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Dasar-dasar Reaksi dan Sifat
                    Kimia Alam
             AF Assomadi
Kuliah Kimia Lingkungan I
antar sistem
manusia dan

• Is the study of the
  sources, reactions, tra
  nsport, effects, and
  fates of chemical
  species in
  water, soil, air, and
  environments, and the
  effects of technology
Pertukaran Zat/Materi antar sphere
Carbon Cycle (1)
Siklus Karbon (C-Cycle)
Nitrogen cycle (2)
Siklus Nitrogen (N-cycle)
Sulfur Cycle
Phosphorus cycle
Siklus Fosfat (P-cycle)
Beberapa impact teknologi pada
• Agricultural  perubahan
  lahan, drainase, irigasi, pestisida
• Manufacturing  polusi udara, polusi air, by-
  produk limbah hazard dsb
• Extraksi and produksi mineral  kerusakan
  lingkungan dan polusi
• Produksi Energi dan penggunaannya 
  kerusakan lahan/tanah, polusi air
  (garam), emisi polutan udara (hujan asam) dsb
• Transportasi Modern automobile, perubahan
  struktur tanah (jalan), emisi polusi
  udara, peningkatan penambangan minyak dsb
technology can be applied to minimize
environmental impact
• maximum energy efficiency, maximum
  utilization of raw materials, and minimum
  production of pollutant by-products
• minimize pollution problems
• maximum materials recycling and minimum
  waste product production
• advanced biotechnologies
• catalysts for efficient synthesis
• minimize waste production
Dasar-dasar Reaksi dan Sifat
                   Kimia Alam
Reaksi-reaksi Kimia Air
                 AF Assomadi
    Kuliah Kimia Lingkungan I
Sanitation Condition
• Kurang dari 1% air siap pakai di dunia yang
  layak digunakan.

• 10 negara pengguna air terbesar :
 India, China, AS, Pakistan, Jepang, Thailand, In
 donesia, Bangladesh, Meksiko dan Rusia

• 20% penggunaan air secara global bersumber
 dari air bawah tanah.
 • Pada tahun 2030, 47% penduduk dunia hidup
   dalam kelangkaan air

 • Kebutuhan air sehari hari adalah 20-50
   liter/org/hari yang bebas dari kontaminasi

 • 87% populasi dunia-5,7 miliar minum dari air
 • 2,5 miliar orang hidup dalam sanitasi yang
• Global warming - menyebabkan 2 miliar orang
  terkena dampak bencana dan 86% akibat
  banjir dan kekeringan

• Kenaikan suhu 3-4 0 C  300 orang
  mengungsi akibat bencana ini.
Steady State
Addition and Removal
Siklus Air

dalam triliun
• Struktur terdiri atas 2 atom H
  dan 1 atom O dalam setiap
• Struktur bersudut 105 o 
  moment dipol tidak nol
• Kemampuan sangat besar
  membentuk ikatan hidrogen
  molekul, logam, suspensi)
• Pelarut yang universal
• Kapasitas panas tinggi
• Densitas terbesar pada 4 oC
  (jaminan kelangsungan
Ikatan Hidrogen

Water Chemistry
The polarity of water causes it to be cohesive and
 Polarity unequal charge distribution in a molecule resulting in a –
 region and a + region
cohesion: water molecules stick to other water
 molecules by hydrogen bonding
adhesion: water molecules stick to other polar
 molecules by hydrogen bonding

Water Chemistry

Water Chemistry

           adhesion   29
Stratifikasi Air danau
Major Aquatic Chemical Process
Kesetimbangan CO2-CaCO3 di air
CO2 di Air
Kesetimbangan CO2 di Air
Oksidasi-Reduksi di Air
Properties of Water
1. Water has a high specific heat.
  - A large amount of energy is required to change
  the temperature of water.

2. Water has a high heat of vaporization.
  - The evaporation of water from a surface causes
  cooling of that surface.

Properties of Water
 3. Solid water is less dense than liquid water.
   - Bodies of water freeze from the top down.

Properties of Water
               4. Water is a good solvent.
                    - Water dissolves
                    polar molecules and

Properties of Water
5. Water organizes nonpolar molecules.
  - hydrophilic: “water-loving”
  -hydrophobic: “water-fearing”
  - Water causes hydrophobic molecules to
  aggregate or assume specific shapes.

6. Water can form ions.
  H2O  OH-1              +          H+1
            hydroxide ion hydrogen ion

               Ionization; happens spontaneously

1. Berdasarkan properties of water, jika temperature di
   dalam air naik, maka bagaimana dengan kelarutan
   oksigen di dalam air ? (NAIK atau TURUN)

2. Sebutkan reaksi-reaksi kimia di dalam air ? Jika suhu
   naik dalam air, maka bagaimana dengan kecepatan
   proses tersebut? (MENINGKAT atau MELAMBAT)

3. Dalam siklus biogeokimia, decomposer berfungsi untuk
   mendekomposisi bahan organik. Jika suhu naik dalam
   air, maka bagaimana dengan pertumbuhan atau
   perkembang biakan decomposer tersebut?


