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Abi Long
Existing ProductI don’t think the colour
scheme works very well.
The city under the sea
looks like it’s far down, but
the spire makes it appear
that it’s near the surface.
The sky almost merges
into the ocean in the
centre and it’s hard to tell
where the sea ends and
the sky begins. This of
course, could be
intentional, showing the
merging of these worlds
for the collection, but if it
isn’t but does give off a
rather strange look.
The perspective of this poster is
also rather strange. The sky
looks like it’s coming more
diagonally instead of straight
up. I’m not a fan of the sea
dining and falling at the bottom
of the screen, and the ships in
the sky look like they were put
there in the last minute.
I can see the spire coming
out through the sea,
however I can’t see it
under the water. This may
have been intentional,
however it does make it
look rather small.
The light sources are all
over- light is strayed about
underwater, however the
sky is covered in clouds
meaning the light shouldn’t
look like that.
Using the green colours under the water make
the city look strange and foreboding- almost
alien, whereas the blue colouring of the sky
ships make them look regal and superior,
further escalated by them being in the sky-
giving the appearance that they’re more
The way that the water interacts with
the spire (crashing around it) makes it
seem more real and solid, however the
lighting near the top ruins that effect
for me- I think it’s be more realistic if it
kept the dark and faded look . It almost
makes it look like a lighthouse.
The title looks like it’s been
engraved on a metal plate
making It look rusted and old.
I’m not sure about the shading
along the top , I know they’re
trying to make it look 3D, but it
just makes it look like the text is
floating off of the plate. The
light is reflecting off of the spire
and onto the title, making it
seem like it’s supposed to be
placed there and the simplistic
designs on the plate reflect the
different cities
Existing Product
I love the
aesthetics of this
game. The soft
colours and the
simplistic art style
works really well
to show an
The S from the
title looks off,
and doesn’t
really fit with
the rest of the
art style
yellow grass
and pink
trees which
shows that
this takes
place on
because the
landscape is
unnatural and
anything on
There’s planets and
spaceships in the sky which
further concretes the idea
that it takes place on
another planet.
There are spaceships,
and the colours along
the side help them stick
out from the
background. They’re all
fairly common designs
for ships so you can
easily understand what
they are.
The diamond in the background is
mysterious because a giant floating
diamond wouldn’t just appear In the middle
of nowhere and the light inside of it
suggests there’s something inside, which
will interest the viewers and make them
want to play to explore the game.
Existing ProductI love the perspective of this
poster. I think it looks really cool
and it makes it look like
everything is towering over the
There’s a hand snaking up
the table, making it look
like its about to grab the
character on the table.
This provides suspense as
well as a feeling of unease
which the correct
audience will enjoy.
The lighting Is well done, even when it illuminates the
surrounding near the character, everything is still grimy
and rusted making it look very realistic. It brings focus to
the door- a simple way of showing that you may be trying
to leave.
The title screen is
also really well
done. The black
stands out well
against the yellow.
The eye symbolism
makes it seem like
its shadowing over
the character, and
the silhouetted
design of the
character suggests
there’s something
off about them.
Having the pots on the
table is a good way of
showing exactly how small
the main character will be,
since the perspective
between the pots and
characters are similar.
The character is wearing a yellow raincoat, a few different meanings could
be gleamed for this. Since the character is a child the yellow raincoat
could portray innocence. The coat hides the character face away which
could assume that they’re hiding something. Yellow can also be the colour
of fear- which in a horror game is a good choice. Also, making the
character wear yellow means they stand out against the dark
The audience will most likely be males
between 18 and 30 who are a fan of horror
games. The poster shows this with the
unnatural angles of the drawers the dark and
the rusted colours on the pots and the walls
and the hand coming up to grab the
character, with the light ominously
illuminating some of the scene, letting the
players imagine what might lie in the dark.
Existing ProductFirst I should talk about how
recognisable this movie poster is.
it’s known all over the world is.
probably the single most
published movie poster ever. That
means that the team that created
this poster did an excellent job
creating and marketing this poster.
The poster is mainly consistent
which means the red title stands
out easily. The font, while being
bold is still nice to look at and the
sharp edges compliment the design
if a shark quite well. Plus, red can
symbolize blood and it looks even
more so like that since it’s a darker
For me, I think the
poster is a little odd.
