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Small-Scale Aquaponics; Hydroponics; Aquackculture; Aeroponics; Fogponics
Food Production. Integrated Fish; Plant Farming and/ or Ducks.
1 Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan.
Illustration of a Media Bed Aquaponic System, clearly showing the connection of the Fish Tank and
Plant Growing Area.
Lft to Right: a Mixed Culture of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Catfish (Clarias fuscus) in an
Aquaponic System (Courtesy Irene Nurzia Humburg); Farmer lifting the Polystyrene Raft to show the
Roots of Curly Kale (Brassica oleracea) growing within a Deep Water Culture Aquaponic System
(Courtesy Hilla Noam); and a Farmer Harvesting Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) from an
Aquaponic System on a Rooftop (Courtesy Christopher Somerville).
Hydroponics and Soil-Less Culture.1
Soil-less Culture is the method of growing agricultural crops without the use of soil. Instead of
soil, various inert growing media, also called substrates, are used. These media provide plant support
and moisture retention. Irrigation systems are integrated within the media, thereby introducing a
nutrient solution to the plants’ root zones. This solution provides all of the necessary nutrients for plant
The most common method of soil-less culture is hydroponics, which includes growing plants
either on a substrate or in an aqueous medium with bare roots.
Soil-less agriculture has been used to reduce pests and soil-borne diseases affecting
monoculture crops. Hydroponics can in fact control soil-borne pests and diseases by avoiding the
contact between plants and soil, and because soil-less media can be sterilized and reused between
crops. This reuse of substrates meets the particular demands of intensive production. Some substrates
are far better than soil, particularly in terms of water-holding capacity and oxygen supply at the root
zone. Farmers have also improved plant performance through increased control over several crucial
factors of plant growth. Nutrient availability at plant roots is better manipulated, monitored and real-
time controlled, leading to higher quantitative and qualitative productions. Moreover, most soil-less
culture methods use a fraction of the water necessary for traditional soil-based production because the
nutrient solution is recycled. Soil-less agriculture is one aspect of the major scientific, economic and
technological developments in the general field of agriculture over the last 200 years. There has been
an increasing demand for out-of-season, high-value crops. Partly, this is a result of widespread
improvements in living standards (Population Growth). This increase in demand has led to the
expansion of many types of protected cultivation systems to boost production capacity and prolong the
supply of crops throughout the year. Within these protected systems, crops can be grown in soil.
However, in order to stay competitive with open-field agriculture production, intensity has had to
increase in order to offset the higher production costs associated with controlled environment
agriculture. As a result, there has been a shift from soil production to soil-less culture to address the
changing needs of agriculture.
1 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2014
This approach provides alternatives to toxic soil sterilization to control pests and pathogens, and
can help to overcome the soil-tiredness problems that monoculture practices have brought. Beyond its
significantly higher yields compared with traditional agriculture, soil-less agriculture is also important
because of its higher water- and fertilizer-use efficiency, which makes hydroponics the most suitable
farming technique in arid regions or wherever nutrient dispersal is an issue for both environmental and
economic reasons. The offset of soil makes hydroponics an indispensable solution in areas where arable
land is not available. Soil-less agriculture can instead be developed in arid lands, in saline-prone areas,
as well as in urban and suburban environments or wherever the competition for land and water or
unfavourable climatic conditions require the adoption of intensive production systems. The high
productivity for the small space required makes soil-less agriculture an interesting method for food
security or for the development of micro-scale farming with zero food miles.
To summarize, the four main reasons why soil-less culture is an expanding agricultural practice
• Decreased presence of soil-borne diseases and pathogens because of sterile conditions;
• Improved growing conditions that can be manipulated to meet optimal plant requirements
leading to increased yields;
• Increased water- and fertilizer-use efficiency;
• Possibility to develop agriculture where suitable land is not available.
In addition, with the rising in demand for chemical- and pesticide-free produce and more
sustainable agricultural practices, there has been extensive research into organic and soilless methods.
A major concern regarding the sustainability of modern agriculture is the complete reliance on
manufactured, chemical fertilizers to produce food. These nutrients can be expensive and hard to
source, and often come from environmentally harsh practices accounting for a substantial contribution
of all Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from Agriculture. The supply of many of these crucial nutrients
is being depleted at a rapid pace, with projections of global shortages within the next few decades.
Hydroponics is much more efficient in terms of water and nutrient use than is soil-based
agriculture, but its management is more complicated and requires a different set of inputs, especially
during installation. Electricity is generally required to circulate or oxygenate the water.
However, it does not require fuel to plough soil, it does not require additional energy to pump
much higher volumes of water for irrigation or to carry out weeding control, and it does not disrupt soil
organic matter through intensive agricultural practices. The initial costs, building materials, and
reliance on electricity and inputs will also be important limitations to aquaponics, but in this case the
need for chemical fertilizers is completely removed.
Aquaculture is the captive rearing and production of fish and other aquatic animal and plant
species under controlled conditions. Many aquatic species have been cultured, especially fish,
crustaceans and molluscs and aquatic plants and algae. Aquaculture production methods have been
developed in various regions of the world, and have thus been adapted to the specific environmental
and climatic conditions in those regions. The four major categories of aquaculture include open water
systems (e.g. cages, longlines), pond culture, flow-through raceways and recirculating aquaculture
systems (RAS). In a RAS (Figure) operation water is reused for the fish after a cleaning and a filtering
process. Although a RAS is not the cheapest production system owing to its higher investment, energy
and management costs, it can considerably increase productivity per unit of land and is the most
efficient water-saving technology in fish farming. A RAS is the most applicable method for the
development of integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems because of the possible use of by-products
and the higher water nutrient concentrations for vegetable crop production. Aquaponics has been
developed from the beneficial buildup of nutrients occurring in RASs.
Aquaponics is the integration of recirculating aquaculture and hydroponics in one production
system. In an aquaponic unit, water from the fish tank cycles through filters, plant grow beds and then
back to the fish (Figure). In the filters, the fish wastes is removed from the water, first using a
mechanical filter that removes the solid waste and then through a biofilter that processes the dissolved
wastes. The biofilter provides a location for bacteria to convert ammonia, which is toxic for fish, into
nitrate, a more accessible nutrient for plants. This process is called nitrification. As the water
(containing nitrate and other nutrients) travels through plant grow beds the plants uptake these
nutrients, and finally the water returns to the fish tank purified. This process allows the fish, plants, and
bacteria to thrive symbiotically and to work together to create a healthy growing environment for each
other, provided that the system is properly balanced.
