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• Definition 
1) It is a pathological condition in which the 
haemoglobin level of the blood goes down below the 
lower limit of the normal range of the age and sex of 
the individual. 
2) It is a pathological condition in which the RBC 
charring capacity of blood is decrease. 
3) It is a pathological condition in which the RBC count 
or haemoglobin concentration or both goes down.
Mainly two types : 
1. Morphological anaemia :- 
based on absolute indices of morphological changes 
seen in RBC in peripheral blood smeared . 
Which is follow by pathologist. 
2. Etiological anaemia:- 
based on cause of anaemia . Which is follow by 
clinician to know the cause so that can be treated.
Morphological Anaemia 
• Based on the value of absolute indices of 
morphological changes in RBC. like change in size , 
shape and concentration of Hb. 
• On the base of change in RBC ; three subtypes of 
morphological anaemia is there:- 
1. Normocytic normochromic 
2. Microcytic hypochromic 
3. Macrocytic normocromic 
• Absolute indices are three: 
1. M.C.V = Mean corpuscular volume. 
2. M.C.H =Mean corpuscular haemoglobin. 
3. M.C.H.C=Mean corpuscular haemoglobin 
 This classification is based on the etiology (cause) of anaemia. 
1. Due to blood loss(post haemorrhagic) 
• acute blood loss : 
Like in accident, surgery ,APH ,PPH , etc… 
• Chronic blood loss: 
Eg. Piles ,peptic ulcer , hook-warm infection, etc…. 
2. Due to deficiency of haemopoatic factor OR Nutritional anaemia 
eg: Fe –deficiency anaemia 
Vit-B12 or folic acid deficiency anaemai. 
caused by bone marrow failure
4. Haemolytic anaemia: 
It is divided in to two subtypes 
A) Intracorpuscular : thalassaemias , 
B)Extracorpuscular: malaria, haemolytic disease of 
new born, incompatible blood
Clinical feature of Anaemia 
Breathlessness on exertion 
Dimness of vision 
Tingling sensation 
Pallorness of skin , mucous membrane, conjunctiva 
Systolic murmur 
Attacks of giddiness 
Flatulence of abdomen after eating 
( In mild anaemia there may not be any symptoms)
Anisocytosis : Increase variation in size of RBC. 
normal size of RBC= 6.7-7.7 μ (normocyte) 
o average -7.2 μ 
• Larger than 8μ is 
called- Macrocyte. 
• Smaller than 6μ is 
Called- Microcyte.
Poikilocytosis : increase variation in shape of RBC. 
eg. Sickle shaped or oval shaped.
Hypochromasia :central pallor area of RBC is 
increased more than 1/3rd . seen in Fe 
deficiency anaemia, thalassaemias , 
sideroblastic anaemia.
 Most common type of anaemia. 
 More common in vegetarian people than non-veg 
 because non-vegetarian food is rich in iron. 
• Contain heam-Fe which is ferrous form of iron does not need 
HCL of gastric juice and vitamin for absorption. 
• Easily absorbed. 
• Absorbed in duodenum and upper jejunum. 
 In vegetarian Fe is in ferric form. 
Need HCL of gastric juice and vitamin to convert into ferrous 
Source of iron :- 
 Non –vegetarian food rich in iron : 
liver , kidney , egg-yolk, meat , fish fat. 
 Vegetarian food rich in iron: 
cereal pulse base diet is rich in iron. 
dark green vegetable like spinach , leafy vegetables , dry 
fruits , whole pulses like channa, rajma , bajra etc… , 
jiggery , dates , banana , apple etc.. 
 Daily requirement= 18 mgm/day ( in adult) 
Daily loss = 0.5 to 1.0 mgm/day 
 Body iron store in hair , nails , sweat etc.. 
 Absorption :- 
-> depend upon need of body. 
-> controlled by mucosal block. 
-> in anaemic person more absorption. 
-> increased by vit-C , gastric juice, 
-> decreased by milk , antacids , phylates , tannin 
1. Blood loss. 
Acute chronic 
-accident - piles 
-APH - hook warm infection 
-PPH - bleeding from peptic ulcer 
-menorrhagia - intestinal malignancy 
- apistexis 
 In India malaria and hook worm infection are most 
common cause for chronic blood loss
2. Increase requirement of iron: 
eg. Growing age , pregnancy , lactation etc.. 
