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3.Pathophysiology of AIDS,
Autoimmune diseases and
Hypersenstivity reactions
Presented by: Prof.Mirza Anwar Baig
Anjuman-I-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus
School of Pharmacy,New Pavel,Navi
• Introduction
• Diagnosis
• Pathogesis
• Treatment
What is AIDS:
• Disease of the human immune system caused by the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
• This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the
immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic
infections and tumors.
• Routes of transmission: Unsafe sex, blood transfusion,
contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and
baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure
to one of the above bodily fluids.
• Treatments can slow the course of the disease, there is currently
no vaccine or cure. Antiretroviral treatment reduces both the
mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but these drugs are
• Preventing infection is a key aim in controlling the AIDS
pandemic, with health organizations promoting safe sex and
needle-exchange programmes in attempts to slow the spread of the
WHO disease staging system
Stage I: HIV infection is asymptomatic and not categorized as AIDS
Stage II: Includes minor mucocutaneous manifestations and
recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
Stage III: Includes unexplained chronic diarrhea for longer than a
month, severe bacterial infections and pulmonary
Stage IV: Includes toxoplasmosis of the brain, candidiasis of the
esophagus, trachea, bronchi or lungs and Kaposi's
sarcoma; these diseases are indicators of AIDS.
Diagnostic tests:
1. Anti-HIV antibody (IgG and IgM)
2. HIV p24 antigen.
3. PCR test during the window period
Basic Components of the Immune System
• Of the white blood cell pool, lymphocytes primarily drive the
immune system.
• Lymphocytes (2 major types which protect host):
(1) B cells: formed in bone marrow and produce antibodies after
exposure to an antigen.
(2) T cells: processed in the thymus (two subtypes)
Subtype 1: Regulator cells also known as helper or CD4 cells
(“generals” in army of immune system which recognize “invaders”
and summon armies of cells to mount a direct attack)
Subtype 2: Fighter or effector cells also known as cytotoxic or CD8
cells (bind directly to antigen and kill it)
Basic Components of the Immune
• 2 types of CD4 cells:
(1) Memory cells: those programmed to recognize
a specific antigen after it has been previously seen
(2) Naïve cells: non-specific responders
• CD4 cells replicate 100 million times a day.
• CD4 cells are the target cells of HIV.
Bartlett, J.: The Johns Hopkins Hospital 2002 Guide to Medical Care of Patients with HIV In
Pathophysiology of HIV/AIDS
A retrovirus unknown until
early 1980s:
1.  Cannot replicate outside
of living host cells
2. Contains only RNA; no
3. Destroys the body’s ability
to fight infections.
4. Infects CD4 cells – the
primary target of HIV
CD4 Count in HIV infection
1. Normal counts range from 500 to 1500 cells per cubic
millimeter of blood
2. Initially in HIV infection there is a sharp drop in the
CD4 count and then the count levels off to around 500-
600 cells/mm3. 
3. CD4 count is a marker of likely disease progression. CD4
percentage tends to decline as HIV disease progresses.
4. CD4 counts can also be used to predict the risks for
particular conditions such as Pneumocystis carinii
pneumonia disease.
5. Treatment decisions are often based on Viral Load and
CD4 count.