The water looks more
like felt than it does the
ocean, and the shark
seems to almost fade
away into it at the
The woman here is depicted as
helpless, and that can be seen by
a few things. She appears to be
unaware of the danger, looking
off to the side. Having blonde hair
is often seen as having less
intelligent and the fact that she’s
not wearing any clothes can often
symbolize vulnerability. And of
course, she’s female- which back
in the time of this movie, were
often portrayed as helpless and
needing to be saved.
Sharks are already seen as
dangerous and threatening so
having a shark already makes it
off-putting. The shark is much
bigger than one would expect-
which you can see based off of
the size of the woman in
comparison. Having its mouth
open to show the large amount of
teeth is concerning to the
audience, and having it moving
forward towards the woman gives
the audience a sense of what
might happen next.
The audience would most likely have been males
between the ages of 20-40. Having an attractive woman
in the poster ensures to grab attention, and the large
font choice will help cement the fact that this is a tough
movie. The shark and font will ensure that the audience
knows the movie will be suspenseful and the simple
colors means that it won’t be so annoying to look at.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched
products have?
– The colour pallets are often limited to only a few colours and (with the exception
of no man’s sky) they’re all rather dark and gritty.
– The text is all big and bold, often in a contrasting colour to the ones in the work.
– They use shadows and darker colours to highlight certain aspects, showing
which parts are most important
– There’s almost always a lot to look at, showing a lot about the product in the
little space it has. It doesn’t feel cluttered however, everything always fits in.
– There’s at least one character shown somewhere in the poster (besides bio
• What aspects of the research will you include
within your own production work?
– I’ll have darker colours to enhance the atmosphere
– I’ll have characters featured in my work
– I’ll have various shades of blue and green in the ocean, but lighter and more
varied colours for the fish to help them stand out.
Audience Research
Secondary Audience research
• Observation: While there are still more male gamers than females, numbers seem
to be evening out. The age group I have chosen was not the most popular as I
originally thought.
• What this says about my audience: I think targeting males more than
females, but not excluding them was a good idea. However, I could have maybe picked
a more suitable age range. I did want to go for a similar age range as the one I’m in for
convenience, but it may have been a good idea to go outside of that audience and
pander to a different audience.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I think the simpler art style
will appeal to younger players, and the bold colours I’ll us will appeal to a more male orientated
(Specifically focusing on the Gamer demographic, and the middle 2 for that
section. )
Percentage of women among video gamers in the U.S in 2018 45%
Majority of gamers in the U.S were aged between 18 and 35 in 2017 29%
Secondary Audience research
• Observation: Mobile games are far more popular that PC games, however PC games
are more popular that esports.
• What this says about my audience: I’m not quite sure which platform my
game will be used on, however the pixelated style I’ll be using is more prevalent in PC games
than it is phone games. That being said, having such a low statistic means my game will have
to look and sound interesting to catch players attention.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Since I’ll be
focusing on the percentage of gamers that plays video games on PCs over phones, having a
computerised game may interest them more than if its on a phone.
In the U.K.’s online population, 49% of men and 48% of women play mobile games,
while 38% of men and 26% of women play PC games. The majority (66%) of paying
gamers spent money on in-game items or virtual goods in the past six months, with
24% of women buying power-ups.
Thirty-one percent of the online population watch gaming video content, with 34%
watching on PC. Of those aware of esports, 6% watch esports video content several
times per month, and the most regularly watched franchise is Rocket League.
Secondary Audience research
• Observation: Shooter games are the most popular by far however adventure (the statistic I’ll be focusing on) is
in around the middle.
• What this says about my audience: I have one of the higher ranges to work with, however it’s
not as high as I’d like it to be. My audience may also play some of the games with higher statistics too, either
that or play mainly adventure. Either way, I’ll need to make sure that my game is unique and interest so they’ll
want to play it.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My game will have more themes than just
adventure to bring in a larger audience.
Primary Audience research
• Observation: Ben has a varied range of feelings an opinions that I can take on board for my research.
• What this says about my audience: Ben was in my intended age range, and does share a lot of good
points about how people play and perceive video games. I especially agree about sound design and the
appeal of getting a reward or achievement for work you’ve done.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: The sound design will be something I put more of my
attention and focus onto
Primary Audience research
• Observation: Cassandra had a lot of opinions that I can respect. From ideas I may use to opinions I agree with.
• What this says about my audience: Cassandra is in the preferred audience group I’m looking for and
therefore helps me see what is and is not needed. For example, having a survival game with elements of horror is a
smart idea.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make my game interesting to play so that
it offers an enjoyable experience, and I may add instances of tense atmosphere to give the game more substance.
