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                                          NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement - Diagnostics
Service improvement in blood sciences
How to improve quality, delivery and
efficiency for laboratory providers and
their customers
January 2013

Clinical excellence in partnership
with process excellence”
Matching your capacity and demand
supports improved turnaround times
and improves staff morale.
Service improvement in blood sciences: How to improve quality,
delivery and efficiency for laboratory providers and their customers

1.   Foreword                                                                            6

2.   Executive summary                                                                   7

3.   Introduction                                                                        10

4.   Waste                                                                               14

5.   Sites                                                                               15

6.   Start with the end in mind                                                          16

7.   Pre pre-analytical stage                                                            17
     Pathology transport reconfiguration                                                 18
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Introduction of coloured transport bags in pathology                                20
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Decreasing the rejection rate for transfusion blood samples                         22
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     Emergency department diagnostics improvement                                        23
     Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
     Haematology clinic changes to support patient experience and improve flow           25
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Streamlining day surgery admission to improve group and screen result turnaround    29
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust

8.   Pre-analytical stage                                                                31
     How Lean improvement enabled us to save time and money in blood transfusion         32
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     Reduced checking at booking-in improves detection of defects                        34
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     Reducing turnaround times for urgent samples                                        36
     Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
     Using data to manage staffing levels within blood sciences pre-analytical section   39
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Using visual management to improve communication and ways of working                42
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Using standard work and 5S in specimen reception to create a standardised, clean    44
     and safe work environment allowing staff to perform optimally
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Pathology outpatient process improvements                                           46
     Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
     Blood sciences pre- analytics pathway improvements                                  48
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Using data and team problem solving to improve sample TAT                           52
     Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

9.   Analytical stage                                                                              54
     Changed priorities in the laboratory to deal with samples from same day surgical              55
     admission patients – analyser set-up and method of validation
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     Reducing the turnaround times for haematology clinic by reducing the time taken               57
     from a result being available to authorising a result that requires a peripheral blood film
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     5S of cold room at Derby                                                                      59
     Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
     Demonstrating how Lean work cells deliver faster turnaround times, higher                     61
     productivity and efficiency, increased flexibility, improved space utilisation and
     improved quality
     Path Links
     Crossing disciplinary boundaries improves transfusion safety for day surgery patients         64
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     Positive clinical benefits of improvement work in a transfusion laboratory:                   66
     a clinician’s view
     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     The relationship between patient flow, patient safety, labour cost and the                    67
     contribution of laboratory sciences to appropriate patient care
     The Health Foundation, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust

10. Post-analytical stage                                                                          71
    Implementation of a visual system to improve patient turnaround time in A&E                    72
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
    Customer engagement and use of data to reduce defects                                          74
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
    Card viewer access for outpatient departments and health centres                               76
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
    Reducing paper reports from laboratory medicine                                                77
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

11. Post post-analytical stage                                                                     78
    Using data and customer engagement to identify and eliminate defects                           79
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
    Joint problem solving to reduce total patient turnaround time in A&E                           82
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
    Introduction of a new test code which removed the need for extra courier pick-ups              88
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
    Seminar sessions for the orthopaedic department at a walk-in centre                            90
    Bolton NHS Foundation Trust

12. End with the start in mind                                                                     93

13. Contacts                                                                                       95

14. References and additional information                                                          96
6   Foreword

    Pathology services lie at the heart of healthcare services.
    The vision for the NHS pathology services puts
    patients first by providing services which are:
    • clinically excellent;
    • responsive to users;
    • cost effective; and
    • integrated.

    Two thousand and twelve/thirteen is the second year of the Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention (QIPP)
    challenge and this document demonstrates how clinical teams have taken up this challenge to improve services
    for patients and users of the service.

    In addition, the NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 highlights five domains, of which four are important
    for blood sciences.
    • Domain 1: the reducing of premature mortality from the major causes of death. Blood sciences services have a
      significant role in providing effective screening for cardiovascular, respiratory and liver disease.
    • Domain 2: requires improvements in health-related quality of life for people with long-term conditions , such as
      diabetes. By using innovative approaches to service delivery, blood sciences has a significant role to play in the
      monitoring of patients with long-term conditions.
    • Domain 3: involves support for helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury. Blood
      sciences services have a significant role in providing timely results for emergency admissions for acute conditions.
    • Domain 4: obliges all NHS organisations to actively seek out, respond positively and improve services in line with
      patient feedback.

    The sites have demonstrated the need to focus on and measure the whole end-to- end patient pathway highlighted
    in the Lord Carter review¹, demonstrating the importance of user engagement, the impact this can have on
    appropriate testing and the need for user education in correct sample taking. The need for clinical and managerial
    leadership is fundamental to achieving continuous sustainable improvement and the integration of pathology
    services within clinical pathways.

    The robust approach to improvement undertaken can be demonstrated in all eight descriptors of the new NHS
    Change Model launched by the NHS Commissioning Board.

    The Department of Health (DH) Pathology Programme is very pleased to support the work of NHS Improvement to
    demonstrate how these improvements can be achieved using Lean methodology.
    We commend this guide to all commissioners and providers of blood sciences services.

    Dr Ian Barnes                                           Mr David Hamer
    National Clinical Director for Pathology                National Clinical Lead for Blood Sciences
    Department of Health                                    NHS Improvement
Executive summary            7

Executive summary
In 2006, the Review of Pathology
Services in England by Lord Carter
endorsed Lean as the method of
choice for improving processes. .
Working in partnership with the DH
Pathology Programme, NHS
Improvement has supported a
number of blood sciences teams, to
learn how Lean methodology can
enable the service to achieve
improvements to support the QIPP
transformation programme.
Multidisciplinary teams worked
collaboratively to test and implement
changes that deliver improvements
for patients, staff and users of the

In 250 NHS laboratories in England,      Productivity                            A review of current guidance
500 million biochemistry and 130         • reducing inappropriate demand by      including Royal College of Pathology,
million haematology tests(2) are           ensuring users are educated to        Keele Benchmarking, Clinical
carried out per year. Ninety five          request the appropriate test          Pathology Accreditation (CPA) and
percent of all clinical pathways rely      correctly                             the Lord Carter Review of Pathology
on a patient having access to            • matching capacity to demand, and      Services 2006/2008 identified a lack
efficient, timely and cost-effective       ensuring the appropriate use of       of consistent approach to
services.                                  staff skills                          measurement of the blood science
                                         • removing waste from process flows     specimen pathway. The recent Royal
As a result the impact on patients is      to increase productivity and timely   College of Pathology key
significant, with improvements in:         delivery, reduce cost and space       performance indicators (KPIs) have
                                           requirements.                         now been specified as the time of
Quality and safety                                                               collection, to completion and
• working with service users to          Lessons learned                         confirmation of the test result
  achieve ‘right first time’ -           Three important lessons have been       available to the requestor. Similarly,
  addressing errors in sample            learned in piloting and prototyping     they have identified the need to
  labelling and requests;                Lean thinking in blood sciences.        measure the blood sample for A&E
                                                                                 as follows.
Innovation                               1. Lack of a consistent standard
• using Lean techniques to improve       and approach to end- to-end             Baseline. Percentage of core
  the flow of samples and reduce         sample pathway measurement.             investigations, i.e. renal function, liver
  turnaround times (TATs),                                                       function tests and full blood counts
  introducing technology to aid          Working with a variety of clinical      from A&E completed within one hour
  timely clinical decision making; and   teams has shown an inconsistent         of receipt, including out–of- hours.
                                         approach to the end- to- end sample     This standard will move to one hour
                                         pathway measurement. A similar          from sample collection by April 2015.
                                         finding was made during the             Challenge. Eighty five per cent by
                                         microbiology improvement                April 2012 increasing to 90% by
                                         programme.                              April 2014.
8   Executive summary

    Measure end-to-end
    sample pathway
    Following recent changes towards
    outcome based healthcare and new
    and timely KPIs from the Royal
    College of Pathology, we recommend
    the blood sample specimen pathway
    should be measured from the time
    the sample is taken, until a result is
    available for the clinician to act on.

    Key measures across the pathway
    • date and time the specimen is
    • date and time the specimen arrives
      in the lab; and
    • date and time the result is available
      to the clinical user.

    Pathology teams should collect this
    data and educate patients and users
    to provide details of sample timings.

    2. Process and wider system
    changes are required to support
    end to end pathway
    measurement                               The recent document ‘First steps in      It is vital to study the whole end- to-
    Much of the pre-analytical phase is       improving phlebotomy: the challenge      end pathway, as this will highlight the
    currently invisible to the laboratory     to improve quality, productivity and     importance effective pathology
    and pathology laboratory information      patient experience’ (May 2011)           services are as an enabler of
    systems (LIMS) and processes do not       demonstrates the delays in each          redesign, rather than a burdensome
    support measurement of the end- to-       stage of the blood sample pathway. If    cost centre.
    end pathway. Teams have been              pathology teams are to support
    required to resort to lengthy manual      significant changes in clinical          Recommendation
    data collection or local adaptation of    pathways to deliver:                     Pathology LIMS providers are
    information systems to demonstrate        • reductions in admissions for           commissioned / required to
    basic end- to -end sample pathway.           emergency care;                       support the changing landscape
                                              • reductions in length of stay;          to allow a patient- focussed
                                              • redesign of outpatient services; and   approach to information across
                                              • innovative approaches to               the patient pathway.
                                                 supporting long term conditions.      Pathology teams should collect this
                                                                                       data and educate users to provide
                                                                                       details of ‘sample taken’ timings.
Executive summary          9

3. Face-to-face user engagement           Key elements to bring about              4. Establish ‘first in, first out’
is essential to enable laboratories       change                                   • No prioritisation of specimens.
to engage and educate users to            Learning from other improvement
ensure:                                   initiatives in pathology services has    5. Appropriate testing
• appropriate testing to defined and      confirmed the five key elements likely   • Work with users to design
   agreed protocols, reducing             to bring about substantial                 protocols and systems to support
   inappropriate demand;                  improvements in the pathway.               appropriate test requesting.
• education of users to get the best                                               • Develop acceptance policies that
   from blood sciences wealth of          1. Focus on the whole end to               specify information and data
   knowledge;                             end pathway                                quality requirements.
• a ‘right first time’ approach to high   • Ensure all staff in the pathway
   quality specimen collection, request     understand up and downstream           This learning guide provides blood
   and specimen labelling, to improve       processes and how their own work       sciences teams with the basic tools to
   safety and eliminate the                 impacts others.                        make changes to their processes,
   opportunity for error; and             • Use whole pathway data (from           along with insight into how
• transportation of the sample is           sample taken to result available) to   colleagues have used these tools
   frequent, rapid and ensures the          understand how samples, forms          across the whole patient pathway.
   shortest turnaround times to             and results flow and identify
   facilitate rapid clinical decision       bottlenecks and waiting.
   making, with pathology services
   taking an active role in the           2. Adopt small batch sizes
   management of all transport            • Throughout the entire pathway -
   provision.                               waiting to ‘fill’ equipment causes
                                            samples (and therefore patients) to
Recommendation                              wait.
Blood sciences works in
partnership with users to provide         3. Keep specimens moving
visible access to agreed protocols        Daily throughout the day, with
for tests and to educate users.           multiple deliveries from source of
A ‘right first time’ approach is          specimen.
encouraged and endorsed by                • Pull work through the laboratory.
commissioners, clinical teams and         • Continuous authorisation of
users to ensure safety and efficiency.      results.
10   Introduction

     Introduction                                               for change            Spread of

     Pathology services are faced with
     increasing demand and pressure to         Engagement
     reduce costs whilst improving and          to mobilise
     maintaining clinical safety and
     quality. Traditional cost cutting                                Our
     methods including staff reduction
     fail to deliver the required savings                            shared                       Improvement
     because fewer staff are left with
     the same processes.                                            purpose
     A Lean management system
     delivers reductions in error rates
     and waiting times, together with            drivers
     increases in productivity.                                                              Rigorous
     Application by healthcare                                                               delivery
     organisations across the world has
     improved outcomes for patients
     and reduced the cost of care at the                            Transparent
     same time.
     NHS Improvement has worked with
     multiple teams across pathology
     disciplines to evidence the value of
     Lean methodology.
                                                                                      The NHS Change Model
     Application of Lean tools enables
     improvement of isolated processes
     but the impact of one-off              The key to the Change Model is not      • Our shared purpose: patient
     improvement efforts of this nature     the individual components but             experience is at the heart of what
     can be short lived. It is only when    ensuring all are addressed equally as     we do and drives change.
     clinical leadership and operational    part of any improvement effort.         • Leadership for change: to create
     management changes sufficiently                                                  transformational change.
     that an organisational culture of      “By doing that, we’ll                   • Engagement to mobilise:
     continuous improvement can be                                                    understanding, recognising and
     achieved.                              amplify and reinforce our                 valuing individuals’ contributions.
                                            ability to drive change.                • System drivers: QIPP, CQinns, NHS
     The NHS Commissioning Board has                                                  Operating Framework.
     recently launched the NHS Change       We’ll take the skills we’ve             • Transparent measurement:
     Model.                                 already got, and take                     measurement for improvement and
                                                                                      patient outcomes.
     The model brings together familiar     them to the next level in               • Rigorous delivery: project
     elements of any successful change      being able to make                        management, PDCA cycles and
     programme and is designed to ensure                                              measurement of benefits.
     the NHS can meet the challenge of      things happen.”                         • Improvement methodology: Lean,
     the pace and scale of change                                                     capacity and demand, value and
     required to meet future financial                                                process mapping.
     constraints and improvements in                                                • Spread of innovation: using shared
     quality.                                                                         learning via multi-media
Introduction      11

The programme of improvement
predates this model. However, it
can be demonstrated that NHS
Improvement’s approach in
supporting clinical teams has
addressed each of the eight
elements of the model which should
be at the centre of any improvement
effort whether localised to a single
department or at national scale.

