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Atma Yoga Restorative Sets

Slow deep poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use
of props provides a supportive environment for total relaxation.

Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. These
movements illustrate the age-old wisdom of yoga that teaches well-being is enhanced by
a healthy spine. Some of the slow deep stretch poses are backbends, while others are
forward bends. Additional poses gently twist the column both left and right.

Third, a restorative practice usually includes an inverted pose, which reverses the
effects of gravity. This can be as simple as putting the legs on a bolster or pillow, but the
effects are quite dramatic. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph
fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to
gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced.
Psychobiologist and yoga teacher Roger Cole, Ph.D., consultant to the University of
California, San Diego, in sleep research and biological rhythms, has done preliminary
research on the effects of inverted poses. He found that they dramatically alter
hormone levels, thus reducing brain arousal, blood pressure, and fluid retention. He
attributes these benefits to a slowing of the heart rate and dilation of the blood vessels
in the upper body that comes from reversing the effects of gravity.

The following represent the best of our Restorative sets - Please enjoy the benefits of
these poses.
“A Deeper State of Chill”

1   Laying back   Lay back over a bolster.
    11 min        Inhale through nose.
                  Exhale with slightly pursed lips.
                  Blow the exhalation out with as long and drawn out breath as
                  Music: moody trumpet and guitar.

2   No title      Bolster under butt, knees up.
    11 min        Hands over knees, drop into the stretch.
                  Inhale through nose.
                  Exhale crackly “o” sound drawn out as long as possible.

3   No title      Face down, spread eagle.
    11 min        Arms at 45 degree stretch.
                  Hands and feet away from body.
                  Inhale nose, exhale long hum.
                  Vibrate the area between the eyebrows.

4   No title      Legs straight up, using partner’s leg for resistance.
    11 min        Partners should be male-male and female-female.
                  If partners not possible, use wall for resistance.
                  Inhale nose.
                  Exhale long through nose.
                  Reading from Krishna’s pastime.

5   Yoga Mudra    Use bolster for support under head if it doesn’t reach floor.
    11 min        Inhale nose, exhale a long surrendered sigh.

6   Sivasana      Long version.
    11 min        Read story from Atma yoga Story Book
“My Breath, My Lover”

1   Forward Squat                Hand on floor.
    5 min                 Elbows push knees out.
                          Visualize the breath traveling up the length of the spine.

2   Posterior Stretch     Forehead to knees.
    5 min                 Be sure to breathe diaphragmatically.
                          Become reacquainted with your breath.
                          Begin to extend the length of your exhalation.

3   Child’s Pose          Weight on heels.
    5 min each side       Extended arms.
                          Turn head to the right.
                          Again breathe very deliberately, opening the lower rib cage in
                          See how intimately you can feel your breath.
                          Make every breath an adventure, a story, an affair to remember.
                          Turn head to the other side.

4   Bolstered Fish Pose (Or without bolster and chin up, or supported butterfly with strap).
    6 min               Soles of feet together.
                        Hold ankles and pull heels into groin area.
                        Feel the breath more through the throat, chest, and navel area,
                              coming into you like and arch opening up each area.
                        Notice every possible detail of what the breath is doing.
                        As you exhale, let the breath simply slide out of you.

5   Janu Shirsasana       Sharp inhale through the nose.
    6 min each side       Long, surrendered exhale.
                          The inhale is like the mind running to your lover’s arms.
                          The exhalation is the complete surrender to their embrace.

6   Reg. Spinal Twist     With strong ujjaya breath.
    5 min each side       Look for the physical limitation.
                          Use the exhalation to experience them.
7   Lying Spinal Twist    2 for 1; feel the breath with story.
                          Notice how the breath has changed.
8   Sivasana              Short.
9   Meditation            Sit with hands on knees.
    5-11 min              Silently meditate by hearing “Haam” on the inhale and “Sa” on the
“Peace on Earth”

1    Horse                Weight then 2 for 1.
     5 min

2    Forward Bend         Hang forward, arms crossed.
     5 min                2 for 1.

3    Squat                Ujjaya breath.
     5 min

4    Posterior Stretch    Ujjaya breath.
     5 min

5    Lying spinal twist   Breathing in a low growl purr.
     5 min each side

6    Sleeping Pigeon      Hum breath (hmmmm).
     5 min each side

7    Bolstered fish       Cross-legged.
     5 min                Mantra “Ham Sa”—long “haaam” ending with “sa” sound.

8    Roll side to side    inhale”ham” exhale “sa.”
     5 min

9    Pranic Meditation    On back.
     11 min               Feet and palms grab the floor.
                          Inhale nose, exhale in four exhalations through pursed lips.
                          Rest in external kumbakah as long as possible before the inhale.

10   Sivasana             Read story from Atma yoga Story Book.
“Slow Deep Strength”

Take 45 seconds in between each pose, standing comfortably, to notice changes.

1      Forward Bend           Arms folded and hanging.
       5 min                  Focus on weight and gravity.
2      Upward Stretch         Toes and heels together.
       5 min                  Arms go up.
                              Palms forward.
                              Inhale to the pelvis.
                              Exhale slowly and lift up out of the hips, elongating the spine.
                              Without pain, slightly bend the back.

Steps 3-5 use 2 for 1 ujjaya breath.

3      Horse                  Combine awareness of weight and gravity.
       5 min                  Exhale in to (surrender to) the sensation of weight.

4      Easy Bow               Heels against gluts.
       5 min                  Chin on floor.
                              Begin ujjaya on exhalation.
5      Supported Cobra        Chest and head only.
       4 min                  Forearms on floor.
                              Elbows close to ribs.
                              Toes, heels, and gluts squeezed tight.
       30 sec                 Release to child’s pose; stretch.

Steps 6-9 use a long slow ujjaya exhale.

6      Posterior Stretch      Forehead to knees.
       4-5 min
7      Forward Stretch        Legs spread wide.
       4-5 min                Aim to place forearm on floor.
                              Bolster use in acceptable.
                              Grab foot if necessary.
8      Supta Virasana
       5 min
9      Easy Plow
       4 min
10     Rock side to side.
       1-2 min
11     Sivasana               Reading from Atma yoga Story time book.