Primary Audience research
• Observation: Bethany appears to have a more open mind when it comes to the type of games
she likes.
• What this says about my audience: She’s not too specific about certain genres
or mechanics, more than she is about what the game has to offer her. I think this Is a good thing to keep
in mind, as my game should be about appealing to what my audience already likes instead of forcing
them to try something new.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: Having something with
an interesting plot to keep players entertained is a goo start, and I could also make the surroundings
more open world or add in ore choices so the player feels more in control
Primary Audience research
• Observation: Jack has strong opinions on what makes a good game, however it does tend to be
more specific to a set style based around himself, and while individual opinion is important, I also need to look
for things that my audience will have in common.
• What this says about my audience: Generally, they tend to like more survival
based games, however everyone agrees that using common horror tropes can also work to create a suspenseful
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I will create a
unique suspenseful atmosphere that sticks out from other games in order to please the audience who like that.
Primary Audience research
• Observation: As an older generation he is more experienced in games and knows exactly
what he likes.
• What this says about my audience: That older generations prefer games that make
you think more while most younger audiences are just looking for a way to escape reality.
• How will your product appeal to this audience: I may ad an element of
puzzles to further engage players.
Subject Research
Here I research the rends in game creating- what changes over time and how the media
adapts to become more focused and central to the players.
Subject Research
Here I see the chain of command- who’s the most recognised within the gaming industry (That
being the Capital and publishing layer) and who’s the least recognised (That being the players of
said games) I also researched what jobs there are in the gaming industry to see how a team
would work. Jobs in this industry include game designer and game artist.
Subject Research
Here I research the history of the gaming industry- specifically in the earlier years. This is
because of the pixelated style I chose. With the style I used, it’s reminiscent of the early years
where simpler pixel graphics were used. Researching consoles and games in this time helps me
to see how the games worked and appealed to audiences back then.
Practical Research
Practical Research
art practice
for different
for fish.
Practical Research
• The first creature is inspired by manta rays, it will mainly be a light blue and has lights
on its back. They normally stick to higher waters and aren't dangerous.
• The second creature is inspired by sea anemone. It's see-through and its inside
glows. It floats close to the surface and isn't dangerous.
• The third creature is inspired by jellyfish. It resides deep in the ocean and is slightly
see-through. There are lights on its head, and it is dangerous.
• The fourth creature is inspired by eels, as well as whales. There are lights across its
whole body and tail and it is highly dangerous. It normally lurks deep in the ocean.
• The fifth creature is also inspired by eels, and tuna. Its see-through and it has four
lights across its body. It swims in the middle of the ocean and isn't at all dangerous.
• The sixth creature is inspired by goldfish. There's a few small lights on its body and
head, plus 2 tendrils coming from the head- one on either side, It swims higher up
and isn't dangerous.
• The seventh creature is inspired by dolphins and slightly by sharks. It has lights on
the side of the body and swims around the middle of the ocean, it is dangerous.
• The eighth creature is inspired by catfish. There is a small light on the tail and face,
and it has 3 barbels on each side of the face, it is dangerous.
• The ninth creature is inspired by crabs. The shell is luminescent and the eyes are
covered in a gelatinous see-through substance. It resides near the bottom of the
ocean, climbing up the sides of rock walls. It can be dangerous if provoked.
• The tenth creature is inspired by starfish. There are lights on the tail and lower back,
and it swims deep in the ocean. It's not dangerous
Potential informational briefings to add to the video
game when choosing a character.
Practical ResearchPixelated re-
draws of
with colour
and lighting
effects for
Practical Research
1. Wikipedia. 2019. BioShock - Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available
at: [Accessed 25
June 2019].
2. No Man's Sky. 2019. No Man's Sky. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2019].
3. Wikipedia. 2019. Jaws (film) - Wikipedia. [ONLINE]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 June 2019].
4. Statista. 2019. • U.S. most popular video game genres
2017 | Statista. [ONLINE] Available at:
of-us-video-game-sales-2009-by-genre/. [Accessed 25
June 2019].
5. Wikipedia. 2019. Video game industry - Wikipedia.
[ONLINE] Available at:
e_industry_value_chain. [Accessed 25 June 2019].

