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CS 354
Ray Casting & Tracing

Mark Kilgard
University of Texas
April 17, 2012
CS 354                                 2

         Today’s material
        In-class quiz
            On typography lecture
        Lecture topic
          Finish digital typography
          Project 3
          Ray tracing & casting
CS 354                            3

         My Office Hours
        Tuesday, before class
            Painter (PAI) 5.35
            8:45 a.m. to 9:15
        Thursday, after class
            ACE 6.302
            11:00 a.m. to 12

        Randy’s office hours
            Monday & Wednesday
            11 a.m. to 12:00
            Painter (PAI) 5.33
CS 354                                                 4

         Last time, this time
        Last lecture, we discussed
            Digital typography
        This lecture
            Ray casting and tracing
        Projects
            Project 3 due Wednesday, April 18, 2012
                 Tomorrow!
            Project 4 on ray tracing on Piazza
CS 354                                                                               5

                                         On a sheet of paper
         Daily Quiz                      • Write your EID, name, and date
                                         • Write #1, #2, #3, #4 followed by its answer
        Multiple choice: Pica and Em
                                                   Multiple choice: Unicode
                                                    supports how many character
         a) Names of two commonly
         used type faces                            a) 256
         b) Units of typographic                    b) 65,536
                                                    c) Over ¼ million
         c) Two dominant types of
         Bezier curves                              d) 4,294,967,296

         d) Graphics researchers                   Multiple choice: Kerning
         responsible for font hinting               adjusts what property of text?
                                                    a) Spacing between characters
        True or False: This text is
         written in a serif type face.              b) Whether accent marks are
                                                    included on glyphs
                                                    c) Control of vertical layout
CS 354                                             6

         Project 3
        Accept Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) files
         containing motion capture data
            Hierarchy of affine transformations
        Visualize a stick figure
            Animate the figure
CS 354                                               7

         Rendering Outline Glyphs
        Conventional method
            CPU-based scan-line
            Augmented by hinting
        Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs)
            MERL’s Saffron type system
        Glyphs are static so
         is effective
            Bitmaps often cached
CS 354                                                                                    8

         Massively Parallel GPU-accelerated
         Path Rendering Visualized
                           Anchored triangle   Anchored triangle
                            fans geometry       fans net stencil
                                                                   Stencil =1

      Path commands
     and control points                                               Resulting net
                                                                    coverage in stencil

                          Curved segment       Curved segment
                             geometry            net stencil

                                                                   Stencil -1
                                                                   Stencil +1
Credit: [Kokoji 2006]
CS 354                                                         9

         OpenGL Bitmap Fonts
        GLUT includes implementation
          glutBitmapCharacter
          Calls glBitmap with pre-compiled bitmap data

        Also window system specific routines to get bitmaps
         from system fonts
          wglUseFontBitmaps for Windows
          glXUseXFont for X Window System (Linux)
CS 354                                                        10

         OpenGL Stroke Fonts
        Draw glyph’s stroke as line segments
            Can transform arbitrarily
            Use glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) for anti-aliasing
            glutStrokeCharacter does this
CS 354                                                    11

         Other Text Approaches
        Pack glyphs in texture atlas
            Then draw textured rectangles with the
             correct texture coordinates for each glyph
CS 354                                                                               12

           First-class Text Support in
           Various Rendering Systems
    Rendering system                 Vendor / Sponsor            First-class text?
    Cairo                            Open source                 Yes
    Direct2D / Direct3D              Microsoft                   Yes
    Flash                            Adobe                       Yes
    GDI                              Microsoft                   Yes
    Java 2D                          Sun                         Yes
    OpenGL                           Khronos                     No
    OpenVG                           Khronos                     Yes
    Office Open XML                  Microsoft / ECMA            Yes
    PDF                              Adobe                       Yes
    PHIGS                            ISO                         Yes
    PostScript                       Adobe                       Yes
    Qt                               Nokia                       Yes
    Quart 2D                         Apple                       Yes
    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)   World Wide Web Consortium   Yes
    Silverlight                      Microsoft                   Yes
    Xlib                             X Consortium                Yes
CS 354                                                                         13