Lean management is not simply an
’improvement methodology’ as
described in the Change Model. Lean
addresses all areas and provides
teams with a checklist for continuous
quality improvement.

Exemplar programme and Shingo
The majority of the case studies in
this document come from                  Leadership for change                     John Toussaint, CEO Thedacare,
laboratories that are part of the NHS    Leadership is behaviour –                 Wisconsin, USA, a healthcare
Improvement pathology exemplar                                                     organisation that slashed errors and
site programme commissioned by the       “What we do as leaders                    improved patients outcomes, raised
DH Pathology Programme Board. The                                                  staff morale and saved $27m in costs
aim of the programme is to establish     is more important than                    with no lays offs, sums it up as
and support a network of pathology       what we say.”                             follows:
laboratory exemplar sites who will
demonstrate continuous quality
improvement (CQI) in clinical, process
                                         Sir Nigel Crisp                           “In the end the enemy of
and business excellence.                 One element of the new NHS                our improvement efforts
Site assessments
                                         Change Model is Leadership for            was us. Leadership was
                                         change. The narrative supporting
All pathology disciplines within the     this asks, “do all our leaders have the   treating each
exemplar sites will carry out self-      skills to create transformational         improvement initiative as
assessments supported by NHS             change?”
Improvement, based on the                                                          time limited, a finite
international Shingo Standards for       Lean is the term popularised by           project conducted by a
Business Excellence. The assessments     Womack and Jones to describe a
will be made against criteria            management system derived from
                                                                                   few members of staff or
demonstrating:                           the Toyota production system (TPS)        consultants.
                                         that has been adapted and
• leadership and cultural enablers;      successfully applied nationally and
                                                                                   Improvements ended
• continuous quality improvement;        internationally to a wide variety of      when a project was over
• organisational alignment;              industries including healthcare for
• understanding the needs of             over 20 years.
                                                                                   because nobody was in
  customers; and                                                                   charge of sustaining
• business results.                      Why, when it seems so simple do
                                         Lean initiatives often fail to sustain?
                                                                                   change and measuring                                                         results.”
12   Introduction

     “In order to change
     outcomes, leaders at
     Thedacare needed to
     Continuous improvement can, and
     will, only occur if the people who
     actually do the work are actively
     engaged and understand Lean and
     their leaders change.

     Literature evidences that there are
     key behaviours that leaders and
     managers need to adopt in order to
     develop a sustainable Lean
     management system.

     Developing a Lean culture
     Culture change takes time and
     requires leadership. A great many
     models and theories exist to guide
     those wishing to develop their own
                                             Finding change agents                     Core team members must
     leadership capability and approach.
                                             Achieving a culture shift starts with a   understand the process within their
                                             small team working collaboratively        stage of the pathway and be:
     Key steps to influencing the creation
                                             with their department colleagues and      • able to contribute
     of a lean culture include:
                                             users to improve identified areas of        ideas/information on the process;
     • find change agents;
                                             the process.                              • able to influence the decision
     • get Lean knowledge;
     • seize crisis;                                                                     making process;
                                             Identify a credible and respected         • prepared to test and implement
     • map the value stream;
                                             project lead to head up this team.          changes across the pathway; and
     • remove waste;
                                             Look for a clinician or manager with      • committed to attend all team
     • continuous improvement; and
                                             the drive and enthusiasm to steer           meetings, activities and work
     • sustain.
                                             changes across the patient pathway.         required between meetings.
     A Lean culture could be described as
                                             Project team members should be            Escalation planning
     one where managers at every level
                                             drawn from across the entire              An executive sponsor is essential to
     go to the workplace and coach their
                                             pathway:                                  provide proactive support and access
     staff in plan, do, check, act (PDCA)
                                             • clinical colleagues who will actively   to relevant support services such as
     problem solving. A continuous
                                               commit to the improvement effort;       estates and transport, HR, finance
     process that is part of ‘the way we
                                             • laboratory representatives for each     and IT teams. They may be called
     operate here’.
                                               job grade;                              upon to escalate key issues.
                                             • administrative /office staff
                                             • porters/ transport staff; and
                                             • user involvement – member of a
                                               patient group and a high volume
                                               user – from primary care, ward or
Introduction       13

Engagement of your staff                  How engaged are we?                       Suggestions boxes / boards
What is engagement?                       An engagement surveying tool has          Provide an outlet for staff to make
Another element of the new NHS            been developed and is available at        anonymous comments, niggles and
Change Model is engagement to                      suggestions. Share comments at the
mobilise – are we engaging and            improvementsystem to enable               daily huddles and provide either an
mobilising the right people?              measurement and to motivate               instant response or agree a timescale
There is no single answer but themes      leaders at all levels to take action on   for investigation and feedback.
of commitment, involvement,               results and improve their own
communication and energy                  leadership capability.                    1-2-1s
are clear.                                                                          Speak privately with individuals
                                          The 10 questions are based on the         where necessary to make it known
“Employees who work                       work of the Gallup organization,          that their views and concerns are
                                          Marcus Buckingham and Curt                important. Ask their permission to
with passion and feel a                   Coffman published in First, Break all     raise their issues at daily huddles for
profound connection to                    the Rules.                                further discussion.

their organisation. They                  Communication                             After a period of time (which will be
drive innovation and                      Establishing the framework for, and       different for each team depending on
                                          maintaining, good two way                 the starting point) use of suggestion
move the organisation                     communication is critical to the          boxes and boards should diminish as
forward.”                                 success and sustainability of any         the daily huddle becomes the focus
                                          improvement activity.                     for raising, discussing and resolving
Meere(4)                                                                            issues.
                                          Daily meeting - huddles
“Employee engagement                      An important mechanism for                Daily meetings can (and should) be a
                                          engaging staff is huddling.               formal part of department operations
is about translating                      A huddle is a daily, short and snappy     and minuted accordingly. The need
employee potential into                   face to face gathering of a team,         for formal laboratory meetings will
                                          preferably standing around a              reduce and may be eliminated
employee performance                      performance board that addresses          altogether.
and business outcomes.”                   the following.
                                                                                    More supporting information is
Melcrum(5)                                1. Focus – on key goals and               available at:
                                          responsibilities for the day.   
It is well-established that change is     2. Clarity – clear, relevant and timely   /improvementsystem
difficult for most people. It is the      information to help staff perform
responsibility of leaders to listen and   their daily roles.
understand individual perspectives        3. Commitment – listen and act on
and concerns creating an                  staff views, ideas, and concerns and
environment of open and honest            to feedback progress.
                                          When huddles are first introduced
                                          they may feel strange and
                                          uncomfortable for some people.
                                          Participation is likely to come from
                                          the same small group of individuals
                                          and so other mechanisms for eliciting
                                          input and views from the whole team
                                          can be used to support efforts to
                                          create an environment where all are
                                          comfortable to speak up.
14   Waste

     Every process has waste. The
     foundation of Lean is the relentless     Type of waste                  Laboratory examples
     pursuit and elimination of waste in
     all work activities.                      T   TRANSPORT                 Material or information that is moved
                                                                             unnecessarily or repeatedly e.g. Unnecessary
     When we look at a process as a time                                     movement of samples between work areas
     line of activities, material (samples                                   or laboratories.
     and consumables) and information
     (request cards and reports) whether       I   INVENTORY                 Excess levels of stock in cupboards / store
     in a value stream map or a process                                      rooms; batches of specimens waiting to
     sequence chart, we see a significant                                    move to next step in process.
     percentage of waste. Usually in
     excess of 90% of a sample journey is     M    MOTION                    Unnecessary walking, moving, bending or
     taken up by wasteful, non-value                                         stretching e.g. equipment placed in wrong
     adding activity.                                                        location, unnecessary key strokes.

     Some steps in the current process will   A    AUTOMATING                Where technology is substituted to
     be pure waste (see below), other              (inefficient processes)   compensate for a poor process. For example
     waste may be necessary within the                                       analytical track systems which are purchased
     current way of working. For example,                                    without the right process being agreed,
     in many blood sciences laboratories,                                    tested and established. In some cases
     the need to centrifuge samples or                                       resulting in ‘urgents’ being taken off the
     transport samples to, or between,                                       ‘track’ because it’s too slow.
     laboratories is currently necessary
     waste.                                   W    WAITING                   Waiting for specimens, equipment, and staff.
                                                                             Samples waiting to move to the next stage
     Improvement initiatives should focus                                    of the process.
     on eliminating the pure waste and
     reducing the necessary waste.            O    OVER-PRODUCTION           Producing something before it is required, or
                                                                             more than is required e.g. unnecessary or
     A simple mnemonic exists to aid                                         inappropriate tests; batching specimens,
     recall of the nine wastes.                                              tests and information; ‘just in case’ blood
                                                                             tubes drawn from patients, but not used.

                                              O    OVER-PROCESSESING         Duplication of data e.g. Dual data entry,
                                                                             repeat testing, additional steps and checks
                                                                             that add no value to the process.

                                              D    DEFECTS                   Errors, omissions, anything not right first
                                                                             time e.g. Poorly labelled specimens and
                                                                             requests, insufficient or illegible information.

                                               S   SKILLS UTILISATION        Unused employee skills e.g. Highly qualified
                                                                             staff performing inappropriate tasks; staff
                                                                             ideas not being considered.

                                              Waste costs money and adds time
Sites     15

This document shares learning from a     The approach required local                 Northern Lincolnshire and Goole
number of clinical teams from three      ownership and leadership if the             Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
sites who have been working with         improvement was to be sustained,            Path Links is a single managed
NHS Improvement and three sites          underpinned by the training of all          Clinical Pathology Network operating
who have independently undertaken        members of the team in Lean                 across Lincolnshire. Formed in 2001
a Lean improvement journey.              methodology.                                from the amalgamation of NHS
                                                                                     services in Boston, Grantham,
NHS Improvement sites                    Clinical teams were encouraged to           Grimsby, Lincoln, and Scunthorpe,
                                         visit other exemplar sites to observe       Path Links is a directorate within the
Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation           Lean methodology as part of                 diagnostics and therapeutics division.
Trust, Royal Derby Hospital              everyday working and understand
Beginning in November 2011, the          how improvements have been                  Standardisation of blood sciences
Derby blood sciences team have been      achieved.                                   commenced in 2009 culminating in
developing a Lean culture which                                                      the successful implementation of pre-
started in specimen reception and        Independent sites                           analytic and analytical lean work cells
subsequently spread into the blood       These sites were selected to reflect        supported by multi-discipline trained
sciences laboratory and the A&E          the importance of a long term               staff. The introduction of standard
department.                              sustainable approach to                     work and A3 SOPs has resulted in
                                         improvement, where the learning             improved quality, increased
Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS          never ends, and the service is              productivity and reduced costs.
Foundation Trust                         constantly looking to pursue
Beginning in October 2011, the           perfection.                                 South Warwickshire NHS
Chesterfield blood sciences team                                                     Foundation Trust
have been developing a Lean culture      Bolton NHS Foundation Trust,                The South Warwickshire team was
which started in specimen reception      Royal Bolton Hospital                       part of a hospital wide approach to
and subsequently spread into the         The team at the Royal Bolton Hospital       improvement sponsored as a three
blood sciences laboratory, the           started their Lean journey in blood         year work programme by ‘The Health
specimen transport system and the        sciences in 2005-6. They have               Foundation’ to examine the
haematology clinics.                     provided support to the NHS                 relationship between emergency
                                         Improvement sites through hosting           patient flow, mortality and cost.
Taunton and Somerset NHS                 exemplar site visits. Recognition of
Foundation Trust, Musgrove Park          their sustainable efforts was achieved
Hospital                                 in the HSJ Award for Efficiency in
The blood transfusion team at            September 2012.
Taunton have been developing a Lean
culture which has spread from the
cytology laboratory and specimen         Sites and leads
reception functions to the surgical
admissions lounge and operating          Derby Hospitals NHS                      Laboratory Lead: David Simpson
theatres.                                Foundation Trust                         Clinical Lead: Dr Nigel Lawson

