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                                          NHS Improvement





              Adult Survivorship
              FROM CONCEPT
              TO INNOVATION

              National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI):

                                                     NHS Improvement
Foreword                                                      3

Executive summary                                             4

Introduction                                                  7

Remote monitoring                                             15

Care coordination                                             23

Evaluation                                                    27
• Findings from patient survey on follow up costs
• Patient experience and reported outcomes of care baseline
• Care coordination perception and preference

Breast workstream                                             38

Colorectal workstream                                         52

Lung workstream                                               62

Prostate workstream                                           74

Next steps                                                    86

Conclusion                                                    88
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As pressures on our NHS continue to increase partly through the increase in cancer incidence and
prevalence and the need to provide efficient service delivery and quality outcomes for patients, the
current traditional model is unsuitable and unsustainable in its current form. The traditional model of
follow up is built on, in the majority of cases, a ‘one size fits all’ approach which does not account for
the specific needs of the individual following treatment for cancer. What is needed is a new model of
care that promotes health and wellbeing and helps individuals move on with their lives following
treatment for cancer, though the expectation for follow up should be set around time of diagnosis.

The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) is a partnership between the Department of Health,
Macmillan Cancer Support and NHS Improvement. As part of this initiative, NHS Improvement is
testing approaches to care and support that ensures that we are moving to a position of not only
supporting recovery from their disease, but also their future health and wellbeing through sustaining
that recovery. During the last few years a proof of principle has been established which if transferable
from the test sites to other organisations will begin the process of spread across the NHS and provide
national risk stratified effective pathways for breast, colorectal and prostate cancers.

We now have the learning and evidence that it is possible to release significant outpatient capacity by
risk stratifying patients and supporting them through technology rather than following them up in an
outpatient setting which has cost implications for the patients and their families as well as the service.
The hypothesis we set out three years ago has now been demonstrated, and as confidence in the new
system builds so will the released capacity. However, it is not only about releasing capacity, it is also
about improving the patients experience and quality of life through treating them as individuals rather
than as a disease. The evidence of the outcomes from this longer term gain will take time to accrue
due to the very nature of survivorship. That being said, initial feedback from patients has been positive
and they feel better informed and more confident to make the choices that could impact on their
future health and wellbeing. Our expectation is that the positive outcomes and improved experience
will be demonstrated through a follow-up survey that will be published in April 2012 and also through
the National Cancer Survivorship Survey and the National Cancer Patient Survey.

Commissioners and providers should embrace this work and proactively support the shift to a safe and
effective stratified model that meets patients’ needs. This will of course require a fundamental shift in
how care is commissioned, moving from spot buying activity to commissioning evidence based
packages of care that can be effectively evaluated though outcomes achieved.

Dr Janet Williamson
National Director, NHS Improvement

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            Executive summary
            As a partner in the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI), NHS
            Improvement has led on redesigning pathways with NHS clinical teams to
            improve service delivery and support offered to improve the experience and
            reported outcomes of care for cancer patients following initial treatment. The
            mandate for this work was outlined as a key priority in the Cancer Reform
            Strategy (2007) and Improving Outcomes; a Strategy for Cancer (2011).

            Historically, patients completing treatment
            for cancer, have followed very traditional,
            ‘one size fits all’ follow up pathways over
            for two to five years or more. The
            increasing prevalence of cancer, through
            improved screening and awareness and
            the increasing number of survivors is
            increasing pressure upon already
            stretched services that we know cannot
            be sustained in the longer term. We also
            know through previous research and
            more recent patient surveys that patients
            report feeling abandoned at the end of
            treatment and can live with one or more
            unmet needs following completion of
            treatment. Something new and radical
            needs to be done to improve the
            experience and outcomes for patients and
            to address the increasing demand on
            healthcare resources.

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In 2011, eight organisations working on          The hypothesis for this recent phase of
four cancer pathways across 14 tumour            testing was that by introducing risk
teams were selected to test whole new            stratified care that meet patient needs
pathways of care with the focus on               and that enable patients to self-manage
introducing risk stratified pathways and         where appropriate, we would be able to:
support packages that optimise self-
management whilst improving the quality          • Improve the patient experience and
and effectiveness of the services provided.        reported outcomes of care
                                                 • Reduce follow up attendances by an
The belief was that the pathways would             average of 50%
provide a more flexible approach to follow       • Contribute to a reduction in unplanned
up that was tailored to individual needs.          admissions.
The emphasis would be on recovery and
reablement, with individuals’ returning to       For breast, colorectal and prostate cancers
a ‘normal’ life as soon as possible and          the emphasis has been on supporting
maintaining their recovery through               patients to self-manage with remote
supported self management with timely            monitoring replacing routine follow up
access should problems occur.                    where appropriate. For the two lung sites
                                                 the emphasis has been on enhancing the
This report brings together the learning         services provided with a more proactive
and outcomes from this work that was a           approach to the management to
natural progression from the previous            symptoms and needs.
phases of testing:
                                                 Both qualitative and quantitative data has
• 2008 - Scoping the potential                   been collected throughout this phase of
• 2009 - Piloting elements of aftercare          testing and we are especially grateful to
  services                                       the test sites teams and colleagues within
• 2010 - Development and testing in six          Ipsos MORI for all their contributions to
  tumour areas:                                  this work.
  • needs assessments and care plans
  • treatment summaries
• 2011 - Developing and testing stratified
  pathways - four tumour areas.

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            The outcomes over the past year suggest          Within this document you will find
            that the principle of stratifying patients       sections on each tumour work stream,
            following completion of treatment is             a section generic to all tumour sites on
            appropriate, acceptable and safe as long         remote monitoring, care coordination,
            as monitoring and support systems are in         evaluations associated with the testing
            place. From the data collected over six          work and the plans for the next phase of
            months we know we are well on the way            testing as we move to prototyping and
            to delivering the 50% reduction in               spread across the NHS in England.
            outpatient activity across breast, prostate
            and colorectal cancer follow ups enabled         Although difficult and challenging at
            through the provision (actual or planned)        times, all the teams have contributed
            of remote monitoring systems to manage           positively and effectively to this phase of
            patients at a distance.                          testing. The work has been supported by
                                                             work streams within the National Cancer
            This release of capacity enables not only        Survivorship Initiative, Macmillan Cancer
            improvements in the quality and                  Support, the Department of Health cancer
            experience of care for those with more           team, and specialty specific charities such
            complex needs who need more time with            as Breast Cancer Care, Beating Bowel
            the specialist team during their outpatient      Cancer and The Prostate Cancer Charity.
            visits but also opportunities for new            We are extremely grateful for everyone’s
            activity and improvements to access              contribution to this programme of work
            waiting times.                                   and for the learning shared over the past
            The contribution to reducing unplanned
            admissions in lung cancer sites has been
            around 6-8%; though there has been no
            contribution from the other tumour types
            that can be attributed to the pathway
            change. It is too early to evaluate the
            impact on patient experience and
            reported outcomes of care through a
            follow up survey to compare the new
            model of care against the baseline which
            is planned for early in 2013.

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The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) was set up as an outcome
of the Cancer Reform Strategy 2007 and remains a key component in the
Improving Outcomes: a Strategy for Cancer (2011). As a partner within the
NCSI, NHS Improvement has focused attention on supporting clinical teams
within the NHS to test a new model of care for people living with and beyond

The governance of this work programme
is through the NCSI Steering Group, the
National Cancer Programme Board and
NHS Improvement Leadership Team.

The overall direction of the work has been
led by an NHS Improvement Director and
National Clinical Lead, supported by
National Improvement Leads and National
Clinical Advisors.

The clinical teams at a local level have
been supported by Macmillan Cancer
Support and key tumour specific charities;
Breast Cancer Care, Beating Bowel
Cancer, and The Prostate Cancer Charity.

In 2009, 14 test sites teams were asked to
test new approaches to aftercare support.
A further 11 teams joined in 2010
specifically to test assessment and care
planning and the use of treatment
summaries at the end of treatment. The
principle organisations involved are listed
on the following page:

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            Figure 1

              Testing elements of survivorship care           Testing assessment and care planning
              and support (2009/10)                           and treatment summaries (2010/11)

              East Kent Hospitals University NHS              Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
              Foundation Trust
                                                              Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
              Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS                NHS Trust
              Foundation Trust
                                                              Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
              University College London Hospitals NHS
              Foundation Trust                                The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

              South of Tyne and Wear NHS Trust                The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust

              Velindre Hospital NHS Trust (2 projects)        Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust

              3 Counties Cancer Network (Gloucestershire,     Great Westerns Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
              Herefordshire & Worcestershire)
                                                              Central South Coast Cancer Network
              Mount Vernon Cancer Network
                                                              Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
              Luton PCT
                                                              Hammersmith Hospital (Imperial College)
              North Trent Cancer Network                      NHS Trust

              The Christie NHS Foundation Trust               Musgrove Park Hospital NHS Trust

              The Royal Free London NHS
              Foundation Trust

              Pan Birmingham Cancer Network

              North Bristol NHS Trust

              The Royal Bournemouth and Christchrch
              Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

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In 2011, eight teams developed and
piloted the whole pathways of care with
clinical teams undertaking one or more
tumour projects. Stratified pathways were
developed and tested by teams in four
tumour types; breast, colorectal, lung and
prostate. The two enabling projects were
remote monitoring and care coordination.
The work is shown pictorially below with
a map of the test sites.

   Figure 2

                                                Adult Pilot Sites -
       4 Tumour                8 Test           2011/12
      Workstreams           Communities         1 Hull and East Yorkshire
                                                  Hospitals NHS Trust
                                                2 Salford Royal NHS
                                                  Foundation Trust
                                                3 Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust
              NHS Improvement                                                      2
                                                4 Luton and Dunstable Hospital
                   Testing                        NHS Foundation Trust
                                                5 North Bristol Hospital
                                                  NHS Trust
                                                6 Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS
       2 Enabling            14 Tumour            Foundation Trust                             3
        Projects              Projects          7 Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust         4
                                                8 Brighton and Sussex University
                                                  Hospitals NHS Trust                   6 7


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            The model of care, on which the stratified
            pathways of care are based, has been
            adapted from the long term conditions
            model and is shown in the figure 3 below:

                 Figure 3

            Regardless of whether individuals have           This should take account of the disease,
            been treated with curative or palliative         the treatment and its effects, and the
            intent, the same model should apply with         individual’s personal circumstances.
            stratification into an appropriate level of      Patients will move between the different
            care.                                            levels of care as needs and degree of
                                                             dependency change.

