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                            NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement Heart
A guide to commissioning
cardiac surgical services
Foreword                                                             3    Discharge planning                                       35

Introduction                                                         4    • Improving the patient experience for cardiac
                                                                            surgery pathways                                       36
Improvement to the patient pathway -
summary of recommendations                                           5    • Reducing length of stay of elective cardiac surgical
                                                                            patients to a one night stay post operatively          39
Access to surgery                                                    7
                                                                          Quality - the current context                            42
Elective pathways                                                    8
                                                                          Supporting Information                                   49
• Redesign of the cardiac surgery patient pathway                    9
                                                                          Cardiac Data Dashboard                                   50
• Ensuring patients are fit for surgery and reducing delays in the
  cardiac surgical patients pathway                                  15   The Sustainability Toolkit                               51

• Process changes significantly increase 18 week performance              NHS Improvement System                                   52
  in cardiac surgery                                                 18
                                                                          Good planning can inspire change that
• Tackling change - the teamwork way                                 20   leads to improvements                                    53

• Cardiac surgery and 18 weeks - a pan network approach              22   References and supporting information                    54

Cardiac surgery trends - the national picture                        24   Acknowledgements                                         56

Non-elective pathways                                                29   Cardiac Surgery National Project Team                    57

• ‘Urgent or non urgent’, that is the question                       32
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

There has been substantial progress in           It is a clinical challenge, since it is, in the
cardiac surgery over the last ten years.         end, clinicians that spend the money. So,
Surgeons are operating in a more timely          every clinician is required to examine their
fashion on more people with higher levels        practice and actively look for ways to
of risk and co-morbidity, yet they are           deliver care more efficiently, removing
delivering better outcomes.                      waste and saving money.

The national audit has been a major              In my last foreword (Improving the patient
driver for success and so has the work of        experience: Developing solutions to
NHS Improvement where a focus on                 delivering sustainable pathways in cardiac
systems that deliver high quality care has       surgery, March 2009), I pointed out that          Professor Roger Boyle CBE
been pivotal.                                    there are still long delays in the non-
                                                 elective pathways that lead to heart
Now we face an even bigger challenge.            surgery. These delays have not gone away
Over the last ten years, we have benefited       and still need to be addressed. Many of
from higher levels of growth in NHS              the issues regarding pre-assessment and
expenditure than at any time in its history      theatre scheduling are other examples
and cardiac services have been substantial       where the priority projects have addressed
beneficiaries. Today, we have to recognise       the key efficiency measures over the years.
that it is inevitable that the wider financial   Now, we cannot rest on our laurels, there
situation is going to impact on each and         remains much to be done.
every one of us. This challenge, to deliver
continuing high quality care while at the
same time delivering it much more                Professor Roger Boyle CBE
efficiently, is the biggest challenge that       National Director for Heart Disease
has faced us in the history of the NHS.          and Stroke, Department of Health

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         A superficial view would suggest that         This has increased from 10% in 1999 and        The focus of work undertaken by the
         cardiac surgery has changed little over the   has brought challenges in terms of             current project sites considered to be
         last twenty years – we still spend most of    increasing co-morbidity but results            constraints within the management of
         our time in theatre grafting coronary         following surgery continue to improve.         smooth patient flows includes the
         arteries and replacing heart valves.          Mortality following CABG has fallen from       following:
         However, closer inspection shows marked       1.9% in 2004 to 1.5% in 2008. The
         changes in the type of patient being seen     changes in cardiac care set out in the         •   Pre-admission provision.
         by surgeons. The era of operating on          National Service Framework have also had       •   Referral management services.
         patients with heart valve disease only        a marked effect on the way patients are        •   Scheduling.
         when their symptoms became severe has         treated we have found that we are              •   Discharge and post operative care
         passed and now many patients are              operating on many more patents on an               management.                              Steve Livesey
         operated on specifically to prevent           urgent basis as appropriate treatments are
         deterioration rather than improve             now available much earlier in the time         This report aims to share the successes
         symptoms. This change means that              course of patients’ disease course.            with the wider NHS providing a range of
         patients having heart valve surgery are not                                                  excellent examples of where local teams
         having their operations when they have        The attention focused on cardiac               have delivered innovation in their service
         begun to slip down the slope of clinical      diagnostics and 18 week pathways as part       to improve the efficiency and experience
         deterioration when ‘risky’ surgery is the     of the portfolio of work led by NHS Heart      for patients and staff.
         only prospect of survival but when they       Improvement during 2007/08 highlighted
         are well.                                     a need to shift attention to cardiac surgery
                                                       to develop sustainable solutions. Eight        Steven Livesey
         This change has occurred alongside a          NHS Trusts supported by their local cardiac    National Clinical Lead
         justified increase in the expectations        networks have been involved as                 NHS Improvement - Heart
         patient have of what can be done for          demonstration sites during 2008/09
         them and as evidence of this we are           testing out new approaches to care and
         operating on an increasingly elderly          improvement to frontline patient services.
         population of patients. In 2008, 25% of
         all patients undergoing coronary artery
         bypass surgery were over 75 years of age.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

Improvement to the patient pathway - summary of recommendations

Lessons drawn from project             1. Service priorities
demonstration sites suggest that       2. Models of care and idealised           1. Referral management services
quality improvement to elective           patient pathways                       There is often an information gap between referring provider units and
cardiac surgery services requires      3. The approach to the change             the tertiary centre:
smarter working, a data driven            initiative and the identification      • Manage variation in the referral process from provider units and
approach to understanding process         of root cause issues and                 in-house reducing multiple referral points through development of
performance and process variation,        solution development                     agreed referral criteria to relieve pressure on waiting times for surgery.
the enhancement of staff roles and a   4. The methods/approaches to              • Develop central systems for optimising referral efficiency by
shared overview of the patients’          change management                        streamlining administrative process and referral management linking
journey and patients experience           • Strategically in gaining               clinical teams across secondary and tertiary care to triage referrals and
across referring providers and the          agreement to change service            advise on appropriate tests/investigations.
tertiary centre.                            models and contractual               • Introduce pooled referrals across consultants as this significantly
                                            arrangements;                          impacts on waiting times.
Cardiac networks continue to be           • Operationally in the application     • Use appropriate clinical staff to confirm referrals are complete and
uniquely placed to assist with the          of improvements including the          discusses work up criteria with referrer.
delivery of the quality agenda by           adoption of processes that hold      • Introduce a single point of contact at the tertiary centre for referrers
linking clinicians, managers and            and sustain the gains.                 and patients. The role of the trained clinical coordinator is pivotal in
commissioners together in every                                                    tracking individual patients and in ensuring the consultant team kept
aspect of the patients’ journey        This document identifies a range of         informed of significant events.
through primary, secondary and         initiatives that have been successfully
tertiary care.                         employed in meeting the challenge of
                                       18 weeks in elective surgery which
Networks are well positioned to        inevitably required the focus to
reflect local relationships between    extend to systems and processes that
clinicians across organisational       support the whole surgical process,
boundaries to further develop safe     elective or otherwise.
and effective surgical pathways of
care for patients by providing an      The detailed case studies within the
opportunity for clinicians and         publication aim to share the
managers to work together on the       knowledge and learning from these
redesign agenda and to gain            pilot sites which breaks down into the
agreement on:                          following four areas:

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

           two: three:
             2. Pre admission provision                                                             3. Scheduling
             • Manage variation in pre assessment services.                                         • Move toward Day of Surgery admission as the standard of care for
             • Adopt investigation guidelines which state agreed timeframes from test to              elective surgery as this can improve the patient experience considerably.
               planned date of surgery and only carry out investigations which are                  • Maximize theatre efficiency by reducing waste in the system for
               relevant, indicated and likely to alter management.                                    example right staff in place at the right times with the right equipment.
             • Introduce ‘one-stops’ for outpatients to avoid wasted clinics for medical            • Optimise theatre capacity by reducing slot cancellations (clinical/non
               staff and patients.                                                                    clinical) and by scheduling procedures that assist with patient flow
             • Maximize opportunities for multidisciplinary team assessment and                       through ITU/HDU.
               emphasise use of technology an example would be use of video link                    • Where ever possible pool lists to reduce waiting times.
               between hospitals.
                                                                                                    • Procedure complexity scores developed to assist with scheduling
             • Maximize pre assessment opportunities as they help manage patient health
                                                                                                      developed as part of MDT.
               and reduce risk.
             • Maximize pre admission diagnostics particularly in referring district general
               hospitals by establishing agreed pre operative protocols.
             • Maximize patient work up prior to admission and agree the schedule for

               each clinical scenario for example surgery for coronaries, mitral valve, aortic      4. Discharge and post operative care management
               valve and combination. This has a beneficial effect on waiting times.                • Manage variation in post operative clinical management practice.
             • Train and support key clinical and managerial staff to deliver some of the           • Manage variation in discharge patterns reducing length of stay.
               work undertaken by junior doctors reconfigure services to develop                    • Start discharge planning at pre assessment to identify requirement for
               opportunities for other health care professionals to widen their skills and            support and home aids to reduce requirement for delayed discharge.
               scope of relationship with patients. An example is the patient ‘navigator’           • Involve a range of health care professionals for example occupational
               role which benefits patients and families by providing information and                 therapists in discharge planning at pre assessment particularly where
               support following attendance at outpatient and pre assessment clinic.                  patients and in particular the elderly may have complex needs.
             • Maximize the scope of extended practice for nursing roles working in pre             • Discharge assessment should form part of the central patient record
               operative assessment clinics functioning as part of the consultant led team            available throughout the patient journey to all staff groups.
               to streamline cardiac surgery patient care.                                          • Move toward nurse led discharge.
             • Maximize inclusion of different staff groupings for example anaesthetists
               involved in pre assessment to ensure that all patients presenting for surgery
               will be adequately assessed as this can reduce cancellation rates, improve
               operating theatre efficiency and increase patient satisfaction.                   Note: The resources developed by these pilot sites are available
             • Continue to provide information and support.                                      through the web links and NHS Improvement system at:

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

Access to surgery
The reductions in waiting times envisaged     The need for non-medically qualified staff
by the NHS Plan are now a reality and in      to play an even greater role in patients’
order to meet the expectations of shorter     assessment and treatment is becoming
waits, the way in which patients are          apparent as the effects of the reduction in
managed and referred from one                 junior doctors hours are starting to bite.
department to another as their treatment      It is vital that training organisations work
progresses has had to improve.                with trusts to ensure the workforce
                                              continues to develop to ensure timely
As a result, the majority of units in the     delivery of care in the future.
country have adopted a network-agreed
system of investigating and referring
patients on for further treatment, such as
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG).
The rapid progress of patients through the
system has been greatly facilitated by the
adoption of common protocols for
investigation and agreed timelines for
referral. Many of the steps in the
pathway are now overseen by specialist
nurse practitioners rather than junior
doctors and this has contributed greatly to
the efficiency of the process.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         Elective pathways
         Elective care refers to care that is        Before cardiac surgery can be carried       in advance of cardiac surgery,            The detailed case studies included
         pre-arranged (planned). Managing            out a range of resources have to be         including clinical examination, history   here demonstrate their progress,
         elective and emergency patient flows        brought together at the right time          taking, arranging radiological and        outlining practical strategies for
         from decision to admit to discharge         and the right place: surgical staff,        haematological investigations in          continuous improvements in the
         can prove challenging for                   nursing staff, anaesthetist, theatre        accordance with Consultant or             quality of care which has benefited
         organisations as they work to deliver       time, beds. Remove any one of these         departmental guidelines. The              patients in reducing delays, tackling
         a number of national and local              components and the operation has to         development of new roles allows           bottlenecks and enabled patients and
         quality and performance targets             be cancelled. The sharing of staff          consultant time to be effectively freed   carers to access clearer information
         among them 18 week referral to              and resources to support elective and       up permitting more appropriate use        alongside the achievement of targets.
         treatment admitted pathways, four           non-elective care treatment can place       of surgeons’ time. (Staffing
         hour A&E target and locally agreed          an added stress to elective work as         Cardiothoracic Units Developing a         The dilemma of balancing both
         reduction in length of stay and             urgent cases should take precedence         workforce for the 21st century.           elective and non elective/emergency
         interhospital transfer times. Yet           resulting in cancellation of scheduled      Livesey, S. Bartley, T. April 2007).      work led some sites to adopt a whole
         looking at the pathway of care from         elective surgery causing frustration                                                  system approach to their quality
         the patient’s point of view making it       and delay felt by staff and patients        Across the country project sites          improvement work due to the
         smoother, more accessible, less             alike. However, as there is a               showed wide variation in their            knock-on effects of the provision of
         complicated and less subject to delays      permanent need to provide for non-          achievement of admitted waiting           non elective care to planned activity.
         is necessary given the volume of            elective care contingencies can be          times and started their journeys to
         patients who receive care.                  built into the system.                      improvement from differing baseline
                                                                                                 positions based on local
          With cardiac surgery often coming at       Pre operative assessment ensures that       circumstances. In understanding how
         the end of a lengthy diagnostic             the patient is as fit as possible for the   patients flowed through their service
         pathway the delivery of shorter             surgery and anaesthetic and                 with a particular focus on referral
         waiting times completed within 18           minimises the risk of late                  management services, pre admission
         weeks is increasingly demanding.            cancellations by ensuring that all          provision, scheduling and post
         Specialty beds often occupied by            essential resources and discharge           operative care management these
         medical outliers and a lack of              requirements are identified and             essential facets have supported
         intensive care beds due to                  coordinated. With appropriate               achievement of continuous
         emergencies or the clinical status of       training nurses can effectively             improvements in elective care
         patients intensify the complexity of        manage the care of patients referred        pathways.
         delivering smooth patient flows.            to the pre operative assessment clinic

