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Kyoto and Beyond

              Road to Rio+20

                       The 8th installment in an ongoing
                       series on multilateral agreements
                           related to climate change                               June 6, 2012

 Kyoto and Beyond is a series of presentations on the evolving international
 climate treaty process that began with the United Nations Framework
 Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 1992.

 Road to Rio+20 is a summary of preparations for the United Nations Conference on
 Sustainable Development (UNCSD) called “Rio+20” to be held in Rio de Janeiro,
 Brazil June 20-22, 2012.

 Other presentations in the Kyoto and Beyond series include*:
           2008 Kyoto and Beyond                                                  2010 Road to Cancun COP16
           2009 Kyoto and Beyond, Update                                          2011 Report on Cancun COP16
           2009 Report on Copenhagen COP15                                        2011 Road to Durban
                                                                                   2012 Report on Durban

          * Available at

                                               Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                 2

                                Historical Background

                                 Conference Overview

                                  Multilateral Process

                                      Issues & Positions

                                    Possible Outcomes
     NOTE: This presentation includes hyperlinks to additional information indicated by underlined text.
                               Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                    3
Background: Timeline 1972-2012

       1972                                                                     1992
    Stockholm                                                              Rio de Janeiro
 UN Conference on                                                       UN Conference on the
    Sustainable                                                         Human Environment,                2002
   Development                                                             Earth Summit               Johannesburg
                                                                                                     World Summit on

      1972                 |                  1982                  |          1992            |          2002         |        2012

                                                            1987                            1997
                                                      Brundtland Report                   New York                               2012
                                                        “Our Common                        Rio+5                            Rio de Janeiro
                                                           Future”                       UNGASS 19                         UN Conference on
                                                                                                                              the Human
                                                                                                                            Earth Summit

             See also: Sustainable Development Timelines, Stakeholder Forum

                                                              Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                       4
Background: Stockholm, 1972

The United Nations Conference on the Human
Environment in Stockholm put environmental issues on
the international agenda for the first time.

The Stockholm Conference, June 5-16, 1972 laid the groundwork
for progress in the environment and development.
                                                                                                                              Maurice Strong (left) with Conference President
One important outcome from Stockholm was the creation of the                                                                     Ingemund Bengtsson (Credit: UN Photo)

UN Environment Programme (UNEP).

                  “Man is unlikely to succeed in managing his relationship with nature unless in
                  the course of it he learns to manage better the relations between man and man.”
                  – Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Stockholm Conference

             Declaration of the UN Conference on the Human Environment
             Report of the UN Conference on the Human Environment

                                                     Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                                               5
Background: Brundtland, 1987

 The 1987 Brundtland Report, “Our Common Future,” helped define
 sustainable development.

 In 1983, UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar asked Prime
 Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland* of Norway to create an organization
 independent of the UN to focus on environmental and developmental
 problems and solutions.
                                                                                                  Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland
                                                                                             (Credit: The Leading Speakers Bureau)

 The World Commission on Environment and Development, known as the Brundtland
 Commission, was formed. The Commission’s report highlighted how growth rates in
 both developing and industrialized nations would prove to be unsustainable.

            “Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the
            needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
            own needs.” - Part One of the Brundtland Report

           * Note: Gro Harlem Brundtland will attend the 2012 Rio+20.
                                                        Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                               6
Background: Earth Summit, 1992

                       The first global gathering on sustainability was the 1992 Earth
                       Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “If you don’t know how to fix it, please don’t
                                                                            break it.” – 12-yr old Canadian Severn Cullis-
     (Credit: UN)                                                           Suzuki at Earth Summit 1992

The Earth Summit – the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED) June 3-14 – produced Agenda 21, a blueprint to rethink economic growth, to
advance social equity and to ensure environmental protection.

More than 178 Governments adopted: Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment
and Development, and the Statement of Principles for the Sustainable Management of
             Two important legally binding agreements were opened for signatures: the United
             Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to reduce
             greenhouse gas emissions; and, the Convention on Biological Diversity, to
             conserve biodiversity. The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was
             created to ensure effective follow-up to the Summit.
                                       Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                               7
Background: Rio+5, 1997

Rio+5 June 23-27, 1997 in New York ended without significant

UNGASS-19, the 19th Special Session of the UN General Assembly was promoted as
“Rio+5” and was convened to review and appraise the implementation of Agenda 21.

The Summit noted many shortfalls in progress, particularly failures to achieve an
increase in monetary aid and technical assistance to developing nations.

After three attempts, the process failed to produce a defining Political Statement,
though leaders recommitted to the goals of Agenda 21.

                                         "Our words have not been matched by deeds."
                                - Razali Ismail, UN General Assembly president, from Malaysia

         See also: ENB Vol.5 No. 88, and Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21.

                                                            Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)    8
Background: Rio+10, 2002

The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) produced the
Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.
At Rio+10 Aug. 26-Sept. 4 in Johannesburg, South Africa the Johannesburg
Plan of Implementation (JPI) set out new commitments in poverty
eradication, health, trade, education, science and technology, regional
concerns, natural resources, and institutional arrangements.

The JPI also identified three mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development.
                     Three Pillars of Sustainable Development
                          Economic development
                          Social development
                          Environmental development
          “a collective responsibility to advance and strengthen the interdependent and mutually reinforcing
          pillars of sustainable development – economic development, social development and environmental
          protection – at local, national, regional and global levels.” – Johannesburg Plan of Implementation
                                       Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                   9
Overview: Rio+20, 2012

Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
scheduled for June 20-21, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is intended to set a
global sustainability agenda for the coming decade .
Delegates from 183 countries, some
of them represented by their
presidents, vice-presidents, and
premiers, along with more than
50,000 participants from
governments, the private sector,
non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) and other groups will

         The Conference is being promoted as “The Future We Want.” Updates can be
         found at

                               Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                10
Overview: Secretariat

 China’s Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General of the UN Department
 of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), was nominated Secretary-
 General of the Rio+20 Conference.
 The Conference Secretariat is within DESA.
                                                                                    Sha Zukang
                                                                                    (Credit: UN)

                                Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)   (Credit: UN)              11
Overview: Objectives

 The stated objectives of Rio+20 are to: renew political commitment, assess
 progress, and address challenges.
  Renew Political Commitment to Sustainable Development techniques, discuss
   structural modifications within political institutions in relation to development

  Assess Progress on various country commitments to sustainable development
   practices, look into gaps in progress, and evaluate the success of outcomes of
   major international summit meetings on sustainable development.

            Discuss Emerging Challenges that have become more critical: food
             crises, water scarcity, natural disasters, health security, migration, and
             biodiversity and ecosystem loss; and reach agreement on
             comprehensive mitigation.

                                  Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                      12
Overview: Themes

Discussion at Rio+20 will be shaped by two themes: the Green Economy and
Institutional Framework.

  Green Economy in the Context of Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development

        Key Considerations
         link goals for the environment with those for the economy rather than
          one taking precedent over the other.

         integrate the knowledge that ecosystems currently undergo stress from
          production techniques, and that extreme poverty still exists throughout
          the world.

         shift methods of development to those that are both economically and
          environmentally friendly.
          See also: UNCSD Issues Brief 1: Trade and Green Economy

                                                          Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)   13
Overview: Themes

The theme of Institutional Framework stresses the importance of integrating
sustainable development practices into global political institutions.