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The testing hypothesis was that through            Factors affecting ease of data collection
risk stratifying into appropriate level(s) of      and reliability were:
care there would be:
                                                   • The absence of coding within
• An improvement in the experience and               outpatients activity - patients with a
  patient reported outcomes of care from             cancer diagnosis had to be identified by
  baseline                                           clinic staff and manually recorded, or
• A 50% reduction in outpatient                      assumptions needed to be made.
  attendances from the traditional model           • Cancer patients are often seen in
• A 10% reduction in unplanned                       general clinics (e.g. Urology) spread
  admissions from baseline.                          across multiple locations within Trusts
                                                     rather than cancer specific clinics.
From the testing how did we do with our            • Little or no tracking, paper based or
testing hypothesis?                                  electronic, of patients followed up in
                                                     multiple Trusts, e.g. tertiary specialist
A proof of principle has been established            centres, DGH, primary care.
that risk stratification is achievable and         • The term ‘follow up’, in data definition,
that remote monitoring is an appropriate             includes all appointments following a
way of managing patients treated with                new patient appointment. Patients may
curative intent with their cancer in                 have several ‘follow up’ appointments
remission as an alternative to face-to-face          before diagnosis and treatment takes
consultation.                                        place. For this programme of work, we
                                                     needed to collect data on follow up
Most sites have stratified significant               patients where initial treatment has
numbers of patients on to self-managed               been completed.
pathways and data has been collected on            • A few sites achieved limited roll out of
these and reported within each work                  new pathway within their team. For
stream chapter. Where monthly data                   example in one site it was just the
collection proved impossible to collect a            oncology team not the surgical follow
number of sites opted to undertake a one             ups that were counted.
month audit capturing as many patients             • Variation in point of stratifying to self-
as they could and stratifying, even                  managed pathway. Some patients were
hypothetically, to the most appropriate              stratified at the point they became
pathway. Data collection has therefore               suitable for a self-managed pathway
been challenging and has been more                   others were several years into follow up
robust in some sites than others, therefore          but could have been released earlier had
the exact numbers of slots released                  the system been available.
should be seen as an indication rather
than an absolute.

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            For three of the tumour types, i.e. those        testing will require data collection to
            where the majority have been treated             continue in the longer term to ensure the
            with curative intent, there is optimism          full impact of risk stratified pathways is
            that the 50% reduction in outpatient             captured.
            attendances will be realised and exceeded
            though will be dependent on growing              There is an assumption that all patients
            confidence in a robust remote monitoring         will be offered an assessment and care
            solution and the reduction in backlog of         plan at key points in their pathway and
            patients in the current traditional follow       that they receive a treatment summary
            up system over the next few years. For           that is updated and communicated after
            lung cancer patients there was not a             each phase of treatment is completed.
            marked reduction in outpatient                   With the patient’s consent these should
            attendances though improvements in               both be shared with those providing or
            processes and access offered patients            supporting care delivery. However the
            more choice over when their                      reality in practice is that there has been
            appointments were scheduled.                     limited implementation of assessment and
                                                             care planning. This difficulty has been due
            With regard to reducing unplanned                to what appears to be a new service
            admissions, this was not proven in               being implemented within current
            prostate, breast nor colorectal cancer.          resource constraints.
            However there was a reduction of
            between 6-8% in the number of                    There is therefore a need to review
            emergency admissions for lung cancer             existing job plans which will include
            patients, and in one site also a reduction       shifting resources around the system
            in length of stay following an unplanned         within the available financial envelope.
            admission.                                       Evidence will be required to show the
                                                             benefit to patients through positive
            We do not yet know the outcome of                experience and improved reported
            whether there has been an improvement            outcomes of care against the baseline.
            in the experience or reported outcomes of        Assessing and planning for survivorship
            care but we are aware though the test            care should begin at diagnosis and
            sites of encouraging comments of                 reviewed subsequently at key points in
            patients and professionals during the            the pathway which will include the end of
            testing process.                                 treatment, when stratified to appropriate
                                                             aftercare pathway or when an event
            Given the lengthening time that people           occurs that changes the management
            are now living following a cancer                plan. Commissioning a bundle of care in
            diagnosis it is a given that evidence will       the future where components are
            accrue over time. This current phase of          specified within a contract may resolve
                                                             come of the resource constraint issues.

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A generic pathway for those living with
and beyond cancer has been developed
and is shown below and forms the basis
for our tumour specific pathways:

    Figure 4: Stratified Pathway of Care - Generic
                                                                                      RECURRENCE/SYMPTOMS/ABNORMAL TESTS

                                                                                                                                                     TIMELY RE-ACCESS

                                                                                                 SUPPORTED SELF MANAGEMENT                         REMOTE MONITORING

                                                                                                                                                      CONSULTANT LED

                                                                                                 PROFESSIONAL LED FOLLOW UP                         NURSE SPECIALIST LED

                                                                                                                                                      TELEPHONE LED
                                              TREATMENT                 CLINICAl
    DIAGNOSIS                TREATMENT
                                         (CURATIVE/PALLIATIVE)          REVIEW                  SUPPORTIVE AND PALLIATIVE CARE                       PRIMARY CARE LED
                                            First line and/or

                                                                                                TRANSITION TO END OF LIFE CARE

                                                                 MDT                                                                                CONTINENCE/STOMA

                                                                                                                                            PHYSIOTHERAPY/OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY

                                                                                      NEEDS             REVIEW                                       DIET & NUTRITION
                                                                                   ASSESSMENT          CARE PLAN
                                                                                                                                                       SEXUAL ISSUES
                   NEEDS                         WRITTEN                              +
                ASSESSMENT                      CARE PLAN
                                                                                                                                              SELF MANAGEMENT PROGRAMMES

                                                                                                                            EDUCATION &
                                                                 CLINICAL                                                   INFORMATION        INFORMATION/EDUCATION DAYS
                                                                                                                                                INFORMATION PRESCRIPTIONS

                                                                                                                                              LOCAL AUTHORITY, COMMUNITY OR
                                                                                                                                 PHYSICAL      PRIVATELY LED EXERCISE SCHEMES
                                                            EDUCATION &                                                          ACTIVITY
                                                                                                                                              TRUST LED EXERCISE PROGRAMMES

                                                                                                                                  OTHER          REABLEMENT/SOCIAL CARE
                                                                  OTHER                                                          SUPPORT
                                                                 SUPPORT                                                         SERVICES
                                                                 SERVICES                                                                          FINANCE AND BENEFITS

                                                                                                                                                VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION

                                                                                                                                                COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES

                                                                                                                                            VOLUNTARY SECTOR/SUPPORT GROUPS

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            There will be support elements of the
            pathways which are unique to individual                Key learning from teams on
            tumour types and other elements which                  implementing the pathways:
            are general. That being said there may                 • Ensure there is full clinical
            need to be investment in training and                    engagement and executive
            supervision of health care professionals in              support for pathway changes
            the assessment of patients moving from                   even where follow up services
            recovery to sustaining that recovery                     are largely nurse led.
            through a focus on remote monitoring                   • Understand current follow up
            and promoting health and wellbeing.                      pathway before starting to
                                                                     implement changes.
                                                                   • Define and agree baseline
                                                                     measures for improvement as
                Key elements to support                              soon as possible.
                self-management:                                   • Engage with patients – they will
                • Information and education                          tell you what it is like!
                  appropriate to the individuals                   • Involve the wider team for
                  needs.                                             example allied health
                • Key contacts for care/support in                   professionals in developing the
                  and out of hours for cancer and                    pathway.
                  non-cancer related problems.                     • Review job plans to allow
                • Efficient and reliable processes                   sufficient time for the health
                  for re-accessing the system, if                    needs assessments.
                  required.                                        • Be ready to provide training to
                • Effective remote monitoring as                     those who identify a need – not
                  appropriate.                                       everyone will have the skills and
                                                                     capability from the start.
                                                                   • Visit other teams in order to
                                                                     adopt and adapt their
                                                                     paperwork and processes.
                                                                   • Start small and increase scope as
                                                                     learning and confidence
                                                                   • Use the key charities and those
                                                                     outside health such as local
                                                                     authority and voluntary sector –
                                                                     they have much to offer in
                                                                     relation to support.

                                                 ABNORMAL TE
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                                       SUPPORTED                                                        TIMELY RE-A
                                                 SELF MANAG                                                            CCESS

                                                                                                     REMOTE MO

                                      PROFESSION                                                        CONSULTANT
                                                AL LED FOLL                                                        LE        D

                       Remote monitoring                    OW UP
                                                                                                    NURSE SPECIA
                                                                                                                     LIST LED
                                    SUPPORTIVE                                                         TELEPHONE
                                               AND PALLIATI                                                            LED
                                                           VE CARE
                       Context and background
                       There are many examples of how use of IT technology can improve the patientCARE LED
MDT                    and reduce follow TIO and END OF
                                     TRANSIup N
                                                TO associated costs. For those with long term conditions the
                                                         LIFE CARE
                       provision of telehealth equipment such as pulse oximetry, glucometers, PSYCHOLOGICAL
                                                                                                 blood pressure
                       meters, is supported by e technology to transfer results to the professional is becoming
                       more popular and enables care closer to home. The use and scope of CONTINENCE/Smedicine is
                                                                                               telehealth TOMA
                       growing rapidly and likely to have greater impact in future. PHYSIO
                     ASSESSMENT                                                                THERAPY/OC
                                          REVIEW                  CLINICAL                                  CUPATIONAL
                                         CARE PLAN
                    During the Rapid Review of follow up                                          DIET & NUTR
                    practice (2010), a few excellent examples
                                                                                                   SEXUAL ISSU
                 TREATMENfound of where remote monitoring
                    were T                                                                                       ES
                 SUMMARY have been introduced successfully
                    within cancer services but practice was                                                      A

INICAL              not widespread. In others, we found there
                                                                                        SELF MANAG
PPORT               had been great interest in RM but EDUCATION &                                    EMENT PROGR
                    progress hampered by either local ITINFORMATION
                    architecture, IT development time, lack of                                     N/EDUCATIO
                                                                                                             N         DAYS
                    full multidisciplinary teams (MDT) support
ATION &             or concerns around financial loss resulting                                     N PRESCRIPTI
MATION              from reduced outpatient activity. Of the
                                                           PHYSICAL                   LOCAL AUTH
                    monitoring systems identified some were ITY
                                                            ACTIV                                 O
                                                                                       PRIVATELY LE RITY, COMMUNITY OR
                                                                                                   D EXERCISE SC
                    built into existing IT systems, others as                                                    HEMES

                    standalone databases but none were                                TRUST LED EX
ER                                                                                                ERCISE PROGR
ORT                 found to interface with all the relevant                                                     AMMES
CES                                                         OTH
                    Trust IT systems therefore necessitating ER
                                                          SUPPORT                        REABLEMEN
                                                                                                     T/SOCIAL CA
                    manual entry of data and consequentRVICES
                                                          SE risk                                                RE
                    of transcription errors. Standalone                                   FINANCE AN
                                                                                                       D BENEFITS
                    systems are not always supported by local
                    IT teams.                                                          VOCATIONA
                                                                                                 L REHA   BILITATION

                                                                                                   TARY THERAP

                                                                                                            ORT GROUPS

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            The approach agreed within this project          Consideration was given as to whether
            was to design a RM system that allowed           RM should be primary or specialist care
            the cancer specialist to continue to             based. For the following reasons the latter
            schedule and monitor simple tumour               was agreed:
            marker and other routine tests without
            the need for associated face to face             • On site remote monitoring systems
            follow up appointments. Results are read           should allow interface with cancer
            by the specialist team and any signs of            information and all other diagnostic
            recurrence rapidly picked up by the                systems.
            specialist and referred to the MDT for           • More patients are likely to be suitable
            advice if required. Remote monitoring in           for being remote monitoring if results
            this context has little or no impact on            are reviewed by the specialist.
            primary care demand.                             • Signs of recurrence can be investigated
                                                               and addressed rapidly by the specialist
            The NCSI through NHS Improvement                   team without the need for referral.
            sponsored the development of two                 • Patients defaulting on tests will be
            remote monitoring modules, for prostate            followed up rapidly. GP systems
            and colorectal cancer patients. This was           generally have good scheduling systems
            done in partnership with North Bristol             but not all have systems that track
            NHS Trust (NBT) and Royal United                   defaults.
            Hospitals Bath NHS Trust (RUH). The              • Further treatment can be initiated
            functional requirements for both modules           rapidly i.e. changes to hormone therapy.
            were developed by the project team (see          • Many patients prefer to remain under
            appendix 1). The module design was                 the care of their cancer team especially
            based on the PSA tracker solution which            following long and complex treatment
            originated in the urology department at            and they know the team well.
            RUH. Both modules draw demographic               • Not all GPs are aware of the
            and cancer specific information and test           implications to changes in test results
            results from local IT systems. The modules         and this can lead to delayed action or
            store a series of standard letters to enable       unnecessary referrals. This perception
            rapid dissemination of results. The                has led to reluctance by some specialists
            modules were developed during                      to release patients to primary care in the
            spring/summer 2011, released for testing           past.
            in July and August and made available to
            Trust teams to implement soon after.

