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Communication is the ability of mankind to communicate across barriers and beyond
boundaries that has ushered the progress of mankind. It is the ability of fostering
speedy and effective communication around the world that has shrunk the world and
made ‘globalization’ a reality. Communication had a vital role to play in ensuring that
people belonging to a particular country or a culture or linguistic group interact with
and relate to people belonging to other countries or culture or linguistic group.
Communication adds meaning to human life. It helps to build relationship and fosters
love and understanding. It enriches our knowledge of the universe and makes living
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The word “communication” derived from the Latin word “communicare” that means to
impart, to participate, to share or to make common. It is a process of exchange of facts, ideas,
opinions and as a means that individual or organization share meaning and understanding
with one another. In other words, it is a transmission and interacting the facts, ideas, opinion,
feeling and attitudes. The history of business communication is, of course, closely linked with
the histories of communication itself and that of business operations. When the two merge,
they become a vital part of successful commerce. Some of the first forms of visual
communication came in the form of pictographs. People conveyed stories, histories or
instructions through a series of illustrations usually drawn on the walls of caves. The second
stage of written communication appeared as crude alphabets used to create a written
language. Next came the tremendous technological advancement using air waves and
electronic signals: radio and telephone. At every stage of communication development, so did
business practices. Invoices could be written and paid, and purchase orders sent. Printed
communication served both consumers and business owners well, but when the radio came
into use at the end of the 19th century it revolutionized business communication once again.
Now the products and services of every business could be marketed on the basis of mass
communication. Once radio took off, the telephone and television were not far behind.
Manufacturers could communicate with raw materials representatives, business owners could
communicate with consumers and investors could communicate with their beneficiaries. It
was not until the latter part of the 20th century that the telephone was used to advertise for a
business, through telemarketing and the facsimile. From its onset, the television was used for
marketing purposes. Media broadcasters would recruit local business owners to sponsor their
show, in exchange for a few minutes of airtime to advertise their products. The exchange
worked well. When technology brought forth the computer and the internet, business
communication radically changed once again. Business operations could now become much
more efficient, further increasing profits. Consumers had more of a say in what they wanted
and how they wanted to receive it. In many ways, the middleman was taken out of the
equation. There was no longer the need for traveling salespeople. Customers could be
reached in a much more cost effective manner through the use of computers and the internet.
a. Adequate data were not possible to collect
b. This group is new in reporting
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 Conditions needed to be a communication
 Application of business communication.
 Understand the primary reasons for communication with each stakeholder.
 Describe how information flows within an organization.
 Importance of business communication with both internal & external parties for an
Communication is the transfer of information from sender to a receiver with a view to
making it understandable to the latter. It is the information exchange by words or symbols. It
can be defined as the process of effective transmission of information from one person to
another. By effective communication is meant the process of sending message in such way
that the massage received is close in meaning to the message intended.
So, there need three conditions for communication to take place:
1) There must be two parties ( sender & receiver)
2) There must be some information
3) An attempt must be taken.
Communication, which takes place between the parties concerned with a view to exchanging
information or message relating to business, is called business communication.
For example, if a producer orders to buy raw material to the supplier then this type of
communication will be called business communication.
According to Newman & Summer,
“Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more
American Management Association defines,
‘Communication is any behavior that results in an exchange of meaning’.
Accordingto Prof. W.H. Meaning,
“The exchange of ideas,news,andviewsinconnection withthe businessamongthe relatedparties
Prof. J. Haste says,
“Communicationoccurredbetweentwoormore businessmenfororganizingandadministering
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In fine, it can be said that communication which takes place for the sake of common business
affairs is called business communication.
Business communication differs from general communication. Business communication has
some special characteristics. The characteristics of business communication are as follows—
Two or more persons:
Business communication involves at least two persons i.e (a) sender: who has a message to
communicate (b) receiver: who gets the message and converts the message into thoughts with
business perspective.
Message :
Message is facts, ideas, opinions, information or emotions that are transmitted to the receiver.
In business communication, the thoughts on opinions of business person occurs by
transmitted message to others inform of notice, agenda, oral etc.
