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Apa Style Essay
Writing an essay in APA style can be quite challenging for individuals, especially those who are
unfamiliar with the intricacies of this particular formatting style. The American Psychological
Association (APA) style is widely used in academic writing, and it comes with specific
guidelines for citing sources, formatting the document, and presenting the content.
One of the challenges is getting accustomed to the detailed rules for in-text citations and the
references page. This style demands precise formatting of the author's name, publication date,
title, and other citation elements. The proper use of headings and subheadings, font size, and
margins is also crucial. Any deviation from these guidelines may result in a loss of points.
Additionally, mastering the intricacies of APA style requires a keen eye for detail. Students need
to pay close attention to commas, italics, and punctuation marks in citations. This meticulousness
can be time-consuming and requires careful proofreading to ensure accuracy.
Furthermore, keeping track of various types of sources, such as books, journals, and online
materials, and applying the correct citation format for each can be daunting. The APA manual is
extensive, and navigating through it to find the specific rule for a given citation can be
overwhelming for someone new to the style.
In conclusion, crafting an essay in APA style demands not only a solid understanding of the
guidelines but also patience and precision. The attention to detail required can make the writing
process more complex compared to other formatting styles.
If you find yourself struggling with essays or academic writing, there are resources available to
help. Services like offer assistance in various types of essays and academic
assignments, providing support for those who may need guidance or want to save time while
ensuring their work meets the required standards.
Apa Style Essay Apa Style Essay
The Magna Carta
The United States Constitution states that no person deprived of life,
liberty, or property, without the due process of law , an idea previously used in a
13th century document entitled the Magna Carta (US Const. Amend. V). The Magna
Carta was the first written charter in Europe that enacted several law codes that dealt
with topics such as inheritance and civil rights (, 2017). The codes
enacted with the original 1215 charter, which was revised into the permanent 1225
charter, gave social, political, and judicial rights to the elite, middle, and lower classes
of the English people, including the serfdom, who had been ignored through
(, 2017). Containing 63 clauses, the Magna Cartais permeated with
judicial equality, religious dominion, and an underlying plea for peace. The Magna
Carta was signed on 15 June 1215 at Runnymede, near Windsor, England; signed by
King John of England, it was intended as a peace treaty to the barons below him to
decentralize some of the power of the crown to the barons as well as provide a sure
law code to the people (, 2017). It also provided a regulation of the
judicial system that brought common ground between the king and his people.
Moreover, the United States Constitutionforbids any punishment that does not fit with
the crime the offender has been accused of, especially if it is cruel and unusual (US
Const. Amend. VIII). The roots of this amendment can be found within the clauses of
the Magna
Race In America
Race is one of many key factors that influence the historic relationship between
classes, ethnicity, immigrants, bodies, and the state, specifically when it comes to
notions of citizenship. The articles, Perils of Degeneration, Hygiene and The Indian
Problem , Nationalizing Children through Schools and Hygiene, Puffy, Ugly, Slothful
and Inert , and The Vice Trust, all point to the function of popular perceptions of race
in society, specifically how individuals are classified based on certain racial markers.
All of these articles surround the theme in which notions of race influenced political
and social responses in both the United Statesand Latin America.
More often than not, these articles help us discover that, citizenship tends to be
confused and misidentified with race. Ann Zulawski highlights this particularly well
in her account of late nineteenth century Latin American and its conversations
surround public health in the public sphere. In doing so, the political elite can easily
exclude certain races, such as Indians from the political ... Show more content on ...
The White Slavery Scare is fraught with nuances of sexual domination, economic
analysis of the urban culture, racist overtones, and much more. The Scare highlighted
particularly white men and their domination over African Americanwomen. Thus,
not only increasing the mulatto population but it also institutionalized a new form
of modern slavery trafficking. With Keire s focus on the Vice Trust she emphasizes
a key shift away from morality and into economics and introduced a set of strategies
and legislation of which she argues shaped the discourse of the urban reformers.
Keire s account of prostitution and trafficking, illustrates that discourse on racial
degeneration is far from over as it is still deeply ingrained in our contemporary
Compare And Contrast Coopers Vs Carmack
In retrospect, a number of things are clear about the case:
1.The meeting between the Coopers and Carmack was accidental and not part of the
conspiracy or plan
2.Duncan Cooper had no weapon in his hand at the time of the meeting with Carmack
3.Carmack fired the first shots, wounding Robin Cooper
Colonel Cooper supported Taylor against Carmack in the 1906 Senate race and
supported Governor Malcolm Patterson (son of Josiah) in the Democratic Party
primary for the nomination in 1908.
Carmack referred to him during the campaign as baldheaded angel, Dunc Cooper.
Patterson won the nomination as was subsequently elected to a second term, while
Carmack became editor of Luke Lea s newspaper, the Nashville Tennessean.
Carmack ... Show more content on ...
Sharp for murder in the first degree, alleging that the three conspired to murder
The trial began on January 20, 1909, not quite three months after the shooting. The
prosecution was led by the flamboyant D.A. General, Jeff McCarn, who was assisted
by Guston T. Fitzhugh.
The defense was led by J.M. Anderson, a former Criminal Court judge, a friend of
J.C. Bradford, and a political supporter of Carmack. Assisted by former Attorney
General W.H. Washington.
In two instances, accepted jurors were removed on the charge of being habitual
drunkards and therefore friendly to the liquor interests
The Tennessean fully publicized these moves along with a story that there were
rumors of the assassination of General McCarn.
The trial was presided over by Judge William M. Hart, a genial, red nosed judge who
seems to have been fair although he allegedly took great care no to be accused of
leniency towards the defendants.
Most damaging witness against the Coopers was Mrs. Eastman, who claimed that
Cooper had stated to Carmack that he had the drop on him and that the first shot had
come from Cooper s
Gas Chromatography Essay
Residual solvents are defined as organic volatile impurities that may remain in active
Pharmaceutical substances, excipient or medicinal products after processing. During
the manufacturing processes, the solvents are not completely removed. The solvents
may be used to improve the yield in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical substances
besides imparting characteristics of crystal form, purity and solubility. Residual
solvents do not have any therapeutic effect. Therefore, efforts should be made to
remove them to the extent possible to meet the specification prescribed [2]. Gas
chromatography method has been developed to find out the purity of acetone,
dichloromethane, methanol and toluene. Using this technique, the major
contaminants of each... Show more content on ...
The raw materials are relatively manufactured to much lower quality requirement than
a drug substance. Hence, it is easy to understand why they can contain a number of
components that can turn affect the purity of drug substances. During synthesis of
product having chances to generate impurities, because number of reactions can
occur concurrently. Be remembered that base to salt or acid to salt conversion could
also generate new impurities [49]. For example, In the synthesis of ethynodiol
diacetate in final step is diacetylation of ethynodiol, during reaction reactivity of
secondary 3 hydroxy group is much higher than that of tertiary 17 hydroxyl a
impurity is formed (ethynodiol 3 acetate). In the synthesis of pipecuronium bromide
(2ОІ, 16ОІ bis (4 dimethylpiperazino) 3О±,17ОІ diacetoxy 5О± androstane
dibromide) is diacetylation of 3О±,17ОІ hydroxy derivative and impurity is formed
17ОІ monoacetyl derivative [57]. Impurity profiling experiment on ecstasy tablets by
GC MS, and MDMA (3, 4 methylenedioxy methamphetamine) samples showed
impurities in intermediates via reductive amination route [58,
The Amish Are A Unique Community
ughout the years the Amish have become more and more different from the rest of
the United States and the world. Technology is dramatically changing. Medicine is
improving. While the world around their almost secluded community develops
rapidly they remain the same. This poses the question is their lack of development
what helps them remain peaceful and grounded or is it just another aspect that makes
them unique. The Amishare one of the most well known almost completely peaceful
societies. The Amish are a unique community and there are many factors that need to
be understood to understand how they have managed to remain peaceful after many
years some of these factors include: the origins of their beliefs, gender relations,
economy, living style, how they avoid and resolve conflict, and conflicts their
community has experienced.
The Amish s lives are guided by religion. The key to understanding the Amish
approach is knowing the german word for submission Gellassenheit. This word
demonstrates their belief for humility, obedience, thrift, simplicity, and accepting the
will of a higher power. The Amish ideal of humility contrasts the modern ideal of
personal fulfillment. They have chosen to follow Gellassenheit, which tells them to
abandon their own will to pursue the divine will. They also are not allowed to file
lawsuits, serve jury duty, hold political office, join the military, or act competitively.
They strive for harmony and therefore rarely experience violence.
The Mythology Of Norse Mythology
Many beliefs influence our lives today. In fact, one of the most well known movie
series today, was influenced by a belief, called Norse Mythology. That movie series
is Lord of the Rings! Many of the main characters and items come from Norse
mythology. Such as, the elves, the enchanted rings, the dwarves, and other realms.
Most people only know one or two deities from Norse Mythology, like Thor and Loki
. While most people in the world are more familiar with the beliefs of the Ancient
Greeks, Norse Mythology is one of the most overlooked, interesting, and diverse
forms of mythology in the world. Norse Mythology was started by the Vikings and
carried across the world by them. The earliest known accounts of Norse Mythology
came from... Show more content on ...
There are many deities/figures in Norse mythology. Such as, giants, gods,
supernaturals, and humans. One of the most important figures is Ymir. He was a
brutal frost giant, created out of ice. He created every giant, who later created the
gods. Two kings of the giants are Thrym and Skymir. Thrym is king of the frost
giants. He is most famously known for using Mjolnir, Thor s hammer as ransom
for the goddess, Freyja. Skymir is the king of Jotunheim. He is known for being an
illusionist, and tricking Thor. Most people only know one or two figures of Norse
mythology. Even though there are so many more. Like, Buri the 1st god created. He
is the father of Bor, and grandfather of Odin. He is said to have come into the worlds,
by the cow Audhumla. She is said to have licked him free from inside a block of ice.
There are no known accounts of who his wife is. Odin is the son of Bor and Bestla
and ruler of Asgard. He is the god of all wisdom and only has one eye. He gouged out
the other one. His wife s name is Frigg. Frigg is an Aesir goddess and wife of Odin.
She is the mother of Balder and hold, Queen of Asgard, and goddess of
foreknowledge. Thor is one of the most widely known Norse gods, thanks to Marvel
s movies and comic books. He is the son of Odin and Earth, his wife s name is Sif
and he is the god of thunder. He is known for being fierce and fighting a lot and his
magic hammer Mjolnir. Loki is another widely known god. He is known for his
shape shifting
William Descartes s The Domino Effect On The Existence...
Take Home Exam #2 Part One: Descartes was a famous French philosopher in the
mid 1500 s. He had a very particular argument that still confuses and or makes sense
to many people today. His argument is basically in regards to the existence of
God. The way he describes this argument is by breaking it down by two principles.
Those two principles are the Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Principle of
Adequate Reality. In the Principle of sufficient Reason, Descartes points out that
there is a thesis that everything in the world has a cause. By this, he means that
everything that happens or anything that is made in the world is the cause of a
force before it. By this, he is indicating that everything, even human beings, should
have a force that made us. To Descartes this force or entity is God. To make things
simpler, let us use this example. Think of a domino effect. In the domino effect
one domino falls and causes another to fall down, but before any of the dominoes
can do anything there has to be a force to make the first domino fall down. The
force in this example would be you, the one forcing the first domino to start the
ongoing chain. So in Descartes argument he states that in order for us to be humans
there must have been a cause that made us. Descartes says that God is that force or
entity that is starting the chain of events. Because of this theory, saying that God
does not exist would be counter arguing the scientific law of cause and effect. Now
the second
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with...
The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with Mild to Moderate
Kaplan and Sadock (as cited in Brollier, Hamrick Jacobson, 1994) stated that
depression, during the teen years, has become an increasing area of concern in
psychiatry (Kaplan Sadock, 1991. Kashani, Carlson, Beck, Hoeper, Corcoran,
McAllister, Fallahi, Rosenberg and Reid (as cited in Brollier, Hamrick , Jacobson,
1994) studied the prevalence of depression in adolescents and reported that
approximately 8% of adolescents experienced depressive disorders. Kaplan and
Sadock (as cited in Brollier et al., 1994) suggested that new forms of treatment are
needed when dealing with adolescents because adolescents often do not respond well
to medications, ... Show more content on ...
Only a handful of studies have been completed to observe this area of study. Norris,
Carroll and Cochrane (1992) found that students at a secondary school who stated
they exercised regularly, produced lower scores on the Multiple Affect Adjective
Check List, developed by Zukerman and Lubin. Brown, Welsh, Labbe, Vitulli and
Kulkarni (1992) found that aerobic exercise was beneficial for 54 depressed patients,
of both sexes, with the average age being 15.6 years of age. However, this study
found that the female participants reported a greater amount of change in depression,
anger, exhaustion, anxiety and confusion, following the nine week study. Although
the male subjects did see improvements in their psychological states, the female
participants were slightly better off. Another study conducted by Brollier et al.
(1994) found that of the four adolescent, male participants they were able to work
with in their study, all were able to gain some benefit from the aerobic exercise of
jogging. All the participants reported less depressive symptoms, as well as enhanced
energy, and a better self concept in general.
Although there have been a few studies conducted in the area of exercise and
depression, almost all the studies have used aerobic exercise as their independent
variable, with only a few
Paracharacterism In The Bell Jar
Sylvia Plath s Bell Jar was composed as a semi auto biographical novel yet it dealt
with many of the contemporary issues of the time such as women emancipation in
a psychological sphere. Plath s actual psyche is reflected in her work which she
struggled to continue as a female writer. As an American writer she faced plentyof
criticism which over powered her mental faculty as a clinically depressed author.
Sadly, she ended her life shortly after finishing this novel and her prolific writing
career was cut short. Plath was presented with many obstacles after her traumatic
break down which was mirrored in her work which depicted a sense of
imprisonment and looming death, overshadowing any scope for personal freedom.
The novel was partly based... Show more content on ...
She visualizes that each fig represents a different set of opportunities: One fig was
a husband and children, and another fig was a famous poet...and another fig was
Europe and Africa and South America... . She can only choose one fig, but because
she is reluctant to choose between them, she becomes paralyzed, unable to choose
any, and the figs rot and fall to the ground. The fig tree turns out to symbolize
Esther s choices in life. Each fig represents a different future, and hence stands out
as a critique of the female entrapment advocated in the fifties, where combining
professions with motherhood proved difficult if not impossible. In the novel this
is related to Esther s combating choices in life: career versus motherhood, sexuality
versus purity and conventionality versus political and ideological awareness. The
fig tree fable could be interpreted as a metaphor on the bildungsroman as it
represents universal choices for adolescent characters like Esther Greenwood.
Choices that Ethel Rosenberg s had were much narrower. It can be argued that in
her opinion, she only had wo role to choose from,that by nature were poles apart,the
roles being that of the loyal and dedicated woman who is the wife and mother of
two little boys and that of a communist radical. However , due to her disinclination to
give away the trial, she can
Romeo And Juliet Ambition Essay
The beautiful thing about Shakespeare s writings is that while they may not be
canonically connected, they share similar aspects in terms of central themes or
driving forces. This is most notable in many of Shakespeare s tragedies since he
uses many of the same faults of man to create a tragic ending. One of these recurring
fatal flaws is ambition, and interestingly enough, Shakespeare crafts his work in such
a way that the characters all show their passionate ambition in very different ways
depending on the story. Shakespeare uses ambition as a prominent driving force in
Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, and Titus Andronicus, and how he views
ambition changes between each story. Hamlet and Julius Caesar are both primarily
driven by... Show more content on ...