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Testing remote monitoring                       Progress and learning will continue to be
within test sites                               monitored across all the sites and an
                                                evaluation of the patient experience of
At the start of the programme all test          being remotely monitored will be included
sites were given the option to either:          in the repeat Ipsos MORI survey in 2013.

Option 1                                        Implementation of all solutions has taken
Develop an in house remote monitoring           much longer than expected and much
system.                                         learning has been generated during this
                                                learning phase
Option 2
Use the NCSI solution for either prostate,      Main issues:
colorectal or both.                             • IT resources – resources within all Trusts
                                                  were limited with all having demanding
Option 3                                          workload commitments that took
Use an external solution.                         higher priority than this project, e.g.
                                                  Trust information governance
All breast sites have implemented local           requirements, several sites were
RM systems for mammography with the               undergoing major IT system upgrades,
exception of Hull team who have utilised          one had had workforce numbers
NBSS system (see below) for this. One site        reduced and had difficulty appointing
has yet to resolve a process issue                an IT project lead.
regarding responsibility for reviewing          • System implementation – details around
results and issuing of the reports to             implementation for the NHS
patients.                                         Improvement solution were unavailable
                                                  until late summer and this led to poor
All but one of the six prostate sites             understanding of the IT requirements
(including the two associate sites at St          and the benefits of the change until late
Georges and Royal United Hospital Bath)           into the project.
opted to use the NCSI sponsored solution.       • Two organisations required formal
To date four have installed the NSCI              business case approval before
solution and the remaining one aims to            implementation process could be
go live within the next 1-2 months.               started.
                                                • The IT development team at NBT, who
Of the three colorectal sites, Guys and St        were supporting installation and IT
Thomas’ and Salford opted to develop              support to sites, were also undergoing
their own in house solution and both of           major system changes. This led to delays
these are on schedule to go live spring           in access advice and this reduced
2012. NBT implemented the NCSI solution           momentum in sites.
in April 2012.

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            This work has highlighted the need to            Results
            ensure that the costs associated with            From the patients perspective there has
            managing patients remotely are discussed         been overwhelming support for this
            as part of service commissioning. Any            model of care. In at least three sites
            savings generated through reduced                groups of patients have be asked for their
            outpatient clinics need to be off set            views and they said that as long as they
            against the time and resources to support        are informed, can have access to the
            this system. In Bath the clinical nurse          specialist if they are worried and know
            specialist (CNS) has identified a need for       that they are still ‘being kept an eye on‘
            one CNS led session per week to support          by their specialist team this model of care
            about 750 patients on remote                     will work well for them.
                                                             We have only just started to see the
            Other sites have opted for additional            impact but already know that over a
            administrative support to the CNS. As well       period of six months and across the
            as sending reminder letters to those who         test sites of over 3,400 prospective
            have defaulted they can also print and           appointment slots within prostate
            arrange postage of result letters and            and colorectal cancer will or could be
            triage enquiries to the dedicated patient        released as a result of using remote
            helpline.                                        monitoring systems. Though this robust
                                                             monitoring system those ‘lost’ to follow
                                                             up should be greatly reduced. As practice
                                                             embeds and confidence in this form of
                                                             monitoring increases, there is expected to
       “Its better on both sides as                          be a steady rise in those enrolled to this
                                                             model as those in current follow up are
        it saves time for everyone,                          transferred. After this, referrals are
                                                             expected to plateau with patients
       and we don’t have to keep                             transferred when clinician and patient feel
                                                             the time is right.
       coming up to the hospital”                            .

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Key learning and top tips                          baseline of activity carefully when
Thanks go particularly to the team at St           setting the urology SLA. It is suggested
Georges for their full evaluation report           that in year one the number of
and feedback following implementation              adjustment of new to follow up ratios is
of the NCSI prostate module.                       agreed unless the Trust is confident it
                                                   can deliver clinically and technically.
• The project focus needs to be around           • Beware of local geography and
  providing a service with which patients          processing of samples. The NCSI
  and professionals should feel                    solution requires the PSA sample to be
  comfortable and that they feel improves          processed within the local pathology
  the quality and effectiveness of care. It        unit and recorded on the lab system for
  should not be seen as a cost cutting             extract to the monitoring tool. Patients
  exercise.                                        living on the periphery of the catchment
• Project depends heavily on clinical              area may have their phlebotomy
  involvement which can be an issue if             samples measured elsewhere. This may
  workload is extremely heavy. Clinical            limit the scope of the tool and has the
  leadership, time and enthusiasm are key          potential to create a postcode selection
  levers to success.                               of which patients can be enrolled on the
• Patient representation is essential for          system. This may raise further issues as
  success and to challenge the team if             pathology services are centralised to
  patient interests are not being fully            major hubs.
  considered. Patients need to feel totally      • Different laboratories may have different
  reassured if they are being asked to             methods of analysing the test which
  move to a new system of follow up.               means results can be misleading if
• Stratified pathways can be introduced in         compared one against another. Best to
  advance of the IT solution being in place        be consistent if possible with samples
  or the full system integration being             processed with the same kit on each
  complete. The module can run as a                occasion.
  standalone database or using simple
  locally held spreadsheets held on the          Recommendations and top tips
  Trust shared drive.                            • Baseline data - Ensure you have good
• Early discussion should take place with          baseline measures in place on current
  commissioners on the benefits and                clinic and follow up numbers that you
  additional improvements that the RM              can use to show improvements. Only
  system will bring for patients and how           then will you be able to judge what
  for GPs it also reduces the need for             difference the system has made.
  patients to see them. This encourages
  them to work with the Trust to properly
  fund follow up pathways. Consider the

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            • Project management – Plan the                  • Phlebotomy services - Meet early with
              project well – spend time considering            primary care colleagues to discuss
              the requirements, responsibilities and           implications relating to phlebotomy
              timescales and consider the risks and            demand. Contracts relating to
              how you might mitigate against these.            phlebotomy services vary with some GPs
            • Project team - ensure you have a                 funded to provide a service for GP
              strong clinical lead who will be able to         related requests only whilst others
              motivate peers and who is prepared to            funded to also cover hospital generated
              devote sufficient time to the project            requests.
              activities. Ensure you have a good IT          • Results – Aim for consistency over time
              manager on the team who has the                  using same analytic method for all test
              knowledge and authority to resolve IT            results which will give an accurate
              issues that arise.                               trend. Where this is not possible, due to
            • Ensure sufficient resources are                  different analysis machine, lab results
              available to support the project and             need to be given a corrected value so
              implementation. The suggested                    they are consistent in the trend analysis.
              resources from one site included
              suggested 20 days dedicated IT time,           Other items to note:
              project management one day per week            • CSV file extracts are available from
              for six months.                                  North Bristol Trust to enable interface
            • Engage with stakeholders – patient               between the Somerset Cancer Registry
              and GP representatives on the group              System and the NCSI solution. A similar
              ensure that their interests are                  extract is available to provide the
              considered at every stage.                       interface with the InfoFlex clinical
            • Communicate the project within the               information system. Specific
              Trust – keeping fellow clinicians,               functionality has recently been
              colleagues and patients in the loop can          introduced to the Infoflex system which
              help sell the benefits and raise                 will be available to those Trusts using
              awareness of what the Trust is trying to         InfoFlex.
              achieve.                                       • Teams should ensure governance
                                                               procedures such as standard operating
                                                               procedures are in place to support the
                                                               remote monitoring systems.

Visit our website at:

The National Breast Screening Programme
service uses the National Breast Screening
System (NBSS) within 95 breast screening
units across England. A defined
population of eligible women (aged 47 to
70) are invited, through their GP
practices, for mammography screening.
Women are invited to a local screening
unit, which can be hospital based, mobile,
or permanently based in another
convenient location such as a shopping
centre. The NBSS system is run
independently of other hospital systems
other than to interface with PACS for the
generation of reports.

In December 2011, the NHS Cancer                In Ipswich, a referral form is completed at
Screening Programme (NHSCSP) board              the post surgery MDT and returned to the
agreed to extend the use of the NBSS            breast screening unit who book the
system to non-screening sites allowing          patient into a mammography follow up
use of parallel module of the NBSS system       clinic on the hospital PAS system. A letter
to schedule and monitor mammography             inviting the patient is sent four weeks
for patients who have been treated for          before the first test is due and subsequent
cancer. No charge is made for using the         appointments made each time the patient
system however organisations are                attends. This continues annually for five
expected to fund any additional licenses,       years after which women between 47 -70
support and operational resources.              years will be transferred to the breast
                                                screening programme and those under 47
Further information on this is available        with continue mammograms annually
by contacting Sarah Sellars at:                 until screening age is reached. All           mammograms are double read by
                                                screening radiologists and results sent to
Three of the five breast sites (Ipswich,        the patients via a standardised letter
Bristol, Hillingdon) already had in house       generated from PAS and copied to the
systems established for managing annual         specialist and the GP. If a radiological
mammography.                                    abnormality is reported the case is
                                                discussed and the patient recalled to the
                                                screening unit for further investigation.

Visit our website at:

            In Hull, an automated recall system for
            mammograms has been set up using the
            NBSS system above and is run by staff
            within the Hull and East Yorkshire
            Hospitals NHS Trust Breast Unit. The first
            patients are now starting to be recalled
            through this system.

            Next steps
            Discussions are taking place with other
            system suppliers to explore the potential
            to develop integral monitoring
            functionality to avoid some of the
            difficulties associated with interfacing the

            Learning from this work is still on-going.
            For new sites the following documents
            may be useful:
            • Sample business case for remote
            • Example ‘Standard Operating
            • Introductory letters for patients and GP.
            • Case study report – St Georges Hospital.
            • Implementation guide – prostate and
              colorectal modules.
            • To see dummy version of the NCSI
              modules visit:
              Login.aspx user name: tracking,
              password: tracking.

