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Anatomy of Parathyroid Glands
 They are four small, oval, yellowish- brown bodies which are
embedded in the posterior surface of pituitary gland; there are two
glands on each side, superior and inferior one.
 They are supplied by inferior thyroid artery.
 Nerve supply: Superior and middle cervical ganglia of the
sympathetic trunk.
 N.B: These fibers are not secretory to the gland because the
parathyroid activity is controlled by the level of the blood calcium.
Histology of Parathyroid gland :
Stroma composed of Ct capsule sending septa with reticular fibres ,
and many fenestrated capillaries and lipid cells also may be found (
Increase with aging to be 50 % of parathyroid cells )
Parenchyma is composed of
Chief cells Oxyphil
Size Small Large
Number Numerous Few
Nucleus Large Vesicular Small dense
Cytoplasm Pale Acidophilic
EM Ultrastructure of protein
secreting cells ( rER , Golgi A. ,
Secretory granules ,
Mitochondria )
Glycogen granules are numerous
causing pale staining of cytoplasm
Large number of
mitochondria with
cristae causes the
acidophilic colour of
Function Secretion of Parathormone Non specific
Physiology of parathyroid
Parathyroid hormone:
 It’s the main hormone responsible for calcium metabolism in the
body. It acts on 2 main organs; kidney and bones.
 It increases calcium and phosphate mobilization from bones leading
to increased calcium levels in blood, while phosphate is excreted by
the kidney leading to decreased blood level.
 This function is essential to keep the solubility product constant to
prevent deposition of excessive calcium phosphate in undesirable
body parts or calcium deficiency that may lead to many functional
 It acts directly on bones and kidney while it acts indirectly on the
intestine leading to increased calcium absorption by increasing
synthesis of calbindin (this effect is caused by Vit D3 activated in
the kidneys)
1) Calcium levels: hypercalcemia leads to decreased secretion and
vice versa.
2) Phosphate levels.
Calcium regulating hormones
3 hormones:
a. Increasing Ca++ level
 Parathyroid H
 Calciterol (active vitamin D )
b. Decreasing Ca++ level
c. Calcitonin H
 PTH precursor …. 115 amino acids
 Active PTH …. 84 amino acids
 Calcitonin ….. 32 amino acids
Ca++ raising hormones:
Synthesis of active vitamin D ( calciterol ):
 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin >> ultra violet rays >>
 Cholecalciferol ( from the skin or dietary ) >> carried by D-binding
protein >> liver >> hydroxylation >> 25 hydroxycholecalciferol
 25 hydroxycholecalciferol >> kidneys by D-binding protein >> 1
alpha hydroxylase in the mitochondria of proximal convoluted
tubules >> 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol ( the most potent form )
High level of calciterol or Ca++ ions >> feedback inhibition of 1 alpha
hydroxylase >> inhibition of 1 hydroxylation & stimulate 24
hydroxylation >> 24,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol ( less active form )
Mechanism of action of Ca++ raising hormones:
PTH Calciterol
1. One of group II hormones (
hydrophilic )
2. Binds to membrane receptor >>
activation of adenyl cyclase
enzyme >> increased cAMP >>
activation of cAMP dependant
protein kinase >> phosphorylation
of enzymes >> metabolic effect
3. Its receptors in bones & kidneys
4. Acts indirectly on small intestine
1. One of group I hormones (
2. Binds to nuclear receptors >>
activation of certain genes >>
mRNA >> Ca++ binding proteins
>> increase Ca++ and PO4—
3. Its receptors in the intestinal
4. Acts directly on small intestine
Functions of Ca++ raising hormones:
Similarities Differences
1. They increase Ca++ & PO4--
absorption from small
2. They increase Ca++
reabsorption from distal
convoluted tubules &
collecting ducts
3. PTH & large doses of vitamin
D increase bone resorption by
increasing the function & no.
of osteoclasts
1. Regulating PO4—ions conc:
a. PTH lower PO4—level by increasing
its excretion in the urine by
proximal convoluted tubules
b. Calciterol elevate PO4—level by
increasing its absorption from
2. Normal dose of vitamin D enhance
bone mineralization ( Ca++ & PO4—
deposition )
Control of Ca++ raising hormones ( 2 factors ):
Ca++ ions conc. PO4—ions conc.
1. Decreased Ca++ level :
 Increasing PTH release ( hypertrophy
of parathyroid in persistant low Ca++
level ) >> activation of 1 alpha
hydroxylase >> synthesis of calciterol
>> increased Ca++ level back to normal
2. Increased Ca++ level :
 Decreased PTH secretion
(parathyroid size is reduced ) >>
decreased synthesis of calciterol >>
decreasing Ca++ level back to normal
1. Decreased PO4-- level:
 Decreased PTH secretion
 Increased calciterol
2. Increased PO4-- level:
 Increased PTH secretion
 Decreased Calciterol
Ca++ lowering hormone (calcitonin):
1. Mechcanism of action:
The same as group II hormones as it’s a peptide
2. Functions( lowering Ca++ & PO4-- level by 3 ways):
On the bone:
a. Inhibits bone resorption by inhibiting the function of
b. Prolonged effect: inhibit proliferation of osteoclasts
On the kidneys:
a. It increase excretion of Ca++ , PO4-- , Na, K & Mg in the
b. Inhibit synthesis of Calciferol
3. Control:
Its secretion is increased by:
a. Increased Ca++ level
b. Dopamine, estrogens, gastrin, CCK & glucagon
Calcium metabolism
 Calcium in our body:
It’s used in many body functions such as muscular contraction,
nerve conduction and blood coagulation. The biggest portion
enters in bone and teeth formation.