In aquaponics, the aquaculture effluent is diverted through plant beds and not released to the
environment, while at the same time the nutrients for the plants are supplied from a sustainable, cost-
effective and non-chemical source. This integration removes some of the unsustainable factors of
running aquaculture and hydroponic systems independently. Beyond the benefits derived by this
integration, aquaponics has shown that its plant and fish productions are comparable with hydroponics
and recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquaponics can be more productive and economically feasible
in certain situations, especially where land and water are limited. However, aquaponics is complicated
and requires substantial start-up costs. The increased production must compensate for the higher
investment costs needed to integrate the two systems. Before committing to a large or expensive
system, a full business plan considering economic, environmental, social and logistical aspects should
be conducted.
Although the production of fish and vegetables is the most visible output of aquaponic units, it
is essential to understand that aquaponics is the management of a complete ecosystem that includes
three major groups of organisms: fish, plants and bacteria.
Benefits and Weaknesses of aAquaponic Food Production.
Major Benefits of Aquaponic Food Producdtion:
• Sustainable and intensive food production system.
• Two agricultural products (fish and vegetables) are produced from one nitrogen source (fish
• Extremely water-efficient.
• Does not require soil.
• Does not use fertilizers or chemical pesticides.
• Higher yields and qualitative production.
• Organic-like management and production.
• Higher level of biosecurity and lower risks from outer contaminants.
• Higher control on production leading to lower losses.
• Can be used on non-arable land such as deserts, degraded soil or salty, sandy islands.
• Creates little waste.
• Daily tasks, harvesting and planting are labour-saving and therefore can include all genders and
• Economical production of either family food production or cash crops in many locations.
• Construction materials and information base are widely available.
Major Weaknesses of Aquaponic Food Production:
• Expensive initial start-up costs compared with soil vegetable production or hydroponics.
• Knowledge of fish, bacteria and plant production is needed for each farmer to be successful.
• Fish and plant requirements do not always match perfectly.
• Not recommended in places where cultured fish and plants cannot meet their optimal
temperature ranges.
• Reduced management choices compared with stand-alone aquaculture or hydroponic systems.
• Mistakes or accidents can cause catastrophic collapse of system.
• Daily management is mandatory.
• Energy demanding.
• Requires reliable access to electricity, fish seed and plant seeds.
• Alone, aquaponics will not provide a complete diet.
Aquaponics is most appropriate where land is expensive, water is scarce, and soil is poor.
Deserts and arid areas, sandy islands and urban gardens are the locations most appropriate for
aquaponics because it uses an absolute minimum of water. There is no need for soil, and aquaponics
avoids the issues associated with soil compaction, salinization, pollution, disease and tiredness.
Similarly, aquaponics can be used in urban and peri-urban environments where no or very little land is
available, providing a means to grow dense crops on small balconies, patios, indoors or on rooftops.
That said, the basic aquaponic system works in a wide range of conditions, and units can be
designed and scaled to meet the skill and interest level of many farmers. There is a wide variety of
aquaponic designs, ranging from high-tech to low-tech, and from high to reasonable price levels.
Aquaponics is quite adaptable can be developed with local materials and domestic knowledge, and to
suit local cultural and environmental conditions. It will always require a dedicated and interested
person, or group of persons, to maintain and manage the system on a daily basis. Substantial training
information is available through books, articles and online communities, as well as through training
courses, agricultural extension agents and expert consultation. Aquaponics is a combined system,
which means that both the costs and the benefits are magnified. Success is derived from the local,
sustainable and intensive production of both fish and plants and, possibly, these could be higher than
the two components taken separately, so long as aquaponics is used in appropriate locations while
considering its limitations.
Medium Sized Aquaponics Commercial Unit.
Rooftop Small-Scale Aquaponic Unit.
Barrelponics and Duckponics.
Both systems operate in a very similiar way. They each have a water pump in their respective
tanks. Both pumps are connected to the same power outlet, which has a timer on it. The timer turns the
water pumps on for 4 minutes every 4 hours. Four minutes of continuous pumping is enough time to
ensure that all the grow beds get flooded with enough water to cover all the gravel. Note: it is Ok for
the water level to be several inches higher than the gravel and flood some parts of the plants. The water
drains fast enough that it will not kill the plants, but it will soak into the gravel and keep the ground
moist for the plant roots.
Four-Hour Mechanical Timer.
Barreloponics has a float bed at the top of the resevoir where plants float in a small body of
water. There are peas, a strawberry, tomato, and several greens in the float bed. From the float bed
water empties below into a larger resevoir, from which the water goes down the valve through PVC
pipes into two gravel grow beds of equal size. The gravel beds have the same kinds of plants as the
float bed. The peas and the tomatoes are tall enough that they use the help of some support structures to
hold them up.
Barrelponics Grow Bed.
Duckponics has two large gravel beds. one has mint, squash, peas, and a good variety of greens,
most of which are partially protected by wire to try make it harder for animals to eat the plants. But as
the plants get bigger the metal cover may be taken off. The other gravel bed has lots of cucumbers and
one strawberry plant. I set up lines of string above each cucumber plant to help give them grow
The Duckponics Grow Bed.
The Barrelponics tank has about 30 goldfish living in it. They are not fed but are thriving quite
well on their own.
The Duckponics tank houses both ducks and about 30 goldfish. Again, the goldfish take care of
themselves and are not fed.
Goldfish and Wapato in the Barrelponics Tank.
Power Loss: Follow the extention cord that the timer and water pumps are plugged into up the hill to
the lot behind vermidise and ensure that eveything is connected and then check to see if the power
needs to be reset. All circuits in Vermadise are protected by Ground Fault Interrupter Circuits and one
of them may have tripped.
Water Loss: The Duckponics water tank needs to be refilled with water at least every other day and
sometimes everyday. Since the duckponics system is recirculating, it returns its water back to the water
tank after it has flowed through the gravel grow beds. There is some minor loss of water due to
evaporation. However, the duckponics water tank is also used as the main source for watering the
garden downhill, which on some days can lower the water level by a foot.