                                                   ABNORMAL TE
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                                         SUPPORTED                                                        TIMELY RE-A
                                                   SELF MANAG                                                            CCESS

                                                                                                        REMOTE MO

                                         PROFESSION                                                       CONSULTANT
                                                   AL LED FOLL                                                       LE        D

                       Care coordination                       OW UP
                                                                                                      NURSE SPECIA
                                                                                                                       LIST LED
                                      SUPPORTIVE                                                         TELEPHONE
                                                 AND PALLIATI                                                            LED
                                                             VE CARE
                       Care coordination is the seamless experience of care which encompasses information and
                       communication between patients, their carers and providers, and between ARY CARE LED
                                                                                                          those providing
MDT                    services across
                                     TRthe whole patient pathway. It is therefore a function to ensure that as far as
                                       ANSITION TO
                                                   END OF LIFE
                                                               CARE                                  PSYCHOLOGI
                       possible those who will be working in partnership with patients have access to appropriateCAL
                       information (with the patients consent) to provide an effective service. Care coordination is
                       not one person’s role, job or responsibility. It is the joining up of services, coordinating
                       information and communication between patients their carers and professionals to ensure
                        NEEDS                                                            PHYSIOTHER
                     ASSESSMreceive or can access services whenCL
                                            REVIEW                                                  APY/OCCUPA
                       they ENT           CARE
                                                                    they AL
                                                                     INIC need them.                           TIONAL THER
                                                PLAN                SUPPORT
                    An evaluation was commissioned through
                                                                                                    DIET & NUTR

                    Ipsos MORI and has recently been                                                 SEXUAL ISSU
                 TREATMENT                                                                                         ES
                    completed. The purpose of the evaluation
                    was to find out find out from patients and                                      LYMPHOEDEM
                    professionals what their experiences and
                    expectations of care coordinate are. A                                 SELF MANAG
                                                                                                        EMENT PROGR
RVICES              summary of this qualitative survey can UCATION &
                    found in the evaluation section of this                                INFORMATIO
                                                                                                               N         DAYS
ATION &                                                                                               N PRESCRIPTI
MATION                 The guiding principles of care
                       coordination are:                     PHYSICAL                    LOCAL AUTH
                                                             ACTIV                                   O
                                                                                          PRIVATELY LE RITY, COMMUNITY OR
                       • Good communication and professional ITY                                      D EXERCISE SC
                         relationships, formal and informal,
                                                                                        TRUST LED EX
ER                       between the patient, their carer/family                                    ERCISE PROGR
CES                      and the care or support team.       OTHER
                       • Proactive and prompt access and SUPPORT                           REABLEMEN
                                                                                                       T/SOCIAL CA
                                                           SERVICES                                                RE
                         intervention when needed.
                       • Appropriate provision of correct                                   FINANCE AN
                                                                                                         D BENEFITS
                         information to enable individual choice
                         and control.                                                              L REHA   BILITATION
                       • Proactive monitoring as necessary
                         (remote monitoring where possible).                                         TARY THERAP

                                                                                                              ORT GROUPS

Visit our website at:

            • Transition of care along the pathway           information and advice they receive. To
              should appear seamless to the person           overcome this skills deficit, training was
              receiving the care.                            arranged through the assessment and
            • Provision of correct information for           care planning project lead to provide
              healthcare professionals to support            CNS’s with skills around motivational
              effective patient management in the            interviewing, and use of the assessment
              event of care delivery away from their         tools. All of the test sites took up the
              usual care team e.g. hand held record.         offer of training in motivational
                                                             interviewing (working with patients to set
            The key areas of care coordination               goals to help enable self-management),
            addressed during this phase have been:           with several sites taking up the offer of
            • Assessment and care planning including         assessment skills training with particular
              treatment summaries.                           focus on managing distress.
            • Information, education and advice.
            • Self-management and timely re-access.          Challenges arose where CNS’s in
            • Working across care sectors and                particular were required to undertake a
              organisations.                                 more structured form of assessment and
                                                             care planning at the end of treatment
            Assessment and care planning                     where this may have been the first time a
            including treatment summaries                    formal holistic assessment and care
                                                             planning session with the patient
            NHS Improvement has worked with the              happened. There was also the potential
            NCSI project manager leading on                  for inequity where CNS’s were unable to
            assessment and care planning to ensure           see all patients and to offer them support
            that there was cohesion between the              at the key areas of the pathway. A way to
            development and application of the               reduce the resource demand at the end of
            different tools. The key areas of focus          treatment is to undertake an assessment
            were to test in practice the assessment          and commence the written care plan at
            and care planning tools and the use of a         diagnosis, update during treatment and
            treatment record summary.                        review it at the end of treatment or at key
                                                             stages when changes in the patients
            There were a number of clinical                  condition occurs, or the management
            professionals who felt that their current        plan changes.
            skill-set had not prepared them for the
            change in the conversation or in use of          The Distress Thermometer was chosen as
            the assessment tools; moving from the            the self-assessment tool of choice that
            patient as a passive recipient to one who        would inform the assessment needs
            identifies their own needs and makes             discussion with the patient. Following
            choices and takes control of managing            patient feedback and the perceived
            their own health based on the                    negativity of the word distress, a number

Visit our website at:

of sites supported the redesign of the tool      The uptake on the information days was
as a ‘Concerns Checklist’ or similar. The        between 30-50% of those invited.
use of self-assessment by patients has           Evaluation of why people didn’t attend
raised awareness of patient need and             was that they didn’t feed they needed it,
provides the framework for discussion            or the timing was inconvenient. Some of
and resolving the concerns raised.               those who attended the information days
                                                 went on to attend one of the courses.
The treatment summary gives information
on diagnosis, treatment, the clinical            The information days in Ipswich have
management plan and includes signs and           proved popular for those reluctant to
symptoms to look out for. (The care plan         undertake the ‘moving on’ course.
may be integrated into the document or           However some of those attending the
may be a separate document)                      information day went on to attend the
The impending launch of electronic               ‘moving on’ course. The moving on
versions of the treatment summary within         course runs weekly with 12 places on
the Somerset and InfoFlex systems should         each course. The course runs for four
help the completion of these by the              weeks with a two and a half hour
clinical teams.                                  commitment a week. The course includes,
                                                 self-management strategies, goal setting
     INFORMATION/EDUCATION DAYS                  and many of the common issues and
                                                 concerns raised by cancer patients
The focus of this work has been on               following initial treatment and longer tem
providing information, education advice          concerns.
and support to enable patients to build
skills and gain the confidence to self-
manage with support. This can be
delivered by a variety of methods and the
chosen method of delivery will depend on               “I didn’t think I needed any
individual patient needs. These include
1:1 discussions, information prescriptions
                                                    more information, how wrong
and booklets, group information sessions,
health and wellbeing clinics, and courses.
                                                       I was. I had my head in the
                                                     sand. Now I feel confident to
In Bristol there were a number of
approaches ranging from ½ day ‘living                take charge and know where
well’ information days, self-management
courses taking a cognitive behavioural                     to get help if I need it.”
therapy (CBT) approach, residential living
well courses in partnership with Penny                                                           Patient
Brohn Cancer Care.

Visit our website at:

                               “The most surprising and pleasing thing about
                                    this project was discovering what facilities
                                already existed in the community and that by
                               exploring these and networking with providers
                               we could greatly enhance our service simply by
                                 being aware of existing external services and
                                                         using them properly.”
                                                                                         Healthcare Professional

            Working across care sectors and                  This is where patients who have a written
            organisations                                    record of their diagnosis, treatment and
            Building relationships and networks is           future plan within a hand or electronic
            crucial to improving care coordination –         record is helpful in avoiding duplication of
            not just within the NHS, but beyond to           effort and the patient or carer can supply
            social care, charities, community care           the context behind the written record.
            providers and other agencies that meet           This will help to facilitate efficient
            the needs of individuals. As has been            transfers of care throughout the pathway,
            reflected back to us during this testing         wherever they occur, whether to
            phase it is the quality of the                   vocational rehabilitation, physiotherapy,
            conversation/discussion between                  voluntary services, social care, or end of
            professionals and patients/carers and            life care.
            between professionals in different settings
            that reap greater benefit than checklists
            or paper as understanding comes from
            the context rather than just the written

                                                 ABNORMAL TE
                                                                     Visit our website at:

                                       SUPPORTED                                                         TIMELY RE-A
                                                 SELF MANAG                                                            CCESS

                                                                                                       REMOTE MO

                                      PROFESSION                                                         CONSULTANT
                                                AL LED FOLL                                                         LE     D

                       Evaluation                           OW UP
                                                                                                      NURSE SPECIA
                                                                                                                     LIST LED
                                    SUPPORTIVE                                                          TELEPHONE
                                               AND PALLIATI                                                          LED
                                                           VE CARE
                       Evaluation findings from patient survey on follow up costs
                       A prospective patient survey was carried out in 12 organisations during theARY CARE LEof
                                                                                                    summer D
MDT                    2010. The purpose of the END OF was to understand the non-healthcare economic cost to
                                                TO survey LI
                                                            FE CARE                            PSYCHOLOadults
                       those attending outpatient visits. There were 837 returned questionnaires from GICAL
                       attending outpatient appointments following treatment for either prostate, breast,
                       colorectal or head and neck cancer.                                              /STOMA

                        NEEDS                                                            PHYSIOTHER
                     ASSESSMENT           REVIEW                                                      APY/OCCUPA
                                                              CL                                                TION   AL
                    The key findings   from the N
                                        CARE PLA survey were: SUINICA• 38% of
                                                                                    respondents reported being THERAPY
                    • The average non-healthcare      economicSERVICES seen by      another healthcareNUTRITIO
                                                                                                    DIET & practitioner
                     + of a single clinic visit ranged from
                      cost                                                since their previous clinic, although

                      £21 to £54 across the hospitals
                                                                          again some of these consultations will
                                                                                                     SEXUAL ISSU
                      surveyed, mostly driven by time taken
                 SUMMARY                                                  be unrelated to cancer. The percentage
                      off work. The overall average was £41.              varied from 29% to 55% across A

                    • These average costs ranged from £227                hospitals.
                                                                                          SELF MAN
PPORT                 to £857 when calculated for all clinicUCA
                                                             ED         • 23% of respondents AGEMENT PROGRAM
                                                                                                    reported attending
RVICES                                                             TION &                                                 MES
                      visits over five years. The overall average ATION another (potentially unrelated) specialist
                      was £437.                                           clinic since theirFORMATION/appointment,
                                                                                               previous EDUCATION DA
                    • 24% of respondents reported new                     varying from 16% to 29% across
ATION &               symptoms that they had not yet                      hospitals.                     N PRESCRIPTI
MATION                discussed, with higher percentages in             • Most patients travelled by car to their
                      prostate and colorectal, and some ACTIVITYL appointment, CAATAUthe RITY, COMMUNIT
                                                                                        LO L
                                                                                         PRIV ELY LE notable
                                                                                            with THO
                                                                                                      D EXERCISE SC     Y OR
                      lower percentages in breast.                        exception of Guy’s and St. Thomas’MES      HE
                    • 71% of respondents had seen their GP                where 87% of patients used public
                                                                                       TRUST LED EX
ER                                                                                                   ERCISE PROGR
ORT                   at least once since their previous                  transport. Journey times were half an     AMMES
CES                   appointment, although some of these     OTHER       hour on average, ranging from 15
                                                           SUPPORT                         REABLEMEN
                      GP visits will be unrelated to cancer.RVICES
                                                               The                                     T/SOCIAL CA
                                                                          minutes to 51 minutes across hospitals.
                                                           SE                                                       RE
                      average number of GP visits varied from           • Only a small number of patients
                                                                                             FINANCE AN
                      1.8 to 4.2 across the hospitals surveyed,                                          D BENEFI stressful,
                                                                          reported that their journey wasTS
                      equivalent to an economic cost of £65               leading to an average score of 2 (where
                                                                                                    L REHA LITA
                      to £148 (overall average: 2.7 visits with           1 is least stressful and 10 isBImostON TI
                      an economic cost of £95).                           stressful). COM

                                                                                                            ORT GROUPS

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            • Waiting room times varied significantly
              between hospitals, with averages of
              between 16 minutes and one hour and
              an overall average of half an hour.
            • Taking into account days off work taken
              by both the patient and those
              accompanying them, each appointment
              is associated with around one quarter of
              a day off work. At the average wage
              rate, this is equivalent to an economic
              cost of £25.
            • Few patients reported the overall stress
              of their visit to be high, leading to an
              average score of around 3 (where 1 is
              least stressful and 10 is most stressful).

