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                                NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement - Lung
Improving Home
Oxygen Services:
Emerging Learning from the
National Improvement Projects
Patients and their carers are the reason the health service exists
and therefore they should be at the heart of our services. Service
redesign and improvement generates opportunities to involve
service users who will provide a different perspective on the
service, so that we can better understand whether our service
or improvements make any difference to the patient.

Only when we understand patient’s needs – by asking them, not
second guessing – can we work in a way that meets those needs
and ensures they get maximum benefit from our service.

Improving Home Oxygen Services - Emerging
Learning from the National Improvement Projects

Foreword                                                                       4

Executive summary                                                              5

Emerging learning                                                               9
Phases of work                                                                  9
Data review and management                                                      9
Establishment of a formal assessment service                                   11
Service integration and sustainability                                         13
Testing hypothesis                                                             14
Emerging learning                                                              14
Issues and challenges                                                          15

Improvement stories                                                            16
NHS Newham and Newham University Hospital NHS Trust                            16
Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC                                      19
West Hertfordshire COPD Service                                                23
NHS Sheffield                                                                  26
NHS Hull and the City Health Care Partnership                                  28
NHS Gloucestershire                                                            31
Milton Keynes PCT Community Services and Milton Keynes Hospital                33
NHS Blackpool                                                                  37
Wirral Integrated Oxygen Service                                               39
Sherwood Forest Hospitals and NHS Nottinghamshire County Community COPD Team   43
NHS South Staffordshire                                                        46
NHS Birmingham East and North and Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust        49

Appendices                                                                     53
Data for improvement projects                                                  53
Newham LTOT pathway                                                            57
Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC Flow chart                           58
Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC invitation letter to patients        59
Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC patient proforma                     60
Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC follow-up proforma                   61
Wirral COPD and Oxygen Service Process Map                                     62
NHS Birmingham East and North Process Map (CURRENT STATE)                      63
NHS Birmingham East and North Process Map (FUTURE STATE)                       62

Acknowledgements                                                               65

References                                                                     66
4      Foreword

Since July 2010, NHS Improvement –             The publication also contains information
Lung has worked with a number of               for healthcare professionals and those
clinical teams across England as part of       working in commissioning or interfacing
the Department of Health Respiratory           with COPD services. This includes those
Programme. Its aim has been to support         who are:
the development of patient centred,            • Involved in the care of patients who
evidenced based and clinically led services      require COPD services
by identifying and sharing innovative          • Responsible for commissioning COPD
ways to reduce variations in care and            services
improve the quality and experience of          • Managing COPD services                      Professor Sue Hill
patients with chronic obstructive              • Local or regional leads
pulmonary disease (COPD).
                                               The project sites were encouraged to
The national improvement projects have         employ a range of service improvement
tested approaches at key stages of the         tools and techniques. These included
clinical pathways which have included:         process mapping, demand and capacity
• Improving home oxygen services               and data analysis, the application of Lean
• Early accurate diagnosis                     principles, process redesign and the
• Transforming acute care                      human dimensions of change. NHS
• Managing COPD as a long term                 Improvement - Lung also supported the
   condition                                   testing of new ideas and pathways
• Improving end of life care                   through site visits and project team peer
Following the first six months of the                                                        Dr Robert Winter
improvement programme, this                    There are lots of practical examples within
publication signals the mid-way point in       this report to support clinical teams in
the project cycle and has been written to      delivering quality and productivity
share the learning from the testing phase      benefits to patients and a wider range of
of the work. Through a series of case          stakeholders. Over the next six months,
studies and examples, it aims to highlight     NHS Improvement – Lung will continue to
areas of innovative and emerging good          test the key principles for change and
practice that can be used locally to deliver   implementation. As this learning
improvements for COPD patients and             emerges, it will be shared with COPD
their carers.                                  services and the wider NHS

In order to address the paucity of current     We would like to take this opportunity to
evidence, particularly around the models       thank the project sites for their hard
and principles of implementation, the          work, dedication and commitment and
programme will continue to adapt and           look forward to the full extent of the
refine the learning. However, these            improvement work as it comes to fruition.
lessons will be of value now to any team
working to improve the care it delivers
and commissions for people with COPD.          Professor Sue Hill
                                               Dr Robert Winter
This publication contains a number of          Joint National Clinical Directors
examples that demonstrate value for            for the Respiratory Programme
money, increased productivity and
approaches that can sustain improvements
over the long term.
Executive summary             5

Executive summary
National position and                          Thus the overarching aim of this              This has led to a workstream 1/3 Rule
workstream context                             workstream is that patients receive           Savings, testing a hypothesis which
                                               accurate quality assured oxygen therapy       states:
Home oxygen therapy is provided to             through optimised assessment and review
about 85,000 people in England at a cost       models which ensure the right people are      ‘One third of the total cost
of approximately £110 million a year1.         in receipt of the right dose of oxygen        efficiencies (savings and avoidance)
                                               therapy.                                      can be realised through the first
Many Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) do not
undertake quality assured clinical             In developing the project outline the
                                                                                             phase of a three phase process with
assessment and review of their patients        scope of the project work was framed          efficiency gains reaching a plateau
need for long term home oxygen                 such that teams would consider:               and prescribing costs capped by
increasing the potential for poor quality                                                    implementation of all three phases.‘
care and waste.                                • The most appropriate (competent) staff
                                                 to undertake assessment and reviews         Placing an emphasis on the assessment of
The Department of Health estimates that        • Assessment and review location              clinical need, and ongoing clinical review,
around 30% of people prescribed oxygen           settings                                    provides an opportunity for healthcare
either derive no clinical benefit from it or   • Guidance on correctly documenting           professionals to more comprehensively
do not use their oxygen2. Quality and            and interpreting diagnostic results         inform and educate patients about their
productivity in the home oxygen service        • Guidance on accurately prescribing          condition. In addition if home oxygen
can be improved significantly. Gross             oxygen                                      therapy is deemed appropriate then this
savings of up to 40% - equivalent              • Providing the patient with written          interaction also facilitates patient
nationally to £45 million a year, or             information regarding their oxygen          education about equipment use, risk and
£300,000 per PCT can potentially be              therapy                                     their own responsibilities as regards the
achieved according to recent analysis                                                        safe use of oxygen at home.
carried out by the Department of Health        The project teams made extensive use of
through the established of home oxygen         British Thoracic Society Home Oxygen          Project teams will use or develop easy-to-
services and oxygen register review and        Services Standards3 and early drafts of the   read, quality literature to educate patients
formal clinical assessment4.                   Department of Health Good Practice            about the appropriate use and potential
                                               Guide4. In addition to the above the          (fire) safety risks associated with using
The rationale for the work of the project      project teams have also utilised the work     oxygen at home.
teams is provided by recommendation 14         of NICE5 and IMPRESS6 to inform their
of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary           thinking.                                     This educational process is in alignment
Disease (COPD) Strategy Consultation                                                         with recommendation 11 of the Chronic
document1, which states:                       Summary of emerging learning                  Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
                                                                                             Strategy Consultation document1, which
‘All people with COPD and                      Early indications are that the project work   states:
hypoxaemia should be clinically                spans three phases:
assessed for long-term oxygen                                                                ‘Good-quality information should
                                               1. Data review and data management            be provided at diagnosis and
therapy and reviewed at regular                2. Establishment of a formal
intervals, and existing home oxygen               assessment service
                                                                                             delivered in a format that any
registers should be reviewed’.                 3. Service integration and                    person can understand’
6      Executive summary

Some emerging themes arising from the        Royal Free/Waltham Forest
work to date include:                        PCT/NECLES HIEC
                                             Introduced a review of all COPD short
• Data coordination - Clinical team          burst oxygen therapy (SBOT) prescriptions
  access to data and collaboration           in the Waltham Forest PCT area offering
  between clinical and managerial/           patients full assessment of their
  administrative staff to review/challenge   requirement for long term oxygen and
  oxygen patient data                        counselling or advice on alternative
• Consistent messages to patients - In       interventions for the management of
  rationalising local oxygen services        breathlessness and the supported
  project teams have been engaging GPs       withdrawal of the oxygen supply.
  and other healthcare professionals
  (HCPs) to develop a consensus in           West Hertfordshire COPD Service
  respect of the appropriate initiation of   Introduced a system of identifying
  home oxygen therapy for COPD               healthcare professionals inappropriately
  patients. This is often summarised by      prescribing home oxygen to patients with
  the simple message that ‘oxygen is not     normal oxygen levels and undertaking
  a treatment for breathlessness’            targeted group education around good          Milton Keynes PCT Community
• Service integration - This is achieved     practice in prescribing.                      Services and Milton Keynes Hospital
  by developing a pathway and                                                              Introduced pre and post of clinic set up
  prescribing consensus between the          NHS Sheffield                                 evaluation for the ambulatory oxygen
  home oxygen service assessment and         Developed a detailed business case            assessment clinic and also a quality
  review (HOS-AR) team, GPs,                 and service specification for integrated      patient questionnaire pre and post use of
  commissioners and non respiratory          HOS-AR in line with best practice. In         patient information leaflet to see if
  specialists. This leads to the alignment   addition, they introduced a system of         patient experience improves.
  of the HOS-AR service specification        oxygen usage data coordination and
  within a wider respiratory care pathway    review in order to control prescribing        NHS Blackpool
  and improved patient safety risk           costs.                                        Developed a an accurate oxygen usage
  assessment which is enshrined within a                                                   register and systematic use of data to
  wider (PCT) governance framework           NHS Hull/City Health Care Partnership         manage performance and extended
                                             Introduced a new commissioned HOS-AR          formal assessment and review by the
Summary of site projects                     service and so the project work provided      introduction of HOS-AR based within a
                                             an opportunity to monitor improvements        community setting.
NHS Newham and Newham                        to the delivery of appropriate and cost-
University Hospital NHS Trust                effective oxygen therapy to COPD              Wirral Integrated Oxygen Service
Established a system of oxygen usage         patients and develop safety protocols and     Developed oxygen care pathways for non
data coordination and review in order to     procedures through a multi-stakeholder        COPD patients in collaboration with non
control prescribing costs and performance    project group.                                respiratory specialist colleagues. In
manage suppliers. In addition, they                                                        addition, they developed systematic risk
introduced systematic review of existing     NHS Gloucestershire                           escalation procedures and protocols.
acute hospital oxygen clinic patients and    This team has focussed on developing a
developed plans and protocols for future     detailed business case and service            Sherwood Forest Hospitals and NHS
integrated home oxygen service -             specification which incorporates best         Nottinghamshire County Community
assessment and review (HOS-AR)               practice and learning from more established   COPD Team
spanning primary and secondary care.         teams on issues such as workforce and         Established multidisciplinary HOS-AR
                                             competences, set-up and ongoing costs,        within a community setting and
                                             data management and governance.               collaborated with GPs and PCT managers
                                                                                           to review oxygen usage.
Executive summary          7

NHS South Staffordshire                       already undertaken on Quality Innovation        • Introduction of HOS-AR - establishing
Demonstrated the quick win potential of       Productivity and Prevention (QIPP)                a cycle of assessment and review,
systematic review of oxygen usage data        programme and the additional                      improvement of an existing service to
in order to re-categorise costing and alter   opportunities presented in the Equity and         the standard articulated within the
therapy to achieve prescribing efficiencies   Excellence: Liberating the NHS.                   Good Practice Guide, introduction of a
within one locality. This approach will                                                         new service to a locality in which
now be extended across the PCT.               In relation to the QIPP challenge, the NHS        HOS-AR currently absent
                                              has been developing proposals to                • Patient education packages - safety
NHS Birmingham East & North and               improve the quality and productivity of its       and risk considerations explained to
Heart of England NHS Foundation               services since the challenge was first            patients and carers, captured within
Trust                                         articulated in May 2009. The proposal is          easy-to-read literature and mutual
Introduced transparent systems for            to ensure that the NHS continues to               responsibilities (both patients and
sharing information relating to home          make quality improvements a reality               healthcare professionals) understood
oxygen users across the local health          during a period in which growth in                and documented within local
economy and a pathway with guidelines         expenditure within the NHS will be                agreement documents
supporting the process of initiating          restricted despite increasing demand.           • Pathways for the treatment of non
oxygen therapy for new patients and                                                             COPD patients on oxygen -
withdrawal/cessation where appropriate.       Many of the measures outlined in this             engagement of generalists and non
                                              document are designed specifically to             respiratory specialists to establish
Quality, Innovation, Productivity and         support the NHS to meet the QIPP                  optimal care pathways for non COPD
Prevention (QIPP) and expected                challenge, either by identifying where            patients in need of home oxygen
outcomes                                      resources might be released or by                 therapy
The demand for services is increasing and     improving understanding of the key              • Principles of a good service model -
there are areas where we could increase       interventions that have greatest effect.          development of new ways of working
the quality, efficiency and value for                                                           by examining use of different types of
money of services as well as improving        The work has demonstrated that the                workforce along the pathway in
outcomes for people with chronic              annual total spend across nine project            different settings
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).         sites can be reduced by a minimum of            • Effective use of data – collaboration
Focus needs to be centred on these three      £600k. This applies for both new and              between clinical and managerial
factors to make this a reality. First,        established home oxygen services who              professionals to integrate, review and
improving quality whilst improving            implement oxygen usage reviews and                interpret financial, administrative and
productivity by enforcing the principles of   therapy optimisation. On a national scale,        clinical data in order to optimise care,
the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and     the work compliments the Department of            rationalise prescribing, oversee
Prevention (QIPP) agenda by using             Health estimated gross savings of up to           governance and performance manage
innovation and prevention to drive this       40% for each PCT.                                 the oxygen suppliers
forward and interlink these values.
Secondly, having local clinicians and         The expected outcomes in these project          Potential for future work
managers working together in a                sites will be:                                  The initial quick win cost efficiencies
multidisciplinary approach and across         • Minimum of £600k prescribing                  attributable to the first phase of HOS-AR
boundaries in order to spot the                  savings - achieved through therapy           improvement work (data review and data
opportunities and manage the change.             rationalisation, list cleansing, avoidance   management) are becoming self evident.
And thirdly, to act now, for the long term.      of inappropriate prescribing and             However, more work is needed to
                                                 withdrawal of clinically unnecessary         conclusively establish that the 1/3 Rule
The goal is to achieve efficiency savings        therapy                                      Savings hypothesis has been verified,
of up to £20 billion for reinvestment over                                                    specifically in relation to the cost
the next four years. This represents a very                                                   efficiencies realisable from the
significant challenge to be delivered                                                         establishment of HOS-AR and by its
through the detailed work the NHS has                                                         integration within the broader service
                                                                                              commissioning framework.
8      Executive summary

