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Sistem endokrin
Di akhir sesi pembelajaran pelatih
  dapat :

1.Menghuraikan lokasi kelenjar­kelenjar  sistem 
2.Menyenaraikan kelenjar­kelenjar sistem endokrina.
3.Menyatakan fungsi kelenjar
Sistem endokrina dikelaskan kepada dua:

1. Kelenjar endokrina 
­   sel­sel, tisu­tisu danorgan­organ yang   
    merembeskan hormon ke dalam cecair badan 
    secara langsung tanpa duktus.

2. Kelenjar eksokrina 
­   bhg organ yg merembeskan penghasilan ke 
    dlm dan permukaan badan melalui duktus.
Nama kelenjar     Lokasi

1 kelenjar        Terlekat pada   hipotalamus –
pituitari         sella turcica   ( pelana turki )

1 kelenjar tiroid Di bawah larink , depan trakea

4 kelenjar        Di permukaan posterior tiroid

2 kelenjar adrenal Di atas pada setiap ginjal
Nama kelenjar       Lokasi

1 kelenjar pineal   Di antara hemisfera serebral

                    Di permukaan posterior ligamen
2 ovari             lebar, melekat pada mesovarium

2 testis            Di dalam kaviti skrotum

Sel-sel islets      Bertaburan di pankreas
Nama kelenjar      Lokasi

Plasenta           Di uterus semasa ibu hamil

                   Di mediastinum

Gastrik & mukosa   Di dalam kaviti abdomen
Klasifikasi Hormon

   Endokrina  hormon yang dikeluarkan ke
      dlm peredaran darah dan hanya berinteraksi
      dengan sel - sel sasaran .
   Parakrina  hormon yang bertindak ke atas
      sel - sel yang terdekat .
   Autokrina  hormon yang dikeluarkan dan
      seterusnya bertindak ke atas sel - sel yang
      mengeluarkanya .
The Endocrine Glands
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

   Basic principles in hormone actions :

       This helps maintain HOMEOSTASIS
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                      Pineal Gland

                    - Main hormone secreted

                    - Role Melatonin

                    -- Mammals : Regulate
                         reproductive activity in
                         response to environmental
                         light cycles
                    e . g . Some mammals mate in
                               summer ( lot of light ), whi
                               others mate in winter ( lo
                               light ).
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                  Thyroid Gland
                - Produces 3 main hormones

                - Triiodothyronine ( T3 )
                - Thyroxine ( T4 )
                Regulate body metabolism and are
                important in bone growth and maturati
                of the brain
                - Congenital lack of thyroid hormones :
                       Cretinism .

                - Calcitonin
                Acts by reducing calcium levels
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                   Parathyroid Gland
                 - Parathyroid Hormone

                 Raises Blood Calcium

                 ( antagonize Calcitonin )

                 This hormone acts on bone , kidney
                 and the gut
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                      Thymus Gland
                 - Thymosin :
                 Stimulates the production of Lymphocyte

                 - Thymostatin :
                 Inhibits the production of Lymphocytes

                 Thymus : Important for the neonatal
                 production of antibodies

                 Thymus : Gland being at the center
                 of endocrine , neural , and immune
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                 - Granular cells in the heart muscle
                 secrete Atrial Natriuretic Factor ( A

                 .. ANF : Regulates blood pressure ,
                         blood volume , and excretion
                         of water , sodium and

                 .. ANF : Also a neuropeptide in
                         the brain
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

              Gastrointestinal Hormones
                - The mucosa of the GI tract secretes
                    dozen PEPTIDE hormones
                3 most important :
                1 . Secretin :
                          Secreted in the small
                     intestine Stimulates the secretion
                     of pancreatic bicarbonate and has
                        other functions on digestion
                2 . Gastrin:
                         Secreted in the walls of
                stomach      Stimulate
                       hydrochloric acid secretion
                        pancreatic enzyme secretion
                3 . Cholecystokinin :
                       Secreted in the small intestine
                Stimulate gall
                     bladder contraction Stimulate
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                Endocrine cells in the pancreas
                2 major types of hormones