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust and the South London Cardiac and Stroke Networks
Redesign of the cardiac surgery patient pathway reduces length of stay

The problem                                                                              • Analysis of the theatre diary showed      • A small number of patients treated at
In December 2008, the opportunity to                                                       cases rarely started on time and often      St George’s travelled from Jersey –
take part in a National Priority Project                                                   overran.                                    due to flight restrictions imposed by
prompted the St George’s cardiac                                                         • There was no policy for theatre             the airline these patients were unable
surgery team to address how they                                                           scheduling.                                 to fly home until at least ten days
might deal with some of their                                                            • Patients were given little notice of        after their surgery. This resulted in
longstanding problems to help the unit                                                     their surgery date; often less than         their stay in hospital being extended
perform at an optimum level, meeting                                                       one week.                                   to ten days post surgery as opposed
both national and internal trust                                                                                                       to usual routine of five days.
standards for issues such as length of                                                   3.Electronic referral system,
stay, cancellations, and notice period of                                                  inpatients and interhospital              4.Admission on the day
surgery date for patients.                                                                 transfer patients                         • In Q3 2008/09, only 10% of elective
                                                                                         • The electronic referral system,             cases were admitted on the day.
Both the elective and non-elective adult                                                   primarily developed for the referral of   • An admission on the day project for
cardiac surgical pathways had room for                                                     non-elective patients from district         ‘second on the day cases’ had been
improvement, particularly within the:        The issues included:                          general hospitals into the tertiary         successfully piloted in 2006, but had
• pre-assessment service;                                                                  centre (interhospital transfers) that       not been sustained.
• management of length of stay,              1.Pre-assessment                              had been implemented in 2006 was
  theatre cancellations and slot             • During 2007/08 fewer than 60% of            not being utilised.                       5.Length of stay (LoS)
  scheduling;                                  elective cardiac surgery patients         • Paper referrals made from referring       • In Q3 2008/09, the average LoS for
• referral management processes                attended the pre-assessment clinic.         sites were frequently mislaid.              elective patients was 8.8 days.
  internally and from referring district     • Anecdotally, this was contributing to     • Little and inconsistent                   • In Q3 2008/09, the average LoS for
  general hospitals.                           difficulties with planning patient          correspondence between referring            non-elective patients was 15.7 days.
                                               admission, scheduling and                   sites and St George’s was common          • LoS needed to align with the trust
Achieving and sustaining the 18 week           anticipating date of discharge.             place.                                      target of elective patients being
target for elective surgery and the                                                      • Referring centres were unsure of the        discharged on day five. Non-elective
requirement to meet the trust’s internal     2.Theatre scheduling                          work-up required for surgical patients      LOS should also be reduced in
priority to reduce length of stay across     • In Q3 2008/09, the average number           resulting in patients often transferred     recommendations with the NCEPOD
both the cardiology and cardiac surgery        of non-clinical cancellations was 10%       into St George’s unprepared for             guidance.
care groups felt challenging. A review         of all elective cases.                      surgery.                                  • The cardiovascular division was
of baseline data, gathered using             • These were commonly due to theatre        • Length of stay was longer than              required by the trust to make a saving
pathway mapping, demand and                    overruns and lack of beds.                  optimum for admission to referral,          of 10 beds.
capacity analysis, and interviews with       • Patients were often cancelled the day       referral to transfer, transfer to
staff across their respective work area of     before, or on the day of their surgery;     treatment and treatment to discharge
the patient journey, highlighted a             there was no cancellations policy to        or transfer back to DGH.
number of system and process issues.           prevent or support the decision.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

                                                     The solution                                  3) Compliance with the national and         Team members attended the national
                                                     A project team was established and               local agenda including 18 weeks,         cardiac surgery priority project peer

                                                     chaired by the unit’s general manager            cancellation on the day and              support meetings which inspired
                                                     with clinical and managerial                     reduction in length of stay.             members to share existing good
         Working together on this project            membership including service                  4) That the cardiovascular service is as    practice within the unit and to develop
                                                     managers, heads of nursing, matrons,             efficient and forward thinking as any    solutions to challenges shared across
         has brought the team together and           clinical nurse specialists, clinical audit,      other tertiary centre in the country.    the peer group.
         I’m so proud of what we’ve                  transformation project manger,                5) That the staff within the unit are
                                                     consultant cardiologist and cardiac              proud to work in the unit and feel       The new pathway featured:
         achieved. We were all sceptical             surgeon. Project management support              valued and part of a team.               • The pre-assessment of all elective
         to begin with and I was                     was provided by the South West                                                              cardiac surgery patients by September
         uncomfortable admitting we had              London Cardiac and Stroke Network.            Highlight reports were produced for           2009.
                                                                                                   each team meeting and provided the          • A theatre scheduling policy
         problems with our service, but              Baseline data was collected to identify       mechanism for monitoring each                 introduced in October 2009,
         hearing from other colleagues               areas for improvement work. It was            workstream against key goals, actions,        including improving notice to patients
                                                     clear the project had developed into a        risks and progress against timeline.          of their date for surgery.
         around the country reassured me             whole pathway redesign and was                Analysis of the data to show evidence       • Regular monitoring of theatre
         that we were not any different and          subdivided into five key workstreams.         of the improvements was supported by          cancellations to reduce the number
                                                     Project team meetings were held every         the trust transformation manager and          non-clinical cancellations
         we all had the same issues.
                                                     fortnight and leads were nominated for        clinical audit staff members on the         • Implementation of the use of
         Working on this project with the            each work-stream to be responsible for        team.                                         electronic referrals for non-elective
         Network and the Heart                       the work.                                                                                   cases by January 2010.
                                                                                                   The work was also informed by the           • Implementation of admission on the
         Improvement Team has encouraged             A set of key values that reflected the        analysis of qualitative data from patient     day as normal practice.
         us to start a similar project               trust’s own strategic vision were agreed      and carer diaries which were used by a      • The recruitment of two additional
                                                     and integrated within the team’s vision       number of patients and their family           staff; a pre-assessment nurse and a
         addressing issues in cardiology –           established to deliver the improvement        members from the time they attended           cardiothoracic nurse practitioner:
         we’re now looking forward to a              work across the patent pathway:               their pre-assessment, throughout their        • Whilst these new posts required

         similar success story!                                                                    stay in hospital, and for a few weeks           funding overall the project was cost
                                                     1) To ensure that all patients have           after their discharge.                          neutral – as savings were gained
                                                        equal access to the service.                                                               due to the improvements made by
                                                     2) That the patient journey is safe and                                                       each work-stream, in particular,
         Jane Fisher                                    free from complications.                                                                   reductions in LoS and cancellations.
         General Manager

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

• Implementation of new discharge        • Locum theatre manager in post.             • Electronic referral system used for IHT    4. Admission on the day
  planning for Jersey patients.          • Annual/study leave booked a                  non-elective patients.                     • 2006 pilot reviewed.
                                           minimum of six weeks in advance.           • All in house and IHT non-elective          • Admission on the day exclusion
Below is a summary of the work and       • Consultants’ rota set at six weeks           referrals addressed to ‘dear surgeon’        criteria agreed.
achievements in each workstream:           ahead.                                       and managed by cardiothoracic nurse        • Policy agreed and signed by all
                                         • Improved theatre start and finish            practitioner, rather than to a named         cardiology, cardiac surgery and
1. Pre-assessment                          times.                                       surgeon.                                     anaesthetic care groups.
• Reviewed demand and capacity           • The notice period given to patients        • All referrals also processed through       • Commenced 31 July 2009.
  within pre-assessment clinic.            about their surgery date increased           nurse practitioner, who then contacts
• Employed second clinical nurse           from one week to three.                      referrer to confirm receipt and discuss    5. Length of stay (LoS)
  specialists to increase capacity.      • Outpatient referrals pooled for first        work-up criteria.                          • Analysis of LoS compared with peers
• Converted all pre-assessment clinics     time CABG to ensure equity of              • Nurse practitioner liaises with              and national standards was used to
  to nurse only clinics.                   waiting times – this had an impact on        pathway co-ordinator to arrange              estimate where beds could be saved.
• Worked with admissions co-ordinator      general 18 week waiting times.               dates for surgery, keeping referring       • The transformation project manager
  to formalise process between           • Implementation and enforcement of            hospital informed.                           worked closely with each workstream
  acceptance onto waiting list and         theatre scheduling policy.                 • The matron and nurse practitioner            to measure where LoS was saved.
  admission to hospital.                                                                also worked with the Jersey Hospitals      • Alignment of the project to the
• Developed patients information sheet   3. Electronic referral system,                 and staff at St George’s to develop          strategic direction of the trust to
  to explain process, now sent to all    inpatients and interhospital transfer          and implement a new discharge                specifically save 10 beds increased
  patients when added to the waiting     patients                                       routine for Jerseys patients – the team      engagement at senior level.
  list.                                  • Cardiothoracic nurse practitioner post       designed a clinically safe and practical
                                           developed and recruited to.                  protocol to discharge patients on day
2. Theatre scheduling                    • Met with referring hospitals to discuss      five to stay in a local hospital with
• Theatre lists published weekly, ten      new cardiothoracic nurse practitioner        regular nurse check-ups until day ten,
  days in advance and with slots           role, established direct contact of          before flying home. This was done in
  available for emergency or inpatient     individual who would take                    collaboration with the Jersey referring
  cases.                                   responsibility for each referral.            hospital, who were pleased with the
• Set up weekly MDT meetings to          • Training sessions delivered to staff (at     team’s dedication to safe practice and
  review lists for following week and      each site) on how to use referral            clinical effectiveness.
  identify possible issues/over runs/      system.
  resources.                             • Electronic referral system used for in-
• Implementation and enforcement of        house in-patients between
  cancellation policy.                     cardiologists and cardiac surgeons at
                                           St George’s.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         The results                                                                                                                                                                           Increase in admission on the day
         The new pathway has resulted in:                                                          Theatre Scheduling - Cancellations (non clinical)                                           from an average of 9.9% of cases per
         The improvements have lead to an                                                                                                                                                      month in Q3 2008/09, to 24.6% of
         overall increase in productivity – theatre                                                      Cardiac Network                                                                       cases per month in Q3 2009/10.
                                                                                                      project commenced
         scheduling, increased pre-assessment                                    18
                                                                                                                                           Cancellation policy implemented
         and admission on the day, reduced                                                                                                                                                     This equates to 69 patients admitted on
         cancellations and length of stay have all                                                                                                                                             the day in 2009/10 to date; at £200 per

                                                       Number of cancellations
         contributed towards an increase in                                      14                                                                                                            bed day this makes a saving of
                                                                                                                                                 Surgical pathway
         activity by £103k to date.                                                                                                              coordinator in place                          £13,800.
                                                                                                            Rota set at                                       Transformation
                                                                                                             six weeks                                        team involved
         Reduction in non clinical                                               10
         cancellations from an average of                                         8
         10.1% of cases per month in Q3
         2008/09, to 2.3% of cases per month                                      6
         in Q3 2009/10.                                                           4
                                                                                                                  Improved start/
                                                                                                                     finish times
                                                                                                                                                      AoD commenced
                                                                                      Apr08    Jun08     Aug08    Oct08    Dec08     Feb09   Apr09   Jun09     Aug09   Oct09   Dec09
                                                                                          May08     Jul08    Sep08    Nov08     Jan09    Mar09   May09    Jul09    Sep09   Nov09

                                                                                              Non-clinical (actual)           Non-clinical (target)             Linear (non-clinical actual)

                                                      Baseline figures                                                       Percentage of non-clinical cancellations

                                                                                                                             Mean                       Median                  Range

                                                      April - March 2008/09                                                  8.3%                       9.0%                    3-15%
                                                      April 2009 - present                                                   3.7%                       4.0%                    1-7%
                                                      Oct - Dec 2008/09 average                                              10.1%                      10.3%                   5-15%
                                                      Oct - Dec 2009/10 average                                              2.3%                       1.9%                    1-4%

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

                                                                                                                    Reduction in length of stay for elective cardiac surgery patients, reduced from
                                           Admission on Day of Surgery                                              an average of 8.8 days in Q3 08/09, to 7.6 days in Q3 2009/10.