 Calcium content:
 1100 gm
 99%: Bones and Teeth
 1% ECF
 Calcium in blood:
 9-11 Mg/dl
 Some of which (45%) is Non diffusible through the capillary
membrane as it’s combined to plasma proteins.
 The rest (55%) is diffusible and is found in 2 forms:
o Non-ionized (5%): inactive
o Ionized (50%): active
 Calcium in bones:
1-Stable hydroxyappatite (slowly exchangeable with plasma
2-Exchangeable Mobilizable amorphous calcium phosphate (1%) (this
form of exchangeable calcium is also present in the mitochondria
of many cells such as hepatocytes.
 Control of calcium homeostasis
1. The first line of defense is the buffer function of the
exchangeable calcium.
2. The second line of defense is the hormonal control mechanism:
1ry: (Calcitonin-PTH-Vit D)
2ry: Glucocorticoids, growth hormone, thyroid hormones,
estrogen and testosterone.
Parathyroid abnormalities (Physiology & Pathology)
 Less common
 It's due to
o surgical removal
o agenesis
o radiation injury
o autoimmune destruction
 Manifestations
o All manifestations are due to ''Hpocalcemia'' below 9 mg, which
leads to increased CNS and peripheral nervous system including
neuromuscular junction excitability .. why ?
 low amount of ca++ in the ECF leads to out flux of Ca++ which
needs a carrier to go outside the cell so leads to increase
membrane permeability to Na+ ions.
o So the nerves become so excitable and discharge spontaneously
and leads to spastic muscle contraction (Tetany)
 Tetany :-
o spastic muscle contraction
o it occurs due to increased neuromuscular excitability
o Main Causes are :- hypoparathyroidism, renal failure, alkalosis
o it may also be induced by low vitamin D level and low Ca++ in diet
o Types:
 Manifest tetany :-
 occurs if plasma Ca++ level is lower than 7 mg %
 occurs spontaneously during rest
 it's spastic contraction involving muscles of extremities
(carpo-pedal spasm) = flexion elbow, wrist,
metacarpopharyngeal joints with wxtension of fingers
and adduction thumb
 in hypocalcemia it may induce generalized convulsions and
it occurs so quickly
that may lead to
severe contraction of
laryngeal muscles
leading to laryngeal
stridor >> DEATH
 Latent Tetany :-
 occurs if plasma Ca++ level is about 7 mg %
 Needs a stimulus to be provoked (Certain tests) :
o trousseau's sign : occlusion of the circulation by tying a blood
pressure cuff around the arm and arresting blood supply to the
hand ---> carpal spasm.
o chvostek's sign : tapping angle of the jaw (↑facial nerve) --- >
quick contraction of ipsilateral facial muscles
Hyperparathyroidism :-
 Primary hyperparathyroidism
 Overproduction of parathyroid hormone leading to hypercalcemia
 More common in females than males
 May occur sporadically or in association with other endocrine
 it occurs due to :
 adenoma (80 %)
 1ry hyperplasia (15 %)
 parathyroid carcinoma (5%)
 Manifestations :-
 Bone manifestations :-
 osteoclastic absorption is severe leading to decalcification
of bone
 X-ray :-Bone may be eaten away and filled with multiple
cysts (ostitis fibrosa cystica)
 this leads to hypercalcemia which leads to :-
 CNS and peripheral nervous system depression
 muscle weakness
 constipation, abdominal pain, loss of appetite >
depressed GIT motility
 increased systolic time and decreased diastolic time
 metastatic calcification (in alveoli - thyroid - kidney -
walls of arteries ) > fatal
 Secondary hyperparathyroidism :-
 Due to chronic renal insufficiency & renal failure
 Decrease in vitamin D synthesis -- > reduce intestinal
absorption of Ca++.
 This leads to hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia
 Parathyroid then is stimulated.
 Clinically:- there is renal osteodystrophy.
Ca controlling medications
 Hypocalcaemia:
For short term management:
Calcium gluconate is injected IV very slowly.
Rapid IV injection may lead to calcium rigor and cardiac arrest
during systole.
For long term control:
Calcium gluconate is given initially followed by vitamin D
 Hypercalcaemia:
Calcitonin is used
 Calcitonin:
It is used in:
1. Osteoporosis. (as it prevents bone resorption)
2. Hypercalcaemia in case of malignancy. (ectopic calcium
3. Paget's disease.
 Bisphosphonates:
- They inhibit osteoclastic activity and formation.
- They increase osteoclastic apoptosis.
- They inhibit hydroxyappatite dissolution by inhibition of
proton pump found in osteoclasts.
- Uses: same as calcitonin.
 Very Imp:
- Calcitonin (rapid onset in comparison to bisphosphonates) is
used as initial treatment for paget’s disease and
osteoporosis followed by bisphosphonates (start action
after months). Vitamin D and calcium supplements could be
added for long term control.
- Bisphosphonates are taken only orally although only 20% of
the dose is absorbed.
- Bisphosphonates are taken on an empty stomach with 3
glasses of water to prevent gastric irritation.