                                         Chesterfield Royal Hospital              Laboratory Lead: Christine Ainger
Working with blood sciences teams
                                         NHS Foundation Trust                     Clinical Lead: Roger Start
across these sites to further evidence
the value of Lean thinking, NHS          Taunton and Somerset NHS                 Laboratory Lead: Matt Barnett
Improvement provided training in the     Foundation Trust                         Clinical Lead: Dr Sarah Allford
use of Lean thinking to support staff
to redesign the way services are         Bolton NHS Foundation Trust              Laboratory Lead: David Hamer
delivered, to achieve process                                                     Clinical Lead: Gilbert Wieringa
excellence to support the clinical
excellence within the laboratory and     North Lincolnshire and Goole             Laboratory Lead: Martin Fottles,
in turn improve the user’s               Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust           Continuous Improvement Manager
experience.                              (Path Links)                             Clinical Lead: Dr David Clark
16   Start with the end in mind

     Start with the end in mind
     The often-asked question in                Since the publication of the second        Similarly some of the case studies
     improvement work is, ‘where do             Carter Report, there has been a            overlap the pathway sections and for
     we start’?                                 growing emphasis on Pathology              ease of inclusion we have tended to
                                                services taking responsibility for         include case studies under the stage
     There is no simple answer, it depends      managing the end-to-end journey            in which the journey starts.
     on what are your biggest issues;           (i.e. from collection of sample to
     what is your burning platform?             delivery of interpreted result,            All continuous quality improvement
                                                including transport and logistics –        initiatives should deliver
     How will you know what                     Carter Report 2008). This document         improvements in one or more key
     these are?                                 has been constructed around the key        areas, namely:
     Sometimes this is obvious, from            stages in this end to end journey as
     known failings in your systems, or         follows:                                   • quality e.g. reduced defects;
     imperatives set by your executives or                                                 • timeliness/delivery e.g.
     commissioners. However, without            • Pre-pre analytical: clinician decision     improved turnaround times;
     three fundamentals in place you are          to test to sample delivery.              • cost/value for money e.g.
     unlikely to be in a position to apply      • Pre analytical: sample receipt to          removal of waste, reduction in
     the right improvements in the right          available to test.                         inventory; and
     places. These three fundamentals are:      • Analytical: availability to test to      • morale/staff experience/patient
                                                  result available to view.                  experience e.g. reduced
     • looking at the end-to-end                • Post-analytical: result available with     overburdening for staff,
       processes in your service (from            comments added to result,                  reduced waits for patients.
       decision to test to provision of           delivered and viewed.
       interpreted result);                     • Post post -analytical: result            It is indicated before each case study
     • collecting data to inform exactly          interpretation and follow up             which improvement parameter(s)
       what is happening as a baseline            testing.                                 they deliver by highlighting the
       and understand what needs to                                                        appropriate box, together with the
       improve; and                             There are opportunities for laboratory     headlines from the case study.
     • engaging with the customer               services to add value at each stage of
       (patients and their clinical teams) to   this pathway.
       understand their needs and what                                                                         MORALE,
       value you can add to them (the           Some of the Lean tools available lend        COST OR
                                                                                                               STAFF OR
       true ‘end in mind’).                     themselves to a particular part of the      VALUE FOR
                                                pathway, others are equally as               MONEY
     In the following chapter and case          valuable across several or all parts of
     studies, you will see how these            the pathway.
     fundamentals have helped drive and
     focus the improvement work at all                                                      TIMELINESS          QUALITY
     the sites who have contributed to this                                                    AND               AND
     learning document.                                                                      DELIVERY           SAFETY
. Pre pre-analytical stage   17

Pre pre-analytical stage
The start of the journey                All of these opportunities to add
The clinician has a clinical question   value are dependent on:
                                                                                  PRE PRE-ANALYTICAL
and they require diagnostic input to    • laboratory staff engaging with their
help answer that question. The            customers;
laboratory can influence and add        • listening to their requirements;
value at this stage in a variety of     • helping them solve their problems;
ways, including advising on:            • understanding what the customer
• what to test for;                       values from the services on offer;
• how to test;                            and                                      CLINICAL QUESTION
• when to test;                         • ensuring that value is delivered as
• where to test; and                      efficiently and effectively as
• who performs the test.                  possible with minimum
                                          wasteful/non value adding steps.
Laboratory staff can educate clinical
staff to understand the safest and      The concepts highlighted in the case
most effective way to collect, label    studies in this section include:           GENERATE REQUEST
and despatch the required samples.      • user engagement;
                                        • use of order sets; and
This may include providing              • communicating with users.
phlebotomy services; assisting in
implementation of electronic ordering   The tools illustrated include:
systems; providing sample collection    • value stream mapping;
and transport services/systems.         • current and future state models;        COLLECT THE SAMPLE
                                        • identifying non value adding steps;
                                        • reducing defects; and
                                        • ‘go and see’.

                                                                                 TRANSPORT THE SAMPLE

       COST OR                            TIMELINESS                                   QUALITY
                         STAFF OR
      VALUE FOR                              AND                                        AND
       MONEY                               DELIVERY                                    SAFETY

     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Pathology transport reconfiguration
     The trust’s transport service
                                              Data collection of when samples
     introduced an ‘interceptor’ van,
     which has enabled samples to be
                                              arrived at the laboratory and
     delivered to the laboratory more         establishment of interceptor van
     frequently throughout the day,
     smoothing the flow to the laboratory     ensured smaller batches of work
     and reducing the number of
     specimens by 61% between 12:45           which were delivered more often.
     and 1:15pm (the main lunch period).

     Understanding the problem
     The pathology transport service at         Total number of samples on pathology vans on 4 January 2012
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital provides
     a delivery and collection service of                                    800
     internal mail, pharmacy supplies and                                    700
                                                 Total number of samples

     pathology samples to a mixture of                                                                                686
     GP practices, community hospitals
     and clinics. The service operates by                                    500                                                             546

     employing eight part time and one                                       400
     full time van driver. At present the
     service has five vans and does an                                       300                          330                                             335
     average of 190 calls per day over five                                  200
     van schedules, which are split into
     morning and afternoon runs.                                                                                                   110

                                                                                   9am-10am 10am-11am 11am-12pm 12pm-1pm 1m-2pm            2pm-3pm       3pm-5pm      4m-5pm
     A detailed audit of the blood                                                                                          Time
     sciences pre-analytics process
     identified two major peaks of
     workload arriving from GP and
     community locations, so the
     pathology transport service                Number of samples arriving by pathology van by
     examined how they could contribute         schedule - January 2012
     to improving the flow of work
     arriving into the laboratory.                                           500
                                                                             450                                         468
                                                   Total number of samples

     The data collection revealed the                                        400
     number of samples arriving into                                         350                                                                   379                381
     pathology, along with number of                                                                                                                            351
                                                                             300                                                            315
     samples on each van by the hour.
                                                                             200                                                  224
                                                                                            182         186
                                                                                            A                 B               C                D                      E
                                                                                                                    Morning              Afternoon

How the changes were
implemented                                 Daily deliveries
A team of representatives from the
                                                         Before interceptor van       After interceptor van
pathology transport service,
pathology general and blood                                                                                               11.30-11.45
sciences departments produced a
value stream map and process maps                                                                                         12.00-12.15
of the service to identify key areas                                                                                      12.30-12.45
for potential improvement.
Three groups within the team                                                                                              12.45-1.00
discussed the issues and the aims of                                                                                      1.00-1.15
this session were identified as:
• reduce the ‘peaks’ of samples
  being delivered to the
  laboratory; and                                                                                                         4.15-4.30
• resolution of community pharmacy
  issues such as controlled drugs,
  incomplete paperwork, and access         -800   -600      -400     -200         0       200      400        600   800
  to the department.

An interceptor van was introduced
to meet other van drivers at specific
points along their routes, collecting    Positive feed-back from the sample                     Key learning
samples and returning back to the        handling staff was received. They                      Data collection of when samples
laboratory more frequently               felt that the introduction of the                      arrived at the laboratory and
throughout the day. The impact of        interceptor van meant that samples                     establishment of interceptor van
this was monitored after several         were arriving more often in smaller                    ensured smaller batches of work
weeks by repeating the hourly            batches.                                               delivered more often.
audit of samples arriving in the
department and comparing this to         Community pharmacy                                     How this improvement benefits
the baseline data originally             After discussions and e-mails with                     patients
collected.                               community pharmacy the van drivers                     Samples arriving earlier in the day in
                                         have noticed that the time waiting                     smaller batches means that more
Measurable improvements                  to access the pharmacy department                      samples are received and processed
and impact                               had reduced so that the length of                      on the day they were collected from
The data analysis shows the impact       time waiting for controlled drugs has                  the patient, so results are available
of the introduction of the interceptor   also reduced. The situation is                         sooner.
van with a significant amount of         monitored through the departmental
work now being received earlier          meetings.                                              Contact
from the morning and afternoon                                                                  Joanne Dodsworth,
collections, with 32% less samples       All community pharmacy issues had                      Operational Services Co-ordinator
received in the morning and 1%           been resolved.                                         Email:
increase in the afternoon on re-audit                                                           joanne.dodsworth@chesterfieldroyal.
when compared to the baseline                                                         

       COST OR                               TIMELINESS                                      QUALITY
                          STAFF OR
      VALUE FOR                                 AND                                           AND
       MONEY                                  DELIVERY                                       SAFETY

     Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
     Introduction of coloured transport
     bags in pathology
     The pathology department
                                                 A simple visual management system
     introduced coloured transport bags,
     currently in use for 40% of GP users
                                                 has improved communications
     with the remaining GP surgeries             between the laboratory and GP
     using the coloured bags by the end
     of 2012.                                    practices.
     Understanding the problem
     The pathology transport service at
     Chesterfield Royal Hospital provides          Number and types of samples arriving by pathology
     a delivery and collection service of          van by schedule - 4 January 2012
     internal mail, pharmacy supplies to a
                                                   Total number of samples

     mixture of GP practices, community                                             1100
     hospitals and clinics and pathology                                                                                                              Morning         Afternoon
     samples are delivered to pathology                                      800
     reception from these sites.                                             600
     The data collection identified the
     sample types arriving in pathology
                                                                             200                        188
     reception.                                                                                   152
                                                                                                                        98   55    37   30                       10
                                                                                                                   12                        1   0     4   4          5   1   1
                                                                                     Blood         Urine      Stool     Swab      Cytology Histology Nail clip   Sputem   Other
     • Multiple sample/mail collection
       points in practices/hospitals.
     • Samples not ready for collection
       (bags not sealed).                        This identified a ‘go-live’ date for the                                               • Inappropriate items of mail have
     • Van drivers queuing in-line with          trial of the new bags as 12 March                                                        reduced.
       patients.                                 2012, and it was recommended that                                                      • Communication of surgery
     • No notification if surgeries closed       the van drivers report any                                                               closures has improved.
       for training etc. (therefore no           concerns/issues. The main focus on
       collection required).                     this session was to review what the                                                    Key learning
     • Samples stored in un-manned               transport service will accept with                                                     The introduction of a simple visual
       areas.                                    respect to collections/deliveries.                                                     management system has improved
     • Incorrect sample storage (fridge/                                                                                                the communication with GP
       room temperature).                        Some users had also raised concerns                                                    practices and improved sample
     • Many items collected are                  over the changes to the new sample                                                     integrity.
       inappropriate items of mail, e.g.         biohazard bag, a guide was also sent
       mobile phones.                            out to help address issues.                                                            How this improvement benefits
     How the changes were                        The core team produced a guidance                                                      Sample integrity has improved as
     implemented                                 notice from the operational services                                                   samples are stored appropriately and
     A team of representatives from the          co-ordinator, along with a covering                                                    at the correct storage temperature.
     pathology transport service,                letter, which was sent out to all users
     pathology general and blood                 of the transport service in April                                                      Contact
     sciences departments identified key         2012.                                                                                  Joanne Dodsworth,
     pilot sites to roll out the new                                                                                                    Operational Services Co-ordinator
     coloured transport bags.                    Measurable improvements                                                                Email:
     Initial meetings took place with six        and impact                                                                             joanne.dodsworth@chesterfieldroyal.
     GP practices.                               • Samples are now placed in the                                              
                                                   coloured sample bags, sealed and
                                                   placed at the collection point.