These drastic actions show how ambitious Hamlet was to avenge the wrongful death
of his father and remove Claudius from the throne.
Claudius is the other major example of ambition in the story, as shown through his
drastic measures taken to assure that no one discovers that he killed the King and
used his death as an opportunity to take up the crown. It is revealed to Hamlet by
his father s ghost that Claudius killed the former ruler in his own garden by
pouring poison into his ear. This is very characteristic of Shakespeare s tragedies,
characters will kill each other off for their own ambitious agendas without
hesitation for morals or law and Claudius fits into this trend perfectly. To further
ensure that his status as king is not compromised, he seduces the King s wife,
Gertrude, and attempts to get Hamlet to forget his father by calling his grief
childish and a hindrance to his role as the prince (365). The King s ghost informs
Hamlet that Gertrude was one of the most virtuous women alive and wouldn t have
taken lightly to his sudden death, so it is apparent that Claudius took extreme
measures to get Gertrude on his side. To go through all this work to ensure that he
remained in power proves that Claudius was just as ambitious to achieve power as
Hamlet was to remove him from it.
The famous story of Caesar s rise to power and the opposition he faces from his so
called friends and allies, Julius Caesar is another prominent
Victorian Women In Bram Stoker s Dracula
Just like the saying, behind every man is a woman, behind the main action of a male
group s quest to save the souls of society from an evil count in Bram Stoker s gothic
fiction, there is a message about the power and morality of Victorian women.
Throughout the novel, Stoker makes a commentary about society s move toward the
new womanand illustrates his frame of mind through the female characters and the
way that the plot develops in some of their personal story lines. His message to the
readers being; a woman straying from traditional expectations causes society to see
her in a negative light.
A Victorian woman was supposed to be modest and pure, never even acknowledging
the existence of her undergarments because it would draw attention ... Show more
content on ...
The depiction of strong, independent, women with negative connotations is a
problem that occurs even today in are countless movies , television shows, and
books in which powerful or successful female characters characters are depicted as
domineering, bossy, and catty. This proves to be a problem because sometimes in
order to not come across as evil or nontraditional as in the Victorian female case, or
catty and malicious in the more modern case, women feel constricted as to what
they can say and do. They sometimes feel unable speak up against a group for what
they think or believe in, they do not take the actions that they think they should, and
they do not become the leaders they could be and they end up squandering their
potential to bring about change. There is still a societal expectation for women to
be passive and to just sit on the sidelines as men continue to lead in the homes, the
businesses, and the countries and it will take more nontraditional, bossy, new
women who do not care if others see her having and using her power as a negative
trait to get rid those
Taking a Look at Digital Activism
Digital Activism Digital activism is the manifestation of informal communication and
media systems can have constructive results on the world giving strength and a voice
to people when required. Yet, at the same time be utilized as a part of conflicting
attitudes to rather fulfill individual needs of activists bringing on more mischief than
good. Digital activism incorporates numerous sorts of new media, for example, online
journals, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. These online networking sites have
assumed a real part in different questionable political scenes. These sorts of new
media have given important devices to activists looking to have a voice and to
support flexibility and majority rule in government. Each instance of digital activism
is its own particular story, and from nation to nation there are key elements that give
the vital setting to why some social developments triumph and others fail. Digital
activism has an exhibited, positive effect, particularly when the global community
gathers and uses digital mediums that concentrate on the objective of changing
government strategy. Digital activism, in general, is a peaceful undertaking. There
are just a few situations when digital mediums have been used to empower roughness
against their rivals but in general digital activism is centered on urban engagement,
not hurting individuals or property. Regardless of the dangers, Ai Weiwei
has provoked
others in China and abroad to take the charge through tweets,
Plagiarism Is More Effective Than Just Punishing Students
Later Draft
Scott Jaschik discusses various situations of plagiarism in college in his article,
Winning Hearts and Minds in War on Plagiarism, in order to argue that there are
more efficient solutions to prevent plagiarism. Jaschik published this article in Inside
Higher Ed, which is an online news source, that he cofounded, targeting first year
English and college writing instructors. In the article, he explores different ways of
preventing plagiarism and emphasizes the importance of academic integrity. By
drawing on different instructor perspectives, he employs various situations such as an
online student discussion board and an assignment to purposely plagiarize in order to
highlight common issues with why students plagiarize. Jaschik ... Show more content
on ...
Although there still was some unintentional plagiarizing, the open minded
conversation between Hagopian and her students was more beneficial and effective
for the students because it taught them the, difference between deliberate fraud and
failed apprenticeship (Jaschik 262). This example strengthens
Jaschik s idea by specifically illustrating how first year writing instructors being
more open minded towards plagiarism can be more beneficial for the students.
Jaschik also describes another example with Roy Stamper, an associate writing
director, who followed an online student discussion board where students discussed
how they felt about plagiarizing which led
Stamper to discover that there was also a strong, intense reaction from other students
much of it critical (263). Jaschik uses this to illustrate how his lurking online raised
many questions and whether, an intense workload puts an emphasis for students on
efficiency as opposed to quality (263 4). This example also strengthens Jaschik s
argument in that it appeals to the first year writing instructors by giving insight on
various students opinions on plagiarizing. This is effective to the instructors because
it allows them to learn some reasons why students plagiarize, such as being
overloaded and not having enough time. Even Stamper himself asks, Should writing
instructors be looking to
China has 5000 years of history which experienced wars,...
China has 5000 years of history which experienced wars, collapses, failures and
successes. The Opium War in the year 1839 and 1856 marked the changing point of
China s trade policy with foreigners, especially with British in opium and tea. China
changed from getting tributes to being forced to sign the Nanjing Treaty and Tianjing
Treaty with British and French. Due to Chinas over confidence and unwelcome
attitude toward foreigners and opium, it caused the British to declare the Opium War
to China which made Chinese suffered for many years, but at the same time it also
forced China to open its door to the foreigners.
Opium is dangerous, and it will ruin people s life once people get addicted to it.
Smoking opium made most of the Chinese ... Show more content on
And at the heart of the trade was tea. It came from no other place. India did not then
produce any, nor Ceylon, Java, or Formosa; Japan was inaccessible; the world
perforce drank China teas. Above all, the English drank them (17).
English needed the tea from China which was one reason caused British to negotiate
with the Chinese to open more trade opportunity to the outsiders, and the denial of
exporting tea to the British caused the later Opium War.
Qianlong emperor s reaction to Macartney s mission angered the British as well.
Qianlong emperor s over confidence was shown in the court when he met the
British ambassador Macartney. He required Macartney to wear Chinese clothes and
practice Chinese kowtow. But Macartney was not going to obligate, or rather he
would perform the three times three only if some mandarin also kowtowed before
his own sovereign George III, a portrait of whom he had thoughtfully included in his
baggage (32). Even though China had a great power during that time, Macartney did
not considered himself as who came from a weaker country. China did not think it
needed products from foreign countries. Chinese needed nothing and traded a little
with tribute bearing barbarians only out of affectionate condescension. Let Macartney
go quietly away! Let King George, his master, display the proper respect and
devotion by refraining in the future from importunate embassies! (32). All they care
about was the Confucius culture of paying ritual.
Senior Home Care
Finding the right assisted living provider so your loved one can live at home can be
difficult. Visiting Angels, in Milwaukee, is not just another assisted living facility,
they offer quality in home care. They provide senior care services for residents
throughout Milwaukee County and is the nation s leading non medical private senior
home care medical organization. They provide a variety of services including
Alzheimer s care. With the winter months upon us and so many hazards, it is
important that you lived one has dependable in home care.
Visiting Angels offers many private senior care services. Light housekeeping, meal
prep and even just a friendly companion are all senior home care services the staff
can handle. They will run errands ... Show more content on ...
Ice and snow make it easy for them to trip or fall. Those who have live in care should
always ask for assistance when walking on icy or snowy sidewalks or roads. Non slip
shoes or those with good traction are also a good idea.
Dress warm: Along with winter come cold temperatures. Make sure to dress warmly.
The elderly are more prone to weather related conditions such as hypothermia or
Fight the winter blues: The winter months are cold and dreary, and many seniors are
forced to stay inside due to it being more difficult to get around. They can feel lonely
and depressed. Family members and friends should make sure to visit regularly or
even come and take them out for the day.
The cold Milwaukee weather will not stop Visiting Angels from coming in and
offering the same great elderly care services. They help to make it easier for your
loved one to stay in their home and be safe during the winter. They offer 24 hours
assisted living services. If you are the main caregiver, they can come in and stay with
your loved one while you run errands or even go out of town. They will serve as
more than just caregivers for your loved one; they will be a compassionate
Bt Direct Marketing
1.0Executive Summary
The proposals that we are going to depose are a planning of continuous action in order
to confront the challenges, which BT confronts. The most important factor is
considered to be the fact that the marketing environment changed rapidly after the
deregulation of the telephone industry. Up to then BT was operating as a monopoly,
ignoring the competition and ways to face it.
Our intention is to achieve the already given targets and also prepare BT for an
opening to new horizons. In addition, in order to face the fast changing environment
we have to introduce within the companies activities like cross selling and e marketing
A new era is at about to start, where BT will become one of the leaders within the
global ... Show more content on ...
In such cases, most of the times, the pioneer proves to be less competitive than the
The British telephone industry changes fast according to the way telephone
services are offered. In our days, were cross selling is in growth and it is a
commodity the companies to be involved in various activities, in order to secure their
profitability, it is expected that even more companies will try to enter the market by
offering alternative services, coming especially from the sector of new technology. It
is thought that ВЎВҐthe best defence is the attackВЎВ¦. As certainly opportunities
will be given in the sectors of mobile phones and Internet services, BT will meet the
challenge to enter. The participation of the UK in European Union may lead to
further evolution in the sector of telecommunications within the Community.
Moreover, it is expected that in the near future alternative technologies will transform
the way telecommunication services were offered till now. For instance the future
coming of Web phone may cause a complete change to the market.
3.2 SWOT Analysis
The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the
company and describes the opportunities and threats BT faces. 3.2.1 Strengths
The following are accepted as the main strong points of BTВЎВ¦s structure:
В„XAccess to respected amounts of capital, which will fund the
The Football Of High School
Football in high school took utmost of my time. It made myself set family plus
friend s aside since it was a sport I committed myself to every day. I knew I was not
going to be playing at the professional or college level yet I desired to have a good
high school team; unfortunately that did not occur. My junior year, we won two
games and lost the rest. During my senior year, we won four games and lost the rest,
but that was two more games won than the previous year. Occasionally it felt like all
that work and obligation was not worth it. During the last home game, however my
team and I, did something outrageous. We proved to all those newspapers,
opposing teams, and loyal and un loyal fans that with hard work and team work,
we were able to achieve great things. I was thrilled, but also wretched for my last
home game. The squad geared up then headed down Rattle Snake Hill, a hill we go
down all home games to get to the field. Before the game we had a ceremony to
recognize all the seniors since it was going to be our final home game. I paid
attention to half of the ceremony whereas the other half focused on the other team
and how they were doubled our size and doubled as many players. A lot of us had
no confidence in winning this game, but we wanted to have fun on our last home
game. We were in the huddle, ready to go out to kick off. The ball was kicked, and
the ball headed towards me. I caught the ball, ran the ball in a few yards, and I gave
my team good field position.
The Soweto Uprising of 1976 an education Related Outcry
A system of legal separation amongst races dominated the Republic of South Africa,
namely apartheid between 1948 until 1993. Apartheid led to the separation and
discrimination between whites against people of colour. Not only was this racism
commonly accepted between whites against blacks, but it was also legally enforced
as white s maintained priority in terms of housing, education, political power and
jobs. I will be examining a particular event, The Soweto Uprisingof 1976 which was
an education related outcry by students. This event carries with it a great deal of
importance as it was a very powerful thing to impact South Africaand help in the
deconstruction of the Apartheid government.
A decree issued by the Bantu Education in 1976 ... Show more content on ...
The number of students involved gathered up to around 10,000. On their way to the
stadium, it was reported that around fifty armed policemen stopped the students in an
attempt to send them back. Initially the policemen tried (but failed) to disperse the
crowds by means of warning shots fired and tear gas. The situation however took a
severe turn as policemen instead began firing shots directly into the crowd. While
some students attempted to fight back by means of throwing stones, many simply ran
for cover.
Two students lost their lives from police gunfire that day, Hastings Ndlovu and
Hector Pieterson while hundreds of other students were treated for various degrees of
injury during this outrageous chaos that swarmed Soweto. These shootings lead to the
almighty uprising that spread to over 100 urban and rural areas all around South
An iconic photograph taken by Sam Nzima of a dying Hector Peterson was published
in various newspapers all around the world as well as reports on the brutal murders
surrounding that day which shocked and outraged the international community.
Worse still, the South African security forces were instructed to shoot to kill
remaining protestors in the name of law and order . By night time, another 11 deaths
Jewish Influence On Jerry Seinfeld
Since the creation of the television, people from all walks of life have been tuned
into their favorite shows, news channels, and entertainment. Throughout the years,
popular television shows have captured people s attention ever since. A popular
comedy sitcom show, Seinfeld, created by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, depicts a
group of friends who live in Manhattan, and through their characters shows the
everyday life for the individuals. Seinfeldis still one of the very popular comedy
sitcoms to come out during the 90 s. The reason that sets Seinfeld apart from other
televisionshows is how Jerry Seinfeld included through the characters and episodes
the Jewish American culture. Jerry Seinfeld, who is a Jewish American, wrote the
show to include the Jewish aspect, which was the unheard of since The Goldbergs in
the 1940 s. After all the success of the show, Jerry Seinfeld and the show Seinfeld,
had faced early criticism from executives and writers. What Jerry Seinfeld did for the
entertainmentnot only challenged barriers, but in fact changed television forever.
Throughout this the essay, it will discuss the... Show more content on
The NBC President Brandon Tartikoff, used the phrase too Jewish in 1991 in order
to get his message across of why he wanted to cancel the show after just one
episode of the show. He didn t believe the show could have made it in America in
the 90 s, so instead of letting it run and use up NBC funding, he rather have the
show canceled. A show that was being recorded at the same time that Seinfeld was
being released was titled The Marshall Chronicles . The show was quickly canceled
after just five episodes for what many deemed it as too Jewish . Luckily for the show
Seinfeld, it was given the chance to continue recording episodes and would soon
garner the attention that would open the door up for Jewish American
Cambodi The Country Of Cambodia
In the southern portion of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia lays the small
country of Cambodia, a country that has been in economic turmoil for decades. One
economic downfall after another has led to about a third of the nation existing
below the poverty line which was at 2,473 Riel or 61 cents per day in 2010. Cambodia
s population is estimated to be around 15,000,000 people. So that leaves about
5,000,000 in poverty. The current struggle Cambodia has to face is the future. The
private sector needs to create enough jobs to handle Cambodia s demographic
imbalance. Nearly half of the population is under 21. Due to the poverty in this
country children are victims of malnourishment from a very young age. As you can
imagine, growing up in conditions such as these lead to impacts on their education
and learning skills. This puts Cambodia s youth in a highly vulnerable position as
it would it any country. Migrating to the urban areas without any money,
knowledge, or support these youth get pushed into a life of alcoholism, drug
addictions, sex trade, HIV exposure, theft, and killing. There is an estimate of
about 24,000 children who work and live on the streets. Cambodia is a society
where it is not common to share your family problems. They are considered private
issues and no one really cares to hear about them. Sharing things like this is
considered a weakness. This could be a cause or effect of the lack of social services
and counseling in Cambodia. The education
Three Kings Day Short Story
The air rang with laughter and the festive sounds of families celebrating the eve of
Three Kings Day. The aroma of suckling pigs basted with adobo and scented with
garlic and oregano, roasting on spits above ground level fogГіns, tangoed with the
music of Celia Cruz, Mercedes Sosa and the Afro Cuban rhythm of Tito Puente.
