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Birte G. Barsch
The splash image partly covers the
masthead, so the magazine will
get recognised even without
seeing the whole
masthead, because they are so
well known.
The splash images is the lead singer
of My chemical Romance so it is
connected to the main cover line.
The Singer is looking straight into
the camera so he creates a
connection to the audience. Also he
holds his hands like two guns so he
creates a connection to the line that
says “danger days”, at the same
time it looks like he stands there
with open arms so he invites the
audience to read “The inside story” .
The cloth he`s wearing also reflect
the rock music industry, because he
is wearing both a leather jacket and
leather glows, and leather is a part
of the typical rock image. However
he brakes the rock image a little
because he is smiling a little and
looks quite inviting.
Extras that make the audience buy
the magazine are announced with
an exclamation mark and extra bold
fonts to make the audience aware
of it.

They use a skyline at the top and a menu strip
at the bottom to introduce more of the
contents of this issue.
The fonts are quite bold which represents the
boldness of the rock music.
The colours are also something you expect to see
on the front cover of Kerrang, because those are
the main colours on most of the Kerrang
magazines .
The colours, red, yellow and black are often
associated with warning signs and danger.
Which fits with the image of rock and the
message the rock music sends out about
being dangerous and rebellious. The singers
hair also reflect this because its dyed into a
unnatural red colour, which is rebellious and
looks dangerous.
The layout looks really busy, because of the
many bold fonts and the bright colours that is
used on the front cover. Also you have quit
much texts, and multiple photographs.
They use a different font for the main cover line
“My Chemical Romance” The font reflects the
image of the band and also includes a spider in the
O in romance. Which is also associated with the
band. The title is also in an angel which reflects the
edginess off the band.
The magazine try to capture the audience
by offering free extras, like a CD and
Posters. So the audience might not have
that much money because they get drawn
in by free offers
They use something like a skyline to
tell the audience what else they can
read about in the magazine. They also
use a lot of images and cover lines to
. increase there audience range.
While his eyes look really scary they
also look straight into the camera to
help create a connection between
the audience and the person.
The background of the cover is black
to reflect the dark side of the rock
music. Also it reflects the quite dark
image of Alkaline trio, which is the
main cover line.
They use a variety of fonts to make the
magazine look busier so that it reflects
the music genre again. They also use a
lot of bold fonts for the most important
cover lines to show the boldness of the
rock genre.

The colours red, black and yellow are again
used to associate with warnings and danger
which the rock genre wants to be associated
The splash image partly covers the mast
head which shows the confidence of the
magazine, because they expect the
audience to know what magazine they are
even with parts of their name cover
The splash image is a medium shot of the
lead singer of Alkaline Trio, so even though
it is a band the magazine chose to only
present one person. So they present him as
the one important person in the band. Also
his cloths look quite proper while his facial
impression brakes this image because he
looks scary. Though his face works with the
cover line saying “Alkaline Trio on the run
from Satan” because he looks angry. This
also works with the rock image. It also
creates a connection between the artist and
how the audience might want to be looked
at. The red, blue and white on the tie, his
shirt and his hat, also reflects where the the
band comes from, USA.
The primary colours in this cover are
different shades of black and white as well
as orange. Orange is usually not
connotated with rock however it stands
out against the grey background and
draws the audiences eyes to the
The font with serifs that is used for the
main cover line reflects a more
sophisticated and classic take on the rock
genre. It also shows a little more class
which also works with the cover line
”meet rocks new royalty”
They use the lead singer of muse as the
splash image because the lead singer
most often is the one that is the most
famous. He also looks straight into the
camera which draws the reader into the
magazine. It also connects the reader to
the band. The lead singer is also wearing a
silver jacket which tells us that he is quite
The san serif font is used to let the magazine
look a little more modern. They also use the
two fonts directly against each other to
show that they look at all sides of the rock

They use the bold fonts to create a
modern layout and to emphasize
the boldness of the rock genre.
They have use a thing line to have
something besides the mast head
that the audience will recognise with
each of the magazine issues however
they have partly covered it with the
splash image which shows that they
don’t need it
These colours and font in this button reflect the
image of the band. As well as this is the
magazines flash, which is supposed to attracted
the audiences.

