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Allison Hewitt
Existing Product
The book title on the spine
so you can see the book
when it’s shelved.
- The authors name shows up
twice for extra recognition
and referencing.
- The font is a smaller than the
title, but in the same fantasy
style that keeps the theme
This font is effective in evoking a sense
of fantasy because it is sharp but
somehow also whimsical. The white
colour connotes a sense of purity.
- Hidden away in the corner is
medusa, spying down at the
- She is an emerald green
colour, which is a colour
usually associated with envy
and wickedness.
- She is peering down from
behind a mess of vines,
giving the viewer a sense
that’s she is not meant to be
there and that she is
watching over them
- The vines are dark,
twisted and shadowy
which conveys a sense of
dread when looking at
- The vines seem to be
trapping the younger
boy, giving the
impression of danger.
- Different shades of
blues and purples are
used all over the front
cover, giving a sense of
looming night time and
mysterious fog.
- Browns are also used
on tree’s and vines,
planting the thought
that they are in the
- The characters are dressed in
warm, neutral and inviting
colours like green, browns
and purples to help
demonstrate that they're
- They are holding weapons,
which connotes the thought
that they are protecting
themselves from something.
Existing Product
There is a medusa figure
leering down at the
children from the corner.
She is a green colour, a
colour that is seen to
convey envy and
wickedness. This will give
the audience the
impression that she is the
villainess, which implies
there will be darkness and
evil deeds in the novel.
The authors name is written
twice for extra recognition and
The repetition of font helps
relate the theme of fantasy.
The font is effective in
creating a sense of fantasy
and whimsy because of it’s
ancient, forgotten style. The
colour white connotes with
purity and calmness.
The book title on
the spine so you can
see the book when
it’s shelved.
You can tell that these are
the main characters
because they are centre of
the book all wear neutral
calming colours like greens,
purples and browns.
The characters look to be in
there pre-teens, which
could give the audience a
sense of who should be
reading the book.
They are holding weapons
which evokes the thought
they are protecting
themselves. The audience
knows that there is action
the book.
Different shades of blues and
purples are used all over the
front cover, giving a sense of
looming night time and
mysterious fog.
Browns are also used on tree’s
and vines, planting the thought
that they are in the woodlands.
A blurb that gives a
run down of the
fantasia, mystery story
will inform readers
and attract the right
audience for the story.
Scan code.
The whole back cover is a
picture of a very mythic
looking land, filled with
magical creatures to
further perpetuate the
idea that this book is a
fantasy story.
Slogan in yellow text
draws the readers
attention and will make
them want to read
Existing Product
This is a still pixel art picture that
could easily be animated into a gif to
promote the x files series.
These figures are the only life
you see in the image, making it
obvious they are the main
They are both dressed in black
and white, which could convey
that they are honest and blunt
people. The matching of style
also gives the impression that
they are a team.
They are stood in a bare patch in
the cornfield, clearly visible. This
connotes that they could be
venerable and all alone, making
the audience sympathetic
towards them.The cornfield has often be depicted in media as
prime place for alien activity. This could
suggest to the audience that the show has a
sci-fi type theme, which will attract the right
audience. Also, A dark, empty cornfield is a
prime place for horrible things to hide in and
lurk there in the night – this could imply danger
and horror is around the corner.
The colour scheme is
heavily dark and
mysterious looking: Dark
blues, aqua-greens, dark
mustardy yellows. This
could give a feeling that
the show advertised is
covert and peculiar.
This glowing ominous light coming from the
sky and colliding with the weird bubble
entity makes it clear that the show has
something to do with UFO’s. This will attract
an audience that is interested in this theme.
If this was animated, the light may
move from back there to gloss over
the two main figures in the image,
signifying that danger is near by.
Existing Product
The font looks like it has been etched
over the cover in chalk. This gives the
book quite an industrial and wild feel
to it, as chalk is a messy but
resourceful way to write anything.
The font is also a white colour, which
could connote a sense of light and
The authors name is a smaller font
but typed In the same style as the
title, tying the hole cover together.
The name is there to give the author
recognition and will help when trying
to find the book in stores.
The drawn out little robot is the
only figure on the page, and due to
the name of the book it is assumed
to be the main character.
The robot is a grey colour which
could connote boredom and
misery. The lack of features except
from a pair of glowing eyes could
be seen as menacing, however
because of his surroundings he
doesn’t seem to be so evil.
The robot is stood on a pile of
rocks in the wild life, and the title
of the book suggests that he isn’t
observing but being adventurous in
the wild.
The colour scheme of greens,
aqua, whites, blues and one
flame-red sun represents nature
and wild life. The nice, light way
it is depicted can suggest that
the woods are nothing to fear.
A book release date here and perhaps some
encouraging quotes from people who have read
the book before will make it look like a poster
and persuade people to purchase the book.
Existing Product
Because of the era it was created (In the
mid 60’s) the art design and format is
very unusual compared to what we see
today. You can tell it isn’t a modern
book because the cover looks
drawn/painted and then scanned in.