          Fisik          Kimia       Biologi

     • Suhu           • pH       • E Coli
     • Kekeruhan      • DO       • Total
     • Conductivity   • BOD        Coliform
Syarat Air Minum
No              Parameter            Satuan                              Hasil Analisa         Metode Analisa
      A. FISIKA
 1    Bau                              -                   -                                           -
 2    Total Disolved Solid (TDS)     mg/L                 500                                      Gravimetri
 3    Kekeruhan                    Skala NTU               5                                      Turbidimetri
 4    Rasa                             -                   -                                           -
 5 Suhu                                  C            Suhu Udara                                  Termometer
 6 Warna                            Unit PtCo             15                                    Spektrofotometri
 7 Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL)         mhos/cm               -                                   Conductivity meter
      B. KIMIA
      a. Kimia Anorganik
 1 Air Raksa                        mg/L Hg              0.001
 2 Aluminium                        mg/L Al               0.2                                         AAS
 3 Ammoniak                        mg/L NH3 -N            1.5                                   Spektrofotometri
  4   Arsen                         mg/L As               0.01                                       AAS
  5   Barium                        mg/L Ba               0.7                                        AAS
  6   Besi                          mg/L Fe               0.3                                   Spektrofotometri
  7   Boron                          mg/L B               0.5
  8   Fluorida                       mg/L F               1.5                                   Spektrofotometri
  9   Kadmium                       mg/L Cd              0.003                                       AAS
 10   Kesadahan Total              mg/L CaCO3             500                                      Tetrimetri
 11   Khlorida                      mg/L Cl               250                                    Argentometri
 12   Kromium, Valensi 6            mg/L Cr              0.05                                        AAS
 13   Mangan                        mg/L Mn               0.4                                   Spektrofotometri
 14   Natrium                       mg/L Na              200                                         AAS
 15   Nikel                          mg/l Ni             0.07                                        AAS
 16   Nitrat                       mg/L NO3 -N            50                                    Spektrofotometri
 17   Nitrit                       mg/L NO2 -N             3                                    Spektrofotometri
 18   Perak                         mg/L Ag             0.001                                        AAS
 19   pH                                -              6,5 - 8,5                                   pHmeter
 20   Selenium                      mg/L Se              0.01
  7   Seng                          mg/L Zn                3                                         AAS
 22   Sianida                       mg/L CN              0.07                                   Spektrofotometri
 23   Sulfat                        mg/L SO4             250                                    Spektrofotometri
 24   Sulfida                       mg/L H2 S            0.05                                      Iodimetri
 25   Tembaga                       mg/L Cu                2
 26   Timbal                        mg/L Pb              0.05                                         AAS
 27   Sisa Khlor                    mg/L Cl2               5                                        Iodimetri
      b. Kimia Organik
 1 Zat Organik                     mg/L KMnO4             10                                   Oksidasi/Titrimetri
 2 Detergent                        mg/L LAS             0.05                                   Spektrofotometri
 1 Total Koliform                  MPN/100 mL              0                                Fermentasi Multi Tabung
 2 E. Coli                         MPN/100 mL              0                                Fermentasi Multi Tabung
                                                 *) : Per. Men.Kes. No.: 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 Tanggal 19 April 2010
AIR LIMBAH  Efluent Standar

  No     Parameter       Satuan    Baku Mutu      Hasil     Metode
                                   Air Limbah    Analisa    Analisa
                                   Domestik *)

  1    pH                   -         6-9                   pHmeter
  2    TSS                mg/L        100                  Gravimetri
  3    BOD               mg/L O2      100                   Winkler
  4    Minyak        &    mg/L         10                  Gravimetri
AIR PERMUKAAN  Stream Standar
                                                    Baku Mutu Air
  No              Parameter          Satuan                                   Hasil Analisa             Metoda Analisa
                                                      Kelas I *)
        A. FISIKA
    1 Temperatur                       C                 deviasi 3                                         Termometer
    2 Total Disolved Solid (TDS)      mg/L                 1000                                             Gravimetri
    3 Padatan Tersuspensi (SS)        mg/L                  50                                              Gravimetri
        B. KIMIA
    1   pH                             -                 6,0 - 9,0                                         pH meter
    2   Barium                      mg/L Ba                  1                                                AAS
    3   Besi                        mg/L Fe                 0.3                                         Spektropotometri
    4   Boron                       mg/L B                   1                                                AAS
    5   Mangan                      mg/L Mn                 0.1                                         Spektropotometri
    6   Tembaga                     mg/L Cu                0.02                                               AAS
    7   Seng                        mg/L Zn                0.05                                               AAS
    8   Krom Heksavalen             mg/L Cr                 0.05                                              AAS
    9   Kadmium                     mg/L Cd                 0.01                                              AAS
   10   Raksa                       mg/L Hg                0.001                                              AAS
   11   Timbal                      mg/L Pb                 0.03                                              AAS
   12   Arsen                       mg/L As                 0.05                                              AAS
   13   Selenium                    mg/L Se                 0.0                                               AAS
   14   Kobalt                      mg/L Co                 0.2                                               AAS
   15   Khlorida                     mg/L Cl                  -                                          Argentometri
   16   Sulfat                      mg/L SO4                400                                         Spektropotometri
   17   Sianida                     mg/L CN                 0.02                                        Spektropotometri
   18   Sulfida                     mg/L H2S               0.002                                           Iodometri
   19   Fluorida                     mg/L F                 0.5                                         Spektropotometri
   20   Sisa Khlor Bebas            mg/L Cl2                0.03                                           Iodometri
   21   Total Phospat              mg/L PO4 -P              0.2                                         Spektropotometri
   22   Nitrat                     mg/L NO3 -N               10                                         Spektropotometri
   23   Nitrit                     mg/L NO2 -N              0.06                                        Spektropotometri
   24   Amonia Bebas               mg/L NH3-N               0.5                                         Spektropotometri
   25 BOD                           mg/L O2                  2                                               Winkler
   26   COD                         mg/L O2                  10                                          Reflux/Titrimetri
   27   Disolved Oxygen (DO)        mg/L O2                  6                                              Iodometri
   28 Detergent Anionik             mg/L LAS                0.2                                         Spektropotometri
   29 Fenol                          mg/L                  0.001                                        Spektropotometri
   30   Minyak & Lemak                mg/L                   1                                              Gravimetri