By using this font the magazine seems more
vintage which matches the name of the
magazine which is classic rock. Also because
of the colours of this plug(?) it catches the
audiences eyes.
Because the he has his armed crossed, he reflects
the rebelliousness of the genre.
The magazine has quite a chaotic layout
because the cover lines are spread all over the
cover and have all different sizes. This chaotic
layout might be associated with the life of a
rock star.
The use of multiple images on the contents
page also widen the audience because they
present more than just one band on the
contents page.
The use of a image with a black background
makes the layout look simpler & cleaner.
Also it picks up the colour that is used on the
contents page. As well as again allowing the
effect of yellow and black as a warning sign.
Because black, yellow, red and white are the
primary colours on both the front cover and
the contents page these are part of the
house style of the magazine. Also they have
used the same fonts as on the cover page
and these are also used in every issue so
they are also part of the house style.
By having a image of the editor on the
contents page the magazine creates a
connection between the audience and the
magazine also the editor has written
something about this issue and signed it
which makes it seem more personal and at
the same time more official.
The use of different head lines in black and
yellow to dived the contents page, it makes
it easier for the audience to find what they
looking for. Also they have connected
images to some of the tittles to make the
reader more interested in the titles.

The use of such a big image on the contents
page helps the audience to understand what
the main story is. It also makes the audience
more interested in the story behind the
image. By placing the page number just
underneath the image it makes it easier to
connect the image to a story in the magazine.
The guy on the image is also wearing black
leather which is often worn by Rock artists so
its often connected with rock music. It also
reflects the dark image that the rock music
has. Also we don’t see his eyes so he looks
more mysteries which again might make the
audience find out more about him

They have used the same priority colours for
the contents page as for the front
cover, which creates a continuity. Also the
colours do again highlight the element of
danger that is quite important to the rock
However they have used less red on the
contents page which might be because this
page doesn't have to catch the audiences
eyes as much as the front cover.
They give you information about how you
can get it sent to your door each week
instead of having to buy it in store. So they
expect the audience to buy more than one
They have used a clear line for the
contents. This line only includes the
main features so only the things
they expect most of the audience
to read about, while everything else
comes secondary.
Interesting enough the magazine
doesn`t use the same colours on the
front cover as on the contents page.
This shows that the colours may not be
a part of the house style but individual
for each issue. The colours do however
match the mise en sence in the image.
Under each of the headlines they have
a sentence or two that gives an idea of
what the different articles are about.
This is similar to what Kerrang did with
the smaller images on the contents
All of the main features have the name
of a band or artist as the head line. This
widens the audience because if you
don’t like one of the bands they have
written about you might still be
interested in one of the other bands
they have written about

He wears a lot of dark colours which is quite
common for Rock artist. He also has tattoos
which is often associated with a more dangerous
person which again reflects the typical rock
The background is quite dark which again can be
connotated with the dark side of the rock music.
It also helps highlighting the face of the artist .
They remind the audience which magazine they
are reading by having the name of the magazine
on the top. Together with some general issue
about this magazine ( The issue number and
when it was published) .
One of his eyes looks directly into the camera which
creates a connection between the audience and the
They have also used a image to connect to the most
important or biggest feature. Which helps the
audience get interested in this article. As well as
telling the reader which page they can find this on
they have put a quote from the article onto the page
to make the audience even more interested in the
They use a plug to tell the audience
about one of the extras you get by
buying this issue. A free CD. By placing
this one on top of the image of Joe Perry
it creates a connection between the text
in the plug and him.
The colours are more or less the same
as on the front cover apart from that
the front cover has a more orange
shade than the contents page. The two
main colours also reflect the colours he
is wearing on the photo. This black and
white theme tells the audience that the
music in this magazine is more classic
rock. This is again emphasised by the
fonts that are used. Because most of
them look quite simple and classic.
Again the artist in the image wears a lot
of black and leather which is associated
with the quite classic rock image. Also he
has an unnatural hair colour which also
many of the rock artist have. The length
of his hair also tells us that he is not one
of the most modern rock artist but
maybe a little older, because most of
todays rock artist have that long hair.