This could deter modern audiences from
reading the book now because it looks
old and dated, and would not attract a
majority of audiences.
The only figure in this book is a woman
looking horrified and shocked, which could
imply that she is the main character and is
in turmoil. She is dressed in a frilly
nightgown, which conveys femininity
elegance. Also the colour white could
connote a sense of innocence and purity,
implying the woman is good.
The bright yellow colour could signify
an amber alert or danger. Also, words
used such as ‘terror’ and stalked’
heavily implies that the book will be
filled with peril and horror.
The first half of the font is the
same yellow colour as the
slogan, which is a colour
associated with cowardice and
mental illness in a English
The second half of the title is
white and in all caps, implying
that it is the most important
thing on the screen. This will
draw the readers attention and
alert them to the theme if the
The background displays an array of dark and
moody colours: dark reds, browns, murky greens
and greys. The drabness of the cover represents
the sinister story line and contributes to the
reader knowing what they are getting themselves
into by reading the book.
The waves clashing against the rocks connotes
the sense of a storm at sea.
The authors name is here recognition and
referencing, but may be glossed over
because it is hidden away in a corner of the
The genre of the book is written softly
on the front cover, which will make it
very easy for the audience to know
whether this is this is the kind of book
they want to read. Also, the font is
transparent and ghostly looking which
gives the impression that the book
won’t be happy and optimistic.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched products have?
– Most of the products do (or should, in the right context) have the name of the product displayed across it quite
obviously. This will allow consumers to recognize what is being advertised and what they will be purchasing.
– All of the book covers, including the historical product, have three main features: A title, the authors name and the
blurb. These are the three qualities that will mostly let audiences know how to find the book, and perhaps give them
a rough idea on what the book will be about.
– Every product has similar colour schemes: Greens, blues, some reds, blacks and amber yellow. This is because these
are the colours that best represent the fantasy/mystery genre that all of these products have an aspect of. The are the
colours that will attract the appropriate readers.
• What aspects of the research will you include within your on work?
– When designing my book cover, I will be sure to include the three features that I have referenced above: A title, The
Authors name and a blurb. This is important as it makes the product look like a professional piece that successfully
advertises the contents of the product.
– When designing book posters, I will be sure to use a slogan to attract the attention of consumers. A slogan may stick
in audience heads and be a occasional reminder to pick up the product.
– The colours in all of the existing products are very similar to colours I am planning to use – greens, blues, some reds –
to represent the main setting of my products story: the woods. It is important to use these colours to evoke a sense of
the story as a whole to the audience to attract the right readers.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation: 50% of my audience is female, 40% is male and the remaining 10% define themselves as non-binary.
• What this says about my audience: I believe this question has showed that my audience is a healthy mix of most genders,
only slightly tapering off towards a female dominated demographic.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will stay gender neutral in style and content and I will not
specifically try to attract the attention of one gender over another. The colour pink will be used in my product, which is
stereotypically a feminine colour, but so will neutral colours like orange, brown and green; Hopefully, this won’t deter any
one gender.
Audience research
• Observation: 60% of the audience is between the ages of 16 and 19, 20% were between the ages of 20 and 25, 10% were 26
and over and the remaining 10% selected ‘other (please specify),’ but that answer was a mock answer.
• What this says about my audience: The majority of the audience were in the age bracket of sixteen and nineteen, which
means these are the people are most likely to read what my products are advertising. There is a few people answering
between the ages of twenty to 25, which opens up another field all together. I shouldn’t focus on any audience 26 or over
because they are not the primary or secondary audience.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will choose a relatively mature style to base my productions on, but also
keep aspect of it that is youthful and fun. This could work by incorporating bright colours into the colour scheme, or perhaps
a fun and energetic font to keep the product modern looking.
Audience research
• Observation: 60% of the readers are most likely to read an adventure book, 20% would prefer reading a Horror,
10% would prefer a romance book and the remaining 10% would pick a mystery novel.
• What this says about my audience: This shows that the large majority of my audience would be open to reading a
new book with prime genre of adventure, and are less open to other avenues such as romance and mystery.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Since I was planning to market the product as an
adventure/mystery book, this survey has helped me come to the conclusion that to gain a bigger audience I
should make the theme of the novel predominately adventure orientated, because the mystery aspect does not
entice readers as much.
Audience research
• Observation: 90% of my audience would purchase a book based on whether they liked the blurb or not. The
remaining 10% would buy a book if it had a ‘good book cover’.
• What this says about my audience: The Vast majority of the audience would much rather prefer a good, enticing
blurb that intrigues them to read the book than any other material aspect to a cover, front or back. But there is
10% that encourage a good, appealing book cover.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will put a lot of effort and research into what makes a good and
successful blurb and hope it inspires me to produce a synopsis that will compel my audience to buy the book. I will
also make sure my book cover is polished and professional looking, and hopefully visually appealing.
Audience research
• Observation: 80% of the audience looks for ‘good graphic designs/illustrations’ in a good book cover, 10% look for bright
colours and the remaining 10% look for a simple design.
