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Atma Yoga 1.0

An ideal yoga set for everyone
interested in exploring yoga.
Atma Yoga 1.0 gives yoga
newcomers a safe and powerful
yoga experience.

Atma yoga 1.0 emphasizes highly
effective breathing technology
and easy body movements
that work for a range of body
types. (Focus on coring up and
stretching the spine.)
Overview                     POses
(1   hour class)
                             Kapäla-bhäté breathing
                        1.       açväsana – horse
                        2.       u t t h i t a - ü r d h v a - p a ç c i m o t a n ä s a n a – j a c k k n i fe
systematic relaxatiOn
                        3.       a d h o - m u k h a - p a ç c i m o t a n ä s a n a – fo r w a r d b e n d
                        4.       paravritti-utkaöäsana – fierce twist bend
call Outs
                        5.       p a r a v r i t t i - h a s t a - u t t ä n ä s a n a – ro t a t i n g h a n d s t re t c h
                        6.       paravritti vérabhadräsana – twisting war rior
                        7.       prasärita-padottänäsana – wide-stance-flat-hands
                        8.       p r a s ä r i t a - u t t a n - p a d o t t ä n ä s a n a – a n k l e - g r a b - fo re h e a d - f l o o r
                        9.       sukha-utthita-hasta-padäìguñöhäsana – heel-flo or-toe-grab
                        10 .     yudhäsana – fighter
                        11.      marjariasana – cat-cow
                        12 .     adho-mukha-svanasana – downward dog

                             F l o o r sequence - 2:1 breathing
                        1.   dandäsana – staff pose
                        2.   p ü r v a t a n ä s a n a – re ve r s e p l a n k
                        3.   suptadandäsana – supine staff
                        4.   double knee pull
                        5.   suptapavana-muktasana – single knee pull
                        6.   suptakap otasana – sleeping pigeon
                        7.   suptärdhamatsyendräsana – lying spinal twist
                        8.   setu-bandha-sar väìgäsana – bridge
                        9.   ätma yoga çiväsana mudra
IntroductIon (What you say at the beginning.)                                          corIng up
      “Thank you for coming to Atma Yoga 1.0 - this yoga class was                         is the key to not hurting yourself in yoga, by learning to move
      designed to make the experience of yoga accessible to people                           from a stable core, a solid foundation.
      who might still be new to Yoga. At the same time there is plenty
      of opportunity to explore your developing capacity for a yoga
      experience.                                                                          is the basis for improving the spine (a straight spine is the
                                                                                             foundation for controlling the mind). It will correct most
      Today’s class is simple, but at the same time it pushes the                            people’s posture.
      boundaries between body, mind and spirit. This class is for much
      more than improving your relationship with your body. Today                          (will shift the flow of energy, moving it upward.)
      you can step into the world of yoga psychology.

      The unique pranayama we practice in the first half and the yogic                 Four steps/stages/components:
      mind training of the floor exercises during the second half have
      a direct and deep healing influence on your nervous system and
      your mind.                                                                          1. Internal rotation of your thighs/the hips (using the
      If you are brand new or unsure of your limits please pace yourself -
      you will learn more and progress further if you proceed slowly.                             w Pelvis tips forward, tailbone comes up, increasing the
                                                                                                  lordosis – the small natural curve of the lumbar region.
      Now please join me in chanting the opening invocation1.
                                                                                          2. Pull/push the tailbone down toward the floor.
InvocatIon                                                                                        (while maintaining the internal rotation)
(while sitting down)
                                                                                                  w Correcting the position of your pelvis, and
Recite invocation three times:                                                                    straightening the spine. Creating a pelvic restraint.

                       oà namo bhagavate väsudeväya                                       3. Pull up the pelvic floor.
                                                                                                  (i.e. the bottom of the body where the legs meet, the muscles you
“From the first note of creation I offer my respects to the source of                             pull up when you want to restraint passing water).
pure consciousness.”
                                                                                                  w Lengthens your waist.
    Omkara has been described as the seed of deliverance from the material
    world. By chanting the name Vasudeva one can achieve all the good                     4. Pull the navel slightly inwards.
    results of austerity, penances, and charity.
                                                                                       Atma yoga 1.0 is an ideal yoga set for everyone interested in exploring
    We should be careful to understand that this dvädaçäkñara-mantra                   yoga. Atma Yoga 1.0 gives yoga newcomers a safe and powerful yoga
    (twelve-syllable mantra) does not indicate anything formless.                      experience.
                                                                                       Atma yoga 1.0 emphasizes highly effective breathing technology and
                                                                                       easy body movements that work for a range of body types. Focus on
                                                                                       coring up, stretching the spine, and breathing.
1       The act or process of petitioning for help or support: a prayer of entreaty.
1. Horse pose (açväsana)
      Standing at the top of your yoga mat.

      Spread legs out widely,
       a bit more than shoulder width wide
       (feet outside yoga mat).

      Bring awareness to the feet (“feet awareness”):
       contact with the earth, feeling of weight.
       Bring heel up and out, scoop the floor,
       spread out the toes.

      Pull up the quadriceps.

              w Strengthening the pose and the knees.

      Bend the knees slightly.

      Core up (see above)
      Sholders should hang down naturally.

      Pull up from the crown of the head.

              w Chin parallell with the floor.

      Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention
       [kapäla-bhäté, “shining skull”]
       (i.e. forced emission of breath [expulsion], passive inhalation)   Benefits
                                                                          * Encourages diaphragmatic breathing
                                                                          * Strengthens the knees and thighs
                 w The more dramatic breathing                            Contraindications
                      the greater the experience.                         * Knee injuries
      Tadasana
2. Jack knife
                                               utthita-, risen, raised up [arms]
                                               ürdhva-, rising, erect; upwards, hold up
                                               paçcima-, being behind, posterior; western
                                               utana-, woven; made, composed
                                               uttana-, intense stretch

   Put toes and heels together.                           Benefits

                                                           * Jack-knife strengthens the low back, builds
                                                           core body strength, and lengthens the spine.
   Core up

   Raise the arms sideways.                               * Recent or chronic injury to the hips, back or

   Pull up from the crown of the head.

   Keep sholders down.

   Bend at the hip till you’re parallell with the floor, without losing the curve; remain cored up.

   Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].


   Arms back > easier

   Arms forward > more difficult
3. Forward Bend

                                                             * Calms the brain and helps relieve
w extending the spine                                        stress and mild depression
                                                             * Stretches the spine, shoulders,
                                                             * Stimulates the liver, kidneys,
   Downward facing, forward bending (posterior bend)        ovaries, and uterus
                                                             * Improves digestion
                                                             * Helps relieve the symptoms of
                                                             menopause and menstrual discom-

   Arms behind legs.                                        fort
                                                             * Therapeutic for high blood pres-
                                                             sure, infertility, insomnia, and

   Bend the knees (slightly).                               Contraindications/Cautions

                                                             * Asthma
                                                             * Diarrhea

   Pull the navel towards the thighs, face towards legs.
                                                             * Back injury

   Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].

4. Fierce Twist Bend                                          Benefits

                                                              * Calms the brain and helps relieve
                                                              stress and mild depression
                                                              * Stimulates the liver and kidneys
                                                              * Stretches the hamstrings, calves,
                                                              and hips
                                                              * Strengthens the thighs and knees
  utkaöa-, difficult, “fierce”                                * Improves digestion
                                                              * Helps relieve the symptoms of

   Bring the hands in praëämäsana.                           * Reduces fatigue and anxiety
                                                              * Relieves headache and insomnia
                                                              * Therapeutic for asthma, high blood
                                                              pressure, infertility, osteoporosis,
   Twist to the right (with praëämäsana),                    and sinusitis

    bringing the left elbow to the the right knee.            Contraindications/Cautions

                                                              * Headache
                                                              * Insomnia
   Look up.                                                  * Low blood pressure

   Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].

   Switch side and repeat. (Inhale up, exhale down.)
5. Rotating Hand Stretch
[p a r av r i t t i - h a s t a - u t t ä n ä s a n a ]

  paravrtti-, twisting or revolving                                * Calms the brain and helps relieve
                                                                   stress and mild depression
  uttäna-, stretched out                                           * Stimulates the liver and kidneys
                                                                   * Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and

   (From utkaöäsana.)                                             * Strengthens the thighs and knees
                                                                   * Improves digestion
                                                                   * Helps relieve the symptoms of meno-
   Knees bent. (If you can, slowly straighten the legs).          * Reduces fatigue and anxiety
                                                                   * Relieves headache and insomnia
                                                                   * Therapeutic for asthma, high blood
                                                                   pressure, infertility, osteoporosis, and
   Stretch out the arms vertically. (“Hold/embrace the planet”)   sinusitis


   Look up with the eyes.                                         * Back injury: Do this pose with bent

   Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].
   Switch side and repeat.

   Come back to the centre, bring the arms down.
    Core up, come up into tadäsana.

   Step back to the end of your mat.

6. Twisting Warrior I in praëämäsana
[paravritti vérabhadräsana]
  vérabhadra-, a distinguished hero

   Step back deep with the right foot, bring hands into praëämäsana.
   With the left foot forward, pointing to the front,
    the right foot at an approximately 45 degrees angle.
    Upper body pointing forward, hips parallell with the front of the room.

   Lunge forward with the right knee above the right ankle.
   Core up. Keep the spine straight.
   Push down the rear heel.

  Twist to the right, bringing left elbow to the left knee.                 * Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders
                                                                            and neck, belly, groins (psoas)
                                                                             * Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and
                                                                            the muscles of the back
                                                                             * Strengthens and stretches the thighs,
  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].              calves, and ankles


                                                                             * High blood pressure

  Switch side and repeat (right elbow to the right knee)                    * Heart problems
                                                                             * Students with shoulder problems should
                                                                            keep their raised arms parallel (or
                                                                            slightly wider than parallel) to each other.
                                                                             * Students with neck problems should keep

 Transition                                                                 their head in a neutral position and not
                                                                            look up at the hands.

  Step forward, (inhale) arms up and (exhale) arms coming down.

  Inhale, step back with opposite (right) leg into Warrior 1.

  Repeat Twisting warrior I.

  Step forward, arms up (inhale) and out (exhale),
   and step into tadasana.

7 Wide Stance Flat Hands
 prasärita-, extended, held forth (praså-, to move forwards)
 pada-, foot
 uttäna-, stretched out, spread out; open
  Step out wide.                                                 * Strengthens and stretches
                                                                 the inner and back legs and
                                                                 the spine
  Core up.                                                       * Tones the abdominal organs
                                                                  * Calms the brain
                                                                  * Relieves mild backache
  Bring hands abode the head.
  Bend at the hips.                                              * Lower-back problems: Avoid
                                                                 the full forward bend

  Bring the hands to the floor (maintain lordosis).