                                                  *) = PP. No. 82 Tahun 2001 Tanggal 14 Desember 2001
Baku Mutu Air Laut
                                            SAMPLE       REGULATORY
     NO.       TEST DESCRIPTION                                               UNIT            METHOD
                                            RESULT          LIMIT*
             I. Physical Properties
       1     Odour                          Odourles s              -          Odor      SNI 06-6860-2002
             Total Sus pended Solids ,
       2                                        50                 80         m g/L      SNI 06-6989.3-2004
       3     Was te                              -                Nihil         -
       4     Tem perature                       29         Air Tem p. ± 3      oC        SNI 06-6989.23-2005
             II. Chemical Properties
       5     pH                                7.43           6.5 - 8.5         -        SNI 06-6989.11-2004
       6     Salinity (NaCl)                   25.3               Nature       0%
       7     Free Am m onium , NH3-N          <0.01                0.3        m g/L      SNI 06-6986.30-2005
       8     Sulfida,H2S                        3                  0.03       m g/L      SNI 6989.70-2009
       9     Phenol                          <0.005               0.002       m g/L      SNI 06-6989.21-2004
      10     Surfactants , MBAS              <0.025                 1         m g/L      SNI 06-6989.51-2005
      11     Oil and Greas e                   <2.7                 5         m g/L      SNI 06-6989.10-2004
             III. Dissolved Metal
      12     Mercury, Hg**                  <0.000002             0.003       m g/L      APHA 3112 B-2005
      13     Cadm ium , Cd                    0.176                0.01       m g/L      SNI 6989.16-2009
      14     Tem baga,Cu                     <0.0014               0.05       m g/L      SNI 6989.6-2009
      15     Lead, Pb                          0.2                 0.05       m g/L      SNI 6989.8-2009
      16     Zinc, Zn                         0.125                0.1        m g/L      SNI 06-6989.7-2004
             III. Biology
             Total Coliform (Mem brane
      17                                        <1                1000      MPN/100m l   APHA 9222 B-2005
   Sumber: Hasil Monitoring Lingkungan KLHS KKJSS, 27 Juni 2012
   Per MenLH No. 52 Tahun 2004
(sumber : Survey Kualitas Lingkungan [air, udara dan laut])
(sumber : Survey Kualitas Lingkungan [air, udara dan laut])
(sumber : Survey Kualitas Lingkungan [air, udara dan laut])

                                  Pseudo-                     Thalassionema     Larva naupulius     Larva
                                  nitzchia                     Nitzchioides        cirripedia     Brachyura

      Menunjukkan kadar nutrient di                                           Produktivitas laut tinggi
      laut sangat tinggi seperti                                              dan tidak ada
      konsentrasi nitrogen dan                                                pencemaran akibat
      phosphat                                                                pestisida
Water Quality Parameters
  Temperature - Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - pH
             Alkalinity - Hardness
     Nitrates and Phosphates - Turbidity
      Water density
      The solubility
      Chemical reaction rates
      Organism growth rates
      Dissolved Oxygen
Contoh : Jika CuO, di dalam air dengan suhu 250C
mempunyai log Kso = 10 7.644 dan entalphy adalah -15.504
kcal/mol atau – 64.90 kJ/mol. Berapa solubility dari CuO
jika temperature di dalam air turun 10oC
Q10 rule
                                         cold-blooded aquatic organisms

Predicts that growth rate will double
if temperature increases by 10˚C
(18˚F) within their "preferred" range.
Gases Dissolve in Water
Oksigen di Air
• O2 dibutuhkan terlarut di air untuk menjaga
  reaksi oksidasi-reduksi, respirasi, degradasi dst
• Kelarutan O2 di air tergantung temperatur, pd
  25 oC  sekitar 8,5 mg/L; pada 0oC  14,74

• Dihasilkan dari proses fotosintesis
  alga/tumbuhan hijau di air dan proses aerasi
Henry’s Law

Henry’s Law Constant

                  For example, oxygen is 20.95% of the
                  air on a molar basis and, therefore, PO2 is
                  20.95% of the atmospheric pressure,
                  or 0.2095 atm under standard conditions.]

Suhu 15oC dan 20oC
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
 DO is the measurement of oxygen
 dissolved in water and available for
 fish and other aquatic life.

 Indicates health of an aquatic system.

 Can range from 0-18 ppm.

 Most natural water systems require 5-
 6 ppm to support a diverse population.

