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“Hopeis boththeearliestandthemostindispensablevirtueinherentin
thestateof beingalive.If lifeis tobe sustainedhopemustremain,even
whereconfidenceis wounded,trustimpaired.“
- ErikErikson(1902-1994)
Erikson’s Life-Span Psycho- Social Development Theory
• Psychosocial: describing the relation of the individuals emotional needs to the
social environment
• Developmental crisis: A specific conflict whose resolution proposes the way for
the next stage
• Industry: eagerness to engage in productive work. hardworking
• Identity achievement: strong sense of commitment to life choices after free
consideration of alternatives.
• Identity foreclosure: acceptance of parental life choices without consideration of
• Identity diffusion: confusion about who you are and what you want
• Moratorium: identity crisis, suspension of choices because of
• Generatively: sense of concern for future generation
• Integrity: sense of self acceptance and fulfillment.
Assumptions’ of Erikson work :
1. People, in general have the same basic needs
2. Personal development occurs in response to these needs
3. Development proceeds in stages
4. Movement through the stages reflects changes in an individual’s motivation
5. Each stage is characterized by a psychosocial challenge that presents
opportunities for development
6. satisfactory resolution of each stage is a prerequisite for the next
7. These stages are can be compared to the building of a house
Life Events
• Developmental tasks: Any skill that must be mastered, or personal change that
must take place, for optimal development (e.g., learning to read and adjusting to
sexual maturity)
• Psychosocial dilemma: Conflict between personal impulses and the social world
• If a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage, they will not acquire the life
stage virtue.
1= birth to one
year old
2= 1-3 years old
3= 3-5 years old
4= 6-11 years old
5= 12-20 years old
6= 21-40 years old
7= 41-65 years old
65 Onward
Trust vs Mistrust
( 0- 1 year, infant)
Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt
(1-3 year, toddler)
Initiative vs Guilt
( 3- 5 year, Pre- school)
Industry vs Inferiority
(6- 11, Schooler)
Identity vs Role confusion
(12-20, Teenager)
Intimacy vs Isolation
(21-40, young adult)
Generativity vs Stagnation
(41-65, middle- age adult)
Integrity vs Despair
(65 onward, older adult)
Stages of Psychosocial Development
Stage One: Trust versus Mistrust
- Children are completely dependent on others
- Trust: Established when babies given adequate warmth, touching,
love, and physical care
- Mistrust: Caused by inadequate or unpredictable care and by cold,
indifferent, and rejecting parents
- Trust developed through consistent love and support
• Because an infant is utterly dependent, the development of trust is based on the
dependability and quality of the child’s caregivers.
• If a child successfully develops trust, he or she will feel safe and secure in the
world. Caregivers who are inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or rejecting
contribute to feelings of mistrust in the children they care for. Failure to develop
trust will result in fear and a belief that the world is inconsistent and
• Strength or virtue gained from successful resolution of this stage conflict is hope.
• Trust Hope
Stage Two: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
(1–3 years)
• Autonomy: Doing things for themselves
• Child begins to interact with environment independently if he permitted to
do what he capable to do autonomy will be develop.
• Independence fostered by support and encouragement
 The key challenges the child faces relates to exerting independence
 Toilet training is a vital part of this process. Erikson believes that learning to
control one’s body functions leads to a feeling of control and a sense of
 Gaining more control over food choices, toy preferences, and clothing selection.
 Children who successfully complete this stage feel secure and confident, while
those who do not are left with a sense of inadequacy, shame and self-doubt.
Maintain degree of freedom to interact with environment
Deny freedom to interact with environment
child doubt his ability shame
akin to rage turned inward
Stage Three: Initiative versus Guilt
(3–5 years)
• Increase in psycho- motor ability
• Initiative to function by refuse help from parent and teacher
• By giving reasonable freedom to function independently child would develop
confidence and self- reliance
• Initiative: Parents reinforce via giving children freedom to play, use imagination,
and ask questions
 Children are asked to assume responsibility for their bodies, their behavior, their
toys and their pets
 They make enormous cognitive leaps, and those developing abilities provide the
impetus for exploration in all areas of their lives
 Initiative is characterized by an exploratory and investigative attitude that results
from meeting and accepting challenges
 Guilt: May occur if parents criticize, prevent play, or discourage a child’s
 Children who are given the freedom to explore and experiment with adults who
answer their questions tend to develop initiative
 Those who are restricted and whose initiative is considered to be a problem tend
to develop a sense of guilt about pursuing their interests
 Children who are successful at this stage feel capable and able to lead others.