Examples of new pathology transport sample bags

       COST OR                              TIMELINESS        QUALITY
                          STAFF OR
      VALUE FOR                                AND             AND
       MONEY                                 DELIVERY         SAFETY

     Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
     Decreasing the rejection rate for
     transfusion blood samples
     The rejection of blood transfusion
                                                Engagement with users and
     samples due to the poor completion
     of the transfusion request form
                                                subsequent redesign of the request
     caused delays in transfusion               form has allowed the clinical and
     processes. Introduction of a new
     request form in two clinical areas         laboratory staff to focus on the critical
     reduced rejection rates from 15%
     to 1.8%.                                   information required.
     Understanding the problem
     One of the causes for delay in the
     availability of group and antibody         contained the correct patient details     How this improvement benefits
     screen results for patients going to       and removing the requirement for a        patients
     theatre was the number of samples          doctor to sign the request form.          • The reduction in the number of
     that were rejected by the laboratory                                                   samples rejected means less
     staff due to the form being                The form was piloted for two                repeating of samples and
     completed incorrectly, increasing the      months in two clinical areas, the           therefore less re-bleeding of
     workload for clinical staff and            haematology ward as they are high           patients.
     causing dissatisfied patients who          users and A&E department because          • For those patients awaiting a
     may have to be re-bled, or have their      of the high rejection rate. The SAL         blood transfusion, there is less
     surgery delayed (especially if they are    was not used as although they had a         likelihood of delay, especially for
     first on the operating list).              high rejection rate, only four staff on     patients first on the operation list.
                                                the ward perform the phlebotomy.            This is also especially important for
     In September 2011, 15% of all                                                          those patients who need regular
     rejected samples came from the             Measurable improvements                     monthly blood transfusions.
     surgical admission lounge (SAL) and        and impact
     15% came from A&E. Other clinical          In the two months prior to the pilot      How will this be sustained and
     areas also were found to have high         over 15% of the rejected samples          what is the potential for the
     rejection rates. The analysis of the       came from the A&E Department.             future?
     causes for rejection indicated that        Overall rejection rates for February      The next slep in the process is to role
     the two main issues related to the         and March were:                           out the new form across the whole
     date of birth missing from the form        • 6% for all samples; and                 of the trust. This will be supported
     and the form not being signed by           • A&E – 10%.                              by an implementation plan to ensure
     the doctor.                                                                          that all relevant staff are aware of
                                                During the pilot period 110 forms         the changes.
     How the changes were                       were completed. Only two forms
     implemented                                were rejected.                            Rejection rates will be monitored by
     Discussions were held with clinicians,                                               the transfusion staff and fedback to
     including the anaesthetists and            Key learning                              the clincial areas with the highest
     nursing staff to find out what were        Engagement with users and                 rejection rates.
     the key obstacles preventing the           subsequent redesign of the request
     forms from being completed                 form has allowed the clinical and         Contact
     correctly. This led to a redesigning       laboratory staff to focus on the          Alison Western,
     of the blood transfusion request           critical information that is required     Transfusion Practitioner
     form to allow the use of an                when requesting blood components          Email:
     addressograph label which                  and transfusion related blood tests.

  COST OR                               TIMELINESS        QUALITY
                    STAFF OR
 VALUE FOR                                 AND             AND
  MONEY                                  DELIVERY         SAFETY

Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Emergency department diagnostics
A thirteen per cent improvement in
                                            The importance of 'go and see' and
the number of samples authorised
within one hour of collection as a
                                            understanding the end-to-end
result of a clinical support worker         pathway reduces turnaround times,
trial, and the reduction of blood
transport times by up to 15 minutes         and improves communication
due to re-prioritisation of pneumatic
chute station.                              between departments.
Understanding the problem
The requirements set by the Royal
College of Pathologists, states that
by 2015, 90% of samples taken in
the emergency department(A&E)
must have results available within
one hour from receipt in the
laboratory. Since the responsibility
for achievement of this goal is
shared between staff in the
pathology laboratories and A&E, one
of the keys to understanding the
issue fully, was to ’go and see’ what
actually took place in each

As a result of the ‘go and see’             booked in and when the results          On observation of the workload
activity, the phlebotomy was seen           were authorised. It became apparent     faced by the specialist nurses
to be delayed in triage due to the          from these observations that the        working in A&E, it was clear that
nature of the workload faced by             pneumatic chute sometimes held          asking more of them, even for the
specialist nurses in A&E , since they       pods filled with samples for up to 20   improvement of their processes,
have to respond more urgently to            minutes prior to sending them to the    would be very difficult to implement
patient needs. There was often a            laboratory.                             and sustain.
substantial discrepancy between
’collection’ time as recorded on the        Teams of staff from both the            Enquiries were made with the
computer system (when request               pathology laboratory and A&E met        estates department, who are
forms were printed) and actual time         with each other to discuss the          responsible for the pneumatic chute
the blood was taken, resulting in           problems faced by each department       system, to find out if there was any
incorrectly recorded TATs.                  when taking and processing blood,       way of reducing the time pods were
                                            in an effort to help identify issues    waiting to be sent to the laboratory
Two of the laboratory staff went to         which could be solved quickly, and      from A&E.
A&E to observe the processes. They          for the most mutual gain. Both
recorded the times samples were             teams gave tours of their respective
requested, the times samples were           departments to each other, to help
taken, when the samples were                gain some understanding of the
placed in the pneumatic chute,              practicality of working in each area.
arrived in the laboratory, were

                                                 Clinical Support Worker Trial

     How the changes were
     • Meetings were held between
       pathology and A&E staff. Some
       long standing issues on both sides
       were discussed, allowing a greater
       depth of understanding of the
       challenges each group must
       overcome on a daily basis. Bridges
       were built, allowing improved
       communication and an increased
       feeling of team spirit and empathy
       between the two departments.
     • One Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA)
       trial was carried out to determine      • 13% improvement in number of          • Leadership is the key. Without
       the effectiveness of a clinical           samples collected and authorised        investing the time required to
       support worker in the emergency           within one hour.                        make and sustain effective
       department to carry out all             • Average time from pods waiting to       improvement, nothing can
       phlebotomy duties.                        be sent from A&E to the lab             change.
     • It was discovered that the ’priority’     improved from 9.25 to 3.5             • Following the clinical support
       setting on the pneumatic chute in         minutes or 62%.                         worker trial in A&E, no post has
       the emergency department had            • Formal and informal meeting and         been put in place to make this
       been lost two years previously and        ’go and see’ activities improved        permanent due to funding. All
       no one had noticed. This was              vital communication betweenA&E          benefits must be weighed against
       reinstated and reduced the                and the laboratory, with one            their cost for improvement to be
       maximum time pods were waiting            advanced nurse practitioner             truly effective.
       to be sent from A&E to the                stating: “Just knowing who to talk
       laboratory from 20 minutes to five        to about certain issues makes any     How this improvement benefits
       minutes.                                  problems that arise much easier to    patients
                                                 resolve quickly.”                     This reduction in time taken to
     Measurable improvements                   • Phone calls reduced from A&E to       transport samples to the laboratory
     and impact                                  the laboratory from six per day to    means faster results, faster
     • Pod priorities reinstated after           six a week.                           treatment and ultimately, faster
       being lost two years previously .       • The clinical support worker trial     discharge. Should the trial ever be
     • 25% improvement in mean                   was perceived to reduce A&E           made a permanent post, the
       collection to receipt time during         specialist nurse workload.            reduced workload on the A&E
       trial week.                               Although not formerly measured,       specialist nurses would allow more
     • Average sample collection to              staff simply said it meant they had   time to provide patient focussed
       receipt time improved from 75.75          one less thing to worry about.        care, rather than being focussed on
       to 57.07 minutes during trial                                                   turnaround times and targets.
       week.                                   Key learning
     • 76% reduction in average moving         • Properly defining the issue to be     Contact
       range overall, showing a reduction        resolved and collecting relevant      Tom Kennedy, Specialist Medical
       in variability of sample transport        data in a consistent way is           Laboratory Assistant
       times from A&E. Possibly                  absolutely fundamental to the         Email:
       attributable to increased                 success of any improvement
       awareness among staff.                    project.

  COST OR                             TIMELINESS        QUALITY
                    STAFF OR
 VALUE FOR                               AND             AND
  MONEY                                DELIVERY         SAFETY

Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Haematology clinic changes to support
patient experience and improve flow
By using the principles of ‘go-see’
                                          It is important to differentiate
and ‘ask why’, haematology clinic
changes have improved the time
                                          between what is thought to happen in
taken for samples to arrive in the        a process and the reality of what
laboratory. These activities have
generated multiple suggestions for        actually happens. Don’t try to solve
further changes to improve the
patient experience of clinics.            every problem at the same time.
Understanding the problem
Haematology clinics for patients with
a wide range of malignant and non-        A ‘go see’ exercise to understand       Lab (booking in, processing,
malignant haematological conditions       how patients flow through clinic and    authorising)
held on Monday and Friday have            how the samples flow through the        • Requests are collected from the
approx. 35 patients booked in to          lab was completed in April 2012.          air-tube and identified by yellow
each clinic. Many of the patients         The service manager, consultant           paper.
attend this clinic on a regular basis     haematologist, phlebotomy team          • They are processed as urgent.
and many require chemotherapy             leader and lab staff all visited the    • If a blood-film is required, results
and/or blood transfusion support          clinic.                                   are not authorised.
and so require recent blood test
results to enable the clinicians to       Pre-lab (phlebotomy, transport          Post result (consultation and
make treatment decisions and so the       to lab)                                 follow up organisation)
medical staff do not have a               • Patients don’t attend at their        • Unauthorised results cannot be
consultation with the patient until         allocated appointment times.            seen by all clinic staff (medical
this result is available. A few             Some patients requiring blood           staff and some nursing staff can
patients who attend the clinic have         tests come earlier than their           see unauthorised results). Until
their blood sample taken sometime           appointment time, others attend         authorised, the results do not go
in the week before their                    at their appointment time.              across to the result viewing system
appointment either at the hospital          Patients not requiring blood tend       accessed by all staff in the Trust.
phlebotomy clinic or in the                 to arrive at their appointment        • Notes for patients who are ready
community. The majority of patients         time.                                   to be seen by consultant are put in
have their blood sample taken on          • Phlebotomists have a list of            to a box in the clinic. Consultants
the day they attend clinic and then         patients attending clinic and check     collect notes from the front of the
wait for the result to be available         on notes which ones will be             box and taken back to their
before having their consultation with       requiring blood tests on the day.       consultation room.
the doctor, nurse or pharmacist.            Phlebotomy staff call patients in     • Consultants check that all results
                                            the order on the list, but do not       are available and that they are able
The clinics are very busy and tend to       know if the patient has arrived.        to see the patient. If results are
overrun on a regular basis with some      • Blood is taken and then                 available, the patient is called in to
patients waiting a long time to be          transported down the corridor to        the consultation room. If results
seen. The perception of the clinic          send to the lab via the air tube.       are not available, the consultant
staff was that waiting for blood          • Patient notes are put in a box for      has to either chase results from
results delayed patient consultations       the consultant when the patient         the lab or put notes back and pick
in clinic.                                  has booked in and gone to have          another patient to see.
                                            bloods taken.                         • During consultation, the
                                                                                    consultant makes arrangements
                                                                                    for follow up appointments and
                                                                                    treatment for the patient.

     Within each of the previous steps in
     the pathway, lots of issues were
     identified. Ideas for improvements
     were suggested during a
     brainstorming session and also
     picked up during discussions at team

     Base line data was collected at each
     step of the patient pathway through
     clinic to identify the problem areas.
     The figures showed that the
     automated testing process within
     the lab was very quick and the
     median time taken was 8 minutes
     from the sample being booked in to
     a result being available, this
     accounted for 16% of the total
     turnaround time.
                                                                                        This suggestion raised several health
     The turnaround times for each stage                                                and safety issues but following
     of the process showed that the main                                                discussion with the pathology
     areas to focus on improving should                                                 health and safety lead, measures
     be:                                                                                were put in place which were
     • Time taken from the patient                                                      accepted by the pathology clinical
       arriving to the request being                                                    governance committee. As
       booked in to the lab (pre-result -                                               phlebotomists are classed as
                                             1. Change of route taken to                members of laboratory staff they are
       53% of total turnaround time).
                                             get to lab:                                aware of the precautions they need
     • The time taken between the result
                                             Suite 4 is not connected to the air        to take in the laboratory, they wear
       being available and this being
                                             tube network so the samples have to        appropriate clinical uniform and
       authorised (post result - 8% of
                                             be hand delivered to the laboratory.       carry hand gel to apply when going
       turnaround time but a maximum
                                             Although Suite 4 is next door to           in and out of the laboratory.
       value of over two hours).
                                             Pathology the route to drop off the
                                             samples meant walking out of Suite
     How the changes were
                                             4 along the corridor and then in to
                                             Pathology reception. The samples
     On 6 June 2012, the haematology
                                             were then dropped at pathology
     clinic re-located from Suite 1 on a
                                             reception and taken by the reception    fire door in to the blood sciences lab.
     Monday and Friday due to re-
                                             staff to sample handling. The total     It was suggested that this route was
     organisation of clinic space in the
                                             distance from the blood taking room     used to deliver samples directly in to
     Trust. This move forced some
                                             to sample handling is approximately     sample handling. The total distance
     immediate changes in the pathway.
                                             30meters one way (blue line on floor    from the blood taking room to the
     The nursing staff for suite 4 are not
                                             plan). This change had the potential    sample handling bench would be
     the same members of staff who
                                             to significantly increase the time      reduced to 9 metres (red line on
     worked in suite 1. They did not
                                             from sample being taken to being        floor plan). Additionally, this reduced
     know how the clinic had run in suite
                                             booked in. It was noted that            travelling distance enabled delivery
     1 and were very keen to suggest
                                             adjacent to the waiting room in suite   of samples to the lab in flow rather
     immediate changes.
                                             4 there is a door which leads in to a   than in batch as had been the
                                             stairwell which then leads on to the    custom.

