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第24回広島大学外国語教育研究センターシンポジウ厶              平成27年03月06日(金)
ハンドアウト(大和)            於: 広島大学外国語教育研究センター
ワークショップ3: プロソディの捉え方とその指導
大和 知史(やまと かずひと)
● 英語発音・プロソディ指導の概観
✦ 発音指導の流れ
• bottom-up/top-down
• segmental/suprasegmental
• intelligibility/comprehensibility
• Lingua Franca Core (Jenkins, 2000)
✦ Teachability-learnability continuum
(Dalton & Seidlehofer, 1994, p. 73)
WS3 Yamato
● どう捉える?
✦ Gilbert (2008; 2014): Prosody pyramid
e.g. How do you spell “easy”?
e.g. Danny arrived late, so he missed half the movie.
✦ プロソディ指導の3つのポイント
1. 母音のあるところに拍がくる
• 語強勢の形を確認
2. 拍が2つ以上になれば、強弱を
• 弱は曖昧に早く
• 強がおよそ等間隔でリズムを形成
3. 強い拍が複数になれば、その内の一つを目立たせる。
• 一番目立つ語が、focus word
• 原則は、thought group の最後の内容語(核配置に関する原則)
• そこでピッチを大きく変化させる(上昇・下降・下降上昇)
• 別のところに来るということは意図がある
WS3 Yamato
● こんな風に
✦ A communicative framework for teaching English pronunciation
1. description and analysis
2. listening discrimination
3. controlled practice
4. guided practice
5. communicative practice
(Celce-Murcia et al., 2010, p. 44-48)
✦ タスク・活動例
Exercise 1(Rhythmの確認 content word/function words)(1 DA)
CUSTOMER: Is it possible to change my reservation to Los
Angeles from Saturday to Sunday?
AGENT: Uhh, yes, there are two seats on the 9:30 flight on
CUSTOMER: What’t the cost to change my ticket?
AGENT: The total cost with the change fee is 300 dollars. Do
you want to change the reservation?
(Grant, 2010, pp.88-89)
Excercise 2(拍の確認,リズム: 強音節の確認,等時性∼イントネーション)
(2 LD, 3 CP)
ハミング(Da did a, tap,ポンポン, Kazoo など)で確認
1) What is your name? Da da da Da
2) How do you spell it? Da da da Da da
3) What is your last name? Da da da Da Da
(磯田,2010: 127-130)
WS3 Yamato
Excercise 3(単音節の拍の確認∼各音調の動き確認)(2 LD)
A: Shh
B: What
A: Bear
B: Bear
A: Bear
B: Where
A: There
B: Far
A: No
B: Near
A: Yeah
B: Run
A: Run
(Hancock, 2003: 116; 磯田,2010: 55-57)
Exercise 4(thought groupの確認)(3 CP)
1) PEPS-Cの課題から
chicken-fingers and fruit/chicken, fingers and fruit
pink and black-and-green socks/pink-and-black and green socks
2) 電話番号や計算
8775559649 877-555-9649 / 87-7555-9649
4 × 4 + 4 (4 × 4) + 4 / 4 × (4 + 4)
3) 簡単なレクチャーを聞いてスラッシュ
Exercise 5(Focus wordの確認)(4 GP)
1) listening for the focus word
1. a. It’s a big dog. No, it’s a wolf.
b. It’s a big dog. No, it’s really more medium-sized.
2. a. But we asked for two coffees! Oh, I thought you wanted tea.
b. But we asked for two coffees! Oh, I thought you wanted two.
3. a. I though you bought a big car. No, it was a motorcycle.
b. I though you bought a big car. No, it was a little one.
WS3 Yamato
2) what was said before
1. A:
B: No, today is Tuesday.
2. A: _______________________________
B: No, the wedding is on the fifth of April.
3. A: _______________________________
B: I don’t agree. we need more rain.
4. A: _______________________________
B: But we prefer to keep the window open.