                   Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

        Key Considerations
         reform UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)

         establish a UN Environment Organization (UNEO) or World Environment
          Organization (WEO)

         Monitor and enforce global agreements on environment and sustainable

         Strengthen the CSD (Commission on Sustainable Development).
          See also: UNCSD Issues Brief 3: Issues related to an intergovernmental body on SD

                                                           Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)   14
Overview: Focal Areas

 Preparations for Rio+20 have highlighted seven areas which need
 priority attention: jobs, energy, cities, food, water, oceans, disasters.
 Jobs – Jobs are critical for social stability, and green jobs contribute to preserving or restoring the quality of the environment.
 [UNCSD Issues Brief 7]

 Energy - Sustainable energy is needed for strengthening economies, protecting ecosystems and achieving equity. [Sustainable
 Energy for All]

 Cities –The challenges cities face must be overcome in ways that create prosperity, while improving resource use and reducing
 poverty. [UNCSD Issues Brief 5]

 Food – A profound change in global agriculture is needed to nourish today's 925 million and the additional 2 billion people
 expected by 2050. [UNCSD Issues Brief 9]

 Water – Water scarcity, poor quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihoods and educational
 opportunities. [UNCSD Issues Brief 11]

 Oceans – The world's oceans - their temperature, chemistry, currents and life - drive global systems that make the Earth
 habitable for humankind. [UNCSD Issues Brief 4]

 Disasters – Smart choices help us recover from disasters, choices related to how we grow our food, where and how we build our
 homes, how our financial system works, what we teach in schools, and more. [UNCSD Issues Brief 8]

                                                  Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                   15
Overview: Related Events

More than 500 on-site side events on sustainability will take place, and
the Sustainable Development Dialogues.
                                                                            Sustainable Development
                                                                                Dialogues - Topics
                                                                      1. Sustainable development for
June 13-22 A wide-ranging circus of side events organized by              fighting poverty
Major Groups, Governments, Organizations from the UN                  2. Sustainable development as an
                                                                          answer to the economic and
system, and other International Organizations, will take place            financial crises
before and during the Conference.                                     3. Unemployment, decent work
                                                                          and migrations
                                                                      4. Economics of sustainable
June 16-19 The Sustainable Development Dialogues, a                       development, including
                                                                          sustainable patterns of
Conference forum for civil society to engage in debate on key             production and consumption
topics without the presence of UN Agencies or                         5. Forests
                                                                      6. Food and nutrition security
Governments, precedes the Conference’s High-Level                     7. Sustainable energy for all
Discussions.                                                          8. Water
                                                                      9. Sustainable cities and innovation
                                                                      10. Oceans

                                 Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                  16
Overview: Brazil’s Leadership

As host country Brazil has a leadership role. Brazil’s leaders
emphasize economic growth as part of sustainability.
In her address to the Brazilian Climate Change Forum Brazilian President
Dilma Rouseff stated that she accepts the premises of sustainable
development, but warned that there are limits to what Brazil, and other                         Dilma Vana Rousseff, President of Brazil
developing nations, will accept.                                                                    (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Some environmental organizations claim that Brazil's environmental agenda has suffered a
setback since Rousseff took office in January 2011, citing proposed forest code reform,
weakening of oversight agencies, and exploitation of resources for economic growth.

          André Corrêa do Lago, Chief Negotiator for Brazil at Rio+20, reinforced Brazil’s
          commitment to economic growth.
            “…strong results [at Rio+20]…is to have the economic sectors understand that sustainable
            development…is not only environmental sustainability; it is economic sustainability, it is social
            sustainability.” – Andre Correa do Lago, Brazil’s Chief Negotiator at Rio+20

                                         Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                17
Overview: Brazil’s Readiness

Inadequate housing for the expected 50,000 visitors
has compromised Brazil’s role as host country.

Rio’s hotel capacity – 33,000 hotel beds for 50,000 visitors –
has led to unconventional solutions. The mayor has asked
residents to leave town and rent out their apartments. Rio's
320 "love hotels“ have agreed to daily rentals instead of
hourly. Around 10,000 visitors to Rio will be camping.                  (Credit: Klaus, Wikimedia Commons)

Rio’s hotel costs – averaging $818 per night during the conference – also created problems.
The European Parliament scrapped its 11-person delegation because of the rise in hotel
prices, 10 times initial estimates. Even the Brazilian government refused to pay housing for
its 100 delegates, only those who agree to pay for their own lodging would take part.

           In mid-May the Brazilian government reached an agreement with hotels to
           reduce the costs of accommodations during the Conference.
                                   Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                    18
Process: UN Preparations

The multilateral preparatory process includes many UN meetings and civil
society dialogs.
Since May 2010 numerous meetings,
conferences, and presentations have
been generated to help shape the
desired outcomes from Rio+ 20.
These include gatherings by the UNCSD
Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), the
10-member Bureau of the PrepCom,
Member States, Regionals, IGOs
(Intergovernmental Organizations), and
Major Groups.

        Sook Kim (Republic of Korea)
        and John Ashe (Antigua and
        Barbuda) are Bureau Co-Chairs.                              (Credit: UN)
                               Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                  19
Process: Major Groups

The process includes input from nine “Major Groups,”
                                                                     The UNCSD is an intergovernmental
formalized in Agenda 21 as the overarching categories                process driven by Member states of the
through which all citizens could participate in UN                   United Nations with full involvement of
                                                                     the UN system and Major groups.
activities on achieving sustainable development.
From the very beginning of the first Earth Summit in 1992, people realized that
sustainable development could not be achieved by governments alone and would require
the active participation of all sectors of society and all types of people

                               Major Groups
           Business and Industry              NGOs
           Children and Youth                 Scientific and Technological Community
           Farmers                            Women
           Indigenous Peoples                 Workers and Trade Unions
           Local Authorities

                                Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                   20
Process: The Zero Draft

The most important pre-Conference task is to prepare a Zero Draft document of
the intended action plan, called “The Future We Want.”
The original 19-page document, introduced on Jan. 10, 2012, was
developed by the Bureau of the UNCSD PrepCom, and was based on
6,000 pages of input from Member States, Major Groups and other
The draft was discussed at several meetings held at UN Headquarters in
January and March, when delegates proposed numerous amendments.

It must be ready for approval by world leaders on the first day of Rio+20. Though legally
nonbinding it is regarded as significant for clarifying goals for countries to take concrete
policy steps.
                The objective is to arrive in Rio "with at least 90 percent of the text ready, and only
                the most difficult 10 percent left to be negotiated there at the highest political levels“.
                – Secretary-General Sha Zukang

                                        Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                    21
Process: The Zero Draft Key Points

 The original Zero Draft briefly outlined key points in four areas.
 Renewing Political Commitment: reaffirm Agenda 21; work towards universal access to
   information; and, require companies to integrate sustainability information within
   the reporting cycle.
 Green Economy: provide an opportunity to all countries and a threat to none; and, not
   create new trade barriers, impose conditions on aid, widen technology gaps, or
   restrict a country’s policy space.
 Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development: integrate the three pillars;
    reaffirm “common but differentiated responsibilities;” transform the Commission on
    Sustainable Development (CSD) into a Sustainable Development Council; and,
    strengthen UNEP or elevate it to a UN specialized agency.
 Framework for Action and Follow-up: devise global Sustainable Development Goals to
    complement MDGs, targets to be achieved by 2030; recognize the limitations of
    GDP and develop more balanced indicators; and, phase out distorting and harmful
    subsidies that impede sustainable development.
                               Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                  22
Process: The Zero Draft Deadlock

After a scheduled series of review meetings at UN headquarters in New York, the
draft was still not ready for presentation at the Conference.
Initial discussions on the draft were Jan. 25-27, 2012. The first
round of negotiations, called “informal-informals,” was Mar. 19-23.
The second round was April 23-May 4. During these meetings the
draft ballooned from 19 to 278, before being pared to 210 – still
far from the 70-page goal.                                                                Sphere within a Sphere, UN, New York
                                                                                     (Credit: Norbert Nagel via Wikimedia Commons)

The negotiations resulted in agreement on only 21 of 420 paragraphs, evidence of a
stalled process undermined by lack of flexibility, urgency and spirit of compromise

To break the deadlock a third round was scheduled for May 29-June 2, 2012.