1. The pale cytoplasm of chief
cells in parathyroid glands is
due to
a. numerous mitochondria
b. secretory granules
c. glycogen granules
d. all of the above
2. Acidophilia in oxyphil cells is
due to :
a. glycogen granules
b. lysosomes
c. numerous mitochondria
d. all of the above
3. The chief cells are large
polygonal cells with small
vesicular cytoplasm:
a. true
b. false
4. With age , oxyphil cells
become adipocytes:
a. true
b. false
5. A patient with parathyroid
deficiency 10 days
after thyroidectomy will
a. a low plasma phosphate nd
Ca++ levels and tetanus
b. a low plasma Ca++ levels,
increased muscular
excitability and Trousseaus
c. high plasma phosphate and
Ca++ and bone
d. increased muscular
excitability, high plasma
Ca++ and bone
6. Which of the following is
not involved in regulation of
plasma Ca++ levels :
a. kidneys
b. skin
c. lungs
d. intestine
7. Parathyroid hormone :
a. decreases Ca++
mobilization of bone
b. increases Ca++ mobilization
from bone
c. decreases circulating levels
of free Ca++
d. increases urinary excretion
of Ca++
8. organs affected directly by
parathormone :
a. intestine
b. kidney
c. heart
d. muscular tissue
9. function of parathyroid
hormone :
a. elevation of calcium ion
concentration and elevation
of phosphate concentration
b. elevation of calcium ion
concentration and
depression of phosphate
c. depression of calcium ion
concentration and
depression of phosphate
d. . depression of calcium ion
concentration and elevation
of phosphate concentration
10. effect of PTH on bone is
a. increases bone resorption
and mobilization of calcium
to the blood
b. increases bone absorption
and mobilization of calcium
and phosphate to the blood
c. decrease bone resorption
and mobilization of calcium
and phosphate to the blood
d. increases bone resorption
and mobilization of calcium
and phosphate to the blood
11. effect of PTH on kidney
by decreasing phosphate
reabsorption in:
a. distal convoluted tubules
b. proximal convoluted
c. Collecting ducts
d. Both A & C
12. the PTH glands will
hypertrophied in such cases
except :
a. Rickets
b. Pregnancy
c. Osteoporosis
d. Lactation
13. Conditions that increase
the calcium ion concentration
are all of the above except:
a. Excessive amount of
calcium in diet
b. Increased vitamin D in
c. Bone reabsorption
d. Both A & B
14. When phosphate
concentration increases :
a. elevation of calcium ion
concentration in the
extracellular fluid
b. stimulates PTH secretion
c. decreased of activity and
reduced sizes of
parathyroid glands
d. all of the above
True or false:
15. rapid phase of PTH in
bones result from activation
of osteoblast
16. effect of PTH on intestine
by increasing of 1,25
17. Calcitriol synthesis is
completed in :
a. The liver
b. The renal distal convoluted
c. The renal proximal
convoluted tubule
d. None of the above
18. Which of the following
statements about calcitriol
is incorrect?
a. Increases synthesis of
calcium binding protein
b. At high levels ,it stimulates
the enzyme 1-α hydoxylase
c. It's the most potent
metabolite of vitamin D
d. Increases the absorbtion
of intestinal calcium and
19. The mechanisms by which
calcium is transported acoss
the intestinal cell to the
circulation,"to enter the cell
then.. leave it to the blood"
a. Diffusion..osmosis
b. Active transport..diffusion
c. Facilitated transport
d. None of the above
20. There's a/an
…..relationship between the
plasma calcium level and the
rate of synthesis of 1,25
a. Direct
b. Inverse
c. No relation
21. When phosphate plasma
level is elevated has a
direct stimulatory effect on
the enzyme 1-α hydoxylase
a. True
b. False
22. Which of the following
statements about calcitonin
is incorrect?
a. It inhibits osteoclasts
b. It inhibits synthesis of
c. It acts mainly as a long
term regulator to calcium
ion concentration as
compared to PTH
d. It increases the excretion
of phosphate
23. One of the following
inhibits calcitonin secretion
a. Glucagon
b. Dopamine
c. Decreased plasma calcium
d. Estrogens
24. Hypoparathyroidism is
caused by:
a. renal failure
b. alkalosis
c. Di George's syndrome
d. vitamin D deficiency
25. The main effect of
hypoparathyroidism is:
a. hypocalcemia
b. hypokalemia
c. hypercalcemia
d. hyperkalemia
26. In hypocalcemia, the
increased excitability occurs
a. central nervous system
b. peripheral nervous system
c. neuromuscular junctions
d. all of the above
27. Hypocalcemia causes
increased membrane
permeability to:
a. sodium
b. potassium
c. calcium
d. phosphate
28. Tetany:
a. is astate of spastic
b. caused by increased
neuromuscular excitability
c. predisposed by increased
calcium levels
d. all of the above
e. a and b
29. All of the following are
causes of tetany except:
a. renal failure
b. acidosis
c. hypoparathyroidism
d. low calcium intake
30. About manifest tetany:
a. plasma calcium level is 9
b. occurs during rest
c. produces cotracrion of the
d. all of the above
31. Tapping on the angle of
jaw is:
a. Di George's test
b. Troussaeau's test
c. Chvostek's test
d. heal-knee test
32. Carpal spasm includes the
following except:
a. abduction of the thump
b. flexion of the elbow
c. extension of the finger
d. flexion of the rest
33. The main cause of
hyperparathyroidism is:
a. primary parathyroid
b. parathyroid carcinoma
c. parathyroid adenoma
d. none of the above
34. The bony manifestation
of hyperparathyroidism is:
a. acromegaly
b. cretinism
c. gigantism