Note!   If your hands doesn’t reach the floor,
        use blocks instead of bending the knees or the back..

  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].
8. Ankle Grab Forehead Floor
                                     prasärita-, extended, outstretched, held forth
                                     uttan-, intense (?)
                             Reach back with your arms, and grab behind legs.
                             Pull with your hands,
                              bringing your forehead closer to the floor. (In this pose it is ok
                              to create a compression in the back of the neck.)

                             Keep cored up.
                             Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].
                                                                                                                                        * Strengthens and stretches
                             Core up, come up flat back. Bring feet together into tadäsana.                                           the inner and back legs and
                                                                                                                                       the spine
                                                                                                                                        * Tones the abdominal

     9. Heel Floor Toe Grab
                                                                                                                                        * Calms the brain
                                                                                                                                        * Relieves mild backache


     [sukha-utthita-hasta-padäìguñöhäsana]                                                                                             * Lower-back problems:
                                                                                                                                       Avoid the full forward bend

        sukha-, easy
        padäìguñöha-, the toe of the feet
  Core up

  Inhale, step back with your left foot, come up on the heel of the                               * Strengthens and stretches

     right, and bring the arms up.                                                                 the legs
                                                                                                   * Stretches the hips and spine,
                                                                                                   * Relieves mild back pain,

                                                                                                   * Stimulates the abdominal
     Right foot forward, only the heel on the ground, toes pulling back.                           organs,
                                                                                                   * Improves sense of balance

    Keep the legs and the spine straight.                                                         Contraindications

                                                                                                   * Back or spine injury.

    Bend forward at the hip, grab the toe (variations: knee, etc.).                               Also avoid this pose if you have:

                                                                                                   * Low blood pressure

    Kapäla-bhäté - 9 inhalations and exhalations                                                  * Migraine
                                                                                                   * Diarrhea
                                                                                                   * Headache

    Bring the navel in towards the thigh.
                                                                                                   * Insomnia

 Core up, come up.
 Step forward, switch: step back with the opposite leg, repeat.
 Step forward.
10. Fighter Pose [yudhäsana]

                                                                                              * Stretches the chest and
                                                                                              lungs, shoulders and neck,
                                                                                              belly, groins (psoa).
   Step far back with the right leg, keeping left foot pointing to the front,                * Strengthens the shoulders
                                                                                              and arms, and the muscles of
    left feet with an approximately 45 degree angle.                                          the back.
                                                                                              * Strengthens and stretches
                                                                                              the thighs, calves, and an-

   Extend left arm, bring right arm back by the waist, make fists.                           kles.


   Upper body pointing forward, hips parallell with the front of the room.                   * High blood pressure
                                                                                              * Heart problems

   Lunge even deeper over the left leg.
   Bring the straightened back leg closer and closer to the floor,
    deepening the lunge.

   Keep the spine straight.
   Kapäla-bhäté - 9 inhalations and exhalations.

   Come up and step forward into tadäsana. Drop down the hands.
   Step back with opposite leg, repeat Fighter pose.
   Step forward and back to the end of your mat.

11. Cat-cow
                                                             Cow pose’s benefits                         Cat pose’s benefits

                                                             * Pose stretches the middle to              * Stretches the mid-
                                                             low back and hips                           dle to upper back

                                                             * Lengthens the spine                       and shoulders.
                                                             * Stimulates the kidneys and
                                                             adrenal glands                              Contraindications

                                                             Contradictions                              * Recent or chronic
                                                                                                         back pain or injury

   Come down onto all 4’s.                                  * Recent or
                                                             back pain
                                                             or injury

   Hips/tailbone above knees, shoulders above hands.

   Big inhalation: head up,
    back of the head to meet the tailbone.

   Exhalation: forehead comes in to meet the pelvis.

   Repeat 10 times, turbo style. (intense breating – in and out.)
12. Downward Dog [adho-mukha-çvanäsana]
    Lift your tailbone as high as you can with knees bent, feet on the ground.

                             Press head and chest through shoulders.

                                                                                   Gradually straigthen the legs.
                                                                                   Try to get tailbone to touch the ceiling.

                                                                                                 Kapäla-bhäté - 9 inhalations and
                                                                                                  exhalations (Note! Last time.)


                                                                                                   Come back down on all 4’s, sit on heels,
                                                                                                     lift your self up and bring your legs
                                                                                                     through your arms into “staff pose.”


                                     * Calms the brain and helps relieve stress
                                     and mild depression
                                     * Energizes the body
                                     * Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings,
                                     calves, arches, and hands
                                     * Strengthens the arms and legs
                                     * Helps relieve the symptoms of meno-
                                     * Relieves menstrual discomfort when
                                     done with head supported
                                     * Helps prevent osteoporosis
                                     * Improves digestion
                                     * Relieves headache, insomnia, back
                                     pain, and fatigue
                                     * Therapeutic for high blood pressure,
                                     asthma, flat feet, sciatica, sinusitis


                                     * Carpal tunnel syndrome
                                     * Diarrhea
                                     * Pregnancy: Do not do this pose late-
                                     * High blood pressure or headache: Sup-
                                     port your head on a bolster or block, ears
                                     level between the arms
13. Staff Pose [daëòäsana]
     danda-, staff: like a stick

   Bring arms back by the hips, slide through your arms into a seated
    pose, stretch legs out in front of you.

