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                                                                               NHS Improvement

                        CANCER         DIAGNOSTICS      HEART         STROKE

                       Transforming Inpatient Care Programme
                       Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients
                       Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice
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                 Foreword                                         3

                 Acknowledgements                                 4

                 Introduction                                     5

                 Why we need to spread the Winning Principles     6

                 A framework for spread                           7
                 • Understanding spread
                 • Defining spread
                 • Capturing the learning to support spread

                 Winning Principle 1                              8

                 Winning Principle 2                              19

                 Winning Principle 3                              32

                 Winning Principle 4                              36

                 Further evidence supporting spread               43

                 Transforming Inpatient Framework for Spread:     44
                 Common themes and practices

                 Spread is evident                                45

                 Conclusions                                      46
                 References and supporting information            47
                 Roll of honour                                   48
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                                                                                                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice


                                                   The Cancer Reform Strategy highlighted the need to                                           Many clinical teams have learned service
                                                   focus attention on inpatient care for cancer patients.                                       development techniques and have started to
                                                   The “Transforming Inpatient Care Programme” has                                              introduce new ideas to improve their practice.
                                                   been established to take this forward. The programme                                         Traditionally in the NHS we have been slow to
                                                   is being led by NHS Improvement – Cancer in                                                  spread new ways of working both within and
                                                   partnership with the National Cancer Team. Forty                                             between organisations.
                                                   NHS Trusts are now involved in piloting new
                                                   approaches to care.                                                                          This report provides a range of excellent examples
                                                                                                                                                of where teams have not only delivered
                                                     The first aim of the programme is to improve the                                           innovation in their own service but have also
                                                     quality of inpatient care for cancer patients by averting                                  spread good practice to others, thus improving
                                                     unnecessary admissions and by streamlining care for                                        the quality of care for many more patients.
                 those who do need to be admitted. Achieving this aim also has the potential to reduce
                 bed utilisation very considerably. In the year before the Cancer Reform Strategy over
                 five million bed days were occupied by cancer patients. Work done during the                                                   Celia Ingham Clark
                 development of the Cancer Reform Strategy – and now endorsed by the findings from                                              Colorectal Surgeon, Medical Director, The
                 pilot sites – indicates that at least a million bed days could be saved.                                                       Whittington Hospital London, National Clinical
                                                                                                                                                Lead and Chair Transforming Inpatients Steering
                 The Transforming Inpatient Care Programme is an excellent example of ‘Quality,                                                 Group.
                 Innovation and Productivity’ in practice. This programme links with the Enhanced
                 Recovery Programme which goes beyond cancer. It also relates closely with the work
                 being undertaken by the National Chemotherapy Advisory Group to enhance quality
                 and safety of chemotherapy services.

                 I would like to thank all of the pilot sites for their innovative work on developing good
                 practice. I hope these examples will prove useful to other NHS Trusts in their quest to
                 improve quality and productivity.

                 Professor Mike Richards
                 National Cancer Director

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        Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice


                 The Department of Health Cancer
                 Programme Board, NHS Improvement
                 and the National Cancer Action Team
                 would like to thank all the test sites
                 for their continuing support and
                 commitment to the Transforming
                 Inpatient Care Programme. Valuable
                 learning has emerged from this
                 important area of work which has
                 influenced policy, quality
                 improvement, demonstrated
                 innovation, efficiency and improved
                 the patient’s experience.

                 The learning from cancer
                 improvement is well recognised and
                 has been adopted across many other
                 specialties. This is a credit to the test
                 sites involved and their ongoing
                 commitment to improve services and
                 share their learning across the NHS.

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                                                                                                     Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice


                 Testing an idea, then realising what works     that if spread could make significant         If Winning Principles 1 and 2 were widely adopted by all Trusts in England the combined
                 and how it can benefit patients is a           improvements in quality, efficiency and the   impact could mean releasing 25% of bed capacity in most tumour groups. By adding
                 fantastic achievement.                         patient experience.                           Principles 3 and 4 we would see a potential further impact on bed capacity moving
                                                                                                              towards releasing a million bed days.
                 The challenges that follow are:                Over the last 12 months it has become
                                                                evident that Winning Principles 1 and 2,         “The Transforming Inpatient Care Programme will improve quality
               “We know what works. The                         and the following models of care have             of care for patients and could save the NHS a million bed days.”
                                                                spread significantly:
             question is - can we spread this                   • Communication Rapid Alert systems                                                                                          Mike Richards
               across the NHS in 2 years, or                      reducing unnecessary length of stay by                                                                     National Cancer Director (2009)

               like many NHS initiatives will                     25% in most tumour groups recognising
                                                                  the importance of valuing patient’s time.
                                                                                                              Winning Principles
                            it take 20 years.”                  • Breast 23 hour model 100% coverage          Previous testing identified four winning principles that can improve length of stay
                                                                  across Pan Birmingham for 80% of            management, avert unnecessary admission, deliver care in the appropriate care settings,
                                           Mike Richards
                           National Cancer Director (2009)        patients. Reducing length of stay from      improve efficiency, quality, promote value for money and importantly value the patients’ time.
                                                                  six days.
                                                                • Acute Oncology Models being adopted
                                                                  and adapted across the country to
                                                                  ensure patient safety and reduce delays.
                 This publication, the third in a series*,      • Applying an enhanced recovery approach
                 supports the Cancer Reform Strategy’s            for elective surgery can reduce             Winning Principle 1
                 (2007) Transforming Inpatient Care               unnecessary length of stay by 50%.          Unscheduled (emergency) patients should be assessed prior to the decision to
                 Programme. Its aim is to illustrate ‘how’                                                    admit. Emergency admission should be the exception not the norm.
                 NHS Trusts are spreading tested                Evidence from the case summaries within
                 improvements.                                  this publication suggests that the adoption   Winning Principle 2
                                                                and adaption is due to the principles and     All patients should be on defined inpatient pathways based on their tumour type
                 During 2007- 2009, NHS Trusts (40)             models:                                       and reasons for admission.
                 across England tested out ideas to             • Being easy to apply
                 improve the quality of the inpatient           • Having a clear purpose and evident          Winning Principle 3
                 experience by looking at valuing patient’s       in practice                                 Clinical decisions should be made on a daily basis to promote proactive case
                 time, shifting care from an inpatient to an    • Simple to understand                        management.
                 ambulatory care setting, reducing              • Meaningful to patients and professionals    Winning Principle 4
                 unnecessary lengths of stay and averting       • Bring together quality improvement,         Patient and carers need to know about their condition and symptoms to encourage
                 unnecessary admissions into hospital for         innovation and efficiency.                  self-management and to know who to contact when needed.
                 both planned and unplanned care.
                 Testing, identified four winning principles,                                                 *

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        Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                 Why we need to spread the Winning Principles?

                 At a time where the economic future is                                                                                                  Improving quality is a journey that
                 uncertain, David Nicholson, NHS Chief             Why we need to spread what                                                            has no end point; there is always
                 Executive has stated that:                        works across cancer inpatients?                                                       more that can be done. Spreading the
                                                                                                                                                         Winning Principles will be the start
                                                                   • Inpatients is an area that’s had        Most importantly patients have told us
                      “Now is the time to be                         little attention                        they do not want to be in hospital.
                                                                                                                                                         of the journey for many as the
                                                                                                                                                         summaries in this publication
                  innovative and adopt and                         • England has higher bed utilisation
                                                                                                                                                         illustrate there is ‘not a one size
                  diffuse the well-evidenced                         for cancer than any other country             “Been in hospital for five            fits all’ approach to spread.
                                                                   • Emergency admissions have risen
              things we should all be doing.                         by 47% in the past eight years           days, it’s cost me over £20 to
             We need to look at each system                          and elective by 8.6%                      watch the TV and make calls
                                                                   • 40% of all cancer admissions are
                    and process to see if it is                      emergency, but they use 60% of                  to my family, to kill the
               capable of taking us through                          bed days                                      boredom. Why couldn’t
                                                                   • Inpatient care for cancer patients
                          this big challenge”                        accounts for 12% of all inpatient           I have taken the tablets at
                                                                     beds                                     home and got them from the
                                        David Nicholson            • Over half (ie over £2 billion) of the
                                 NHS Confederation (2009)            total expenditure on cancer in
                                                                                                               GP, would have only cost me
                                                                     England goes on inpatient care               something like £6 for the
                 Quality improvement can                           • 60% of all cancer admissions are
                                                                     elective but they use 40% of beds
                                                                                                                       prescription and shoe
                 drive efficiency.
                                                                     days                                                           leather!”
                                                                   • 2007-2008: 4.7 million bed days
             “Quality improvements through                           were cancer related.
                                                                                                                          Extract from a patient diary
                       greater efficiency and
             redesigning services can provide
             the budget savings necessary to
                          navigate this crisis"
                                          Nigel Edwards
                NHS Confederation Director of Policy (2009)