Visit our website at:

Test site baseline quantitative and qualitative
evaluation of aftercare service provision for patients
with breast, colorectal or prostate cancers
The evaluation consisted of two elements:

• A quantitative baseline survey to               • A qualitative and in-depth study to
  collect robust data on patient                    explore patients’ experiences of care
  experience and reported outcome                   coordination and understand their
  of care and support.                              personal journey along the new risk
  The full report can be found at:                  stratified pathway, as well as staff                    perceptions of how this is working. The
  survivorship                                      report contains findings from the
                                                    qualitative study, focusing on
                                                    perceptions and experiences of care
                                                    coordination at eight Test Communities
                                                    (TCs), who were piloting the new risk
                                                    stratified pathways. Interviews were
                                                    conducted with patients and staff at
                                                    each of the TCs and with four
                                                    representatives from national cancer
                                                    charities. The report can be found at:

Visit our website at:

            Quantitative baseline survey on patient experience
            and reported outcomes of care and support

                                                                   SUMMARY REPORT
                KEY FINDINGS:
                                                                   This report presents the findings from the
                1. 58% rated their care as very                    first wave of a service evaluation study
                    good or excellent.                             commissioned by NHS Improvement, which
                2. 78% felt they had all the                       aims to provide a baseline for the 11
                    information advice and support                 tumour projects within the seven Test
                    they needed to manage their                    Communities (TCs) who tested a new
                    health.                                        model of care which included risk stratified
                3. 37% did not feel they had all                   care pathways in Adult Cancer Survivorship
                    the information they needed                    services, as part of the National Cancer
                    to identify signs and symptoms
                                                                   Survivorship Initiative.
                    of recurrence.
                4. 83% felt confident to manage
                    their own health.                              The research was conducted using a
                5. 42% had taken action                            quantitative methodology. A 12-page
                    themselves to do more physical                 postal questionnaire was sent to 1,862
                    activity.                                      eligible patients across 11 tumour projects
                6. Only 12% who had experienced                    at 7 TCs. A total of 1,301 completed
                    a fear that cancer will come                   questionnaires were received back,
                    back have been able to take                    representing an adjusted response rate of
                    action themselves.                             70%.
                7. Only 5% who have problems
                    with erectile function have
                                                                   Overall quality of care
                    taken action themselves; 45%
                    who have not taken action                      Overall, patients were positive about the
                    continue to have problems.                     quality of care and services they had
                8. 21% patients reported having                    received, since their initial treatment
                    a care plan and 84% of those                   finished. Almost six in ten (59%) rated it as
                    found it useful.                               ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’. However, with
                9. 77% of patients knew who to                     the service provided to patients particularly
                    contact in 'office' hours. 71%                 important, the six percent of patients who
                    had contacted a healthcare                     felt that they had received, at best, a poor
                                                                   service should not be overlooked.
                10. 38% of patients knew who to
                    contact out of 'office' hours
                    another 20% knew how to find
                    out. Only 14% had had to make

Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation

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Similar to Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation

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Designing and implementing pathways to benefit patient aftercare: Continuing ...
NHS Improvement
Enhanced recovery care pathway
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NHS Improving Quality
The winning principles - transforming inpatient care programme for cancer pat...
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NHS Improvement
Meeting the Cancer Survivorship Needs of Colorectal Cancer: The Wellness Beyo...
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Health Sciences North | Horizon Santé Nord
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
NHS Improvement
From testing to spread: Sharing the knowledge and learning from organisations...
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NHS Improvement
Meeting the challenge together... delivering care in the most appropriate set...
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS England
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NHS Improvement
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Marianne Dailey
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NHS Improvement
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Alex King
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NHS Improving Quality
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CADTH Symposium

Similar to Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation (20)

