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future agenda future 2020 innovation tim jones growth emerging trends innovation leaders amazon future trends business model sustained growth global trends google global health foresight growth champions shell lego intellectual property data big data futureagenda2.0 2025 research scenarios socially valued future business models socially valuable digital strategy trends hotels ageing arm networks drivers of change emerging issues apple basf diabetes intelligent highways energy healthcare population growth world in 2025 smart cities smart buildings business change inclusive growth societal stress environmental stress open foresight shared value collaboration autonomous vehicles digital media rolls-royce. totalcare service design 2030 future of hotels hotel 2030 australia hospitality share price growth success narayana future of health diagnostics future healthcare rolls-royce airtel media privacy preventative healthcare intelligent buildings future cities finance zara ups arm architecture bmw sustainability ispim world futureagenda society china wealth security electric cars food challenges migration waste water connectivity leadership solar power energy storage 20 years global change mesh networks technology gamechanger nuclear biofuels drug development insights open innovation pharmaceutical pharma r&d transportation shared information global challenges free creative commons sanitation personalised medicine public health golbal 2016 world in 2020 mba rome efmd london rio future of data san jose christchurch cisco ibm siemens smart citizens 2050 intel link connection proof 3d printing final frontiers faith compliance female centricity upstream insight new forms of ownership co-branded experiences waste reuse african travellers dynamic pricing trusted data partnerships organisation decision making aligned initiatives goals csr open reciprocity corporate responsibility intellectual property development patent pools corporate lego projects worth working for corporate governance failed drugs business model innovation end of ip maintenance diy automobile car servicing retail repair and service customisation drive thru autos auto servicing personal smart cars media production content strategy magazines and e-zines television open source open content mass media digital marketing nike id nike @innovationldrs service innovation singapore virgin atlantic inditex growth agenda starwood hotels next generation service innovation katrina ocean acidification ozone adaptation hurricane sandy rising sea level 2c warming resilience business risk co2 500ppm 4c warming emissions climate change one-in-100 year events unfccc 350ppm global warming extreme weather travel and tourism holiday future hospitality vacations tourism accommodation 2002 lifelong relationships amplify superannuation alternative currencies leasing future of wealth pensions implications for banks mobile payments amp future of money disruption shifts competition stock price growth organic growth market capitalization high performance liquidity stock performance new york city future of ageing aging pepsico novo nordisk nestle reckitt benckiser procter & gamble euthanasia technology strategy board mobile health obesity mhealth chronic disease healthcare funding genomics net positive impact sick care planetary stress corporate social responsibility new business models cagoogle humana medtronic starwood bharti airtel 2012 future of work film industry future employee role of employer future work access to talent flattened world portfolio career dependency ratio knowledge industry future company knowledge workers future organisation workspace future mobile data storage remote healthcare smart machines future health mobile intelligent transport turkey future money istanbul future commerce vodafone role of urban why cities urban strategy banking talk financial services 2011 santander 2010 indeitex infosys aon "future agenda" addi manufacturing world bank education kenya family mesa perú fertility india women oxfam productivity solar europe locality mobility happiness future of mobility automated vehicles water stress water strategies future of water water scarcity work transport currency authenticity travel choice money identity cities
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