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                                                                                                                  Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                 A framework for spread

                 Through evaluating the learning and looking                                                                                                           Data analysis was undertaken using
                                                                   Fig 1: The Transforming Inpatient
                 at how the test sites have spread the Winning                                                                                                         National Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)
                                                                   Framework for Spread
                 Principles, 12 common themes have emerged.        (NHS Improvement 2009)                            A Vision
                                                                                                                                                                       and cross referenced with local data.
                 These have been applied to a framework for                                                         for Quality                                        Organisations completed a learning diary
                                                                                                                   Improvement     Systematic
                 reference to support organisations in their                                          Spread
                                                                                                                                                                       that provided an ongoing evaluation of
                 quest to spread “The Transforming Inpatient                                                                        Approach                           progress. They provided case studies and
                 Framework for Spread” (NHS Improvement,                                                                                                               took part in completing an electronic
                 2009). Fig 1.                                                       Strategic &                                             Organisational            spread survey (spread planner) that
                                                                                                                                                and Fit
                                                                                                                                                                       assessed spread and coverage, this
                 The framework was developed drawing                                                                                                                   provided further qualitative intelligence.
                 upon Pettigrew’s (1993) receptive context
                 model, Fraser’s (2002) framework for                             Continuous                        Spread                            Spread           The spread survey was also used with
                 accelerating spread and Rodger’s (2003)                          Monitoring
                                                                                                                  Making the
                                                                                                                                                      Simple           non-test sites to evaluate if the
                                                                                  Progress &                                                       Principles &
                 diffusion of innovations. This builds upon                         Impact                        Connections                       Messages           improvements and principles were being
                 earlier work in cancer improvement by the                                                                                                             more widely adopted. This was not about
                 Cancer Services Collaborative                                                                                                                         research, but checking how far spread
                 ‘Improvement Partnership’ where                                     Collaboration                                              Leadership             had been achieved and how this was
                                                                                     Partnerships                                              Engagement
                 Williamson’s (2007), work identified the                               & Team                                                Accountability           occurring. Collectively this data provided
                 critical factors for whole system change                                                                                                              the opportunity to undertake a thematic
                 of a clinical speciality and Driver’s (2008)                                                                      Alignment                           analysis to draw out the learning and key
                                                                                                     Learning                         with
                 evaluation of the factors affecting the                                           & Unlearning                   Opportunities                        messages. The organisations involved
                 achievement of cancer waiting times in
                                                                                                                     Patient        & Levers                           were predominately NHS Acute Trusts and
                 the domains of leadership, performance                                                                                                                Foundation Trusts (integrated testing is
                 and service improvement.                                                                                                                              underway with Acute, Primary Care and
                                                                                                                                                                       Social Care, the intention is to evaluate the
                                                                                                                                                                       learning from these sites in early 2010).
                 Understanding spread                            • Spread is often difficult to define                     rather the exception in our quest/goal to
                 The concept of spread is often implicit         • Successful spread can be active                         transform the inpatient experience for      The selection of NHS Trusts included in
                 within the large amount of literature             (dissemination) and passive (diffusion)                 cancer patients across England.             this publication began testing ideas in
                 available on change and organisational          • The process of spread does need an                                                                  2007. To date they have all achieved a
                 management. Such literature contains              agreed spread strategy, time, focus,                    Capturing the learning to                   different pace of spread that was
                 contributions from many different                 and monitoring                                          support spread                              culturally and contextually specific. All
                 academic disciplines.                           • The pace of spread varies and is                        The NHS Trusts shared their experience of   have spread the Winning Principles and
                                                                   influenced by many variables.                           spread covering three aspects:              applied them to different tested
                 From the evidence the key messages                                                                        1. What improvements/Winning                improvements with a range of impact
                 appear to be:                                   Defining spread                                              Principle(s) have spread?                (detailed case studies are available at:
                 • Spread has a range of meanings and            Spread is the process whereby we see the                  2. How has spread been achieved?  
                   language                                      four Winning Principles become the norm                   3. What impact has been made?

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                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                  Winning Principle 1

                                                                           1. Unscheduled (emergency) patients
                                                                              should be assessed prior to the         Common themes of spread from the analysis
                                                                              decision to admit. Emergency
                                                                              admission should be the exception                               6
                                                                              not the norm.
                                                                          The following five NHS Trusts spread
                                                                          Winning Principle 1. Four tested and                                4

                                                                                                                       Number of test sites
                                                                          spread the same improvement
                                                                          (communication alerts) and approached
                                                                          spread in different ways. Evaluation of                             3
                                                                          their learning against the spread
                                                                          framework identified common themes                                  2
                                                                          across these Trusts (fig 1).



                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Spread Simple
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Principles & Messages

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     & Team Working

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   & Operational Change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Collaboration, Partnerships

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Continuous Monitoring,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Progress & Impact

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Linked Strategic
                                                                                                                                                            A Vision for
                                                                                                                                                  Quality Improvement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     & Accountability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Leadership, Engagement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Alignment with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Opportunities & Levers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Patient Centred

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Learning & Unlearning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Spread Strategy
                                                                                                                                                                           Systematic Improvement

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Culture & Fit

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                                                                                                       Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                 United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  WINNING PRINCIPLE 1
                 Recurring Admission                          How was spread achieved?                        What has been the impact?
                 Patient Alert (RAPA)
                                                                       “We used a systematic                    Quality improvements             Coverage                       Efficiency benefits
                 RAPA is a simple communication solution
                                                                approach taking one tumour
                 that ensures that everyone knows their                                                         The patient is on the right      Upper GI – 3 x hospital        Testing in urology and
                 patient has arrived at the hospital. The       site at a time, demonstrating                   pathway and seen by the          sites (Lincoln County          Upper GI in 1 site (Lincoln
                 improvement benefits known cancer                    the evidence of why the                   appropriate clinical team        Hospital, Louth County         County Hospital) reduced
                 patients and where admission is required                                                                                        Hospital and Grantham          bed days by 96 =
                 patients go to the right place, on the              improvement works and                      Reduced number of                District Hospital) within      savings* £19,400
                 right pathway or the admission is averted        measuring the benefits. We                    diagnostic tests/invasive        United Lincoln Hospitals       (October – December
                 and redirected to the appropriate care                                                         procedures                       NHS Trust                      2007)
                 setting.                                     kept the approach simple and
                                                                              positioned in the                 Upper Gastrointestinal (GI)      Urology – 3 x hospital sites   Impact of spread for
                 The improvement idea was ‘pulled’                                                              have demonstrated a              (Lincoln County Hospital,      Urology and Upper GI
                 from Sherwood Forest Hospital NHS                   organisation. From being                   reduction in diagnostics         Louth County Hospital and      (across three hospital
                 Foundation Trust and adopted locally. It               involved with RAPA in                   tests/invasive procedures        Grantham District General)     sites) has the potential to
                 was initially tested on one site, Lincoln                                                      from three to two tests          within United Lincoln          reduce bed days by 499.2
                 County Hospital, and is now spreading           Sherwood Forest I knew the                     per patient                      Hospitals NHS Trust            per annum = savings
                 across the four hospital sites of the               principle was right, but a                                                                                 *£99,840.00
                 United Lincoln Hospital NHS Trust.                                                             The clinical team that           Lung – Pan United Lincoln
                                                                 lesson learned was that you                    knows the patient is             Hospitals NHS Trust            Invest to Save - 5 x
                                                               cannot simply ‘cut and paste’                    alerted; this is a familiar      (Lincoln County Hospital,      smart phones purchased
                                                                                                                face in time of crisis           Louth County Hospital,         for key workers to receive
                                                                        the improvement into                                                     Grantham District General      alerts at a cost of £870
                                                              another organisation; it needs                                                     and Pilgrim Hospital)          (£175.00 each) + £600
                                                                                                                                                                                p.a. (£120.00 each) line
                                                                   to be tested and owned to                                                                                    rental (contract)
                                                                      encourage engagement
                                                                                  and spread.”                * based on cost savings of circa £200 per night per patient

