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Dr. Juneman Abraham, Dr. Ide Bagus Siaputra, Dr. Lukman
Draft Permen (DP)
Integritas Akademik adalah
komitmen dalam
bentuk perbuatan yang
berdasarkan pada nilai
kejujuran, kepercayaan,
keadilan, kehormatan, tanggung
jawab, dan keberanian
dalam kegiatan Pendidikan,
Penelitian, dan Pengabdian
kepada Masyarakat.
Karya Ilmiah adalah hasil karya
akademik Dosen, Mahasiswa,
atau Tenaga Kependidikan di
lingkungan perguruan tinggi
dalam kegiatan Pendidikan,
Penelitian, dan Pengabdian
kepada Masyarakat, yang dibuat
dalam bentuk tertulis.
Plagiarisme Tidak Sama dengan
• Apa yang membuat sebuah karya
ilmiah dapat dipercaya
(trustworthy, credible, believable)?
• Why was the study undertaken? -> generate
income, lobby for a policy change, evaluate the
impact of a programme or develop a new
theoretical framework?
• Who conducted the study? -> expertise
• Who funded the research? -> third party interest
• How was the data collected? -> representative or
generalisable? clear procedure?
• Is the sample size and response rate sufficient?
• Does the research make use of secondary data? ->
reflecting on how credible the data source is, and
how usable it is.
• Does the research measure what it claims to
measure? -> validity issue.
• Can the findings be generalised to my situation,
institution or country? -> Western, educated, and
from industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD)
Bryman, A., Social Research Methods 4th edition.
Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012.
• "Retraction notice to "Room Temperature Ionic Liquids for
Propylene-Propylene Separations: Solubility Behaviors and
Selectivity Investigation" [Chem. Eng. Sci. 66 (2011) 6039–6047] " →
retracted at the request of the author because of the submission
without permission from the principal researcher.
• "Retraction notice Retraction notice to "Optimizing irrigation water
use in the West Bank, Palestine "[Agric. Water Manage 97 (2010)
339-345]" → was retracted at the request of Editor-in-Chief because
he detected that there was dishonesty of the author in modifying
image captions during the revision process without prior information;
it was done secretly.
Integrity: What’s in it for me? (WIIFM)
• “Eysenck and Grossath-Maticek together published a large number of papers that
explored the idea that personality was a serious risk factor in various forms of heart
disease and cancer. Famously, some of their research concluded that personality factors
were six times more likely to increase the risk of lung cancer than smoking was.” It wasn't
the smoking that was killing you, it was your supressed rage.
• The research moved, according to Pelosi, away from Grossath-Maticek’s
rationality/antiemotionality measures to a typology of personality comprising four
distinct personality types, clearly influenced by Eysenck: a cancer-prone personality, a
heart disease-prone personality, a mixture personality and a healthy personality.
• One study using data from Grossath-Maticek’s Yugoslav cohort and from more recent
research conducted on patients from Heidelberg, indicated “38.5% of the cancer-prone
subjects died of cancer compared with only 0.3% of those with the healthy personality,”
a result that accords the cancer-prone personality type a relative risk that Pelosi
describes as “perhaps the highest ever identified in non-infectious disease
• One researcher who attempted a sympathetic review of the work, in cooperation with
the pair, found, says Pelosi, “unequivocal evidence of manipulation of data sheets,” from
the Heidelberg cohort, as well as numerous patient questionnaires with identical
• An attempt at replicating some of their results concerning heart disease provided cold
comfort, indicating that the personality type association with coronary illness was non-
existent for all but one of the types.
• "To his eternal shame, the attempts by Hans Eysenck to discredit the well-established causal links between
tobacco smoking and cancer while in receipt of large sums from the tobacco industry is one of the most
shameful deceits committed by any scientist in the 20th century.“ (David Marks)
• "In my opinion, it is one of the worst scandals in the history of science, not least because the Heidelberg
results have sat in the peer-reviewed literature for nearly three decades while dreadful and detailed
allegations have remained uninvestigated.“
• If the full body of 61 documents was retracted, Eysenck would eclipse Diederik Stapel (58) as the most
retracted psychologist in history, a scarcely believable legacy for someone who was at one time the most
cited psychologist on the planet.”