• What this says about my audience: The large majority of my audience agree that a good book cover should have a good
graphic design/illustration on the cover to attract the audience, and a lesser majority believe that ‘bright colours’ or a
‘simple design’ is just as important.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will attempt to incorporate all of these options into the design of my book
cover, but will pay extra attention to the selected three. I will use a mixture of bright colours and neutral colours to interest
the 10% that look for this, and keep the design simple and polished. My product will have a simple illustration on the cover
that will relate to the contents of the product (a sasquatch foot print.)
Audience research
• Observation: 60% of the audience think a book poster is the most interesting form of advertisement, 30% have selected
‘media page’ and 10% selected a ‘pixel art. Gif that advertises the book.’
• What this says about my audience: My audience would prefer and respond more to a book poster over any other form of
advertisement – however, some do find the idea of a media page or adver-gif just as captivating.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: The book poster advertising the book will be the most successful form of
advertisement and will convince the consumers to purchase the product, so I should focus on making this look polished and
professional. Despite the fact the the ‘Adver-gif.’ got a small response, I will continue to make it anyway as I think it is an
original and fun way to advertise a product.
Audience research
• Observation: 40% of my audience would be more compelled to purchase the product if the book cover featured mainly gothic
colours, 30% selected the same for ‘basic colours,’ 20% said bright colours and the remaining 10% chose pastels.
• What this says about my audience: This says that my audience enjoys a varied amount of different style, the most popular being the
Gothic style and bright colours. No body chose the colours ‘Natural’ or ‘Neutral’ which means that these colours do not appeal to my
audience and selling a product featuring these colours would have the most successful outcome. Basic colours and Pastels would
attract an efficient amount of consumers to the product.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: This survey shows that none of my audience would be interested in the natural
colour scheme, which is what I was my original plan – knowing this now, I will incorporate the same natural colour scheme but with a
brighter, autumn feel to it. Also, I will use a flossy pink colour too represent one of the characters in the novel – which will add to the
Audience research
• Observation: 40% of the audience purchases there books from Waterstones, 20% but there books from WHSmith, 20%
don’t purchase books at all and the remaining 20% chose other.
• What this says about my audience: This survey says that’s 60% of the audience buy there books in store, and the rest get
their books by purchasing them somewhere else entirely or not buying books at all.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: According to this survey the most successful outcome for the sales of my
product would be to target the most to book stores such as Waterstone and WHSmith. I should also put an appropriate
amount of avenue researching other avenues of book purchasing and incorporating that into advertisement plans – but
more so into the in-store purchasing as that is the way the majority of my audience swayed.
Audience research
• Observation: 60% of my audience would read a book based on the mystery of big foot and the remaining 40% audience
would not.
• What this says about my audience: This tells me that if I market my product as a mystery book about bigfoot, a large
portion of my audience would not think to read it – however, a majority will.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: To make sure I am no isolating 40% of my audience, I will put a significant
amount of effort into marketing the novel as ‘not just another bigfoot mystery novel.’ To do this, I will spend time modifying
the blurb of the back cover to involve other important parts of the product that will attract a different side of the audience,
such as: Coming of age tale, missing person mystery, the grieving children missing their parents.
Interview 1
What features on a front cover of a book would entice you to read a book about big foot and why?
Monotone colours as it would make me think that the story is mysterious which would add depth to
the cover. The cover would have to have an illustration that would immediately catch the eye of a
reader as it will distinguish the book from others.
Have you ever seen an advertisement for a book? If yes, what were they? If no, why do you think you
haven’t seen them?
The only advertisements I have seen for books were ads on my phone. I think this is because so many
people spend all of their time on their phones. I have also seen ads on billboards or as posters. This is
because you cant advertise a book on tv due to not having much to show.
What are some interesting and unique ways of advertisement that you think may compel you to
purchase a product?
I have no idea.
What is the last book you read and why did you read it?
The last book I read was Kill Alex Cross as I have read other books in the series and have found them to
be very interesting and enjoyed reading them. I also am a big fan of the writer James Patterson.
What is your favourite book cover and why?
My favourite book cover is ‘I, Alex Cross’. I just like the ways the silhouette stands out from the rest of
the cover and how the colours compliment the title and make them pop out.
Interview 1
• Observation: The interviewee answered the question in great detail.
– The interviewee said they would prefer monotone colours as it would add an aspect of mystery and depth. They also
like eye catching illustrations and covers that stand out from other books.
– They have only seen book adverts on their phone or on billboards. They think that you can’t advertise books on TV
because there’s nothing to show.
– They couldn’t think of any unique forms of advertisement.
– The last book they read is kill Alex Cross, and they read the book because it was a part of the series he recognized the
authors name.
– His favourite book cover has a silhouette on the cover with simple colours that compliment other parts of the cover
and make aspects pop out.
• What this says about my audience:
– That they are attracted to covers that are simplistic and minimalistic, they look for books that evokes a sense of
mystery and action and likes the cover to catch there eye.
– This shows that the interviewee spends a lot of time on there phone and the best way to draw their attention to a
book is to invest advertising via phone app ads. Sometimes billboards will catch there eye.