1   Standing Pose         Legs far apart (bend forward).
    4 min                 Arm bent at elbow.
                          Forearm parallel to the floor.
                          Hand clasped.
                          Breathing in 2 for 1.
2   No title              Stand.
    4 min                 Arms up, open slightly.
                          Palms face each other.
                          Toes and heels together.
                          Squeeze butt tight.
                          Stretch open hip and pelvic region up to belly button with no strain
                                on the small of the back.
3   No title              Sit on heels.
                          Stretch back.
                          Places hands on floor.
                          Do not bend your back or drop head back.
                          Pull upper torso out of the hip socket.
                          Keep the knees together and down on the floor.
                          Keep head and neck in a straight line with your shoulders relaxed.
                          Inhale deep, exhale long in a hum that vibrates the whole mouth.
4   Easy Rabbit           Diaphragmatic breath, 2 for 1.
    3 min
5   Spinal Twist          Straight spine coccyx to crown. Turn on that axis.
    3 ½ min each side     Inhale deep, exhale long with a very subtle vocalized hum.
                          The lips part slightly on the exhale and the hum as the sense of
                                vowel ahhh.
6   Sleeping Spinal Twist with a Hum-sigh
    4 ½ min each side     Try to vibrate it from the center between the eyebrows.
                          Use bolster if necessary under the knees.
7    Posterior Stretch    One leg (heel to glut) folded under.
    3½–4 min each side Forehead on knee.
                          Long ujjaya exhale.
                          Begin reading.
8   Variant Crocodile     Hand on top of hand (any order).
    6 min                 Hum or tone, but vibrate with a long, slow rumble in the roof of
                                the mouth.
                          This should be a slow/deep vibration that lasts a very long time.
9   Sivasana              Relaxation
    3-4 min
“Specialty Set”

1    No title             Lie on right side, arm extended under head.
     4 min each side      Begin slowing down the outgoing breath.

2    Child’s Pose         Arm forward and stretching the arms.
     5 min                Count out the exhalation.
                          Make it longer and longer.

3    Kneeling Cobra       Push up from Child’s Pose by bringing hands back towards knees.
     4 min                Long exhales.

4    Squat                Count the exhales out—make them longer and longer.
     4 min

5    Suptu Baddha Konasana
     6 min              With Ho (long oh).
                        See how long you can do it for.

6    Lying Spinal Twist   Look in the direction of the twist, not away from it.
     6 min each side      Tip head down (chin in slightly).
                          Vibrate a long hum through the sinuses and forhead.

7    Easy Rabbit          Vibrate a low-pitched Maw Maw Maw.
     7 min                As many in one breath as possible.

8    Stand                Toes and heels together.
     6 min                Stretch up.
                          Interlock first three fingers, point index finger at the sky.
                          Go up on toe and stretch like crazy.
                          Inhale deep, exhale through closed teeth on a sss sound.
                          Make it as long as possible.

9    Meditation           Seated.
                          Mouth closed.

10                        Read from Atma yoga Story time.
“Sweet and Light”

1   Squat                 Push knees out, feet flat if possible.
    7 min                 Inhale through nose, exhale through teeth with a hiss.
                          Tongue should float behind teeth.
                          The breath should sound like wind in the trees or in a shell.

2   Posterior stretch     Legs straight.
    7 min                 Pull down with arm’s strength, holding on where you can.
                          Ok to use a strap.
                          Chest to knees, keep the head up.
                          Inhale nose, exhale mouth in 4 gentle parts.

3   Seated spinal twist   Legs and spine straight, hips and gluts flat on the floor.
    3 min each side       Twist gently, open mouth.
                          Breath is slow motion panting.

4   Lying spinal twist    Inhale nose, exhale hum-moan, very long and subtle
    3-4 min each side     but low-pitched so it resonates in the chest area.

5   Supta Virasana        Inhale nose, exhale long hum.
                          Vibrate strong resonance in forehead.
                          At the very end add the vowel ā (as in awh)

6   Easy Rabbit           Don’t lift tail up!
    6-7 min               Crown on floor, mouth closed.
                          Intone hum throughout exhale.

7   Meditation            Lie on back, arms stretched over head and crossed at wrist.
    11 min                Leg crossed at ankle (men right over left, women left/right)
                          From the heart, chant rapid Yaam Yaam Yaam

8   Sivasana              Short relaxation.
                          Read for 3-4 min from Atma yoga Story time.
“The Essential Set”

1   Horse                  ground and center              4 minutes

2   Squat                2 for 1 ujjaya breath           3 minutes
    Stand in Tadasana. Bring feet to the inside edge of your mat, facing straight forward.
    Lower your body about six inches above the floor and bring your hands together in

3   Janu Srishasana         ujjaya                        4 min each side
    Bring right leg in front with the foot flexed. Bring the bottom of the left foot to the inner
    right thigh. Leading with the rib cage grab the right foot or ankles and touch your head to
    your knee. Ujjaya exhale.

4   Posterior Stretch     ujjaya                          4 min
    Gentle ujjaya exhale.

5   Child’s Pose           forehead first
                           palms together
                           pinkies on floor
                           ujjaya                        4 min
    Come sitting on your heels. Go into child’s pose. Bring your palms together with the
    pinkies touching the floor. Maintain the gentle ujjaya exhale.

6   Easy Cobra              forehead crown hum
                            direct the resonance upward
                            follow the eyes              5 min
    Come lying in dandavatasana. Bring the thumbs to the chest, not touching. Tightenting
    the thighs, gluts, and root lock, arch backwards without your naval leaving the floor.
    Eyes look for the wall behind you. Your exhale is an upward directed hum, resonating in
    the crown and forehead.

7   Repeat Child’s Pose ujjaya breath                   60 seconds
    Roll back into child’s pose and resume ujjaya exhale.

8     Knees to shoulder     pull in tightly
                            forehead crown hum
                            use the eyes to lead or
                            push sound up
      Right Leg                                           3 min
      Left Leg                                            3 min
      Both Legs                                           3 min
      Come lying in Sivasana. Pull your right knee tightly to the right shoulder. Your exhale is
      a hum that you push upwards to the top of your head. Your can lead this with the eyes…
      Switch legs…Now bring both legs back.

9     Lying Spinal Twist      hum-sigh                        4 min each side
      Come lying in Sivasana with your arms spread and your head looking right. Bring the
      right knee up and let it fall to the left. You can put your hand on it.