In addition, further narrative is needed     non COPD patients, often challenging
around the demonstrable benefits in          colleagues when they appear not to be
quality of care patients may derive from     adhering to their own specialty area
optimised home oxygen therapy. The           guidelines. Thus there may be scope for
effective use of administrative, financial   future projects to more thoroughly
and clinical data relating to oxygen usage   investigate the potential cost savings
further promotes the use of disease          achievable from rationalisation of home
registers and flags up opportunities for     oxygen therapy in non-COPD patients.
more effective patient record linkage.
                                             Future work will also thoroughly explore    Phil Duncan
An identified gap in the current work is     and test ‘how to’ implement a gold          Director, NHS Improvement -
establishing whether or not improved         standard pathway of HOS-AR as defined       Lung
care resultant from formal oxygen            by the Good Practice Guide in terms of
assessment and review results in fewer       new services, but also in relation to
admissions to hospital. Although initial     driving up quality for existing services.
workstream metrics were devised to
explore this, linking information about      Finally, further consideration will be
individual patients in receipt of home       given to the following areas:
oxygen with information from hospital        • Stakeholder engagement
patient administration systems continues     • Developing local incentives to
to present a challenge.                        commission HOS-AR
                                             • Varying the workforce employed at
The reasons why a patient with COPD is         different parts of the pathway
admitted to hospital are varied and in       • Describing optimal models of care in      Ore Okosi
addition COPD patients on long term            urban/rural geographies                   National Improvement Lead,
                                                                                         NHS Improvement – Lung
oxygen tend to have more severe disease      • Developing a consensus around
and thus and increased risk of                 provision/withdrawal of home oxygen
hospitalisation. As such it may not be         to persistent smokers who have a
possible to establish whether optimised        clinical need for oxygen
home oxygen therapy resultant from           • Establishing ownership of HOS-AR
systematic clinical assessment and review      governance and performance
is an effective admission avoidance            management within the emerging
strategy. However, this topic is certainly     commissioning structures
worthy of more consideration in future.

Many HOS-AR teams have begun to
establish effective dialogue with non-       Phil Duncan
respiratory specialists in respect of the    Director, NHS Improvement - Lung
management of non COPD patients in
receipt of home oxygen therapy. As those     Ore Okosi
relationships mature, the HOS-AR teams       National Improvement Lead,
have been able to explore with their non     NHS Improvement - Lung
respiratory colleagues the reasons for
initiation of home oxygen therapy in
Emerging learning             9

Emerging learning

Phases of work                              Data review and data                            Don’t forget ‘better’ is not measureable.
                                                                                            ‘More’, ‘faster’, ‘safer’ or ‘cheaper’ can all
In attempting to broadly categorise the
type of work being undertaken by the
                                            management                                      be measured but only if you know how
                                            The overwhelming message from all               many, how fast, how dangerous or how
12 ‘improving home oxygen services’                                                         expensive things were to begin with. We
national project teams it has been useful   national chronic obstructive pulmonary
                                            disease (COPD) project sites in all             need to establish factual data and
to think in terms of three phases:                                                          measures to demonstrate what has been
                                            workstreams (not just oxygen) when
                                            starting improvement work was that              achieved.
1.Data review and data management
• Data access                               there was difficulty in getting hold of
                                            data and information. As the COPD               How did oxygen sites work
• List cleansing                                                                            with data?
• Invoice reconciliation with               projects commenced, sites reported
                                            limited access to data on their day to day      Project teams grappling with this phase
  concordance reports                                                                       spent much of their time ensuring all
• Case prioritisation                       activity, and very poor access to overall
                                            information covering the respiratory            appropriate staff had access to the full
                                            pathway.                                        range of information available and then
2.Establishment of a formal                                                                 developing effective ways of utilising this
  assessment service                                                                        information in order to understand and
• Address assessment backlog                Fortunately, there are many resources
                                            available that can support COPD project         modify local processes and ensure
• Establish assessment and review cycle                                                     financial control.
• therapy modifications                     sites understand and compare their local
• Withdrawals                               respiratory services with others, and many
                                            of these are freely and easily accessible.      This included information provided by
• Education                                                                                 oxygen suppliers and or PCT/regional
                                            Local data on oxygen can be combined            home oxygen service (HOS) leads in the
3.Service integration and                                                                   form of quarterly concordance reports,
  sustainability                            with nationally available data on
                                            secondary care and primary care in order        monthly invoices, copies of completed
• Robust referrals                                                                          home oxygen order forms (HOOFs) and
• Multidisciplinary team process            to build up a picture of local services.
                                                                                            bespoke performance reports.
  mapping resulting in agreed pathway
• Demand matches capacity                   Why is data important?
                                            Data and measures are important to              In order to provide oversight in respect of
• Service specification aligned with                                                        both clinical appropriateness and financial
  governance and commissioning              demonstrate that change has occurred or
                                            needs to occur. NHS Improvement - Lung          control it is necessary for clinical members
• Effective communication with                                                              of the home oxygen service assessment
  healthcare professionals, patients and    focuses on the delivery of quality
                                            measured improvements which are                 and review (HOS-AR) team to be able
  carers                                                                                    review individual patient details contained
                                            aligned to national priorities and
                                            strategies. In line with the national           within the completed HOOFs received by
In reality, many project teams have                                                         the oxygen supplier.
undertaken activities in parallel and so    Quality Innovation Productivity and
may span these phases which are now         Prevention (QIPP) initiative, it is essential
outlined in more detail.                    that all system changes are measured and
                                            recorded. Whether the change was a
                                            success or did not demonstrate the
                                            anticipated outcomes, you still need to
                                            demonstrate its effect and learn from it.
10     Emerging learning

Gaining access to home oxygen                 Implementing ongoing monitoring               Data reconciliation
order form data                               for oxygen                                    Open Exeter enables the reconciliation of
NHS Connecting for Health provides            The NHS Home Oxygen Service Manual9           monthly files of invoices from the Home
designated users (authorised by individual    states that in order to effectively monitor   Oxygen suppliers against the patients
PCTs) on-line access to individual patient    activity within the home oxygen service,      recorded in their NHAIS system7.
HOOFs held on the National Health             PCTs need to have in place a system
Applications and Infrastructure Services      capable of capturing a range of               The system uses information contained
(NHAIS) system database via Open Exeter       information about each patient on receipt     within the completed HOOF to calculate
a web-enabled viewer7.                        of oxygen, specifically:                      the appropriate cost band from the
                                                                                            specified delivery mechanism, the number
New users have to complete a Data Users       •   Who oxygen was ordered for                of litres/hour and the duration and this
Certification Form (available from            •   Date of birth                             can be checked against the cost band         •   NHS number                                invoiced by the supplier7.
products_and_services/vaprodopenexe)          •   Patient’s GP practice
and get the form authorised by the PCT        •   Who placed the order                      Open Exeter has a suite of reports which
(or shared services agency) data controller   •   When was the order placed                 support data reconciliation:
who will then process the form on-line or     •   What was ordered
forward it for authentication.                •   Urgent, next day or standard supply       •   Deducted patients by
                                              •   Primary or secondary supply               •   Patients not found on the NHAIS
Getting access to oxygen cost data            •   Flow rate                                 •   Inconsistent cost bands
In addition to Open Exeter, the majority      •   Hours per day                             •   Identical provisions for patient at same
of PCT home oxygen service leads and          •   Status (new or existing patient)              address
medicines management teams have               •   Estimate of cost                          •   Cost band totals by practice
access to on-line home oxygen therapy                                                       •   Holiday orders
reports from the NHS Business Services        The Wirral and Milton Keynes project          •   Emergency
Authority Prescription Pricing Division       teams have each had to independently          •   Light weight ambulatory orders
(NHSBSA PPD).                                 develop local ‘databases’ which enable        •   HOOF entered but not matched to a
                                              the HOS-AR team to monitor service                supplier order record
These reports provide information on the      activity but with limited ability to link     •   No HOOF entered for supplier order
payments made to suppliers for provision      information from other clinical recording         record
of oxygen and differentiate payment           sources to specific oxygen data sources.
claims made for the supplier in respect of                                                  The improvement stories from the Hull,
patients residing within the contracted       A key component of their work has been        Sheffield, Sherwood Forest and Blackpool
PCT area and claims for out-of-area           to establish a system of HOOF                 project teams are all examples of how
patients8.                                    management which ensures that there is        clinical team members developed an
                                              either a centralised or a coordinated         understanding of the prescribing cost
Access to these reports is obtained by        approach to HOOF completion and that          categories.
completing a PCT prescribing reports user     copies of all HOOFs are available for the
registration form and sending it a signed     clinical specialists to review.               They also illustrate clinical and non-
letter from the PCT senior officer to                                                       clinical colleague collaboration in order to
Information Services Department of NHS                                                      undertake the almost forensic analysis of
Prescription Services in Newcastle.                                                         modalities of oxygen supply associated                                                     with individual patients.
Emerging learning          11

Armed with this information the clinicians   The South Staffordshire project team
were able to work alongside other non        have illustrated the quick win productivity
                                                                                           Establishment of a
clinical colleagues in order to:             gains achievable through primarily this       formal assessment
                                             first phase of work.
• Identify patients in receipt of oxygen                                                   service
  who are not known to the specialist        This team joined the programme five           This work centres on trying to ensure that
  team                                       months into the first phase of the project    all patients currently in receipt of oxygen
• Reconcile invoice information with         cycle and over the course of two months       are receiving care management in
  information held on local systems          undertook an inspection of individual         alignment with published standards on
• Review patients on multiple modalities     patient oxygen usage data (and other          assessment and frequency of review.
• Scrutinise the various charge bands        recorded clinical information) for 91
• Ensure deceased patients were              Cannock Chase locality patients known         Following the data exercises undertaken
  removed from lists                         to the community COPD team.                   in phase one it is possible to identify in
• Stop charges arising from the supply                                                     receipt of oxygen but unknown to the
  of oxygen to patients living outside       The data inspection was coupled with          specialist team.
  the PCT catchment area                     telephone patient contact and face-to-
• Set up patient recall and review systems   face review in a limited number of            Using this information together with
• Identify non-usage, under-usage,           instances.                                    information about the existing specialist
  over-usage                                                                               team caseload and the volume of new
• Identify sources of inappropriate          As a result, 10% of patients were moved       referrals for a formal assessment. Some
  prescribing within both primary and        to a less expensive tariff with forecast      analysis of demand and capacity can be
  secondary care                             individual savings in excess £1,000 per       undertaken in order to inform clinic
                                             year, the total annual forecast cost          scheduling/home visits necessary to
Data management and QIPP                     savings attributable to the review of the     address the backlog of previously
The NHS Newham project team cite their       91 patients in Cannock Chase locality         unassessed patients.
use of the Open Exeter reporting function    amounted to £57,573.
in validating monthly supplier costs and                                                   These patients are contacted by the
realised productivity savings of £12,057     Cannock Chase is only one locality within     project team in order to arrange if
from April to November 2010 purely from      South Staffordshire and so the PCT is         necessary a review and therapy altered or
accurate data management.                    exploring whether even greater                withdrawn if deemed inappropriate.
                                             productivity gains can be achieved if this
This included removal of deceased            approach was spread to other localities.      This phase involves liaison with the
patients, removal of duplicated patients                                                   patient’s GP surgery as many existing
and removal of out of area patients.                                                       oxygen patients received therapy as a
                                                                                           result of a GP completing the original
The improvement stories contained                                                          home oxygen order form (HOOF).
within this publication illustrate the
effectiveness of clinicians working in
collaboration with managerial and
administrative colleagues (especially the
designated PCT home oxygen service
lead) in respect of the financial
reconciliation process.
12    Emerging learning