 Varies with time of day, weather, temperature.
Dissolved Oxygen (DO)
Increase in organic waste

Increase in algae/plant vegetation

Decrease in DO available to organisms

Leads to changes in ecosystem as
organisms needing lots of DO are
replaced by organisms needing little.
Self Purification
pH - p(otential of) H(ydrogen)

Determines the solubility of nutrients (PO4-3, NO3-, C)
                             and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, etc)

Determines availability of these chemicals for use by aquatic life.

In natural water systems, determined largely by geology and soils.
pH of natural waters

                                                Limestone, marble, CO3 rich
        due to humic acid

                                    Sea water

                  Pure rain, snow
Factors that affect pH
 • Algal blooms
 • Bacterial activity
 • Water turbulence
 • Chemicals flowing into the water body
 • Sewage overflows
 • Pollution
How pH affects aquatic life
   Decreasing pH
    (e.g.: via acid rain)

Liberation of Al, metals

   Toxic conditions

    Chronic stress

 Smaller, weaker fish
Alkalinity refers to the capability of water to neutralize acid.

                                                       Buffering capacity –
                                                       resistance to pH changes.

                                                       Common natural buffer: CO3
                                                       (carbonates – like

                                                       Protects aquatic life.

                                                       Commonly linked to water

                                                       In natural systems:
Limestone outcrop                                      50 – 150 mg/L as CaCO3.
           Reflects dissolved
           carbonate minerals.

           Mostly of concern for
           drinking water

           Metals precipitate out
           of solution.

           Create scale/hard
           water deposits

           High alkalinity 
           Hard water
Nitrate (NO3-)
                                   Phosphate (PO4-3)
                                   naturally occurs in
form of nitrogen
                                   rocks and minerals.
found in soil.
                                   Plants uptake
Forms by microbial
decomposition of
                                   elements and
fertilizers, plants,
manures or other
organic residues
                                   Animals ingest plants.
Plants uptake
                                   Water soluble.
nitrates (Spinach a
good source).

               Redfield Ratio: 106:16:1
Artificial sources:
                                          • Livestock
Nitrates                                  • Failing septic
                                          • Synthetic fertilizers

                                          Can lead to:
                                          eutrophication of natural
                                          water systems
                                          (overproduction of

                                          Blue baby syndromne
 The U.S. EPA has set a maximum
 contaminant level for NO3- in drinking
 water of 10 parts per million (ppm)
                   Artificial sources:
                   • Sewage
                   • Laundry,
                   cleaning fluids
                   • Synthetic

                   Can also lead to
                   eutrophication of
                   natural water
                   (overproduction of

Blue green algae
1990 and 1999 comparison
of Nitrates in Great Lakes

                                                               From US EPA

 Wetland restoration                 Reduce fertilizers

                                   Reduce soil erosion
Reduce emissions – WWTP/industry

            Measures how
            “murky” the water is


            Mineral fraction
            Soluble organic compounds
            Microscopic organisms

                       MODIS Image from NASA
Causes of highly           waters

• In open waters, phytoplankton
• Closer to shore, particulates
Resuspended bottom sediments
• Organic from stream and/or
wastewater discharges.
• Channelization
• Increased flow rates
•Too many bottom-feeding fish
(such as carp)
Effects of highly                                  waters

• Modify light penetration
• Increase sedimentation rate
• Smother benthic habitats
• Settling clay particles
• Fine particulate material also can
   damage sensitive structures
• Decrease organism resistance to disease
• Prevent proper egg and larval development
• Macrophyte growth may be decreased
• Reduced photosynthesis can lead to lower daytime release of oxygen
                  Ability of a substance to conduct an electrical current.

      Cl-         In water, conductivity determined by types and quantities of dissolved
                  solids. (Commonly called Total Dissolved Solids = TDS)

                  Current carried by ions (negatively or
                  positively charged particles).
                                                             Cl-        Cl-     Cl-        Cl-
                                                                  Na+         Na+    Na+        Na+
                  Eg:           NaCl(aq) = Na + + Cl –
                                                            Cl-        Cl-     Cl-        Cl-
 Cl-                                                             Na+    Na+         Na+         Na+

                                                           Cl-     Cl-        Cl-         Cl-
                        Cl-    Na+                               Na+     Na+        Na+     Na+

                                     Na+                     Cl-        Cl-     Cl-        Cl-
                         Na+                    Cl-               Na+         Na+    Na+        Na+
Conductivity of natural waters depends upon:

Ion characteristics (mobility, valence, concentration)
Water temperature
Size of watershed

Some artificial factors that can affect conductivity:
Urban runoff (especially road salt)
Agricultural runoff
The Components of Salinity

   The most abundant
    components of a
1 dasar-dasar reaksi dan sifat kimia alam

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1 dasar-dasar reaksi dan sifat kimia alam