                                                                                                                                                   Length of Stay - Elective Cardiac Surgery
                                                                         Surgical pathway                                                                 Cardiac Network
                                                                         coordinator in place                                                          project commenced
              40                                                                                                              10

                                                                                   Transformation                                                                                        Surgical pathway
                                                                                   team involved                                                                                         coordinator in place

              30                                                                                                              9
                                             Cardiac Network                                                                                                                                          team involved

                                          project commenced

                                                                                 AoD commenced                                6
                                                                                                                                                                                             AoD commenced
                   Apr08    Jun08     Aug08    Oct08    Dec08     Feb09   Apr09   Jun09     Aug09   Oct09   Dec09             5
                       May08     Jul08    Sep08    Nov08     Jan09    Mar09   May09    Jul09    Sep09   Nov09                      Apr08    Jun08     Aug08    Oct08    Dec08     Feb09   Apr09   Jun09     Aug09   Oct09   Dec09
                                                                                                                                       May08     Jul08    Sep08    Nov08     Jan09    Mar09   May09    Jul09    Sep09   Nov09
                           % CS AoD (actual)              % TS AoD (target)               Linear (% CS AoD)
                                                                                                                                                Cardiac Surgery Elective LoS          Linear (Cardiac Surgery Elective LoS)

Baseline figures                                         Percentage of admitted on the day                            Baseline figures                               Length of stay for elective cardiac surgery

                                                         Mean                  Median                  Range                                                         Mean                   Median                     Range

April - March 2008/09                                    8.5%                  8.0%                    1-15%          April - March 2008/09                          8.8                    8.8                        8-11 days
April 2009 - present                                     20.9%                 21.1%                   10-31%         April 2009 - present                           7.4                    7.7                        6-8 days
Oct - Dec 2008/09 average                                9.9%                  7.7%                    2-20%          Oct - Dec 2008/09 average                      8.8                    8.3                        8-9 days
Oct - Dec 2009/10 average                                24.6%                 25.0%                   19-30%         Oct - Dec 2009/10 average                      7.6                    7.8                        7-8 days

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         Reduction in length of stay for non-elective cardiac surgery patients, from an                                    Top tips                                         b.The core team held the five points
         average of 15.7 days in Q3 2008/09, to 13.3 days in Q3 2009/10.                                                   1. Engagement at senior level and                   outlined as a shared vision of
                                                                                                                              alignment of the project to the                  change, and worked together to
                                                                                                                              strategic direction of the trust                 achieve these goals.
                                                                                                                              specifically saving 10 beds.                  c. As well as for planning purposes,
                                         Length of Stay - Non-Elective Cardiac Surgery
                                                                                                                           2. Regular reporting to senior                      the team meetings were important
                    23                                                                                                        management supported by robust                   for boosting morale for when the
                    21                                                                                                        data across a defined set of                     work was facing opposition or
                                                               Cardiac Network
                                                               project commenced                                              measures agreed early on in the                  difficulties.
                    19                                                                                                        project to ensure focus.                      d.As a result of the project,
                                                                                   Surgical pathway
                                                                                   coordinator in place
                    17                                                                                                     3. Access to data. A member of the                  relationships and communications
                                                                                                                              team with access to data was vital to            throughout the team and across

                                                                                                                              measuring improvement as the                     the pathway boundaries have
                    13                                                                                                        network project manager struggled                been improved.
                                                                                                                              to gain access to data, being              5. Keep in the forefront that
                                                                                                                              perceived as an ‘outsider’. The               improvement does not need to come
                                                                              Transformation                                  internal data manager was able to             at a financial cost – but that by
                                                                              team involved          AoD commenced
                    7                                                                                                         retrieve and analyse data shared              working more efficiently and more
                                                                        Feb09   Apr09
                                                                                    May09    Jul09
                                                                                                  Aug09   Oct09
                                                                                                                              across the project team to drive the          productively, patients can receive
                                                                                                                              work.                                         better care that is value for money.
                               Cardiac Surgery Non-Elective LoS             Linear (Cardiac Surgery Non-Elective LoS)
                                                                                                                           4. Interdisciplinary core project team
                                                                                                                              was reflective of the key staff vital to   Contact details:
                                                                                                                              implementing and maintaining               Jane Fisher,
                                                                                                                              changes being tested.                      General Manager, Cardiovascular,
            Baseline figures                             Length of stay for non-elective cardiac surgery                      a. The core team consisted of the          St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust
                                                                                                                                 lead for each work stream; these
                                                         Mean                       Median                    Range              individuals were the people who
                                                                                                                                 would plan and measure the              Laura Gillam,
            April - March 2008/09                        15.5                       15.4                      10-21 days                                                 Senior Project Manager, South London
                                                                                                                                 changes – they were the people
            April 2009 - present                         13.2                       13.3                      10-16 days         who could really make a                 Cardiac and Stroke Networks.
            Oct - Dec 2008/09 average                    15.7                       16.0                      14-17 days
            Oct - Dec 2009/10 average                    13.3                       13.1                      12-15 days

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
and Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull Cardiac and Stroke Network
Ensuring patients are fit for surgery and reducing delays in the cardiac surgical patients pathway

The problem                                clinics and with some patients attending
Achieving the national target of 90% of    a further appointment at pre-
admitted cardiac surgery patient           assessment clinic. The pre-assessment
pathways being completed within 18         clinic workforce did not have the
weeks was proving a challenge across       required skills to support a full
organisations within the Birmingham,       assessment, including history taking,
Sandwell and Solihull Cardiac and          patient examination and assessment.
Stroke Network. One of the most            Therefore, an SHO was required to
common delays in the patients’             review all patients.
pathway at Good Hope Hospital was
the time between angiography and case      Attendance at pre-assessment clinic was
review by the multidisciplinary team       often more than four weeks before the
(MDT). On average the wait was four        date of surgery which resulted in the
weeks but at it’s longest nine weeks,      need to duplicate chest x-rays and
particularly if the MDTs were cancelled.   blood tests on admission. This created
Surgeons from the tertiary centre were     unnecessary expense to the Trust and         There was also some pressure to reduce        A patient progress tracker was
required to travel across the city to      inconvenience to the patient                 the overall length of stay and improve        appointed by the network to track the
attend the MDT meetings held at the                                                     efficiencies in the patient pathway, as       patients through their journeys using a
referring provider centre to review        There was no anaesthetic service in the      the tertiary centre is reducing its overall   live database to help map the pathway
individual cases requiring surgical        pre-assessment clinic, resulting in          number of beds on the cardiac surgical        and identify delays in the journey.
opinion. Clinical commitments often        clinical problems often identified late in   ward from 39 to 32.                           Tracking patient pathways also helped
meant that attendance at these MDTs        the patient pathway; on admission to                                                       to demonstrate that patients sometimes
was not possible. Not all patients were    the tertiary centre problems had been        The solution                                  attended more than one surgical/
discussed at MDT and the process of        identified following assessment by the       A surgical steering group was set up          cardiology appointment.
ensuring that patients were fully          anaesthetist. This often resulted in the     which included cardiologists
worked up for surgery prior to referral    patient being declared unfit for surgery     representing the tertiary centre and          A new pathway to support the
to the MDT was not supported by an         and the operation cancelled. The clinic      district general hospital, a cardiac          achievement of 18 weeks was
agreed protocol.                           was not working to full capacity, flow of    surgeon, an anaesthetist, management          developed and agreed by all key
                                           patients through the clinic was low and      representation from both trusts, a            stakeholders. Baseline data was
The system of ensuring patients were       a review of the pre assessment services      cardiothoracic nurse practitioner and         collected to help define the problem
fit for surgery was characterised by       illustrated that not all slots were being    tertiary centre cardiac audit clerk. The      and scope of the project.
inconsistency and variation across the     fully utilised.                              Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull
surgical teams with pre-screening not                                                   Cardiac and Stroke Network provided
carried out in all surgeons’ outpatient                                                 project management support.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         The project objectives were:                                                                                                                       potentially adding weeks to the
         • Introduction of weekly electronic                                                                                                                pathway and unnecessary waits for
                                                                               Cardiac Surgery Pathway - RTT 18 Weeks
           MDTs using:                                                                                                                                      the patient.
           • telemedicine to allow the transfer                                  2 WEEKS               5 WEEKS          2 WEEKS                         •   An increase from 0% of patients
             of images between referring units                Referral Received in     Rapid Access          Diagnostic       MDT (referral                 previously reviewed by an anaesthetist
             and the tertiary centre;                         Rapid Access Chest       Chest Pain Clinic     Tests            to tertiary                   in pre-assessment to72% over a short
                                                              Pain Clinic              Appointment                            centre)
           • teleconferencing between the                                                                                                                   period of time. We are working
             referring consultant cardiologists                                                    9 WEEKS                                                  towards 100% of patients being
             and tertiary centre surgical teams                                                                                                             assessed by an anaesthetist in pre
                                                              Surgical             Diagnostic            Pre-Assessment            Cardiac Surgery
             for the purpose of weekly MDT                    Outpatient           Tests                 Clinic
                                                                                                                                                            assessment clinic.
             case review. Use of technology was               Appointment                                                                               •   Clinic nurses undergoing practitioner
             thought capable of reducing MDT                                                                                                                training to enable implementation of
                                                                                 Secondary care to tertiary care - 9 weeks
             cancellations and increasing the                                    Tertiary care to definitive treatment - 9 weeks
                                                                                                                                                            a cardiothoracic advanced nurse
             number of patients discussed at                                                                                                                practitioner role in the pre-assessment
             MDT;                                                                                                                                           clinic and to help address demands
           • introduction of a pre-referral                                                                                                                 on clinical service brought about by
             protocol to ensure patients are fully   Progress                                            • Development of the pre-referral                  EWTD.
             worked up prior to referral to the      The tertiary centre has four core                     protocol to support the referring            •   Capacity at pre-assessment clinic has
             tertiary centre.                        purposes. Therefore, it was imperative                cardiologist. This will ensure that all          increased from approximately 12 to
         • Redesign of the pre-assessment            that any project undertaken to improve                the required information is available            30 available slots per week, resulting
           process with patients:                    services should be underpinned by the                 at the point of referral including               in increased activity. This has been
           • attending the clinic no more than       following four principles.                            presenting history, past medical                 achieved by increasing the number of
             four weeks before the date of                                                                 history and a summary of                         appointments, and reducing time pre-
             admission for surgery at the tertiary   i)     Excellent patient care                         investigations and outstanding                   assessment staff spent on
             centre;                                 ii)    Clinical quality outcomes                      results. It also specifies the indications       administration duties, to enable them
           • being assessed in pre-assessment        iii)   Research and innovation                        for undertaking core investigations              to focus on clinical duties.
             clinic by a cardiothoracic advanced     iv)    Education and training.                        such as trans-thoracic echo, carotid         •   Telemedicine system is in the process
             nurse practitioner and an                                                                     duplex scans and lung function tests.            of being installed.
             anaesthetist to ensure they are fit     These have been achieved in the                       Implementation of this protocol will         •   Development of a patient
             for surgery on admission to the         following ways:                                       ensure all necessary investigations are          questionnaire survey to gather an
             tertiary centre, with a view to                                                               completed before referral to the                 understanding of the patients’
             reducing the cancellation rate and                                                            tertiary centre, reducing the risk of            experience from referral for cardiac
             optimising use of inpatient beds.                                                             the patient being referred back to the           surgery to admission for surgery.
                                                                                                           DGH for the tests to be undertaken,

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

                                                                               Top tips                                     Contact details:
                                                                               • Mapping the existing pathway is            Emma Billingham
                                                                                 essential in understanding timelines       Group Manager
                                                                                 and delays in the system.