Verbal or non-verbal:
In business, verbal communication means written or spoken language or words. Whereas
non-verbal communication means facial expression, gestural expression etc. These two can
occur jointly or separately depending on the situation or environment.
Two way process:
Business communication is a two way process. At least two persons are needed for successful
communication. Sender sends message and receiver receives the message and thereafter
makes feedback.
Formal or informal:
Business communication can be formal or informal. Example of formal communication is:
meeting, seminar, news bulletin etc. Example of informal communication is: conversation
with friends and peers, gossiping, grapevine etc.
Upward ,downward or horizontal :
Business communication may flow up and down and also from side to side. Upward
communication starts from lower level and transmitted to upper level of an organization. And
downward communication is just opposite to upward communication. Whereas horizontal
communication occurs within the same level.
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External or internal :
Business communication may be external or internal. Internal communication means
communication within organization i.e. manager communicate with supervisor, employees
etc. External communication means communication to outside with organization i.e.
communicate with suppliers, creditors etc.
Process of exchange:
In business message or information is exchanged though some sequential steps, i.e. sender
sends message using a media to the received and receiver receives the message and makes
feedback to the sender.
Regular activity:
The process of business communication is continuously to create mutual understanding, trust,
credibility and implementation of decisions quickly. So business communication is an
unending process.
Different media :
There are different channels of business communication such as:
a) Electronic media: Telephone, Telex, Fax, Internet etc.
b) Print media: Newspaper, Books, Journals etc.
c) Audio media: wireless and cell phone.
In business, the sender of message wants feedback or response from the receiver.
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We are born with communication; we live with communication and die with communication.
Any kind of religious, social, economical, political, financial & cultural activities come under
the umbrella of communication to form a idea. Regarding the scope of communication, its
brief discussion is given below:
In personal life:
from cradle to grave, communication is involved with human activities closely. When a
person wakes up and when he goes to sleep, between this time a person involved with various
types of communication.
In social life:
Man is a social being. He lives in a group in a society and maintains social relationship with
others. The social chain is maintained and empowered through communication.
In case of state:
a state is a structure which is formed through the participation of general public. The elected
Govt. governs the country through the effective communication among legislative body,
judicial body, administrative body and the general as whole.
In case of industry:
Five M’s, i.e. Man, Material, Money, Machine & Method are required in an industry. The
co-ordination and integration of these five aspects require effective communication among
legislative body, judicial body, administrative body and the general people as whole.
In case of Business:
Business functions through communication. The demand of the society is fulfilled through
the supply from business enterprises and this is possible through communication.
In case of management:
Management means getting things done by the others. To do this, managers need to
communicate with worker or employee at various level of organization.
In case of policies:
The policy of the govt., manifesto of political parties and the slogans of political leaders are
the various forms of communication.
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In case of organizational behavior:
It means the relationship between the employer, employee and the organization itself. Such
relationship is created and maintained through formal and informal communication.
In case of international relationship:
In the age of globalization ne country shares cultural activities, economical affairs,
technology and other thousands of aspects of other countries. SAARC, EU, NAFTA and
ASEAN are the various regional co-operative bodies that maintain international
In case of industrial relations:
Labors are the soul of an organization. Their co-operation is essential for the success. They
should be motivated and controlled properly. For this reason HRM department maintain a
balance relationship between labor and authority. In order to build this relationship
communication plays a vital role.
Increase of publicity:
Organizations require advertising about their products or services. Through communication
organizations complete their publicity.
In conclusion, it can be said that the scope of communication is so wide and extensive that it
touches individual, society, nation and the world at large. Basically the scope of
communication is broad and it cannot be expressed shortly.
The purpose of business communication is wide and large. Information, order, persuasion,
warning, motivation, advice, and rising morale are activated through the means of
communication. The objectives of communication are stated below:
To exchange information:
The prime objective of communication is to exchange information internally and externally
i.e. to deal within the organization and outside the organization.
o External information
 Information about product and service of the organization.
 Information about credit facility.
 Information about Govt. rules and regulation
 Information about the advertising media
 Information about new innovation
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o Internal information
 Information on job assignments and procedures
 Information about decision making power
 Information regarding policies and activities of the organization
To achieve goal:
The goal of the organization can be obtain through effective organizational communication.