The Department of Health Good Practice
Guide10 sets out very clearly and             Part of the Oxygen Care Pathway from the Home Oxygen Service –
comprehensively the gold standard             Assessment and Review: Good Practice Guide. Department of Health,
pathway for oxygen assessment and             Final version 24th November 2010
review. A condensed summary of the                                                                                           • Access exercise capacity

pathway is set out below:                                                                                                    • Access adequate correction
                                                                                                                               of exercise de-saturation
                                                                                                                             • Determine flow rate
                                                                                                                             • Discuss with patient if immediate
                                                                                                                               ambulatory supply or derfer until later
1. Referral to formal assessment service                                                                                     • Assessment of social situation and
                                                                                                                               referral to social services if required
   following determination of                                                                                                • Assessment of compliance

   hypoxaemia using pulse oximetry
                                                     Full assessment                                                             Discuss
                                                                        HCP led
   (SaO2 level is below 92%)                         • Hypoxic
                                                     • Borderline
                                                                                                       Consider assessment
                                                                                                         for additional
                                                                                                                              options with
                                                                                                                                                 session with
                                                                                                                                                                         Completed HOOF
                                                                                                                                                                           sent to HOS
                                                                       assessment                      ambulatory oxygen                         patient/carer               provider
2. Full assessment for long term oxygen              • Complex                                                                  patient

   therapy (LTOT) including spirometry                                                                • Confirm hypoxaemia
                                                                                                      • Spirometry
                                                                                                                                                • Arrange training
                                                                                                                                                  for carer if not in
   and measurement of arterial blood                                                                  • ABG
                                                                                                      • CO2 retention -
                                                                                                                                                • Provide written        Discuss follow-up
   gases (with LTOT prescribed for 15                                                                   consider need for
                                                                                                                                                  patient information
                                                                                                                                                • Patient to confirm
                                                                                                                                                                          and book first
                                                                                                                                                  understanding            appointment
   hours per day in clinically stable                                                                                                             of training

   patients where the arterial blood                     Check
                                                     oximetry if not
                                                                                No hypoxaemia

                                                                                 transfer back
   oxygen measurement is at or below                    yet done                   to referrer
                                                                                                                                                                           consultant and
   7.3kPa, or under 8kPa if oedema                                                                                                                                        referring HCP of
                                                                                                                                                                         management plan
3. Determination of safety, flow rate and                                       Borderline cases

                                                                                 SaO2 92-93%
   duration of oxygen for patients in                                                                                                                                           G

   whom oxygen is indicated
4. Further assessment (if appropriate) to
   determine the patient’s capacity for
   exercise, and whether they should
   be prescribed additional ambulatory      Models of service: The clinical teams                                   The Sherwood Forest team operate a
   oxygen                                   within this initial cohort of oxygen                                    model which involves specialist
5. Clinician orders appropriate oxygen      projects are varied in terms of their                                   assessment available from community
   supply device from oxygen suppliers      locations and workforce composition.                                    clinic locations.
   following discussion with patient
6. Follow-up home visit should be           The Hull, Wirral and West Hertfordshire                                 The Wirral project team operate from
   undertaken at four weeks by a            project teams are all led by respiratory                                specialist clinics and more recently have
   healthcare professional to assess the    nurse specialists in contrast to the                                    begun undertaking clinical reviews from
   patient’s clinical status, compliance    Sherwood Forest and Birmingham East                                     within GP surgeries in order to evaluate
   with the oxygen therapy regime and       and North teams which are led by a                                      this approach in terms of reducing the
   to determine whether further action is   clinical scientist and a consultant                                     number of patients who fail to attend
   necessary                                respiratory physician respectively.                                     their scheduled consultation.
7. Regular clinical status reviews should
   be undertaken                            However, all the teams do operate within                                The Newham project team are developing
   a.    Every six weeks after admission    a multidisciplinary framework with                                      a mixed model which utilises both
         or exacerbation                    different workforce competences                                         secondary care specialists and community
   b. Every six months oximetry should      available at various points in the care                                 matrons at different point within the care
         be carried out                     pathway.                                                                pathway and facilitated by the use of
   c.    Every twelve months patients                                                                               point-of care arterial blood gas testing
         should have their arterial blood                                                                           equipment.
         gases measured.
Emerging learning           13

The choice of model being tested and           Hertfordshire COPD service are also           In attempting to establish a more
developed often reflects the geographical      attempting to ensure sustainable financial    integrated model of care, teams have had
considerations of the area with Acute          management by educating GPs about the         to overcome perverse incentives within
Hospital clinics being the locations of        benefits of formal assessment.                ‘payment by results’ which might
choice within the more compact and                                                           potentially encourage duplication,
highly urbanised Birmingham setting in         Teams such as the Wirral COPD and             redundant processes or unnecessary steps
contrast to community clinic settings          Home Oxygen Service are engaging non-         in pathway.
being considered by more dispersed             respiratory specialists in discussions
populations such as NHS Gloucester.            around the care pathway for patients          NHS Birmingham East and North are
                                               receiving oxygen for non COPD related         developing a local payment tariff which
At a recent peer support meeting the           conditions and jointly developing care        will encourage multidisciplinary working
12 national project teams reached a            pathways.                                     by both being fair compensation to the
consensus as regards models of service                                                       service provider and financially
delivery which is encapsulated within the      Having achieved significant therapy           sustainable by the commissioner.
phrase ‘Varied models but standardised         changes and therapy withdrawals among
processes’. This means strict adherence to     existing oxygen patients, through the         In developing a new service or model of
best practice as articulated within the        work of phases one and two, teams such        care it is important to ensure clarity at the
Department of Health Good Practice             as Hull and Wirral have begun to tackle       outset in relation to costs. Involvement
Guide but flexibility in respect of location   the challenge of addressing therapy           with this programme of work enabled
and staffing.                                  modification in patients who resisted all     NHS Gloucestershire to significantly
                                               initial invitations for clinical review and   re-evaluate their business case.
Service integration and                        ensure patient safety risks uncovered by
                                               the earlier work is documented and            The NHS Improvement - Lung senior
sustainability                                 integrated within the wider                   analyst was able to guide them on how
A number of the project teams are              organisational risk management                to use their own quarterly concordance
attempting to leverage the oxygen cost         framework.                                    report data to understand potential
savings achieved through rationalisation                                                     patterns of service demand.
of processes to raise the profile of oxygen    The NHS Birmingham East and North
services among local commissioners.            team are ensuring that safety risk            In addition, the Gloucester project lead
                                               recording and follow-up procedures are        was able to review the service
In areas such Sheffield and Gloucester the     firmly established within the existing PCT    specifications of more established teams
type and scope of oxygen service was not       governance framework in order to ensure       and through interaction with colleagues
previously well defined within local           transition to the newly emerging GP           during regular peer support meetings
respiratory service specifications. The        commissioning consortia.                      gain greater insight in to workforce
project team were subsequently given an                                                      considerations.
opportunity for the local health economy       However, the risks are not just those
stakeholders to collectively address this by   associated with patient safety, there are     This dialogue also enabled previously
utilising the emerging learning from the       also financial risks posed by poor data       unconsidered ‘hidden costs’ (such as
project work and the Department of             management and coordination.                  equipment upkeep) to be identified.
Health Good Practice Guide to inform
new business cases or revise service           Project teams such as Sherwood Forest
specifications.                                are devolving oxygen prescribing
                                               budgetary management to GP localities in
The quick win cost savings achievable by       order to preserve the discipline of
undertaking phase one work is obviously        financial management during the local
attractive to commissioners but the more       NHS transition and further engage GPs in
established teams such as the West             discussions around the care pathway.
14     Emerging learning

Testing hypothesis                            Emerging themes                                Consistent messages to patients – In
                                                                                             rationalising local oxygen services project
Cost savings have been achieved by a          Data coordination – In order to ensure         teams have been engaging non-
number of project teams. Teams such as        tight financial control and appropriate        respiratory specialists, GPs and other
Sheffield, South Staffordshire (Cannock       oxygen prescribing the home oxygen             healthcare professionals in order to
Chase locality) and Newham have realised      service - assessment and review (HOS-AR)       develop a local consensus in respect of
significant quick win cost savings            team need to liaise effectively with           oxygen therapy initiation.
attributable to the first phase of work       managerial and administrative staff to
with forecast annual savings of £120K,        jointly review information contained           Much of this engagement has taken the
£57.5K and £12K respectively.                 within oxygen supplier concordance             form of education in respect of the
                                              reports and monthly invoices.                  benefits of formal assessment, the health
Whilst project teams with more                                                               and safety considerations and waste
established HOS-AR teams such as Hull,        Collaboration between designated PCT           incurred by inappropriate prescribing.
Wirral and West Hertfordshire either          home oxygen service (HOS) leads and
continue to achieve a reduction in            HOS-AR teams has enabled supplier              Project teams have identified that
spending (as compared with the period         reports to be used effectively, picking up     inappropriate prescribing occurs in both
prior to the service being established) or    anomalies within prescribed oxygen and         primary and secondary care and so teams
experience very modest fluctuations in        challenging unnecessary multiple               such as the West Herts COPD service
month-on-month costs.                         modalities.                                    undertook targeted educational visits as
                                                                                             part of their cost avoidance strategy.
The following hypothesis is now being         Some HOS-AR teams have established
tested by the workstream:                     agreements with local primary and              During the periodic peer support
                                              secondary care stakeholders that they act      meetings facilitated by NHS Improvement
1/3 Rule Savings: one third of total cost     as ‘gatekeeper’ for the completion and         - Lung the 12 project teams jointly
efficiencies (savings and avoidance)          amendment of the home oxygen order             identified two simple messages that all
realised through first stage of three stage   form (HOOF).                                   project teams need to reinforce within
process with efficiency gains reaching a                                                     their local health economy, these were:
plateau and prescribing costs capped by       This has reduced inappropriate oxygen
implementation of all three stages.           prescribing by healthcare professionals        i) Oxygen is not a treatment for
                                              who are not able to accurately determine           breathlessness
Data collected during the final phase of      a patient’s need for oxygen nor the            ii) Think oxygen/think of us - your
the project cycle will establish what         therapy which most appropriately meets             home oxygen service!
proportion of overall cost efficiencies is    that need.
achievable during the three phases.                                                          Service integration - As with many
                                              In addition to granting HOS-AR teams           other areas of healthcare the project
The results from Sheffield, Staffordshire     access to the national invoice                 teams are confirming that sustainable
and Newham lend support to the 1/3            interrogation system ‘Open Exeter’, many       models of care require an integrated
Rule Savings workstream testing               project teams are attempting to create a       approach across primary and secondary
hypothesis. However, quantification of        database which is jointly accessible (and      care as well as across medical specialties.
the productivity gains achievable from        jointed populated) by clinical and
each phase of work will be more evident       administrative staff, thus enabling links to
when a sufficient body of data is available   be made between a patient’s clinical
from the total project cohort upon            information and other administrative
completion of the 12 month project cycle.     information.
Emerging learning         15

Having undertaken a comprehensive
process mapping of the existing patient
                                              Issues and challenges                          Project teams have utilised clinical
                                                                                             guidance from a number of sources and
journey, project teams such as Newham         Data access/use/coordination                   they have engaged local governance
are exploring new ways of working for         A number of project teams had to               stakeholders in order to frame a
their community and acute based staff on      overcome barriers in order to access           consensus around withdrawal protocols,
the basis of standardised assessment and      directly patient data held by the supplier.    risk assessment and escalation
review processes undertaken by different      Suppliers often expressed great                procedures.
staff groups, matching competencies           reluctance to share information with
identified within the Department of           personnel other than the designated PCT        Despite this many project team members
Health Good Practice Guide10 to specific      HOS lead and many protracted                   expressed a sense of ‘exposure’ especially
parts of the care pathway in different        discussions and emails had to be engaged       in the face of challenges from either a
settings.                                     into in order to unearth information.          patient, relative, carer or even another
                                                                                             healthcare professional.
A number of project teams (Birmingham         The lack of a national database which
East & North, Blackpool, Sheffield) are       contains both clinical and administrative      A particular area of concern is the
looking at different ways of using hospital   information and which could be jointly         withdrawal of therapy in hypoxic patients
tariff costs in order to support              accessed and populated by both clinical        who smoke. The project teams welcome
multidisciplinary working and sustain         and administrative staff is a bug bear for     the references made to this topic in the
service enhancements.                         many teams resulting in some teams             most recent draft of the Department of
                                              attempting to devise their own systems         Health Good Practice Guide10 but feel the
For many teams the project work has           locally.                                       topic is worthy of further discussion
provided an opportunity to strengthen                                                        nationally.
links with oxygen suppliers, local fire       This lack of record-linkage functionality
services, PCT executive committees, social    impairs a joined up study of a patient’s       During recent peer support meetings the
services and emerging GP consortia            whole system care.                             12 project teams jointly agreed some top-
especially with regards to patient safety                                                    tips in respect of facilitating oxygen
governance issues.                            Gaining agreement around the HOS-AR            therapy withdrawal in patients deemed a
                                              team acting as HOOF gatekeeper OR              fire safety risk:
Both the Wirral team and the team from        ensuring coordination of HOOF
Hull have developed local therapy             completion across a local health economy       • Offer patient intensive step-up smoking
withdrawal protocols and risk escalation      is something that requires specialist teams      cessation support
procedures in collaboration with other        to invest time in engaging with local GPs      • Utilise a multidisciplinary approach
local stakeholders and sought the             and non-respiratory specialists on an on-        including social services
approval of local governance committees.      going basis to ensure harmonised               • Consider possible child protection
                                              prescribing.                                     issues where patient is also a carer
Teams such as NHS Gloucester, aspiring to                                                      (e.g. smoking grandparent who
establish a new HOS-AR service have           Access to specialist information support         regularly looks after grandchildren)
been able to better inform their business     (Trust or PCT based) appears very variable     • Undertake both a risk assessment and
cases and service specifications with real    with many teams experiencing challenges          a (mental) capacity assessment if
world intelligence from the established       around data collection and analysis.             appropriate
HOS-AR teams within the project cohort,                                                      • Instigate a case conference around
strengthening these documents in respect      Governance                                       unmanageable risks
of the data support required and              Many of the project teams expressed a          • Document all the facts
building-in ongoing ‘hidden costs’ in         strong desire for central guidance in          • Consider the use/development of a
respect of equipment.                         respect of healthcare professional liability     red card warning system prior to
                                              and the legality of therapy withdrawal.          withdrawal
16     Improvement stories