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3. research(2) (1)

  • 2. Existing ProductI don’t think the colour scheme works very well. The city under the sea looks like it’s far down, but the spire makes it appear that it’s near the surface. The sky almost merges into the ocean in the centre and it’s hard to tell where the sea ends and the sky begins. This of course, could be intentional, showing the merging of these worlds for the collection, but if it isn’t but does give off a rather strange look. The perspective of this poster is also rather strange. The sky looks like it’s coming more diagonally instead of straight up. I’m not a fan of the sea dining and falling at the bottom of the screen, and the ships in the sky look like they were put there in the last minute. I can see the spire coming out through the sea, however I can’t see it under the water. This may have been intentional, however it does make it look rather small. The light sources are all over- light is strayed about underwater, however the sky is covered in clouds meaning the light shouldn’t look like that. Using the green colours under the water make the city look strange and foreboding- almost alien, whereas the blue colouring of the sky ships make them look regal and superior, further escalated by them being in the sky- giving the appearance that they’re more important. The way that the water interacts with the spire (crashing around it) makes it seem more real and solid, however the lighting near the top ruins that effect for me- I think it’s be more realistic if it kept the dark and faded look . It almost makes it look like a lighthouse. The title looks like it’s been engraved on a metal plate making It look rusted and old. I’m not sure about the shading along the top , I know they’re trying to make it look 3D, but it just makes it look like the text is floating off of the plate. The light is reflecting off of the spire and onto the title, making it seem like it’s supposed to be placed there and the simplistic designs on the plate reflect the different cities
  • 3. Existing Product I love the aesthetics of this game. The soft colours and the simplistic art style works really well to show an interesting concept. The S from the title looks off, and doesn’t really fit with the rest of the art style There’s yellow grass and pink trees which shows that this takes place on another planet, because the landscape is unnatural and strange, unlike anything on Earth. There’s planets and spaceships in the sky which further concretes the idea that it takes place on another planet. There are spaceships, and the colours along the side help them stick out from the background. They’re all fairly common designs for ships so you can easily understand what they are. The diamond in the background is mysterious because a giant floating diamond wouldn’t just appear In the middle of nowhere and the light inside of it suggests there’s something inside, which will interest the viewers and make them want to play to explore the game.
  • 4. Existing ProductI love the perspective of this poster. I think it looks really cool and it makes it look like everything is towering over the character. There’s a hand snaking up the table, making it look like its about to grab the character on the table. This provides suspense as well as a feeling of unease which the correct audience will enjoy. The lighting Is well done, even when it illuminates the surrounding near the character, everything is still grimy and rusted making it look very realistic. It brings focus to the door- a simple way of showing that you may be trying to leave. The title screen is also really well done. The black stands out well against the yellow. The eye symbolism makes it seem like its shadowing over the character, and the silhouetted design of the character suggests there’s something off about them. Having the pots on the table is a good way of showing exactly how small the main character will be, since the perspective between the pots and characters are similar. The character is wearing a yellow raincoat, a few different meanings could be gleamed for this. Since the character is a child the yellow raincoat could portray innocence. The coat hides the character face away which could assume that they’re hiding something. Yellow can also be the colour of fear- which in a horror game is a good choice. Also, making the character wear yellow means they stand out against the dark backgrounds. The audience will most likely be males between 18 and 30 who are a fan of horror games. The poster shows this with the unnatural angles of the drawers the dark and the rusted colours on the pots and the walls and the hand coming up to grab the character, with the light ominously illuminating some of the scene, letting the players imagine what might lie in the dark.