10    Lying Pigeon          hum-sigh                      4 min each side

11    Sleeping Pigeon       hum-sigh                      4 min each side

12    Sivasana              relaxation story

13    Chant “Om”            chant low and in the chest    3 times

Read from Atma yoga Story time
“To Heal and Surrender”

1    Squat                weight and breath
     5 min

2    Janu Sri Asana              long ujjaya exhale
     5 min each side      surrender to experience of tension and inflexibility

3    Posterior Stretch    contraction ujjaya breath
     5 min                awareness of the experience of inflexibility

4    Flat on back         Legs straight up, spread wide.
     3 min                Lock the knees and let gravity pull legs apart.
                          Long ujjaya exhale.
                          Focus on the experiencing the inflexibility.
                          Use the long exhalation to drop into the experience.

5    Easy Cobra           On forearms, NO PAIN.
     3 min                Legs spread wide apart with ujjaya exhale.
                          Press the pelvis into the floor (butt tuck).
                          Continue to experience the boundaries.

6    Child’s Pose         Shoulder stretch.
     3 min                Arms stretch far in front, forehead on the floor.
                          Hands barely touch the floor—only fingertips.
                          Roll up afterwards
.7   Medium Bridge        Hands on the ankles.
     3 min                Lift pelvis up, shoulders on the floor.
                          Knees spread far apart (but generate no strain).
                          Long ujjaya exhale.

8    Knees to chest       Rock forward and back.
     3 min                Inhale back, exhale forward.

9    Lying spinal twist   long, extended roof-of-the-mouth hum.
     5 min each side.
10    Easy boat           Forehead stays on floor.
      3 min               Arms and legs up as high as possible.
                          Continue hum.

11    Easy Rabbit         Continue hum
      3 min

12    Sivasana            Short reading

13    Meditation          Sitting with head, neck, and trunk straight.
      11 min              Cover eyes with palm.
                          Let palms rests on nostrils to block them.
                          Cross middle finger over index finger.
                          Chant Hari-Nam.
                          Inhale through mouth when necessary.
                          Listen to the mantra and feel the experience of hearing.
                          Feel the mantra going into your ears.

Read from Atma yoga Story Time Book.
“Bees and Honey”

1   Banda Konasana        Butterfly with head support.
    5-7 min               2 for 1 ujjaya breath (add the mental sound of bee-hoar in your

2   Janu Sriasana         Same breath as before.
    4 ½ min per side      Let the drown sound creep into the exhalation.

3   No title              Lie on back.
    4 ½ min per side      Place leg (right ankle under left thigh).
                          Use weight and gravity to bring knee to floor.
                          Stretch arms out over your head.

4   Sleeping Spinal Twist
    5 ½ min per side      Increase the Drone in strength and consistency.

5   Bolstered Fish        Sit cross-legged.
    11 min                Let the drone dance and sing in the sinus cavity and behind the
                          With reading.

6   No title
    3 min                 Rock forward and back with audible drone.
    1 min                 Slow the movement and turn up the volume.
    5 min                 Make a tight little bottle and drone in and out as loud as you can.
                          Finally inhale and hold all bandhas.

7   Sivasana              Relaxation and Reading from Atma yoga Story time
“Celebration of All Things Female”

1    Squat                Ground with weight.
     5 min                Center with breath.
                          2 for 1.

2    ?                    Feet together, hands under the heels.
     5 min                Thumbs on outside of foot.
                          Lift tailbone up 2?
                          Stand/roll up and notice weight and changes.

3    Wide Horse           Arms straight up, palms together.
     5 min                Legs spread far apart.
                          Tighten gluts.
                          Drop straight down as far as you can without pain in small of back.
                          Tailbone under crown of head.
                          Relax. Standing, notice weight and changes.
                          Strong ujjaya 2 for 1.

4    Half Pigeon          Lunge into the pose.
     5 min                Bring forearms to floor.
                          Strong ujjaya breath.
5    Child’s pose         Rest.
     60 sec
6    Sleeping Pigeon      Breathe in “mmmm” tone.
     5 min each side      Breath should vibrate the forehead, behind the eyes and up to the
                             crown of the head.
7    Janu Shirshasana            Hum-sigh.
     5 min each side
8    Bolstered fish       Arms back.
     5-7 min w/ reading   Inhale nose, exhale “ahh” sigh (the sound of slipping into a very
                             warm bath.

9    Easy Rabbit          Diaphramatic breaths.
     2-3 min

10   Free form
     2-3 min
11   Sivasana             Reading from Atma yoga Story time

12   Meditation           Silent, sitting with mantra “Tai Sri Radhe”
“Double Moon Set”

1    Yoga Mudra Asana     Ujaya on the exhale
     5 min

2    Child’s Pose         Knees wide, arms 45 degrees, same breath.
     5 min

3    No title             Lie face down.
     5 min                Grab feet below toes from the inside.
                          Pull forward and out.
                          Inhale gently through crow beak.

4    Easy Pigeon          Arms out at 45 degrees
     3-4 min per side     Same gentle crow’s beak.

5    Janu Shirsasana      Head hum.
     3-4 min per side

6    No title             Legs open wide.
     3-4 min per side     Supported forward bend with head hum.

7    Sleeping Pigeon      Wide open “aahh” from heart center.
     3-4 min per side

8    Lying Spinal Twist   Sound goes “ooohh” through pursed lips.
     3-4 min per side

9    No title             Rock side to side gently.
     3-5 min              Hands on knees, ankles crossed.
                          Read story here.

10   Short Relaxation     Skip each body part.

11   Chant                Sit and chant “Om Purna” word for word call and response.
“Get Your Grin On”

1     No title              Start out on all fours.
      9 min                 Spread knees as far apart as possible.
                            Rock back slightly with the hips to increase pressure on inner thigh
                            Hold shoulders and arm straight but let body fall and be supported
                                  by arm.
                            Inhale bring head up gently.
                            Exhale release head down toward chest.
                            Make the exhalation longer and longer.