(Gilbert, 2012, p.64-65)
Exercise 6(5 CoP)
TOEFL iBT®のスピーキングタスクを用いて
Your choice or opinion:
One advantage of the other choice:
Two or three reasons for your choice:
(Grant, 2010, p.119)
“Some students prefer a formal classroom where the teacher
lectures and students take notes. Other students prefer an informal
classroom where students participate and work in groups. Which
type of classroom do you prefer and why? Include details and
examples in your response.”
WS3 Yamato
Exercise 7
絵本 “Frog and Toad” から
"Frog, why do you keep looking out of the window?" asked Toad.
"Because now I am waiting for the mail." said Frog.
"But there will not be any" said Toad.
"Oh yes there will." said Frog. "Because I have sent you a letter."
"You have?" said Toad. "What did you write in the letter?"
Frog said, "I wrote 'Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best
friend. Your best friend, Frog.''
"Oh," said Toad, "that makes a very good letter."
WS3 Yamato
● 参考文献 (本WS内で取り上げていないものも含む)
✦ resource book・textbook
Bradford, B. (1988). Intonation in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brazil, D. (1994). Pronunciation for advanced learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Gilbert, J. B. (2008). Teaching pronunciation: Using the prosody pyramid. NY: Cambridge
University Press.
Gilbert, J. B. (2012). Clear speech. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, J. B. (2012). Clear speech. 4th ed. Teacher’s resource and assessment book.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Grant, L. (2007). Well said intro: Pronunciation for clear communication. Boston:
Thomson Heinle Publishers.
Grant, L. (2010). Well said: Pronunciation for clear communication. 3rd ed. Boston: Heinle
Cengage Leagning.
Hancock, M. (1996). Pronunciation games. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hancock, M. (2003). English pronunciation in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Lane, L. (2010). Tips for teaching pronunciation: A practical approach. NY: Pearson
Education Inc.
Underhill, A. (2005). Sound foundation. Oxford: Macmillan.
Vaughn-Rees, M. (2002). Test your pronunciation. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education
今井邦彦・外池滋生 (2007) 『英語徹底口練!』 東京: 実務教育出版
英語音声学研究会 (2003) 『大人の英語発音講座』 東京: 日本放送出版協会
小川直樹 (2007) 『アルク英語レスキューシリーズ Vol.10 英語発音のツボドリル』 東
京: アルク
小川直樹 (2014) 『しごとのミニマム英語4 英語の発音直前6時間の技術』 東京: ア
靜哲人 (2007) 『英語発音の達人ワークアウト 「Englishあいうえお」』(DVD)東
京: ジャパンライム
靜哲人 (2012) 『発音入門 音トレーニングドリル』 東京: アルク (店頭販売なし)
手島良 (2006) 『通じる英語の発音ドリル』 東京: 研究社
WS3 Yamato
✦ articles & books
Brazil, D., Coulthard, M., & Johns, C. (1980) Discourse intonation and language teaching.
Harlow, Essex: Longman.
Brazil, D. (1997). Communicative value of intonation. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Celce-Muricia et al. (2010). Teaching pronunciation: A course book and reference guide.
2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Chapman, M. (2007). Theory and practice of teaching discourse intonation. ELT
Journal, 61, 3-11.
Chun, D. (2002). Discourse intonation in L2: From theory and research to practice.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Crowther, D., Trofimovich, P., Saito, K., & Isaccs, T. (2014). Second language
comprehensibility revisited: Investigating the effects of learner background.
TESOL Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/tesq.203
Cruttenden, A. (1997). Intonation. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cruttenden, A. (2014). Gimson’s pronunciation of English. 8th ed. Oxon: Routledge.
Dalton, C., & Seidlhofer, B. (1992) Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Derwing, T. M., & Munro, M. J. (2005). Second language accent and pronunciation
teaching: A research-based approach. TESOL Quarterly, 39, 379-397.
Derwing, T. M., & Rossiter, M. J. (2003). The effects of pronunciation instruction on
the accuracy, fluency, and complexity of L2 accented speech. Applied Language
Learning, 13, 1-17.
Goh, C. M. (2001). Discourse intonation of English in Malaysia and Singapore:
Implication for wider communication and teaching. RELC Journal, 32, 92-105.