  • 1. Dasar-dasar Reaksi dan Sifat Kimia Alam AF Assomadi Warmadewanthi Kuliah Kimia Lingkungan I
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. Environmental Chemistry • Is the study of the sources, reactions, tra nsport, effects, and fates of chemical species in water, soil, air, and living environments, and the effects of technology thereon
  • 15. Beberapa impact teknologi pada lingkungan • Agricultural  perubahan lahan, drainase, irigasi, pestisida • Manufacturing  polusi udara, polusi air, by- produk limbah hazard dsb • Extraksi and produksi mineral  kerusakan lingkungan dan polusi • Produksi Energi dan penggunaannya  kerusakan lahan/tanah, polusi air (garam), emisi polutan udara (hujan asam) dsb • Transportasi Modern automobile, perubahan struktur tanah (jalan), emisi polusi udara, peningkatan penambangan minyak dsb
  • 16. technology can be applied to minimize environmental impact • maximum energy efficiency, maximum utilization of raw materials, and minimum production of pollutant by-products • minimize pollution problems • maximum materials recycling and minimum waste product production • advanced biotechnologies • catalysts for efficient synthesis • minimize waste production
  • 17. Dasar-dasar Reaksi dan Sifat Kimia Alam Reaksi-reaksi Kimia Air AF Assomadi Warmadewanthi Kuliah Kimia Lingkungan I
  • 18.
  • 19. Sanitation Condition • Kurang dari 1% air siap pakai di dunia yang layak digunakan. • 10 negara pengguna air terbesar : India, China, AS, Pakistan, Jepang, Thailand, In donesia, Bangladesh, Meksiko dan Rusia • 20% penggunaan air secara global bersumber dari air bawah tanah.
  • 20. 1.1 • Pada tahun 2030, 47% penduduk dunia hidup dalam kelangkaan air • Kebutuhan air sehari hari adalah 20-50 liter/org/hari yang bebas dari kontaminasi • 87% populasi dunia-5,7 miliar minum dari air olahan • 2,5 miliar orang hidup dalam sanitasi yang buruk
  • 21. 1.2 • Global warming - menyebabkan 2 miliar orang terkena dampak bencana dan 86% akibat banjir dan kekeringan • Kenaikan suhu 3-4 0 C  300 orang mengungsi akibat bencana ini.
  • 22.
  • 25. Air • Struktur terdiri atas 2 atom H dan 1 atom O dalam setiap molekulnya • Struktur bersudut 105 o  moment dipol tidak nol (polar) • Kemampuan sangat besar membentuk ikatan hidrogen (kelarutan molekul, logam, suspensi) • Pelarut yang universal • Kapasitas panas tinggi • Densitas terbesar pada 4 oC (jaminan kelangsungan hidup)
  • 27. Water Chemistry The polarity of water causes it to be cohesive and adhesive. Polarity unequal charge distribution in a molecule resulting in a – region and a + region cohesion: water molecules stick to other water molecules by hydrogen bonding adhesion: water molecules stick to other polar molecules by hydrogen bonding 27
  • 28. Water Chemistry cohesion 28
  • 29. Water Chemistry adhesion 29
  • 37. Properties of Water 1. Water has a high specific heat. - A large amount of energy is required to change the temperature of water. 2. Water has a high heat of vaporization. - The evaporation of water from a surface causes cooling of that surface. 37
  • 38. Properties of Water 3. Solid water is less dense than liquid water. - Bodies of water freeze from the top down. 38
  • 39. 39
  • 40. Properties of Water 4. Water is a good solvent. - Water dissolves polar molecules and ions. 40
  • 41. Properties of Water 5. Water organizes nonpolar molecules. - hydrophilic: “water-loving” -hydrophobic: “water-fearing” - Water causes hydrophobic molecules to aggregate or assume specific shapes. 6. Water can form ions. H2O  OH-1 + H+1 hydroxide ion hydrogen ion 41 Ionization; happens spontaneously
  • 42. KELOMPOK 1. Berdasarkan properties of water, jika temperature di dalam air naik, maka bagaimana dengan kelarutan oksigen di dalam air ? (NAIK atau TURUN) 2. Sebutkan reaksi-reaksi kimia di dalam air ? Jika suhu naik dalam air, maka bagaimana dengan kecepatan proses tersebut? (MENINGKAT atau MELAMBAT) 3. Dalam siklus biogeokimia, decomposer berfungsi untuk mendekomposisi bahan organik. Jika suhu naik dalam air, maka bagaimana dengan pertumbuhan atau perkembang biakan decomposer tersebut? (MENINGKAT atau MELAMBAT)
  • 43. STANDAR BAKU MUTU AIR BERSIH atau AIR MINUM Fisik Kimia Biologi • Suhu • pH • E Coli • Kekeruhan • DO • Total • Conductivity • BOD Coliform
