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A B2B Social Media
  Framework: Transforming
               Practice In
        The Web 2.0 Era

Sponsored by the Product Management Consortium

          Presented as a webinar on June 30, 2009

Today’s agenda
Topic: A social media framework for product managers
  and product marketers in B2B environments

Content: Theory, strategy, tactics and evidence

Q&A with the experts

Host and presenter
Dan Sears – Principal, Performant Consulting
               PMC Advisory Board Member
   Email:
   Twitter: @dansears

Product Management Consortium |          6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

What is social media?
 Online tools used to listen and monitor, and share content, profiles,
  opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives
 Online tools to facilitate conversations and enable interaction
 A few leading examples:
   Blogger (blogging) – 200,000,000 blogs
   Twitter (micro-blogging) – 20,000,000 users
   Facebook (social networking) – 115,000,000 users
   YouTube (video sharing) – 100,000,000+ videos
   Flickr (photo sharing) – 25,000,000 users
   Wikipedia (reference) – 4,000,000 articles
   (social bookmarking) – 1,500,000 users
   Second Life (virtual reality) – 1,500,000 ‘residents’

Product Management Consortium |                             6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

The era of social functionality

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

B2B uses for social media
 Listen and monitor the online conversation
 Gather product requirements and feedback
 Alert customers of new product features, upcoming events
 Introduce products to prospects
 Develop advocates and industry influencers
 Reposition products and brands
 Share information during tradeshows or events
 Create communities of interest and practice
 Generate awareness and exposure (press releases)

Product Management Consortium |                6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Extend customer engagement levels
   Ignore           Watch           React            Engage         Leverage                    Drive
                  •Keep an eye   •Respond to       •Provide        •Push stories          •Run message
•Let anyone
                  on customers   negative          resources for   to influencers         and
write anything    •Track         attacks           bloggers to     and fans               comment
•Don’t track
                  changes in     •Correct          get data        •Keep                  boards for
                  customer       factual errors    images and      content                customer
•Allow comps
                  perception     •Stop comps       quotes          current with           groups
to post nasty     •Monitor       from gaining      •Identify       news and info          •Maintain and
                  comps in       share of voice    influencers     •Let                   grow thought-
•Don’t identify
                  space          •Compare          •Create         community              leadership
influencers       •Use social    competitors       active          have first look        presence
                  media to       and analyze       competitive     at                     where it
                  understand     partners          analysis        commercials            matters most
                  landscape      •Utilize a blog   strategy        and other              •Develop &
                                 to                •Reach out to   creative               drive industry
                                 complement        key bloggers                           blogs that put
                                 “traditional”                                            company in
                                 PR & Comm                                                positive light
                                 efforts                      © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved

Product Management Consortium |                                                                      6/30/09

Social Media is a “two-way street”

            The Social Media Web

                                                        Listening and Monitoring Tools

                                                               Team + Technology Working to
                                                                  Understand and Engage

                                                              Content Publishing and Syndication Tools

                                                                                              YOU [“The Savvy Product
   © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved

Product Management Consortium |                                                                   6/30/09

Opportunities for unvarnished &
timely product research
                                  Product Review  Music /                                                       Social Networking
                                                                        Digital Image
      Industry Blogs                   Sites     Podcasting                                Twitter                     Sites

Help & How-to
   Forums                                                                                                                    Professional and
                                                                                                                             Brand Networks
                                              Wikis                     Widgets      Aggregators /
                                                                                    Crowd-sourced             Social
                                                         Viral Video Sites           Content Sites        Bookmarking &
                                                                                                           Site Sharing

                SM Listening & Monitoring Tools
                                                                +                       Committed PM & Research Teams

           = Product + Competitor Insights, Help/How-To Issues, and Direct Customer Input into R&D
                                                                               © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved

Product Management Consortium |                                                                                         6/30/09

Let data drive social media

Listening, Monitoring, & Analysis

                            Channel Strategy    Customer Engagement & Marketing
                               & Planning              Program Execution

2.Activate a “Listening and Monitoring” program focused on SM Web.