The Barrelponics tank's primary source of water loss is from evaporation. It will require being
topped off about once a week.
The one other possible source of water loss may come from a clogged pipe causing the water to
System Maintnence:
Daily: In the morning, it would be good to have the person who is doing vermidise to turn the
timer on and just visually confirm that both water pumps are operating. Afterwards, there is no need to
do anything more with the timer or pumps. It will continue with its four hour cycle.
Also, just give both systems a quick visual scan to inspect the plants and make sure there are no
signs of severe water loss.
Special Note: The most common issue is that the float bed at the top of the barrelponics sometimes get
caught on the drain pipe. If the float bed is not level simply adjust so that it is floating on the water
Barrelponic's Upper Float Bed.
Every Other Day: "Enriched" water from the Duckponics tank is siphoned off and used in the main
garden so it may need to be topped off every other day.
The Duckponics 1,200 Gallon Tank.
Weekly: The Barrelponics tank needs to be refilled with water once a week to give it fresh water and
compensate for evaporation loss.
Once a week someone needs check all the PVC pipes and clean out anything that may be
clogged inside. This takes a couple minutes and often there is not anything clogged.
Special Note: The most common place that gets clogged is the pipe in the barrelponics that drains the
water from the top float bed down to the larger resevoir below.
Final Special Note:
The barrelponics and the duckponics systems are both equiped with hanging water bottles that
fill with water when the pumps go on. The weight of the bottle filled with water pulls open the valve in
the resevoir and allows the water to flood the gravel beds. The reason for this valve system was to build
up enough water pressure so that water would evenly come out of holes in PVC pipes above the gravel
The Water Bottle Valve System.
The water bottles have been disabled and the flood valves permanantly opened. This was an
effort to make the two systems as low maintnance as possible for people to manage. Also, the PVC
pipes that go above the gravel beds have been removed. Just having one spot where all the water
empties into the gravel bed is an effective way to flood the entire gravel bed since the water level still
spreads out evenly and reaches all the roots. Thus. when the water pump goes on, the water flows
immediately as it is pumped into the resevoir through the opened valve and follows the PVC pipes that
empty the water into the gravel grow beds. From the gravel grow beds the water slowely drains back
into the main water tank below.
Note: The valve systems and the pvc pipes that go above the gravel beds are left next to their
respective systems and may be used again if someone in the future wants to go back to that system.2
Blue Light.
The waveband of a blue light LED is much narrower than the waveband produced by
conventional light systems, and the energy produced is far more intense, concentrated, and contains
more photons essential for maximum plant growth.
Blue light systems are much smaller, more durable, and longer lasting than conventional grow
light systems are. Blue light LED systems also operate at a much cooler temperature.
Because blue light growing systems are so durable and intense, NASA is exploring blue light
systems for cultivating plants in space.
Blue light is harmful to human vision after prolonged exposure. Therefore, some caution must
be exercised when using blue light systems.
Light Emitting Diode (LED).
In relation to horticulture, LEDs are very popular because they offer many benefits over
traditional grow lights. One major benefit over traditional lighting is that LED lights have a much
longer lifespan. This is very important for greenhouses or other indoor growing spaces where constant
light is needed.
LED lights can last up to 100,000 hours, therefore reducing maintenance time and cost. Another
crucial benefit is that LEDs put out far less heat than traditional lighting methods, which is important
because too much heat can damage plants. In addition, LEDs consume far less energy, and when
implemented correctly can reduce energy consumption as much as 75%.
LEDs are also beneficial when gardeners need a particular wavelength of light to be emitted.
Most plants flourish under both red and blue light. However, different plants require different amounts
of the red and blue wavelengths, which different color LEDs can provide.
Red Light.
Light is exceedingly important in the life of a plant as it helps a plant to produce chlorophyll
and undergo photosynthesis. Although outdoor plants normally receive natural light across the entire
light spectrum, plants that are grown indoors can sometimes receive an insufficient amount of a
necessary light wavelength. Many indoor gardeners use grow lamps to supplement the light their plants
The light spectrum emitted by the sun, particularly the visible light spectrum, emits light in
seven different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Colors on the far ends of this
spectrum play a key role in the health and propagation of plants. For example, blue light directly affects
chlorophyll production, so plants that are grown under blue lights will have strong leaves and stems.
On the other hand, red light is responsible for flower and fruit production, and is also very important in
the early life of a plant for seed and root growth.
Air Cooled Reflector.
In any sort of indoor gardening application, whether container gardening in an area without
much natural light, or a hydroponic system, artificial light must be supplied in order to ensure proper
plant growth. Grow lights are usually outfitted with reflectors, which are metal hoods that reflect light
back down onto the plants, ensuring maximum light dispersal.
However, those reflectors can become quite hot as they absorb heat from the light. Not only
does this make touching the reflector potentially hazardous, but it increases the ambient temperature of
the growing area, which is bad for plant health. To combat this, you might need to introduce artificial
cooling (air conditioning), which increases your operating costs.
An air-cooled reflector can not only help to reduce the heat buildup within the reflector, but
within the room itself. Essentially, air is pumped through the hood (often through a system of baffles),
and then out the other side and through an exhaust system. This cools the reflector, reduces the ambient
temperature in the room, and ensures healthier plants while reducing operating costs.
One challenge here is to ensure that air-cooled reflectors have a separate source of fresh air
from your indoor garden’s ventilation system. Fresh, cool air should be drawn from outdoors, directed
through the reflector (or reflectors), and then back outside once more. Using air from the garden
ventilation system creates moisture within the reflector’s baffles and the exhaust system, and is warmer
than what is ideal for reflector cooling.
Air Stone.
Often used in fish aquariums, air stones are also a commonly used tool in hydroponic systems
to create oxygen for the root zones of plants. Without oxygen, plant roots that are fully submerged in a
nutrient solution cannot grow to their full potential; instead, they usually develop an infection from
plant pathogens that often leads to root rot.
Because air stones allow plant roots to "breathe" better when underwater, the plants are better
able to take up nutrients. Therefore, many growers who use air stones find that they have to replenish
their nutrients a lot more frequently. Another thing to consider when using air stones is the temperature
of the ambient air being pumped into the system. Plants won't like it if it is too hot.