Natural History of Untreated
HIV Infection
AIDS Defined
1. HIV positive with a CD4 cell count that is or has
been less than 200 cells/mm3
2. HIV positive with a CD4 percent below 14%.
3. HIV positive and with an AIDS defining illness
such as PCP, toxoplasmosis, MAC, Kaposi’s
Sarcoma, etc. regardless of CD4 cell count
How HIV Drugs Work
General Mechanisms of HIV Pathogenesis
Direct injury
 Nervous (encephalopathy and peripheral
 Kidney (HIVAN = HIV-associated nephropathy)
 Cardiac (HIV cardiomyopathy)
 Endocrine (hypogonadism in both sexes)
 GI tract (dysmotility and malabsorption)
Indirect injury
 Opportunistic infections and tumors as a
consequence of immunosuppression
Mechanisms of CD4
Depletion and Dysfunction
 Elimination of HIV-infected cells by virus-
specific immune responses
 Loss of plasma membrane integrity because of
viral budding
 Interference with cellular RNA processing
 Apoptosis
 Autoimmunity
Antiretroviral Drugs
 Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase
 AZT (Zidovudine)
 Non-Nucleoside Transcriptase
 Viramune (Nevirapine)
 Protease inhibitors
 Norvir (Ritonavir)
Pathophysiology of
Autoimmune diseases
Cells of the Immune System
Reviewing the Cells of the Immune System
B Lymphocytes:
 Immunocompetency
occurs in bone marrow
 Produce Antibodies
 Conduct Humoral
T Lymphocytes:
 Immunocompetency
occurs in thymus
 Non antibody producing
 Conduct Cellular
Autoimmune Diseases
 Lymphocytes fail to recognize its own cells and
 Autoantibodies and T cells to recognize own cells &
launch attack against own cells
 Perhaps due to overactive or an overabundance of
helper T lymphocytes
Examples of Autoimmune Diseases
Myasthenia gravis
Crohn’s disease
Grave’s disease
Type 1 Diabetes mellitus
Rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus
What is the thyroid gland?
Butterfly-shaped endocrine gland
located in the lower front of the neck.
It make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into
the blood and then carried to every tissue in the
Thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay
warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles,and other
organs working.
What is Graves’ Disease?
Graves’ disease is caused by a generalized
overactivity of the entire thyroid gland
(hyperthyroidism). It is named for Robert
Graves, an Irish physician, who described
this form of hyperthyroidism about 150
years ago.
Epidemiology of Graves’ Disease
Cause of 50 – 80% of cases of hyperthyroidism
Prevalence: 0.6% of population
Female/male ratio: 5/1 – 10/1
Peak incidence: 40 – 60 years of age
Pathogenesis of Graves’ Disease
• Autoreactive T cells and B cells emerge and
infiltrate the thyroid gland (as well as
extrathyroidal tissues) and elaborate various
cytokines that ultimately lead to production of
TSH receptor antibodies (TSHRAb) as a result
• Genetic susceptibility
• Environmental factors - infections, stress,
smoking ,female gender
The Classic Triad of Graves’ Disease
 Hyperthyroidism (90%)
 Ophthalmopathy (20-40%)
 ophthalmoplegia, conjunctival irritation
 3-5% of cases require directed treatment
 Dermopathy (0.5-4.3%)
 localized myxedema, usually pretibial
especially common with severe
Syndrome of Hyperthyroidism
 Weight loss, heat intolerance
 Thinning of hair, softening of nails
 Stare and eyelid lag
 Palpitations, symptoms of heart failure
 Dyspnea, decreased exercise tolerance
 Diarrhea
 Frequency, nocturia
 Psychosis, agitation, depression
Graves’ Ophthalmopathy
 Antibodies to the TSH receptor also target
retroorbital tissues
 T-cell inflammatory infiltrate -> fibroblast
 Severe: exposure keratopathy, diplopia,
compressive optic neuropathy
Myxedema of Graves’
 Activation of fibroblasts leads to increased
hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate
Asymmetric, raised,
firm, pink-to-purple,
brown plaques of
nonpitting edema
Laboratory Evaluation
 Suppressed TSH (<0.05 uU/ml)
 Elevated Free T4 and/or Free T3
T3:T4 > 20
- Graves’ Disease
- Toxic Goiter
T3:T4 < 20
- Non-thyroid illness
- Thyroiditis
- Exogenous thyroxine
Laboratory Evaluation
 Direct measurement of TSH receptor
antibodies (TSAb and TBAb)
 Can help with Graves diagnosis in
confusing cases (as high as 98%
Immediate Medical Therapy
 Thionamides – inhibit central production
of T3 and T4; immunosuppressive effect
 Methimazole – once daily dosing
 PTU – added peripheral block of T4 to T3
conversion; preferred in pregnancy
 Side effects: hives, itching; agranulocytosis,
hepatotoxicity, vasculitis
 Beta-blockade – decrease CV effects
 High-dose iodine – Wolff-Chaikoff effect
Long-term Therapeutic
 Continued Medical Management
 Low dose (5-10mg/day of methimazole) for
12 to 18 months then withdraw therapy
 Radioiodine Ablation
 Discontinue any thionamides 3-5 days prior
 Overall 1% chance of thyrotoxicosis
 Hypothyroidism in 10-20% at 1 yr, then 5%
per yr
Long-term Therapeutic
 Total Thyroidectomy
 Recent metaanalysis showed this is the
most cost effective.