• As Pelosi powerfully writes, “these widely cited studies have had direct and indirect influences on some
people’s smoking and lifestyle choices. This means that for an unknown and unknowable number of
individual men and women, this programme of research has been a contributory factor in premature illness
and death.”
Pelanggaran integritas apa
sajakah yang terjadi?
Apa akibatnya?
Apa rekomendasinya?
Bagaimana mengantisipasinya?
Perbendaharaan Kasus
deteksi-serta-mitigasi/ – Declare!
Beberapa catatan
• Untuk kutipan langsung <40 kata biasanya disajikan dengan tanda
petik. Untuk kutipan langsung >40 kata disajikan secara terpisah dari
• Secara umum, ambang batas kemiripan yang dianggap moderat
adalah tujuh kata yang sama secara berurutan.
• Plagiat mencakup: menerjemahkan tulisan dari suatu sumber karya
sendiri atau orang lain secara keseluruhan atau sebagian yang diakui
sebagai satuan publikasi ilmiah yang berbeda (second publication)
Pasal 40
(1) Ciptaan yang dilindungi meliputi Ciptaan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra, terdiri atas:
a. buku, pamflet, perwajahan karya tulis yang diterbitkan, dan semua hasil karya tulis lainnya;
b. ceramah, kuliah, pidato, dan Ciptaan sejenis lainnya;
c. alat peraga yang dibuat untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan;
d. lagu dan/atau musik dengan atau tanpa teks;
e. drama, drama musikal, tari, koreografi, pewayangan, dan pantomim;
f. karya seni rupa dalam segala bentuk seperti lukisan, gambar, ukiran, kaligrafi, seni pahat, patung,
atau kolase;
g. karya seni terapan;
h. karya arsitektur;
i. peta;
j. karya seni batik atau seni motif lain;
k. karya fotografi;
l. Potret;
m. karya sinematografi;
n. terjemahan, tafsir, saduran, bunga rampai, basis data, adaptasi, aransemen, modifikasi dan karya
lain dari hasil transformasi;
o. terjemahan, adaptasi, aransemen, transformasi, atau modifikasi ekspresi budaya tradisional;
p. kompilasi Ciptaan atau data, baik dalam format yang dapat dibaca dengan Program Komputer
maupun media lainnya;
q. kompilasi ekspresi budaya tradisional selama kompilasi tersebut merupakan karya yang asli;
r. permainan video; dan
s. Program Komputer.
Beyond Immediate Detection? Producing Bad
Science !
They "fall in love with their IKEA creations. Even when there are parts missing
and the items are incorrectly built, customers in the IKEA study still loved the
fruits of their labors."[1]
Semangat (Calon) Peraturan Menteri
• Nilai Kejujuran: Semua kebijakan akademik dan praktik komunitas
harus mampu mengirimkan pesan yang jelas yang menyatakan bahwa
tindakan pemalsuan data, kebohongan, kecurangan, pencurian, atau
perilaku tidak jujur lainnya adalah perilaku yang tidak dapat diterima.
• Nilai Kepercayaan: Kepercayaan memungkinkan kita untuk
berkolaborasi, berbagi informasi, dan mengedarkan gagasan baru
secara bebas, tanpa takut bahwa hasil karya kita dicuri, karier kita
dihalangi, atau reputasi kita akan menurun.
• Perguruan tinggi perlu membangun sistem informasi dan komunikasi yang baik
demi memastikan agar mahasiswa, dosen, dan tenaga kependidikannya mampu
mengakses sumber informasi tentang integritas akademik, menjalani atau
melakukan evaluasi integritas akademik di lingkungan masing-masing. Hasil
evaluasi dapat digunakan untuk menyusun dan memberi rekomendasi bentuk
pendampingan atau layanan bagi mereka yang ingin belajar, diduga melakukan
penyimpangan terhadap integritas akademik, atau terbukti melakukan
penyimpangan terhadap integritas akademik.