3. Inadequate dietary intake: 
eg. Due to poverty , anorexia(in TB, cancer) , vegetarian diet 
4. Decrease absorption of iron: 
eg. Partial or total gastectomy, achlohydria , 
intestinal malabsorbtion in coeliac disease
Lab Diagnosis 
1) Hb – decreased 
2) RBC count – decreased 
3) PCV – decreased 
4) Absolute indices- 
M.C. V 
M.C.H ALL are decreased 
5) P.s – anisocytosis and Poikilocytosis. 
microcytic hypochromic RBC 
6) Reticulocyte count – may be normal , decreased or 
slightly increased(normal in adult->0.2-2% , in 
infants 2-6%, total 24000-48000/cumm)
7) WBC count - normal 
8)Differential count – normal 
9)Platelet count – normal or slightly increased 
in case of bleeding. 
10)Bone marrow biopsy – hyper cellular due to 
erytheiod hyperplasia 
11)Parssian blue stain – Negative.(shows 
absence of iron store in REcell of bone 
12)Biochemical findings – 
A. Serum iron level -> decreased(normal 18- 
Heam iron 
 It is in ferrous form 
 Can be easily absorbed 
 Soluble 
 Vit-C and HCL is not 
 High bio availability 
 Found in non-veg food i.e 
red meat 
 It is in ferric form. 
 Has to be converted in to 
ferrous form and then 
 Insoluble 
 Gastric HCL make is soluble 
& vit-C convert it in ferrous 
 Low bio availability 
 Found in vegetarian food.
Etiology & Pathogenesis:- 
Deficiency of vit-B12(cobalamine) & / or folic acid 
Impaired DNA synthesis 
Delayed maturity of nucleus of RBC precursor 
Slow division of cell. 
(the cytoplasmic development progress normally)
• It leads to formation of large nucleated RBC precursor 
: Megalobasts. 
• Megaloblastas are morphologically & functionally 
abnormal so that RBCs are formed from them released 
into the peripheral blood is also abnormal in 
size(macrocyte ).
 B-12 deficiency. 
due to: 
1. inadequate dietary intake- more common in 
vegetarian and breast feed baby. 
2. Malabsorption – due to lack of intrinsic factor , 
gastractomy , disease of small intestine like 
Clohn’s disease. 
3. Increase demand – eg.pregnancy , lactation , 
infancy etc…
• Non-veg food like kidney, liver, heart , muscle meat 
etc are rich in B12. 
• Fish , egg , cheese & milk also rich in B12. 
• Vegetable are poor in source(B12) 
Daily requirement : 2-4μg 
Absorption : in distal Ilium. 
 Storage : 
 Mainly in liver -> 2mgm 
 Kidney 
 Heart 2mgm 
 Brain
• DNA synthesis. 
• Myelination of peripheral nerves , spinal 
cord and cerebrum.
Folic acid deficiency 
(same as B-12 deficiency) 
due to: 
1. inadequate dietary intake- more common in 
vegetarian and breast feed baby. 
2. Malabsorption – due to lack of intrinsic factor , 
gastractomy , disease of small intestine like Clohn’s 
3. Increase demand – eg.pregnancy , lactation , infancy 
Diet : Non-veg food is rich in folic acid than 
vegetarian food . 
 Daily requirement :100 – 200 mg/ day 
Absorption :whole of small intestine 
Nervous manifestation : numbness , 
weakness , ataxia , diminished reflexes 
 Atrophic gastritis in stomach is seen.
Lab diagnosis 
 RBC count : decreased 
 PCV : decreased 
 Absolute indices :- 
• M.C.V → increased 
• M.C.H → increased 
• M.C.H.C → normal or slightly decreased 
 Reticulocyte count → decreased 
 P.S → anisocytosis & poikilocytosis. 
• RBCs shows 2 characteristic changes 
a) Macrosytosis 
b) Ovalocytosis
• Tear drop cells may be seen. 
• Basophilic stipping of RBC. 
 WBC count : TLC ( total leukocyte count) 
slightly decrease 
 D.C ( differential count) 
• Neutrophils → hyper segmented nucleus ) 
(lobes more than 5) 
 Platelet : slight thrombocytopenia with 
 Pancytopaenia is characteristic feature.
 Biochemical findings : 
• Serum B-12 level are decreased : >100 ng/litter 
(normal 200-900 ng/litter ) 
• Serum iodate : >4 μg/litter 
(normal 6-12 μg/litter) 
• Megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia. 