Note! This is the beginning of the floor (relaxing) sequence. Slow, deep (2:1)
breathing, diaphragmatically. Exhalation at least twice as long as the inhalation.
(optionall you can add ujjaya breath to the exhale)

   Toes pulled back.

   Core up.
   Hands on the floor, near the hips.
                                                         * Strengthens abdominal
   Chest open, pointing forward.                        muscles and hip joints

   Pull up from the crown of the head.
                                                         * Back and hip injuries
   Breath 2:1
14. Reverse Plank [pürvatanäsana]
  pürva-, the front

   Place hands behind, lift pelvis up.

   Press the whole body against an imaginary plane of glass in a straight line.

   Breath 2:1 (at this point you can begin leading students into a “Himalayan
    awareness” of the pose.)


   Come back into dandäsana.


                                                                  * Inclined plane tones and
                                                                  strengthens the whole body (es-
                                                                  pecially core body strength) and
                                                                  opens the chest.


                                                                  * Recent or chronic injury to the
                                                                  legs, hips, neck, arms or shoul-
15. Supine Staff Pose                                               16. Double Knee Pull
[suptadandäsana]                                                       Bring both knees to the chest.

 supta-, laid down to sleep; sleeping                                  Grab each knee with one hand, and pull them
                                                                         into the respective shoulder.
  Core up.
                                                                       Keep head, neck & shoulders relaxed.
  Gradually lie flat on your back, as the legs go straight up in
   the air; body in perfect 90 degrees angle.                          Breath 2:1 (feel the resistance (or muscular
                                                                         tension) inhale deep, ujjaya exhale slowly)
  Toes pulled towards the face, heels touching the ceiling.
  Breath 2:1 (bring your awareness into the difficulty and
   choose to feel the experience and breathe into it.                  Bring down and stretch the legs.
Transition directly into “Double Knee Pull”
                                                                    * Releases tension on the hamstring
                                                                    muscles and massages inner organ
* Creates a strong abdominal
17. Single Knee Pull                                        18. Sleeping pigeon
[supta-pavana-muktäsana]                                       Bend the knees, placing both feet flat on the
   Draw the right knee to the right shoulder, using both
     hands for leverage.                                       Put right ankle on the left knee.

   Pull the toes of the left foot towards you.                Reach through and grab below left knee with
                                                                both hands, pull back slowly.
   Press back of left knee to the floor.
                                                               Keep head, neck and shoulders relaxed on the
   Keep shoulders and neck relaxed on the floor.               mat.

   Breath 2:1                                                 Breath 2:1

   Switch and repeat with the other leg.                      Switch and repeat.           Benefits

                                                                                             * Lengthens the hamstrings
Benefits                                                    Transition
* Releases the tension on the hamstring-
muscles by flexing the knee                                    Stretch out the legs.        * Knee-injuries
19. Lying Spinal Twist
                                                                         ardha-, half

                                                                          Draw right knee up.
                                                                          With left hand holding right knee, slowly twist to the left side (you can
                                                                            hook right foot behind left knee).

                       * Knee down twist, stretches the back              Stretch your right arm out.
                       * Realigns and lengthens the spine
                       * Hydrates the spinal disks.
                                                                          Keep the neck straight, slowly twist your head to look at the right hand.
                       Contraindication                                   Breath 2:1
                       * Recent or chronic injury to the knees,
                       hips or back.                                      Straighten your legs, and bring the left knee up and repeat.

20. Bridge pose
  setu-, bridge
  bandha-, configuration or position of the body
  sarväìga-, all parts of the body; complete

   Bend the knees,                                  * Bridge pose builds core and
    placing both feet flat on the floor.             lower body strength, lengthens and
                                                     strengthens the spine, energizes the
                                                     body, and stimulates the endocrine
   Keep hands on the floor.                         and nervous systems.
                                                     * Stretches the chest, neck, and spine
                                                     * Calms the brain and helps alleviate
                                                     stress and mild depression
   Raise your pelvis into the air.                  * Stimulates abdominal organs,
                                                     lungs, and thyroid
                                                     * Rejuvenates tired legs
   Breath 2:1                                       * Improves digestion
                                                     * Helps relieve the symptoms of
                                                     * Relieves menstrual discomfort
Variations                                           when done supported
                                                     * Reduces anxiety, fatigue, back-
                                                     ache, headache, and insomnia
   Grab your ankles with your hands,                * Therapeutic for asthma, high           Contraindications
                                                     blood pressure, osteoporosis, and
    or clasp hands underneath pelvis.                sinusitis                                * Recent or chronic injury to the knees, shoulders or back.
21. ätma yoga çiväsana mudrä
                                                                     Lie down on your back.

                                                                     Arms 8 inches away from the body, all fingernails touching the floor.

                                                                     Toes pulling towards the head. Feet should be hips width apart.

                                                                     Eyes open fixed at the ceiling.

                                                                     21 Kapäla-bhäté breaths.

                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight in your feet
                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight in your knees
                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight in your pelvis
                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight in your navel
                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight in your heart space
                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight at the pit of your throat
                                                                              Surrender to the experience of weight at the center between the eyebrows

                                                                              Notice the weight of your whole body and experience the sensation of
                                                                              weight as if you were feeling it for the first time... allow the surrender to
                                                                              heal your unconscious

                                                                              Breathe into that sensation...

