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Effect of Transendocardial Delivery of
Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells
on Functional Capacity, Left Ventricular Function,
and Perfusion in Chronic Heart Failure
Emerson C. Perin, MD, PhD, James T.
                                                Context Previous studies using autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMCs) in
Willerson, MD, Carl J. Pepine, MD, Timothy D.   patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy have demonstrated safety and suggested efficacy.
Henry, MD, Stephen G. Ellis, MD, David X. M.
                                                Objective To determine if administration of BMCs through transendocardial injec-
Zhao, MD, Guilherme V. Silva, MD, Dejian Lai,   tions improves myocardial perfusion, reduces left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV),
PhD, James D. Thomas, MD, Marvin W.             or enhances maximal oxygen consumption in patients with coronary artery disease or
                                                LV dysfunction, and limiting heart failure or angina.
Kronenberg, MD, A. Daniel Martin, PhD, PT,
R. David Anderson, MD, MS, Jay H. Traverse,
                                                Design, Setting, and Patients A phase 2 randomized double-blind, placebo-
                                                controlled trial of symptomatic patients (New York Heart Association classification II-
MD, Marc S. Penn, MD, PhD, Saif                 III or Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification II-IV) with a left ventricular ejec-
Anwaruddin, MD, Antonis K. Hatzopoulos,         tion fraction of 45% or less, a perfusion defect by single-photon emission tomography
PhD, Adrian P. Gee, PhD, Doris A. Taylor,       (SPECT), and coronary artery disease not amenable to revascularization who were re-
                                                ceiving maximal medical therapy at 5 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute–
PhD, Christopher R. Cogle, MD, Deirdre          sponsored Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN) sites between April
Smith, RN, Lynette Westbrook, RN, James         29, 2009, and April 18, 2011.
Chen, RN, Eileen Handberg, PhD, Rachel E.       Intervention Bone marrow aspiration (isolation of BMCs using a standardized au-
Olson, RN, MS, Carrie Geither, RN, Sherry       tomated system performed locally) and transendocardial injection of 100 million BMCs
                                                or placebo (ratio of 2 for BMC group to 1 for placebo group).
Bowman, RN, Judy Francescon, RN, Sarah
                                                Main Outcome Measures Co-primary end points assessed at 6 months: changes
Baraniuk, PhD, Linda B. Piller, MD, MPH,
                                                in LVESV assessed by echocardiography, maximal oxygen consumption, and revers-
Lara M. Simpson, PhD, Catalin Loghin, MD,       ibility on SPECT. Phenotypic and functional analyses of the cell product were per-
David Aguilar, MD, Sara Richman, Claudia        formed by the CCTRN biorepository core laboratory.
Zierold, PhD, Judy Bettencourt, MPH, Shelly     Results Of 153 patients who provided consent, a total of 92 (82 men; average age:
L. Sayre, MPH, Rachel W. Vojvodic, MPH,         63 years) were randomized (n=61 in BMC group and n=31 in placebo group). Changes
                                                in LVESV index (−0.9 mL/m2 [95% CI, −6.1 to 4.3]; P=.73), maximal oxygen con-
Sonia I. Skarlatos, PhD, David J. Gordon, MD,   sumption (1.0 [95% CI, −0.42 to 2.34]; P=.17), and reversible defect (−1.2 [95% CI,
PhD, Ray F. Ebert, PhD, Minjung Kwak, PhD,      −12.50 to 10.12]; P=.84) were not statistically significant. There were no differences
Lemuel A. Moye, MD, PhD,
             ´                                  found in any of the secondary outcomes, including percent myocardial defect, total
                                                defect size, fixed defect size, regional wall motion, and clinical improvement.
Robert D. Simari, MD
                                                Conclusion Among patients with chronic ischemic heart failure, transendocardial in-
for the Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research
Network (CCTRN)                                 jection of autologous BMCs compared with placebo did not improve LVESV, maximal
                                                oxygen consumption, or reversibility on SPECT.

           ELL THERAPY HAS EMERGED AS           Trial Registration Identifier: NCT00824005
           an innovative approach for           JAMA. 2012;307(16):doi:10.1001/jama.2012.418                               

           treating patients with ad-                                                          Author Affiliations and a list of the CCTRN study group
           vanced ischemic heart dis-           studies have been performed primarily          are listed at the end of this article.
                                                                                               Corresponding Author: Lemuel A. Moye, MD, PhD,
ease, including those with refractory an-       using autologous stem/progenitor               University of Texas, 1200 Pressler, W-848, Houston,
gina and/or heart failure. Early clinical       cells.1-13 In patients with ischemic heart     TX 77030 (

©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.                                           JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012          E1

                                   Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012

disease and heart failure, treatment with     administration of 100ϫ106 total BMCs          formity of cell preparation. Briefly,
autologous bone marrow mononuclear            improves measures of LV performance           approximately 80 to 100 mL of bone mar-
cells (BMCs) has demonstrated safety          and perfusion at 6 months compared            row was aspirated from the iliac crest
and has suggested efficacy.10,14-17           with baseline levels.                         using standard techniques. The aspirate
   None of the clinical trials per-              Briefly, we enrolled patients aged 18      was processed with a closed, automated
formed to date, however, have been            years or older with clinically stable coro-   cell processing system21 (Sepax, Biosafe
powered to evaluate specific efficacy         nary artery disease, LV ejection frac-        SA). Composition of CD34 and CD133
measures. In addition, autologous cell        tion (LVEF) of 45% or less, limiting an-      cells was determined by flow cytom-
therapy trials have usually enrolled          gina (Canadian Cardiovascular Society         etry. After the cells passed stipulated lot
older patients with acute or chronic left     [CCS] class II-IV) and/or congestive          release criteria, including viability
ventricular (LV) dysfunction without          heart failure (New York Heart Associa-        (Ͼ70%) and sterility, randomization was
evaluating the effect of these param-         tion [NYHA] class II-III), a perfusion        performed by the data coordinating cen-
eters or cell function on clinical out-       defect by single-photon emission com-         ter. Treatment assignment was masked
come. These factors are important             puted tomography (SPECT), and no re-          to all but 1 designated cell processing
because ischemic heart failure has the        vascularization options while receiv-         team member at each center not involved
potential to limit the beneficial influ-      ing guideline-based medical therapy.20        in patient care. The target dose was
ences of cellular effects.6,18                   The study was conducted at the 5           100ϫ106 total BMCs. The BMC final
   The present study was undertaken by        CCTRN centers; the organizational             product was suspended in normal saline
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood In-       structure and oversight of the CCTRN          containing 5% human serum albumin
stitute–sponsored Cardiovascular Cell         have been described.20 The protocol was       and adjusted to a concentration of
Therapy Research Network (CCTRN).19           reviewed and approved by the local in-        100ϫ106 cells in 3 mL distributed into
It builds on work from a pilot study in       stitutional review boards at each cen-        three 1-mL syringes. The placebo group
Brazil,10 which in turn led to the first      ter. All patients provided written in-        received a cell-free suspension in the
phase 1 randomized trial of autologous        formed consent.                               same volume.
BMC therapy for heart failure in the             Randomization was computer-                   Within 12 hours of aspiration, BMCs
United States (FOCUS-HF) approved by          generated and used variable block sizes       or placebo were delivered in 15 sepa-
the US Food and Drug Administra-              of 6 or 9, randomly selected and strati-      rate injections (0.2 mL each) to LV en-
tion.16 These initial studies showed that     fied by center. All randomized patients       docardial regions identified as viable
transendocardial delivery of BMCs was         underwent baseline testing, bone mar-         (unipolar voltage Ն6.9 mV) by elec-
feasible and appeared safe in patients        row harvesting, and automated cell pro-       tromechanical mapping as described
with chronic heart failure due to multi-      cessing that was performed locally.20 Pa-     elsewhere.20 A 2-dimensional echocar-
vessel coronary artery disease.10,16 Al-      tients were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to      diogram was performed immediately af-
though these preliminary studies also         receive either BMCs or a placebo (cell-       ter the injection procedure and on the
evaluated LV function, perfusion, and         free) preparation. The cell-containing or     next day before hospital discharge. Se-
functional capacity, a definitive assess-     cell-free preparation was delivered to vi-    rial measurements of creatine kinase,
ment of efficacy was not possible due to      able myocardial regions identified dur-       creatine kinase MB, and troponin also
the small number of patients. Thus, the       ing electromechanical mapping of the LV       were obtained. All patients remained in
present trial was designed as a larger        endocardial surface (NOGA, Biologics          the hospital overnight and were then
study to investigate the effects of tran-     Delivery Systems, Cordis Corpora-             discharged with instructions for guide-
sendocardial-delivered BMCs in pa-            tion). All caregivers and patients were       line-recommended therapy. Patients
tients with chronic ischemic heart dis-       masked to treatment. At 6 months, all         were examined for safety and efficacy
ease and LV dysfunction with heart            baseline testing was repeated in an iden-     at 6 months. All events deemed to be
failure and/or angina.20                      tical fashion.                                potential major adverse clinical events
                                                 Baseline assessments have been de-         were assessed by 2 independent cardi-
METHODS                                       scribed.20 Demographic and clinical           ologists not affiliated with any clinical
A phase 2 randomized double-blind, pla-       variables were determined by inter-           site and masked to treatment assign-
cebo-controlled trial, FOCUS-CCTRN            view and documented from each pa-             ment. Follow-up for safety continues
(First Mononuclear Cells injected in the      tient’s medical record. Race and eth-         (up to 12 months postintervention)
United States conducted by the CCTRN)         nicity were recorded as self-described        with annual telephone calls at 2, 3, 4,
was designed to evaluate the safety and       by the patients.                              and 5 years postintervention.
efficacy of BMCs in patients with chronic        Cell harvesting and processing pro-           The CCTRN established a cell bio-
ischemic heart disease and LV dysfunc-        cedures for all CCTRN protocols have          repository core laboratory to advance
tion who have no other revasculariza-         been reported.21,22 Rigorous automated        the understanding of the relationship
tion options. The primary objective was       methods for local cell processing were        between cell product characteristics
to determine whether transendocardial         implemented to ensure quality and uni-        (composition or phenotype and func-
E2   JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012                                     ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