Every person tries to obtain such goal and therefore it requires effective organizational
Plan decides what is to be done in the future. Sound communication systems provides
essential information and data to plan effectively.
For instruction:
The instructive function unvarying and importantly deals with the commanding nature. It is
more or less of directive nature. Under this, the communicator transmits with necessary
directives and guidance to the next level, so as to enable them to accomplish his particular
tasks. In this, instructions basically flow from top to the lower level.
For integration:
It is consolidated function under which integration of activities is endeavored. The
integration function of communication mainly involves bringing about inter-relationship
among the various functions of the business organization. It helps in the unification of
different management functions.
For information:
The purpose of business communication in an organization is to inform the individual or
group about the particular task or company policies and procedures etc. Top management
informs policies to the lower level through the middle level. In turn, the lower level informs
the top level the reaction through the middle level. Information can flow vertically,
horizontally and diagonally across the organization. Becoming informed or inform others is
the main purpose of communication.
For evaluation:
Examination of activities to form an idea or judgment of the worth of task is achieved
through communication. Communication is a tool to appraise the individual or team, their
contribution to the organization. Evaluating one’s own inputs or other’s outputs or some
ideological scheme demands an adequate and effective communication process.
For direction:
Communication is necessary to issue directions by the top management or manager to the
lower level. Employee can perform better when he is directed by his senior. Directing others
may be communicated either orally or in writing. An order may be common order, request
order or implied order.
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For teaching:
The importance of personal safety on the job has been greatly recognized. A complete
communication process is required to teach and educate workers about personal safety on the
jobs. This communication helps the workers to avert accidents, risk etc. and avoid cost,
procedures etc.
For influencing:
A complete communication process is necessary in influencing others or being influenced.
The individual having potential to influence others can easily persuade others. It implies the
provision of feedback which tells the effect of communication.
For image building:
A business enterprise cannot isolate from the rest of the society. There is interrelationship and
interdependence between the society and an enterprise operating in the society. Goodwill and
confidence are necessarily created among the public. It can be done by the communication
with the different media, which has to project the image of the firm in the society. Through
an effective external communication system, an enterprise has to inform the society about its
goals, activities, progress and social responsibility.
For employees’ orientation:
When a new employee enter into the organization at that time he or she will be unknown to
the organization programs, policies, culture etc. Communication helps to make people
acquainted with the co-employees, superior and with the policies, objectives, rules and
regulations of the organization.
There is strong relationship between successful communication and employee satisfaction.
Thus effective communication is a precondition for job satisfaction as well as for the better
productivity of an organization.
Prof. Keith Davis rightly said that, “communication is necessary to perpetuate (Preserve) the
health of the organization.”
When communication is effective it tends to encourage better performance and job
satisfaction. (David Pircus -1986).
In this age of competition communication is the number one problem of the
management. Competition, complex methods of production, large scale operations and
specialization in production functions have increased the importance of communication.
Without effective communication a manager cannot perform his duties well. Communication
is as essential to business as blood is to the human body. Success of the communication
system affects the success of business. The following points are important functions of
business communication:
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Smooth Working of a Business Firm
Communication is necessary for the successful smooth and unrestricted working of an
enterprise. All organisational interaction depends upon working of an enterprise. All
organisational interaction depends upon communication. The manager co-ordinates the
human and the physical elements of an organisation into an efficient and working unit that
achieves common objectives. Be it an activity of purchase or sale or production or finance it
is the process of communication that makes cooperative action possible. The internal and
external communication process of an organisation decides the various activities to be done
and various objectives to be achieved. “Communication is basic to an organisation’s
existence from birth of the organisation through its continuing life when communication
stops, organised activity ceases to exist.”
Basis of Managerial Function
Communication plays an important role in discharging the various functions of
management. No function of management is possible without the communication process. Its
importance in performing the various functions is as follows:
i. Planning: Planning the most important among the functions of
management, requires extensive communication among the executives
and the other personnel. Communication is important in executing a
planned programme and then controlling the activities of the personnel
with the help of feedback information.
ii. Organisation: Organisation is the second important function of
management which decides the various activities of an organisation,
divides them into workable units, delegates authority to perform the.