Shrieking children playing come find me competed with the reverberating slapping
of dominoes against wooden picnic tables. Adding to the festive air was the spicy
aroma of chicken and rice gumbo lightly bubbling inside a large cauldron. While
familia were preparing other dishes, sipping cold drinks, rotating the roasting
sucklings, admonishing children, or slamming dominoes, amid the shade of
FlamboyГЎnt trees, eighty one year old Concha Barreto Torres slowly rocked back
and forth in her favorite cane rocker, expertly cutting off the ends, then slitting the
skins of green plantains. Reminiscing of past jГbaro traditions while unobtrusively
watching her thirty four year old granddaughter... Show more content on ...
Glancing over to the forest edge where most of the adults were gathered for the
shade, she spotted her mami stirring a small caldero over one of the smaller pits,
while laughing merrily with great abuela Concha. Consuela wrested with telling her
mother about Rique s unusual request, but thought now was not a good time, if
ever, because if he was scolded in front of everyone or tried to place the blame on
her she would die from shame. Consuela had never kissed or hugged a hermanito
other than her father or close family members, and had never done all those weird
and nasty things she often heard some of the fast girls at school stage whispering
about. She didn t ever want to be considered a una puta. She instinctively knew a
reputation like that would be hard to live
Essay On Why The USould Not Abolish The Penny
Tanner Toussaint
The United States should not abolish the penny. One of the examples of why the
United States shouldn t abolish the penny is if the federal reserve changed the
material the penny is made out of the cost of material will decrease. Secondly, the
United States shouldn t abolished the penny because the tax on items would increase
and force people into a situation where they don t know what items cost. Lastly, if the
United States abolished the penny americans would be forced to use the nickel that
cost more to make then the penny.
For example, the United States should not abolish the penny because changing the
penny to a different material would cost less and in contrast help more then getting
rid of the penny. The cost to make one penny is more than the currency of a penny
itself. Changing the material to something like steel will lower the money needed to
create a penny. The cost of steel is really cheap and will make the cost of producing
pennies cheaper and easier to make. The United States shouldn t abolish the penny
because the United States can change the material of the penny and lower the cost to
make a penny hugely. ... Show more content on ...
The United States would be forced to round up all costs of items up to the nearest
nickel including taxes. Just making the tax go up will change the economy hugely
and force lot of companies and people into a situation where they won t know what
items cost. To change all prices in America at once will be very difficult to do and
many people won t know how to spend their money correctly. The United States
shouldn t abolish the penny because the tax on items will increase
The Increasing Need for Urban Planning
1. Introduction Quantitative urban studies are becoming increasingly important for
planners knowing that in the year 2015 more than half the global population will be
residing in cities [1]. Suitable urban planning ought to be a top priority for future
development but unfortunately sound planning has not taken place especially in
many African cities as heavy rural urban migration continues to cause cities to expand
at uncontrollable rates [2]. As a consequence, the urban population in Africa is
increasing at a much faster rate than in the rest of the world, contributing to the
augmentation of the existing problems such as unsuitable land use [3]. The
concentration of population in cities comprises as much as 60% of the total
population in most countries. In these immense urban settlements the environmental
and social consequences are sometimes disastrous [4]. Large cities in Africa such as
Nakuru have experienced a fast growth rate of 13.3% between 1990 and 2006 [5].
The magnification has been attributed to a number of factors, mainly the aperture of
the new Naivasha Nakuru road, which links the megacity of Nairobi. Post election
violence is verbally expressed to be one of the contributing factors, since many
displaced people from neighboring towns migrated to Nakuru as a safe shelter. The
main consequences in these African cities include; urban sprawl, unsuitable land use,
inadequate transportation systems, air and water pollution, depletion of natural
Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper
Martin Luther King Jr,. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He was
originally named Michael King Jr. He grew up being the middle child in a family
of five, he had one brother and one sister. His sister, Christine King Farris, was the
oldest out of the three kids, and his brother, A.D. King was the youngest. His mother,
Alberta Williams King, was a former school teacher. His father, Martin Luther King
Sr., was a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. He married Coretta Scott and settles
in Montgomery, Alabama where they had four kids, Yolanda Denise King, Martin
Luther King III, Dexter Scott King and Bernice Albertine King.
Challenges faced by leader
Martin Luther King Jr. faced many challenges in his life. Some challenges that he
faced were being an African Americanwith no civil rights. While he lived in
Montgomery, the city was highly segregated and became the center of the thriving
struggle for civil rights in America motivated by the landmark Brown vs Board of
Education decision in 1954. Activist coordinated a bus boycott that placed a severe
economic strain on public transit system and business owners that were located
downtown. They chose MLK to be protest s leader and official spokesman. The
social activists chose MLK to be protest s leader and official ... Show more content on ...
The march was considered as a turning point in history of the American civil rights
movement and a part in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In Selma,
Alabama, violence broke out between white segregationists and peaceful
demonstrators, where the SCLC and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee(SNCC) organized a voter campaign. This outraged many Americans and
inspired supporters from across the US to gather in Alabama and take part in the
Selma to Montgomery March. The March was lead by King and supported by
President Lyndon B. Johnson, who sent on federal troops to keep the
August 20, 2015 3.2.13 Practice: Revision Strategies The tempest one of the most
difficult Shakespearean works in my opion to stage, from its stormy, chaotic first
scene to its sureality to its ambiguous resolution, with Prospero facing his silent,
treacherous brother and renouncing the power that has made every action in the
story possible. Potent language remains the central force and mystery of this
fathomless play. Prospero speaks almost a third of the lines in The Tempest, and
controls the amount of speech every other character on the island has through
manipulation and magic. Prospero s narrative of how he came to the island, what he
did once there, and what he is owed for this history, goes largely unchallenged in the
text. Yet... Show more content on ...
I think that what Prospero is doing here has much to do with the process of the
Othering as a method to make a binary opposition so that he can justify all his
brutal and inhuman actions towards Caliban. BartolomГ© de Las Casas 16th
century Spanish historian talks about this process of Othering or let s say
considering the Others to be barbarous just because they cannot speak fluently the
language of the Colonizer s, just like what Prospero does towards Caliban, and he
argues that it is not just, because the Others can also consider us as barbarous for
not knowing our language: Prospero teaches Caliban to speak his language, but
never gives him access to his books. There is no indication that Miranda ever sets
her hands on these fabled tomes, either: Prospero controls the reality of both Caliban
and Miranda through language and stories, giving them no other means of education
or perspective. Caliban, forced to use the language of his oppressor, resorts to curses,
and knows that the way to destroy Prospero is through his books, telling Stefano and
Trinculo to burn them before they kill him. These books have an
Police Officers And Officers Police And Corrections Officers
If My Mind Could Forget the Things My Eyes Have Seen Abuse by police officers
and officers in penal institutions is a big subject in the media now. Turn to a news
station and the chances of seeing at least on case are pretty high. The most unreported
incidents, however, is actually assault on police officers and correctionsofficers. The
media does not report these issues nearly as much as it tries to portray officer
assault on criminals. Why is it that the media covers up the big issue of officer
assault and reports the innocent criminals being assaulted? When the media is
trying to scare someone they don t say criminals are bad, instead, make it seem like
the selfless officers risking their lives are the bad guys and use it as a scare tactic to
create distrust and panic in the public. Abuse falls under six definitions when applied
to law enforcement. Physical abuse: The blatant beating, striking, or physical
mistreatment of an inmate. This is a very vague area because any physical contact
with an inmate can be reported as abuse. Psychological abuse: The mental
degradation of an inmate through embarrassment, unnecessary command or criticism.
Unlawful interrogation, which is literally unheard of anymore, means the use of
starvation, sleep deprivation, dehydration, etc. Excessive force: When compliance
must be obtained physically and the amount of force used far exceeds the need.
Torture: the use of stress positions water boarding and hot boxing, also
1A. The Phases That Jeannine Skipped Are 1. The Systems
1a. The phases that Jeannine skipped are 1. The systems analysis and requirements
phase 2. The systems design phase 3. The implementation phase and 4. Operations
and Maintenance phase (Systems support and security).
1b. When Jeannine skipped the system analysis phase, she failed to analyze the needs
of the end user and whether the system she came up with would meet her final
requirements. Although Jeannine incorrectly believes she knows what is required
she is unaware that the financial comptroller has been reevaluating the manner in
which the company invests money. Skipping the systems analysis phase ensures
Jeannine has no logical model of the system that she designs and disregards company
policies and the change in progress. By ... Show more content on ...
Had Jeannine followed the proper planning process she would have been able to
resolve most of the issues that she encountered before they were a problem.
2a. Steven failed to do several things as a Project Manager. He failed to deliver the
product on time and within budget, as well as managing expectations. His failures
were a result of poor planning, prompt or advance requesting of resources, and a
failure to communicate with his team, management and the end user. Steve s job as
the PM is to monitor progress, ensure key stakeholders keep their people focused on
the task and prevent delays, or if delays occur communicate those issues to
management. Managing stake holders and keeping them focused on requirements
and due dates goes a long way towards preventing problems. Steve seems to have
failed at this.
2b. Using the creeping requirements as an excuse seems to be a mistake as it implies
project mismanagement. If the project had been properly monitored scope creep
could have been detected early and managed.
2c. As the PM, Steven should have been aware of what was occurring in the project
always. Burying problems prevents them from being brought into the light, analyzed
and solved quickly. The adage that Problems don t get better with time rings true
here. Giving problems their due attention ensures that they can be fixed promptly and
Stanislavsky Method Acting
Stanislavsky and the History of Method Acting
I do not believe you. These five words were used by Konstantin Stanislavsky in the
late 1890 s in Soviet Russia to chastise an actor who was not convincing enough in
his role. Although but a brief glimpse into the mind of Stanislavsky, the words help
bring clarity to a technique and system that forever transformed the world of acting
and drama.
Konstantin Stanislavski was an actor and director who is credited with pioneering
method acting and the Stanislavsky system. As an actor, Stanislavski was
discontented with the prevailing ideas on theatre and acting, leading him to drop out
of the Moscow Theatre School after only being there for about two weeks. He found
inspiration rather in the philosophical ... Show more content on ...
One such case is Daniel Day Lewis who received traditional training rather than
experiential at Bristol Old Vic, a high profile theatre arts school in England. Daniel
Day Lewis is known for refusing to break character in between scenes and doing
extensive research for every role he accepts. This was particularly the case for
Spielberg s Lincoln, in which Lewis studied for over a year and used his Lincoln
imitative voice beyond the confines of the set to play the titular role which won
him an Oscar. Lastly, Jake Gyllenhaal is known for undergoing physical
transformations that rival the severity of De Niro s when he adopts a role. This
included losing 30 pounds to portrary the neurotic amaetur videographer Louis
Bloom in Nightcrawler. Additionally, Gyllenhaal left the film with a permanent
scar on his hand, the result of a mindset in which the lines between the actor and
the character were blurred. Following Nightcrawler with the film Southpaw,
Gyllenhaal spent 8 months in an extremely rigorous exercise routine in order to
have the physique he felt necessary to truly be a boxer. Lastly, Dustin Hoffman is
known to have engaged in method acting at least once as he stayed awake for three
days straight during the shoot movie Marathon Man. Hoffman, in his attempt to
immerse himself in the role of Thomas Levy, decided the best way for him to appear
as though he did not sleep for three days was to physically put himself in that very
My Observation On Child Development Center
Rasha Issa
CD 153
My observation
My observation was at the Grossmont college in the child development center. The
address of this center is 8800 Grossmont College Dr El Cajon, CA 92020.
Grossmont cares for 26 children from 6 months through 3 years of age. That meat 6
months by September 1st and not entered Kindergarten.
Supply for the care and education of young children while their parents attend school
or are employed by Grossmont College.
The college and children s center serve a diverse population, including a large
number of immigrants from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa.
The days are opening from Monday Thursday 7:45 am 4 pm ... Show more content on ...
it is my favorite picture books for children s because children prefer this type of
books specially for the kids four years and under.
Example for that when I was in the center I saw the teacher taught kids alphabet like
she make letters out of play dough. she play the memory game with matching lower
case to upper case. There has many pictures they put in the wall for the children and
their family every child has a pictures on his or her cabinet.
I have seen in the center teachers from different nationalities, for example Iraqi and
Mexican teachers and America But they all speak English with kids.
I have also seen in the center many sections for children to play, for example dramatic
section, Block center, Science, sensory, art, quiet area, math area, writing and
listening area.
I saw kids doing their breakfast and when they were done they went to there table
and ate there eggs and toast then the other side there were dramatic area and they
were there costumes like Spiderman. one girt was a Princess and one was a
firefighter and they were so cute when they played. The environment is very good
for playing for kids at this center I saw. also I saw the outdoor environment of this
center it is very good too.
At this center has sand area, slid area, a big grass area for the ball, a big box water to
play the kids and there has many bike and swing also they has storage for the toys
and wood s toy. so the children s
How Do Activists Sacrifice Their Life To Fight For Their...
Your Intro:
A lot of activists sacrifice their life in order to achieve their cause. Three activists
that sacrificed their life to fight for their causes are Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther
King Jr, and Iqbal Masih. Some activists know that the might get killed for fighting
for their cause but the keep fighting for it until they achieve their cause.
Your Body Paragraph 1:
One activist that sacrificed her life for her cause is Malala Yousafzai. A group of
terrorists called the Taliban took over Afghanistan and took women s rights away.
Malala fought for girls education and inspired other girls in Afghanistan to stand up
for their freedom. Malala wasn t scared of the Taliban coming after her because they
thought that they
School Of Engineering And Technology
Submitted To
Guided By: Submitted By: Mr. N.B Mishra Ali Bakshi
(Faculty of Civil Engineering) Enrollment No. A2315811003
Amity School Of Engineering Technology B.Tech Civil (2011 2015)
Amity University, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh
I would like to express my gratitude to Amity School Of Engineering and Technology
for giving me the opportunity to study and analyse the process of making a bridge
and promoting me to working on the site. I would like to thank The Jammu Kashmir
Construction Corporation Ltd. for guiding me through the process of constructing a
bridge. I am grateful to my Faculty Guide Mr. N.B Mishra for his supervision,
guidance and constant help. I would like to thank my parents and my friends for their
constant encouragement.