They have used a plug that says exclusive for
Rock, this makes the audience feel like this is a
special issue just for them and make them feel like
they are a part of something exclusive. By using
this plug they also make the magazine more
special because this interview or article is only for
this magazine . Also they have used the same font
for the word “Rock” as on the front cover which
creates a continuity and reminds the audience
what magazine they are reading.
They have divided the contents page into different
sections which makes it easier for the audience to
read it. It also makes a more simple and classic
layout. This simpler layout makes it seem like the
audience is a bit older and more sophisticated than
for instance the one of Kerrang
They have also short sentences underneath the
titles to give the reader a taste of what the article
is about. This has the same use as the images of
different artists on Kerrang cover page.

They have used a image in connection to one of
the stories to make the audience read that one.
Also the title and page number for that story is
written in a bigger and bolder font than the other
By using the same colours for the headline as
the lead singer is wearing on the photograph
they create a connection between the text
and the photograph
They use the spider that
is associated with band
to connect the headline
even more to the band.
They also use parts of
the interview as the
head line, so you know
what the interview is
By having “to be
continued…” at the end of
the article it makes the
article seem more like a
story and less like an
They have divided the
article into two columns
on one of the pages and
a image on the second
page. This helps
creating a simpler layout
which also helps the
audience read it.

The text is a mix of quotes and normal text, which makes it
more interesting for the audience to read then to just read a

They have placed the lead singer in
the front of the other and also in
the middle of the image. This
emphasis that he is the most
important person in the band and
also the most known.
One of them also has a gun which is
connoted with power. So this
makes it seem like the band has
power. Also at least two of them
are wearing a leather jacket, leather
is often connoted with the rock
They have also used a black
background for the text rather
than just having it directly on the
white background. This helps
making the text more readable
and also it makes catches the
audiences eyes more than

They have used quite a small font
for the article itself while they have
used a big and bold font to
promote the next part of the
interview and the next issue of the
Because they have divided the article in two they make the reader by the next issue of the magazine.
magazine. This is again emphasised by the text “Don`t miss next weeks Kerrang! For part
two.” Also they make the magazine look more exclusive because they say it’s an Exclusive
interview so the audience can only read it in this magazine.
The headline is on a different page then

They have used different
the actual text this gives the article a
sizes for the fonts through
continuity over the two pages.
out the article. This helps
highlighting the most
important parts of the article.
Like the quote in the middle.
It also helps braking up the
text so it`s easier to read.
They also have written the
ingress in a bolder and bigger
font then the actual body of
the article, this helps drawing
the audience into the article.
Also with in the ingress the
magazine makes the article
seem more exclusive by using
words like “the FULL story”
so not only what everyone
else knows about it.
The text gets connected to the
image because of the way the
text is wrapped around the

They are all wearing quite dark cloths which is often associated with
the rock genre. But at the same time the angel from which the
photograph is taken makes them look smaller and powerless which is
not usually connoted with the rock music.

They have again the lead singer in the middle of the image, which shows that the
whole band revolves around him, and that he is the most important person. The
image is quite dark which might reflect the dark side of the rock genre. This is again
emphasised by them screaming, because screaming is often connoted with danger
it makes them seem more dangerous. They also look straight into the camera
which creates a connection between the audience and the band .

They have used a font for the
head line that looks like it is
written by head this might either
reflect the band or the season
when it was published because
this kind of font often is
connoted with school, so it
might have been published
shortly before school started
again or just as school started

They have used two different
fonts for their headline and also
two different sizes. This is
because they first want to show
what band it is and then tell the
audience what the article is
about. By having the name of
the band really big they catch the
attention from the audience a lot
This magazine has chosen to
go with the more sophisticated
look by choosing to u
sophisticated se a font with
serifs. This is quite unusual for a
rock magazine because the
rock music more often is
associated with bold and big
fonts that most of the time are
They have a variation in the
boldness and size of the fonts
they have used. This helps
highlighting the most
important parts of the text and
also where a new part of the
text starts.
They have also divided the text
into different paragraphs which
helps the audience read the
article more easily.
They have used a mix of quotes,
explanations and descriptions
in the article. This makes it
more interesting to read. Also
by letting the first line being a
quote it draws the audience
more into the article because it
creates a senses of personal
connection to the band or

They have once again placed the lead
singer front and centre to show how
important he is.

They have used the colours black,
white and grey or silver to
emphasise that the band has class
and also the black and white
emphasise that the band might be
a little old school. The colours also
reflect the house style of the
The colours from the photo are
repeated in the article so it
connects the photograph and the
They also wear black & leather to
emphasise the rock genre.
Because these two are things often
connotated with rock music.