4.Use data and analysis to formulate a cogent SM channel strategy *or*
provide a new flow of un-biased research info into PM team…

6.Implement community-focused initiatives designed to reach, activate, and
engage customers where they “already are” online.
                                                        © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved

Product Management Consortium |                                                        6/30/09

Debunking social media myths
 Myth #1 – Social media is cheap or free
        You need to pay for the time and expertise to brand, promote, and develop quality

 Myth #2 – Social media gives away ideas and content that you should charge for

        Quit thinking your content is proprietary; you must prove your “expert” status

 Myth #3 – You can make a big splash quickly
        As with all marketing tools, it takes time to build a conversation

 Myth #4 – Social media is a fad that will fade
        It is a fundamental shift in communication – not just new “tools”

 Myth #5 – People will find you if your message is good
        You must advertise and promote your social media content to drive interest

 Myth #6 – The customer controls the relationship
        Relationships exist based on mutual benefits; listen, respect and value customer input

 Myth #7 – You can't measure social media
        Social media shows huge ROI through increased SEO alone

Product Management Consortium |                                                     6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

It’s not only about the tools…
                                                 Social media are just tools;
                                                  ‘a means to an end’
                                                  Listening
                                                  Monitoring
                                                  Promotion / Awareness
                                                  Engagement
                                                  Interaction
                                                  Targeting
                                                  Filtering
                                                  Measurement

Product Management Consortium |                                    6/30/09

It’s about communication…
 Practice good fundamentals
   use ‘voice of the customer’
   ask lots of questions and listen
   converse ‘with’, not ‘to’
   walk the talk
   keep it fresh, relevant and
   share and provide real value

 Give your best customers a stage
  to talk and share with you and
  other customers

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Its about dialogue, not monologue

                               NEW              OLD
                  Conversation                  Discussion

                     Transparent                Controlled

                          Inclusive             Exclusive

                         Dynamic                ‘On-message’

                            Vibrant             Organized

             Customer-driven                    ‘Marketing’-driven

Product Management Consortium |                        6/30/09

And practice, lots of practice…
 Good social media is 99%
  practice, 1% theory
   Choreographed trial-and-error
   Lots of small experiments
   Don’t be afraid to fail; it’s
    cheaper upfront
   Find customer champions, enlist
    their participation

 Make social media part of your
  daily ‘to-do’ list

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Potential barriers to adoption
 Technical

 Financial

 Social

 Cultural

 Business process

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Not all customers are created equal
 Jacob Nielsen's 1/9/90 rule: “participation inequality”
   1% of your population will contribute a lot
   9% will engage and comment from time-to-time
   90% will primarily observe, browse and not participate

  In other words…
   90% of postings from 1% of users
   10% of postings from 9% of users
   And no postings from 90% of users

 Red flag: unrepresentative sample

Product Management Consortium |                6/30/09

Profile and classify your
audience segments
 Who are the actors?
   Creators – they publish content for themselves or others
   Critics – they respond to content from others
   Collectors – they organize content for themselves or others
   Joiners – they connect to others using social networks
   Spectators – they consume content but don’t participate
   Inactives – they neither create nor consume content
                                                Source: Forrester Research

Product Management Consortium |                                6/30/09

Align your communities

                                                Source: Performant Consulting

   Objective: delivery of social experiences
Product Management Consortium |                                   6/30/09

Map your communities to the market
development cycle

                                                Source: Performant Consulting

   Know your influencers for each phase

   Involve your sales channel(s) in the conversation

   Use the appropriate SM tool based on the phase

Product Management Consortium |                                   6/30/09

Web 2.0, E2.0, it’s here…now

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Your brand is key

                                                 Even in the B2B space,
                                                  customers are talking to
                                                  each other—online, in the
                                                  hallways, everywhere.

                                                 How do you harness and
                                                  help shape those
                                                  conversations to grow
                                                  your brand?