 Those who fail to acquire these skills are left with a sense of guilt and lack of
Stage Four: Industry versus Inferiority
(6–12 years)
• Industry: Occurs when child is praised for productive activities, such as painting
and building
• Inferiority: Occurs if child’s efforts are regarded as messy or inadequate
• Industry is the enjoyment of mastery and competence through success and
recognition of one’s accomplishment(s)
• Mastery comes from success and recognition
 Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their
accomplishments and abilities.
 Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers
develop a feeling of competence and belief in their skills. Those who receive
little or no encouragement from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt their
ability to be successful.
 If adults tap the natural curiosity of child and exploit them for educative
purpose it makes home and school pleasurable
Stage Five (Adolescence): Identity versus Role
• The conflict of this stage is identity vs role confusion
• Central issue for a adolescent is developing an identity
• The teenager must achieve identity in gender, politics and religion
• Identity refers to the organization of the individual drives consistent unique of
• It involves deliberate choices and decisions about work values and idiology and
commitment to people
• Peer relationship is important
• Developing a desire for independence from parents, achieve
physical maturity
• Conscious effort is make to answer the question of “Who am I?”
• Exploration of different paths to attain a healthy identity
 They experience new sexual feelings and are not quite know how to respond,
they are frequently confused
• Identity: answering this question: “Who am I?”
• Role Confusion: Occurs when adolescents are unsure of where they are going and
who they are
• Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal
exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of
independence and control. Those who remain unsure of their beliefs and desires
will insecure and confused about themselves and the future
• Fidelity emerge from adequate resolution of the ego- identity and role confusion
• Failure in integration leads to role confusion
 Identity achievement and moratorium are healthy alternatives
 Adolescent who cannot get past identity diffusion have difficulties in adjusting
 Identity diffused adolescents and young adults give up their lives, or go along with
the crowd, likely to become drug abusers
 Foreclosed adolescents become signed intolerant, dogmatic and defensive
1) Identity achievement
• Explore the realistic options, make choice and commit to pursue
• Few students achieve this status by the end of high school
• Identity once achieved may not be changing
2) Identity foreclosure
• Commitment without exploration
• Not experimented with different identities or explored
• Simply commit themselves to the goals, values and lifestyle of others
Four identity alternatives of Adolescent
Four identity alternatives of Adolescent
3) Identity diffusion
o Occur when individuals do not explore or commit
o Not firm direction, not reaching any conclusion
o Adolescent experiencing identity diffusion may be apathetic end withdrawn end
with little hope with the future life and rebellious
4) Moratorium
o Adolescent who are struggling with choices experience this
o Exploration with a delay in commitment
o They face identity crisis in moratorium
Stage Six (Young Adulthood): Intimacy versus
 Can I give fully of myself to another?
 This stage covers the period of early adulthood when people are faced with the
developmental task of forming intimate relationships
 Giving for the sake of giving, without expecting something .
 To have a relationship based on more than mutual needs.
 Intimacy is willingness to relate to another person on a deep level. Those who are
successful at this step will develop relationships that are committed and secure.
• Intimacy: Ability to care about others and to share experiences with them
• Isolation: Feeling alone and uncared for in life
• A person with a firm sense of identity is prepared for intimacy, or giving the self
over to another
• Form positive, close relationships with others
Remember that each step builds on skills learned in previous steps. Erikson
believed that a strong sense of personal identity was important to developing
intimate relationships. Studies have demonstrated that those with a poor sense
of self tend to have less committed relationships and are more likely to suffer
emotional isolation, loneliness, and depression.
The young adult must develop their relationship or suffer feeling of isolation
Stage Seven: Generativity vs Stagnation
(41-65 years)
• Generativity: Interest in guiding the next generation
• Creativity and productivity are essential features
• Generativity extends the ability to care of another person and involves in caring
and guidance for the next generation
• It refers to having and nurturing children.