By using quotes they make the audience
more interested in what the article is about.
Also it helps braking up the text so it
becomes easier to read and looks more

The white background, helps
highlighting the the black clothing
of the band. It also creates a
contrast between the band and
the background which makes
them stand out more.

The band is looking straight into the
camera which creates a connection
between the band and the audience it
also draws the audience into the article

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Analysis of music magazines

  • 2. The splash image partly covers the masthead, so the magazine will get recognised even without seeing the whole masthead, because they are so well known. The splash images is the lead singer of My chemical Romance so it is connected to the main cover line. The Singer is looking straight into the camera so he creates a connection to the audience. Also he holds his hands like two guns so he creates a connection to the line that says “danger days”, at the same time it looks like he stands there with open arms so he invites the audience to read “The inside story” . The cloth he`s wearing also reflect the rock music industry, because he is wearing both a leather jacket and leather glows, and leather is a part of the typical rock image. However he brakes the rock image a little because he is smiling a little and looks quite inviting. Extras that make the audience buy the magazine are announced with an exclamation mark and extra bold fonts to make the audience aware of it. They use a skyline at the top and a menu strip at the bottom to introduce more of the contents of this issue. The fonts are quite bold which represents the boldness of the rock music. The colours are also something you expect to see on the front cover of Kerrang, because those are the main colours on most of the Kerrang magazines . The colours, red, yellow and black are often associated with warning signs and danger. Which fits with the image of rock and the message the rock music sends out about being dangerous and rebellious. The singers hair also reflect this because its dyed into a unnatural red colour, which is rebellious and looks dangerous. The layout looks really busy, because of the many bold fonts and the bright colours that is used on the front cover. Also you have quit much texts, and multiple photographs. They use a different font for the main cover line “My Chemical Romance” The font reflects the image of the band and also includes a spider in the O in romance. Which is also associated with the band. The title is also in an angel which reflects the edginess off the band.
  • 3. The magazine try to capture the audience by offering free extras, like a CD and Posters. So the audience might not have that much money because they get drawn in by free offers They use something like a skyline to tell the audience what else they can read about in the magazine. They also use a lot of images and cover lines to . increase there audience range. While his eyes look really scary they also look straight into the camera to help create a connection between the audience and the person. The background of the cover is black to reflect the dark side of the rock music. Also it reflects the quite dark image of Alkaline trio, which is the main cover line. They use a variety of fonts to make the magazine look busier so that it reflects the music genre again. They also use a lot of bold fonts for the most important cover lines to show the boldness of the rock genre. The colours red, black and yellow are again used to associate with warnings and danger which the rock genre wants to be associated with. The splash image partly covers the mast head which shows the confidence of the magazine, because they expect the audience to know what magazine they are even with parts of their name cover The splash image is a medium shot of the lead singer of Alkaline Trio, so even though it is a band the magazine chose to only present one person. So they present him as the one important person in the band. Also his cloths look quite proper while his facial impression brakes this image because he looks scary. Though his face works with the cover line saying “Alkaline Trio on the run from Satan” because he looks angry. This also works with the rock image. It also creates a connection between the artist and how the audience might want to be looked at. The red, blue and white on the tie, his shirt and his hat, also reflects where the the band comes from, USA.
  • 4. The primary colours in this cover are different shades of black and white as well as orange. Orange is usually not connotated with rock however it stands out against the grey background and draws the audiences eyes to the magazine. The font with serifs that is used for the main cover line reflects a more sophisticated and classic take on the rock genre. It also shows a little more class which also works with the cover line ”meet rocks new royalty” They use the lead singer of muse as the splash image because the lead singer most often is the one that is the most famous. He also looks straight into the camera which draws the reader into the magazine. It also connects the reader to the band. The lead singer is also wearing a silver jacket which tells us that he is quite sophisticated. The san serif font is used to let the magazine look a little more modern. They also use the two fonts directly against each other to show that they look at all sides of the rock genre. They use the bold fonts to create a modern layout and to emphasize the boldness of the rock genre. They have use a thing line to have something besides the mast head that the audience will recognise with each of the magazine issues however they have partly covered it with the splash image which shows that they don’t need it These colours and font in this button reflect the image of the band. As well as this is the magazines flash, which is supposed to attracted the audiences. By using this font the magazine seems more vintage which matches the name of the magazine which is classic rock. Also because of the colours of this plug(?) it catches the audiences eyes. Because the he has his armed crossed, he reflects the rebelliousness of the genre. The magazine has quite a chaotic layout because the cover lines are spread all over the cover and have all different sizes. This chaotic layout might be associated with the life of a rock star.