Grant, L. with Brinton, D., Derwing, T., Munro, M. J., Field, J., Gilbert, J., Murphy, K.,
Thomson, R., Zielinski, B., and Yates, L. (2014). Pronunciation myths: Applying
second language research to classroom teaching. Ann Arbor, MH: University of
Michigan Press.
Hosaka, H. (2014). Teaching effect of contrasting intonation system. US-China Foreign
Language, 12, 193-203.
Jenkins, J. (2000). The phonology of English as an international language. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Lee, J., Jang, J., & Plonsky, L. (2014). The effectiveness of second language
pronunciation instruction: A meta-analysis. Applied Linguistics. Advance online
publication. doi: 10.1093/applin/amu040
Levis, J. (1999). Intonation in theory and practice: Revisited. TESOL Quarterly, 33 (1),
Pennington, M. C. (1996). Phonology in English language teaching. Harlow, Essex:
Addison Wesley Longman Limited.
Roach, P. (2009). English phonetics and phonology. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
WS3 Yamato
Rogerson-Revell, P. (2011). English phonology and pronunciation teaching. London:
Rosse, M. (1999). Tracking – A method for teaching prosody to ESL learners. Prospect,
14, 53-61.
Saito, K. (2012). Effects on L2 pronunciation development: A synthesis of 15 quasi-
experimental intervention studies. TESOL Quarterly, 46, 842-854.
Szpyra-Kozłowska, J. (2014). Pronunciation in EFL instruction. Bristol: Multilingual
Thomson, R. I., & Derwnig, T. M. (2014). The effectiveness of L2 pronunciation
instruction: A narrative review. Applied Linguistics. Advance online publication.
doi: 10.1093/applin/amu076
Wells, J. (2006). English intonation: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Wells, J. (2014). Sounds interesting: Observation on English and general phonetics.
Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
Yamato, K. (2000). Validating David Brazil’s theory of discourse intonation for
intonation teaching. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 11,
Yamato, K., & Mizuguchi, S. (2014). "Perception of prosodic cues by Japanese EFL
learners" In N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.). JALT2013: Learning is a Lifelong Voyage.
Tokyo: JALT. (pp.220-228).
磯田貴道 (2010) 『教科書の文章を活用する英語指導−授業を活性化する技108−』
東京: 成美堂
斎藤弘子・上田功 (2011) 「英語学習者によるイントネーション核の誤配置」 『音声
研究』 15, 87-95.
柴田雄介・横山志保・多良靜也 (2008) 「音声指導に関する教員の実態調査」 『紀
要』(四国英語教育学会) 28, 49-55.
高山芳樹 (2010) 「『通じる英語』を目指した発音指導の在り方」 『英學論考』 39,
竹林滋・斎藤弘子 (2008) 『新装版 英語音声学入門』 東京: 大修館書店
南條健助 (2010) 「音声学・音韻論と発音指導」 大学英語教育学会(監) 岡田伸夫・
南出康世・梅咲敦子(編) (2010) 『英語教育学大系 第8巻 英語研究と英語教
育 −ことばの研究を教育に活かす』東京: 大修館書店 pp. 3-21.