                1 . Insulin :
                         Secreted in response to
                     increase in blood glucose
                     levels ; So insulin LOWERS
                     glucose levels by INCREASING
                     glucose UPTAKE in cells where
                     it is stored as glycogen .
                2 . Glucagon:
                        Increases blood glucose
                levels by
                        stimulating the conversion
A parte :   Insulin & Diabetes

                Insulin & Diabetes
            Diabetes:   Hyperglycemia , ie .
                          Elevated Blood Sugar
            2 Types : The distinction is based upon
                    whether the blood sugar problem is
                    caused by insulin deficiency ( Type 1 )
                    or insulin resistance ( Type 2 )
            Type 1 - Insulin Deficiency: There is not
                    enough insulin produced by the pancreas
                    so the patient must inject insulin on a dail
            Type 2 - Insulin Resistance: There is plenty of
                    insulin but the cells of the body are resist
                    to its action so , increase in blood sugar
                    This form is controlled by a strict diet
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                Adrenal Glands

                  2 parts :   Medulla & Cortex

                  Adrenal Cortex :
                  3 categories of steroid
                  1 . Mineralocorticoids
                  2 . Glucocorticoids
                  3 . Sex Steroids

                  Adrenal Medulla
                  1 . Adrenaline
                  2 . Noradrenaline
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

     Adrenal Cortex
                Androgen Influence sexual differentiation
                         and bodily changes during pubert
                           Stress Hormone , converts stored
                           proteins to carbohydrate during
                           Stress . Anti inflammatory and
                           Immunosuppressive functions .

                              If there is a sodium
                              deprivation ,
                              Aldosterone is secreted and
                              to increase reabsorption of
                              sodium ions ( NA +) in the
                              salivary glands , and sweat
                              glands .
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

           Adrenal Medulla

line : Released following
 stress due to environmental
 extremes ; Increases heart
 rate and blood glucose levels
 so , increases the amount of work
 the muscles

enaline : As Adrenaline , act as a NT
         ( neuro transmiter ) in the brain Periphery ; increase blood pre
 and constrict blood vessels ( noradrenaline , stress , and heart disease …
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

              Gonads ; Testes
               The male gonads :   produces

               Primary androgen = TESTOSTERONE
               Other androgen :

               Testosterone:    Important for
                        Control of sperm production
                        Development of male sexual
                        Activation of sexual and
                        aggressive behaviors
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

              Gonads ; Ovaries
               2 major classes of hormones

               Primary ESTROGEN : Estradiol
                     others : Estriol , Estrone
               Synthetic estrogens : Birth control pil
               Estrogens :     - Development of sexual
                              characteristics at puber
                              - Influence metabolic rat
                              - Influence sexual and
                                maternal behavior
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

                      Gonads ; Ovaries

                         PROGESTIN:   Progesterone

                         - Stimulates breast and uterine
                         enlargement at puberty & during
                         menstrual cycle
                         - Maintains pregnancy ( inhibits menstru
                         cycle during pregnancy )

                         Other hormone released at the end of
                         pregnancy : Relaxin
                         Acts to prepare the birth canal .

trogen and Progesterone act in synergy .
The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones

            - Hormones secreted by the fertilized egg
            ( Used in pregnancy tests )

            Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( HCG )
            Act by keeping progesterone high at the
            beginning of a pregnancy

            Human Placental Lactogen ( HPL )
            Stimulates the mammary glands to begin
            to secrete milk
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                            Also called
                            the HYPOPHYSIS
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                    - Attached to the HYPOTHALAMUS

                    - Secretion of the pituitary hormone
                    is regulated by hypothalamus

                    - HYPOTHALAMIC - PITUITARY
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone


                                                    ADENOhypophysis NEUROhypophysis
                     - 3 parts

                     --> Anterior Lobe
                            - pars distalis

                     --> Intermediate Lobe
                            - pars intermedia

                     --> Posterior Lobe
                            - pars nervosa
                              (“ neural ” cells )
                            direct extension
                            of the
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

