result in loss of gingival width
But the evidence from the prospective longitudinal studies
show that the attached gingival width is not a critical factor
for the prevention of marginal tissue recession, but that the
development of a recession will result in loss of attached
Role of attached gingiva in :
2. Restorative dentistry
Minimal width of attached gingiva for maintenance of periodontal
health and unaltered attachment levels, especially when
submarginal restorations are taken into account, is one of these
principles, which remains, up to date, an object of discussion
among researchers.
The degree and extent of the marginal inflammation is
influenced by four factors: failure to maintain proper
emergence profile, inability to adequately finish and/or close
subgingival margins, placement of subgingival margins in an
area with minimum to no attached gingiva, and violation of
the biologic width (Reeves WJ 1991)
Copyright ©2021
Lang NP, Loe H 1972 :
Piniprato G 1995 : Günay
H 2000
In cases where prosthetic crowns are positioned close to
or below the free gingival margin,2 mm of attached
gingiva is necessary. This would avoid a persistent
inflammation and gingival recession due to recolonization
of dental plaque in disadapted areas, always present in
this type of restoration
Stetler KJ, Bissada et al
(i) Subgingival restoration at teeth with narrow zone of AG
have higher GI than teeth with wide zone of AG (ii) No
such significant difference in GI was found in teeth with
no subgingival restoration
Copyright ©2021
Ericsson I & Lindhe J (1984) In their study in 3 beagle dogs induced with
experimental periodontitis and then performed either
apically positioned flap or gingivectomy procedure
suggested that, the inflammatory reation due to plaque
retention at sites with subgingival margins is most likely
manifested as recession in sites with “inadequate”
volume of keratinized gingiva
Goldberg PV, Higginbottom
FL, Wilson Jr TJ (2001)
Concluded in his review article that in areas of
subgingival margins, especially in aesthetic areas you
require a minimum volume of AG. He also added that,
the width of AG is significant when the patient reports
an inability to brush at that site
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In conclusion, the volume of gingival connective
tissue has greater significance than width in
determining the susceptibility to recession. The
presence of an adequate volume is even more crucial
in sites where restorations have subgingivally placed
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Role of attached gingiva in :
3. Orthodontic dentistry
A sufficient amount of keratinized gingiva is more
valuable for the gingival health and to allow the
orthodontic appliances, whether removable or
fixed, to achieve the corrective treatment without
any harmful effect on the periodontal hard and/or
soft tissues (Wennstrom J, Lindhe J, Nyman S)
Maynard and Ochsenbein (1975) suggested gingival grafting
for sites with less than 2mm of attached gingiva before
orthodontic treatment to prevent recession
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A Dannan 2008
Orthodontic tooth alignment and leveling do not lead to
significant changes in the width of keratinized gingiva when
adequate plaque control is maintained
Wennstrom JL, Lindhe J, Sinclair F, Thilander B 1987
Studies by have shown that a narrow band of gingiva is capable of
withstanding the stress caused by orthodontic forces
Dorfman HS 1978 ; Coatoam GW, Behrents RG, Bissada NF 1981
Results from an experimental study, indicate that as long as the
tooth is moved within the envelope of the alveolar process, the risk
of harmful side-effects on the marginal soft tissue is minimal. Thin,
delicate tissue is far more prone to exhibit recession during
orthodontic treatment than in normal or thick tissue
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We can see that in the fields of restorative
dentistry and orthodontics the presence of
attached gingiva may be significant to some
extent. If so, the next question that arises is
‘‘How much is adequate?’’—the truth of the
matter is that it is not the width but volume
that is critical.
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Role of attached gingiva in :
4. Dental implants
The need for attached gingiva around an endosseous
implant is a controversial topic.
Longitudinal clinical studies have failed to reveal major
differences in the progression of recession around
implants in sites with or without keratinized mucosa.
(Wennström et al., Mericske-Stern et al., Adell et al.,
Lekholm et al., Schou et al.)
However, it was reported that the absence of adequate
zone of attached gingiva, was associated with high plaque
accumulation & gingival inflammation
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The presence of adequate zone of attached gingiva
Makes the plaque control more effective
Dissipates muscular & frenal pull &
Prevents further gingival recession
The implant –mucosa interface differs from the
interface b/n natural teeth & mucosa- Important in
susceptibility of implants to infections.
The supracrestal fibers oriented parallel rather than
perpendicular configuration- Creates weaker
mechanical attachment compared to natural teeth
Thus, a necessity of a zone of keratinized tissue adjacent to dental implants
has been suggested (Warrer K et al 1995 )
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Bouri et al in 2008- Cross sectional study was performed to
determine an association b/n width of keratinized mucosa
& health of implant supporting tissue
Implant with a narrow zone of keratinized tissue, had
significantly more plaque and signs of inflammation with
higher mean alveolar bone loss than those with wider zone
of keratinized tissue.