• This abnormality of RBC , destroy in bone marrow and 
seen in 2 forms 
a) Abnormal mitosis 
b) Degenerated giant mitocyte(wbc)
Bone marrow finding 
• Bone marrow is hypercellular due to 
megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia. 
• They may shows abnormal mitosis. 
• Giant metamylocytes are also seen
• Also known as Addison’s megaloblastic 
• Uncommon in India 
• Age incidence :- middle and old age people 
• When occur in children called - juvenile 
pernicious anaemia. 
• Both sex are similarly affected.
• Deficiency of intrinitsic factor. 
• Atrophy of gastric mucosa due to 
prodenetion of autoimmune antibodies 
against parietal cell and intrinsic fator 
• Antibodies are found in serum and gastric 
juice of the patient 
 Pathological changes in gastric mucos : 
Certain mucosal atrophy affecting acid and 
pepsin secreting cells of stomach. 
 Result : deficiency of intrinsic factors leads to 
megaloblastic anaemia and subsent 
combined degeneration of spinal cord and 
peripheral neuropathy.
Classification ( according to cause) 
Haemolytic anaemia 
Intracorpuscular Extracorpuscul 
- thalassaemia - Infection 
- enzymatic deficiency - drugs & chemical 
in RBC -miscellaneou 
-Defect in cell mambrane
Aetiology – pathogenesis 
Increase haemolysis of RBCs 
Decrease life span of RBC 
Increased destruction of RBC 
Increased release of haem 
Increased formation of bilirubin 
goes to liver 
Congugated bilirubin 
Goes to intestine
1. Intracorpuscular cause 
 Mainly three intacorpuscular causes 
A. Thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathy 
B. Enzymatic deficiency in RBCs . Eg -> G-6PD deficiency & 
P.K deficiency & haemoglobinopthisis 
C. Defect in cell-membrane 
 eg. Hereditory sperocytosis & hereditory 
 It is a qualitative disorder of HB . Decreased of HB 
synthesis leads to abnormal HB.
• Defect in the popypeptide chain of HB. 
• over 100 abnormal Hbs are known. Hb-S, Hb-C Hb-D, 
Hb-E etc.. 
• Out of all this Hb-s is most common. Which cause 
sickle cell anaemia. 
 Quontative defect of haemoglobin. 
 Hereditary disorder. 
 Defect : reduced ret of synthesis of one or more of 
globin peptide chains. 
 Two types: α & β
Lab diagnosis 
• Hb : decreased 
• RBC :decreased 
• PCV : decreased 
• MCV 
• MCH normal 
• Peripheral blood smear : 
• normocytic normochromic. 
• Polychorm cell is may seen. 
• RBC lies much apart from each other 
 WBC : normal 
 Platelets : normal
• Reticulocyte : increased up to 20-30 % 
• Bone marrow : hyper cellular of erythroid 
• Electrophoresis : separation of Hbs. 
Abnormal Hbs may be detected (Hb-s) 
• Osmotic fragility of RBC – increased 
• Sickle cell for Hb-S may be positive. 
• G-6PD deficiency may be seen. 
• Blood bilirubin level : increased. 
• Urobilinogen in urine : increased 
• Sterkobilirogen in stool : increased.
 Characterised by pancytopaenia 
 Anaemia 
 Leucopaenia 
 Thrombocytopaenia 
Cause atrophy of bone marrow
chemical - infection drugs 
insect killer - AIDS Eg.cytotoxic drugs 
- aersenic cals - hepatitis -Like methotexatic 
Chloramphenico ; 
Aplastic Anaemia 
Clinical featurs 
• Anemia 
• Haenmorrhages : of thrombocytopaenia 
bleeding from gums , vagina ,bowels etc.. 
• Infections of leukopaenia
Lab diagnosis 
 Hb : decreased 
 P.S : normocytic normochromic . 
 RBC : decreased 
 PCV : decreased 
 MCV : increased 
MCH : normal 
MCHC : increased 
 Rticulocyte : nil 
 Leukopaenia : neutrophils decreased, relative 
• Platelet : increased (thrombocytopaenia) 
• Bone marrow : dry tap 
• Tryphling biopsy : hypocellular 
Bone marrow is aplastic . Replaced by fat with 
patchy areas of cell 
Sever decreased f myeloid cells 
Megakareyocyte and erythroid cells. 