Air Prune.
Occasionally, roots from a plant reach the surface and extend beyond the soil. These roots will
eventually die off because they are not receiving any nutrients. The sun can also air prune roots by
heating and burning them off.
Air pruning is common in rock plants such as succulents where there simply isn’t enough
organic matter present for the roots to completely grow in. Air pruning is also common with potted
plants where the roots extend through the drainage holes and are exposed to air.
Likewise, air pruning occurs when plants are grown in fabric containers and the roots are
allowed to grow through the fabric. In this case, air pruning is considered a benefit, as the plant is
encouraged to continuously be growing roots, and therefore, yields. It is believed that root-bound plants
can be prevented when grown in fabric containers due to the act of air pruning.
Because air pruning is a natural process, the gardener doesn’t really need to intervene and there
is no harm done to the plant when they don’t.
Aeroponic System.
In an aeroponic system, the plants are suspended in air with no form of grow media around their
root system. The roots of the plant are kept moist in a sealed environment such as a grow chamber with
a nutrient-rich water mist. The plant depends on very little support and is exposed to as much air as
possible and allowed to grow without constraints.
Plants grown using an aeroponic system tend to grow faster because of their ample exposure to
increased oxygen. The plants are suspended in bracket type pyramids with their roots fully exposed to
the air and mist within the grow chamber.
The top of the bracket supports the plant’s top growth and the roots are allowed to dangle. The
system is exceptionally space saving and allows the plants to be grown either vertically or horizontally.
This conserves valuable space in the greenhouse or grow room.
Growers use less water when using an aeroponic system than with other hydroponic methods
because the water is misted. Great care must be taken to ensure that the plant’s roots receive adequate
mist and do not dry out. Because the roots are suspended in the air they are always in danger of drying.
Great care must also be taken when using an aeroponic system to make sure the plant is not
inadvertently exposed to pests or diseases because the plant is more susceptible to these threats with its
exposed root system.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) tested the effectiveness of
aeroponics on the Mir space station and the results showed that Asian bean seedlings could grow
effectively in a nutrient solution in zero gravity.
Plants are suspended in the air in enclosed frames that leave the leafy tips and the roots able to
grow up and down respectively. Many aeroponic systems look very similar to traditional potted plant
systems, with the key difference being that the containers for the plants are sealed around the plants’
bases and have a closed environment for the root systems.
Instead of relying on a mixture of soil and water to feed the plants, aeroponic horticulturists
spray the root systems with a nutrient mix. Because the roots are enclosed, the nutrient-water mix is
used more efficiently by the plants and less water is needed for them to grow and thrive.
With aeroponics, indoor horticulturists may use vertical and horizontal space to grow more
plants using less floor space and they conserve water by using sealed aeroponic systems.
Depending on the aeroponic system, nutrients may be sprayed manually at intervals throughout
the day and night, but most aeroponic systems have one or more pumps that automatically keep plants
nourished without constant supervision. As long as the system is sealed and nutrient mist is consistently
pumped to the roots, plants should thrive in an aeroponic environment.
Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA).
Low pressure aeroponics (LPA) is one of two types of aeroponic growing systems. In an
aeroponic growing system, plants are not grown in soil. Instead, they are grown with their roots
hanging suspended in air while a nutrient solution is delivered to the roots as a mist. Low pressure
aeroponic systems deliver the mist to plant roots at a low pressure with large droplets.
LPA systems are some of the most popular aeroponic systems as they can be easily and cheaply
made. Many indoor gardeners often build their own variations of an LPA system. Most LPA systems
generally run 24 hours, seven days a week, constantly wetting plant roots. However, they are not as
efficient as high pressure aeroponic (HPA) systems that use a finer mist.
Low pressure aeroponic systems can be built from easily acquirable tools and parts. Many
homemade LPA systems employ miniature sprinkler heads and some PVC piping or tubing. These
small homemade systems, when made efficiently, can be good for cloning plants, flowering plants
before planting them in a more traditional medium, or for growing a small crop of vegetables inside the
High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA).
HPA growing systems were developed by NASA. It has been reported by NASA that HPA is the
most efficient way to grow plants in outer space. However, many studies have proven the benefits of
growing plants in an HPA system on Earth as well. Additionally, all HPA growing systems are
aeroponics; however, not all aeroponic systems are high pressure.
HPA systems must operate at a high pressure in order to be effective. This pressure is used to
atomize water and create water droplets of 50 microns or less. Plants are more willing to absorb
nutrient water.
HPA systems are more effective than their low-pressure counterparts. However, HPA systems
can be less cost effective and require more specialized equipment to build.
Fogponics is an offshoot of aeroponics. In this indoor gardening practice, plants are suspended
in enclosed systems with no soil or growing medium. Instead, a fog or mist of water and nutrients is
pumped into the closed system to give the roots constant exposure to the nutrients the plant needs to
The theory behind fogponics is that plants are best able to absorb particulate nutrients in the 1 to
25 micrometer (Âľm) range. Therefore, plants in a fog or mist mixture can better absorb nutrients for
more efficient gardening and less waste.
Fogponics is an advancement on aeroponic gardening techniques. With fogponics, though, an
opaque crate, bucket, or tray is used to seal in the plants’ roots. Holes are cut in the top to accommodate
the net cups in which the plants will grow, and one more hole is cut in the side or bottom for an electric
The fogger introduces a mist of nutrient-water mixture into the closed system, and the plants’
roots are constantly exposed to nutrients at particulate sizes that they easily absorb and take up.
Because there is no need for soil, fogponics offers a sustainable and efficient means to grow
vegetables and other plants indoors. Fogponics is also more efficient than hydroponics in that all the
water vapor and nutrients for the system are trapped within the system and nothing is lost to
Fogponics does require regular use of electric power to introduce a mist or fog into the system.
When setting up a fogponics system, indoor horticulturalists must consider a backup power supply
during a power outage, as it could be devastating for their plants. Likewise, the system must be
regularly maintained to effectively deliver nutrients.