There is a significant influence of width of keratinized mucosa on
health of the peri-implant tissues. The absence of adequate
keratinized mucosa around implants supporting overdentures
was associated with higher plaque accumulation, gingival
inflammation, bleeding on probing, and mucosal recession. (Mehdi
Adibrad et al 2009)
Copyright ©2021
An adequate band of keratinized mucosa promotes greater stability of peri-
implant tissues (Paiva RBM, Mendonça JAG, Zenóbio EG. Peri-implant
tissues health and its association to the gingival phenotype. Dental Press
Implantol. 2012 Oct-Dec;6(4):104-13.
Though implant survival rate is not merely dependent
on the width of keratinized tissues, in areas of esthetic concern
and difficulties in plaque control the presence or augmentation
of keratinized tissue around implants would
be desirable for routine oral hygiene maintenance without
causing discomfort
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When to consider increasing attached gingiva…
Mucogingival surgical procedures should be strongly considered when the
patient’s plaque control is compromised.
For teeth with little or no attached gingiva that require prosthetic
restorations or orthodontic treatment or have an abnormal frenal
attachment, the zone of the attached gingiva must be increased.
Gingival augmentation may be considered when facial tooth movement in
the presence of thin keratinized gingiva may result in establishment of
bone dehiscences with resultant marginal tissue recession (Steiner et al
1981, Faushee et al 1985, Maynard 1987, Wenstrom et al 1987).
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When to consider increasing attached gingiva…
Sato (2000)
Attached gingiva also needs additional width when the pocket depth extends beyond the alveolar mucosa.
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Procedures for increasing the width of attached gingiva
Vestibular/ Gingival
extention procedures
Grafting procedures
1) Denudation technique
2) Split flap (periosteal retention)
3) Apically repositioned flap procedure
4) Modified Apically repositioned flap
5) Double flap
5) Vestibular fold extention
(i) Periosteal fenestration
(ii) Edlan Meicher technique
(iii) Subperiosteal Vestibule extention
(iv) Modified Edlan Meicher technique
Pedicle grafts Free grafts
1) Laterally positioned
2) Buccally positioned
3) Double papilla
4) Multiple interdental
5) Edentulous- area
1) Free gingival
2) Connective tissue
3) Dermic allograft
Copyright ©2021
Push back
(Robinson and Fox
Pouch technique
1) Full thickness flap was raised, the
gingiva was relocated apically, and
bone left denuded. Peridontal
dressing then was packed to protect
the wound.
2) Only in anterior area.
1) Instead of relocating the gingival margin
of the flap apically, dressing was packed
between the bone and the flap.
2) Modification of push back technique to
perform in the posterior area.
Copyright ©2021
Goldman and Stewart
Staflileno and Orban showed this flap
operation heals better than the bone
denudation procedure.
Carranza, Glickman, and Donfefdnian pointed out that the mucogingival level is
initially relocated apically but then will move coronally in the case of periosteal
However, in the case of bone denudation, the scar tissue occur at the most apical
area and prevent the coronal movement of the new mucogingival level.
Copyright ©2021
DISADVANTAGES for denudation and split flap technique
1) Severe bone resorption (Wilderman et al 1961; Costich &
Ramfjord 1968).
2) Recession of the marginal gingiva in the surgical area often
exceeding the gain of gingiva obtained in the apical portion of
the wound (Carranza and Carraro 1963; Carraro et al 1964).
3) Severe post operative pain
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Apically repositioned flap procedure – Friedman 1962
1) Extensive bone resorption.
2) Presurgical width was most often retained or became only
slightly increased (Donnenfeld et al 1964; Carranza and Carraro
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Modified Apically Repositioned flap – Carnio and Miller (1999)
-Involves a single horizontal incision. It is easy to execute, simple and
requires less chair time for the patient and the operator.
-The horizontal incision is made parallel to the MGJ so that 0.5 mm
gingiva remained coronal to the flap.
- Its extension allows the repositioning of the flap apically without the
use of vertical releasing incisions.
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Modified Apically Repositioned flap – Features
- Easy to execute, gives predictable results and causes less discomfort
to the patient due to lack of donor site.
-From the esthetic point of view, the advantage of MARF is that it
prevents gingival recession that is seen in APF.
-The bevel created in the horizontal incision by having its end at the
point just apical to alveolar crest protects the bone crest from being
- A predictable gingival colour match with surrounding tissue (Karring
et al 1975).