Pancytopaenia : marrow consist chiefly of 
lymphocytes and plasma cells…. 

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  • 1.
  • 2. • Definition 1) It is a pathological condition in which the haemoglobin level of the blood goes down below the lower limit of the normal range of the age and sex of the individual. OR 2) It is a pathological condition in which the RBC charring capacity of blood is decrease. OR 3) It is a pathological condition in which the RBC count or haemoglobin concentration or both goes down.
  • 3. CLASSIFICATION Mainly two types : 1. Morphological anaemia :- based on absolute indices of morphological changes seen in RBC in peripheral blood smeared . Which is follow by pathologist. 2. Etiological anaemia:- based on cause of anaemia . Which is follow by clinician to know the cause so that can be treated.
  • 4. Morphological Anaemia • Based on the value of absolute indices of morphological changes in RBC. like change in size , shape and concentration of Hb. • On the base of change in RBC ; three subtypes of morphological anaemia is there:- 1. Normocytic normochromic 2. Microcytic hypochromic 3. Macrocytic normocromic • Absolute indices are three: 1. M.C.V = Mean corpuscular volume. 2. M.C.H =Mean corpuscular haemoglobin. 3. M.C.H.C=Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration.
  • 5.
  • 6. ATEOLOGICAL ANAEMIA  This classification is based on the etiology (cause) of anaemia. 1. Due to blood loss(post haemorrhagic) • acute blood loss : Like in accident, surgery ,APH ,PPH , etc… • Chronic blood loss: Eg. Piles ,peptic ulcer , hook-warm infection, etc…. 2. Due to deficiency of haemopoatic factor OR Nutritional anaemia eg: Fe –deficiency anaemia Vit-B12 or folic acid deficiency anaemai. 3. APLASTIC ANAEMIA caused by bone marrow failure
  • 7. 4. Haemolytic anaemia: It is divided in to two subtypes A) Intracorpuscular : thalassaemias , haemoglobinopthis B)Extracorpuscular: malaria, haemolytic disease of new born, incompatible blood
  • 8. Clinical feature of Anaemia Lassitude Fatigue Palpitation Breathlessness on exertion Dimness of vision Insomnia Angina Tingling sensation Pallorness of skin , mucous membrane, conjunctiva Trechycardia
  • 9.
  • 10. Systolic murmur oedema Amenorrhea Menorrhagia Attacks of giddiness Headache Drowsiness Flatulence of abdomen after eating ( In mild anaemia there may not be any symptoms)
  • 11. Anisocytosis : Increase variation in size of RBC. normal size of RBC= 6.7-7.7 μ (normocyte) o average -7.2 μ • Larger than 8μ is called- Macrocyte. • Smaller than 6μ is Called- Microcyte.
  • 12. Poikilocytosis : increase variation in shape of RBC. eg. Sickle shaped or oval shaped.
  • 13. Hypochromasia :central pallor area of RBC is increased more than 1/3rd . seen in Fe deficiency anaemia, thalassaemias , sideroblastic anaemia.
  • 14.  Most common type of anaemia.  More common in vegetarian people than non-veg people.  because non-vegetarian food is rich in iron. • Contain heam-Fe which is ferrous form of iron does not need HCL of gastric juice and vitamin for absorption. • Easily absorbed. • Absorbed in duodenum and upper jejunum.  In vegetarian Fe is in ferric form. Need HCL of gastric juice and vitamin to convert into ferrous form. 15
  • 15. Source of iron :-  Non –vegetarian food rich in iron : liver , kidney , egg-yolk, meat , fish fat.  Vegetarian food rich in iron: cereal pulse base diet is rich in iron. dark green vegetable like spinach , leafy vegetables , dry fruits , whole pulses like channa, rajma , bajra etc… , jiggery , dates , banana , apple etc..  Daily requirement= 18 mgm/day ( in adult) Daily loss = 0.5 to 1.0 mgm/day 16
  • 16.  Body iron store in hair , nails , sweat etc..  Absorption :- -> depend upon need of body. -> controlled by mucosal block. -> in anaemic person more absorption. -> increased by vit-C , gastric juice, -> decreased by milk , antacids , phylates , tannin etc..