       PVN SON

                                  - Neuroscretory Cells
                                      - Paraventricular nucleus ( PVN )
                                      - Supraoptic nucleus ( SON )

                                  - Hormones secreted

             Attaches the
             hypothalamus to the
             pituitary. Also called
             the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

       PVN SON

                                 OXYTOCIN & VASOPRESSIN
                                 - Are really HYPOTHALAMIC

                                 - OXYTOCIN :
                                 2 main functions

                                      --> promotes uterine contractio
             Attaches the             --> stimulates milk ejection fr
             hypothalamus to the           mammary glands during
             pituitary. Also called        lactation
             the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

       PVN SON

                          - VASOPRESIN :

                              --> Antidiuretic hormone
                              --> Raises blood pressure
         AXONS                --> promotes water reabsorption
                                    by kidneys
                              --> centrally : may promote
             Attaches the
             hypothalamus to the - Binding proteins for both
             pituitary. Also called    oxytocin & vasopressin
             the Infundibulum
                                  --> Neurophysins

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                                   ADENOHYPOPHYSIS ( ANTERIOR )

          AXONS                    Mechanism for release of hormones

                                   True endocrine gland because
                                   release hormone in the bloodstream
                                   ( hypophysal portal system )
              Attaches the
              hypothalamus to the
              pituitary. Also called
              the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                      1 . Neurosecretory cells of the
 Median eminence
                          hypothalamus release their hormon
                          at the median eminence
                      2 . Hormones circulate in bloodstream
                      3 . Carried to the adenohypophysis

                      4 . Stimulates secretion of other
                           hormones from the adenophysis
                      5 . These hormones are then released
                           in the bloodstream to reach
                           their target cells .
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                            Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones

                            1.   Growth Hormone ( GH )
                                  ( also called ‘ somatotropin ’)
          AXONS                   …’ tropic ’= stimulating effect

                            GH = promotes growth in almost
                                     all body cells
              Attaches the
              hypothalamus to the lot of attention for degenerativ
                                   disease …..
              pituitary. Also called
              the Infundibulum                 -Alzheimer
                                        - Anti - Aging etc .
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                                 Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones

                                 2 . Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

                                 Role : Stimulates synthesis and
          AXONS                             release of glucocorticoi

                                 ‘ Hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal
              Attaches the       Axis ’
              hypothalamus to the
              pituitary. Also called
              the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                                  Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones

                                  3 . Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

                                  Role : Stimulates the synthesis and
          AXONS                          release of thyroxine ( T4 )
                                         and triiodochyronine ( T3 )
                                         from the thyroid .

              Attaches the
              hypothalamus to the
              pituitary. Also called
              the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                             Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones
                             3 last hormones =
                                 …. gonadotropic hormones

                             4 . Follicle stimulating hormone ( FS

          AXONS              Role : In both sexes , promotes the
                                    development of reproductive
                                    cells ( gametes ) and
                                    promotes secretion of
              Attaches the          gonadal hormones
              hypothalamus to the
                                   Males : stimulates sperm production
              pituitary. Also called
              the Infundibulum Females : stimulates growth of
                                         primary follicle of ovary

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                             Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones
                             3 last hormones =
                                 …. gonadotropic hormones

                             5 . Luteinizing hormone ( LH )
         AXONS               Role :

                             Female :     Stimulates ovulation and
                                         formation of progesterone -
             Attaches the                secreting cells
             hypothalamus to the
                                  Males : Stimulates cells that secret
             pituitary. Also called
             the Infundibulum            androgens ( e . g . testosterone )

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                          Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones
                          3 last hormones =
                              …. gonadotropic hormones

                          6 . Prolactin ( PRL )
         AXONS            Role : Initiates milk synthesis in
                                    mammary glands

                                       Other functions related to
             Attaches the             growth & parental behavior
             hypothalamus to the
                               Interaction with serotonin also
             pituitary. Also called
             the Infundibulum( important in depression )

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                               Non traditional hormone from the

                               --> beta - endorphin

                               Derivative from POMC
                               POMC : synthesized in the pars
                                      distalis and pars intermedia