                                                                                               Julie Pipes
                                                                                         Cancer Manager
                                                                   United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

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                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                         “This is a really important             Evidence from testing supporting spread reductions in length of
                                                                                 stay for Urology and Upper GI
                                           piece of work showing
                                    genuine improvement in the
                                                                                                      Length of stay - Urology           Length of stay - Upper GI
                                  quality of care that we deliver
                                                                                                 Length of stay    Length of stay    Length of stay   Length of stay
                                          to an already vulnerable                               in baseline       for test period   in baseline      for test period
                                             group of patients. It is              Minimum       1 Day             0 Day              0 Day             0 Day
                                        important that all patients                Maximum       55 Days           28 Days            45 Days           25 Days
                                     receive timely care provided                  Median        7 Days            2 Days             7 Days            7 Days
                                         by the right person in the                Average       10 Days           7 Days             10 Days           8 Days
                                    right place - this is especially
                                  important for cancer patients.
                                  Early assessment is key to this
                                    and ensures that the patient
                                      and family are treated with
                                      dignity. I am pleased to see
                                   that this programme of work
                                       is being extended to cover
                                                  other specialties”
                                                          Dr Richard Lendon
                                                      Director of Performance
                                       United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

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                                                                                                    Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                 The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust

                                                                                                                                                                                                            WINNING PRINCIPLE 1
                 Through working across                    • Collaborative and close working with          What has been the impact?
                 boundaries, a palliative care               site specific Clinical Nurse Specialties in
                                                             three tumour groups, Upper GI,
                 pathway was integrated into                 Urology and Lung and with the
                                                                                                             Quality improvements                  Coverage               Efficiency benefits
                 mainstream medical and                      Community Specialty Palliative Care
                                                                                                             Improved communication                Organisation           Analysis will be completed
                 surgical care with the aim to               Team
                                                                                                             amongst teams                         wide                   mid July 2009 preliminary
                 improve the quality of care               • Sharing the message and principles
                                                                                                                                                                          data has shown
                                                             • Poster presentation – The Pan                 Alert notifications                   Community
                 for end of life patients.
                                                                London End of Life Care Conference           regarding cancer patients A& E        Specialty Palliative   A&E attendances:
                                                                awarded joint 2nd prize                      attendances and any subsequent        Care Team              Jan/Feb 2008 n = 117
                 The pathway was triggered                 • Ongoing monitoring and analysis                 hospital admissions to community                             Jan/Feb 2009 n = 99
                 by alert notifications to the             • Active leadership from the Palliative           specialist palliative care team and
                                                                                                                                                                          A&E attendances resulting
                 community team and clinical                 Care Consultant.                                specific tumour clinical nurse
                                                                                                                                                                          in admission:
                 nurse specialists for acute                                                                                                                              Jan/ Feb 2008 n = 55
                                                           Productivity alone cannot ascertain the           Junior doctors receive teaching                              Jan/Feb 2009 n = 45
                 cancer admissions, to optimise            effectiveness of a complex intervention           on the palliative care pathway
                 the appropriateness of                    like palliative care input/palliative care
                 admission, place of admission,            pathway in the care of a patient (where
                 management and length of                  there are so many variables that influence        The Hillingdon Hospital Palliative Care Pathway
                 stay.                                     whether or not patients are admitted and
                                                           how long they stay) in terms of directly
                                                           influencing variables like length of stay
                 How was spread achieved?                  (LOS) or averting admission is extremely
                 • Increasing awareness:                   difficult.
                   • Palliative Care Pathway launched at
                     the Hospital Grand Round meeting in   The key is to focus on integrating the
                     October 2008                          pathway and the quality improvements
                   • Meetings with A&E and Emergency       this will drive the efficiency gains.
                     Assessment Unit staff
                   • Attendance at on call handover
                   • Junior doctors teaching sessions to
                     increase awareness and

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                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                  Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust

                                  Emergency Admission Unit                    How was spread achieved?
                                  (EAU) Alert
                                                                                  “Following the initial testing in lung the results were shared
                                  Emergency Admission Unit Alert is an
                                  electronic system developed through the               at the clinical nurse specialist meeting with the cancer
                                  existing patient administration system            steering group and with all the cancer clinical leads in the
                                  which searches for all known cancer
                                  patients and alerts the relevant Cancer             hospital. Clinical engagement was gained as well as the
                                  Nurse Specialist when the patient arrives           agreement to rollout the alert principle across the other
                                  in the Emergency Admission Unit.
                                                                                                         specialties, using the electronic system.

                                                                               The cancer steering group reports to the hospital management
                                                                                team and the clinical quality effectiveness group. The progress
                                                                                           of roll out was reported quarterly to these groups.
                                                                                                 This ensured clinical and managerial support.

                                                                                The service improvement facilitator (from the cancer network)
                                                                                     became part of the Trust service improvement team and
                                                                                            supported the spread of learning from the testing.

                                                                                      A lesson learned which came to light when completing
                                                                                 the spread planner survey was that we could have improved
                                                                                              our communication internally with the wards.”
                                                                                                                                       Karen Spellman
                                                                                                                                   Cancer Lead Manager
                                                                                                                          Northampton Hospital NHS Trust

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                                                                                                            Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WINNING PRINCIPLE 1
                 What has been the impact?

                   Quality improvements            Coverage          Efficiency benefits                              Influenced length of stay

                   Increased number of             Across selected   Reduction in LOS for Lung                                              25
                   patients receiving              clinical teams:   cancer patients by 7.4 days
                   ‘Preferred place of care’                         per patient
                   discussion                      Gynaecology                                                                              20
                                                                     Period of          Number of    Average
                                                   Haematology                                       length
                                                                     data               admissions                                                         Yes       Not Recorded          No

                                                                                                                       Number of Patients
                   Proactive referral to the       Head & Neck       collection         alerted      of stay
                   specialist palliative care      Lung                                              (days)                                 15
                   team                            Testicular
                                                   Thyroid           April-June 2006    16           12.5
                   Early assessment by the         Upper Gastro      (baseline)                                                             10
                   specialist team has             Intestinal
                                                                     July 2006-         49           9.7
                   ensured timely proactive        (Upper GI†)
                                                                     December 2007                                                          5
                   management of the               Urology
                                                                     (paper fax alert
                   patients care                   Skin              from EAU)*

                                                                     April-November     12           5.1                                    0
                                                                                                                                                 Gynaecological       Head & Neck           Head & Neck              Urological
                                                                     2008 (electronic
                                                                     alert)**                                                                              Haematological           Lung                  Upper GI

                 *Between Dec 2007 and April 2008 the new electronic alert system was being developed and
                 therefore no data was captured on length of stay.
                 **Since November 2008 the alert system has been implemented and the evaluation is
                 currently under review.
                 †Upper Gastrointestinal (Upper GI).