 Prep with 6 weeks thionamides, 2 weeks
 Hypoparathyroidism and/or laryngeal
nerve damage in <2%
 Lasting remission in 90%
Management of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy
Acute Active Phase
dark lenses
elevate head of bed
artificial tears & ointments
prisms for diplopia
glucocorticoids &/or orbital radiotherapy for
severe disease
surgical followed by 131I ablation for severe
Chronic Inactive Phase
eye muscle surgery
eyelid surgery
Treatment of Ophthalmopathy
 Mild Symptoms
 Eye shades, artificial tears
 Progressive symptoms (injection, pain)
 Oral steroids – typical dosage from 30-
40mg/day for 4 weeks
 Impending corneal ulceration, loss of
 Oral versus IV steroids
 Orbital Decompression surgery
Pathophysiology of
Rheumatoid Arthritis
What is Rheumatoid arthritis (RA, rheumatoid
A chronic progressive inflammatory autoimmune disease.
Systemic disorder where inflammatory changes not only
affect synovial joints but also many other sites including
the heart, blood vessels and skin.
Systemic inflammatory autoimmune disorder
~1% of population
40-70 years of age
3-5:1 - female predominance
Causes and risk factors
1. The cause of RA is unknown.
2. Infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi
have long been suspected.
3. It may be genetically inherited (hereditary).
4. Certain infections or factors in the environment
might trigger the activation of the immune system.
This misdirected immune system then attacks the
body's own tissues.
5. This leads to inflammation in the joints and
sometimes in various organs of the body, such as the
lungs or eyes.
Symptoms and signs
1. Fatigue, loss of energy, lack of appetite , low-grade fever,
muscle and joint aches, and stiffness.
2. Muscle and joint stiffness are usually most notable in the
morning and after periods of inactivity.
3. Also during flares, joints frequently become red, swollen, painful.
This occurs because the lining tissue of the joint (synovium)
becomes inflamed, resulting in the production of excessive joint
fluid (synovial fluid).
Joints involved in rheumatoid arthritis, include
The most common joints involved are;
• Wrists and
• The index (2nd) and middle (3rd) metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints
Other joints include;
1. Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints
2. Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints
3. Shoulders
4. Elbows
5. Hips
6. Knees
7. Ankles
Irreversible Joint Deformities may occur due to disease
They include:
1. Ulnar deviation of the fingers
2. Boutonniere Deformity
3. Swan Neck Deformity
Extra-articular Manifestations
• RA is a systemic disease that
involves other organs. Most of
rheumatoid arthritis extra-
articular manifestations are
collected in this image related to
the involved organ.
• Subcutaneous rheumatoid
nodules develop in 20% of
patients, usually at sites of
pressure and chronic irritation
(eg, the extensor surface of the
forearms, elbows, hands, and
• No singular test for diagnosing rheumatoid
• It is diagnosed based on a combination of the
presentation of the joints involved,
characteristic joint stiffness in the morning,
the presence of blood rheumatoid factor.
• Findings of rheumatoid nodules and
radiographic changes (X-ray testing).
Camparison of normal and arthritic joints
Medications to Reduce Pain and Inflammation
1) Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, piroxicam, and
2) COX-2 inhibitor (only celecoxib)
3) Low-dose systemic corticosteroids (CS)
Medications to Prevent Disease Progression & loss of
joint function
1) Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
include: methotrexate (MTX), hydroxychloroquine (HCQ),
azathioprine (AZA),
Pathophysiology of
Myasthenia gravis
Myasthenia gravis
1. A long term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying
degrees of muscle weakness.