• Family care occupies the central stage here
Stagnation: When one is only concerned with one’s own needs and
 During adulthood, we continue to build our lives, focusing on our career and
 Generative adults try to contribute to the betterment of society by working for
principles such as a clean physical environment, a safe and drug-free social world
and adherence to the principles of freedom and dignity for individuals
 Those who are successful during this phase will feel that they are contributing to
the world by being active in their home and community. Those who fail to attain
this skill will feel unproductive and uninvolved in the world. They are characterized
by apathy, pseudo intimacy, or self absorption.
 Each adult must find some way to satisfy and support the next generation
Stage Eight : Integrity vs Despair
( onward 65)
• Contentment and satisfaction through life and work
• Integrity is achieved when you consolidate your sense of self and fully
accepting it’s unique and unalterable
• Those who are unable to attain a feeling of fulfillment sink into despair.
• Sense of acceptance of oneself and a sense of fulfilment.
• Integrity: Self-respect; developed when people have lived richly and
• Despair: Occurs when previous life events are viewed with regret; experiences
heartache and remorse
 People who accept themselves, conclude that they only have one life to live, live
it as well as possible and have few regrets are seen as having integrity
 Life review and retrospective evaluation of one’s past
 This phase occurs during old age and is focused on reflecting back on life.
 Those who are unsuccessful during this phase will feel that their life has been
wasted and will experience many regrets. The individual will be left with feelings
of bitterness and despair.
 Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity.
Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a
general feeling of satisfaction. These individuals will attain wisdom, even when
confronting death. They accept responsibility for the way they have lived and
accept the finality of death
Stage Crisis Positive outcome Result Negative outcome
1st year Trust vs mistrust Faith in the environment and
future living
Hope Suspicion, fear of future events
1-3 years Autonomy vs shame
& doubt
A sense of self control and
Feeling of shame and doubt-
3-5 years Initiative vs guilt Ability to be a self starter to initiate
one’s own activities
Purpose A sense of guilt and inadequacy
to be on one’s own
6-11 years Industry vs
Ability to learn how things work ,
to understand and organize
A sense of inferiority at
understanding and organizing
12-20 years Ego identity vs role
Seeing oneself as a unique and
integrated person
fidelity Confusion over who and what
one really is
21-40 years Intimacy vs
Ability to communicate to others,
to love
Love Inability to form affectionate
41-65 years Generativity vs
Concern for family and society in
Care Concern only for self one’s own
well- being and prosperity
65 onward Ego- integrity vs
A sense of integrity and
fulfillment, willingness to death
Wisdom Dissatisfaction with life, despair
over prospect of death
Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Human Development
 Pre- school years include Trust, Autonomy and initiative
 Infant develops sense of trust if its needs for food and care are met with
comforting regularity and responsiveness from caregivers.
 Autonomy vs shame makes the beginning of self control and self confidence
 Children begin to assume responsibilities.
 Parent must be protective not overprotective
 Reinforce the child effort to basic motor and cognitive skills
 Initiative adds to autonomy, guilty of undertaking planning and affecting a task.
 Maintain a zest for activity.
 Adult supersession and guidance.
 If children not allowed to do things on their own they develop sense of guilt.
Elementary and middle school years ( industry vs inferiority)
 Children develop a sense of industry.
 They begin to see relationship between perseverance and pleasure of job
 School and neighborhood offer challenges that has to be balanced with those at
 Child has to cope with academics, groups that leads to growing sense of
 Difficulty with challenges leads to inferiority.
Educational implications
Encourage industry in children:
- Make cues that students have opportunities to set and work towards realistic
- Begin with short assignments, then move to long
- Check students progress with progress checkpoint.
- Help them to set reasonable goals, write down goals and keep a journal progress
of student
Give student a chance to show their independence and responsibility.
- Tolerate honest mistakes.
- Delegate to students task such as watering plants, monitoring computer labs,
grading homework.
Provide support to students who seem discouraged
- Use individual charts that show student progress
- Keep samples of earlier work so students can see their improvement.
- Give awards for most improved, most helpful and most hardworking.
Support identity in Adolescent
- Give student many models for career choices and other adult roles.