  Systematic Relaxation                                                       And allow your exhalation to be a complete act of surrender... surrender
                                                                              to gravity... surrender to the experience of weight...

                                                                              Only your breath and the sensation of weight remain.
   çiväsana with closed eyes.
                                                                              Make a decision that you are developing a powerful and intimate
Become aware of your body as it lies in contact with the floor.               relationship with your breath.

Notice the floor and the earth beneath and her perfect ability to support     Now with me inhale into a deep sense of peace,
you completely.                                                               Exhale and say to yourself “I surrender”

Notice the weight of your own body and become aware of the experience         (Turning back to you) bring your awareness to the breath and feel the
of weight.                                                                    sensation of breath as it enters and exits the body.

Experience the sensation of gravity and weight as if you were feeling it      (Let the music play for a bit, then tell them to, “inhale deeply...exhale
for the first time.                                                           slowly...)
 Bring knees to the chest
 Gently swing side to side
 Gently rock back and forth
  [lurhakanäsana].                                 meditatiOn
                                Core up, weight, breath...
                                Recite invocation three times: oà namo bhagavate väsudeväya.
call   Outs   [prema-dhväëé]
                                (Note! Short version.)

                            Three “Jayas” and a “Haribol”.

 Jaya Oà Viñë u p ad a Paramah aàsa Parivr ä ja k ä c ä r ya A ñ ö o t t a ra -
   çata Ç ré Ç rémad B h ak tived an ta Swami P ra b hu p ä da k i jaya !
                 A n an ta koöi vai ñë ava- vå n d a k i jaya !
                    Samavetä b h ak ta- vå n d a k i jaya !
                    G aura- p remän an de h ari - ha ri b o l !


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Atma yoga 1.0 - Beginner's set