         How did OpenGL’s lack of text
         support last for so long?
        OpenGL was designed in 1992
          Pre-Unicode world
          Fonts were bitmaps of ASCII back then
                 Now TrueType and OpenType dominate
            The primitive initial state of OpenGL’s font support has become
             mistaken for a philosophical dictate
        Text-based applications uniformly ignore OpenGL
            Not a good thing
        3D applications have their expectations adjusted to
         expect lousy text
          Not a good thing
          Example: Quake 2 console text is miniscule because textured
           bitmap characters assumed text sized for 800x600 display
CS 354                                                                                 14

         The World Has Changed
         Since 1992
        Unicode universally accepted now
          Systems ship with near-complete, resolution-independent Unicode
           fonts now
          Good fonts come with your operating system license
          International character of web makes UTF-8 text common today
          Windows adoption of UTF-16 makes that common within Windows
        Web has expanded font repertoire of systems
          Content providers and users expect wide range of available fonts
          Fonts have standard names embedded in web content
          These font names span operating systems
        Screen resolution has increased
          1992: 640x480 aliased
          2009: 1920x1200+ multisampled
          Needing all text to be in small point sizes to fit screen isn’t a mandate
        3D support and acceleration is pervasive now
            Text makes sense mixed with 3D content today
CS 354                                                        15

         Direct Path Rendering of
         Text in OpenGL
        Recent work
            NV_path_rendering provides GPU-acceleration of
             paths, including glyphs
            Glyph support is first-class
CS 354                                                  16

         Digital Typography Trends
        Hinting & ClearType likely going away
          Mainly due to denser screens
          Expectation of antialiased font appearance
          Text not always presented axis-aligned or
        More font variety in web content
          Improving standards
          More available fonts
          Even font variety for East Asian writing
CS 354                                                                 17

         OpenGL’s Realism Limitations
        OpenGL is based on a pipeline model in which
         primitives are rendered one at time
            No automatic shadows (except by tricks or multiple
            No automatic multiple reflections
            Multi-pass algorithms for shadows and reflections
        Physically plausible & global approaches
            Rendering equation
            Ray tracing
            Radiosity

CS 354                                                 18

         Ray Casting
        Arthur Appel (1968)
            Cast rays from eye… what object is hit?
CS 354                                19

         Ray Tracing
        “An Improved Illumination
         Model for Shaded
          Turner Whitted (1980)
          Communications of the

        Performance
          512x512 pixels
          74 Minutes on VAX (1979)
          6 seconds on PC (2006)
          60+ frames/second on
           GPU (2012)
CS 354                                                   20

         Ray Tracing
        Follow rays of light from a point source
        Can account for reflection and

CS 354                        21

         Example of Complex
         Ray Traced Scene
CS 354                                                22

         Computational Limits of
         Ray Tracing
      Should be able to handle all physical
      Ray tracing paradigm is physically
      But most rays do not affect what we see
      Scattering produces many (infinite)
       additional rays
      Alternative: ray casting

CS 354                                              23

         Ray Casting
        Only rays that reach the eye matter
        Reverse direction and cast rays
        Need at least one ray per pixel

CS 354                                                  24

         Ray Casting Quadrics
      Ray casting has become a standard way
       to visualize quadrics which are implicit
       surfaces in CSG systems
      Constructive Solid Geometry
            Primitives are solids
            Build objects with set operations
            Union, intersection, set difference

CS 354                                               25

         Ray Casting a Sphere
      Ray is parametric
      Sphere is quadric
      Resulting equation is a scalar quadratic
       equation which gives entry and exit points
       of ray (or no solution if ray misses)

CS 354                                                   26

         Shadow Rays
      Even if a point is visible, it will not be lit
       unless we can see a light source from that
      Cast shadow or feeler rays

CS 354                                                  27

      Must follow shadow rays off reflecting or
       transmitting surfaces
      Process is recursive

CS 354                         28

         Reflection and

CS 354                    29

         Ray Trees

CS 354                   30

         Ray Tree

CS 354                                                   31

         Diffuse Surfaces
      Theoretically the scattering at each point
       of intersection generates an infinite
       number of new rays that should be traced
      In practice, we only trace the transmitted
       and reflected rays but use the Phong
       model to compute shade at point of
      Radiosity works best for perfectly diffuse
       (Lambertian) surfaces
CS 354                                                          32

         Building a Ray Tracer
      Best expressed recursively
      Can remove recursion later
      Image based approach
            For each ray …….
        Find intersection with closest surface
          Need whole object database available
          Complexity of calculation limits object types
      Compute lighting at surface
      Trace reflected and transmitted rays
CS 354                                                  33

