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Advantages Of Artificial Bee Honey Algorithm
3.1 The nature of Bees
The Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has its basis on the collective characteristics of animals or certain unique
phenomenon of natural setups such as bees, fish, ants and birds. In process of searching for the food sources, the bee colony can move in multiple
directions and over a distance of several kilometers.
The exercise of searching for food sources starts from sending out a group of scout bees to search for flower patches at various bushes that contain a
considerable amount of nectar and pollen. After this, the scout bees come back to their hive and then perform a special movement as others observes.
This dance is known as the waggle dance. This is shown in ... Show more content on ...
The main advantages of the ABC algorithm over other optimization methods for solving optimization are [46] [47] [48] [49]: It is simple to deploy It is
highly flexible It is robust It has few control parameters Its ease of combination with other methods Its ability to handle the objective with stochastic
nature Its fast convergence as it combines both exploration and exploitation processes.
3.3 Disadvantages of Artificial Bee colony algorithm
The artificial bee colony algorithm has some few weakness when put into practice. First this method requires new fitness tests on every new algorithm
parameters so as to improve performance It needs a high number of objective function evaluations It slows down when used in sequential processing
and the population of solutions increases the computational cost due to slowdown It has many iterations and thus huge memory capacity
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School Counselor Analysis
School Counselor Analysis
Siobhan (Sam) Garrett
April 17, 2013
Healey Irked
Title of Paper
In order to do a proper analysis on a school counselor one must know what he or she does on a daily basis. This is to conduct a job analysis for a school
counselor and discuss how it will be used within the school system. Next to determine the reliability and validity of the school counselor analysis. Then
the performance and appraisal methods that apply to being a counselor will be evaluated. Finally the benefits and vulnerabilities of each performance
appraisal method will be explained. This will provide a full job analysis of a school counselor and what their job entails.
Job Analysis For this job one ... Show more content on ...
The more students the counselor sees the more of them can get back to their everyday lives and living happy and everyone will leave them alone. This
could even result in less bullying in the halls and after school. The ways that the subjective measures of job performance can evaluate ones job
performance is in the graphic rating form which assesses individuals on several dimensions of performance. This is like rating your job performance on
a scale of one to ten. The boss may make a performance rating on your job to tell the person how he or she is doing that week. The behavior focused
rating scale can be used to focus on ones behavior on the job. If a person has a good attitude then they may get a good behavior score. If he or she has a
bad attitude he or she may get a bad rating on the behavior score. This depends on the way the person acts and behaves while doing his or her job.
Other members of the staff may also rate ones behavior on the job. This will help the boss determine if they are getting along with you or if he or she is
causing trouble or are not well liked among your fellow employees. They may make observations on ones performance as well. If he or she is doing a
good job a terrible job or just a good enough jobs then he or she can be rated on that performance.
Benefits and Vulnerabilities.
The benefits and vulnerabilities of these can be simple or even drastic. These are more beneficial if one
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Genetically Modified Organisms For Food Sources Essay
Introduction: GMO, genetically modified organisms, are organisms that are used for food sources and are manipulated by biotechnology, most often by
gene transfer (Ahmed, 2002). Most agricultural food sources such as fruits, vegetables, or any other mass–produced crops are known examples of
GMO (Owens, 2000). Many question the ethics or reasoning behind the production of GMOs due to its interference with naturally bound events but
biotechnological gene transfer is vastly beneficial because it leads to: multiplication of crop yields, more affordable food sources, food security, and
resistance to pests and harmful diseases (Phillips, 2004). Benefits of GMO are inevitable and are beneficial to almost everyone, but precautions are
made to routinely regulate GMOs due to possible health complications (Weiss, 2014).
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was the primary method used for this experiment to test for genetically modified organisms by determining the
presence of 35s, the GMO biomarker (Hardegger et al., 1999). PCR amplifies specific segments of DNA, producing millions of copies of a specific
DNA sequence. PCR uses thermal cycling, which causes enzymatic replication of the selected DNA sequence (Bartlett, 2003). The 35s promoter is used
to amplify the sequence of DNA that is present in GMO. This particular gene region is approximately 162 base pairs and the 35s promoter cannot
amplify any other sequence but the GMO specific sequence. This will make the 35S promoter the key to
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`` Do Fingerprints Lie? By Michael Specter
Richa Shah
Professor Derks
Rhetoric and Comp 1
16 December 2015
Don't Believe In Everything You See
All over the world and as far as many people can remember, fingerprints have been used as a symbol of truth and justice in the forensics domain. The
art of fingerprinting has been seen as a closure to many major crimes that have put many people in prison. However, in his article "Do Fingerprints
Lie?" Michael Specter examines that fingerprinting has given rise to many questions as of the late 20th century. Fingerprints have been taken for
granted, almost like money, which in this century, people believe is the best item to be handed to us. People tend to take what they hear, and just go
with it without research or background knowledge. This practice has not been challenged as many concepts should. Specter brings in a solid argument
with a lot of knowledge to support his claims and factual evidence to set his article with high credibility. While Specter builds a strong argument, he
fails to consider how fingerprints have improved the forensic process.
The article "Do Fingerprints Lie?" is a critical analysis on the negative usage of fingerprints. Specter is going against the idea that fingerprints are
always the best way to figure out if someone is guilty He starts of by talking about a jury case where Shirley Mckie is falsely accused of perjury.
Mckie's fingerprint was found at a scene of a crime of a murder and her fingerprint was analyzed to match that of the actual
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Investigating Cableways And Design An Efficient Vertical...
To investigate cableways and design an efficient vertical transportation system for goods, in the hilltop communities of Nepal.
My research established an understanding of existing cableway technology and explored a practical engineering improvement for adaptation in
developing countries. I identified that engineering, a topic of personal interest, should be the field of research considered. A discussion with university
students was completed to find a specific issue that I could investigate. One topic suggested for investigation from the EngineersWithoutBorders
Challenge, inspired the research question.
The outcome format, a report, discussed my key findings and recommendations including; the nature of cableways, influence of local topography, and
constraints of existing technology. The majority of my secondary sources were reports written by academics or aid organisations, found on the web.
Emailed questionnaires and personal interviews provided critical information and practical critique of the design outcome. Analysis of findings
combined with creative thinking enabled a resolution of the research question. This was presented in the form of a proposed design at the conclusion of
the outcome report.
Evaluation of Research Processes
Primary information was obtained by conducting interviews. I underestimated how effective this process would be until I conducted one. Discussing
my project with an experienced manufacturer gave practical
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Fast Food : An Alternative Food Source
Fast Food By max Cornett Fast food is an alternative food source for many people around the world who have little time or money for a homemade
meal or for a meal cooked at a restaurant. However fast food can also cause many problems with our bodies if it is consumed to often or in very large
quantities. The fast food epidemic has caused increasing amounts of people being labeled as overweight and obese. "As many as 30 percent of
American adults or 60 million are either overweight or obese. Most alarming to health officials is the fact that 9 million of these obese adults are
severely obese" (Loonin). Obesity can be caused by many factors, some people have slower metabolism, some people just eat too much food, and some
people don 't exercise enough. "Let's think back to the pioneer days. People had to plant their crops, tend to their animals and cook foods from scratch.
There were no box mixes or pre–made items. Meals had to be planned ahead every day. People really had to work for their food Coincidentally, the
obesity rates were much less years ago." (Muntel). Because we don't have to work for our food it is much easier to take it for granted and eat too much.
The most work that we have to do would be to turn on the oven and throw the mac and cheese into it for an hour or tell the cashier how many burgers
you want to eat. In our society today the ability to do
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Analysis Of Daniel Victor 's ' Why We All Lives Matter '
"All Lives Matter" hasn't brought people together," says Daniel Victor in his "Why 'All Lives Matter' Is Such a Perilous Phrase" article in The New
York Times. The term "All Lives Matters" has caused a bigger rift between different ethnic groups than intended. The phrase was initially intended to
bring people of every color together. There was hope that every race would stand side by side and face the perils of the world as a whole. However,
supporters of the Black Lives Matter campaign feel the term is aiding the public in downplaying the injustices of black Americans.
"Saying #AllLivesMatter is like running through a cancer fundraiser & saying 'There's other diseases too,'" says a source in Daniel Victor's article. The
Black Lives Matter campaign supporters believe every life is equally important as the next. Contrariwise, they also believe not every life goes through
the same troubles. Therefore, they deem attention and support should go to the lives that are in need of immediate backing. All lives do matter but as of
right now the lives of Black Americans are in need of support. The Black Lives Matter Campaign is not meant to put down other races it is meant to
bring up a race that is being put down. It is meant to help people who are in need. Victor's Audience are people who blindly believe the term "All Lives
Matter" is helping society. Through esteemed sources, an intelligent choice of audience and emotional appeal's Daniel Victor effectively corroborates
the "All
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To What Extent Did The Media Affect The Election Of 1948?
Historical Investigation
PART A: Plan of Investigation
To what extent did the media affect the election of 1948? The scope of this investigation will include the months preceding the election of 1948. The
investigation will look into the different ways the media affected the outcome of the election, how recent actions of the president Truman affected it,
and any other possible influences on the election. This investigation will mainly use interviews and newspapers to get a better look at how people
actually there felt about the election. This investigation will take a thematic structure in order to better outline what caused each separate sway. These
two interviews were chosen to be evaluated due to the the interviewees and the ... Show more content on ...
truman in May 1948 to recognize the new state of Israel in 1950 there were 1426 daily newspapers, with the daily circulation of 54,000,000, 41,000,000
households w. radio, 1,000,000 with television.
In 1935, in order to get newspapers to subscribe to his weekly polls, Gallup promised he would predict the winner of the 1936 presidential election.
analysts attributed the polls ' failure largely to completing their surveys too early, thus missing a late swing in voter sentiment in favor of the President.
In his final radio speech before the election, he promised to work for peace and a government that would help all people.
Patrick, John J., and Richard M. Pious. The Oxford Guide to the United States Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 200–205.
Origin: (who wrote it, when and where):
How is your author a credible source (education, occupation...)?:
How is the origin valuable to your research/ how is it limiting to y our
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Food Should Be Balanced Out With Sources Of Fats
Diet is a word that people use daily in this time and age and yet there are many people that are unclear about what exactly this word means and how this
word can impact their lives. Most misconstrue the actual meaning of the word. A diet is not just some thing that people go on for a few weeks to lose
weight, it is a compilation of everything a person consumes for the entirety of their life. There are three established principles for a healthy diet: variety,
balance and moderation. When eating, it is key to consume different types of nutrients from a variety of sources. Foods like vegetables should be
balanced out with sources of fats. Most importantly every type of food should be moderated in its consumption. Vegetables are the most ... Show more
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However, USDA accepted diets also have their differences. The DASH eating plan emphasizes meat proteins over nuts, seeds and legumes where the
Mediterranean plan has nuts, seeds and legumes integrated into every meal. The Mediterranean plan also separates its meat protein into two categories
unlike other plans. Fish and seafood are to be consumed at least twice a week and poultry and eggs can be consumed as often as every two days. Notice
that this plan does not have any mention of red meats which are an available source of proteins in the other plans. One major difference between the
food plans is the way servings are set up. The USDA Food Patterns plan (which is what My Plate is based off) presents servings as cups, grams or
ounces allotted per day. This is the most precise serving guidance that is offered. The DASH plan is organized by a number of servings by day or week.
The most relaxed serving guidance is offered by the Mediterranean plan. The Mediterranean plan does not specify the number of servings but simply
states how often things can be consumed on a daily and weekly basis. Although the plans are slightly different it is clear that they fit the three principles
for a healthy diet. They are variety filled, moderated and well balanced food plans. In contrast the Paleo diet does a poor job of meeting these standards.
The most glaring difference in the Paleo diet is the removal of processed foods including grains and sometimes dairy. This eliminates
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Does Technology Help Children Help Or Hinder Their Social...
Summary of the research question and outcome
My guiding question for the research project was, "Does the use of technology to entertain children help or hinder their social development?" My
interest in this topic was triggered by the previous research project that was carried out in year 10. That project had a lot to do with human health and
the factors that affect that, so I decided to explore that in further depth using a different topic. Technology is becoming an increasingly more central
aspect of people's lives and hence it is an issue in society. I wanted to explore this topic and gain knowledge, which could then be used to share with
others who are concerned about the problem. My research was carried out mostly through secondary sources from the Internet and a primary source,
which was an observation. The key findings from my research were gathered and presented in the form of a report. In the report it was substantiated
that my research question wasn't fully answered, and the effect tablets/smartphones has on brain development were the main findings.