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  • 3. Atma Yoga 1.0 An ideal yoga set for everyone interested in exploring yoga. Atma Yoga 1.0 gives yoga newcomers a safe and powerful yoga experience. Atma yoga 1.0 emphasizes highly effective breathing technology and easy body movements that work for a range of body types. (Focus on coring up and stretching the spine.)
  • 4. Overview POses (1 hour class) Kapäla-bhäté breathing intrOductiOn invOcatiOn 1. açväsana – horse POses 2. u t t h i t a - ü r d h v a - p a ç c i m o t a n ä s a n a – j a c k k n i fe systematic relaxatiOn 3. a d h o - m u k h a - p a ç c i m o t a n ä s a n a – fo r w a r d b e n d meditatiOn 4. paravritti-utkaöäsana – fierce twist bend call Outs 5. p a r a v r i t t i - h a s t a - u t t ä n ä s a n a – ro t a t i n g h a n d s t re t c h Prasadam 6. paravritti vérabhadräsana – twisting war rior 7. prasärita-padottänäsana – wide-stance-flat-hands 8. p r a s ä r i t a - u t t a n - p a d o t t ä n ä s a n a – a n k l e - g r a b - fo re h e a d - f l o o r 9. sukha-utthita-hasta-padäìguñöhäsana – heel-flo or-toe-grab 10 . yudhäsana – fighter 11. marjariasana – cat-cow 12 . adho-mukha-svanasana – downward dog F l o o r sequence - 2:1 breathing 1. dandäsana – staff pose 2. p ü r v a t a n ä s a n a – re ve r s e p l a n k 3. suptadandäsana – supine staff 4. double knee pull 5. suptapavana-muktasana – single knee pull 6. suptakap otasana – sleeping pigeon 7. suptärdhamatsyendräsana – lying spinal twist 8. setu-bandha-sar väìgäsana – bridge 9. ätma yoga çiväsana mudra
  • 5. IntroductIon (What you say at the beginning.) corIng up “Thank you for coming to Atma Yoga 1.0 - this yoga class was  is the key to not hurting yourself in yoga, by learning to move designed to make the experience of yoga accessible to people from a stable core, a solid foundation. who might still be new to Yoga. At the same time there is plenty of opportunity to explore your developing capacity for a yoga experience.  is the basis for improving the spine (a straight spine is the foundation for controlling the mind). It will correct most Today’s class is simple, but at the same time it pushes the people’s posture. boundaries between body, mind and spirit. This class is for much more than improving your relationship with your body. Today  (will shift the flow of energy, moving it upward.) you can step into the world of yoga psychology. The unique pranayama we practice in the first half and the yogic Four steps/stages/components: mind training of the floor exercises during the second half have a direct and deep healing influence on your nervous system and your mind. 1. Internal rotation of your thighs/the hips (using the adductors). If you are brand new or unsure of your limits please pace yourself - you will learn more and progress further if you proceed slowly. w Pelvis tips forward, tailbone comes up, increasing the lordosis – the small natural curve of the lumbar region. Now please join me in chanting the opening invocation1. 2. Pull/push the tailbone down toward the floor. InvocatIon (while maintaining the internal rotation) (while sitting down) w Correcting the position of your pelvis, and Recite invocation three times: straightening the spine. Creating a pelvic restraint. oà namo bhagavate väsudeväya 3. Pull up the pelvic floor. (i.e. the bottom of the body where the legs meet, the muscles you “From the first note of creation I offer my respects to the source of pull up when you want to restraint passing water). pure consciousness.” w Lengthens your waist. Omkara has been described as the seed of deliverance from the material world. By chanting the name Vasudeva one can achieve all the good 4. Pull the navel slightly inwards. results of austerity, penances, and charity. Atma yoga 1.0 is an ideal yoga set for everyone interested in exploring We should be careful to understand that this dvädaçäkñara-mantra yoga. Atma Yoga 1.0 gives yoga newcomers a safe and powerful yoga (twelve-syllable mantra) does not indicate anything formless. experience. Atma yoga 1.0 emphasizes highly effective breathing technology and easy body movements that work for a range of body types. Focus on coring up, stretching the spine, and breathing. 1 The act or process of petitioning for help or support: a prayer of entreaty.
  • 6. POses 1. Horse pose (açväsana)  Standing at the top of your yoga mat.  Spread legs out widely, a bit more than shoulder width wide (feet outside yoga mat).  Bring awareness to the feet (“feet awareness”): contact with the earth, feeling of weight. Bring heel up and out, scoop the floor, spread out the toes.  Pull up the quadriceps. w Strengthening the pose and the knees.  Bend the knees slightly.  Core up (see above)  Sholders should hang down naturally.  Pull up from the crown of the head. w Chin parallell with the floor.  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté, “shining skull”] (i.e. forced emission of breath [expulsion], passive inhalation) Benefits * Encourages diaphragmatic breathing * Strengthens the knees and thighs w The more dramatic breathing Contraindications the greater the experience. * Knee injuries •  Tadasana
  • 7. 2. Jack knife [utthita-ürdhva-paçcimotanäsana] utthita-, risen, raised up [arms] ürdhva-, rising, erect; upwards, hold up paçcima-, being behind, posterior; western utana-, woven; made, composed uttana-, intense stretch  Put toes and heels together. Benefits * Jack-knife strengthens the low back, builds core body strength, and lengthens the spine.  Core up Contraindication  Raise the arms sideways. * Recent or chronic injury to the hips, back or shoulders  Pull up from the crown of the head.  Keep sholders down.  Bend at the hip till you’re parallell with the floor, without losing the curve; remain cored up.  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté]. Variation  Arms back > easier  Arms forward > more difficult
  • 8. 3. Forward Bend [adho-mukha-paçcimotanäsana] Benefits * Calms the brain and helps relieve w extending the spine stress and mild depression * Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings * Stimulates the liver, kidneys,  Downward facing, forward bending (posterior bend) ovaries, and uterus * Improves digestion * Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discom-  Arms behind legs. fort * Therapeutic for high blood pres- sure, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis  Bend the knees (slightly). Contraindications/Cautions * Asthma * Diarrhea  Pull the navel towards the thighs, face towards legs. * Back injury  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté]. 4. Fierce Twist Bend Benefits [utkaöäsana] * Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression * Stimulates the liver and kidneys * Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips * Strengthens the thighs and knees utkaöa-, difficult, “fierce” * Improves digestion * Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause  Bring the hands in praëämäsana. * Reduces fatigue and anxiety * Relieves headache and insomnia * Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis,  Twist to the right (with praëämäsana), and sinusitis bringing the left elbow to the the right knee. Contraindications/Cautions * Headache * Insomnia  Look up. * Low blood pressure  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].  Switch side and repeat. (Inhale up, exhale down.)