2     Child’s Pose          Relax.
      2 min

3     No title              Lie on back.
      4-5 min each side     Stretch left leg.
                            Bring right heel to rest on pelvis or near belly button (keep heel in
                                  center of body as high up as possible).
                            Inhale deep, exhale long, slow, subtle sigh.
                            Feel the weight of the right knee.
                            Switch sides.

4     Forward Stretch       Legs spread far apart.
      5 min                 Grab big toe with two fingers.
                            Pull upper body toward floor—the goal is to rest on your forearms,
                                  flat on the floor.
                            Inhale deep, exhale slow.

5     Half Pigeon          Rest on forearm, first one arm then switch.
      3-4 min              Use audible sigh of enjoyment.
6     Smiley Supta Virasana
      5 min                Inhale deep, exhale a mild chuckle
                           Even if the chuckle feels mechanical, riddle your long, drawn out
                                exhalation with it and keep your grin on.
7     Upward dog           Gluts pulled in tight.
      4-5 min              Slow Khapata Bhati—forceful expulsion of air then let the
                                inhalation occur naturally.
8     Makarasnasa

Relaxation and Reading from Atma yoga Story time

1   Butterfly Pose    Extended exhalations.
    5 min             Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

2   Janu sri          Extended exhalations.
    5 min each side   Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

3   Legs open wide    Forearms on floor.
    5 min             Extended exhalations.
                      Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

4   On back           Knees to chest.
    8 min             Hands on knees.
                      Pull knees apart.
                      Let them open with each exhalation.
                      Extended exhalations.
                      Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

5   Easy Rabbit       Extended exhalations.
    5 min             Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

6   Face down         Lie with forehead on floor, legs bent.
    5 min             Hold feet 2 inched below.
                      Toes spread, knees wide.
                      Pull arms back.
                      Extended exhalations.
                      Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

7   Simple Bridge     Hold ankle, lift pelvis.
    5 min             Extended exhalations.
                      Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.”

8   Sivasana          Reading from Atma yoga Story time
    7-8 min

9   Meditation        Cross-legged.
                      Palms in Namascar.
                      Silent Japa (sing “Guru Deva”)
“Ham Sa”

1    Child’s Pose         Count in for 4 and out for 8.
     6 min                During the inhale, chant “Ham” and during the exahale, chant

2    Squat                Audible in and out, ujjai style.
     5 min                Ham represents the perfected ordering of consciousness.
                          It means one class of people.
                          It is the unifying force of divine energy.
                          It is the swan-like perfection of consciousness.

3    Yoga Mudra Asana     In “Ham” out “sa”
     5 min                All ujjaya breath.

4    Janu Sri Asana       Feel the breath.
     4 min each side      Hug it, squeeze it, touch it.

5    Supta Baddha Kondesau
     6 min              Combine mental mantra and the feeling of breath into one

6    Supta Madryenasana
     6 min

7    Sleeping Pigeon
     6 min
     1 min each           Transition by drawing wind breathing for left, right, and both.

8    Easy pigeon          With upward dog.
     4 min each side

9    Meditation           In Child’s Pose, very comfortable.
     5 min                Whisper the mantra “Ham Sa”

10   Sivasana             Relaxation and Reading from Atma yoga Story Time book

1    Squat                Ujjaya breath.
     5 min

2    Standing Forward Bend     Both hands flat on the floor.
     5 min               Head and hands heavy.
                         Aware of weight and breath.

3    Posterior Stretch    (Standard.)
     5 min

4    Spinal Twist         Ujjaya with hum sound.
     5 min each side

5    Easy Plow            Put knees on chest.
     5 min                Grab toes.
                          Pull toward or over head while straightening out legs.
                          Vocalize “ahh” on the exhale.

6    Upward Dog           Toes, heel, gluts squeezed tight.
     5 min                Vocalize “oooh” on the long exhale.
                          (Modify if necessary down to forearms).

7    Child’s Pose         Tailbone pulls away from outstretched fingertips
     5 min                Vocalize “mmmmh”

8    Supta baddha konasana      Cross-legged.
     11 min              Arms stretched out for maximum openness.
                         Combine and vocalize “ahhh+ooooh+mmmmh”

9    Sivasana             In Makarasana with Reading from Atma yoag Story time Book.

10   Seated Meditation    Chanting “Aum, Aum, Aum...”
     11 min               Mudra palms up, elbows in close to ribs.

1   Supta badha konasana       Count breath with the mantra “Omsrivisnu” 3 to 1.
    3 min               Mentally repeat the mantra once on the inhale and thrice on the

2   Gomukhmudrasana       Sit in the pose for gomukasana but just lay the head forward as
                                much as possible.
    3 min each position   Same breath; use the mantra to mentally count the breath.
                          Make the breath smooth and even; allow it to dance with the

3   Child’s Pose          Place both hands behind the back, a wrist in each hand.
    5 min                 Begin to feel the expansion of the lower rib cage and diaphragm.
                          The hands and wrists should rise and fall with the mantra.
                          Same breath/mantra dance.
                          Let the practice become romantic.

4   Back Stretch          Use bolsters or blankets to support your back.
    6 min                 First start with your legs crossed, then lie back over the bolster or
                                folded blanket and continue the same breath/mantra dance.
                          Transition: stretch out; remove blanket or bolster.

5   Spinal Twist with Sitarikarana
    4 min each side        Suspend tongue in mouth, not touching anything and exhaling a
                                gentle sss through closed teeth.
                           Inhale through the nose—inhale for count of 3, exhale for the
                                count of 9 (or if you wish, continue using the same mantra).
                           Transition: Inhale knee back.

6   Sleeping Pigeon       Sitarkarana 3:9 but do it on the inhale and exhale.
    4 min each side       Transition: Roll up then onto all fours.

7    Easy Pigeon          Go back to the original breath: one omsrivisnu in, 3 out.
    5 min each side       Stretch into pigeon in between poses.

8   Meditation            Seated pose.
    11 min                Mudra: with hands in prayer pose, leave the ring fingers straight
                               and locked. Bring the second (closer to the hand) knuckles of
                               the 3 fingers in contact. Hold everything closely together.
                               Cross right thumb over left for women, left over right for
Regulate your breath perfectly with the mantra (same ratio) but
                    allow it to become an exquisite, intimate partnership.
               No music.

9   Sivasana   Short Relaxation with Reading from Atma yoga Story time Book.
“Peace on Earth”

1    Horse                Weight then 2 for 1.
     5 min

2    Forward Bend         Hang forward, arms crossed.
     5 min                2 for 1.

3    Squat                Ujjaya.
     5 min

4    Posterior Stretch    Ujjaya breath.
     5 min

5    Lying spinal twist   Breathing in a low growl purr.
     5 min each side

6    Sleeping Pigeon      Hum breath (hmmmm).
     5 min each side

7    Bolstered fish       Cross-legged.
     5 min                Mantra “Ham Sa”—long “haaam” ending with “sa” sound.

8    Roll side to side    inhale”ham” exhale “sa.”
     5 min

9    Pranic Meditation    On back.
     11 min               Feet and palms grab the floor.
                          Inhale nose, exhale in four exhalations through pursed lips.
                          Rest in external kumbakah as long as possible before the inhale.

10   Sivasana             Reading from Atma yoga Story time Book

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Atma yoga restorative sets

  • 2. HOW SLOW DEEP RESTORATIVE YOGA WORKS Slow deep poses help relieve the effects of chronic stress in several ways. First, the use of props provides a supportive environment for total relaxation. Second, each restorative sequence is designed to move the spine in all directions. These movements illustrate the age-old wisdom of yoga that teaches well-being is enhanced by a healthy spine. Some of the slow deep stretch poses are backbends, while others are forward bends. Additional poses gently twist the column both left and right. Third, a restorative practice usually includes an inverted pose, which reverses the effects of gravity. This can be as simple as putting the legs on a bolster or pillow, but the effects are quite dramatic. Because we stand or sit most of the day, blood and lymph fluid accumulate in the lower extremities. By changing the relationship of the legs to gravity, fluids are returned to the upper body and heart function is enhanced. Psychobiologist and yoga teacher Roger Cole, Ph.D., consultant to the University of California, San Diego, in sleep research and biological rhythms, has done preliminary research on the effects of inverted poses. He found that they dramatically alter hormone levels, thus reducing brain arousal, blood pressure, and fluid retention. He attributes these benefits to a slowing of the heart rate and dilation of the blood vessels in the upper body that comes from reversing the effects of gravity. The following represent the best of our Restorative sets - Please enjoy the benefits of these poses.
  • 3. “A Deeper State of Chill” 1 Laying back Lay back over a bolster. 11 min Inhale through nose. Exhale with slightly pursed lips. Blow the exhalation out with as long and drawn out breath as possible. Music: moody trumpet and guitar. 2 No title Bolster under butt, knees up. 11 min Hands over knees, drop into the stretch. Inhale through nose. Exhale crackly “o” sound drawn out as long as possible. 3 No title Face down, spread eagle. 11 min Arms at 45 degree stretch. Hands and feet away from body. Inhale nose, exhale long hum. Vibrate the area between the eyebrows. 4 No title Legs straight up, using partner’s leg for resistance. 11 min Partners should be male-male and female-female. If partners not possible, use wall for resistance. Inhale nose. Exhale long through nose. Reading from Krishna’s pastime. 5 Yoga Mudra Use bolster for support under head if it doesn’t reach floor. 11 min Inhale nose, exhale a long surrendered sigh. 6 Sivasana Long version. 11 min Read story from Atma yoga Story Book
  • 4. “My Breath, My Lover” 1 Forward Squat Hand on floor. 5 min Elbows push knees out. Visualize the breath traveling up the length of the spine. 2 Posterior Stretch Forehead to knees. 5 min Be sure to breathe diaphragmatically. Become reacquainted with your breath. Begin to extend the length of your exhalation. 3 Child’s Pose Weight on heels. 5 min each side Extended arms. Turn head to the right. Again breathe very deliberately, opening the lower rib cage in back. See how intimately you can feel your breath. Make every breath an adventure, a story, an affair to remember. Turn head to the other side. 4 Bolstered Fish Pose (Or without bolster and chin up, or supported butterfly with strap). 6 min Soles of feet together. Hold ankles and pull heels into groin area. Feel the breath more through the throat, chest, and navel area, coming into you like and arch opening up each area. Notice every possible detail of what the breath is doing. As you exhale, let the breath simply slide out of you. 5 Janu Shirsasana Sharp inhale through the nose. 6 min each side Long, surrendered exhale. The inhale is like the mind running to your lover’s arms. The exhalation is the complete surrender to their embrace. 6 Reg. Spinal Twist With strong ujjaya breath. 5 min each side Look for the physical limitation. Use the exhalation to experience them. 7 Lying Spinal Twist 2 for 1; feel the breath with story. Notice how the breath has changed. 8 Sivasana Short. 9 Meditation Sit with hands on knees. 5-11 min Silently meditate by hearing “Haam” on the inhale and “Sa” on the exhale.
  • 5. “Peace on Earth” 1 Horse Weight then 2 for 1. 5 min 2 Forward Bend Hang forward, arms crossed. 5 min 2 for 1. 3 Squat Ujjaya breath. 5 min 4 Posterior Stretch Ujjaya breath. 5 min 5 Lying spinal twist Breathing in a low growl purr. 5 min each side 6 Sleeping Pigeon Hum breath (hmmmm). 5 min each side 7 Bolstered fish Cross-legged. 5 min Mantra “Ham Sa”—long “haaam” ending with “sa” sound. 8 Roll side to side inhale”ham” exhale “sa.” 5 min 9 Pranic Meditation On back. 11 min Feet and palms grab the floor. Inhale nose, exhale in four exhalations through pursed lips. Rest in external kumbakah as long as possible before the inhale. Repeat. 10 Sivasana Read story from Atma yoga Story Book.