Signature Signature (Ali Bakshi) (Mr. N.B Mishra)
This is to certify that Mr. Ali Bakshi, student of B.Tech in Civil
Examples Of Ansoff Matrix
Market Strategy
In order to determine company s future growth, Ansoff Matrix (1957) has been used
as a strategic planning tool by assessing risk from Product and Market scopes. The
figure below shown the four alternatives of Ansoff matrix. The two most appropriate
strategies for Sin Yoon Loong is market penetrationand market development. Market
Penetration, which is improve the sales of product to the existing customers who age
range from 35 years old and above. On the other hands, Market Development involves
selling the existing products to the new market segments, which is the Malaysian
young coffee drinkers who are aged range from 20 30 years old. Both market
penetration and market development strategies seem to be solved to retain and ...
Show more content on ...
The program, called MyCofe Experience will be introduced and in order to exceed
customers expectation. In the program on MyCofe Experience, every customer will be
greetings with Welcome when they enter to the coffee shop. Staff will help to
describe the product of MyCofe with menu order to the customers who are not
familiar with them. Also, in order to improve customer intimacy, staffs are advised to
write customer s given name on the coffee cup and calling customer name politely for
drinks collection. Customer Intimacy helped to build customer loyalty for the long
term (Michael Fred, 1993). The company encourages employees to create a close
relationship with each customer by greeting them while they enter to the shop,
introduce and brief them regarding to the product, close to the customers by calling
their name politely, knowing and remember their preferences. Kotler (2008) stated
that in order to create customer satisfaction and value, the company should offer
higher than customer expectation and customer satisfaction, which can be created via
building valued relationship with its customers. Employees are playing a very
important role in this program, therefore, motivation s program will be introduced to
motivate employees with recognition, promotion opportunity and best employee
East And East Berlin Wall Economic Analysis
The Belin Wall: a Divide between Two Economies
When the prominent Indian economist B. R. Shenoy visited Berlin in 1960, he
witnessed two completely differing parts of the same city (Shenoy). A wall divided
Berlin into two separate areas, West Berlin and East Berlin. West Berlin, a capitalist
economy, boomed with economic freedom and prosperity. While East Berlin, a
command economy, verged on economic collapse. The example of West and East
Berlin demonstrates that a capitalist economy, also known as a free market economy,
is better than a command economy. To understand the origin of the different
economic situations of the same city, it is necessary to look back in history to the
end of World War II. Two months after victory in Europe, on July 1945, France,
Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union met to determine what to do with
conquered Germany. They divided the county into four zones, one zone for each of
the victor nations (Gaps). The French, British, and United States zones joined in
1949, becoming ... Show more content on ...
R. East and West Berlin: A Study in Free vs. Controlled Economy.
CATO Institute, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.
Jordine, Lelissa R. German Democratic Republic. Encyclopedia of Russian History.
Ed. James R. Millar. Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. 553 554.
Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.
The Visit. Human and Civil Rights: Essential Primary Sources. Ed. Adrienne
Wilmoth Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and K. Lee Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006.
164 168. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar. 2017.
Gaps, John, III. Fall of the Berlin Wall. Government, Politics, and Protest: Essential
Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne Wilmoth
Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 287 290. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar.
Gowans, Stephen. Democracy, East Germany and the Berlin Wall. Global Research.
Global Research2, 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar.
Hummingbird Research Paper
The hummingbird is one of the most unique animals on our planet. They are equipped
with freaky flying abilities and fantastically fast traits, all which make them the
distinct animals that they are. How everyday can be a struggle for these nectar
consuming flyers just puts me in awe.
Hummingbirds have multiple special characteristics that help them to survive in the
wilderness. Hummingbirds have a heart rate of 1,200 bpm when flying, and take
about 250 breaths per minute. Hummingbirds can beat their wings up to 200 times
per second, which, as you may have guessed, takes up a lot of energy. This helps
them to move forwards, backwards, hover, and even move upside down.
Hummingbirds spend most of their days gathering nectar to use as energy. These
frequent flyers are also quite small and light. The smallest hummingbird, the Bee
Hummingbird, is only 5 cm in length while the largest hummingbird, the Giant
Hummingbird, is 20 cm in length. Most hummingbirds weigh less than a nickel. This
helps them move around quickly and efficiently, and also helps them to gather nectar
from small flowers. ... Show more content on ...
For starters, hummingbirds are surprisingly intelligent for their minuscule size.
Hummingbirds have the largest percentage of brain size to body size of all the
species of birds at 4.2%. They can also remember which flowers they have visited
and how long it takes a flower to refill. It takes hummingbirds lots of energy to fly,
and they even use lots of energy while perching. This is why hummingbirds enter a
hibernation like state called torpor which slows down their heart rate down to 1/15
of what it is normally. Hummingbirds can also see near ultraviolet light, which is
why colors like red stand out so much to
Examples Of Witnessed Favoritism
There was an incident that occurred last summer where I was witnessed favoritism
towards me for being a male. My friend Suzy and I decided to apply for the same job
in UMD campus. We were applying to become auxiliary police officers. We both had
the same credentials, same years in school, same age and same ethnic background.
The only difference was our genderand that she had a higher GPA than I did during
that time. I honestly thought that she was going to get the job instead of me
because she had higher grades than I did. It resulted that I was called for an
interview and I was offered the job. They never called Suzy for an interview or
anything. After I got the job, I noticed that most employees consisted of males. That
was the only experience
Questionnaire On Classroom Observation
Reading Lesson Observation Questionnaire
1.Describe the classroom environment. In what ways did the environment support
a.This classroom supports literacy in numerous ways. There are visual aids all
over the walls about various subjects such as high frequency words, weather, days
of the week, months, bullying, class rules, a birthday wall, and consequences for
bad behavior. Mrs. Brandt also has five stations set up around her room and each
one of them are labeled which is important for children because they will learn to
recognize what those words look like. The walls are nearly covered with these types
of posters, anchor charts, labels, pictures, etc.
2.Observe a reading lesson. Describe what, if anything you saw the students/teachers
do before, during, and after the lesson. If you observe more than one reading lesson
(for example small groups) or activity please comment on each.
i.Introduction of the day on SMARTboard
1.Displayed a paragraph on the SMARTboard introducing the students to the date and
the activities for the day.
a.Mrs. Brandt first read the paragraph out loud to the class while also pointing to
each word as she read out loud. Then, she had the class join in the second time to
participate in a choral reading of the introduction to the day. After the choral reading
was finished, Mrs. Brandt would ask students to find a word on the board, raise their
hand when they found it, and then she would call a student up to the board to circle
Human s Personality And Preferences May Change Over
Despite the fact that human s personality and preferences may change over time,
philosophers have always sought the answers to how people have the impression that
they are the same person. At first, philosophers presumed that people need to have
the same body to be the same person. However, Locke proposed that consciousness,
which is in this case memoryis the key to determine identity. In this paper, I would
discuss how memory as the mental states grounds the notion of psychological
continuity. Raising the problem of circularity in the memory theory, I will explain
how to amend the psychological continuity to avoid the problem.
At first, philosophers used the same body theory to explain personal identity. They
assume that a person at one time is the very same person as a person later if and
only if they have the same body. However, one problem of the same body theory is
that biologically the body is constantly changing. A body ten years later would not
be the very same body at present. The problem makes the same body theory a false
condition. Therefore, it is imprudent to set the same body theory as the criteria to
determine personal identity. What thing that will remain the same even with
different bodies, that can help determine a person to be the same person earlier? The
answer is memory. Even though the body is changing over time biologically,
memories usually do not fade away with it. As a matter of fact, philosophers proposed
a new theory called the Psychological
Figurative Language In The Secret Lion By Alberto Rios
The text that will be analyzed is a short story called The Secret Lion by Alberto
Rios. This text is jam packed full of figurative language such as symbolism and
personification. The story is a memory from the author himself about when he was
growing up as a kid in the border town of Nogales, Arizona. He has just reached
junior high and he is in the early stages of becoming an adult. He does not like the
fact that he is growing up and he wants to stay as a kid. Through the use of
symbolism, the author takes the reader on a magical journey through their childhood
using the arroyo, the grinding ball, and the golf course. The most prominent use of
figurative language in the story is the author s use of symbolism. There are multiple
items throughout... Show more content on ...
The heaven is the golf course behind the boys house. The boys always saw the
green hills back there and had always wondered what it truly was. Their mother
had told them to never go over there but one day they finally convinced her to let
them venture over. The boys packed themselves a lunch, which included a
sandwich and a Coke, and they headed over to the green hills. Upon arrival, the
boys were shocked at what they saw. At the time, the boys had not known what a
golf course was so finding a green golf course in the middle of a desert was quite
astounding for them. The boys headed towards the green of a hole and decided to
have their lunch there. The boys used the hole itself as a cup holder for their Coke;
thinking that that was what it was meant for. After a bit of relaxing and eating, a
couple of men with bags of clubs around their backs approached the boys. They
yelled at them to move so they could hit their ball into the hole; the hole the boys
thought was a cup holder. The boys then fled, later figuring out that they were on a
golf course. The golf course is the boys childhood. The men that shooed the boys off
represents adulthood. The adults are telling the boys to forget their childhood and
move on to adulthood. Jim O Loughlin in The Facts On File Companion to American
Poetry, vol. 2 says, In much of his work, RГos explores truths of experience that do
not conform to rational explanation. (116). Jim is very correct in this statement.
Alberto Rios uses very out of the ordinary techniques to convey his message. In this
story, it would be Rios using odd objects to convey himself and a friend growing up.
Irena Praitis in Encyclopedia of Hispanic American Literature says, The world RГos
creates in his books is a world characterized by magical realism. (81). Most would
agree with Irena in this statement because Rios loves to use magical realism in his
short stories. Magical realism is a
Conodoguinet Creek Flow Analysis
Introduction Background The Conodoguinet Creek flows through Cumberland and
Franklin counties of Southcentral Pennsylvania. From the Horse Valley next to
Kittatinny Mountain at an elevation of 1680 feet, the Conodoguinet Creek flows 104
miles through the fertile Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania, joining the
Susquehanna River near Harrisburg. As it meanders north eastwardly across a broad
plain between Blue Mountain on the north and South Mountain on the south, the
Conodoguinet flows through Buchanan State Forest and State Game Lands No. 76
then flows into Letterkenny Reservoir and changes course to a southeasterly flow.
Coming from an Indian word meaning a long way with many bends, the creek drains
524 square miles of diverse lands. Forested
The Pros And Cons Of Cult Leaders
When someone hears the word cult they quickly think of the many mass murders or
they scare children by telling them not to drink the red koolaid . Today, there are
thousands of cults and cult leaders worldwide. For many years, the leaders of clut
have had a powerful psychological hold onto their followers minds. Some cultleaders
have brainwash their followers by using fear, guilt and violence as a weapon to
control the minds. However , in other cases cult leaders leave behind those methods
and use spiritual and persuasive speeches making their followers believe in what
they are doing is the right thing.Due to cult leaders withhold a all powerful
physiological offense their followers are alter to do things they would not normally
do in their right state of mind.
For a long time, there has been an non stop issue surrounding the definition for the
term Cult . The term cult has a lot of different meanings. However the term cult is
described as A group, often times though not always religious or spiritual in nature,
that is led by a single or small group of leader s. ( Urban Dictonary). A cult is
basically a group having a leader and followers that bond together by the appreciation
for the same thing,idea or a person. ... Show more content on ...
Jim Jones was a young preacher that believed he was the son of god and convinced
the people from church he was their only salvation. After the US government began
investigated more into Jones church he moved his church yo Ghana in where
JOnestown was founded. On November 18, 1978 America faced the most horrific
tragedy in Jonestown GUyana. Cult leader Jim Jones and 909 members of the
Peoples temple died from poisoning , in a revolutionary suicide . Jim Jones
convinced everyone that the end was bear and order everyone of his loyal followers
to drink poisoned kool aid , however those who did not followed orders were forced
to drink, in the end JIm JOnes took his own life as
Compare And Contrast The Government Of The People
The people of America and their government each owe their commitment to obey
certain obligations to each other. Since each component of the nation must work
together in order for it to function properly, the people and those governing them each
have essential duties they must obey to sustain an efficiently operating country. The
governmentof the people, by the people, for the people. (Lincoln) both serves the
people and is served by the people.
The government is responsible for serving and representing its people. Because the
people of today generally understand that no human being is born superior or inferior
to any other, the government must promote equal opportunity and rights for all. It is
commonly agreed that all men and women
Genie Secret Of The Wild Child Summary
The video Genie: Secret of the Wild Child My Shocking Story, demonstrated that
isolation from the world affects the ability to function in society. The social
environment that surrounds us from the time we are born is critical in developing
skills that are vital to survive and be independent in the world. As a child, we are
surrounded with family, friends, and television that we learn language, skills to
interact with others, and developmental skills. Genie lived in isolation which
caused her to be developmental y delayed in developing language skills and social
skills to function in an environment. Genie was kept in isolation for ten years by her
father. She was locked up in a room with interaction with others. She spent every day
with... Show more content on ...
Doctors became interested in Genie. Genie had a sleep study performed that
showed sleep spindles. The sleep spindles were abnormal brain wave patterns. The
question then arose if she was retarded or had brain damage. Various people
worked with Genie to help her learn. Genie learned words and showed
improvements with language and developmental skills but never learned enough
to be normal. Genie had demonstrated signs of mental retardation. Susan Curtis,
showed interest in Genie s language skills. Susan was a new grad that was
interested in language acquisition. She tracked Genie s speech and worked with
her teaching her words and interaction with people. Genie could not speak
sentences but learned words and how to express emotions. The doctors often
showed signs they were only interested in the research and not in Genie as a
person. Genie was moved from place to place after taking from her home. She was
placed and surrounded with different people so she could develop any special
bonds before she was moved to someone else. Genie had already been isolated for
ten years and then she was exposed to constant research and was never really given a
nurturing home that provided her with
The Low Price Of Oil
The low price of oil can be directly felt when filling up a car s tank with gas. For
many years when the price of oil drops, there is growth within the economy,
however, the recent decline has yet to deliver the traditional economic boom. Low
oil prices have a negative impact on the U.S. economy as well as the global
economy, with a direct correlation to politics. The low prices affect the U.S.
economy in many ways. Cheap oil halts growth in businesses and makes companies
less profitable. These actions will have ripple effects throughout the U.S. as a whole.
There are small segments of business that will be more successful when oil is so
inexpensive but the negatives far outweigh the positives.
According to a post by Patrick DeHaan for ... Show more content on
Countries that have formed over large deposits of oil now find themselves key
players in the oil game. Saudi Arabia sits atop the largest oil deposits in the world.
Many scientists believe that the Saudi s have over 250 billion barrels of oil within
their borders. Gregory Gethard, a senior writer for Investopedia, explains The other
Middle Eastern nations with sizable quantities all have about one half of Saudi
Arabia s reserves. They include Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
These countries, and more, for a total of 12, form what is known as OPEC, the
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The OPEC cartel claims to
control around 78% of the world s oil reserves. Since OPEC controls the majority
of the world s oil supply they can tweak the price of oil depending on their fiscal
goals. If they want to make more money they can withhold oil from the economy,
increasing the price per barrel, and if they wanted to drop the price of oil, they can
release the storage of oil and flood the market. A common benchmark for the price
of oil is called the OPEC basket, this is a combination of oil from the OPEC cartel. A
process called refining needs to take place before oil can be used. To put it simply,
the refining process starts by boiling crude oil which turns into a vapor. In an article
for Investopedia, Gethard states Different types of oil are formed
Worlds Of Wonder In The Northern Colonies Dbq
In Worlds of Wonder in the Northern Colonies by David D. Hall, he discuss the role
of religion in the northern colonies. Many of the things that happened or they
endured were seen as different manifestations of their religion. Things such as
losing material possessions or dying in a unforeseen way were seen as God
showing you the error of your ways. In Document five, Dr. Hamilton discusses his
time in various parts of the Northern colonies. While in New London he watches as
people come together and burn their material possessions in order to save their souls.