Designing and implementing pathways to benefit patient aftercare: Continuing ...
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Designing and implementing pathways to benefit patient aftercare: Continuing ...
Enhanced recovery care pathway
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Enhanced recovery care pathway
The winning principles - transforming inpatient care programme for cancer pat...
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Meeting the Cancer Survivorship Needs of Colorectal Cancer: The Wellness Beyo...
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Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
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From testing to spread: Sharing the knowledge and learning from organisations...
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Meeting the challenge together... delivering care in the most appropriate set...
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Models of care to achieve better outcomes for children and young people livin...
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NHS England National Perspective – Enhanced Recovery
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.5 Preventing Oxygen Toxicity: a whole system approach - Prof Tony ...
Breakout 4.5 Preventing Oxygen Toxicity: a whole system approach - Prof Tony ...Breakout 4.5 Preventing Oxygen Toxicity: a whole system approach - Prof Tony ...
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz Norman
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Breakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz Norman
NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
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Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
NHS Improvement
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Breakout 4.1 Finding the missing millions - David Halpin
NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...
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NHS Improvement
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Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
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Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
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Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
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Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement Cancer DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE Adult Survivorship FROM CONCEPT TO INNOVATION National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI): NHS NHS Improvement
  • 2. Content Foreword 3 Executive summary 4 Introduction 7 Remote monitoring 15 Care coordination 23 Evaluation 27 • Findings from patient survey on follow up costs • Patient experience and reported outcomes of care baseline • Care coordination perception and preference Breast workstream 38 Colorectal workstream 52 Lung workstream 62 Prostate workstream 74 Next steps 86 Conclusion 88
  • 3. Visit our website at: Foreword As pressures on our NHS continue to increase partly through the increase in cancer incidence and prevalence and the need to provide efficient service delivery and quality outcomes for patients, the current traditional model is unsuitable and unsustainable in its current form. The traditional model of follow up is built on, in the majority of cases, a ‘one size fits all’ approach which does not account for the specific needs of the individual following treatment for cancer. What is needed is a new model of care that promotes health and wellbeing and helps individuals move on with their lives following treatment for cancer, though the expectation for follow up should be set around time of diagnosis. The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) is a partnership between the Department of Health, Macmillan Cancer Support and NHS Improvement. As part of this initiative, NHS Improvement is testing approaches to care and support that ensures that we are moving to a position of not only supporting recovery from their disease, but also their future health and wellbeing through sustaining that recovery. During the last few years a proof of principle has been established which if transferable from the test sites to other organisations will begin the process of spread across the NHS and provide national risk stratified effective pathways for breast, colorectal and prostate cancers. We now have the learning and evidence that it is possible to release significant outpatient capacity by risk stratifying patients and supporting them through technology rather than following them up in an outpatient setting which has cost implications for the patients and their families as well as the service. The hypothesis we set out three years ago has now been demonstrated, and as confidence in the new system builds so will the released capacity. However, it is not only about releasing capacity, it is also about improving the patients experience and quality of life through treating them as individuals rather than as a disease. The evidence of the outcomes from this longer term gain will take time to accrue due to the very nature of survivorship. That being said, initial feedback from patients has been positive and they feel better informed and more confident to make the choices that could impact on their future health and wellbeing. Our expectation is that the positive outcomes and improved experience will be demonstrated through a follow-up survey that will be published in April 2012 and also through the National Cancer Survivorship Survey and the National Cancer Patient Survey. Commissioners and providers should embrace this work and proactively support the shift to a safe and effective stratified model that meets patients’ needs. This will of course require a fundamental shift in how care is commissioned, moving from spot buying activity to commissioning evidence based packages of care that can be effectively evaluated though outcomes achieved. Dr Janet Williamson National Director, NHS Improvement 3
  • 4. Visit our website at: Executive summary As a partner in the National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI), NHS Improvement has led on redesigning pathways with NHS clinical teams to improve service delivery and support offered to improve the experience and reported outcomes of care for cancer patients following initial treatment. The mandate for this work was outlined as a key priority in the Cancer Reform Strategy (2007) and Improving Outcomes; a Strategy for Cancer (2011). Historically, patients completing treatment for cancer, have followed very traditional, ‘one size fits all’ follow up pathways over for two to five years or more. The increasing prevalence of cancer, through improved screening and awareness and the increasing number of survivors is increasing pressure upon already stretched services that we know cannot be sustained in the longer term. We also know through previous research and more recent patient surveys that patients report feeling abandoned at the end of treatment and can live with one or more unmet needs following completion of treatment. Something new and radical needs to be done to improve the experience and outcomes for patients and to address the increasing demand on healthcare resources. 4
  • 5. Visit our website at: In 2011, eight organisations working on The hypothesis for this recent phase of four cancer pathways across 14 tumour testing was that by introducing risk teams were selected to test whole new stratified care that meet patient needs pathways of care with the focus on and that enable patients to self-manage introducing risk stratified pathways and where appropriate, we would be able to: support packages that optimise self- management whilst improving the quality • Improve the patient experience and and effectiveness of the services provided. reported outcomes of care • Reduce follow up attendances by an The belief was that the pathways would average of 50% provide a more flexible approach to follow • Contribute to a reduction in unplanned up that was tailored to individual needs. admissions. The emphasis would be on recovery and reablement, with individuals’ returning to For breast, colorectal and prostate cancers a ‘normal’ life as soon as possible and the emphasis has been on supporting maintaining their recovery through patients to self-manage with remote supported self management with timely monitoring replacing routine follow up access should problems occur. where appropriate. For the two lung sites the emphasis has been on enhancing the This report brings together the learning services provided with a more proactive and outcomes from this work that was a approach to the management to natural progression from the previous symptoms and needs. phases of testing: Both qualitative and quantitative data has • 2008 - Scoping the potential been collected throughout this phase of • 2009 - Piloting elements of aftercare testing and we are especially grateful to services the test sites teams and colleagues within • 2010 - Development and testing in six Ipsos MORI for all their contributions to tumour areas: this work. • needs assessments and care plans • treatment summaries • 2011 - Developing and testing stratified pathways - four tumour areas. 5
  • 6. Visit our website at: The outcomes over the past year suggest Within this document you will find that the principle of stratifying patients sections on each tumour work stream, following completion of treatment is a section generic to all tumour sites on appropriate, acceptable and safe as long remote monitoring, care coordination, as monitoring and support systems are in evaluations associated with the testing place. From the data collected over six work and the plans for the next phase of months we know we are well on the way testing as we move to prototyping and to delivering the 50% reduction in spread across the NHS in England. outpatient activity across breast, prostate and colorectal cancer follow ups enabled Although difficult and challenging at through the provision (actual or planned) times, all the teams have contributed of remote monitoring systems to manage positively and effectively to this phase of patients at a distance. testing. The work has been supported by work streams within the National Cancer This release of capacity enables not only Survivorship Initiative, Macmillan Cancer improvements in the quality and Support, the Department of Health cancer experience of care for those with more team, and specialty specific charities such complex needs who need more time with as Breast Cancer Care, Beating Bowel the specialist team during their outpatient Cancer and The Prostate Cancer Charity. visits but also opportunities for new We are extremely grateful for everyone’s activity and improvements to access contribution to this programme of work waiting times. and for the learning shared over the past year. The contribution to reducing unplanned admissions in lung cancer sites has been around 6-8%; though there has been no contribution from the other tumour types that can be attributed to the pathway change. It is too early to evaluate the impact on patient experience and reported outcomes of care through a follow up survey to compare the new model of care against the baseline which is planned for early in 2013. 6
  • 7. Visit our website at: Introduction The National Cancer Survivorship Initiative (NCSI) was set up as an outcome of the Cancer Reform Strategy 2007 and remains a key component in the Improving Outcomes: a Strategy for Cancer (2011). As a partner within the NCSI, NHS Improvement has focused attention on supporting clinical teams within the NHS to test a new model of care for people living with and beyond cancer. The governance of this work programme is through the NCSI Steering Group, the National Cancer Programme Board and NHS Improvement Leadership Team. The overall direction of the work has been led by an NHS Improvement Director and National Clinical Lead, supported by National Improvement Leads and National Clinical Advisors. The clinical teams at a local level have been supported by Macmillan Cancer Support and key tumour specific charities; Breast Cancer Care, Beating Bowel Cancer, and The Prostate Cancer Charity. In 2009, 14 test sites teams were asked to test new approaches to aftercare support. A further 11 teams joined in 2010 specifically to test assessment and care planning and the use of treatment summaries at the end of treatment. The principle organisations involved are listed on the following page: 7
  • 8. Visit our website at: Figure 1 Testing elements of survivorship care Testing assessment and care planning and support (2009/10) and treatment summaries (2010/11) East Kent Hospitals University NHS Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust Foundation Trust Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital NHS NHS Trust Foundation Trust Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust South of Tyne and Wear NHS Trust The Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust Velindre Hospital NHS Trust (2 projects) Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust 3 Counties Cancer Network (Gloucestershire, Great Westerns Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Herefordshire & Worcestershire) Central South Coast Cancer Network Mount Vernon Cancer Network Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Luton PCT Hammersmith Hospital (Imperial College) North Trent Cancer Network NHS Trust The Christie NHS Foundation Trust Musgrove Park Hospital NHS Trust The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Pan Birmingham Cancer Network North Bristol NHS Trust The Royal Bournemouth and Christchrch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 8
  • 9. Visit our website at: In 2011, eight teams developed and piloted the whole pathways of care with clinical teams undertaking one or more tumour projects. Stratified pathways were developed and tested by teams in four tumour types; breast, colorectal, lung and prostate. The two enabling projects were remote monitoring and care coordination. The work is shown pictorially below with a map of the test sites. Figure 2 Adult Pilot Sites - 4 Tumour 8 Test 2011/12 Workstreams Communities 1 Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 2 Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust 1 3 Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust NHS Improvement 2 4 Luton and Dunstable Hospital Testing NHS Foundation Trust 5 North Bristol Hospital NHS Trust 6 Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS 2 Enabling 14 Tumour Foundation Trust 3 Projects Projects 7 Hillingdon Hospital NHS Trust 4 8 Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust 6 7 5 8 9
  • 10. Visit our website at: The model of care, on which the stratified pathways of care are based, has been adapted from the long term conditions model and is shown in the figure 3 below: Figure 3 Regardless of whether individuals have This should take account of the disease, been treated with curative or palliative the treatment and its effects, and the intent, the same model should apply with individual’s personal circumstances. stratification into an appropriate level of Patients will move between the different care. levels of care as needs and degree of dependency change. 10
  • 11. Visit our website at: The testing hypothesis was that through Factors affecting ease of data collection risk stratifying into appropriate level(s) of and reliability were: care there would be: • The absence of coding within • An improvement in the experience and outpatients activity - patients with a patient reported outcomes of care from cancer diagnosis had to be identified by baseline clinic staff and manually recorded, or • A 50% reduction in outpatient assumptions needed to be made. attendances from the traditional model • Cancer patients are often seen in • A 10% reduction in unplanned general clinics (e.g. Urology) spread admissions from baseline. across multiple locations within Trusts rather than cancer specific clinics. From the testing how did we do with our • Little or no tracking, paper based or testing hypothesis? electronic, of patients followed up in multiple Trusts, e.g. tertiary specialist A proof of principle has been established centres, DGH, primary care. that risk stratification is achievable and • The term ‘follow up’, in data definition, that remote monitoring is an appropriate includes all appointments following a way of managing patients treated with new patient appointment. Patients may curative intent with their cancer in have several ‘follow up’ appointments remission as an alternative to face-to-face before diagnosis and treatment takes consultation. place. For this programme of work, we needed to collect data on follow up Most sites have stratified significant patients where initial treatment has numbers of patients on to self-managed been completed. pathways and data has been collected on • A few sites achieved limited roll out of these and reported within each work new pathway within their team. For stream chapter. Where monthly data example in one site it was just the collection proved impossible to collect a oncology team not the surgical follow number of sites opted to undertake a one ups that were counted. month audit capturing as many patients • Variation in point of stratifying to self- as they could and stratifying, even managed pathway. Some patients were hypothetically, to the most appropriate stratified at the point they became pathway. Data collection has therefore suitable for a self-managed pathway been challenging and has been more others were several years into follow up robust in some sites than others, therefore but could have been released earlier had the exact numbers of slots released the system been available. should be seen as an indication rather than an absolute. 11