  • 44. Syarat Air Minum No Parameter Satuan Hasil Analisa Metode Analisa *) A. FISIKA 1 Bau - - - 2 Total Disolved Solid (TDS) mg/L 500 Gravimetri 3 Kekeruhan Skala NTU 5 Turbidimetri 4 Rasa - - - o 5 Suhu C Suhu Udara Termometer 6 Warna Unit PtCo 15 Spektrofotometri 7 Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL) mhos/cm - Conductivity meter B. KIMIA a. Kimia Anorganik 1 Air Raksa mg/L Hg 0.001 2 Aluminium mg/L Al 0.2 AAS 3 Ammoniak mg/L NH3 -N 1.5 Spektrofotometri 4 Arsen mg/L As 0.01 AAS 5 Barium mg/L Ba 0.7 AAS 6 Besi mg/L Fe 0.3 Spektrofotometri 7 Boron mg/L B 0.5 8 Fluorida mg/L F 1.5 Spektrofotometri 9 Kadmium mg/L Cd 0.003 AAS 10 Kesadahan Total mg/L CaCO3 500 Tetrimetri 11 Khlorida mg/L Cl 250 Argentometri 6+ 12 Kromium, Valensi 6 mg/L Cr 0.05 AAS 13 Mangan mg/L Mn 0.4 Spektrofotometri 14 Natrium mg/L Na 200 AAS 15 Nikel mg/l Ni 0.07 AAS 16 Nitrat mg/L NO3 -N 50 Spektrofotometri 17 Nitrit mg/L NO2 -N 3 Spektrofotometri 18 Perak mg/L Ag 0.001 AAS 19 pH - 6,5 - 8,5 pHmeter 20 Selenium mg/L Se 0.01 7 Seng mg/L Zn 3 AAS 22 Sianida mg/L CN 0.07 Spektrofotometri 23 Sulfat mg/L SO4 250 Spektrofotometri 24 Sulfida mg/L H2 S 0.05 Iodimetri 25 Tembaga mg/L Cu 2 26 Timbal mg/L Pb 0.05 AAS 27 Sisa Khlor mg/L Cl2 5 Iodimetri b. Kimia Organik 1 Zat Organik mg/L KMnO4 10 Oksidasi/Titrimetri 2 Detergent mg/L LAS 0.05 Spektrofotometri C. BAKTERIOLOGI 1 Total Koliform MPN/100 mL 0 Fermentasi Multi Tabung 2 E. Coli MPN/100 mL 0 Fermentasi Multi Tabung *) : Per. Men.Kes. No.: 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 Tanggal 19 April 2010
  • 45. AIR LIMBAH  Efluent Standar No Parameter Satuan Baku Mutu Hasil Metode Air Limbah Analisa Analisa Domestik *) 1 pH - 6-9 pHmeter 2 TSS mg/L 100 Gravimetri 3 BOD mg/L O2 100 Winkler 4 Minyak & mg/L 10 Gravimetri Lemak
  • 46. AIR PERMUKAAN  Stream Standar Baku Mutu Air No Parameter Satuan Hasil Analisa Metoda Analisa Kelas I *) A. FISIKA o 1 Temperatur C deviasi 3 Termometer 2 Total Disolved Solid (TDS) mg/L 1000 Gravimetri 3 Padatan Tersuspensi (SS) mg/L 50 Gravimetri B. KIMIA 1 pH - 6,0 - 9,0 pH meter 2 Barium mg/L Ba 1 AAS 3 Besi mg/L Fe 0.3 Spektropotometri 4 Boron mg/L B 1 AAS 5 Mangan mg/L Mn 0.1 Spektropotometri 6 Tembaga mg/L Cu 0.02 AAS 7 Seng mg/L Zn 0.05 AAS 6+ 8 Krom Heksavalen mg/L Cr 0.05 AAS 9 Kadmium mg/L Cd 0.01 AAS 10 Raksa mg/L Hg 0.001 AAS 11 Timbal mg/L Pb 0.03 AAS 12 Arsen mg/L As 0.05 AAS 13 Selenium mg/L Se 0.0 AAS 14 Kobalt mg/L Co 0.2 AAS 15 Khlorida mg/L Cl - Argentometri 16 Sulfat mg/L SO4 400 Spektropotometri 17 Sianida mg/L CN 0.02 Spektropotometri 18 Sulfida mg/L H2S 0.002 Iodometri 19 Fluorida mg/L F 0.5 Spektropotometri 20 Sisa Khlor Bebas mg/L Cl2 0.03 Iodometri 21 Total Phospat mg/L PO4 -P 0.2 Spektropotometri 22 Nitrat mg/L NO3 -N 10 Spektropotometri 23 Nitrit mg/L NO2 -N 0.06 Spektropotometri 24 Amonia Bebas mg/L NH3-N 0.5 Spektropotometri 25 BOD mg/L O2 2 Winkler 26 COD mg/L O2 10 Reflux/Titrimetri 27 Disolved Oxygen (DO) mg/L O2 6 Iodometri 28 Detergent Anionik mg/L LAS 0.2 Spektropotometri 29 Fenol mg/L 0.001 Spektropotometri 30 Minyak & Lemak mg/L 1 Gravimetri *) = PP. No. 82 Tahun 2001 Tanggal 14 Desember 2001
  • 47. Baku Mutu Air Laut SAMPLE REGULATORY NO. TEST DESCRIPTION UNIT METHOD RESULT LIMIT* I. Physical Properties 1 Odour Odourles s - Odor SNI 06-6860-2002 Total Sus pended Solids , 2 50 80 m g/L SNI 06-6989.3-2004 TSS 3 Was te - Nihil - 4 Tem perature 29 Air Tem p. ± 3 oC SNI 06-6989.23-2005 II. Chemical Properties 5 pH 7.43 6.5 - 8.5 - SNI 06-6989.11-2004 6 Salinity (NaCl) 25.3 Nature 0% 7 Free Am m onium , NH3-N <0.01 0.3 m g/L SNI 06-6986.30-2005 8 Sulfida,H2S 3 0.03 m g/L SNI 6989.70-2009 9 Phenol <0.005 0.002 m g/L SNI 06-6989.21-2004 10 Surfactants , MBAS <0.025 1 m g/L SNI 06-6989.51-2005 11 Oil and Greas e <2.7 5 m g/L SNI 06-6989.10-2004 III. Dissolved Metal 12 Mercury, Hg** <0.000002 0.003 m g/L APHA 3112 B-2005 13 Cadm ium , Cd 0.176 0.01 m g/L SNI 6989.16-2009 14 Tem baga,Cu <0.0014 0.05 m g/L SNI 6989.6-2009 15 Lead, Pb 0.2 0.05 m g/L SNI 6989.8-2009 16 Zinc, Zn 0.125 0.1 m g/L SNI 06-6989.7-2004 III. Biology Total Coliform (Mem brane 17 <1 1000 MPN/100m l APHA 9222 B-2005 Filter)** Sumber: Hasil Monitoring Lingkungan KLHS KKJSS, 27 Juni 2012 Per MenLH No. 52 Tahun 2004
  • 48. KONDISI KUALITAS AIR TANAH (sumber : Survey Kualitas Lingkungan [air, udara dan laut])
  • 49. KONDISI KUALITAS AIR PERMUKAAN (sumber : Survey Kualitas Lingkungan [air, udara dan laut])
  • 50. PLANKTON & BENTHOS PERAIRAN LAUT (sumber : Survey Kualitas Lingkungan [air, udara dan laut]) Pseudo- Thalassionema Larva naupulius Larva Skeletonema nitzchia Nitzchioides cirripedia Brachyura Menunjukkan kadar nutrient di Produktivitas laut tinggi laut sangat tinggi seperti dan tidak ada konsentrasi nitrogen dan pencemaran akibat phosphat pestisida PENCEMARAN DARI AIR PERMUKAAN
  • 51. Water Quality Parameters Temperature - Dissolved Oxygen (DO) - pH Alkalinity - Hardness Nitrates and Phosphates - Turbidity Conductivity -
  • 52. Temperature Affects: Water density The solubility Chemical reaction rates Organism growth rates Conductivity pH Dissolved Oxygen
  • 53. Contoh : Jika CuO, di dalam air dengan suhu 250C mempunyai log Kso = 10 7.644 dan entalphy adalah -15.504 kcal/mol atau – 64.90 kJ/mol. Berapa solubility dari CuO jika temperature di dalam air turun 10oC
  • 55. Q10 rule cold-blooded aquatic organisms Predicts that growth rate will double if temperature increases by 10˚C (18˚F) within their "preferred" range.
  • 57. Oksigen di Air • O2 dibutuhkan terlarut di air untuk menjaga reaksi oksidasi-reduksi, respirasi, degradasi dst • Kelarutan O2 di air tergantung temperatur, pd 25 oC  sekitar 8,5 mg/L; pada 0oC  14,74 mg/L • Dihasilkan dari proses fotosintesis alga/tumbuhan hijau di air dan proses aerasi