d. ostitis fibrosa cystica
35. Chronic decrease in
calcium serum level causes:
a. primary
b. secondary
c. primary hyperthyroidism
d. secondary hyperthyroidism
36. The most common cause
of secondary
a. chronic renal insufficiency
b. diabetes incipidus
c. renal failure
d. a and c
37. Daily requirement of
calcium in normal adult
individual is :
a. 5gm
b. 1gm
c. 10gm
d. none of the above
38. Percentage of calcium
present in bone and teeth is
a. 50%
b. 70%
c. 1%
d. 99%
39. Non diffusible calcium:
a. about 45% of calcium
present in plasma
b. physiologically inert
c. about 55%of calcium
present in plasma
d. a&b
40. Concerning non diffusible
calcium, all true except :
a. combined with citrate
and bicarbonate
b. physiologically inert
c. 45%of calcium present
in the plasma
d. combined with plasma
41. Diffusable calcium :
a. 45% of plasma calcium
b. 55% of plasma calcium
c. ionized and non ionized
d. b&c
42. The following forms of
calcium don’t have
a. non diffusible calcium
b. non ionized diffusible
c. ionized diffusible
d. none of the above
43. Hydroxyappatities :
a. exchangable form of
b. stable salts
c. more than 99% of
calcium of bones
d. b&c
44. Concerning exchangeable
calcium , all true except:
a. calcium reservoir for
b. more than99% of
calcium of bones
c. small portion of it
present in mitochondria
especially of the liver
and intestine
d. provides a rapid
buffering mechanism of
45. First line of defense for
controlling calcium
a. parathormone
b. buffering action of
exchangeable calcium
c. calcitonin
d. all of the above
46. Parathormone:
a. increase plasma calcium
b. increases intestinal
absorption of calcium in
a direct way
c. decreases plasma
calcium level
d. a&b
47. The adult human body
contains about 2000 gm of
a. true
b. false
48. Plasma contains less than
1 % of total calcium
e. true
f. false
49. Non ionized calcium is
combined to plasma proteins:
g. true
h. false
50. Non diffusible calcium is
physiologically inert:
i. true
j. false
51. Hydroxyappatities form
reservoir for calcium :
k. true
l. false
52. Which of the following
hormones could be
administered as nasal spray
a. Desmopressin
b. Oxytocin
c. Salmon calcitonin
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
53. Parathyroid hormones
could be given to treat:
a. Chronic hypocalcemia
b. Acute hypocalcemia
c. none of the above
54. In cases of hypocalcemic
tetany..which drug of the
following should be urgently
a. PTH
b. Ca+2
gluconate (IV infusion)
c. Ca+2
gluconate (IM)
d. Ca+2
+vit D
e. All of the above
55. All of the following
statements about
bisphosphonates are correct
a. Decrease osteoclastic
b. Nearly only 5% of its dose
is deposited in bones
c. It has short duration of
d. Responsible for the
inhibition of the
osteoblastic proton pump
e. Help in keeping bone
integrity and prevent its
56. Bisphosphonates are
contraindicated in cases of
a. Renal diseases
b. Peptic ulcer
c. Liver disease
d. Lactation
e. A and b
f. A and c
1. c
2. c
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. c
7. b
8. b
9. b
10. d
12. c
13. c
14. d
15. false
16. true
17. c
18. b
19. c
20. a
21. b
22. c
23. c
24. c
25. a
26. d
27. a
28. e
29. b
30. b
31. c
32. a
33. c
34. d
35. b
36. d
37. b
38. d
39. d
40. a
41. d
42. c
43. d
44. b
45. b
46. a
47. b
48. a
49. b
50. a
51. b
52. e
53. c
54. b
55. d
56. e
Essay Questions:
1. Compare between the chief cell (principle) and oxyphil in the
parenchyma of parathyroid gland.
2. What is the general effect of Parathormone?
3. What is effect of parathormone on bones?
4. What is effect of parathormone on intestine?
5. What is effect of parathormone on kidneys?
6. What is role of Calcium and Phosphate in regulation of
parathormone secretion?
7. Define PTH
8. Discuss its mechanism of action
9. Give an account on the hormone receptor interaction
10. Explain the action of the hormone on :
 Solubility product
 Bone
 Intestine
 Kidney
11.Mention th mechanism by which ca 2+ ions in blood can regulate
PTH secretion
12. Enumerate the mechanisms that regulate the PTH secretion
13. Define calcitonin
14. Mention calcitonin functions
15. Give an account on the control of calcitonin secretion
16. Mention the steps by which the calcitriol is biosynthesized
17. Explain the mechanism of action of calcitriol
18. Enumerate the actions of 1,25DHCC
19. Explain the actions of calcitriol
20. Mention the affect of plasma ca 2+ level on 1,25DHCC
21. Give an acoount on the control of calcitriol secretion
22. Mention the Ca++
functions in the body?
23. Give a short account on body requirement of the Ca++?
24. Mention Ca++resources
25. Give a short account on plasma Ca++content
26. Give a short account on bones Ca++ content
27. Discuss the exchangeable Ca++in the bones
28. Talk about control of Ca++ homeostasis
29. Compare between Actions of Parathormone, Vitamin D and
30. What are the causes of the hypothyrodism?
31. Discuss the effects of hypothyrodism ?
32. What are the acuses of the tetany?
33. Discuss the types and manifestaions of tetany?
34. Discuss the incidence and acuses of primary
35. What are the manifestaions of primary
36. Discuss the secondary hyperparathyroidism
37. How Hypocalcaemic tetany is treated?
38. What do we use in long term management of
39. What are therapeutic uses of Calcitonin ?
40. Mention the preparations of Calcitonin ?
41. Mention examples of non hormonal agents affecting bone
mineral homeostasis?