1. An autoimmune disease which results from antibodies
that block acetylcholine receptors at the junction
between the nerve and muscle. This prevents nerve
impulses from triggering muscle contractions.
3. The most commonly affected muscles are those of the
eyes, face, and swallowing.
4. It can result in double vision, drooping eyelids, trouble
talking, and trouble walking. Onset can be sudden.
• Myasthenia gravis occurs in about 1 in 10,000
• More common in women, typically ages 20 to
40 at onset; men usually are ages 50 to 60 at
The following factors may trigger or worsen exacerbations:
1. Bright sunlight
2. Surgery
3. Immunization
4. Emotional stress
5. Menstruation
6. Intercurrent illness (eg, viral infection)
7. Medication (eg, aminoglycosides, ciprofloxacin, chloroquine,
procaine, lithium, phenytoin, beta-blockers, procainamide, statins)
1. Anti–acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody test
2. Plain chest radiographs
3. Chest computed tomography
4. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and orbit
5. Electrodiagnostic studies (repetitive nerve stimulation and single-
fiber electromyography)
• With every nerve impulse, the amount of ACh released by the presynaptic
motor neuron normally decreases because of a temporary depletion of the
presynaptic ACh stores (a phenomenon referred to as presynaptic rundown).
• In MG, there is a reduction in the number of AChRs available at the muscle
endplate The end result is inefficient neuromuscular transmission.
• Inefficient neuromuscular transmission together with the normally present
presynaptic rundown phenomenon results in a progressive decrease in the
amount of muscle fibers being activated by successive nerve fiber impulses.
This explains the fatigability seen in MG patients.
• Patients become symptomatic once the number of AChRs is reduced to
approximately 30% of normal. The cholinergic receptors of smooth and
cardiac muscle have a different antigenicity than skeletal muscle and usually
are not affected by the disease.
• MG can be considered a B cell–mediated disease. However, the importance of
T cells in the pathogenesis of MG is becoming increasingly apparent. The
thymus is the central organ in T cell–mediated immunity, and thymic
abnormalities such as thymic hyperplasia or thymoma are well recognized in
myasthenic patients.
1. Acetylcholine esterase (AChE) inhibitors
include pyridostigmine, neostigmine, and edrophonium.
2. Immunomodulating therapy
Example: Corticosteriod therapy,azathioprine,
mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine,
cyclophosphamide, and rituximab
Hypersensitivity Reactions
Hypersensitivity and types of hypersensitivity
• Allergic or hypersensitive person : A person who is overly reactive to
a substance that is tolerated by most other people.
• Allergy: Is a powerful immune response to an antigen (allergen).The
allergen itself is usually harmless .
• Common allergens include certain foods (milk, peanuts, shellfish, eggs),
antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline), vaccines (typhoid), venoms
(honeybee, snake), cosmetics, chemicals in plants such as pollens, dust,
molds, iodine-containing dyes used in certain x-ray procedures, and
even microbes.
• Immune response that causes the damage to the body, not the
allergen itself.
• Upon initial exposure to the allergen the individual becomes sensitised
to it, and on second and subsequent exposures the immune system
mounts a response entirely out of proportion to the perceived threat.
• These responses are exaggerated versions of normal immune function.
Sometimes symptoms are mild, e.g. the running nose and streaming
eyes of hay fever. Occasionally the reaction can be extreme,and
causing death.
Types of hypersensitivity reactions
Allergic reactions

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Expt 13 Study of stereotype and anti-catatonic activity of drugs on rats/mice.
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1.4,1.5 tetracyclines and other antibiotics.
1.4,1.5 tetracyclines and other antibiotics.1.4,1.5 tetracyclines and other antibiotics.
1.4,1.5 tetracyclines and other antibiotics.
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1.3 penicillins, cephalosporins and cephamycins.