  • 58. Henry’s Law Henry’s Law Constant For example, oxygen is 20.95% of the air on a molar basis and, therefore, PO2 is 20.95% of the atmospheric pressure, or 0.2095 atm under standard conditions.]
  • 60. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) DO is the measurement of oxygen dissolved in water and available for fish and other aquatic life. Indicates health of an aquatic system. Can range from 0-18 ppm. Most natural water systems require 5- 6 ppm to support a diverse population. Varies with time of day, weather, temperature.
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Increase in organic waste Increase in algae/plant vegetation Decrease in DO available to organisms Leads to changes in ecosystem as organisms needing lots of DO are replaced by organisms needing little.
  • 66.
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69. pH - p(otential of) H(ydrogen) Determines the solubility of nutrients (PO4-3, NO3-, C) and heavy metals (Fe, Cu, etc) Determines availability of these chemicals for use by aquatic life. In natural water systems, determined largely by geology and soils.
  • 70. pH of natural waters Limestone, marble, CO3 rich due to humic acid Sea water Pure rain, snow
  • 71.
  • 72. Factors that affect pH • Algal blooms • Bacterial activity • Water turbulence • Chemicals flowing into the water body • Sewage overflows • Pollution
  • 73. How pH affects aquatic life Decreasing pH (e.g.: via acid rain) Liberation of Al, metals Toxic conditions Chronic stress Smaller, weaker fish
  • 74. Alkalinity refers to the capability of water to neutralize acid. Alkalinity Buffering capacity – resistance to pH changes. Common natural buffer: CO3 (carbonates – like limestone). Protects aquatic life. Commonly linked to water hardness. In natural systems: Limestone outcrop 50 – 150 mg/L as CaCO3.
  • 75. Hardness Reflects dissolved carbonate minerals. Mostly of concern for drinking water standards. Metals precipitate out of solution. Create scale/hard water deposits High alkalinity  Hard water
  • 76. and Nitrate (NO3-) Phosphate (PO4-3) naturally-occurring naturally occurs in form of nitrogen rocks and minerals. found in soil. Plants uptake Forms by microbial weathered-out decomposition of elements and fertilizers, plants, compounds. manures or other organic residues Animals ingest plants. Plants uptake Water soluble. nitrates (Spinach a good source). Redfield Ratio: 106:16:1
  • 77.
  • 78. Artificial sources: • Livestock manure/urine Nitrates • Failing septic systems • Synthetic fertilizers Can lead to: eutrophication of natural water systems (overproduction of vegetation) Blue baby syndromne The U.S. EPA has set a maximum contaminant level for NO3- in drinking water of 10 parts per million (ppm)
  • 79. Phosphates Artificial sources: • Sewage • Laundry, cleaning fluids • Synthetic fertilizers Can also lead to eutrophication of natural water systems (overproduction of vegetation) Blue green algae
  • 80. 1990 and 1999 comparison of Nitrates in Great Lakes From US EPA
  • 81. Solutions?? Wetland restoration Reduce fertilizers Reduce soil erosion Reduce emissions – WWTP/industry
  • 82. Turbidity Measures how “murky” the water is Estimates: Mineral fraction Organics Inorganics Soluble organic compounds Plankton Microscopic organisms MODIS Image from NASA
  • 83. Causes of highly waters • In open waters, phytoplankton • Closer to shore, particulates Resuspended bottom sediments (wind) • Organic from stream and/or wastewater discharges. • Channelization • Increased flow rates •Too many bottom-feeding fish (such as carp)
  • 84. Effects of highly waters • Modify light penetration • Increase sedimentation rate • Smother benthic habitats • Settling clay particles • Fine particulate material also can damage sensitive structures • Decrease organism resistance to disease • Prevent proper egg and larval development • Macrophyte growth may be decreased • Reduced photosynthesis can lead to lower daytime release of oxygen
  • 85.
  • 86. Conductivity Ability of a substance to conduct an electrical current. Cl- In water, conductivity determined by types and quantities of dissolved solids. (Commonly called Total Dissolved Solids = TDS) Current carried by ions (negatively or positively charged particles). Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Eg: NaCl(aq) = Na + + Cl – Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl- Cl- Cl- Cl- Na+ Cl- Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Cl-
  • 87. Conductivity Conductivity of natural waters depends upon: Ion characteristics (mobility, valence, concentration) Water temperature Geology Size of watershed Evaporation Some artificial factors that can affect conductivity: Wastewater Urban runoff (especially road salt) Agricultural runoff
  • 88. The Components of Salinity The most abundant components of a