– The interviewee wasn’t very helpful when answering this question as they gave me nothing to go on.
– They read Alex cross because they enjoyed the rest of the book in the series. This shows that the interviewee likes
anthology's and long stories.
– Their favourite book cover is a simple one with bold lettering and silhouette on the cover, this shows that they like
serious looking books.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
There’s not a lot my product has in common with this particular interviewee’s answers, but I had never thought about branching
into the phone-advertisement market and now know that this is an option – and the option most likely to attract this person.
Also, my book cover will feature bold lettering which the interviewee said had captured their attention before, and the mystery
side of Big foot could intrigue them.
Interview 2
What features on a front cover of a book would entice you to read a book about big foot?
Something that lets the reader know that the book is about bigfoot like a sasquatch footprint. Also, a
big title to make it stand out.
Have you ever seen advertisements for book? If yes, what were they? If no, why do you think you
haven’t seen them?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen an advertisement for a book, probably because I don’t watch TV much or go
on social media allot. However I have watched a trailer for the book ‘The selection’ Kiera Cass, but that
is because I I enjoy the series already and was looking for the trailer.
What are some interesting and unique ways of advertisement that you can think that may compel
you to purchase a product?
Perhaps an advergame could persuade me to purchase a product, because that is fun and interactive
and interesting.
What is the last book you read and why did you read it?
The last book series I read was ‘The selection’ as it was introduced to by my mother and sister.
What is your favourite book cover and why?
I really like the Game Of Thrones book cover. I like the simple look to them, and how they display one
antique and old looking item.
Interview 2• Observation:
– The interviewee said that something to signify what the book was about (like a big foot or sasquatch) should be
displayed on the cover a bold and eye catching lettering.
– They have not seen a book commercial before because they do not watch TV or go on social media much – however
they have watched a trailer for a book in the series they were reading on Youtube but they had actively searched for
– A fun, interactive advergame would persuade this person to purchase a book if the theme appealed to them.
– Close family and people they trusted recommended the last book that they had read.
– Their favourite book covers are the ones on ‘The Game Of Thrones’ series, they enjoy the reoccurring and simple
theme of the covers and like the ancient items displayed on the front.
• What this says about my audience:
– They like their book covers to effectively show the theme of the book that they’re reading and make it obvious what
the story will be about. Book with detailed covers will attract this type of consumer.
– This interviewee isn’t active on much social media and will most likely not see any form of book advertisement this
way and especially not through watching TV as they don’t do that at all. Adverts on YouTube may b the best way to
reach this audience group or simply making the cover attractive enough that they will see it in store.
– They would prefer an interactive game that actively makes them recognize and associate the product with the fun and
unique way of playing an advergame.
– This interviewee trusts her close family and friends to recommend books to her, so if they are not widely and broadly
liked it is likely the recommendation will not get brought up to them.
– They like specific and reoccurring themes in there book cover, with simple and unique designs that signify the type of
book they were reading.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
– I believe my book would appeal to this interviewee. The colours are not simple, however on the cover you will be able
to see that the book is clearly about bigfoot and will effectively represent the theme of the book. Also, my adver-gif
advert may work well enough to grab their attention, although they won’t see it without access to social media – my
best bet of reaching this particular section of an audience would be to make the cover appealing to draw peoples
attentions or have it go viral enough that they will be told through family and friends.
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
15-25 • I am making a mystery adventure story that will attract
the audience of this age demographic.
• It will be youthful and fun with some serious and heavy
topics involved.
Male, Female,
gender neautral.
• The story inside my product will be gender neutral.
• There will colours on the cover that will attract all the
stereotypical wants of all genders, such as the pink and
orange font and the natural, forest colour schemes.
Balanced and Type
• My product will appeal to this demographic because it
had neutral and bright colours that could convey a sense
of humanity and good will.
Social Status
Any class system • My product wouldn’t attract any class system more than
the other, although stereotypically it might seem to low-
brow for the higher class.
Audience Profile
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and
weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
• Gathering product research was the easiest way to see how book posters, book cover and
animated advertisement has worked in the past for other products. It has helped me realise the
types of content I need in my product too have it be a recognizable book cover, poster and
adver-gif. Annotating the products was very time consuming.
– Questionnaires
• The questionnaires were the easiest part of the research. I found it easy to find quantitative
questions that were tailored to help my specific project. The hardest part was finding people to
fill it in - and sometimes, the answers back weren’t always positive, so I would have to shift an
aspect of my product to appease the masses.
– Interviews
• The interview questions were easy to think of as I simply had to expand questions from my
quantitative research for further detail into important and specific parts – however, sometimes
it was difficult for the interviewee’s to think of detailed answers when put on the spot. Also,
some of the answers weren’t exactly what I was hoping for, so again made me have to adjust
aspects of product.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
My response was over all mixed: Some people responded with answers that complimented my over
all idea for the project – where just as many people chose answers that put my product a
disadvantage. However, with every bad outcome I was able to adjust my product in a way that
might draw the attention of that particular market of people.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
• A friend filled it in for me and then emailed it to some people from their work who they knew
were interested in books. This was both effective and ineffective because although they were
more people to fill out the research, one was older than my target audience.