Improving the prescribing and ongoing
management of patients on home oxygen therapy
NHS Newham and Newham University Hospital NHS Trust

The NHS Newham and Astra Zeneca joint       The pathway of care                                  The first page of the draft home oxygen
project on improving chronic obstructive    Newham had localised the COPD                        therapy pathway is shown below.
pulmonary disease (COPD) services within    pathway using the ‘Map of Medicine’ but
the local healthcare community (LHC)        it did not incorporate any details                   The project aims and objectives
comprised Primary Care, Secondary Care,     regarding the prescribing or the ongoing             The aim of the work was to improve the
Community Health Care (provider arm of      management. There were gaps in the                   prescribing and ongoing management of
the PCT), Public Health and                 service being provided and these would               patient on home oxygen therapy.
Commissioning.                              be identified during the development of
                                            the oxygen pathway.
The background to their service
Oxygen is prescribed by primary and
secondary care clinicians. Prescribing of
oxygen by secondary care (the chest           Home oxygen therapy - requirement suspected
clinic) is based on structured assessment     Newham Development Zone > Thoracic medicine > Home oxygen therapy (HOT)
and a database is kept of the patients
that are under their care.

Primary care prescribing may also be
based on an effective assessment but
there is no evidence to verify this.

There were no formal management
arrangements of the oxygen service in
NHS Newham. Ongoing review of oxygen
patients were not being preformed for
any patients. There was no standard
database kept of patients on oxygen and
the information was not being shared
between the patients being managed in
primary care and by the chest clinic.

Oxygen invoices were managed by the
medicine management team and there
was no reconciliation between the
database and monthly invoices provided
by the service provider. Also, there was
lack of evidence whether any actions
were taken to act on the reports
produced or provided by the oxygen
supplier e.g. compliance reports, out of
area reports etc.
Improvement stories          17

Specific objectives:                         The other challenge has been the current       Workforce considerations
• To produce/manage the oxygen data          reorganisation of the PCTs. As a               The review of the chest clinic oxygen
  base and check on a monthly basis for      consequence there is a risk that no            patients is being supported by two
  accuracy by April 2010                     project support will be available from         suitably trained and clinically supervised
• To develop and implement an                April 2011. This has been reported to the      second year medical students which
  assessment and review process for          chief executive.                               poses risk to the ongoing sustainability of
  patients on oxygen therapy by                                                             the work. Agreement has been reached
  December 2010                              Implementation of the reviews has              to add capacity in the form of
• To reassess and review 25% of              presented capacity issues but these have       Community Matrons to review primary
  patients on oxygen and record any          been resolved by temporally increasing         care oxygen patients. Once all the
  changes to their oxygen therapy by         the capacity to clear the back log.            patients have been reviewed it should be
  April 2011                                                                                possible to maintain the ongoing reviews
• To reduce wastage in oxygen                The testing they did and key learning          within the current workforce.
  prescribing and secure a 20%               to date, including the overall benefits
  reduction in cost September 2010           The plan to review of patients on oxygen       Potential/actual QIPP and cost
  compared to the 2009/10 cost               has commenced and it is anticipated that       savings /avoidance – defined as
• To update and expand the localised         at least half of the patients (approx 80)      quality, innovation, productivity
  pathway (to include development of a       managed by the chest clinic will be            and prevention
  new Home Oxygen Service pathway)           reviewed by the end of March 2011. The         The oxygen database has been produced
  and promote its implementation             data will be collected and analysed on a       and is updated on a monthly basis. In
  across the local healthcare community      monthly basis and the work will be             addition, the information is shared with
  by April 2011                              amended accordingly.                           the acute so that the information is
• To incorporate the COPD strategy                                                          consistent.
  objectives into the redesign as            Similar process will be followed for
  appropriate                                monitoring of blood gases for patients         Productivity savings of £12,057 have
                                             who attend as day cases. Outcomes of           been secured from April to November
The process of improvement they              this initial phase will be used to plan the    2010 purely from accurate data
undertook and overall approach to            work for patients not being managed by         management. This included removal of
address the issues.                          the chest clinic. It is anticipated that all   deceased patients, removal of duplicated
                                             oxygen prescribing will be under the           patients and removal of out of area
A steering group was setup including         specialist respiratory service but this is     patients.
primary and secondary care clinical leads    dependent upon pathway changes being
to address the issues and take forward       agreed.                                        An assessment and reviews form has
the outcomes of the stakeholder event                                                       been developed to use across the local
which incorporated patient                   Commissioning considerations                   healthcare community. In addition, local
representatives.                             Extensive discussions have occurred in         oxygen protocols have been agreed and
                                             order to try to achieve change. If these       incorporated into the review form. This
Issues and challenges they faced             changes are not achieved or result in          should result in improved quality of
with potential solutions                     protracted meetings and discussions then       management of patients on oxygen and
The main challenge to potential solutions    notice to terminate the contract will be       is projected to provide productivity
has been negotiating change in the           given. This has already been considered        savings of approximately of £80k.
current way of working with the              and the final decision will rest with the
secondary care managers. The clinicians      GP Commissioning Board.
have been willing to redesign the service.
18     Improvement stories

Review of the patients being managed by        • Incorporate compliance reports into the
the chest clinic has commenced and               database and organise reviews as
outcome data is being collected. It is           appropriate
anticipated that the target of reviewing       • Production and use of standard reports:
25% of patients by April 2011 will be            - Confirm out of PCT catchment area
achieved.                                          patients are registered within the PCT
                                                 - Open Exeter reports – deducted
The purchase of three Point of Care                patients, duplicated patients,
Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) meters will               identical provision at the same
facilitate with the oxygen reviews and will        address
eliminate day case attendances for ABG         • Consider purchase and use of ABG
monitoring. This innovative approach             Point of Care meters to facilitate
should result in net productivity savings of     oxygen prescribing, reviews and
approximately £250k for a full year whilst       optimising therapy including
improving the quality of the service for         discontinuation as appropriate
                                               Any generic learning (LTC) that we
Discussions are also being held to             extrapolate from the work e.g. how this
manage the oxygen on a sector wide             could be applied to other areas:
basis to further secure productivity gains.
                                               • Ensure engagement of the clinical leads
Data collection, a summary of what it            at the outset and get them to lead the
showed and overall evidence                      process
including any charts                           • Agree metrics and ensure ease of
Baseline data has been collected and as          availability at the outset
the oxygen review data becomes                 • Ensure robust data collection plan and
available it will be analysed to establish       implement as soon as possible -
quality and productivity improvements.           sufficient time needs to be allowed for
Initial data indicates that the cost of          the data team to incorporate this into
home oxygen service is not increasing.           their workload
                                               • Engage commissioning to ensure that
Emerging workstream principles,                  you are aware of the current contract
including ‘top tips’                             and who is monitoring it
Top tips for the management of the
oxygen service are:                            Project lead contact details for
                                               further information
• Engage with IT to produce a database         Bob Arora
  which allows a quick method of               Map of Medicine Programme Manager
  updating with the oxygen provider            Telephone: 0207 059 6524,
  invoice                                      Email:
• Share a common database with other
  services (chest clinic, community
  matrons) to allow immediate database
Improvement stories          19

The feasibility and impact of withdrawal of Short
Burst Oxygen Therapy (SBOT)
Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, NHS Waltham Forest & North East London, North
Central London and Essex Health Innovation Education Cluster (NECLES HIEC)

Background to the service                      facilitator for the theme) and NHS           Discussion then took place with the
There is considerable data available and       Waltham Forest (Anne Crawford (AC)).         patient about alternative interventions for
published, that the use of short burst         Other members of the team included           the management of breathlessness.
oxygen therapy (SBOT) or intermittent          Robyn Hudson (RH), Charles Bruce (CB),       Patients were offered supported
oxygen at home for the relief of               Gavin Donaldson (GD).                        withdrawal of the oxygen supply and
breathlessness, in patients without                                                         followed up with an appointment at an
chronic hypoxemia is not effective and         The gold standard pathway vs. local          interval of one month. Arrangements
costly to the NHS.                             pathway                                      were made to withdraw the oxygen
                                               The gold standard pathway is that long       supply with the contractor.
This pilot was undertaken to address the       term oxygen therapy is assessed by
issue of the prescription of SBOT for          arterial blood gases, resulting in a         If SBOT patients were unwilling to have
patients with chronic obstructive              prescription of oxygen for 15 hours over a   the oxygen withdrawn, then they were
pulmonary disease (COPD). Although             24 hour period. However, for short burst     offered an appointment with the
current guidance relating to long term         oxygen therapy (intermittent oxygen) no      respiratory consultant for further
oxygen prescription does not support           such assessment has been formalised and      discussions and assessment. Further
provision of SBOT, there is considerable       short burst oxygen is usually prescribed     assessment of patients unwilling to be
evidence from the home oxygen service          for breathless patients without oximetry.    withdrawn from SBOT were offered.
data and surveys that that SBOT is still       Appendix 1 illustrates the pathway for       All patients will be followed at six months
provided in this way and wastes                the NHS Waltham Forest oxygen                to assess outcomes such as quality of life,
resources.                                     assessment service.                          arterial blood gases, primary care visits
                                                                                            and any hospital admissions.
Furthermore, there are other more              The project aims and objectives
effective ways that can be utilised to treat   The aim of this project was to review all    The process of improvement
breathlessness and thus use of SBOT            COPD SBOT prescriptions, of more than        undertaken and overall approach
leads to sup-optimal care. It is estimated     three months, in the Camden and              to address the issues
that up to 25% of the home oxygen              Waltham Forest PCT areas, in order to        Meetings and telephone review to
provided in England and Wales is in the        reduce SBOT prescription by 75% over         support this work:
form of SBOT. However, there is no data        the course of one year (July 2010 to July
available on withdrawal of SBOT in             2011). This figure was aimed high as we      • In the early stages of the project, two
patients without hypoxaemia and also no        are aware that most SBOT patients (once        meetings took place (14 June and 30
information regarding how successful           palliative prescriptions have been             July 2010) with NHS Improvement Lead,
withdrawal is, in this patient group, both     excluded) have no clincial indication for      Ore Okosi and various members of the
in the short term and longer term e.g. six     SBOT.                                          team (JAW, CB, CM, GD, AC, RH) to
months. Patients may become dependent                                                         discuss and plan the project
on SBOT and thus considerable education        Patients in the palliative care category     • AC, CM, RH attended the NHS
will be required, both for the patient and     were excluded for the purpose of this          Improvement - Lung launch on 16 July
the healthcare professional, about other       analysis. The intention was to obtain data     2010 and AC & CM attended the NHS
interventions for breathlessness. Such         from the PCTs and contractor, regarding        Improvement System training day on 28
data on withdrawal will also inform            current prescription of SBOT in each of        July and 19 August respectively
health economic evaluations and aid            the study areas.                             • AC attended the oxygen peer support
future guidance on home oxygen services.                                                      meeting at Edgware Community Hospital
                                               Patients with a prescription of SBOT were      on 23 September. CM attended the
The original intention was that the project    offered an appointment with a respiratory      oxygen peer support meeting at Milton
would take place in two sites - one site in    specialist to discuss their use of oxygen      Keynes in November
North London: Royal Free Hospital NHS          and where indicated, full assessment of      • AC, CM had a telephone review 13
Trust (Christine Mikelsons (CM) &              their requirement for long term oxygen         August and two half day meetings on 28
Professor Wisia Wedzicha (JAW)) and NHS        was performed. In cases where no clinical      October 2010 and 27 January 2011
Camden, and the other site in North East       need was identified, patients were           • In addition, there have been regular
London: Whipps Cross University Hospital       counselled and advised that they did not       telephone updates between AC and CM
NHS Trust (Professor Mike Roberts - HIEC       need to continue with oxygen at home.          (13/8/2010, 27/8/10; 3/9/10; 15/10/10)
20     Improvement stories