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                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                  Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

                                  Recurring Admission                          The Trust won the 2007 Medical                What has been the impact?
                                  Patient Alert (RAPA)                         Innovation Futures Award for this
                                                                               innovative initiative.
                                                                                                                              Quality improvements        Coverage                      Efficiency benefits
                                  RAPA is a process that supports the co-
                                                                               The Trust held a RAPA showcasing event
                                  ordination and timely care for patients                                                     Defined emergency           Organisation wide across      Lung tumour site has
                                                                               May 2008. Delegates came from as far as
                                  admitted as an emergency, alerting                                                          pathway                     nine cancer tumour sites      reduced length of stay by
                                                                               Brighton and Gateshead. RAPA is
                                  members of the clinical teams when their                                                                                                              25%, releasing a potential
                                                                               currently being tested and implemented
                                  previously diagnosed cancer patients are                                                    Patient is assessed to      Hospital Specialist           560 bed days per year
                                                                               at Doncaster hospitals and we have other
                                  being re-admitted to the acute hospital.                                                    admit rather than           Palliative Care Team
                                                                               sites still coming for a demonstration on
                                                                                                                              admitted to assess                                        This equates to a potential
                                                                               how RAPA works!
                                  Initial testing commenced in Kings Mill                                                                                 Non-Cancer Specialist         redistribution of £112,000
                                  Hospital and has now been successfully                                                      Timely and appropriate      areas, Cardiology,            based on £200.00 per day
                                                                               Along with other service improvements
                                  implemented across Sherwood Forest                                                          support/interventions       Respiratory, and Diabetes
                                                                               such as the discharge planning tool and
                                  Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.                                                                                                                       Reduced length of stay for
                                                                               expansion of the Integrated Discharge
                                                                                                                              Promotes ongoing            Infection control alerts -    all elective and non elective
                                                                               Team this allowed our overall average
                                  How was spread achieved?                                                                    continuity of care          known MRSA/CDiff              cancer admissions
                                                                               length of stay to steadily decrease for the
                                  RAPA has now been implemented across                                                                                    patients are alerted to the
                                                                               trust as a whole despite an increasing
                                  all nine tumour sites at Sherwood Forest                                                    Early discharge supported   Infection Control Team        Reduced length of stay for
                                                                               number of service users. The graphs show
                                  Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and                                                                                       when they arrive in           all elective and non-elective
                                                                               figures for length of stay in days for the
                                  Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Teams.                                                  Supports patient choice     hospital                      admissions across
                                                                               financial year broken down by elective
                                                                                                                              and preferred place of                                    organisation
                                                                               and non-elective admissions.
                                  Showcasing at different hospital forums                                                     care                        Other hospital sites
                                  has enabled non-cancer specialties,                                                                                     outside of trust -
                                  including the Integrated Discharge Team,                                                                                Doncaster Hospitals
                                  Cardiology, Respiratory, and Diabetes to
                                  benefit from RAPA.

                                  The principles have been adopted in
                                  alerting specialties/wards to patients
                                  being admitted to the hospital who are
                                  known to be MRSA or C Diff positive.
                                  This will inform staff of the need to
                                  follow trust protocols and provide most
                                  appropriate care to patients.

65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward                        2/7/09     12:42     Page 15

                                                                                                                            Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              WINNING PRINCIPLE 1
                                                                                                                                   A snapshot analysis in April 2009 showed
                  Reduced length of stay for all elective & non-elective admissions across organisation                            sustained length of stay in the original
                                         Elective Inpatients                         Non-elective Admissions                       four test tumour sites, Breast, Lung,
                                         Average Length of Stay                      Average Length of Stay                        Upper GI and Gynaecology
                                                                                                                                   Comparison of median LOS for the
                                    4                                                  4.53      4.53      4.44                    original test sites, pre, during and
                  Average Length

                                                                                                                                   post RAPA.
                   of Stay (days)

                                    3      3.43
                                                                2.77      2.76                                                      Comparison of median LOS for non-elective          Comparison of median LOS for non-elective
                                    2                                                                                               breast patients, pre, during and post              gynaecological patients, pre, during and
                                                                                                                                    implementation of RAPA                             post implementation of RAPA

                                                                                                                                     Time (days)

                                                                                                                                                                                       Time (days)
                                         2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09      2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09
                                                                    Financial Year
                                                                                                                                                                  6                                     6           6
                  Reduced length of stay for all elective and non elective cancer admissions                                                       Pre RAPA    Feb 07       Apr 09                   Pre RAPA    Feb 07       Apr 09
                                                                                                                                                              RAPA Trial   Post RAPA                            RAPA Trial   Post RAPA
                                         Elective Cancer Patients Admissions         Non-elective Cancer Patients Admissions
                                         Average Length of Stay                      Average Length of Stay
                                                                                       11.8      11.9                               Comparison of median LOS for non-elective          Comparison of median LOS for non-elective
                                    10                                                                                              lower GI patients, pre, during and post            lung patients, pre, during and post
                  Average Length

                                                                                                            10        10            implementation of RAPA                             implementation of RAPA
                   of Stay (days)


                                                                                                                                                                                       Time (days)
                                                                                                                                     Time (days)

                                    4       5.1       4.3                                                                                            9.5
                                                                4.1       4.1                                                                                                                           8
                                    2                                                                                                                                                                               6
                                                                                                                                                                  5                                                              4
                                    0                                                                                                                                          3
                                         2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09      2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09
                                                                                                                                                   Pre RAPA    Feb 07       Apr 09                   Pre RAPA    Feb 07       Apr 09
                                                                    Financial Year
                                                                                                                                                              RAPA Trial   Post RAPA                            RAPA Trial   Post RAPA

65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward                         2/7/09    12:42    Page 16

                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                  The Christie NHS Foundation Trust

                                  Preferred Priorities of Care                  • Raise awareness of the potential risks       260 (91.87%) of these patients have subsequently died and 211 (81.15%)
                                  (PPC) Implementation /                          to the organisation, staff and patients if   achieved their end of life care
                                                                                  end of life and advanced care planning
                                  Advanced Care Planning (ACP)                    is not implemented
                                                                                • Giving feedback to each ward area of           Total PPC discussions
                                  Spreading the Gold Standards                    the results from base-lining testing
                                  Framework, Preferred Priorities of Care         identifying the actual and potential            300
                                  and the Liverpool Care Pathway in order         benefits                                                  283
                                  to reduce length of stay and avert            • Ward and medical staff are encouraged           250                      260
                                  unnecessary admissions. This is                 to use the surprise question amongst
                                  integrated work with the National End           staff to identify potential patients in         200                                                   211
                                  of Life Care Strategy.                          their last year of life. "Would you be
                                                                                  surprised if this patient were to die in        150
                                  How was spread achieved?                        the next 6-12 months?“
                                  Raising awareness – Poster Campaign           • Working collaboratively with                    100
                                  (including on the back of toilet doors).        identified medical teams to facilitate
                                  Increased staff awareness of the                active decision making and improve               50
                                  importance of identifying patients in their                                                                                                                            49
                                                                                  end of life care.                                                                      23
                                  last year of life.                                                                                 0
                                                                                                                                          Total PPC      Deceased    Still Alive   Achieved PPC      Not Achieved
                                                                                Challenges                                               Discussions      Patients                                       PPC
                                  New learning and feedback                     • The biggest challenge has been
                                  • The communication department                  changing the mindset of health care
                                    developed a new two day enhanced              professionals regarding end of life care
                                    communication skills training for           • Importance of promoting the principles         “The link between hospital and community services has been
                                    frontline staff (Level 2). Five training      and gaining high level management
                                    sessions have been allocated for this         support and awareness.
                                                                                                                               invaluable and has led to a much smoother transition to shared
                                    year and will be co-facilitated by End of   • Internal and external sharing of                care with the community health team and oncology services.
                                    Life Project Manager and key members          information through various means
                                    of the Palliative Care Team                   including e-mail, intranet, phone
                                                                                                                                The patients and their relatives involved have expressed a great
                                  • A teaching programme has been                 contact, letters and updates in the              deal of satisfaction with the level of care and support, both
                                    developed for all ward staff to raise         hospital bulletin.
                                    awareness of recent National                                                                          physical and psychological, that they have received.”
                                    developments regarding care at the end
                                    of life. The North West End of Life Care                                                                                                                       Dr Sacha Howell
                                                                                                                                                                     Honorary Consultant in Breast Medical Oncology,
                                    Model (NHS North West 2008)
                                                                                                                                                                                  The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
                                    has been adapted and developed into a
                                    checklist for all ward staff to use

65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward         2/7/09     12:42   Page 17

                                                                                                     Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                                                                                                                                                                                  WINNING PRINCIPLE 1
                 What has been the impact?                                                                  Raising awareness poster