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5. pathophysiology of the diseases

  • 1. 1 3.Pathophysiology of AIDS, Autoimmune diseases and Hypersenstivity reactions Presented by: Prof.Mirza Anwar Baig Anjuman-I-Islam's Kalsekar Technical Campus School of Pharmacy,New Pavel,Navi Mumbai,Maharashtra
  • 3. 3 What is AIDS: • Disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). • This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors. • Routes of transmission: Unsafe sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids. • Treatments can slow the course of the disease, there is currently no vaccine or cure. Antiretroviral treatment reduces both the mortality and the morbidity of HIV infection, but these drugs are expensive. • Preventing infection is a key aim in controlling the AIDS pandemic, with health organizations promoting safe sex and needle-exchange programmes in attempts to slow the spread of the virus.
  • 4. 4 Diagnosis WHO disease staging system Stage I: HIV infection is asymptomatic and not categorized as AIDS Stage II: Includes minor mucocutaneous manifestations and recurrent upper respiratory tract infections Stage III: Includes unexplained chronic diarrhea for longer than a month, severe bacterial infections and pulmonary tuberculosis Stage IV: Includes toxoplasmosis of the brain, candidiasis of the esophagus, trachea, bronchi or lungs and Kaposi's sarcoma; these diseases are indicators of AIDS. Diagnostic tests: 1. Anti-HIV antibody (IgG and IgM) 2. HIV p24 antigen. 3. PCR test during the window period
  • 5. 5
  • 6. 6 Basic Components of the Immune System • Of the white blood cell pool, lymphocytes primarily drive the immune system. • Lymphocytes (2 major types which protect host): (1) B cells: formed in bone marrow and produce antibodies after exposure to an antigen. (2) T cells: processed in the thymus (two subtypes) Subtype 1: Regulator cells also known as helper or CD4 cells (“generals” in army of immune system which recognize “invaders” and summon armies of cells to mount a direct attack) Subtype 2: Fighter or effector cells also known as cytotoxic or CD8 cells (bind directly to antigen and kill it)
  • 7. 7 Basic Components of the Immune System • 2 types of CD4 cells: (1) Memory cells: those programmed to recognize a specific antigen after it has been previously seen (2) Naïve cells: non-specific responders • CD4 cells replicate 100 million times a day. • CD4 cells are the target cells of HIV. Bartlett, J.: The Johns Hopkins Hospital 2002 Guide to Medical Care of Patients with HIV In
  • 8. 8 Pathophysiology of HIV/AIDS A retrovirus unknown until early 1980s: 1.  Cannot replicate outside of living host cells 2. Contains only RNA; no DNA 3. Destroys the body’s ability to fight infections. 4. Infects CD4 cells – the primary target of HIV infection
  • 9. 9 CD4 Count in HIV infection 1. Normal counts range from 500 to 1500 cells per cubic millimeter of blood 2. Initially in HIV infection there is a sharp drop in the CD4 count and then the count levels off to around 500- 600 cells/mm3.  3. CD4 count is a marker of likely disease progression. CD4 percentage tends to decline as HIV disease progresses. 4. CD4 counts can also be used to predict the risks for particular conditions such as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia disease. 5. Treatment decisions are often based on Viral Load and CD4 count.