Data collection was started at Waltham       The testing was performed and the                                Data collection summary
Forest on 15 October 2010, following the     key learning to date, including the                              October to December 2010 results:
development of:                              overall benefits                                                 A total of 25 patients on SBOT in the
• A flyer inviting participation             Patients in NHS Waltham Forest on short                          borough of Waltham Forest with a
  (see appendices)                           burst oxygen (CC2a and CC2b) have                                primary diagnosis of COPD were
• A letter of agreement of patients to       been reviewed and assessed. The data                             identified. Appointments were sent and
  take part (see appendices)                 has been collected and analysed.                                 patients, who agreed to participate in the
• An updated patient assessment              Metrics and measures included numbers                            project, visited in their homes:
  proforma (see appendices)                  receiving SBOT, three months
• A patient follow-up proforma               retrospective data to understand demand                          • Two patients have had their SBOT
  (see appendices)                           and capacity, actual hours SBOT use,                               successfully withdrawn
• An agreement with local GPs to support     FEV1,SaO2 and ABGs, SGRQ, HAD and                                • Nine patients (47.3%) were
  actions within the project                 BORG scores, number of reviews, number                             exacerbating at the time of assessment
• Written details informing GPs of           of admissions related to respiratory                             • Two patients were withdrawn from the
  patient’s involvement in this NHS          condition, number of patients with                                 study :one unwilling to comply with
  Improvement - Lung project                 maintained withdrawal at six months and                            interventions, one recently bereaved
                                             improvement stories to include patient’s                           and worsening of short term memory
Issues and challenges faced with             experiences.                                                       loss
potential solutions                                                                                           • One patient was dying and refusing
• Issues of maintaining up to date HOOF      Potential/actual QIPP and cost savings                             hospital admission and one refused
  data and an oxygen database in             /avoidance – defined as quality,                                   assessment
  Waltham Forest PCT as administration       innovation, productivity and                                     • One withdrawn from SBOT as required
  support ceased at the end of August        prevention                                                         long term oxygen therapy
  2010. Discussions with the medicines       There are potential cost savings from                            • One was in hospital having been
  management lead was required in            withdrawal of SBOT and in addition                                 admitted with pneumonia
  order to determine continuation and        further cost savings could be identified as                      • The remainder are awaiting assessment
  agreement of support to the oxygen         a result of performing ABG sampling in
  service                                    the community thus obviating the need                            The results of 19 patients are presented
• Access to data proved to be a challenge    for patients to attend hospital for this                         below for HAD, SGRQ, FEV1 (morbidity)
  which resulted in the following email      reason.                                                          and oxygen SaO2 at assessment on first
  trail:                                                                                                      visit.
  • Commissioners at Camden PCT three
     times (CM)
  • Home oxygen service at Department
     of Health (CM)                            1 October 2010 - 31 December 2010 - Waltham Forest PCT
  • Clinical lead for respiratory medicine
     NHS London (CM)
  • Oxygen lead for NHS London (CM)                    30                                                                     31
  • Strategy team NHS London                           25                                     26
  • Commissioners at Camden PCT                        20            21

                                                       15                                                                          17
     (JAW)                                                                                                           14
                                                        5                 6
                                                                              7                                                                       7
                                                                                     0             0      0               0                   0   0
                                                            A   B    C    D   E      F   G    H    I       J    K    L    M   N    O     P    Q   R   S

                                                                                  Waltham Forest PCT                Waltham Forest PCT
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects
Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects

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Improving home oxygen services: emerging learning from the national improvement projects