• People from my Creative Social Media class took the time to fill it in. This was a great idea
because they are the exact demographics that my project would be targeted too. Also they are
from all different backgrounds so it gives my research a more varied response. However, some
people made mock responses which hindered the process of my research slightly.

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  • 2. Existing Product The book title on the spine so you can see the book when it’s shelved. - The authors name shows up twice for extra recognition and referencing. - The font is a smaller than the title, but in the same fantasy style that keeps the theme prevalent. Production recognition. This font is effective in evoking a sense of fantasy because it is sharp but somehow also whimsical. The white colour connotes a sense of purity. - Hidden away in the corner is medusa, spying down at the children. - She is an emerald green colour, which is a colour usually associated with envy and wickedness. - She is peering down from behind a mess of vines, giving the viewer a sense that’s she is not meant to be there and that she is watching over them maliciously. - The vines are dark, twisted and shadowy which conveys a sense of dread when looking at them. - The vines seem to be trapping the younger boy, giving the impression of danger. - Different shades of blues and purples are used all over the front cover, giving a sense of looming night time and mysterious fog. - Browns are also used on tree’s and vines, planting the thought that they are in the woodlands. - The characters are dressed in warm, neutral and inviting colours like green, browns and purples to help demonstrate that they're good. - They are holding weapons, which connotes the thought that they are protecting themselves from something.
  • 3. Existing Product There is a medusa figure leering down at the children from the corner. She is a green colour, a colour that is seen to convey envy and wickedness. This will give the audience the impression that she is the villainess, which implies there will be darkness and evil deeds in the novel. The authors name is written twice for extra recognition and referencing. The repetition of font helps relate the theme of fantasy. The font is effective in creating a sense of fantasy and whimsy because of it’s ancient, forgotten style. The colour white connotes with purity and calmness. The book title on the spine so you can see the book when it’s shelved. You can tell that these are the main characters because they are centre of the book all wear neutral calming colours like greens, purples and browns. The characters look to be in there pre-teens, which could give the audience a sense of who should be reading the book. They are holding weapons which evokes the thought they are protecting themselves. The audience knows that there is action the book. Different shades of blues and purples are used all over the front cover, giving a sense of looming night time and mysterious fog. Browns are also used on tree’s and vines, planting the thought that they are in the woodlands. A blurb that gives a run down of the fantasia, mystery story will inform readers and attract the right audience for the story. Scan code. The whole back cover is a picture of a very mythic looking land, filled with magical creatures to further perpetuate the idea that this book is a fantasy story. Slogan in yellow text draws the readers attention and will make them want to read further.
  • 4. Existing Product This is a still pixel art picture that could easily be animated into a gif to promote the x files series. These figures are the only life you see in the image, making it obvious they are the main character. They are both dressed in black and white, which could convey that they are honest and blunt people. The matching of style also gives the impression that they are a team. They are stood in a bare patch in the cornfield, clearly visible. This connotes that they could be venerable and all alone, making the audience sympathetic towards them.The cornfield has often be depicted in media as prime place for alien activity. This could suggest to the audience that the show has a sci-fi type theme, which will attract the right audience. Also, A dark, empty cornfield is a prime place for horrible things to hide in and lurk there in the night – this could imply danger and horror is around the corner. The colour scheme is heavily dark and mysterious looking: Dark blues, aqua-greens, dark mustardy yellows. This could give a feeling that the show advertised is covert and peculiar. This glowing ominous light coming from the sky and colliding with the weird bubble entity makes it clear that the show has something to do with UFO’s. This will attract an audience that is interested in this theme. If this was animated, the light may move from back there to gloss over the two main figures in the image, signifying that danger is near by.
  • 5. Existing Product The font looks like it has been etched over the cover in chalk. This gives the book quite an industrial and wild feel to it, as chalk is a messy but resourceful way to write anything. The font is also a white colour, which could connote a sense of light and freedom. The authors name is a smaller font but typed In the same style as the title, tying the hole cover together. The name is there to give the author recognition and will help when trying to find the book in stores. The drawn out little robot is the only figure on the page, and due to the name of the book it is assumed to be the main character. The robot is a grey colour which could connote boredom and misery. The lack of features except from a pair of glowing eyes could be seen as menacing, however because of his surroundings he doesn’t seem to be so evil. The robot is stood on a pile of rocks in the wild life, and the title of the book suggests that he isn’t observing but being adventurous in the wild. The colour scheme of greens, aqua, whites, blues and one flame-red sun represents nature and wild life. The nice, light way it is depicted can suggest that the woods are nothing to fear. A book release date here and perhaps some encouraging quotes from people who have read the book before will make it look like a poster and persuade people to purchase the book.