For this purpose, communication is a must because different persons,
departments and group come to know their powers and jurisdiction
only through an effective means of communication.
iii. Direction and Leadership: Direction and effective leadership
requires an efficient system of communication in an organisation. A
good leader can direct or lead his subordinates only when an efficient
system of communication is present. It brings both the leader and the
subordinates in close contact with each other and removes
misunderstanding if any.
iv. Motivation: An efficient system of communication enables
management to change the attitude of the subordinates and to motivate,
influence and satisfy them. Most of the conflicts in business are not
basic but are caused by misunderstood motives and ignorance of facts.
Proper and timely communication between the interested parties,
reduces the points of friction and minimises those that inevitably arise.
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v. Co-ordination: The present day big organisations, designed on the
basis of specialisation and division of labour are constituted of a large
number of people. In order to achieve the desired objective, it is very
necessary to co-ordinate the efforts of labour engaged in the various
activities of production and the organisation. Co-ordination requires
mutual understanding about the organisational goals and the mode of
their accomplishment; and the interrelationship between the works
being performed by various individuals.
vi. Control: Communication aids in controlling the activities of the
individuals department and groups. The facts standards and
information are communicated to the concerned parties and they
perform their respective obligations according to the standards set forth
in the plan.
Maximum Production at Minimum Cost
Every organisation aims at getting the maximum output at the minimum cost and for this
purpose it requires an effective internal and external communication system. In the external
field, and efficient communication system helps in improving public opinion having contacts
with government departments and getting market information in order to achieve the primary
Prompt Decision and its Implementation
In order to make prompt decisions, fact collecting process is necessary. Information must be
received before any meaningful decision and for this purpose communication is a primary
requirement. Again to implement the decision effectively its communication to subordinates
concerned is essential. Thus, decision-making and its implementation require and effective
system of communication.
Building Human Relations
Man is the most active and effective factor of production and good human relations are the
basis of cooperation and industrial peace that requires good working conditions and work-
environment. As we have discussed earlier communication is a two-way traffic which helps
promote cooperation and mutual understanding between the two partners of an organisation.
Efficient downward communication helps the management to tell the subordinates what the
organisation wants and how it can be performed. On the other hand upward communication
helps the workers in putting their grievances and suggestions and reactions to the policies,
before the management.
Job-satisfaction and Good Morale
Morale is the human element that motivates a man to work in the right spirit. Good
communication removes the possibility of misunderstanding among the parties concerned.
Workers know what they have to do and how it creates a sense of cooperation among them. It
increases the morale of the workers and each worker will have job satisfaction.
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Avoids Illusion
While passing through various stages information may be distorted by interested parties and
many create illusion and misunderstanding among persons. Illusion is the great enemy of
communication. An efficient system of communication aims at removing illusions and
misunderstanding by communicating facts and figures.
Contacts with External Parties
Communication is essential not only for the internal management of the organisation but it
also helps contacts with the outside world. Contact with outside agencies such as customers,
associations, other manufacturers, advertisers, suppliers, trade unions, research councils and
institutions, etc. are necessary for furthering the interests of the organisation. It increases the
goodwill of the firm and helps in creating a favourable public attitude towards the
In business, reputation and credibility need to be built up in order to get clients’ trust and
confidence. Having a sense of professionalism will bring a lot to the business, especially in a
long term relationship with employees and clients.
There is a need to make sure that every business deal is attended to promptly. Business
communication encompasses not only communicating with external contacts but also with
employees within the organization. This will aid the business in being well-organized and
every matter whether it is a problem, an inquiry or a sales letter will be attended to properly
and promptly.
It does not mean that only a client’s inquiry should be responded promptly but also feedbacks
or problems arising inside and outside the business as well. This is done to have a balance
within the internal and external factors, especially in relation to dealing with people, whether
they are employees or other external contacts.