Fogponics, however, allows growers to create very specific nutrient-water mixtures to create
more suitable growing conditions for certain plants. Some vegetables, such as tomatoes, respond very
well to fogponics. Furthermore, with fogponics it is easier to evenly distribute and disperse nutrients
and water to all roots equally.3
3 Source: Nikkytok/

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Aqua Barrelponics

  • 1. Small-Scale Aquaponics; Hydroponics; Aquackculture; Aeroponics; Fogponics Food Production. Integrated Fish; Plant Farming and/ or Ducks. 1 Sardar Taimur Hyat-Khan.
  • 2. Illustration of a Media Bed Aquaponic System, clearly showing the connection of the Fish Tank and Plant Growing Area. Lft to Right: a Mixed Culture of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Catfish (Clarias fuscus) in an Aquaponic System (Courtesy Irene Nurzia Humburg); Farmer lifting the Polystyrene Raft to show the Roots of Curly Kale (Brassica oleracea) growing within a Deep Water Culture Aquaponic System (Courtesy Hilla Noam); and a Farmer Harvesting Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) from an Aquaponic System on a Rooftop (Courtesy Christopher Somerville). Hydroponics and Soil-Less Culture.1 Soil-less Culture is the method of growing agricultural crops without the use of soil. Instead of soil, various inert growing media, also called substrates, are used. These media provide plant support and moisture retention. Irrigation systems are integrated within the media, thereby introducing a nutrient solution to the plants’ root zones. This solution provides all of the necessary nutrients for plant growth. The most common method of soil-less culture is hydroponics, which includes growing plants either on a substrate or in an aqueous medium with bare roots. Soil-less agriculture has been used to reduce pests and soil-borne diseases affecting monoculture crops. Hydroponics can in fact control soil-borne pests and diseases by avoiding the contact between plants and soil, and because soil-less media can be sterilized and reused between crops. This reuse of substrates meets the particular demands of intensive production. Some substrates are far better than soil, particularly in terms of water-holding capacity and oxygen supply at the root zone. Farmers have also improved plant performance through increased control over several crucial factors of plant growth. Nutrient availability at plant roots is better manipulated, monitored and real- time controlled, leading to higher quantitative and qualitative productions. Moreover, most soil-less culture methods use a fraction of the water necessary for traditional soil-based production because the nutrient solution is recycled. Soil-less agriculture is one aspect of the major scientific, economic and technological developments in the general field of agriculture over the last 200 years. There has been an increasing demand for out-of-season, high-value crops. Partly, this is a result of widespread improvements in living standards (Population Growth). This increase in demand has led to the expansion of many types of protected cultivation systems to boost production capacity and prolong the supply of crops throughout the year. Within these protected systems, crops can be grown in soil. However, in order to stay competitive with open-field agriculture production, intensity has had to increase in order to offset the higher production costs associated with controlled environment agriculture. As a result, there has been a shift from soil production to soil-less culture to address the changing needs of agriculture. 1 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, 2014
  • 3. This approach provides alternatives to toxic soil sterilization to control pests and pathogens, and can help to overcome the soil-tiredness problems that monoculture practices have brought. Beyond its significantly higher yields compared with traditional agriculture, soil-less agriculture is also important because of its higher water- and fertilizer-use efficiency, which makes hydroponics the most suitable farming technique in arid regions or wherever nutrient dispersal is an issue for both environmental and economic reasons. The offset of soil makes hydroponics an indispensable solution in areas where arable land is not available. Soil-less agriculture can instead be developed in arid lands, in saline-prone areas, as well as in urban and suburban environments or wherever the competition for land and water or unfavourable climatic conditions require the adoption of intensive production systems. The high productivity for the small space required makes soil-less agriculture an interesting method for food security or for the development of micro-scale farming with zero food miles. To summarize, the four main reasons why soil-less culture is an expanding agricultural practice are: • Decreased presence of soil-borne diseases and pathogens because of sterile conditions; • Improved growing conditions that can be manipulated to meet optimal plant requirements leading to increased yields; • Increased water- and fertilizer-use efficiency; • Possibility to develop agriculture where suitable land is not available. In addition, with the rising in demand for chemical- and pesticide-free produce and more sustainable agricultural practices, there has been extensive research into organic and soilless methods. A major concern regarding the sustainability of modern agriculture is the complete reliance on manufactured, chemical fertilizers to produce food. These nutrients can be expensive and hard to source, and often come from environmentally harsh practices accounting for a substantial contribution
  • 4. of all Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from Agriculture. The supply of many of these crucial nutrients is being depleted at a rapid pace, with projections of global shortages within the next few decades. Hydroponics is much more efficient in terms of water and nutrient use than is soil-based agriculture, but its management is more complicated and requires a different set of inputs, especially during installation. Electricity is generally required to circulate or oxygenate the water. However, it does not require fuel to plough soil, it does not require additional energy to pump much higher volumes of water for irrigation or to carry out weeding control, and it does not disrupt soil organic matter through intensive agricultural practices. The initial costs, building materials, and reliance on electricity and inputs will also be important limitations to aquaponics, but in this case the need for chemical fertilizers is completely removed. Aquaculture. Aquaculture is the captive rearing and production of fish and other aquatic animal and plant species under controlled conditions. Many aquatic species have been cultured, especially fish, crustaceans and molluscs and aquatic plants and algae. Aquaculture production methods have been developed in various regions of the world, and have thus been adapted to the specific environmental and climatic conditions in those regions. The four major categories of aquaculture include open water systems (e.g. cages, longlines), pond culture, flow-through raceways and recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). In a RAS (Figure) operation water is reused for the fish after a cleaning and a filtering process. Although a RAS is not the cheapest production system owing to its higher investment, energy and management costs, it can considerably increase productivity per unit of land and is the most efficient water-saving technology in fish farming. A RAS is the most applicable method for the development of integrated aquaculture-agriculture systems because of the possible use of by-products and the higher water nutrient concentrations for vegetable crop production. Aquaponics has been developed from the beneficial buildup of nutrients occurring in RASs. Aquaponics. Aquaponics is the integration of recirculating aquaculture and hydroponics in one production system. In an aquaponic unit, water from the fish tank cycles through filters, plant grow beds and then back to the fish (Figure). In the filters, the fish wastes is removed from the water, first using a mechanical filter that removes the solid waste and then through a biofilter that processes the dissolved wastes. The biofilter provides a location for bacteria to convert ammonia, which is toxic for fish, into nitrate, a more accessible nutrient for plants. This process is called nitrification. As the water (containing nitrate and other nutrients) travels through plant grow beds the plants uptake these nutrients, and finally the water returns to the fish tank purified. This process allows the fish, plants, and bacteria to thrive symbiotically and to work together to create a healthy growing environment for each other, provided that the system is properly balanced.