  • 5. Existing ProductFirst I should talk about how recognisable this movie poster is. it’s known all over the world is. probably the single most published movie poster ever. That means that the team that created this poster did an excellent job creating and marketing this poster. The poster is mainly consistent which means the red title stands out easily. The font, while being bold is still nice to look at and the sharp edges compliment the design if a shark quite well. Plus, red can symbolize blood and it looks even more so like that since it’s a darker red. For me, I think the poster is a little odd. The water looks more like felt than it does the ocean, and the shark seems to almost fade away into it at the bottom. The woman here is depicted as helpless, and that can be seen by a few things. She appears to be unaware of the danger, looking off to the side. Having blonde hair is often seen as having less intelligent and the fact that she’s not wearing any clothes can often symbolize vulnerability. And of course, she’s female- which back in the time of this movie, were often portrayed as helpless and needing to be saved. Sharks are already seen as dangerous and threatening so having a shark already makes it off-putting. The shark is much bigger than one would expect- which you can see based off of the size of the woman in comparison. Having its mouth open to show the large amount of teeth is concerning to the audience, and having it moving forward towards the woman gives the audience a sense of what might happen next. The audience would most likely have been males between the ages of 20-40. Having an attractive woman in the poster ensures to grab attention, and the large font choice will help cement the fact that this is a tough movie. The shark and font will ensure that the audience knows the movie will be suspenseful and the simple colors means that it won’t be so annoying to look at.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? – The colour pallets are often limited to only a few colours and (with the exception of no man’s sky) they’re all rather dark and gritty. – The text is all big and bold, often in a contrasting colour to the ones in the work. – They use shadows and darker colours to highlight certain aspects, showing which parts are most important – There’s almost always a lot to look at, showing a lot about the product in the little space it has. It doesn’t feel cluttered however, everything always fits in. – There’s at least one character shown somewhere in the poster (besides bio shock) • What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work? – I’ll have darker colours to enhance the atmosphere – I’ll have characters featured in my work – I’ll have various shades of blue and green in the ocean, but lighter and more varied colours for the fish to help them stand out.
  • 8. Secondary Audience research • Observation: While there are still more male gamers than females, numbers seem to be evening out. The age group I have chosen was not the most popular as I originally thought. • What this says about my audience: I think targeting males more than females, but not excluding them was a good idea. However, I could have maybe picked a more suitable age range. I did want to go for a similar age range as the one I’m in for convenience, but it may have been a good idea to go outside of that audience and pander to a different audience. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I think the simpler art style will appeal to younger players, and the bold colours I’ll us will appeal to a more male orientated product. (Specifically focusing on the Gamer demographic, and the middle 2 for that section. ) Percentage of women among video gamers in the U.S in 2018 45% Majority of gamers in the U.S were aged between 18 and 35 in 2017 29%
  • 9. Secondary Audience research • Observation: Mobile games are far more popular that PC games, however PC games are more popular that esports. • What this says about my audience: I’m not quite sure which platform my game will be used on, however the pixelated style I’ll be using is more prevalent in PC games than it is phone games. That being said, having such a low statistic means my game will have to look and sound interesting to catch players attention. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Since I’ll be focusing on the percentage of gamers that plays video games on PCs over phones, having a computerised game may interest them more than if its on a phone. In the U.K.’s online population, 49% of men and 48% of women play mobile games, while 38% of men and 26% of women play PC games. The majority (66%) of paying gamers spent money on in-game items or virtual goods in the past six months, with 24% of women buying power-ups. Thirty-one percent of the online population watch gaming video content, with 34% watching on PC. Of those aware of esports, 6% watch esports video content several times per month, and the most regularly watched franchise is Rocket League.
  • 10. Secondary Audience research • Observation: Shooter games are the most popular by far however adventure (the statistic I’ll be focusing on) is in around the middle. • What this says about my audience: I have one of the higher ranges to work with, however it’s not as high as I’d like it to be. My audience may also play some of the games with higher statistics too, either that or play mainly adventure. Either way, I’ll need to make sure that my game is unique and interest so they’ll want to play it. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My game will have more themes than just adventure to bring in a larger audience.
  • 11. Primary Audience research • Observation: Ben has a varied range of feelings an opinions that I can take on board for my research. • What this says about my audience: Ben was in my intended age range, and does share a lot of good points about how people play and perceive video games. I especially agree about sound design and the appeal of getting a reward or achievement for work you’ve done. • How will your product appeal to this audience: The sound design will be something I put more of my attention and focus onto
  • 12. Primary Audience research • Observation: Cassandra had a lot of opinions that I can respect. From ideas I may use to opinions I agree with. • What this says about my audience: Cassandra is in the preferred audience group I’m looking for and therefore helps me see what is and is not needed. For example, having a survival game with elements of horror is a smart idea. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make my game interesting to play so that it offers an enjoyable experience, and I may add instances of tense atmosphere to give the game more substance.