42. Mention mechanism of action of Bisphosphonates?
43. Discuss pharmacokinetics of Bisphosphonates?
44. Mention its therapeutic uses?
45. Mention adverse effects of Bisphosphonates?
46. Mention its contraindications?

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3 parathyroid booklet

  • 1.
  • 2. Anatomy of Parathyroid Glands  They are four small, oval, yellowish- brown bodies which are embedded in the posterior surface of pituitary gland; there are two glands on each side, superior and inferior one.  They are supplied by inferior thyroid artery.  Nerve supply: Superior and middle cervical ganglia of the sympathetic trunk.  N.B: These fibers are not secretory to the gland because the parathyroid activity is controlled by the level of the blood calcium. Histology of Parathyroid gland : Stroma composed of Ct capsule sending septa with reticular fibres , and many fenestrated capillaries and lipid cells also may be found ( Increase with aging to be 50 % of parathyroid cells ) Parenchyma is composed of Chief cells Oxyphil Size Small Large Number Numerous Few Nucleus Large Vesicular Small dense Cytoplasm Pale Acidophilic EM Ultrastructure of protein secreting cells ( rER , Golgi A. , Secretory granules , Mitochondria ) Glycogen granules are numerous causing pale staining of cytoplasm Large number of mitochondria with cristae causes the acidophilic colour of cytoplasm Function Secretion of Parathormone Non specific
  • 3. Physiology of parathyroid Parathyroid hormone:  It’s the main hormone responsible for calcium metabolism in the body. It acts on 2 main organs; kidney and bones.  It increases calcium and phosphate mobilization from bones leading to increased calcium levels in blood, while phosphate is excreted by the kidney leading to decreased blood level.  This function is essential to keep the solubility product constant to prevent deposition of excessive calcium phosphate in undesirable body parts or calcium deficiency that may lead to many functional disturbances.  It acts directly on bones and kidney while it acts indirectly on the intestine leading to increased calcium absorption by increasing synthesis of calbindin (this effect is caused by Vit D3 activated in the kidneys) Regulation: 1) Calcium levels: hypercalcemia leads to decreased secretion and vice versa. 2) Phosphate levels.
  • 4. Calcium regulating hormones 3 hormones: a. Increasing Ca++ level  Parathyroid H  Calciterol (active vitamin D ) b. Decreasing Ca++ level c. Calcitonin H Notes:  PTH precursor …. 115 amino acids  Active PTH …. 84 amino acids  Calcitonin ….. 32 amino acids 1st Ca++ raising hormones: Synthesis of active vitamin D ( calciterol ):  7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin >> ultra violet rays >> cholecalciferol  Cholecalciferol ( from the skin or dietary ) >> carried by D-binding protein >> liver >> hydroxylation >> 25 hydroxycholecalciferol  25 hydroxycholecalciferol >> kidneys by D-binding protein >> 1 alpha hydroxylase in the mitochondria of proximal convoluted tubules >> 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol ( the most potent form ) N.B. High level of calciterol or Ca++ ions >> feedback inhibition of 1 alpha hydroxylase >> inhibition of 1 hydroxylation & stimulate 24 hydroxylation >> 24,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol ( less active form )
  • 5. Mechanism of action of Ca++ raising hormones: PTH Calciterol 1. One of group II hormones ( hydrophilic ) 2. Binds to membrane receptor >> activation of adenyl cyclase enzyme >> increased cAMP >> activation of cAMP dependant protein kinase >> phosphorylation of enzymes >> metabolic effect 3. Its receptors in bones & kidneys 4. Acts indirectly on small intestine 1. One of group I hormones ( lipophilic) 2. Binds to nuclear receptors >> activation of certain genes >> mRNA >> Ca++ binding proteins >> increase Ca++ and PO4— absorption 3. Its receptors in the intestinal cells 4. Acts directly on small intestine Functions of Ca++ raising hormones: Similarities Differences 1. They increase Ca++ & PO4-- absorption from small intestine 2. They increase Ca++ reabsorption from distal convoluted tubules & collecting ducts 3. PTH & large doses of vitamin D increase bone resorption by increasing the function & no. of osteoclasts 1. Regulating PO4—ions conc: a. PTH lower PO4—level by increasing its excretion in the urine by proximal convoluted tubules b. Calciterol elevate PO4—level by increasing its absorption from intestine 2. Normal dose of vitamin D enhance bone mineralization ( Ca++ & PO4— deposition )
  • 6. Control of Ca++ raising hormones ( 2 factors ): Ca++ ions conc. PO4—ions conc. 1. Decreased Ca++ level :  Increasing PTH release ( hypertrophy of parathyroid in persistant low Ca++ level ) >> activation of 1 alpha hydroxylase >> synthesis of calciterol >> increased Ca++ level back to normal 2. Increased Ca++ level :  Decreased PTH secretion (parathyroid size is reduced ) >> decreased synthesis of calciterol >> decreasing Ca++ level back to normal 1. Decreased PO4-- level:  Decreased PTH secretion  Increased calciterol formation 2. Increased PO4-- level:  Increased PTH secretion  Decreased Calciterol formation 2nd Ca++ lowering hormone (calcitonin): 1. Mechcanism of action: The same as group II hormones as it’s a peptide 2. Functions( lowering Ca++ & PO4-- level by 3 ways): On the bone: a. Inhibits bone resorption by inhibiting the function of osteoclasts b. Prolonged effect: inhibit proliferation of osteoclasts On the kidneys: a. It increase excretion of Ca++ , PO4-- , Na, K & Mg in the urine b. Inhibit synthesis of Calciferol