They believe that by letting go of these worldly possessions that they idolize, their
souls shall be set free. They felt unworthy and often felt they were sinners, trying their
best to

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South African Journal of Science: Writing with integrity workshop (2024)
South African Journal of Science: Writing with integrity workshop (2024)South African Journal of Science: Writing with integrity workshop (2024)
South African Journal of Science: Writing with integrity workshop (2024)

Apa Style Essay.pdf

  • 1. Apa Style Essay Writing an essay in APA style can be quite challenging for individuals, especially those who are unfamiliar with the intricacies of this particular formatting style. The American Psychological Association (APA) style is widely used in academic writing, and it comes with specific guidelines for citing sources, formatting the document, and presenting the content. One of the challenges is getting accustomed to the detailed rules for in-text citations and the references page. This style demands precise formatting of the author's name, publication date, title, and other citation elements. The proper use of headings and subheadings, font size, and margins is also crucial. Any deviation from these guidelines may result in a loss of points. Additionally, mastering the intricacies of APA style requires a keen eye for detail. Students need to pay close attention to commas, italics, and punctuation marks in citations. This meticulousness can be time-consuming and requires careful proofreading to ensure accuracy. Furthermore, keeping track of various types of sources, such as books, journals, and online materials, and applying the correct citation format for each can be daunting. The APA manual is extensive, and navigating through it to find the specific rule for a given citation can be overwhelming for someone new to the style. In conclusion, crafting an essay in APA style demands not only a solid understanding of the guidelines but also patience and precision. The attention to detail required can make the writing process more complex compared to other formatting styles. If you find yourself struggling with essays or academic writing, there are resources available to help. Services like offer assistance in various types of essays and academic assignments, providing support for those who may need guidance or want to save time while ensuring their work meets the required standards. Apa Style Essay Apa Style Essay
  • 2. The Magna Carta The United States Constitution states that no person deprived of life, liberty, or property, without the due process of law , an idea previously used in a 13th century document entitled the Magna Carta (US Const. Amend. V). The Magna Carta was the first written charter in Europe that enacted several law codes that dealt with topics such as inheritance and civil rights (, 2017). The codes enacted with the original 1215 charter, which was revised into the permanent 1225 charter, gave social, political, and judicial rights to the elite, middle, and lower classes of the English people, including the serfdom, who had been ignored through (, 2017). Containing 63 clauses, the Magna Cartais permeated with judicial equality, religious dominion, and an underlying plea for peace. The Magna Carta was signed on 15 June 1215 at Runnymede, near Windsor, England; signed by King John of England, it was intended as a peace treaty to the barons below him to decentralize some of the power of the crown to the barons as well as provide a sure law code to the people (, 2017). It also provided a regulation of the judicial system that brought common ground between the king and his people. Moreover, the United States Constitutionforbids any punishment that does not fit with the crime the offender has been accused of, especially if it is cruel and unusual (US Const. Amend. VIII). The roots of this amendment can be found within the clauses of the Magna
  • 3. Race In America Race is one of many key factors that influence the historic relationship between classes, ethnicity, immigrants, bodies, and the state, specifically when it comes to notions of citizenship. The articles, Perils of Degeneration, Hygiene and The Indian Problem , Nationalizing Children through Schools and Hygiene, Puffy, Ugly, Slothful and Inert , and The Vice Trust, all point to the function of popular perceptions of race in society, specifically how individuals are classified based on certain racial markers. All of these articles surround the theme in which notions of race influenced political and social responses in both the United Statesand Latin America. More often than not, these articles help us discover that, citizenship tends to be confused and misidentified with race. Ann Zulawski highlights this particularly well in her account of late nineteenth century Latin American and its conversations surround public health in the public sphere. In doing so, the political elite can easily exclude certain races, such as Indians from the political ... Show more content on ... The White Slavery Scare is fraught with nuances of sexual domination, economic analysis of the urban culture, racist overtones, and much more. The Scare highlighted particularly white men and their domination over African Americanwomen. Thus, not only increasing the mulatto population but it also institutionalized a new form of modern slavery trafficking. With Keire s focus on the Vice Trust she emphasizes a key shift away from morality and into economics and introduced a set of strategies and legislation of which she argues shaped the discourse of the urban reformers. Keire s account of prostitution and trafficking, illustrates that discourse on racial degeneration is far from over as it is still deeply ingrained in our contemporary
  • 4. Compare And Contrast Coopers Vs Carmack In retrospect, a number of things are clear about the case: 1.The meeting between the Coopers and Carmack was accidental and not part of the conspiracy or plan 2.Duncan Cooper had no weapon in his hand at the time of the meeting with Carmack began 3.Carmack fired the first shots, wounding Robin Cooper Colonel Cooper supported Taylor against Carmack in the 1906 Senate race and supported Governor Malcolm Patterson (son of Josiah) in the Democratic Party primary for the nomination in 1908. Carmack referred to him during the campaign as baldheaded angel, Dunc Cooper. Patterson won the nomination as was subsequently elected to a second term, while Carmack became editor of Luke Lea s newspaper, the Nashville Tennessean. Carmack ... Show more content on ... Sharp for murder in the first degree, alleging that the three conspired to murder Carmack. The trial began on January 20, 1909, not quite three months after the shooting. The prosecution was led by the flamboyant D.A. General, Jeff McCarn, who was assisted by Guston T. Fitzhugh. The defense was led by J.M. Anderson, a former Criminal Court judge, a friend of J.C. Bradford, and a political supporter of Carmack. Assisted by former Attorney General W.H. Washington. In two instances, accepted jurors were removed on the charge of being habitual drunkards and therefore friendly to the liquor interests The Tennessean fully publicized these moves along with a story that there were rumors of the assassination of General McCarn. The trial was presided over by Judge William M. Hart, a genial, red nosed judge who seems to have been fair although he allegedly took great care no to be accused of leniency towards the defendants. Most damaging witness against the Coopers was Mrs. Eastman, who claimed that Cooper had stated to Carmack that he had the drop on him and that the first shot had come from Cooper s
  • 5. Gas Chromatography Essay Residual solvents are defined as organic volatile impurities that may remain in active Pharmaceutical substances, excipient or medicinal products after processing. During the manufacturing processes, the solvents are not completely removed. The solvents may be used to improve the yield in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical substances besides imparting characteristics of crystal form, purity and solubility. Residual solvents do not have any therapeutic effect. Therefore, efforts should be made to remove them to the extent possible to meet the specification prescribed [2]. Gas chromatography method has been developed to find out the purity of acetone, dichloromethane, methanol and toluene. Using this technique, the major contaminants of each... Show more content on ... The raw materials are relatively manufactured to much lower quality requirement than a drug substance. Hence, it is easy to understand why they can contain a number of components that can turn affect the purity of drug substances. During synthesis of product having chances to generate impurities, because number of reactions can occur concurrently. Be remembered that base to salt or acid to salt conversion could also generate new impurities [49]. For example, In the synthesis of ethynodiol diacetate in final step is diacetylation of ethynodiol, during reaction reactivity of secondary 3 hydroxy group is much higher than that of tertiary 17 hydroxyl a impurity is formed (ethynodiol 3 acetate). In the synthesis of pipecuronium bromide (2ОІ, 16ОІ bis (4 dimethylpiperazino) 3О±,17ОІ diacetoxy 5О± androstane dibromide) is diacetylation of 3О±,17ОІ hydroxy derivative and impurity is formed 17ОІ monoacetyl derivative [57]. Impurity profiling experiment on ecstasy tablets by GC MS, and MDMA (3, 4 methylenedioxy methamphetamine) samples showed impurities in intermediates via reductive amination route [58,
  • 6. The Amish Are A Unique Community ughout the years the Amish have become more and more different from the rest of the United States and the world. Technology is dramatically changing. Medicine is improving. While the world around their almost secluded community develops rapidly they remain the same. This poses the question is their lack of development what helps them remain peaceful and grounded or is it just another aspect that makes them unique. The Amishare one of the most well known almost completely peaceful societies. The Amish are a unique community and there are many factors that need to be understood to understand how they have managed to remain peaceful after many years some of these factors include: the origins of their beliefs, gender relations, economy, living style, how they avoid and resolve conflict, and conflicts their community has experienced. The Amish s lives are guided by religion. The key to understanding the Amish approach is knowing the german word for submission Gellassenheit. This word demonstrates their belief for humility, obedience, thrift, simplicity, and accepting the will of a higher power. The Amish ideal of humility contrasts the modern ideal of personal fulfillment. They have chosen to follow Gellassenheit, which tells them to abandon their own will to pursue the divine will. They also are not allowed to file lawsuits, serve jury duty, hold political office, join the military, or act competitively. They strive for harmony and therefore rarely experience violence. They
  • 7. The Mythology Of Norse Mythology Many beliefs influence our lives today. In fact, one of the most well known movie series today, was influenced by a belief, called Norse Mythology. That movie series is Lord of the Rings! Many of the main characters and items come from Norse mythology. Such as, the elves, the enchanted rings, the dwarves, and other realms. Most people only know one or two deities from Norse Mythology, like Thor and Loki . While most people in the world are more familiar with the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks, Norse Mythology is one of the most overlooked, interesting, and diverse forms of mythology in the world. Norse Mythology was started by the Vikings and carried across the world by them. The earliest known accounts of Norse Mythology came from... Show more content on ... There are many deities/figures in Norse mythology. Such as, giants, gods, supernaturals, and humans. One of the most important figures is Ymir. He was a brutal frost giant, created out of ice. He created every giant, who later created the gods. Two kings of the giants are Thrym and Skymir. Thrym is king of the frost giants. He is most famously known for using Mjolnir, Thor s hammer as ransom for the goddess, Freyja. Skymir is the king of Jotunheim. He is known for being an illusionist, and tricking Thor. Most people only know one or two figures of Norse mythology. Even though there are so many more. Like, Buri the 1st god created. He is the father of Bor, and grandfather of Odin. He is said to have come into the worlds, by the cow Audhumla. She is said to have licked him free from inside a block of ice. There are no known accounts of who his wife is. Odin is the son of Bor and Bestla and ruler of Asgard. He is the god of all wisdom and only has one eye. He gouged out the other one. His wife s name is Frigg. Frigg is an Aesir goddess and wife of Odin. She is the mother of Balder and hold, Queen of Asgard, and goddess of foreknowledge. Thor is one of the most widely known Norse gods, thanks to Marvel s movies and comic books. He is the son of Odin and Earth, his wife s name is Sif and he is the god of thunder. He is known for being fierce and fighting a lot and his magic hammer Mjolnir. Loki is another widely known god. He is known for his shape shifting
  • 8. William Descartes s The Domino Effect On The Existence... Take Home Exam #2 Part One: Descartes was a famous French philosopher in the mid 1500 s. He had a very particular argument that still confuses and or makes sense to many people today. His argument is basically in regards to the existence of God. The way he describes this argument is by breaking it down by two principles. Those two principles are the Principle of Sufficient Reason and the Principle of Adequate Reality. In the Principle of sufficient Reason, Descartes points out that there is a thesis that everything in the world has a cause. By this, he means that everything that happens or anything that is made in the world is the cause of a force before it. By this, he is indicating that everything, even human beings, should have a force that made us. To Descartes this force or entity is God. To make things simpler, let us use this example. Think of a domino effect. In the domino effect one domino falls and causes another to fall down, but before any of the dominoes can do anything there has to be a force to make the first domino fall down. The force in this example would be you, the one forcing the first domino to start the ongoing chain. So in Descartes argument he states that in order for us to be humans there must have been a cause that made us. Descartes says that God is that force or entity that is starting the chain of events. Because of this theory, saying that God does not exist would be counter arguing the scientific law of cause and effect. Now the second
  • 9. The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with... The Effects of Aerobic Exercise Among Adolescents with Mild to Moderate Depression Kaplan and Sadock (as cited in Brollier, Hamrick Jacobson, 1994) stated that depression, during the teen years, has become an increasing area of concern in psychiatry (Kaplan Sadock, 1991. Kashani, Carlson, Beck, Hoeper, Corcoran, McAllister, Fallahi, Rosenberg and Reid (as cited in Brollier, Hamrick , Jacobson, 1994) studied the prevalence of depression in adolescents and reported that approximately 8% of adolescents experienced depressive disorders. Kaplan and Sadock (as cited in Brollier et al., 1994) suggested that new forms of treatment are needed when dealing with adolescents because adolescents often do not respond well to medications, ... Show more content on ... Only a handful of studies have been completed to observe this area of study. Norris, Carroll and Cochrane (1992) found that students at a secondary school who stated they exercised regularly, produced lower scores on the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, developed by Zukerman and Lubin. Brown, Welsh, Labbe, Vitulli and Kulkarni (1992) found that aerobic exercise was beneficial for 54 depressed patients, of both sexes, with the average age being 15.6 years of age. However, this study found that the female participants reported a greater amount of change in depression, anger, exhaustion, anxiety and confusion, following the nine week study. Although the male subjects did see improvements in their psychological states, the female participants were slightly better off. Another study conducted by Brollier et al. (1994) found that of the four adolescent, male participants they were able to work with in their study, all were able to gain some benefit from the aerobic exercise of jogging. All the participants reported less depressive symptoms, as well as enhanced energy, and a better self concept in general. Although there have been a few studies conducted in the area of exercise and depression, almost all the studies have used aerobic exercise as their independent variable, with only a few