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement Lung DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement - Lung Improving Home Oxygen Services: Emerging Learning from the National Improvement Projects
  • 2. Patients and their carers are the reason the health service exists and therefore they should be at the heart of our services. Service redesign and improvement generates opportunities to involve service users who will provide a different perspective on the service, so that we can better understand whether our service or improvements make any difference to the patient. Only when we understand patient’s needs – by asking them, not second guessing – can we work in a way that meets those needs and ensures they get maximum benefit from our service.
  • 3. 3 Improving Home Oxygen Services - Emerging Learning from the National Improvement Projects Contents Foreword 4 Executive summary 5 Emerging learning 9 Phases of work 9 Data review and management 9 Establishment of a formal assessment service 11 Service integration and sustainability 13 Testing hypothesis 14 Emerging learning 14 Issues and challenges 15 Improvement stories 16 NHS Newham and Newham University Hospital NHS Trust 16 Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC 19 West Hertfordshire COPD Service 23 NHS Sheffield 26 NHS Hull and the City Health Care Partnership 28 NHS Gloucestershire 31 Milton Keynes PCT Community Services and Milton Keynes Hospital 33 NHS Blackpool 37 Wirral Integrated Oxygen Service 39 Sherwood Forest Hospitals and NHS Nottinghamshire County Community COPD Team 43 NHS South Staffordshire 46 NHS Birmingham East and North and Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust 49 Appendices 53 Data for improvement projects 53 Newham LTOT pathway 57 Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC Flow chart 58 Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC invitation letter to patients 59 Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC patient proforma 60 Royal Free/Waltham Forest PCT/NECLES HIEC follow-up proforma 61 Wirral COPD and Oxygen Service Process Map 62 NHS Birmingham East and North Process Map (CURRENT STATE) 63 NHS Birmingham East and North Process Map (FUTURE STATE) 62 Acknowledgements 65 References 66
  • 4. 4 Foreword Foreword Since July 2010, NHS Improvement – The publication also contains information Lung has worked with a number of for healthcare professionals and those clinical teams across England as part of working in commissioning or interfacing the Department of Health Respiratory with COPD services. This includes those Programme. Its aim has been to support who are: the development of patient centred, • Involved in the care of patients who evidenced based and clinically led services require COPD services by identifying and sharing innovative • Responsible for commissioning COPD ways to reduce variations in care and services improve the quality and experience of • Managing COPD services Professor Sue Hill patients with chronic obstructive • Local or regional leads pulmonary disease (COPD). The project sites were encouraged to The national improvement projects have employ a range of service improvement tested approaches at key stages of the tools and techniques. These included clinical pathways which have included: process mapping, demand and capacity • Improving home oxygen services and data analysis, the application of Lean • Early accurate diagnosis principles, process redesign and the • Transforming acute care human dimensions of change. NHS • Managing COPD as a long term Improvement - Lung also supported the condition testing of new ideas and pathways • Improving end of life care through site visits and project team peer support. Following the first six months of the Dr Robert Winter improvement programme, this There are lots of practical examples within publication signals the mid-way point in this report to support clinical teams in the project cycle and has been written to delivering quality and productivity share the learning from the testing phase benefits to patients and a wider range of of the work. Through a series of case stakeholders. Over the next six months, studies and examples, it aims to highlight NHS Improvement – Lung will continue to areas of innovative and emerging good test the key principles for change and practice that can be used locally to deliver implementation. As this learning improvements for COPD patients and emerges, it will be shared with COPD their carers. services and the wider NHS In order to address the paucity of current We would like to take this opportunity to evidence, particularly around the models thank the project sites for their hard and principles of implementation, the work, dedication and commitment and programme will continue to adapt and look forward to the full extent of the refine the learning. However, these improvement work as it comes to fruition. lessons will be of value now to any team working to improve the care it delivers and commissions for people with COPD. Professor Sue Hill Dr Robert Winter This publication contains a number of Joint National Clinical Directors examples that demonstrate value for for the Respiratory Programme money, increased productivity and approaches that can sustain improvements over the long term.
  • 5. Executive summary 5 Executive summary National position and Thus the overarching aim of this This has led to a workstream 1/3 Rule workstream context workstream is that patients receive Savings, testing a hypothesis which accurate quality assured oxygen therapy states: Home oxygen therapy is provided to through optimised assessment and review about 85,000 people in England at a cost models which ensure the right people are ‘One third of the total cost of approximately £110 million a year1. in receipt of the right dose of oxygen efficiencies (savings and avoidance) therapy. can be realised through the first Many Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) do not undertake quality assured clinical In developing the project outline the phase of a three phase process with assessment and review of their patients scope of the project work was framed efficiency gains reaching a plateau need for long term home oxygen such that teams would consider: and prescribing costs capped by increasing the potential for poor quality implementation of all three phases.‘ care and waste. • The most appropriate (competent) staff to undertake assessment and reviews Placing an emphasis on the assessment of The Department of Health estimates that • Assessment and review location clinical need, and ongoing clinical review, around 30% of people prescribed oxygen settings provides an opportunity for healthcare either derive no clinical benefit from it or • Guidance on correctly documenting professionals to more comprehensively do not use their oxygen2. Quality and and interpreting diagnostic results inform and educate patients about their productivity in the home oxygen service • Guidance on accurately prescribing condition. In addition if home oxygen can be improved significantly. Gross oxygen therapy is deemed appropriate then this savings of up to 40% - equivalent • Providing the patient with written interaction also facilitates patient nationally to £45 million a year, or information regarding their oxygen education about equipment use, risk and £300,000 per PCT can potentially be therapy their own responsibilities as regards the achieved according to recent analysis safe use of oxygen at home. carried out by the Department of Health The project teams made extensive use of through the established of home oxygen British Thoracic Society Home Oxygen Project teams will use or develop easy-to- services and oxygen register review and Services Standards3 and early drafts of the read, quality literature to educate patients formal clinical assessment4. Department of Health Good Practice about the appropriate use and potential Guide4. In addition to the above the (fire) safety risks associated with using The rationale for the work of the project project teams have also utilised the work oxygen at home. teams is provided by recommendation 14 of NICE5 and IMPRESS6 to inform their of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary thinking. This educational process is in alignment Disease (COPD) Strategy Consultation with recommendation 11 of the Chronic document1, which states: Summary of emerging learning Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Strategy Consultation document1, which ‘All people with COPD and Early indications are that the project work states: hypoxaemia should be clinically spans three phases: assessed for long-term oxygen ‘Good-quality information should 1. Data review and data management be provided at diagnosis and therapy and reviewed at regular 2. Establishment of a formal intervals, and existing home oxygen assessment service delivered in a format that any registers should be reviewed’. 3. Service integration and person can understand’ sustainability
  • 6. 6 Executive summary Some emerging themes arising from the Royal Free/Waltham Forest work to date include: PCT/NECLES HIEC Introduced a review of all COPD short • Data coordination - Clinical team burst oxygen therapy (SBOT) prescriptions access to data and collaboration in the Waltham Forest PCT area offering between clinical and managerial/ patients full assessment of their administrative staff to review/challenge requirement for long term oxygen and oxygen patient data counselling or advice on alternative • Consistent messages to patients - In interventions for the management of rationalising local oxygen services breathlessness and the supported project teams have been engaging GPs withdrawal of the oxygen supply. and other healthcare professionals (HCPs) to develop a consensus in West Hertfordshire COPD Service respect of the appropriate initiation of Introduced a system of identifying home oxygen therapy for COPD healthcare professionals inappropriately patients. This is often summarised by prescribing home oxygen to patients with the simple message that ‘oxygen is not normal oxygen levels and undertaking a treatment for breathlessness’ targeted group education around good Milton Keynes PCT Community • Service integration - This is achieved practice in prescribing. Services and Milton Keynes Hospital by developing a pathway and Introduced pre and post of clinic set up prescribing consensus between the NHS Sheffield evaluation for the ambulatory oxygen home oxygen service assessment and Developed a detailed business case assessment clinic and also a quality review (HOS-AR) team, GPs, and service specification for integrated patient questionnaire pre and post use of commissioners and non respiratory HOS-AR in line with best practice. In patient information leaflet to see if specialists. This leads to the alignment addition, they introduced a system of patient experience improves. of the HOS-AR service specification oxygen usage data coordination and within a wider respiratory care pathway review in order to control prescribing NHS Blackpool and improved patient safety risk costs. Developed a an accurate oxygen usage assessment which is enshrined within a register and systematic use of data to wider (PCT) governance framework NHS Hull/City Health Care Partnership manage performance and extended Introduced a new commissioned HOS-AR formal assessment and review by the Summary of site projects service and so the project work provided introduction of HOS-AR based within a an opportunity to monitor improvements community setting. NHS Newham and Newham to the delivery of appropriate and cost- University Hospital NHS Trust effective oxygen therapy to COPD Wirral Integrated Oxygen Service Established a system of oxygen usage patients and develop safety protocols and Developed oxygen care pathways for non data coordination and review in order to procedures through a multi-stakeholder COPD patients in collaboration with non control prescribing costs and performance project group. respiratory specialist colleagues. In manage suppliers. In addition, they addition, they developed systematic risk introduced systematic review of existing NHS Gloucestershire escalation procedures and protocols. acute hospital oxygen clinic patients and This team has focussed on developing a developed plans and protocols for future detailed business case and service Sherwood Forest Hospitals and NHS integrated home oxygen service - specification which incorporates best Nottinghamshire County Community assessment and review (HOS-AR) practice and learning from more established COPD Team spanning primary and secondary care. teams on issues such as workforce and Established multidisciplinary HOS-AR competences, set-up and ongoing costs, within a community setting and data management and governance. collaborated with GPs and PCT managers to review oxygen usage.
  • 7. Executive summary 7 NHS South Staffordshire already undertaken on Quality Innovation • Introduction of HOS-AR - establishing Demonstrated the quick win potential of Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) a cycle of assessment and review, systematic review of oxygen usage data programme and the additional improvement of an existing service to in order to re-categorise costing and alter opportunities presented in the Equity and the standard articulated within the therapy to achieve prescribing efficiencies Excellence: Liberating the NHS. Good Practice Guide, introduction of a within one locality. This approach will new service to a locality in which now be extended across the PCT. In relation to the QIPP challenge, the NHS HOS-AR currently absent has been developing proposals to • Patient education packages - safety NHS Birmingham East & North and improve the quality and productivity of its and risk considerations explained to Heart of England NHS Foundation services since the challenge was first patients and carers, captured within Trust articulated in May 2009. The proposal is easy-to-read literature and mutual Introduced transparent systems for to ensure that the NHS continues to responsibilities (both patients and sharing information relating to home make quality improvements a reality healthcare professionals) understood oxygen users across the local health during a period in which growth in and documented within local economy and a pathway with guidelines expenditure within the NHS will be agreement documents supporting the process of initiating restricted despite increasing demand. • Pathways for the treatment of non oxygen therapy for new patients and COPD patients on oxygen - withdrawal/cessation where appropriate. Many of the measures outlined in this engagement of generalists and non document are designed specifically to respiratory specialists to establish Quality, Innovation, Productivity and support the NHS to meet the QIPP optimal care pathways for non COPD Prevention (QIPP) and expected challenge, either by identifying where patients in need of home oxygen outcomes resources might be released or by therapy The demand for services is increasing and improving understanding of the key • Principles of a good service model - there are areas where we could increase interventions that have greatest effect. development of new ways of working the quality, efficiency and value for by examining use of different types of money of services as well as improving The work has demonstrated that the workforce along the pathway in outcomes for people with chronic annual total spend across nine project different settings obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). sites can be reduced by a minimum of • Effective use of data – collaboration Focus needs to be centred on these three £600k. This applies for both new and between clinical and managerial factors to make this a reality. First, established home oxygen services who professionals to integrate, review and improving quality whilst improving implement oxygen usage reviews and interpret financial, administrative and productivity by enforcing the principles of therapy optimisation. On a national scale, clinical data in order to optimise care, the Quality, Innovation, Productivity and the work compliments the Department of rationalise prescribing, oversee Prevention (QIPP) agenda by using Health estimated gross savings of up to governance and performance manage innovation and prevention to drive this 40% for each PCT. the oxygen suppliers forward and interlink these values. Secondly, having local clinicians and The expected outcomes in these project Potential for future work managers working together in a sites will be: The initial quick win cost efficiencies multidisciplinary approach and across • Minimum of £600k prescribing attributable to the first phase of HOS-AR boundaries in order to spot the savings - achieved through therapy improvement work (data review and data opportunities and manage the change. rationalisation, list cleansing, avoidance management) are becoming self evident. And thirdly, to act now, for the long term. of inappropriate prescribing and However, more work is needed to withdrawal of clinically unnecessary conclusively establish that the 1/3 Rule The goal is to achieve efficiency savings therapy Savings hypothesis has been verified, of up to £20 billion for reinvestment over specifically in relation to the cost the next four years. This represents a very efficiencies realisable from the significant challenge to be delivered establishment of HOS-AR and by its through the detailed work the NHS has integration within the broader service commissioning framework.
  • 8. 8 Executive summary In addition, further narrative is needed non COPD patients, often challenging around the demonstrable benefits in colleagues when they appear not to be quality of care patients may derive from adhering to their own specialty area optimised home oxygen therapy. The guidelines. Thus there may be scope for effective use of administrative, financial future projects to more thoroughly and clinical data relating to oxygen usage investigate the potential cost savings further promotes the use of disease achievable from rationalisation of home registers and flags up opportunities for oxygen therapy in non-COPD patients. more effective patient record linkage. Future work will also thoroughly explore Phil Duncan An identified gap in the current work is and test ‘how to’ implement a gold Director, NHS Improvement - establishing whether or not improved standard pathway of HOS-AR as defined Lung care resultant from formal oxygen by the Good Practice Guide in terms of assessment and review results in fewer new services, but also in relation to admissions to hospital. Although initial driving up quality for existing services. workstream metrics were devised to explore this, linking information about Finally, further consideration will be individual patients in receipt of home given to the following areas: oxygen with information from hospital • Stakeholder engagement patient administration systems continues • Developing local incentives to to present a challenge. commission HOS-AR • Varying the workforce employed at The reasons why a patient with COPD is different parts of the pathway admitted to hospital are varied and in • Describing optimal models of care in Ore Okosi addition COPD patients on long term urban/rural geographies National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement – Lung oxygen tend to have more severe disease • Developing a consensus around and thus and increased risk of provision/withdrawal of home oxygen hospitalisation. As such it may not be to persistent smokers who have a possible to establish whether optimised clinical need for oxygen home oxygen therapy resultant from • Establishing ownership of HOS-AR systematic clinical assessment and review governance and performance is an effective admission avoidance management within the emerging strategy. However, this topic is certainly commissioning structures worthy of more consideration in future. Many HOS-AR teams have begun to establish effective dialogue with non- Phil Duncan respiratory specialists in respect of the Director, NHS Improvement - Lung management of non COPD patients in receipt of home oxygen therapy. As those Ore Okosi relationships mature, the HOS-AR teams National Improvement Lead, have been able to explore with their non NHS Improvement - Lung respiratory colleagues the reasons for initiation of home oxygen therapy in