                                    More bounces
         When to stop
        Some light will be
         absorbed at each
            Track amount left
        Ignore rays that go off
         to infinity
            Put large sphere
             around problem
        Count steps

                                   Fewer bounces   33
CS 354                                                  34

         Recursive Ray Tracer
     color c = trace(point p, vector d, int
        color local, reflected, transmitted;
        point q;
        normal n;
        if(step > max) return(background_color);

CS 354                                   35

         Recursive Ray Tracer
     q = intersect(p, d, status);

     n = normal(q);
     r = reflect(q, n);
     t = transmit(q,n);

CS 354                                               36

         Recursive Ray Tracer
         local = phong(q, n, r);
         reflected = trace(q, r, step+1);
         transmitted = trace(q,t, step+1);


CS 354                                  37

         Computing Intersections
        Implicit Objects
            Quadrics
      Planes
      Polyhedra
      Parametric Surfaces

CS 354                                              38

            Implicit Surfaces
     Ray from p0 in direction d
                p(t) = p0 +t d
     General implicit surface
               f(p) = 0
     Solve scalar equation
                f(p(t)) = 0
     General case requires numerical methods

CS 354                                        39

     General quadric can be written as
          pTAp + bTp +c = 0
         Substitute equation of ray
         p(t) = p0 +t d
     to get quadratic equation

CS 354                                                                   40

     (p – pc) • (p – pc) – r2 = 0

     p(t) = p0 +t d

     p0 • p0 t2+ 2 p0 • (d – p0) t + (d – p0) • (d – p0) – r2 = 0

CS 354                               41


     p(t) = p0 +t d

     t = -(p0 • n + c)/ d • n

CS 354                         42

         Implicit Surface
         Ray Tracing Example
        Paul Heckbert 1983
CS 354                                         43

        Generally we want to intersect
         with closed objects such as
         polygons and polyhedra
         rather than planes
        Hence we have to worry
         about inside/outside testing
        For convex objects such as
         polyhedra there are some fast
CS 354                                                            44

         Ray Tracing Polyhedra
        If ray enters an object, it must enter a front
         facing polygon and leave a back facing polygon
        Polyhedron is formed by intersection of planes
        Ray enters at furthest intersection with front
         facing planes
        Ray leaves at closest intersection with back
         facing planes
        If entry is further away than exit, ray must miss
         the polyhedron

CS 354                                45

         Ray Tracing Polyhedra

CS 354                                46

         Ray Tracing a Polygon

CS 354                                47

         Ray Tracing a Polygon

CS 354                                                 48

         Algorithmic Complexity of
         Ray Tracing
        Time complexity
            Rasterization:             O(b • m)
                 coherent!
          Naïve ray tracing:           O(b • p)
          Accelerated ray tracing:     O(log b • p)
                 incoherent
        Key
          b = # of objects in the scene
          p = # of pixels in the scene
          m = average # of pixels per object
CS 354                                                          49

         Real-time Ray Tracing
        GPUs doing ray tracing
            General purpose compute on GPUs

                               [Optix, NVIDIA, SIGGRAPH 2009]
CS 354                                                     50

         Ray Tracing Quality
        Aliasing is a problem in ray tracing
            Spatial and temporal

        Spatial anti-aliasing
            Average over several samples per pixel

             1 sample      5x5 grid    5x5 jittered grid
CS 354                                                        51

         Distribution Ray Tracing
        Spatial anti-aliasing

           1 sample per pixel    multiple samples per pixel
CS 354                                                                   52

          Distribution Ray Tracing
         Soft shadows
              Distribute shadow rays over light source region

         All shadow rays        No shadow rays      Some shadow rays
         hit light source,      hit light source,    hit light source,
         fully illuminated      fully shadowed      partially shadowed
CS 354                                  53

         Soft Shadows Example
        Multiple ray tracing effects
            Including soft shadows
CS 354                                                54

         Distribution Ray Tracing
        Motion blur
            Distribute rays over time

                                         Pool Balls
                                         Tom Porter
CS 354                                                                      55

         Distribution Ray Tracing
         Depth of field
               Distribute rays across a discrete camera aperture

               No depth-of-field                              More rays


         More images for depth-of-field                    Even more rays
CS 354                                                                56

         Next Class
        Next lecture
            Global illumination
            How is the complex interaction of light within a scene
             realistically modeled?