  • 10. Paracharacterism In The Bell Jar Sylvia Plath s Bell Jar was composed as a semi auto biographical novel yet it dealt with many of the contemporary issues of the time such as women emancipation in a psychological sphere. Plath s actual psyche is reflected in her work which she struggled to continue as a female writer. As an American writer she faced plentyof criticism which over powered her mental faculty as a clinically depressed author. Sadly, she ended her life shortly after finishing this novel and her prolific writing career was cut short. Plath was presented with many obstacles after her traumatic break down which was mirrored in her work which depicted a sense of imprisonment and looming death, overshadowing any scope for personal freedom. The novel was partly based... Show more content on ... She visualizes that each fig represents a different set of opportunities: One fig was a husband and children, and another fig was a famous poet...and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America... . She can only choose one fig, but because she is reluctant to choose between them, she becomes paralyzed, unable to choose any, and the figs rot and fall to the ground. The fig tree turns out to symbolize Esther s choices in life. Each fig represents a different future, and hence stands out as a critique of the female entrapment advocated in the fifties, where combining professions with motherhood proved difficult if not impossible. In the novel this is related to Esther s combating choices in life: career versus motherhood, sexuality versus purity and conventionality versus political and ideological awareness. The fig tree fable could be interpreted as a metaphor on the bildungsroman as it represents universal choices for adolescent characters like Esther Greenwood. Choices that Ethel Rosenberg s had were much narrower. It can be argued that in her opinion, she only had wo role to choose from,that by nature were poles apart,the roles being that of the loyal and dedicated woman who is the wife and mother of two little boys and that of a communist radical. However , due to her disinclination to give away the trial, she can
  • 11. Romeo And Juliet Ambition Essay The beautiful thing about Shakespeare s writings is that while they may not be canonically connected, they share similar aspects in terms of central themes or driving forces. This is most notable in many of Shakespeare s tragedies since he uses many of the same faults of man to create a tragic ending. One of these recurring fatal flaws is ambition, and interestingly enough, Shakespeare crafts his work in such a way that the characters all show their passionate ambition in very different ways depending on the story. Shakespeare uses ambition as a prominent driving force in Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, and Titus Andronicus, and how he views ambition changes between each story. Hamlet and Julius Caesar are both primarily driven by... Show more content on ... These drastic actions show how ambitious Hamlet was to avenge the wrongful death of his father and remove Claudius from the throne. Claudius is the other major example of ambition in the story, as shown through his drastic measures taken to assure that no one discovers that he killed the King and used his death as an opportunity to take up the crown. It is revealed to Hamlet by his father s ghost that Claudius killed the former ruler in his own garden by pouring poison into his ear. This is very characteristic of Shakespeare s tragedies, characters will kill each other off for their own ambitious agendas without hesitation for morals or law and Claudius fits into this trend perfectly. To further ensure that his status as king is not compromised, he seduces the King s wife, Gertrude, and attempts to get Hamlet to forget his father by calling his grief childish and a hindrance to his role as the prince (365). The King s ghost informs Hamlet that Gertrude was one of the most virtuous women alive and wouldn t have taken lightly to his sudden death, so it is apparent that Claudius took extreme measures to get Gertrude on his side. To go through all this work to ensure that he remained in power proves that Claudius was just as ambitious to achieve power as Hamlet was to remove him from it. The famous story of Caesar s rise to power and the opposition he faces from his so called friends and allies, Julius Caesar is another prominent
  • 12. Victorian Women In Bram Stoker s Dracula Just like the saying, behind every man is a woman, behind the main action of a male group s quest to save the souls of society from an evil count in Bram Stoker s gothic fiction, there is a message about the power and morality of Victorian women. Throughout the novel, Stoker makes a commentary about society s move toward the new womanand illustrates his frame of mind through the female characters and the way that the plot develops in some of their personal story lines. His message to the readers being; a woman straying from traditional expectations causes society to see her in a negative light. A Victorian woman was supposed to be modest and pure, never even acknowledging the existence of her undergarments because it would draw attention ... Show more content on ... The depiction of strong, independent, women with negative connotations is a problem that occurs even today in are countless movies , television shows, and books in which powerful or successful female characters characters are depicted as domineering, bossy, and catty. This proves to be a problem because sometimes in order to not come across as evil or nontraditional as in the Victorian female case, or catty and malicious in the more modern case, women feel constricted as to what they can say and do. They sometimes feel unable speak up against a group for what they think or believe in, they do not take the actions that they think they should, and they do not become the leaders they could be and they end up squandering their potential to bring about change. There is still a societal expectation for women to be passive and to just sit on the sidelines as men continue to lead in the homes, the businesses, and the countries and it will take more nontraditional, bossy, new women who do not care if others see her having and using her power as a negative trait to get rid those
  • 13. Taking a Look at Digital Activism Digital Activism Digital activism is the manifestation of informal communication and media systems can have constructive results on the world giving strength and a voice to people when required. Yet, at the same time be utilized as a part of conflicting attitudes to rather fulfill individual needs of activists bringing on more mischief than good. Digital activism incorporates numerous sorts of new media, for example, online journals, Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. These online networking sites have assumed a real part in different questionable political scenes. These sorts of new media have given important devices to activists looking to have a voice and to support flexibility and majority rule in government. Each instance of digital activism is its own particular story, and from nation to nation there are key elements that give the vital setting to why some social developments triumph and others fail. Digital activism has an exhibited, positive effect, particularly when the global community gathers and uses digital mediums that concentrate on the objective of changing government strategy. Digital activism, in general, is a peaceful undertaking. There are just a few situations when digital mediums have been used to empower roughness against their rivals but in general digital activism is centered on urban engagement, not hurting individuals or property. Regardless of the dangers, Ai Weiwei has provoked others in China and abroad to take the charge through tweets,
  • 14. Plagiarism Is More Effective Than Just Punishing Students Later Draft Scott Jaschik discusses various situations of plagiarism in college in his article, Winning Hearts and Minds in War on Plagiarism, in order to argue that there are more efficient solutions to prevent plagiarism. Jaschik published this article in Inside Higher Ed, which is an online news source, that he cofounded, targeting first year English and college writing instructors. In the article, he explores different ways of preventing plagiarism and emphasizes the importance of academic integrity. By drawing on different instructor perspectives, he employs various situations such as an online student discussion board and an assignment to purposely plagiarize in order to highlight common issues with why students plagiarize. Jaschik ... Show more content on ... Although there still was some unintentional plagiarizing, the open minded conversation between Hagopian and her students was more beneficial and effective for the students because it taught them the, difference between deliberate fraud and failed apprenticeship (Jaschik 262). This example strengthens Jaschik s idea by specifically illustrating how first year writing instructors being more open minded towards plagiarism can be more beneficial for the students. Jaschik also describes another example with Roy Stamper, an associate writing director, who followed an online student discussion board where students discussed how they felt about plagiarizing which led Stamper to discover that there was also a strong, intense reaction from other students much of it critical (263). Jaschik uses this to illustrate how his lurking online raised many questions and whether, an intense workload puts an emphasis for students on efficiency as opposed to quality (263 4). This example also strengthens Jaschik s argument in that it appeals to the first year writing instructors by giving insight on various students opinions on plagiarizing. This is effective to the instructors because it allows them to learn some reasons why students plagiarize, such as being overloaded and not having enough time. Even Stamper himself asks, Should writing instructors be looking to
  • 15. China has 5000 years of history which experienced wars,... China has 5000 years of history which experienced wars, collapses, failures and successes. The Opium War in the year 1839 and 1856 marked the changing point of China s trade policy with foreigners, especially with British in opium and tea. China changed from getting tributes to being forced to sign the Nanjing Treaty and Tianjing Treaty with British and French. Due to Chinas over confidence and unwelcome attitude toward foreigners and opium, it caused the British to declare the Opium War to China which made Chinese suffered for many years, but at the same time it also forced China to open its door to the foreigners. Opium is dangerous, and it will ruin people s life once people get addicted to it. Smoking opium made most of the Chinese ... Show more content on ... And at the heart of the trade was tea. It came from no other place. India did not then produce any, nor Ceylon, Java, or Formosa; Japan was inaccessible; the world perforce drank China teas. Above all, the English drank them (17). English needed the tea from China which was one reason caused British to negotiate with the Chinese to open more trade opportunity to the outsiders, and the denial of exporting tea to the British caused the later Opium War. Qianlong emperor s reaction to Macartney s mission angered the British as well. Qianlong emperor s over confidence was shown in the court when he met the British ambassador Macartney. He required Macartney to wear Chinese clothes and practice Chinese kowtow. But Macartney was not going to obligate, or rather he would perform the three times three only if some mandarin also kowtowed before his own sovereign George III, a portrait of whom he had thoughtfully included in his baggage (32). Even though China had a great power during that time, Macartney did not considered himself as who came from a weaker country. China did not think it needed products from foreign countries. Chinese needed nothing and traded a little with tribute bearing barbarians only out of affectionate condescension. Let Macartney go quietly away! Let King George, his master, display the proper respect and devotion by refraining in the future from importunate embassies! (32). All they care about was the Confucius culture of paying ritual.
  • 16. Senior Home Care Finding the right assisted living provider so your loved one can live at home can be difficult. Visiting Angels, in Milwaukee, is not just another assisted living facility, they offer quality in home care. They provide senior care services for residents throughout Milwaukee County and is the nation s leading non medical private senior home care medical organization. They provide a variety of services including Alzheimer s care. With the winter months upon us and so many hazards, it is important that you lived one has dependable in home care. Visiting Angels offers many private senior care services. Light housekeeping, meal prep and even just a friendly companion are all senior home care services the staff can handle. They will run errands ... Show more content on ... Ice and snow make it easy for them to trip or fall. Those who have live in care should always ask for assistance when walking on icy or snowy sidewalks or roads. Non slip shoes or those with good traction are also a good idea. Dress warm: Along with winter come cold temperatures. Make sure to dress warmly. The elderly are more prone to weather related conditions such as hypothermia or frostbite. Fight the winter blues: The winter months are cold and dreary, and many seniors are forced to stay inside due to it being more difficult to get around. They can feel lonely and depressed. Family members and friends should make sure to visit regularly or even come and take them out for the day. The cold Milwaukee weather will not stop Visiting Angels from coming in and offering the same great elderly care services. They help to make it easier for your loved one to stay in their home and be safe during the winter. They offer 24 hours assisted living services. If you are the main caregiver, they can come in and stay with your loved one while you run errands or even go out of town. They will serve as more than just caregivers for your loved one; they will be a compassionate
  • 17. Bt Direct Marketing 1.0Executive Summary The proposals that we are going to depose are a planning of continuous action in order to confront the challenges, which BT confronts. The most important factor is considered to be the fact that the marketing environment changed rapidly after the deregulation of the telephone industry. Up to then BT was operating as a monopoly, ignoring the competition and ways to face it. Our intention is to achieve the already given targets and also prepare BT for an opening to new horizons. In addition, in order to face the fast changing environment we have to introduce within the companies activities like cross selling and e marketing . A new era is at about to start, where BT will become one of the leaders within the global ... Show more content on ... In such cases, most of the times, the pioneer proves to be less competitive than the followers. The British telephone industry changes fast according to the way telephone services are offered. In our days, were cross selling is in growth and it is a commodity the companies to be involved in various activities, in order to secure their profitability, it is expected that even more companies will try to enter the market by offering alternative services, coming especially from the sector of new technology. It is thought that ВЎВҐthe best defence is the attackВЎВ¦. As certainly opportunities will be given in the sectors of mobile phones and Internet services, BT will meet the challenge to enter. The participation of the UK in European Union may lead to further evolution in the sector of telecommunications within the Community. Moreover, it is expected that in the near future alternative technologies will transform the way telecommunication services were offered till now. For instance the future coming of Web phone may cause a complete change to the market. 3.2 SWOT Analysis The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses within the company and describes the opportunities and threats BT faces. 3.2.1 Strengths The following are accepted as the main strong points of BTВЎВ¦s structure: В„XAccess to respected amounts of capital, which will fund the
  • 18. The Football Of High School Football in high school took utmost of my time. It made myself set family plus friend s aside since it was a sport I committed myself to every day. I knew I was not going to be playing at the professional or college level yet I desired to have a good high school team; unfortunately that did not occur. My junior year, we won two games and lost the rest. During my senior year, we won four games and lost the rest, but that was two more games won than the previous year. Occasionally it felt like all that work and obligation was not worth it. During the last home game, however my team and I, did something outrageous. We proved to all those newspapers, opposing teams, and loyal and un loyal fans that with hard work and team work, we were able to achieve great things. I was thrilled, but also wretched for my last home game. The squad geared up then headed down Rattle Snake Hill, a hill we go down all home games to get to the field. Before the game we had a ceremony to recognize all the seniors since it was going to be our final home game. I paid attention to half of the ceremony whereas the other half focused on the other team and how they were doubled our size and doubled as many players. A lot of us had no confidence in winning this game, but we wanted to have fun on our last home game. We were in the huddle, ready to go out to kick off. The ball was kicked, and the ball headed towards me. I caught the ball, ran the ball in a few yards, and I gave my team good field position.
