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Aasiyah Chopdat
Existing Product 1-Circus Zingaro
Circus Zingaro is a pop up book created by Tina Kraus. Its
a story about a poor girl who goes to the circus. the story
is told completely by visuals, since the story is simple
enough for the readers to understand. I quite like the
idea of having no word as it leaves the readers room to
use their imaginations.
Something I really like about this book is that it
include a lot of cleverly deign pop up. For example
on the page shown to the left there is a 3d
treasure chest that opens up, inside is a
removable character that have adjustable body
parts. This is really clever, and makes the book
even more intractable with the audience. It also
makes the book more appealing to its target
audience as its something new and exciting to
Existing Product 1-Circus Zingaro
I really enjoy the look of the page to the left, I like
how unusual and weird it look compared to the rest.
The only focus on this page is the girl, which we
haven't seen on another page, this makes the book
interesting and unpredictable. I want to mimic this in
my book by having some pages more complicated
then others.
I like how they have used bold and bright colours.
Because this I targeted toward a young audience
this would make the book more appealing since it
creates a positive atmosphere.
The pop ups in this book are extremely well thought
out, and as a result are smooth and work well. This
makes the book visually more enjoyable since you
have noting suck or sticking out(tabs).
it makes the audience feel more immersed into the
story and visual rather then the mechanics of the
pop-up. In my book I hope to have clean looking pop-
Existing Product 1-Circus Zingaro
The front cover was also made really
They picked a circus type font for the
title, which really fits in with the
aesthetic and makes the book look
well put together.
I really enjoy the simplicity of the
cover., it makes it look classic and
The colours are really nice and
complement each other. It also fits
the circus theme.
I like the little illustrations around the
fonts and at the bottom of the page,
it makes it look very classical
Existing Product 2- Ottoline and the
yellow cat
Ottaline and the yellow cat was written and illustrated by Chris
Riddell. It is a mystery book about a girl and her friend Mr Munroe
solving mysteries.
I really like how he doesn't treat his audience like idiots, he puts
details into the story and illustrations which makes the book much
more enjoyable to read for both. I find that the more detailed the
work is, the more the reader/audience is immersed into the world
you have created, however if its the opposite, the books will come
off as dry and boring.
The main character is also appealing to its demographic since she is
around their age. It makes the main character more relatable to the
audience, this would be a very impactful thing to do in my book.
However, other research I have done goes against this logic.
Stories such as Cinderella that have an older main character are
also appealing to a young audience. this means that having the
main character around the same age as the audience wont
100%determin whether or not it will appeal to them
Existing Product 2- Ottaline and the
yellow cat
Art style
Chris Riddell’s art style is quite distinctive, its detail at
the same time as being
The fonts used in this book are easy to read. I think
this is mainly due to the target audience, since it
makes it a little easier to read. I quite like the idea of
having a simple font to use through the book as it lets
other aspects of the book stand out.
I really like the limited colour pallet he has used
thought his illustrations . It makes the picture have a
lot more personality and makes then distinctive from
other books. The target audience would enjoy this
aspect too since they are at the age where they are
interested in new and interesting things, and since this
looks so different, they will be instantly drawn to it.
However I also think people of an older age can also
appreciate/enjoy this kind of art work.
Existing Product 2- Ottoline and the
yellow cat
He uses frames in
the front and back
of the cover.
The font goes really
well with the tones of
the rest of the page,
especially the gold
design on the side
Really nice layout. Got
the main character
right in the centre, and
all the important title
also in centre.
Because they only put
the main information on
the front, they had more
room for deign
Could be referencing
metal corners you
can buy for books to
stop the edges fro
getting damaged. It
could be a reference
to main charecters
The gold could also
be a symbol of her
families wealth
Existing Product 3-neverwhere
Chris riddle has also work in collaboration with Neil
Gaiman to illustrated his book “neverwhere”.
Unlike ottaline and the yellow cat this book is targeted at
an older audience (teens/young adults). The illustrations
are all in black and white, which I think works well with
the story being told.
Something that I find interesting is the layout of the
illustrations, I quite like how they have intertwined the
illustrations with the text on some pages(the picture
surrounds or is underneath the text). I think this gives the
reader further detail, like when there is a scene where
the main focus is a certain abject, there might be an
image of said object. I like the fact that they don't leave a
full space for all of the illustrations , it gives the book
personality and strengthens the mood of the book.
Existing Product 3-neverwhere
Existing Product 4-"Mister Babadook
by Simon Arizpe”
This book was made for fans of the babadook horror movie. In the movie itself it
was used as a prop and is a main part of the story line. Based off that information
the target audience for this book are 15 +. They made this book a lot ore appealing
to buy by making sure that the quality of the book was good and look exactly the
same as in the movie, since that is what their target audience is going to want.
The mood of this book reflect the movie, its quite suspenseful with a dark tone. In
the next slides I'm going to analyse how they achieve .
Existing Product 4-"Mister Babadook
by Simon Arizpe”
The simplicity of the
cover makes the book
seem very mysterious
and ominous
The colour scheme is bold and fits the
mood/theme of the book.
Red is associated with dancer
Black is associated with scary and dark
The silhouette they used of the main
character tells the reader its about a
monster due to the creepy looking
hands and the top hat/hair. the
silhouette uses sharper lines for these
the font they used for
the title is a serif font,
making it appear more
bold and serious. The
fact they also used all
caps makes it stand out
even more and adds
character . These little
details make the page
look more intriguing.
Because this was used as a
prop in a movie, the red
was a good choice for the
cover since it makes it
stand out/look good on
Existing Product 4-"Mister Babadook
by Simon Arizpe”
Not every page is a has a pop up/illustrations,
which adds a scary empty tone. On some other
pages where there are illustrations there are
usually only couple of objects such as a lamp, this
makes the book feel even emptier, it puts all the
focus on babadook.
All of the pages have the same worn out/grey wash
background, which fits the tone of the book nicely.
It compliments the what's on the page too.
The writing in the book is very limited and is
written like a poem. This makes it the boo even
more ominous and creepy.
The character design is reminds me of
some of the characters from nightmare
before Christmas. It is designed very
well and give off an eerie feeling.
Because the face look plain, almost like
a mask, it makes the reader feel unease
when looking at it
Existing Product 5-Alice in Wonderland by
Robert Sabuda
This part of the
page folds out
(the image is of it
already folded
out) to reveal text
and little pop-ups.
This is a really
clever design,
since it means
that most of the
page can be used
for visuals , and
the this section
can be used for
the narrations.
With this part of
the page, you are
supposed to pull
the paper up, and
look through the
hole. In it you will
see a picture of
Alice falling
through the
rabbit hole.
The layout and pop ups o this page were very well though
out. The fact that all the writing I still included in this book
makes it enjoyable for both older and younger children to
Existing Product 5-Alice in Wonderland
by Robert Sabuda
Something that I have noticed from this pop up
book is that they always pick iconic/main scenes
to display on the page. This is important since if
they pick a scene where Alice what not yet stuck
inside the house it would have not made as much
since, since that is the main part of this chapter of
the story.
This pop up book has little details. One that I like in
particular on this a page is when you look through
the window you can see Alice's face. The added
detail of the plastic also gives the illusion of a glass
widow which is a nice touch. Since the window is
made from thin plastic it means that whilst it will
hold its shape and give a glass effect it isn't too heavy
and wont interrupt the rest of the pop up design
Research Analysis
• in my product analysis I have research product within
my subject area (book/pop-ups). I made sure to
analyse a variety of different styles, genres and
audiences to get broader set of information.
• Some common feature that I have discovered whilst
analysing are as follows.
• The front covers fit the genre/story/style of the book.
• All on the book are story based.
• And the layout of the pages visually pleasing and
clearly well thought out.
Research Analysis
• This research has made me aware of the possible
things I am able to do with my product. For
instance when I was researching babadook, I
really enjoyed the idea of having pages where
there is only text, I also enjoyed the simplicity of
the book and ho they used minor details to add
to the creepy atmosphere.
• Something that I am planning on including in my
work from this research is the simple style from
babadook, however I'm going to adapt it to for
the mood and aesthetic that I want to make.
Audience profile
Audience profile
Demographic profile:
Gender: predominantly female
Country: England
Education: primary to secondary school
Race: neutral
Why this audience?
From my research I have found that book and shows that are fantasy
based appeal more to girls then they do boys. This means that my main
demographic will be girls ages 8+.
However this doesn't mean all boys wont like it. Because this book is
going to be interpretational (no story) I think that it allows people to use
their imaginations an wonder who the people in the picture are and what
their story is .
Audience profile
Audience personas
Now that I have identified my target audience I'm going to go into more
detail by making audience personas. This is to help really visualise who
my audience is and will help me to create a product best suited to them.
I'm going to create two sine I have two main audiences.
A girl in year 6, they enjoy being creative and spending time with their
friends. When they are at home they mainly watch cartoons. When they
read in the library they normally go for fictional books. The reason why
they would buy this book is because its something that look new and
exciting. Because they are young their main priorities are learning at
school and their school life. At that age they don't have to worry about
things like incomes or jobs.
Audience profile analysis
• From this fake persona I realise that because
kids at that age are still finding themselves it is
important that this book has an positive effect
on that and teaches them good morals. This
book should be wholesome and creative.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
What is more important in a
pop-up book
The response to this question was evenly split, which shows me that there is just as
big an audience for visual based book as there is for storytelling books. Some of the
reasoning I got for these answer were as follows:
Story- “if there is no story the pictures wont make sense”
This person gave a really good point, without the story the picture may not make
as much sense, an will leave them confused. Having a story would appeal to my
audience much more
Visuals- “because they give character to the story”
The pictures should be adding to the mood and tone of the story being told, and
really entice the audience.
Audience research
is it important that the cover matches the genre of the
Surprisingly, 40% of people said that the
cover of the book doesn't have to match
the genre of the book.
I think this is because some books do
have pretty plain covers, two book of a
complete different genre may have a
very similar cover.
Majority said, however, that the cover
should suggest the genre. this suggests
that majority of my audience do think
that book covers are important and pay
attention to it.
I'm going to make sure that my book
does represent suggest that the book is
a fantasy/fairytale book, by carefully
picking out fonts and colours that are
associated with this genre.
Audience research
I then asked my audience what made a good book cover to find out what they look for
or what stands out to them. Here are some of their responses:
These comments show the main things that people were saying. The first comment says
they find that a dramatic title would make a good cover. This makes sense as the cover
should make the reader want to pick up the book, and if the title sound dull, people will
be less likely to read it. the current name for my book is the book of wonders, which I
think is quite interesting and suggests to the reader the book is fun and entertaining.
Something that was repeated a lot was including bright
colours on the cover. Bright colours suggest happiness
and positive feeling, which tells me that my audience
prefer light hearted content opposed to something
heavy or dark. It also tells me that I should stay away
from having a brown classic looking cover,, and instead
try to make the cover more colourful. Of course this
doesn't mean that I should abandon the design
completely, just mean I should tweak it o better fit my
Another comment said that the cover should include
lots of pictures. I think this is also a good idea since I'm
planning on telling a bunch of short stories, so the cover
could hint at some of them.
Audience research
do blurbs help you decide if you
want to read a book 100% said that blurbs play a part in
weather or not they decide on
reading a book. This tells me that
my audience don't just look at the
cover and decide they want to
read the book, they read the blurb
to get further information fro the
blurb to make sure that its going to
be something that they will enjoy.
It tells me that it is important to
my audience that blurbs are
To appeal to my audience it key that I include a blurb at the back cover of the
book. This will help its success rate as its a way of giving my audience a
summary of what exactly my product is.
Audience research
Next I asked my audience why they liked or disliked pop up books. I asked this
because pop up books aren't so popular with older kids, so I wanted to see what
main things they liked and dislike about them so I can make my product better.
Here were the results
likes Dislikes
The pictures are cool I think they are for younger
I like the fact they pop up out
of the book
They don't have any words
They are good to look at
pictures rather then reading
Because there are no words
you cant tell what the people
are saying.
The main thing that seems to be a miss is having no words/story. Te way I'm going
to combat this is by prioritising the storytelling aspect as much a the visuals. I think
for every story there should be at leas one visual. The story should be told properly
and make sense to the audience. Having this balance between visual and
storytelling should make my product much more appealing to my audience
Audience research
Would you enjoy pop-ups you can
move and interact with
Majority said that they would enjoy pop
ups that they can interact with. This tell
me that my audience don't find
interactive pop ups boring or
unnecessary. It also tells me that my
audience appreciate details such as
interactive features as it makes the book
more immersive and interesting.
this will really come in handy when
making my pop up since it mean that I
can bring more variety to my designs.
I do plan on having some interactive feature in my book, mostly using pull tabs as they are
easier to do and I can make a lot of different effect with them.
Audience research
what makes fairytale/fantasy stories interesting to
The last question I asked my
audience was what interested
them most about fairytale
stories. Magic and the message
were the factors that majority
said instead them the most, the
characters are shown to be a
less popular factor.
This tells me that my audience
really appreciate creativity and
stories with a strong message
behind them.
Therefore my product will work well since I want my book to have a positive impact on the
people who read it, especial because its aimed at a younger audience.
I plan on doing this by telling stories that have a morally good underlying message.
However I want to make sure that the underlying message isn't too obvious, I don't want to
shove it in their faces too much, it should be interpreted by the reader. the magical element
will also be included in the not only the story, but also the pictures, I'm going to edit them
to look more magical and fairy-tale like. Also the fact that its pop up will make it even more
of a “magical” experience
Questionnaire summery
By doing this questionnaire I have managed to gain a better understanding of my
audience. However, doing this has left me with some questions, so I'm going to
follow through with an interview.
To make sure that the majority of people taking my questionnaire where kids of
this age I made sure to send them to parent I knew had kids around that age. I
also asked if they could send it around to other people they knew so that I could
get a broader range of answers
I also made sure to make the questions easy to answer by using optional answers
rather then them having to write their own answers out. The approximate time
to fill out this questionnaire came to around 2 minutes.
The main information I got from this questionnaire are:
•It better to have a balance of picture and story, without the stories the pictures
are less likely to make sense
•Book covers that are brighter are more appealing as it suggests the book is light-
•Blurbs are something that my audience uses to decide if they want to get a
•There should be a good balance between the visuals and the story telling
aspects of the book.
• Do you like classic fairytales (grimms)
• Why do you dislike pop-up books
• Do you think this style is interesting(show
mood board for aesthetic?
• Would you prefer pop ups that are detailed or
that you can interact with, or a mix?
Interview 1
Interview 1
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this
Interview 2
Interview 2
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this
1. Aasiyah Chopdat. (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted
on 25/04/2020)
2. Chris Riddell (2007). Ottoline and the yellow cat. New York: Macmillan
Children's Books.
3. Neil Gaiman (1996). neverwhere. London: BBC Books.
4. Robert Sabuda (2003). Alice in Wonderland. : SIMON & SCHUSTER.
5. Simon Arizpe (2014). Mister Babadook. Australia.
6. Tina Kraus (2017). Circus Zingaro . Germany.

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  • 2. Existing Product 1-Circus Zingaro Circus Zingaro is a pop up book created by Tina Kraus. Its a story about a poor girl who goes to the circus. the story is told completely by visuals, since the story is simple enough for the readers to understand. I quite like the idea of having no word as it leaves the readers room to use their imaginations. Something I really like about this book is that it include a lot of cleverly deign pop up. For example on the page shown to the left there is a 3d treasure chest that opens up, inside is a removable character that have adjustable body parts. This is really clever, and makes the book even more intractable with the audience. It also makes the book more appealing to its target audience as its something new and exciting to them.
  • 3. Existing Product 1-Circus Zingaro I really enjoy the look of the page to the left, I like how unusual and weird it look compared to the rest. The only focus on this page is the girl, which we haven't seen on another page, this makes the book interesting and unpredictable. I want to mimic this in my book by having some pages more complicated then others. I like how they have used bold and bright colours. Because this I targeted toward a young audience this would make the book more appealing since it creates a positive atmosphere. The pop ups in this book are extremely well thought out, and as a result are smooth and work well. This makes the book visually more enjoyable since you have noting suck or sticking out(tabs). it makes the audience feel more immersed into the story and visual rather then the mechanics of the pop-up. In my book I hope to have clean looking pop- ups.
  • 4. Existing Product 1-Circus Zingaro The front cover was also made really well. They picked a circus type font for the title, which really fits in with the aesthetic and makes the book look well put together. I really enjoy the simplicity of the cover., it makes it look classic and timeless. The colours are really nice and complement each other. It also fits the circus theme. I like the little illustrations around the fonts and at the bottom of the page, it makes it look very classical
  • 5. Existing Product 2- Ottoline and the yellow cat Ottaline and the yellow cat was written and illustrated by Chris Riddell. It is a mystery book about a girl and her friend Mr Munroe solving mysteries. I really like how he doesn't treat his audience like idiots, he puts details into the story and illustrations which makes the book much more enjoyable to read for both. I find that the more detailed the work is, the more the reader/audience is immersed into the world you have created, however if its the opposite, the books will come off as dry and boring. The main character is also appealing to its demographic since she is around their age. It makes the main character more relatable to the audience, this would be a very impactful thing to do in my book. However, other research I have done goes against this logic. Stories such as Cinderella that have an older main character are also appealing to a young audience. this means that having the main character around the same age as the audience wont 100%determin whether or not it will appeal to them
  • 6. Existing Product 2- Ottaline and the yellow cat Art style Chris Riddell’s art style is quite distinctive, its detail at the same time as being The fonts used in this book are easy to read. I think this is mainly due to the target audience, since it makes it a little easier to read. I quite like the idea of having a simple font to use through the book as it lets other aspects of the book stand out. I really like the limited colour pallet he has used thought his illustrations . It makes the picture have a lot more personality and makes then distinctive from other books. The target audience would enjoy this aspect too since they are at the age where they are interested in new and interesting things, and since this looks so different, they will be instantly drawn to it. However I also think people of an older age can also appreciate/enjoy this kind of art work.
  • 7. Existing Product 2- Ottoline and the yellow cat He uses frames in the front and back of the cover. The font goes really well with the tones of the rest of the page, especially the gold design on the side Really nice layout. Got the main character right in the centre, and all the important title also in centre. Because they only put the main information on the front, they had more room for deign Could be referencing metal corners you can buy for books to stop the edges fro getting damaged. It could be a reference to main charecters wealth. The gold could also be a symbol of her families wealth
  • 8. Existing Product 3-neverwhere Chris riddle has also work in collaboration with Neil Gaiman to illustrated his book “neverwhere”. Unlike ottaline and the yellow cat this book is targeted at an older audience (teens/young adults). The illustrations are all in black and white, which I think works well with the story being told. Something that I find interesting is the layout of the illustrations, I quite like how they have intertwined the illustrations with the text on some pages(the picture surrounds or is underneath the text). I think this gives the reader further detail, like when there is a scene where the main focus is a certain abject, there might be an image of said object. I like the fact that they don't leave a full space for all of the illustrations , it gives the book personality and strengthens the mood of the book.
  • 10. Existing Product 4-"Mister Babadook by Simon Arizpe” Audience This book was made for fans of the babadook horror movie. In the movie itself it was used as a prop and is a main part of the story line. Based off that information the target audience for this book are 15 +. They made this book a lot ore appealing to buy by making sure that the quality of the book was good and look exactly the same as in the movie, since that is what their target audience is going to want. The mood of this book reflect the movie, its quite suspenseful with a dark tone. In the next slides I'm going to analyse how they achieve .
  • 11. Existing Product 4-"Mister Babadook by Simon Arizpe” The simplicity of the cover makes the book seem very mysterious and ominous The colour scheme is bold and fits the mood/theme of the book. Red is associated with dancer Black is associated with scary and dark things. The silhouette they used of the main character tells the reader its about a monster due to the creepy looking hands and the top hat/hair. the silhouette uses sharper lines for these details. the font they used for the title is a serif font, making it appear more bold and serious. The fact they also used all caps makes it stand out even more and adds character . These little details make the page look more intriguing. Because this was used as a prop in a movie, the red was a good choice for the cover since it makes it stand out/look good on screen.
  • 12. Existing Product 4-"Mister Babadook by Simon Arizpe” Not every page is a has a pop up/illustrations, which adds a scary empty tone. On some other pages where there are illustrations there are usually only couple of objects such as a lamp, this makes the book feel even emptier, it puts all the focus on babadook. All of the pages have the same worn out/grey wash background, which fits the tone of the book nicely. It compliments the what's on the page too. The writing in the book is very limited and is written like a poem. This makes it the boo even more ominous and creepy. The character design is reminds me of some of the characters from nightmare before Christmas. It is designed very well and give off an eerie feeling. Because the face look plain, almost like a mask, it makes the reader feel unease when looking at it
  • 13. Existing Product 5-Alice in Wonderland by Robert Sabuda This part of the page folds out (the image is of it already folded out) to reveal text and little pop-ups. This is a really clever design, since it means that most of the page can be used for visuals , and the this section can be used for the narrations. With this part of the page, you are supposed to pull the paper up, and look through the hole. In it you will see a picture of Alice falling through the rabbit hole. The layout and pop ups o this page were very well though out. The fact that all the writing I still included in this book makes it enjoyable for both older and younger children to read
  • 14. Existing Product 5-Alice in Wonderland by Robert Sabuda Something that I have noticed from this pop up book is that they always pick iconic/main scenes to display on the page. This is important since if they pick a scene where Alice what not yet stuck inside the house it would have not made as much since, since that is the main part of this chapter of the story. This pop up book has little details. One that I like in particular on this a page is when you look through the window you can see Alice's face. The added detail of the plastic also gives the illusion of a glass widow which is a nice touch. Since the window is made from thin plastic it means that whilst it will hold its shape and give a glass effect it isn't too heavy and wont interrupt the rest of the pop up design
  • 15. Research Analysis • in my product analysis I have research product within my subject area (book/pop-ups). I made sure to analyse a variety of different styles, genres and audiences to get broader set of information. • Some common feature that I have discovered whilst analysing are as follows. • The front covers fit the genre/story/style of the book. • All on the book are story based. • And the layout of the pages visually pleasing and clearly well thought out.
  • 16. Research Analysis • This research has made me aware of the possible things I am able to do with my product. For instance when I was researching babadook, I really enjoyed the idea of having pages where there is only text, I also enjoyed the simplicity of the book and ho they used minor details to add to the creepy atmosphere. • Something that I am planning on including in my work from this research is the simple style from babadook, however I'm going to adapt it to for the mood and aesthetic that I want to make.
  • 18. Audience profile Demographic profile: Age:8-15 Gender: predominantly female Country: England Education: primary to secondary school Race: neutral Why this audience? From my research I have found that book and shows that are fantasy based appeal more to girls then they do boys. This means that my main demographic will be girls ages 8+. However this doesn't mean all boys wont like it. Because this book is going to be interpretational (no story) I think that it allows people to use their imaginations an wonder who the people in the picture are and what their story is .
  • 19. Audience profile Audience personas Now that I have identified my target audience I'm going to go into more detail by making audience personas. This is to help really visualise who my audience is and will help me to create a product best suited to them. I'm going to create two sine I have two main audiences. A girl in year 6, they enjoy being creative and spending time with their friends. When they are at home they mainly watch cartoons. When they read in the library they normally go for fictional books. The reason why they would buy this book is because its something that look new and exciting. Because they are young their main priorities are learning at school and their school life. At that age they don't have to worry about things like incomes or jobs.
  • 20. Audience profile analysis • From this fake persona I realise that because kids at that age are still finding themselves it is important that this book has an positive effect on that and teaches them good morals. This book should be wholesome and creative.
  • 22. Audience research What is more important in a pop-up book The response to this question was evenly split, which shows me that there is just as big an audience for visual based book as there is for storytelling books. Some of the reasoning I got for these answer were as follows: Story- “if there is no story the pictures wont make sense” This person gave a really good point, without the story the picture may not make as much sense, an will leave them confused. Having a story would appeal to my audience much more Visuals- “because they give character to the story” The pictures should be adding to the mood and tone of the story being told, and really entice the audience.
  • 23. Audience research is it important that the cover matches the genre of the book 60 40 Surprisingly, 40% of people said that the cover of the book doesn't have to match the genre of the book. I think this is because some books do have pretty plain covers, two book of a complete different genre may have a very similar cover. Majority said, however, that the cover should suggest the genre. this suggests that majority of my audience do think that book covers are important and pay attention to it. I'm going to make sure that my book does represent suggest that the book is a fantasy/fairytale book, by carefully picking out fonts and colours that are associated with this genre.
  • 24. Audience research I then asked my audience what made a good book cover to find out what they look for or what stands out to them. Here are some of their responses:
  • 25. These comments show the main things that people were saying. The first comment says they find that a dramatic title would make a good cover. This makes sense as the cover should make the reader want to pick up the book, and if the title sound dull, people will be less likely to read it. the current name for my book is the book of wonders, which I think is quite interesting and suggests to the reader the book is fun and entertaining. Something that was repeated a lot was including bright colours on the cover. Bright colours suggest happiness and positive feeling, which tells me that my audience prefer light hearted content opposed to something heavy or dark. It also tells me that I should stay away from having a brown classic looking cover,, and instead try to make the cover more colourful. Of course this doesn't mean that I should abandon the design completely, just mean I should tweak it o better fit my audience. Another comment said that the cover should include lots of pictures. I think this is also a good idea since I'm planning on telling a bunch of short stories, so the cover could hint at some of them.
  • 26. Audience research do blurbs help you decide if you want to read a book 100% said that blurbs play a part in weather or not they decide on reading a book. This tells me that my audience don't just look at the cover and decide they want to read the book, they read the blurb to get further information fro the blurb to make sure that its going to be something that they will enjoy. It tells me that it is important to my audience that blurbs are included. To appeal to my audience it key that I include a blurb at the back cover of the book. This will help its success rate as its a way of giving my audience a summary of what exactly my product is.
  • 27. Audience research Next I asked my audience why they liked or disliked pop up books. I asked this because pop up books aren't so popular with older kids, so I wanted to see what main things they liked and dislike about them so I can make my product better. Here were the results likes Dislikes The pictures are cool I think they are for younger children I like the fact they pop up out of the book They don't have any words They are good to look at pictures rather then reading Because there are no words you cant tell what the people are saying. The main thing that seems to be a miss is having no words/story. Te way I'm going to combat this is by prioritising the storytelling aspect as much a the visuals. I think for every story there should be at leas one visual. The story should be told properly and make sense to the audience. Having this balance between visual and storytelling should make my product much more appealing to my audience
  • 28. Audience research Would you enjoy pop-ups you can move and interact with Majority said that they would enjoy pop ups that they can interact with. This tell me that my audience don't find interactive pop ups boring or unnecessary. It also tells me that my audience appreciate details such as interactive features as it makes the book more immersive and interesting. this will really come in handy when making my pop up since it mean that I can bring more variety to my designs. I do plan on having some interactive feature in my book, mostly using pull tabs as they are easier to do and I can make a lot of different effect with them.
  • 29. Audience research what makes fairytale/fantasy stories interesting to you 40 20 40 The last question I asked my audience was what interested them most about fairytale stories. Magic and the message were the factors that majority said instead them the most, the characters are shown to be a less popular factor. This tells me that my audience really appreciate creativity and stories with a strong message behind them. Therefore my product will work well since I want my book to have a positive impact on the people who read it, especial because its aimed at a younger audience. I plan on doing this by telling stories that have a morally good underlying message. However I want to make sure that the underlying message isn't too obvious, I don't want to shove it in their faces too much, it should be interpreted by the reader. the magical element will also be included in the not only the story, but also the pictures, I'm going to edit them to look more magical and fairy-tale like. Also the fact that its pop up will make it even more of a “magical” experience
  • 30. Questionnaire summery By doing this questionnaire I have managed to gain a better understanding of my audience. However, doing this has left me with some questions, so I'm going to follow through with an interview. To make sure that the majority of people taking my questionnaire where kids of this age I made sure to send them to parent I knew had kids around that age. I also asked if they could send it around to other people they knew so that I could get a broader range of answers I also made sure to make the questions easy to answer by using optional answers rather then them having to write their own answers out. The approximate time to fill out this questionnaire came to around 2 minutes. The main information I got from this questionnaire are: •It better to have a balance of picture and story, without the stories the pictures are less likely to make sense •Book covers that are brighter are more appealing as it suggests the book is light- hearted. •Blurbs are something that my audience uses to decide if they want to get a book. •There should be a good balance between the visuals and the story telling aspects of the book.
  • 32. questions • Do you like classic fairytales (grimms) • Why do you dislike pop-up books • Do you think this style is interesting(show mood board for aesthetic? • Would you prefer pop ups that are detailed or that you can interact with, or a mix?
  • 34. Interview 1 • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 36. Interview 2 • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 38. Bibliography 1. Aasiyah Chopdat. (2020) Target Audience Research Survey (conducted on 25/04/2020) 2. Chris Riddell (2007). Ottoline and the yellow cat. New York: Macmillan Children's Books. 3. Neil Gaiman (1996). neverwhere. London: BBC Books. 4. Robert Sabuda (2003). Alice in Wonderland. : SIMON & SCHUSTER. 5. Simon Arizpe (2014). Mister Babadook. Australia. 6. Tina Kraus (2017). Circus Zingaro . Germany.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  6. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  7. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  8. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  9. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  10. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  11. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  12. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  13. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  14. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  15. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  16. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  17. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  18. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  19. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  20. Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  21. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list. Interviewees, Name. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on DATE)