Tablets/smartphones have a significant impact on children's health and can lead to many physical, psychological and behaviour disorders.
Evaluation of research processes and decisions made in response to challenges and opportunities
The research processes that I used were both primary sources and secondary sources. My primary source was the observation of children in a social
environment to determine whether changes of
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Why Organic Farming Is America 's Leading Source Of Food...
The food industry allows consumers to choose from a wide variety of products. However, most food corporations fail to tell the story behind their food.
Is this secrecy due to their methods in creating their products? Conventional farming is America's leading source of food production. Yet, the
controversial practices used in conventional farming, may lead American's to question if this is the only farming source that can feed our nation. Since
1972, organic farming has been creeping up the success ladder and demonstrating the methods involved can withstand the food demands of our nation.
With the rising popularity of organic farming, U.S. citizens now have the option to purchase wholesome food. Consumers curious about purchasing
organic goods should be aware of the notable differences between organic and conventional practices. The significant differences between organic and
conventional farming include; animal welfare, health, and environmental. With the given information, consumers will be able to make informed
decisions about their food purchases.
The value of animal welfare is one of the significant reasons why organic farming is different from conventional farming. According to the USDA, the
organic livestock requirements state that all livestock must be given year–round access to the outdoors, unless specific conditions occur. Livestock
raised on organic farms should have room for exercise, clean drinking water, direct sunlight, fresh dry bedding, shelter and shade
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Unit 2 P4
P4: Describe sources of internal and external finance for a selected business.
Introduction: In this particular task of the unit I will describe the internal and external finance sources for a particular selected business. In this task I
will use the same company as I did before in the previous part of the unit. The name of the company is : Media Markt. In this task we will get to know
where money actually comes from to actually create such a big company which is well known of its electronic products.
What are the main ways in which the Business can access its financial resources?
In this particular task I'm using the company: Mediamarkt. The business can access its financial resources in two ways: * From ... Show more content
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External Sources :
The External sources are also in other words Sources from the outside. Media Markt made use of different kind of external sources to expand their
business. By for example, Building societies, Leasing, Venture Capitalists, and Friends or Family.
Media Markt Building Societies:
As the company built societies outside of the company it is a good advantage fort hem, becayse building societies are also able to offer loans, business
accounts, commercial mortgages and overdraft facillities based on the business plan of Media markt.
Media Markt Leasing a business:
For Media Markt Leasing means that resources can be used by the business while they are being paid for to a finance company. Until the last payment
is made on the agreement, the goods are not owned by the business, and if payments are not made the finance company can take them back.
Media Markt using Venture Capitalists:
These are professionals that invest a upcoming new business such as Media Markt in which they also did, however they do that usually in a return for a
share in the ownership.
Friends and Family:
The owner of Media Markt had its own savings also but he wanted to expand Media Markt as a business that is the reason he also used the money of his
friends and family in return for a share in the company. He can also lend money from a bank but that is often a
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Are the Stories from the Holocaust Survivors with PTSD...
This investigation will answer the question To what extent are the stories from the Holocaust survivors with PTSD reliable as historical sources? This
question is important because there are still holocaust survivors alive today, and their stories are arguably the ones that teach us he most about the
Holocaust, since they are primary sources of the event. The survivors dealt with a lot of physical and emotional trauma while in the camps, so it would
be easy for them to procure PTSD. The mental illness PTSD can make it harder for the survivors to talk about certain events, because it could increase
the symptoms of the illness. With this research investigation, it is possible to analyze whether the stories from the Holocaust survivors are ... Show
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Survivors often pushed the trauma to the backs of their minds, which then caused hosts of emotional and psychological terror and difficulties. (NIMH
"Six decades after the end of World War II and we are still learning how a mass genocide like the Holocaust is affecting it's victims" We are still
learning and gathering information. (Barel, Efrat, 2010)
There was a lot of psychological denial. There was not much help for the Jews once they were liberated, since doctors were scarce. Diseases were easy
to catch, and life was still hard for the Jewish people. (Bettelheim, Bruno, 1979)
Survivor's Evidence
Holocaust survivors can be defined as "any persecuted Jew who lived under Nazi occupation during the 2nd World War and who was thus threatened by
the policy of the 'final solution' but managed to stay alive." (Kellermann, Natan P.F., 2009)
Survivor and Psychologist Viktor Frankl often stops throughout his novel, attempting to save the reader from the horror. " But mercifully I do not need
to describe the events which followed." (Frankl, Viktor E., 1959, Page 31)
"It is easy for the outsider to get the wrong conception of camp life, a conception ingled with sentiment and pity. Little does he know of the hard fight
for existence which
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Construction Of A Data Warehouse
The process of where a data warehouse is fed with extracted source data is largely known as ETL (Extraction, Transforming and Loading). ETL is a
critical process in the construction of a data warehouse project.
The three stages of the ETL process comply of:
 Extraction: Data is identified and extracted from one or more external different sources, including applications and database systems.
 Transform: Data is transformed in the aim of ensuring consistency and satisfying business requirements.
 Loading: Data is loaded into the resultant data warehouse.
There are many challenges involved with fulfilling a dependable ETL process. Some of these relate to:
 Data volumes – as there are huge amounts of data available presently, ... Show more content on ...
Throughout extraction, the desired data is identified and extracted from the source system and is made available for additional processing. The data can
be extracted from numerous different sources. In most cases, the data sources are internal however sometimes they are external. The ultimate aim is to
retrieve all the essential data from the source system with as little resources as possible. The size of the data extracted can range from kilobytes to
For extraction within the ETL to be positive and effective, it is essential that there is a high understanding of the data's layout. The data should also be
backed up in another location. Sometimes, it isn't possible to identify the exact subsection of interest, as a result a larger amount of data than needed has
to be extracted. Consequently, the identification part of extract is carried out further down the line within the ETL process. Depending on the
competence of the system, transformations can take place during the extraction stage of ETL.
The difficulty of the extraction step is dependent on how alike or unalike the source systems are and the type of source data. Good documentation along
with excellent maintenance and the use of similar technology within a system should result in fairly simple extraction process. On the other hand, poor
documentation and incompetent maintenance using different formats of data and technologies will result in
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Essay about The Realism of the Film The Battle of The Somme
The Realism of the Film The Battle of The Somme The film 'The Battle of The Somme' was released in Londonon the 10th of August 1916, it was a
famous documentary that was filmed by Geoffrey Malins and J.B. McDowell. They were one of the first groups of cameramen to film the British
soldiers on the Battlefields of the Western Front. They helped the government to produce a video, to show people that War wasn't as bad as it seemed. It
was however a silent film and so captions had to be use to explain what the next section of the film was going to show. The film gave us an insight into
what the life of a soldier would be like. Many historians have argued over whether this video is an accurate and ... Show more content on ...
For example some cartoons show that the army had bad rations and also that they didn't have enough food. In addition various sources imply that food
was often stolen because soldiers were so hungry. Overall I feel that the evidence clearly indicates that the film provides quite a realistic view of the
amount of Equipment and Supplies because more sources agree that the British had enough supplies and plenty of firearms. However Cartoons may not
have been a good reliable source because they were used to make fun out of the situations. The way that the film portrays Trench conditions can be
supported by several of the sources, the sources suggest that the British trenches were comfortable and the Photographs show that the soldiers were
enjoying themselves. For example the source gathered from Photographs shows us that the troops were happy, comfortable and importantly enjoying
themselves. Some sources also imply that soldiers were having more happy times in the trenches than elsewhere. However, other sources challenge the
images put forward in the film. Many sources hint that the conditions were very poor for instance the Cartoons show that the trenches were very wet,
muddy and that the place was generally very deafening due to the fact that howitzers and other forms of guns were being fired constantly. In addition
some sources imply that there were
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The Computing Innovation And Computational Artifact
Written Responses
2a. Provide information on your computing innovation and computational artifact.
Name the computing innovation that is represented by your computational artifact.
Describe the computing innovation's intended purpose and function.
Describe how your computational artifact illustrates, represents or explains the computing innovation's intended purpose, its function or its effect.
(Approximately 100 words)
The computing innovation that is being represented by my artifact is Email. Email is when you mail someone a message electronically from your
computer to their computer. Before the innovation of Email, people needed to write a letter and add the address and stamp. Then put the letter into their
mailbox and wait for the postal service to pick it up. Once the postal service picked up the letter and sorted out where it is going to go, it gets delivered
to the recipient 's mailbox and they can then pick it up and read it. Now, that email has been invented, you can send the letter through email, which is a
lot faster and less time consuming.
2b. Describe your development process, explicitly identifying the computing tools and techniques you used to create your artifact. Your description
must be detailed enough so that a person unfamiliar with those tools and techniques will understand your process.
(Approximately 100 words) To make the artifact i used Canva, which lets me make graphic designs. I used a blank custom sized graphic to start. Next, I
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The Threat Of Food Sources
Climate change doesn't just mean that certain species will suffer from the loss of habitat. There will be a cascade effect up and down the food chain,
affecting the most basic species of prey and apex predators alike. Dominant predators with a strong preference for a carnivorous diet are arguably more
vulnerable to destruction of their environments. If the prey population suffers, it directly affects the survival of the predators that depend on them. Polar
bears have an especially focused diet, and seals are their prefered prey. Interestingly, the milk produced by polar bear mothers "is more similar to that of
pinnipeds (seals) than it is to milk of most terrestrial mammals" (Amstrup, 599). Like polar bears, several species of seal depend on a reliable presence
of sea ice in order to breed (Derocher 2004, p. 168). A dwindling seal population will almost certainly affect polar bears.
Polar bears are unique from their omnivorous cousins in that they have adapted to an arctic climate with a specialized diet. Ringed seals make up the
majority of their diet, along with other species of seal, whales, and walruses (Thiemann 2008, p. 591). Although I have previously argued here is some
hope that polar bears can adapt to different food sources like geese and caribou, further research indicates that a diet of land animals such as geese and
their eggs is a poor substitute. First of all, the list of prey I mentioned all have one thing in common: A thick
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The Pros And Cons Of Globalization
In the source provided the writer is very against the idea of globalization and compares it to a disease. This source is very directed to citizens and
government for the reason it states that the minority of the population benefits but the majority suffer. The source to an extent is correct that there are
negatives but there are also some positives that come from it. For example health care and technology as well as other ideas are able to be spread to
other countries an assist them to make their lives better or easier. On the other hand it can be bad because some countries that are already not as evolved
or at the same step might not be able to afford the new research or tech that is invented that is why this source or topic different for each person it
depends on you view and where you live. Within the source there are a lot of statements that are very bias and negative and do not highlight the any
positives. This source is most likely writing by someone that has not been affected by globalization or someone that has a strong impression that it is
bad. The source states that globalization is affecting a small amount of the people in the world and for the most part most people are suffering from
globalization. This statement is partially right for the reason that some aspects of globalization is bad but other aspects are good and can benefit and
help developing countries. This source is most likely wrote from the perspective of someone that is more focused on the
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The Oil Industry Relate World Trade Organization
5 –
SUBJECT: PROJECT1 – Evaluating Sources
Name and surname: ANOULACK VONGSA
Table of Contents
Abstract – 3 –
Introduction – 3 –
Methodology: – 3 –
–Information survey: – 4 –
–Data collection – 4 –
–Data analysis: – 4 –
Finding – 5 –
Discussion and analysis – 6 –
Conclusion – 7 –
Reference: – 8 –
1. WTO (world trade organization).
2. WTO (the world trade organization and oil)
3. CARS (
4. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
This report mention the oil relate the world trade. Also, it explains the background of the oil ... Show more content on ...
Today oil affords world production such as electricity, car, and all of logistic. Due to it is a limit source that is used for providing almost of production
of the world, so the oil price is always fluctuated depending on producing and consumption. Because of this situation, demand for energy and pursuit
for oil are not stable, so it affects to WTO (world trade organization) that is central to the international economic institution in many ways. This
research focuses on finding a variety of sources in books, magazines and Internets on the effect of the oil industry on world trade. Its purpose is for
finding and analysis the source, which is related to the following issues through Robert Harris?s theory (2007) and CARS theory.
This statement is intended to discuss the oil industry and relative world trade in the world. Also, firstly, we will give a detail about finding the
document, secondly, in term of data collection and giving some general information. Thirdly, data analysis by using Excel for analysis to percent.
–Information survey:
Our group has discovered many types of databases, such as a library, internet engine, News on website reliables such as Guardian, government website,
etc., Respectively. ?