  • 5. The use of multiple images on the contents page also widen the audience because they present more than just one band on the contents page. The use of a image with a black background makes the layout look simpler & cleaner. Also it picks up the colour that is used on the contents page. As well as again allowing the effect of yellow and black as a warning sign. Because black, yellow, red and white are the primary colours on both the front cover and the contents page these are part of the house style of the magazine. Also they have used the same fonts as on the cover page and these are also used in every issue so they are also part of the house style. By having a image of the editor on the contents page the magazine creates a connection between the audience and the magazine also the editor has written something about this issue and signed it which makes it seem more personal and at the same time more official. The use of different head lines in black and yellow to dived the contents page, it makes it easier for the audience to find what they looking for. Also they have connected images to some of the tittles to make the reader more interested in the titles. The use of such a big image on the contents page helps the audience to understand what the main story is. It also makes the audience more interested in the story behind the image. By placing the page number just underneath the image it makes it easier to connect the image to a story in the magazine. The guy on the image is also wearing black leather which is often worn by Rock artists so its often connected with rock music. It also reflects the dark image that the rock music has. Also we don’t see his eyes so he looks more mysteries which again might make the audience find out more about him They have used the same priority colours for the contents page as for the front cover, which creates a continuity. Also the colours do again highlight the element of danger that is quite important to the rock genre. However they have used less red on the contents page which might be because this page doesn't have to catch the audiences eyes as much as the front cover. They give you information about how you can get it sent to your door each week instead of having to buy it in store. So they expect the audience to buy more than one issue.
  • 6. They have used a clear line for the contents. This line only includes the main features so only the things they expect most of the audience to read about, while everything else comes secondary. Interesting enough the magazine doesn`t use the same colours on the front cover as on the contents page. This shows that the colours may not be a part of the house style but individual for each issue. The colours do however match the mise en sence in the image. Under each of the headlines they have a sentence or two that gives an idea of what the different articles are about. This is similar to what Kerrang did with the smaller images on the contents page. All of the main features have the name of a band or artist as the head line. This widens the audience because if you don’t like one of the bands they have written about you might still be interested in one of the other bands they have written about He wears a lot of dark colours which is quite common for Rock artist. He also has tattoos which is often associated with a more dangerous person which again reflects the typical rock image. The background is quite dark which again can be connotated with the dark side of the rock music. It also helps highlighting the face of the artist . They remind the audience which magazine they are reading by having the name of the magazine on the top. Together with some general issue about this magazine ( The issue number and when it was published) . One of his eyes looks directly into the camera which creates a connection between the audience and the article. They have also used a image to connect to the most important or biggest feature. Which helps the audience get interested in this article. As well as telling the reader which page they can find this on they have put a quote from the article onto the page to make the audience even more interested in the article.
  • 7. They use a plug to tell the audience about one of the extras you get by buying this issue. A free CD. By placing this one on top of the image of Joe Perry it creates a connection between the text in the plug and him. The colours are more or less the same as on the front cover apart from that the front cover has a more orange shade than the contents page. The two main colours also reflect the colours he is wearing on the photo. This black and white theme tells the audience that the music in this magazine is more classic rock. This is again emphasised by the fonts that are used. Because most of them look quite simple and classic. Again the artist in the image wears a lot of black and leather which is associated with the quite classic rock image. Also he has an unnatural hair colour which also many of the rock artist have. The length of his hair also tells us that he is not one of the most modern rock artist but maybe a little older, because most of todays rock artist have that long hair. They have used a plug that says exclusive for Rock, this makes the audience feel like this is a special issue just for them and make them feel like they are a part of something exclusive. By using this plug they also make the magazine more special because this interview or article is only for this magazine . Also they have used the same font for the word “Rock” as on the front cover which creates a continuity and reminds the audience what magazine they are reading. They have divided the contents page into different sections which makes it easier for the audience to read it. It also makes a more simple and classic layout. This simpler layout makes it seem like the audience is a bit older and more sophisticated than for instance the one of Kerrang They have also short sentences underneath the titles to give the reader a taste of what the article is about. This has the same use as the images of different artists on Kerrang cover page. They have used a image in connection to one of the stories to make the audience read that one. Also the title and page number for that story is written in a bigger and bolder font than the other stories.