                                   Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012

tion) and clinical outcomes.23 The re-           The 3 prespecified primary end                 Prespecified subgroup analyses for
maining processed cells (unused cells         points of change (6-month follow-up            hypothesis generation examined the ef-
in the BMC group and all cells from pa-       minus baseline) in LVESV, maximal              fects of treatment stratified by age, sex,
tients in the placebo group) were             oxygen consumption, and defect size            race, diabetes, serum BNP levels in pa-
shipped to the biorepository core labo-       on SPECT were compared between the             tients with heart failure, preexisting co-
ratory with patient consent.                  BMC group and the control group.               morbidity, number of endothelial
   Echocardiographic measurements                For each co-primary end point, a            colony forming cells, and baseline
were performed by an echocardiogra-           sample size was computed based on es-          LVEF. Two-sided significance testing
phy core laboratory according to pub-         timates of the effect size and the stan-       was used; P values of less than .05 were
lished guidelines24 and included LV           dard deviation of the difference from the      deemed statistically significant.
end-systolic volume (LVESV), LV end-          prior data.20 Type I error was appor-
diastolic volume, regional wall mo-           tioned at the .05 level to be conducted        RESULTS
tion, and LVEF. Myocardial contrast           at 80% power with 10% of patients an-          Screening commenced in March 2009
was used to enhance endocardial defi-         ticipated as lost to follow-up. All test-      and 153 patients provided consent. Be-
nition. These measurements were com-          ing was 2-sided. The study was de-             tween April 29, 2009, and April 18,
puted using the biplane rule methods          signed to detect a mean difference             2011, 92 patients were randomized
of Simpson as described by Maret et al.25     between the 2 groups of 27 mL for              (n=61 in BMC group and n=31 in pla-
The LV volume data were normalized            LVESV, 5 mL/kg/min for maximal oxy-            cebo group). Of the 273 patients
for body surface area and indexed data        gen consumption, and 10 absolute per-          screened, most were excluded due to
are presented.                                centage points for reversible ische-           not having evidence of reversibility
   SPECT or adenosine myocardial per-         mia. To ensure adequate power for each         (prior to protocol amendment during
fusion tests were performed to identify       of the 3 end points, the sample size was       the final third period of enrollment) or
changes in ischemic (reversible) de-          computed for each one, and the maxi-           having an LVEF greater than 45%
fects from rest and after adenosine infu-     mum sample size was selected.20 This           (FIGURE 1).27
sion over 4 minutes (or if contraindi-        produced a sample size of 86 patients,            Briefly, this was an older, white male
cated, with a regadenoson bolus) using        which was administratively increased           population (TABLE 1). Most (76%) pa-
standardized protocols. To enhance vi-        to 92 patients (31 in the placebo group        tients had an implantable cardioverter-
ability detection on resting images, sub-     and 61 in the BMC group). No type I            defibrillator. No statistically significant
lingual nitroglycerin was administered        error adjustment for multiple compari-         differences were seen in baseline char-
15 minutes before injection of techne-        sons was incorporated because this was         acteristics between the BMC and pla-
tium Tc 99m sestamibi for the resting im-     a phase 2 study.                               cebo groups, except for greater ranola-
age. Changes in fixed perfusion defects          All statistical analyses were con-          zine use in the BMC group (TABLE 2),
by SPECT also were measured.                  ducted using SAS version 9.2 (SAS In-          which was consistent with more pa-
   Maximal oxygen consumption was             stitute Inc).26 Descriptive statistics for     tients with CCS class II to IV angina in
assessed by using the Naughton tread-         baseline characteristics were generated        the BMC group. The mean (SD) LVEF
mill protocol. Blood flow improve-            for demographic variables, medical his-        on the qualifying echocardiogram was
ment was examined by magnetic reso-           tory, physical examination, laboratory         32.4% (9.2%) in the BMC group and
nance imaging (MRI) in patients without       data, and clinical events. ␹2 Statistics and   30.2% (7.8%) in the placebo group.
MRI contraindications.                        t tests were used to evaluate the differ-         All randomized patients had their
   Clinical improvement by CCS classi-        ences between the 2 study groups. Gen-         bone marrow processed with Ficoll
fication, NYHA classification, and change     eral linear modeling techniques as-            using the automated Sepax device.21 The
in antianginal medications was ex-            sessed the effects of treatment on the         mean (SD) volume of bone marrow har-
plored. Serum brain-type natriuretic pep-     continuous primary and secondary out-          vested was 93.7 (8.3) mL. The mean
tide (BNP) levels were collected in pa-       comes of the study. Both unadjusted and        (SD) time from aspiration to product
tients with congestive heart failure, and     baseline covariate-adjusted treatment ef-      injection was 8.9 (1.2) hours in the
changes in the levels were assessed at 6      fects were computed. Dichotomous sec-          BMC group and 8.6 (2.2) hours in the
months. Major adverse clinical events         ondary end points (ie, clinical improve-       placebo group.
were assessed and defined as new              ment at 6 months, change in CCS                   Of the 92 patients randomized, 5 pa-
myocardial infarction, rehospitaliza-         anginal score and NYHA class, de-              tients were identified as having a le-
tion for percutaneous coronary inter-         crease in weekly need for antianginal          sion suitable for percutaneous revas-
vention in treated coronary artery terri-     medication [nitrates]) were analyzed           cularization (although no patient had
tories, death, and rehospitalization for      using ␹2 and Fisher exact tests. The time-     such a lesion identified on the qualify-
non–myocardial infarction acute coro-         to-event end points (ie, major adverse         ing angiogram). Per protocol, these 5
nary syndrome or congestive heart             clinical events) could not be reliably as-     patients underwent revascularization
failure.                                      sessed due to the paucity of events.           rather than receive the study product.
©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.                                        JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012   E3

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A sixth patient experienced a limited                            of 100ϫ106 nucleated cells, which con-                        A total of 54 patients in the BMC group
retrograde catheter-related dissection of                        tained an average of 2.6% of CD34 cells                    and 28 patients in the placebo group had
the abdominal aorta that precluded                               and 1.2% of CD133 cells. Five of these                     paired LVESV data at baseline and at 6
study product delivery.                                          patients had harvests that contained less                  months (FIGURE 2). The mean (SD)
   Electromechanical map–guided injec-                           than 100 million cells (99.9, 99.6, 99, 80,                LVESV index (LVESVI) at baseline was
tion of cells or placebo was conducted                           and 61 million cells). The other patient                   57.9 (26.1) mL/m2 in the BMC group
per protocol in the remaining 86 pa-                             experienced recurrent ventricular tachy-                   and 65.0 (19.8) mL/m2 in the placebo
tients. Mean viability of the cell prod-                         cardia with hypotension after each in-                     group. At 6 months, the mean (SD)
uct (Trypan blue exclusion) was 98.6%                            jection and received only a small vol-                     LVESVI was 57.0 (25.5) mL/m2 in the
(TABLE 3). In the BMC group, all but 6                           ume of cell product (approximately 13                      BMC group and 65.0 (23.3) mL/m2 in
patients received the targeted total dose                        million cells).                                            the placebo group. The difference in the
                                                                                                                            change in LVESVI between the BMC
                                                                                                                            group and the placebo group was not
Figure 1. Flow Diagram of Patients in FOCUS-CCTRN Trial                                                                     statistically significant (−0.9 mL/m2
                                                                                                                            [95% CI, −6.1 to 4.3]; P=.73).
                                                 273 Assessed for eligibility
                                                                                                                               A total of 52 patients in the BMC
                                                                                                                            group and 27 patients in the placebo
                                                                     181 Excluded
                                                                         116 Did not meet eligibility criteria
                                                                                                                            group had paired maximal oxygen con-
                                                                              55 No reversible ischemia                     sumption data at baseline and at 6
                                                                              32 Other cardiac conditions
                                                                              29 Left ventricular ejection fraction >45%    months (Figure 2). The mean (SD) base-
                                                                          27 Refused to participate                         line maximal oxygen consumption was
                                                                          38 Other reasons
                                                                                                                            14.6 (3.8) mL/kg/min in the BMC group
                                                                                                                            and 15.3 (4.6) mL/kg/min in the pla-
                                                      92 Randomized
                                                                                                                            cebo group. At 6 months, the mean (SD)
                                                                                                                            maximal oxygen consumption was 15.0
     61 Randomized to receive transendocardial injection             31 Randomized to receive placebo                       (4.5) mL/kg/min in the BMC group and
        of 100 million bone marrow mononuclear cells                    2 Did not receive intervention as randomized
        4 Did not receive intervention as randomized                      (revascularizable lesion found at time            14.7 (5.1) mL/kg/min in the placebo
           3 Revascularizable lesion found at time                        of intervention)                                  group. The difference in the change in
             of intervention
           1 Catheter-related dissection of abdominal aorta                                                                 maximal oxygen consumption be-
                                                                                                                            tween the BMC group and placebo group
                       Primary analysis                                             Primary analysis                        was not statistically significant (1.0 [95%
       54 Assessed for changes in left ventricular end-                28 Assessed for changes in LVESV by                  CI, −0.42 to 2.34]; P=.17).
          systolic volume (LVESV) by echocardiography                     echocardiography
        7 Excluded                                                      3 Excluded
                                                                                                                               A total of 52 patients in the BMC
          1 Other                                                         1 Other                                           group and 25 patients in the placebo
          2 Too ill                                                       0 Transplant
          1 Lost to follow-up                                             1 LVAD placement
                                                                                                                            group had paired SPECT evaluations at
          1 Death                                                         1 No show                                         baseline and at 6 months (Figure 2). The
          1 LVAD placement                                                                                                  mean (SD) percent reversible defect dur-
          1 No show                                                    27 Assessed for changes in maximal oxygen
                                                                          consumption                                       ing the baseline period was 25.1%
       52 Assessed for changes in maximal oxygen                        4 Excluded                                          (27.8%) in the BMC group and 11.8%
          consumption                                                     0 Other
        9 Excluded                                                        1 Transplant                                      (20.4%) in the placebo group. At 6
          2 Other                                                         1 LVAD placement                                  months, the mean (SD) percent revers-
          3 Too ill                                                       1 No show
                                                                                                                            ible defect was 21.3% (26.6%) in the
          1 Lost to follow-up
          1 Death                                                      26 Assessed for changes in perfusion defect          BMC group and 9.2% (9.1%) in the pla-
                                                                          by SPECT
          1 LVAD placement
                                                                        5 Excluded
                                                                                                                            cebo group. The difference in the change
          1 No show
                                                                          2 Other                                           for percent reversible defect between the
       50 Assessed for changes in perfusion defect                        1 Transplant                                      BMC group and placebo group was not
          by single-photon emission computed                              1 LVAD placement
          tomography (SPECT)                                              1 No show                                         statistically significant (−1.2 [95% CI,
       11 Excluded                                                                                                          −12.50 to 10.12]; P=.84).
          4 Other
          3 Too ill
                                                                                                                               There were no significant differ-
          1 Lost to follow-up                                                                                               ences in the change between the 2
          1 Death                                                                                                           groups over time for percent total myo-
          1 LVAD placement
          1 No show                                                                                                         cardial defect (−0.9 [95% CI, −5.0 to
                                                                                                                            3.3]), total defect size (−1.6 [95% CI,
FOCUS-CCTRN indicates First Mononuclear Cells injected in the United States conducted by the Cardiovas-                     −5.1 to 1.9]), or fixed defect size (−0.7
cular Cell Therapy Research Network.
                                                                                                                            [95% CI, −4.8 to 3.4]).
E4    JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012                                                                     ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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   The small number of patients with-         Findings for stroke volume were simi-                         CD34 was 0.5% to 6.9% (SD, 1.2%). As-
out contraindications for MRI (n = 17)        lar, with a mean (SD) increase of 2.7                         suming that differences of 1.96 for SD
precluded performing an informative           (12.9) mL in the BMC group and a de-                          or 2.4% are more likely due to biologi-
analysis on the MRI data. There were          crease of −5.8 (15.2) mL in the placebo                       cal variability, the effect of differences
no significant differences in the change      group; this difference was significant (8.4                   in CD34 cell level beyond that ex-
between the 2 groups in regional wall         [95% CI, 2.1 to 14.8]; P=.01).                                pected due to natural variability was ex-
motion (−0.1 [95% CI, −0.30 to 0.14];            In an exploratory analysis, BMC                            amined, using a 3% level to be conser-
P=.47) and LV end-diastolic volume in-        therapy was associated with an improve-                       vative. Every 3% higher level of CD34
dex (2.5 [95% CI, −4.4 to 9.3]; P=.48).       ment in maximal oxygen consumption                            cells was associated with on average a
   Forty percent of patients in the BMC       for patients with number of endothelial                       3.0% greater absolute unit increase in
group and 47% of patients in the pla-         colony-forming cells greater than the me-                     LVEF in a multiple variable model that
cebo group were NYHA class III at base-       dian value of 80 (change: 2.5 [95% CI,                        included age and treatment as predictor
line. The decrease over time in the per-      0.16 to 4.88]). However the interaction                       variables (3.06 [95% CI, 0.14-5.98];
centage of patients in the BMC group          test for this assessment was not signifi-                     P=.04). An analogous computation for
who were NYHA class III was statisti-         cant (interaction effect size: 2.61 [95%                      CD133 cells (range, 0.1%-3.6%;
cally significant (40% vs 20%; for differ-    CI, −0.30 to 5.51]; P=.08).                                   SD=0.62) revealed that every 3% higher
ence: 95% CI, 3% to 37%; P=.02); there           A regression analysis showed that                          level of CD133 cells was associated with
was no significant difference in the analo-   higher CD34 cell or CD133 cell counts                         on average a 5.9% greater absolute unit
gous change for the placebo group. How-       were associated with greater absolute                         increase in LVEF (5.94% [95% CI,
ever, when the between-group analysis         unit increase in LVEF. The range of                           0.35%-7.57%]; P=.04).
was applied, this finding was not statis-
tically significant. Similarly, there were    Table 1. Patient Baseline Characteristics
no significant differences in the change                                                             BMC Group                    Placebo Group            P
in CCS class (difference in the percent                                                               (n = 61)                        (n = 31)           Value
change: 0.18 [95% CI, −0.07 to 0.43];         Mean (SD)
                                                 Age, y                                         63.95 (10.90)                   62.32 (8.25)              .47
P=.49), serum BNP levels (regular BNP:
                                                 Height, cm                                    174.50 (8.79)                   177.42 (9.60)              .15
−40.3 pg/mL [95% CI, −120.2 to 39.7];
                                                 Weight, kg                                     91.53 (22.00)                   99.99 (24.23)             .10
P=.32 and probrain-type natriuretic pep-
                                                 Body mass index a                              30.10 (6.14)                    31.80 (6.60)              .23
tide: 150.2 pg/mL [95% CI, −1215.2 to
                                                 Blood pressure, mm Hg
1515.6]; P=.82), or decrease in the need              Systolic                                 120.59 (19.69)                  122.13 (15.78)             .71
for antianginal medication between the                Diastolic                                 70.95 (11.18)                   74.77 (10.35)             .12
2 groups at 6 months (2 in BMC group          Heart rate, beats/min
and 0 in placebo group; difference in the        Mean (SD)                                      67.90 (10.45)                   72.61 (13.60)             .07
percent change: 0.04 [95% CI, −0.01 to           Median (range)                                 65.00 (51.00-100.00)            70.00 (49.00-107.00)
0.09]; P=.28).                                No. (%)
                                                 Female sex                                          8 (13.11)                       2 (6.45)             .49
   Subgroup analyses examined the ef-
                                                 White race                                         58 (95.08)                      30 (96.77)           Ͼ.99
fects of demographics, comorbidities
                                                 Hispanic ethnicity                                  3 (4.92)                        1 (3.23)            Ͼ.99
(age, sex, diabetes mellitus, hyperten-
                                                 New York Heart Association
sion, angina, and hyperlipidemia), and                classification
cell surface markers (CD34 and CD133)                     I                                          6 (9.84)                        2 (6.45)
on end point measures. There were no                      II                                        32 (52.46)                      14 (45.16)
significant differences. Additional out-                  III                                       23 (37.70)                      15 (48.39)
comes were examined for exploratory                       IV                                         0                               0
purposes.                                        Canadian Cardiovascular                               (n = 54)                        (n = 25)
                                                      Society classification
   The baseline LVEF was available in 54                  I                                         13 (24.07)                      10 (40.00)
patients in the BMC group and in 28 pa-                   II                                        24 (44.44)                      10 (40.00)
tients in the placebo group. The mean                                                                                                                     .45
                                                          III                                       16 (29.63)                       5 (20.00)
(SD) baseline LVEF was 34.7% (8.8%)                       IV                                         1 (1.85)                        0
in the BMC group and 32.3% (8.6%) in          Qualifying LVEF by echocardiography,                     (n = 60)                        (n = 31)           .25
the placebo group. At 6 months, the              mean (SD), %                                        32.43 (9.23)                    30.19 (7.76)
mean (SD) LVEF change was an in-              Aspiration to injection time, h                          (n = 58)                        (n = 29)
crease of 1.4% (5.2%) in the BMC group           Mean (SD)                                        8.95 (1.18)                     8.56 (2.22)             .28
and a decrease of −1.3% (5.1%) in the            Median (range)                                   9.01 (6.52-11.40)               8.98 (0.22-11.40)
placebo group. This difference was sig-       Abbreviations: BMC, bone marrow mononuclear cell; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction.
                                              a Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared.
nificant (2.7 [95% CI, 0.3 to 5.1]; P=.03).
©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.                                                         JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012     E5