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Vestibular Fold extention procedure
(Periosteal fenestration) - Robinson
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Periosteal Fenestration
Ito splint placed Periodontal dressing
1 week postoperatively 6 months postoperatively
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Edlan & Mejchar technique
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3 weeks postoperative view
Edlan-Mejchar Vestibular Deeping in a Failing Implant Case
Shabeer Mohamed Madani, Biju Thomas
International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research, September-December
Copyright ©2021
Laterally positioned flap technique
Recession + High frenal attachment Frenum released + Split flap disected
Mobilised flap placed on recipient site Broad band of keratinized tissue 1 year post treatment
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Laterally positioned flap technique- Features
-Adequate donor gingiva required.
- Vestibule should be deep enough for flap
adaptation and stabilization.
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Double papilla flap – Cohen and Ross (1968)
Horizontal incision Partial thickness flap Suturing
1 week post - operative 6 months post - operative
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Double papilla flap
-When sufficient width and length of the interdental papilla
on both sides of the area of gingival recession are present.
- Provides dual blood supply.
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Buccally positioned pedicle flap
Severe gingival recession with significant interdental spaces,
insufficient keratinized tissue, and high insertion of the buccal frenum
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Buccally positioned pedicle flap
Partial-thickness pedicle flap prepared on the
palatal aspect
Final rotated pedicle flap after adaptation and
Palatal site 1 week after surgery At the 1-year follow-up. Note the sufficient and
stable keratinized tissue without a pale appearance.
Copyright ©2021
-The main advantages of this procedure are that the pedicle flap
taken from the palatal area provides for a large amount of donor
mucosa with a blood supply, flap tissue which closely matches the
color of the surrounding tissue, and the potential to treat multiple
-The exposed palatal wounds heal via secondary intention with
minimal postoperative discomfort, and the buccally positioned
pedicle palatal flap also heal well.
- However, the procedure is time-consuming, and only useful in the
maxillary area with adequate interdental spaces.
Buccally positioned pedicle flap
Free Gingival Graft (FGG) - Bjorn (1963) ; King and Pennel (1964)
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Free connective tissue graft - Edel A (1974)
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Dermic Allograft
Silverstein LH, Gornstein RA, Callan DP, Singh B (1999) Periodontal insights March 1999
Slight recession due to inadequate zone of
keratinized gingiva around `mandibular
right canine and around left premolar and
Slight recession due to inadequate zone of
keratinized gingiva around left premolar
and canine
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Dermic Allograft
Split thickness recipient bed Dermic allograft sutured 10 days after surgery
10 days after surgery
Palatal graft sutured
Split thickness recipient bed
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Dermic Allograft
3 months after surgery
Palatal donor tissue
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Advantages Limitations
-More shrinkage 1 year after
- Thinner layer of epithelium
as compared to autogenous
Dermic Allograft
Wei PC, Laurell L, Geivelis M, Lingen
MW, Maddalozzo D (2000)
Vieiro EO et al (2009)
Copyright ©2021
Bridge flap technique – Marggraf (1985) & modified by Romanos (1983)
This procedure deepens the vestibule with fenestration technique to increase the
width of attached gingiva.
Split thickness flap (Bridge flap)
Coronally repositioned flap and sutured Post-operative
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Bridge flap technique – features
-Combination of two surgical modalities can be successful for the
management of multiple teeth recessions.
-Clinical results 3-11 months postoperatively are favourable with
no recurrence.
- However, when a significant loss of the periodontal attachment
apparatus and osseous structure occurs, the long-term prognosis
becomes poor.
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Healing following gingival augmentation procedures
Results of vestibular extention procedures depend on the degree to
which the various tissues contribute to the formation of granulation
tissue in the wound area (Karring et al 1975).
Due to the difference in the degree of bone resorption, a larger area of
the coronal portion of the wound is filled with granulation tissue from
the PDL following denudation than following the split flap technique.
Since granulation tissue from the PDL possesses the ability to induce
keratinized epithelium, ‘denudation ‘usually results in a wider zone of
keratinized tissue than is the case following the ‘ split flap ‘ technique.
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Healing following gingival augmentation procedures
“For free soft tissue grafts as studied by Oliver et al (1968) and Nobuto et al (1988)”
The initial phase
( from 0-3 days)
Thin layer of exudate
between the graft and
the recipient bed.
Plasmatic circulation
phase (from 2-11
Capillary proliferation
resulting in dense
network of blood
vessels in the graft.
Fibrous union
between the graft and
the underlying
connective tissue bed.