              "Let us be frank, currently, the negotiating text is a far cry from the 'focused political
              document' called for by the General Assembly. …The time has come to shift gears to reach
              our destination in time.” – Secretary-General Sha Zukang

                                       Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                23
Process: The Zero Draft, Round 3

With urgent admonitions from Ban Ki-moon to reach agreement and further
reduce the document, negotiators returned to work on May 29.
In hopes of expediting the process, UNCSD PrepCom Bureau Co-Chairs Sook Kim and
John Ashe prepared an 80-pg streamlined version of the document called “Co-Chairs
Suggested Text” (CST) as a starting point for the negotiators.

Though some progress was made, complete success proved elusive do to range and
complexity of issues, organization of work and uneven chairing styles, and entrenched
                                        “Rarely has a drafting process been so erratic.”
                                                    – Anonymous delegate

         No revised document was published and further decision-making was kicked
         along to the last PrepCom, June 13-15, and to the Conference itself.
         See also: ENB, Vol.27 No. 40

                                                    Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)     24
Process: Conference Schedule

  The 3-day Conference schedule* will be an intense push to clarify
  sustainable development directions for the next decade.
                                                                     * No official Provisional Agenda available as of June 5.

Wednesday, June 20           Thursday, June 21                                        Friday, June 22
  10: Opening Plenary        10-1: High Level Round Table                             10-1: High Level Round
   3: Ceremonial Opening     10-1: Morning Plenary                                           Table
4:30: High Level Round        3-6: High Level Round Table                             10-1: Morning Plenary
      Table                   3-6: Afternoon Plenary                                   3-6: Afternoon Plenary
                                6: Evening Plenary, if                                    6: Evening Plenary, if
                                   required                                                  required

        In parallel with and between official events, there will be numerous side
        events, exhibitions, presentations, fairs and announcements by a wide range
        of partners.

                                Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                              25
Process: World Leaders

Who is and is not attending Rio+20? About 115 heads of state have committed.

                            YES                                                               NO
    Vladimir Putin                                                    Barack Obama
    President, Russia                                                 President, US
                             Wen Jiabao                                                          Julia Gillard
                             Premier, China                                                      Prime Minister, Australia
    Francois Hollande                                                 Angela Merkel
    President, France                                                 Chancellor, Germany
                                                                                                 Jacob Zuma
                             Mahmoud Ahmadinejad                                                 President, S. Africa
    Manmohan Singh           President, Iran                          David Cameron
    Prime Minister, India                                             Prime Minister, UK
                                                                                                 Stephen Harper
                             Felipe Calderon                                                     Prime Minister, Canada
    Yousaf Raza Gillani      President, Mexico                        Yoshihiko Noda
    Prime Minister,                                                   Prime Minister, Japan
                                                                                               (Photo Credits: )

           Though it is not unusual for national leaders to send representatives to global
           gatherings such as this, a leader’s presence signals a level of interest and influence.
                                        Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                 26
Issues: SD Commitments

Currently, commitments to sustainable development goals
                                                                                                            Commitment Areas
at Rio+20 are voluntary, and are tracked through a                                            Biodiversity, Forests & Other Ecosystems
                                                                                              Chemicals & Waste
“Compendium of Commitments.”                                                                  Climate Change
                                                                                              Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture
                                                                                              Gender Equality
                                                                                              Green Jobs-Social Inclusion
                                                                                              Land Degradation & Desertification
                                                                                              Measuring SD Progress (through indicators)
                                                                                              Natural Disaster Preparedness
                                                                                              Poverty Eradication
                                                                                              Public Awareness and Communications on
                                                                                              Oceans and Seas, SIDS
                                                                                              Other Important Sustainable Development
                                                                                              SD Economics, Finance and Trade
                                           (Credit: UN)
                                                                                              SD Strategies and Policies
The Compendium is an online registry of pledges by governments,                               Sustainability Management
                                                                                              Sustainable Cities
civil society and the private sector through which registrants                                Sustainable Consumption & Production
                                                                                              Sustainable Energy
describe tangible deliverables with estimated timelines.                                      Sustainable Transport
                                                                                              Technology and Innovation

         “We welcome the voluntary commitments made at Rio+20 and invite the Secretary-General to compile them in a
         registry/compendium that will serve as an accountability framework.” – The Future We Want (Zero Draft), Paragraph 28

                                          Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                    27
Issues: SDGs

 The concept of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a set of sustainability
 indicators – will be advanced at Rio+20.

 Modeled after MDGs (Millennium Development Goals, anti-poverty and social
  development targets that have an achievement deadline of 2015). Consensus is
  that SDGs should complement and not detract from MDGs.
 Introduced at the UN DPI/NGO Conference in Bonn, Germany Sept 3-5, 2011
  through an initiative proposed by Colombia and Guatemala.
 Could apply to both developed and developing countries.

          Full development of SDGs – definitions, objectives, and targets – is not
          generally expected as a concrete deliverable from Rio, but would occur
          after Rio.
          See also: Rio+20 Issues Brief 6

                                            Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)       28
Issues: SDGs

The following 17 indicator areas, part of the original proposal, will serve as a
starting point for SDG discussions.

      1. Sustainable consumption and                                       9. Sustainable agriculture
         production                                                        10. Green cities
      2. Sustainable livelihoods, youth,                                   11. Subsidies and investment
         and education                                                     12. New indicators of progress
      3. Climate sustainability                                            13. Access to information
      4. Clean energy                                                      14. Public participation
      5. Biodiversity                                                      15. Access to redress and remedy
      6. Water                                                             16. Environmental justice for the poor
      7. Healthy seas and oceans (blue                                         and marginalized
         economy)                                                          17. Basic health
      8. Healthy forests


                                         Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                   29
Issues: IFSD – Governance

Several global institutions are part of the conversation on Institutional
Framework for Sustainable Development.
                                                                                               “We haven't even begun to understand the
Discussions suggest reforming UNEP’s                                                           damage we are bringing to bear on the
                                                                                               sustainability of our planet.” – Achim
structure and authority. Proposals for reform                                                  Steiner, UNEP Executive Director, UN Under-
include:                                                                                       Secretary-General, and Chair UN Environment
                                                                                               Management Group
 Strengthening UNEP, or;
 Upgrading UNEP to a specialized agency (such as WHO); UNEP currently has 58
  members but could be upgraded to full agency status with universal membership.