  • 6. “Slow Deep Strength” Take 45 seconds in between each pose, standing comfortably, to notice changes. 1 Forward Bend Arms folded and hanging. 5 min Focus on weight and gravity. 2 Upward Stretch Toes and heels together. 5 min Arms go up. Palms forward. Inhale to the pelvis. Exhale slowly and lift up out of the hips, elongating the spine. Without pain, slightly bend the back. Steps 3-5 use 2 for 1 ujjaya breath. 3 Horse Combine awareness of weight and gravity. 5 min Exhale in to (surrender to) the sensation of weight. 4 Easy Bow Heels against gluts. 5 min Chin on floor. Begin ujjaya on exhalation. 5 Supported Cobra Chest and head only. 4 min Forearms on floor. Elbows close to ribs. Toes, heels, and gluts squeezed tight. 30 sec Release to child’s pose; stretch. Steps 6-9 use a long slow ujjaya exhale. 6 Posterior Stretch Forehead to knees. 4-5 min 7 Forward Stretch Legs spread wide. 4-5 min Aim to place forearm on floor. Bolster use in acceptable. Grab foot if necessary. 8 Supta Virasana 5 min 9 Easy Plow 4 min 10 Rock side to side. 1-2 min 11 Sivasana Reading from Atma yoga Story time book.
  • 7. “Slow-Deep-Stretch” 1 Standing Pose Legs far apart (bend forward). 4 min Arm bent at elbow. Forearm parallel to the floor. Hand clasped. Breathing in 2 for 1. 2 No title Stand. 4 min Arms up, open slightly. Palms face each other. Toes and heels together. Squeeze butt tight. Stretch open hip and pelvic region up to belly button with no strain on the small of the back. 3 No title Sit on heels. Stretch back. Places hands on floor. Do not bend your back or drop head back. Pull upper torso out of the hip socket. Keep the knees together and down on the floor. Keep head and neck in a straight line with your shoulders relaxed. Inhale deep, exhale long in a hum that vibrates the whole mouth. 4 Easy Rabbit Diaphragmatic breath, 2 for 1. 3 min 5 Spinal Twist Straight spine coccyx to crown. Turn on that axis. 3 ½ min each side Inhale deep, exhale long with a very subtle vocalized hum. The lips part slightly on the exhale and the hum as the sense of vowel ahhh. 6 Sleeping Spinal Twist with a Hum-sigh 4 ½ min each side Try to vibrate it from the center between the eyebrows. Use bolster if necessary under the knees. 7 Posterior Stretch One leg (heel to glut) folded under. 3½–4 min each side Forehead on knee. Long ujjaya exhale. Begin reading. 8 Variant Crocodile Hand on top of hand (any order). 6 min Hum or tone, but vibrate with a long, slow rumble in the roof of the mouth. This should be a slow/deep vibration that lasts a very long time. 9 Sivasana Relaxation 3-4 min
  • 8. “Specialty Set” 1 No title Lie on right side, arm extended under head. 4 min each side Begin slowing down the outgoing breath. 2 Child’s Pose Arm forward and stretching the arms. 5 min Count out the exhalation. Make it longer and longer. 3 Kneeling Cobra Push up from Child’s Pose by bringing hands back towards knees. 4 min Long exhales. 4 Squat Count the exhales out—make them longer and longer. 4 min 5 Suptu Baddha Konasana 6 min With Ho (long oh). See how long you can do it for. 6 Lying Spinal Twist Look in the direction of the twist, not away from it. 6 min each side Tip head down (chin in slightly). Vibrate a long hum through the sinuses and forhead. 7 Easy Rabbit Vibrate a low-pitched Maw Maw Maw. 7 min As many in one breath as possible. 8 Stand Toes and heels together. 6 min Stretch up. Interlock first three fingers, point index finger at the sky. Go up on toe and stretch like crazy. Inhale deep, exhale through closed teeth on a sss sound. Make it as long as possible. 9 Meditation Seated. Mouth closed. 10 Read from Atma yoga Story time.
  • 9. “Sweet and Light” 1 Squat Push knees out, feet flat if possible. 7 min Inhale through nose, exhale through teeth with a hiss. Tongue should float behind teeth. The breath should sound like wind in the trees or in a shell. 2 Posterior stretch Legs straight. 7 min Pull down with arm’s strength, holding on where you can. Ok to use a strap. Chest to knees, keep the head up. Inhale nose, exhale mouth in 4 gentle parts. 3 Seated spinal twist Legs and spine straight, hips and gluts flat on the floor. 3 min each side Twist gently, open mouth. Breath is slow motion panting. 4 Lying spinal twist Inhale nose, exhale hum-moan, very long and subtle 3-4 min each side but low-pitched so it resonates in the chest area. 5 Supta Virasana Inhale nose, exhale long hum. Vibrate strong resonance in forehead. At the very end add the vowel ā (as in awh) 6 Easy Rabbit Don’t lift tail up! 6-7 min Crown on floor, mouth closed. Intone hum throughout exhale. 7 Meditation Lie on back, arms stretched over head and crossed at wrist. 11 min Leg crossed at ankle (men right over left, women left/right) From the heart, chant rapid Yaam Yaam Yaam 8 Sivasana Short relaxation. Read for 3-4 min from Atma yoga Story time.
  • 10. “The Essential Set” 1 Horse ground and center 4 minutes 2 Squat 2 for 1 ujjaya breath 3 minutes Stand in Tadasana. Bring feet to the inside edge of your mat, facing straight forward. Lower your body about six inches above the floor and bring your hands together in namaste. 3 Janu Srishasana ujjaya 4 min each side Bring right leg in front with the foot flexed. Bring the bottom of the left foot to the inner right thigh. Leading with the rib cage grab the right foot or ankles and touch your head to your knee. Ujjaya exhale. 4 Posterior Stretch ujjaya 4 min Gentle ujjaya exhale. 5 Child’s Pose forehead first palms together pinkies on floor ujjaya 4 min Come sitting on your heels. Go into child’s pose. Bring your palms together with the pinkies touching the floor. Maintain the gentle ujjaya exhale. 6 Easy Cobra forehead crown hum direct the resonance upward follow the eyes 5 min Come lying in dandavatasana. Bring the thumbs to the chest, not touching. Tightenting the thighs, gluts, and root lock, arch backwards without your naval leaving the floor. Eyes look for the wall behind you. Your exhale is an upward directed hum, resonating in the crown and forehead. 7 Repeat Child’s Pose ujjaya breath 60 seconds Roll back into child’s pose and resume ujjaya exhale. Continued......