Tissue maturation
phase (from 11-42
No. of blood
vessels becomes
gradually reduced
gradually matures
with the formation
of keratin layer
Copyright ©2021
1. Partial thickness, Apically positioned flap surgery
2. Pedicle gingival grafts (full or partial thickness)
• Laterally positioned flap
• Buccally positioned flap
• Double papilla flap
• Multiple interdental papilla grafts
• Edentulous- area pedicle grafts
3. Free autogenous gingival grafts
4. Connective tissue grafts
• Free connective grafts
• Subepithelial connective tissue grafts
Procedures for increasing the width of attached gingiva
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Procedures for increasing the width of attached gingiva
5. Bridge flap technique
6. Dermic allograft
7. Fenestration operation
• Conventional
• Modified
8. Push back technique
9. Vestibular fold extension
Copyright ©2021
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Copyright ©2021

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Attached gingiva and procedures for gingival augmentation

  • 1. Attached gingiva and Procedures for gingival Augmentation Copyright ©2021
  • 2. Contents:  Introduction  Definition  Clinical significance of attached gingiva  Characteristics features of attached gingiva (i) Width of attached gingiva (ii) Gingival biotype  Methods to measure attached gingiva  When to consider increasing the width of attached gingiva Copyright ©2021
  • 3.  Procedures to increase the width of attached gingiva  Healing following gingival augmentation procedures  Conclusion  References Copyright ©2021
  • 4. Introduction 1) The periodontium consists of 4 principal components : - Gingiva - Cementum - Periodontal ligament - Alveolar bone 2) Based on the functional criteria, the oral mucosa may be divided into 3 major types: Masticatory mucosa Lining mucosa Specialized mucosa ( gingiva , hard palate) Copyright ©2021
  • 5. Gingiva is divided anatomically into: -Marginal - Attached - Interdental The specific structure of different gingiva reflects its effectiveness as a barrier to the penetration by microbes and noxious agents into deeper tissue Copyright ©2021
  • 6. Definition Walter B. Hall (1984) – defined attached gingiva as “ that gingiva extending from free margin of the gingiva to mucogingival line minus the pocket or sulcus depth measured with a thin probe in the absence of inflammation” Copyright ©2021
  • 7. Clinical significance of attached gingiva The structure of the gingival tissues is the basis for the healthy gingival function. The presence of thick keratinized gingival covering serves as an effective barrier that resists damage from the physical forces of mastication & thermal and chemical stimuli.  The integrity of the gingival connective tissue also seems to counteract the forces applied to the gingiva by the muscles of mastication and facial expression and also frenal pull. Copyright ©2021
  • 8.  Width 1. It is the distance between the muco- gingival junction & the projection on the external surface of the bottom of the gingival sulcus or the periodontal pocket Copyright ©2021
  • 9. Methods to measure the width of attached gingiva Measurement method Histochemical method Tension test Roll method Copyright ©2021
  • 10. Measurement method Clinical method Radiographic method -MGJ was revealed with Schiller's iodine solution & marked over each tooth with a piece of metal wire before taking a panoramic radiograph. - Width of RAG is measured from the radiographs as the midfacial distance from the cementoenamel junction to the mucogingival junction (Talari & Ainamo J 1976) Copyright ©2021
  • 11. Histochemical method Step 1 : Paint the gingiva & oral mucosa with Schiller’s or Lugol’s solution Step 2 : The alveolar mucosa takes on a brown colour owing to its glycogen content, while the glycogen free, attached gingiva remains unstained Step 3: Measure the total width of the unstained gingiva and substract the sulcus/pocket depth from it to determine width of attached gingiva Copyright ©2021
  • 12. Tension test Step 1: Stretch the lip or cheek to demarcate the mucogingival line Step 2: See for any movement of the free gingival margin Step 3: If the free gingival margin moves during stretching of lips then the attached gingiva is considered to be inadequate Copyright ©2021
  • 13. Roll method It is done by pushing the adjacent mucosa coronally with a dull instrument If the gingiva moves with the instrument then the width of the attached gingiva is considered inadequate Copyright ©2021