Editor's Notes

  1. The living organisms (biota) in an aquatic ecosystem  autotrophic or heterotrophic. Autotrophic organisms utilize solar or chemical energyto fix elements from simple, nonliving inorganic material into complex life moleculesthat compose living organisms. Algae are the most important autotrophic aquaticorganisms because they are producers that utilize solar energy to generate biomassfrom CO2 and other simple inorganic species.Heterotrophic organisms utilize the organic substances produced by autotrophicorganisms as energy sources and as the raw materials for the synthesis of their ownbiomass. Decomposers (or reducers) are a subclass of the heterotrophic organismsThe ability of a body of water to produce living material is known as its productivity.Productivity results from a combination of physical and chemical factors, requires an adequate supply of carbon (CO2), nitrogen (nitrate),phosphorus (orthophosphate), and trace elements such as iron. Water of lowproductivity generally is desirable for water supply or for swimming. Relatively highproductivity is required for the support of fish and to serve as the basis of the foodchain in an aquatic ecosystem. Excessive productivity results in decay of the biomassproduced, consumption of dissolved oxygen, and odor production, a condition calledeutrophication
  2. However, aquatic life is strongly influenced by the physical and chemical properties of the body of water inwhich it lives. Temperature, transparency, and turbulence are the three main physicalproperties affecting aquatic life. Very low water temperatures result in very slowbiological processes, whereas very high temperatures are fatal to most organisms. Thetransparency of water is particularly important in determining the growth of algae.Turbulence is an important factor in mixing processes and transport of nutrients andwaste products in water. Some small organisms (plankton) depend upon watercurrents for their own mobility.Dissolved oxygen (DO) frequently is the key substance in determining the extentand kinds of life in a body of water. Oxygen deficiency is fatal to many aquatic animalssuch as fish. The presence of oxygen can be equally fatal to many kinds ofanaerobic bacteria. Biochemical oxygen demand, BOD, discussed as a waterpollutant in Section 7.9, refers to the amount of oxygen utilized when the organicmatter in a given volume of water is degraded biologically.Carbon dioxide is produced by respiratory processes in water and sediments andcan also enter water from the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is required for thephotosynthetic production of biomass by algae and in some cases is a limiting factor.High levels of carbon dioxide produced by the degradation of organic matter in watercan cause excessive algal growth and productivity.The salinity of water also determines the kinds of life forms present. Irrigationwaters may pick up harmful levels of salt. Marine life obviously requires or toleratessalt water, whereas many freshwater organisms are intolerant of salt
  3. H2O + CO2 H2CO3Proporsidari H2CO3 yang terbentuksangatkecildanlebihdominanadalahkelarutandari CO2 di air. H2CO3  H+ + HCO3-, pH naikmakajumlah proton akanberkurangdidalam air sehinggareaksibergeserkearahkananHCO3-  H+ + CO32-, pH naiklagi proton berkurangsehingga ion carbonate yang dominanaKesetimbanganinidominandalam buffering effect pH didalam air danjugaterkaitdengan acidity dan alkalinity.
  4. The temperature effect on the solubility of gases in water is especially important inthe case of oxygen. The solubility of oxygen in water decreases from 14.74 mg/L at0°C to 7.03 mg/L at 35°C. At higher temperatures, the decreased solubility ofoxygen, combined with the increased respiration rate of aquatic organisms, frequentlycauses a condition in which a higher demand for oxygen accompanied by lowersolubility of the gas in water results in severe oxygen depletion.Oxygen is produced bythe photosynthetic action of algae, but this process is really not an efficient means ofoxygenating water because some of the oxygen formed by photosynthesis during thedaylight hours is lost at night when the algae consume oxygen as part of theirmetabolic processes. When the algae die, the degradation of their biomass alsoconsumes oxygen