2. Numbering system for                  Key learning                               The patient would know that the
phlebotomy introduced:                   • The importance of ‘go see’ to            time of their consultation would be
From the ‘go-see’ observations it          follow the pathway. This helps           the time they are actually seen. This
was clear that the phlebotomist            everyone involved in the process         consistency will also mean that the
needed to know that a patient had          understand how the work they do          doctors do not waste time checking
arrived and needed a blood test.           impacts on others.                       whether results are available
The clinic staff and phlebotomist        • The perception that one part of          meaning that they can actually
came up with the idea of a number          the pathway was slowing the rest         spend more time seeing the patient.
system, which works by the clinic          down is not always true. A               This should result in a better quality
staff giving any patient who requires      combination of issues results in         consultation for the patient.
a blood test a number when they            delays.
check in to the clinic. The              • Data collection is difficult and it is   How will this be sustained and
phlebotomist calls the numbers out         important to have a standardised         what is the potential for the
and the patients go in to the              way of collecting this. This was         future?
phlebotomy room.                           particularly an issue as each part       • Continue to gather data to gain a
                                           of the pathway is completed by a           better understanding of the wait
Measurable improvements and                different member of staff and in           times on various clinic days.
impact                                     different locations.                     • Ensure that each step of the
The numbering system has allowed         • Ideas should not be discounted             process is as efficient as it can be
patients to be bled in the order in        immediately because “we have               by drilling down to examine ways
which they are booked in the clinic,       tried that before” or “health and          to improve. Some of the data
a first in first out system, which has     safety would never allow it”.              collected suggests that the
enabled samples to be dealt with in      • Lots of areas for improvement are          phlebotomist is not delivering
flow.                                      highlighted when you examine a             every sample as soon as it is taken
                                           process. It is important not to try        and will take 2 or 3 at the same
The whole pathway was                      to solve all of the problems               time. The effect on the overall
re-measured on 18 June 2012. A             immediately, but to plan changes           turnaround time for the sample
breakdown of the data showed that          in a structured fashion.                   needs to be measured to see if this
the time from sample being taken to                                                   does actually have a significant
being booked in had decreased from       How this improvement benefits                negative impact.
a median of 17 minutes in April to       patients                                   • Continue to work with the staff in
11 minutes in June 2012. This was a      At the moment the doctors have no            clinic to make sure that any small
direct result of the change of the       way of knowing when results are              changes in procedure are noted
route the samples took which             available without looking up each            and the effect on the running of
enabled flow rather than batch           patient individually. If the patients        the clinic is acknowledged. Explore
delivery of the samples. On average      requiring a blood test were asked to         implementing a more visual system
100 patients are bled in the clinics     attend 45 minutes before their               in clinic to show where a patient is
per week. So these improvements          consultation time they could be              in the process.
have removed 10 hours of patient         called in to the consultation at their
waiting time per week.                   specified time. This is because the
                                         lab could guarantee that a result will
                                         be available within 45 minutes and
                                         the consultant would be confident a
                                         result would be available when they
                                         called in the patient.
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
Service improvement in blood sciences
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Service improvement in blood sciences
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Service improvement in blood sciences