  • 5. In aquaponics, the aquaculture effluent is diverted through plant beds and not released to the environment, while at the same time the nutrients for the plants are supplied from a sustainable, cost- effective and non-chemical source. This integration removes some of the unsustainable factors of running aquaculture and hydroponic systems independently. Beyond the benefits derived by this integration, aquaponics has shown that its plant and fish productions are comparable with hydroponics and recirculating aquaculture systems. Aquaponics can be more productive and economically feasible in certain situations, especially where land and water are limited. However, aquaponics is complicated and requires substantial start-up costs. The increased production must compensate for the higher investment costs needed to integrate the two systems. Before committing to a large or expensive system, a full business plan considering economic, environmental, social and logistical aspects should be conducted. Although the production of fish and vegetables is the most visible output of aquaponic units, it is essential to understand that aquaponics is the management of a complete ecosystem that includes three major groups of organisms: fish, plants and bacteria. Benefits and Weaknesses of aAquaponic Food Production. Major Benefits of Aquaponic Food Producdtion: • Sustainable and intensive food production system. • Two agricultural products (fish and vegetables) are produced from one nitrogen source (fish food). • Extremely water-efficient. • Does not require soil. • Does not use fertilizers or chemical pesticides. • Higher yields and qualitative production. • Organic-like management and production. • Higher level of biosecurity and lower risks from outer contaminants. • Higher control on production leading to lower losses. • Can be used on non-arable land such as deserts, degraded soil or salty, sandy islands. • Creates little waste. • Daily tasks, harvesting and planting are labour-saving and therefore can include all genders and ages. • Economical production of either family food production or cash crops in many locations. • Construction materials and information base are widely available. Major Weaknesses of Aquaponic Food Production: • Expensive initial start-up costs compared with soil vegetable production or hydroponics. • Knowledge of fish, bacteria and plant production is needed for each farmer to be successful. • Fish and plant requirements do not always match perfectly. • Not recommended in places where cultured fish and plants cannot meet their optimal temperature ranges. • Reduced management choices compared with stand-alone aquaculture or hydroponic systems.
  • 6. • Mistakes or accidents can cause catastrophic collapse of system. • Daily management is mandatory. • Energy demanding. • Requires reliable access to electricity, fish seed and plant seeds. • Alone, aquaponics will not provide a complete diet. Aquaponics is most appropriate where land is expensive, water is scarce, and soil is poor. Deserts and arid areas, sandy islands and urban gardens are the locations most appropriate for aquaponics because it uses an absolute minimum of water. There is no need for soil, and aquaponics avoids the issues associated with soil compaction, salinization, pollution, disease and tiredness. Similarly, aquaponics can be used in urban and peri-urban environments where no or very little land is available, providing a means to grow dense crops on small balconies, patios, indoors or on rooftops. That said, the basic aquaponic system works in a wide range of conditions, and units can be designed and scaled to meet the skill and interest level of many farmers. There is a wide variety of aquaponic designs, ranging from high-tech to low-tech, and from high to reasonable price levels. Aquaponics is quite adaptable can be developed with local materials and domestic knowledge, and to suit local cultural and environmental conditions. It will always require a dedicated and interested person, or group of persons, to maintain and manage the system on a daily basis. Substantial training information is available through books, articles and online communities, as well as through training courses, agricultural extension agents and expert consultation. Aquaponics is a combined system, which means that both the costs and the benefits are magnified. Success is derived from the local, sustainable and intensive production of both fish and plants and, possibly, these could be higher than the two components taken separately, so long as aquaponics is used in appropriate locations while considering its limitations. Medium Sized Aquaponics Commercial Unit. Rooftop Small-Scale Aquaponic Unit.
  • 7. Barrelponics and Duckponics. Both systems operate in a very similiar way. They each have a water pump in their respective tanks. Both pumps are connected to the same power outlet, which has a timer on it. The timer turns the water pumps on for 4 minutes every 4 hours. Four minutes of continuous pumping is enough time to ensure that all the grow beds get flooded with enough water to cover all the gravel. Note: it is Ok for the water level to be several inches higher than the gravel and flood some parts of the plants. The water drains fast enough that it will not kill the plants, but it will soak into the gravel and keep the ground moist for the plant roots. Four-Hour Mechanical Timer. Barreloponics has a float bed at the top of the resevoir where plants float in a small body of water. There are peas, a strawberry, tomato, and several greens in the float bed. From the float bed water empties below into a larger resevoir, from which the water goes down the valve through PVC pipes into two gravel grow beds of equal size. The gravel beds have the same kinds of plants as the float bed. The peas and the tomatoes are tall enough that they use the help of some support structures to hold them up. Barrelponics Grow Bed. Duckponics has two large gravel beds. one has mint, squash, peas, and a good variety of greens, most of which are partially protected by wire to try make it harder for animals to eat the plants. But as the plants get bigger the metal cover may be taken off. The other gravel bed has lots of cucumbers and one strawberry plant. I set up lines of string above each cucumber plant to help give them grow vertically. The Duckponics Grow Bed.