  • 19. The Soweto Uprising of 1976 an education Related Outcry by... A system of legal separation amongst races dominated the Republic of South Africa, namely apartheid between 1948 until 1993. Apartheid led to the separation and discrimination between whites against people of colour. Not only was this racism commonly accepted between whites against blacks, but it was also legally enforced as white s maintained priority in terms of housing, education, political power and jobs. I will be examining a particular event, The Soweto Uprisingof 1976 which was an education related outcry by students. This event carries with it a great deal of importance as it was a very powerful thing to impact South Africaand help in the deconstruction of the Apartheid government. A decree issued by the Bantu Education in 1976 ... Show more content on ... The number of students involved gathered up to around 10,000. On their way to the stadium, it was reported that around fifty armed policemen stopped the students in an attempt to send them back. Initially the policemen tried (but failed) to disperse the crowds by means of warning shots fired and tear gas. The situation however took a severe turn as policemen instead began firing shots directly into the crowd. While some students attempted to fight back by means of throwing stones, many simply ran for cover. Two students lost their lives from police gunfire that day, Hastings Ndlovu and Hector Pieterson while hundreds of other students were treated for various degrees of injury during this outrageous chaos that swarmed Soweto. These shootings lead to the almighty uprising that spread to over 100 urban and rural areas all around South Africa. An iconic photograph taken by Sam Nzima of a dying Hector Peterson was published in various newspapers all around the world as well as reports on the brutal murders surrounding that day which shocked and outraged the international community. Worse still, the South African security forces were instructed to shoot to kill remaining protestors in the name of law and order . By night time, another 11 deaths
  • 20. Jewish Influence On Jerry Seinfeld Since the creation of the television, people from all walks of life have been tuned into their favorite shows, news channels, and entertainment. Throughout the years, popular television shows have captured people s attention ever since. A popular comedy sitcom show, Seinfeld, created by Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David, depicts a group of friends who live in Manhattan, and through their characters shows the everyday life for the individuals. Seinfeldis still one of the very popular comedy sitcoms to come out during the 90 s. The reason that sets Seinfeld apart from other televisionshows is how Jerry Seinfeld included through the characters and episodes the Jewish American culture. Jerry Seinfeld, who is a Jewish American, wrote the show to include the Jewish aspect, which was the unheard of since The Goldbergs in the 1940 s. After all the success of the show, Jerry Seinfeld and the show Seinfeld, had faced early criticism from executives and writers. What Jerry Seinfeld did for the entertainmentnot only challenged barriers, but in fact changed television forever. Throughout this the essay, it will discuss the... Show more content on ... The NBC President Brandon Tartikoff, used the phrase too Jewish in 1991 in order to get his message across of why he wanted to cancel the show after just one episode of the show. He didn t believe the show could have made it in America in the 90 s, so instead of letting it run and use up NBC funding, he rather have the show canceled. A show that was being recorded at the same time that Seinfeld was being released was titled The Marshall Chronicles . The show was quickly canceled after just five episodes for what many deemed it as too Jewish . Luckily for the show Seinfeld, it was given the chance to continue recording episodes and would soon garner the attention that would open the door up for Jewish American
  • 21. Cambodi The Country Of Cambodia In the southern portion of the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia lays the small country of Cambodia, a country that has been in economic turmoil for decades. One economic downfall after another has led to about a third of the nation existing below the poverty line which was at 2,473 Riel or 61 cents per day in 2010. Cambodia s population is estimated to be around 15,000,000 people. So that leaves about 5,000,000 in poverty. The current struggle Cambodia has to face is the future. The private sector needs to create enough jobs to handle Cambodia s demographic imbalance. Nearly half of the population is under 21. Due to the poverty in this country children are victims of malnourishment from a very young age. As you can imagine, growing up in conditions such as these lead to impacts on their education and learning skills. This puts Cambodia s youth in a highly vulnerable position as it would it any country. Migrating to the urban areas without any money, knowledge, or support these youth get pushed into a life of alcoholism, drug addictions, sex trade, HIV exposure, theft, and killing. There is an estimate of about 24,000 children who work and live on the streets. Cambodia is a society where it is not common to share your family problems. They are considered private issues and no one really cares to hear about them. Sharing things like this is considered a weakness. This could be a cause or effect of the lack of social services and counseling in Cambodia. The education
  • 22. Three Kings Day Short Story The air rang with laughter and the festive sounds of families celebrating the eve of Three Kings Day. The aroma of suckling pigs basted with adobo and scented with garlic and oregano, roasting on spits above ground level fogГіns, tangoed with the music of Celia Cruz, Mercedes Sosa and the Afro Cuban rhythm of Tito Puente. Shrieking children playing come find me competed with the reverberating slapping of dominoes against wooden picnic tables. Adding to the festive air was the spicy aroma of chicken and rice gumbo lightly bubbling inside a large cauldron. While familia were preparing other dishes, sipping cold drinks, rotating the roasting sucklings, admonishing children, or slamming dominoes, amid the shade of FlamboyГЎnt trees, eighty one year old Concha Barreto Torres slowly rocked back and forth in her favorite cane rocker, expertly cutting off the ends, then slitting the skins of green plantains. Reminiscing of past jГbaro traditions while unobtrusively watching her thirty four year old granddaughter... Show more content on ... Glancing over to the forest edge where most of the adults were gathered for the shade, she spotted her mami stirring a small caldero over one of the smaller pits, while laughing merrily with great abuela Concha. Consuela wrested with telling her mother about Rique s unusual request, but thought now was not a good time, if ever, because if he was scolded in front of everyone or tried to place the blame on her she would die from shame. Consuela had never kissed or hugged a hermanito other than her father or close family members, and had never done all those weird and nasty things she often heard some of the fast girls at school stage whispering about. She didn t ever want to be considered a una puta. She instinctively knew a reputation like that would be hard to live
  • 23. Essay On Why The USould Not Abolish The Penny Tanner Toussaint The United States should not abolish the penny. One of the examples of why the United States shouldn t abolish the penny is if the federal reserve changed the material the penny is made out of the cost of material will decrease. Secondly, the United States shouldn t abolished the penny because the tax on items would increase and force people into a situation where they don t know what items cost. Lastly, if the United States abolished the penny americans would be forced to use the nickel that cost more to make then the penny. For example, the United States should not abolish the penny because changing the penny to a different material would cost less and in contrast help more then getting rid of the penny. The cost to make one penny is more than the currency of a penny itself. Changing the material to something like steel will lower the money needed to create a penny. The cost of steel is really cheap and will make the cost of producing pennies cheaper and easier to make. The United States shouldn t abolish the penny because the United States can change the material of the penny and lower the cost to make a penny hugely. ... Show more content on ... The United States would be forced to round up all costs of items up to the nearest nickel including taxes. Just making the tax go up will change the economy hugely and force lot of companies and people into a situation where they won t know what items cost. To change all prices in America at once will be very difficult to do and many people won t know how to spend their money correctly. The United States shouldn t abolish the penny because the tax on items will increase
  • 24. The Increasing Need for Urban Planning 1. Introduction Quantitative urban studies are becoming increasingly important for planners knowing that in the year 2015 more than half the global population will be residing in cities [1]. Suitable urban planning ought to be a top priority for future development but unfortunately sound planning has not taken place especially in many African cities as heavy rural urban migration continues to cause cities to expand at uncontrollable rates [2]. As a consequence, the urban population in Africa is increasing at a much faster rate than in the rest of the world, contributing to the augmentation of the existing problems such as unsuitable land use [3]. The concentration of population in cities comprises as much as 60% of the total population in most countries. In these immense urban settlements the environmental and social consequences are sometimes disastrous [4]. Large cities in Africa such as Nakuru have experienced a fast growth rate of 13.3% between 1990 and 2006 [5]. The magnification has been attributed to a number of factors, mainly the aperture of the new Naivasha Nakuru road, which links the megacity of Nairobi. Post election violence is verbally expressed to be one of the contributing factors, since many displaced people from neighboring towns migrated to Nakuru as a safe shelter. The main consequences in these African cities include; urban sprawl, unsuitable land use, inadequate transportation systems, air and water pollution, depletion of natural resources,
  • 25. Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper Martin Luther King Jr,. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. He was originally named Michael King Jr. He grew up being the middle child in a family of five, he had one brother and one sister. His sister, Christine King Farris, was the oldest out of the three kids, and his brother, A.D. King was the youngest. His mother, Alberta Williams King, was a former school teacher. His father, Martin Luther King Sr., was a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. He married Coretta Scott and settles in Montgomery, Alabama where they had four kids, Yolanda Denise King, Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott King and Bernice Albertine King. Challenges faced by leader Martin Luther King Jr. faced many challenges in his life. Some challenges that he faced were being an African Americanwith no civil rights. While he lived in Montgomery, the city was highly segregated and became the center of the thriving struggle for civil rights in America motivated by the landmark Brown vs Board of Education decision in 1954. Activist coordinated a bus boycott that placed a severe economic strain on public transit system and business owners that were located downtown. They chose MLK to be protest s leader and official spokesman. The social activists chose MLK to be protest s leader and official ... Show more content on ... The march was considered as a turning point in history of the American civil rights movement and a part in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In Selma, Alabama, violence broke out between white segregationists and peaceful demonstrators, where the SCLC and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC) organized a voter campaign. This outraged many Americans and inspired supporters from across the US to gather in Alabama and take part in the Selma to Montgomery March. The March was lead by King and supported by President Lyndon B. Johnson, who sent on federal troops to keep the
  • 26. Dantes August 20, 2015 3.2.13 Practice: Revision Strategies The tempest one of the most difficult Shakespearean works in my opion to stage, from its stormy, chaotic first scene to its sureality to its ambiguous resolution, with Prospero facing his silent, treacherous brother and renouncing the power that has made every action in the story possible. Potent language remains the central force and mystery of this fathomless play. Prospero speaks almost a third of the lines in The Tempest, and controls the amount of speech every other character on the island has through manipulation and magic. Prospero s narrative of how he came to the island, what he did once there, and what he is owed for this history, goes largely unchallenged in the text. Yet... Show more content on ... I think that what Prospero is doing here has much to do with the process of the Othering as a method to make a binary opposition so that he can justify all his brutal and inhuman actions towards Caliban. BartolomГ© de Las Casas 16th century Spanish historian talks about this process of Othering or let s say considering the Others to be barbarous just because they cannot speak fluently the language of the Colonizer s, just like what Prospero does towards Caliban, and he argues that it is not just, because the Others can also consider us as barbarous for not knowing our language: Prospero teaches Caliban to speak his language, but never gives him access to his books. There is no indication that Miranda ever sets her hands on these fabled tomes, either: Prospero controls the reality of both Caliban and Miranda through language and stories, giving them no other means of education or perspective. Caliban, forced to use the language of his oppressor, resorts to curses, and knows that the way to destroy Prospero is through his books, telling Stefano and Trinculo to burn them before they kill him. These books have an
  • 27. Police Officers And Officers Police And Corrections Officers If My Mind Could Forget the Things My Eyes Have Seen Abuse by police officers and officers in penal institutions is a big subject in the media now. Turn to a news station and the chances of seeing at least on case are pretty high. The most unreported incidents, however, is actually assault on police officers and correctionsofficers. The media does not report these issues nearly as much as it tries to portray officer assault on criminals. Why is it that the media covers up the big issue of officer assault and reports the innocent criminals being assaulted? When the media is trying to scare someone they don t say criminals are bad, instead, make it seem like the selfless officers risking their lives are the bad guys and use it as a scare tactic to create distrust and panic in the public. Abuse falls under six definitions when applied to law enforcement. Physical abuse: The blatant beating, striking, or physical mistreatment of an inmate. This is a very vague area because any physical contact with an inmate can be reported as abuse. Psychological abuse: The mental degradation of an inmate through embarrassment, unnecessary command or criticism. Unlawful interrogation, which is literally unheard of anymore, means the use of starvation, sleep deprivation, dehydration, etc. Excessive force: When compliance must be obtained physically and the amount of force used far exceeds the need. Torture: the use of stress positions water boarding and hot boxing, also
  • 28. 1A. The Phases That Jeannine Skipped Are 1. The Systems 1a. The phases that Jeannine skipped are 1. The systems analysis and requirements phase 2. The systems design phase 3. The implementation phase and 4. Operations and Maintenance phase (Systems support and security). 1b. When Jeannine skipped the system analysis phase, she failed to analyze the needs of the end user and whether the system she came up with would meet her final requirements. Although Jeannine incorrectly believes she knows what is required she is unaware that the financial comptroller has been reevaluating the manner in which the company invests money. Skipping the systems analysis phase ensures Jeannine has no logical model of the system that she designs and disregards company policies and the change in progress. By ... Show more content on ... Had Jeannine followed the proper planning process she would have been able to resolve most of the issues that she encountered before they were a problem. 2a. Steven failed to do several things as a Project Manager. He failed to deliver the product on time and within budget, as well as managing expectations. His failures were a result of poor planning, prompt or advance requesting of resources, and a failure to communicate with his team, management and the end user. Steve s job as the PM is to monitor progress, ensure key stakeholders keep their people focused on the task and prevent delays, or if delays occur communicate those issues to management. Managing stake holders and keeping them focused on requirements and due dates goes a long way towards preventing problems. Steve seems to have failed at this. 2b. Using the creeping requirements as an excuse seems to be a mistake as it implies project mismanagement. If the project had been properly monitored scope creep could have been detected early and managed. 2c. As the PM, Steven should have been aware of what was occurring in the project always. Burying problems prevents them from being brought into the light, analyzed and solved quickly. The adage that Problems don t get better with time rings true here. Giving problems their due attention ensures that they can be fixed promptly and
  • 29. Stanislavsky Method Acting Stanislavsky and the History of Method Acting I do not believe you. These five words were used by Konstantin Stanislavsky in the late 1890 s in Soviet Russia to chastise an actor who was not convincing enough in his role. Although but a brief glimpse into the mind of Stanislavsky, the words help bring clarity to a technique and system that forever transformed the world of acting and drama. Konstantin Stanislavski was an actor and director who is credited with pioneering method acting and the Stanislavsky system. As an actor, Stanislavski was discontented with the prevailing ideas on theatre and acting, leading him to drop out of the Moscow Theatre School after only being there for about two weeks. He found inspiration rather in the philosophical ... Show more content on ... One such case is Daniel Day Lewis who received traditional training rather than experiential at Bristol Old Vic, a high profile theatre arts school in England. Daniel Day Lewis is known for refusing to break character in between scenes and doing extensive research for every role he accepts. This was particularly the case for Spielberg s Lincoln, in which Lewis studied for over a year and used his Lincoln imitative voice beyond the confines of the set to play the titular role which won him an Oscar. Lastly, Jake Gyllenhaal is known for undergoing physical transformations that rival the severity of De Niro s when he adopts a role. This included losing 30 pounds to portrary the neurotic amaetur videographer Louis Bloom in Nightcrawler. Additionally, Gyllenhaal left the film with a permanent scar on his hand, the result of a mindset in which the lines between the actor and the character were blurred. Following Nightcrawler with the film Southpaw, Gyllenhaal spent 8 months in an extremely rigorous exercise routine in order to have the physique he felt necessary to truly be a boxer. Lastly, Dustin Hoffman is known to have engaged in method acting at least once as he stayed awake for three days straight during the shoot movie Marathon Man. Hoffman, in his attempt to immerse himself in the role of Thomas Levy, decided the best way for him to appear as though he did not sleep for three days was to physically put himself in that very
  • 30. My Observation On Child Development Center Rasha Issa 7/9/2017 CD 153 My observation My observation was at the Grossmont college in the child development center. The address of this center is 8800 Grossmont College Dr El Cajon, CA 92020. Grossmont cares for 26 children from 6 months through 3 years of age. That meat 6 months by September 1st and not entered Kindergarten. Supply for the care and education of young children while their parents attend school or are employed by Grossmont College. The college and children s center serve a diverse population, including a large number of immigrants from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Africa. The days are opening from Monday Thursday 7:45 am 4 pm ... Show more content on ... it is my favorite picture books for children s because children prefer this type of books specially for the kids four years and under. Example for that when I was in the center I saw the teacher taught kids alphabet like she make letters out of play dough. she play the memory game with matching lower case to upper case. There has many pictures they put in the wall for the children and their family every child has a pictures on his or her cabinet. I have seen in the center teachers from different nationalities, for example Iraqi and Mexican teachers and America But they all speak English with kids. I have also seen in the center many sections for children to play, for example dramatic section, Block center, Science, sensory, art, quiet area, math area, writing and listening area. I saw kids doing their breakfast and when they were done they went to there table and ate there eggs and toast then the other side there were dramatic area and they were there costumes like Spiderman. one girt was a Princess and one was a firefighter and they were so cute when they played. The environment is very good for playing for kids at this center I saw. also I saw the outdoor environment of this center it is very good too. At this center has sand area, slid area, a big grass area for the ball, a big box water to play the kids and there has many bike and swing also they has storage for the toys and wood s toy. so the children s
  • 31. How Do Activists Sacrifice Their Life To Fight For Their... Your Intro: A lot of activists sacrifice their life in order to achieve their cause. Three activists that sacrificed their life to fight for their causes are Malala Yousafzai, Martin Luther King Jr, and Iqbal Masih. Some activists know that the might get killed for fighting for their cause but the keep fighting for it until they achieve their cause. Your Body Paragraph 1: One activist that sacrificed her life for her cause is Malala Yousafzai. A group of terrorists called the Taliban took over Afghanistan and took women s rights away. Malala fought for girls education and inspired other girls in Afghanistan to stand up for their freedom. Malala wasn t scared of the Taliban coming after her because they thought that they
  • 32. School Of Engineering And Technology PROJECT ON BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Submitted To AMITY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Guided By: Submitted By: Mr. N.B Mishra Ali Bakshi (Faculty of Civil Engineering) Enrollment No. A2315811003 Amity School Of Engineering Technology B.Tech Civil (2011 2015) Amity University, NOIDA, Uttar Pradesh ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my gratitude to Amity School Of Engineering and Technology for giving me the opportunity to study and analyse the process of making a bridge and promoting me to working on the site. I would like to thank The Jammu Kashmir Construction Corporation Ltd. for guiding me through the process of constructing a bridge. I am grateful to my Faculty Guide Mr. N.B Mishra for his supervision, guidance and constant help. I would like to thank my parents and my friends for their constant encouragement. Signature Signature (Ali Bakshi) (Mr. N.B Mishra) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Ali Bakshi, student of B.Tech in Civil
  • 33. Examples Of Ansoff Matrix Market Strategy In order to determine company s future growth, Ansoff Matrix (1957) has been used as a strategic planning tool by assessing risk from Product and Market scopes. The figure below shown the four alternatives of Ansoff matrix. The two most appropriate strategies for Sin Yoon Loong is market penetrationand market development. Market Penetration, which is improve the sales of product to the existing customers who age range from 35 years old and above. On the other hands, Market Development involves selling the existing products to the new market segments, which is the Malaysian young coffee drinkers who are aged range from 20 30 years old. Both market penetration and market development strategies seem to be solved to retain and ... Show more content on ... The program, called MyCofe Experience will be introduced and in order to exceed customers expectation. In the program on MyCofe Experience, every customer will be greetings with Welcome when they enter to the coffee shop. Staff will help to describe the product of MyCofe with menu order to the customers who are not familiar with them. Also, in order to improve customer intimacy, staffs are advised to write customer s given name on the coffee cup and calling customer name politely for drinks collection. Customer Intimacy helped to build customer loyalty for the long term (Michael Fred, 1993). The company encourages employees to create a close relationship with each customer by greeting them while they enter to the shop, introduce and brief them regarding to the product, close to the customers by calling their name politely, knowing and remember their preferences. Kotler (2008) stated that in order to create customer satisfaction and value, the company should offer higher than customer expectation and customer satisfaction, which can be created via building valued relationship with its customers. Employees are playing a very important role in this program, therefore, motivation s program will be introduced to motivate employees with recognition, promotion opportunity and best employee
  • 34. East And East Berlin Wall Economic Analysis The Belin Wall: a Divide between Two Economies When the prominent Indian economist B. R. Shenoy visited Berlin in 1960, he witnessed two completely differing parts of the same city (Shenoy). A wall divided Berlin into two separate areas, West Berlin and East Berlin. West Berlin, a capitalist economy, boomed with economic freedom and prosperity. While East Berlin, a command economy, verged on economic collapse. The example of West and East Berlin demonstrates that a capitalist economy, also known as a free market economy, is better than a command economy. To understand the origin of the different economic situations of the same city, it is necessary to look back in history to the end of World War II. Two months after victory in Europe, on July 1945, France, Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union met to determine what to do with conquered Germany. They divided the county into four zones, one zone for each of the victor nations (Gaps). The French, British, and United States zones joined in 1949, becoming ... Show more content on ... R. East and West Berlin: A Study in Free vs. Controlled Economy. CATO Institute, n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2017. Jordine, Lelissa R. German Democratic Republic. Encyclopedia of Russian History. Ed. James R. Millar. Vol. 2. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004. 553 554. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar. 2017. The Visit. Human and Civil Rights: Essential Primary Sources. Ed. Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and K. Lee Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 164 168. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar. 2017. Gaps, John, III. Fall of the Berlin Wall. Government, Politics, and Protest: Essential Primary Sources. Ed. K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2006. 287 290. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Mar. 2017. Gowans, Stephen. Democracy, East Germany and the Berlin Wall. Global Research. Global Research2, 25 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Mar.