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement Diagnostics DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement - Diagnostics Service improvement in blood sciences How to improve quality, delivery and efficiency for laboratory providers and their customers January 2013 Clinical excellence in partnership “ with process excellence”
  • 2.
  • 3. Matching your capacity and demand supports improved turnaround times and improves staff morale.
  • 4. Service improvement in blood sciences: How to improve quality, delivery and efficiency for laboratory providers and their customers Contents 1. Foreword 6 2. Executive summary 7 3. Introduction 10 4. Waste 14 5. Sites 15 6. Start with the end in mind 16 7. Pre pre-analytical stage 17 Pathology transport reconfiguration 18 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Introduction of coloured transport bags in pathology 20 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Decreasing the rejection rate for transfusion blood samples 22 Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Emergency department diagnostics improvement 23 Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Haematology clinic changes to support patient experience and improve flow 25 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Streamlining day surgery admission to improve group and screen result turnaround 29 Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 8. Pre-analytical stage 31 How Lean improvement enabled us to save time and money in blood transfusion 32 Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Reduced checking at booking-in improves detection of defects 34 Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Reducing turnaround times for urgent samples 36 Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Using data to manage staffing levels within blood sciences pre-analytical section 39 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Using visual management to improve communication and ways of working 42 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Using standard work and 5S in specimen reception to create a standardised, clean 44 and safe work environment allowing staff to perform optimally Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Pathology outpatient process improvements 46 Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Blood sciences pre- analytics pathway improvements 48 Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Using data and team problem solving to improve sample TAT 52 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust
  • 5. 5 9. Analytical stage 54 Changed priorities in the laboratory to deal with samples from same day surgical 55 admission patients – analyser set-up and method of validation Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Reducing the turnaround times for haematology clinic by reducing the time taken 57 from a result being available to authorising a result that requires a peripheral blood film Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 5S of cold room at Derby 59 Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Demonstrating how Lean work cells deliver faster turnaround times, higher 61 productivity and efficiency, increased flexibility, improved space utilisation and improved quality Path Links Crossing disciplinary boundaries improves transfusion safety for day surgery patients 64 Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Positive clinical benefits of improvement work in a transfusion laboratory: 66 a clinician’s view Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust The relationship between patient flow, patient safety, labour cost and the 67 contribution of laboratory sciences to appropriate patient care The Health Foundation, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust 10. Post-analytical stage 71 Implementation of a visual system to improve patient turnaround time in A&E 72 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Customer engagement and use of data to reduce defects 74 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Card viewer access for outpatient departments and health centres 76 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Reducing paper reports from laboratory medicine 77 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust 11. Post post-analytical stage 78 Using data and customer engagement to identify and eliminate defects 79 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Joint problem solving to reduce total patient turnaround time in A&E 82 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Introduction of a new test code which removed the need for extra courier pick-ups 88 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Seminar sessions for the orthopaedic department at a walk-in centre 90 Bolton NHS Foundation Trust 12. End with the start in mind 93 13. Contacts 95 14. References and additional information 96
  • 6. 6 Foreword Foreword Pathology services lie at the heart of healthcare services. The vision for the NHS pathology services puts patients first by providing services which are: • clinically excellent; • responsive to users; • cost effective; and • integrated. Two thousand and twelve/thirteen is the second year of the Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention (QIPP) challenge and this document demonstrates how clinical teams have taken up this challenge to improve services for patients and users of the service. In addition, the NHS Operating Framework 2012/13 highlights five domains, of which four are important for blood sciences. • Domain 1: the reducing of premature mortality from the major causes of death. Blood sciences services have a significant role in providing effective screening for cardiovascular, respiratory and liver disease. • Domain 2: requires improvements in health-related quality of life for people with long-term conditions , such as diabetes. By using innovative approaches to service delivery, blood sciences has a significant role to play in the monitoring of patients with long-term conditions. • Domain 3: involves support for helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury. Blood sciences services have a significant role in providing timely results for emergency admissions for acute conditions. • Domain 4: obliges all NHS organisations to actively seek out, respond positively and improve services in line with patient feedback. The sites have demonstrated the need to focus on and measure the whole end-to- end patient pathway highlighted in the Lord Carter review¹, demonstrating the importance of user engagement, the impact this can have on appropriate testing and the need for user education in correct sample taking. The need for clinical and managerial leadership is fundamental to achieving continuous sustainable improvement and the integration of pathology services within clinical pathways. The robust approach to improvement undertaken can be demonstrated in all eight descriptors of the new NHS Change Model launched by the NHS Commissioning Board. The Department of Health (DH) Pathology Programme is very pleased to support the work of NHS Improvement to demonstrate how these improvements can be achieved using Lean methodology. We commend this guide to all commissioners and providers of blood sciences services. Dr Ian Barnes Mr David Hamer National Clinical Director for Pathology National Clinical Lead for Blood Sciences Department of Health NHS Improvement
  • 7. Executive summary 7 Executive summary In 2006, the Review of Pathology Services in England by Lord Carter endorsed Lean as the method of choice for improving processes. . Working in partnership with the DH Pathology Programme, NHS Improvement has supported a number of blood sciences teams, to learn how Lean methodology can enable the service to achieve improvements to support the QIPP transformation programme. Multidisciplinary teams worked collaboratively to test and implement changes that deliver improvements for patients, staff and users of the service. In 250 NHS laboratories in England, Productivity A review of current guidance 500 million biochemistry and 130 • reducing inappropriate demand by including Royal College of Pathology, million haematology tests(2) are ensuring users are educated to Keele Benchmarking, Clinical carried out per year. Ninety five request the appropriate test Pathology Accreditation (CPA) and percent of all clinical pathways rely correctly the Lord Carter Review of Pathology on a patient having access to • matching capacity to demand, and Services 2006/2008 identified a lack efficient, timely and cost-effective ensuring the appropriate use of of consistent approach to services. staff skills measurement of the blood science • removing waste from process flows specimen pathway. The recent Royal As a result the impact on patients is to increase productivity and timely College of Pathology key significant, with improvements in: delivery, reduce cost and space performance indicators (KPIs) have requirements. now been specified as the time of Quality and safety collection, to completion and • working with service users to Lessons learned confirmation of the test result achieve ‘right first time’ - Three important lessons have been available to the requestor. Similarly, addressing errors in sample learned in piloting and prototyping they have identified the need to labelling and requests; Lean thinking in blood sciences. measure the blood sample for A&E as follows. Innovation 1. Lack of a consistent standard • using Lean techniques to improve and approach to end- to-end Baseline. Percentage of core the flow of samples and reduce sample pathway measurement. investigations, i.e. renal function, liver turnaround times (TATs), function tests and full blood counts introducing technology to aid Working with a variety of clinical from A&E completed within one hour timely clinical decision making; and teams has shown an inconsistent of receipt, including out–of- hours. approach to the end- to- end sample This standard will move to one hour pathway measurement. A similar from sample collection by April 2015. finding was made during the Challenge. Eighty five per cent by microbiology improvement April 2012 increasing to 90% by programme. April 2014.
  • 8. 8 Executive summary Recommendation Measure end-to-end sample pathway Following recent changes towards outcome based healthcare and new and timely KPIs from the Royal College of Pathology, we recommend the blood sample specimen pathway should be measured from the time the sample is taken, until a result is available for the clinician to act on. Key measures across the pathway include: • date and time the specimen is taken; • date and time the specimen arrives in the lab; and • date and time the result is available to the clinical user. Pathology teams should collect this data and educate patients and users to provide details of sample timings. 2. Process and wider system changes are required to support end to end pathway measurement The recent document ‘First steps in It is vital to study the whole end- to- Much of the pre-analytical phase is improving phlebotomy: the challenge end pathway, as this will highlight the currently invisible to the laboratory to improve quality, productivity and importance effective pathology and pathology laboratory information patient experience’ (May 2011) services are as an enabler of systems (LIMS) and processes do not demonstrates the delays in each redesign, rather than a burdensome support measurement of the end- to- stage of the blood sample pathway. If cost centre. end pathway. Teams have been pathology teams are to support required to resort to lengthy manual significant changes in clinical Recommendation data collection or local adaptation of pathways to deliver: Pathology LIMS providers are information systems to demonstrate • reductions in admissions for commissioned / required to basic end- to -end sample pathway. emergency care; support the changing landscape • reductions in length of stay; to allow a patient- focussed • redesign of outpatient services; and approach to information across • innovative approaches to the patient pathway. supporting long term conditions. Pathology teams should collect this data and educate users to provide details of ‘sample taken’ timings.
  • 9. Executive summary 9 3. Face-to-face user engagement Key elements to bring about 4. Establish ‘first in, first out’ is essential to enable laboratories change • No prioritisation of specimens. to engage and educate users to Learning from other improvement ensure: initiatives in pathology services has 5. Appropriate testing • appropriate testing to defined and confirmed the five key elements likely • Work with users to design agreed protocols, reducing to bring about substantial protocols and systems to support inappropriate demand; improvements in the pathway. appropriate test requesting. • education of users to get the best • Develop acceptance policies that from blood sciences wealth of 1. Focus on the whole end to specify information and data knowledge; end pathway quality requirements. • a ‘right first time’ approach to high • Ensure all staff in the pathway quality specimen collection, request understand up and downstream This learning guide provides blood and specimen labelling, to improve processes and how their own work sciences teams with the basic tools to safety and eliminate the impacts others. make changes to their processes, opportunity for error; and • Use whole pathway data (from along with insight into how • transportation of the sample is sample taken to result available) to colleagues have used these tools frequent, rapid and ensures the understand how samples, forms across the whole patient pathway. shortest turnaround times to and results flow and identify facilitate rapid clinical decision bottlenecks and waiting. making, with pathology services taking an active role in the 2. Adopt small batch sizes management of all transport • Throughout the entire pathway - provision. waiting to ‘fill’ equipment causes samples (and therefore patients) to Recommendation wait. Blood sciences works in partnership with users to provide 3. Keep specimens moving visible access to agreed protocols Daily throughout the day, with for tests and to educate users. multiple deliveries from source of A ‘right first time’ approach is specimen. encouraged and endorsed by • Pull work through the laboratory. commissioners, clinical teams and • Continuous authorisation of users to ensure safety and efficiency. results.
  • 10. 10 Introduction Leadership Introduction for change Spread of innovation Pathology services are faced with increasing demand and pressure to Engagement reduce costs whilst improving and to mobilise maintaining clinical safety and quality. Traditional cost cutting Our methods including staff reduction fail to deliver the required savings shared Improvement methodology because fewer staff are left with the same processes. purpose A Lean management system delivers reductions in error rates System and waiting times, together with drivers increases in productivity. Rigorous Application by healthcare delivery organisations across the world has improved outcomes for patients and reduced the cost of care at the Transparent same time. measurement NHS Improvement has worked with multiple teams across pathology disciplines to evidence the value of Lean methodology. The NHS Change Model Application of Lean tools enables improvement of isolated processes but the impact of one-off The key to the Change Model is not • Our shared purpose: patient improvement efforts of this nature the individual components but experience is at the heart of what can be short lived. It is only when ensuring all are addressed equally as we do and drives change. clinical leadership and operational part of any improvement effort. • Leadership for change: to create management changes sufficiently transformational change. that an organisational culture of “By doing that, we’ll • Engagement to mobilise: continuous improvement can be understanding, recognising and achieved. amplify and reinforce our valuing individuals’ contributions. ability to drive change. • System drivers: QIPP, CQinns, NHS The NHS Commissioning Board has Operating Framework. recently launched the NHS Change We’ll take the skills we’ve • Transparent measurement: Model. already got, and take measurement for improvement and patient outcomes. The model brings together familiar them to the next level in • Rigorous delivery: project elements of any successful change being able to make management, PDCA cycles and programme and is designed to ensure measurement of benefits. the NHS can meet the challenge of things happen.” • Improvement methodology: Lean, the pace and scale of change capacity and demand, value and required to meet future financial process mapping. constraints and improvements in • Spread of innovation: using shared quality. learning via multi-media techniques.
  • 11. Introduction 11 The programme of improvement predates this model. However, it can be demonstrated that NHS Improvement’s approach in supporting clinical teams has addressed each of the eight elements of the model which should be at the centre of any improvement effort whether localised to a single department or at national scale. Lean management is not simply an ’improvement methodology’ as described in the Change Model. Lean addresses all areas and provides teams with a checklist for continuous quality improvement. Exemplar programme and Shingo assessment The majority of the case studies in this document come from Leadership for change John Toussaint, CEO Thedacare, laboratories that are part of the NHS Leadership is behaviour – Wisconsin, USA, a healthcare Improvement pathology exemplar organisation that slashed errors and site programme commissioned by the “What we do as leaders improved patients outcomes, raised DH Pathology Programme Board. The staff morale and saved $27m in costs aim of the programme is to establish is more important than with no lays offs, sums it up as and support a network of pathology what we say.” follows: laboratory exemplar sites who will demonstrate continuous quality improvement (CQI) in clinical, process Sir Nigel Crisp “In the end the enemy of and business excellence. One element of the new NHS our improvement efforts Site assessments Change Model is Leadership for was us. Leadership was change. The narrative supporting All pathology disciplines within the this asks, “do all our leaders have the treating each exemplar sites will carry out self- skills to create transformational improvement initiative as assessments supported by NHS change?” Improvement, based on the time limited, a finite international Shingo Standards for Lean is the term popularised by project conducted by a Business Excellence. The assessments Womack and Jones to describe a will be made against criteria management system derived from few members of staff or demonstrating: the Toyota production system (TPS) consultants. that has been adapted and • leadership and cultural enablers; successfully applied nationally and Improvements ended • continuous quality improvement; internationally to a wide variety of when a project was over • organisational alignment; industries including healthcare for • understanding the needs of over 20 years. because nobody was in customers; and charge of sustaining • business results. Why, when it seems so simple do Lean initiatives often fail to sustain? change and measuring results.” guidelines.html
  • 12. 12 Introduction “In order to change outcomes, leaders at Thedacare needed to change”(3) Continuous improvement can, and will, only occur if the people who actually do the work are actively engaged and understand Lean and their leaders change. Literature evidences that there are key behaviours that leaders and managers need to adopt in order to develop a sustainable Lean management system. Developing a Lean culture Culture change takes time and requires leadership. A great many models and theories exist to guide those wishing to develop their own Finding change agents Core team members must leadership capability and approach. Achieving a culture shift starts with a understand the process within their small team working collaboratively stage of the pathway and be: Key steps to influencing the creation with their department colleagues and • able to contribute of a lean culture include: users to improve identified areas of ideas/information on the process; • find change agents; the process. • able to influence the decision • get Lean knowledge; • seize crisis; making process; Identify a credible and respected • prepared to test and implement • map the value stream; project lead to head up this team. changes across the pathway; and • remove waste; Look for a clinician or manager with • committed to attend all team • continuous improvement; and the drive and enthusiasm to steer meetings, activities and work • sustain. changes across the patient pathway. required between meetings. A Lean culture could be described as Project team members should be Escalation planning one where managers at every level drawn from across the entire An executive sponsor is essential to go to the workplace and coach their pathway: provide proactive support and access staff in plan, do, check, act (PDCA) • clinical colleagues who will actively to relevant support services such as problem solving. A continuous commit to the improvement effort; estates and transport, HR, finance process that is part of ‘the way we • laboratory representatives for each and IT teams. They may be called operate here’. job grade; upon to escalate key issues. • administrative /office staff representative; • porters/ transport staff; and • user involvement – member of a patient group and a high volume user – from primary care, ward or clinic.