  • 8. By using the same colours for the headline as the lead singer is wearing on the photograph they create a connection between the text and the photograph They use the spider that is associated with band to connect the headline even more to the band. They also use parts of the interview as the head line, so you know what the interview is about. By having “to be continued…” at the end of the article it makes the article seem more like a story and less like an interview. They have divided the article into two columns on one of the pages and a image on the second page. This helps creating a simpler layout which also helps the audience read it. The text is a mix of quotes and normal text, which makes it more interesting for the audience to read then to just read a interview. They have placed the lead singer in the front of the other and also in the middle of the image. This emphasis that he is the most important person in the band and also the most known. One of them also has a gun which is connoted with power. So this makes it seem like the band has power. Also at least two of them are wearing a leather jacket, leather is often connoted with the rock genre. They have also used a black background for the text rather than just having it directly on the white background. This helps making the text more readable and also it makes catches the audiences eyes more than They have used quite a small font for the article itself while they have used a big and bold font to promote the next part of the interview and the next issue of the Because they have divided the article in two they make the reader by the next issue of the magazine. magazine. This is again emphasised by the text “Don`t miss next weeks Kerrang! For part two.” Also they make the magazine look more exclusive because they say it’s an Exclusive interview so the audience can only read it in this magazine.
  • 9. The headline is on a different page then They have used different the actual text this gives the article a sizes for the fonts through continuity over the two pages. out the article. This helps highlighting the most important parts of the article. Like the quote in the middle. It also helps braking up the text so it`s easier to read. They also have written the ingress in a bolder and bigger font then the actual body of the article, this helps drawing the audience into the article. Also with in the ingress the magazine makes the article seem more exclusive by using words like “the FULL story” so not only what everyone else knows about it. The text gets connected to the image because of the way the text is wrapped around the image. They are all wearing quite dark cloths which is often associated with the rock genre. But at the same time the angel from which the photograph is taken makes them look smaller and powerless which is not usually connoted with the rock music. They have again the lead singer in the middle of the image, which shows that the whole band revolves around him, and that he is the most important person. The image is quite dark which might reflect the dark side of the rock genre. This is again emphasised by them screaming, because screaming is often connoted with danger it makes them seem more dangerous. They also look straight into the camera which creates a connection between the audience and the band . They have used a font for the head line that looks like it is written by head this might either reflect the band or the season when it was published because this kind of font often is connoted with school, so it might have been published shortly before school started again or just as school started again. They have used two different fonts for their headline and also two different sizes. This is because they first want to show what band it is and then tell the audience what the article is about. By having the name of the band really big they catch the attention from the audience a lot easier.
  • 10. This magazine has chosen to go with the more sophisticated look by choosing to u sophisticated se a font with serifs. This is quite unusual for a rock magazine because the rock music more often is associated with bold and big fonts that most of the time are san-serif. They have a variation in the boldness and size of the fonts they have used. This helps highlighting the most important parts of the text and also where a new part of the text starts. They have also divided the text into different paragraphs which helps the audience read the article more easily. They have used a mix of quotes, explanations and descriptions in the article. This makes it more interesting to read. Also by letting the first line being a quote it draws the audience more into the article because it creates a senses of personal connection to the band or person. They have once again placed the lead singer front and centre to show how important he is. They have used the colours black, white and grey or silver to emphasise that the band has class and also the black and white emphasise that the band might be a little old school. The colours also reflect the house style of the magazine. The colours from the photo are repeated in the article so it connects the photograph and the article. They also wear black & leather to emphasise the rock genre. Because these two are things often connotated with rock music. By using quotes they make the audience more interested in what the article is about. Also it helps braking up the text so it becomes easier to read and looks more interesting. The white background, helps highlighting the the black clothing of the band. It also creates a contrast between the band and the background which makes them stand out more. The band is looking straight into the camera which creates a connection between the band and the audience it also draws the audience into the article