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  The patients were divided based on                         significant effect of therapy was seen for                   cent reversibility on SPECT) for age. No
median age of the population (Յ62                            the primary end points (LVESV, maxi-                         significant differences were seen on the
years and Ͼ62 years). No statistically                       mal oxygen consumption, and per-                             secondary end points or cell product
                                                                                                                          variables in the subgroup analysis, ex-
                                                                                                                          cept for those described below.
Table 2. Baseline Patient Medical History, Medication Use at Time of Randomization, and
Laboratory Evaluations                                                                                                       When LVEF was assessed, patients
                                                                       No. (%) of Patients a
                                                                                                                          aged 62 years or younger showed a sta-
                                                                                                                          tistically significant effect of therapy. Pa-
                                                              BMC Group                Placebo Group              P       tients in the BMC group demon-
                                                               (n = 61)                    (n = 31)             Value
Medical history
                                                                                                                          strated a mean (SD) increase in LVEF
  Diabetes                                                    21 (34.43)                16 (51.61)               .12      of 3.1% (5.2%) from baseline to 6
  Hypertension                                                49 (80.33)                24 (77.42)               .79      months, whereas patients in the pla-
  Hyperlipidemia                                              57 (93.44)                29 (93.55)              Ͼ.99      cebo group showed a decrease of −1.6%
  Angina                                                      21 (34.43)                12 (38.71)               .82      (6.6%). The difference in the change be-
  Former or current smoking                                   46 (75.41)                20 (64.52)               .33      tween groups was significant (4.7%
  Prior myocardial infarction                                   (n = 57)                    (n = 31)            Ͼ.99      [95% CI, 1.0% to 8.4%]; P =.02).
                                                               53 (92.98)                 29 (93.55)
                                                                                                                             There were no in-hospital events
     Prior revascularization                                  51 (83.61)                26 (83.87)              Ͼ.99
     Prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery               47 (77.05)                25 (80.65)               .79
                                                                                                                          (other than the dissection noted ear-
         No. of operations
                                                                                                                          lier). One patient died 29 days after
             1                                                33 (70.21)                21 (84.00)                        BMC delivery due to pump failure,
             2                                                13 (27.66)                 4 (16.00)                .39     which was deemed unlikely to be as-
             3                                                 1 (2.13)                  0                                sociated with cell therapy. Another pa-
     Congestive heart failure                                                                                             tient had a myocardial infarction 61
         Yes                                                  36 (59.02)                20 (64.52)               .66
                                                                                                                          days after BMC delivery; the infarc-
         Prior hospitalization                                14 (22.95)                 9 (29.03)               .61
                                                                                                                          tion did not occur in the targeted in-
     Asymptomatic carotid disease                             11 (18.03)                 3 (9.68)                .37
     History of stroke or transient ischemic attack            8 (13.11)                 1 (3.23)                .26
                                                                                                                          jection area, and the patient was dis-
     Valvular heart disease                                   18 (29.51)                 8 (25.81)               .81
                                                                                                                          charged from the hospital 4 days later.
     Peripheral vascular disease                              13 (21.31)                 3 (9.68)                .25      There were no rehospitalizations in
     History of arrhythmia                                      (n = 56)                    (n = 28)            Ͼ.99      either group for percutaneous coro-
                                                               29 (51.79)                 14 (50.00)                      nary intervention prior to the 6-month
   Cardiac pacemaker                                          42 (68.85)                23 (74.19)               .64      visit. Eight patients (3 in the BMC group
   Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator                      3 (4.92)                  2 (6.45)               Ͼ.99      and 5 in the placebo group) were re-
   Dual chamber pacing                                        17 (18.5)                 10 (10.9)                .81      hospitalized for congestive heart fail-
Medication use at time of randomization                                                                                   ure, with 1 additional patient in the
   ACE inhibitor or ARB                                       37 (60.66)                22 (70.97)                .37
   Aldosterone inhibitor                                       9 (14.75)                 8 (25.81)                .26
                                                                                                                          BMC group rehospitalized for acute
   Aspirin/P2 Y12                                             53 (86.89)                29 (93.55)                .49     coronary syndrome during this same
   ␤-Blockers                                                 57 (93.44)                30 (96.77)                .66     time frame. One patient in the pla-
   Warfarin                                                   10 (16.39)                 4 (12.90)                .77     cebo group underwent heart transplan-
   Digitalis                                                   4 (6.56)                  4 (12.90)                .44     tation, and 2 other patients (1 in each
   Diuretics                                                  41 (67.21)                23 (74.19)                .63     group) had LV assist device place-
   Nitrates                                                   39 (63.93)                18 (58.06)                .65     ments before the 6-month visit.
   Statins                                                    44 (72.13)                21 (67.74)                .81
   Ranolazine                                                 21 (34.43)                 3 (9.68)                 .01     COMMENT
Laboratory evaluations, median (range)                                                                                    The CCTRN was developed by the Na-
   Hemoglobin, g/dL                                        14.0 (10.0-16.9)           14.3 (12.4-16.6)            .21
                                                                                                                          tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti-
   High-sensitivity C-reactive protein, mg/L                    (n = 54)                   (n = 29)               .60
                                                            1.4 (0.1-37.0)             1.1 (0-86.4)                       tute to advance cell therapy for pa-
     Glomerular filtration rate, mL/min/1.73 m2                 (n = 58)                   (n = 29)               .96     tients with cardiovascular diseases by
                                                           71.2 (29.6-155.4)          70.1 (30.5-107.3)                   using a collaborative network ap-
     Brain-type natriuretic peptide, pg/mL                      (n = 46)                   (n = 23)               .68     proach to facilitate larger studies with
                                                          132.0 (16.0-545.0)         105.0 (26.0-140.0)
     Probrain natriuretic peptide, pg/mL                        (n = 15)                   (n = 8)                .95
                                                                                                                          wide applicability. The FOCUS-CCTRN
                                                          833.0 (50.0-9793.0)        828.0 (103.0-5778.0)                 trial is the first, to our knowledge, ad-
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BMC, bone marrow mono-              equately powered study of cell therapy
   nuclear cell.
SI conversion factors: To convert C-reactive protein to nmol/L, multiply by 9.524; hemoglobin to g/L, multiply by 10.0;   in patients with chronic ischemic heart
   natriuretic peptide to ng/L, multiply by 1.0.
a Unless otherwise indicated.
                                                                                                                          disease and LV dysfunction (LVEF
                                                                                                                          Յ45%) to be completed in the United
E6    JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012                                                               ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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States. We found no significant differ-
                                                Table 3. Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Product Characteristics
ences in a priori selected primary end
                                                                                                                                 Mean (SD)
points between patients treated with
BMCs and placebo in this first-in-man                                                                            BMC Group                  Placebo Group        P
                                                                                                                   (n = 61)                     (n = 31)       Value
study that administered 100 million
                                                Total nucleated cells/product, ϫ 106                             99.03 (5.58)               100.03 (0.18)       .32
cells via transendocardial injection. The
                                                % Viability/product by Trypan blue exclusion                     98.56 (1.11)                98.70 (0.89)       .52
protocol randomized 92 patients from
                                                % of CD34 cells/product a                                              (n = 57)                     (n = 30)    .67
a cohort of 153 patients who provided                                                                             2.71 (1.19)                 2.60 (0.93)
consent, demonstrating the efficiency           % of CD133 cells/product a                                             (n = 57)                     (n = 30)    .59
and expertise of network recruiting as                                                                            1.21 (0.62)                 1.14 (0.48)
well as the perceived need by the com-          Colony-forming units-Hill/product a                                    (n = 55)                     (n = 30)    .40
                                                                                                                109.41 (206.29)             151.33 (244.20)
munity with heart failure for therapy
                                                Endothelial colony-forming cells/product a                             (n = 49)                     (n = 28)    .60
to address this disease.                                                                                        131.84 (164.62)             156.44 (240.12)
   Primary end points used in previous          Abbreviation: BMC, bone marrow mononuclear cell.
                                                a Four patients either declined to participate or had insufficient product for the biorepository.
arbitrarily chosen due to lack of sufficient
historical data in stem/progenitor cell
trials. In these previous studies of patients      In the present phase 2 study, explor-                          tion, a meaningful comparison of the
with ischemic heart disease, both LVEF          atory analyses revealed that LVEF im-                             results of the 2 studies is difficult. How-
(by echocardiography) and myocardial            proved in the BMC group compared                                  ever, both CD133 and CD34 cell popu-
ischemia (by SPECT) were used to mea-           with the placebo group by 2.7%. This                              lations have been shown to give rise to
sure outcomes of interest and suggested         difference is in keeping with results                             endothelial and vascular progenitor
improvement.5,28 However,thesetrialsen-         from a previous meta-analysis of BMC                              cells and to secrete chemokines and cy-
rolled patients with mostly preserved           therapy in patients with chronic ische-                           tokines capable of recruiting cells and
LVEF (ranging from 48% to 56%). The             mic heart disease and in smaller, indi-                           promoting cell survival.34-37 These find-
recentlypublishedFOCUS-HFtrialisone             vidual trials that evaluated BMC therapy                          ings support a model in which CD34
of the first reported studies of autologous     in similar patients.1,30-32 The modest im-                        and CD133 cells might improve myo-
BMC therapy in patients with ischemic           provement in LVEF in our study is con-                            cardial oxygenation and LV function in
heart failure and low LVEF.14 That phase        sistent and may be more meaningful in                             areas of ischemia and/or hibernating
1 trial also demonstrated a lack of im-         light of the larger number of patients                            myocardium; however, further study is
provement in the measures that were se-         enrolled.                                                         needed.
lected for the current study (LVESV,               To examine this finding further, we                               In the FOCUS-HF trial,16 maximal
maximal oxygen consumption, and per-            assessed LVEF with respect to the bone                            oxygen consumption improved in the
cent reversibility on SPECT); however,          marrow characteristics of the patient.                            younger patients and was correlated
at the time the CCTRN-FOCUS was de-             Improvement in LVEF correlated with                               with cell function in an exploratory
signed,theresultsofFOCUS-HFwereun-              the percentage of CD34 and CD133                                  analysis. In the present study, maxi-
known.                                          cells in BMC samples. This correla-                               mal oxygen consumption improve-
   Power calculations for the primary           tion was based on a central bio-                                  ment was correlated with endothelial
end points selected for the current             repository assessment of cell surface                             cell function, which warrants further in-
study assumed ambitious improve-                markers present in the cell product.                              vestigation. Additional analyses of cell
ments after BMC injections in maxi-             Evaluating inherent variability in the                            function will be forthcoming from the
mal oxygen consumption of 5 mL/kg/              cell product may provide mechanistic                              CCTRN biorepository and may pro-
min, in LVESV of 22 mL, and in                  insight into the relationship between                             vide further meaningful correlations
reversibility on SPECT of 10% based             cell characteristics and both patient                             with outcome measures.
on results from a pilot study from Bra-         baseline characteristics and clinical                                Establishment of the biorepository
zil.10 Since then, exercise training in         outcomes.                                                         core laboratory by the CCTRN marks
patients with heart failure and low                Losordo et al33 recently found a re-                           an important step forward in under-
LVEF (HF-ACTION [A Controlled                   duction in angina and increased exer-                             standing the role of cell function in car-
Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exer-           cise duration with the delivery of au-                            diac cell therapy. By providing mecha-
cise Training]) resulted in only a 0.6          tologous CD34 cells in patients with                              nistic insight, cell phenotypic and
mL/kg/min improvement in maximal                refractory angina who had normal                                  functional studies will help to define
oxygen consumption using the same               LVEF (Ն55%) overall. Because base-                                meaningful end points for future stud-
protocol used in FOCUS-CCTRN.29                 line LVEF in patients in the BMC group                            ies and will aid in selecting patients
Defining end points in this field con-          (32.4%) in our study represented pa-                              most likely to receive maximal ben-
tinues to be a major challenge.                 tients with significant LV dysfunc-                               efits from autologous therapy.
©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.                                                               JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012     E7