- Point out models from literature and history. Have a list of birthday of eminent
women and people who made contribution in the area of your study. Discuss
their accomplishment.
- Invite gust speakers describe how and why they chose their professions
Encourage initiative in pre- school children
A) Encourage children to make and act on choices.
- Selection of activity or game
- Avoid interpretation when they are doing something.
- Follow their suggestion
B) Make sure that each child has a chance to experience success.
- If mistakes are made show students how to clean up.
C) Encourage with a wide variety of roles
- Monitor children play than no one monopolize.
- Encourage to act an costumers.
D) Be tolerate of mistakes when children doing something on their
Help students to find resolves for personal problems.
-Encourage them to talk to school counselors
- Discuss potential outside services
Be tolerate of teenage fault as long as they don’t offend others or
interfere with learning
Don’t impose strife dress or hair codes
Give students realistic feedback about themselves
- Make them understand the consequence of these misbehavior of poor
- Give students models answers or show them after students completed projects
for comparing with their work.
- Keep the roles separate from the persons as students are “ trying on” roles.
- Criticize wrong behavior without criticizing the student
- Foster identity formalism by providing experience like community science, real world
What psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of “love”?
Ego identity vs role confusion
Intimacy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagnation
Industry vs inferiority
Which psychosocial stage centres around integrating a new personality out of the
many changes taking place at this time in the individual’s life?
Ego identity vs role confusion
Intimacy vs isolation
Generativity vs stagnation
Industry vs inferiority
Which of these is NOT one of the "life stage virtues" of development according to
Erik Erikson?
 Hope
 Love
 Honesty
 wisdom
Erikson's theory states that if a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage,
they will not acquire the life stage virtue, but will be able to move on to the next
stage of development.
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  • 1. “Hopeis boththeearliestandthemostindispensablevirtueinherentin thestateof beingalive.If lifeis tobe sustainedhopemustremain,even whereconfidenceis wounded,trustimpaired.“ - ErikErikson(1902-1994) Erikson’s Life-Span Psycho- Social Development Theory
  • 2. Terminologies • Psychosocial: describing the relation of the individuals emotional needs to the social environment • Developmental crisis: A specific conflict whose resolution proposes the way for the next stage • Industry: eagerness to engage in productive work. hardworking • Identity achievement: strong sense of commitment to life choices after free consideration of alternatives. • Identity foreclosure: acceptance of parental life choices without consideration of options
  • 3. • Identity diffusion: confusion about who you are and what you want • Moratorium: identity crisis, suspension of choices because of struggles. • Generatively: sense of concern for future generation • Integrity: sense of self acceptance and fulfillment. Terminologies
  • 4. Assumptions’ of Erikson work : 1. People, in general have the same basic needs 2. Personal development occurs in response to these needs 3. Development proceeds in stages 4. Movement through the stages reflects changes in an individual’s motivation 5. Each stage is characterized by a psychosocial challenge that presents opportunities for development 6. satisfactory resolution of each stage is a prerequisite for the next 7. These stages are can be compared to the building of a house
  • 5. Life Events • Developmental tasks: Any skill that must be mastered, or personal change that must take place, for optimal development (e.g., learning to read and adjusting to sexual maturity) • Psychosocial dilemma: Conflict between personal impulses and the social world • If a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage, they will not acquire the life stage virtue.
  • 6. 1= birth to one year old 2= 1-3 years old 3= 3-5 years old 4= 6-11 years old 5= 12-20 years old 6= 21-40 years old 7= 41-65 years old 65 Onward
  • 7. Trust vs Mistrust ( 0- 1 year, infant) Autonomy vs Shame & Doubt (1-3 year, toddler) Initiative vs Guilt ( 3- 5 year, Pre- school) Industry vs Inferiority (6- 11, Schooler) Identity vs Role confusion (12-20, Teenager) Intimacy vs Isolation (21-40, young adult) Generativity vs Stagnation (41-65, middle- age adult) Integrity vs Despair (65 onward, older adult) Stages of Psychosocial Development
  • 8. Stage One: Trust versus Mistrust (Birth–1) - Children are completely dependent on others - Trust: Established when babies given adequate warmth, touching, love, and physical care - Mistrust: Caused by inadequate or unpredictable care and by cold, indifferent, and rejecting parents - Trust developed through consistent love and support
  • 9. • Because an infant is utterly dependent, the development of trust is based on the dependability and quality of the child’s caregivers. • If a child successfully develops trust, he or she will feel safe and secure in the world. Caregivers who are inconsistent, emotionally unavailable, or rejecting contribute to feelings of mistrust in the children they care for. Failure to develop trust will result in fear and a belief that the world is inconsistent and unpredictable.