牧野武彦 (2005) 『日本人のための英語音声学レッスン』 東京: 大修館書店
松坂ヒロシ (1986) 『英語音声学入門』 東京: 研究社
WS3 Yamato
大和知史 (2011) 「プロソディ評価テストバッテリー PEPS-Cの日本人EFL学習者への
応用可能性」 (第37回全国英語教育学会山形研究大会自由研究発表資料)
若林俊輔・手島良(1997a) 「提案英語のカリキュラム 発音(1)」『英語教育』(4月号)
若林俊輔・手島良(1997b) 「提案英語のカリキュラム発音 (2)」『英語教育』(5月号)
渡辺和幸 (1994) 『英語のリズム・イントネーションの指導』 東京: 大修館書店

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  • 1. 第24回広島大学外国語教育研究センターシンポジウ厶              平成27年03月06日(金) ハンドアウト(大和)            於: 広島大学外国語教育研究センター 【英語の音声指導­その理論と教室内での実践方法­】 ワークショップ3: プロソディの捉え方とその指導 神戸大学国際コミュニケーションセンター 大和 知史(やまと かずひと) ● 英語発音・プロソディ指導の概観 ✦ 発音指導の流れ • bottom-up/top-down • segmental/suprasegmental • intelligibility/comprehensibility • Lingua Franca Core (Jenkins, 2000) ✦ Teachability-learnability continuum  1 (Dalton & Seidlehofer, 1994, p. 73)
  • 2. WS3 Yamato ● どう捉える? ✦ Gilbert (2008; 2014): Prosody pyramid e.g. How do you spell “easy”? e.g. Danny arrived late, so he missed half the movie. ✦ プロソディ指導の3つのポイント 1. 母音のあるところに拍がくる • 語強勢の形を確認 2. 拍が2つ以上になれば、強弱を • 弱は曖昧に早く • 強がおよそ等間隔でリズムを形成 3. 強い拍が複数になれば、その内の一つを目立たせる。 • 一番目立つ語が、focus word • 原則は、thought group の最後の内容語(核配置に関する原則) • そこでピッチを大きく変化させる(上昇・下降・下降上昇) • 別のところに来るということは意図がある  2
  • 3. WS3 Yamato ● こんな風に ✦ A communicative framework for teaching English pronunciation 1. description and analysis 2. listening discrimination 3. controlled practice 4. guided practice 5. communicative practice (Celce-Murcia et al., 2010, p. 44-48) ✦ タスク・活動例 Exercise 1(Rhythmの確認 content word/function words)(1 DA) CUSTOMER: Is it possible to change my reservation to Los Angeles from Saturday to Sunday? AGENT: Uhh, yes, there are two seats on the 9:30 flight on Sunday. CUSTOMER: What’t the cost to change my ticket? AGENT: The total cost with the change fee is 300 dollars. Do you want to change the reservation? (Grant, 2010, pp.88-89) Excercise 2(拍の確認,リズム: 強音節の確認,等時性∼イントネーション) (2 LD, 3 CP) ハミング(Da did a, tap,ポンポン, Kazoo など)で確認 1) What is your name? Da da da Da 2) How do you spell it? Da da da Da da 3) What is your last name? Da da da Da Da (磯田,2010: 127-130)  3
  • 4. WS3 Yamato Excercise 3(単音節の拍の確認∼各音調の動き確認)(2 LD) A B A: Shh B: What A: Bear B: Bear A: Bear B: Where A: There B: Far A: No B: Near A: Yeah B: Run A: Run (Hancock, 2003: 116; 磯田,2010: 55-57) Exercise 4(thought groupの確認)(3 CP) 1) PEPS-Cの課題から chicken-fingers and fruit/chicken, fingers and fruit pink and black-and-green socks/pink-and-black and green socks 2) 電話番号や計算 8775559649 877-555-9649 / 87-7555-9649 4 × 4 + 4 (4 × 4) + 4 / 4 × (4 + 4) 3) 簡単なレクチャーを聞いてスラッシュ Exercise 5(Focus wordの確認)(4 GP) 1) listening for the focus word 1. a. It’s a big dog. No, it’s a wolf. b. It’s a big dog. No, it’s really more medium-sized. 2. a. But we asked for two coffees! Oh, I thought you wanted tea. b. But we asked for two coffees! Oh, I thought you wanted two. 3. a. I though you bought a big car. No, it was a motorcycle. b. I though you bought a big car. No, it was a little one.  4
  • 5. WS3 Yamato 2) what was said before 1. A: B: No, today is Tuesday. 2. A: _______________________________ B: No, the wedding is on the fifth of April. 3. A: _______________________________ B: I don’t agree. we need more rain. 4. A: _______________________________ B: But we prefer to keep the window open. (Gilbert, 2012, p.64-65) Exercise 6(5 CoP) TOEFL iBT®のスピーキングタスクを用いて Your choice or opinion: ____________________________________________________________ One advantage of the other choice: ____________________________________________________________ Two or three reasons for your choice: 1.____________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________ (Grant, 2010, p.119)  5 “Some students prefer a formal classroom where the teacher lectures and students take notes. Other students prefer an informal classroom where students participate and work in groups. Which type of classroom do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your response.”