                  Quality improvements                  Coverage               Efficiency benefits
                                                                                                                                                                        The Christie NHS
                                                                                                                                                                      NHS Foundation Trust
                  Improved patient choice and           One organisation       Over 15 months released
                  experience. 283 preferred             started with ovarian   capacity of 1,134
                  priorities for care discussions       and lung cancer        inpatient bed days for
                  facilitated                           Manchester patients    active anti-cancer
                                                        only                   treatments. This equates
                  260 (91.87%) of these patients                               to 76 bed days per
                  have subsequently died and 211        Known patients from    month
                  (81.15%) achieved their end of        palliative care team
                  life care wishes                                               This equates to a
                                                        Ward 1 – ovarian and redistribution of
                  Averted inappropriate admissions      breast cancer patients - £226,800 based on £200
                                                        15 consultants           per day
                  Moved care out of the hospital to     involved
                  another setting (shifting care)                                59 re-admissions were
                                                        Spread strategy to       averted over 15 months,
                  Facilitated rapid discharge           systematically address this equates to four
                                                        each tumour site and     patients per month
                  Improved clinical decision making
                  (end of treatment decisions)

                  Increased staff awareness of the
                  importance of identifying
                  patients in their last year of life

                  Timely and effective
                  communications across all sectors
                  and disciplines

                  Developed teaching programmes

65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward                     2/7/09   12:42   Page 18

                         Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                                  National overview: Spreading Winning Principle 1 towards a million bed days

                                  Winning Principle 1                     National Overview (HES 2006/7)          Winning Principle 1 is being adopted
                                  Unscheduled (emergency) patients        • Emergencies inpatient episodes        and adapted into rapid alert systems,
                                  should be assessed prior to the            have increased by 51% over nine      defined emergency pathways and
                                  decision to admit. Emergency               years                                acute oncology approaches. Reducing
                                  admission should be the                 • Emergency admissions via A&E have     length of stay and averting
                                  exception not the norm.                   increased particularly rapidly        unnecessary admissions. This has the
                                                                            (144%)                                potential to reduce emergency bed
                                                                          • There are nearly 200,000              days by 25%.
                                                                            admissions pa via A&E
                                                                          • The equivalent to 540 per day. This   National cancer emergency
                                                                            equates to three patients per day,    bed days total number
                                                                            per average size NHS Trust            Releasing 25% = 740,996 bed days
                                                                          • Emergencies use 60% of bed days
                                                                            (almost three million)
                                                                          • Emergency bed days have increased
                                                                            by 14.5% over nine years
                                                                          • In 2006/7 there was 417,646
                                                                            emergency inpatient episodes
                                                                            = 2,963.987 bed days
                                                                          • Average length of stay for
                                                                            emergency admissions is 7.1 days.

65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward   2/7/09   12:42   Page 19

                                                                                              Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice

                  Winning Principle 2

                                                          2. All patients should be on defined
                                                             inpatient pathways based on their          Common themes of spread from the analysis
                                                             tumour type and reasons for


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WINNING PRINCIPLE 2
                                                         The following five summaries focus on

                                                                                                          Number of test sites
                                                         spreading Winning Principle 2. They
                                                         illustrate the spread of change in clinical
                                                         practice, new care pathways and shifting
                                                         care from an inpatient to an ambulatory
                                                         setting. All five NHS Trusts have been
                                                         successful in spreading the improvements                                2
                                                         to the places they wanted them to go,
                                                         across clinical teams, organisations and                                1
                                                         cancer networks. The learning applied to
                                                         the spread framework shows the
                                                         common themes.                                                          0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Spread Simple
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Principles & Messages

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        & Team Working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Collaboration, Partnerships

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Continuous Monitoring,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Progress & Impact

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      & Operational Change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Linked Strategic
                                                                                                                                               A Vision for
                                                                                                                                     Quality Improvement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        & Accountability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Leadership, Engagement

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Alignment with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Opportunities & Levers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Patient Centred

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Learning & Unlearning

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Spread Strategy
                                                                                                                                                              Systematic Improvement

                                                                                                                                                                                         Culture & Fit

Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice

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Breakout 3.4 How to support the psychological needs of patients with COPD - K...Breakout 3.4 How to support the psychological needs of patients with COPD - K...
Breakout 3.4 How to support the psychological needs of patients with COPD - K...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...
Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...
Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen Gaduzo
Breakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen GaduzoBreakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen Gaduzo
Breakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen Gaduzo
NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.2 Managing Multimorbidity in Practice - Dr Kevin Gruffydd-Jones
Breakout 3.2 Managing Multimorbidity in Practice - Dr Kevin Gruffydd-JonesBreakout 3.2 Managing Multimorbidity in Practice - Dr Kevin Gruffydd-Jones
Breakout 3.2 Managing Multimorbidity in Practice - Dr Kevin Gruffydd-Jones
NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...
Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...
Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 2.5 Service improvement for everyone - Catherine Blackaby
Breakout 2.5 Service improvement for everyone - Catherine BlackabyBreakout 2.5 Service improvement for everyone - Catherine Blackaby
Breakout 2.5 Service improvement for everyone - Catherine Blackaby
NHS Improvement
Breakout 2.4 Making the system work for you:Using levers and drivers to deliv...
Breakout 2.4 Making the system work for you:Using levers and drivers to deliv...Breakout 2.4 Making the system work for you:Using levers and drivers to deliv...
Breakout 2.4 Making the system work for you:Using levers and drivers to deliv...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 2.3 Sue Nunn - A patient’s Experience
Breakout 2.3 Sue Nunn - A patient’s Experience Breakout 2.3 Sue Nunn - A patient’s Experience
Breakout 2.3 Sue Nunn - A patient’s Experience
NHS Improvement
Breakout 2.1 OSA The patient’s perspective and 3rd sector view - Judy Harris ...
Breakout 2.1 OSA The patient’s perspective and 3rd sector view - Judy Harris ...Breakout 2.1 OSA The patient’s perspective and 3rd sector view - Judy Harris ...
Breakout 2.1 OSA The patient’s perspective and 3rd sector view - Judy Harris ...
NHS Improvement

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Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and good practice