  • 6. Existing Product Because of the era it was created (In the mid 60’s) the art design and format is very unusual compared to what we see today. You can tell it isn’t a modern book because the cover looks drawn/painted and then scanned in. This could deter modern audiences from reading the book now because it looks old and dated, and would not attract a majority of audiences. The only figure in this book is a woman looking horrified and shocked, which could imply that she is the main character and is in turmoil. She is dressed in a frilly nightgown, which conveys femininity elegance. Also the colour white could connote a sense of innocence and purity, implying the woman is good. The bright yellow colour could signify an amber alert or danger. Also, words used such as ‘terror’ and stalked’ heavily implies that the book will be filled with peril and horror. The first half of the font is the same yellow colour as the slogan, which is a colour associated with cowardice and mental illness in a English literature. The second half of the title is white and in all caps, implying that it is the most important thing on the screen. This will draw the readers attention and alert them to the theme if the story. The background displays an array of dark and moody colours: dark reds, browns, murky greens and greys. The drabness of the cover represents the sinister story line and contributes to the reader knowing what they are getting themselves into by reading the book. The waves clashing against the rocks connotes the sense of a storm at sea. The authors name is here recognition and referencing, but may be glossed over because it is hidden away in a corner of the book. The genre of the book is written softly on the front cover, which will make it very easy for the audience to know whether this is this is the kind of book they want to read. Also, the font is transparent and ghostly looking which gives the impression that the book won’t be happy and optimistic.
  • 7. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – Most of the products do (or should, in the right context) have the name of the product displayed across it quite obviously. This will allow consumers to recognize what is being advertised and what they will be purchasing. – All of the book covers, including the historical product, have three main features: A title, the authors name and the blurb. These are the three qualities that will mostly let audiences know how to find the book, and perhaps give them a rough idea on what the book will be about. – Every product has similar colour schemes: Greens, blues, some reds, blacks and amber yellow. This is because these are the colours that best represent the fantasy/mystery genre that all of these products have an aspect of. The are the colours that will attract the appropriate readers. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? – When designing my book cover, I will be sure to include the three features that I have referenced above: A title, The Authors name and a blurb. This is important as it makes the product look like a professional piece that successfully advertises the contents of the product. – When designing book posters, I will be sure to use a slogan to attract the attention of consumers. A slogan may stick in audience heads and be a occasional reminder to pick up the product. – The colours in all of the existing products are very similar to colours I am planning to use – greens, blues, some reds – to represent the main setting of my products story: the woods. It is important to use these colours to evoke a sense of the story as a whole to the audience to attract the right readers.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: 50% of my audience is female, 40% is male and the remaining 10% define themselves as non-binary. • What this says about my audience: I believe this question has showed that my audience is a healthy mix of most genders, only slightly tapering off towards a female dominated demographic. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will stay gender neutral in style and content and I will not specifically try to attract the attention of one gender over another. The colour pink will be used in my product, which is stereotypically a feminine colour, but so will neutral colours like orange, brown and green; Hopefully, this won’t deter any one gender.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: 60% of the audience is between the ages of 16 and 19, 20% were between the ages of 20 and 25, 10% were 26 and over and the remaining 10% selected ‘other (please specify),’ but that answer was a mock answer. • What this says about my audience: The majority of the audience were in the age bracket of sixteen and nineteen, which means these are the people are most likely to read what my products are advertising. There is a few people answering between the ages of twenty to 25, which opens up another field all together. I shouldn’t focus on any audience 26 or over because they are not the primary or secondary audience. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will choose a relatively mature style to base my productions on, but also keep aspect of it that is youthful and fun. This could work by incorporating bright colours into the colour scheme, or perhaps a fun and energetic font to keep the product modern looking.
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: 60% of the readers are most likely to read an adventure book, 20% would prefer reading a Horror, 10% would prefer a romance book and the remaining 10% would pick a mystery novel. • What this says about my audience: This shows that the large majority of my audience would be open to reading a new book with prime genre of adventure, and are less open to other avenues such as romance and mystery. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Since I was planning to market the product as an adventure/mystery book, this survey has helped me come to the conclusion that to gain a bigger audience I should make the theme of the novel predominately adventure orientated, because the mystery aspect does not entice readers as much.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: 90% of my audience would purchase a book based on whether they liked the blurb or not. The remaining 10% would buy a book if it had a ‘good book cover’. • What this says about my audience: The Vast majority of the audience would much rather prefer a good, enticing blurb that intrigues them to read the book than any other material aspect to a cover, front or back. But there is 10% that encourage a good, appealing book cover. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will put a lot of effort and research into what makes a good and successful blurb and hope it inspires me to produce a synopsis that will compel my audience to buy the book. I will also make sure my book cover is polished and professional looking, and hopefully visually appealing.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: 80% of the audience looks for ‘good graphic designs/illustrations’ in a good book cover, 10% look for bright colours and the remaining 10% look for a simple design. • What this says about my audience: The large majority of my audience agree that a good book cover should have a good graphic design/illustration on the cover to attract the audience, and a lesser majority believe that ‘bright colours’ or a ‘simple design’ is just as important. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will attempt to incorporate all of these options into the design of my book cover, but will pay extra attention to the selected three. I will use a mixture of bright colours and neutral colours to interest the 10% that look for this, and keep the design simple and polished. My product will have a simple illustration on the cover that will relate to the contents of the product (a sasquatch foot print.)