The Commission on Sustainable Development could be transformed into a Sustainable
Development Council with authority similar to the UN Human Rights Council.

         IFSD would also involve integration of SD into policies of International
         Financial Institutions such as: World Bank, IMF, regional development banks,
         UNTAD, and WTO.
         See also: A Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance.
                                                          Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                            30
Issues: Green Economy

 Charting a path to a “green economy” means developing economic engines
 that support sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and lower
 environmental impacts.
 National policy options: regulatory, economic and fiscal instruments, investment in
  green infrastructure, financial incentives, subsidy reform, sustainable public
  procurement, information disclosure, and voluntary partnerships.
 Sector-based roadmaps: cross-national cooperation among industrial sectors.
 Innovative international instruments of finance, and elimination of harmful subsidies.
 International knowledge-sharing platform: menu of policy options, toolbox of good
  practices at scaled levels, progress indicators, directory of support for developing
  countries.                                                    According to a study released by the UN
                                                                           International Labour Organization net
         Global measures of progress through targets                      gains of 0.5 percent to 2 percent in total
          and timeline: indicators                                         global employment are possible through
                                                                           a green economy, mainly through more
          (2012~2015), implementation 2015~2030;                           renewable and efficient energy use.
          comprehensive assessment (2030).
                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                          31
Issues: “GDP+” & “Natural Capital”

The need for new metrics in a green economy has stimulated discussions on
development of “GDP+” and valuation of “natural capital.”
“GDP+” is an emerging metric concept for natural, human and
manufactured capital considered together to obtain a more
comprehensive value.
“Natural capital” refers to the stock of ecosystems that provides
a renewable flow of goods and services, and to the economics of
                                                                                                     (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
ecosystem services. Natural capital has historically been part of
“the global commons” and henceforth, free goods.

        The Natural Capital Declaration, a statement by the financial sector on its
        commitment to work towards integrating natural capital criteria into financial
        products and services, will be launched at Rio+20.
                     "It is time to recognize that human capital and natural capital are every bit as important
                     as financial capital." – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                                     32
Issues: Where’s the Environment?

While much of the pre-conference negotiations have focused on the first two
pillars of sustainable development – economic and social – some followers are
asking “Where’s the environmental development in this agenda?”
While human developmental issues are being discussed – MDGs,                                   Possible sublimation of
right to water, women’s rights, rights of decent employment –                                  “environment” may also be
                                                                                               evident in the evolution of
alongside debates on the rights to economic and technological                                  conference names: Stockholm
advancement, the word “environment” is rarely heard above the                                  1972 Conference on the Human
                                                                                               Environment > Rio 1992
clamor.                                                                                        Conference on Environment
                                                                                               and Development > Rio 2002
In the Zero Draft attention to the “Environmental Pillar” of SD                                World Summit on Sustainable
occurs mainly in the context of a changing role for UNEP in IFSD,                              Development > Rio 2012
                                                                                               Conference on Sustainable
and environment and climate are bundled among 15 “priority”                                    Development.
issues and 17 proposed SDGs.

              “Sustainable development is an easier sell globally than climate change, even though sustainable
              development is a way of tackling global warming and other environmental issues.” – Ambassador
              André Corrêa do Lago, Brazil

                                          Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                         33
Issues: Supportive Initiatives

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is leading a global
initiative on achieving Sustainable Energy for All by 2030.

Sustainable Energy for All, a global partnership between
governments, the private sector and civil society, is designed to
take actions to scale and foster innovative new public-private
actions for sustainable energy.

Sustainable Energy for All has three objectives:
 Ensure universal access to modern energy services,
                                                                             (Credit: UN)
 Double the global rate of improvement of energy efficiency, and
 Double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

          To deliver universal energy access the International Energy Agency (IEA) has
          found that half of all energy services must be provided by off-grid clean energy.
                                  Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                        34
Issues: Supportive Initiatives

 Ban Ki-moon has also established a High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability
 (GSP) to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-
 carbon prosperity.

 The GSP Panel's final report - "Resilient
 People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth
 Choosing" - contains 56 recommendations
 to put sustainable development into
 practice and to mainstream it into
 economic policy.

                                                                             (Credit: UN)

            “In order to decouple production and consumption from natural resource use and
            environmental degradation, narrow concepts of GNP should be supplemented by indices or
            indicators which measure sustainable development.” – Resilient People, Resilient Planet

                                     Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                               35
Positions: Issues & GeoPolitics

Green Economy Developing countries want to ensure that any green economy’s environmental sustainability approach does not
compromise growth or hinder poverty eradication efforts.
CBDR “Common But Differentiated Responsibilities,” one of the Rio Principles adopted in 1992, continues to be heralded by Developing
countries as a model that retains national sovereignty and points to Developed countries for ODF (Official Development Funds), while the
US, in particular, pushes for a more inclusive distribution of responsibilities.
Technology transfer Text in the Zero Draft reads “Technology development and transfer.” The US, Canada ,and Australia want to delete the
word “transfer” and change the title to “Technology development, innovation and science,” and the EU prefers “Research, Innovation and
Technology Development.” The issue revolves around intellectual property rights.
Elevate UNEP to Specialized Agency A specialized UN agency, favored by Turkey, Rep. of Korea, France and 100 others, would have
universal membership. Opposed: US, Canada, Russia, Brazil.
Establishment of a Sustainable Development Council to replace UNCSD The new Council, opposed by the US and Japan, would have
authority similar to that of the UN Human Rights Council.
SD target deadlines African leaders have expressed concern about European efforts to seek binding targets on sustainable
development, fearing brakes would be applied to their economies by rich countries.

                 GLOBAL GEOPOLITICS
                 Palestinian Authority will ask Rio+20 to upgrade PA’s "observing entity" status in UNEP to that of "observing state" status,
                 in hopes of duplicating the success it had in achieving UNESCO membership , in order to advance efforts to gain
                 international recognition for statehood.
                 Anti-Agenda 21 factions claim that Agenda 21 and Rio+20 will destroy national sovereignty, propel global governance, and
                 force redistribution of wealth and property.
                                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                          36
Outcomes – Desired Outcomes

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon identifies three clusters of desired
outcomes that could make Rio+20 the watershed it should be.
  “new thinking and action.” Rio+20 must build on the success of the MDGs by
   advancing a new economic model of sustainable development based on the
   “triple bottom line” of job-rich economic growth, environmental protection, and
   social inclusion.
  “about people.” Rio+20 must offer real improvement in daily lives through
   adequate nutrition, by giving voice to women as “engines of economic dynamism
   and social development,” and by creating opportunities for young people.
  “waste not.” Rio+20 must call for smarter use of resources, protection of
   oceans, water, air and forests, and more livable cities in harmony with nature.

          “Mother Earth has been kind to us, and we should reciprocate.”
                                 – Ban Ki-moon
                                Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                   37
Conclusion – Beyond UN Process?

The multilateral governmental process – always complex, contentious and slow
– is additionally challenged at Rio+20 by dismal economic conditions.

Yet, success may still be born from productive ideas and collaborations at the
side events and through an emerging global model of grassroots change “going
viral” beyond political borders, as evidenced in recent geopolitical upheavals.