  • 7. 3. Control: Its secretion is increased by: a. Increased Ca++ level b. Dopamine, estrogens, gastrin, CCK & glucagon Calcium metabolism  Calcium in our body: It’s used in many body functions such as muscular contraction, nerve conduction and blood coagulation. The biggest portion enters in bone and teeth formation.  Calcium content:  1100 gm  99%: Bones and Teeth  1% ECF  Calcium in blood:  9-11 Mg/dl  Some of which (45%) is Non diffusible through the capillary membrane as it’s combined to plasma proteins.  The rest (55%) is diffusible and is found in 2 forms: o Non-ionized (5%): inactive o Ionized (50%): active
  • 8.  Calcium in bones: 1-Stable hydroxyappatite (slowly exchangeable with plasma calcium-99%) 2-Exchangeable Mobilizable amorphous calcium phosphate (1%) (this form of exchangeable calcium is also present in the mitochondria of many cells such as hepatocytes.  Control of calcium homeostasis 1. The first line of defense is the buffer function of the exchangeable calcium. 2. The second line of defense is the hormonal control mechanism: 1ry: (Calcitonin-PTH-Vit D) 2ry: Glucocorticoids, growth hormone, thyroid hormones, estrogen and testosterone. Parathyroid abnormalities (Physiology & Pathology) Hypoparathyroidism  Less common  It's due to o surgical removal o agenesis o radiation injury o autoimmune destruction  Manifestations
  • 9. o All manifestations are due to ''Hpocalcemia'' below 9 mg, which leads to increased CNS and peripheral nervous system including neuromuscular junction excitability .. why ?  low amount of ca++ in the ECF leads to out flux of Ca++ which needs a carrier to go outside the cell so leads to increase membrane permeability to Na+ ions. o So the nerves become so excitable and discharge spontaneously and leads to spastic muscle contraction (Tetany)  Tetany :- o spastic muscle contraction o it occurs due to increased neuromuscular excitability o Main Causes are :- hypoparathyroidism, renal failure, alkalosis o it may also be induced by low vitamin D level and low Ca++ in diet o Types:  Manifest tetany :-  occurs if plasma Ca++ level is lower than 7 mg %  occurs spontaneously during rest  it's spastic contraction involving muscles of extremities (carpo-pedal spasm) = flexion elbow, wrist, metacarpopharyngeal joints with wxtension of fingers and adduction thumb  in hypocalcemia it may induce generalized convulsions and it occurs so quickly that may lead to severe contraction of laryngeal muscles leading to laryngeal stridor >> DEATH
  • 10.  Latent Tetany :-  occurs if plasma Ca++ level is about 7 mg %  Needs a stimulus to be provoked (Certain tests) : o trousseau's sign : occlusion of the circulation by tying a blood pressure cuff around the arm and arresting blood supply to the hand ---> carpal spasm. o chvostek's sign : tapping angle of the jaw (↑facial nerve) --- > quick contraction of ipsilateral facial muscles Hyperparathyroidism :-  Primary hyperparathyroidism  Overproduction of parathyroid hormone leading to hypercalcemia  More common in females than males  May occur sporadically or in association with other endocrine syndromes  it occurs due to :  adenoma (80 %)  1ry hyperplasia (15 %)  parathyroid carcinoma (5%)  Manifestations :-  Bone manifestations :-  osteoclastic absorption is severe leading to decalcification of bone  X-ray :-Bone may be eaten away and filled with multiple cysts (ostitis fibrosa cystica)  this leads to hypercalcemia which leads to :-  CNS and peripheral nervous system depression  muscle weakness
  • 11.  constipation, abdominal pain, loss of appetite > depressed GIT motility  increased systolic time and decreased diastolic time  metastatic calcification (in alveoli - thyroid - kidney - walls of arteries ) > fatal  Secondary hyperparathyroidism :-  Due to chronic renal insufficiency & renal failure  Decrease in vitamin D synthesis -- > reduce intestinal absorption of Ca++.  This leads to hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia  Parathyroid then is stimulated.  Clinically:- there is renal osteodystrophy.
  • 12. Ca controlling medications  Hypocalcaemia: For short term management: Calcium gluconate is injected IV very slowly. Rapid IV injection may lead to calcium rigor and cardiac arrest during systole. For long term control: Calcium gluconate is given initially followed by vitamin D supplements.  Hypercalcaemia: Calcitonin is used  Calcitonin: It is used in: 1. Osteoporosis. (as it prevents bone resorption) 2. Hypercalcaemia in case of malignancy. (ectopic calcium production) 3. Paget's disease.  Bisphosphonates: - They inhibit osteoclastic activity and formation. - They increase osteoclastic apoptosis. - They inhibit hydroxyappatite dissolution by inhibition of proton pump found in osteoclasts. - Uses: same as calcitonin.  Very Imp: - Calcitonin (rapid onset in comparison to bisphosphonates) is used as initial treatment for paget’s disease and osteoporosis followed by bisphosphonates (start action after months). Vitamin D and calcium supplements could be added for long term control.
  • 13. - Bisphosphonates are taken only orally although only 20% of the dose is absorbed. - Bisphosphonates are taken on an empty stomach with 3 glasses of water to prevent gastric irritation.