  • 10. • Strength or virtue gained from successful resolution of this stage conflict is hope. • Trust Hope
  • 11. Stage Two: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt (1–3 years) • Autonomy: Doing things for themselves • Child begins to interact with environment independently if he permitted to do what he capable to do autonomy will be develop. • Independence fostered by support and encouragement
  • 12.  The key challenges the child faces relates to exerting independence  Toilet training is a vital part of this process. Erikson believes that learning to control one’s body functions leads to a feeling of control and a sense of independence.  Gaining more control over food choices, toy preferences, and clothing selection.  Children who successfully complete this stage feel secure and confident, while those who do not are left with a sense of inadequacy, shame and self-doubt.
  • 13. Maintain degree of freedom to interact with environment Deny freedom to interact with environment Shame Autonomy child doubt his ability shame akin to rage turned inward
  • 14. Stage Three: Initiative versus Guilt (3–5 years) • Increase in psycho- motor ability • Initiative to function by refuse help from parent and teacher • By giving reasonable freedom to function independently child would develop confidence and self- reliance • Initiative: Parents reinforce via giving children freedom to play, use imagination, and ask questions
  • 15.  Children are asked to assume responsibility for their bodies, their behavior, their toys and their pets  They make enormous cognitive leaps, and those developing abilities provide the impetus for exploration in all areas of their lives  Initiative is characterized by an exploratory and investigative attitude that results from meeting and accepting challenges  Guilt: May occur if parents criticize, prevent play, or discourage a child’s questions
  • 16.  Children who are given the freedom to explore and experiment with adults who answer their questions tend to develop initiative  Those who are restricted and whose initiative is considered to be a problem tend to develop a sense of guilt about pursuing their interests  Children who are successful at this stage feel capable and able to lead others.  Those who fail to acquire these skills are left with a sense of guilt and lack of initiative.
  • 17. Stage Four: Industry versus Inferiority (6–12 years) • Industry: Occurs when child is praised for productive activities, such as painting and building • Inferiority: Occurs if child’s efforts are regarded as messy or inadequate • Industry is the enjoyment of mastery and competence through success and recognition of one’s accomplishment(s) • Mastery comes from success and recognition
  • 18.  Through social interactions, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments and abilities.  Children who are encouraged and commended by parents and teachers develop a feeling of competence and belief in their skills. Those who receive little or no encouragement from parents, teachers, or peers will doubt their ability to be successful.  If adults tap the natural curiosity of child and exploit them for educative purpose it makes home and school pleasurable
  • 19. Stage Five (Adolescence): Identity versus Role Confusion • The conflict of this stage is identity vs role confusion • Central issue for a adolescent is developing an identity • The teenager must achieve identity in gender, politics and religion • Identity refers to the organization of the individual drives consistent unique of self • It involves deliberate choices and decisions about work values and idiology and commitment to people
  • 20. • Peer relationship is important • Developing a desire for independence from parents, achieve physical maturity • Conscious effort is make to answer the question of “Who am I?” • Exploration of different paths to attain a healthy identity
  • 21.  They experience new sexual feelings and are not quite know how to respond, they are frequently confused • Identity: answering this question: “Who am I?” • Role Confusion: Occurs when adolescents are unsure of where they are going and who they are
  • 22. • Those who receive proper encouragement and reinforcement through personal exploration will emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control. Those who remain unsure of their beliefs and desires will insecure and confused about themselves and the future • Fidelity emerge from adequate resolution of the ego- identity and role confusion crisis • Failure in integration leads to role confusion