             Attaches the           Broken down into ACTH , MSH &
             hypothalamus to the beta - endorphins by enzymes
             pituitary. Also called
             the Infundibulum

The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

   Beta - Endorphin : Role to play in     --> Analgesia
                       --> Learning and Memory
                       --> Psychiatric diseases
                       --> Feeding , Thermoregulation ,
                       --> Blood pressure
                       --> also called the ‘ drug of the jogger ’…..
The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone

                                      Synthesize the hormone called
                                      Melanocyte stimulating hormones
                                      which acts in amphibian to change
                                      skin color

             Attaches the
             hypothalamus to the
             pituitary. Also called
             the Infundibulum

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48241294 sistem-endokrine

  • 2. Di akhir sesi pembelajaran pelatih dapat : 1.Menghuraikan lokasi kelenjar­kelenjar  sistem  endokrina. 2.Menyenaraikan kelenjar­kelenjar sistem endokrina. 3.Menyatakan fungsi kelenjar a.Pitutari b.Tiroid c.Paratiroid d.Adrenal e.Pineal f.Timus
  • 4. Nama kelenjar Lokasi 1 kelenjar Terlekat pada hipotalamus – pituitari sella turcica ( pelana turki ) 1 kelenjar tiroid Di bawah larink , depan trakea 4 kelenjar Di permukaan posterior tiroid paratiroid 2 kelenjar adrenal Di atas pada setiap ginjal
  • 5. Nama kelenjar Lokasi 1 kelenjar pineal Di antara hemisfera serebral Di permukaan posterior ligamen 2 ovari lebar, melekat pada mesovarium 2 testis Di dalam kaviti skrotum Sel-sel islets Bertaburan di pankreas langerhans
  • 6. Nama kelenjar Lokasi Plasenta Di uterus semasa ibu hamil Timus Di mediastinum Gastrik & mukosa Di dalam kaviti abdomen intestinal
  • 7. Klasifikasi Hormon  Endokrina  hormon yang dikeluarkan ke dlm peredaran darah dan hanya berinteraksi dengan sel - sel sasaran .  Parakrina  hormon yang bertindak ke atas sel - sel yang terdekat .  Autokrina  hormon yang dikeluarkan dan seterusnya bertindak ke atas sel - sel yang mengeluarkanya .
  • 9. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Basic principles in hormone actions : This helps maintain HOMEOSTASIS
  • 10. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Pineal Gland - Main hormone secreted MELATONIN - Role Melatonin -- Mammals : Regulate reproductive activity in response to environmental light cycles e . g . Some mammals mate in summer ( lot of light ), whi others mate in winter ( lo light ).
  • 11. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Thyroid Gland - Produces 3 main hormones - Triiodothyronine ( T3 ) - Thyroxine ( T4 ) Regulate body metabolism and are important in bone growth and maturati of the brain - Congenital lack of thyroid hormones : Cretinism . - Calcitonin Acts by reducing calcium levels
  • 12. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Parathyroid Gland - Parathyroid Hormone Raises Blood Calcium ( antagonize Calcitonin ) This hormone acts on bone , kidney and the gut
  • 13. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Thymus Gland - Thymosin : Stimulates the production of Lymphocyte - Thymostatin : Inhibits the production of Lymphocytes Thymus : Important for the neonatal production of antibodies Thymus : Gland being at the center of endocrine , neural , and immune systems
  • 14. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Heart - Granular cells in the heart muscle secrete Atrial Natriuretic Factor ( A .. ANF : Regulates blood pressure , blood volume , and excretion of water , sodium and potassium .. ANF : Also a neuropeptide in the brain
  • 15. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Gastrointestinal Hormones - The mucosa of the GI tract secretes a dozen PEPTIDE hormones 3 most important : 1 . Secretin : Secreted in the small intestine Stimulates the secretion of pancreatic bicarbonate and has other functions on digestion 2 . Gastrin: Secreted in the walls of stomach Stimulate hydrochloric acid secretion stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretion 3 . Cholecystokinin : Secreted in the small intestine Stimulate gall bladder contraction Stimulate