  • 6. WS3 Yamato Exercise 7 絵本 “Frog and Toad” から  6 [memo] "Frog, why do you keep looking out of the window?" asked Toad. "Because now I am waiting for the mail." said Frog. "But there will not be any" said Toad. "Oh yes there will." said Frog. "Because I have sent you a letter." "You have?" said Toad. "What did you write in the letter?" Frog said, "I wrote 'Dear Toad, I am glad that you are my best friend. Your best friend, Frog.'' "Oh," said Toad, "that makes a very good letter."
  • 7. WS3 Yamato ● 参考文献 (本WS内で取り上げていないものも含む) ✦ resource book・textbook Bradford, B. (1988). Intonation in context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Brazil, D. (1994). Pronunciation for advanced learners of English. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gilbert, J. B. (2008). Teaching pronunciation: Using the prosody pyramid. NY: Cambridge University Press. Gilbert, J. B. (2012). Clear speech. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Gilbert, J. B. (2012). Clear speech. 4th ed. Teacher’s resource and assessment book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Grant, L. (2007). Well said intro: Pronunciation for clear communication. Boston: Thomson Heinle Publishers. Grant, L. (2010). Well said: Pronunciation for clear communication. 3rd ed. Boston: Heinle Cengage Leagning. Hancock, M. (1996). Pronunciation games. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hancock, M. (2003). English pronunciation in use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lane, L. (2010). Tips for teaching pronunciation: A practical approach. NY: Pearson Education Inc. Underhill, A. (2005). Sound foundation. Oxford: Macmillan. Vaughn-Rees, M. (2002). Test your pronunciation. Harlow, Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 今井邦彦・外池滋生 (2007) 『英語徹底口練!』 東京: 実務教育出版 英語音声学研究会 (2003) 『大人の英語発音講座』 東京: 日本放送出版協会 小川直樹 (2007) 『アルク英語レスキューシリーズ Vol.10 英語発音のツボドリル』 東 京: アルク 小川直樹 (2014) 『しごとのミニマム英語4 英語の発音直前6時間の技術』 東京: ア ルク 靜哲人 (2007) 『英語発音の達人ワークアウト 「Englishあいうえお」』(DVD)東 京: ジャパンライム 靜哲人 (2012) 『発音入門 音トレーニングドリル』 東京: アルク (店頭販売なし) 手島良 (2006) 『通じる英語の発音ドリル』 東京: 研究社  7
  • 8. WS3 Yamato ✦ articles & books Brazil, D., Coulthard, M., & Johns, C. (1980) Discourse intonation and language teaching. Harlow, Essex: Longman. Brazil, D. (1997). Communicative value of intonation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Celce-Muricia et al. (2010). Teaching pronunciation: A course book and reference guide. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapman, M. (2007). Theory and practice of teaching discourse intonation. ELT Journal, 61, 3-11. Chun, D. (2002). Discourse intonation in L2: From theory and research to practice. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Crowther, D., Trofimovich, P., Saito, K., & Isaccs, T. (2014). Second language comprehensibility revisited: Investigating the effects of learner background. TESOL Quarterly. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1002/tesq.203 Cruttenden, A. (1997). Intonation. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Cruttenden, A. (2014). Gimson’s pronunciation of English. 