  • 1. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 1 NHS NHS Improvement CANCER DIAGNOSTICS HEART STROKE Transforming Inpatient Care Programme Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice
  • 2. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 3/7/09 13:33 Page 2 Contents Foreword 3 Acknowledgements 4 Introduction 5 Why we need to spread the Winning Principles 6 A framework for spread 7 • Understanding spread • Defining spread • Capturing the learning to support spread Winning Principle 1 8 Winning Principle 2 19 Winning Principle 3 32 Winning Principle 4 36 Further evidence supporting spread 43 Transforming Inpatient Framework for Spread: 44 Common themes and practices Spread is evident 45 Conclusions 46 References and supporting information 47 Roll of honour 48
  • 3. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 3 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Foreword The Cancer Reform Strategy highlighted the need to Many clinical teams have learned service focus attention on inpatient care for cancer patients. development techniques and have started to The “Transforming Inpatient Care Programme” has introduce new ideas to improve their practice. been established to take this forward. The programme Traditionally in the NHS we have been slow to is being led by NHS Improvement – Cancer in spread new ways of working both within and partnership with the National Cancer Team. Forty between organisations. NHS Trusts are now involved in piloting new approaches to care. This report provides a range of excellent examples of where teams have not only delivered The first aim of the programme is to improve the innovation in their own service but have also quality of inpatient care for cancer patients by averting spread good practice to others, thus improving unnecessary admissions and by streamlining care for the quality of care for many more patients. those who do need to be admitted. Achieving this aim also has the potential to reduce bed utilisation very considerably. In the year before the Cancer Reform Strategy over five million bed days were occupied by cancer patients. Work done during the Celia Ingham Clark development of the Cancer Reform Strategy – and now endorsed by the findings from Colorectal Surgeon, Medical Director, The pilot sites – indicates that at least a million bed days could be saved. Whittington Hospital London, National Clinical Lead and Chair Transforming Inpatients Steering The Transforming Inpatient Care Programme is an excellent example of ‘Quality, Group. Innovation and Productivity’ in practice. This programme links with the Enhanced Recovery Programme which goes beyond cancer. It also relates closely with the work being undertaken by the National Chemotherapy Advisory Group to enhance quality and safety of chemotherapy services. I would like to thank all of the pilot sites for their innovative work on developing good practice. I hope these examples will prove useful to other NHS Trusts in their quest to improve quality and productivity. Professor Mike Richards National Cancer Director 3
  • 4. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 4 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Acknowledgements The Department of Health Cancer Programme Board, NHS Improvement and the National Cancer Action Team would like to thank all the test sites for their continuing support and commitment to the Transforming Inpatient Care Programme. Valuable learning has emerged from this important area of work which has influenced policy, quality improvement, demonstrated innovation, efficiency and improved the patient’s experience. The learning from cancer improvement is well recognised and has been adopted across many other specialties. This is a credit to the test sites involved and their ongoing commitment to improve services and share their learning across the NHS. 4
  • 5. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 16:50 Page 5 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Introduction Testing an idea, then realising what works that if spread could make significant If Winning Principles 1 and 2 were widely adopted by all Trusts in England the combined and how it can benefit patients is a improvements in quality, efficiency and the impact could mean releasing 25% of bed capacity in most tumour groups. By adding fantastic achievement. patient experience. Principles 3 and 4 we would see a potential further impact on bed capacity moving towards releasing a million bed days. The challenges that follow are: Over the last 12 months it has become evident that Winning Principles 1 and 2, “The Transforming Inpatient Care Programme will improve quality “We know what works. The and the following models of care have of care for patients and could save the NHS a million bed days.” spread significantly: question is - can we spread this • Communication Rapid Alert systems Mike Richards across the NHS in 2 years, or reducing unnecessary length of stay by National Cancer Director (2009) like many NHS initiatives will 25% in most tumour groups recognising the importance of valuing patient’s time. Winning Principles it take 20 years.” • Breast 23 hour model 100% coverage Previous testing identified four winning principles that can improve length of stay across Pan Birmingham for 80% of management, avert unnecessary admission, deliver care in the appropriate care settings, Mike Richards National Cancer Director (2009) patients. Reducing length of stay from improve efficiency, quality, promote value for money and importantly value the patients’ time. six days. • Acute Oncology Models being adopted and adapted across the country to ensure patient safety and reduce delays. This publication, the third in a series*, • Applying an enhanced recovery approach supports the Cancer Reform Strategy’s for elective surgery can reduce Winning Principle 1 (2007) Transforming Inpatient Care unnecessary length of stay by 50%. Unscheduled (emergency) patients should be assessed prior to the decision to Programme. Its aim is to illustrate ‘how’ admit. Emergency admission should be the exception not the norm. NHS Trusts are spreading tested Evidence from the case summaries within improvements. this publication suggests that the adoption Winning Principle 2 and adaption is due to the principles and All patients should be on defined inpatient pathways based on their tumour type During 2007- 2009, NHS Trusts (40) models: and reasons for admission. across England tested out ideas to • Being easy to apply improve the quality of the inpatient • Having a clear purpose and evident Winning Principle 3 experience by looking at valuing patient’s in practice Clinical decisions should be made on a daily basis to promote proactive case time, shifting care from an inpatient to an • Simple to understand management. ambulatory care setting, reducing • Meaningful to patients and professionals Winning Principle 4 unnecessary lengths of stay and averting • Bring together quality improvement, Patient and carers need to know about their condition and symptoms to encourage unnecessary admissions into hospital for innovation and efficiency. self-management and to know who to contact when needed. both planned and unplanned care. Testing, identified four winning principles, * 5
  • 6. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 6 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Why we need to spread the Winning Principles? At a time where the economic future is Improving quality is a journey that uncertain, David Nicholson, NHS Chief Why we need to spread what has no end point; there is always Executive has stated that: works across cancer inpatients? more that can be done. Spreading the Winning Principles will be the start • Inpatients is an area that’s had Most importantly patients have told us “Now is the time to be little attention they do not want to be in hospital. of the journey for many as the summaries in this publication innovative and adopt and • England has higher bed utilisation illustrate there is ‘not a one size diffuse the well-evidenced for cancer than any other country “Been in hospital for five fits all’ approach to spread. • Emergency admissions have risen things we should all be doing. by 47% in the past eight years days, it’s cost me over £20 to We need to look at each system and elective by 8.6% watch the TV and make calls • 40% of all cancer admissions are and process to see if it is emergency, but they use 60% of to my family, to kill the capable of taking us through bed days boredom. Why couldn’t • Inpatient care for cancer patients this big challenge” accounts for 12% of all inpatient I have taken the tablets at beds home and got them from the David Nicholson • Over half (ie over £2 billion) of the NHS Confederation (2009) total expenditure on cancer in GP, would have only cost me England goes on inpatient care something like £6 for the Quality improvement can • 60% of all cancer admissions are elective but they use 40% of beds prescription and shoe drive efficiency. days leather!” • 2007-2008: 4.7 million bed days “Quality improvements through were cancer related. Extract from a patient diary greater efficiency and redesigning services can provide the budget savings necessary to navigate this crisis" Nigel Edwards NHS Confederation Director of Policy (2009) 6
  • 7. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 16:53 Page 7 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice A framework for spread Through evaluating the learning and looking Data analysis was undertaken using Fig 1: The Transforming Inpatient at how the test sites have spread the Winning National Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) Framework for Spread Principles, 12 common themes have emerged. (NHS Improvement 2009) A Vision and cross referenced with local data. These have been applied to a framework for for Quality Organisations completed a learning diary Improvement Systematic reference to support organisations in their Spread Improvement that provided an ongoing evaluation of Strategy quest to spread “The Transforming Inpatient Approach progress. They provided case studies and Framework for Spread” (NHS Improvement, took part in completing an electronic Linked 2009). Fig 1. Strategic & Organisational spread survey (spread planner) that Culture Operational and Fit assessed spread and coverage, this Change The framework was developed drawing provided further qualitative intelligence. upon Pettigrew’s (1993) receptive context model, Fraser’s (2002) framework for Continuous Spread Spread The spread survey was also used with accelerating spread and Rodger’s (2003) Monitoring Making the Simple non-test sites to evaluate if the Progress & Principles & diffusion of innovations. This builds upon Impact Connections Messages improvements and principles were being earlier work in cancer improvement by the more widely adopted. This was not about Cancer Services Collaborative research, but checking how far spread ‘Improvement Partnership’ where Collaboration Leadership had been achieved and how this was Partnerships Engagement Williamson’s (2007), work identified the & Team Accountability occurring. Collectively this data provided Working critical factors for whole system change the opportunity to undertake a thematic of a clinical speciality and Driver’s (2008) Alignment analysis to draw out the learning and key Learning with evaluation of the factors affecting the & Unlearning Opportunities messages. The organisations involved achievement of cancer waiting times in Patient & Levers were predominately NHS Acute Trusts and Centred the domains of leadership, performance Foundation Trusts (integrated testing is and service improvement. underway with Acute, Primary Care and Social Care, the intention is to evaluate the learning from these sites in early 2010). Understanding spread • Spread is often difficult to define rather the exception in our quest/goal to The concept of spread is often implicit • Successful spread can be active transform the inpatient experience for The selection of NHS Trusts included in within the large amount of literature (dissemination) and passive (diffusion) cancer patients across England. this publication began testing ideas in available on change and organisational • The process of spread does need an 2007. To date they have all achieved a management. Such literature contains agreed spread strategy, time, focus, Capturing the learning to different pace of spread that was contributions from many different and monitoring support spread culturally and contextually specific. All academic disciplines. • The pace of spread varies and is The NHS Trusts shared their experience of have spread the Winning Principles and influenced by many variables. spread covering three aspects: applied them to different tested From the evidence the key messages 1. What improvements/Winning improvements with a range of impact appear to be: Defining spread Principle(s) have spread? (detailed case studies are available at: • Spread has a range of meanings and Spread is the process whereby we see the 2. How has spread been achieved? language four Winning Principles become the norm 3. What impact has been made? 7