  • 8. Fish: The Barrelponics tank has about 30 goldfish living in it. They are not fed but are thriving quite well on their own. The Duckponics tank houses both ducks and about 30 goldfish. Again, the goldfish take care of themselves and are not fed. Goldfish and Wapato in the Barrelponics Tank. Issues: Power Loss: Follow the extention cord that the timer and water pumps are plugged into up the hill to the lot behind vermidise and ensure that eveything is connected and then check to see if the power needs to be reset. All circuits in Vermadise are protected by Ground Fault Interrupter Circuits and one of them may have tripped. Water Loss: The Duckponics water tank needs to be refilled with water at least every other day and sometimes everyday. Since the duckponics system is recirculating, it returns its water back to the water tank after it has flowed through the gravel grow beds. There is some minor loss of water due to evaporation. However, the duckponics water tank is also used as the main source for watering the garden downhill, which on some days can lower the water level by a foot. The Barrelponics tank's primary source of water loss is from evaporation. It will require being topped off about once a week. The one other possible source of water loss may come from a clogged pipe causing the water to overflow. System Maintnence: Daily: In the morning, it would be good to have the person who is doing vermidise to turn the timer on and just visually confirm that both water pumps are operating. Afterwards, there is no need to do anything more with the timer or pumps. It will continue with its four hour cycle. Also, just give both systems a quick visual scan to inspect the plants and make sure there are no signs of severe water loss. Special Note: The most common issue is that the float bed at the top of the barrelponics sometimes get caught on the drain pipe. If the float bed is not level simply adjust so that it is floating on the water again.
  • 9. Barrelponic's Upper Float Bed. Every Other Day: "Enriched" water from the Duckponics tank is siphoned off and used in the main garden so it may need to be topped off every other day. The Duckponics 1,200 Gallon Tank. Weekly: The Barrelponics tank needs to be refilled with water once a week to give it fresh water and compensate for evaporation loss. Once a week someone needs check all the PVC pipes and clean out anything that may be clogged inside. This takes a couple minutes and often there is not anything clogged. Special Note: The most common place that gets clogged is the pipe in the barrelponics that drains the water from the top float bed down to the larger resevoir below. Final Special Note: The barrelponics and the duckponics systems are both equiped with hanging water bottles that fill with water when the pumps go on. The weight of the bottle filled with water pulls open the valve in the resevoir and allows the water to flood the gravel beds. The reason for this valve system was to build up enough water pressure so that water would evenly come out of holes in PVC pipes above the gravel beds. The Water Bottle Valve System.
  • 10. The water bottles have been disabled and the flood valves permanantly opened. This was an effort to make the two systems as low maintnance as possible for people to manage. Also, the PVC pipes that go above the gravel beds have been removed. Just having one spot where all the water empties into the gravel bed is an effective way to flood the entire gravel bed since the water level still spreads out evenly and reaches all the roots. Thus. when the water pump goes on, the water flows immediately as it is pumped into the resevoir through the opened valve and follows the PVC pipes that empty the water into the gravel grow beds. From the gravel grow beds the water slowely drains back into the main water tank below. Note: The valve systems and the pvc pipes that go above the gravel beds are left next to their respective systems and may be used again if someone in the future wants to go back to that system.2 2
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  • 14. Blue Light. The waveband of a blue light LED is much narrower than the waveband produced by conventional light systems, and the energy produced is far more intense, concentrated, and contains more photons essential for maximum plant growth. Blue light systems are much smaller, more durable, and longer lasting than conventional grow light systems are. Blue light LED systems also operate at a much cooler temperature. Because blue light growing systems are so durable and intense, NASA is exploring blue light systems for cultivating plants in space. Blue light is harmful to human vision after prolonged exposure. Therefore, some caution must be exercised when using blue light systems.
  • 15. Light Emitting Diode (LED). In relation to horticulture, LEDs are very popular because they offer many benefits over traditional grow lights. One major benefit over traditional lighting is that LED lights have a much longer lifespan. This is very important for greenhouses or other indoor growing spaces where constant light is needed. LED lights can last up to 100,000 hours, therefore reducing maintenance time and cost. Another crucial benefit is that LEDs put out far less heat than traditional lighting methods, which is important because too much heat can damage plants. In addition, LEDs consume far less energy, and when implemented correctly can reduce energy consumption as much as 75%. LEDs are also beneficial when gardeners need a particular wavelength of light to be emitted. Most plants flourish under both red and blue light. However, different plants require different amounts of the red and blue wavelengths, which different color LEDs can provide. Red Light. Light is exceedingly important in the life of a plant as it helps a plant to produce chlorophyll and undergo photosynthesis. Although outdoor plants normally receive natural light across the entire light spectrum, plants that are grown indoors can sometimes receive an insufficient amount of a necessary light wavelength. Many indoor gardeners use grow lamps to supplement the light their plants receive. The light spectrum emitted by the sun, particularly the visible light spectrum, emits light in seven different colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Colors on the far ends of this spectrum play a key role in the health and propagation of plants. For example, blue light directly affects chlorophyll production, so plants that are grown under blue lights will have strong leaves and stems. On the other hand, red light is responsible for flower and fruit production, and is also very important in the early life of a plant for seed and root growth. Air Cooled Reflector. In any sort of indoor gardening application, whether container gardening in an area without much natural light, or a hydroponic system, artificial light must be supplied in order to ensure proper plant growth. Grow lights are usually outfitted with reflectors, which are metal hoods that reflect light back down onto the plants, ensuring maximum light dispersal. However, those reflectors can become quite hot as they absorb heat from the light. Not only does this make touching the reflector potentially hazardous, but it increases the ambient temperature of the growing area, which is bad for plant health. To combat this, you might need to introduce artificial cooling (air conditioning), which increases your operating costs. An air-cooled reflector can not only help to reduce the heat buildup within the reflector, but within the room itself. Essentially, air is pumped through the hood (often through a system of baffles), and then out the other side and through an exhaust system. This cools the reflector, reduces the ambient temperature in the room, and ensures healthier plants while reducing operating costs. One challenge here is to ensure that air-cooled reflectors have a separate source of fresh air from your indoor garden’s ventilation system. Fresh, cool air should be drawn from outdoors, directed through the reflector (or reflectors), and then back outside once more. Using air from the garden ventilation system creates moisture within the reflector’s baffles and the exhaust system, and is warmer than what is ideal for reflector cooling. Air Stone. Often used in fish aquariums, air stones are also a commonly used tool in hydroponic systems to create oxygen for the root zones of plants. Without oxygen, plant roots that are fully submerged in a nutrient solution cannot grow to their full potential; instead, they usually develop an infection from plant pathogens that often leads to root rot. Because air stones allow plant roots to "breathe" better when underwater, the plants are better able to take up nutrients. Therefore, many growers who use air stones find that they have to replenish