       "The success – or failure – of Rio will have deep repercussions, define
        the aspirations of 3.5 billion young people, and shape the world we
                            leave for future generations.“
                        – Gro Harlem Brundtland on Rio+20

         Watch for ISciences’ post-Rio+20 analysis, available in July 2012 at
                                Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)               38

   Bazilian, Morgan, Alan Miller and Daniel M. Kammen. Making Rio+20 a Success. National Geographic, The Great
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   Brundtland, Gro Harlem, and Fernando Henrique Cardoso. May 31, 2012. 4 Ways to Save Rio+20 Summit on
        Sustainable Development. Christian Science Monitor.
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   Foti, Joseph. May 1, 2012. Beyond Rhetoric at Rio+20 with the “Compendium of Commitments.” World Resources
        Institute Insights.
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        Service, US Catholic.
   Frayssinet, Fabiana. Apr. 20, 2012. Brazil Must Do More for Rio+20, Former Ministers Say.
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                                       Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                             40

   Khor, Martin. June 4, 2012. Rich Nations Changing Tune. The StarOnline.
   Ki-moon, Ban. The Future We Want. May 23, 2012. New York Times. Rio+20 Or Bust: Zero Draft Of Outcome Document For The UN Conference on Sustainable
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        Sustainable-Development-Released/51488.htm United Nations. Jan. 10, 2012. The Future We Want.
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                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                             41

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                                     Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                         42

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   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. 2011. UNCSD Issues Brief 1: Trade and Green Economy.
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   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. UNCSD Issues Brief 4: Oceans. 2011. UN-DESA.
   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. UNCSD Issues Brief 5: Sustainable Cities. 2011. UN-DESA.
   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. UNCSD Issues Brief 6: Current Ideas on Sustainable
       Development Goals and Indicators. 2099. UN-DESA.
   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. UNCSD Issues Brief 7: Green jobs and social inclusion.
       2001. UN-DESA.

                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                            43

   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. UNCSD Issues Brief 8: Reducing Disaster Risk and
       Building Resistance. UN-DESA.
   United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. UNCSD Issues Brief 9: Food Security and Sustainable
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   United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development. Agenda 21. Accessed May 10, 2012.
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   United Nations General Assembly. Aug. 4, 1987. Our Common Future. Report of the World Commission on
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                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                            44

   United Nations General Assembly. Aug. 12, 1992. RIO DECLARATION ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT.
   United Nations International Labour Organization. 2012. Working for Sustainable Development-Opportunities for
       Decent Work and Social Inclusion in a Green Economy.
   United Nations News Centre. Countries begin last round of talks on outcome document ahead of Rio+20
       conference. May 29, 2012. United
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       Mar. 14. 2012.
   United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability. Jan. 30, 2012. Resilient People,
       Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing.
   WWF. June 4, 2012. A call from WWF to measure what we treasure.

                                      Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                                            45

   When referencing this slide show please use the following citation.

   ISCIENCES, L.L.C. The Road to Rio+20. A slideshow; 8th installment in the
      series Kyoto and Beyond – the Evolution of Multilateral Agreements on
      Climate Change. June 6, 2012. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

                             Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.)                46

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Road to Rio+20, UN Conference on Sustainable Development 2012