8th ed. Oxon: Routledge. Dalton, C., & Seidlhofer, B. (1992) Pronunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Derwing, T. M., & Munro, M. J. (2005). Second language accent and pronunciation teaching: A research-based approach. TESOL Quarterly, 39, 379-397. Derwing, T. M., & Rossiter, M. J. (2003). The effects of pronunciation instruction on the accuracy, fluency, and complexity of L2 accented speech. Applied Language Learning, 13, 1-17. Goh, C. M. (2001). Discourse intonation of English in Malaysia and Singapore: Implication for wider communication and teaching. RELC Journal, 32, 92-105. Grant, L. with Brinton, D., Derwing, T., Munro, M. J., Field, J., Gilbert, J., Murphy, K., Thomson, R., Zielinski, B., and Yates, L. (2014). Pronunciation myths: Applying second language research to classroom teaching. Ann Arbor, MH: University of Michigan Press. Hosaka, H. (2014). Teaching effect of contrasting intonation system. US-China Foreign Language, 12, 193-203. Jenkins, J. (2000). The phonology of English as an international language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lee, J., Jang, J., & Plonsky, L. (2014). The effectiveness of second language pronunciation instruction: A meta-analysis. Applied Linguistics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/applin/amu040 Levis, J. (1999). Intonation in theory and practice: Revisited. TESOL Quarterly, 33 (1), 37-63. Pennington, M. C. (1996). Phonology in English language teaching. Harlow, Essex: Addison Wesley Longman Limited. Roach, P. (2009). English phonetics and phonology. 4th ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.  8
  • 9. WS3 Yamato Rogerson-Revell, P. (2011). English phonology and pronunciation teaching. London: Continuum. Rosse, M. (1999). Tracking – A method for teaching prosody to ESL learners. Prospect, 14, 53-61. Saito, K. (2012). Effects on L2 pronunciation development: A synthesis of 15 quasi- experimental intervention studies. TESOL Quarterly, 46, 842-854. Szpyra-Kozłowska, J. (2014). Pronunciation in EFL instruction. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Thomson, R. I., & Derwnig, T. M. (2014). The effectiveness of L2 pronunciation instruction: A narrative review. Applied Linguistics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1093/applin/amu076 Wells, J. (2006). English intonation: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Wells, J. (2014). Sounds interesting: Observation on English and general phonetics. Cambridge Cambridge University Press. Yamato, K. (2000). Validating David Brazil’s theory of discourse intonation for intonation teaching. Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan, 11, 91-100. Yamato, K., & Mizuguchi, S. (2014). "Perception of prosodic cues by Japanese EFL learners" In N. Sonda & A. Krause (Eds.). JALT2013: Learning is a Lifelong Voyage. Tokyo: JALT. (pp.220-228). 磯田貴道 (2010) 『教科書の文章を活用する英語指導−授業を活性化する技108−』 東京: 成美堂 斎藤弘子・上田功 (2011) 「英語学習者によるイントネーション核の誤配置」 『音声 研究』 15, 87-95. 柴田雄介・横山志保・多良靜也 (2008) 「音声指導に関する教員の実態調査」 『紀 要』(四国英語教育学会) 28, 49-55. 高山芳樹 (2010) 「『通じる英語』を目指した発音指導の在り方」 『英學論考』 39, 87-104. 竹林滋・斎藤弘子 (2008) 『新装版 英語音声学入門』 東京: 大修館書店 南條健助 (2010) 「音声学・音韻論と発音指導」 大学英語教育学会(監) 岡田伸夫・ 南出康世・梅咲敦子(編) (2010) 『英語教育学大系 第8巻 英語研究と英語教 育 −ことばの研究を教育に活かす』東京: 大修館書店 pp. 3-21. 牧野武彦 (2005) 『日本人のための英語音声学レッスン』 東京: 大修館書店 松坂ヒロシ (1986) 『英語音声学入門』 東京: 研究社  9
  • 10. WS3 Yamato 大和知史 (2011) 「プロソディ評価テストバッテリー PEPS-Cの日本人EFL学習者への 応用可能性」 (第37回全国英語教育学会山形研究大会自由研究発表資料) [online] 若林俊輔・手島良(1997a) 「提案英語のカリキュラム 発音(1)」『英語教育』(4月号) 46(1),78-79. 若林俊輔・手島良(1997b) 「提案英語のカリキュラム発音 (2)」『英語教育』(5月号) 46(2),78-79. 渡辺和幸 (1994) 『英語のリズム・イントネーションの指導』 東京: 大修館書店  10