  • 9. Emerging learning 9 Emerging learning Phases of work Data review and data Don’t forget ‘better’ is not measureable. ‘More’, ‘faster’, ‘safer’ or ‘cheaper’ can all In attempting to broadly categorise the type of work being undertaken by the management be measured but only if you know how The overwhelming message from all many, how fast, how dangerous or how 12 ‘improving home oxygen services’ expensive things were to begin with. We national project teams it has been useful national chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) project sites in all need to establish factual data and to think in terms of three phases: measures to demonstrate what has been workstreams (not just oxygen) when starting improvement work was that achieved. 1.Data review and data management • Data access there was difficulty in getting hold of data and information. As the COPD How did oxygen sites work • List cleansing with data? • Invoice reconciliation with projects commenced, sites reported limited access to data on their day to day Project teams grappling with this phase concordance reports spent much of their time ensuring all • Case prioritisation activity, and very poor access to overall information covering the respiratory appropriate staff had access to the full pathway. range of information available and then 2.Establishment of a formal developing effective ways of utilising this assessment service information in order to understand and • Address assessment backlog Fortunately, there are many resources available that can support COPD project modify local processes and ensure • Establish assessment and review cycle financial control. • therapy modifications sites understand and compare their local • Withdrawals respiratory services with others, and many of these are freely and easily accessible. This included information provided by • Education oxygen suppliers and or PCT/regional Local data on oxygen can be combined home oxygen service (HOS) leads in the 3.Service integration and form of quarterly concordance reports, sustainability with nationally available data on secondary care and primary care in order monthly invoices, copies of completed • Robust referrals home oxygen order forms (HOOFs) and • Multidisciplinary team process to build up a picture of local services. bespoke performance reports. mapping resulting in agreed pathway • Demand matches capacity Why is data important? Data and measures are important to In order to provide oversight in respect of • Service specification aligned with both clinical appropriateness and financial governance and commissioning demonstrate that change has occurred or needs to occur. NHS Improvement - Lung control it is necessary for clinical members • Effective communication with of the home oxygen service assessment healthcare professionals, patients and focuses on the delivery of quality measured improvements which are and review (HOS-AR) team to be able carers review individual patient details contained aligned to national priorities and strategies. In line with the national within the completed HOOFs received by In reality, many project teams have the oxygen supplier. undertaken activities in parallel and so Quality Innovation Productivity and may span these phases which are now Prevention (QIPP) initiative, it is essential outlined in more detail. that all system changes are measured and recorded. Whether the change was a success or did not demonstrate the anticipated outcomes, you still need to demonstrate its effect and learn from it.
  • 10. 10 Emerging learning Gaining access to home oxygen Implementing ongoing monitoring Data reconciliation order form data for oxygen Open Exeter enables the reconciliation of NHS Connecting for Health provides The NHS Home Oxygen Service Manual9 monthly files of invoices from the Home designated users (authorised by individual states that in order to effectively monitor Oxygen suppliers against the patients PCTs) on-line access to individual patient activity within the home oxygen service, recorded in their NHAIS system7. HOOFs held on the National Health PCTs need to have in place a system Applications and Infrastructure Services capable of capturing a range of The system uses information contained (NHAIS) system database via Open Exeter information about each patient on receipt within the completed HOOF to calculate a web-enabled viewer7. of oxygen, specifically: the appropriate cost band from the specified delivery mechanism, the number New users have to complete a Data Users • Who oxygen was ordered for of litres/hour and the duration and this Certification Form (available from • Date of birth can be checked against the cost band • NHS number invoiced by the supplier7. products_and_services/vaprodopenexe) • Patient’s GP practice and get the form authorised by the PCT • Who placed the order Open Exeter has a suite of reports which (or shared services agency) data controller • When was the order placed support data reconciliation: who will then process the form on-line or • What was ordered forward it for authentication. • Urgent, next day or standard supply • Deducted patients by • Primary or secondary supply • Patients not found on the NHAIS Getting access to oxygen cost data • Flow rate • Inconsistent cost bands In addition to Open Exeter, the majority • Hours per day • Identical provisions for patient at same of PCT home oxygen service leads and • Status (new or existing patient) address medicines management teams have • Estimate of cost • Cost band totals by practice access to on-line home oxygen therapy • Holiday orders reports from the NHS Business Services The Wirral and Milton Keynes project • Emergency Authority Prescription Pricing Division teams have each had to independently • Light weight ambulatory orders (NHSBSA PPD). develop local ‘databases’ which enable • HOOF entered but not matched to a the HOS-AR team to monitor service supplier order record These reports provide information on the activity but with limited ability to link • No HOOF entered for supplier order payments made to suppliers for provision information from other clinical recording record of oxygen and differentiate payment sources to specific oxygen data sources. claims made for the supplier in respect of The improvement stories from the Hull, patients residing within the contracted A key component of their work has been Sheffield, Sherwood Forest and Blackpool PCT area and claims for out-of-area to establish a system of HOOF project teams are all examples of how patients8. management which ensures that there is clinical team members developed an either a centralised or a coordinated understanding of the prescribing cost Access to these reports is obtained by approach to HOOF completion and that categories. completing a PCT prescribing reports user copies of all HOOFs are available for the registration form and sending it a signed clinical specialists to review. They also illustrate clinical and non- letter from the PCT senior officer to clinical colleague collaboration in order to Information Services Department of NHS undertake the almost forensic analysis of Prescription Services in Newcastle. modalities of oxygen supply associated with individual patients. 3091.aspx
  • 11. Emerging learning 11 Armed with this information the clinicians The South Staffordshire project team were able to work alongside other non have illustrated the quick win productivity Establishment of a clinical colleagues in order to: gains achievable through primarily this formal assessment first phase of work. • Identify patients in receipt of oxygen service who are not known to the specialist This team joined the programme five This work centres on trying to ensure that team months into the first phase of the project all patients currently in receipt of oxygen • Reconcile invoice information with cycle and over the course of two months are receiving care management in information held on local systems undertook an inspection of individual alignment with published standards on • Review patients on multiple modalities patient oxygen usage data (and other assessment and frequency of review. • Scrutinise the various charge bands recorded clinical information) for 91 • Ensure deceased patients were Cannock Chase locality patients known Following the data exercises undertaken removed from lists to the community COPD team. in phase one it is possible to identify in • Stop charges arising from the supply receipt of oxygen but unknown to the of oxygen to patients living outside The data inspection was coupled with specialist team. the PCT catchment area telephone patient contact and face-to- • Set up patient recall and review systems face review in a limited number of Using this information together with • Identify non-usage, under-usage, instances. information about the existing specialist over-usage team caseload and the volume of new • Identify sources of inappropriate As a result, 10% of patients were moved referrals for a formal assessment. Some prescribing within both primary and to a less expensive tariff with forecast analysis of demand and capacity can be secondary care individual savings in excess £1,000 per undertaken in order to inform clinic year, the total annual forecast cost scheduling/home visits necessary to Data management and QIPP savings attributable to the review of the address the backlog of previously The NHS Newham project team cite their 91 patients in Cannock Chase locality unassessed patients. use of the Open Exeter reporting function amounted to £57,573. in validating monthly supplier costs and These patients are contacted by the realised productivity savings of £12,057 Cannock Chase is only one locality within project team in order to arrange if from April to November 2010 purely from South Staffordshire and so the PCT is necessary a review and therapy altered or accurate data management. exploring whether even greater withdrawn if deemed inappropriate. productivity gains can be achieved if this This included removal of deceased approach was spread to other localities. This phase involves liaison with the patients, removal of duplicated patients patient’s GP surgery as many existing and removal of out of area patients. oxygen patients received therapy as a result of a GP completing the original The improvement stories contained home oxygen order form (HOOF). within this publication illustrate the effectiveness of clinicians working in collaboration with managerial and administrative colleagues (especially the designated PCT home oxygen service lead) in respect of the financial reconciliation process.
  • 12. 12 Emerging learning The Department of Health Good Practice Guide10 sets out very clearly and Part of the Oxygen Care Pathway from the Home Oxygen Service – comprehensively the gold standard Assessment and Review: Good Practice Guide. Department of Health, pathway for oxygen assessment and Final version 24th November 2010 review. A condensed summary of the • Access exercise capacity pathway is set out below: • Access adequate correction of exercise de-saturation • Determine flow rate • Discuss with patient if immediate ambulatory supply or derfer until later 1. Referral to formal assessment service • Assessment of social situation and referral to social services if required following determination of • Assessment of compliance hypoxaemia using pulse oximetry Full assessment Discuss HCP led (SaO2 level is below 92%) • Hypoxic • Borderline oxygen LTOT assessment Consider assessment for additional equipment options with Educational session with Completed HOOF sent to HOS assessment ambulatory oxygen patient/carer provider 2. Full assessment for long term oxygen • Complex patient therapy (LTOT) including spirometry • Confirm hypoxaemia • Spirometry • Arrange training for carer if not in and measurement of arterial blood • ABG • CO2 retention - attendance • Provide written Discuss follow-up gases (with LTOT prescribed for 15 consider need for NIV patient information • Patient to confirm arrangements and book first understanding appointment hours per day in clinically stable of training patients where the arterial blood Check oximetry if not No hypoxaemia B F transfer back oxygen measurement is at or below yet done to referrer Inform/GP consultant and 7.3kPa, or under 8kPa if oedema referring HCP of management plan present) 3. Determination of safety, flow rate and Borderline cases C SaO2 92-93% duration of oxygen for patients in G whom oxygen is indicated 4. Further assessment (if appropriate) to determine the patient’s capacity for exercise, and whether they should be prescribed additional ambulatory Models of service: The clinical teams The Sherwood Forest team operate a oxygen within this initial cohort of oxygen model which involves specialist 5. Clinician orders appropriate oxygen projects are varied in terms of their assessment available from community supply device from oxygen suppliers locations and workforce composition. clinic locations. following discussion with patient 6. Follow-up home visit should be The Hull, Wirral and West Hertfordshire The Wirral project team operate from undertaken at four weeks by a project teams are all led by respiratory specialist clinics and more recently have healthcare professional to assess the nurse specialists in contrast to the begun undertaking clinical reviews from patient’s clinical status, compliance Sherwood Forest and Birmingham East within GP surgeries in order to evaluate with the oxygen therapy regime and and North teams which are led by a this approach in terms of reducing the to determine whether further action is clinical scientist and a consultant number of patients who fail to attend necessary respiratory physician respectively. their scheduled consultation. 7. Regular clinical status reviews should be undertaken However, all the teams do operate within The Newham project team are developing a. Every six weeks after admission a multidisciplinary framework with a mixed model which utilises both or exacerbation different workforce competences secondary care specialists and community b. Every six months oximetry should available at various points in the care matrons at different point within the care be carried out pathway. pathway and facilitated by the use of c. Every twelve months patients point-of care arterial blood gas testing should have their arterial blood equipment. gases measured.
  • 13. Emerging learning 13 The choice of model being tested and Hertfordshire COPD service are also In attempting to establish a more developed often reflects the geographical attempting to ensure sustainable financial integrated model of care, teams have had considerations of the area with Acute management by educating GPs about the to overcome perverse incentives within Hospital clinics being the locations of benefits of formal assessment. ‘payment by results’ which might choice within the more compact and potentially encourage duplication, highly urbanised Birmingham setting in Teams such as the Wirral COPD and redundant processes or unnecessary steps contrast to community clinic settings Home Oxygen Service are engaging non- in pathway. being considered by more dispersed respiratory specialists in discussions populations such as NHS Gloucester. around the care pathway for patients NHS Birmingham East and North are receiving oxygen for non COPD related developing a local payment tariff which At a recent peer support meeting the conditions and jointly developing care will encourage multidisciplinary working 12 national project teams reached a pathways. by both being fair compensation to the consensus as regards models of service service provider and financially delivery which is encapsulated within the Having achieved significant therapy sustainable by the commissioner. phrase ‘Varied models but standardised changes and therapy withdrawals among processes’. This means strict adherence to existing oxygen patients, through the In developing a new service or model of best practice as articulated within the work of phases one and two, teams such care it is important to ensure clarity at the Department of Health Good Practice as Hull and Wirral have begun to tackle outset in relation to costs. Involvement Guide but flexibility in respect of location the challenge of addressing therapy with this programme of work enabled and staffing. modification in patients who resisted all NHS Gloucestershire to significantly initial invitations for clinical review and re-evaluate their business case. Service integration and ensure patient safety risks uncovered by the earlier work is documented and The NHS Improvement - Lung senior sustainability integrated within the wider analyst was able to guide them on how A number of the project teams are organisational risk management to use their own quarterly concordance attempting to leverage the oxygen cost framework. report data to understand potential savings achieved through rationalisation patterns of service demand. of processes to raise the profile of oxygen The NHS Birmingham East and North services among local commissioners. team are ensuring that safety risk In addition, the Gloucester project lead recording and follow-up procedures are was able to review the service In areas such Sheffield and Gloucester the firmly established within the existing PCT specifications of more established teams type and scope of oxygen service was not governance framework in order to ensure and through interaction with colleagues previously well defined within local transition to the newly emerging GP during regular peer support meetings respiratory service specifications. The commissioning consortia. gain greater insight in to workforce project team were subsequently given an considerations. opportunity for the local health economy However, the risks are not just those stakeholders to collectively address this by associated with patient safety, there are This dialogue also enabled previously utilising the emerging learning from the also financial risks posed by poor data unconsidered ‘hidden costs’ (such as project work and the Department of management and coordination. equipment upkeep) to be identified. Health Good Practice Guide to inform new business cases or revise service Project teams such as Sherwood Forest specifications. are devolving oxygen prescribing budgetary management to GP localities in The quick win cost savings achievable by order to preserve the discipline of undertaking phase one work is obviously financial management during the local attractive to commissioners but the more NHS transition and further engage GPs in established teams such as the West discussions around the care pathway.
  • 14. 14 Emerging learning Testing hypothesis Emerging themes Consistent messages to patients – In rationalising local oxygen services project Cost savings have been achieved by a Data coordination – In order to ensure teams have been engaging non- number of project teams. Teams such as tight financial control and appropriate respiratory specialists, GPs and other Sheffield, South Staffordshire (Cannock oxygen prescribing the home oxygen healthcare professionals in order to Chase locality) and Newham have realised service - assessment and review (HOS-AR) develop a local consensus in respect of significant quick win cost savings team need to liaise effectively with oxygen therapy initiation. attributable to the first phase of work managerial and administrative staff to with forecast annual savings of £120K, jointly review information contained Much of this engagement has taken the £57.5K and £12K respectively. within oxygen supplier concordance form of education in respect of the reports and monthly invoices. benefits of formal assessment, the health Whilst project teams with more and safety considerations and waste established HOS-AR teams such as Hull, Collaboration between designated PCT incurred by inappropriate prescribing. Wirral and West Hertfordshire either home oxygen service (HOS) leads and continue to achieve a reduction in HOS-AR teams has enabled supplier Project teams have identified that spending (as compared with the period reports to be used effectively, picking up inappropriate prescribing occurs in both prior to the service being established) or anomalies within prescribed oxygen and primary and secondary care and so teams experience very modest fluctuations in challenging unnecessary multiple such as the West Herts COPD service month-on-month costs. modalities. undertook targeted educational visits as part of their cost avoidance strategy. The following hypothesis is now being Some HOS-AR teams have established tested by the workstream: agreements with local primary and During the periodic peer support secondary care stakeholders that they act meetings facilitated by NHS Improvement 1/3 Rule Savings: one third of total cost as ‘gatekeeper’ for the completion and - Lung the 12 project teams jointly efficiencies (savings and avoidance) amendment of the home oxygen order identified two simple messages that all realised through first stage of three stage form (HOOF). project teams need to reinforce within process with efficiency gains reaching a their local health economy, these were: plateau and prescribing costs capped by This has reduced inappropriate oxygen implementation of all three stages. prescribing by healthcare professionals i) Oxygen is not a treatment for who are not able to accurately determine breathlessness Data collected during the final phase of a patient’s need for oxygen nor the ii) Think oxygen/think of us - your the project cycle will establish what therapy which most appropriately meets home oxygen service! proportion of overall cost efficiencies is that need. achievable during the three phases. Service integration - As with many In addition to granting HOS-AR teams other areas of healthcare the project The results from Sheffield, Staffordshire access to the national invoice teams are confirming that sustainable and Newham lend support to the 1/3 interrogation system ‘Open Exeter’, many models of care require an integrated Rule Savings workstream testing project teams are attempting to create a approach across primary and secondary hypothesis. However, quantification of database which is jointly accessible (and care as well as across medical specialties. the productivity gains achievable from jointed populated) by clinical and each phase of work will be more evident administrative staff, thus enabling links to when a sufficient body of data is available be made between a patient’s clinical from the total project cohort upon information and other administrative completion of the 12 month project cycle. information.