  • 8. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 8 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Winning Principle 1 WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 1. Unscheduled (emergency) patients should be assessed prior to the Common themes of spread from the analysis decision to admit. Emergency admission should be the exception 6 not the norm. 5 The following five NHS Trusts spread Winning Principle 1. Four tested and 4 Number of test sites spread the same improvement (communication alerts) and approached spread in different ways. Evaluation of 3 their learning against the spread framework identified common themes 2 across these Trusts (fig 1). 1 0 Spread Simple Principles & Messages & Team Working & Operational Change Collaboration, Partnerships Continuous Monitoring, Progress & Impact Linked Strategic A Vision for Quality Improvement & Accountability Leadership, Engagement Alignment with Opportunities & Levers Patient Centred Learning & Unlearning Spread Strategy Systematic Improvement Approach Organisational Culture & Fit 8
  • 9. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 9 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 Recurring Admission How was spread achieved? What has been the impact? Patient Alert (RAPA) “We used a systematic Quality improvements Coverage Efficiency benefits RAPA is a simple communication solution approach taking one tumour that ensures that everyone knows their The patient is on the right Upper GI – 3 x hospital Testing in urology and patient has arrived at the hospital. The site at a time, demonstrating pathway and seen by the sites (Lincoln County Upper GI in 1 site (Lincoln improvement benefits known cancer the evidence of why the appropriate clinical team Hospital, Louth County County Hospital) reduced patients and where admission is required Hospital and Grantham bed days by 96 = patients go to the right place, on the improvement works and Reduced number of District Hospital) within savings* £19,400 right pathway or the admission is averted measuring the benefits. We diagnostic tests/invasive United Lincoln Hospitals (October – December and redirected to the appropriate care procedures NHS Trust 2007) setting. kept the approach simple and positioned in the Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) Urology – 3 x hospital sites Impact of spread for The improvement idea was ‘pulled’ have demonstrated a (Lincoln County Hospital, Urology and Upper GI from Sherwood Forest Hospital NHS organisation. From being reduction in diagnostics Louth County Hospital and (across three hospital Foundation Trust and adopted locally. It involved with RAPA in tests/invasive procedures Grantham District General) sites) has the potential to was initially tested on one site, Lincoln from three to two tests within United Lincoln reduce bed days by 499.2 County Hospital, and is now spreading Sherwood Forest I knew the per patient Hospitals NHS Trust per annum = savings across the four hospital sites of the principle was right, but a *£99,840.00 United Lincoln Hospital NHS Trust. The clinical team that Lung – Pan United Lincoln lesson learned was that you knows the patient is Hospitals NHS Trust Invest to Save - 5 x cannot simply ‘cut and paste’ alerted; this is a familiar (Lincoln County Hospital, smart phones purchased face in time of crisis Louth County Hospital, for key workers to receive the improvement into Grantham District General alerts at a cost of £870 another organisation; it needs and Pilgrim Hospital) (£175.00 each) + £600 p.a. (£120.00 each) line to be tested and owned to rental (contract) encourage engagement and spread.” * based on cost savings of circa £200 per night per patient Julie Pipes Cancer Manager United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 9
  • 10. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 10 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 “This is a really important Evidence from testing supporting spread reductions in length of stay for Urology and Upper GI piece of work showing genuine improvement in the Length of stay - Urology Length of stay - Upper GI quality of care that we deliver Length of stay Length of stay Length of stay Length of stay to an already vulnerable in baseline for test period in baseline for test period group of patients. It is Minimum 1 Day 0 Day 0 Day 0 Day important that all patients Maximum 55 Days 28 Days 45 Days 25 Days receive timely care provided Median 7 Days 2 Days 7 Days 7 Days by the right person in the Average 10 Days 7 Days 10 Days 8 Days right place - this is especially important for cancer patients. Early assessment is key to this and ensures that the patient and family are treated with dignity. I am pleased to see that this programme of work is being extended to cover other specialties” Dr Richard Lendon Director of Performance United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 10
  • 11. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 11 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 Through working across • Collaborative and close working with What has been the impact? boundaries, a palliative care site specific Clinical Nurse Specialties in three tumour groups, Upper GI, pathway was integrated into Urology and Lung and with the Quality improvements Coverage Efficiency benefits mainstream medical and Community Specialty Palliative Care Improved communication Organisation Analysis will be completed surgical care with the aim to Team amongst teams wide mid July 2009 preliminary improve the quality of care • Sharing the message and principles data has shown • Poster presentation – The Pan Alert notifications Community for end of life patients. London End of Life Care Conference regarding cancer patients A& E Specialty Palliative A&E attendances: awarded joint 2nd prize attendances and any subsequent Care Team Jan/Feb 2008 n = 117 The pathway was triggered • Ongoing monitoring and analysis hospital admissions to community Jan/Feb 2009 n = 99 by alert notifications to the • Active leadership from the Palliative specialist palliative care team and A&E attendances resulting community team and clinical Care Consultant. specific tumour clinical nurse in admission: specialists nurse specialists for acute Jan/ Feb 2008 n = 55 Productivity alone cannot ascertain the Junior doctors receive teaching Jan/Feb 2009 n = 45 cancer admissions, to optimise effectiveness of a complex intervention on the palliative care pathway the appropriateness of like palliative care input/palliative care admission, place of admission, pathway in the care of a patient (where management and length of there are so many variables that influence The Hillingdon Hospital Palliative Care Pathway stay. whether or not patients are admitted and how long they stay) in terms of directly influencing variables like length of stay How was spread achieved? (LOS) or averting admission is extremely • Increasing awareness: difficult. • Palliative Care Pathway launched at the Hospital Grand Round meeting in The key is to focus on integrating the October 2008 pathway and the quality improvements • Meetings with A&E and Emergency this will drive the efficiency gains. Assessment Unit staff • Attendance at on call handover meetings • Junior doctors teaching sessions to increase awareness and understanding. 11
  • 12. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:41 Page 12 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 Emergency Admission Unit How was spread achieved? (EAU) Alert “Following the initial testing in lung the results were shared Emergency Admission Unit Alert is an electronic system developed through the at the clinical nurse specialist meeting with the cancer existing patient administration system steering group and with all the cancer clinical leads in the which searches for all known cancer patients and alerts the relevant Cancer hospital. Clinical engagement was gained as well as the Nurse Specialist when the patient arrives agreement to rollout the alert principle across the other in the Emergency Admission Unit. specialties, using the electronic system. The cancer steering group reports to the hospital management team and the clinical quality effectiveness group. The progress of roll out was reported quarterly to these groups. This ensured clinical and managerial support. The service improvement facilitator (from the cancer network) became part of the Trust service improvement team and supported the spread of learning from the testing. A lesson learned which came to light when completing the spread planner survey was that we could have improved our communication internally with the wards.” Karen Spellman Cancer Lead Manager Northampton Hospital NHS Trust 12
  • 13. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 16:54 Page 13 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 What has been the impact? Quality improvements Coverage Efficiency benefits Influenced length of stay Increased number of Across selected Reduction in LOS for Lung 25 patients receiving clinical teams: cancer patients by 7.4 days ‘Preferred place of care’ per patient discussion Gynaecology 20 Period of Number of Average Haematology length data admissions Yes Not Recorded No Number of Patients Proactive referral to the Head & Neck collection alerted of stay specialist palliative care Lung (days) 15 team Testicular Thyroid April-June 2006 16 12.5 Early assessment by the Upper Gastro (baseline) 10 specialist team has Intestinal July 2006- 49 9.7 ensured timely proactive (Upper GI†) December 2007 5 management of the Urology (paper fax alert patients care Skin from EAU)* April-November 12 5.1 0 Gynaecological Head & Neck Head & Neck Urological 2008 (electronic alert)** Haematological Lung Upper GI *Between Dec 2007 and April 2008 the new electronic alert system was being developed and therefore no data was captured on length of stay. **Since November 2008 the alert system has been implemented and the evaluation is currently under review. †Upper Gastrointestinal (Upper GI). 13