  • 23.  Identity achievement and moratorium are healthy alternatives  Adolescent who cannot get past identity diffusion have difficulties in adjusting  Identity diffused adolescents and young adults give up their lives, or go along with the crowd, likely to become drug abusers  Foreclosed adolescents become signed intolerant, dogmatic and defensive
  • 24. 1) Identity achievement • Explore the realistic options, make choice and commit to pursue • Few students achieve this status by the end of high school • Identity once achieved may not be changing 2) Identity foreclosure • Commitment without exploration • Not experimented with different identities or explored • Simply commit themselves to the goals, values and lifestyle of others Four identity alternatives of Adolescent
  • 25. Four identity alternatives of Adolescent 3) Identity diffusion o Occur when individuals do not explore or commit o Not firm direction, not reaching any conclusion o Adolescent experiencing identity diffusion may be apathetic end withdrawn end with little hope with the future life and rebellious 4) Moratorium o Adolescent who are struggling with choices experience this o Exploration with a delay in commitment o They face identity crisis in moratorium
  • 26. Stage Six (Young Adulthood): Intimacy versus Isolation  Can I give fully of myself to another?  This stage covers the period of early adulthood when people are faced with the developmental task of forming intimate relationships  Giving for the sake of giving, without expecting something .  To have a relationship based on more than mutual needs.  Intimacy is willingness to relate to another person on a deep level. Those who are successful at this step will develop relationships that are committed and secure.
  • 27. • Intimacy: Ability to care about others and to share experiences with them • Isolation: Feeling alone and uncared for in life • A person with a firm sense of identity is prepared for intimacy, or giving the self over to another • Form positive, close relationships with others
  • 28. Remember that each step builds on skills learned in previous steps. Erikson believed that a strong sense of personal identity was important to developing intimate relationships. Studies have demonstrated that those with a poor sense of self tend to have less committed relationships and are more likely to suffer emotional isolation, loneliness, and depression. The young adult must develop their relationship or suffer feeling of isolation
  • 29. Stage Seven: Generativity vs Stagnation (41-65 years) • Generativity: Interest in guiding the next generation • Creativity and productivity are essential features • Generativity extends the ability to care of another person and involves in caring and guidance for the next generation • It refers to having and nurturing children. • Family care occupies the central stage here
  • 30. Stagnation: When one is only concerned with one’s own needs and comforts
  • 31.  During adulthood, we continue to build our lives, focusing on our career and family.  Generative adults try to contribute to the betterment of society by working for principles such as a clean physical environment, a safe and drug-free social world and adherence to the principles of freedom and dignity for individuals  Those who are successful during this phase will feel that they are contributing to the world by being active in their home and community. Those who fail to attain this skill will feel unproductive and uninvolved in the world. They are characterized by apathy, pseudo intimacy, or self absorption.  Each adult must find some way to satisfy and support the next generation
  • 32. Stage Eight : Integrity vs Despair ( onward 65) • Contentment and satisfaction through life and work • Integrity is achieved when you consolidate your sense of self and fully accepting it’s unique and unalterable • Those who are unable to attain a feeling of fulfillment sink into despair. • Sense of acceptance of oneself and a sense of fulfilment. • Integrity: Self-respect; developed when people have lived richly and responsibly • Despair: Occurs when previous life events are viewed with regret; experiences heartache and remorse
  • 33.  People who accept themselves, conclude that they only have one life to live, live it as well as possible and have few regrets are seen as having integrity  Life review and retrospective evaluation of one’s past  This phase occurs during old age and is focused on reflecting back on life.  Those who are unsuccessful during this phase will feel that their life has been wasted and will experience many regrets. The individual will be left with feelings of bitterness and despair.