• Secara prinsip, Kementerian bertugas dan bertanggung jawab atas penyediaan
pedoman integritas, penyiapan repositori, dan pengembangan perangkat lunak
pemeriksa kemiripan naskah. Dalam hal evaluasi, Kementerian bertugas
menyiapkan instrumen evaluasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur integritas
akademik serta etika publikasi individu. Kementerian juga bertugas merancang
sistem evaluasi yang sederhana tetapi tepat guna untuk mendeteksi potensi atau
faktor risiko yang dihadapi setiap individu agar dapat diberi saran atau intervensi
yang tepat sesuai dengan keunikan setiap pribadi.
Kuesioner untuk diisi
Dr. Juneman Abraham
• Dr. Juneman Abraham, is an Assistant Professor; Lecturer Specialist in Social and Community
Psychology Studies at Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, specialized in Corruption
Psychology; Certified Ethics Teacher of UNESCO; Certified as BIPA Teacher, and Assessor of Psychology
Competency; Head of Research & Publication Compartment, National Office of Indonesian
Psychological; Editorial Board Member of ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, Jurnal
Antikorupsi INTEGRITAS (Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission), and Journal of Social and
Political Psychology; A Government Assessor for Scientific Journal Accreditation; National Reviewer for
Research (ISO 17024 Certified) and Indonesian's Student Creativity Program; Former Secretary-General
of Asian Psychological Association (APsyA).
• Dr. Abraham received Publons Peer Review Awards (Clarivate Analytics) as one of the Top Reviewers for
Multidisciplinary (2017-2018), and his studies have been mentioned in Sciences Humaines (France), La
Salleno (Philippines), and The Society Pages (University of Minnesota, USA). He was involved as a
researcher for the Integrity Performance Review at the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia
(2012-2013), a reviewer of Standard Operating Procedure for Victims in the Witness and Victim
Protection Agency (2009), and an expert resource person at the Indonesian Judicial Monitoring Society,
Faculty of Law-Universitas Indonesia. He wrote the topic of Therapeutic Jurisprudence which is an
academic reference for the Indonesian Draft Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence. He received a
certificate for the Scientometrics (Responsible Metrics) field from the Center for Science and
Technology-Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands.
Dr. Ide Bagus Siaputra
• Dr Ide Bagus Siaputra (Bagus) is a lecturer of psychology at the Universitas Surabaya
(UBAYA). He has given attention to issues of academic integrity and academic misconduct
since 2012. His personal interest in the research of academic integrity stems from the
results of his personal research project that shows a statistically significant positive
correlation between procrastination and academic misconducts, especially plagiarism.
Bagus has introduced AK.SA.RA. (AcKnowledgment, paraphrASe, & integRAte) as
attainable solution to reduce academic misconduct, especially for plagiarism.
• Bagus has also been involved in a number of academic fraud investigation, prevention
and eradication of academic misconduct in his institution or at the national level. Bagus
involved in the process of revising and improving the academic integrity survey
instrument from the International Center for Academic Integrity/ICAI as an expert on
psychometrics and international panels.
• In order to promote academic integrity in Indonesia, Bagus and his teams is developing
guidelines for publication ethics and academic integrity in Indonesia. This guideline will
be used as a reference in the process of mitigation, prevention, response, and
rehabilitation of academic misconduct. He directly involves in promoting academic
integrity and supervising training for trainers of academic integrity programs which
involves student, lecturers, and journal editors in Indonesia.
Dr. Lukman
• Lukman is the Head of the Subdirectorate of Scientific Journal Facilitation at the
Directorate General of Research and Development Reinforcement, of the
Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. He was born
in Bandung, May 11, 1978. He studied Chemical Engineering at Diponegoro
University (Bachelor's Degree), Library Science at the Universitas Indonesia
(Master's Degree), and Computer Science at the Universitas Indonesia (Doctorate
• He was the Head of Sub-Directorate of Indonesian Scientific Documentation
Center at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), as well as the Open Journal
System Project Manager Head in Indonesia, also became a Researcher in
Intermediate Level at the LIPI's Informatics Research Center.
• He was the initiator of the birth of Government Regulation Year 2018 concerning
Accreditation of Indonesian Scientific Journal, as well as the open selection of the
National Journal Accreditation Assessors Team with a 9.9% acceptance rate. He
believes there are three principles to advance scientific journals in Indonesia,
namely visibility, regularity and quality.