  • 9. 5. Rotating Hand Stretch [p a r av r i t t i - h a s t a - u t t ä n ä s a n a ] Benefits paravrtti-, twisting or revolving * Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression uttäna-, stretched out * Stimulates the liver and kidneys * Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and hips  (From utkaöäsana.) * Strengthens the thighs and knees * Improves digestion * Helps relieve the symptoms of meno- pause  Knees bent. (If you can, slowly straighten the legs). * Reduces fatigue and anxiety * Relieves headache and insomnia * Therapeutic for asthma, high blood pressure, infertility, osteoporosis, and  Stretch out the arms vertically. (“Hold/embrace the planet”) sinusitis Contraindications/Cautions  Look up with the eyes. * Back injury: Do this pose with bent knees,  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].  Switch side and repeat. Transition  Come back to the centre, bring the arms down. Core up, come up into tadäsana.  Step back to the end of your mat. 6. Twisting Warrior I in praëämäsana [paravritti vérabhadräsana] vérabhadra-, a distinguished hero  Step back deep with the right foot, bring hands into praëämäsana.  With the left foot forward, pointing to the front, the right foot at an approximately 45 degrees angle. Upper body pointing forward, hips parallell with the front of the room.  Lunge forward with the right knee above the right ankle.  Core up. Keep the spine straight.  Push down the rear heel.
  • 10. Benefits  Twist to the right, bringing left elbow to the left knee. * Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and neck, belly, groins (psoas) * Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and the muscles of the back * Strengthens and stretches the thighs,  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté]. calves, and ankles Contraindications/Cautions * High blood pressure  Switch side and repeat (right elbow to the right knee) * Heart problems * Students with shoulder problems should keep their raised arms parallel (or slightly wider than parallel) to each other. * Students with neck problems should keep Transition their head in a neutral position and not look up at the hands.  Step forward, (inhale) arms up and (exhale) arms coming down.  Inhale, step back with opposite (right) leg into Warrior 1.  Repeat Twisting warrior I.  Step forward, arms up (inhale) and out (exhale), and step into tadasana. 7 Wide Stance Flat Hands . [prasärita-padottänäsana] prasärita-, extended, held forth (praså-, to move forwards) pada-, foot uttäna-, stretched out, spread out; open Benefits  Step out wide. * Strengthens and stretches the inner and back legs and the spine  Core up. * Tones the abdominal organs * Calms the brain * Relieves mild backache  Bring hands abode the head. Contraindications  Bend at the hips. * Lower-back problems: Avoid the full forward bend  Bring the hands to the floor (maintain lordosis). Note! If your hands doesn’t reach the floor, use blocks instead of bending the knees or the back..  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté].
  • 11. 8. Ankle Grab Forehead Floor [prasärita-uttan-padottänäsana] prasärita-, extended, outstretched, held forth uttan-, intense (?)  Reach back with your arms, and grab behind legs.  Pull with your hands, bringing your forehead closer to the floor. (In this pose it is ok to create a compression in the back of the neck.)  Keep cored up.  Do 9 diaphragmatic breathing with attention [kapäla-bhäté]. Benefits Transition * Strengthens and stretches  Core up, come up flat back. Bring feet together into tadäsana. the inner and back legs and the spine * Tones the abdominal 9. Heel Floor Toe Grab organs * Calms the brain * Relieves mild backache Contraindications [sukha-utthita-hasta-padäìguñöhäsana] * Lower-back problems: Avoid the full forward bend sukha-, easy padäìguñöha-, the toe of the feet  Core up Benefits  Inhale, step back with your left foot, come up on the heel of the * Strengthens and stretches right, and bring the arms up. the legs * Stretches the hips and spine, * Relieves mild back pain,  * Stimulates the abdominal Right foot forward, only the heel on the ground, toes pulling back. organs, * Improves sense of balance  Keep the legs and the spine straight. Contraindications * Back or spine injury.  Bend forward at the hip, grab the toe (variations: knee, etc.). Also avoid this pose if you have: * Low blood pressure  Kapäla-bhäté - 9 inhalations and exhalations * Migraine * Diarrhea * Headache  Bring the navel in towards the thigh. * Insomnia Transition  Core up, come up.  Step forward, switch: step back with the opposite leg, repeat.  Step forward.
  • 12. 10. Fighter Pose [yudhäsana] Benefits * Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and neck, belly, groins (psoa).  Step far back with the right leg, keeping left foot pointing to the front, * Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and the muscles of left feet with an approximately 45 degree angle. the back. * Strengthens and stretches the thighs, calves, and an-  Extend left arm, bring right arm back by the waist, make fists. kles. Contraindications/Cautions  Upper body pointing forward, hips parallell with the front of the room. * High blood pressure * Heart problems  Lunge even deeper over the left leg.  Bring the straightened back leg closer and closer to the floor, deepening the lunge.  Keep the spine straight.  Kapäla-bhäté - 9 inhalations and exhalations. Transition  Come up and step forward into tadäsana. Drop down the hands.  Step back with opposite leg, repeat Fighter pose.  Step forward and back to the end of your mat. 11. Cat-cow Cow pose’s benefits Cat pose’s benefits * Pose stretches the middle to * Stretches the mid- low back and hips dle to upper back [marjariasana] * Lengthens the spine and shoulders. * Stimulates the kidneys and adrenal glands Contraindications Contradictions * Recent or chronic back pain or injury  Come down onto all 4’s. * Recent or chronic back pain or injury  Hips/tailbone above knees, shoulders above hands.  Big inhalation: head up, back of the head to meet the tailbone.  Exhalation: forehead comes in to meet the pelvis.  Repeat 10 times, turbo style. (intense breating – in and out.)
  • 13. 12. Downward Dog [adho-mukha-çvanäsana]  Lift your tailbone as high as you can with knees bent, feet on the ground.  Press head and chest through shoulders.  Gradually straigthen the legs. Try to get tailbone to touch the ceiling.  Kapäla-bhäté - 9 inhalations and exhalations (Note! Last time.) Transition  Come back down on all 4’s, sit on heels, lift your self up and bring your legs through your arms into “staff pose.” Benefits * Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression * Energizes the body * Stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands * Strengthens the arms and legs * Helps relieve the symptoms of meno- pause * Relieves menstrual discomfort when done with head supported * Helps prevent osteoporosis * Improves digestion * Relieves headache, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue * Therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica, sinusitis Contradictions * Carpal tunnel syndrome * Diarrhea * Pregnancy: Do not do this pose late- term. * High blood pressure or headache: Sup- port your head on a bolster or block, ears level between the arms