  • 35. Hummingbird Research Paper The hummingbird is one of the most unique animals on our planet. They are equipped with freaky flying abilities and fantastically fast traits, all which make them the distinct animals that they are. How everyday can be a struggle for these nectar consuming flyers just puts me in awe. Hummingbirds have multiple special characteristics that help them to survive in the wilderness. Hummingbirds have a heart rate of 1,200 bpm when flying, and take about 250 breaths per minute. Hummingbirds can beat their wings up to 200 times per second, which, as you may have guessed, takes up a lot of energy. This helps them to move forwards, backwards, hover, and even move upside down. Hummingbirds spend most of their days gathering nectar to use as energy. These frequent flyers are also quite small and light. The smallest hummingbird, the Bee Hummingbird, is only 5 cm in length while the largest hummingbird, the Giant Hummingbird, is 20 cm in length. Most hummingbirds weigh less than a nickel. This helps them move around quickly and efficiently, and also helps them to gather nectar from small flowers. ... Show more content on ... For starters, hummingbirds are surprisingly intelligent for their minuscule size. Hummingbirds have the largest percentage of brain size to body size of all the species of birds at 4.2%. They can also remember which flowers they have visited and how long it takes a flower to refill. It takes hummingbirds lots of energy to fly, and they even use lots of energy while perching. This is why hummingbirds enter a hibernation like state called torpor which slows down their heart rate down to 1/15 of what it is normally. Hummingbirds can also see near ultraviolet light, which is why colors like red stand out so much to
  • 36. Examples Of Witnessed Favoritism There was an incident that occurred last summer where I was witnessed favoritism towards me for being a male. My friend Suzy and I decided to apply for the same job in UMD campus. We were applying to become auxiliary police officers. We both had the same credentials, same years in school, same age and same ethnic background. The only difference was our genderand that she had a higher GPA than I did during that time. I honestly thought that she was going to get the job instead of me because she had higher grades than I did. It resulted that I was called for an interview and I was offered the job. They never called Suzy for an interview or anything. After I got the job, I noticed that most employees consisted of males. That was the only experience
  • 37. Questionnaire On Classroom Observation Reading Lesson Observation Questionnaire 1.Describe the classroom environment. In what ways did the environment support literacy? a.This classroom supports literacy in numerous ways. There are visual aids all over the walls about various subjects such as high frequency words, weather, days of the week, months, bullying, class rules, a birthday wall, and consequences for bad behavior. Mrs. Brandt also has five stations set up around her room and each one of them are labeled which is important for children because they will learn to recognize what those words look like. The walls are nearly covered with these types of posters, anchor charts, labels, pictures, etc. 2.Observe a reading lesson. Describe what, if anything you saw the students/teachers do before, during, and after the lesson. If you observe more than one reading lesson (for example small groups) or activity please comment on each. a.Before i.Introduction of the day on SMARTboard 1.Displayed a paragraph on the SMARTboard introducing the students to the date and the activities for the day. a.Mrs. Brandt first read the paragraph out loud to the class while also pointing to each word as she read out loud. Then, she had the class join in the second time to participate in a choral reading of the introduction to the day. After the choral reading was finished, Mrs. Brandt would ask students to find a word on the board, raise their hand when they found it, and then she would call a student up to the board to circle
  • 38. Human s Personality And Preferences May Change Over Time Despite the fact that human s personality and preferences may change over time, philosophers have always sought the answers to how people have the impression that they are the same person. At first, philosophers presumed that people need to have the same body to be the same person. However, Locke proposed that consciousness, which is in this case memoryis the key to determine identity. In this paper, I would discuss how memory as the mental states grounds the notion of psychological continuity. Raising the problem of circularity in the memory theory, I will explain how to amend the psychological continuity to avoid the problem. At first, philosophers used the same body theory to explain personal identity. They assume that a person at one time is the very same person as a person later if and only if they have the same body. However, one problem of the same body theory is that biologically the body is constantly changing. A body ten years later would not be the very same body at present. The problem makes the same body theory a false condition. Therefore, it is imprudent to set the same body theory as the criteria to determine personal identity. What thing that will remain the same even with different bodies, that can help determine a person to be the same person earlier? The answer is memory. Even though the body is changing over time biologically, memories usually do not fade away with it. As a matter of fact, philosophers proposed a new theory called the Psychological
  • 39. Figurative Language In The Secret Lion By Alberto Rios The text that will be analyzed is a short story called The Secret Lion by Alberto Rios. This text is jam packed full of figurative language such as symbolism and personification. The story is a memory from the author himself about when he was growing up as a kid in the border town of Nogales, Arizona. He has just reached junior high and he is in the early stages of becoming an adult. He does not like the fact that he is growing up and he wants to stay as a kid. Through the use of symbolism, the author takes the reader on a magical journey through their childhood using the arroyo, the grinding ball, and the golf course. The most prominent use of figurative language in the story is the author s use of symbolism. There are multiple items throughout... Show more content on ... The heaven is the golf course behind the boys house. The boys always saw the green hills back there and had always wondered what it truly was. Their mother had told them to never go over there but one day they finally convinced her to let them venture over. The boys packed themselves a lunch, which included a sandwich and a Coke, and they headed over to the green hills. Upon arrival, the boys were shocked at what they saw. At the time, the boys had not known what a golf course was so finding a green golf course in the middle of a desert was quite astounding for them. The boys headed towards the green of a hole and decided to have their lunch there. The boys used the hole itself as a cup holder for their Coke; thinking that that was what it was meant for. After a bit of relaxing and eating, a couple of men with bags of clubs around their backs approached the boys. They yelled at them to move so they could hit their ball into the hole; the hole the boys thought was a cup holder. The boys then fled, later figuring out that they were on a golf course. The golf course is the boys childhood. The men that shooed the boys off represents adulthood. The adults are telling the boys to forget their childhood and move on to adulthood. Jim O Loughlin in The Facts On File Companion to American Poetry, vol. 2 says, In much of his work, RГos explores truths of experience that do not conform to rational explanation. (116). Jim is very correct in this statement. Alberto Rios uses very out of the ordinary techniques to convey his message. In this story, it would be Rios using odd objects to convey himself and a friend growing up. Irena Praitis in Encyclopedia of Hispanic American Literature says, The world RГos creates in his books is a world characterized by magical realism. (81). Most would agree with Irena in this statement because Rios loves to use magical realism in his short stories. Magical realism is a
  • 40. Conodoguinet Creek Flow Analysis Introduction Background The Conodoguinet Creek flows through Cumberland and Franklin counties of Southcentral Pennsylvania. From the Horse Valley next to Kittatinny Mountain at an elevation of 1680 feet, the Conodoguinet Creek flows 104 miles through the fertile Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania, joining the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg. As it meanders north eastwardly across a broad plain between Blue Mountain on the north and South Mountain on the south, the Conodoguinet flows through Buchanan State Forest and State Game Lands No. 76 then flows into Letterkenny Reservoir and changes course to a southeasterly flow. Coming from an Indian word meaning a long way with many bends, the creek drains 524 square miles of diverse lands. Forested
  • 41. The Pros And Cons Of Cult Leaders When someone hears the word cult they quickly think of the many mass murders or they scare children by telling them not to drink the red koolaid . Today, there are thousands of cults and cult leaders worldwide. For many years, the leaders of clut have had a powerful psychological hold onto their followers minds. Some cultleaders have brainwash their followers by using fear, guilt and violence as a weapon to control the minds. However , in other cases cult leaders leave behind those methods and use spiritual and persuasive speeches making their followers believe in what they are doing is the right thing.Due to cult leaders withhold a all powerful physiological offense their followers are alter to do things they would not normally do in their right state of mind. For a long time, there has been an non stop issue surrounding the definition for the term Cult . The term cult has a lot of different meanings. However the term cult is described as A group, often times though not always religious or spiritual in nature, that is led by a single or small group of leader s. ( Urban Dictonary). A cult is basically a group having a leader and followers that bond together by the appreciation for the same thing,idea or a person. ... Show more content on ... Jim Jones was a young preacher that believed he was the son of god and convinced the people from church he was their only salvation. After the US government began investigated more into Jones church he moved his church yo Ghana in where JOnestown was founded. On November 18, 1978 America faced the most horrific tragedy in Jonestown GUyana. Cult leader Jim Jones and 909 members of the Peoples temple died from poisoning , in a revolutionary suicide . Jim Jones convinced everyone that the end was bear and order everyone of his loyal followers to drink poisoned kool aid , however those who did not followed orders were forced to drink, in the end JIm JOnes took his own life as
  • 42. Compare And Contrast The Government Of The People And... The people of America and their government each owe their commitment to obey certain obligations to each other. Since each component of the nation must work together in order for it to function properly, the people and those governing them each have essential duties they must obey to sustain an efficiently operating country. The governmentof the people, by the people, for the people. (Lincoln) both serves the people and is served by the people. The government is responsible for serving and representing its people. Because the people of today generally understand that no human being is born superior or inferior to any other, the government must promote equal opportunity and rights for all. It is commonly agreed that all men and women
  • 43. Genie Secret Of The Wild Child Summary The video Genie: Secret of the Wild Child My Shocking Story, demonstrated that isolation from the world affects the ability to function in society. The social environment that surrounds us from the time we are born is critical in developing skills that are vital to survive and be independent in the world. As a child, we are surrounded with family, friends, and television that we learn language, skills to interact with others, and developmental skills. Genie lived in isolation which caused her to be developmental y delayed in developing language skills and social skills to function in an environment. Genie was kept in isolation for ten years by her father. She was locked up in a room with interaction with others. She spent every day with... Show more content on ... Doctors became interested in Genie. Genie had a sleep study performed that showed sleep spindles. The sleep spindles were abnormal brain wave patterns. The question then arose if she was retarded or had brain damage. Various people worked with Genie to help her learn. Genie learned words and showed improvements with language and developmental skills but never learned enough to be normal. Genie had demonstrated signs of mental retardation. Susan Curtis, showed interest in Genie s language skills. Susan was a new grad that was interested in language acquisition. She tracked Genie s speech and worked with her teaching her words and interaction with people. Genie could not speak sentences but learned words and how to express emotions. The doctors often showed signs they were only interested in the research and not in Genie as a person. Genie was moved from place to place after taking from her home. She was placed and surrounded with different people so she could develop any special bonds before she was moved to someone else. Genie had already been isolated for ten years and then she was exposed to constant research and was never really given a nurturing home that provided her with
  • 44. The Low Price Of Oil The low price of oil can be directly felt when filling up a car s tank with gas. For many years when the price of oil drops, there is growth within the economy, however, the recent decline has yet to deliver the traditional economic boom. Low oil prices have a negative impact on the U.S. economy as well as the global economy, with a direct correlation to politics. The low prices affect the U.S. economy in many ways. Cheap oil halts growth in businesses and makes companies less profitable. These actions will have ripple effects throughout the U.S. as a whole. There are small segments of business that will be more successful when oil is so inexpensive but the negatives far outweigh the positives. According to a post by Patrick DeHaan for ... Show more content on ... Countries that have formed over large deposits of oil now find themselves key players in the oil game. Saudi Arabia sits atop the largest oil deposits in the world. Many scientists believe that the Saudi s have over 250 billion barrels of oil within their borders. Gregory Gethard, a senior writer for Investopedia, explains The other Middle Eastern nations with sizable quantities all have about one half of Saudi Arabia s reserves. They include Iraq, Iran, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates. These countries, and more, for a total of 12, form what is known as OPEC, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. The OPEC cartel claims to control around 78% of the world s oil reserves. Since OPEC controls the majority of the world s oil supply they can tweak the price of oil depending on their fiscal goals. If they want to make more money they can withhold oil from the economy, increasing the price per barrel, and if they wanted to drop the price of oil, they can release the storage of oil and flood the market. A common benchmark for the price of oil is called the OPEC basket, this is a combination of oil from the OPEC cartel. A process called refining needs to take place before oil can be used. To put it simply, the refining process starts by boiling crude oil which turns into a vapor. In an article for Investopedia, Gethard states Different types of oil are formed
  • 45. Worlds Of Wonder In The Northern Colonies Dbq In Worlds of Wonder in the Northern Colonies by David D. Hall, he discuss the role of religion in the northern colonies. Many of the things that happened or they endured were seen as different manifestations of their religion. Things such as losing material possessions or dying in a unforeseen way were seen as God showing you the error of your ways. In Document five, Dr. Hamilton discusses his time in various parts of the Northern colonies. While in New London he watches as people come together and burn their material possessions in order to save their souls. They believe that by letting go of these worldly possessions that they idolize, their souls shall be set free. They felt unworthy and often felt they were sinners, trying their best to