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Promoting Academic Integrity in Higher Education

  • 1. Integritas Akademik Dr. Juneman Abraham, Dr. Ide Bagus Siaputra, Dr. Lukman
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5. Draft Permen (DP) Integritas Akademik adalah komitmen dalam bentuk perbuatan yang berdasarkan pada nilai kejujuran, kepercayaan, keadilan, kehormatan, tanggung jawab, dan keberanian dalam kegiatan Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Karya Ilmiah adalah hasil karya akademik Dosen, Mahasiswa, atau Tenaga Kependidikan di lingkungan perguruan tinggi dalam kegiatan Pendidikan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, yang dibuat dalam bentuk tertulis.
  • 6. Plagiarisme Tidak Sama dengan Similarity
  • 7. Nilai Kepercayaan • Apa yang membuat sebuah karya ilmiah dapat dipercaya (trustworthy, credible, believable)?
  • 8. • Why was the study undertaken? -> generate income, lobby for a policy change, evaluate the impact of a programme or develop a new theoretical framework? • Who conducted the study? -> expertise • Who funded the research? -> third party interest • How was the data collected? -> representative or generalisable? clear procedure? • Is the sample size and response rate sufficient? • Does the research make use of secondary data? -> reflecting on how credible the data source is, and how usable it is. • Does the research measure what it claims to measure? -> validity issue. • Can the findings be generalised to my situation, institution or country? -> Western, educated, and from industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) countries Bryman, A., Social Research Methods 4th edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012.
  • 9.
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  • 12.
  • 13. • "Retraction notice to "Room Temperature Ionic Liquids for Propylene-Propylene Separations: Solubility Behaviors and Selectivity Investigation" [Chem. Eng. Sci. 66 (2011) 6039–6047] " → retracted at the request of the author because of the submission without permission from the principal researcher. • "Retraction notice Retraction notice to "Optimizing irrigation water use in the West Bank, Palestine "[Agric. Water Manage 97 (2010) 339-345]" → was retracted at the request of Editor-in-Chief because he detected that there was dishonesty of the author in modifying image captions during the revision process without prior information; it was done secretly.
  • 15.
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  • 25. • “Eysenck and Grossath-Maticek together published a large number of papers that explored the idea that personality was a serious risk factor in various forms of heart disease and cancer. Famously, some of their research concluded that personality factors were six times more likely to increase the risk of lung cancer than smoking was.” It wasn't the smoking that was killing you, it was your supressed rage. • The research moved, according to Pelosi, away from Grossath-Maticek’s rationality/antiemotionality measures to a typology of personality comprising four distinct personality types, clearly influenced by Eysenck: a cancer-prone personality, a heart disease-prone personality, a mixture personality and a healthy personality. • One study using data from Grossath-Maticek’s Yugoslav cohort and from more recent research conducted on patients from Heidelberg, indicated “38.5% of the cancer-prone subjects died of cancer compared with only 0.3% of those with the healthy personality,” a result that accords the cancer-prone personality type a relative risk that Pelosi describes as “perhaps the highest ever identified in non-infectious disease epidemiology.” • One researcher who attempted a sympathetic review of the work, in cooperation with the pair, found, says Pelosi, “unequivocal evidence of manipulation of data sheets,” from the Heidelberg cohort, as well as numerous patient questionnaires with identical responses. • An attempt at replicating some of their results concerning heart disease provided cold comfort, indicating that the personality type association with coronary illness was non- existent for all but one of the types. scientific-scandals-of-all-time
  • 26. • "To his eternal shame, the attempts by Hans Eysenck to discredit the well-established causal links between tobacco smoking and cancer while in receipt of large sums from the tobacco industry is one of the most shameful deceits committed by any scientist in the 20th century.“ (David Marks) • "In my opinion, it is one of the worst scandals in the history of science, not least because the Heidelberg results have sat in the peer-reviewed literature for nearly three decades while dreadful and detailed allegations have remained uninvestigated.“ • If the full body of 61 documents was retracted, Eysenck would eclipse Diederik Stapel (58) as the most retracted psychologist in history, a scarcely believable legacy for someone who was at one time the most cited psychologist on the planet.” • As Pelosi powerfully writes, “these widely cited studies have had direct and indirect influences on some people’s smoking and lifestyle choices. This means that for an unknown and unknowable number of individual men and women, this programme of research has been a contributory factor in premature illness and death.” scientific-scandals-of-all-time
  • 27.