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   Although this study enrolled more                                          SPECT sestamibi often underesti-                                                      nificant amount of myocardial viabil-
patients than previous heart failure                                       mates myocardial viability and revers-                                                   ity was noted on electromechanical
trials in patients with ischemic heart                                     ibility in patients with multivessel coro-                                               mapping. For this reason and to facili-
disease and low LVEF, the sample                                           nary artery disease compared with                                                        tate enrollment because many pa-
size was still relatively small. The                                       SPECT thallium or positron emission                                                      tients were being excluded due to the
sample size chosen required large                                          tomography.38-41 After approximately 20                                                  SPECT reversibility criterion, in No-
improvements in selected end points                                        months of enrollment in the present                                                      vember 2010 the protocol was amended
to show a significant treatment effect.                                    study, investigators noted a discrep-                                                    during the final third period of enroll-
This choice occurred principally due                                       ancy between the amount of reversibil-                                                   ment to include patients with any per-
to the paucity of data available for                                       ity present on baseline SPECT and the                                                    fusion defects (ie, fixed or reversible).
these evaluations. A large percentage                                      subsequent finding of viable myocar-                                                     This may have skewed the population
of the patients in our study had con-                                      dium by electromechanical mapping as                                                     to patients with a lesser degree of myo-
traindications for MRI, thus preclud-                                      well as the presence of angina.                                                          cardial viability, limiting the areas suit-
ing a meaningful evaluation of the                                            Even with minimal reversibility (eg,                                                  able for cell injection. In addition, the
MRI data.                                                                  1%) on baseline SPECT sestamibi, a sig-                                                  study size precludes any determina-

Figure 2. Changes in Major Outcomes Over Time by Therapy

                                              Change in left ventricular end systolic
                                              volume (LVESV) by echocardiography                                                                             Change in maximal oxygen consumption

                             160                                                                                                            35

                             140                                                                    Maximal Oxygen Consumption, mL/kg/min   30

          LVESV, mL


                              20                                                                                                            5

                               0                                                                                                            0
                                   Baseline         6 mo                  Baseline         6 mo                                                   Baseline         6 mo                   Baseline         6 mo

                                     Bone marrow                                Placebo                                                                  BMC                                    Placebo
                                    mononuclear cells                           (n = 28)                                                                (n = 52)                                (n = 27)
                                        (n = 54)

                                      Change in reversible defect by single-photon emission
                                                     computed tomography                                                                            Change in global left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)

                             100                                                                                                            60


          Reversibility, %

                                                                                                    LVEF, %

                              50                                                                                                            30



                              0                                                                                                              0
                                   Baseline         6 mo                  Baseline         6 mo                                                   Baseline         6 mo                   Baseline         6 mo

                                          BMC                                   Placebo                                                                  BMC                                    Placebo
                                         (n = 52)                               (n = 25)                                                                (n = 54)                                (n = 28)

Solid circles indicate mean values at baseline and 6 months. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals.

E8   JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012                                                                                                       ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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tion of the effect of therapy on the oc-                    Geither, Bowman, Francescon, Piller, Zierold, Vojvodic,      The CCTRN also acknowledges its industry partners:
                                                            Moye.  ´                                                     Biosafe, Biologics Delivery Systems Group, and Cordis
currence of community-wide ac-                              Analysis and interpretation of data: Perin, Willerson,       Corporation for their contributions of equipment and
cepted clinical outcomes (eg, total                         Pepine, Henry, Ellis, Zhao, Silva, Lai, Thomas,              technical support during the conduct of the trial.
                                                            Kronenberg, Martin, Penn, Hatzopoulos, Gee, Taylor,          Role of the Sponsor: The NHLBI had a role in the de-
mortality), which must be addressed in                      Cogle, Baraniuk, Piller, Simpson, Loghin, Aguilar,           sign and conduct of the study; and had a minimal role
larger forthcoming studies. Although                        Richman, Zierold, Vojvodic, Gordon, Ebert, Kwak,             in the collection, management, analysis, or interpre-
there was a difference in LVEF in an ex-                    Moye, Simari.
                                                                   ´                                                     tation of the data; and preparation, review, or ap-
                                                            Drafting of the manuscript: Perin, Willerson, Pepine,        proval of the manuscript.
ploratory analysis, its clinical signifi-                   Ellis, Silva, Westbrook, Geither, Moye, Simari.
                                                                                                      ´                  NHLBI Project Office Team: Sonia Skarlatos, PhD, Da-
cance is conditional.                                       Critical revision of the manuscript for important in-        vid Gordon, MD, PhD, Ray Ebert, PhD, Wendy Taddei-
                                                            tellectual content: Perin, Willerson, Pepine, Henry,         Peters, PhD, Minjung Kwak, PhD, and Beckie Cham-
                                                            Zhao, Silva, Lai, Thomas, Kronenberg, Martin,                berlin.
CONCLUSIONS                                                 Anderson, Traverse, Penn, Anwaruddin, Hatzopoulos,           CCTRN Steering Committee Chair: Robert Simari, MD.
                                                            Gee, Taylor, Cogle, Smith, Westbrook, Chen,                  FOCUS Trial Investigators and Clinical Teams: Min-
In the largest study to date of autolo-                                                                                  neapolis Heart Institute Foundation: Timothy Henry,
                                                            Handberg, Olson, Bowman, Francescon, Baraniuk,
gous BMC therapy in patients with                           Piller, Simpson, Loghin, Aguilar, Richman, Zierold,          MD, Jay Traverse, MD, David McKenna, MD, Beth
                                                                                                                         Jorgenson, RN, and Rachel Olson, RN, MS. Cleve-
chronic ischemic heart disease and LV                       Bettencourt, Sayre, Vojvodic, Skarlatos, Gordon, Ebert,
                                                                                                                         land Clinic Foundation: Stephen Ellis, MD, Marc Penn,
                                                            Kwak, Moye, Simari.
dysfunction, we found no effect of BMC                      Statistical analysis: Lai, Thomas, Baraniuk, Vojvodic,
                                                                                                                         MD, PhD, Saif Anwaruddin, MD, James Harvey, MD,
                                                                                                                         Carrie Geither, RN, Mark Jarosz, RN, Cindy Oblak, and
therapy on prespecified end points. Fur-                    Moye.  ´
                                                                                                                         Jane Reese Koc, MT. Texas Heart Institute: James
ther exploratory analysis showed a sig-                     Obtained funding: Willerson, Pepine, Penn,                   Willerson, MD, Emerson Perin, MD, PhD, Guilherme
                                                            Hatzopoulos, Taylor, Handberg, Piller, Simpson.              Silva, MD, James Chen, RN, Casey Kappenman,
nificant improvement in LVEF associ-                        Administrative, technical, or material support: Perin,       Deirdre Smith, RN, and Lynette Westbrook, RN, MS.
ated with treatment. Our findings                           Willerson, Pepine, Zhao, Thomas, Kronenberg, Martin,         University of Florida Department of Medicine: Carl
                                                            Anderson, Traverse, Smith, Westbrook, Chen,
provide evidence for further studies to                     Handberg, Olson, Bowman, Francescon, Piller,
                                                                                                                         Pepine, MD, Barry Byrne, MD, Christopher Cogle, MD,
                                                                                                                         David Anderson, MD, John Wingard, MD, Eileen
determine the relationship between the                      Simpson, Aguilar, Bettencourt, Sayre, Vojvodic,              Handberg, PhD, Tempa Curry, RN, and Diann Fisk,
composition and function of bone mar-                       Gordon, Ebert.                                               MT. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine: David
                                                            Study supervision: Willerson, Zhao, Thomas,                  Zhao, MD, Antonis Hatzopoulos, PhD, Allen Naftilan,
row product and clinical end points.                        Hatzopoulos, Simpson, Loghin, Skarlatos, Kwak,               MD, Sherry Bowman, RN, Judy Francescon, RN, and
Understanding these relationships will                      Simari.                                                      Karen Prater.
                                                            Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have com-      Data Coordinating Center and Laboratory Teams: Uni-
improve the design and interpretation                       pleted and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure           versity of Texas School of Public Health: Lemuel Moye,
of future studies of cardiac cell therapy.                  of Potential Conflicts of Interest. All of the authors re-   MD, PhD, Lara Simpson, PhD, Linda Piller, MD, MPH,
                                                            ported receiving research grant funding and support          Sarah Baraniuk, PhD, Dejian Lai, PhD, Shreela Sharma,
Published Online: March 24, 2012. doi:10.1001               for travel expenses to meetings for the Cardiovascu-         PhD, Judy Bettencourt, MPH, Shelly Sayre, MPH, Ra-
/jama.2012.418                                              lar Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN) from the           chel Vojvodic, MPH, Larry Cormier, Robert Brown,
Author Affiliations: Texas Heart Institute, St Luke’s       National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Dr        PhD, Diane Eady, Crystal Maitland, MBA, Courtney
Episcopal Hospital, Houston (Drs Perin, Willerson,          Perin reported serving as a consultant to Amorcyte,          Ransom, Maybelle Sison, RN, and Michelle Cohen.
and Silva, Mss Smith and Westbrook, and Mr                  Teva, Cytori, and Aldagen. Dr Pepine reported receiv-        Baylor College of Medicine: Adrian Gee, PhD, Sara
Chen); School of Medicine (Drs Pepine, Anderson,            ing research grants from Baxter, BDI, Amrin, Angio-          Richman, and David Aguilar, MD. University of Texas
Cogle, and Handberg) and College of Public Health           blast, Neostem, Harvest Technologies, Daiichi San-           Medical School: Catalin Loghin, MD. Cleveland Clinic
and Health Professions (Dr Martin), University of           kyo, Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, and GlaxoSmithKline. Dr        C5 Research Imaging Core: James Thomas, MD, Al-
Florida, Gainesville; Minneapolis Heart Institute at        Henry reported serving on steering committees for and        len Borowski, Annitta Flinn, and Cathy McDowell (echo
Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Min-             receiving research grants from Aastrom and Meso-             core laboratory). Vanderbilt University School of Medi-
nesota (Drs Henry and Traverse and Ms Olson);               blast. Dr Martin reported receiving research grants from     cine: Marvin Kronenberg, MD, Doreen Judd, and Amy
School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Min-           the University of Texas to provide an exercise testing       Wright (SPECT core laboratory). University of Florida
neapolis (Drs Henry, Traverse, Taylor, and Zierold);        core laboratory and received financial support for travel    Department of Physical Therapy: Daniel Martin, PhD,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio (Drs           expenses. Dr Penn reported receiving research grants         PT, Eileen Handberg, PhD (maximal oxygen consump-
Ellis and Thomas and Ms Geither); School of Medi-           from Athersys Inc; serving as a board member for Ju-         tion core laboratory). Center for Cardiovascular Re-
cine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee           ventas Therapeutics; serving as a consultant to Juven-       pair: Doris Taylor, PhD, Claudia Zierold, PhD, and Mar-
(Drs Zhao, Kronenberg, and Hatzopoulos and Mss              tas Therapeutics and Aastrom Biosciences; and hold-          jorie Carlson (biorepository core in Minnesota).
Bowman and Francescon); Schools of Public Health            ing patents, receiving royalties, and owning stock in        University of Florida Department of Medicine: Chris-
(Drs Lai, Baraniuk, Piller, Simpson, and Moye and ´         Juventas Therapeutics. Dr Hatzopoulos reported re-           topher R. Cogle, MD, and Elizabeth Wise (bioreposi-
Mss Bettencourt, Sayre, and Vojvodic) and Medi-             ceiving payment for lectures from Washington Uni-            tory core in Florida).
cine (Dr Loghin), University of Texas, Houston;             versity, University of Minnesota, and Tennessee State        Additional Contributions: We thank the NHLBI
Northeast Ohio Medical University, Akron (Dr                University. Dr Taylor reported receiving payment             gene and cell therapies data and safety monitoring
Penn); Penn Heart and Vascular Hospital, University         for a lecture at an annual meeting of the Cell Society.      board and the protocol review committee for their
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Dr Anwaruddin);              Dr Handberg reported receiving grants from Baxter,           review and guidance of the FOCUS trial and
College of Medicine, Baylor University, Houston,            BDI, Amrin, Angioblast, Neostem, Harvest Technolo-           Rebecca A. Bartow, PhD, of the Texas Heart Insti-
Texas (Drs Gee and Aguilar and Ms Richman);                 gies, Daiichi Sankyo, Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, and           tute at St Luke’s Episcopal Hospital for editorial
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute,                  GlaxoSmithKline. Ms Olson reported receiving re-             assistance. Dr Bartow was not financially compen-
Bethesda, Maryland (Drs Skarlatos, Gordon, Ebert,           search grants from Mesoblast and Aastrom. Ms Gei-            sated for her contribution.
and Kwak); and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota            ther reported receiving support for travel expenses to
(Dr Simari).                                                meetings from the Cleveland Clinic. Dr Aguilar re-
Author Contributions: Dr Moye had full access to all
                                 ´                          ported being a consultant to Amylin Pharmaceutical           REFERENCES
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©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.                                                                     JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012           E9