  • 14. MCQs 1. The pale cytoplasm of chief cells in parathyroid glands is due to a. numerous mitochondria b. secretory granules c. glycogen granules d. all of the above 2. Acidophilia in oxyphil cells is due to : a. glycogen granules b. lysosomes c. numerous mitochondria d. all of the above 3. The chief cells are large polygonal cells with small vesicular cytoplasm: a. true b. false 4. With age , oxyphil cells become adipocytes: a. true b. false 5. A patient with parathyroid deficiency 10 days after thyroidectomy will show: a. a low plasma phosphate nd Ca++ levels and tetanus b. a low plasma Ca++ levels, increased muscular excitability and Trousseaus sign c. high plasma phosphate and Ca++ and bone demineralization d. increased muscular excitability, high plasma Ca++ and bone demineralization 6. Which of the following is not involved in regulation of plasma Ca++ levels : a. kidneys b. skin c. lungs d. intestine
  • 15. 7. Parathyroid hormone : a. decreases Ca++ mobilization of bone b. increases Ca++ mobilization from bone c. decreases circulating levels of free Ca++ d. increases urinary excretion of Ca++ 8. organs affected directly by parathormone : a. intestine b. kidney c. heart d. muscular tissue 9. function of parathyroid hormone : a. elevation of calcium ion concentration and elevation of phosphate concentration b. elevation of calcium ion concentration and depression of phosphate concentration c. depression of calcium ion concentration and depression of phosphate concentration d. . depression of calcium ion concentration and elevation of phosphate concentration 10. effect of PTH on bone is : a. increases bone resorption and mobilization of calcium to the blood b. increases bone absorption and mobilization of calcium and phosphate to the blood c. decrease bone resorption and mobilization of calcium and phosphate to the blood d. increases bone resorption and mobilization of calcium and phosphate to the blood 11. effect of PTH on kidney by decreasing phosphate reabsorption in: a. distal convoluted tubules b. proximal convoluted tubules. c. Collecting ducts d. Both A & C 12. the PTH glands will hypertrophied in such cases except : a. Rickets b. Pregnancy c. Osteoporosis d. Lactation
  • 16. 13. Conditions that increase the calcium ion concentration are all of the above except: a. Excessive amount of calcium in diet b. Increased vitamin D in diet. c. Bone reabsorption d. Both A & B 14. When phosphate concentration increases : a. elevation of calcium ion concentration in the extracellular fluid b. stimulates PTH secretion c. decreased of activity and reduced sizes of parathyroid glands d. all of the above True or false: 15. rapid phase of PTH in bones result from activation of osteoblast 16. effect of PTH on intestine by increasing of 1,25 dihydroxycholecalciferol 17. Calcitriol synthesis is completed in : a. The liver b. The renal distal convoluted tubule c. The renal proximal convoluted tubule d. None of the above 18. Which of the following statements about calcitriol is incorrect? a. Increases synthesis of calcium binding protein b. At high levels ,it stimulates the enzyme 1-α hydoxylase c. It's the most potent metabolite of vitamin D d. Increases the absorbtion of intestinal calcium and phosphate
  • 17. 19. The mechanisms by which calcium is transported acoss the intestinal cell to the circulation,"to enter the cell then.. leave it to the blood" are: a. Diffusion..osmosis b. Active transport..diffusion c. Facilitated transport d. None of the above 20. There's a/an …..relationship between the plasma calcium level and the rate of synthesis of 1,25 DHCC a. Direct b. Inverse c. No relation 21. When phosphate plasma level is elevated has a direct stimulatory effect on the enzyme 1-α hydoxylase a. True b. False 22. Which of the following statements about calcitonin is incorrect? a. It inhibits osteoclasts function b. It inhibits synthesis of calcitriol c. It acts mainly as a long term regulator to calcium ion concentration as compared to PTH d. It increases the excretion of phosphate 23. One of the following inhibits calcitonin secretion a. Glucagon b. Dopamine c. Decreased plasma calcium concentration d. Estrogens 24. Hypoparathyroidism is caused by: a. renal failure b. alkalosis c. Di George's syndrome d. vitamin D deficiency 25. The main effect of hypoparathyroidism is: a. hypocalcemia b. hypokalemia c. hypercalcemia d. hyperkalemia
  • 18. 26. In hypocalcemia, the increased excitability occurs in: a. central nervous system b. peripheral nervous system c. neuromuscular junctions d. all of the above 27. Hypocalcemia causes increased membrane permeability to: a. sodium b. potassium c. calcium d. phosphate 28. Tetany: a. is astate of spastic contraction b. caused by increased neuromuscular excitability c. predisposed by increased calcium levels d. all of the above e. a and b 29. All of the following are causes of tetany except: a. renal failure b. acidosis c. hypoparathyroidism d. low calcium intake 30. About manifest tetany: a. plasma calcium level is 9 mgdl b. occurs during rest c. produces cotracrion of the trunk d. all of the above 31. Tapping on the angle of jaw is: a. Di George's test b. Troussaeau's test c. Chvostek's test d. heal-knee test 32. Carpal spasm includes the following except: a. abduction of the thump b. flexion of the elbow c. extension of the finger d. flexion of the rest 33. The main cause of hyperparathyroidism is: a. primary parathyroid hyperplasia b. parathyroid carcinoma c. parathyroid adenoma d. none of the above