–Data collection
In order of The data collection that, we have collected the information such as manufacturer and exporter, consumer and in term of world trade. For
example, in Saudi
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Lipids are a major source of energy and provide essential...
Lipids are a major source of energy and provide essential lipid nutrients. In many food products the lipid component plays a major role in determining
the overall characteristics, such, as flavour, texture, mouthfeel and appearance (Ross & Smith, 2006). However, fats, oils and lipid–based products
deteriorate during heat processing, distribution and long term storage. The chemical deterioration is as a result of lipid oxidation. In some chesses, a
limited amount of lipid oxidation is desirable for the generation of a characteristic taste or smell (Sun et al., 2011). On the other hand it is undesirable in
high lipid or fat containing food products. Lipid oxidation is a major concern to the food industry due to the increasing emphasis on ... Show more
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Another method of inhibition is to use antioxidants. These are a class of substances that vary widely in chemical structure and have diverse mechanisms
of action. Synthetic antioxidant are more effective, they can be used at lower concentrations, are less expensive and can be prepared with consistent
quality without an effect on flavour, colour and aroma of the food product (Pokorny et al., 2008; Shahidi & Zhong, 2010). However, synthetic
antioxidants are "label unfriendly" additives (Chaiyasit et al., 2007).
Recently, special attention has been given to the use of natural antioxidants due to worldwide trend to avoid or minimise the use of synthetic food
additives. These natural antioxidants are widely distributed in plant materials, animal tissues and microorganisms. The application of heat treatments
renders natural antioxidants unstable, for example ascorbic acid participates in non–enzymatic browning reactions (Kalakowska, 2002; Kiokias et al.,
2009; Shahidi & Zhong, 2011).
Another negative side of natural antioxidants includes wide variation in concentration of active components (due to source and extraction methods) and
undesirable effects on flavour, colour and aroma of foods (Pokorny et al., 2008). As a result, the quest for natural
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Reflection Paper On Nutrition
The lesson that was completed in stage three directly aligns with the Common CoreStandards and are things that should be accomplished at the fourth–
grade level. The concepts that were taught were all factors that would help illustrate the bigger picture to students so they could understand the logic
behind this lesson.By the fourth grade, students need to have a good grasp on nutrition. They need to understand why healthy eating is important and
ways they can achieve that. They are beginning to think for themselves and need to know that important choices with food is imperative for their health.
By having them complete pamphlets that would be distributed, they need to understand what they are promoting. By having them go through the
different steps that were in stage three, they were able to gather that information and help them boost their understanding of nutrition and healthy foods.
Throughout stage three, technology was used in planning and helping the students achieve their learning goals. The first example of the lesson
accomplishing this was when the students had to watch the nutrition video on the computer on the first day of the lesson. This was an informative video
that was age appropriate. I think that without the students watching this video they would have had a difficult time reaching their goals with this lesson
and future, related lessons. By having the students view this video it helped them connect the content and specific learning goals. They were
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I Watch Lars And The Real Girl Directed By Craig Gillespie
This year I watch Lars and the Real Girl directed by Craig Gillespie which is about a guy who gets very lonely and has to buy a rubber doll from the
internet because ... When I saw this I asked what is loneliness. For me loneliness is being away from home, family , friends and living in another
country. I'm interested in loneliness because I wonder why do we get so lonely when there are many people around us sp I have come up with 2
questions. My questions are why do people get lonely and who is the most at risk and what are some solution to helping people those who are lonely.
The focus of this research will be on young adult age between 15 to 29 as loneliness has a lot to do with my age group and I think we have to know hot
to deal with it. I use different kinds of resources such as written, oral and visual. My resources are Sunday TV program called Advice for parents, TED
Talks from Guy Winch : Why do we need to practice our emotional first aids, Loneliness Generation article from women–,
(Statistic of New Zealand),,,, and which are very useful and reliable.
Question 1: Why we get lonely and who is the most at risk?
This question interested me because I sometimes feel lonely and I want to know how do other people get lonely.
From watching the video from TED talks from Guy Winch called Why we need to practice emotional first aids I learned that when people get lonely
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Cellular Respiration : Energy From Food Sources
Cellular respiration is how we extract energy from food sources, especially food sources such as glucose as most of the food we eat ends up as glucose
in the body. The chemical formula for one molecule of glucose is C6H12O6. In order to turn this glucose into energy, oxygen is needed. This is done
through cellular respiration where the glucose and oxygen is turned into 6 molecules of CO2, 6 molecules of water and some energy. Before we can use
that energy our body has just produced we have to turn it into a specific form of stored energy called ATP or adenosine triphosphate. In order for our
body to use the energy we make our cells need the energy to be transferred into ATP, adenosine triphosphate to be able to let our body do anything.
Adenosine triphosphate is made up of adenine, ribose and three phosphate groups attached to it. The three phosphate groups are very uncomfortable
being next to each other, so ATP splits them up shifts one of the phosphate groups off the end creating Adenosine diphosphate. In this reaction energy is
released. Through cellular respiration one molecule of glucose can yield a bit of heat energy and 38 molecules of ATP at its best, a normal range would
be between 29–30 molecules of ATP. Cellular respiration isnt something that happens all at once. Glucose is is transformed into ATP's over 3 separate
stages; Glycolysis, the krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. Glycolysis is just the breaking up of the glucose 6 carbon rings into two
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Essay on Working Conditions of Children in Textile Mills
Working Conditions of Children in Textile Mills
After thorough investigation into 5 sources referring to the working conditions for children in factories during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth
centuries, we now have the opportunity to bind all the facts together and create a detailed account. However, there are still questions over the reliability
of some of the sources, so further research and comparisons with other mills need to be made. Making comparisons will also indicate the typicality of
Styal. Hopefully, by the end of this essay I will be able to prioritise the best way of finding out about the treatment of children in textile mills.
The first source we examined was an ... Show more content on ...
This makes us think that the workers are in fear of being sacked, which they couldn't afford to do with the lack of jobs in the area, so therefore say what
Greg wants them too. We also get the impression that Samuel Greg is always present, as if to make sure the employees do as they are asked. We are
also told that, "...everyone well paid, comfortable...", "...fine machinery..." and "...excellent lunch..." which makes us wonder whether Samuel Greg is
only showing the good points. Frederick Engles thinks that it was in–fact a staged visit and that all the bad conditions were kept hidden. He suggests
that Greg's' factory was a 'mockery'. Engle's uses a sarcastic tone for this source, which backfired as there are some positive comments. Finally, the
source is very generalised, which suggests it may have been a hypothetical visit, meaning Engles could be saying what 'could' happen?
The second source referred to child labour at Quarry Bank Mill in 1833. My source is an extract from an interview between the superintendents who
looked after Greg's apprentices at Quarry Bank Mill (George and Elizabeth Shawcross) and a government official checking on how apprentice children
were treated. The fact that this is just an extract from the interview makes us wonder what was said in the rest of it. If this extract was taken
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Information Systems : The Mendip Arms Essay
Assignment 1: Information Systems
The Mendip Arms Contents
P1. Explain how organisations use information TASK 1/P1 3
P1: Discuss the characteristics of good information 4
D1: Explain how an organisation could improve the quality of its business information 5
Data flow Diagram 7
P1. Explain how organisations use information TASK 1/P1
No. Example of
Information Type of information Source of information How is the information communicated
1 Customer name and address Primary: it's about the hotel's own customers gained directly from the original source in an unedited format.
Quantitative information: because it's facts and figures about the customer. Internal
The bookings database of the hotel Via the online booking form
2 Staff hours worked Primary information: because it's about the hotel's own staff gained directly from the original source in an unedited format.
Quantitative information: because it's facts and figures about when the staff worked, which day, shift etc. Internal
Staff timesheets On paper and then recorded in the staff database and used to calculate wages
3 Sports centre customer survey Primary: because it's the views of the sports centre's own customers gained directly from the original source in an
unedited format.
Qualitative: because it's the customers' opinions and not facts. Internal
Customer questionnaires Paper or online
4 Staff income tax codes Secondary: because it's provided by the government to the employer (hotel), who have to use
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Joy Is Not Just Happiness
In our everyday lives, joy has become synonymous with both happiness and pleasure. We have diminished the meaning of the word by using it in place
of the more appropriate terms in order to provide emphasis. C.S. Lewis takes more literal definition of joy, and so assigns it more significance in his
mind, separating it from any other emotion. Though he acknowledges that oftentimes happiness and pleasure occur simultaneously with joy, they are
not the root cause, nor are they the same emotion. I think the best distinction Lewis makes between happiness and pleasure is when he states "Joy...
must have the stab, the pang, the inconsolable longing" (Lewis 72). This look into the root of joy demonstrates that joy is not just happiness, it is more
complex and not always a fully positive emotion. There can be sadness and longing behind the joy, but it does not diminish the great properties of joy.
Because joy is so great it is often sought, but as Lewis says "it is never a possession, always a desire for something longer ago or further away or still
'about to be'" (Lewis 78). The fleeting nature of joy only adds to the intrigue, as it often comes at the most unexpected times. Lewis recognizes this, as
he titled the book "Surprised by Joy." Lewis also thinks that one's definition of joy is constantly changing with our experiences. As he learned more
about some subject, one that used to bring him joy to study, he "realizes that this was something quite different from the original Joy."
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What Is A False Memory?
Cherry, K. (2016, March 19). What Is a False Memory? Retrieved April 30, 2016, from https://–is–a–false–memory–2795193
This webpage presents false memory at a glance. The webpage covers topics relating specifically to false memory, such as the definitions, causes,
impacts, and who is affected. The author distinguishes false memory from other forms of memory fallibility. Also, the author indicates the various
factors that influence false memory like misinformation, misattribution, existing knowledge, and suggestions from therapists or investigators. Finally,
the author concludes that false memory is problematic especially in criminal trials and eyewitness testimony, where false memories are one of the
leading causes of false convictions due to false identification of a suspect, or false recollections during interrogations. Verywell is the website from
which this webpage was derived from. It is a reliable source for a lot of reasons. First, the content on the website is written by experts like doctors,
trainers, and other healthcare professionals. All of the medical facts are well–documented. They are reviewed and approved by board–certified
physicians. Second, Kendra Cherry is qualified to write this piece. Cherry is an author and an educator of psychology. She is the author of a book titled
"Everything Psychology" (2nd edition) and has published many articles on diverse psychological topics. In addition, she holds a Master of Science in
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Shhh Essay
Summer Session 3 (2012)
Summary: Is Popular Culture Good for You?
Length: 1–2 pages (double–spaced with proper header, a descriptive title, and a Works Cited entry)
Source: David Crystal's "2B or not 2B"
Due: End of class period, Wednesday, June 13th
Percentage of Final Grade: 10%
Objective: Write a summary of Crystal's essay "2B or not 2B." Use a template from They Say, I Say to begin your summary. Make appropriate
rhetorical "moves," such as integrating quotes, choosing strong verbs, and using effective transitions. Most importantly, demonstrate that you
understand the what, how, and why: (1) What is the main argument or "gist" of Crystal's essay? (2) How does Crystal ... Show more content on ...
7. Does the essay need proofreading? Does it contain basic errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling?
Laura Dubek ENGLISH 1020–001 Summer Session 3 (2012)
Annotated Bibliography 1: Is Food the New Tobacco?
Length: 5 entries (2+ pages, typed, double–spaced with proper header, see RM 124–127)
Sources: At least 4 different types: books, chapters in books, encyclopedias, pamphlets, scholarly essays, newspaper articles, magazine articles,
websites, documentaries, personal interviews, advertisements. You can use up to 2 essays from our textbook, They Say, I Say.
Due: Monday July 23rd Percentage of Final Grade: 10% Objective: Research any aspect of the Food Industry–advertising/marketing, fast food, obesity,
school lunch programs, eating disorders and body image, organics, food production and distribution, the FDA and food safety, etc.–compiling a list of
relevant and reliable source material. Read/view/consult these sources and write concise summaries of each. Present your summaries in the form of an
annotated bibliography. See Chapter 10 of Research Matters for examples of annotations.
Criteria for Evaluation:
1. Is the
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Essay on Wikipedia and Its Credibility
Wikipedia and its Credibility
Wikipedia and its Credibility
The Wikipedia is a free, online encyclopedia that lets every individual with Internet connection write and edits its articles. Jimmy Wales and Larry
Sanger launched their creation in 2001 giving an opportunity to all willing people to work together to develop a common resource of knowledge. Many
people have different believes and ideas about Wikipedia, therefore, some tend to think of it as a credible and valid source of information, others
strongly disagree. "Since all the books and articles have been chosen for publication, each one has presumably undergone some form of selection and
review" (Spatt, 2011, "p."339–340). Unfortunately, this statement is simply not enough to ... Show more content on ...