  • 34.  Those who feel proud of their accomplishments will feel a sense of integrity. Successfully completing this phase means looking back with few regrets and a general feeling of satisfaction. These individuals will attain wisdom, even when confronting death. They accept responsibility for the way they have lived and accept the finality of death
  • 35. Stage Crisis Positive outcome Result Negative outcome 1st year Trust vs mistrust Faith in the environment and future living Hope Suspicion, fear of future events 1-3 years Autonomy vs shame & doubt A sense of self control and adequacy Will power Feeling of shame and doubt- self 3-5 years Initiative vs guilt Ability to be a self starter to initiate one’s own activities Purpose A sense of guilt and inadequacy to be on one’s own 6-11 years Industry vs inferiority Ability to learn how things work , to understand and organize Compete ncy A sense of inferiority at understanding and organizing 12-20 years Ego identity vs role confusion Seeing oneself as a unique and integrated person fidelity Confusion over who and what one really is 21-40 years Intimacy vs isolation Ability to communicate to others, to love Love Inability to form affectionate relationship 41-65 years Generativity vs stagnation Concern for family and society in general Care Concern only for self one’s own well- being and prosperity 65 onward Ego- integrity vs despair A sense of integrity and fulfillment, willingness to death Wisdom Dissatisfaction with life, despair over prospect of death Erik Erikson’s Eight Stages of Human Development
  • 36.  Pre- school years include Trust, Autonomy and initiative  Infant develops sense of trust if its needs for food and care are met with comforting regularity and responsiveness from caregivers.  Autonomy vs shame makes the beginning of self control and self confidence  Children begin to assume responsibilities.  Parent must be protective not overprotective  Reinforce the child effort to basic motor and cognitive skills  Initiative adds to autonomy, guilty of undertaking planning and affecting a task.  Maintain a zest for activity.  Adult supersession and guidance.  If children not allowed to do things on their own they develop sense of guilt.
  • 37. Elementary and middle school years ( industry vs inferiority)  Children develop a sense of industry.  They begin to see relationship between perseverance and pleasure of job completed  School and neighborhood offer challenges that has to be balanced with those at home  Child has to cope with academics, groups that leads to growing sense of competence  Difficulty with challenges leads to inferiority.
  • 38. Educational implications Encourage industry in children: - Make cues that students have opportunities to set and work towards realistic goals - Begin with short assignments, then move to long - Check students progress with progress checkpoint. - Help them to set reasonable goals, write down goals and keep a journal progress of student
  • 39. Give student a chance to show their independence and responsibility. - Tolerate honest mistakes. - Delegate to students task such as watering plants, monitoring computer labs, grading homework.
  • 40. Provide support to students who seem discouraged - Use individual charts that show student progress - Keep samples of earlier work so students can see their improvement. - Give awards for most improved, most helpful and most hardworking.
  • 41. Support identity in Adolescent - Give student many models for career choices and other adult roles. - Point out models from literature and history. Have a list of birthday of eminent women and people who made contribution in the area of your study. Discuss their accomplishment. - Invite gust speakers describe how and why they chose their professions
  • 42. Encourage initiative in pre- school children A) Encourage children to make and act on choices. - Selection of activity or game - Avoid interpretation when they are doing something. - Follow their suggestion B) Make sure that each child has a chance to experience success. - If mistakes are made show students how to clean up.
  • 43. C) Encourage with a wide variety of roles - Monitor children play than no one monopolize. - Encourage to act an costumers. D) Be tolerate of mistakes when children doing something on their own
  • 44. Help students to find resolves for personal problems. -Encourage them to talk to school counselors - Discuss potential outside services
  • 45. Be tolerate of teenage fault as long as they don’t offend others or interfere with learning Don’t impose strife dress or hair codes
  • 46. Give students realistic feedback about themselves - Make them understand the consequence of these misbehavior of poor performance - Give students models answers or show them after students completed projects for comparing with their work.
  • 47. - Keep the roles separate from the persons as students are “ trying on” roles. - Criticize wrong behavior without criticizing the student - Foster identity formalism by providing experience like community science, real world works….
  • 48. What psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of “love”? Ego identity vs role confusion Intimacy vs isolation Generativity vs stagnation Industry vs inferiority
  • 49. Which psychosocial stage centres around integrating a new personality out of the many changes taking place at this time in the individual’s life? Ego identity vs role confusion Intimacy vs isolation Generativity vs stagnation Industry vs inferiority
  • 50. Which of these is NOT one of the "life stage virtues" of development according to Erik Erikson?  Hope  Love  Honesty  wisdom
  • 51. Erikson's theory states that if a person does not resolve a conflict within a stage, they will not acquire the life stage virtue, but will be able to move on to the next stage of development. True False
  • 56. Educational Psychology online Group