  • 14. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:42 Page 14 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 Recurring Admission The Trust won the 2007 Medical What has been the impact? Patient Alert (RAPA) Innovation Futures Award for this innovative initiative. Quality improvements Coverage Efficiency benefits RAPA is a process that supports the co- The Trust held a RAPA showcasing event ordination and timely care for patients Defined emergency Organisation wide across Lung tumour site has May 2008. Delegates came from as far as admitted as an emergency, alerting pathway nine cancer tumour sites reduced length of stay by Brighton and Gateshead. RAPA is members of the clinical teams when their 25%, releasing a potential currently being tested and implemented previously diagnosed cancer patients are Patient is assessed to Hospital Specialist 560 bed days per year at Doncaster hospitals and we have other being re-admitted to the acute hospital. admit rather than Palliative Care Team sites still coming for a demonstration on admitted to assess This equates to a potential how RAPA works! Initial testing commenced in Kings Mill Non-Cancer Specialist redistribution of £112,000 Hospital and has now been successfully Timely and appropriate areas, Cardiology, based on £200.00 per day Along with other service improvements implemented across Sherwood Forest support/interventions Respiratory, and Diabetes such as the discharge planning tool and Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Reduced length of stay for expansion of the Integrated Discharge Promotes ongoing Infection control alerts - all elective and non elective Team this allowed our overall average How was spread achieved? continuity of care known MRSA/CDiff cancer admissions length of stay to steadily decrease for the RAPA has now been implemented across patients are alerted to the trust as a whole despite an increasing all nine tumour sites at Sherwood Forest Early discharge supported Infection Control Team Reduced length of stay for number of service users. The graphs show Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and when they arrive in all elective and non-elective figures for length of stay in days for the Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Teams. Supports patient choice hospital admissions across financial year broken down by elective and preferred place of organisation and non-elective admissions. Showcasing at different hospital forums care Other hospital sites has enabled non-cancer specialties, outside of trust - including the Integrated Discharge Team, Doncaster Hospitals Cardiology, Respiratory, and Diabetes to benefit from RAPA. The principles have been adopted in alerting specialties/wards to patients being admitted to the hospital who are known to be MRSA or C Diff positive. This will inform staff of the need to follow trust protocols and provide most appropriate care to patients. 14
  • 15. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:42 Page 15 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 A snapshot analysis in April 2009 showed Reduced length of stay for all elective & non-elective admissions across organisation sustained length of stay in the original Elective Inpatients Non-elective Admissions four test tumour sites, Breast, Lung, Average Length of Stay Average Length of Stay Upper GI and Gynaecology 5 Comparison of median LOS for the 4 4.53 4.53 4.44 original test sites, pre, during and Average Length post RAPA. of Stay (days) 3.89 3 3.43 3.3 2.77 2.76 Comparison of median LOS for non-elective Comparison of median LOS for non-elective 2 breast patients, pre, during and post gynaecological patients, pre, during and implementation of RAPA post implementation of RAPA 1 15 0 Time (days) Time (days) 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Financial Year 6 6 6 4 3 Reduced length of stay for all elective and non elective cancer admissions Pre RAPA Feb 07 Apr 09 Pre RAPA Feb 07 Apr 09 RAPA Trial Post RAPA RAPA Trial Post RAPA Elective Cancer Patients Admissions Non-elective Cancer Patients Admissions Average Length of Stay Average Length of Stay 12 11.8 11.9 Comparison of median LOS for non-elective Comparison of median LOS for non-elective 10 lower GI patients, pre, during and post lung patients, pre, during and post Average Length 10 10 implementation of RAPA implementation of RAPA of Stay (days) 8 6 Time (days) Time (days) 4 5.1 4.3 9.5 4.1 4.1 8 2 6 5 4 0 3 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Pre RAPA Feb 07 Apr 09 Pre RAPA Feb 07 Apr 09 Financial Year RAPA Trial Post RAPA RAPA Trial Post RAPA 15
  • 16. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:42 Page 16 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice The Christie NHS Foundation Trust WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 Preferred Priorities of Care • Raise awareness of the potential risks 260 (91.87%) of these patients have subsequently died and 211 (81.15%) (PPC) Implementation / to the organisation, staff and patients if achieved their end of life care end of life and advanced care planning Advanced Care Planning (ACP) is not implemented • Giving feedback to each ward area of Total PPC discussions Spreading the Gold Standards the results from base-lining testing Framework, Preferred Priorities of Care identifying the actual and potential 300 and the Liverpool Care Pathway in order benefits 283 to reduce length of stay and avert • Ward and medical staff are encouraged 250 260 unnecessary admissions. This is to use the surprise question amongst integrated work with the National End staff to identify potential patients in 200 211 of Life Care Strategy. their last year of life. "Would you be surprised if this patient were to die in 150 How was spread achieved? the next 6-12 months?“ Raising awareness – Poster Campaign • Working collaboratively with 100 (including on the back of toilet doors). identified medical teams to facilitate Increased staff awareness of the active decision making and improve 50 importance of identifying patients in their 49 end of life care. 23 last year of life. 0 Total PPC Deceased Still Alive Achieved PPC Not Achieved Challenges Discussions Patients PPC New learning and feedback • The biggest challenge has been • The communication department changing the mindset of health care developed a new two day enhanced professionals regarding end of life care communication skills training for • Importance of promoting the principles “The link between hospital and community services has been frontline staff (Level 2). Five training and gaining high level management sessions have been allocated for this support and awareness. invaluable and has led to a much smoother transition to shared year and will be co-facilitated by End of • Internal and external sharing of care with the community health team and oncology services. Life Project Manager and key members information through various means of the Palliative Care Team including e-mail, intranet, phone The patients and their relatives involved have expressed a great • A teaching programme has been contact, letters and updates in the deal of satisfaction with the level of care and support, both developed for all ward staff to raise hospital bulletin. awareness of recent National physical and psychological, that they have received.” developments regarding care at the end of life. The North West End of Life Care Dr Sacha Howell Honorary Consultant in Breast Medical Oncology, Model (NHS North West 2008) The Christie NHS Foundation Trust has been adapted and developed into a checklist for all ward staff to use 16
  • 17. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:42 Page 17 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 What has been the impact? Raising awareness poster Quality improvements Coverage Efficiency benefits The Christie NHS NHS Foundation Trust Improved patient choice and One organisation Over 15 months released experience. 283 preferred started with ovarian capacity of 1,134 priorities for care discussions and lung cancer inpatient bed days for facilitated Manchester patients active anti-cancer only treatments. This equates 260 (91.87%) of these patients to 76 bed days per have subsequently died and 211 Known patients from month (81.15%) achieved their end of palliative care team life care wishes This equates to a Ward 1 – ovarian and redistribution of Averted inappropriate admissions breast cancer patients - £226,800 based on £200 15 consultants per day Moved care out of the hospital to involved another setting (shifting care) 59 re-admissions were Spread strategy to averted over 15 months, Facilitated rapid discharge systematically address this equates to four each tumour site and patients per month Improved clinical decision making ward (end of treatment decisions) Increased staff awareness of the importance of identifying patients in their last year of life Timely and effective communications across all sectors and disciplines Developed teaching programmes 17
  • 18. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:42 Page 18 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice National overview: Spreading Winning Principle 1 towards a million bed days WINNING PRINCIPLE 1 Winning Principle 1 National Overview (HES 2006/7) Winning Principle 1 is being adopted Unscheduled (emergency) patients • Emergencies inpatient episodes and adapted into rapid alert systems, should be assessed prior to the have increased by 51% over nine defined emergency pathways and decision to admit. Emergency years acute oncology approaches. Reducing admission should be the • Emergency admissions via A&E have length of stay and averting exception not the norm. increased particularly rapidly unnecessary admissions. This has the (144%) potential to reduce emergency bed • There are nearly 200,000 days by 25%. admissions pa via A&E • The equivalent to 540 per day. This National cancer emergency equates to three patients per day, bed days total number per average size NHS Trust Releasing 25% = 740,996 bed days • Emergencies use 60% of bed days (almost three million) • Emergency bed days have increased by 14.5% over nine years • In 2006/7 there was 417,646 emergency inpatient episodes = 2,963.987 bed days • Average length of stay for emergency admissions is 7.1 days. 18
  • 19. 65786_NHS_Improve.qxd:Moving Forward 2/7/09 12:42 Page 19 Transforming Care for Cancer Inpatients Spreading the Winning Principles and Good Practice Winning Principle 2 2. All patients should be on defined inpatient pathways based on their Common themes of spread from the analysis tumour type and reasons for 6 admission. 5 WINNING PRINCIPLE 2 The following five summaries focus on 4 Number of test sites spreading Winning Principle 2. They illustrate the spread of change in clinical practice, new care pathways and shifting 3 care from an inpatient to an ambulatory setting. All five NHS Trusts have been successful in spreading the improvements 2 to the places they wanted them to go, across clinical teams, organisations and 1 cancer networks. The learning applied to the spread framework shows the common themes. 0 Spread Simple Principles & Messages & Team Working Collaboration, Partnerships Continuous Monitoring, Progress & Impact & Operational Change Linked Strategic A Vision for Quality Improvement & Accountability Leadership, Engagement Alignment with Opportunities & Levers Patient Centred Learning & Unlearning Spread Strategy Systematic Improvement Approach Organisational Culture & Fit 19