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2. Business communication: Dr. M. Ataur rahman;Abdul Aziz Mia;Md. Tanvir
3. Business communication: M.I.Ali
4. Business communication : Dr. Abdul Awal Khan; Dr, M.A. Taher

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112430489 business-communication

  • 1. Page | 1 ABSTRACT Communication is the ability of mankind to communicate across barriers and beyond boundaries that has ushered the progress of mankind. It is the ability of fostering speedy and effective communication around the world that has shrunk the world and made ‘globalization’ a reality. Communication had a vital role to play in ensuring that people belonging to a particular country or a culture or linguistic group interact with and relate to people belonging to other countries or culture or linguistic group. Communication adds meaning to human life. It helps to build relationship and fosters love and understanding. It enriches our knowledge of the universe and makes living worthwhile.
  • 2. Page | 2 1.1 INTRODUCTION The word “communication” derived from the Latin word “communicare” that means to impart, to participate, to share or to make common. It is a process of exchange of facts, ideas, opinions and as a means that individual or organization share meaning and understanding with one another. In other words, it is a transmission and interacting the facts, ideas, opinion, feeling and attitudes. The history of business communication is, of course, closely linked with the histories of communication itself and that of business operations. When the two merge, they become a vital part of successful commerce. Some of the first forms of visual communication came in the form of pictographs. People conveyed stories, histories or instructions through a series of illustrations usually drawn on the walls of caves. The second stage of written communication appeared as crude alphabets used to create a written language. Next came the tremendous technological advancement using air waves and electronic signals: radio and telephone. At every stage of communication development, so did business practices. Invoices could be written and paid, and purchase orders sent. Printed communication served both consumers and business owners well, but when the radio came into use at the end of the 19th century it revolutionized business communication once again. Now the products and services of every business could be marketed on the basis of mass communication. Once radio took off, the telephone and television were not far behind. Manufacturers could communicate with raw materials representatives, business owners could communicate with consumers and investors could communicate with their beneficiaries. It was not until the latter part of the 20th century that the telephone was used to advertise for a business, through telemarketing and the facsimile. From its onset, the television was used for marketing purposes. Media broadcasters would recruit local business owners to sponsor their show, in exchange for a few minutes of airtime to advertise their products. The exchange worked well. When technology brought forth the computer and the internet, business communication radically changed once again. Business operations could now become much more efficient, further increasing profits. Consumers had more of a say in what they wanted and how they wanted to receive it. In many ways, the middleman was taken out of the equation. There was no longer the need for traveling salespeople. Customers could be reached in a much more cost effective manner through the use of computers and the internet. 1.2 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY a. Adequate data were not possible to collect b. This group is new in reporting
  • 3. Page | 3 2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY  Conditions needed to be a communication  Application of business communication.  Understand the primary reasons for communication with each stakeholder.  Describe how information flows within an organization.  Importance of business communication with both internal & external parties for an organization. 3. DEFINITION OF COMMUNICATION Communication is the transfer of information from sender to a receiver with a view to making it understandable to the latter. It is the information exchange by words or symbols. It can be defined as the process of effective transmission of information from one person to another. By effective communication is meant the process of sending message in such way that the massage received is close in meaning to the message intended. So, there need three conditions for communication to take place: 1) There must be two parties ( sender & receiver) 2) There must be some information 3) An attempt must be taken. 4. DEFINITION OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Communication, which takes place between the parties concerned with a view to exchanging information or message relating to business, is called business communication. For example, if a producer orders to buy raw material to the supplier then this type of communication will be called business communication. According to Newman & Summer, “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons” American Management Association defines, ‘Communication is any behavior that results in an exchange of meaning’. Accordingto Prof. W.H. Meaning, “The exchange of ideas,news,andviewsinconnection withthe businessamongthe relatedparties iscalledbusinesscommunication” Prof. J. Haste says, “Communicationoccurredbetweentwoormore businessmenfororganizingandadministering businessefficientlyiscalledbusinesscommunication”
  • 4. Page | 4 In fine, it can be said that communication which takes place for the sake of common business affairs is called business communication. 5. NATURE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Business communication differs from general communication. Business communication has some special characteristics. The characteristics of business communication are as follows— Two or more persons: Business communication involves at least two persons i.e (a) sender: who has a message to communicate (b) receiver: who gets the message and converts the message into thoughts with business perspective. Message : Message is facts, ideas, opinions, information or emotions that are transmitted to the receiver. In business communication, the thoughts on opinions of business person occurs by transmitted message to others inform of notice, agenda, oral etc. Verbal or non-verbal: In business, verbal communication means written or spoken language or words. Whereas non-verbal communication means facial expression, gestural expression etc. These two can occur jointly or separately depending on the situation or environment. Two way process: Business communication is a two way process. At least two persons are needed for successful communication. Sender sends message and receiver receives the message and thereafter makes feedback. Formal or informal: Business communication can be formal or informal. Example of formal communication is: meeting, seminar, news bulletin etc. Example of informal communication is: conversation with friends and peers, gossiping, grapevine etc. Upward ,downward or horizontal : Business communication may flow up and down and also from side to side. Upward communication starts from lower level and transmitted to upper level of an organization. And downward communication is just opposite to upward communication. Whereas horizontal communication occurs within the same level.
  • 5. Page | 5 External or internal : Business communication may be external or internal. Internal communication means communication within organization i.e. manager communicate with supervisor, employees etc. External communication means communication to outside with organization i.e. communicate with suppliers, creditors etc. Process of exchange: In business message or information is exchanged though some sequential steps, i.e. sender sends message using a media to the received and receiver receives the message and makes feedback to the sender. Regular activity: The process of business communication is continuously to create mutual understanding, trust, credibility and implementation of decisions quickly. So business communication is an unending process. Different media : There are different channels of business communication such as: a) Electronic media: Telephone, Telex, Fax, Internet etc. b) Print media: Newspaper, Books, Journals etc. c) Audio media: wireless and cell phone. Feedback: In business, the sender of message wants feedback or response from the receiver.
  • 6. Page | 6 6. SCOPE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION We are born with communication; we live with communication and die with communication. Any kind of religious, social, economical, political, financial & cultural activities come under the umbrella of communication to form a idea. Regarding the scope of communication, its brief discussion is given below: In personal life: from cradle to grave, communication is involved with human activities closely. When a person wakes up and when he goes to sleep, between this time a person involved with various types of communication. In social life: Man is a social being. He lives in a group in a society and maintains social relationship with others. The social chain is maintained and empowered through communication. In case of state: a state is a structure which is formed through the participation of general public. The elected Govt. governs the country through the effective communication among legislative body, judicial body, administrative body and the general as whole. In case of industry: Five M’s, i.e. Man, Material, Money, Machine & Method are required in an industry. The co-ordination and integration of these five aspects require effective communication among legislative body, judicial body, administrative body and the general people as whole. In case of Business: Business functions through communication. The demand of the society is fulfilled through the supply from business enterprises and this is possible through communication. In case of management: Management means getting things done by the others. To do this, managers need to communicate with worker or employee at various level of organization. In case of policies: The policy of the govt., manifesto of political parties and the slogans of political leaders are the various forms of communication.
  • 7. Page | 7 In case of organizational behavior: It means the relationship between the employer, employee and the organization itself. Such relationship is created and maintained through formal and informal communication. In case of international relationship: In the age of globalization ne country shares cultural activities, economical affairs, technology and other thousands of aspects of other countries. SAARC, EU, NAFTA and ASEAN are the various regional co-operative bodies that maintain international communication. In case of industrial relations: Labors are the soul of an organization. Their co-operation is essential for the success. They should be motivated and controlled properly. For this reason HRM department maintain a balance relationship between labor and authority. In order to build this relationship communication plays a vital role. Increase of publicity: Organizations require advertising about their products or services. Through communication organizations complete their publicity. In conclusion, it can be said that the scope of communication is so wide and extensive that it touches individual, society, nation and the world at large. Basically the scope of communication is broad and it cannot be expressed shortly. 7. PURPOSE OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION The purpose of business communication is wide and large. Information, order, persuasion, warning, motivation, advice, and rising morale are activated through the means of communication. The objectives of communication are stated below: To exchange information: The prime objective of communication is to exchange information internally and externally i.e. to deal within the organization and outside the organization. o External information  Information about product and service of the organization.  Information about credit facility.  Information about Govt. rules and regulation  Information about the advertising media  Information about new innovation
  • 8. Page | 8 o Internal information  Information on job assignments and procedures  Information about decision making power  Information regarding policies and activities of the organization To achieve goal: The goal of the organization can be obtain through effective organizational communication. Every person tries to obtain such goal and therefore it requires effective organizational communication. Planning: Plan decides what is to be done in the future. Sound communication systems provides essential information and data to plan effectively. For instruction: The instructive function unvarying and importantly deals with the commanding nature. It is more or less of directive nature. Under this, the communicator transmits with necessary directives and guidance to the next level, so as to enable them to accomplish his particular tasks. In this, instructions basically flow from top to the lower level. For integration: It is consolidated function under which integration of activities is endeavored. The integration function of communication mainly involves bringing about inter-relationship among the various functions of the business organization. It helps in the unification of different management functions. For information: The purpose of business communication in an