  • 10. 10 Natural History of Untreated HIV Infection
  • 11. 11 AIDS Defined 1. HIV positive with a CD4 cell count that is or has been less than 200 cells/mm3 2. HIV positive with a CD4 percent below 14%. 3. HIV positive and with an AIDS defining illness such as PCP, toxoplasmosis, MAC, Kaposi’s Sarcoma, etc. regardless of CD4 cell count
  • 12. 1212
  • 14. 14 General Mechanisms of HIV Pathogenesis Direct injury  Nervous (encephalopathy and peripheral neuropathy)  Kidney (HIVAN = HIV-associated nephropathy)  Cardiac (HIV cardiomyopathy)  Endocrine (hypogonadism in both sexes)  GI tract (dysmotility and malabsorption) Indirect injury  Opportunistic infections and tumors as a consequence of immunosuppression
  • 15. 15 Mechanisms of CD4 Depletion and Dysfunction Direct  Elimination of HIV-infected cells by virus- specific immune responses  Loss of plasma membrane integrity because of viral budding  Interference with cellular RNA processing Indirect  Apoptosis  Autoimmunity
  • 16. 16 Antiretroviral Drugs  Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase inhibitors  AZT (Zidovudine)  Non-Nucleoside Transcriptase inhibitors  Viramune (Nevirapine)  Protease inhibitors  Norvir (Ritonavir)
  • 18. 18 Cells of the Immune System
  • 19. 19 Reviewing the Cells of the Immune System Lymphocyte Eosinophil Erythrocyte Basophil Neutrophil polymorph Monocyte
  • 20. 20 B Lymphocytes:  Immunocompetency occurs in bone marrow  Produce Antibodies  Conduct Humoral Immunity T Lymphocytes:  Immunocompetency occurs in thymus  Non antibody producing cells  Conduct Cellular Immunity immune.html
  • 21. 21 Autoimmune Diseases  Lymphocytes fail to recognize its own cells and tissues.  Autoantibodies and T cells to recognize own cells & launch attack against own cells  Perhaps due to overactive or an overabundance of helper T lymphocytes
  • 22. 22 Examples of Autoimmune Diseases Myasthenia gravis Crohn’s disease Grave’s disease Type 1 Diabetes mellitus Rheumatoid arthritis Psoriasis Scleroderma Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • 23. 23 What is the thyroid gland? Butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the lower front of the neck. It make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles,and other organs working.
  • 24. 24 What is Graves’ Disease? Graves’ disease is caused by a generalized overactivity of the entire thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism). It is named for Robert Graves, an Irish physician, who described this form of hyperthyroidism about 150 years ago.
  • 25. 25 Epidemiology of Graves’ Disease Cause of 50 – 80% of cases of hyperthyroidism Prevalence: 0.6% of population Female/male ratio: 5/1 – 10/1 Peak incidence: 40 – 60 years of age
  • 27. 27 Pathogenesis of Graves’ Disease • Autoreactive T cells and B cells emerge and infiltrate the thyroid gland (as well as extrathyroidal tissues) and elaborate various cytokines that ultimately lead to production of TSH receptor antibodies (TSHRAb) as a result of: • Genetic susceptibility • Environmental factors - infections, stress, smoking ,female gender
  • 28. 28 The Classic Triad of Graves’ Disease  Hyperthyroidism (90%)  Ophthalmopathy (20-40%)  ophthalmoplegia, conjunctival irritation  3-5% of cases require directed treatment  Dermopathy (0.5-4.3%)  localized myxedema, usually pretibial especially common with severe ophthalmopathy
  • 29. 29 Syndrome of Hyperthyroidism  Weight loss, heat intolerance  Thinning of hair, softening of nails  Stare and eyelid lag  Palpitations, symptoms of heart failure  Dyspnea, decreased exercise tolerance  Diarrhea  Frequency, nocturia  Psychosis, agitation, depression
  • 30. 30 Graves’ Ophthalmopathy  Antibodies to the TSH receptor also target retroorbital tissues  T-cell inflammatory infiltrate -> fibroblast growth  Severe: exposure keratopathy, diplopia, compressive optic neuropathy
  • 31. 31 Myxedema of Graves’  Activation of fibroblasts leads to increased hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate Asymmetric, raised, firm, pink-to-purple, brown plaques of nonpitting edema
  • 32. 32 Laboratory Evaluation  Suppressed TSH (<0.05 uU/ml)  Elevated Free T4 and/or Free T3 T3:T4 > 20 - Graves’ Disease - Toxic Goiter T3:T4 < 20 - Non-thyroid illness - Thyroiditis - Exogenous thyroxine