Going straight to the source is the best way to check if the information in the article is reliable and credible.
A New Tool to Check the Quality of Articles German professor Stock created a new tool that allows checking the quality of articles posted on
Wikipedia and stated,
Wiki–Watch serves as a research tool indicating lack of sources and evaluating the reliability of every entry made, using WikiTrust's color code system
to display reputation of a text according to the reputation and number of revisions by users. Wiki–Watch analyzes every Wikipedia entry ever created in
a few seconds, checks the number of sources used in the article and the quality of editing (para. 2). Wiki–Watch uses a color codes system to check the
reputation of the article by figuring out how many times people revised the article. White color means reliable information; therefore, yellow color has
an opposite meaning. This system also checks for the credibility of the article and emphasizes individual words used in the article.
Many Editors to Correct the Errors Wikipedia counts 75,000 editors who check the articles and their content to make sure that the information is valid
and reliable. According to Schaffer (2009), the journal Nature conducted a study in 2005 and proved that Wikipedia is just as valid as any other
encyclopedia, including Britannica, keeping in mind that errors and vandalism can occur to any of them (para. 2).
Even though Wikipedia will never be
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“the Evacuation of Children in World War Two Was a Great...
"The evacuation of children in World War Two was a great success." How far do the sources you have used support this interpretation of evacuation in
World War Two? (25 marks)
Before the War in September 1939, the government understood the risk of air raids and the danger they bring upon major cities in England. Plans for
evacuation started as early as 15 years before in 1924; the Air Raid Precaution Committee (ARPC) identified London as the main target, with children
as the biggest concern. The government identified, after the ARPC produced a report on the potential disasters of air raid attacks in 1925, that
maintaining civilian morale was a priority, and that the fear of bombing would bring it down. So, to prevent low morale (and also ... Show more content
on ...
To further justify evacuation and therefore show its success in keeping evacuees safe, source six shows casualties in Liverpool. It shows that the death
rate was generally over 100 and even in May 1941, at 1453. Again, this justifies the need to evacuate and the safety achieved through evacuation.
Finally, sources three shows the success in evacuation as the sources show effectiveness and good organisation as a success of evacuation. This
encompasses overall efficiency and pre–evacuation planning. To be able to transport the huge amount of 1million (intended 4million) to the countryside
required this efficiency and overall, sources three and source two mention the efficiency and order of the transport (trains) and organisation in the
countryside. In source three, a newspaper article from Kent, says that the departures were efficient, reflecting that it was seen to that 'each child got
milk and food', and followed up with 'no confusion'. Even source two, though showing evacuation in a negative way, also comments that the trains 'ran
to time' and that evacuation came 'complete with teachers'. Having teachers is shown in sources one, three and four as well. In source one, it is shown as
a teacher with a group of children, in three there are mentioned 'teachers in charge' and in four, the graph shows about 103,000 teachers were evacuated.
The fact that they were able to organise having teachers for the children,
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18th Century American Social Structure Summary
Knox, Dr. Ellis L. "Social History." European Social Structure. Dr. Ellis L. Knox, Boise State, 11 Sept. 2000. Web. 3 Feb. 2016. .
This article as about the social structure of eighteenth century France. It gave a clear description of the different social standings, the lifestyle and
characteristics of each standing, and what each standing was defined by. It also described how the social standings differed in certain areas of France,
such as rural areas.
The website was easy to navigate and the information was displayed in an organized manner. The article was written by a history professor, Dr. Ellis L.
Knox, at Boise State University. The professor has an M.A in Medieval history and a Ph.D in Early European history. The information on this ... Show
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He got his first degree from University of Melbourne and has a doctorate from Oxford University. His book, The Making of Revolutionary Paris, has
won the NSW Premier's Prize for History and the professor was elected to the Australian Academy of Humanities. Based on this information, this book
can be considered a reliable source. The book was properly organized and the information was conveyed in an organized manner. The chapter went into
extreme detail about the lower class and the harsh lifestyle they lived. It provided numbers and statistics that were beneficial to research. This book
provided better information in a more organized way than other sources used, such as a database. The information in this book also came from a more
reliable source than the database. Overall, this source was very beneficial to the research of eighteenth century
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The Oil Industry Relate World Trade Organization
5 –
SUBJECT: PROJECT1 – Evaluating Sources
Name and surname: ANOULACK VONGSA
Table of Contents
Abstract – 3 –
Introduction – 3 –
Methodology: – 3 –
–Information survey: – 4 –
–Data collection – 4 –
–Data analysis: – 4 –
Finding – 5 –
Discussion and analysis – 6 –
Conclusion – 7 –
Reference: – 8 –
1. WTO (world trade organization).
2. WTO (the world trade organization and oil)
3. CARS (
4. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
This report mention the oil relate the world trade. Also, it explains the background of the oil ... Show more content on ...
Today oil affords world production such as electricity, car, and all of logistic. Due to it is a limit source that is used for providing almost of production
of the world, so the oil price is always fluctuated depending on producing and consumption. Because of this situation, demand for energy and pursuit
for oil are not stable, so it affects to WTO (world trade organization) that is central to the international economic institution in many ways. This
research focuses on finding a variety of sources in books, magazines and Internets on the effect of the oil industry on world trade. Its purpose is for
finding and analysis the source, which is related to the following issues through Robert Harris?s theory (2007) and CARS theory.
This statement is intended to discuss the oil industry and relative world trade in the world. Also, firstly, we will give a detail about finding the
document, secondly, in term of data collection and giving some general information. Thirdly, data analysis by using Excel for analysis to percent.
–Information survey:
Our group has discovered many types of databases, such as a library, internet engine, News on website reliables such as Guardian, government website,
etc., Respectively. ?
–Data collection
In order of The data collection that, we have collected the information such as manufacturer and exporter, consumer and in term of world trade. For
example, in Saudi
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My Reflection Of My Personal Experience In College Writing
Being away from college for three years you forget the basic understanding of particular material f or me it was writing. Luckily enough while on
deployment I came across a class call Introduction to Writing. Writing 101 help me familiarize myself with the basic grammar and mechanics in college
writing, this was an opportunity that many military personnel are unfortunate to receive due to being deployed, where most service members have to
interact with their teacher via the internet. I have the chance of being placed in a hybrid class; this afforded me the opportunity to interact with both the
students and teacher on a weekly basis and give me a synopsis of what college life is like when I transition to becoming a full–time studen t. Because of
Writing 101, I was able to distinguish the difference between active and passive voice when writing my essays. I develop an understanding of the
placement of commas when writing my sentences. As well a s, how to develop a well thought out research paper by using credible sources. Introduction
to Writing has given me the basic understanding on how to familiarize myself in writing when it comes to active and passive voice, commas, and
writing research papers, with these writing skills to my access I'm ready for the next step forward in college writing. When I first started Introduction to
Writing, I didn't understand the difference active and passive voice. To my knowledge, I thought it
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Honeybees Are A Major Source Of Food
Honeybees are a major source of food for the United States. Honey is in many foods expected and unexpected. Honeybees population is decreasing day
by day and we cannot figure out why. Is it global warming? Is it Air pollution?
I think their could be many things putting the species endangered. One of my strongest beliefs are that it is air pollution. I think we could solve the bee
mystery if we started with small stuff like air pollution. Then we could work our way up to the bigger things. But i think pollution could be a major one.
Also deforestation. Many types of bees like to live in wooded areas and i think much of the population is being killed out by us cutting down trees and
building houses and everything.
I don't think it would
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Fast Food : An Alternative Food Source
Fast Food By max Cornett Fast food is an alternative food source for many people around the world who have little time or money for a homemade
meal or for a meal cooked at a restaurant. However fast food can also cause many problems with our bodies if it is consumed to often or in very large
quantities. The fast food epidemic has caused increasing amounts of people being labeled as overweight and obese. "As many as 30 percent of
American adults or 60 million are either overweight or obese. Most alarming to health officials is the fact that 9 million of these obese adults are
severely obese" (Loonin). Obesity can be caused by many factors, some people have slower metabolism, some people just eat too much food, and some
people don 't exercise enough. "Let's think back to the pioneer days. People had to plant their crops, tend to their animals and cook foods from scratch.
There were no box mixes or pre–made items. Meals had to be planned ahead every day. People really had to work for their food Coincidentally, the
obesity rates were much less years ago." (Muntel). Because we don't have to work for our food it is much easier to take it for granted and eat too much.
The most work that we have to do would be to turn on the oven and throw the mac and cheese into it for an hour or tell the cashier how many burgers
you want to eat. In our society today the ability to do
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The Changing Role and Status of Women since 1945 Essay
The Changing Role and Status of Women since 1945
1. Source A is an account of events towards the end of the Second World War written by a woman welder and it gives us a good idea of what happened
to some women when the end of the war was drawing near and men started coming home. The source tells us that 12 women welders were made
"redundant" with "no reason given" and although the source is only one woman's experience, a lot of women were made redundant as soon as the war
started coming to an end because men were promised their jobs back and women were, therefore, expected to go back home and revert to being
housewives and mothers again.
Although the government produced a great deal of propaganda ... Show more content on ...
Sources A and B are supported nicely by source C in that source C explains and portrays the mood of the time when sources A and B were written. We
can learn this from source C because it's an advertisement that used the mood at the time to try and sell their product as a 'housewifely' product. The
sources are not diminishing what women had to do; they were simply telling women where they were expected to be. With this taken into account,
source C again backs up the other two sources as source B encourages women to go home and source A shows us how women were forced to return to
their homes. The sources all tell us that although women dedicated themselves to contributing to the war effort and actively took part in the home front,
they now had to go home, as it was time for them to return to being submissive to their husbands and start being housewives again.
The three sources all have different origins but it is precisely for this reason that they support each other and together make a valuable piece of evidence
on how women felt and how women were treated in the mid 1940s when the war was coming to an end. Source A is reliable because it's a personal
account written by a woman who was made redundant,
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Fast Food : A Good Source Of Protein
In America, the fast food industry is growing at an exponential rate, accumulating profits while at the same time creating jobs to flourish our economy.
Advancements in technology with the couple of the downward spiraling economy have increased a demand in cheap food; such as fast–food industries
offering unlimited refills of 24oz bottles of soda for merely .99 cents to scrumptious chicken sandwiches for a dollar! Many people may wonder what
the harm is in having all this cheap delicious food. Chicken is supposed to be a good source of protein. People start to stuff these foods down their kids'
throats thinking everything will be okay, but many people these days are unaware of the truth that fast–food companies pay millions of dollars to hide.
From the public eye there are so many people unaware of what they are consuming is doing to their bodies, organizations such as the France24 news
channel are working towards increasing public and media awareness of the truth behind fast–food obesity. The visual context of the ads highlights a key
point that the media portrays is only a small portion while there is so much more we aren't exposed to, making the ads effective. Image A shows us how
obesity and the fast food industry is portrayed from a media stand point, and Image B shows us the reality of obesity, however together they both pose
as prime examples of the realness of obesity and its image in media.
Image A consists of a large picture of an iceberg in the middle of the
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Evaluation Of An Effective Evaluation Process
Data gathering, reviewing, and analyzation is a very important step in an effective evaluation or assessment process. The outcome as well as any
subsequent suggestions are based on the data and review provided during the initial process. Guerra–Lopez (2008) emphasized that the success of an
evaluation process is contingent upon five particular aspects about data and data sources: 1) data relevance, 2) data collection, 3) evaluating data, 4)
data reporting, and 5) avoiding data errors. These five items contribute to an improved method and technique to build a better performance evaluation
and supports the statistical finds and the qualitative impact of the communicated results. Data is used as a tool to measure various aspects within the ...
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133). Guerra–Lopez (2008) suggested some primary sources of data as those that most commonly and readily available such as financial records, social
input sources, and political realms. More specifically, Guerra–Lopez (2008) claimed that an organizations internal sources of data input are often used
as a means to identify prior performance and assessments needs and results. These sources identified by Guerra–Lopez are as follows.
Strategic plan: Management's source for communicating the organization's vision, business plan, goals, and objectives. Describes the organizations
prior outcomes and outlook for the future of the company.
Annual reports: Identifies the immediate and potential future financial standing for the organization.
Project plans: List individual areas of concentration that connect directly with the organization's overall strategic plan. It compartmentalizes the
objectives of different divisions within the organization based on function and potential.