organization is to inform the individual or group about the particular task or company policies and procedures etc. Top management informs policies to the lower level through the middle level. In turn, the lower level informs the top level the reaction through the middle level. Information can flow vertically, horizontally and diagonally across the organization. Becoming informed or inform others is the main purpose of communication. For evaluation: Examination of activities to form an idea or judgment of the worth of task is achieved through communication. Communication is a tool to appraise the individual or team, their contribution to the organization. Evaluating one’s own inputs or other’s outputs or some ideological scheme demands an adequate and effective communication process. For direction: Communication is necessary to issue directions by the top management or manager to the lower level. Employee can perform better when he is directed by his senior. Directing others may be communicated either orally or in writing. An order may be common order, request order or implied order.
  • 9. Page | 9 For teaching: The importance of personal safety on the job has been greatly recognized. A complete communication process is required to teach and educate workers about personal safety on the jobs. This communication helps the workers to avert accidents, risk etc. and avoid cost, procedures etc. For influencing: A complete communication process is necessary in influencing others or being influenced. The individual having potential to influence others can easily persuade others. It implies the provision of feedback which tells the effect of communication. For image building: A business enterprise cannot isolate from the rest of the society. There is interrelationship and interdependence between the society and an enterprise operating in the society. Goodwill and confidence are necessarily created among the public. It can be done by the communication with the different media, which has to project the image of the firm in the society. Through an effective external communication system, an enterprise has to inform the society about its goals, activities, progress and social responsibility. For employees’ orientation: When a new employee enter into the organization at that time he or she will be unknown to the organization programs, policies, culture etc. Communication helps to make people acquainted with the co-employees, superior and with the policies, objectives, rules and regulations of the organization. 8. FUNCTION OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION There is strong relationship between successful communication and employee satisfaction. Thus effective communication is a precondition for job satisfaction as well as for the better productivity of an organization. Prof. Keith Davis rightly said that, “communication is necessary to perpetuate (Preserve) the health of the organization.” When communication is effective it tends to encourage better performance and job satisfaction. (David Pircus -1986). In this age of competition communication is the number one problem of the management. Competition, complex methods of production, large scale operations and specialization in production functions have increased the importance of communication. Without effective communication a manager cannot perform his duties well. Communication is as essential to business as blood is to the human body. Success of the communication system affects the success of business. The following points are important functions of business communication:
  • 10. Page | 10 Smooth Working of a Business Firm Communication is necessary for the successful smooth and unrestricted working of an enterprise. All organisational interaction depends upon working of an enterprise. All organisational interaction depends upon communication. The manager co-ordinates the human and the physical elements of an organisation into an efficient and working unit that achieves common objectives. Be it an activity of purchase or sale or production or finance it is the process of communication that makes cooperative action possible. The internal and external communication process of an organisation decides the various activities to be done and various objectives to be achieved. “Communication is basic to an organisation’s existence from birth of the organisation through its continuing life when communication stops, organised activity ceases to exist.” Basis of Managerial Function Communication plays an important role in discharging the various functions of management. No function of management is possible without the communication process. Its importance in performing the various functions is as follows: i. Planning: Planning the most important among the functions of management, requires extensive communication among the executives and the other personnel. Communication is important in executing a planned programme and then controlling the activities of the personnel with the help of feedback information. ii. Organisation: Organisation is the second important function of management which decides the various activities of an organisation, divides them into workable units, delegates authority to perform the. For this purpose, communication is a must because different persons, departments and group come to know their powers and jurisdiction only through an effective means of communication. iii. Direction and Leadership: Direction and effective leadership requires an efficient system of communication in an organisation. A good leader can direct or lead his subordinates only when an efficient system of communication is present. It brings both the leader and the subordinates in close contact with each other and removes misunderstanding if any. iv. Motivation: An efficient system of communication enables management to change the attitude of the subordinates and to motivate, influence and satisfy them. Most of the conflicts in business are not basic but are caused by misunderstood motives and ignorance of facts. Proper and timely communication between the interested parties, reduces the points of friction and minimises those that inevitably arise.