  • 16. their nutrients a lot more frequently. Another thing to consider when using air stones is the temperature of the ambient air being pumped into the system. Plants won't like it if it is too hot. Air Prune. Occasionally, roots from a plant reach the surface and extend beyond the soil. These roots will eventually die off because they are not receiving any nutrients. The sun can also air prune roots by heating and burning them off. Air pruning is common in rock plants such as succulents where there simply isn’t enough organic matter present for the roots to completely grow in. Air pruning is also common with potted plants where the roots extend through the drainage holes and are exposed to air. Likewise, air pruning occurs when plants are grown in fabric containers and the roots are allowed to grow through the fabric. In this case, air pruning is considered a benefit, as the plant is encouraged to continuously be growing roots, and therefore, yields. It is believed that root-bound plants can be prevented when grown in fabric containers due to the act of air pruning. Because air pruning is a natural process, the gardener doesn’t really need to intervene and there is no harm done to the plant when they don’t. Aeroponic System. In an aeroponic system, the plants are suspended in air with no form of grow media around their root system. The roots of the plant are kept moist in a sealed environment such as a grow chamber with a nutrient-rich water mist. The plant depends on very little support and is exposed to as much air as possible and allowed to grow without constraints. Plants grown using an aeroponic system tend to grow faster because of their ample exposure to increased oxygen. The plants are suspended in bracket type pyramids with their roots fully exposed to the air and mist within the grow chamber. The top of the bracket supports the plant’s top growth and the roots are allowed to dangle. The system is exceptionally space saving and allows the plants to be grown either vertically or horizontally. This conserves valuable space in the greenhouse or grow room. Growers use less water when using an aeroponic system than with other hydroponic methods because the water is misted. Great care must be taken to ensure that the plant’s roots receive adequate mist and do not dry out. Because the roots are suspended in the air they are always in danger of drying. Great care must also be taken when using an aeroponic system to make sure the plant is not inadvertently exposed to pests or diseases because the plant is more susceptible to these threats with its exposed root system. Aeroponics. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) tested the effectiveness of aeroponics on the Mir space station and the results showed that Asian bean seedlings could grow effectively in a nutrient solution in zero gravity. Plants are suspended in the air in enclosed frames that leave the leafy tips and the roots able to grow up and down respectively. Many aeroponic systems look very similar to traditional potted plant systems, with the key difference being that the containers for the plants are sealed around the plants’ bases and have a closed environment for the root systems. Instead of relying on a mixture of soil and water to feed the plants, aeroponic horticulturists spray the root systems with a nutrient mix. Because the roots are enclosed, the nutrient-water mix is used more efficiently by the plants and less water is needed for them to grow and thrive. With aeroponics, indoor horticulturists may use vertical and horizontal space to grow more plants using less floor space and they conserve water by using sealed aeroponic systems. Depending on the aeroponic system, nutrients may be sprayed manually at intervals throughout the day and night, but most aeroponic systems have one or more pumps that automatically keep plants nourished without constant supervision. As long as the system is sealed and nutrient mist is consistently pumped to the roots, plants should thrive in an aeroponic environment.
  • 17. Low Pressure Aeroponics (LPA). Low pressure aeroponics (LPA) is one of two types of aeroponic growing systems. In an aeroponic growing system, plants are not grown in soil. Instead, they are grown with their roots hanging suspended in air while a nutrient solution is delivered to the roots as a mist. Low pressure aeroponic systems deliver the mist to plant roots at a low pressure with large droplets. LPA systems are some of the most popular aeroponic systems as they can be easily and cheaply made. Many indoor gardeners often build their own variations of an LPA system. Most LPA systems generally run 24 hours, seven days a week, constantly wetting plant roots. However, they are not as efficient as high pressure aeroponic (HPA) systems that use a finer mist. Low pressure aeroponic systems can be built from easily acquirable tools and parts. Many homemade LPA systems employ miniature sprinkler heads and some PVC piping or tubing. These small homemade systems, when made efficiently, can be good for cloning plants, flowering plants before planting them in a more traditional medium, or for growing a small crop of vegetables inside the home. High Pressure Aeroponics (HPA). HPA growing systems were developed by NASA. It has been reported by NASA that HPA is the most efficient way to grow plants in outer space. However, many studies have proven the benefits of growing plants in an HPA system on Earth as well. Additionally, all HPA growing systems are aeroponics; however, not all aeroponic systems are high pressure. HPA systems must operate at a high pressure in order to be effective. This pressure is used to atomize water and create water droplets of 50 microns or less. Plants are more willing to absorb nutrient water. HPA systems are more effective than their low-pressure counterparts. However, HPA systems can be less cost effective and require more specialized equipment to build. Fogponics? Fogponics is an offshoot of aeroponics. In this indoor gardening practice, plants are suspended in enclosed systems with no soil or growing medium. Instead, a fog or mist of water and nutrients is pumped into the closed system to give the roots constant exposure to the nutrients the plant needs to grow. The theory behind fogponics is that plants are best able to absorb particulate nutrients in the 1 to 25 micrometer (Âľm) range. Therefore, plants in a fog or mist mixture can better absorb nutrients for more efficient gardening and less waste. Fogponics is an advancement on aeroponic gardening techniques. With fogponics, though, an opaque crate, bucket, or tray is used to seal in the plants’ roots. Holes are cut in the top to accommodate the net cups in which the plants will grow, and one more hole is cut in the side or bottom for an electric fogger. The fogger introduces a mist of nutrient-water mixture into the closed system, and the plants’ roots are constantly exposed to nutrients at particulate sizes that they easily absorb and take up. Because there is no need for soil, fogponics offers a sustainable and efficient means to grow vegetables and other plants indoors. Fogponics is also more efficient than hydroponics in that all the water vapor and nutrients for the system are trapped within the system and nothing is lost to evaporation. Fogponics does require regular use of electric power to introduce a mist or fog into the system. When setting up a fogponics system, indoor horticulturalists must consider a backup power supply during a power outage, as it could be devastating for their plants. Likewise, the system must be regularly maintained to effectively deliver nutrients. Fogponics, however, allows growers to create very specific nutrient-water mixtures to create more suitable growing conditions for certain plants. Some vegetables, such as tomatoes, respond very
  • 18. well to fogponics. Furthermore, with fogponics it is easier to evenly distribute and disperse nutrients and water to all roots equally.3 3 Source: Nikkytok/