Consulting studies: An independent study focused on a narrow window of assessment. These studies are not evaluations in that they are not geared
towards measuring the outcome of a program or event but instead they are formed to review processes without labeling or assigning judgment or
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Advantages Of Artificial Bee Honey Algorithm

  • 1. Advantages Of Artificial Bee Honey Algorithm ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY ALGORITHM 3.1 The nature of Bees The Swarm Intelligence (SI) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that has its basis on the collective characteristics of animals or certain unique phenomenon of natural setups such as bees, fish, ants and birds. In process of searching for the food sources, the bee colony can move in multiple directions and over a distance of several kilometers. The exercise of searching for food sources starts from sending out a group of scout bees to search for flower patches at various bushes that contain a considerable amount of nectar and pollen. After this, the scout bees come back to their hive and then perform a special movement as others observes. This dance is known as the waggle dance. This is shown in ... Show more content on ... The main advantages of the ABC algorithm over other optimization methods for solving optimization are [46] [47] [48] [49]: It is simple to deploy It is highly flexible It is robust It has few control parameters Its ease of combination with other methods Its ability to handle the objective with stochastic nature Its fast convergence as it combines both exploration and exploitation processes. 3.3 Disadvantages of Artificial Bee colony algorithm The artificial bee colony algorithm has some few weakness when put into practice. First this method requires new fitness tests on every new algorithm parameters so as to improve performance It needs a high number of objective function evaluations It slows down when used in sequential processing and the population of solutions increases the computational cost due to slowdown It has many iterations and thus huge memory capacity ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. School Counselor Analysis School Counselor Analysis Siobhan (Sam) Garrett PSY/435 April 17, 2013 Healey Irked Title of Paper In order to do a proper analysis on a school counselor one must know what he or she does on a daily basis. This is to conduct a job analysis for a school counselor and discuss how it will be used within the school system. Next to determine the reliability and validity of the school counselor analysis. Then the performance and appraisal methods that apply to being a counselor will be evaluated. Finally the benefits and vulnerabilities of each performance appraisal method will be explained. This will provide a full job analysis of a school counselor and what their job entails. Job Analysis For this job one ... Show more content on ... The more students the counselor sees the more of them can get back to their everyday lives and living happy and everyone will leave them alone. This could even result in less bullying in the halls and after school. The ways that the subjective measures of job performance can evaluate ones job performance is in the graphic rating form which assesses individuals on several dimensions of performance. This is like rating your job performance on a scale of one to ten. The boss may make a performance rating on your job to tell the person how he or she is doing that week. The behavior focused rating scale can be used to focus on ones behavior on the job. If a person has a good attitude then they may get a good behavior score. If he or she has a bad attitude he or she may get a bad rating on the behavior score. This depends on the way the person acts and behaves while doing his or her job. Other members of the staff may also rate ones behavior on the job. This will help the boss determine if they are getting along with you or if he or she is causing trouble or are not well liked among your fellow employees. They may make observations on ones performance as well. If he or she is doing a good job a terrible job or just a good enough jobs then he or she can be rated on that performance. Benefits and Vulnerabilities. The benefits and vulnerabilities of these can be simple or even drastic. These are more beneficial if one ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Genetically Modified Organisms For Food Sources Essay Introduction: GMO, genetically modified organisms, are organisms that are used for food sources and are manipulated by biotechnology, most often by gene transfer (Ahmed, 2002). Most agricultural food sources such as fruits, vegetables, or any other mass–produced crops are known examples of GMO (Owens, 2000). Many question the ethics or reasoning behind the production of GMOs due to its interference with naturally bound events but biotechnological gene transfer is vastly beneficial because it leads to: multiplication of crop yields, more affordable food sources, food security, and resistance to pests and harmful diseases (Phillips, 2004). Benefits of GMO are inevitable and are beneficial to almost everyone, but precautions are made to routinely regulate GMOs due to possible health complications (Weiss, 2014). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was the primary method used for this experiment to test for genetically modified organisms by determining the presence of 35s, the GMO biomarker (Hardegger et al., 1999). PCR amplifies specific segments of DNA, producing millions of copies of a specific DNA sequence. PCR uses thermal cycling, which causes enzymatic replication of the selected DNA sequence (Bartlett, 2003). The 35s promoter is used to amplify the sequence of DNA that is present in GMO. This particular gene region is approximately 162 base pairs and the 35s promoter cannot amplify any other sequence but the GMO specific sequence. This will make the 35S promoter the key to ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. `` Do Fingerprints Lie? By Michael Specter Richa Shah Professor Derks Rhetoric and Comp 1 16 December 2015 Don't Believe In Everything You See All over the world and as far as many people can remember, fingerprints have been used as a symbol of truth and justice in the forensics domain. The art of fingerprinting has been seen as a closure to many major crimes that have put many people in prison. However, in his article "Do Fingerprints Lie?" Michael Specter examines that fingerprinting has given rise to many questions as of the late 20th century. Fingerprints have been taken for granted, almost like money, which in this century, people believe is the best item to be handed to us. People tend to take what they hear, and just go with it without research or background knowledge. This practice has not been challenged as many concepts should. Specter brings in a solid argument with a lot of knowledge to support his claims and factual evidence to set his article with high credibility. While Specter builds a strong argument, he fails to consider how fingerprints have improved the forensic process. The article "Do Fingerprints Lie?" is a critical analysis on the negative usage of fingerprints. Specter is going against the idea that fingerprints are always the best way to figure out if someone is guilty He starts of by talking about a jury case where Shirley Mckie is falsely accused of perjury. Mckie's fingerprint was found at a scene of a crime of a murder and her fingerprint was analyzed to match that of the actual ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Investigating Cableways And Design An Efficient Vertical... Summary To investigate cableways and design an efficient vertical transportation system for goods, in the hilltop communities of Nepal. My research established an understanding of existing cableway technology and explored a practical engineering improvement for adaptation in developing countries. I identified that engineering, a topic of personal interest, should be the field of research considered. A discussion with university students was completed to find a specific issue that I could investigate. One topic suggested for investigation from the EngineersWithoutBorders Challenge, inspired the research question. The outcome format, a report, discussed my key findings and recommendations including; the nature of cableways, influence of local topography, and constraints of existing technology. The majority of my secondary sources were reports written by academics or aid organisations, found on the web. Emailed questionnaires and personal interviews provided critical information and practical critique of the design outcome. Analysis of findings combined with creative thinking enabled a resolution of the research question. This was presented in the form of a proposed design at the conclusion of the outcome report. Evaluation Evaluation of Research Processes Interviews Primary information was obtained by conducting interviews. I underestimated how effective this process would be until I conducted one. Discussing my project with an experienced manufacturer gave practical ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Fast Food : An Alternative Food Source Fast Food By max Cornett Fast food is an alternative food source for many people around the world who have little time or money for a homemade meal or for a meal cooked at a restaurant. However fast food can also cause many problems with our bodies if it is consumed to often or in very large quantities. The fast food epidemic has caused increasing amounts of people being labeled as overweight and obese. "As many as 30 percent of American adults or 60 million are either overweight or obese. Most alarming to health officials is the fact that 9 million of these obese adults are severely obese" (Loonin). Obesity can be caused by many factors, some people have slower metabolism, some people just eat too much food, and some people don 't exercise enough. "Let's think back to the pioneer days. People had to plant their crops, tend to their animals and cook foods from scratch. There were no box mixes or pre–made items. Meals had to be planned ahead every day. People really had to work for their food Coincidentally, the obesity rates were much less years ago." (Muntel). Because we don't have to work for our food it is much easier to take it for granted and eat too much. The most work that we have to do would be to turn on the oven and throw the mac and cheese into it for an hour or tell the cashier how many burgers you want to eat. In our society today the ability to do ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Analysis Of Daniel Victor 's ' Why We All Lives Matter ' "All Lives Matter" hasn't brought people together," says Daniel Victor in his "Why 'All Lives Matter' Is Such a Perilous Phrase" article in The New York Times. The term "All Lives Matters" has caused a bigger rift between different ethnic groups than intended. The phrase was initially intended to bring people of every color together. There was hope that every race would stand side by side and face the perils of the world as a whole. However, supporters of the Black Lives Matter campaign feel the term is aiding the public in downplaying the injustices of black Americans. "Saying #AllLivesMatter is like running through a cancer fundraiser & saying 'There's other diseases too,'" says a source in Daniel Victor's article. The Black Lives Matter campaign supporters believe every life is equally important as the next. Contrariwise, they also believe not every life goes through the same troubles. Therefore, they deem attention and support should go to the lives that are in need of immediate backing. All lives do matter but as of right now the lives of Black Americans are in need of support. The Black Lives Matter Campaign is not meant to put down other races it is meant to bring up a race that is being put down. It is meant to help people who are in need. Victor's Audience are people who blindly believe the term "All Lives Matter" is helping society. Through esteemed sources, an intelligent choice of audience and emotional appeal's Daniel Victor effectively corroborates the "All ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. To What Extent Did The Media Affect The Election Of 1948? Historical Investigation PART A: Plan of Investigation To what extent did the media affect the election of 1948? The scope of this investigation will include the months preceding the election of 1948. The investigation will look into the different ways the media affected the outcome of the election, how recent actions of the president Truman affected it, and any other possible influences on the election. This investigation will mainly use interviews and newspapers to get a better look at how people actually there felt about the election. This investigation will take a thematic structure in order to better outline what caused each separate sway. These two interviews were chosen to be evaluated due to the the interviewees and the ... Show more content on ... truman in May 1948 to recognize the new state of Israel in 1950 there were 1426 daily newspapers, with the daily circulation of 54,000,000, 41,000,000 households w. radio, 1,000,000 with television. In 1935, in order to get newspapers to subscribe to his weekly polls, Gallup promised he would predict the winner of the 1936 presidential election. analysts attributed the polls ' failure largely to completing their surveys too early, thus missing a late swing in voter sentiment in favor of the President. In his final radio speech before the election, he promised to work for peace and a government that would help all people. Patrick, John J., and Richard M. Pious. The Oxford Guide to the United States Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 200–205. Origin: (who wrote it, when and where): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How is your author a credible source (education, occupation...)?: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How is the origin valuable to your research/ how is it limiting to y our ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Food Should Be Balanced Out With Sources Of Fats Diet is a word that people use daily in this time and age and yet there are many people that are unclear about what exactly this word means and how this word can impact their lives. Most misconstrue the actual meaning of the word. A diet is not just some thing that people go on for a few weeks to lose weight, it is a compilation of everything a person consumes for the entirety of their life. There are three established principles for a healthy diet: variety, balance and moderation. When eating, it is key to consume different types of nutrients from a variety of sources. Foods like vegetables should be balanced out with sources of fats. Most importantly every type of food should be moderated in its consumption. Vegetables are the most ... Show more content on ... However, USDA accepted diets also have their differences. The DASH eating plan emphasizes meat proteins over nuts, seeds and legumes where the Mediterranean plan has nuts, seeds and legumes integrated into every meal. The Mediterranean plan also separates its meat protein into two categories unlike other plans. Fish and seafood are to be consumed at least twice a week and poultry and eggs can be consumed as often as every two days. Notice that this plan does not have any mention of red meats which are an available source of proteins in the other plans. One major difference between the food plans is the way servings are set up. The USDA Food Patterns plan (which is what My Plate is based off) presents servings as cups, grams or ounces allotted per day. This is the most precise serving guidance that is offered. The DASH plan is organized by a number of servings by day or week. The most relaxed serving guidance is offered by the Mediterranean plan. The Mediterranean plan does not specify the number of servings but simply states how often things can be consumed on a daily and weekly basis. Although the plans are slightly different it is clear that they fit the three principles for a healthy diet. They are variety filled, moderated and well balanced food plans. In contrast the Paleo diet does a poor job of meeting these standards. The most glaring difference in the Paleo diet is the removal of processed foods including grains and sometimes dairy. This eliminates ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Does Technology Help Children Help Or Hinder Their Social... Summary of the research question and outcome My guiding question for the research project was, "Does the use of technology to entertain children help or hinder their social development?" My interest in this topic was triggered by the previous research project that was carried out in year 10. That project had a lot to do with human health and the factors that affect that, so I decided to explore that in further depth using a different topic. Technology is becoming an increasingly more central aspect of people's lives and hence it is an issue in society. I wanted to explore this topic and gain knowledge, which could then be used to share with others who are concerned about the problem. My research was carried out mostly through