        Reading: Chapter 11, 559-568
        Project 3
            Due tomorrow—Wednesday, April 18, 2012

        Next up: Project 4 is a simple ray tracer
            Due May 2, 2012
CS 354                                           57

     • Ed Angel and Dave Shreiner: Interactive
       Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley
     • Pat Hanrahan
     • Paul Heckbert

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CS 354 Ray Casting & Tracing

  • 1. CS 354 Ray Casting & Tracing Mark Kilgard University of Texas April 17, 2012
  • 2. CS 354 2 Today’s material  In-class quiz  On typography lecture  Lecture topic  Finish digital typography  Project 3  Ray tracing & casting
  • 3. CS 354 3 My Office Hours  Tuesday, before class  Painter (PAI) 5.35  8:45 a.m. to 9:15  Thursday, after class  ACE 6.302  11:00 a.m. to 12  Randy’s office hours  Monday & Wednesday  11 a.m. to 12:00  Painter (PAI) 5.33
  • 4. CS 354 4 Last time, this time  Last lecture, we discussed  Digital typography  This lecture  Ray casting and tracing  Projects  Project 3 due Wednesday, April 18, 2012  Tomorrow!  Project 4 on ray tracing on Piazza
  • 5. CS 354 5 On a sheet of paper Daily Quiz • Write your EID, name, and date • Write #1, #2, #3, #4 followed by its answer  Multiple choice: Pica and Em are:  Multiple choice: Unicode supports how many character points? a) Names of two commonly used type faces a) 256 b) Units of typographic b) 65,536 measurement c) Over ¼ million c) Two dominant types of Bezier curves d) 4,294,967,296 d) Graphics researchers  Multiple choice: Kerning responsible for font hinting adjusts what property of text? a) Spacing between characters  True or False: This text is written in a serif type face. b) Whether accent marks are included on glyphs c) Control of vertical layout
  • 6. CS 354 6 Project 3  Accept Biovision Hierarchy (BVH) files containing motion capture data  Hierarchy of affine transformations  Visualize a stick figure  Animate the figure
  • 7. CS 354 7 Rendering Outline Glyphs  Conventional method  CPU-based scan-line rasterization  Augmented by hinting  Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields (ADFs)  MERL’s Saffron type system  Glyphs are static so pre-computation is effective  Bitmaps often cached
  • 8. CS 354 8 Massively Parallel GPU-accelerated Path Rendering Visualized Anchored triangle Anchored triangle fans geometry fans net stencil Stencil =1 Path commands and control points Resulting net coverage in stencil Curved segment Curved segment geometry net stencil Stencil -1 Stencil +1 Credit: [Kokoji 2006]
  • 9. CS 354 9 OpenGL Bitmap Fonts  GLUT includes implementation  glutBitmapCharacter  Calls glBitmap with pre-compiled bitmap data  Also window system specific routines to get bitmaps from system fonts  wglUseFontBitmaps for Windows  glXUseXFont for X Window System (Linux)
  • 10. CS 354 10 OpenGL Stroke Fonts  Draw glyph’s stroke as line segments  Can transform arbitrarily  Use glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) for anti-aliasing  glutStrokeCharacter does this
  • 11. CS 354 11 Other Text Approaches  Pack glyphs in texture atlas  Then draw textured rectangles with the correct texture coordinates for each glyph
  • 12. CS 354 12 First-class Text Support in Various Rendering Systems Rendering system Vendor / Sponsor First-class text? Cairo Open source Yes Direct2D / Direct3D Microsoft Yes Flash Adobe Yes GDI Microsoft Yes Java 2D Sun Yes OpenGL Khronos No OpenVG Khronos Yes Office Open XML Microsoft / ECMA Yes PDF Adobe Yes PHIGS ISO Yes PostScript Adobe Yes Qt Nokia Yes Quart 2D Apple Yes Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) World Wide Web Consortium Yes Silverlight Microsoft Yes Xlib X Consortium Yes
  • 13. CS 354 13 How did OpenGL’s lack of text support last for so long?  OpenGL was designed in 1992  Pre-Unicode world  Fonts were bitmaps of ASCII back then  Now TrueType and OpenType dominate  The primitive initial state of OpenGL’s font support has become mistaken for a philosophical dictate  Text-based applications uniformly ignore OpenGL  Not a good thing  3D applications have their expectations adjusted to expect lousy text  Not a good thing  Example: Quake 2 console text is miniscule because textured bitmap characters assumed text sized for 800x600 display
  • 14. CS 354 14 The World Has Changed Since 1992  Unicode universally accepted now  Systems ship with near-complete, resolution-independent Unicode fonts now  Good fonts come with your operating system license  International character of web makes UTF-8 text common today  Windows adoption of UTF-16 makes that common within Windows  Web has expanded font repertoire of systems  Content providers and users expect wide range of available fonts  Fonts have standard names embedded in web content  These font names span operating systems  Screen resolution has increased  1992: 640x480 aliased  2009: 1920x1200+ multisampled  Needing all text to be in small point sizes to fit screen isn’t a mandate anymore  3D support and acceleration is pervasive now  Text makes sense mixed with 3D content today
  • 15. CS 354 15 Direct Path Rendering of Text in OpenGL  Recent work  NV_path_rendering provides GPU-acceleration of paths, including glyphs  Glyph support is first-class
  • 16. CS 354 16 Digital Typography Trends  Hinting & ClearType likely going away  Mainly due to denser screens  Expectation of antialiased font appearance  Text not always presented axis-aligned or black-on-white  More font variety in web content  Improving standards  More available fonts  Even font variety for East Asian writing systems
  • 17. CS 354 17 OpenGL’s Realism Limitations  OpenGL is based on a pipeline model in which primitives are rendered one at time  No automatic shadows (except by tricks or multiple renderings)  No automatic multiple reflections  Multi-pass algorithms for shadows and reflections  Physically plausible & global approaches  Rendering equation  Ray tracing  Radiosity 17
  • 18. CS 354 18 Ray Casting  Arthur Appel (1968)  Cast rays from eye… what object is hit?
  • 19. CS 354 19 Ray Tracing  “An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display”  Turner Whitted (1980)  Communications of the ACM  Performance  512x512 pixels  74 Minutes on VAX (1979)  6 seconds on PC (2006)  60+ frames/second on GPU (2012)
  • 20. CS 354 20 Ray Tracing  Follow rays of light from a point source  Can account for reflection and transmission 20
  • 21. CS 354 21 Example of Complex Ray Traced Scene
  • 22. CS 354 22 Computational Limits of Ray Tracing  Should be able to handle all physical interactions  Ray tracing paradigm is physically plausible  But most rays do not affect what we see  Scattering produces many (infinite) additional rays  Alternative: ray casting 22
  • 23. CS 354 23 Ray Casting  Only rays that reach the eye matter  Reverse direction and cast rays  Need at least one ray per pixel 23
  • 24. CS 354 24 Ray Casting Quadrics  Ray casting has become a standard way to visualize quadrics which are implicit surfaces in CSG systems  Constructive Solid Geometry  Primitives are solids  Build objects with set operations  Union, intersection, set difference 24
  • 25. CS 354 25 Ray Casting a Sphere  Ray is parametric  Sphere is quadric  Resulting equation is a scalar quadratic equation which gives entry and exit points of ray (or no solution if ray misses) 25
  • 26. CS 354 26 Shadow Rays  Even if a point is visible, it will not be lit unless we can see a light source from that point  Cast shadow or feeler rays 26
  • 27. CS 354 27 Reflection  Must follow shadow rays off reflecting or transmitting surfaces  Process is recursive 27
  • 28. CS 354 28 Reflection and Transmission 28
  • 29. CS 354 29 Ray Trees 29
  • 30. CS 354 30 Ray Tree 30
  • 31. CS 354 31 Diffuse Surfaces  Theoretically the scattering at each point of intersection generates an infinite number of new rays that should be traced  In practice, we only trace the transmitted and reflected rays but use the Phong model to compute shade at point of intersection  Radiosity works best for perfectly diffuse (Lambertian) surfaces 31
  • 32. CS 354 32 Building a Ray Tracer  Best expressed recursively  Can remove recursion later  Image based approach  For each ray …….  Find intersection with closest surface  Need whole object database available  Complexity of calculation limits object types  Compute lighting at surface  Trace reflected and transmitted rays 32