  • 12. Visit our website at: For three of the tumour types, i.e. those testing will require data collection to where the majority have been treated continue in the longer term to ensure the with curative intent, there is optimism full impact of risk stratified pathways is that the 50% reduction in outpatient captured. attendances will be realised and exceeded though will be dependent on growing There is an assumption that all patients confidence in a robust remote monitoring will be offered an assessment and care solution and the reduction in backlog of plan at key points in their pathway and patients in the current traditional follow that they receive a treatment summary up system over the next few years. For that is updated and communicated after lung cancer patients there was not a each phase of treatment is completed. marked reduction in outpatient With the patient’s consent these should attendances though improvements in both be shared with those providing or processes and access offered patients supporting care delivery. However the more choice over when their reality in practice is that there has been appointments were scheduled. limited implementation of assessment and care planning. This difficulty has been due With regard to reducing unplanned to what appears to be a new service admissions, this was not proven in being implemented within current prostate, breast nor colorectal cancer. resource constraints. However there was a reduction of between 6-8% in the number of There is therefore a need to review emergency admissions for lung cancer existing job plans which will include patients, and in one site also a reduction shifting resources around the system in length of stay following an unplanned within the available financial envelope. admission. Evidence will be required to show the benefit to patients through positive We do not yet know the outcome of experience and improved reported whether there has been an improvement outcomes of care against the baseline. in the experience or reported outcomes of Assessing and planning for survivorship care but we are aware though the test care should begin at diagnosis and sites of encouraging comments of reviewed subsequently at key points in patients and professionals during the the pathway which will include the end of testing process. treatment, when stratified to appropriate aftercare pathway or when an event Given the lengthening time that people occurs that changes the management are now living following a cancer plan. Commissioning a bundle of care in diagnosis it is a given that evidence will the future where components are accrue over time. This current phase of specified within a contract may resolve come of the resource constraint issues. 12
  • 14. Visit our website at: There will be support elements of the pathways which are unique to individual Key learning from teams on tumour types and other elements which implementing the pathways: are general. That being said there may • Ensure there is full clinical need to be investment in training and engagement and executive supervision of health care professionals in support for pathway changes the assessment of patients moving from even where follow up services recovery to sustaining that recovery are largely nurse led. through a focus on remote monitoring • Understand current follow up and promoting health and wellbeing. pathway before starting to implement changes. • Define and agree baseline measures for improvement as Key elements to support soon as possible. self-management: • Engage with patients – they will • Information and education tell you what it is like! appropriate to the individuals • Involve the wider team for needs. example allied health • Key contacts for care/support in professionals in developing the and out of hours for cancer and pathway. non-cancer related problems. • Review job plans to allow • Efficient and reliable processes sufficient time for the health for re-accessing the system, if needs assessments. required. • Be ready to provide training to • Effective remote monitoring as those who identify a need – not appropriate. everyone will have the skills and capability from the start. • Visit other teams in order to adopt and adapt their paperwork and processes. • Start small and increase scope as learning and confidence increases. • Use the key charities and those outside health such as local authority and voluntary sector – they have much to offer in relation to support. 14
  • 15. RECURRENCE /SYMPTOMS/ ABNORMAL TE STS Visit our website at: SUPPORTED TIMELY RE-A SELF MANAG CCESS EMENT REMOTE MO NITORING PROFESSION CONSULTANT AL LED FOLL LE D CLINICAl Remote monitoring OW UP NURSE SPECIA LIST LED E) REVIEW SUPPORTIVE TELEPHONE AND PALLIATI LED VE CARE Context and background PRIMARY There are many examples of how use of IT technology can improve the patientCARE LED experience MDT and reduce follow TIO and END OF TRANSIup N TO associated costs. For those with long term conditions the LIFE CARE provision of telehealth equipment such as pulse oximetry, glucometers, PSYCHOLOGICAL blood pressure meters, is supported by e technology to transfer results to the professional is becoming more popular and enables care closer to home. The use and scope of CONTINENCE/Smedicine is telehealth TOMA growing rapidly and likely to have greater impact in future. PHYSIO NEEDS ASSESSMENT THERAPY/OC REVIEW CLINICAL CUPATIONAL THERAPY CARE PLAN SUPPORT SERVICES + During the Rapid Review of follow up DIET & NUTR ITION practice (2010), a few excellent examples SEXUAL ISSU TREATMENfound of where remote monitoring were T ES SUMMARY have been introduced successfully systems LYMPHOEDEM within cancer services but practice was A INICAL not widespread. In others, we found there SELF MANAG PPORT had been great interest in RM but EDUCATION & EMENT PROGR AMMES RVICES progress hampered by either local ITINFORMATION INFORMATIO architecture, IT development time, lack of N/EDUCATIO N DAYS full multidisciplinary teams (MDT) support INFORMATIO ATION & or concerns around financial loss resulting N PRESCRIPTI ONS MATION from reduced outpatient activity. Of the PHYSICAL LOCAL AUTH monitoring systems identified some were ITY ACTIV O PRIVATELY LE RITY, COMMUNITY OR D EXERCISE SC built into existing IT systems, others as HEMES standalone databases but none were TRUST LED EX ER ERCISE PROGR ORT found to interface with all the relevant AMMES CES OTH Trust IT systems therefore necessitating ER SUPPORT REABLEMEN T/SOCIAL CA manual entry of data and consequentRVICES SE risk RE of transcription errors. Standalone FINANCE AN D BENEFITS systems are not always supported by local IT teams. VOCATIONA L REHA BILITATION COMPLEMEN TARY THERAP IES VOLUNTARY SECTOR/SUPP ORT GROUPS 15
  • 16. Visit our website at: The approach agreed within this project Consideration was given as to whether was to design a RM system that allowed RM should be primary or specialist care the cancer specialist to continue to based. For the following reasons the latter schedule and monitor simple tumour was agreed: marker and other routine tests without the need for associated face to face • On site remote monitoring systems follow up appointments. Results are read should allow interface with cancer by the specialist team and any signs of information and all other diagnostic recurrence rapidly picked up by the systems. specialist and referred to the MDT for • More patients are likely to be suitable advice if required. Remote monitoring in for being remote monitoring if results this context has little or no impact on are reviewed by the specialist. primary care demand. • Signs of recurrence can be investigated and addressed rapidly by the specialist The NCSI through NHS Improvement team without the need for referral. sponsored the development of two • Patients defaulting on tests will be remote monitoring modules, for prostate followed up rapidly. GP systems and colorectal cancer patients. This was generally have good scheduling systems done in partnership with North Bristol but not all have systems that track NHS Trust (NBT) and Royal United defaults. Hospitals Bath NHS Trust (RUH). The • Further treatment can be initiated functional requirements for both modules rapidly i.e. changes to hormone therapy. were developed by the project team (see • Many patients prefer to remain under appendix 1). The module design was the care of their cancer team especially based on the PSA tracker solution which following long and complex treatment originated in the urology department at and they know the team well. RUH. Both modules draw demographic • Not all GPs are aware of the and cancer specific information and test implications to changes in test results results from local IT systems. The modules and this can lead to delayed action or store a series of standard letters to enable unnecessary referrals. This perception rapid dissemination of results. The has led to reluctance by some specialists modules were developed during to release patients to primary care in the spring/summer 2011, released for testing past. in July and August and made available to Trust teams to implement soon after. 16
  • 17. Visit our website at: Testing remote monitoring Progress and learning will continue to be within test sites monitored across all the sites and an evaluation of the patient experience of At the start of the programme all test being remotely monitored will be included sites were given the option to either: in the repeat Ipsos MORI survey in 2013. Option 1 Implementation of all solutions has taken Develop an in house remote monitoring much longer than expected and much system. learning has been generated during this learning phase Option 2 Use the NCSI solution for either prostate, Main issues: colorectal or both. • IT resources – resources within all Trusts were limited with all having demanding Option 3 workload commitments that took Use an external solution. higher priority than this project, e.g. Trust information governance All breast sites have implemented local requirements, several sites were RM systems for mammography with the undergoing major IT system upgrades, exception of Hull team who have utilised one had had workforce numbers NBSS system (see below) for this. One site reduced and had difficulty appointing has yet to resolve a process issue an IT project lead. regarding responsibility for reviewing • System implementation – details around results and issuing of the reports to implementation for the NHS patients. Improvement solution were unavailable until late summer and this led to poor All but one of the six prostate sites understanding of the IT requirements (including the two associate sites at St and the benefits of the change until late Georges and Royal United Hospital Bath) into the project. opted to use the NCSI sponsored solution. • Two organisations required formal To date four have installed the NSCI business case approval before solution and the remaining one aims to implementation process could be go live within the next 1-2 months. started. • The IT development team at NBT, who Of the three colorectal sites, Guys and St were supporting installation and IT Thomas’ and Salford opted to develop support to sites, were also undergoing their own in house solution and both of major system changes. This led to delays these are on schedule to go live spring in access advice and this reduced 2012. NBT implemented the NCSI solution momentum in sites. in April 2012. 17
  • 18. Visit our website at: This work has highlighted the need to Results ensure that the costs associated with From the patients perspective there has managing patients remotely are discussed been overwhelming support for this as part of service commissioning. Any model of care. In at least three sites savings generated through reduced groups of patients have be asked for their outpatient clinics need to be off set views and they said that as long as they against the time and resources to support are informed, can have access to the this system. In Bath the clinical nurse specialist if they are worried and know specialist (CNS) has identified a need for that they are still ‘being kept an eye on‘ one CNS led session per week to support by their specialist team this model of care about 750 patients on remote will work well for them. monitoring. We have only just started to see the Other sites have opted for additional impact but already know that over a administrative support to the CNS. As well period of six months and across the as sending reminder letters to those who test sites of over 3,400 prospective have defaulted they can also print and appointment slots within prostate arrange postage of result letters and and colorectal cancer will or could be triage enquiries to the dedicated patient released as a result of using remote helpline. monitoring systems. Though this robust monitoring system those ‘lost’ to follow up should be greatly reduced. As practice embeds and confidence in this form of monitoring increases, there is expected to “Its better on both sides as be a steady rise in those enrolled to this model as those in current follow up are it saves time for everyone, transferred. After this, referrals are expected to plateau with patients and we don’t have to keep transferred when clinician and patient feel the time is right. coming up to the hospital” . Patient 18
  • 19. Visit our website at: Key learning and top tips baseline of activity carefully when Thanks go particularly to the team at St setting the urology SLA. It is suggested Georges for their full evaluation report that in year one the number of and feedback following implementation adjustment of new to follow up ratios is of the NCSI prostate module. agreed unless the Trust is confident it can deliver clinically and technically. • The project focus needs to be around • Beware of local geography and providing a service with which patients processing of samples. The NCSI and professionals should feel solution requires the PSA sample to be comfortable and that they feel improves processed within the local pathology the quality and effectiveness of care. It unit and recorded on the lab system for should not be seen as a cost cutting extract to the monitoring tool. Patients exercise. living on the periphery of the catchment • Project depends heavily on clinical area may have their phlebotomy involvement which can be an issue if samples measured elsewhere. This may workload is extremely heavy. Clinical limit the scope of the tool and has the leadership, time and enthusiasm are key potential to create a postcode selection levers to success. of which patients can be enrolled on the • Patient representation is essential for system. This may raise further issues as success and to challenge the team if pathology services are centralised to patient interests are not being fully major hubs. considered. Patients need to feel totally • Different laboratories may have different reassured if they are being asked to methods of analysing the test which move to a new system of follow up. means results can be misleading if • Stratified pathways can be introduced in compared one against another. Best to advance of the IT solution being in place be consistent if possible with samples or the full system integration being processed with the same kit on each complete. The module can run as a occasion. standalone database or using simple locally held spreadsheets held on the Recommendations and top tips Trust shared drive. • Baseline data - Ensure you have good • Early discussion should take place with baseline measures in place on current commissioners on the benefits and clinic and follow up numbers that you additional improvements that the RM can use to show improvements. Only system will bring for patients and how then will you be able to judge what for GPs it also reduces the need for difference the system has made. patients to see them. This encourages them to work with the Trust to properly fund follow up pathways. Consider the 19
  • 20. Visit our website at: • Project management – Plan the • Phlebotomy services - Meet early with project well – spend time considering primary care colleagues to discuss the requirements, responsibilities and implications relating to phlebotomy timescales and consider the risks and demand. Contracts relating to how you might mitigate against these. phlebotomy services vary with some GPs • Project team - ensure you have a funded to provide a service for GP strong clinical lead who will be able to related requests only whilst others motivate peers and who is prepared to funded to also cover hospital generated devote sufficient time to the project requests. activities. Ensure you have a good IT • Results – Aim for consistency over time manager on the team who has the using same analytic method for all test knowledge and authority to resolve IT results which will give an accurate issues that arise. trend. Where this is not possible, due to • Ensure sufficient resources are different analysis machine, lab results available to support the project and need to be given a corrected value so implementation. The suggested they are consistent in the trend analysis. resources from one site included suggested 20 days dedicated IT time, Other items to note: project management one day per week • CSV file extracts are available from for six months. North Bristol Trust to enable interface • Engage with stakeholders – patient between the Somerset Cancer Registry and GP representatives on the group System and the NCSI solution. A similar ensure that their interests are extract is available to provide the considered at every stage. interface with the InfoFlex clinical • Communicate the project within the information system. Specific Trust – keeping fellow clinicians, functionality has recently been colleagues and patients in the loop can introduced to the Infoflex system which help sell the benefits and raise will be available to those Trusts using awareness of what the Trust is trying to InfoFlex. achieve. • Teams should ensure governance procedures such as standard operating procedures are in place to support the remote monitoring systems. 20