secondary sources from the Internet and a primary source, which was an observation. The key findings from my research were gathered and presented in the form of a report. In the report it was substantiated that my research question wasn't fully answered, and the effect tablets/smartphones has on brain development were the main findings. Tablets/smartphones have a significant impact on children's health and can lead to many physical, psychological and behaviour disorders. Evaluation of research processes and decisions made in response to challenges and opportunities The research processes that I used were both primary sources and secondary sources. My primary source was the observation of children in a social environment to determine whether changes of ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Why Organic Farming Is America 's Leading Source Of Food... The food industry allows consumers to choose from a wide variety of products. However, most food corporations fail to tell the story behind their food. Is this secrecy due to their methods in creating their products? Conventional farming is America's leading source of food production. Yet, the controversial practices used in conventional farming, may lead American's to question if this is the only farming source that can feed our nation. Since 1972, organic farming has been creeping up the success ladder and demonstrating the methods involved can withstand the food demands of our nation. With the rising popularity of organic farming, U.S. citizens now have the option to purchase wholesome food. Consumers curious about purchasing organic goods should be aware of the notable differences between organic and conventional practices. The significant differences between organic and conventional farming include; animal welfare, health, and environmental. With the given information, consumers will be able to make informed decisions about their food purchases. The value of animal welfare is one of the significant reasons why organic farming is different from conventional farming. According to the USDA, the organic livestock requirements state that all livestock must be given year–round access to the outdoors, unless specific conditions occur. Livestock raised on organic farms should have room for exercise, clean drinking water, direct sunlight, fresh dry bedding, shelter and shade ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Unit 2 P4 UNIT:2 P4 P4: Describe sources of internal and external finance for a selected business. Introduction: In this particular task of the unit I will describe the internal and external finance sources for a particular selected business. In this task I will use the same company as I did before in the previous part of the unit. The name of the company is : Media Markt. In this task we will get to know where money actually comes from to actually create such a big company which is well known of its electronic products. What are the main ways in which the Business can access its financial resources? In this particular task I'm using the company: Mediamarkt. The business can access its financial resources in two ways: * From ... Show more content on ... External Sources : The External sources are also in other words Sources from the outside. Media Markt made use of different kind of external sources to expand their business. By for example, Building societies, Leasing, Venture Capitalists, and Friends or Family. Media Markt Building Societies: As the company built societies outside of the company it is a good advantage fort hem, becayse building societies are also able to offer loans, business accounts, commercial mortgages and overdraft facillities based on the business plan of Media markt. Media Markt Leasing a business: For Media Markt Leasing means that resources can be used by the business while they are being paid for to a finance company. Until the last payment is made on the agreement, the goods are not owned by the business, and if payments are not made the finance company can take them back. Media Markt using Venture Capitalists: These are professionals that invest a upcoming new business such as Media Markt in which they also did, however they do that usually in a return for a share in the ownership. Friends and Family: The owner of Media Markt had its own savings also but he wanted to expand Media Markt as a business that is the reason he also used the money of his friends and family in return for a share in the company. He can also lend money from a bank but that is often a ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Are the Stories from the Holocaust Survivors with PTSD... This investigation will answer the question To what extent are the stories from the Holocaust survivors with PTSD reliable as historical sources? This question is important because there are still holocaust survivors alive today, and their stories are arguably the ones that teach us he most about the Holocaust, since they are primary sources of the event. The survivors dealt with a lot of physical and emotional trauma while in the camps, so it would be easy for them to procure PTSD. The mental illness PTSD can make it harder for the survivors to talk about certain events, because it could increase the symptoms of the illness. With this research investigation, it is possible to analyze whether the stories from the Holocaust survivors are ... Show more content on ... (NIMH RSS. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, 2013) Survivors often pushed the trauma to the backs of their minds, which then caused hosts of emotional and psychological terror and difficulties. (NIMH RSS. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, 2013) "Six decades after the end of World War II and we are still learning how a mass genocide like the Holocaust is affecting it's victims" We are still learning and gathering information. (Barel, Efrat, 2010) There was a lot of psychological denial. There was not much help for the Jews once they were liberated, since doctors were scarce. Diseases were easy to catch, and life was still hard for the Jewish people. (Bettelheim, Bruno, 1979) Survivor's Evidence Holocaust survivors can be defined as "any persecuted Jew who lived under Nazi occupation during the 2nd World War and who was thus threatened by the policy of the 'final solution' but managed to stay alive." (Kellermann, Natan P.F., 2009) Survivor and Psychologist Viktor Frankl often stops throughout his novel, attempting to save the reader from the horror. " But mercifully I do not need to describe the events which followed." (Frankl, Viktor E., 1959, Page 31) "It is easy for the outsider to get the wrong conception of camp life, a conception ingled with sentiment and pity. Little does he know of the hard fight for existence which ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Construction Of A Data Warehouse The process of where a data warehouse is fed with extracted source data is largely known as ETL (Extraction, Transforming and Loading). ETL is a critical process in the construction of a data warehouse project. The three stages of the ETL process comply of:  Extraction: Data is identified and extracted from one or more external different sources, including applications and database systems.  Transform: Data is transformed in the aim of ensuring consistency and satisfying business requirements.  Loading: Data is loaded into the resultant data warehouse. There are many challenges involved with fulfilling a dependable ETL process. Some of these relate to:  Data volumes – as there are huge amounts of data available presently, ... Show more content on ... Throughout extraction, the desired data is identified and extracted from the source system and is made available for additional processing. The data can be extracted from numerous different sources. In most cases, the data sources are internal however sometimes they are external. The ultimate aim is to retrieve all the essential data from the source system with as little resources as possible. The size of the data extracted can range from kilobytes to gigabytes. For extraction within the ETL to be positive and effective, it is essential that there is a high understanding of the data's layout. The data should also be backed up in another location. Sometimes, it isn't possible to identify the exact subsection of interest, as a result a larger amount of data than needed has to be extracted. Consequently, the identification part of extract is carried out further down the line within the ETL process. Depending on the competence of the system, transformations can take place during the extraction stage of ETL. The difficulty of the extraction step is dependent on how alike or unalike the source systems are and the type of source data. Good documentation along with excellent maintenance and the use of similar technology within a system should result in fairly simple extraction process. On the other hand, poor documentation and incompetent maintenance using different formats of data and technologies will result in ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Essay about The Realism of the Film The Battle of The Somme The Realism of the Film The Battle of The Somme The film 'The Battle of The Somme' was released in Londonon the 10th of August 1916, it was a famous documentary that was filmed by Geoffrey Malins and J.B. McDowell. They were one of the first groups of cameramen to film the British soldiers on the Battlefields of the Western Front. They helped the government to produce a video, to show people that War wasn't as bad as it seemed. It was however a silent film and so captions had to be use to explain what the next section of the film was going to show. The film gave us an insight into what the life of a soldier would be like. Many historians have argued over whether this video is an accurate and ... Show more content on ... For example some cartoons show that the army had bad rations and also that they didn't have enough food. In addition various sources imply that food was often stolen because soldiers were so hungry. Overall I feel that the evidence clearly indicates that the film provides quite a realistic view of the amount of Equipment and Supplies because more sources agree that the British had enough supplies and plenty of firearms. However Cartoons may not have been a good reliable source because they were used to make fun out of the situations. The way that the film portrays Trench conditions can be supported by several of the sources, the sources suggest that the British trenches were comfortable and the Photographs show that the soldiers were enjoying themselves. For example the source gathered from Photographs shows us that the troops were happy, comfortable and importantly enjoying themselves. Some sources also imply that soldiers were having more happy times in the trenches than elsewhere. However, other sources challenge the images put forward in the film. Many sources hint that the conditions were very poor for instance the Cartoons show that the trenches were very wet, muddy and that the place was generally very deafening due to the fact that howitzers and other forms of guns were being fired constantly. In addition some sources imply that there were ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Computing Innovation And Computational Artifact Written Responses 2a. Provide information on your computing innovation and computational artifact. Name the computing innovation that is represented by your computational artifact. Describe the computing innovation's intended purpose and function. Describe how your computational artifact illustrates, represents or explains the computing innovation's intended purpose, its function or its effect. (Approximately 100 words) The computing innovation that is being represented by my artifact is Email. Email is when you mail someone a message electronically from your computer to their computer. Before the innovation of Email, people needed to write a letter and add the address and stamp. Then put the letter into their mailbox and wait for the postal service to pick it up. Once the postal service picked up the letter and sorted out where it is going to go, it gets delivered to the recipient 's mailbox and they can then pick it up and read it. Now, that email has been invented, you can send the letter through email, which is a lot faster and less time consuming. 2b. Describe your development process, explicitly identifying the computing tools and techniques you used to create your artifact. Your description must be detailed enough so that a person unfamiliar with those tools and techniques will understand your process. (Approximately 100 words) To make the artifact i used Canva, which lets me make graphic designs. I used a blank custom sized graphic to start. Next, I ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Threat Of Food Sources THREAT TO FOOD SOURCES Climate change doesn't just mean that certain species will suffer from the loss of habitat. There will be a cascade effect up and down the food chain, affecting the most basic species of prey and apex predators alike. Dominant predators with a strong preference for a carnivorous diet are arguably more vulnerable to destruction of their environments. If the prey population suffers, it directly affects the survival of the predators that depend on them. Polar bears have an especially focused diet, and seals are their prefered prey. Interestingly, the milk produced by polar bear mothers "is more similar to that of pinnipeds (seals) than it is to milk of most terrestrial mammals" (Amstrup, 599). Like polar bears, several species of seal depend on a reliable presence of sea ice in order to breed (Derocher 2004, p. 168). A dwindling seal population will almost certainly affect polar bears. Polar bears are unique from their omnivorous cousins in that they have adapted to an arctic climate with a specialized diet. Ringed seals make up the majority of their diet, along with other species of seal, whales, and walruses (Thiemann 2008, p. 591). Although I have previously argued here is some hope that polar bears can adapt to different food sources like geese and caribou, further research indicates that a diet of land animals such as geese and their eggs is a poor substitute. First of all, the list of prey I mentioned all have one thing in common: A thick ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Pros And Cons Of Globalization In the source provided the writer is very against the idea of globalization and compares it to a disease. This source is very directed to citizens and government for the reason it states that the minority of the population benefits but the majority suffer. The source to an extent is correct that there are negatives but there are also some positives that come from it. For example health care and technology as well as other ideas are able to be spread to other countries an assist them to make their lives better or easier. On the other hand it can be bad because some countries that are already not as evolved or at the same step might not be able to afford the new research or tech that is invented that is why this source or topic different for each person it depends on you view and where you live. Within the source there are a lot of statements that are very bias and negative and do not highlight the any positives. This source is most likely writing by someone that has not been affected by globalization or someone that has a strong impression that it is bad. The source states that globalization is affecting a small amount of the people in the world and for the most part most people are suffering from globalization. This statement is partially right for the reason that some aspects of globalization is bad but other aspects are good and can benefit and help developing countries. This source is most likely wrote from the perspective of someone that is more focused on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Oil Industry Relate World Trade Organization Page – 5 – MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY TOPIC: THE OIL INDUSTRY RELATE WORLD TRADE SUBJECT: PROJECT1 – Evaluating Sources Name and surname: ANOULACK VONGSA NAME AND SURNAME: ANOULACK VONGSA TOPIC: THE OIL INDUSTRY RELATE WORLD TRADE Table of Contents Abstract – 3 – Introduction – 3 – Methodology: – 3 – –Information survey: – 4 – –Data collection – 4 – –Data analysis: – 4 – Finding – 5 – Discussion and analysis – 6 – Conclusion – 7 – Reference: – 8 – Abbreviate: 1. WTO (world trade organization). 2. WTO (the world trade organization and oil) 3. CARS ( 4. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Abstract This report mention the oil relate the world trade. Also, it explains the background of the oil ... Show more content on ... Today oil affords world production such as electricity, car, and all of logistic. Due to it is a limit source that is used for providing almost of production of the world, so the oil price is always fluctuated depending on producing and consumption. Because of this situation, demand for energy and pursuit for oil are not stable, so it affects to WTO (world trade organization) that is central to the international economic institution in many ways. This research focuses on finding a variety of sources in books, magazines and Internets on the effect of the oil industry on world trade. Its purpose is for finding and analysis the source, which is related to the following issues through Robert Harris?s theory (2007) and CARS theory. Methodology: This statement is intended to discuss the oil industry and relative world trade in the world. Also, firstly, we will give a detail about finding the document, secondly, in term of data collection and giving some general information. Thirdly, data analysis by using Excel for analysis to percent. –Information survey: Our group has discovered many types of databases, such as a library, internet engine, News on website reliables such as Guardian, government website, etc., Respectively. ? –Data collection In order of The data collection that, we have collected the information such as manufacturer and exporter, consumer and in term of world trade. For example, in Saudi ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Lipids are a major source of energy and provide essential... Lipids are a major source of energy and provide essential lipid nutrients. In many food products the lipid component plays a major role in determining the overall characteristics, such, as flavour, texture, mouthfeel and appearance (Ross & Smith, 2006). However, fats, oils and lipid–based products deteriorate during heat processing, distribution and long term storage. The chemical deterioration is as a result of lipid oxidation. In some chesses, a limited amount of lipid oxidation is desirable for the generation of a characteristic taste or smell (Sun et al., 2011). On the other hand it is undesirable in high lipid or fat containing food products. Lipid oxidation is a major concern to the food industry due to the increasing emphasis on ... Show more content on ... Another method of inhibition is to use antioxidants. These are a class of substances that vary widely in chemical structure and have diverse mechanisms of action. Synthetic antioxidant are more effective, they can be used at lower concentrations, are less expensive and can be prepared with consistent quality without an effect on flavour, colour and aroma of the food product (Pokorny et al., 2008; Shahidi & Zhong, 2010). However, synthetic antioxidants are "label unfriendly" additives (Chaiyasit et al., 2007). Recently, special attention has been given to the use of natural antioxidants due to worldwide trend to avoid or minimise the use of synthetic food additives. These natural antioxidants are widely distributed in plant materials, animal tissues and microorganisms. The application of heat treatments renders natural antioxidants unstable, for example ascorbic acid participates in non–enzymatic browning reactions (Kalakowska, 2002; Kiokias et al., 2009; Shahidi & Zhong, 2011). Another negative side of natural antioxidants includes wide variation in concentration of active components (due to source and extraction methods) and undesirable effects on flavour, colour and aroma of foods (Pokorny et al., 2008). As a result, the quest for natural ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Reflection Paper On Nutrition The lesson that was completed in stage three directly aligns with the Common CoreStandards and are things that should be accomplished at the fourth– grade level. The concepts that were taught were all factors that would help illustrate the bigger picture to students so they could understand the logic behind this lesson.By the fourth grade, students need to have a good grasp on nutrition. They need to understand why healthy eating is important and ways they can achieve that. They are beginning to think for themselves and need to know that important choices with food is imperative for their health. By having them complete pamphlets that would be distributed, they need to understand what they are promoting. By having them go through the different steps that were in stage three, they were able to gather that information and help them boost their understanding of nutrition and healthy foods. Throughout stage three, technology was used in planning and helping the students achieve their learning goals. The first example of the lesson accomplishing this was when the students had to watch the nutrition video on the computer on the first day of the lesson. This was an informative video that was age appropriate. I think that without the students watching this video they would have had a difficult time reaching their goals with this lesson and future, related lessons. By having the students view this video it helped them connect the content and specific learning goals. They were ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. I Watch Lars And The Real Girl Directed By Craig Gillespie This year I watch Lars and the Real Girl directed by Craig Gillespie which is about a guy who gets very lonely and has to buy a rubber doll from the internet because ... When I saw this I asked what is loneliness. For me loneliness is being away from home, family , friends and living in another country. I'm interested in loneliness because I wonder why do we get so lonely when there are many people around us sp I have come up with 2 questions. My questions are why do people get lonely and who is the most at risk and what are some solution to helping people those who are lonely. The focus of this research will be on young adult age between 15 to 29 as loneliness has a lot to do with my age group and I think we have to know hot to deal with it. I use different kinds of resources such as written, oral and visual. My resources are Sunday TV program called Advice for parents, TED Talks from Guy Winch : Why do we need to practice our emotional first aids, Loneliness Generation article from women–, (Statistic of New Zealand),,,, and which are very useful and reliable. Question 1: Why we get lonely and who is the most at risk? (Body) This question interested me because I sometimes feel lonely and I want to know how do other people get lonely. From watching the video from TED talks from Guy Winch called Why we need to practice emotional first aids I learned that when people get lonely ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Cellular Respiration : Energy From Food Sources Cellular respiration is how we extract energy from food sources, especially food sources such as glucose as most of the food we eat ends up as glucose in the body. The chemical formula for one molecule of glucose is C6H12O6. In order to turn this glucose into energy, oxygen is needed. This is done through cellular respiration where the glucose and oxygen is turned into 6 molecules of CO2, 6 molecules of water and some energy. Before we can use that energy our body has just produced we have to turn it into a specific form of stored energy called ATP or adenosine triphosphate. In order for our body to use the energy we make our cells need the energy to be transferred into ATP, adenosine triphosphate to be able to let our body do anything. Adenosine triphosphate is made up of adenine, ribose and three phosphate groups attached to it. The three phosphate groups are very uncomfortable being next to each other, so ATP splits them up shifts one of the phosphate groups off the end creating Adenosine diphosphate. In this reaction energy is released. Through cellular respiration one molecule of glucose can yield a bit of heat energy and 38 molecules of ATP at its best, a normal range would be between 29–30 molecules of ATP. Cellular respiration isnt something that happens all at once. Glucose is is transformed into ATP's over 3 separate stages; Glycolysis, the krebs cycle and the electron transport chain. Glycolysis is just the breaking up of the glucose 6 carbon rings into two ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Essay on Working Conditions of Children in Textile Mills Working Conditions of Children in Textile Mills After thorough investigation into 5 sources referring to the working conditions for children in factories during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, we now have the opportunity to bind all the facts together and create a detailed account. However, there are still questions over the reliability of some of the sources, so further research and comparisons with other mills need to be made. Making comparisons will also indicate the typicality of Styal. Hopefully, by the end of this essay I will be able to prioritise the best way of finding out about the treatment of children in textile mills. The first source we examined was an ... Show more content on ... This makes us think that the workers are in fear of being sacked, which they couldn't afford to do with the lack of jobs in the area, so therefore say what Greg wants them too. We also get the impression that Samuel Greg is always present, as if to make sure the employees do as they are asked. We are also told that, "...everyone well paid, comfortable...", "...fine machinery..." and "...excellent lunch..." which makes us wonder whether Samuel Greg is only showing the good points. Frederick Engles thinks that it was in–fact a staged visit and that all the bad conditions were kept hidden. He suggests that Greg's' factory was a 'mockery'. Engle's uses a sarcastic tone for this source, which backfired as there are some positive comments. Finally, the source is very generalised, which suggests it may have been a hypothetical visit, meaning Engles could be saying what 'could' happen? The second source referred to child labour at Quarry Bank Mill in 1833. My source is an extract from an interview between the superintendents who looked after Greg's apprentices at Quarry Bank Mill (George and Elizabeth Shawcross) and a government official checking on how apprentice children were treated. The fact that this is just an extract from the interview makes us wonder what was said in the rest of it. If this extract was taken ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Information Systems : The Mendip Arms Essay Assignment 1: Information Systems The Mendip Arms Contents P1. Explain how organisations use information TASK 1/P1 3 P1: Discuss the characteristics of good information 4 D1: Explain how an organisation could improve the quality of its business information 5 Data flow Diagram 7 P1. Explain how organisations use information TASK 1/P1 No. Example of Information Type of information Source of information How is the information communicated 1 Customer name and address Primary: it's about the hotel's own customers gained directly from the original source in an unedited format. Quantitative information: because it's facts and figures about the customer. Internal The bookings database of the hotel Via the online booking form 2 Staff hours worked Primary information: because it's about the hotel's own staff gained directly from the original source in an unedited format. Quantitative information: because it's facts and figures about when the staff worked, which day, shift etc. Internal Staff timesheets On paper and then recorded in the staff database and used to calculate wages 3 Sports centre customer survey Primary: because it's the views of the sports centre's own customers gained directly from the original source in an unedited format. Qualitative: because it's the customers' opinions and not facts. Internal Customer questionnaires Paper or online 4 Staff income tax codes Secondary: because it's provided by the government to the employer (hotel), who have to use ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Joy Is Not Just Happiness In our everyday lives, joy has become synonymous with both happiness and pleasure. We have diminished the meaning of the word by using it in place of the more appropriate terms in order to provide emphasis. C.S. Lewis takes more literal definition of joy, and so assigns it more significance in his mind, separating it from any other emotion. Though he acknowledges that oftentimes happiness and pleasure occur simultaneously with joy, they are not the root cause, nor are they the same emotion. I think the best distinction Lewis makes between happiness and pleasure is when he states "Joy... must have the stab, the pang, the inconsolable longing" (Lewis 72). This look into the root of joy demonstrates that joy is not just happiness, it is more complex and not always a fully positive emotion. There can be sadness and longing behind the joy, but it does not diminish the great properties of joy. Because joy is so great it is often sought, but as Lewis says "it is never a possession, always a desire for something longer ago or further away or still 'about to be'" (Lewis 78). The fleeting nature of joy only adds to the intrigue, as it often comes at the most unexpected times. Lewis recognizes this, as he titled the book "Surprised by Joy." Lewis also thinks that one's definition of joy is constantly changing with our experiences. As he learned more about some subject, one that used to bring him joy to study, he "realizes that this was something quite different from the original Joy." ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What Is A False Memory? Cherry, K. (2016, March 19). What Is a False Memory? Retrieved April 30, 2016, from https://–is–a–false–memory–2795193 This webpage presents false memory at a glance. The webpage covers topics relating specifically to false memory, such as the definitions, causes, impacts, and who is affected. The author distinguishes false memory from other forms of memory fallibility. Also, the author indicates the various factors that influence false memory like misinformation, misattribution, existing knowledge, and suggestions from therapists or investigators. Finally, the author concludes that false memory is problematic especially in criminal trials and eyewitness testimony, where false memories are one of the leading causes of false convictions due to false identification of a suspect, or false recollections during interrogations. Verywell is the website from which this webpage was derived from. It is a reliable source for a lot of reasons. First, the content on the website is written by experts like doctors, trainers, and other healthcare professionals. All of the medical facts are well–documented. They are reviewed and approved by board–certified physicians. Second, Kendra Cherry is qualified to write this piece. Cherry is an author and an educator of psychology. She is the author of a book titled "Everything Psychology" (2nd edition) and has published many articles on diverse psychological topics. In addition, she holds a Master of Science in education ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Shhh Essay Summer Session 3 (2012) Summary: Is Popular Culture Good for You? Length: 1–2 pages (double–spaced with proper header, a descriptive title, and a Works Cited entry) Source: David Crystal's "2B or not 2B" Due: End of class period, Wednesday, June 13th Percentage of Final Grade: 10% Objective: Write a summary of Crystal's essay "2B or not 2B." Use a template from They Say, I Say to begin your summary. Make appropriate rhetorical "moves," such as integrating quotes, choosing strong verbs, and using effective transitions. Most importantly, demonstrate that you understand the what, how, and why: (1) What is the main argument or "gist" of Crystal's essay? (2) How does Crystal ... Show more content on ... 7. Does the essay need proofreading? Does it contain basic errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or spelling? Laura Dubek ENGLISH 1020–001 Summer Session 3 (2012) Annotated Bibliography 1: Is Food the New Tobacco? Length: 5 entries (2+ pages, typed, double–spaced with proper header, see RM 124–127) Sources: At least 4 different types: books, chapters in books, encyclopedias, pamphlets, scholarly essays, newspaper articles, magazine articles, websites, documentaries, personal interviews, advertisements. You can use up to 2 essays from our textbook, They Say, I Say. Due: Monday July 23rd Percentage of Final Grade: 10% Objective: Research any aspect of the Food Industry–advertising/marketing, fast food, obesity, school lunch programs, eating disorders and body image, organics, food production and distribution, the FDA and food safety, etc.–compiling a list of relevant and reliable source material. Read/view/consult these sources and write concise summaries of each. Present your summaries in the form of an annotated bibliography. See Chapter 10 of Research Matters for examples of annotations. Criteria for Evaluation: 1. Is the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Essay on Wikipedia and Its Credibility Wikipedia and its Credibility Wikipedia and its Credibility The Wikipedia is a free, online encyclopedia that lets every individual with Internet connection write and edits its articles. Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger launched their creation in 2001 giving an opportunity to all willing people to work together to develop a common resource of knowledge. Many people have different believes and ideas about Wikipedia, therefore, some tend to think of it as a credible and valid source of information, others strongly disagree. "Since all the books and articles have been chosen for publication, each one has presumably undergone some form of selection and review" (Spatt, 2011, "p."339–340). Unfortunately, this statement is simply not enough to ... Show more content on ... Going straight to the source is the best way to check if the information in the article is reliable and credible. A New Tool to Check the Quality of Articles German professor Stock created a new tool that allows checking the quality of articles posted on Wikipedia and stated, Wiki–Watch serves as a research tool indicating lack of sources and evaluating the reliability of every entry made, using WikiTrust's color code system to display reputation of a text according to the reputation and number of revisions by users. Wiki–Watch analyzes every Wikipedia entry ever created in a few seconds, checks the number of sources used in the article and the quality of editing (para. 2). Wiki–Watch uses a color codes system to check the reputation of the article by figuring out how many times people revised the article. White color means reliable information; therefore, yellow color has an opposite meaning. This system also checks for the credibility of the article and emphasizes individual words used in the article. Many Editors to Correct the Errors Wikipedia counts 75,000 editors who check the articles and their content to make sure that the information is valid and reliable. According to Schaffer (2009), the journal Nature conducted a study in 2005 and proved that Wikipedia is just as valid as any other encyclopedia, including Britannica, keeping in mind that errors and vandalism can occur to any of them (para. 2). Even though Wikipedia will never be ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. “the Evacuation of Children in World War Two Was a Great... "The evacuation of children in World War Two was a great success." How far do the sources you have used support this interpretation of evacuation in World War Two? (25 marks) Before the War in September 1939, the government understood the risk of air raids and the danger they bring upon major cities in England. Plans for evacuation started as early as 15 years before in 1924; the Air Raid Precaution Committee (ARPC) identified London as the main target, with children as the biggest concern. The government identified, after the ARPC produced a report on the potential disasters of air raid attacks in 1925, that maintaining civilian morale was a priority, and that the fear of bombing would bring it down. So, to prevent low morale (and also ... Show more content on ... To further justify evacuation and therefore show its success in keeping evacuees safe, source six shows casualties in Liverpool. It shows that the death rate was generally over 100 and even in May 1941, at 1453. Again, this justifies the need to evacuate and the safety achieved through evacuation. Finally, sources three shows the success in evacuation as the sources show effectiveness and good organisation as a success of evacuation. This encompasses overall efficiency and pre–evacuation planning. To be able to transport the huge amount of 1million (intended 4million) to the countryside required this efficiency and overall, sources three and source two mention the efficiency and order of the transport (trains) and organisation in the countryside. In source three, a newspaper article from Kent, says that the departures were efficient, reflecting that it was seen to that 'each child got milk and food', and followed up with 'no confusion'. Even source two, though showing evacuation in a negative way, also comments that the trains 'ran to time' and that evacuation came 'complete with teachers'. Having teachers is shown in sources one, three and four as well. In source one, it is shown as a teacher with a group of children, in three there are mentioned 'teachers in charge' and in four, the graph shows about 103,000 teachers were evacuated. The fact that they were able to organise having teachers for the children, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. 18th Century American Social Structure Summary Knox, Dr. Ellis L. "Social History." European Social Structure. Dr. Ellis L. Knox, Boise State, 11 Sept. 2000. Web. 3 Feb. 2016. . This article as about the social structure of eighteenth century France. It gave a clear description of the different social standings, the lifestyle and characteristics of each standing, and what each standing was defined by. It also described how the social standings differed in certain areas of France, such as rural areas. The website was easy to navigate and the information was displayed in an organized manner. The article was written by a history professor, Dr. Ellis L. Knox, at Boise State University. The professor has an M.A in Medieval history and a Ph.D in Early European history. The information on this ... Show more content on ... He got his first degree from University of Melbourne and has a doctorate from Oxford University. His book, The Making of Revolutionary Paris, has won the NSW Premier's Prize for History and the professor was elected to the Australian Academy of Humanities. Based on this information, this book can be considered a reliable source. The book was properly organized and the information was conveyed in an organized manner. The chapter went into extreme detail about the lower class and the harsh lifestyle they lived. It provided numbers and statistics that were beneficial to research. This book provided better information in a more organized way than other sources used, such as a database. The information in this book also came from a more reliable source than the database. Overall, this source was very beneficial to the research of eighteenth century ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Oil Industry Relate World Trade Organization Page – 5 – MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY TOPIC: THE OIL INDUSTRY RELATE WORLD TRADE SUBJECT: PROJECT1 – Evaluating Sources Name and surname: ANOULACK VONGSA NAME AND SURNAME: ANOULACK VONGSA TOPIC: THE OIL INDUSTRY RELATE WORLD TRADE Table of Contents Abstract – 3 – Introduction – 3 – Methodology: – 3 – –Information survey: – 4 – –Data collection – 4 – –Data analysis: – 4 – Finding – 5 – Discussion and analysis – 6 – Conclusion – 7 – Reference: – 8 – Abbreviate: 1. WTO (world trade organization). 2. WTO (the world trade organization and oil) 3. CARS ( 4. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). Abstract This report mention the oil relate the world trade. Also, it explains the background of the oil ... Show more content on ... Today oil affords world production such as electricity, car, and all of logistic. Due to it is a limit source that is used for providing almost of production of the world, so the oil price is always fluctuated depending on producing and consumption. Because of this situation, demand for energy and pursuit for oil are not stable, so it affects to WTO (world trade organization) that is central to the international economic institution in many ways. This research focuses on finding a variety of sources in books, magazines and Internets on the effect of the oil industry on world trade. Its purpose is for finding and analysis the source, which is related to the following issues through Robert Harris?s theory (2007) and CARS theory. Methodology: This statement is intended to discuss the oil industry and relative world trade in the world. Also, firstly, we will give a detail about finding the document, secondly, in term of data collection and giving some general information. Thirdly, data analysis by using Excel for analysis to percent. –Information survey: Our group has discovered many types of databases, such as a library, internet engine, News on website reliables such as Guardian, government website, etc., Respectively. ? –Data collection In order of The data collection that, we have collected the information such as manufacturer and exporter, consumer and in term of world trade. For example, in Saudi ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. My Reflection Of My Personal Experience In College Writing Being away from college for three years you forget the basic understanding of particular material f or me it was writing. Luckily enough while on deployment I came across a class call Introduction to Writing. Writing 101 help me familiarize myself with the basic grammar and mechanics in college writing, this was an opportunity that many military personnel are unfortunate to receive due to being deployed, where most service members have to interact with their teacher via the internet. I have the chance of being placed in a hybrid class; this afforded me the opportunity to interact with both the students and teacher on a weekly basis and give me a synopsis of what college life is like when I transition to becoming a full–time studen t. Because of Writing 101, I was able to distinguish the difference between active and passive voice when writing my essays. I develop an understanding of the placement of commas when writing my sentences. As well a s, how to develop a well thought out research paper by using credible sources. Introduction to Writing has given me the basic understanding on how to familiarize myself in writing when it comes to active and passive voice, commas, and writing research papers, with these writing skills to my access I'm ready for the next step forward in college writing. When I first started Introduction to Writing, I didn't understand the difference active and passive voice. To my knowledge, I thought it ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Honeybees Are A Major Source Of Food Honeybees are a major source of food for the United States. Honey is in many foods expected and unexpected. Honeybees population is decreasing day by day and we cannot figure out why. Is it global warming? Is it Air pollution? I think their could be many things putting the species endangered. One of my strongest beliefs are that it is air pollution. I think we could solve the bee mystery if we started with small stuff like air pollution. Then we could work our way up to the bigger things. But i think pollution could be a major one. Also deforestation. Many types of bees like to live in wooded areas and i think much of the population is being killed out by us cutting down trees and building houses and everything. I don't think it would ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Fast Food : An Alternative Food Source Fast Food By max Cornett Fast food is an alternative food source for many people around the world who have little time or money for a homemade meal or for a meal cooked at a restaurant. However fast food can also cause many problems with our bodies if it is consumed to often or in very large quantities. The fast food epidemic has caused increasing amounts of people being labeled as overweight and obese. "As many as 30 percent of American adults or 60 million are either overweight or obese. Most alarming to health officials is the fact that 9 million of these obese adults are severely obese" (Loonin). Obesity can be caused by many factors, some people have slower metabolism, some people just eat too much food, and some people don 't exercise enough. "Let's think back to the pioneer days. People had to plant their crops, tend to their animals and cook foods from scratch. There were no box mixes or pre–made items. Meals had to be planned ahead every day. People really had to work for their food Coincidentally, the obesity rates were much less years ago." (Muntel). Because we don't have to work for our food it is much easier to take it for granted and eat too much. The most work that we have to do would be to turn on the oven and throw the mac and cheese into it for an hour or tell the cashier how many burgers you want to eat. In our society today the ability to do ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Changing Role and Status of Women since 1945 Essay The Changing Role and Status of Women since 1945 1. Source A is an account of events towards the end of the Second World War written by a woman welder and it gives us a good idea of what happened to some women when the end of the war was drawing near and men started coming home. The source tells us that 12 women welders were made "redundant" with "no reason given" and although the source is only one woman's experience, a lot of women were made redundant as soon as the war started coming to an end because men were promised their jobs back and women were, therefore, expected to go back home and revert to being housewives and mothers again. Although the government produced a great deal of propaganda ... Show more content on ... Sources A and B are supported nicely by source C in that source C explains and portrays the mood of the time when sources A and B were written. We can learn this from source C because it's an advertisement that used the mood at the time to try and sell their product as a 'housewifely' product. The sources are not diminishing what women had to do; they were simply telling women where they were expected to be. With this taken into account, source C again backs up the other two sources as source B encourages women to go home and source A shows us how women were forced to return to their homes. The sources all tell us that although women dedicated themselves to contributing to the war effort and actively took part in the home front, they now had to go home, as it was time for them to return to being submissive to their husbands and start being housewives again. The three sources all have different origins but it is precisely for this reason that they support each other and together make a valuable piece of evidence on how women felt and how women were treated in the mid 1940s when the war was coming to an end. Source A is reliable because it's a personal account written by a woman who was made redundant, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Fast Food : A Good Source Of Protein In America, the fast food industry is growing at an exponential rate, accumulating profits while at the same time creating jobs to flourish our economy. Advancements in technology with the couple of the downward spiraling economy have increased a demand in cheap food; such as fast–food industries offering unlimited refills of 24oz bottles of soda for merely .99 cents to scrumptious chicken sandwiches for a dollar! Many people may wonder what the harm is in having all this cheap delicious food. Chicken is supposed to be a good source of protein. People start to stuff these foods down their kids' throats thinking everything will be okay, but many people these days are unaware of the truth that fast–food companies pay millions of dollars to hide. From the public eye there are so many people unaware of what they are consuming is doing to their bodies, organizations such as the France24 news channel are working towards increasing public and media awareness of the truth behind fast–food obesity. The visual context of the ads highlights a key point that the media portrays is only a small portion while there is so much more we aren't exposed to, making the ads effective. Image A shows us how obesity and the fast food industry is portrayed from a media stand point, and Image B shows us the reality of obesity, however together they both pose as prime examples of the realness of obesity and its image in media. Image A consists of a large picture of an iceberg in the middle of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Evaluation Of An Effective Evaluation Process Data gathering, reviewing, and analyzation is a very important step in an effective evaluation or assessment process. The outcome as well as any subsequent suggestions are based on the data and review provided during the initial process. Guerra–Lopez (2008) emphasized that the success of an evaluation process is contingent upon five particular aspects about data and data sources: 1) data relevance, 2) data collection, 3) evaluating data, 4) data reporting, and 5) avoiding data errors. These five items contribute to an improved method and technique to build a better performance evaluation and supports the statistical finds and the qualitative impact of the communicated results. Data is used as a tool to measure various aspects within the ... Show more content on ... 133). Guerra–Lopez (2008) suggested some primary sources of data as those that most commonly and readily available such as financial records, social input sources, and political realms. More specifically, Guerra–Lopez (2008) claimed that an organizations internal sources of data input are often used as a means to identify prior performance and assessments needs and results. These sources identified by Guerra–Lopez are as follows. Strategic plan: Management's source for communicating the organization's vision, business plan, goals, and objectives. Describes the organizations prior outcomes and outlook for the future of the company. Annual reports: Identifies the immediate and potential future financial standing for the organization. Project plans: List individual areas of concentration that connect directly with the organization's overall strategic plan. It compartmentalizes the objectives of different divisions within the organization based on function and potential. Consulting studies: An independent study focused on a narrow window of assessment. These studies are not evaluations in that they are not geared towards measuring the outcome of a program or event but instead they are formed to review processes without labeling or assigning judgment or measurements. ... Get more on ...