  • 1. Kyoto and Beyond Road to Rio+20 The 8th installment in an ongoing series on multilateral agreements related to climate change June 6, 2012
  • 2. Introduction Kyoto and Beyond is a series of presentations on the evolving international climate treaty process that began with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 1992. Road to Rio+20 is a summary of preparations for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) called “Rio+20” to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 20-22, 2012. Other presentations in the Kyoto and Beyond series include*:  2008 Kyoto and Beyond  2010 Road to Cancun COP16  2009 Kyoto and Beyond, Update  2011 Report on Cancun COP16  2009 Report on Copenhagen COP15  2011 Road to Durban  2012 Report on Durban * Available at Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 2
  • 3. Contents Historical Background Conference Overview Multilateral Process Issues & Positions Possible Outcomes NOTE: This presentation includes hyperlinks to additional information indicated by underlined text. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 3
  • 4. Background: Timeline 1972-2012 1972 1992 Stockholm Rio de Janeiro UN Conference on UN Conference on the Sustainable Human Environment, 2002 Development Earth Summit Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development 1972 | 1982 | 1992 | 2002 | 2012 1987 1997 Brundtland Report New York 2012 “Our Common Rio+5 Rio de Janeiro Future” UNGASS 19 UN Conference on the Human Environment, Earth Summit See also: Sustainable Development Timelines, Stakeholder Forum Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 4
  • 5. Background: Stockholm, 1972 The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm put environmental issues on the international agenda for the first time. The Stockholm Conference, June 5-16, 1972 laid the groundwork for progress in the environment and development. Maurice Strong (left) with Conference President One important outcome from Stockholm was the creation of the Ingemund Bengtsson (Credit: UN Photo) UN Environment Programme (UNEP). “Man is unlikely to succeed in managing his relationship with nature unless in the course of it he learns to manage better the relations between man and man.” – Maurice Strong, Secretary-General of the Stockholm Conference Declaration of the UN Conference on the Human Environment Report of the UN Conference on the Human Environment Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 5
  • 6. Background: Brundtland, 1987 The 1987 Brundtland Report, “Our Common Future,” helped define sustainable development. In 1983, UN Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar asked Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland* of Norway to create an organization independent of the UN to focus on environmental and developmental problems and solutions. Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland (Credit: The Leading Speakers Bureau) The World Commission on Environment and Development, known as the Brundtland Commission, was formed. The Commission’s report highlighted how growth rates in both developing and industrialized nations would prove to be unsustainable. “Humanity has the ability to make development sustainable to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” - Part One of the Brundtland Report * Note: Gro Harlem Brundtland will attend the 2012 Rio+20. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 6
  • 7. Background: Earth Summit, 1992 The first global gathering on sustainability was the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. “If you don’t know how to fix it, please don’t break it.” – 12-yr old Canadian Severn Cullis- (Credit: UN) Suzuki at Earth Summit 1992 The Earth Summit – the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) June 3-14 – produced Agenda 21, a blueprint to rethink economic growth, to advance social equity and to ensure environmental protection. More than 178 Governments adopted: Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the Statement of Principles for the Sustainable Management of Forests. Two important legally binding agreements were opened for signatures: the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and, the Convention on Biological Diversity, to conserve biodiversity. The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was created to ensure effective follow-up to the Summit. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 7
  • 8. Background: Rio+5, 1997 Rio+5 June 23-27, 1997 in New York ended without significant action. UNGASS-19, the 19th Special Session of the UN General Assembly was promoted as “Rio+5” and was convened to review and appraise the implementation of Agenda 21. The Summit noted many shortfalls in progress, particularly failures to achieve an increase in monetary aid and technical assistance to developing nations. After three attempts, the process failed to produce a defining Political Statement, though leaders recommitted to the goals of Agenda 21. "Our words have not been matched by deeds." - Razali Ismail, UN General Assembly president, from Malaysia See also: ENB Vol.5 No. 88, and Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 8
  • 9. Background: Rio+10, 2002 The 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) produced the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation. At Rio+10 Aug. 26-Sept. 4 in Johannesburg, South Africa the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPI) set out new commitments in poverty eradication, health, trade, education, science and technology, regional concerns, natural resources, and institutional arrangements. The JPI also identified three mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development. Three Pillars of Sustainable Development  Economic development  Social development  Environmental development “a collective responsibility to advance and strengthen the interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars of sustainable development – economic development, social development and environmental protection – at local, national, regional and global levels.” – Johannesburg Plan of Implementation Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 9
  • 10. Overview: Rio+20, 2012 Rio+20, the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development scheduled for June 20-21, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is intended to set a global sustainability agenda for the coming decade . Delegates from 183 countries, some of them represented by their presidents, vice-presidents, and premiers, along with more than 50,000 participants from governments, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other groups will attend. The Conference is being promoted as “The Future We Want.” Updates can be found at Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 10
  • 11. Overview: Secretariat China’s Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), was nominated Secretary- General of the Rio+20 Conference. The Conference Secretariat is within DESA. Sha Zukang (Credit: UN) Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) (Credit: UN) 11
  • 12. Overview: Objectives The stated objectives of Rio+20 are to: renew political commitment, assess progress, and address challenges.  Renew Political Commitment to Sustainable Development techniques, discuss structural modifications within political institutions in relation to development technology.  Assess Progress on various country commitments to sustainable development practices, look into gaps in progress, and evaluate the success of outcomes of major international summit meetings on sustainable development.  Discuss Emerging Challenges that have become more critical: food crises, water scarcity, natural disasters, health security, migration, and biodiversity and ecosystem loss; and reach agreement on comprehensive mitigation. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 12
  • 13. Overview: Themes Discussion at Rio+20 will be shaped by two themes: the Green Economy and Institutional Framework. Green Economy in the Context of Poverty Eradication and Sustainable Development Key Considerations  link goals for the environment with those for the economy rather than one taking precedent over the other.  integrate the knowledge that ecosystems currently undergo stress from production techniques, and that extreme poverty still exists throughout the world.  shift methods of development to those that are both economically and environmentally friendly. See also: UNCSD Issues Brief 1: Trade and Green Economy Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 13
  • 14. Overview: Themes The theme of Institutional Framework stresses the importance of integrating sustainable development practices into global political institutions. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development Key Considerations  reform UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)  establish a UN Environment Organization (UNEO) or World Environment Organization (WEO)  Monitor and enforce global agreements on environment and sustainable development  Strengthen the CSD (Commission on Sustainable Development). See also: UNCSD Issues Brief 3: Issues related to an intergovernmental body on SD Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 14
  • 15. Overview: Focal Areas Preparations for Rio+20 have highlighted seven areas which need priority attention: jobs, energy, cities, food, water, oceans, disasters. Jobs – Jobs are critical for social stability, and green jobs contribute to preserving or restoring the quality of the environment. [UNCSD Issues Brief 7] Energy - Sustainable energy is needed for strengthening economies, protecting ecosystems and achieving equity. [Sustainable Energy for All] Cities –The challenges cities face must be overcome in ways that create prosperity, while improving resource use and reducing poverty. [UNCSD Issues Brief 5] Food – A profound change in global agriculture is needed to nourish today's 925 million and the additional 2 billion people expected by 2050. [UNCSD Issues Brief 9] Water – Water scarcity, poor quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihoods and educational opportunities. [UNCSD Issues Brief 11] Oceans – The world's oceans - their temperature, chemistry, currents and life - drive global systems that make the Earth habitable for humankind. [UNCSD Issues Brief 4] Disasters – Smart choices help us recover from disasters, choices related to how we grow our food, where and how we build our homes, how our financial system works, what we teach in schools, and more. [UNCSD Issues Brief 8] Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 15
  • 16. Overview: Related Events More than 500 on-site side events on sustainability will take place, and the Sustainable Development Dialogues. Sustainable Development Dialogues - Topics 1. Sustainable development for June 13-22 A wide-ranging circus of side events organized by fighting poverty Major Groups, Governments, Organizations from the UN 2. Sustainable development as an answer to the economic and system, and other International Organizations, will take place financial crises before and during the Conference. 3. Unemployment, decent work and migrations 4. Economics of sustainable June 16-19 The Sustainable Development Dialogues, a development, including sustainable patterns of Conference forum for civil society to engage in debate on key production and consumption topics without the presence of UN Agencies or 5. Forests 6. Food and nutrition security Governments, precedes the Conference’s High-Level 7. Sustainable energy for all Discussions. 8. Water 9. Sustainable cities and innovation 10. Oceans Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 16