  • 28. Refleksi Pelanggaran integritas apa sajakah yang terjadi? Apa akibatnya? Apa rekomendasinya? Bagaimana mengantisipasinya?
  • 29.
  • 30.
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  • 32.
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  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. Beberapa catatan • Untuk kutipan langsung <40 kata biasanya disajikan dengan tanda petik. Untuk kutipan langsung >40 kata disajikan secara terpisah dari paragraf. • Secara umum, ambang batas kemiripan yang dianggap moderat adalah tujuh kata yang sama secara berurutan. • Plagiat mencakup: menerjemahkan tulisan dari suatu sumber karya sendiri atau orang lain secara keseluruhan atau sebagian yang diakui sebagai satuan publikasi ilmiah yang berbeda (second publication)
  • 39.
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  • 41.
  • 42. Pasal 40 (1) Ciptaan yang dilindungi meliputi Ciptaan dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni, dan sastra, terdiri atas: a. buku, pamflet, perwajahan karya tulis yang diterbitkan, dan semua hasil karya tulis lainnya; b. ceramah, kuliah, pidato, dan Ciptaan sejenis lainnya; c. alat peraga yang dibuat untuk kepentingan pendidikan dan ilmu pengetahuan; d. lagu dan/atau musik dengan atau tanpa teks; e. drama, drama musikal, tari, koreografi, pewayangan, dan pantomim; f. karya seni rupa dalam segala bentuk seperti lukisan, gambar, ukiran, kaligrafi, seni pahat, patung, atau kolase; g. karya seni terapan; h. karya arsitektur; i. peta; j. karya seni batik atau seni motif lain; k. karya fotografi;
  • 43. l. Potret; m. karya sinematografi; n. terjemahan, tafsir, saduran, bunga rampai, basis data, adaptasi, aransemen, modifikasi dan karya lain dari hasil transformasi; o. terjemahan, adaptasi, aransemen, transformasi, atau modifikasi ekspresi budaya tradisional; p. kompilasi Ciptaan atau data, baik dalam format yang dapat dibaca dengan Program Komputer maupun media lainnya; q. kompilasi ekspresi budaya tradisional selama kompilasi tersebut merupakan karya yang asli; r. permainan video; dan s. Program Komputer.
  • 44.
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  • 58.
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  • 66. Beyond Immediate Detection? Producing Bad Science ! 5797/preview.pdf?cachebuster=1571652142664
  • 67. They "fall in love with their IKEA creations. Even when there are parts missing and the items are incorrectly built, customers in the IKEA study still loved the fruits of their labors."[1] 5797/preview.pdf?cachebuster=1571652142664
  • 72.
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  • 75. Semangat (Calon) Peraturan Menteri • Nilai Kejujuran: Semua kebijakan akademik dan praktik komunitas harus mampu mengirimkan pesan yang jelas yang menyatakan bahwa tindakan pemalsuan data, kebohongan, kecurangan, pencurian, atau perilaku tidak jujur lainnya adalah perilaku yang tidak dapat diterima. • Nilai Kepercayaan: Kepercayaan memungkinkan kita untuk berkolaborasi, berbagi informasi, dan mengedarkan gagasan baru secara bebas, tanpa takut bahwa hasil karya kita dicuri, karier kita dihalangi, atau reputasi kita akan menurun.
  • 76. • Perguruan tinggi perlu membangun sistem informasi dan komunikasi yang baik demi memastikan agar mahasiswa, dosen, dan tenaga kependidikannya mampu mengakses sumber informasi tentang integritas akademik, menjalani atau melakukan evaluasi integritas akademik di lingkungan masing-masing. Hasil evaluasi dapat digunakan untuk menyusun dan memberi rekomendasi bentuk pendampingan atau layanan bagi mereka yang ingin belajar, diduga melakukan penyimpangan terhadap integritas akademik, atau terbukti melakukan penyimpangan terhadap integritas akademik. • Secara prinsip, Kementerian bertugas dan bertanggung jawab atas penyediaan pedoman integritas, penyiapan repositori, dan pengembangan perangkat lunak pemeriksa kemiripan naskah. Dalam hal evaluasi, Kementerian bertugas menyiapkan instrumen evaluasi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur integritas akademik serta etika publikasi individu. Kementerian juga bertugas merancang sistem evaluasi yang sederhana tetapi tepat guna untuk mendeteksi potensi atau faktor risiko yang dihadapi setiap individu agar dapat diberi saran atau intervensi yang tepat sesuai dengan keunikan setiap pribadi.