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: 60% of the audience think a book poster is the most interesting form of advertisement, 30% have selected ‘media page’ and 10% selected a ‘pixel art. Gif that advertises the book.’ • What this says about my audience: My audience would prefer and respond more to a book poster over any other form of advertisement – however, some do find the idea of a media page or adver-gif just as captivating. • How will your product appeal to this audience: The book poster advertising the book will be the most successful form of advertisement and will convince the consumers to purchase the product, so I should focus on making this look polished and professional. Despite the fact the the ‘Adver-gif.’ got a small response, I will continue to make it anyway as I think it is an original and fun way to advertise a product.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: 40% of my audience would be more compelled to purchase the product if the book cover featured mainly gothic colours, 30% selected the same for ‘basic colours,’ 20% said bright colours and the remaining 10% chose pastels. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience enjoys a varied amount of different style, the most popular being the Gothic style and bright colours. No body chose the colours ‘Natural’ or ‘Neutral’ which means that these colours do not appeal to my audience and selling a product featuring these colours would have the most successful outcome. Basic colours and Pastels would attract an efficient amount of consumers to the product. • How will your product appeal to this audience: This survey shows that none of my audience would be interested in the natural colour scheme, which is what I was my original plan – knowing this now, I will incorporate the same natural colour scheme but with a brighter, autumn feel to it. Also, I will use a flossy pink colour too represent one of the characters in the novel – which will add to the brightness.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: 40% of the audience purchases there books from Waterstones, 20% but there books from WHSmith, 20% don’t purchase books at all and the remaining 20% chose other. • What this says about my audience: This survey says that’s 60% of the audience buy there books in store, and the rest get their books by purchasing them somewhere else entirely or not buying books at all. • How will your product appeal to this audience: According to this survey the most successful outcome for the sales of my product would be to target the most to book stores such as Waterstone and WHSmith. I should also put an appropriate amount of avenue researching other avenues of book purchasing and incorporating that into advertisement plans – but more so into the in-store purchasing as that is the way the majority of my audience swayed.
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: 60% of my audience would read a book based on the mystery of big foot and the remaining 40% audience would not. • What this says about my audience: This tells me that if I market my product as a mystery book about bigfoot, a large portion of my audience would not think to read it – however, a majority will. • How will your product appeal to this audience: To make sure I am no isolating 40% of my audience, I will put a significant amount of effort into marketing the novel as ‘not just another bigfoot mystery novel.’ To do this, I will spend time modifying the blurb of the back cover to involve other important parts of the product that will attract a different side of the audience, such as: Coming of age tale, missing person mystery, the grieving children missing their parents.
  • 19. Interview 1 What features on a front cover of a book would entice you to read a book about big foot and why? Monotone colours as it would make me think that the story is mysterious which would add depth to the cover. The cover would have to have an illustration that would immediately catch the eye of a reader as it will distinguish the book from others. Have you ever seen an advertisement for a book? If yes, what were they? If no, why do you think you haven’t seen them? The only advertisements I have seen for books were ads on my phone. I think this is because so many people spend all of their time on their phones. I have also seen ads on billboards or as posters. This is because you cant advertise a book on tv due to not having much to show. What are some interesting and unique ways of advertisement that you think may compel you to purchase a product? I have no idea. What is the last book you read and why did you read it? The last book I read was Kill Alex Cross as I have read other books in the series and have found them to be very interesting and enjoyed reading them. I also am a big fan of the writer James Patterson. What is your favourite book cover and why? My favourite book cover is ‘I, Alex Cross’. I just like the ways the silhouette stands out from the rest of the cover and how the colours compliment the title and make them pop out.
  • 20. Interview 1 • Observation: The interviewee answered the question in great detail. – The interviewee said they would prefer monotone colours as it would add an aspect of mystery and depth. They also like eye catching illustrations and covers that stand out from other books. – They have only seen book adverts on their phone or on billboards. They think that you can’t advertise books on TV because there’s nothing to show. – They couldn’t think of any unique forms of advertisement. – The last book they read is kill Alex Cross, and they read the book because it was a part of the series he recognized the authors name. – His favourite book cover has a silhouette on the cover with simple colours that compliment other parts of the cover and make aspects pop out. • What this says about my audience: – That they are attracted to covers that are simplistic and minimalistic, they look for books that evokes a sense of mystery and action and likes the cover to catch there eye. – This shows that the interviewee spends a lot of time on there phone and the best way to draw their attention to a book is to invest advertising via phone app ads. Sometimes billboards will catch there eye. – The interviewee wasn’t very helpful when answering this question as they gave me nothing to go on. – They read Alex cross because they enjoyed the rest of the book in the series. This shows that the interviewee likes anthology's and long stories. – Their favourite book cover is a simple one with bold lettering and silhouette on the cover, this shows that they like serious looking books. • How will your product appeal to this audience: There’s not a lot my product has in common with this particular interviewee’s answers, but I had never thought about branching into the phone-advertisement market and now know that this is an option – and the option most likely to attract this person. Also, my book cover will feature bold lettering which the interviewee said had captured their attention before, and the mystery side of Big foot could intrigue them.