  • 33. CS 354 33 More bounces When to stop  Some light will be absorbed at each intersection  Track amount left  Ignore rays that go off to infinity  Put large sphere around problem  Count steps Fewer bounces 33
  • 34. CS 354 34 Recursive Ray Tracer color c = trace(point p, vector d, int step) { color local, reflected, transmitted; point q; normal n; if(step > max) return(background_color); 34
  • 35. CS 354 35 Recursive Ray Tracer q = intersect(p, d, status); if(status==light_source) return(light_source_color); if(status==no_intersection) return(background_color); n = normal(q); r = reflect(q, n); t = transmit(q,n); 35
  • 36. CS 354 36 Recursive Ray Tracer local = phong(q, n, r); reflected = trace(q, r, step+1); transmitted = trace(q,t, step+1); return(local+reflected+transmitted); 36
  • 37. CS 354 37 Computing Intersections  Implicit Objects  Quadrics  Planes  Polyhedra  Parametric Surfaces 37
  • 38. CS 354 38 Implicit Surfaces Ray from p0 in direction d p(t) = p0 +t d General implicit surface f(p) = 0 Solve scalar equation f(p(t)) = 0 General case requires numerical methods 38
  • 39. CS 354 39 Quadrics General quadric can be written as pTAp + bTp +c = 0 Substitute equation of ray p(t) = p0 +t d to get quadratic equation 39
  • 40. CS 354 40 Sphere (p – pc) • (p – pc) – r2 = 0 p(t) = p0 +t d p0 • p0 t2+ 2 p0 • (d – p0) t + (d – p0) • (d – p0) – r2 = 0 40
  • 41. CS 354 41 Planes p•n+c=0 p(t) = p0 +t d t = -(p0 • n + c)/ d • n 41
  • 42. CS 354 42 Implicit Surface Ray Tracing Example  Paul Heckbert 1983
  • 43. CS 354 43 Polyhedra  Generally we want to intersect with closed objects such as polygons and polyhedra rather than planes  Hence we have to worry about inside/outside testing  For convex objects such as polyhedra there are some fast tests 43
  • 44. CS 354 44 Ray Tracing Polyhedra  If ray enters an object, it must enter a front facing polygon and leave a back facing polygon  Polyhedron is formed by intersection of planes  Ray enters at furthest intersection with front facing planes  Ray leaves at closest intersection with back facing planes  If entry is further away than exit, ray must miss the polyhedron 44
  • 45. CS 354 45 Ray Tracing Polyhedra 45
  • 46. CS 354 46 Ray Tracing a Polygon 46
  • 47. CS 354 47 Ray Tracing a Polygon 47
  • 48. CS 354 48 Algorithmic Complexity of Ray Tracing  Time complexity  Rasterization: O(b • m)  coherent!  Naïve ray tracing: O(b • p)  Accelerated ray tracing: O(log b • p)  incoherent  Key  b = # of objects in the scene  p = # of pixels in the scene  m = average # of pixels per object
  • 49. CS 354 49 Real-time Ray Tracing  GPUs doing ray tracing  General purpose compute on GPUs [Optix, NVIDIA, SIGGRAPH 2009]
  • 50. CS 354 50 Ray Tracing Quality  Aliasing is a problem in ray tracing  Spatial and temporal  Spatial anti-aliasing  Average over several samples per pixel 1 sample 5x5 grid 5x5 jittered grid
  • 51. CS 354 51 Distribution Ray Tracing  Spatial anti-aliasing 1 sample per pixel multiple samples per pixel
  • 52. CS 354 52 Distribution Ray Tracing  Soft shadows  Distribute shadow rays over light source region All shadow rays No shadow rays Some shadow rays hit light source, hit light source, hit light source, fully illuminated fully shadowed partially shadowed
  • 53. CS 354 53 Soft Shadows Example  Multiple ray tracing effects  Including soft shadows
  • 54. CS 354 54 Distribution Ray Tracing  Motion blur  Distribute rays over time Pool Balls Tom Porter RenderMan
  • 55. CS 354 55 Distribution Ray Tracing  Depth of field  Distribute rays across a discrete camera aperture No depth-of-field More rays Jittered depth-of-field More images for depth-of-field Even more rays
  • 56. CS 354 56 Next Class  Next lecture  Global illumination  How is the complex interaction of light within a scene realistically modeled?  Reading: Chapter 11, 559-568  Project 3  Due tomorrow—Wednesday, April 18, 2012  Next up: Project 4 is a simple ray tracer  Due May 2, 2012
  • 57. CS 354 57 Credits • Ed Angel and Dave Shreiner: Interactive Computer Graphics 6E © Addison-Wesley (2012) • Pat Hanrahan • Paul Heckbert