  • 15. Emerging learning 15 Having undertaken a comprehensive process mapping of the existing patient Issues and challenges Project teams have utilised clinical guidance from a number of sources and journey, project teams such as Newham Data access/use/coordination they have engaged local governance are exploring new ways of working for A number of project teams had to stakeholders in order to frame a their community and acute based staff on overcome barriers in order to access consensus around withdrawal protocols, the basis of standardised assessment and directly patient data held by the supplier. risk assessment and escalation review processes undertaken by different Suppliers often expressed great procedures. staff groups, matching competencies reluctance to share information with identified within the Department of personnel other than the designated PCT Despite this many project team members Health Good Practice Guide10 to specific HOS lead and many protracted expressed a sense of ‘exposure’ especially parts of the care pathway in different discussions and emails had to be engaged in the face of challenges from either a settings. into in order to unearth information. patient, relative, carer or even another healthcare professional. A number of project teams (Birmingham The lack of a national database which East & North, Blackpool, Sheffield) are contains both clinical and administrative A particular area of concern is the looking at different ways of using hospital information and which could be jointly withdrawal of therapy in hypoxic patients tariff costs in order to support accessed and populated by both clinical who smoke. The project teams welcome multidisciplinary working and sustain and administrative staff is a bug bear for the references made to this topic in the service enhancements. many teams resulting in some teams most recent draft of the Department of attempting to devise their own systems Health Good Practice Guide10 but feel the For many teams the project work has locally. topic is worthy of further discussion provided an opportunity to strengthen nationally. links with oxygen suppliers, local fire This lack of record-linkage functionality services, PCT executive committees, social impairs a joined up study of a patient’s During recent peer support meetings the services and emerging GP consortia whole system care. 12 project teams jointly agreed some top- especially with regards to patient safety tips in respect of facilitating oxygen governance issues. Gaining agreement around the HOS-AR therapy withdrawal in patients deemed a team acting as HOOF gatekeeper OR fire safety risk: Both the Wirral team and the team from ensuring coordination of HOOF Hull have developed local therapy completion across a local health economy • Offer patient intensive step-up smoking withdrawal protocols and risk escalation is something that requires specialist teams cessation support procedures in collaboration with other to invest time in engaging with local GPs • Utilise a multidisciplinary approach local stakeholders and sought the and non-respiratory specialists on an on- including social services approval of local governance committees. going basis to ensure harmonised • Consider possible child protection prescribing. issues where patient is also a carer Teams such as NHS Gloucester, aspiring to (e.g. smoking grandparent who establish a new HOS-AR service have Access to specialist information support regularly looks after grandchildren) been able to better inform their business (Trust or PCT based) appears very variable • Undertake both a risk assessment and cases and service specifications with real with many teams experiencing challenges a (mental) capacity assessment if world intelligence from the established around data collection and analysis. appropriate HOS-AR teams within the project cohort, • Instigate a case conference around strengthening these documents in respect Governance unmanageable risks of the data support required and Many of the project teams expressed a • Document all the facts building-in ongoing ‘hidden costs’ in strong desire for central guidance in • Consider the use/development of a respect of equipment. respect of healthcare professional liability red card warning system prior to and the legality of therapy withdrawal. withdrawal
  • 16. 16 Improvement stories Improving the prescribing and ongoing management of patients on home oxygen therapy NHS Newham and Newham University Hospital NHS Trust The NHS Newham and Astra Zeneca joint The pathway of care The first page of the draft home oxygen project on improving chronic obstructive Newham had localised the COPD therapy pathway is shown below. pulmonary disease (COPD) services within pathway using the ‘Map of Medicine’ but the local healthcare community (LHC) it did not incorporate any details The project aims and objectives comprised Primary Care, Secondary Care, regarding the prescribing or the ongoing The aim of the work was to improve the Community Health Care (provider arm of management. There were gaps in the prescribing and ongoing management of the PCT), Public Health and service being provided and these would patient on home oxygen therapy. Commissioning. be identified during the development of the oxygen pathway. The background to their service Oxygen is prescribed by primary and secondary care clinicians. Prescribing of oxygen by secondary care (the chest Home oxygen therapy - requirement suspected clinic) is based on structured assessment Newham Development Zone > Thoracic medicine > Home oxygen therapy (HOT) and a database is kept of the patients that are under their care. Primary care prescribing may also be based on an effective assessment but there is no evidence to verify this. There were no formal management arrangements of the oxygen service in NHS Newham. Ongoing review of oxygen patients were not being preformed for any patients. There was no standard database kept of patients on oxygen and the information was not being shared between the patients being managed in primary care and by the chest clinic. Oxygen invoices were managed by the medicine management team and there was no reconciliation between the database and monthly invoices provided by the service provider. Also, there was lack of evidence whether any actions were taken to act on the reports produced or provided by the oxygen supplier e.g. compliance reports, out of area reports etc.
  • 17. Improvement stories 17 Specific objectives: The other challenge has been the current Workforce considerations • To produce/manage the oxygen data reorganisation of the PCTs. As a The review of the chest clinic oxygen base and check on a monthly basis for consequence there is a risk that no patients is being supported by two accuracy by April 2010 project support will be available from suitably trained and clinically supervised • To develop and implement an April 2011. This has been reported to the second year medical students which assessment and review process for chief executive. poses risk to the ongoing sustainability of patients on oxygen therapy by the work. Agreement has been reached December 2010 Implementation of the reviews has to add capacity in the form of • To reassess and review 25% of presented capacity issues but these have Community Matrons to review primary patients on oxygen and record any been resolved by temporally increasing care oxygen patients. Once all the changes to their oxygen therapy by the capacity to clear the back log. patients have been reviewed it should be April 2011 possible to maintain the ongoing reviews • To reduce wastage in oxygen The testing they did and key learning within the current workforce. prescribing and secure a 20% to date, including the overall benefits reduction in cost September 2010 The plan to review of patients on oxygen Potential/actual QIPP and cost compared to the 2009/10 cost has commenced and it is anticipated that savings /avoidance – defined as • To update and expand the localised at least half of the patients (approx 80) quality, innovation, productivity pathway (to include development of a managed by the chest clinic will be and prevention new Home Oxygen Service pathway) reviewed by the end of March 2011. The The oxygen database has been produced and promote its implementation data will be collected and analysed on a and is updated on a monthly basis. In across the local healthcare community monthly basis and the work will be addition, the information is shared with by April 2011 amended accordingly. the acute so that the information is • To incorporate the COPD strategy consistent. objectives into the redesign as Similar process will be followed for appropriate monitoring of blood gases for patients Productivity savings of £12,057 have who attend as day cases. Outcomes of been secured from April to November The process of improvement they this initial phase will be used to plan the 2010 purely from accurate data undertook and overall approach to work for patients not being managed by management. This included removal of address the issues. the chest clinic. It is anticipated that all deceased patients, removal of duplicated oxygen prescribing will be under the patients and removal of out of area A steering group was setup including specialist respiratory service but this is patients. primary and secondary care clinical leads dependent upon pathway changes being to address the issues and take forward agreed. An assessment and reviews form has the outcomes of the stakeholder event been developed to use across the local which incorporated patient Commissioning considerations healthcare community. In addition, local representatives. Extensive discussions have occurred in oxygen protocols have been agreed and order to try to achieve change. If these incorporated into the review form. This Issues and challenges they faced changes are not achieved or result in should result in improved quality of with potential solutions protracted meetings and discussions then management of patients on oxygen and The main challenge to potential solutions notice to terminate the contract will be is projected to provide productivity has been negotiating change in the given. This has already been considered savings of approximately of £80k. current way of working with the and the final decision will rest with the secondary care managers. The clinicians GP Commissioning Board. have been willing to redesign the service.
  • 18. 18 Improvement stories Review of the patients being managed by • Incorporate compliance reports into the the chest clinic has commenced and database and organise reviews as outcome data is being collected. It is appropriate anticipated that the target of reviewing • Production and use of standard reports: 25% of patients by April 2011 will be - Confirm out of PCT catchment area achieved. patients are registered within the PCT - Open Exeter reports – deducted The purchase of three Point of Care patients, duplicated patients, Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) meters will identical provision at the same facilitate with the oxygen reviews and will address eliminate day case attendances for ABG • Consider purchase and use of ABG monitoring. This innovative approach Point of Care meters to facilitate should result in net productivity savings of oxygen prescribing, reviews and approximately £250k for a full year whilst optimising therapy including improving the quality of the service for discontinuation as appropriate patients. Any generic learning (LTC) that we Discussions are also being held to extrapolate from the work e.g. how this manage the oxygen on a sector wide could be applied to other areas: basis to further secure productivity gains. • Ensure engagement of the clinical leads Data collection, a summary of what it at the outset and get them to lead the showed and overall evidence process including any charts • Agree metrics and ensure ease of Baseline data has been collected and as availability at the outset the oxygen review data becomes • Ensure robust data collection plan and available it will be analysed to establish implement as soon as possible - quality and productivity improvements. sufficient time needs to be allowed for Initial data indicates that the cost of the data team to incorporate this into home oxygen service is not increasing. their workload • Engage commissioning to ensure that Emerging workstream principles, you are aware of the current contract including ‘top tips’ and who is monitoring it Top tips for the management of the oxygen service are: Project lead contact details for further information • Engage with IT to produce a database Bob Arora which allows a quick method of Map of Medicine Programme Manager updating with the oxygen provider Telephone: 0207 059 6524, invoice Email: • Share a common database with other services (chest clinic, community matrons) to allow immediate database management
  • 19. Improvement stories 19 The feasibility and impact of withdrawal of Short Burst Oxygen Therapy (SBOT) Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, NHS Waltham Forest & North East London, North Central London and Essex Health Innovation Education Cluster (NECLES HIEC) Background to the service facilitator for the theme) and NHS Discussion then took place with the There is considerable data available and Waltham Forest (Anne Crawford (AC)). patient about alternative interventions for published, that the use of short burst Other members of the team included the management of breathlessness. oxygen therapy (SBOT) or intermittent Robyn Hudson (RH), Charles Bruce (CB), Patients were offered supported oxygen at home for the relief of Gavin Donaldson (GD). withdrawal of the oxygen supply and breathlessness, in patients without followed up with an appointment at an chronic hypoxemia is not effective and The gold standard pathway vs. local interval of one month. Arrangements costly to the NHS. pathway were made to withdraw the oxygen The gold standard pathway is that long supply with the contractor. This pilot was undertaken to address the term oxygen therapy is assessed by issue of the prescription of SBOT for arterial blood gases, resulting in a If SBOT patients were unwilling to have patients with chronic obstructive prescription of oxygen for 15 hours over a the oxygen withdrawn, then they were pulmonary disease (COPD). Although 24 hour period. However, for short burst offered an appointment with the current guidance relating to long term oxygen therapy (intermittent oxygen) no respiratory consultant for further oxygen prescription does not support such assessment has been formalised and discussions and assessment. Further provision of SBOT, there is considerable short burst oxygen is usually prescribed assessment of patients unwilling to be evidence from the home oxygen service for breathless patients without oximetry. withdrawn from SBOT were offered. data and surveys that that SBOT is still Appendix 1 illustrates the pathway for All patients will be followed at six months provided in this way and wastes the NHS Waltham Forest oxygen to assess outcomes such as quality of life, resources. assessment service. arterial blood gases, primary care visits and any hospital admissions. Furthermore, there are other more The project aims and objectives effective ways that can be utilised to treat The aim of this project was to review all The process of improvement breathlessness and thus use of SBOT COPD SBOT prescriptions, of more than undertaken and overall approach leads to sup-optimal care. It is estimated three months, in the Camden and to address the issues that up to 25% of the home oxygen Waltham Forest PCT areas, in order to Meetings and telephone review to provided in England and Wales is in the reduce SBOT prescription by 75% over support this work: form of SBOT. However, there is no data the course of one year (July 2010 to July available on withdrawal of SBOT in 2011). This figure was aimed high as we • In the early stages of the project, two patients without hypoxaemia and also no are aware that most SBOT patients (once meetings took place (14 June and 30 information regarding how successful palliative prescriptions have been July 2010) with NHS Improvement Lead, withdrawal is, in this patient group, both excluded) have no clincial indication for Ore Okosi and various members of the in the short term and longer term e.g. six SBOT. team (JAW, CB, CM, GD, AC, RH) to months. Patients may become dependent discuss and plan the project on SBOT and thus considerable education Patients in the palliative care category • AC, CM, RH attended the NHS will be required, both for the patient and were excluded for the purpose of this Improvement - Lung launch on 16 July the healthcare professional, about other analysis. The intention was to obtain data 2010 and AC & CM attended the NHS interventions for breathlessness. Such from the PCTs and contractor, regarding Improvement System training day on 28 data on withdrawal will also inform current prescription of SBOT in each of July and 19 August respectively health economic evaluations and aid the study areas. • AC attended the oxygen peer support future guidance on home oxygen services. meeting at Edgware Community Hospital Patients with a prescription of SBOT were on 23 September. CM attended the The original intention was that the project offered an appointment with a respiratory oxygen peer support meeting at Milton would take place in two sites - one site in specialist to discuss their use of oxygen Keynes in November North London: Royal Free Hospital NHS and where indicated, full assessment of • AC, CM had a telephone review 13 Trust (Christine Mikelsons (CM) & their requirement for long term oxygen August and two half day meetings on 28 Professor Wisia Wedzicha (JAW)) and NHS was performed. In cases where no clinical October 2010 and 27 January 2011 Camden, and the other site in North East need was identified, patients were • In addition, there have been regular London: Whipps Cross University Hospital counselled and advised that they did not telephone updates between AC and CM NHS Trust (Professor Mike Roberts - HIEC need to continue with oxygen at home. (13/8/2010, 27/8/10; 3/9/10; 15/10/10)
  • 20. 20 Improvement stories Data collection was started at Waltham The testing was performed and the Data collection summary Forest on 15 October 2010, following the key learning to date, including the October to December 2010 results: development of: overall benefits A total of 25 patients on SBOT in the • A flyer inviting participation Patients in NHS Waltham Forest on short borough of Waltham Forest with a (see appendices) burst oxygen (CC2a and CC2b) have primary diagnosis of COPD were • A letter of agreement of patients to been reviewed and assessed. The data identified. Appointments were sent and take part (see appendices) has been collected and analysed. patients, who agreed to participate in the • An updated patient assessment Metrics and measures included numbers project, visited in their homes: proforma (see appendices) receiving SBOT, three months • A patient follow-up proforma retrospective data to understand demand • Two patients have had their SBOT (see appendices) and capacity, actual hours SBOT use, successfully withdrawn • An agreement with local GPs to support FEV1,SaO2 and ABGs, SGRQ, HAD and • Nine patients (47.3%) were actions within the project BORG scores, number of reviews, number exacerbating at the time of assessment • Written details informing GPs of of admissions related to respiratory • Two patients were withdrawn from the patient’s involvement in this NHS condition, number of patients with study :one unwilling to comply with Improvement - Lung project maintained withdrawal at six months and interventions, one recently bereaved improvement stories to include patient’s and worsening of short term memory Issues and challenges faced with experiences. loss potential solutions • One patient was dying and refusing • Issues of maintaining up to date HOOF Potential/actual QIPP and cost savings hospital admission and one refused data and an oxygen database in /avoidance – defined as quality, assessment Waltham Forest PCT as administration innovation, productivity and • One withdrawn from SBOT as required support ceased at the end of August prevention long term oxygen therapy 2010. Discussions with the medicines There are potential cost savings from • One was in hospital having been management lead was required in withdrawal of SBOT and in addition admitted with pneumonia order to determine continuation and further cost savings could be identified as • The remainder are awaiting assessment agreement of support to the oxygen a result of performing ABG sampling in service the community thus obviating the need The results of 19 patients are presented • Access to data proved to be a challenge for patients to attend hospital for this below for HAD, SGRQ, FEV1 (morbidity) which resulted in the following email reason. and oxygen SaO2 at assessment on first trail: visit. • Commissioners at Camden PCT three times (CM) • Home oxygen service at Department of Health (CM) 1 October 2010 - 31 December 2010 - Waltham Forest PCT HAD • Clinical lead for respiratory medicine 35 NHS London (CM) • Oxygen lead for NHS London (CM) 30 31 28 • Strategy team NHS London 25 26 24 • Commissioners at Camden PCT 20 21 20 HAD 15 17 (JAW) 14 10 9 5 6 7 7 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -5 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S NOV Patients Waltham Forest PCT Waltham Forest PCT