  • 17. AETIOLOGY 1. Blood loss. Acute chronic -accident - piles -APH - hook warm infection -PPH - bleeding from peptic ulcer -menorrhagia - intestinal malignancy - apistexis  In India malaria and hook worm infection are most common cause for chronic blood loss
  • 18. 2. Increase requirement of iron: eg. Growing age , pregnancy , lactation etc.. 3. Inadequate dietary intake: eg. Due to poverty , anorexia(in TB, cancer) , vegetarian diet 4. Decrease absorption of iron: eg. Partial or total gastectomy, achlohydria , intestinal malabsorbtion in coeliac disease
  • 19. Lab Diagnosis 1) Hb – decreased 2) RBC count – decreased 3) PCV – decreased 4) Absolute indices- M.C. V M.C.H ALL are decreased M.C.H.C 5) P.s – anisocytosis and Poikilocytosis. microcytic hypochromic RBC 6) Reticulocyte count – may be normal , decreased or slightly increased(normal in adult->0.2-2% , in infants 2-6%, total 24000-48000/cumm)
  • 20. 7) WBC count - normal 8)Differential count – normal 9)Platelet count – normal or slightly increased in case of bleeding. 10)Bone marrow biopsy – hyper cellular due to erytheiod hyperplasia 11)Parssian blue stain – Negative.(shows absence of iron store in REcell of bone marrow) 12)Biochemical findings – A. Serum iron level -> decreased(normal 18- 180μgm/day)
  • 21.
  • 22. Difference Heam iron  It is in ferrous form  Can be easily absorbed  Soluble  Vit-C and HCL is not needed.  High bio availability  Found in non-veg food i.e red meat NON HEAM IRON  It is in ferric form.  Has to be converted in to ferrous form and then absorbed  Insoluble  Gastric HCL make is soluble & vit-C convert it in ferrous form.  Low bio availability  Found in vegetarian food.
  • 23. Etiology & Pathogenesis:- Deficiency of vit-B12(cobalamine) & / or folic acid Impaired DNA synthesis Delayed maturity of nucleus of RBC precursor Slow division of cell. (the cytoplasmic development progress normally)
  • 24. • It leads to formation of large nucleated RBC precursor : Megalobasts. • Megaloblastas are morphologically & functionally abnormal so that RBCs are formed from them released into the peripheral blood is also abnormal in size(macrocyte ).
  • 25. Cause  B-12 deficiency. due to: 1. inadequate dietary intake- more common in vegetarian and breast feed baby. 2. Malabsorption – due to lack of intrinsic factor , gastractomy , disease of small intestine like Clohn’s disease. 3. Increase demand – eg.pregnancy , lactation , infancy etc…
  • 26. source • Non-veg food like kidney, liver, heart , muscle meat etc are rich in B12. • Fish , egg , cheese & milk also rich in B12. • Vegetable are poor in source(B12) Daily requirement : 2-4μg Absorption : in distal Ilium.  Storage :  Mainly in liver -> 2mgm  Kidney  Heart 2mgm  Brain
  • 27. function • DNA synthesis. • Myelination of peripheral nerves , spinal cord and cerebrum.
  • 28. Folic acid deficiency (same as B-12 deficiency) due to: 1. inadequate dietary intake- more common in vegetarian and breast feed baby. 2. Malabsorption – due to lack of intrinsic factor , gastractomy , disease of small intestine like Clohn’s disease. 3. Increase demand – eg.pregnancy , lactation , infancy etc…
  • 29. Diet : Non-veg food is rich in folic acid than vegetarian food .  Daily requirement :100 – 200 mg/ day Absorption :whole of small intestine Nervous manifestation : numbness , weakness , ataxia , diminished reflexes  Atrophic gastritis in stomach is seen.
  • 30. Lab diagnosis  RBC count : decreased  PCV : decreased  Absolute indices :- • M.C.V → increased • M.C.H → increased • M.C.H.C → normal or slightly decreased  Reticulocyte count → decreased  P.S → anisocytosis & poikilocytosis. • RBCs shows 2 characteristic changes a) Macrosytosis b) Ovalocytosis
  • 31. e • Tear drop cells may be seen. • Basophilic stipping of RBC.  WBC count : TLC ( total leukocyte count) slightly decrease  D.C ( differential count) • Neutrophils → hyper segmented nucleus ) (lobes more than 5)  Platelet : slight thrombocytopenia with Megathrombocytes.  Pancytopaenia is characteristic feature.