  • 14. Deciduous & Permanent dentition 2. The width of attached gingiva in specific areas Copyright ©2021
  • 15. The width of attached gingiva in specific areas Copyright ©2021
  • 16. transition from primary to permanent dentition Supra-eruption of teeth Buccolingual positioning of teeth in the arch Frenal attachment Age 3. Width of attached gingiva is influenced by Copyright ©2021
  • 17. Longitudinal and cross-sectional epidemiologic studies have demonstrated that during the transition from the primary to the permanent dentition, a decrease in the width of the band of attached gingiva takes place (Birnstein and Eidelman 1983; Tenenbaum and Tenenbaum 1986; Bimstein et al. 1986) After this initial decrease, with tooth eruption, a gradual increase takes place leading to a band of attached gingiva which is wider in adults than in the primary Dentition (Bowers 1963; Rose and App 1973; Vincent et al. 1976) Transition from deciduous to permanent dentition Width of attached gingiva: Copyright ©2021
  • 18. (Ainamo and Talari 1976) There is a general increase in the width of attached gingiva from the primary to permanent dentition as well as with increasing age Copyright ©2021
  • 19. Ainamo & Talari et al 1976, 1978 : The width of attached gingiva increases with age and in supraerupted teeth. Copyright ©2021
  • 20. Methods to measure the thickness of attached gingiva 1. Conventional histology on cadaver jaws 2. Modified caliper 3. Transgingival probing 4. Histologic sections 5. Radiographs 6. Probe transparency 7. Ultrasonic devices 8. Cone Beam Computed Tomography Copyright ©2021
  • 21.  Thickness Thin Mixed thick- thin Thick Copyright ©2021
  • 22. Comparison of Tissue Response to Inflammation, Crown Lengthening and tooth extraction Copyright ©2021
  • 23. Factors for prevalence of varying gingival biotype Gender Age Tooth form Copyright ©2021
  • 24. Role of attached gingiva in : 1. Periodontics: Adequacy of attached gingiva various concepts Correlation between attached gingiva & gingival recession
  • 25. Adequacy of attached gingiva : various concepts - Adequate zone of gingiva considered - Corn 1962 claimed that critical for maintainance of the marginal apicocoronal height of keratinized tissue health & for prevention of continuous tissue ought to exceed 3mm. loss of connective tissue attachment (Nabers 1954; Oschsenbein 1960; Friedman & Levine 1964; Hall 1981; Matter 1982) - Wennstrom, Lindhe & Nyman in early 1980s - Bowers 1963 suggested that less than contradicted the previously believed concepts 1mm of gingiva may be sufficient of minimum width of attached gingiva - Friedman 1962; De Trey & Bernimoulin 1980 stated that an adequate amount of gingiva is any dimension of gingiva which (1) is compatible with gingival health or (2) prevents retraction of the gingival margin during movements of the alveolar mucosa Copyright ©2021
  • 27. Correlation between attached gingiva & gingival recession . Stoner and Masdyasna (1981) found no association between calculus and gingival recession but found that it was closely related to the width of keratinized gingiva.
  • 28. Dorfman et al in 1982 - In a 4 yr follow up study of pts with bilateral gingival recession with inadequate width of attached gingiva – No further recession in areas with inadequate width of attached gingiva Concluded that, recession sites with lack of attached gingiva will not develop further attachment loss & recession , if the inflammation is controlled. 2) In a controlled animal study Gould et al in 1992, evaluated whether a gingival graft to augment the attached gingiva would prevent development of gingival recession Concluded that recession continued to develop to a similar degree as in a non grafted sites & augmenting the width of AG does not prevent or retard the marginal recession.
  • 29. gingival width. But the evidence from the prospective longitudinal studies show that the attached gingival width is not a critical factor for the prevention of marginal tissue recession, but that the development of a recession will result in loss of gingival width. Thus it can be concluded that, -the evidence from the prospective longitudinal studies show that the attached gingival width is not a critical factor for the prevention of marginal tissue recession, but that the development of a recession will result in loss of gingival width But the evidence from the prospective longitudinal studies show that the attached gingival width is not a critical factor for the prevention of marginal tissue recession, but that the development of a recession will result in loss of attached gingiva.