                                                                                                                            University Hospitals Birmingham
                                                                               • Strong clinical leadership (cardiology     NHS Foundation Trust
                                                                                 and cardiac surgeons).           
University Hospitals Birmingham is still in the process of fully rolling out   • Obtain baseline data to identify if a
                                                                                 problem exists and build in robust
the project. However, we have already seen benefits to patients with the         data collection mechanisms to
expansion of pre-assessment and pre-screening clinics as well as the             support improvement work.
                                                                               • Understanding the funding
development of anaesthetic-led pre-assessment clinics. We look forward           implications and identifying who is
to receiving comments from patients about their pre-operative pathway            going to fund what (things like
                                                                                 annual service costs for a piece of kit
so that we can evaluate our success so far and identify any further              etc) as early as possible in the project
improvements to be made. We also welcomed the opportunity to work                to avoid issues later on.
                                                                               • Develop a communication plan to
with a local referring cardiology centre to identify bottlenecks in the          facilitate the dissemination of project
patient pathway and are currently working to resolve these.                      information to all admin and
                                                                                 clerical/managerial and clinical staff
                                                                                 involved in the pathway as this helps
I feel the project group has benefitted from networking with other               to foster support and buy in to the
centres who have identified similar issues and we have learnt from               improvement work making it
                                                                                 everybody’s business.
their experiences how to overcome these to ensure the overall                  • Bringing together key stakeholders

success of the project.                                                          from the referring provider unit and
                                                                                 tertiary centre together to identify
                                                                                 issues and problems and develop joint
                                                                               • Understanding the patient/carer
Emma Billingham, Group Manager                                                   experience is fundamental to the
                                                                                 success of any quality improvement

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network
         Process changes significantly increase 18 week performance in cardiac surgery

                                                                                                   Overall there was a considerable amount      These meetings also highlighted
                                                                                                   of incomplete data on the inpatient          concerns around how the IPTMDS forms
                                                                                                   waiting list (KH07). The position of         were being completed. These
                                                                                                   patients along their 18 week pathway         discussions resulted in a revised surgical
                                                                                                   was not known due to clock starts being      patient pathway and process changes
                                                                                                   found/given/used too late. Data flow of      featuring:
                                                                                                   patients after going on KH07 was not
                                                                                                   recorded accurately. These                   • Patients seen at the pre-operative
                                                                                                   inconsistencies meant that Royal               assessment clinic (POAC) being
                                                                                                   Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation            declared ‘fit for surgery’ before being
                                                                                                   Trust had little chance of achieving the       added to the surgical waiting list.
                                                                                                   18 week admitted referral to treatment       • Agreed and standardised use of the
                                                                                                   pathway target.                                18 week suite of rules across referring
         The problem                                  • Clinic outcomes were often not                                                            providers and the tertiary centre.
         The trust performance for referral to          documented following the patients          The solution                                 • Inter-trust contacts for administrative,
         treatment pathways for cardiothoracic          attendance at the pre operative            The trust employed 18 week                     clerical and nursing staff were
         surgery, within 18 weeks between               assessment clinic (POAC), a crib sheet     co-ordinators to assist the 18 week            exchanged so that in future clock
         April - August 2008 had remained               was developed for the clinic staff to      project manager and received project           start requests were sent to the right
         consistently below the 90% national            show what rules can/cannot be              management support from the North              people.
         target, sitting in the low 30-50%. A           applied in different situations.           West London Cardiac and Stroke               • Support and training on application
         review of the elective surgical pathway      • 18 week clock stops were not always        Network to focus on the cardiac surgery        of the 18 week rules for key admin
         for planned care illustrated the following     used appropriately, for example            pathway.                                       personnel and nursing leads of the
         issues:                                        patients requiring referral for                                                           pre-assessment service to help reduce
                                                        conditions on a new clinical pathway       The surgical pathways were mapped              variation and ambiguity in their
         • Patients were typically added to the         such as haematology often resulted in      from the point of referral made by the         application.
           surgical waiting list before they had        an inappropriate continuation of the       secondary care provider through receipt      • Patients at other trusts who were
           been assessed and declared ‘fit for          18 week clock.                             of referral to treatment by tertiary care      under investigation were recorded on
           surgery’ which resulted in extended        • These patients were not recorded on        centre which helped to identify                RBHfT PAS as ‘active monitoring’,
           wait times for definitive treatment          a central list and were at risk of         bottlenecks in the surgical pathway.           effectively stopping the clock on their
           well beyond 18 weeks.                        getting lost ‘in the system’.                                                             cardiac surgery pathway. The cardiac
         • The understanding and application of       • A number of patients had already           A series of meetings with the referring        nurse practitioners would follow the
           the 18 week suite of rules varied            breached their 18 week pathway by          trusts and the tertiary centre helped gain     progress of the patient through their
           among staff within administrative,           the time the referral was received by      a common understanding of how to               appointments and tests ensuring that
           clinical and managerial roles at the         the tertiary centre, this was partly due   apply the 18 week rules suite and              there were no unnecessary delays,
           tertiary centre and referring providers.     to the accompanying Inter Provider         develop a shared agreement for applying        once declared fit for surgery they
                                                        Transfer Minimum Data Set (IPTMDS)         clock-starts and stops across providers.       would be added to the waiting list.
                                                        form being incomplete or incorrect.
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

• Redesign of the clinic outcome form         week rules and how to apply them            Comparative data of performance for a four month period year on year
  with fields developed to show a range       effectively.
  of scenarios and how the clock rules      • There has been an improvement in
  apply.                                      both the number of IPTMDS forms               April - August 2008 Performance
• The integrity of data on KH07 was           sent through and their data
  closely monitored. Appropriate and          completeness.                                                           Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Average
  effective data management and             • Improved communication between
  communication significantly improved        staff has also helped reduce delays in        Wexham Park               71%     80%     79%     44%     50%     64.8%
  the accuracy of the data used to            referrals, transferring and sharing of        Lister                    60%     66%     41%     46%     12%     45%
  monitor performance.                        information and the booking of
• Where possible clock starts were            appointments.                                 Luton and Dunstable       0%      16%     20%     25%     21%     16.4%
  found prior to booking POAC. The
  18 week database was used by pre-
                                            Top tips
  operative administrative staff to plan                                                    April - August 2009 Performance
                                            • Communication between providers
  the patients clinic attendance date in
                                              and across staff groups including
  line with trust targets and appropriate                                                                             Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Average
                                              administrative and clerical, clinical and
  to breach date.
• Through discussion over the 18              managerial is key to ensuring full
                                                                                            Wexham Park               86%     100%    97%     100% 96%        95.8%
  week rules and the use of medical           understanding of the 18 week rules
  management it transpired that               and effectively applying them.                Lister                    70%     88%     74%     70%     86%     77.6%
  referring trusts treat the majority of    • Developing and strengthening
                                                                                            Luton and Dunstable       100% 92%        86%     84%     96%     91.6%
  their patients before referring             working relationships between the
  them on.                                    cardiac nurse practitioners and the
                                              surgical medical teams helped pool
Results                                       the expertise to support a full             • A thorough understanding between        Contact details
• By December 2008, the trusts 18             pre-operative assessment clinic.              how the information systems and         Gemma Snell
  week admitted performance met the         • Access to the 18 week co-ordinator            operational processes correlated by     Service Improvement Project Manager
  minimum 90% which continues to be           contactable by bleep increases their          the 18 week co-ordinator had a huge     North West London Cardiac and
  sustained, often peaking above the          accessibility for staff to flag queries       impact on improving data quality and    Stroke Network
  95% target. Pro-active tracking of          and problems regarding interpretation         hence performance issues.               Email:
  patients along their pathway has            of the rules.                               • Building relationships and improving
  ensured there have been no                • Meeting regularly with teams along            communication channels with
  unwarranted delays.                         the surgical pathway for example the          referring trusts had a considerable
• There has been a far greater                theatre scheduler who booked                  impact on improving performance as
  understanding within the hospital staff     elective and non-elective cases,              there was a sense of shared
  and between referring trusts of the 18      helped reduce avoidable delays.               responsibility.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

         Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
         in collaboration with Essex Cardiac and Stroke Network
         Tackling change - the teamwork way

         The problem                                                                                                                         1.Collegiate system for review of
         The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre (CTC) is                                                                                              patient referrals.
         a relatively new unit which opened in                                                                                               2.Process for allocation of ‘pooled’
         July 2007, with many of its clinical                                                                                                  patients to consultant surgeons
         pathways and their supporting systems                                                                                                 resulting in longer waiting lists for
         and processes having been developed                                                                                                   certain procedures.
         early in the organisations history. The                                                                                             3.Pre-assessment clinic not working to
         trust faced challenges with meeting                                                                                                   its full potential due to the skills of
         the national target of 90% admitted                                                                                                   staff carrying out the clinic.
         pathways completed within 18 weeks of
         referral to treatment with performance                                                                                              Baseline audit of the current service was
         often running between 30-40%.                                                                                                       carried out in relation to theatre
         Review of the surgical pathway was                                                                                                  cancellations and theatre day/time. An
         seen as paramount to the continued                                                                                                  audit tool was developed which allowed
         success and growth of the unit,                                                                                                     all sections of the theatre to be
         evidenced by internal audits that had                                                                                               measured, for example time taken to
         identified areas for development and                                                                                                call for patient, time in anaesthetic
         improvement.                                                                                                                        room, knife to skin time. This audit
                                                        • Patients often needed to make more       The solution                              helped to identify timing delays and
         The elective cardiac surgery pathway             than one visit in the pre operative      A Surgical User Group (SUG) was           identified sections of the theatre day
         was seen as a key area of focus to               part of the surgical pathway as a        established with members drawn from       where improvements to efficiency could
         review systems and processes in the              result of surgical outpatients and       across the multidisciplinary team to      be made in order to optimize theatre
         following areas of the pathway:                  pre-operative assessment clinics         spearhead the development of the          usage and reduce surgical cancellations
                                                          (POAC) being held separately.            surgical service. An action plan with     as a result of clinical and non clinical
         • Surgical collegiate system, a process                                                   clear timescales was produced, the        matters. The picture of theatre
           of clinical review to ensure correct         ECTC were able to focus on problems        current service was discussed and ideas   cancellations was broken down into the
           procedure and surgeon determined             several audits were carried out which      generated for future developments and     following:
           for all cardiac surgery referrals, carried   identified areas where improvements        improvements planned. All changes to
           out by surgeons prior to the patient         were required in order to streamline the   the service were approved by the SUG.     • Interhospital transfer patients
           attending an outpatients’ appointment.       service, improve patient experience and    Additional project support was provided     received at the unit were often not
           Challenges in sustaining the collegiate      improve efficiency and effectiveness.      by the Essex Cardiac and Stroke             fully optimised.
           system, based on two surgeons                The unit were keen to maintain high        Network.                                  • Unfit elective patients.
           reviewing each referral on a bi weekly       patient satisfaction levels whilst                                                   • Anaesthetic cove.r
           basis, were related to ‘buy in’ and          maximizing the use of in patient beds      Mapping of the current pathway            • Availability of intensive care beds.
           agreement from the surgical teams.           and theatre utilisation.                   highlighted issues with:                  • Theatre over-runs.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

A retrospective audit of 40 case notes     • Improve 18 week referral to treatment      • Reduction in unnecessary duplication       Contact details:
was carried out across six consultant        times for admitted pathways.                 of tests. Tests performed at POAC,         Jenni Brown
surgeons during a three month period –     • Improve efficiency within theatre day.       CXR, blood tests and ECGs now              Matron, Essex Cardiothoracic Centre -
this illustrated the problem of delay                                                     remain valid from time performed           Basildon and Thurrock University
patients experienced between being         The new service now provides:                  until admission into ECTC.                 Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
seen in pre operative assessment clinic    • Same day outpatient clinic and pre-        • Reduced waiting times for cardiac
(POAC) and their admission for surgery       assessment.                                  surgery from nine weeks to six weeks.
which often resulted in tests being        • Dedicated lead pre-assessment nurse.       • Timely POAC to admission has
repeated, an unnecessary expense to        • Forum for monitoring and auditing            reduced length of stay by one day for
the Trust. The case note audit               measurables to improve service.              some groups of cardiac surgical
highlighted in some cases the time         • Same day admission for cardiac               patients with same day admission.
interval was 10 weeks between POAC           surgery.
and admission for surgery which            • Super multidisciplinary team (MDT) for     Top tips
invalidated the tests necessitating them     review of complex cardiac surgery          • Working together in a
to be repeated on admission.                 cases with joint cardiology and surgical     multidisciplinary team and
                                             assessment of the patient presented.         collaborating with key stakeholders
Understanding our cardiac surgical                                                        within ECTC and with referring
pathway by using service improvement       Results                                        District General Hospitals (DGHs)
techniques and data helped us to           18 week admitted pathways are now              meant everyone understood each
identify service improvements and areas    performing consistently at 90% as a            others perspectives.
where patient experience could be          result of:                                   • Engagement with staff across a range
improved.                                  • Improved working relationships and           of disciplines and at all levels
                                             MDT working have developed as a              including consultant surgeons,
Our overarching aim was to:                  result of the involvement of all             anaesthetists, nurses, perfusionists
• Reduce the time frame between              disciplines within ECTC as a result of       and management team.
  attendance at pre operative                the development of Surgical User           • Strong leadership and senior
  assessment clinic and admission for        Group.                                       management support.
  surgery by four weeks.                   • Reduction of in -hospital theatre          • Schedule meetings to meet the needs
• Reduce theatre cancellations to            cancellations from 20% to 10%.               of all disciplines to ensure attendance.
  below 10%.                               • Reduction in wait from pre operative       • Production of robust data collection
• Reduce waiting times from nine             assessment clinic (POAC to admission         and analysis to support the project,
  weeks to six weeks for cardiac             for elective cardiac surgery from nine       drive key changes and ensure the
  surgery.                                   weeks to six weeks.                          work remained focused.