  • 11. Page | 11 v. Co-ordination: The present day big organisations, designed on the basis of specialisation and division of labour are constituted of a large number of people. In order to achieve the desired objective, it is very necessary to co-ordinate the efforts of labour engaged in the various activities of production and the organisation. Co-ordination requires mutual understanding about the organisational goals and the mode of their accomplishment; and the interrelationship between the works being performed by various individuals. vi. Control: Communication aids in controlling the activities of the individuals department and groups. The facts standards and information are communicated to the concerned parties and they perform their respective obligations according to the standards set forth in the plan. Maximum Production at Minimum Cost Every organisation aims at getting the maximum output at the minimum cost and for this purpose it requires an effective internal and external communication system. In the external field, and efficient communication system helps in improving public opinion having contacts with government departments and getting market information in order to achieve the primary goals. Prompt Decision and its Implementation In order to make prompt decisions, fact collecting process is necessary. Information must be received before any meaningful decision and for this purpose communication is a primary requirement. Again to implement the decision effectively its communication to subordinates concerned is essential. Thus, decision-making and its implementation require and effective system of communication. Building Human Relations Man is the most active and effective factor of production and good human relations are the basis of cooperation and industrial peace that requires good working conditions and work- environment. As we have discussed earlier communication is a two-way traffic which helps promote cooperation and mutual understanding between the two partners of an organisation. Efficient downward communication helps the management to tell the subordinates what the organisation wants and how it can be performed. On the other hand upward communication helps the workers in putting their grievances and suggestions and reactions to the policies, before the management. Job-satisfaction and Good Morale Morale is the human element that motivates a man to work in the right spirit. Good communication removes the possibility of misunderstanding among the parties concerned. Workers know what they have to do and how it creates a sense of cooperation among them. It increases the morale of the workers and each worker will have job satisfaction.
  • 12. Page | 12 Avoids Illusion While passing through various stages information may be distorted by interested parties and many create illusion and misunderstanding among persons. Illusion is the great enemy of communication. An efficient system of communication aims at removing illusions and misunderstanding by communicating facts and figures. Contacts with External Parties Communication is essential not only for the internal management of the organisation but it also helps contacts with the outside world. Contact with outside agencies such as customers, associations, other manufacturers, advertisers, suppliers, trade unions, research councils and institutions, etc. are necessary for furthering the interests of the organisation. It increases the goodwill of the firm and helps in creating a favourable public attitude towards the organisation. 9. CONCLUSION In business, reputation and credibility need to be built up in order to get clients’ trust and confidence. Having a sense of professionalism will bring a lot to the business, especially in a long term relationship with employees and clients. There is a need to make sure that every business deal is attended to promptly. Business communication encompasses not only communicating with external contacts but also with employees within the organization. This will aid the business in being well-organized and every matter whether it is a problem, an inquiry or a sales letter will be attended to properly and promptly. It does not mean that only a client’s inquiry should be responded promptly but also feedbacks or problems arising inside and outside the business as well. This is done to have a balance within the internal and external factors, especially in relation to dealing with people, whether they are employees or other external contacts.
  • 13. Page | 13 REFERENCES: 1. 2. Business communication: Dr. M. Ataur rahman;Abdul Aziz Mia;Md. Tanvir Hossain 3. Business communication: M.I.Ali 4. Business communication : Dr. Abdul Awal Khan; Dr, M.A. Taher 5.