  • 32.  Biochemical findings : • Serum B-12 level are decreased : >100 ng/litter (normal 200-900 ng/litter ) • Serum iodate : >4 μg/litter (normal 6-12 μg/litter) • Megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia. • This abnormality of RBC , destroy in bone marrow and seen in 2 forms a) Abnormal mitosis b) Degenerated giant mitocyte(wbc)
  • 33. Bone marrow finding • Bone marrow is hypercellular due to megaloblastic erythroid hyperplasia. • They may shows abnormal mitosis. • Giant metamylocytes are also seen
  • 34. • Also known as Addison’s megaloblastic anaemia. • Uncommon in India • Age incidence :- middle and old age people • When occur in children called - juvenile pernicious anaemia. • Both sex are similarly affected.
  • 35. aetiology • Deficiency of intrinitsic factor. • Atrophy of gastric mucosa due to prodenetion of autoimmune antibodies against parietal cell and intrinsic fator • Antibodies are found in serum and gastric juice of the patient  Pathological changes in gastric mucos : Certain mucosal atrophy affecting acid and pepsin secreting cells of stomach.  Result : deficiency of intrinsic factors leads to megaloblastic anaemia and subsent combined degeneration of spinal cord and peripheral neuropathy.
  • 36. Classification ( according to cause) Haemolytic anaemia Intracorpuscular Extracorpuscul - thalassaemia - Infection - enzymatic deficiency - drugs & chemical in RBC -miscellaneou -Defect in cell mambrane
  • 37. Aetiology – pathogenesis Increase haemolysis of RBCs Decrease life span of RBC Increased destruction of RBC Increased release of haem Increased formation of bilirubin (uncongugated) goes to liver Congugated bilirubin Goes to intestine
  • 38. CAUSES : 1. Intracorpuscular cause  Mainly three intacorpuscular causes A. Thalassaemia and haemoglobinopathy B. Enzymatic deficiency in RBCs . Eg -> G-6PD deficiency & P.K deficiency & haemoglobinopthisis C. Defect in cell-membrane  eg. Hereditory sperocytosis & hereditory eliptocytosis.  It is a qualitative disorder of HB . Decreased of HB synthesis leads to abnormal HB.
  • 39. • Defect in the popypeptide chain of HB. • over 100 abnormal Hbs are known. Hb-S, Hb-C Hb-D, Hb-E etc.. • Out of all this Hb-s is most common. Which cause sickle cell anaemia. THALASSAEMIA  Quontative defect of haemoglobin.  Hereditary disorder.  Defect : reduced ret of synthesis of one or more of globin peptide chains.  Two types: α & β
  • 40. Lab diagnosis • Hb : decreased • RBC :decreased • PCV : decreased • MCV • MCH normal • MCHC • Peripheral blood smear : • normocytic normochromic. • Polychorm cell is may seen. • RBC lies much apart from each other  WBC : normal  Platelets : normal
  • 41. • Reticulocyte : increased up to 20-30 % • Bone marrow : hyper cellular of erythroid hyparplasia • Electrophoresis : separation of Hbs. Abnormal Hbs may be detected (Hb-s) • Osmotic fragility of RBC – increased • Sickle cell for Hb-S may be positive. • G-6PD deficiency may be seen. • Blood bilirubin level : increased. • Urobilinogen in urine : increased • Sterkobilirogen in stool : increased.
  • 42.  Characterised by pancytopaenia  Anaemia  Leucopaenia  Thrombocytopaenia Cause atrophy of bone marrow
  • 43. classification - chemical - infection drugs insect killer - AIDS Eg.cytotoxic drugs - aersenic cals - hepatitis -Like methotexatic Chloramphenico ; Aplastic Anaemia PRIMARY SECONDARY
  • 44. Clinical featurs • Anemia • Haenmorrhages : of thrombocytopaenia bleeding from gums , vagina ,bowels etc.. • Infections of leukopaenia
  • 45. Lab diagnosis  Hb : decreased  P.S : normocytic normochromic .  RBC : decreased  PCV : decreased  MCV : increased MCH : normal MCHC : increased  Rticulocyte : nil  Leukopaenia : neutrophils decreased, relative lymphocytosis
  • 46. • Platelet : increased (thrombocytopaenia) • Bone marrow : dry tap • Tryphling biopsy : hypocellular Bone marrow is aplastic . Replaced by fat with patchy areas of cell Sever decreased f myeloid cells Megakareyocyte and erythroid cells. Pancytopaenia : marrow consist chiefly of lymphocytes and plasma cells…. 