  • 21. Interview 2 What features on a front cover of a book would entice you to read a book about big foot? Something that lets the reader know that the book is about bigfoot like a sasquatch footprint. Also, a big title to make it stand out. Have you ever seen advertisements for book? If yes, what were they? If no, why do you think you haven’t seen them? I don’t think I’ve ever seen an advertisement for a book, probably because I don’t watch TV much or go on social media allot. However I have watched a trailer for the book ‘The selection’ Kiera Cass, but that is because I I enjoy the series already and was looking for the trailer. What are some interesting and unique ways of advertisement that you can think that may compel you to purchase a product? Perhaps an advergame could persuade me to purchase a product, because that is fun and interactive and interesting. What is the last book you read and why did you read it? The last book series I read was ‘The selection’ as it was introduced to by my mother and sister. What is your favourite book cover and why? I really like the Game Of Thrones book cover. I like the simple look to them, and how they display one antique and old looking item.
  • 22. Interview 2• Observation: – The interviewee said that something to signify what the book was about (like a big foot or sasquatch) should be displayed on the cover a bold and eye catching lettering. – They have not seen a book commercial before because they do not watch TV or go on social media much – however they have watched a trailer for a book in the series they were reading on Youtube but they had actively searched for it. – A fun, interactive advergame would persuade this person to purchase a book if the theme appealed to them. – Close family and people they trusted recommended the last book that they had read. – Their favourite book covers are the ones on ‘The Game Of Thrones’ series, they enjoy the reoccurring and simple theme of the covers and like the ancient items displayed on the front. • What this says about my audience: – They like their book covers to effectively show the theme of the book that they’re reading and make it obvious what the story will be about. Book with detailed covers will attract this type of consumer. – This interviewee isn’t active on much social media and will most likely not see any form of book advertisement this way and especially not through watching TV as they don’t do that at all. Adverts on YouTube may b the best way to reach this audience group or simply making the cover attractive enough that they will see it in store. – They would prefer an interactive game that actively makes them recognize and associate the product with the fun and unique way of playing an advergame. – This interviewee trusts her close family and friends to recommend books to her, so if they are not widely and broadly liked it is likely the recommendation will not get brought up to them. – They like specific and reoccurring themes in there book cover, with simple and unique designs that signify the type of book they were reading. • How will your product appeal to this audience: – I believe my book would appeal to this interviewee. The colours are not simple, however on the cover you will be able to see that the book is clearly about bigfoot and will effectively represent the theme of the book. Also, my adver-gif advert may work well enough to grab their attention, although they won’t see it without access to social media – my best bet of reaching this particular section of an audience would be to make the cover appealing to draw peoples attentions or have it go viral enough that they will be told through family and friends.
  • 23. Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range 15-25 • I am making a mystery adventure story that will attract the audience of this age demographic. • It will be youthful and fun with some serious and heavy topics involved. Gender Male, Female, gender neautral. • The story inside my product will be gender neutral. • There will colours on the cover that will attract all the stereotypical wants of all genders, such as the pink and orange font and the natural, forest colour schemes. Psychographic Balanced and Type A • My product will appeal to this demographic because it had neutral and bright colours that could convey a sense of humanity and good will. Social Status Any class system • My product wouldn’t attract any class system more than the other, although stereotypically it might seem to low- brow for the higher class. Audience Profile
  • 25. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research • Gathering product research was the easiest way to see how book posters, book cover and animated advertisement has worked in the past for other products. It has helped me realise the types of content I need in my product too have it be a recognizable book cover, poster and adver-gif. Annotating the products was very time consuming. – Questionnaires • The questionnaires were the easiest part of the research. I found it easy to find quantitative questions that were tailored to help my specific project. The hardest part was finding people to fill it in - and sometimes, the answers back weren’t always positive, so I would have to shift an aspect of my product to appease the masses. – Interviews • The interview questions were easy to think of as I simply had to expand questions from my quantitative research for further detail into important and specific parts – however, sometimes it was difficult for the interviewee’s to think of detailed answers when put on the spot. Also, some of the answers weren’t exactly what I was hoping for, so again made me have to adjust aspects of product.
  • 26. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? My response was over all mixed: Some people responded with answers that complimented my over all idea for the project – where just as many people chose answers that put my product a disadvantage. However, with every bad outcome I was able to adjust my product in a way that might draw the attention of that particular market of people. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage • A friend filled it in for me and then emailed it to some people from their work who they knew were interested in books. This was both effective and ineffective because although they were more people to fill out the research, one was older than my target audience. • People from my Creative Social Media class took the time to fill it in. This was a great idea because they are the exact demographics that my project would be targeted too. Also they are from all different backgrounds so it gives my research a more varied response. However, some people made mock responses which hindered the process of my research slightly.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  7. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally