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EC2204- Business Economics
  2: Demand, Supply and Elasticity
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this section, you should be able to:

   Differentiate between demand and supply.

   Calculate equilibrium price and output.

   Define price and income elasticity.

   Apply formulas for price and income elasticity.

   Interpret price and income elasticity values.

   Describe factors influencing price elasticity.

   Show that total revenue is maximized at unit elasticity
Figure 3.1: Individual and Market Demand

   •The market demand curve is obtained through the horizontal
   summation of the quantities demanded at each price.
Demand Function

Algebraically, the demand function can be represented as:
Qd = f (P, Ps, Pc, Y, A, A’, N, CP, PE, TA, T/S )
   where Qd = quantity demanded of the good or service
   P = price of the good or service
   Ps = price of substitute goods or services
   Pc = price of complementary goods or services.
   Y = income of consumers.
   A = advertising expenditures (and other marketing expenditures)
   A’ = competitors' advertising expenditures on the good or service.
   N = population (and other demographic factors).
   CP = consumer tastes and preferences for the good or service.
   PE= expected (future) changes in price.
   TA= adjustment time period.
   T/S = taxes or subsidies.
Supply Function
The main determinants of the supply of a commodity can be represented as:

    Qs = f (P, Ps, Pc, C, Tn, Tx, Ms, O)

   where P = the market price of the good or service
   Ps = price of substitute goods or services
   Pc = price of complementary goods or services.
   C = Costs of producing the good/service
   Tn = state of technology.
   Tx = indirect taxation (VAT).
   Ms = market size
   O = objectives of the business.
Market Equilibrium
   When Qd = Qs at a given price, the market for the product is said to be in

   Aldi wants to know at what price will clear all its stock of Chateauneuf Du
    Pape. The Firms manager has established both its demand and supply
   Aldi’s Demand function is for Chateauneuf Du Pape: Qd = 90 – 2p.
   Aldi’s Supply function is for Chateauneuf Du Pape: Qs = 10 + 3p
                     At what Price and Quantity is Qd = Qs?
                                    Let Qd = Qs
                                  90 – 2p = 10 +3p
                                 80 = 5p, so p = 16
   Equilibrium price (Supply = Demand) Chateauneuf Du Pape = €16/bottle.
   Substitute p into either demand [90 – 2(16) = 58] or supply [10 + 3(16) = 58]
   Equilibrium level of output = 58 units. Aldi can clear their stock of
    Chateauneuf Du Pape if they charge €16 per bottle. Drama Queen
Market Equilibrium

                          Supply=10 + 3p


                       Demand = 90-2p

          58 bottles                    Q
Price Elasticity of Demand
   Effective demand management requires that the firm should be able to
    measure the impact of changes in price on the quantity demanded.
   To predict consumer behaviour, economists use well-defined techniques
    evaluating the sensitivity of consumers to changes in price.
   The most commonly used measure of consumers' sensitivity to price is
    known as "price elasticity of demand."
   We define the price elasticity of demand (Ed) as the ratio of the percentage
    change in quantity demanded to percentage change in price:

           %∆ D
    ED =           , where   ΔQD is change in quantity demanded and ΔP is the change in price

                                                              ∆QD P
This formula can also be expressed as                    ED =
                                                               ∆P QD                (2.1)
Price Elasticity of Demand
                                                Giffen, snob value goods,
          Unit Elastic if Ed = -1               exclusive goods have +ive
                                                E d’s, do not obey the law of
            Furniture Ed = -3
                                                 Caviar, Designer clothes

     -4       -3      -2        -1   0   1       2         3        4           5
                                               Shoes Ed = -0.73
                                         Necessities 0 to -1

Goods with E d between 0 and -1 tend to be necessities, food – no close
substitutes available - inelastic
Goods with E d from -1 to - ∞ tend to be luxury goods with many substitutes
available – elastic
Price Elasticity of Demand

P                  P                  P                     P             D

                                                                              Perfectly Inelastic
    Inelastic               Elastic          Perfectly
                                      D    Fixed in price

                   Q                  Q                     Q                         Q
chicken                Plasma             Units of              Insulin
                       screens            electricity
                       Furniture                                Chemotherapy
Shoes`, food
Price Elasticity Estimates

Good                  O’Riordan 1976   Conniffe 1980   Madden 1993
Food                        -0.43          -0.42           -0.57
Alcohol                     -0.48          -0.56           -0.65
Tobacco                                                    -0.35
Clothes &Footwear           -1.01          -0.70           -0.69
Petrol                                                     -0.19
Fuel & Power                0.11           -0.06           -0.17
Durables                    -0.48          -0.84           -1.05
Transport                   -1.59          -1.02           -1.06
Services                                                   -.1.01
Other Goods                 -0.76          -0.35           -0.69
Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of

•The aim of the business manager is to maximize profit.
•Profit is total revenue less total cost (TR-TC).
•Your aim should be to maximise your revenue while minimizing your costs.
•As TR = price per unit of output (P*Q), you can increase your revenue by
either increasing price and/or increasing your output or market share.
•Increasing market share is undertaken by strategies such as advertising
campaigns, which we deal with later.
•Here we concentrate on pricing strategies.
•Understanding the relationship between price elasticity and changes in total
revenue is an important component of pricing strategy for the business
•It is vital that the manager knows whether the good s/he sells or produces is
price elastic or inelastic.
Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of

If you raise price, does TR automatically rise? Suppose you are selling I-products, Ipods,
Iphones etc and you raise price what happens to your TR?
if P ↑ , then Q ↓ a lot – customers will shop around, you’ll lose market share
Hence your TR FALLS !!!
Suppose food outlets (TESCO, DUNNES) raise price. What happens to their TR and
       Inelastic: P ↑ → Q↓ → TR ↑ (Necessities, Food
       Inelastic: P ↓ → Q↑ → TR ↓

       Elastic:       P ↑ → Q↓ → TR ↓           (Luxury Goods)
       Elastic:       P ↓ → Q↑ → TR ↑

       Unit Elastic: P ↑ → Q↓ → TR unchanged → π ↑
       (E d = -1)
1979 Deregulation of Airfares

   Prices declined
   Passengers increased
   Total Revenue Increased

•   P ↓ → Q↑ → TR ↑

   What does this imply about the price elasticity of air
    travel ?
   Is air travel elastic or inelastic
   Is air travel a necessity or a luxury
Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand:

   Substitutes: The more substitutes, the higher the elasticity, as people can
    easily switch from one good to another if a minor price change is made.

   Percentage of income: The higher the percentage that the product's price
    is of the consumers’ income, the higher the elasticity, as people will be
    careful with purchasing the good because of its cost.

   Necessity: The more necessary a good is, the lower the elasticity, as
    people will buy it no matter the price, such as insulin

   Time: The longer a price change holds, the higher the elasticity, as more
    and more people will stop demanding the good (i.e. if you go to the
    supermarket and find that blueberries have doubled in price, you'll buy it
    because you need it this time, but next time you won't, unless the price
    drops back down again)

   Breadth of definition: The broader the definition, the lower the elasticity.
    For example, McDonalds burger will have a relatively high elasticity, where
    as food in general will have an extremely low elasticity  Blonde
Cross Price Elasticity
        Two goods are substitutes if an increase (decrease) in the price of
         Good 1 results in an increase (decrease) in the quantity demanded of
         Good 2, holding other factors constant, such as the price of Good 2,
         other prices, income, and so on, or vice versa-(pepsi/coke)
        Similarly, two goods are complements if an increase in the price of
         Good I results in a decrease in the quantity demanded of Good 2. An
         increase in the price of DVD players would have the effect of decreasing the
         demand for DVDs, ceteris paribus. (petrol/cars, shoes/socks)

             ∆Q D A PB
        ED =                  Where ΔQDA = change in quantity demanded of Good A
              ∆PB Q DA        ΔPB = change in price of Good B

Substitutes have a positive cross price elasticity: Butter & Margarine (+0.81)
Complements have a negative cross price elasticity: VCR machines and the rental
price of tapes, computer hardware and software (-0.5)

When the cross price elasticity is zero or insignificant, the products are not related.
Income Elasticity of Demand
      Income elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of a change
         in quantity demanded of some good or service to a change in income.
         It can be expressed as:
                                    ∆QD I
                               ID =          where ΔQD= change in quantity
                                     ∆I QD demanded, ΔI= change in Income

A normal good or service is a good/service you demand more of as your income
An inferior good or service is a good/service you demand less of as your income
Sample Questions
 Suppose the demand function is Q = 10 - 2P + 3I. Find the income
   and price elasticities at a price, P = 2, and income, I = 10.
   Characterise the good.

 Step 1: Calculate quantity demanded?
 Q = 10 -2(2) + 3(10) = 36

 Step 2: Determine Price Elasticity of Demand
       ∆QD P                   2
  ED =               E D = −2       = -0.111 - inelastic
        ∆P QD                 36

Step 3: Determine income Elasticity of Demand

       ∆Q D I                 10        = 0.833 – normal good
ID =             ID =3
        ∆I QD                 36
Sample Questions

Question 1: In September 2008, when Meteor charged €10 for mobile phone credit, they
found the average number of units used per week was 1,000. When Meteor cut their charges
to €6 the average number of units increased to 1,200 units. Calculate the point price
elasticity of demand for mobile phone credit, and interpret your result.

                                                  = - 0.5

Interpretation: A 1% increase in price of mobile phone credit reduces quantity demanded by
0.5 percent.
                                                                Car Accident
Sample Questions
Question 3: In January 2009, when the average price of a litre of petrol was €1.00,
Ford sold 1000 units of their car range. By September the price of petrol had increased
to €1.40, the demand had Ford cars had dropped to 800 units. Calculate the cross-
price elasticity of demand for Ford cars, and interpret your result.
                 ∆QD PB               − 200 A 100
            ED =     A
                                 ED =               =-0.5
                  ∆PB Q D   A
                                        40 1000 A
Interpretation: A 10% increase in the price of petrol reduces quantity demanded
of cars by 5%. Note: Cars and Petrol are compliments. Why?

Question 4: In January 2009, when the average price of a bottle of both Pepsi Coca
and Cola was €1.00, Coca Cola sold 1000 per day in Tesco. By September when the
price of Pepsi Cola increased to €1.40, the demand had Coca Cola increased to 1500
units. Calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand , and interpret your result.
                 ∆Q DA PB            500 A 100
          ED =                  ED =              =0.25
                  ∆PB QDA             40 1000 A

Interpretation: A 10% increase in the price of Pepsi Cola increases the quantity
demanded of Coca Cola by 2.5%. Note: Pepsi and Coca Cola are substitutes. Why?
Sample Questions
Question 5 (See QB1- S 2009):
Find the point price elasticity, the point income elasticity, and the point cross-price
elasticity at P=10, I=20, and Ps=9, if the demand function were estimated to be:
             Qd = 90 - 8P + 2I + 2Ps/c
Is the demand for this product elastic or inelastic? Is it a luxury or a necessity?
Does this product have a close substitute or complement?

Recall the Differentiation Rule:
Multiply the coefficient by the Power and reduce the power by 1.
Example: if y = 6x3 – 4x2 + 5x + 3 , Δy/Δx = 18x2 - 8x + 5

Qd = 90 - 8P + 2I +2Ps/c
ΔQ/ΔP = -8
ΔQ/ΔI = 2
ΔQ/ΔPs/c = 2

Step 1: Calculate quantity demanded?
Qd = 90 – 8(10) + 2(20) + 2(9) = 68
Sample Questions

         Step 2: Determine Price elasticity of demand
                      ∆QD P                   10
               ED =                E D = −8             =-1.176
                       ∆P Q D                 68

         Step 3: Determine Income elasticity of demand
                          ∆Q D I       I D =2
                   ID =
                                                   68   = 0.588
                           ∆I QD

         Step 4: Determine cross elasticity of demand
                        ∆Q DA PB                   9
                 ED =              CrossE D = 2          = 0.263
                         ∆PB QDA                   68

Conclusion: The good/service is price elastic, not essential, it’s a normal good, it has a
substitute but not a close substitute.
Sample Questions
Question 7: Find the level of output that maximizes Total Revenue for the
  demand function P = 18 – Q ?

Demand Function for Soft Drinks        Q = 18 – P
TR = P * Q           so P = 18 – Q
TR = (18 - Q) * (Q )
so TR = 18Q – Q²
MR = ∆TR/∆Q = 18 – 2Q

TR is maximised at MR = 0
Set MR = 18 – 2Q = 0
18 = 2Q
Q = 9 ( TR is Max where at Q = 9 where MR = 0)

TR is maximised where Q =9
Sample Questions
Question 8 (See Q B3-Summer 2009):

Show that Total Revenue is maximized where MR = 0 at unit elasticity
  for the demand function for Printed t-shirts is Q = 150 – 10P where P
  = price in € per unit and Q = quantity demanded in units?

Write the demand function in terms of Price:   P = 15 – Q/10

[TR = P * Q]    [TR = (15-10/ Q) * Q] = 15 Q – Q2 / 10

MR = change in revenue associated with a unit change in quantity or the
  first derivative of TR with respect to Q.

  MR =                   = 15 – 1/10(2Q) = 15 - Q/5
Sample Questions
Recall TR is Max when MR = 0    therefore set 15 – Q/5 = 0

                       Q/5 = 15 so,    Q = 75 units

(Solve for Price)

Substitute Q = 75 units into original demand function 15 – Q /10

                      P = 15 – (75/10) = €7.50 per unit

                  TR is maximised at Q = 75 and P = €7.50

        ∆Q D P
 ED =             of Q = 150 –10P
         ∆P Q D
                                7 .5
                      E D = −10      = −1      So when MR = 0, ED = -1
Recall Our Learning Outcomes
You should now be able to:
   Differentiate between demand and supply.

   Calculate equilibrium price and output.

   Define price and income elasticity.

   Apply formulas for price and income elasticity.

   Interpret price and income elasticity values.

   Describe factors influencing price elasticity.

   Show that total revenue is maximized at unit elasticity

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2 demand-supply and elasticity

  • 1. EC2204- Business Economics 2: Demand, Supply and Elasticity
  • 2. Learning Outcomes Upon completing this section, you should be able to:  Differentiate between demand and supply.  Calculate equilibrium price and output.  Define price and income elasticity.  Apply formulas for price and income elasticity.  Interpret price and income elasticity values.  Describe factors influencing price elasticity.  Show that total revenue is maximized at unit elasticity
  • 3. Figure 3.1: Individual and Market Demand •The market demand curve is obtained through the horizontal summation of the quantities demanded at each price.
  • 4. Demand Function Algebraically, the demand function can be represented as: Qd = f (P, Ps, Pc, Y, A, A’, N, CP, PE, TA, T/S )  where Qd = quantity demanded of the good or service  P = price of the good or service  Ps = price of substitute goods or services  Pc = price of complementary goods or services.  Y = income of consumers.  A = advertising expenditures (and other marketing expenditures)  A’ = competitors' advertising expenditures on the good or service.  N = population (and other demographic factors).  CP = consumer tastes and preferences for the good or service.  PE= expected (future) changes in price.  TA= adjustment time period.  T/S = taxes or subsidies.
  • 5. Supply Function The main determinants of the supply of a commodity can be represented as: Qs = f (P, Ps, Pc, C, Tn, Tx, Ms, O)  where P = the market price of the good or service  Ps = price of substitute goods or services  Pc = price of complementary goods or services.  C = Costs of producing the good/service  Tn = state of technology.  Tx = indirect taxation (VAT).  Ms = market size  O = objectives of the business.
  • 6. Market Equilibrium  When Qd = Qs at a given price, the market for the product is said to be in equilibrium.  Aldi wants to know at what price will clear all its stock of Chateauneuf Du Pape. The Firms manager has established both its demand and supply functions.  Aldi’s Demand function is for Chateauneuf Du Pape: Qd = 90 – 2p.  Aldi’s Supply function is for Chateauneuf Du Pape: Qs = 10 + 3p At what Price and Quantity is Qd = Qs? Let Qd = Qs 90 – 2p = 10 +3p 80 = 5p, so p = 16  Equilibrium price (Supply = Demand) Chateauneuf Du Pape = €16/bottle.  Substitute p into either demand [90 – 2(16) = 58] or supply [10 + 3(16) = 58]  Equilibrium level of output = 58 units. Aldi can clear their stock of Chateauneuf Du Pape if they charge €16 per bottle. Drama Queen
  • 7. Market Equilibrium €90 Supply=10 + 3p €16 €10 Demand = 90-2p 0 58 bottles Q
  • 8. Price Elasticity of Demand  Effective demand management requires that the firm should be able to measure the impact of changes in price on the quantity demanded.  To predict consumer behaviour, economists use well-defined techniques evaluating the sensitivity of consumers to changes in price.  The most commonly used measure of consumers' sensitivity to price is known as "price elasticity of demand."  We define the price elasticity of demand (Ed) as the ratio of the percentage change in quantity demanded to percentage change in price: %∆ D Q ED = , where ΔQD is change in quantity demanded and ΔP is the change in price %∆P ∆QD P This formula can also be expressed as ED = ∆P QD (2.1)
  • 9. Price Elasticity of Demand Giffen, snob value goods, Unit Elastic if Ed = -1 exclusive goods have +ive E d’s, do not obey the law of demand Furniture Ed = -3 Caviar, Designer clothes -∞ -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Shoes Ed = -0.73 Luxuries Necessities 0 to -1 Goods with E d between 0 and -1 tend to be necessities, food – no close substitutes available - inelastic Goods with E d from -1 to - ∞ tend to be luxury goods with many substitutes available – elastic
  • 10. Price Elasticity of Demand P P P P D Perfectly Inelastic Inelastic Elastic Perfectly Elastic D D Fixed in price D Q Q Q Q chicken Plasma Units of Insulin screens electricity telephones Furniture Chemotherapy Shoes`, food Ipod’s
  • 11. Price Elasticity Estimates Good O’Riordan 1976 Conniffe 1980 Madden 1993 Food -0.43 -0.42 -0.57 Alcohol -0.48 -0.56 -0.65 Tobacco -0.35 Clothes &Footwear -1.01 -0.70 -0.69 Petrol -0.19 Fuel & Power 0.11 -0.06 -0.17 Durables -0.48 -0.84 -1.05 Transport -1.59 -1.02 -1.06 Services -.1.01 Other Goods -0.76 -0.35 -0.69
  • 12. Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of Demand •The aim of the business manager is to maximize profit. •Profit is total revenue less total cost (TR-TC). •Your aim should be to maximise your revenue while minimizing your costs. •As TR = price per unit of output (P*Q), you can increase your revenue by either increasing price and/or increasing your output or market share. •Increasing market share is undertaken by strategies such as advertising campaigns, which we deal with later. •Here we concentrate on pricing strategies. •Understanding the relationship between price elasticity and changes in total revenue is an important component of pricing strategy for the business manager. •It is vital that the manager knows whether the good s/he sells or produces is price elastic or inelastic.
  • 13. Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of Demand If you raise price, does TR automatically rise? Suppose you are selling I-products, Ipods, Iphones etc and you raise price what happens to your TR? if P ↑ , then Q ↓ a lot – customers will shop around, you’ll lose market share Hence your TR FALLS !!! Suppose food outlets (TESCO, DUNNES) raise price. What happens to their TR and profit? Inelastic: P ↑ → Q↓ → TR ↑ (Necessities, Food etc.) Inelastic: P ↓ → Q↑ → TR ↓ Elastic: P ↑ → Q↓ → TR ↓ (Luxury Goods) Elastic: P ↓ → Q↑ → TR ↑ Unit Elastic: P ↑ → Q↓ → TR unchanged → π ↑ (E d = -1)
  • 14. 1979 Deregulation of Airfares  Prices declined  Passengers increased  Total Revenue Increased • P ↓ → Q↑ → TR ↑  What does this imply about the price elasticity of air travel ?  Is air travel elastic or inelastic  Is air travel a necessity or a luxury
  • 15. Determinants of Price Elasticity of Demand:  Substitutes: The more substitutes, the higher the elasticity, as people can easily switch from one good to another if a minor price change is made.  Percentage of income: The higher the percentage that the product's price is of the consumers’ income, the higher the elasticity, as people will be careful with purchasing the good because of its cost.  Necessity: The more necessary a good is, the lower the elasticity, as people will buy it no matter the price, such as insulin  Time: The longer a price change holds, the higher the elasticity, as more and more people will stop demanding the good (i.e. if you go to the supermarket and find that blueberries have doubled in price, you'll buy it because you need it this time, but next time you won't, unless the price drops back down again)  Breadth of definition: The broader the definition, the lower the elasticity. For example, McDonalds burger will have a relatively high elasticity, where as food in general will have an extremely low elasticity Blonde
  • 16. Cross Price Elasticity  Two goods are substitutes if an increase (decrease) in the price of Good 1 results in an increase (decrease) in the quantity demanded of Good 2, holding other factors constant, such as the price of Good 2, other prices, income, and so on, or vice versa-(pepsi/coke)  Similarly, two goods are complements if an increase in the price of Good I results in a decrease in the quantity demanded of Good 2. An increase in the price of DVD players would have the effect of decreasing the demand for DVDs, ceteris paribus. (petrol/cars, shoes/socks) ∆Q D A PB ED = Where ΔQDA = change in quantity demanded of Good A ∆PB Q DA ΔPB = change in price of Good B Substitutes have a positive cross price elasticity: Butter & Margarine (+0.81) Complements have a negative cross price elasticity: VCR machines and the rental price of tapes, computer hardware and software (-0.5) When the cross price elasticity is zero or insignificant, the products are not related.
  • 17. Income Elasticity of Demand Income elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of a change in quantity demanded of some good or service to a change in income. It can be expressed as: ∆QD I ID = where ΔQD= change in quantity ∆I QD demanded, ΔI= change in Income A normal good or service is a good/service you demand more of as your income increases. An inferior good or service is a good/service you demand less of as your income increases.
  • 18. Sample Questions Suppose the demand function is Q = 10 - 2P + 3I. Find the income and price elasticities at a price, P = 2, and income, I = 10. Characterise the good. Step 1: Calculate quantity demanded? Q = 10 -2(2) + 3(10) = 36 Step 2: Determine Price Elasticity of Demand ∆QD P 2 ED = E D = −2 = -0.111 - inelastic ∆P QD 36 Step 3: Determine income Elasticity of Demand ∆Q D I 10 = 0.833 – normal good ID = ID =3 ∆I QD 36
  • 19. Sample Questions Question 1: In September 2008, when Meteor charged €10 for mobile phone credit, they found the average number of units used per week was 1,000. When Meteor cut their charges to €6 the average number of units increased to 1,200 units. Calculate the point price elasticity of demand for mobile phone credit, and interpret your result. = - 0.5 Interpretation: A 1% increase in price of mobile phone credit reduces quantity demanded by 0.5 percent. Car Accident
  • 20. Sample Questions Question 3: In January 2009, when the average price of a litre of petrol was €1.00, Ford sold 1000 units of their car range. By September the price of petrol had increased to €1.40, the demand had Ford cars had dropped to 800 units. Calculate the cross- price elasticity of demand for Ford cars, and interpret your result. ∆QD PB − 200 A 100 ED = A ED = =-0.5 ∆PB Q D A 40 1000 A Interpretation: A 10% increase in the price of petrol reduces quantity demanded of cars by 5%. Note: Cars and Petrol are compliments. Why? Question 4: In January 2009, when the average price of a bottle of both Pepsi Coca and Cola was €1.00, Coca Cola sold 1000 per day in Tesco. By September when the price of Pepsi Cola increased to €1.40, the demand had Coca Cola increased to 1500 units. Calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand , and interpret your result. ∆Q DA PB 500 A 100 ED = ED = =0.25 ∆PB QDA 40 1000 A Interpretation: A 10% increase in the price of Pepsi Cola increases the quantity demanded of Coca Cola by 2.5%. Note: Pepsi and Coca Cola are substitutes. Why?
  • 21. Sample Questions Question 5 (See QB1- S 2009): Find the point price elasticity, the point income elasticity, and the point cross-price elasticity at P=10, I=20, and Ps=9, if the demand function were estimated to be: Qd = 90 - 8P + 2I + 2Ps/c Is the demand for this product elastic or inelastic? Is it a luxury or a necessity? Does this product have a close substitute or complement? Recall the Differentiation Rule: Multiply the coefficient by the Power and reduce the power by 1. Example: if y = 6x3 – 4x2 + 5x + 3 , Δy/Δx = 18x2 - 8x + 5 Qd = 90 - 8P + 2I +2Ps/c ΔQ/ΔP = -8 ΔQ/ΔI = 2 ΔQ/ΔPs/c = 2 Step 1: Calculate quantity demanded? Qd = 90 – 8(10) + 2(20) + 2(9) = 68
  • 22. Sample Questions Step 2: Determine Price elasticity of demand ∆QD P 10 ED = E D = −8 =-1.176 ∆P Q D 68 Step 3: Determine Income elasticity of demand ∆Q D I I D =2 20 ID = 68 = 0.588 ∆I QD Step 4: Determine cross elasticity of demand ∆Q DA PB 9 ED = CrossE D = 2 = 0.263 ∆PB QDA 68 Conclusion: The good/service is price elastic, not essential, it’s a normal good, it has a substitute but not a close substitute.
  • 23. Sample Questions Question 7: Find the level of output that maximizes Total Revenue for the demand function P = 18 – Q ? Demand Function for Soft Drinks Q = 18 – P TR = P * Q so P = 18 – Q TR = (18 - Q) * (Q ) so TR = 18Q – Q² MR = ∆TR/∆Q = 18 – 2Q TR is maximised at MR = 0 Set MR = 18 – 2Q = 0 18 = 2Q Q = 9 ( TR is Max where at Q = 9 where MR = 0) TR is maximised where Q =9
  • 24. Sample Questions Question 8 (See Q B3-Summer 2009): Show that Total Revenue is maximized where MR = 0 at unit elasticity for the demand function for Printed t-shirts is Q = 150 – 10P where P = price in € per unit and Q = quantity demanded in units? Write the demand function in terms of Price: P = 15 – Q/10 [TR = P * Q] [TR = (15-10/ Q) * Q] = 15 Q – Q2 / 10 MR = change in revenue associated with a unit change in quantity or the first derivative of TR with respect to Q. ∆TR MR = = 15 – 1/10(2Q) = 15 - Q/5 ∆QD
  • 25. Sample Questions Recall TR is Max when MR = 0 therefore set 15 – Q/5 = 0 Q/5 = 15 so, Q = 75 units (Solve for Price) Substitute Q = 75 units into original demand function 15 – Q /10 P = 15 – (75/10) = €7.50 per unit TR is maximised at Q = 75 and P = €7.50 ∆Q D P ED = of Q = 150 –10P ∆P Q D 7 .5 E D = −10 = −1 So when MR = 0, ED = -1 75
  • 26. Recall Our Learning Outcomes You should now be able to:  Differentiate between demand and supply.  Calculate equilibrium price and output.  Define price and income elasticity.  Apply formulas for price and income elasticity.  Interpret price and income elasticity values.  Describe factors influencing price elasticity.  Show that total revenue is maximized at unit elasticity

Editor's Notes

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