  • 11. 8 Knees to shoulder pull in tightly forehead crown hum use the eyes to lead or push sound up Right Leg 3 min Left Leg 3 min Both Legs 3 min Come lying in Sivasana. Pull your right knee tightly to the right shoulder. Your exhale is a hum that you push upwards to the top of your head. Your can lead this with the eyes… Switch legs…Now bring both legs back. 9 Lying Spinal Twist hum-sigh 4 min each side Come lying in Sivasana with your arms spread and your head looking right. Bring the right knee up and let it fall to the left. You can put your hand on it. 10 Lying Pigeon hum-sigh 4 min each side 11 Sleeping Pigeon hum-sigh 4 min each side 12 Sivasana relaxation story 13 Chant “Om” chant low and in the chest 3 times Read from Atma yoga Story time
  • 12. “To Heal and Surrender” 1 Squat weight and breath 5 min 2 Janu Sri Asana long ujjaya exhale 5 min each side surrender to experience of tension and inflexibility 3 Posterior Stretch contraction ujjaya breath 5 min awareness of the experience of inflexibility 4 Flat on back Legs straight up, spread wide. 3 min Lock the knees and let gravity pull legs apart. Long ujjaya exhale. Focus on the experiencing the inflexibility. Use the long exhalation to drop into the experience. 5 Easy Cobra On forearms, NO PAIN. 3 min Legs spread wide apart with ujjaya exhale. Press the pelvis into the floor (butt tuck). Continue to experience the boundaries. 6 Child’s Pose Shoulder stretch. 3 min Arms stretch far in front, forehead on the floor. Hands barely touch the floor—only fingertips. Roll up afterwards .7 Medium Bridge Hands on the ankles. 3 min Lift pelvis up, shoulders on the floor. Knees spread far apart (but generate no strain). Long ujjaya exhale. 8 Knees to chest Rock forward and back. 3 min Inhale back, exhale forward. 9 Lying spinal twist long, extended roof-of-the-mouth hum. 5 min each side.
  • 13. 10 Easy boat Forehead stays on floor. 3 min Arms and legs up as high as possible. Continue hum. 11 Easy Rabbit Continue hum 3 min 12 Sivasana Short reading 13 Meditation Sitting with head, neck, and trunk straight. 11 min Cover eyes with palm. Let palms rests on nostrils to block them. Cross middle finger over index finger. Chant Hari-Nam. Inhale through mouth when necessary. Listen to the mantra and feel the experience of hearing. Feel the mantra going into your ears. Read from Atma yoga Story Time Book.
  • 14. “Bees and Honey” 1 Banda Konasana Butterfly with head support. 5-7 min 2 for 1 ujjaya breath (add the mental sound of bee-hoar in your mind). 2 Janu Sriasana Same breath as before. 4 ½ min per side Let the drown sound creep into the exhalation. 3 No title Lie on back. 4 ½ min per side Place leg (right ankle under left thigh). Use weight and gravity to bring knee to floor. Stretch arms out over your head. 4 Sleeping Spinal Twist 5 ½ min per side Increase the Drone in strength and consistency. 5 Bolstered Fish Sit cross-legged. 11 min Let the drone dance and sing in the sinus cavity and behind the forehead. With reading. 6 No title 3 min Rock forward and back with audible drone. 1 min Slow the movement and turn up the volume. 5 min Make a tight little bottle and drone in and out as loud as you can. Finally inhale and hold all bandhas. 7 Sivasana Relaxation and Reading from Atma yoga Story time
  • 15. “Celebration of All Things Female” 1 Squat Ground with weight. 5 min Center with breath. 2 for 1. 2 ? Feet together, hands under the heels. 5 min Thumbs on outside of foot. Lift tailbone up 2? Stand/roll up and notice weight and changes. 3 Wide Horse Arms straight up, palms together. 5 min Legs spread far apart. Tighten gluts. Drop straight down as far as you can without pain in small of back. Tailbone under crown of head. Relax. Standing, notice weight and changes. Strong ujjaya 2 for 1. 4 Half Pigeon Lunge into the pose. 5 min Bring forearms to floor. Strong ujjaya breath. 5 Child’s pose Rest. 60 sec 6 Sleeping Pigeon Breathe in “mmmm” tone. 5 min each side Breath should vibrate the forehead, behind the eyes and up to the crown of the head. 7 Janu Shirshasana Hum-sigh. 5 min each side 8 Bolstered fish Arms back. 5-7 min w/ reading Inhale nose, exhale “ahh” sigh (the sound of slipping into a very warm bath. 9 Easy Rabbit Diaphramatic breaths. 2-3 min 10 Free form 2-3 min 11 Sivasana Reading from Atma yoga Story time 12 Meditation Silent, sitting with mantra “Tai Sri Radhe”
  • 16. “Double Moon Set” 1 Yoga Mudra Asana Ujaya on the exhale 5 min 2 Child’s Pose Knees wide, arms 45 degrees, same breath. 5 min 3 No title Lie face down. 5 min Grab feet below toes from the inside. Pull forward and out. Inhale gently through crow beak. 4 Easy Pigeon Arms out at 45 degrees 3-4 min per side Same gentle crow’s beak. 5 Janu Shirsasana Head hum. 3-4 min per side 6 No title Legs open wide. 3-4 min per side Supported forward bend with head hum. 7 Sleeping Pigeon Wide open “aahh” from heart center. 3-4 min per side 8 Lying Spinal Twist Sound goes “ooohh” through pursed lips. 3-4 min per side 9 No title Rock side to side gently. 3-5 min Hands on knees, ankles crossed. Read story here. 10 Short Relaxation Skip each body part. 11 Chant Sit and chant “Om Purna” word for word call and response.
  • 17. “Get Your Grin On” 1 No title Start out on all fours. 9 min Spread knees as far apart as possible. Rock back slightly with the hips to increase pressure on inner thigh stretch. Hold shoulders and arm straight but let body fall and be supported by arm. Inhale bring head up gently. Exhale release head down toward chest. Make the exhalation longer and longer. 2 Child’s Pose Relax. 2 min 3 No title Lie on back. 4-5 min each side Stretch left leg. Bring right heel to rest on pelvis or near belly button (keep heel in center of body as high up as possible). Inhale deep, exhale long, slow, subtle sigh. Feel the weight of the right knee. Switch sides. 4 Forward Stretch Legs spread far apart. 5 min Grab big toe with two fingers. Pull upper body toward floor—the goal is to rest on your forearms, flat on the floor. Inhale deep, exhale slow. 5 Half Pigeon Rest on forearm, first one arm then switch. 3-4 min Use audible sigh of enjoyment. 6 Smiley Supta Virasana 5 min Inhale deep, exhale a mild chuckle Even if the chuckle feels mechanical, riddle your long, drawn out exhalation with it and keep your grin on. 7 Upward dog Gluts pulled in tight. 4-5 min Slow Khapata Bhati—forceful expulsion of air then let the inhalation occur naturally. 8 Makarasnasa Relaxation and Reading from Atma yoga Story time