  • 13. Introduction 13 Engagement of your staff How engaged are we? Suggestions boxes / boards What is engagement? An engagement surveying tool has Provide an outlet for staff to make Another element of the new NHS been developed and is available at anonymous comments, niggles and Change Model is engagement to suggestions. Share comments at the mobilise – are we engaging and improvementsystem to enable daily huddles and provide either an mobilising the right people? measurement and to motivate instant response or agree a timescale There is no single answer but themes leaders at all levels to take action on for investigation and feedback. of commitment, involvement, results and improve their own communication and energy leadership capability. 1-2-1s are clear. Speak privately with individuals The 10 questions are based on the where necessary to make it known “Employees who work work of the Gallup organization, that their views and concerns are Marcus Buckingham and Curt important. Ask their permission to with passion and feel a Coffman published in First, Break all raise their issues at daily huddles for profound connection to the Rules. further discussion. their organisation. They Communication After a period of time (which will be drive innovation and Establishing the framework for, and different for each team depending on maintaining, good two way the starting point) use of suggestion move the organisation communication is critical to the boxes and boards should diminish as forward.” success and sustainability of any the daily huddle becomes the focus improvement activity. for raising, discussing and resolving Meere(4) issues. Daily meeting - huddles “Employee engagement An important mechanism for Daily meetings can (and should) be a engaging staff is huddling. formal part of department operations is about translating A huddle is a daily, short and snappy and minuted accordingly. The need employee potential into face to face gathering of a team, for formal laboratory meetings will preferably standing around a reduce and may be eliminated employee performance performance board that addresses altogether. and business outcomes.” the following. More supporting information is Melcrum(5) 1. Focus – on key goals and available at: responsibilities for the day. It is well-established that change is 2. Clarity – clear, relevant and timely /improvementsystem difficult for most people. It is the information to help staff perform responsibility of leaders to listen and their daily roles. understand individual perspectives 3. Commitment – listen and act on and concerns creating an staff views, ideas, and concerns and environment of open and honest to feedback progress. communication. When huddles are first introduced they may feel strange and uncomfortable for some people. Participation is likely to come from the same small group of individuals and so other mechanisms for eliciting input and views from the whole team can be used to support efforts to create an environment where all are comfortable to speak up.
  • 14. 14 Waste Waste Every process has waste. The foundation of Lean is the relentless Type of waste Laboratory examples pursuit and elimination of waste in all work activities. T TRANSPORT Material or information that is moved unnecessarily or repeatedly e.g. Unnecessary When we look at a process as a time movement of samples between work areas line of activities, material (samples or laboratories. and consumables) and information (request cards and reports) whether I INVENTORY Excess levels of stock in cupboards / store in a value stream map or a process rooms; batches of specimens waiting to sequence chart, we see a significant move to next step in process. percentage of waste. Usually in excess of 90% of a sample journey is M MOTION Unnecessary walking, moving, bending or taken up by wasteful, non-value stretching e.g. equipment placed in wrong adding activity. location, unnecessary key strokes. Some steps in the current process will A AUTOMATING Where technology is substituted to be pure waste (see below), other (inefficient processes) compensate for a poor process. For example waste may be necessary within the analytical track systems which are purchased current way of working. For example, without the right process being agreed, in many blood sciences laboratories, tested and established. In some cases the need to centrifuge samples or resulting in ‘urgents’ being taken off the transport samples to, or between, ‘track’ because it’s too slow. laboratories is currently necessary waste. W WAITING Waiting for specimens, equipment, and staff. Samples waiting to move to the next stage Improvement initiatives should focus of the process. on eliminating the pure waste and reducing the necessary waste. O OVER-PRODUCTION Producing something before it is required, or more than is required e.g. unnecessary or A simple mnemonic exists to aid inappropriate tests; batching specimens, recall of the nine wastes. tests and information; ‘just in case’ blood tubes drawn from patients, but not used. O OVER-PROCESSESING Duplication of data e.g. Dual data entry, repeat testing, additional steps and checks that add no value to the process. D DEFECTS Errors, omissions, anything not right first time e.g. Poorly labelled specimens and requests, insufficient or illegible information. S SKILLS UTILISATION Unused employee skills e.g. Highly qualified staff performing inappropriate tasks; staff ideas not being considered. Waste costs money and adds time
  • 15. Sites 15 Sites This document shares learning from a The approach required local Northern Lincolnshire and Goole number of clinical teams from three ownership and leadership if the Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sites who have been working with improvement was to be sustained, Path Links is a single managed NHS Improvement and three sites underpinned by the training of all Clinical Pathology Network operating who have independently undertaken members of the team in Lean across Lincolnshire. Formed in 2001 a Lean improvement journey. methodology. from the amalgamation of NHS services in Boston, Grantham, NHS Improvement sites Clinical teams were encouraged to Grimsby, Lincoln, and Scunthorpe, visit other exemplar sites to observe Path Links is a directorate within the Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Lean methodology as part of diagnostics and therapeutics division. Trust, Royal Derby Hospital everyday working and understand Beginning in November 2011, the how improvements have been Standardisation of blood sciences Derby blood sciences team have been achieved. commenced in 2009 culminating in developing a Lean culture which the successful implementation of pre- started in specimen reception and Independent sites analytic and analytical lean work cells subsequently spread into the blood These sites were selected to reflect supported by multi-discipline trained sciences laboratory and the A&E the importance of a long term staff. The introduction of standard department. sustainable approach to work and A3 SOPs has resulted in improvement, where the learning improved quality, increased Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS never ends, and the service is productivity and reduced costs. Foundation Trust constantly looking to pursue Beginning in October 2011, the perfection. South Warwickshire NHS Chesterfield blood sciences team Foundation Trust have been developing a Lean culture Bolton NHS Foundation Trust, The South Warwickshire team was which started in specimen reception Royal Bolton Hospital part of a hospital wide approach to and subsequently spread into the The team at the Royal Bolton Hospital improvement sponsored as a three blood sciences laboratory, the started their Lean journey in blood year work programme by ‘The Health specimen transport system and the sciences in 2005-6. They have Foundation’ to examine the haematology clinics. provided support to the NHS relationship between emergency Improvement sites through hosting patient flow, mortality and cost. Taunton and Somerset NHS exemplar site visits. Recognition of Foundation Trust, Musgrove Park their sustainable efforts was achieved Hospital in the HSJ Award for Efficiency in The blood transfusion team at September 2012. Taunton have been developing a Lean culture which has spread from the cytology laboratory and specimen Sites and leads reception functions to the surgical admissions lounge and operating Derby Hospitals NHS Laboratory Lead: David Simpson theatres. Foundation Trust Clinical Lead: Dr Nigel Lawson Chesterfield Royal Hospital Laboratory Lead: Christine Ainger Working with blood sciences teams NHS Foundation Trust Clinical Lead: Roger Start across these sites to further evidence the value of Lean thinking, NHS Taunton and Somerset NHS Laboratory Lead: Matt Barnett Improvement provided training in the Foundation Trust Clinical Lead: Dr Sarah Allford use of Lean thinking to support staff to redesign the way services are Bolton NHS Foundation Trust Laboratory Lead: David Hamer delivered, to achieve process Clinical Lead: Gilbert Wieringa excellence to support the clinical excellence within the laboratory and North Lincolnshire and Goole Laboratory Lead: Martin Fottles, in turn improve the user’s Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Continuous Improvement Manager experience. (Path Links) Clinical Lead: Dr David Clark
  • 16. 16 Start with the end in mind Start with the end in mind The often-asked question in Since the publication of the second Similarly some of the case studies improvement work is, ‘where do Carter Report, there has been a overlap the pathway sections and for we start’? growing emphasis on Pathology ease of inclusion we have tended to services taking responsibility for include case studies under the stage There is no simple answer, it depends managing the end-to-end journey in which the journey starts. on what are your biggest issues; (i.e. from collection of sample to what is your burning platform? delivery of interpreted result, All continuous quality improvement including transport and logistics – initiatives should deliver How will you know what Carter Report 2008). This document improvements in one or more key these are? has been constructed around the key areas, namely: Sometimes this is obvious, from stages in this end to end journey as known failings in your systems, or follows: • quality e.g. reduced defects; imperatives set by your executives or • timeliness/delivery e.g. commissioners. However, without • Pre-pre analytical: clinician decision improved turnaround times; three fundamentals in place you are to test to sample delivery. • cost/value for money e.g. unlikely to be in a position to apply • Pre analytical: sample receipt to removal of waste, reduction in the right improvements in the right available to test. inventory; and places. These three fundamentals are: • Analytical: availability to test to • morale/staff experience/patient result available to view. experience e.g. reduced • looking at the end-to-end • Post-analytical: result available with overburdening for staff, processes in your service (from comments added to result, reduced waits for patients. decision to test to provision of delivered and viewed. interpreted result); • Post post -analytical: result It is indicated before each case study • collecting data to inform exactly interpretation and follow up which improvement parameter(s) what is happening as a baseline testing. they deliver by highlighting the and understand what needs to appropriate box, together with the improve; and There are opportunities for laboratory headlines from the case study. • engaging with the customer services to add value at each stage of (patients and their clinical teams) to this pathway. understand their needs and what MORALE, value you can add to them (the Some of the Lean tools available lend COST OR STAFF OR true ‘end in mind’). themselves to a particular part of the VALUE FOR PATIENT pathway, others are equally as MONEY EXPERIENCE In the following chapter and case valuable across several or all parts of studies, you will see how these the pathway. fundamentals have helped drive and focus the improvement work at all TIMELINESS QUALITY the sites who have contributed to this AND AND learning document. DELIVERY SAFETY
  • 17. . Pre pre-analytical stage 17 Pre pre-analytical stage The start of the journey All of these opportunities to add The clinician has a clinical question value are dependent on: PRE PRE-ANALYTICAL and they require diagnostic input to • laboratory staff engaging with their help answer that question. The customers; laboratory can influence and add • listening to their requirements; value at this stage in a variety of • helping them solve their problems; ways, including advising on: • understanding what the customer • what to test for; values from the services on offer; • how to test; and CLINICAL QUESTION • when to test; • ensuring that value is delivered as • where to test; and efficiently and effectively as • who performs the test. possible with minimum wasteful/non value adding steps. Laboratory staff can educate clinical staff to understand the safest and The concepts highlighted in the case most effective way to collect, label studies in this section include: GENERATE REQUEST and despatch the required samples. • user engagement; • use of order sets; and This may include providing • communicating with users. phlebotomy services; assisting in implementation of electronic ordering The tools illustrated include: systems; providing sample collection • value stream mapping; and transport services/systems. • current and future state models; COLLECT THE SAMPLE • identifying non value adding steps; • reducing defects; and • ‘go and see’. TRANSPORT THE SAMPLE
  • 18. 18 MORALE, COST OR TIMELINESS QUALITY STAFF OR VALUE FOR AND AND PATIENT MONEY DELIVERY SAFETY EXPERIENCE Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Pathology transport reconfiguration Summary The trust’s transport service Data collection of when samples introduced an ‘interceptor’ van, which has enabled samples to be arrived at the laboratory and delivered to the laboratory more establishment of interceptor van frequently throughout the day, smoothing the flow to the laboratory ensured smaller batches of work and reducing the number of specimens by 61% between 12:45 which were delivered more often. and 1:15pm (the main lunch period). Understanding the problem The pathology transport service at Total number of samples on pathology vans on 4 January 2012 Chesterfield Royal Hospital provides a delivery and collection service of 800 internal mail, pharmacy supplies and 700 Total number of samples pathology samples to a mixture of 686 600 GP practices, community hospitals and clinics. The service operates by 500 546 employing eight part time and one 400 full time van driver. At present the service has five vans and does an 300 330 335 309 average of 190 calls per day over five 200 214 186 van schedules, which are split into 100 morning and afternoon runs. 110 0 9am-10am 10am-11am 11am-12pm 12pm-1pm 1m-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-5pm 4m-5pm A detailed audit of the blood Time sciences pre-analytics process identified two major peaks of workload arriving from GP and community locations, so the pathology transport service Number of samples arriving by pathology van by examined how they could contribute schedule - January 2012 to improving the flow of work arriving into the laboratory. 500 450 468 Total number of samples The data collection revealed the 400 number of samples arriving into 350 379 381 pathology, along with number of 351 300 315 samples on each van by the hour. 250 250 200 224 182 186 150 100 96 50 0 A B C D E Morning Afternoon
  • 19. 19 How the changes were implemented Daily deliveries A team of representatives from the Before interceptor van After interceptor van pathology transport service, pathology general and blood 11.30-11.45 sciences departments produced a value stream map and process maps 12.00-12.15 of the service to identify key areas 12.30-12.45 for potential improvement. Three groups within the team 12.45-1.00 discussed the issues and the aims of 1.00-1.15 this session were identified as: 3.30-3.45 • reduce the ‘peaks’ of samples 4.00-4.15 being delivered to the laboratory; and 4.15-4.30 • resolution of community pharmacy 4.30-4.45 issues such as controlled drugs, incomplete paperwork, and access -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 to the department. An interceptor van was introduced to meet other van drivers at specific points along their routes, collecting Positive feed-back from the sample Key learning samples and returning back to the handling staff was received. They Data collection of when samples laboratory more frequently felt that the introduction of the arrived at the laboratory and throughout the day. The impact of interceptor van meant that samples establishment of interceptor van this was monitored after several were arriving more often in smaller ensured smaller batches of work weeks by repeating the hourly batches. delivered more often. audit of samples arriving in the department and comparing this to Community pharmacy How this improvement benefits the baseline data originally After discussions and e-mails with patients collected. community pharmacy the van drivers Samples arriving earlier in the day in have noticed that the time waiting smaller batches means that more Measurable improvements to access the pharmacy department samples are received and processed and impact had reduced so that the length of on the day they were collected from The data analysis shows the impact time waiting for controlled drugs has the patient, so results are available of the introduction of the interceptor also reduced. The situation is sooner. van with a significant amount of monitored through the departmental work now being received earlier meetings. Contact from the morning and afternoon Joanne Dodsworth, collections, with 32% less samples All community pharmacy issues had Operational Services Co-ordinator received in the morning and 1% been resolved. Email: increase in the afternoon on re-audit joanne.dodsworth@chesterfieldroyal. when compared to the baseline data.
  • 20. 20 MORALE, COST OR TIMELINESS QUALITY STAFF OR VALUE FOR AND AND PATIENT MONEY DELIVERY SAFETY EXPERIENCE Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Introduction of coloured transport bags in pathology Summary The pathology department A simple visual management system introduced coloured transport bags, currently in use for 40% of GP users has improved communications with the remaining GP surgeries between the laboratory and GP using the coloured bags by the end of 2012. practices. Understanding the problem The pathology transport service at Chesterfield Royal Hospital provides Number and types of samples arriving by pathology a delivery and collection service of van by schedule - 4 January 2012 internal mail, pharmacy supplies to a 1200 Total number of samples mixture of GP practices, community 1100 1021 1000 hospitals and clinics and pathology Morning Afternoon samples are delivered to pathology 800 reception from these sites. 600 The data collection identified the 400 sample types arriving in pathology 200 188 reception. 152 13 98 55 37 30 10 12 1 0 4 4 5 1 1 0 Blood Urine Stool Swab Cytology Histology Nail clip Sputem Other • Multiple sample/mail collection points in practices/hospitals. • Samples not ready for collection (bags not sealed). This identified a ‘go-live’ date for the • Inappropriate items of mail have • Van drivers queuing in-line with trial of the new bags as 12 March reduced. patients. 2012, and it was recommended that • Communication of surgery • No notification if surgeries closed the van drivers report any closures has improved. for training etc. (therefore no concerns/issues. The main focus on collection required). this session was to review what the Key learning • Samples stored in un-manned transport service will accept with The introduction of a simple visual areas. respect to collections/deliveries. management system has improved • Incorrect sample storage (fridge/ the communication with GP room temperature). Some users had also raised concerns practices and improved sample • Many items collected are over the changes to the new sample integrity. inappropriate items of mail, e.g. biohazard bag, a guide was also sent mobile phones. out to help address issues. How this improvement benefits patients How the changes were The core team produced a guidance Sample integrity has improved as implemented notice from the operational services samples are stored appropriately and A team of representatives from the co-ordinator, along with a covering at the correct storage temperature. pathology transport service, letter, which was sent out to all users pathology general and blood of the transport service in April Contact sciences departments identified key 2012. Joanne Dodsworth, pilot sites to roll out the new Operational Services Co-ordinator coloured transport bags. Measurable improvements Email: Initial meetings took place with six and impact joanne.dodsworth@chesterfieldroyal. GP practices. • Samples are now placed in the coloured sample bags, sealed and placed at the collection point.