Product Management Consortium |                          6/30/09

From Social Media to Social Brand
 Use social media as a
  platform to build a
  social brand - a brand
  that cultivates deep
  relationships which can
  influence product
  innovation, product
  development and
  product marketing.

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

Social branding
 Social media can be a
  useful tool to listen and

 A social brand creates                        Listen
  live and virtual customer
  communities where
  influencers can help                                   and Lead
  shape conversations,                          Source
  products, and the
  meaning of the brand
  with others.

Product Management Consortium |                          6/30/09

Build and engage
 Start with your best customers—those that have the
  power to influence others

 Build a mutually beneficial customer community that
  gives them a voice and engages them in the process
  of product development

 Provide tools and opportunities for them to engage
  their networks

Product Management Consortium |           6/30/09

Explore and listen
 Use social media tools to listen to broader
  conversations about your industry

 Identify potential new groups or individuals
  to target, gain insight from and monitor

 Participate in conversations whenever
  appropriate and seed with ideas and
  content that drive them to your

Product Management Consortium |    6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

SM measurement framework
    Attention.       The amount of traffic to your content for a given period of
     time. Similar to the standard web metrics of site visits and page views.
    Participation.     The extent to which users engage with your content in
     a channel: blog comments, FB wall posts, ratings, widget interactions.
    Authority.    Ala Technorati, the inbound links to your content - like
     trackbacks and inbound links to a blog post or sites linking to a video.
    Influence.      The size of the user base subscribed to your content. For
     blogs, feeds or email subscribers; followers on Twitter; Facebook fans.
    Sentiment (Affinity). The ‘x-factor’ or spirit driving user participation.

The net result creates a social media engagement score.
Brand trust is hard to measure outside of $ sales.
                                                                   Source: Peter Kim

Product Management Consortium |                                          6/30/09
A case study

Social media is opportunistic …

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09
A case study

… can be immediate …

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09
A case study

… and makes a difference!

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09
A case study

How to get started
 My advice: You need a
  passionate insider.

 Blogging and Tweeting are
  good places to start.

 Both are easier than you
  may think.

 Once your blog takes off,
  you won’t want for content.

 Revel in your first-mover

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

A few B2B software examples
 Adobe: Blog directory |Tagging:
 Amazon: Amazon Web Services blog
 Avaya: Contact Center Insights blog
 Blendtec: YouTube (helps sell B2B products to consumers)
 BreakingPointLabs: Corporate Blog | Twitter
 CapGemini: NetVibes Universe Community (blogs, bookmarking,
  online video, slide sharing, virtual worlds and wikis)
 Cisco: 12 Corp blogs
 Dell: Ideastorm (crowdsourcing) | Twitter
 EMC2: Employee blogs | Friendfeed | YouTube | Flickr
 IBM: 125 Corp blogs | Forums | Twitter | Wikis | Podcasting
…and many, many more

Product Management Consortium |                   6/30/09

Getting started in 6 steps…
1) Join the popular social media tools and play with them

2) Set-up an RSS feed reader and subscribe to feeds

3) Start blogging; reading and writing

4) Start social bookmarking with your team(s)

5) Start Twittering; follow the experts in your industry

6) Hire a social media specialist

Product Management Consortium |               6/30/09

A few suggested resources

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09

‘Thanks’ to our guest presenters
 Andy Boyer – Principal, Spring Creek Group
      Facebook:
      Twitter: @SpringCreekGrp
      Blog:

 Jen Travis – VP, Online Experience, Parker LePla
      Facebook:
      Twitter: @ParkerLePla
      Blog:

 Joe Hage – Director, Marketing Communications, Cardiac Science
      Twitter: @cardiacscience
      Blog:

Product Management Consortium |                      6/30/09

Upcoming events
 Scheduled PMC events:
   Aug ? – Using Social Media in B2B: Deep Dive (tell us what
    you want to learn / discuss)
   Oct 10: Product Camp in Seattle –

 Other upcoming events:
   July 15, 22, 29: Agile PM Teleworkshops – hosted by
    SDForum & PivotalPM –
   Sept 30-Oct 1: Product Management Intensive –

Product Management Consortium |                    6/30/09

Summary and Conclusions
 Social media is here to stay as a key component of
  product and marketing communication strategy

 Start now, no matter how small of an effort; experiment

 Invest smartly in areas that move the needle; measure

 Seek advice from experts

Product Management Consortium |               6/30/09

Sample questions…

 What’s the single most important thing to consider
  when using social media?