A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

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Recent Advances in Cardiothoracic Surgery
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Breakout 2.2 Commissioning Quality Care: Tools to support the commissioning p...
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Breakout 2.2 Commissioning Quality Care: Tools to support the commissioning p...
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Transforming cardiac rehabilitation: celebrating achievements and sharing the...
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Transforming cardiac rehabilitation: celebrating achievements and sharing the...
NHS Improvement
Cardiac Rehabilitation - National Priority Projects: Lessons and learning one...
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NHS Improvement
Continuing to Improve Cardiac Services - National Project Summaries 2009/10
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NHS Improvement
Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation: modelling potential impact on re...
Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation:  modelling potential impact on re...Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation:  modelling potential impact on re...
Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation: modelling potential impact on re...
NHS Improvement
First steps in improving phlebotomy: the challenge to improve quality, produc...
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First steps in improving phlebotomy: the challenge to improve quality, produc...
NHS Improvement
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
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Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
NHS Improvement
Service improvement in blood sciences
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Implementing oesphageal Doppler in Enhanced Recovery
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University of Manchester
Professor Richard Beale @ MRF's Meningitis & Septicaemia in Children & Adults...
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Meningitis Research Foundation
Towards best practice in interventional radiology
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NHS Improvement
The best of clinical pathway redesign - practical examples of delivering bene...
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NHS Improvement
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18 Weeks Whole Pathways Project - National Priority Projects 07/08 Summary Do...
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Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care Project - National Priority Projects 07/0...
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NHS Improvement
The evidence: Cardiac surgery or interventional procedure? by Professor David...
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The evidence: Cardiac surgery or interventional procedure? by Professor David...
CICM 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
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Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
NHS Improvement
Executive Roundtable
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Executive RoundtableTodd Tabel
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improveme...
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Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improveme...
NHS Improvement
Service improvement for radiologists
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NHS Improvement
Enhanced Recovery Canada Presentation
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Enhanced Recovery Canada Presentation
Canadian Patient Safety Institute

Similar to A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services (20)

Transforming cardiac rehabilitation: celebrating achievements and sharing the...
Transforming cardiac rehabilitation: celebrating achievements and sharing the...Transforming cardiac rehabilitation: celebrating achievements and sharing the...
Transforming cardiac rehabilitation: celebrating achievements and sharing the...
Cardiac Rehabilitation - National Priority Projects: Lessons and learning one...
Cardiac Rehabilitation - National Priority Projects: Lessons and learning one...Cardiac Rehabilitation - National Priority Projects: Lessons and learning one...
Cardiac Rehabilitation - National Priority Projects: Lessons and learning one...
Continuing to Improve Cardiac Services - National Project Summaries 2009/10
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Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation: modelling potential impact on re...
Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation:  modelling potential impact on re...Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation:  modelling potential impact on re...
Making the case for cardiac rehabilitation: modelling potential impact on re...
First steps in improving phlebotomy: the challenge to improve quality, produc...
First steps in improving phlebotomy: the challenge to improve quality, produc...First steps in improving phlebotomy: the challenge to improve quality, produc...
First steps in improving phlebotomy: the challenge to improve quality, produc...
Adult survivorship: from concept to innovation
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Service improvement in blood sciences
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Implementing oesphageal Doppler in Enhanced Recovery
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Professor Richard Beale @ MRF's Meningitis & Septicaemia in Children & Adults...
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Professor Richard Beale @ MRF's Meningitis & Septicaemia in Children & Adults...
Towards best practice in interventional radiology
Towards best practice in interventional radiologyTowards best practice in interventional radiology
Towards best practice in interventional radiology
The best of clinical pathway redesign - practical examples of delivering bene...
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The best of clinical pathway redesign - practical examples of delivering bene...
Final ThumbsUpPoster_96x48_PQ
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Final ThumbsUpPoster_96x48_PQ
18 Weeks Whole Pathways Project - National Priority Projects 07/08 Summary Do...
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Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care Project - National Priority Projects 07/0...
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Atrial Fibrillation in Primary Care Project - National Priority Projects 07/0...
The evidence: Cardiac surgery or interventional procedure? by Professor David...
The evidence: Cardiac surgery or interventional procedure? by Professor David...The evidence: Cardiac surgery or interventional procedure? by Professor David...
The evidence: Cardiac surgery or interventional procedure? by Professor David...
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
Transforming care for cancer patients - spreading the winning principels and ...
Executive Roundtable
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Executive Roundtable
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improveme...
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NHS Improvement
Directory of Diagnostic Services for Commissioning Organisations
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NHS Improvement
Managing exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A sec...
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Managing exacerbations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A sec...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.5 Preventing Oxygen Toxicity: a whole system approach - Prof Tony ...
Breakout 4.5 Preventing Oxygen Toxicity: a whole system approach - Prof Tony ...Breakout 4.5 Preventing Oxygen Toxicity: a whole system approach - Prof Tony ...
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz Norman
Breakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz NormanBreakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz Norman
Breakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz Norman
NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
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Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
NHS Improvement
Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.5 ‘Dying for a fag’ The hypoxic patient actively smoking – case st...
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.4 How to support the psychological needs of patients with COPD - K...
Breakout 3.4 How to support the psychological needs of patients with COPD - K...Breakout 3.4 How to support the psychological needs of patients with COPD - K...
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...
Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...Breakout 3.3 Achieving Excellence Across Primary & Secondary Care - Sarah Kea...
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen Gaduzo
Breakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen GaduzoBreakout 3.3 Pro-active management - Stephen Gaduzo
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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
Breakout 3.1 How to…… Diagnose earlier and accurately: spirometry and history...
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Breakout 4.3 Building a caring future - Liz Norman
Breakout 4.3 How to manage… exacerbations of COPD, asthma and… in hospital - ...
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Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
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Breakout 4.2 Optimise not maximise for better value COPD and asthma care - No...
Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
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Breakout 4. 2 Benefits of implementing medicines optimisation in a COPD and a...
Breakout 4.1 Finding the missing millions - David Halpin
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Breakout 3.5 ‘Dying for a fag’ The hypoxic patient actively smoking – case st...
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Breakout 2.4 Making the system work for you:Using levers and drivers to deliv...
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A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services