  • 21. 21 Examples of new pathology transport sample bags
  • 22. 22 MORALE, COST OR TIMELINESS QUALITY STAFF OR VALUE FOR AND AND PATIENT MONEY DELIVERY SAFETY EXPERIENCE Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust Decreasing the rejection rate for transfusion blood samples Summary The rejection of blood transfusion Engagement with users and samples due to the poor completion of the transfusion request form subsequent redesign of the request caused delays in transfusion form has allowed the clinical and processes. Introduction of a new request form in two clinical areas laboratory staff to focus on the critical reduced rejection rates from 15% to 1.8%. information required. Understanding the problem One of the causes for delay in the availability of group and antibody contained the correct patient details How this improvement benefits screen results for patients going to and removing the requirement for a patients theatre was the number of samples doctor to sign the request form. • The reduction in the number of that were rejected by the laboratory samples rejected means less staff due to the form being The form was piloted for two repeating of samples and completed incorrectly, increasing the months in two clinical areas, the therefore less re-bleeding of workload for clinical staff and haematology ward as they are high patients. causing dissatisfied patients who users and A&E department because • For those patients awaiting a may have to be re-bled, or have their of the high rejection rate. The SAL blood transfusion, there is less surgery delayed (especially if they are was not used as although they had a likelihood of delay, especially for first on the operating list). high rejection rate, only four staff on patients first on the operation list. the ward perform the phlebotomy. This is also especially important for In September 2011, 15% of all those patients who need regular rejected samples came from the Measurable improvements monthly blood transfusions. surgical admission lounge (SAL) and and impact 15% came from A&E. Other clinical In the two months prior to the pilot How will this be sustained and areas also were found to have high over 15% of the rejected samples what is the potential for the rejection rates. The analysis of the came from the A&E Department. future? causes for rejection indicated that Overall rejection rates for February The next slep in the process is to role the two main issues related to the and March were: out the new form across the whole date of birth missing from the form • 6% for all samples; and of the trust. This will be supported and the form not being signed by • A&E – 10%. by an implementation plan to ensure the doctor. that all relevant staff are aware of During the pilot period 110 forms the changes. How the changes were were completed. Only two forms implemented were rejected. Rejection rates will be monitored by Discussions were held with clinicians, the transfusion staff and fedback to including the anaesthetists and Key learning the clincial areas with the highest nursing staff to find out what were Engagement with users and rejection rates. the key obstacles preventing the subsequent redesign of the request forms from being completed form has allowed the clinical and Contact correctly. This led to a redesigning laboratory staff to focus on the Alison Western, of the blood transfusion request critical information that is required Transfusion Practitioner form to allow the use of an when requesting blood components Email: addressograph label which and transfusion related blood tests.
  • 23. 23 MORALE, COST OR TIMELINESS QUALITY STAFF OR VALUE FOR AND AND PATIENT MONEY DELIVERY SAFETY EXPERIENCE Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Emergency department diagnostics improvement Summary A thirteen per cent improvement in The importance of 'go and see' and the number of samples authorised within one hour of collection as a understanding the end-to-end result of a clinical support worker pathway reduces turnaround times, trial, and the reduction of blood transport times by up to 15 minutes and improves communication due to re-prioritisation of pneumatic chute station. between departments. Understanding the problem The requirements set by the Royal College of Pathologists, states that by 2015, 90% of samples taken in the emergency department(A&E) must have results available within one hour from receipt in the laboratory. Since the responsibility for achievement of this goal is shared between staff in the pathology laboratories and A&E, one of the keys to understanding the issue fully, was to ’go and see’ what actually took place in each department. As a result of the ‘go and see’ booked in and when the results On observation of the workload activity, the phlebotomy was seen were authorised. It became apparent faced by the specialist nurses to be delayed in triage due to the from these observations that the working in A&E, it was clear that nature of the workload faced by pneumatic chute sometimes held asking more of them, even for the specialist nurses in A&E , since they pods filled with samples for up to 20 improvement of their processes, have to respond more urgently to minutes prior to sending them to the would be very difficult to implement patient needs. There was often a laboratory. and sustain. substantial discrepancy between ’collection’ time as recorded on the Teams of staff from both the Enquiries were made with the computer system (when request pathology laboratory and A&E met estates department, who are forms were printed) and actual time with each other to discuss the responsible for the pneumatic chute the blood was taken, resulting in problems faced by each department system, to find out if there was any incorrectly recorded TATs. when taking and processing blood, way of reducing the time pods were in an effort to help identify issues waiting to be sent to the laboratory Two of the laboratory staff went to which could be solved quickly, and from A&E. A&E to observe the processes. They for the most mutual gain. Both recorded the times samples were teams gave tours of their respective requested, the times samples were departments to each other, to help taken, when the samples were gain some understanding of the placed in the pneumatic chute, practicality of working in each area. arrived in the laboratory, were
  • 24. 24 Clinical Support Worker Trial How the changes were implemented • Meetings were held between pathology and A&E staff. Some long standing issues on both sides were discussed, allowing a greater depth of understanding of the challenges each group must overcome on a daily basis. Bridges were built, allowing improved communication and an increased feeling of team spirit and empathy between the two departments. • One Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) trial was carried out to determine • 13% improvement in number of • Leadership is the key. Without the effectiveness of a clinical samples collected and authorised investing the time required to support worker in the emergency within one hour. make and sustain effective department to carry out all • Average time from pods waiting to improvement, nothing can phlebotomy duties. be sent from A&E to the lab change. • It was discovered that the ’priority’ improved from 9.25 to 3.5 • Following the clinical support setting on the pneumatic chute in minutes or 62%. worker trial in A&E, no post has the emergency department had • Formal and informal meeting and been put in place to make this been lost two years previously and ’go and see’ activities improved permanent due to funding. All no one had noticed. This was vital communication betweenA&E benefits must be weighed against reinstated and reduced the and the laboratory, with one their cost for improvement to be maximum time pods were waiting advanced nurse practitioner truly effective. to be sent from A&E to the stating: “Just knowing who to talk laboratory from 20 minutes to five to about certain issues makes any How this improvement benefits minutes. problems that arise much easier to patients resolve quickly.” This reduction in time taken to Measurable improvements • Phone calls reduced from A&E to transport samples to the laboratory and impact the laboratory from six per day to means faster results, faster • Pod priorities reinstated after six a week. treatment and ultimately, faster being lost two years previously . • The clinical support worker trial discharge. Should the trial ever be • 25% improvement in mean was perceived to reduce A&E made a permanent post, the collection to receipt time during specialist nurse workload. reduced workload on the A&E trial week. Although not formerly measured, specialist nurses would allow more • Average sample collection to staff simply said it meant they had time to provide patient focussed receipt time improved from 75.75 one less thing to worry about. care, rather than being focussed on to 57.07 minutes during trial turnaround times and targets. week. Key learning • 76% reduction in average moving • Properly defining the issue to be Contact range overall, showing a reduction resolved and collecting relevant Tom Kennedy, Specialist Medical in variability of sample transport data in a consistent way is Laboratory Assistant times from A&E. Possibly absolutely fundamental to the Email: attributable to increased success of any improvement awareness among staff. project.
  • 25. 25 MORALE, COST OR TIMELINESS QUALITY STAFF OR VALUE FOR AND AND PATIENT MONEY DELIVERY SAFETY EXPERIENCE Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Haematology clinic changes to support patient experience and improve flow Summary By using the principles of ‘go-see’ It is important to differentiate and ‘ask why’, haematology clinic changes have improved the time between what is thought to happen in taken for samples to arrive in the a process and the reality of what laboratory. These activities have generated multiple suggestions for actually happens. Don’t try to solve further changes to improve the patient experience of clinics. every problem at the same time. Understanding the problem Haematology clinics for patients with a wide range of malignant and non- A ‘go see’ exercise to understand Lab (booking in, processing, malignant haematological conditions how patients flow through clinic and authorising) held on Monday and Friday have how the samples flow through the • Requests are collected from the approx. 35 patients booked in to lab was completed in April 2012. air-tube and identified by yellow each clinic. Many of the patients The service manager, consultant paper. attend this clinic on a regular basis haematologist, phlebotomy team • They are processed as urgent. and many require chemotherapy leader and lab staff all visited the • If a blood-film is required, results and/or blood transfusion support clinic. are not authorised. and so require recent blood test results to enable the clinicians to Pre-lab (phlebotomy, transport Post result (consultation and make treatment decisions and so the to lab) follow up organisation) medical staff do not have a • Patients don’t attend at their • Unauthorised results cannot be consultation with the patient until allocated appointment times. seen by all clinic staff (medical this result is available. A few Some patients requiring blood staff and some nursing staff can patients who attend the clinic have tests come earlier than their see unauthorised results). Until their blood sample taken sometime appointment time, others attend authorised, the results do not go in the week before their at their appointment time. across to the result viewing system appointment either at the hospital Patients not requiring blood tend accessed by all staff in the Trust. phlebotomy clinic or in the to arrive at their appointment • Notes for patients who are ready community. The majority of patients time. to be seen by consultant are put in have their blood sample taken on • Phlebotomists have a list of to a box in the clinic. Consultants the day they attend clinic and then patients attending clinic and check collect notes from the front of the wait for the result to be available on notes which ones will be box and taken back to their before having their consultation with requiring blood tests on the day. consultation room. the doctor, nurse or pharmacist. Phlebotomy staff call patients in • Consultants check that all results the order on the list, but do not are available and that they are able The clinics are very busy and tend to know if the patient has arrived. to see the patient. If results are overrun on a regular basis with some • Blood is taken and then available, the patient is called in to patients waiting a long time to be transported down the corridor to the consultation room. If results seen. The perception of the clinic send to the lab via the air tube. are not available, the consultant staff was that waiting for blood • Patient notes are put in a box for has to either chase results from results delayed patient consultations the consultant when the patient the lab or put notes back and pick in clinic. has booked in and gone to have another patient to see. bloods taken. • During consultation, the consultant makes arrangements for follow up appointments and treatment for the patient.
  • 26. 26 Within each of the previous steps in the pathway, lots of issues were identified. Ideas for improvements were suggested during a brainstorming session and also picked up during discussions at team meetings. Base line data was collected at each step of the patient pathway through clinic to identify the problem areas. The figures showed that the automated testing process within the lab was very quick and the median time taken was 8 minutes from the sample being booked in to a result being available, this accounted for 16% of the total turnaround time. This suggestion raised several health The turnaround times for each stage and safety issues but following of the process showed that the main discussion with the pathology areas to focus on improving should health and safety lead, measures be: were put in place which were • Time taken from the patient accepted by the pathology clinical arriving to the request being governance committee. As booked in to the lab (pre-result - phlebotomists are classed as 1. Change of route taken to members of laboratory staff they are 53% of total turnaround time). get to lab: aware of the precautions they need • The time taken between the result Suite 4 is not connected to the air to take in the laboratory, they wear being available and this being tube network so the samples have to appropriate clinical uniform and authorised (post result - 8% of be hand delivered to the laboratory. carry hand gel to apply when going turnaround time but a maximum Although Suite 4 is next door to in and out of the laboratory. value of over two hours). Pathology the route to drop off the samples meant walking out of Suite How the changes were 4 along the corridor and then in to implemented Pathology reception. The samples On 6 June 2012, the haematology were then dropped at pathology clinic re-located from Suite 1 on a reception and taken by the reception fire door in to the blood sciences lab. Monday and Friday due to re- staff to sample handling. The total It was suggested that this route was organisation of clinic space in the distance from the blood taking room used to deliver samples directly in to Trust. This move forced some to sample handling is approximately sample handling. The total distance immediate changes in the pathway. 30meters one way (blue line on floor from the blood taking room to the The nursing staff for suite 4 are not plan). This change had the potential sample handling bench would be the same members of staff who to significantly increase the time reduced to 9 metres (red line on worked in suite 1. They did not from sample being taken to being floor plan). Additionally, this reduced know how the clinic had run in suite booked in. It was noted that travelling distance enabled delivery 1 and were very keen to suggest adjacent to the waiting room in suite of samples to the lab in flow rather immediate changes. 4 there is a door which leads in to a than in batch as had been the stairwell which then leads on to the custom.
  • 27. 27 2. Numbering system for Key learning The patient would know that the phlebotomy introduced: • The importance of ‘go see’ to time of their consultation would be From the ‘go-see’ observations it follow the pathway. This helps the time they are actually seen. This was clear that the phlebotomist everyone involved in the process consistency will also mean that the needed to know that a patient had understand how the work they do doctors do not waste time checking arrived and needed a blood test. impacts on others. whether results are available The clinic staff and phlebotomist • The perception that one part of meaning that they can actually came up with the idea of a number the pathway was slowing the rest spend more time seeing the patient. system, which works by the clinic down is not always true. A This should result in a better quality staff giving any patient who requires combination of issues results in consultation for the patient. a blood test a number when they delays. check in to the clinic. The • Data collection is difficult and it is How will this be sustained and phlebotomist calls the numbers out important to have a standardised what is the potential for the and the patients go in to the way of collecting this. This was future? phlebotomy room. particularly an issue as each part • Continue to gather data to gain a of the pathway is completed by a better understanding of the wait Measurable improvements and different member of staff and in times on various clinic days. impact different locations. • Ensure that each step of the The numbering system has allowed • Ideas should not be discounted process is as efficient as it can be patients to be bled in the order in immediately because “we have by drilling down to examine ways which they are booked in the clinic, tried that before” or “health and to improve. Some of the data a first in first out system, which has safety would never allow it”. collected suggests that the enabled samples to be dealt with in • Lots of areas for improvement are phlebotomist is not delivering flow. highlighted when you examine a every sample as soon as it is taken process. It is important not to try and will take 2 or 3 at the same The whole pathway was to solve all of the problems time. The effect on the overall re-measured on 18 June 2012. A immediately, but to plan changes turnaround time for the sample breakdown of the data showed that in a structured fashion. needs to be measured to see if this the time from sample being taken to does actually have a significant being booked in had decreased from How this improvement benefits negative impact. a median of 17 minutes in April to patients • Continue to work with the staff in 11 minutes in June 2012. This was a At the moment the doctors have no clinic to make sure that any small direct result of the change of the way of knowing when results are changes in procedure are noted route the samples took which available without looking up each and the effect on the running of enabled flow rather than batch patient individually. If the patients the clinic is acknowledged. Explore delivery of the samples. On average requiring a blood test were asked to implementing a more visual system 100 patients are bled in the clinics attend 45 minutes before their in clinic to show where a patient is per week. So these improvements consultation time they could be in the process. have removed 10 hours of patient called in to the consultation at their waiting time per week. specified time. This is because the lab could guarantee that a result will be available within 45 minutes and the consultant would be confident a result would be available when they called in the patient.