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  • 82. Dr. Juneman Abraham • • Dr. Juneman Abraham, is an Assistant Professor; Lecturer Specialist in Social and Community Psychology Studies at Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia, specialized in Corruption Psychology; Certified Ethics Teacher of UNESCO; Certified as BIPA Teacher, and Assessor of Psychology Competency; Head of Research & Publication Compartment, National Office of Indonesian Psychological; Editorial Board Member of ANIMA Indonesian Psychological Journal, Jurnal Antikorupsi INTEGRITAS (Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission), and Journal of Social and Political Psychology; A Government Assessor for Scientific Journal Accreditation; National Reviewer for Research (ISO 17024 Certified) and Indonesian's Student Creativity Program; Former Secretary-General of Asian Psychological Association (APsyA). • Dr. Abraham received Publons Peer Review Awards (Clarivate Analytics) as one of the Top Reviewers for Multidisciplinary (2017-2018), and his studies have been mentioned in Sciences Humaines (France), La Salleno (Philippines), and The Society Pages (University of Minnesota, USA). He was involved as a researcher for the Integrity Performance Review at the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (2012-2013), a reviewer of Standard Operating Procedure for Victims in the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (2009), and an expert resource person at the Indonesian Judicial Monitoring Society, Faculty of Law-Universitas Indonesia. He wrote the topic of Therapeutic Jurisprudence which is an academic reference for the Indonesian Draft Bill on the Elimination of Sexual Violence. He received a certificate for the Scientometrics (Responsible Metrics) field from the Center for Science and Technology-Universiteit Leiden, Netherlands.
  • 83. Dr. Ide Bagus Siaputra • • Dr Ide Bagus Siaputra (Bagus) is a lecturer of psychology at the Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA). He has given attention to issues of academic integrity and academic misconduct since 2012. His personal interest in the research of academic integrity stems from the results of his personal research project that shows a statistically significant positive correlation between procrastination and academic misconducts, especially plagiarism. Bagus has introduced AK.SA.RA. (AcKnowledgment, paraphrASe, & integRAte) as attainable solution to reduce academic misconduct, especially for plagiarism. • Bagus has also been involved in a number of academic fraud investigation, prevention and eradication of academic misconduct in his institution or at the national level. Bagus involved in the process of revising and improving the academic integrity survey instrument from the International Center for Academic Integrity/ICAI as an expert on psychometrics and international panels. • In order to promote academic integrity in Indonesia, Bagus and his teams is developing guidelines for publication ethics and academic integrity in Indonesia. This guideline will be used as a reference in the process of mitigation, prevention, response, and rehabilitation of academic misconduct. He directly involves in promoting academic integrity and supervising training for trainers of academic integrity programs which involves student, lecturers, and journal editors in Indonesia.
  • 84. Dr. Lukman • • Lukman is the Head of the Subdirectorate of Scientific Journal Facilitation at the Directorate General of Research and Development Reinforcement, of the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education. He was born in Bandung, May 11, 1978. He studied Chemical Engineering at Diponegoro University (Bachelor's Degree), Library Science at the Universitas Indonesia (Master's Degree), and Computer Science at the Universitas Indonesia (Doctorate Degree). • He was the Head of Sub-Directorate of Indonesian Scientific Documentation Center at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), as well as the Open Journal System Project Manager Head in Indonesia, also became a Researcher in Intermediate Level at the LIPI's Informatics Research Center. • He was the initiator of the birth of Government Regulation Year 2018 concerning Accreditation of Indonesian Scientific Journal, as well as the open selection of the National Journal Accreditation Assessors Team with a 9.9% acceptance rate. He believes there are three principles to advance scientific journals in Indonesia, namely visibility, regularity and quality.