  • 16. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Pancreas Endocrine cells in the pancreas secrete 2 major types of hormones 1 . Insulin : Secreted in response to increase in blood glucose levels ; So insulin LOWERS glucose levels by INCREASING glucose UPTAKE in cells where it is stored as glycogen . 2 . Glucagon: Increases blood glucose levels by stimulating the conversion
  • 17. A parte : Insulin & Diabetes Insulin & Diabetes Diabetes: Hyperglycemia , ie . Elevated Blood Sugar 2 Types : The distinction is based upon whether the blood sugar problem is caused by insulin deficiency ( Type 1 ) or insulin resistance ( Type 2 ) Type 1 - Insulin Deficiency: There is not enough insulin produced by the pancreas so the patient must inject insulin on a dail basis Type 2 - Insulin Resistance: There is plenty of insulin but the cells of the body are resist to its action so , increase in blood sugar This form is controlled by a strict diet
  • 18. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Adrenal Glands 2 parts : Medulla & Cortex Adrenal Cortex : 3 categories of steroid hormones 1 . Mineralocorticoids 2 . Glucocorticoids 3 . Sex Steroids Adrenal Medulla 1 . Adrenaline 2 . Noradrenaline
  • 19. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Adrenal Cortex Androgen Influence sexual differentiation and bodily changes during pubert Estrogen Stress Hormone , converts stored proteins to carbohydrate during Stress . Anti inflammatory and Immunosuppressive functions . If there is a sodium deprivation , Aldosterone is secreted and acts to increase reabsorption of sodium ions ( NA +) in the kidneys salivary glands , and sweat glands .
  • 20. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Adrenal Medulla line : Released following stress due to environmental extremes ; Increases heart rate and blood glucose levels so , increases the amount of work the muscles enaline : As Adrenaline , act as a NT ( neuro transmiter ) in the brain Periphery ; increase blood pre and constrict blood vessels ( noradrenaline , stress , and heart disease …
  • 21. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Gonads ; Testes The male gonads : produces Androgens Primary androgen = TESTOSTERONE Other androgen : Dihydrotestosterone Androstenedione Testosterone: Important for masculinization Control of sperm production Development of male sexual characteristics Activation of sexual and aggressive behaviors
  • 22. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Gonads ; Ovaries 2 major classes of hormones ESTROGENS PROGESTINS Primary ESTROGEN : Estradiol others : Estriol , Estrone Synthetic estrogens : Birth control pil Estrogens : - Development of sexual characteristics at puber - Influence metabolic rat - Influence sexual and maternal behavior
  • 23. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Gonads ; Ovaries PROGESTIN: Progesterone - Stimulates breast and uterine enlargement at puberty & during menstrual cycle - Maintains pregnancy ( inhibits menstru cycle during pregnancy ) Other hormone released at the end of pregnancy : Relaxin Acts to prepare the birth canal . trogen and Progesterone act in synergy .
  • 24. The Endocrine Glands & their Hormones Placenta - Hormones secreted by the fertilized egg ( Used in pregnancy tests ) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin ( HCG ) Act by keeping progesterone high at the beginning of a pregnancy Human Placental Lactogen ( HPL ) Stimulates the mammary glands to begin to secrete milk
  • 25. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Also called the HYPOPHYSIS
  • 26. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone - Attached to the HYPOTHALAMUS - Secretion of the pituitary hormone is regulated by hypothalamus - HYPOTHALAMIC - PITUITARY connection
  • 27. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone ANATOMY ADENOhypophysis NEUROhypophysis - 3 parts --> Anterior Lobe - pars distalis --> Intermediate Lobe - pars intermedia --> Posterior Lobe - pars nervosa (“ neural ” cells ) direct extension of the hypothalamus
  • 28. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone PVN SON - Neuroscretory Cells - Paraventricular nucleus ( PVN ) - Supraoptic nucleus ( SON ) - Hormones secreted AXONS -OXYTOCIN -VASOPRESSIN Attaches the hypothalamus to the pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum Neurohypophysis
  • 29. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone PVN SON OXYTOCIN & VASOPRESSIN - Are really HYPOTHALAMIC hormones - OXYTOCIN : AXONS 2 main functions --> promotes uterine contractio Attaches the --> stimulates milk ejection fr hypothalamus to the mammary glands during pituitary. Also called lactation the Infundibulum Neurohypophysis