  • 30. Role of attached gingiva in : 2. Restorative dentistry Minimal width of attached gingiva for maintenance of periodontal health and unaltered attachment levels, especially when submarginal restorations are taken into account, is one of these principles, which remains, up to date, an object of discussion among researchers. The degree and extent of the marginal inflammation is influenced by four factors: failure to maintain proper emergence profile, inability to adequately finish and/or close subgingival margins, placement of subgingival margins in an area with minimum to no attached gingiva, and violation of the biologic width (Reeves WJ 1991) Copyright ©2021
  • 31. AUTHORS CONCLUSION Lang NP, Loe H 1972 : Piniprato G 1995 : Günay H 2000 In cases where prosthetic crowns are positioned close to or below the free gingival margin,2 mm of attached gingiva is necessary. This would avoid a persistent inflammation and gingival recession due to recolonization of dental plaque in disadapted areas, always present in this type of restoration Stetler KJ, Bissada et al 1987 (i) Subgingival restoration at teeth with narrow zone of AG have higher GI than teeth with wide zone of AG (ii) No such significant difference in GI was found in teeth with no subgingival restoration Copyright ©2021
  • 32. AUTHORS CONCLUSION Ericsson I & Lindhe J (1984) In their study in 3 beagle dogs induced with experimental periodontitis and then performed either apically positioned flap or gingivectomy procedure suggested that, the inflammatory reation due to plaque retention at sites with subgingival margins is most likely manifested as recession in sites with “inadequate” volume of keratinized gingiva Goldberg PV, Higginbottom FL, Wilson Jr TJ (2001) Concluded in his review article that in areas of subgingival margins, especially in aesthetic areas you require a minimum volume of AG. He also added that, the width of AG is significant when the patient reports an inability to brush at that site Copyright ©2021
  • 33. In conclusion, the volume of gingival connective tissue has greater significance than width in determining the susceptibility to recession. The presence of an adequate volume is even more crucial in sites where restorations have subgingivally placed margins Copyright ©2021
  • 34. Role of attached gingiva in : 3. Orthodontic dentistry A sufficient amount of keratinized gingiva is more valuable for the gingival health and to allow the orthodontic appliances, whether removable or fixed, to achieve the corrective treatment without any harmful effect on the periodontal hard and/or soft tissues (Wennstrom J, Lindhe J, Nyman S) Maynard and Ochsenbein (1975) suggested gingival grafting for sites with less than 2mm of attached gingiva before orthodontic treatment to prevent recession Copyright ©2021
  • 35. A Dannan 2008 Orthodontic tooth alignment and leveling do not lead to significant changes in the width of keratinized gingiva when adequate plaque control is maintained Wennstrom JL, Lindhe J, Sinclair F, Thilander B 1987 Studies by have shown that a narrow band of gingiva is capable of withstanding the stress caused by orthodontic forces Dorfman HS 1978 ; Coatoam GW, Behrents RG, Bissada NF 1981 Results from an experimental study, indicate that as long as the tooth is moved within the envelope of the alveolar process, the risk of harmful side-effects on the marginal soft tissue is minimal. Thin, delicate tissue is far more prone to exhibit recession during orthodontic treatment than in normal or thick tissue Copyright ©2021
  • 36. We can see that in the fields of restorative dentistry and orthodontics the presence of attached gingiva may be significant to some extent. If so, the next question that arises is ‘‘How much is adequate?’’—the truth of the matter is that it is not the width but volume that is critical. Copyright ©2021
  • 37. Role of attached gingiva in : 4. Dental implants The need for attached gingiva around an endosseous implant is a controversial topic. Longitudinal clinical studies have failed to reveal major differences in the progression of recession around implants in sites with or without keratinized mucosa. (Wennström et al., Mericske-Stern et al., Adell et al., Lekholm et al., Schou et al.) However, it was reported that the absence of adequate zone of attached gingiva, was associated with high plaque accumulation & gingival inflammation Copyright ©2021
  • 38. The presence of adequate zone of attached gingiva Makes the plaque control more effective Dissipates muscular & frenal pull & Prevents further gingival recession The implant –mucosa interface differs from the interface b/n natural teeth & mucosa- Important in susceptibility of implants to infections. The supracrestal fibers oriented parallel rather than perpendicular configuration- Creates weaker mechanical attachment compared to natural teeth Thus, a necessity of a zone of keratinized tissue adjacent to dental implants has been suggested (Warrer K et al 1995 ) Copyright ©2021
  • 41. Bouri et al in 2008- Cross sectional study was performed to determine an association b/n width of keratinized mucosa & health of implant supporting tissue Implant with a narrow zone of keratinized tissue, had significantly more plaque and signs of inflammation with higher mean alveolar bone loss than those with wider zone of keratinized tissue. There is a significant influence of width of keratinized mucosa on health of the peri-implant tissues. The absence of adequate keratinized mucosa around implants supporting overdentures was associated with higher plaque accumulation, gingival inflammation, bleeding on probing, and mucosal recession. (Mehdi Adibrad et al 2009) Copyright ©2021