  • 14. 13. Staff Pose [daëòäsana] danda-, staff: like a stick  Bring arms back by the hips, slide through your arms into a seated pose, stretch legs out in front of you. Note! This is the beginning of the floor (relaxing) sequence. Slow, deep (2:1) breathing, diaphragmatically. Exhalation at least twice as long as the inhalation. (optionall you can add ujjaya breath to the exhale)  Toes pulled back.  Core up. Benefits  Hands on the floor, near the hips. * Strengthens abdominal  Chest open, pointing forward. muscles and hip joints Contraindications  Pull up from the crown of the head. * Back and hip injuries  Breath 2:1
  • 15. 14. Reverse Plank [pürvatanäsana] pürva-, the front  Place hands behind, lift pelvis up.  Press the whole body against an imaginary plane of glass in a straight line.  Breath 2:1 (at this point you can begin leading students into a “Himalayan awareness” of the pose.) Transition  Come back into dandäsana. Benefits * Inclined plane tones and strengthens the whole body (es- pecially core body strength) and opens the chest. Contraindication * Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, neck, arms or shoul- ders.
  • 16. 15. Supine Staff Pose 16. Double Knee Pull [suptadandäsana]  Bring both knees to the chest. supta-, laid down to sleep; sleeping  Grab each knee with one hand, and pull them into the respective shoulder.  Core up.  Keep head, neck & shoulders relaxed.  Gradually lie flat on your back, as the legs go straight up in the air; body in perfect 90 degrees angle.  Breath 2:1 (feel the resistance (or muscular tension) inhale deep, ujjaya exhale slowly)  Toes pulled towards the face, heels touching the ceiling. Transition  Breath 2:1 (bring your awareness into the difficulty and choose to feel the experience and breathe into it.  Bring down and stretch the legs. Transition directly into “Double Knee Pull” Benefits Benefits * Releases tension on the hamstring muscles and massages inner organ * Creates a strong abdominal region
  • 17. 17. Single Knee Pull 18. Sleeping pigeon [supta-pavana-muktäsana]  Bend the knees, placing both feet flat on the floor.  Draw the right knee to the right shoulder, using both hands for leverage.  Put right ankle on the left knee.  Pull the toes of the left foot towards you.  Reach through and grab below left knee with both hands, pull back slowly.  Press back of left knee to the floor.  Keep head, neck and shoulders relaxed on the  Keep shoulders and neck relaxed on the floor. mat.  Breath 2:1  Breath 2:1  Switch and repeat with the other leg.  Switch and repeat. Benefits * Lengthens the hamstrings Benefits Transition Contraindications * Releases the tension on the hamstring- muscles by flexing the knee  Stretch out the legs. * Knee-injuries
  • 18. 19. Lying Spinal Twist [suptärdhamatsyendräsana] ardha-, half  Draw right knee up.  With left hand holding right knee, slowly twist to the left side (you can hook right foot behind left knee). Benefits * Knee down twist, stretches the back  Stretch your right arm out. muscles * Realigns and lengthens the spine * Hydrates the spinal disks.  Keep the neck straight, slowly twist your head to look at the right hand. Contraindication  Breath 2:1 * Recent or chronic injury to the knees, hips or back.  Straighten your legs, and bring the left knee up and repeat. 20. Bridge pose [setu-bandha-sarväìgäsana] setu-, bridge bandha-, configuration or position of the body sarväìga-, all parts of the body; complete Benefits  Bend the knees, * Bridge pose builds core and placing both feet flat on the floor. lower body strength, lengthens and strengthens the spine, energizes the body, and stimulates the endocrine  Keep hands on the floor. and nervous systems. * Stretches the chest, neck, and spine * Calms the brain and helps alleviate stress and mild depression  Raise your pelvis into the air. * Stimulates abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid * Rejuvenates tired legs  Breath 2:1 * Improves digestion * Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause * Relieves menstrual discomfort Variations when done supported * Reduces anxiety, fatigue, back- ache, headache, and insomnia  Grab your ankles with your hands, * Therapeutic for asthma, high Contraindications blood pressure, osteoporosis, and or clasp hands underneath pelvis. sinusitis * Recent or chronic injury to the knees, shoulders or back.
  • 19. 21. ätma yoga çiväsana mudrä  Lie down on your back.  Arms 8 inches away from the body, all fingernails touching the floor.  Toes pulling towards the head. Feet should be hips width apart.  Eyes open fixed at the ceiling.  21 Kapäla-bhäté breaths. Surrender to the experience of weight in your feet Surrender to the experience of weight in your knees Surrender to the experience of weight in your pelvis Surrender to the experience of weight in your navel Surrender to the experience of weight in your heart space Surrender to the experience of weight at the pit of your throat Surrender to the experience of weight at the center between the eyebrows Notice the weight of your whole body and experience the sensation of weight as if you were feeling it for the first time... allow the surrender to heal your unconscious Breathe into that sensation... Systematic Relaxation And allow your exhalation to be a complete act of surrender... surrender to gravity... surrender to the experience of weight... Only your breath and the sensation of weight remain.  çiväsana with closed eyes. Make a decision that you are developing a powerful and intimate Become aware of your body as it lies in contact with the floor. relationship with your breath. Notice the floor and the earth beneath and her perfect ability to support Now with me inhale into a deep sense of peace, you completely. Exhale and say to yourself “I surrender” Notice the weight of your own body and become aware of the experience (Turning back to you) bring your awareness to the breath and feel the of weight. sensation of breath as it enters and exits the body. Experience the sensation of gravity and weight as if you were feeling it (Let the music play for a bit, then tell them to, “inhale deeply...exhale for the first time. slowly...)
  • 20.  Bring knees to the chest  Gently swing side to side [jhulanäsana].  Gently rock back and forth [lurhakanäsana]. meditatiOn  Core up, weight, breath...  Recite invocation three times: oà namo bhagavate väsudeväya.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. call Outs [prema-dhväëé] (Note! Short version.) Three “Jayas” and a “Haribol”.  Jaya Oà Viñë u p ad a Paramah aàsa Parivr ä ja k ä c ä r ya A ñ ö o t t a ra - çata Ç ré Ç rémad B h ak tived an ta Swami P ra b hu p ä da k i jaya !  A n an ta koöi vai ñë ava- vå n d a k i jaya !  Samavetä b h ak ta- vå n d a k i jaya !  G aura- p remän an de h ari - ha ri b o l ! Prasadam