  • 1. NHS NHS Improvement CANCER DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement Heart A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services
  • 2. Contents Foreword 3 Discharge planning 35 Introduction 4 • Improving the patient experience for cardiac surgery pathways 36 Improvement to the patient pathway - summary of recommendations 5 • Reducing length of stay of elective cardiac surgical patients to a one night stay post operatively 39 Access to surgery 7 Quality - the current context 42 Elective pathways 8 Supporting Information 49 • Redesign of the cardiac surgery patient pathway 9 Cardiac Data Dashboard 50 • Ensuring patients are fit for surgery and reducing delays in the cardiac surgical patients pathway 15 The Sustainability Toolkit 51 • Process changes significantly increase 18 week performance NHS Improvement System 52 in cardiac surgery 18 Good planning can inspire change that • Tackling change - the teamwork way 20 leads to improvements 53 • Cardiac surgery and 18 weeks - a pan network approach 22 References and supporting information 54 Cardiac surgery trends - the national picture 24 Acknowledgements 56 Non-elective pathways 29 Cardiac Surgery National Project Team 57 • ‘Urgent or non urgent’, that is the question 32
  • 3. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Foreword There has been substantial progress in It is a clinical challenge, since it is, in the cardiac surgery over the last ten years. end, clinicians that spend the money. So, Surgeons are operating in a more timely every clinician is required to examine their fashion on more people with higher levels practice and actively look for ways to of risk and co-morbidity, yet they are deliver care more efficiently, removing delivering better outcomes. waste and saving money. The national audit has been a major In my last foreword (Improving the patient driver for success and so has the work of experience: Developing solutions to NHS Improvement where a focus on delivering sustainable pathways in cardiac systems that deliver high quality care has surgery, March 2009), I pointed out that Professor Roger Boyle CBE been pivotal. there are still long delays in the non- elective pathways that lead to heart Now we face an even bigger challenge. surgery. These delays have not gone away Over the last ten years, we have benefited and still need to be addressed. Many of from higher levels of growth in NHS the issues regarding pre-assessment and expenditure than at any time in its history theatre scheduling are other examples and cardiac services have been substantial where the priority projects have addressed beneficiaries. Today, we have to recognise the key efficiency measures over the years. that it is inevitable that the wider financial Now, we cannot rest on our laurels, there situation is going to impact on each and remains much to be done. every one of us. This challenge, to deliver continuing high quality care while at the same time delivering it much more Professor Roger Boyle CBE efficiently, is the biggest challenge that National Director for Heart Disease has faced us in the history of the NHS. and Stroke, Department of Health 3
  • 4. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Introduction A superficial view would suggest that This has increased from 10% in 1999 and The focus of work undertaken by the cardiac surgery has changed little over the has brought challenges in terms of current project sites considered to be last twenty years – we still spend most of increasing co-morbidity but results constraints within the management of our time in theatre grafting coronary following surgery continue to improve. smooth patient flows includes the arteries and replacing heart valves. Mortality following CABG has fallen from following: However, closer inspection shows marked 1.9% in 2004 to 1.5% in 2008. The changes in the type of patient being seen changes in cardiac care set out in the • Pre-admission provision. by surgeons. The era of operating on National Service Framework have also had • Referral management services. patients with heart valve disease only a marked effect on the way patients are • Scheduling. when their symptoms became severe has treated we have found that we are • Discharge and post operative care passed and now many patients are operating on many more patents on an management. Steve Livesey operated on specifically to prevent urgent basis as appropriate treatments are deterioration rather than improve now available much earlier in the time This report aims to share the successes symptoms. This change means that course of patients’ disease course. with the wider NHS providing a range of patients having heart valve surgery are not excellent examples of where local teams having their operations when they have The attention focused on cardiac have delivered innovation in their service begun to slip down the slope of clinical diagnostics and 18 week pathways as part to improve the efficiency and experience deterioration when ‘risky’ surgery is the of the portfolio of work led by NHS Heart for patients and staff. only prospect of survival but when they Improvement during 2007/08 highlighted are well. a need to shift attention to cardiac surgery to develop sustainable solutions. Eight Steven Livesey This change has occurred alongside a NHS Trusts supported by their local cardiac National Clinical Lead justified increase in the expectations networks have been involved as NHS Improvement - Heart patient have of what can be done for demonstration sites during 2008/09 them and as evidence of this we are testing out new approaches to care and operating on an increasingly elderly improvement to frontline patient services. population of patients. In 2008, 25% of all patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery were over 75 years of age. 4
  • 5. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Improvement to the patient pathway - summary of recommendations one: Lessons drawn from project 1. Service priorities demonstration sites suggest that 2. Models of care and idealised 1. Referral management services quality improvement to elective patient pathways There is often an information gap between referring provider units and cardiac surgery services requires 3. The approach to the change the tertiary centre: smarter working, a data driven initiative and the identification • Manage variation in the referral process from provider units and approach to understanding process of root cause issues and in-house reducing multiple referral points through development of performance and process variation, solution development agreed referral criteria to relieve pressure on waiting times for surgery. the enhancement of staff roles and a 4. The methods/approaches to • Develop central systems for optimising referral efficiency by shared overview of the patients’ change management streamlining administrative process and referral management linking journey and patients experience • Strategically in gaining clinical teams across secondary and tertiary care to triage referrals and across referring providers and the agreement to change service advise on appropriate tests/investigations. tertiary centre. models and contractual • Introduce pooled referrals across consultants as this significantly arrangements; impacts on waiting times. Cardiac networks continue to be • Operationally in the application • Use appropriate clinical staff to confirm referrals are complete and uniquely placed to assist with the of improvements including the discusses work up criteria with referrer. delivery of the quality agenda by adoption of processes that hold • Introduce a single point of contact at the tertiary centre for referrers linking clinicians, managers and and sustain the gains. and patients. The role of the trained clinical coordinator is pivotal in commissioners together in every tracking individual patients and in ensuring the consultant team kept aspect of the patients’ journey This document identifies a range of informed of significant events. through primary, secondary and initiatives that have been successfully tertiary care. employed in meeting the challenge of 18 weeks in elective surgery which Networks are well positioned to inevitably required the focus to reflect local relationships between extend to systems and processes that clinicians across organisational support the whole surgical process, boundaries to further develop safe elective or otherwise. and effective surgical pathways of care for patients by providing an The detailed case studies within the opportunity for clinicians and publication aim to share the managers to work together on the knowledge and learning from these redesign agenda and to gain pilot sites which breaks down into the agreement on: following four areas: 5
  • 6. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services two: three: 2. Pre admission provision 3. Scheduling • Manage variation in pre assessment services. • Move toward Day of Surgery admission as the standard of care for • Adopt investigation guidelines which state agreed timeframes from test to elective surgery as this can improve the patient experience considerably. planned date of surgery and only carry out investigations which are • Maximize theatre efficiency by reducing waste in the system for relevant, indicated and likely to alter management. example right staff in place at the right times with the right equipment. • Introduce ‘one-stops’ for outpatients to avoid wasted clinics for medical • Optimise theatre capacity by reducing slot cancellations (clinical/non staff and patients. clinical) and by scheduling procedures that assist with patient flow • Maximize opportunities for multidisciplinary team assessment and through ITU/HDU. emphasise use of technology an example would be use of video link • Where ever possible pool lists to reduce waiting times. between hospitals. • Procedure complexity scores developed to assist with scheduling • Maximize pre assessment opportunities as they help manage patient health developed as part of MDT. and reduce risk. • Maximize pre admission diagnostics particularly in referring district general hospitals by establishing agreed pre operative protocols. • Maximize patient work up prior to admission and agree the schedule for four: each clinical scenario for example surgery for coronaries, mitral valve, aortic 4. Discharge and post operative care management valve and combination. This has a beneficial effect on waiting times. • Manage variation in post operative clinical management practice. • Train and support key clinical and managerial staff to deliver some of the • Manage variation in discharge patterns reducing length of stay. work undertaken by junior doctors reconfigure services to develop • Start discharge planning at pre assessment to identify requirement for opportunities for other health care professionals to widen their skills and support and home aids to reduce requirement for delayed discharge. scope of relationship with patients. An example is the patient ‘navigator’ • Involve a range of health care professionals for example occupational role which benefits patients and families by providing information and therapists in discharge planning at pre assessment particularly where support following attendance at outpatient and pre assessment clinic. patients and in particular the elderly may have complex needs. • Maximize the scope of extended practice for nursing roles working in pre • Discharge assessment should form part of the central patient record operative assessment clinics functioning as part of the consultant led team available throughout the patient journey to all staff groups. to streamline cardiac surgery patient care. • Move toward nurse led discharge. • Maximize inclusion of different staff groupings for example anaesthetists involved in pre assessment to ensure that all patients presenting for surgery will be adequately assessed as this can reduce cancellation rates, improve operating theatre efficiency and increase patient satisfaction. Note: The resources developed by these pilot sites are available • Continue to provide information and support. through the web links and NHS Improvement system at: 6
  • 7. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Access to surgery The reductions in waiting times envisaged The need for non-medically qualified staff by the NHS Plan are now a reality and in to play an even greater role in patients’ order to meet the expectations of shorter assessment and treatment is becoming waits, the way in which patients are apparent as the effects of the reduction in managed and referred from one junior doctors hours are starting to bite. department to another as their treatment It is vital that training organisations work progresses has had to improve. with trusts to ensure the workforce continues to develop to ensure timely As a result, the majority of units in the delivery of care in the future. country have adopted a network-agreed system of investigating and referring patients on for further treatment, such as coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). The rapid progress of patients through the system has been greatly facilitated by the adoption of common protocols for investigation and agreed timelines for referral. Many of the steps in the pathway are now overseen by specialist nurse practitioners rather than junior doctors and this has contributed greatly to the efficiency of the process. 7
  • 8. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Elective pathways Elective care refers to care that is Before cardiac surgery can be carried in advance of cardiac surgery, The detailed case studies included pre-arranged (planned). Managing out a range of resources have to be including clinical examination, history here demonstrate their progress, elective and emergency patient flows brought together at the right time taking, arranging radiological and outlining practical strategies for from decision to admit to discharge and the right place: surgical staff, haematological investigations in continuous improvements in the can prove challenging for nursing staff, anaesthetist, theatre accordance with Consultant or quality of care which has benefited organisations as they work to deliver time, beds. Remove any one of these departmental guidelines. The patients in reducing delays, tackling a number of national and local components and the operation has to development of new roles allows bottlenecks and enabled patients and quality and performance targets be cancelled. The sharing of staff consultant time to be effectively freed carers to access clearer information among them 18 week referral to and resources to support elective and up permitting more appropriate use alongside the achievement of targets. treatment admitted pathways, four non-elective care treatment can place of surgeons’ time. (Staffing hour A&E target and locally agreed an added stress to elective work as Cardiothoracic Units Developing a The dilemma of balancing both reduction in length of stay and urgent cases should take precedence workforce for the 21st century. elective and non elective/emergency interhospital transfer times. Yet resulting in cancellation of scheduled Livesey, S. Bartley, T. April 2007). work led some sites to adopt a whole looking at the pathway of care from elective surgery causing frustration system approach to their quality the patient’s point of view making it and delay felt by staff and patients Across the country project sites improvement work due to the smoother, more accessible, less alike. However, as there is a showed wide variation in their knock-on effects of the provision of complicated and less subject to delays permanent need to provide for non- achievement of admitted waiting non elective care to planned activity. is necessary given the volume of elective care contingencies can be times and started their journeys to patients who receive care. built into the system. improvement from differing baseline positions based on local With cardiac surgery often coming at Pre operative assessment ensures that circumstances. In understanding how the end of a lengthy diagnostic the patient is as fit as possible for the patients flowed through their service pathway the delivery of shorter surgery and anaesthetic and with a particular focus on referral waiting times completed within 18 minimises the risk of late management services, pre admission weeks is increasingly demanding. cancellations by ensuring that all provision, scheduling and post Specialty beds often occupied by essential resources and discharge operative care management these medical outliers and a lack of requirements are identified and essential facets have supported intensive care beds due to coordinated. With appropriate achievement of continuous emergencies or the clinical status of training nurses can effectively improvements in elective care patients intensify the complexity of manage the care of patients referred pathways. delivering smooth patient flows. to the pre operative assessment clinic 8