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Daily Dose Equities - Effect of Transendocardial Delivery

  • 1. ORIGINAL CONTRIBUTION ONLINE FIRST Effect of Transendocardial Delivery of Autologous Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells on Functional Capacity, Left Ventricular Function, and Perfusion in Chronic Heart Failure The FOCUS-CCTRN Trial Emerson C. Perin, MD, PhD, James T. Context Previous studies using autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMCs) in Willerson, MD, Carl J. Pepine, MD, Timothy D. patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy have demonstrated safety and suggested efficacy. Henry, MD, Stephen G. Ellis, MD, David X. M. Objective To determine if administration of BMCs through transendocardial injec- Zhao, MD, Guilherme V. Silva, MD, Dejian Lai, tions improves myocardial perfusion, reduces left ventricular end-systolic volume (LVESV), PhD, James D. Thomas, MD, Marvin W. or enhances maximal oxygen consumption in patients with coronary artery disease or LV dysfunction, and limiting heart failure or angina. Kronenberg, MD, A. Daniel Martin, PhD, PT, R. David Anderson, MD, MS, Jay H. Traverse, Design, Setting, and Patients A phase 2 randomized double-blind, placebo- controlled trial of symptomatic patients (New York Heart Association classification II- MD, Marc S. Penn, MD, PhD, Saif III or Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification II-IV) with a left ventricular ejec- Anwaruddin, MD, Antonis K. Hatzopoulos, tion fraction of 45% or less, a perfusion defect by single-photon emission tomography PhD, Adrian P. Gee, PhD, Doris A. Taylor, (SPECT), and coronary artery disease not amenable to revascularization who were re- ceiving maximal medical therapy at 5 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute– PhD, Christopher R. Cogle, MD, Deirdre sponsored Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN) sites between April Smith, RN, Lynette Westbrook, RN, James 29, 2009, and April 18, 2011. Chen, RN, Eileen Handberg, PhD, Rachel E. Intervention Bone marrow aspiration (isolation of BMCs using a standardized au- Olson, RN, MS, Carrie Geither, RN, Sherry tomated system performed locally) and transendocardial injection of 100 million BMCs or placebo (ratio of 2 for BMC group to 1 for placebo group). Bowman, RN, Judy Francescon, RN, Sarah Main Outcome Measures Co-primary end points assessed at 6 months: changes Baraniuk, PhD, Linda B. Piller, MD, MPH, in LVESV assessed by echocardiography, maximal oxygen consumption, and revers- Lara M. Simpson, PhD, Catalin Loghin, MD, ibility on SPECT. Phenotypic and functional analyses of the cell product were per- David Aguilar, MD, Sara Richman, Claudia formed by the CCTRN biorepository core laboratory. Zierold, PhD, Judy Bettencourt, MPH, Shelly Results Of 153 patients who provided consent, a total of 92 (82 men; average age: L. Sayre, MPH, Rachel W. Vojvodic, MPH, 63 years) were randomized (n=61 in BMC group and n=31 in placebo group). Changes in LVESV index (−0.9 mL/m2 [95% CI, −6.1 to 4.3]; P=.73), maximal oxygen con- Sonia I. Skarlatos, PhD, David J. Gordon, MD, sumption (1.0 [95% CI, −0.42 to 2.34]; P=.17), and reversible defect (−1.2 [95% CI, PhD, Ray F. Ebert, PhD, Minjung Kwak, PhD, −12.50 to 10.12]; P=.84) were not statistically significant. There were no differences Lemuel A. Moye, MD, PhD, ´ found in any of the secondary outcomes, including percent myocardial defect, total defect size, fixed defect size, regional wall motion, and clinical improvement. Robert D. Simari, MD Conclusion Among patients with chronic ischemic heart failure, transendocardial in- for the Cardiovascular Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN) jection of autologous BMCs compared with placebo did not improve LVESV, maximal oxygen consumption, or reversibility on SPECT. C ELL THERAPY HAS EMERGED AS Trial Registration Identifier: NCT00824005 an innovative approach for JAMA. 2012;307(16):doi:10.1001/jama.2012.418 treating patients with ad- Author Affiliations and a list of the CCTRN study group vanced ischemic heart dis- studies have been performed primarily are listed at the end of this article. Corresponding Author: Lemuel A. Moye, MD, PhD, ´ ease, including those with refractory an- using autologous stem/progenitor University of Texas, 1200 Pressler, W-848, Houston, gina and/or heart failure. Early clinical cells.1-13 In patients with ischemic heart TX 77030 ( ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 E1 Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 2. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE disease and heart failure, treatment with administration of 100ϫ106 total BMCs formity of cell preparation. Briefly, autologous bone marrow mononuclear improves measures of LV performance approximately 80 to 100 mL of bone mar- cells (BMCs) has demonstrated safety and perfusion at 6 months compared row was aspirated from the iliac crest and has suggested efficacy.10,14-17 with baseline levels. using standard techniques. The aspirate None of the clinical trials per- Briefly, we enrolled patients aged 18 was processed with a closed, automated formed to date, however, have been years or older with clinically stable coro- cell processing system21 (Sepax, Biosafe powered to evaluate specific efficacy nary artery disease, LV ejection frac- SA). Composition of CD34 and CD133 measures. In addition, autologous cell tion (LVEF) of 45% or less, limiting an- cells was determined by flow cytom- therapy trials have usually enrolled gina (Canadian Cardiovascular Society etry. After the cells passed stipulated lot older patients with acute or chronic left [CCS] class II-IV) and/or congestive release criteria, including viability ventricular (LV) dysfunction without heart failure (New York Heart Associa- (Ͼ70%) and sterility, randomization was evaluating the effect of these param- tion [NYHA] class II-III), a perfusion performed by the data coordinating cen- eters or cell function on clinical out- defect by single-photon emission com- ter. Treatment assignment was masked come. These factors are important puted tomography (SPECT), and no re- to all but 1 designated cell processing because ischemic heart failure has the vascularization options while receiv- team member at each center not involved potential to limit the beneficial influ- ing guideline-based medical therapy.20 in patient care. The target dose was ences of cellular effects.6,18 The study was conducted at the 5 100ϫ106 total BMCs. The BMC final The present study was undertaken by CCTRN centers; the organizational product was suspended in normal saline the National Heart, Lung, and Blood In- structure and oversight of the CCTRN containing 5% human serum albumin stitute–sponsored Cardiovascular Cell have been described.20 The protocol was and adjusted to a concentration of Therapy Research Network (CCTRN).19 reviewed and approved by the local in- 100ϫ106 cells in 3 mL distributed into It builds on work from a pilot study in stitutional review boards at each cen- three 1-mL syringes. The placebo group Brazil,10 which in turn led to the first ter. All patients provided written in- received a cell-free suspension in the phase 1 randomized trial of autologous formed consent. same volume. BMC therapy for heart failure in the Randomization was computer- Within 12 hours of aspiration, BMCs United States (FOCUS-HF) approved by generated and used variable block sizes or placebo were delivered in 15 sepa- the US Food and Drug Administra- of 6 or 9, randomly selected and strati- rate injections (0.2 mL each) to LV en- tion.16 These initial studies showed that fied by center. All randomized patients docardial regions identified as viable transendocardial delivery of BMCs was underwent baseline testing, bone mar- (unipolar voltage Ն6.9 mV) by elec- feasible and appeared safe in patients row harvesting, and automated cell pro- tromechanical mapping as described with chronic heart failure due to multi- cessing that was performed locally.20 Pa- elsewhere.20 A 2-dimensional echocar- vessel coronary artery disease.10,16 Al- tients were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to diogram was performed immediately af- though these preliminary studies also receive either BMCs or a placebo (cell- ter the injection procedure and on the evaluated LV function, perfusion, and free) preparation. The cell-containing or next day before hospital discharge. Se- functional capacity, a definitive assess- cell-free preparation was delivered to vi- rial measurements of creatine kinase, ment of efficacy was not possible due to able myocardial regions identified dur- creatine kinase MB, and troponin also the small number of patients. Thus, the ing electromechanical mapping of the LV were obtained. All patients remained in present trial was designed as a larger endocardial surface (NOGA, Biologics the hospital overnight and were then study to investigate the effects of tran- Delivery Systems, Cordis Corpora- discharged with instructions for guide- sendocardial-delivered BMCs in pa- tion). All caregivers and patients were line-recommended therapy. Patients tients with chronic ischemic heart dis- masked to treatment. At 6 months, all were examined for safety and efficacy ease and LV dysfunction with heart baseline testing was repeated in an iden- at 6 months. All events deemed to be failure and/or angina.20 tical fashion. potential major adverse clinical events Baseline assessments have been de- were assessed by 2 independent cardi- METHODS scribed.20 Demographic and clinical ologists not affiliated with any clinical A phase 2 randomized double-blind, pla- variables were determined by inter- site and masked to treatment assign- cebo-controlled trial, FOCUS-CCTRN view and documented from each pa- ment. Follow-up for safety continues (First Mononuclear Cells injected in the tient’s medical record. Race and eth- (up to 12 months postintervention) United States conducted by the CCTRN) nicity were recorded as self-described with annual telephone calls at 2, 3, 4, was designed to evaluate the safety and by the patients. and 5 years postintervention. efficacy of BMCs in patients with chronic Cell harvesting and processing pro- The CCTRN established a cell bio- ischemic heart disease and LV dysfunc- cedures for all CCTRN protocols have repository core laboratory to advance tion who have no other revasculariza- been reported.21,22 Rigorous automated the understanding of the relationship tion options. The primary objective was methods for local cell processing were between cell product characteristics to determine whether transendocardial implemented to ensure quality and uni- (composition or phenotype and func- E2 JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 3. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE tion) and clinical outcomes.23 The re- The 3 prespecified primary end Prespecified subgroup analyses for maining processed cells (unused cells points of change (6-month follow-up hypothesis generation examined the ef- in the BMC group and all cells from pa- minus baseline) in LVESV, maximal fects of treatment stratified by age, sex, tients in the placebo group) were oxygen consumption, and defect size race, diabetes, serum BNP levels in pa- shipped to the biorepository core labo- on SPECT were compared between the tients with heart failure, preexisting co- ratory with patient consent. BMC group and the control group. morbidity, number of endothelial Echocardiographic measurements For each co-primary end point, a colony forming cells, and baseline were performed by an echocardiogra- sample size was computed based on es- LVEF. Two-sided significance testing phy core laboratory according to pub- timates of the effect size and the stan- was used; P values of less than .05 were lished guidelines24 and included LV dard deviation of the difference from the deemed statistically significant. end-systolic volume (LVESV), LV end- prior data.20 Type I error was appor- diastolic volume, regional wall mo- tioned at the .05 level to be conducted RESULTS tion, and LVEF. Myocardial contrast at 80% power with 10% of patients an- Screening commenced in March 2009 was used to enhance endocardial defi- ticipated as lost to follow-up. All test- and 153 patients provided consent. Be- nition. These measurements were com- ing was 2-sided. The study was de- tween April 29, 2009, and April 18, puted using the biplane rule methods signed to detect a mean difference 2011, 92 patients were randomized of Simpson as described by Maret et al.25 between the 2 groups of 27 mL for (n=61 in BMC group and n=31 in pla- The LV volume data were normalized LVESV, 5 mL/kg/min for maximal oxy- cebo group). Of the 273 patients for body surface area and indexed data gen consumption, and 10 absolute per- screened, most were excluded due to are presented. centage points for reversible ische- not having evidence of reversibility SPECT or adenosine myocardial per- mia. To ensure adequate power for each (prior to protocol amendment during fusion tests were performed to identify of the 3 end points, the sample size was the final third period of enrollment) or changes in ischemic (reversible) de- computed for each one, and the maxi- having an LVEF greater than 45% fects from rest and after adenosine infu- mum sample size was selected.20 This (FIGURE 1).27 sion over 4 minutes (or if contraindi- produced a sample size of 86 patients, Briefly, this was an older, white male cated, with a regadenoson bolus) using which was administratively increased population (TABLE 1). Most (76%) pa- standardized protocols. To enhance vi- to 92 patients (31 in the placebo group tients had an implantable cardioverter- ability detection on resting images, sub- and 61 in the BMC group). No type I defibrillator. No statistically significant lingual nitroglycerin was administered error adjustment for multiple compari- differences were seen in baseline char- 15 minutes before injection of techne- sons was incorporated because this was acteristics between the BMC and pla- tium Tc 99m sestamibi for the resting im- a phase 2 study. cebo groups, except for greater ranola- age. Changes in fixed perfusion defects All statistical analyses were con- zine use in the BMC group (TABLE 2), by SPECT also were measured. ducted using SAS version 9.2 (SAS In- which was consistent with more pa- Maximal oxygen consumption was stitute Inc).26 Descriptive statistics for tients with CCS class II to IV angina in assessed by using the Naughton tread- baseline characteristics were generated the BMC group. The mean (SD) LVEF mill protocol. Blood flow improve- for demographic variables, medical his- on the qualifying echocardiogram was ment was examined by magnetic reso- tory, physical examination, laboratory 32.4% (9.2%) in the BMC group and nance imaging (MRI) in patients without data, and clinical events. ␹2 Statistics and 30.2% (7.8%) in the placebo group. MRI contraindications. t tests were used to evaluate the differ- All randomized patients had their Clinical improvement by CCS classi- ences between the 2 study groups. Gen- bone marrow processed with Ficoll fication, NYHA classification, and change eral linear modeling techniques as- using the automated Sepax device.21 The in antianginal medications was ex- sessed the effects of treatment on the mean (SD) volume of bone marrow har- plored. Serum brain-type natriuretic pep- continuous primary and secondary out- vested was 93.7 (8.3) mL. The mean tide (BNP) levels were collected in pa- comes of the study. Both unadjusted and (SD) time from aspiration to product tients with congestive heart failure, and baseline covariate-adjusted treatment ef- injection was 8.9 (1.2) hours in the changes in the levels were assessed at 6 fects were computed. Dichotomous sec- BMC group and 8.6 (2.2) hours in the months. Major adverse clinical events ondary end points (ie, clinical improve- placebo group. were assessed and defined as new ment at 6 months, change in CCS Of the 92 patients randomized, 5 pa- myocardial infarction, rehospitaliza- anginal score and NYHA class, de- tients were identified as having a le- tion for percutaneous coronary inter- crease in weekly need for antianginal sion suitable for percutaneous revas- vention in treated coronary artery terri- medication [nitrates]) were analyzed cularization (although no patient had tories, death, and rehospitalization for using ␹2 and Fisher exact tests. The time- such a lesion identified on the qualify- non–myocardial infarction acute coro- to-event end points (ie, major adverse ing angiogram). Per protocol, these 5 nary syndrome or congestive heart clinical events) could not be reliably as- patients underwent revascularization failure. sessed due to the paucity of events. rather than receive the study product. ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 E3 Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 4. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE A sixth patient experienced a limited of 100ϫ106 nucleated cells, which con- A total of 54 patients in the BMC group retrograde catheter-related dissection of tained an average of 2.6% of CD34 cells and 28 patients in the placebo group had the abdominal aorta that precluded and 1.2% of CD133 cells. Five of these paired LVESV data at baseline and at 6 study product delivery. patients had harvests that contained less months (FIGURE 2). The mean (SD) Electromechanical map–guided injec- than 100 million cells (99.9, 99.6, 99, 80, LVESV index (LVESVI) at baseline was tion of cells or placebo was conducted and 61 million cells). The other patient 57.9 (26.1) mL/m2 in the BMC group per protocol in the remaining 86 pa- experienced recurrent ventricular tachy- and 65.0 (19.8) mL/m2 in the placebo tients. Mean viability of the cell prod- cardia with hypotension after each in- group. At 6 months, the mean (SD) uct (Trypan blue exclusion) was 98.6% jection and received only a small vol- LVESVI was 57.0 (25.5) mL/m2 in the (TABLE 3). In the BMC group, all but 6 ume of cell product (approximately 13 BMC group and 65.0 (23.3) mL/m2 in patients received the targeted total dose million cells). the placebo group. The difference in the change in LVESVI between the BMC group and the placebo group was not Figure 1. Flow Diagram of Patients in FOCUS-CCTRN Trial statistically significant (−0.9 mL/m2 [95% CI, −6.1 to 4.3]; P=.73). 273 Assessed for eligibility A total of 52 patients in the BMC group and 27 patients in the placebo 181 Excluded 116 Did not meet eligibility criteria group had paired maximal oxygen con- 55 No reversible ischemia sumption data at baseline and at 6 32 Other cardiac conditions 29 Left ventricular ejection fraction >45% months (Figure 2). The mean (SD) base- 27 Refused to participate line maximal oxygen consumption was 38 Other reasons 14.6 (3.8) mL/kg/min in the BMC group and 15.3 (4.6) mL/kg/min in the pla- 92 Randomized cebo group. At 6 months, the mean (SD) maximal oxygen consumption was 15.0 61 Randomized to receive transendocardial injection 31 Randomized to receive placebo (4.5) mL/kg/min in the BMC group and of 100 million bone marrow mononuclear cells 2 Did not receive intervention as randomized 4 Did not receive intervention as randomized (revascularizable lesion found at time 14.7 (5.1) mL/kg/min in the placebo 3 Revascularizable lesion found at time of intervention) group. The difference in the change in of intervention 1 Catheter-related dissection of abdominal aorta maximal oxygen consumption be- tween the BMC group and placebo group Primary analysis Primary analysis was not statistically significant (1.0 [95% 54 Assessed for changes in left ventricular end- 28 Assessed for changes in LVESV by CI, −0.42 to 2.34]; P=.17). systolic volume (LVESV) by echocardiography echocardiography 7 Excluded 3 Excluded A total of 52 patients in the BMC 1 Other 1 Other group and 25 patients in the placebo 2 Too ill 0 Transplant 1 Lost to follow-up 1 LVAD placement group had paired SPECT evaluations at 1 Death 1 No show baseline and at 6 months (Figure 2). The 1 LVAD placement mean (SD) percent reversible defect dur- 1 No show 27 Assessed for changes in maximal oxygen consumption ing the baseline period was 25.1% 52 Assessed for changes in maximal oxygen 4 Excluded (27.8%) in the BMC group and 11.8% consumption 0 Other 9 Excluded 1 Transplant (20.4%) in the placebo group. At 6 2 Other 1 LVAD placement months, the mean (SD) percent revers- 3 Too ill 1 No show ible defect was 21.3% (26.6%) in the 1 Lost to follow-up 1 Death 26 Assessed for changes in perfusion defect BMC group and 9.2% (9.1%) in the pla- by SPECT 1 LVAD placement 5 Excluded cebo group. The difference in the change 1 No show 2 Other for percent reversible defect between the 50 Assessed for changes in perfusion defect 1 Transplant BMC group and placebo group was not by single-photon emission computed 1 LVAD placement tomography (SPECT) 1 No show statistically significant (−1.2 [95% CI, 11 Excluded −12.50 to 10.12]; P=.84). 4 Other 3 Too ill There were no significant differ- 1 Lost to follow-up ences in the change between the 2 1 Death groups over time for percent total myo- 1 LVAD placement 1 No show cardial defect (−0.9 [95% CI, −5.0 to 3.3]), total defect size (−1.6 [95% CI, FOCUS-CCTRN indicates First Mononuclear Cells injected in the United States conducted by the Cardiovas- −5.1 to 1.9]), or fixed defect size (−0.7 cular Cell Therapy Research Network. [95% CI, −4.8 to 3.4]). E4 JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 5. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE The small number of patients with- Findings for stroke volume were simi- CD34 was 0.5% to 6.9% (SD, 1.2%). As- out contraindications for MRI (n = 17) lar, with a mean (SD) increase of 2.7 suming that differences of 1.96 for SD precluded performing an informative (12.9) mL in the BMC group and a de- or 2.4% are more likely due to biologi- analysis on the MRI data. There were crease of −5.8 (15.2) mL in the placebo cal variability, the effect of differences no significant differences in the change group; this difference was significant (8.4 in CD34 cell level beyond that ex- between the 2 groups in regional wall [95% CI, 2.1 to 14.8]; P=.01). pected due to natural variability was ex- motion (−0.1 [95% CI, −0.30 to 0.14]; In an exploratory analysis, BMC amined, using a 3% level to be conser- P=.47) and LV end-diastolic volume in- therapy was associated with an improve- vative. Every 3% higher level of CD34 dex (2.5 [95% CI, −4.4 to 9.3]; P=.48). ment in maximal oxygen consumption cells was associated with on average a Forty percent of patients in the BMC for patients with number of endothelial 3.0% greater absolute unit increase in group and 47% of patients in the pla- colony-forming cells greater than the me- LVEF in a multiple variable model that cebo group were NYHA class III at base- dian value of 80 (change: 2.5 [95% CI, included age and treatment as predictor line. The decrease over time in the per- 0.16 to 4.88]). However the interaction variables (3.06 [95% CI, 0.14-5.98]; centage of patients in the BMC group test for this assessment was not signifi- P=.04). An analogous computation for who were NYHA class III was statisti- cant (interaction effect size: 2.61 [95% CD133 cells (range, 0.1%-3.6%; cally significant (40% vs 20%; for differ- CI, −0.30 to 5.51]; P=.08). SD=0.62) revealed that every 3% higher ence: 95% CI, 3% to 37%; P=.02); there A regression analysis showed that level of CD133 cells was associated with was no significant difference in the analo- higher CD34 cell or CD133 cell counts on average a 5.9% greater absolute unit gous change for the placebo group. How- were associated with greater absolute increase in LVEF (5.94% [95% CI, ever, when the between-group analysis unit increase in LVEF. The range of 0.35%-7.57%]; P=.04). was applied, this finding was not statis- tically significant. Similarly, there were Table 1. Patient Baseline Characteristics no significant differences in the change BMC Group Placebo Group P in CCS class (difference in the percent (n = 61) (n = 31) Value change: 0.18 [95% CI, −0.07 to 0.43]; Mean (SD) Age, y 63.95 (10.90) 62.32 (8.25) .47 P=.49), serum BNP levels (regular BNP: Height, cm 174.50 (8.79) 177.42 (9.60) .15 −40.3 pg/mL [95% CI, −120.2 to 39.7]; Weight, kg 91.53 (22.00) 99.99 (24.23) .10 P=.32 and probrain-type natriuretic pep- Body mass index a 30.10 (6.14) 31.80 (6.60) .23 tide: 150.2 pg/mL [95% CI, −1215.2 to Blood pressure, mm Hg 1515.6]; P=.82), or decrease in the need Systolic 120.59 (19.69) 122.13 (15.78) .71 for antianginal medication between the Diastolic 70.95 (11.18) 74.77 (10.35) .12 2 groups at 6 months (2 in BMC group Heart rate, beats/min and 0 in placebo group; difference in the Mean (SD) 67.90 (10.45) 72.61 (13.60) .07 percent change: 0.04 [95% CI, −0.01 to Median (range) 65.00 (51.00-100.00) 70.00 (49.00-107.00) 0.09]; P=.28). No. (%) Female sex 8 (13.11) 2 (6.45) .49 Subgroup analyses examined the ef- White race 58 (95.08) 30 (96.77) Ͼ.99 fects of demographics, comorbidities Hispanic ethnicity 3 (4.92) 1 (3.23) Ͼ.99 (age, sex, diabetes mellitus, hyperten- New York Heart Association sion, angina, and hyperlipidemia), and classification cell surface markers (CD34 and CD133) I 6 (9.84) 2 (6.45) on end point measures. There were no II 32 (52.46) 14 (45.16) .59 significant differences. Additional out- III 23 (37.70) 15 (48.39) comes were examined for exploratory IV 0 0 purposes. Canadian Cardiovascular (n = 54) (n = 25) Society classification The baseline LVEF was available in 54 I 13 (24.07) 10 (40.00) patients in the BMC group and in 28 pa- II 24 (44.44) 10 (40.00) tients in the placebo group. The mean .45 III 16 (29.63) 5 (20.00) (SD) baseline LVEF was 34.7% (8.8%) IV 1 (1.85) 0 in the BMC group and 32.3% (8.6%) in Qualifying LVEF by echocardiography, (n = 60) (n = 31) .25 the placebo group. At 6 months, the mean (SD), % 32.43 (9.23) 30.19 (7.76) mean (SD) LVEF change was an in- Aspiration to injection time, h (n = 58) (n = 29) crease of 1.4% (5.2%) in the BMC group Mean (SD) 8.95 (1.18) 8.56 (2.22) .28 and a decrease of −1.3% (5.1%) in the Median (range) 9.01 (6.52-11.40) 8.98 (0.22-11.40) placebo group. This difference was sig- Abbreviations: BMC, bone marrow mononuclear cell; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction. a Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. nificant (2.7 [95% CI, 0.3 to 5.1]; P=.03). ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 E5 Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 6. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE The patients were divided based on significant effect of therapy was seen for cent reversibility on SPECT) for age. No median age of the population (Յ62 the primary end points (LVESV, maxi- significant differences were seen on the years and Ͼ62 years). No statistically mal oxygen consumption, and per- secondary end points or cell product variables in the subgroup analysis, ex- cept for those described below. Table 2. Baseline Patient Medical History, Medication Use at Time of Randomization, and Laboratory Evaluations When LVEF was assessed, patients No. (%) of Patients a aged 62 years or younger showed a sta- tistically significant effect of therapy. Pa- BMC Group Placebo Group P tients in the BMC group demon- (n = 61) (n = 31) Value Medical history strated a mean (SD) increase in LVEF Diabetes 21 (34.43) 16 (51.61) .12 of 3.1% (5.2%) from baseline to 6 Hypertension 49 (80.33) 24 (77.42) .79 months, whereas patients in the pla- Hyperlipidemia 57 (93.44) 29 (93.55) Ͼ.99 cebo group showed a decrease of −1.6% Angina 21 (34.43) 12 (38.71) .82 (6.6%). The difference in the change be- Former or current smoking 46 (75.41) 20 (64.52) .33 tween groups was significant (4.7% Prior myocardial infarction (n = 57) (n = 31) Ͼ.99 [95% CI, 1.0% to 8.4%]; P =.02). 53 (92.98) 29 (93.55) There were no in-hospital events Prior revascularization 51 (83.61) 26 (83.87) Ͼ.99 Prior coronary artery bypass graft surgery 47 (77.05) 25 (80.65) .79 (other than the dissection noted ear- No. of operations lier). One patient died 29 days after 1 33 (70.21) 21 (84.00) BMC delivery due to pump failure, 2 13 (27.66) 4 (16.00) .39 which was deemed unlikely to be as- 3 1 (2.13) 0 sociated with cell therapy. Another pa- Congestive heart failure tient had a myocardial infarction 61 Yes 36 (59.02) 20 (64.52) .66 days after BMC delivery; the infarc- Prior hospitalization 14 (22.95) 9 (29.03) .61 tion did not occur in the targeted in- Asymptomatic carotid disease 11 (18.03) 3 (9.68) .37 History of stroke or transient ischemic attack 8 (13.11) 1 (3.23) .26 jection area, and the patient was dis- Valvular heart disease 18 (29.51) 8 (25.81) .81 charged from the hospital 4 days later. Peripheral vascular disease 13 (21.31) 3 (9.68) .25 There were no rehospitalizations in History of arrhythmia (n = 56) (n = 28) Ͼ.99 either group for percutaneous coro- 29 (51.79) 14 (50.00) nary intervention prior to the 6-month Cardiac pacemaker 42 (68.85) 23 (74.19) .64 visit. Eight patients (3 in the BMC group Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 3 (4.92) 2 (6.45) Ͼ.99 and 5 in the placebo group) were re- Dual chamber pacing 17 (18.5) 10 (10.9) .81 hospitalized for congestive heart fail- Medication use at time of randomization ure, with 1 additional patient in the ACE inhibitor or ARB 37 (60.66) 22 (70.97) .37 Aldosterone inhibitor 9 (14.75) 8 (25.81) .26 BMC group rehospitalized for acute Aspirin/P2 Y12 53 (86.89) 29 (93.55) .49 coronary syndrome during this same ␤-Blockers 57 (93.44) 30 (96.77) .66 time frame. One patient in the pla- Warfarin 10 (16.39) 4 (12.90) .77 cebo group underwent heart transplan- Digitalis 4 (6.56) 4 (12.90) .44 tation, and 2 other patients (1 in each Diuretics 41 (67.21) 23 (74.19) .63 group) had LV assist device place- Nitrates 39 (63.93) 18 (58.06) .65 ments before the 6-month visit. Statins 44 (72.13) 21 (67.74) .81 Ranolazine 21 (34.43) 3 (9.68) .01 COMMENT Laboratory evaluations, median (range) The CCTRN was developed by the Na- Hemoglobin, g/dL 14.0 (10.0-16.9) 14.3 (12.4-16.6) .21 tional Heart, Lung, and Blood Insti- High-sensitivity C-reactive protein, mg/L (n = 54) (n = 29) .60 1.4 (0.1-37.0) 1.1 (0-86.4) tute to advance cell therapy for pa- Glomerular filtration rate, mL/min/1.73 m2 (n = 58) (n = 29) .96 tients with cardiovascular diseases by 71.2 (29.6-155.4) 70.1 (30.5-107.3) using a collaborative network ap- Brain-type natriuretic peptide, pg/mL (n = 46) (n = 23) .68 proach to facilitate larger studies with 132.0 (16.0-545.0) 105.0 (26.0-140.0) Probrain natriuretic peptide, pg/mL (n = 15) (n = 8) .95 wide applicability. The FOCUS-CCTRN 833.0 (50.0-9793.0) 828.0 (103.0-5778.0) trial is the first, to our knowledge, ad- Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; BMC, bone marrow mono- equately powered study of cell therapy nuclear cell. SI conversion factors: To convert C-reactive protein to nmol/L, multiply by 9.524; hemoglobin to g/L, multiply by 10.0; in patients with chronic ischemic heart natriuretic peptide to ng/L, multiply by 1.0. a Unless otherwise indicated. disease and LV dysfunction (LVEF Յ45%) to be completed in the United E6 JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 7. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE States. We found no significant differ- Table 3. Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Product Characteristics ences in a priori selected primary end Mean (SD) points between patients treated with BMCs and placebo in this first-in-man BMC Group Placebo Group P (n = 61) (n = 31) Value study that administered 100 million Total nucleated cells/product, ϫ 106 99.03 (5.58) 100.03 (0.18) .32 cells via transendocardial injection. The % Viability/product by Trypan blue exclusion 98.56 (1.11) 98.70 (0.89) .52 protocol randomized 92 patients from % of CD34 cells/product a (n = 57) (n = 30) .67 a cohort of 153 patients who provided 2.71 (1.19) 2.60 (0.93) consent, demonstrating the efficiency % of CD133 cells/product a (n = 57) (n = 30) .59 and expertise of network recruiting as 1.21 (0.62) 1.14 (0.48) well as the perceived need by the com- Colony-forming units-Hill/product a (n = 55) (n = 30) .40 109.41 (206.29) 151.33 (244.20) munity with heart failure for therapy Endothelial colony-forming cells/product a (n = 49) (n = 28) .60 to address this disease. 131.84 (164.62) 156.44 (240.12) Primary end points used in previous Abbreviation: BMC, bone marrow mononuclear cell. a Four patients either declined to participate or had insufficient product for the biorepository. celltherapytrialsofheartfailurehavebeen arbitrarily chosen due to lack of sufficient historical data in stem/progenitor cell trials. In these previous studies of patients In the present phase 2 study, explor- tion, a meaningful comparison of the with ischemic heart disease, both LVEF atory analyses revealed that LVEF im- results of the 2 studies is difficult. How- (by echocardiography) and myocardial proved in the BMC group compared ever, both CD133 and CD34 cell popu- ischemia (by SPECT) were used to mea- with the placebo group by 2.7%. This lations have been shown to give rise to sure outcomes of interest and suggested difference is in keeping with results endothelial and vascular progenitor improvement.5,28 However,thesetrialsen- from a previous meta-analysis of BMC cells and to secrete chemokines and cy- rolled patients with mostly preserved therapy in patients with chronic ische- tokines capable of recruiting cells and LVEF (ranging from 48% to 56%). The mic heart disease and in smaller, indi- promoting cell survival.34-37 These find- recentlypublishedFOCUS-HFtrialisone vidual trials that evaluated BMC therapy ings support a model in which CD34 of the first reported studies of autologous in similar patients.1,30-32 The modest im- and CD133 cells might improve myo- BMC therapy in patients with ischemic provement in LVEF in our study is con- cardial oxygenation and LV function in heart failure and low LVEF.14 That phase sistent and may be more meaningful in areas of ischemia and/or hibernating 1 trial also demonstrated a lack of im- light of the larger number of patients myocardium; however, further study is provement in the measures that were se- enrolled. needed. lected for the current study (LVESV, To examine this finding further, we In the FOCUS-HF trial,16 maximal maximal oxygen consumption, and per- assessed LVEF with respect to the bone oxygen consumption improved in the cent reversibility on SPECT); however, marrow characteristics of the patient. younger patients and was correlated at the time the CCTRN-FOCUS was de- Improvement in LVEF correlated with with cell function in an exploratory signed,theresultsofFOCUS-HFwereun- the percentage of CD34 and CD133 analysis. In the present study, maxi- known. cells in BMC samples. This correla- mal oxygen consumption improve- Power calculations for the primary tion was based on a central bio- ment was correlated with endothelial end points selected for the current repository assessment of cell surface cell function, which warrants further in- study assumed ambitious improve- markers present in the cell product. vestigation. Additional analyses of cell ments after BMC injections in maxi- Evaluating inherent variability in the function will be forthcoming from the mal oxygen consumption of 5 mL/kg/ cell product may provide mechanistic CCTRN biorepository and may pro- min, in LVESV of 22 mL, and in insight into the relationship between vide further meaningful correlations reversibility on SPECT of 10% based cell characteristics and both patient with outcome measures. on results from a pilot study from Bra- baseline characteristics and clinical Establishment of the biorepository zil.10 Since then, exercise training in outcomes. core laboratory by the CCTRN marks patients with heart failure and low Losordo et al33 recently found a re- an important step forward in under- LVEF (HF-ACTION [A Controlled duction in angina and increased exer- standing the role of cell function in car- Trial Investigating Outcomes of Exer- cise duration with the delivery of au- diac cell therapy. By providing mecha- cise Training]) resulted in only a 0.6 tologous CD34 cells in patients with nistic insight, cell phenotypic and mL/kg/min improvement in maximal refractory angina who had normal functional studies will help to define oxygen consumption using the same LVEF (Ն55%) overall. Because base- meaningful end points for future stud- protocol used in FOCUS-CCTRN.29 line LVEF in patients in the BMC group ies and will aid in selecting patients Defining end points in this field con- (32.4%) in our study represented pa- most likely to receive maximal ben- tinues to be a major challenge. tients with significant LV dysfunc- efits from autologous therapy. ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 E7 Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 8. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE Although this study enrolled more SPECT sestamibi often underesti- nificant amount of myocardial viabil- patients than previous heart failure mates myocardial viability and revers- ity was noted on electromechanical trials in patients with ischemic heart ibility in patients with multivessel coro- mapping. For this reason and to facili- disease and low LVEF, the sample nary artery disease compared with tate enrollment because many pa- size was still relatively small. The SPECT thallium or positron emission tients were being excluded due to the sample size chosen required large tomography.38-41 After approximately 20 SPECT reversibility criterion, in No- improvements in selected end points months of enrollment in the present vember 2010 the protocol was amended to show a significant treatment effect. study, investigators noted a discrep- during the final third period of enroll- This choice occurred principally due ancy between the amount of reversibil- ment to include patients with any per- to the paucity of data available for ity present on baseline SPECT and the fusion defects (ie, fixed or reversible). these evaluations. A large percentage subsequent finding of viable myocar- This may have skewed the population of the patients in our study had con- dium by electromechanical mapping as to patients with a lesser degree of myo- traindications for MRI, thus preclud- well as the presence of angina. cardial viability, limiting the areas suit- ing a meaningful evaluation of the Even with minimal reversibility (eg, able for cell injection. In addition, the MRI data. 1%) on baseline SPECT sestamibi, a sig- study size precludes any determina- Figure 2. Changes in Major Outcomes Over Time by Therapy Change in left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV) by echocardiography Change in maximal oxygen consumption 160 35 140 Maximal Oxygen Consumption, mL/kg/min 30 120 25 100 LVESV, mL 20 80 15 60 10 40 20 5 0 0 Baseline 6 mo Baseline 6 mo Baseline 6 mo Baseline 6 mo Bone marrow Placebo BMC Placebo mononuclear cells (n = 28) (n = 52) (n = 27) (BMC) (n = 54) Change in reversible defect by single-photon emission computed tomography Change in global left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 100 60 90 50 80 70 40 Reversibility, % 60 LVEF, % 50 30 40 20 30 20 10 10 0 0 Baseline 6 mo Baseline 6 mo Baseline 6 mo Baseline 6 mo BMC Placebo BMC Placebo (n = 52) (n = 25) (n = 54) (n = 28) Solid circles indicate mean values at baseline and 6 months. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. E8 JAMA, Published online March 24, 2012 ©2012 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Downloaded from by guest on March 26, 2012
  • 9. BONE MARROW MONONUCLEAR CELLS FOR CHRONIC HEART FAILURE tion of the effect of therapy on the oc- Geither, Bowman, Francescon, Piller, Zierold, Vojvodic, The CCTRN also acknowledges its industry partners: Moye. ´ Biosafe, Biologics Delivery Systems Group, and Cordis currence of community-wide ac- Analysis and interpretation of data: Perin, Willerson, Corporation for their contributions of equipment and cepted clinical outcomes (eg, total Pepine, Henry, Ellis, Zhao, Silva, Lai, Thomas, technical support during the conduct of the trial. Kronenberg, Martin, Penn, Hatzopoulos, Gee, Taylor, Role of the Sponsor: The NHLBI had a role in the de- mortality), which must be addressed in Cogle, Baraniuk, Piller, Simpson, Loghin, Aguilar, sign and conduct of the study; and had a minimal role larger forthcoming studies. Although Richman, Zierold, Vojvodic, Gordon, Ebert, Kwak, in the collection, management, analysis, or interpre- there was a difference in LVEF in an ex- Moye, Simari. ´ tation of the data; and preparation, review, or ap- Drafting of the manuscript: Perin, Willerson, Pepine, proval of the manuscript. ploratory analysis, its clinical signifi- Ellis, Silva, Westbrook, Geither, Moye, Simari. ´ NHLBI Project Office Team: Sonia Skarlatos, PhD, Da- cance is conditional. Critical revision of the manuscript for important in- vid Gordon, MD, PhD, Ray Ebert, PhD, Wendy Taddei- tellectual content: Perin, Willerson, Pepine, Henry, Peters, PhD, Minjung Kwak, PhD, and Beckie Cham- Zhao, Silva, Lai, Thomas, Kronenberg, Martin, berlin. CONCLUSIONS Anderson, Traverse, Penn, Anwaruddin, Hatzopoulos, CCTRN Steering Committee Chair: Robert Simari, MD. Gee, Taylor, Cogle, Smith, Westbrook, Chen, FOCUS Trial Investigators and Clinical Teams: Min- In the largest study to date of autolo- neapolis Heart Institute Foundation: Timothy Henry, Handberg, Olson, Bowman, Francescon, Baraniuk, gous BMC therapy in patients with Piller, Simpson, Loghin, Aguilar, Richman, Zierold, MD, Jay Traverse, MD, David McKenna, MD, Beth Jorgenson, RN, and Rachel Olson, RN, MS. Cleve- chronic ischemic heart disease and LV Bettencourt, Sayre, Vojvodic, Skarlatos, Gordon, Ebert, land Clinic Foundation: Stephen Ellis, MD, Marc Penn, Kwak, Moye, Simari. ´ dysfunction, we found no effect of BMC Statistical analysis: Lai, Thomas, Baraniuk, Vojvodic, MD, PhD, Saif Anwaruddin, MD, James Harvey, MD, Carrie Geither, RN, Mark Jarosz, RN, Cindy Oblak, and therapy on prespecified end points. Fur- Moye. ´ Jane Reese Koc, MT. Texas Heart Institute: James ther exploratory analysis showed a sig- Obtained funding: Willerson, Pepine, Penn, Willerson, MD, Emerson Perin, MD, PhD, Guilherme Hatzopoulos, Taylor, Handberg, Piller, Simpson. Silva, MD, James Chen, RN, Casey Kappenman, nificant improvement in LVEF associ- Administrative, technical, or material support: Perin, Deirdre Smith, RN, and Lynette Westbrook, RN, MS. ated with treatment. Our findings Willerson, Pepine, Zhao, Thomas, Kronenberg, Martin, University of Florida Department of Medicine: Carl Anderson, Traverse, Smith, Westbrook, Chen, provide evidence for further studies to Handberg, Olson, Bowman, Francescon, Piller, Pepine, MD, Barry Byrne, MD, Christopher Cogle, MD, David Anderson, MD, John Wingard, MD, Eileen determine the relationship between the Simpson, Aguilar, Bettencourt, Sayre, Vojvodic, Handberg, PhD, Tempa Curry, RN, and Diann Fisk, composition and function of bone mar- Gordon, Ebert. MT. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine: David Study supervision: Willerson, Zhao, Thomas, Zhao, MD, Antonis Hatzopoulos, PhD, Allen Naftilan, row product and clinical end points. Hatzopoulos, Simpson, Loghin, Skarlatos, Kwak, MD, Sherry Bowman, RN, Judy Francescon, RN, and Understanding these relationships will Simari. Karen Prater. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: The authors have com- Data Coordinating Center and Laboratory Teams: Uni- improve the design and interpretation pleted and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure versity of Texas School of Public Health: Lemuel Moye, of future studies of cardiac cell therapy. of Potential Conflicts of Interest. All of the authors re- MD, PhD, Lara Simpson, PhD, Linda Piller, MD, MPH, ported receiving research grant funding and support Sarah Baraniuk, PhD, Dejian Lai, PhD, Shreela Sharma, Published Online: March 24, 2012. doi:10.1001 for travel expenses to meetings for the Cardiovascu- PhD, Judy Bettencourt, MPH, Shelly Sayre, MPH, Ra- /jama.2012.418 lar Cell Therapy Research Network (CCTRN) from the chel Vojvodic, MPH, Larry Cormier, Robert Brown, Author Affiliations: Texas Heart Institute, St Luke’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Dr PhD, Diane Eady, Crystal Maitland, MBA, Courtney Episcopal Hospital, Houston (Drs Perin, Willerson, Perin reported serving as a consultant to Amorcyte, Ransom, Maybelle Sison, RN, and Michelle Cohen. and Silva, Mss Smith and Westbrook, and Mr Teva, Cytori, and Aldagen. Dr Pepine reported receiv- Baylor College of Medicine: Adrian Gee, PhD, Sara Chen); School of Medicine (Drs Pepine, Anderson, ing research grants from Baxter, BDI, Amrin, Angio- Richman, and David Aguilar, MD. University of Texas Cogle, and Handberg) and College of Public Health blast, Neostem, Harvest Technologies, Daiichi San- Medical School: Catalin Loghin, MD. Cleveland Clinic and Health Professions (Dr Martin), University of kyo, Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, and GlaxoSmithKline. Dr C5 Research Imaging Core: James Thomas, MD, Al- Florida, Gainesville; Minneapolis Heart Institute at Henry reported serving on steering committees for and len Borowski, Annitta Flinn, and Cathy McDowell (echo Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, Min- receiving research grants from Aastrom and Meso- core laboratory). Vanderbilt University School of Medi- nesota (Drs Henry and Traverse and Ms Olson); blast. Dr Martin reported receiving research grants from cine: Marvin Kronenberg, MD, Doreen Judd, and Amy School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Min- the University of Texas to provide an exercise testing Wright (SPECT core laboratory). University of Florida neapolis (Drs Henry, Traverse, Taylor, and Zierold); core laboratory and received financial support for travel Department of Physical Therapy: Daniel Martin, PhD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio (Drs expenses. Dr Penn reported receiving research grants PT, Eileen Handberg, PhD (maximal oxygen consump- Ellis and Thomas and Ms Geither); School of Medi- from Athersys Inc; serving as a board member for Ju- tion core laboratory). Center for Cardiovascular Re- cine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee ventas Therapeutics; serving as a consultant to Juven- pair: Doris Taylor, PhD, Claudia Zierold, PhD, and Mar- (Drs Zhao, Kronenberg, and Hatzopoulos and Mss tas Therapeutics and Aastrom Biosciences; and hold- jorie Carlson (biorepository core in Minnesota). Bowman and Francescon); Schools of Public Health ing patents, receiving royalties, and owning stock in University of Florida Department of Medicine: Chris- (Drs Lai, Baraniuk, Piller, Simpson, and Moye and ´ Juventas Therapeutics. Dr Hatzopoulos reported re- topher R. Cogle, MD, and Elizabeth Wise (bioreposi- Mss Bettencourt, Sayre, and Vojvodic) and Medi- ceiving payment for lectures from Washington Uni- tory core in Florida). cine (Dr Loghin), University of Texas, Houston; versity, University of Minnesota, and Tennessee State Additional Contributions: We thank the NHLBI Northeast Ohio Medical University, Akron (Dr University. Dr Taylor reported receiving payment gene and cell therapies data and safety monitoring Penn); Penn Heart and Vascular Hospital, University for a lecture at an annual meeting of the Cell Society. board and the protocol review committee for their of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Dr Anwaruddin); Dr Handberg reported receiving grants from Baxter, review and guidance of the FOCUS trial and College of Medicine, Baylor University, Houston, BDI, Amrin, Angioblast, Neostem, Harvest Technolo- Rebecca A. Bartow, PhD, of the Texas Heart Insti- Texas (Drs Gee and Aguilar and Ms Richman); gies, Daiichi Sankyo, Pfizer, Gilead Sciences, and tute at St Luke’s Episcopal Hospital for editorial National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, GlaxoSmithKline. Ms Olson reported receiving re- assistance. Dr Bartow was not financially compen- Bethesda, Maryland (Drs Skarlatos, Gordon, Ebert, search grants from Mesoblast and Aastrom. Ms Gei- sated for her contribution. and Kwak); and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota ther reported receiving support for travel expenses to (Dr Simari). meetings from the Cleveland Clinic. Dr Aguilar re- Author Contributions: Dr Moye had full access to all ´ ported being a consultant to Amylin Pharmaceutical REFERENCES of the data in the study and takes responsibility for in the area of diabetes and heart failure. the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data Funding/Support: Funding for this trial was provided 1. Abdel-Latif A, Bolli R, Tleyjeh IM, et al. Adult bone analysis. by the NHLBI under cooperative agreement 5 U01 marrow-derived cells for cardiac repair. Arch Intern Study concept and design: Perin, Willerson, Pepine, HL087318-04. It also was supported in part by NHLBI Med. 2007;167(10):989-997. Henry, Zhao, Silva, Lai, Thomas, Kronenberg, Traverse, contracts N01-HB-37164 and HHSN268201000008C 2. Beeres SL, Bax JJ, Dibbets-Schneider P, et al. 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