  • 21. Visit our website at: The National Breast Screening Programme service uses the National Breast Screening System (NBSS) within 95 breast screening units across England. A defined population of eligible women (aged 47 to 70) are invited, through their GP practices, for mammography screening. Women are invited to a local screening unit, which can be hospital based, mobile, or permanently based in another convenient location such as a shopping centre. The NBSS system is run independently of other hospital systems other than to interface with PACS for the generation of reports. In December 2011, the NHS Cancer In Ipswich, a referral form is completed at Screening Programme (NHSCSP) board the post surgery MDT and returned to the agreed to extend the use of the NBSS breast screening unit who book the system to non-screening sites allowing patient into a mammography follow up use of parallel module of the NBSS system clinic on the hospital PAS system. A letter to schedule and monitor mammography inviting the patient is sent four weeks for patients who have been treated for before the first test is due and subsequent cancer. No charge is made for using the appointments made each time the patient system however organisations are attends. This continues annually for five expected to fund any additional licenses, years after which women between 47 -70 support and operational resources. years will be transferred to the breast screening programme and those under 47 Further information on this is available with continue mammograms annually by contacting Sarah Sellars at: until screening age is reached. All mammograms are double read by screening radiologists and results sent to Three of the five breast sites (Ipswich, the patients via a standardised letter Bristol, Hillingdon) already had in house generated from PAS and copied to the systems established for managing annual specialist and the GP. If a radiological mammography. abnormality is reported the case is discussed and the patient recalled to the screening unit for further investigation. 21
  • 22. Visit our website at: In Hull, an automated recall system for mammograms has been set up using the NBSS system above and is run by staff within the Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Breast Unit. The first patients are now starting to be recalled through this system. Next steps Discussions are taking place with other system suppliers to explore the potential to develop integral monitoring functionality to avoid some of the difficulties associated with interfacing the systems. Learning from this work is still on-going. For new sites the following documents may be useful: • Sample business case for remote monitoring. • Example ‘Standard Operating Procedure.’ • Introductory letters for patients and GP. • Case study report – St Georges Hospital. • Implementation guide – prostate and colorectal modules. • To see dummy version of the NCSI modules visit: Login.aspx user name: tracking, password: tracking. 22
  • 23. RECURRENCE /SYMPTOMS/ ABNORMAL TE STS Visit our website at: SUPPORTED TIMELY RE-A SELF MANAG CCESS EMENT REMOTE MO NITORING PROFESSION CONSULTANT AL LED FOLL LE D CLINICAl Care coordination OW UP NURSE SPECIA LIST LED E) REVIEW SUPPORTIVE TELEPHONE AND PALLIATI LED VE CARE Care coordination is the seamless experience of care which encompasses information and PRIM communication between patients, their carers and providers, and between ARY CARE LED those providing MDT services across TRthe whole patient pathway. It is therefore a function to ensure that as far as ANSITION TO END OF LIFE CARE PSYCHOLOGI possible those who will be working in partnership with patients have access to appropriateCAL information (with the patients consent) to provide an effective service. Care coordination is CONTINENCE not one person’s role, job or responsibility. It is the joining up of services, coordinating /STOMA information and communication between patients their carers and professionals to ensure NEEDS PHYSIOTHER ASSESSMreceive or can access services whenCL REVIEW APY/OCCUPA they ENT CARE they AL INIC need them. TIONAL THER APY PLAN SUPPORT SERVICES + An evaluation was commissioned through DIET & NUTR ITION Ipsos MORI and has recently been SEXUAL ISSU TREATMENT ES completed. The purpose of the evaluation SUMMARY was to find out find out from patients and LYMPHOEDEM A professionals what their experiences and INICAL PPORT expectations of care coordinate are. A SELF MANAG EMENT PROGR ED RVICES summary of this qualitative survey can UCATION & be INFORMATIO AMMES N found in the evaluation section of this INFORMATIO N/EDUCATIO N DAYS report. INFORMATIO ATION & N PRESCRIPTI ONS MATION The guiding principles of care coordination are: PHYSICAL LOCAL AUTH ACTIV O PRIVATELY LE RITY, COMMUNITY OR • Good communication and professional ITY D EXERCISE SC HEMES relationships, formal and informal, TRUST LED EX ER between the patient, their carer/family ERCISE PROGR AMMES ORT CES and the care or support team. OTHER • Proactive and prompt access and SUPPORT REABLEMEN T/SOCIAL CA SERVICES RE intervention when needed. • Appropriate provision of correct FINANCE AN D BENEFITS information to enable individual choice VOCATIONA and control. L REHA BILITATION • Proactive monitoring as necessary COMPLEMEN (remote monitoring where possible). TARY THERAP IES VOLUNTARY SECTOR/SUPP ORT GROUPS 23
  • 24. Visit our website at: • Transition of care along the pathway information and advice they receive. To should appear seamless to the person overcome this skills deficit, training was receiving the care. arranged through the assessment and • Provision of correct information for care planning project lead to provide healthcare professionals to support CNS’s with skills around motivational effective patient management in the interviewing, and use of the assessment event of care delivery away from their tools. All of the test sites took up the usual care team e.g. hand held record. offer of training in motivational interviewing (working with patients to set The key areas of care coordination goals to help enable self-management), addressed during this phase have been: with several sites taking up the offer of • Assessment and care planning including assessment skills training with particular treatment summaries. focus on managing distress. • Information, education and advice. • Self-management and timely re-access. Challenges arose where CNS’s in • Working across care sectors and particular were required to undertake a organisations. more structured form of assessment and care planning at the end of treatment Assessment and care planning where this may have been the first time a including treatment summaries formal holistic assessment and care planning session with the patient NHS Improvement has worked with the happened. There was also the potential NCSI project manager leading on for inequity where CNS’s were unable to assessment and care planning to ensure see all patients and to offer them support that there was cohesion between the at the key areas of the pathway. A way to development and application of the reduce the resource demand at the end of different tools. The key areas of focus treatment is to undertake an assessment were to test in practice the assessment and commence the written care plan at and care planning tools and the use of a diagnosis, update during treatment and treatment record summary. review it at the end of treatment or at key stages when changes in the patients There were a number of clinical condition occurs, or the management professionals who felt that their current plan changes. skill-set had not prepared them for the change in the conversation or in use of The Distress Thermometer was chosen as the assessment tools; moving from the the self-assessment tool of choice that patient as a passive recipient to one who would inform the assessment needs identifies their own needs and makes discussion with the patient. Following choices and takes control of managing patient feedback and the perceived their own health based on the negativity of the word distress, a number 24
  • 25. Visit our website at: of sites supported the redesign of the tool The uptake on the information days was as a ‘Concerns Checklist’ or similar. The between 30-50% of those invited. use of self-assessment by patients has Evaluation of why people didn’t attend raised awareness of patient need and was that they didn’t feed they needed it, provides the framework for discussion or the timing was inconvenient. Some of and resolving the concerns raised. those who attended the information days went on to attend one of the courses. The treatment summary gives information on diagnosis, treatment, the clinical The information days in Ipswich have management plan and includes signs and proved popular for those reluctant to symptoms to look out for. (The care plan undertake the ‘moving on’ course. may be integrated into the document or However some of those attending the may be a separate document) information day went on to attend the The impending launch of electronic ‘moving on’ course. The moving on versions of the treatment summary within course runs weekly with 12 places on the Somerset and InfoFlex systems should each course. The course runs for four help the completion of these by the weeks with a two and a half hour clinical teams. commitment a week. The course includes, self-management strategies, goal setting INFORMATION/EDUCATION DAYS and many of the common issues and concerns raised by cancer patients The focus of this work has been on following initial treatment and longer tem providing information, education advice concerns. and support to enable patients to build skills and gain the confidence to self- manage with support. This can be delivered by a variety of methods and the chosen method of delivery will depend on “I didn’t think I needed any individual patient needs. These include 1:1 discussions, information prescriptions more information, how wrong and booklets, group information sessions, health and wellbeing clinics, and courses. I was. I had my head in the sand. Now I feel confident to In Bristol there were a number of approaches ranging from ½ day ‘living take charge and know where well’ information days, self-management courses taking a cognitive behavioural to get help if I need it.” therapy (CBT) approach, residential living well courses in partnership with Penny Patient Brohn Cancer Care. 25
  • 26. Visit our website at: “The most surprising and pleasing thing about this project was discovering what facilities already existed in the community and that by exploring these and networking with providers we could greatly enhance our service simply by being aware of existing external services and using them properly.” Healthcare Professional Working across care sectors and This is where patients who have a written organisations record of their diagnosis, treatment and Building relationships and networks is future plan within a hand or electronic crucial to improving care coordination – record is helpful in avoiding duplication of not just within the NHS, but beyond to effort and the patient or carer can supply social care, charities, community care the context behind the written record. providers and other agencies that meet This will help to facilitate efficient the needs of individuals. As has been transfers of care throughout the pathway, reflected back to us during this testing wherever they occur, whether to phase it is the quality of the vocational rehabilitation, physiotherapy, conversation/discussion between voluntary services, social care, or end of professionals and patients/carers and life care. between professionals in different settings that reap greater benefit than checklists or paper as understanding comes from the context rather than just the written record. 26
  • 27. RECURRENCE /SYMPTOMS/ ABNORMAL TE STS Visit our website at: SUPPORTED TIMELY RE-A SELF MANAG CCESS EMENT REMOTE MO NITORING PROFESSION CONSULTANT AL LED FOLL LE D CLINICAl Evaluation OW UP NURSE SPECIA LIST LED E) REVIEW SUPPORTIVE TELEPHONE AND PALLIATI LED VE CARE Evaluation findings from patient survey on follow up costs PRIM A prospective patient survey was carried out in 12 organisations during theARY CARE LEof summer D MDT 2010. The purpose of the END OF was to understand the non-healthcare economic cost to TRANSITION TO survey LI FE CARE PSYCHOLOadults those attending outpatient visits. There were 837 returned questionnaires from GICAL attending outpatient appointments following treatment for either prostate, breast, CONTINENCE colorectal or head and neck cancer. /STOMA NEEDS PHYSIOTHER ASSESSMENT REVIEW APY/OCCUPA CL TION AL The key findings from the N CARE PLA survey were: SUINICA• 38% of L PPORT respondents reported being THERAPY • The average non-healthcare economicSERVICES seen by another healthcareNUTRITIO DIET & practitioner + of a single clinic visit ranged from cost since their previous clinic, although N £21 to £54 across the hospitals TREATMENT again some of these consultations will SEXUAL ISSU ES surveyed, mostly driven by time taken SUMMARY be unrelated to cancer. The percentage off work. The overall average was £41. varied from 29% to 55% across A LYMPHOEDEM INICAL • These average costs ranged from £227 hospitals. SELF MAN PPORT to £857 when calculated for all clinicUCA ED • 23% of respondents AGEMENT PROGRAM reported attending RVICES TION & MES visits over five years. The overall average ATION another (potentially unrelated) specialist INFORM IN was £437. clinic since theirFORMATION/appointment, previous EDUCATION DA YS • 24% of respondents reported new varying from 16% to 29% across INFORMATIO ATION & symptoms that they had not yet hospitals. N PRESCRIPTI ONS MATION discussed, with higher percentages in • Most patients travelled by car to their PHYSICA prostate and colorectal, and some ACTIVITYL appointment, CAATAUthe RITY, COMMUNIT LO L PRIV ELY LE notable with THO D EXERCISE SC Y OR lower percentages in breast. exception of Guy’s and St. Thomas’MES HE • 71% of respondents had seen their GP where 87% of patients used public TRUST LED EX ER ERCISE PROGR ORT at least once since their previous transport. Journey times were half an AMMES CES appointment, although some of these OTHER hour on average, ranging from 15 SUPPORT REABLEMEN GP visits will be unrelated to cancer.RVICES The T/SOCIAL CA minutes to 51 minutes across hospitals. SE RE average number of GP visits varied from • Only a small number of patients FINANCE AN 1.8 to 4.2 across the hospitals surveyed, D BENEFI stressful, reported that their journey wasTS equivalent to an economic cost of £65 leading to an average score of 2 (where VOCATIONA L REHA LITA to £148 (overall average: 2.7 visits with 1 is least stressful and 10 isBImostON TI an economic cost of £95). stressful). COM PLEMENTARY THERAPIES VOLUNTARY SECTOR/SUPP ORT GROUPS 27
  • 28. Visit our website at: • Waiting room times varied significantly between hospitals, with averages of between 16 minutes and one hour and an overall average of half an hour. • Taking into account days off work taken by both the patient and those accompanying them, each appointment is associated with around one quarter of a day off work. At the average wage rate, this is equivalent to an economic cost of £25. • Few patients reported the overall stress of their visit to be high, leading to an average score of around 3 (where 1 is least stressful and 10 is most stressful). 28
  • 29. Visit our website at: Test site baseline quantitative and qualitative evaluation of aftercare service provision for patients with breast, colorectal or prostate cancers The evaluation consisted of two elements: • A quantitative baseline survey to • A qualitative and in-depth study to collect robust data on patient explore patients’ experiences of care experience and reported outcome coordination and understand their of care and support. personal journey along the new risk The full report can be found at: stratified pathway, as well as staff perceptions of how this is working. The survivorship report contains findings from the qualitative study, focusing on perceptions and experiences of care coordination at eight Test Communities (TCs), who were piloting the new risk stratified pathways. Interviews were conducted with patients and staff at each of the TCs and with four representatives from national cancer charities. The report can be found at: survivorship 29
  • 30. Visit our website at: Quantitative baseline survey on patient experience and reported outcomes of care and support SUMMARY REPORT KEY FINDINGS: This report presents the findings from the 1. 58% rated their care as very first wave of a service evaluation study good or excellent. commissioned by NHS Improvement, which 2. 78% felt they had all the aims to provide a baseline for the 11 information advice and support tumour projects within the seven Test they needed to manage their Communities (TCs) who tested a new health. model of care which included risk stratified 3. 37% did not feel they had all care pathways in Adult Cancer Survivorship the information they needed services, as part of the National Cancer to identify signs and symptoms Survivorship Initiative. of recurrence. 4. 83% felt confident to manage their own health. The research was conducted using a 5. 42% had taken action quantitative methodology. A 12-page themselves to do more physical postal questionnaire was sent to 1,862 activity. eligible patients across 11 tumour projects 6. Only 12% who had experienced at 7 TCs. A total of 1,301 completed a fear that cancer will come questionnaires were received back, back have been able to take representing an adjusted response rate of action themselves. 70%. 7. Only 5% who have problems with erectile function have Overall quality of care taken action themselves; 45% who have not taken action Overall, patients were positive about the continue to have problems. quality of care and services they had 8. 21% patients reported having received, since their initial treatment a care plan and 84% of those finished. Almost six in ten (59%) rated it as found it useful. ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’. However, with 9. 77% of patients knew who to the service provided to patients particularly contact in 'office' hours. 71% important, the six percent of patients who had contacted a healthcare felt that they had received, at best, a poor professional. service should not be overlooked. 10. 38% of patients knew who to contact out of 'office' hours another 20% knew how to find out. Only 14% had had to make contact. 30