  • 9. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust and the South London Cardiac and Stroke Networks Redesign of the cardiac surgery patient pathway reduces length of stay The problem • Analysis of the theatre diary showed • A small number of patients treated at In December 2008, the opportunity to cases rarely started on time and often St George’s travelled from Jersey – take part in a National Priority Project overran. due to flight restrictions imposed by prompted the St George’s cardiac • There was no policy for theatre the airline these patients were unable surgery team to address how they scheduling. to fly home until at least ten days might deal with some of their • Patients were given little notice of after their surgery. This resulted in longstanding problems to help the unit their surgery date; often less than their stay in hospital being extended perform at an optimum level, meeting one week. to ten days post surgery as opposed both national and internal trust to usual routine of five days. standards for issues such as length of 3.Electronic referral system, stay, cancellations, and notice period of inpatients and interhospital 4.Admission on the day surgery date for patients. transfer patients • In Q3 2008/09, only 10% of elective • The electronic referral system, cases were admitted on the day. Both the elective and non-elective adult primarily developed for the referral of • An admission on the day project for cardiac surgical pathways had room for non-elective patients from district ‘second on the day cases’ had been improvement, particularly within the: The issues included: general hospitals into the tertiary successfully piloted in 2006, but had • pre-assessment service; centre (interhospital transfers) that not been sustained. • management of length of stay, 1.Pre-assessment had been implemented in 2006 was theatre cancellations and slot • During 2007/08 fewer than 60% of not being utilised. 5.Length of stay (LoS) scheduling; elective cardiac surgery patients • Paper referrals made from referring • In Q3 2008/09, the average LoS for • referral management processes attended the pre-assessment clinic. sites were frequently mislaid. elective patients was 8.8 days. internally and from referring district • Anecdotally, this was contributing to • Little and inconsistent • In Q3 2008/09, the average LoS for general hospitals. difficulties with planning patient correspondence between referring non-elective patients was 15.7 days. admission, scheduling and sites and St George’s was common • LoS needed to align with the trust Achieving and sustaining the 18 week anticipating date of discharge. place. target of elective patients being target for elective surgery and the • Referring centres were unsure of the discharged on day five. Non-elective requirement to meet the trust’s internal 2.Theatre scheduling work-up required for surgical patients LOS should also be reduced in priority to reduce length of stay across • In Q3 2008/09, the average number resulting in patients often transferred recommendations with the NCEPOD both the cardiology and cardiac surgery of non-clinical cancellations was 10% into St George’s unprepared for guidance. care groups felt challenging. A review of all elective cases. surgery. • The cardiovascular division was of baseline data, gathered using • These were commonly due to theatre • Length of stay was longer than required by the trust to make a saving pathway mapping, demand and overruns and lack of beds. optimum for admission to referral, of 10 beds. capacity analysis, and interviews with • Patients were often cancelled the day referral to transfer, transfer to staff across their respective work area of before, or on the day of their surgery; treatment and treatment to discharge the patient journey, highlighted a there was no cancellations policy to or transfer back to DGH. number of system and process issues. prevent or support the decision. 9
  • 10. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services The solution 3) Compliance with the national and Team members attended the national A project team was established and local agenda including 18 weeks, cardiac surgery priority project peer “ chaired by the unit’s general manager cancellation on the day and support meetings which inspired with clinical and managerial reduction in length of stay. members to share existing good Working together on this project membership including service 4) That the cardiovascular service is as practice within the unit and to develop managers, heads of nursing, matrons, efficient and forward thinking as any solutions to challenges shared across has brought the team together and clinical nurse specialists, clinical audit, other tertiary centre in the country. the peer group. I’m so proud of what we’ve transformation project manger, 5) That the staff within the unit are consultant cardiologist and cardiac proud to work in the unit and feel The new pathway featured: achieved. We were all sceptical surgeon. Project management support valued and part of a team. • The pre-assessment of all elective to begin with and I was was provided by the South West cardiac surgery patients by September uncomfortable admitting we had London Cardiac and Stroke Network. Highlight reports were produced for 2009. each team meeting and provided the • A theatre scheduling policy problems with our service, but Baseline data was collected to identify mechanism for monitoring each introduced in October 2009, hearing from other colleagues areas for improvement work. It was workstream against key goals, actions, including improving notice to patients clear the project had developed into a risks and progress against timeline. of their date for surgery. around the country reassured me whole pathway redesign and was Analysis of the data to show evidence • Regular monitoring of theatre that we were not any different and subdivided into five key workstreams. of the improvements was supported by cancellations to reduce the number Project team meetings were held every the trust transformation manager and non-clinical cancellations we all had the same issues. fortnight and leads were nominated for clinical audit staff members on the • Implementation of the use of Working on this project with the each work-stream to be responsible for team. electronic referrals for non-elective Network and the Heart the work. cases by January 2010. The work was also informed by the • Implementation of admission on the Improvement Team has encouraged A set of key values that reflected the analysis of qualitative data from patient day as normal practice. us to start a similar project trust’s own strategic vision were agreed and carer diaries which were used by a • The recruitment of two additional and integrated within the team’s vision number of patients and their family staff; a pre-assessment nurse and a addressing issues in cardiology – established to deliver the improvement members from the time they attended cardiothoracic nurse practitioner: we’re now looking forward to a work across the patent pathway: their pre-assessment, throughout their • Whilst these new posts required ” similar success story! stay in hospital, and for a few weeks funding overall the project was cost 1) To ensure that all patients have after their discharge. neutral – as savings were gained equal access to the service. due to the improvements made by 2) That the patient journey is safe and each work-stream, in particular, Jane Fisher free from complications. reductions in LoS and cancellations. General Manager 10
  • 11. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services • Implementation of new discharge • Locum theatre manager in post. • Electronic referral system used for IHT 4. Admission on the day planning for Jersey patients. • Annual/study leave booked a non-elective patients. • 2006 pilot reviewed. minimum of six weeks in advance. • All in house and IHT non-elective • Admission on the day exclusion Below is a summary of the work and • Consultants’ rota set at six weeks referrals addressed to ‘dear surgeon’ criteria agreed. achievements in each workstream: ahead. and managed by cardiothoracic nurse • Policy agreed and signed by all • Improved theatre start and finish practitioner, rather than to a named cardiology, cardiac surgery and 1. Pre-assessment times. surgeon. anaesthetic care groups. • Reviewed demand and capacity • The notice period given to patients • All referrals also processed through • Commenced 31 July 2009. within pre-assessment clinic. about their surgery date increased nurse practitioner, who then contacts • Employed second clinical nurse from one week to three. referrer to confirm receipt and discuss 5. Length of stay (LoS) specialists to increase capacity. • Outpatient referrals pooled for first work-up criteria. • Analysis of LoS compared with peers • Converted all pre-assessment clinics time CABG to ensure equity of • Nurse practitioner liaises with and national standards was used to to nurse only clinics. waiting times – this had an impact on pathway co-ordinator to arrange estimate where beds could be saved. • Worked with admissions co-ordinator general 18 week waiting times. dates for surgery, keeping referring • The transformation project manager to formalise process between • Implementation and enforcement of hospital informed. worked closely with each workstream acceptance onto waiting list and theatre scheduling policy. • The matron and nurse practitioner to measure where LoS was saved. admission to hospital. also worked with the Jersey Hospitals • Alignment of the project to the • Developed patients information sheet 3. Electronic referral system, and staff at St George’s to develop strategic direction of the trust to to explain process, now sent to all inpatients and interhospital transfer and implement a new discharge specifically save 10 beds increased patients when added to the waiting patients routine for Jerseys patients – the team engagement at senior level. list. • Cardiothoracic nurse practitioner post designed a clinically safe and practical developed and recruited to. protocol to discharge patients on day 2. Theatre scheduling • Met with referring hospitals to discuss five to stay in a local hospital with • Theatre lists published weekly, ten new cardiothoracic nurse practitioner regular nurse check-ups until day ten, days in advance and with slots role, established direct contact of before flying home. This was done in available for emergency or inpatient individual who would take collaboration with the Jersey referring cases. responsibility for each referral. hospital, who were pleased with the • Set up weekly MDT meetings to • Training sessions delivered to staff (at team’s dedication to safe practice and review lists for following week and each site) on how to use referral clinical effectiveness. identify possible issues/over runs/ system. resources. • Electronic referral system used for in- • Implementation and enforcement of house in-patients between cancellation policy. cardiologists and cardiac surgeons at St George’s. 11
  • 12. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services The results Increase in admission on the day The new pathway has resulted in: Theatre Scheduling - Cancellations (non clinical) from an average of 9.9% of cases per The improvements have lead to an month in Q3 2008/09, to 24.6% of 20 overall increase in productivity – theatre Cardiac Network cases per month in Q3 2009/10. project commenced scheduling, increased pre-assessment 18 Cancellation policy implemented and admission on the day, reduced This equates to 69 patients admitted on 16 cancellations and length of stay have all the day in 2009/10 to date; at £200 per Number of cancellations contributed towards an increase in 14 bed day this makes a saving of Surgical pathway activity by £103k to date. coordinator in place £13,800. 12 Rota set at Transformation six weeks team involved Reduction in non clinical 10 cancellations from an average of 8 10.1% of cases per month in Q3 2008/09, to 2.3% of cases per month 6 in Q3 2009/10. 4 Improved start/ finish times 2 AoD commenced 0 Apr08 Jun08 Aug08 Oct08 Dec08 Feb09 Apr09 Jun09 Aug09 Oct09 Dec09 May08 Jul08 Sep08 Nov08 Jan09 Mar09 May09 Jul09 Sep09 Nov09 Non-clinical (actual) Non-clinical (target) Linear (non-clinical actual) Baseline figures Percentage of non-clinical cancellations Mean Median Range April - March 2008/09 8.3% 9.0% 3-15% April 2009 - present 3.7% 4.0% 1-7% Oct - Dec 2008/09 average 10.1% 10.3% 5-15% Oct - Dec 2009/10 average 2.3% 1.9% 1-4% 12
  • 13. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Reduction in length of stay for elective cardiac surgery patients, reduced from Admission on Day of Surgery an average of 8.8 days in Q3 08/09, to 7.6 days in Q3 2009/10. 60 Length of Stay - Elective Cardiac Surgery 50 11 Surgical pathway Cardiac Network coordinator in place project commenced 40 10 Percentage Transformation Surgical pathway team involved coordinator in place 30 9 Transformation Cardiac Network team involved Days project commenced 8 20 7 10 AoD commenced 6 AoD commenced 0 Apr08 Jun08 Aug08 Oct08 Dec08 Feb09 Apr09 Jun09 Aug09 Oct09 Dec09 5 May08 Jul08 Sep08 Nov08 Jan09 Mar09 May09 Jul09 Sep09 Nov09 Apr08 Jun08 Aug08 Oct08 Dec08 Feb09 Apr09 Jun09 Aug09 Oct09 Dec09 May08 Jul08 Sep08 Nov08 Jan09 Mar09 May09 Jul09 Sep09 Nov09 % CS AoD (actual) % TS AoD (target) Linear (% CS AoD) Cardiac Surgery Elective LoS Linear (Cardiac Surgery Elective LoS) Baseline figures Percentage of admitted on the day Baseline figures Length of stay for elective cardiac surgery Mean Median Range Mean Median Range April - March 2008/09 8.5% 8.0% 1-15% April - March 2008/09 8.8 8.8 8-11 days April 2009 - present 20.9% 21.1% 10-31% April 2009 - present 7.4 7.7 6-8 days Oct - Dec 2008/09 average 9.9% 7.7% 2-20% Oct - Dec 2008/09 average 8.8 8.3 8-9 days Oct - Dec 2009/10 average 24.6% 25.0% 19-30% Oct - Dec 2009/10 average 7.6 7.8 7-8 days 13
  • 14. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Reduction in length of stay for non-elective cardiac surgery patients, from an Top tips b.The core team held the five points average of 15.7 days in Q3 2008/09, to 13.3 days in Q3 2009/10. 1. Engagement at senior level and outlined as a shared vision of alignment of the project to the change, and worked together to strategic direction of the trust achieve these goals. specifically saving 10 beds. c. As well as for planning purposes, Length of Stay - Non-Elective Cardiac Surgery 2. Regular reporting to senior the team meetings were important 23 management supported by robust for boosting morale for when the 21 data across a defined set of work was facing opposition or Cardiac Network project commenced measures agreed early on in the difficulties. 19 project to ensure focus. d.As a result of the project, Surgical pathway coordinator in place 17 3. Access to data. A member of the relationships and communications team with access to data was vital to throughout the team and across Days 15 measuring improvement as the the pathway boundaries have 13 network project manager struggled been improved. 11 to gain access to data, being 5. Keep in the forefront that perceived as an ‘outsider’. The improvement does not need to come 9 Transformation internal data manager was able to at a financial cost – but that by team involved AoD commenced 7 retrieve and analyse data shared working more efficiently and more Apr08 May08 Jun08 Jul08 Aug08 Sep08 Oct08 Nov08 Dec08 Jan09 Feb09 Apr09 Mar09 Jun09 May09 Jul09 Aug09 Oct09 Sep09 Dec09 Nov09 across the project team to drive the productively, patients can receive work. better care that is value for money. Cardiac Surgery Non-Elective LoS Linear (Cardiac Surgery Non-Elective LoS) 4. Interdisciplinary core project team was reflective of the key staff vital to Contact details: implementing and maintaining Jane Fisher, changes being tested. General Manager, Cardiovascular, Baseline figures Length of stay for non-elective cardiac surgery a. The core team consisted of the St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust lead for each work stream; these Mean Median Range individuals were the people who would plan and measure the Laura Gillam, April - March 2008/09 15.5 15.4 10-21 days Senior Project Manager, South London changes – they were the people April 2009 - present 13.2 13.3 10-16 days who could really make a Cardiac and Stroke Networks. difference. Oct - Dec 2008/09 average 15.7 16.0 14-17 days Oct - Dec 2009/10 average 13.3 13.1 12-15 days 14
  • 15. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust and Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull Cardiac and Stroke Network Ensuring patients are fit for surgery and reducing delays in the cardiac surgical patients pathway The problem clinics and with some patients attending Achieving the national target of 90% of a further appointment at pre- admitted cardiac surgery patient assessment clinic. The pre-assessment pathways being completed within 18 clinic workforce did not have the weeks was proving a challenge across required skills to support a full organisations within the Birmingham, assessment, including history taking, Sandwell and Solihull Cardiac and patient examination and assessment. Stroke Network. One of the most Therefore, an SHO was required to common delays in the patients’ review all patients. pathway at Good Hope Hospital was the time between angiography and case Attendance at pre-assessment clinic was review by the multidisciplinary team often more than four weeks before the (MDT). On average the wait was four date of surgery which resulted in the weeks but at it’s longest nine weeks, need to duplicate chest x-rays and particularly if the MDTs were cancelled. blood tests on admission. This created Surgeons from the tertiary centre were unnecessary expense to the Trust and There was also some pressure to reduce A patient progress tracker was required to travel across the city to inconvenience to the patient the overall length of stay and improve appointed by the network to track the attend the MDT meetings held at the efficiencies in the patient pathway, as patients through their journeys using a referring provider centre to review There was no anaesthetic service in the the tertiary centre is reducing its overall live database to help map the pathway individual cases requiring surgical pre-assessment clinic, resulting in number of beds on the cardiac surgical and identify delays in the journey. opinion. Clinical commitments often clinical problems often identified late in ward from 39 to 32. Tracking patient pathways also helped meant that attendance at these MDTs the patient pathway; on admission to to demonstrate that patients sometimes was not possible. Not all patients were the tertiary centre problems had been The solution attended more than one surgical/ discussed at MDT and the process of identified following assessment by the A surgical steering group was set up cardiology appointment. ensuring that patients were fully anaesthetist. This often resulted in the which included cardiologists worked up for surgery prior to referral patient being declared unfit for surgery representing the tertiary centre and A new pathway to support the to the MDT was not supported by an and the operation cancelled. The clinic district general hospital, a cardiac achievement of 18 weeks was agreed protocol. was not working to full capacity, flow of surgeon, an anaesthetist, management developed and agreed by all key patients through the clinic was low and representation from both trusts, a stakeholders. Baseline data was The system of ensuring patients were a review of the pre assessment services cardiothoracic nurse practitioner and collected to help define the problem fit for surgery was characterised by illustrated that not all slots were being tertiary centre cardiac audit clerk. The and scope of the project. inconsistency and variation across the fully utilised. Birmingham, Sandwell and Solihull surgical teams with pre-screening not Cardiac and Stroke Network provided carried out in all surgeons’ outpatient project management support. 15