 What are the best tools to start using at first?

 How do I develop a budget and social media plan?

 Without results yet, how do I build a business case for
  my Executive team?

Product Management Consortium |               6/30/09

Product Management Consortium |   6/30/09
A Social Media Framework for B2B Product Managers and Marketers
A Social Media Framework for B2B Product Managers and Marketers
A Social Media Framework for B2B Product Managers and Marketers
A Social Media Framework for B2B Product Managers and Marketers

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A Social Media Framework for B2B Product Managers and Marketers

  • 1. A B2B Social Media Framework: Transforming Practice In The Web 2.0 Era Sponsored by the Product Management Consortium Presented as a webinar on June 30, 2009
  • 2. 2 Today’s agenda Topic: A social media framework for product managers and product marketers in B2B environments Content: Theory, strategy, tactics and evidence Q&A with the experts Host and presenter Dan Sears – Principal, Performant Consulting PMC Advisory Board Member  Email:  Twitter: @dansears Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 3. 3 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 4. 4 What is social media?  Online tools used to listen and monitor, and share content, profiles, opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives  Online tools to facilitate conversations and enable interaction  A few leading examples:  Blogger (blogging) – 200,000,000 blogs  Twitter (micro-blogging) – 20,000,000 users  Facebook (social networking) – 115,000,000 users  YouTube (video sharing) – 100,000,000+ videos  Flickr (photo sharing) – 25,000,000 users  Wikipedia (reference) – 4,000,000 articles  (social bookmarking) – 1,500,000 users  Second Life (virtual reality) – 1,500,000 ‘residents’ Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 5. 5 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 6. 6 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 7. 7 The era of social functionality Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 8. 8 B2B uses for social media  Listen and monitor the online conversation  Gather product requirements and feedback  Alert customers of new product features, upcoming events  Introduce products to prospects  Develop advocates and industry influencers  Reposition products and brands  Share information during tradeshows or events  Create communities of interest and practice  Generate awareness and exposure (press releases) Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 9. 9 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 10. 10 Extend customer engagement levels Ignore Watch React Engage Leverage Drive •Keep an eye •Respond to •Provide •Push stories •Run message •Let anyone on customers negative resources for to influencers and write anything •Track attacks bloggers to and fans comment •Don’t track changes in •Correct get data •Keep boards for metrics customer factual errors images and content customer •Allow comps perception •Stop comps quotes current with groups to post nasty •Monitor from gaining •Identify news and info •Maintain and comments comps in share of voice influencers •Let grow thought- •Don’t identify space •Compare •Create community leadership influencers •Use social competitors active have first look presence media to and analyze competitive at where it understand partners analysis commercials matters most landscape •Utilize a blog strategy and other •Develop & to •Reach out to creative drive industry complement key bloggers blogs that put “traditional” company in PR & Comm positive light efforts © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 11. 11 Social Media is a “two-way street” The Social Media Web Listening and Monitoring Tools Team + Technology Working to Understand and Engage Answers Content Publishing and Syndication Tools YOU [“The Savvy Product Marketer”] © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 12. 12 Opportunities for unvarnished & timely product research Answers Consumer Forums Product Review Music / Social Networking Digital Image Industry Blogs Sites Podcasting Twitter Sites Communities Help & How-to Forums Professional and Brand Networks Wikis Widgets Aggregators / Crowd-sourced Social Viral Video Sites Content Sites Bookmarking & Blogs Site Sharing SM Listening & Monitoring Tools + Committed PM & Research Teams = Product + Competitor Insights, Help/How-To Issues, and Direct Customer Input into R&D © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 13. 13 Let data drive social media programming Time Listening, Monitoring, & Analysis Channel Strategy Customer Engagement & Marketing & Planning Program Execution 2.Activate a “Listening and Monitoring” program focused on SM Web. 4.Use data and analysis to formulate a cogent SM channel strategy *or* provide a new flow of un-biased research info into PM team… 6.Implement community-focused initiatives designed to reach, activate, and engage customers where they “already are” online. © 2009 Spring Creek Group, Content Rights Reserved Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 14. 