  • 30. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone PVN SON - VASOPRESIN : --> Antidiuretic hormone --> Raises blood pressure AXONS --> promotes water reabsorption by kidneys --> centrally : may promote memory Attaches the hypothalamus to the - Binding proteins for both pituitary. Also called oxytocin & vasopressin the Infundibulum --> Neurophysins Neurohypophysis
  • 31. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone ADENOHYPOPHYSIS ( ANTERIOR ) AXONS Mechanism for release of hormones True endocrine gland because release hormone in the bloodstream ( hypophysal portal system ) Attaches the hypothalamus to the pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum Adenohypophysis
  • 32. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone 1 . Neurosecretory cells of the Median eminence hypothalamus release their hormon at the median eminence 2 . Hormones circulate in bloodstream 3 . Carried to the adenohypophysis 4 . Stimulates secretion of other hormones from the adenophysis 5 . These hormones are then released in the bloodstream to reach their target cells .
  • 33. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones 1. Growth Hormone ( GH ) ( also called ‘ somatotropin ’) AXONS …’ tropic ’= stimulating effect GH = promotes growth in almost all body cells Attaches the hypothalamus to the lot of attention for degenerativ A disease ….. pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum -Alzheimer -Parkinson - Anti - Aging etc . Adenohypophysis
  • 34. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones 2 . Adrenocorticotropic Hormone ACTH Role : Stimulates synthesis and AXONS release of glucocorticoi hormones ‘ Hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal Attaches the Axis ’ hypothalamus to the pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum Adenohypophysis
  • 35. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones 3 . Thyroid Stimulating Hormone TSH Role : Stimulates the synthesis and AXONS release of thyroxine ( T4 ) and triiodochyronine ( T3 ) from the thyroid . Attaches the hypothalamus to the pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum Adenohypophysis
  • 36. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones 3 last hormones = …. gonadotropic hormones 4 . Follicle stimulating hormone ( FS AXONS Role : In both sexes , promotes the development of reproductive cells ( gametes ) and promotes secretion of Attaches the gonadal hormones hypothalamus to the Males : stimulates sperm production pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum Females : stimulates growth of primary follicle of ovary Adenohypophysis
  • 37. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones 3 last hormones = …. gonadotropic hormones 5 . Luteinizing hormone ( LH ) AXONS Role : Female : Stimulates ovulation and formation of progesterone - Attaches the secreting cells hypothalamus to the Males : Stimulates cells that secret pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum androgens ( e . g . testosterone ) Adenohypophysis
  • 38. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Adenohypophysis : 6 hormones 3 last hormones = …. gonadotropic hormones 6 . Prolactin ( PRL ) AXONS Role : Initiates milk synthesis in mammary glands Other functions related to Attaches the growth & parental behavior hypothalamus to the Interaction with serotonin also pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum( important in depression ) Adenohypophysis
  • 39. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Non traditional hormone from the adenohypophysis --> beta - endorphin Derivative from POMC AXONS POMC : synthesized in the pars distalis and pars intermedia Attaches the Broken down into ACTH , MSH & hypothalamus to the beta - endorphins by enzymes pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum Adenohypophysis
  • 40. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Beta - Endorphin : Role to play in --> Analgesia --> Learning and Memory --> Psychiatric diseases --> Feeding , Thermoregulation , --> Blood pressure --> also called the ‘ drug of the jogger ’…..
  • 41. The Pituitary Gland & its Hormone Synthesize the hormone called Melanocyte stimulating hormones which acts in amphibian to change skin color AXONS Attaches the hypothalamus to the pituitary. Also called the Infundibulum