  • 16. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services The project objectives were: potentially adding weeks to the • Introduction of weekly electronic pathway and unnecessary waits for Cardiac Surgery Pathway - RTT 18 Weeks MDTs using: the patient. • telemedicine to allow the transfer 2 WEEKS 5 WEEKS 2 WEEKS • An increase from 0% of patients of images between referring units Referral Received in Rapid Access Diagnostic MDT (referral previously reviewed by an anaesthetist and the tertiary centre; Rapid Access Chest Chest Pain Clinic Tests to tertiary in pre-assessment to72% over a short Pain Clinic Appointment centre) • teleconferencing between the period of time. We are working referring consultant cardiologists 9 WEEKS towards 100% of patients being and tertiary centre surgical teams assessed by an anaesthetist in pre Surgical Diagnostic Pre-Assessment Cardiac Surgery for the purpose of weekly MDT Outpatient Tests Clinic assessment clinic. case review. Use of technology was Appointment • Clinic nurses undergoing practitioner thought capable of reducing MDT training to enable implementation of Secondary care to tertiary care - 9 weeks cancellations and increasing the Tertiary care to definitive treatment - 9 weeks a cardiothoracic advanced nurse number of patients discussed at practitioner role in the pre-assessment MDT; clinic and to help address demands • introduction of a pre-referral on clinical service brought about by protocol to ensure patients are fully Progress • Development of the pre-referral EWTD. worked up prior to referral to the The tertiary centre has four core protocol to support the referring • Capacity at pre-assessment clinic has tertiary centre. purposes. Therefore, it was imperative cardiologist. This will ensure that all increased from approximately 12 to • Redesign of the pre-assessment that any project undertaken to improve the required information is available 30 available slots per week, resulting process with patients: services should be underpinned by the at the point of referral including in increased activity. This has been • attending the clinic no more than following four principles. presenting history, past medical achieved by increasing the number of four weeks before the date of history and a summary of appointments, and reducing time pre- admission for surgery at the tertiary i) Excellent patient care investigations and outstanding assessment staff spent on centre; ii) Clinical quality outcomes results. It also specifies the indications administration duties, to enable them • being assessed in pre-assessment iii) Research and innovation for undertaking core investigations to focus on clinical duties. clinic by a cardiothoracic advanced iv) Education and training. such as trans-thoracic echo, carotid • Telemedicine system is in the process nurse practitioner and an duplex scans and lung function tests. of being installed. anaesthetist to ensure they are fit These have been achieved in the Implementation of this protocol will • Development of a patient for surgery on admission to the following ways: ensure all necessary investigations are questionnaire survey to gather an tertiary centre, with a view to completed before referral to the understanding of the patients’ reducing the cancellation rate and tertiary centre, reducing the risk of experience from referral for cardiac optimising use of inpatient beds. the patient being referred back to the surgery to admission for surgery. DGH for the tests to be undertaken, 16
  • 17. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Top tips Contact details: • Mapping the existing pathway is Emma Billingham essential in understanding timelines Group Manager and delays in the system. “ University Hospitals Birmingham • Strong clinical leadership (cardiology NHS Foundation Trust and cardiac surgeons). University Hospitals Birmingham is still in the process of fully rolling out • Obtain baseline data to identify if a problem exists and build in robust the project. However, we have already seen benefits to patients with the data collection mechanisms to expansion of pre-assessment and pre-screening clinics as well as the support improvement work. • Understanding the funding development of anaesthetic-led pre-assessment clinics. We look forward implications and identifying who is to receiving comments from patients about their pre-operative pathway going to fund what (things like annual service costs for a piece of kit so that we can evaluate our success so far and identify any further etc) as early as possible in the project improvements to be made. We also welcomed the opportunity to work to avoid issues later on. • Develop a communication plan to with a local referring cardiology centre to identify bottlenecks in the facilitate the dissemination of project patient pathway and are currently working to resolve these. information to all admin and clerical/managerial and clinical staff involved in the pathway as this helps I feel the project group has benefitted from networking with other to foster support and buy in to the centres who have identified similar issues and we have learnt from improvement work making it everybody’s business. their experiences how to overcome these to ensure the overall • Bringing together key stakeholders ” success of the project. from the referring provider unit and tertiary centre together to identify issues and problems and develop joint solutions. • Understanding the patient/carer Emma Billingham, Group Manager experience is fundamental to the success of any quality improvement work. 17
  • 18. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with North West London Cardiac and Stroke Network Process changes significantly increase 18 week performance in cardiac surgery Overall there was a considerable amount These meetings also highlighted of incomplete data on the inpatient concerns around how the IPTMDS forms waiting list (KH07). The position of were being completed. These patients along their 18 week pathway discussions resulted in a revised surgical was not known due to clock starts being patient pathway and process changes found/given/used too late. Data flow of featuring: patients after going on KH07 was not recorded accurately. These • Patients seen at the pre-operative inconsistencies meant that Royal assessment clinic (POAC) being Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation declared ‘fit for surgery’ before being Trust had little chance of achieving the added to the surgical waiting list. 18 week admitted referral to treatment • Agreed and standardised use of the pathway target. 18 week suite of rules across referring The problem • Clinic outcomes were often not providers and the tertiary centre. The trust performance for referral to documented following the patients The solution • Inter-trust contacts for administrative, treatment pathways for cardiothoracic attendance at the pre operative The trust employed 18 week clerical and nursing staff were surgery, within 18 weeks between assessment clinic (POAC), a crib sheet co-ordinators to assist the 18 week exchanged so that in future clock April - August 2008 had remained was developed for the clinic staff to project manager and received project start requests were sent to the right consistently below the 90% national show what rules can/cannot be management support from the North people. target, sitting in the low 30-50%. A applied in different situations. West London Cardiac and Stroke • Support and training on application review of the elective surgical pathway • 18 week clock stops were not always Network to focus on the cardiac surgery of the 18 week rules for key admin for planned care illustrated the following used appropriately, for example pathway. personnel and nursing leads of the issues: patients requiring referral for pre-assessment service to help reduce conditions on a new clinical pathway The surgical pathways were mapped variation and ambiguity in their • Patients were typically added to the such as haematology often resulted in from the point of referral made by the application. surgical waiting list before they had an inappropriate continuation of the secondary care provider through receipt • Patients at other trusts who were been assessed and declared ‘fit for 18 week clock. of referral to treatment by tertiary care under investigation were recorded on surgery’ which resulted in extended • These patients were not recorded on centre which helped to identify RBHfT PAS as ‘active monitoring’, wait times for definitive treatment a central list and were at risk of bottlenecks in the surgical pathway. effectively stopping the clock on their well beyond 18 weeks. getting lost ‘in the system’. cardiac surgery pathway. The cardiac • The understanding and application of • A number of patients had already A series of meetings with the referring nurse practitioners would follow the the 18 week suite of rules varied breached their 18 week pathway by trusts and the tertiary centre helped gain progress of the patient through their among staff within administrative, the time the referral was received by a common understanding of how to appointments and tests ensuring that clinical and managerial roles at the the tertiary centre, this was partly due apply the 18 week rules suite and there were no unnecessary delays, tertiary centre and referring providers. to the accompanying Inter Provider develop a shared agreement for applying once declared fit for surgery they Transfer Minimum Data Set (IPTMDS) clock-starts and stops across providers. would be added to the waiting list. form being incomplete or incorrect. 18
  • 19. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services • Redesign of the clinic outcome form week rules and how to apply them Comparative data of performance for a four month period year on year with fields developed to show a range effectively. of scenarios and how the clock rules • There has been an improvement in apply. both the number of IPTMDS forms April - August 2008 Performance • The integrity of data on KH07 was sent through and their data closely monitored. Appropriate and completeness. Apr May Jun Jul Aug Average effective data management and • Improved communication between communication significantly improved staff has also helped reduce delays in Wexham Park 71% 80% 79% 44% 50% 64.8% the accuracy of the data used to referrals, transferring and sharing of Lister 60% 66% 41% 46% 12% 45% monitor performance. information and the booking of • Where possible clock starts were appointments. Luton and Dunstable 0% 16% 20% 25% 21% 16.4% found prior to booking POAC. The 18 week database was used by pre- Top tips operative administrative staff to plan April - August 2009 Performance • Communication between providers the patients clinic attendance date in and across staff groups including line with trust targets and appropriate Apr May Jun Jul Aug Average administrative and clerical, clinical and to breach date. • Through discussion over the 18 managerial is key to ensuring full Wexham Park 86% 100% 97% 100% 96% 95.8% week rules and the use of medical understanding of the 18 week rules management it transpired that and effectively applying them. Lister 70% 88% 74% 70% 86% 77.6% referring trusts treat the majority of • Developing and strengthening Luton and Dunstable 100% 92% 86% 84% 96% 91.6% their patients before referring working relationships between the them on. cardiac nurse practitioners and the surgical medical teams helped pool Results the expertise to support a full • A thorough understanding between Contact details • By December 2008, the trusts 18 pre-operative assessment clinic. how the information systems and Gemma Snell week admitted performance met the • Access to the 18 week co-ordinator operational processes correlated by Service Improvement Project Manager minimum 90% which continues to be contactable by bleep increases their the 18 week co-ordinator had a huge North West London Cardiac and sustained, often peaking above the accessibility for staff to flag queries impact on improving data quality and Stroke Network 95% target. Pro-active tracking of and problems regarding interpretation hence performance issues. Email: patients along their pathway has of the rules. • Building relationships and improving ensured there have been no • Meeting regularly with teams along communication channels with unwarranted delays. the surgical pathway for example the referring trusts had a considerable • There has been a far greater theatre scheduler who booked impact on improving performance as understanding within the hospital staff elective and non-elective cases, there was a sense of shared and between referring trusts of the 18 helped reduce avoidable delays. responsibility. 19
  • 20. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services Essex Cardiothoracic Centre, Basildon and Thurrock University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust in collaboration with Essex Cardiac and Stroke Network Tackling change - the teamwork way The problem 1.Collegiate system for review of The Essex Cardiothoracic Centre (CTC) is patient referrals. a relatively new unit which opened in 2.Process for allocation of ‘pooled’ July 2007, with many of its clinical patients to consultant surgeons pathways and their supporting systems resulting in longer waiting lists for and processes having been developed certain procedures. early in the organisations history. The 3.Pre-assessment clinic not working to trust faced challenges with meeting its full potential due to the skills of the national target of 90% admitted staff carrying out the clinic. pathways completed within 18 weeks of referral to treatment with performance Baseline audit of the current service was often running between 30-40%. carried out in relation to theatre Review of the surgical pathway was cancellations and theatre day/time. An seen as paramount to the continued audit tool was developed which allowed success and growth of the unit, all sections of the theatre to be evidenced by internal audits that had measured, for example time taken to identified areas for development and call for patient, time in anaesthetic improvement. room, knife to skin time. This audit • Patients often needed to make more The solution helped to identify timing delays and The elective cardiac surgery pathway than one visit in the pre operative A Surgical User Group (SUG) was identified sections of the theatre day was seen as a key area of focus to part of the surgical pathway as a established with members drawn from where improvements to efficiency could review systems and processes in the result of surgical outpatients and across the multidisciplinary team to be made in order to optimize theatre following areas of the pathway: pre-operative assessment clinics spearhead the development of the usage and reduce surgical cancellations (POAC) being held separately. surgical service. An action plan with as a result of clinical and non clinical • Surgical collegiate system, a process clear timescales was produced, the matters. The picture of theatre of clinical review to ensure correct ECTC were able to focus on problems current service was discussed and ideas cancellations was broken down into the procedure and surgeon determined several audits were carried out which generated for future developments and following: for all cardiac surgery referrals, carried identified areas where improvements improvements planned. All changes to out by surgeons prior to the patient were required in order to streamline the the service were approved by the SUG. • Interhospital transfer patients attending an outpatients’ appointment. service, improve patient experience and Additional project support was provided received at the unit were often not Challenges in sustaining the collegiate improve efficiency and effectiveness. by the Essex Cardiac and Stroke fully optimised. system, based on two surgeons The unit were keen to maintain high Network. • Unfit elective patients. reviewing each referral on a bi weekly patient satisfaction levels whilst • Anaesthetic cove.r basis, were related to ‘buy in’ and maximizing the use of in patient beds Mapping of the current pathway • Availability of intensive care beds. agreement from the surgical teams. and theatre utilisation. highlighted issues with: • Theatre over-runs. 20
  • 21. A guide to commissioning cardiac surgical services A retrospective audit of 40 case notes • Improve 18 week referral to treatment • Reduction in unnecessary duplication Contact details: was carried out across six consultant times for admitted pathways. of tests. Tests performed at POAC, Jenni Brown surgeons during a three month period – • Improve efficiency within theatre day. CXR, blood tests and ECGs now Matron, Essex Cardiothoracic Centre - this illustrated the problem of delay remain valid from time performed Basildon and Thurrock University patients experienced between being The new service now provides: until admission into ECTC. Hospital NHS Foundation Trust seen in pre operative assessment clinic • Same day outpatient clinic and pre- • Reduced waiting times for cardiac (POAC) and their admission for surgery assessment. surgery from nine weeks to six weeks. which often resulted in tests being • Dedicated lead pre-assessment nurse. • Timely POAC to admission has repeated, an unnecessary expense to • Forum for monitoring and auditing reduced length of stay by one day for the Trust. The case note audit measurables to improve service. some groups of cardiac surgical highlighted in some cases the time • Same day admission for cardiac patients with same day admission. interval was 10 weeks between POAC surgery. and admission for surgery which • Super multidisciplinary team (MDT) for Top tips invalidated the tests necessitating them review of complex cardiac surgery • Working together in a to be repeated on admission. cases with joint cardiology and surgical multidisciplinary team and assessment of the patient presented. collaborating with key stakeholders Understanding our cardiac surgical within ECTC and with referring pathway by using service improvement Results District General Hospitals (DGHs) techniques and data helped us to 18 week admitted pathways are now meant everyone understood each identify service improvements and areas performing consistently at 90% as a others perspectives. where patient experience could be result of: • Engagement with staff across a range improved. • Improved working relationships and of disciplines and at all levels MDT working have developed as a including consultant surgeons, Our overarching aim was to: result of the involvement of all anaesthetists, nurses, perfusionists • Reduce the time frame between disciplines within ECTC as a result of and management team. attendance at pre operative the development of Surgical User • Strong leadership and senior assessment clinic and admission for Group. management support. surgery by four weeks. • Reduction of in -hospital theatre • Schedule meetings to meet the needs • Reduce theatre cancellations to cancellations from 20% to 10%. of all disciplines to ensure attendance. below 10%. • Reduction in wait from pre operative • Production of robust data collection • Reduce waiting times from nine assessment clinic (POAC to admission and analysis to support the project, weeks to six weeks for cardiac for elective cardiac surgery from nine drive key changes and ensure the surgery. weeks to six weeks. work remained focused. 21