  • 19. 34. The bony manifestation of hyperparathyroidism is: a. acromegaly b. cretinism c. gigantism d. ostitis fibrosa cystica 35. Chronic decrease in calcium serum level causes: a. primary hyperparathyroidism b. secondary hyerparathyroidism c. primary hyperthyroidism d. secondary hyperthyroidism 36. The most common cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism: a. chronic renal insufficiency b. diabetes incipidus c. renal failure d. a and c 37. Daily requirement of calcium in normal adult individual is : a. 5gm b. 1gm c. 10gm d. none of the above 38. Percentage of calcium present in bone and teeth is a. 50% b. 70% c. 1% d. 99% 39. Non diffusible calcium: a. about 45% of calcium present in plasma b. physiologically inert c. about 55%of calcium present in plasma d. a&b 40. Concerning non diffusible calcium, all true except : a. combined with citrate and bicarbonate b. physiologically inert c. 45%of calcium present in the plasma d. combined with plasma proteins 41. Diffusable calcium : a. 45% of plasma calcium b. 55% of plasma calcium c. ionized and non ionized d. b&c
  • 20. 42. The following forms of calcium don’t have physiological functions,except: a. non diffusible calcium b. non ionized diffusible calcium c. ionized diffusible calcium d. none of the above 43. Hydroxyappatities : a. exchangable form of calcium b. stable salts c. more than 99% of calcium of bones d. b&c 44. Concerning exchangeable calcium , all true except: a. calcium reservoir for equilibrium b. more than99% of calcium of bones c. small portion of it present in mitochondria especially of the liver and intestine d. provides a rapid buffering mechanism of calcium 45. First line of defense for controlling calcium homeostasis: a. parathormone b. buffering action of exchangeable calcium c. calcitonin d. all of the above 46. Parathormone: a. increase plasma calcium level b. increases intestinal absorption of calcium in a direct way c. decreases plasma calcium level d. a&b 47. The adult human body contains about 2000 gm of calcium: a. true b. false
  • 21. 48. Plasma contains less than 1 % of total calcium amount: e. true f. false 49. Non ionized calcium is combined to plasma proteins: g. true h. false 50. Non diffusible calcium is physiologically inert: i. true j. false 51. Hydroxyappatities form reservoir for calcium : k. true l. false 52. Which of the following hormones could be administered as nasal spray a. Desmopressin b. Oxytocin c. Salmon calcitonin d. None of the above e. All of the above 53. Parathyroid hormones could be given to treat: a. Chronic hypocalcemia b. Acute hypocalcemia c. none of the above 54. In cases of hypocalcemic tetany..which drug of the following should be urgently given a. PTH b. Ca+2 gluconate (IV infusion) c. Ca+2 gluconate (IM) d. Ca+2 +vit D e. All of the above 55. All of the following statements about bisphosphonates are correct except: a. Decrease osteoclastic formation b. Nearly only 5% of its dose is deposited in bones c. It has short duration of action d. Responsible for the inhibition of the osteoblastic proton pump activity e. Help in keeping bone integrity and prevent its fracture
  • 22. 56. Bisphosphonates are contraindicated in cases of a. Renal diseases b. Peptic ulcer c. Liver disease d. Lactation e. A and b f. A and c Answers: 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. d 11.b 12. c 13. c 14. d 15. false 16. true 17. c 18. b 19. c 20. a 21. b 22. c 23. c 24. c 25. a 26. d 27. a 28. e 29. b 30. b 31. c 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. b 36. d 37. b 38. d 39. d 40. a 41. d 42. c 43. d 44. b 45. b 46. a 47. b 48. a 49. b 50. a 51. b 52. e 53. c 54. b 55. d 56. e
  • 23. Essay Questions: 1. Compare between the chief cell (principle) and oxyphil in the parenchyma of parathyroid gland. 2. What is the general effect of Parathormone? 3. What is effect of parathormone on bones? 4. What is effect of parathormone on intestine? 5. What is effect of parathormone on kidneys? 6. What is role of Calcium and Phosphate in regulation of parathormone secretion? 7. Define PTH 8. Discuss its mechanism of action 9. Give an account on the hormone receptor interaction 10. Explain the action of the hormone on :  Solubility product  Bone  Intestine  Kidney 11.Mention th mechanism by which ca 2+ ions in blood can regulate PTH secretion 12. Enumerate the mechanisms that regulate the PTH secretion 13. Define calcitonin 14. Mention calcitonin functions 15. Give an account on the control of calcitonin secretion 16. Mention the steps by which the calcitriol is biosynthesized 17. Explain the mechanism of action of calcitriol
  • 24. 18. Enumerate the actions of 1,25DHCC 19. Explain the actions of calcitriol 20. Mention the affect of plasma ca 2+ level on 1,25DHCC 21. Give an acoount on the control of calcitriol secretion 22. Mention the Ca++ functions in the body? 23. Give a short account on body requirement of the Ca++? 24. Mention Ca++resources 25. Give a short account on plasma Ca++content 26. Give a short account on bones Ca++ content 27. Discuss the exchangeable Ca++in the bones 28. Talk about control of Ca++ homeostasis 29. Compare between Actions of Parathormone, Vitamin D and Calcitonin 30. What are the causes of the hypothyrodism? 31. Discuss the effects of hypothyrodism ? 32. What are the acuses of the tetany? 33. Discuss the types and manifestaions of tetany? 34. Discuss the incidence and acuses of primary hyperparathyroidism 35. What are the manifestaions of primary hyperparathyroidism? 36. Discuss the secondary hyperparathyroidism 37. How Hypocalcaemic tetany is treated? 38. What do we use in long term management of hypoparathyroidism? 39. What are therapeutic uses of Calcitonin ? 40. Mention the preparations of Calcitonin ? 41. Mention examples of non hormonal agents affecting bone mineral homeostasis? 42. Mention mechanism of action of Bisphosphonates? 43. Discuss pharmacokinetics of Bisphosphonates?
  • 25. 44. Mention its therapeutic uses? 45. Mention adverse effects of Bisphosphonates? 46. Mention its contraindications?