  • 18. “Gurudeva” 1 Butterfly Pose Extended exhalations. 5 min Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 2 Janu sri Extended exhalations. 5 min each side Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 3 Legs open wide Forearms on floor. 5 min Extended exhalations. Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 4 On back Knees to chest. 8 min Hands on knees. Pull knees apart. Let them open with each exhalation. Extended exhalations. Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 5 Easy Rabbit Extended exhalations. 5 min Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 6 Face down Lie with forehead on floor, legs bent. 5 min Hold feet 2 inched below. Toes spread, knees wide. Pull arms back. Extended exhalations. Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 7 Simple Bridge Hold ankle, lift pelvis. 5 min Extended exhalations. Mentally chant “jai gurudeva.” 8 Sivasana Reading from Atma yoga Story time 7-8 min 9 Meditation Cross-legged. Palms in Namascar. Silent Japa (sing “Guru Deva”)
  • 19. “Ham Sa” 1 Child’s Pose Count in for 4 and out for 8. 6 min During the inhale, chant “Ham” and during the exahale, chant “Sa.” 2 Squat Audible in and out, ujjai style. 5 min Ham represents the perfected ordering of consciousness. It means one class of people. It is the unifying force of divine energy. It is the swan-like perfection of consciousness. 3 Yoga Mudra Asana In “Ham” out “sa” 5 min All ujjaya breath. 4 Janu Sri Asana Feel the breath. 4 min each side Hug it, squeeze it, touch it. 5 Supta Baddha Kondesau 6 min Combine mental mantra and the feeling of breath into one experience. 6 Supta Madryenasana 6 min 7 Sleeping Pigeon 6 min 1 min each Transition by drawing wind breathing for left, right, and both. 8 Easy pigeon With upward dog. 4 min each side 9 Meditation In Child’s Pose, very comfortable. 5 min Whisper the mantra “Ham Sa” 10 Sivasana Relaxation and Reading from Atma yoga Story Time book
  • 20. “OM2” 1 Squat Ujjaya breath. 5 min 2 Standing Forward Bend Both hands flat on the floor. 5 min Head and hands heavy. Aware of weight and breath. 3 Posterior Stretch (Standard.) 5 min 4 Spinal Twist Ujjaya with hum sound. 5 min each side 5 Easy Plow Put knees on chest. 5 min Grab toes. Pull toward or over head while straightening out legs. Vocalize “ahh” on the exhale. 6 Upward Dog Toes, heel, gluts squeezed tight. 5 min Vocalize “oooh” on the long exhale. (Modify if necessary down to forearms). 7 Child’s Pose Tailbone pulls away from outstretched fingertips 5 min Vocalize “mmmmh” 8 Supta baddha konasana Cross-legged. 11 min Arms stretched out for maximum openness. Combine and vocalize “ahhh+ooooh+mmmmh” 9 Sivasana In Makarasana with Reading from Atma yoag Story time Book. 10 Seated Meditation Chanting “Aum, Aum, Aum...” 11 min Mudra palms up, elbows in close to ribs.
  • 21. “Omsrivisnu” 1 Supta badha konasana Count breath with the mantra “Omsrivisnu” 3 to 1. 3 min Mentally repeat the mantra once on the inhale and thrice on the exhale. 2 Gomukhmudrasana Sit in the pose for gomukasana but just lay the head forward as much as possible. 3 min each position Same breath; use the mantra to mentally count the breath. Make the breath smooth and even; allow it to dance with the mantra. 3 Child’s Pose Place both hands behind the back, a wrist in each hand. 5 min Begin to feel the expansion of the lower rib cage and diaphragm. The hands and wrists should rise and fall with the mantra. Same breath/mantra dance. Let the practice become romantic. 4 Back Stretch Use bolsters or blankets to support your back. 6 min First start with your legs crossed, then lie back over the bolster or folded blanket and continue the same breath/mantra dance. Transition: stretch out; remove blanket or bolster. 5 Spinal Twist with Sitarikarana 4 min each side Suspend tongue in mouth, not touching anything and exhaling a gentle sss through closed teeth. Inhale through the nose—inhale for count of 3, exhale for the count of 9 (or if you wish, continue using the same mantra). Transition: Inhale knee back. 6 Sleeping Pigeon Sitarkarana 3:9 but do it on the inhale and exhale. 4 min each side Transition: Roll up then onto all fours. 7 Easy Pigeon Go back to the original breath: one omsrivisnu in, 3 out. 5 min each side Stretch into pigeon in between poses. 8 Meditation Seated pose. 11 min Mudra: with hands in prayer pose, leave the ring fingers straight and locked. Bring the second (closer to the hand) knuckles of the 3 fingers in contact. Hold everything closely together. Cross right thumb over left for women, left over right for men.
  • 22. Regulate your breath perfectly with the mantra (same ratio) but allow it to become an exquisite, intimate partnership. No music. 9 Sivasana Short Relaxation with Reading from Atma yoga Story time Book.
  • 23. “Peace on Earth” 1 Horse Weight then 2 for 1. 5 min 2 Forward Bend Hang forward, arms crossed. 5 min 2 for 1. 3 Squat Ujjaya. 5 min 4 Posterior Stretch Ujjaya breath. 5 min 5 Lying spinal twist Breathing in a low growl purr. 5 min each side 6 Sleeping Pigeon Hum breath (hmmmm). 5 min each side 7 Bolstered fish Cross-legged. 5 min Mantra “Ham Sa”—long “haaam” ending with “sa” sound. 8 Roll side to side inhale”ham” exhale “sa.” 5 min 9 Pranic Meditation On back. 11 min Feet and palms grab the floor. Inhale nose, exhale in four exhalations through pursed lips. Rest in external kumbakah as long as possible before the inhale. Repeat. 10 Sivasana Reading from Atma yoga Story time Book