  • 13. Primary Audience research • Observation: Bethany appears to have a more open mind when it comes to the type of games she likes. • What this says about my audience: She’s not too specific about certain genres or mechanics, more than she is about what the game has to offer her. I think this Is a good thing to keep in mind, as my game should be about appealing to what my audience already likes instead of forcing them to try something new. • How will your product appeal to this audience: Having something with an interesting plot to keep players entertained is a goo start, and I could also make the surroundings more open world or add in ore choices so the player feels more in control
  • 14. Primary Audience research • Observation: Jack has strong opinions on what makes a good game, however it does tend to be more specific to a set style based around himself, and while individual opinion is important, I also need to look for things that my audience will have in common. • What this says about my audience: Generally, they tend to like more survival based games, however everyone agrees that using common horror tropes can also work to create a suspenseful atmosphere. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I will create a unique suspenseful atmosphere that sticks out from other games in order to please the audience who like that.
  • 15. Primary Audience research • Observation: As an older generation he is more experienced in games and knows exactly what he likes. • What this says about my audience: That older generations prefer games that make you think more while most younger audiences are just looking for a way to escape reality. • How will your product appeal to this audience: I may ad an element of puzzles to further engage players.
  • 16. Subject Research Here I research the rends in game creating- what changes over time and how the media adapts to become more focused and central to the players.
  • 17. Subject Research Here I see the chain of command- who’s the most recognised within the gaming industry (That being the Capital and publishing layer) and who’s the least recognised (That being the players of said games) I also researched what jobs there are in the gaming industry to see how a team would work. Jobs in this industry include game designer and game artist.
  • 18. Subject Research Here I research the history of the gaming industry- specifically in the earlier years. This is because of the pixelated style I chose. With the style I used, it’s reminiscent of the early years where simpler pixel graphics were used. Researching consoles and games in this time helps me to see how the games worked and appealed to audiences back then.
  • 20. Practical Research Traditional art practice for different possible prototypes for fish.
  • 21. Practical Research • The first creature is inspired by manta rays, it will mainly be a light blue and has lights on its back. They normally stick to higher waters and aren't dangerous. • The second creature is inspired by sea anemone. It's see-through and its inside glows. It floats close to the surface and isn't dangerous. • The third creature is inspired by jellyfish. It resides deep in the ocean and is slightly see-through. There are lights on its head, and it is dangerous. • The fourth creature is inspired by eels, as well as whales. There are lights across its whole body and tail and it is highly dangerous. It normally lurks deep in the ocean. • The fifth creature is also inspired by eels, and tuna. Its see-through and it has four lights across its body. It swims in the middle of the ocean and isn't at all dangerous. • The sixth creature is inspired by goldfish. There's a few small lights on its body and head, plus 2 tendrils coming from the head- one on either side, It swims higher up and isn't dangerous. • The seventh creature is inspired by dolphins and slightly by sharks. It has lights on the side of the body and swims around the middle of the ocean, it is dangerous. • The eighth creature is inspired by catfish. There is a small light on the tail and face, and it has 3 barbels on each side of the face, it is dangerous. • The ninth creature is inspired by crabs. The shell is luminescent and the eyes are covered in a gelatinous see-through substance. It resides near the bottom of the ocean, climbing up the sides of rock walls. It can be dangerous if provoked. • The tenth creature is inspired by starfish. There are lights on the tail and lower back, and it swims deep in the ocean. It's not dangerous Potential informational briefings to add to the video game when choosing a character.
  • 22. Practical ResearchPixelated re- draws of early additional drawings with colour and lighting effects for maximum effect
  • 25. Bibliography 1. Wikipedia. 2019. BioShock - Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2019]. 2. No Man's Sky. 2019. No Man's Sky. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2019]. 3. Wikipedia. 2019. Jaws (film) - Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 25 June 2019]. 4. Statista. 2019. • U.S. most popular video game genres 2017 | Statista. [ONLINE] Available at: of-us-video-game-sales-2009-by-genre/. [Accessed 25 June 2019]. 5. Wikipedia. 2019. Video game industry - Wikipedia. [ONLINE] Available at: e_industry_value_chain. [Accessed 25 June 2019].

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it? Why have you chosen to look at this? What have you learned that can help you in your project?
  5. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  6. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  7. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  8. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  9. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  10. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  11. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  12. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  13. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  14. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  15. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  16. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  17. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  18. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  19. Undertaking practical research is another great way to improve your project. Experimenting with techniques, equipment and processes you might want to use in you project will help you plan for the future. Think about what you will research. It could be studio photography, or sound recording, or post-production techniques for video or animation techniques for a video game. Tutorials are useful here. Make something similar but unrelated to your chosen idea. Do not make it a version of your final product; it is an experiment Provide a reflection of the processes you used and how it has been useful. Don’t do something that you already know how to do.
  20. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.