  • 42. An adequate band of keratinized mucosa promotes greater stability of peri- implant tissues (Paiva RBM, Mendonça JAG, Zenóbio EG. Peri-implant tissues health and its association to the gingival phenotype. Dental Press Implantol. 2012 Oct-Dec;6(4):104-13. Though implant survival rate is not merely dependent on the width of keratinized tissues, in areas of esthetic concern and difficulties in plaque control the presence or augmentation of keratinized tissue around implants would be desirable for routine oral hygiene maintenance without causing discomfort Copyright ©2021
  • 43. When to consider increasing attached gingiva… Mucogingival surgical procedures should be strongly considered when the patient’s plaque control is compromised. For teeth with little or no attached gingiva that require prosthetic restorations or orthodontic treatment or have an abnormal frenal attachment, the zone of the attached gingiva must be increased. Gingival augmentation may be considered when facial tooth movement in the presence of thin keratinized gingiva may result in establishment of bone dehiscences with resultant marginal tissue recession (Steiner et al 1981, Faushee et al 1985, Maynard 1987, Wenstrom et al 1987). Copyright ©2021
  • 44. When to consider increasing attached gingiva… Sato (2000) Attached gingiva also needs additional width when the pocket depth extends beyond the alveolar mucosa. Copyright ©2021
  • 46. Procedures for increasing the width of attached gingiva Vestibular/ Gingival extention procedures Grafting procedures 1) Denudation technique 2) Split flap (periosteal retention) 3) Apically repositioned flap procedure 4) Modified Apically repositioned flap 5) Double flap 5) Vestibular fold extention (i) Periosteal fenestration (ii) Edlan Meicher technique (iii) Subperiosteal Vestibule extention (iv) Modified Edlan Meicher technique Pedicle grafts Free grafts 1) Laterally positioned 2) Buccally positioned 3) Double papilla 4) Multiple interdental papilla 5) Edentulous- area pedicle 1) Free gingival 2) Connective tissue 3) Dermic allograft Copyright ©2021
  • 47. Push back technique (Robinson and Fox 1953) Pouch technique (Schulger) 1) Full thickness flap was raised, the gingiva was relocated apically, and bone left denuded. Peridontal dressing then was packed to protect the wound. 2) Only in anterior area. 1) Instead of relocating the gingival margin of the flap apically, dressing was packed between the bone and the flap. 2) Modification of push back technique to perform in the posterior area. Copyright ©2021
  • 48. Goldman and Stewart Staflileno and Orban showed this flap operation heals better than the bone denudation procedure. Carranza, Glickman, and Donfefdnian pointed out that the mucogingival level is initially relocated apically but then will move coronally in the case of periosteal retention. However, in the case of bone denudation, the scar tissue occur at the most apical area and prevent the coronal movement of the new mucogingival level. Copyright ©2021
  • 49. DISADVANTAGES for denudation and split flap technique 1) Severe bone resorption (Wilderman et al 1961; Costich & Ramfjord 1968). 2) Recession of the marginal gingiva in the surgical area often exceeding the gain of gingiva obtained in the apical portion of the wound (Carranza and Carraro 1963; Carraro et al 1964). 3) Severe post operative pain Copyright ©2021
  • 50. Apically repositioned flap procedure – Friedman 1962 DISADVANTAGES 1) Extensive bone resorption. 2) Presurgical width was most often retained or became only slightly increased (Donnenfeld et al 1964; Carranza and Carraro 1970). Copyright ©2021
  • 51. Modified Apically Repositioned flap – Carnio and Miller (1999) -Involves a single horizontal incision. It is easy to execute, simple and requires less chair time for the patient and the operator. -The horizontal incision is made parallel to the MGJ so that 0.5 mm gingiva remained coronal to the flap. - Its extension allows the repositioning of the flap apically without the use of vertical releasing incisions. Copyright ©2021
  • 52. Modified Apically Repositioned flap – Features - Easy to execute, gives predictable results and causes less discomfort to the patient due to lack of donor site. -From the esthetic point of view, the advantage of MARF is that it prevents gingival recession that is seen in APF. -The bevel created in the horizontal incision by having its end at the point just apical to alveolar crest protects the bone crest from being resorbed. - A predictable gingival colour match with surrounding tissue (Karring et al 1975). Copyright ©2021
  • 53. Vestibular Fold extention procedure (Periosteal fenestration) - Robinson Copyright ©2021
  • 54. Periosteal Fenestration Ito splint placed Periodontal dressing 1 week postoperatively 6 months postoperatively Copyright ©2021
  • 55. Edlan & Mejchar technique Copyright ©2021
  • 56. 3 weeks postoperative view Edlan-Mejchar Vestibular Deeping in a Failing Implant Case Shabeer Mohamed Madani, Biju Thomas International Journal of Oral Implantology and Clinical Research, September-December 2013;4(3):108-111 Copyright ©2021
  • 57. Laterally positioned flap technique Recession + High frenal attachment Frenum released + Split flap disected Mobilised flap placed on recipient site Broad band of keratinized tissue 1 year post treatment Copyright ©2021
  • 58. Laterally positioned flap technique- Features -Adequate donor gingiva required. - Vestibule should be deep enough for flap adaptation and stabilization. Copyright ©2021
  • 59. Double papilla flap – Cohen and Ross (1968) Horizontal incision Partial thickness flap Suturing 1 week post - operative 6 months post - operative Copyright ©2021
  • 60. Double papilla flap -When sufficient width and length of the interdental papilla on both sides of the area of gingival recession are present. - Provides dual blood supply. Copyright ©2021
  • 61. Buccally positioned pedicle flap Severe gingival recession with significant interdental spaces, insufficient keratinized tissue, and high insertion of the buccal frenum Copyright ©2021
  • 62. Buccally positioned pedicle flap Partial-thickness pedicle flap prepared on the palatal aspect Final rotated pedicle flap after adaptation and suturing Palatal site 1 week after surgery At the 1-year follow-up. Note the sufficient and stable keratinized tissue without a pale appearance. Copyright ©2021
  • 63. -The main advantages of this procedure are that the pedicle flap taken from the palatal area provides for a large amount of donor mucosa with a blood supply, flap tissue which closely matches the color of the surrounding tissue, and the potential to treat multiple teeth. -The exposed palatal wounds heal via secondary intention with minimal postoperative discomfort, and the buccally positioned pedicle palatal flap also heal well. - However, the procedure is time-consuming, and only useful in the maxillary area with adequate interdental spaces. Buccally positioned pedicle flap
  • 64. Free Gingival Graft (FGG) - Bjorn (1963) ; King and Pennel (1964) Copyright ©2021
  • 65. Free connective tissue graft - Edel A (1974) Copyright ©2021
  • 66. Dermic Allograft Silverstein LH, Gornstein RA, Callan DP, Singh B (1999) Periodontal insights March 1999 Slight recession due to inadequate zone of keratinized gingiva around `mandibular right canine and around left premolar and canine Slight recession due to inadequate zone of keratinized gingiva around left premolar and canine Copyright ©2021
  • 67. Dermic Allograft Split thickness recipient bed Dermic allograft sutured 10 days after surgery 10 days after surgery Palatal graft sutured Split thickness recipient bed Copyright ©2021
  • 68. Dermic Allograft 3 months after surgery Palatal donor tissue Copyright ©2021
  • 69. Advantages Limitations -More shrinkage 1 year after surgery. - Thinner layer of epithelium as compared to autogenous graft. Dermic Allograft Wei PC, Laurell L, Geivelis M, Lingen MW, Maddalozzo D (2000) Vieiro EO et al (2009) Copyright ©2021
  • 70. Bridge flap technique – Marggraf (1985) & modified by Romanos (1983) This procedure deepens the vestibule with fenestration technique to increase the width of attached gingiva. Split thickness flap (Bridge flap) Pre-operative Coronally repositioned flap and sutured Post-operative Copyright ©2021
  • 71. Bridge flap technique – features -Combination of two surgical modalities can be successful for the management of multiple teeth recessions. -Clinical results 3-11 months postoperatively are favourable with no recurrence. - However, when a significant loss of the periodontal attachment apparatus and osseous structure occurs, the long-term prognosis becomes poor. Copyright ©2021
  • 72. Healing following gingival augmentation procedures Results of vestibular extention procedures depend on the degree to which the various tissues contribute to the formation of granulation tissue in the wound area (Karring et al 1975). Due to the difference in the degree of bone resorption, a larger area of the coronal portion of the wound is filled with granulation tissue from the PDL following denudation than following the split flap technique. Since granulation tissue from the PDL possesses the ability to induce keratinized epithelium, ‘denudation ‘usually results in a wider zone of keratinized tissue than is the case following the ‘ split flap ‘ technique. Copyright ©2021
  • 73. Healing following gingival augmentation procedures “For free soft tissue grafts as studied by Oliver et al (1968) and Nobuto et al (1988)” The initial phase ( from 0-3 days) Thin layer of exudate between the graft and the recipient bed. Plasmatic circulation Revascularization phase (from 2-11 days) Capillary proliferation resulting in dense network of blood vessels in the graft. Fibrous union between the graft and the underlying connective tissue bed. Tissue maturation phase (from 11-42 days) No. of blood vessels becomes gradually reduced Epithelium gradually matures with the formation of keratin layer Copyright ©2021
  • 74. 1. Partial thickness, Apically positioned flap surgery 2. Pedicle gingival grafts (full or partial thickness) • Laterally positioned flap • Buccally positioned flap • Double papilla flap • Multiple interdental papilla grafts • Edentulous- area pedicle grafts 3. Free autogenous gingival grafts 4. Connective tissue grafts • Free connective grafts • Subepithelial connective tissue grafts Procedures for increasing the width of attached gingiva Copyright ©2021
  • 75. Procedures for increasing the width of attached gingiva 5. Bridge flap technique 6. Dermic allograft 7. Fenestration operation • Conventional • Modified 8. Push back technique 9. Vestibular fold extension Copyright ©2021
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