  • 33. 33 Laboratory Evaluation  Direct measurement of TSH receptor antibodies (TSAb and TBAb)  Can help with Graves diagnosis in confusing cases (as high as 98% sensitivity)
  • 34. 34 Immediate Medical Therapy  Thionamides – inhibit central production of T3 and T4; immunosuppressive effect  Methimazole – once daily dosing  PTU – added peripheral block of T4 to T3 conversion; preferred in pregnancy  Side effects: hives, itching; agranulocytosis, hepatotoxicity, vasculitis  Beta-blockade – decrease CV effects  High-dose iodine – Wolff-Chaikoff effect
  • 35. 35 Long-term Therapeutic Options  Continued Medical Management  Low dose (5-10mg/day of methimazole) for 12 to 18 months then withdraw therapy  Radioiodine Ablation  Discontinue any thionamides 3-5 days prior  Overall 1% chance of thyrotoxicosis exacerbation  Hypothyroidism in 10-20% at 1 yr, then 5% per yr
  • 36. 36 Long-term Therapeutic Options  Total Thyroidectomy  Recent metaanalysis showed this is the most cost effective.  Prep with 6 weeks thionamides, 2 weeks iodide  Hypoparathyroidism and/or laryngeal nerve damage in <2%  Lasting remission in 90%
  • 37. 37 Management of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy Acute Active Phase dark lenses elevate head of bed artificial tears & ointments diuretics prisms for diplopia glucocorticoids &/or orbital radiotherapy for severe disease surgical followed by 131I ablation for severe disease Chronic Inactive Phase eye muscle surgery eyelid surgery
  • 38. 38 Treatment of Ophthalmopathy  Mild Symptoms  Eye shades, artificial tears  Progressive symptoms (injection, pain)  Oral steroids – typical dosage from 30- 40mg/day for 4 weeks  Impending corneal ulceration, loss of vision  Oral versus IV steroids  Orbital Decompression surgery
  • 40. 40 What is Rheumatoid arthritis (RA, rheumatoid disease) A chronic progressive inflammatory autoimmune disease. Systemic disorder where inflammatory changes not only affect synovial joints but also many other sites including the heart, blood vessels and skin.
  • 41. 41 Epidemiology Systemic inflammatory autoimmune disorder ~1% of population Onset: 40-70 years of age 3-5:1 - female predominance
  • 42. 42 Causes and risk factors 1. The cause of RA is unknown. 2. Infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi have long been suspected. 3. It may be genetically inherited (hereditary). 4. Certain infections or factors in the environment might trigger the activation of the immune system. This misdirected immune system then attacks the body's own tissues. 5. This leads to inflammation in the joints and sometimes in various organs of the body, such as the lungs or eyes.
  • 43. 43 Symptoms and signs 1. Fatigue, loss of energy, lack of appetite , low-grade fever, muscle and joint aches, and stiffness. 2. Muscle and joint stiffness are usually most notable in the morning and after periods of inactivity. 3. Also during flares, joints frequently become red, swollen, painful. This occurs because the lining tissue of the joint (synovium) becomes inflamed, resulting in the production of excessive joint fluid (synovial fluid).
  • 44. 44 Joints involved in rheumatoid arthritis, include The most common joints involved are; • Wrists and • The index (2nd) and middle (3rd) metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints Other joints include; 1. Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joints 2. Metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints 3. Shoulders 4. Elbows 5. Hips 6. Knees 7. Ankles
  • 45. 45 Irreversible Joint Deformities may occur due to disease progression. They include: 1. Ulnar deviation of the fingers 2. Boutonniere Deformity 3. Swan Neck Deformity Extra-articular Manifestations • RA is a systemic disease that involves other organs. Most of rheumatoid arthritis extra- articular manifestations are collected in this image related to the involved organ. • Subcutaneous rheumatoid nodules develop in 20% of patients, usually at sites of pressure and chronic irritation (eg, the extensor surface of the forearms, elbows, hands, and feet).
  • 46. 46 Diagnosis • No singular test for diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis. • It is diagnosed based on a combination of the presentation of the joints involved, characteristic joint stiffness in the morning, the presence of blood rheumatoid factor. • Findings of rheumatoid nodules and radiographic changes (X-ray testing).