  • 17. Overview: Brazil’s Leadership As host country Brazil has a leadership role. Brazil’s leaders emphasize economic growth as part of sustainability. In her address to the Brazilian Climate Change Forum Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff stated that she accepts the premises of sustainable development, but warned that there are limits to what Brazil, and other Dilma Vana Rousseff, President of Brazil developing nations, will accept. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons) Some environmental organizations claim that Brazil's environmental agenda has suffered a setback since Rousseff took office in January 2011, citing proposed forest code reform, weakening of oversight agencies, and exploitation of resources for economic growth. André Corrêa do Lago, Chief Negotiator for Brazil at Rio+20, reinforced Brazil’s commitment to economic growth. “…strong results [at Rio+20]…is to have the economic sectors understand that sustainable development…is not only environmental sustainability; it is economic sustainability, it is social sustainability.” – Andre Correa do Lago, Brazil’s Chief Negotiator at Rio+20 Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 17
  • 18. Overview: Brazil’s Readiness Inadequate housing for the expected 50,000 visitors has compromised Brazil’s role as host country. Rio’s hotel capacity – 33,000 hotel beds for 50,000 visitors – has led to unconventional solutions. The mayor has asked residents to leave town and rent out their apartments. Rio's 320 "love hotels“ have agreed to daily rentals instead of hourly. Around 10,000 visitors to Rio will be camping. (Credit: Klaus, Wikimedia Commons) Rio’s hotel costs – averaging $818 per night during the conference – also created problems. The European Parliament scrapped its 11-person delegation because of the rise in hotel prices, 10 times initial estimates. Even the Brazilian government refused to pay housing for its 100 delegates, only those who agree to pay for their own lodging would take part. In mid-May the Brazilian government reached an agreement with hotels to reduce the costs of accommodations during the Conference. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 18
  • 19. Process: UN Preparations The multilateral preparatory process includes many UN meetings and civil society dialogs. Since May 2010 numerous meetings, conferences, and presentations have been generated to help shape the desired outcomes from Rio+ 20. These include gatherings by the UNCSD Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), the 10-member Bureau of the PrepCom, Member States, Regionals, IGOs (Intergovernmental Organizations), and Major Groups. Sook Kim (Republic of Korea) and John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda) are Bureau Co-Chairs. (Credit: UN) Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 19
  • 20. Process: Major Groups The process includes input from nine “Major Groups,” The UNCSD is an intergovernmental formalized in Agenda 21 as the overarching categories process driven by Member states of the through which all citizens could participate in UN United Nations with full involvement of the UN system and Major groups. activities on achieving sustainable development. From the very beginning of the first Earth Summit in 1992, people realized that sustainable development could not be achieved by governments alone and would require the active participation of all sectors of society and all types of people Major Groups  Business and Industry  NGOs  Children and Youth  Scientific and Technological Community  Farmers  Women  Indigenous Peoples  Workers and Trade Unions  Local Authorities Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 20
  • 21. Process: The Zero Draft The most important pre-Conference task is to prepare a Zero Draft document of the intended action plan, called “The Future We Want.” The original 19-page document, introduced on Jan. 10, 2012, was developed by the Bureau of the UNCSD PrepCom, and was based on 6,000 pages of input from Member States, Major Groups and other stakeholders. The draft was discussed at several meetings held at UN Headquarters in January and March, when delegates proposed numerous amendments. It must be ready for approval by world leaders on the first day of Rio+20. Though legally nonbinding it is regarded as significant for clarifying goals for countries to take concrete policy steps. The objective is to arrive in Rio "with at least 90 percent of the text ready, and only the most difficult 10 percent left to be negotiated there at the highest political levels“. – Secretary-General Sha Zukang Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 21
  • 22. Process: The Zero Draft Key Points The original Zero Draft briefly outlined key points in four areas. Renewing Political Commitment: reaffirm Agenda 21; work towards universal access to information; and, require companies to integrate sustainability information within the reporting cycle. Green Economy: provide an opportunity to all countries and a threat to none; and, not create new trade barriers, impose conditions on aid, widen technology gaps, or restrict a country’s policy space. Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development: integrate the three pillars; reaffirm “common but differentiated responsibilities;” transform the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) into a Sustainable Development Council; and, strengthen UNEP or elevate it to a UN specialized agency. Framework for Action and Follow-up: devise global Sustainable Development Goals to complement MDGs, targets to be achieved by 2030; recognize the limitations of GDP and develop more balanced indicators; and, phase out distorting and harmful subsidies that impede sustainable development. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 22
  • 23. Process: The Zero Draft Deadlock After a scheduled series of review meetings at UN headquarters in New York, the draft was still not ready for presentation at the Conference. Initial discussions on the draft were Jan. 25-27, 2012. The first round of negotiations, called “informal-informals,” was Mar. 19-23. The second round was April 23-May 4. During these meetings the draft ballooned from 19 to 278, before being pared to 210 – still far from the 70-page goal. Sphere within a Sphere, UN, New York (Credit: Norbert Nagel via Wikimedia Commons) The negotiations resulted in agreement on only 21 of 420 paragraphs, evidence of a stalled process undermined by lack of flexibility, urgency and spirit of compromise To break the deadlock a third round was scheduled for May 29-June 2, 2012. "Let us be frank, currently, the negotiating text is a far cry from the 'focused political document' called for by the General Assembly. …The time has come to shift gears to reach our destination in time.” – Secretary-General Sha Zukang Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 23
  • 24. Process: The Zero Draft, Round 3 With urgent admonitions from Ban Ki-moon to reach agreement and further reduce the document, negotiators returned to work on May 29. In hopes of expediting the process, UNCSD PrepCom Bureau Co-Chairs Sook Kim and John Ashe prepared an 80-pg streamlined version of the document called “Co-Chairs Suggested Text” (CST) as a starting point for the negotiators. Though some progress was made, complete success proved elusive do to range and complexity of issues, organization of work and uneven chairing styles, and entrenched positions. “Rarely has a drafting process been so erratic.” – Anonymous delegate No revised document was published and further decision-making was kicked along to the last PrepCom, June 13-15, and to the Conference itself. See also: ENB, Vol.27 No. 40 Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 24
  • 25. Process: Conference Schedule The 3-day Conference schedule* will be an intense push to clarify sustainable development directions for the next decade. * No official Provisional Agenda available as of June 5. Wednesday, June 20 Thursday, June 21 Friday, June 22 10: Opening Plenary 10-1: High Level Round Table 10-1: High Level Round 3: Ceremonial Opening 10-1: Morning Plenary Table 4:30: High Level Round 3-6: High Level Round Table 10-1: Morning Plenary Table 3-6: Afternoon Plenary 3-6: Afternoon Plenary 6: Evening Plenary, if 6: Evening Plenary, if required required In parallel with and between official events, there will be numerous side events, exhibitions, presentations, fairs and announcements by a wide range of partners. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 25
  • 26. Process: World Leaders Who is and is not attending Rio+20? About 115 heads of state have committed. YES NO Vladimir Putin Barack Obama President, Russia President, US Wen Jiabao Julia Gillard Premier, China Prime Minister, Australia Francois Hollande Angela Merkel President, France Chancellor, Germany Jacob Zuma Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President, S. Africa Manmohan Singh President, Iran David Cameron Prime Minister, India Prime Minister, UK Stephen Harper Felipe Calderon Prime Minister, Canada Yousaf Raza Gillani President, Mexico Yoshihiko Noda Prime Minister, Prime Minister, Japan Pakistan (Photo Credits: ) Though it is not unusual for national leaders to send representatives to global gatherings such as this, a leader’s presence signals a level of interest and influence. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 26
  • 27. Issues: SD Commitments Currently, commitments to sustainable development goals Commitment Areas at Rio+20 are voluntary, and are tracked through a Biodiversity, Forests & Other Ecosystems Chemicals & Waste “Compendium of Commitments.” Climate Change Education Food Security & Sustainable Agriculture Gender Equality Green Jobs-Social Inclusion Land Degradation & Desertification Measuring SD Progress (through indicators) Mountains Natural Disaster Preparedness Poverty Eradication Public Awareness and Communications on SD Oceans and Seas, SIDS Other Important Sustainable Development Areas SD Economics, Finance and Trade (Credit: UN) SD Strategies and Policies The Compendium is an online registry of pledges by governments, Sustainability Management Sustainable Cities civil society and the private sector through which registrants Sustainable Consumption & Production Sustainable Energy describe tangible deliverables with estimated timelines. Sustainable Transport Technology and Innovation Water “We welcome the voluntary commitments made at Rio+20 and invite the Secretary-General to compile them in a registry/compendium that will serve as an accountability framework.” – The Future We Want (Zero Draft), Paragraph 28 Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 27