14 Debunking social media myths  Myth #1 – Social media is cheap or free  You need to pay for the time and expertise to brand, promote, and develop quality content  Myth #2 – Social media gives away ideas and content that you should charge for BUS  Quit thinking your content is proprietary; you must prove your “expert” status  Myth #3 – You can make a big splash quickly  As with all marketing tools, it takes time to build a conversation TED  Myth #4 – Social media is a fad that will fade  It is a fundamental shift in communication – not just new “tools”  Myth #5 – People will find you if your message is good  You must advertise and promote your social media content to drive interest  Myth #6 – The customer controls the relationship  Relationships exist based on mutual benefits; listen, respect and value customer input  Myth #7 – You can't measure social media  Social media shows huge ROI through increased SEO alone Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 15. 15 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 16. 16 It’s not only about the tools…  Social media are just tools; ‘a means to an end’  Listening  Monitoring  Promotion / Awareness  Engagement  Interaction  Targeting  Filtering  Measurement Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 17. 17 It’s about communication…  Practice good fundamentals  use ‘voice of the customer’  ask lots of questions and listen  converse ‘with’, not ‘to’  walk the talk  keep it fresh, relevant and interesting  share and provide real value  Give your best customers a stage to talk and share with you and other customers Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 18. 18 Its about dialogue, not monologue NEW OLD Conversation Discussion Transparent Controlled Inclusive Exclusive Dynamic ‘On-message’ Vibrant Organized Customer-driven ‘Marketing’-driven Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 19. 19 And practice, lots of practice…  Good social media is 99% practice, 1% theory  Choreographed trial-and-error efforts  Lots of small experiments  Don’t be afraid to fail; it’s cheaper upfront  Find customer champions, enlist their participation  Make social media part of your daily ‘to-do’ list Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 20. 20 Potential barriers to adoption  Technical  Financial  Social  Cultural  Business process Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 21. 21 Not all customers are created equal  Jacob Nielsen's 1/9/90 rule: “participation inequality”  1% of your population will contribute a lot  9% will engage and comment from time-to-time  90% will primarily observe, browse and not participate In other words…  90% of postings from 1% of users  10% of postings from 9% of users  And no postings from 90% of users  Red flag: unrepresentative sample Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 22. 22 Profile and classify your audience segments  Who are the actors?  Creators – they publish content for themselves or others  Critics – they respond to content from others  Collectors – they organize content for themselves or others  Joiners – they connect to others using social networks  Spectators – they consume content but don’t participate  Inactives – they neither create nor consume content Source: Forrester Research Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 23. 23 Align your communities Source: Performant Consulting Objective: delivery of social experiences Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 24. 24 Map your communities to the market development cycle Source: Performant Consulting  Know your influencers for each phase  Involve your sales channel(s) in the conversation  Use the appropriate SM tool based on the phase Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 25. 25 Web 2.0, E2.0, it’s here…now Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 26. 26 Your brand is key  Even in the B2B space, customers are talking to each other—online, in the hallways, everywhere.  How do you harness and help shape those conversations to grow your brand? Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 27. 27 From Social Media to Social Brand  Use social media as a platform to build a social brand - a brand that cultivates deep relationships which can influence product innovation, product development and product marketing. Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 28. 28 Social branding  Social media can be a useful tool to listen and engage.  A social brand creates Listen live and virtual customer communities where Participate influencers can help and Lead shape conversations, Source products, and the meaning of the brand with others. Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 29. 29 Build and engage  Start with your best customers—those that have the power to influence others  Build a mutually beneficial customer community that gives them a voice and engages them in the process of product development  Provide tools and opportunities for them to engage their networks Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 30. 30 Explore and listen  Use social media tools to listen to broader conversations about your industry  Identify potential new groups or individuals to target, gain insight from and monitor  Participate in conversations whenever appropriate and seed with ideas and content that drive them to your community Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 31. 31 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 32. 32 SM measurement framework  Attention. The amount of traffic to your content for a given period of time. Similar to the standard web metrics of site visits and page views.  Participation. The extent to which users engage with your content in a channel: blog comments, FB wall posts, ratings, widget interactions.  Authority. Ala Technorati, the inbound links to your content - like trackbacks and inbound links to a blog post or sites linking to a video.  Influence. The size of the user base subscribed to your content. For blogs, feeds or email subscribers; followers on Twitter; Facebook fans.  Sentiment (Affinity). The ‘x-factor’ or spirit driving user participation. The net result creates a social media engagement score. Brand trust is hard to measure outside of $ sales. Source: Peter Kim Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 33. A case study 33 Social media is opportunistic … Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 34. A case study 34 … can be immediate … Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 35. A case study 35 … and makes a difference! Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 36. A case study 36 How to get started  My advice: You need a passionate insider.  Blogging and Tweeting are good places to start.  Both are easier than you may think.  Once your blog takes off, you won’t want for content.  Revel in your first-mover advantage. Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 37. 37 A few B2B software examples  Adobe: Blog directory |Tagging:  Amazon: Amazon Web Services blog  Avaya: Contact Center Insights blog  Blendtec: YouTube (helps sell B2B products to consumers)  BreakingPointLabs: Corporate Blog | Twitter  CapGemini: NetVibes Universe Community (blogs, bookmarking, online video, slide sharing, virtual worlds and wikis)  Cisco: 12 Corp blogs  Dell: Ideastorm (crowdsourcing) | Twitter  EMC2: Employee blogs | Friendfeed | YouTube | Flickr  IBM: 125 Corp blogs | Forums | Twitter | Wikis | Podcasting …and many, many more Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 38. 38 Getting started in 6 steps… 1) Join the popular social media tools and play with them 2) Set-up an RSS feed reader and subscribe to feeds 3) Start blogging; reading and writing 4) Start social bookmarking with your team(s) 5) Start Twittering; follow the experts in your industry 6) Hire a social media specialist Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 39. 39 A few suggested resources Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 40. 40 ‘Thanks’ to our guest presenters  Andy Boyer – Principal, Spring Creek Group  Facebook:  Twitter: @SpringCreekGrp  Blog:  Jen Travis – VP, Online Experience, Parker LePla  Facebook:  Twitter: @ParkerLePla  Blog:  Joe Hage – Director, Marketing Communications, Cardiac Science  Twitter: @cardiacscience  Blog: Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 41. 41 Upcoming events  Scheduled PMC events:  Aug ? – Using Social Media in B2B: Deep Dive (tell us what you want to learn / discuss)  Oct 10: Product Camp in Seattle –  Other upcoming events:  July 15, 22, 29: Agile PM Teleworkshops – hosted by SDForum & PivotalPM –  Sept 30-Oct 1: Product Management Intensive – Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 42. 42 Summary and Conclusions  Social media is here to stay as a key component of product and marketing communication strategy  Start now, no matter how small of an effort; experiment  Invest smartly in areas that move the needle; measure  Seek advice from experts Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 43. 43 Q&A Sample questions…  What’s the single most important thing to consider when using social media?  What are the best tools to start using at first?  How do I develop a budget and social media plan?  Without results yet, how do I build a business case for my Executive team? Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09
  • 44. 44 Product Management Consortium | 6/30/09