  • 47. 47 Camparison of normal and arthritic joints
  • 49. 49 Treatment Medications to Reduce Pain and Inflammation 1) Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen, ketoprofen, piroxicam, and diclofenac 2) COX-2 inhibitor (only celecoxib) 3) Low-dose systemic corticosteroids (CS) Medications to Prevent Disease Progression & loss of joint function 1) Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) include: methotrexate (MTX), hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), azathioprine (AZA),
  • 51. 51 Myasthenia gravis 1. A long term neuromuscular disease that leads to varying degrees of muscle weakness. 1. An autoimmune disease which results from antibodies that block acetylcholine receptors at the junction between the nerve and muscle. This prevents nerve impulses from triggering muscle contractions. 3. The most commonly affected muscles are those of the eyes, face, and swallowing. 4. It can result in double vision, drooping eyelids, trouble talking, and trouble walking. Onset can be sudden.
  • 52. 52
  • 53. 53 Epidemiology: • Myasthenia gravis occurs in about 1 in 10,000 people. • More common in women, typically ages 20 to 40 at onset; men usually are ages 50 to 60 at onset.
  • 54. 54 Etiology: The following factors may trigger or worsen exacerbations: 1. Bright sunlight 2. Surgery 3. Immunization 4. Emotional stress 5. Menstruation 6. Intercurrent illness (eg, viral infection) 7. Medication (eg, aminoglycosides, ciprofloxacin, chloroquine, procaine, lithium, phenytoin, beta-blockers, procainamide, statins)
  • 55. 55 Diagnosis: 1. Anti–acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibody test 2. Plain chest radiographs 3. Chest computed tomography 4. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and orbit 5. Electrodiagnostic studies (repetitive nerve stimulation and single- fiber electromyography)
  • 57. 57 Pathogenesis: • With every nerve impulse, the amount of ACh released by the presynaptic motor neuron normally decreases because of a temporary depletion of the presynaptic ACh stores (a phenomenon referred to as presynaptic rundown). • In MG, there is a reduction in the number of AChRs available at the muscle endplate The end result is inefficient neuromuscular transmission. • Inefficient neuromuscular transmission together with the normally present presynaptic rundown phenomenon results in a progressive decrease in the amount of muscle fibers being activated by successive nerve fiber impulses. This explains the fatigability seen in MG patients. • Patients become symptomatic once the number of AChRs is reduced to approximately 30% of normal. The cholinergic receptors of smooth and cardiac muscle have a different antigenicity than skeletal muscle and usually are not affected by the disease. • MG can be considered a B cell–mediated disease. However, the importance of T cells in the pathogenesis of MG is becoming increasingly apparent. The thymus is the central organ in T cell–mediated immunity, and thymic abnormalities such as thymic hyperplasia or thymoma are well recognized in myasthenic patients.
  • 58. 58 Treatment: 1. Acetylcholine esterase (AChE) inhibitors include pyridostigmine, neostigmine, and edrophonium. 2. Immunomodulating therapy Example: Corticosteriod therapy,azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, and rituximab
  • 60. 60 Hypersensitivity and types of hypersensitivity reactions. • Allergic or hypersensitive person : A person who is overly reactive to a substance that is tolerated by most other people. • Allergy: Is a powerful immune response to an antigen (allergen).The allergen itself is usually harmless . • Common allergens include certain foods (milk, peanuts, shellfish, eggs), antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline), vaccines (typhoid), venoms (honeybee, snake), cosmetics, chemicals in plants such as pollens, dust, molds, iodine-containing dyes used in certain x-ray procedures, and even microbes. • Immune response that causes the damage to the body, not the allergen itself. • Upon initial exposure to the allergen the individual becomes sensitised to it, and on second and subsequent exposures the immune system mounts a response entirely out of proportion to the perceived threat. • These responses are exaggerated versions of normal immune function. Sometimes symptoms are mild, e.g. the running nose and streaming eyes of hay fever. Occasionally the reaction can be extreme,and causing death.
  • 62. 62