  • 28. Issues: SDGs The concept of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a set of sustainability indicators – will be advanced at Rio+20.  Modeled after MDGs (Millennium Development Goals, anti-poverty and social development targets that have an achievement deadline of 2015). Consensus is that SDGs should complement and not detract from MDGs.  Introduced at the UN DPI/NGO Conference in Bonn, Germany Sept 3-5, 2011 through an initiative proposed by Colombia and Guatemala.  Could apply to both developed and developing countries. Full development of SDGs – definitions, objectives, and targets – is not generally expected as a concrete deliverable from Rio, but would occur after Rio. See also: Rio+20 Issues Brief 6 Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 28
  • 29. Issues: SDGs The following 17 indicator areas, part of the original proposal, will serve as a starting point for SDG discussions. 1. Sustainable consumption and 9. Sustainable agriculture production 10. Green cities 2. Sustainable livelihoods, youth, 11. Subsidies and investment and education 12. New indicators of progress 3. Climate sustainability 13. Access to information 4. Clean energy 14. Public participation 5. Biodiversity 15. Access to redress and remedy 6. Water 16. Environmental justice for the poor 7. Healthy seas and oceans (blue and marginalized economy) 17. Basic health 8. Healthy forests Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 29
  • 30. Issues: IFSD – Governance Several global institutions are part of the conversation on Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. “We haven't even begun to understand the Discussions suggest reforming UNEP’s damage we are bringing to bear on the sustainability of our planet.” – Achim structure and authority. Proposals for reform Steiner, UNEP Executive Director, UN Under- include: Secretary-General, and Chair UN Environment Management Group  Strengthening UNEP, or;  Upgrading UNEP to a specialized agency (such as WHO); UNEP currently has 58 members but could be upgraded to full agency status with universal membership. The Commission on Sustainable Development could be transformed into a Sustainable Development Council with authority similar to the UN Human Rights Council. IFSD would also involve integration of SD into policies of International Financial Institutions such as: World Bank, IMF, regional development banks, UNTAD, and WTO. See also: A Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 30
  • 31. Issues: Green Economy Charting a path to a “green economy” means developing economic engines that support sustainable consumption and production (SCP) and lower environmental impacts.  National policy options: regulatory, economic and fiscal instruments, investment in green infrastructure, financial incentives, subsidy reform, sustainable public procurement, information disclosure, and voluntary partnerships.  Sector-based roadmaps: cross-national cooperation among industrial sectors.  Innovative international instruments of finance, and elimination of harmful subsidies.  International knowledge-sharing platform: menu of policy options, toolbox of good practices at scaled levels, progress indicators, directory of support for developing countries. According to a study released by the UN International Labour Organization net  Global measures of progress through targets gains of 0.5 percent to 2 percent in total and timeline: indicators global employment are possible through a green economy, mainly through more (2012~2015), implementation 2015~2030; renewable and efficient energy use. comprehensive assessment (2030). Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 31
  • 32. Issues: “GDP+” & “Natural Capital” The need for new metrics in a green economy has stimulated discussions on development of “GDP+” and valuation of “natural capital.” “GDP+” is an emerging metric concept for natural, human and manufactured capital considered together to obtain a more comprehensive value. “Natural capital” refers to the stock of ecosystems that provides a renewable flow of goods and services, and to the economics of (Credit: Wikimedia Commons) ecosystem services. Natural capital has historically been part of “the global commons” and henceforth, free goods. The Natural Capital Declaration, a statement by the financial sector on its commitment to work towards integrating natural capital criteria into financial products and services, will be launched at Rio+20. "It is time to recognize that human capital and natural capital are every bit as important as financial capital." – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 32
  • 33. Issues: Where’s the Environment? While much of the pre-conference negotiations have focused on the first two pillars of sustainable development – economic and social – some followers are asking “Where’s the environmental development in this agenda?” While human developmental issues are being discussed – MDGs, Possible sublimation of right to water, women’s rights, rights of decent employment – “environment” may also be evident in the evolution of alongside debates on the rights to economic and technological conference names: Stockholm advancement, the word “environment” is rarely heard above the 1972 Conference on the Human Environment > Rio 1992 clamor. Conference on Environment and Development > Rio 2002 In the Zero Draft attention to the “Environmental Pillar” of SD World Summit on Sustainable occurs mainly in the context of a changing role for UNEP in IFSD, Development > Rio 2012 Conference on Sustainable and environment and climate are bundled among 15 “priority” Development. issues and 17 proposed SDGs. “Sustainable development is an easier sell globally than climate change, even though sustainable development is a way of tackling global warming and other environmental issues.” – Ambassador André Corrêa do Lago, Brazil Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 33
  • 34. Issues: Supportive Initiatives UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is leading a global initiative on achieving Sustainable Energy for All by 2030. Sustainable Energy for All, a global partnership between governments, the private sector and civil society, is designed to take actions to scale and foster innovative new public-private actions for sustainable energy. Sustainable Energy for All has three objectives:  Ensure universal access to modern energy services, (Credit: UN)  Double the global rate of improvement of energy efficiency, and  Double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. To deliver universal energy access the International Energy Agency (IEA) has found that half of all energy services must be provided by off-grid clean energy. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 34
  • 35. Issues: Supportive Initiatives Ban Ki-moon has also established a High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low- carbon prosperity. The GSP Panel's final report - "Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing" - contains 56 recommendations to put sustainable development into practice and to mainstream it into economic policy. (Credit: UN) “In order to decouple production and consumption from natural resource use and environmental degradation, narrow concepts of GNP should be supplemented by indices or indicators which measure sustainable development.” – Resilient People, Resilient Planet Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 35
  • 36. Positions: Issues & GeoPolitics ISSUES Green Economy Developing countries want to ensure that any green economy’s environmental sustainability approach does not compromise growth or hinder poverty eradication efforts. CBDR “Common But Differentiated Responsibilities,” one of the Rio Principles adopted in 1992, continues to be heralded by Developing countries as a model that retains national sovereignty and points to Developed countries for ODF (Official Development Funds), while the US, in particular, pushes for a more inclusive distribution of responsibilities. Technology transfer Text in the Zero Draft reads “Technology development and transfer.” The US, Canada ,and Australia want to delete the word “transfer” and change the title to “Technology development, innovation and science,” and the EU prefers “Research, Innovation and Technology Development.” The issue revolves around intellectual property rights. Elevate UNEP to Specialized Agency A specialized UN agency, favored by Turkey, Rep. of Korea, France and 100 others, would have universal membership. Opposed: US, Canada, Russia, Brazil. Establishment of a Sustainable Development Council to replace UNCSD The new Council, opposed by the US and Japan, would have authority similar to that of the UN Human Rights Council. SD target deadlines African leaders have expressed concern about European efforts to seek binding targets on sustainable development, fearing brakes would be applied to their economies by rich countries. GLOBAL GEOPOLITICS Palestinian Authority will ask Rio+20 to upgrade PA’s "observing entity" status in UNEP to that of "observing state" status, in hopes of duplicating the success it had in achieving UNESCO membership , in order to advance efforts to gain international recognition for statehood. Anti-Agenda 21 factions claim that Agenda 21 and Rio+20 will destroy national sovereignty, propel global governance, and force redistribution of wealth and property. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 36
  • 37. Outcomes – Desired Outcomes UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon identifies three clusters of desired outcomes that could make Rio+20 the watershed it should be.  “new thinking and action.” Rio+20 must build on the success of the MDGs by advancing a new economic model of sustainable development based on the “triple bottom line” of job-rich economic growth, environmental protection, and social inclusion.  “about people.” Rio+20 must offer real improvement in daily lives through adequate nutrition, by giving voice to women as “engines of economic dynamism and social development,” and by creating opportunities for young people.  “waste not.” Rio+20 must call for smarter use of resources, protection of oceans, water, air and forests, and more livable cities in harmony with nature. “Mother Earth has been kind to us, and we should reciprocate.” – Ban Ki-moon Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 37
  • 38. Conclusion – Beyond UN Process? The multilateral governmental process – always complex, contentious and slow – is additionally challenged at Rio+20 by dismal economic conditions. Yet, success may still be born from productive ideas and collaborations at the side events and through an emerging global model of grassroots change “going viral” beyond political borders, as evidenced in recent geopolitical upheavals. "The success – or failure – of Rio will have deep repercussions, define the aspirations of 3.5 billion young people, and shape the world we leave for future generations.“ – Gro Harlem Brundtland on Rio+20 Watch for ISciences’ post-Rio+20 analysis, available in July 2012 at Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 38
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  • 46. Citation When referencing this slide show please use the following citation. ISCIENCES, L.L.C. The Road to Rio+20. A slideshow; 8th installment in the series Kyoto and Beyond – the Evolution of Multilateral Agreements on Climate Change. June 6, 2012. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Road to Rio+20 (ISCIENCES, L.L.C.) 46