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Impact of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention on the Levels
                     of Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein in the Coronary
                      Circulation of Subjects With Coronary Artery Disease
   Mahmoud M. Ramadan, MD*, Makoto Kodama, PhD, Wataru Mitsuma, MD, Masahiro Ito, PhD,
               Takeshi Kashimura, MD, Taruna Ikrar, MD, Satoru Hirono, PhD,
                        Yuji Okura, PhD, and Yoshifusa Aizawa, PhD
                  Many clinical studies have evaluated the inflammatory response (mainly interleukin [IL]-6
                  and C-reactive protein [CRP]) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients
                  with coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of this study was to verify the source of
                  possible elevation of IL-6 and CRP after PCI using coronary sinus sampling. We studied
                  87 subjects who underwent coronary angiography for diagnostic, therapeutic, or follow-up
                  purposes. Blood samples were taken by the PCI team during the catheterization study from
                  the coronary sinus. We measured coronary IL-6 levels by sandwich enzyme-linked immu-
                  nosorbent assay, and high-sensitivity CRP levels were measured by latex immunoneph-
                  elometry. The subjects were then classified according to their coronary angiographic
                  findings into non-CAD (no evidence of significant organic CAD), mild CAD (1 vessel
                  narrowed), and severe CAD (>2 vessels narrowed) groups. PCI (including stent deploy-
                  ment) was performed in 16 patients with CAD. The mean coronary IL-6 value was higher
                  in the severe than in the mild CAD group (3.67 2.48 vs 2.3 1.15 pg/ml, p 0.027). The
                  mean coronary IL-6 value was higher in the subjects who underwent PCI than in those who
                  did not (2.9 1.23 vs 1.87 0.9 pg/ml, p 0.037), and the same was found regarding CRP
                  (1.244     0.72 vs 0.498     0.51 mg/L, p    0.032). The coronary IL-6 values correlated
                  positively with the coronary CRP values (r 0.374, p 0.017). In conclusion, the increase
                  in coronary IL-6 and CRP levels after PCI in patients with CAD might be attributed to
                  their release from the coronary atheroma secondary to the direct mechanical effect applied
                  on the atheroma itself by balloon inflation and stent deployment. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All
                  rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2006;98:915–917)

The present report was aimed at studying the impact of                        ogists. A significant lesion was defined as 75% stenosis of
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on the levels of                     the arterial luminal diameter on coronary angiography by
interleukin (IL)-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the cor-                   visual assessment according to the American College of
onary circulation of patients with coronary artery disease                    Cardiology/American Heart Association lesion classifica-
(CAD) and to verify the source of possible postprocedural                     tion scheme.1 The subjects were then classified according to
elevation of these markers using coronary sinus sampling.                     their coronary angiographic findings into non-CAD (no ev-
                                                                              idence of significant organic CAD), mild CAD (1 vessel
Methods and Results                                                           narrowed), and severe CAD ( 2 vessels narrowed) groups.
The study group consisted of 87 subjects who were consec-                     PCI (including stent deployment) was performed in 16 pa-
utively admitted to the cardiology section of Niigata Uni-                    tients with CAD, and it was considered successful when a
versity Hospital from September 2004 to May 2005 because                      visually estimated reduction of stenosis to 50% residual
of suspected or already diagnosed CAD. The baseline clin-                     narrowing occurred after the procedure.
ical characteristics of the studied subjects are listed in Table                  Heparinized blood samples (5 ml each) were taken dur-
1. All subjects underwent coronary angiography for diag-                      ing the coronary angiographic session from the coronary
nostic, therapeutic, or follow-up purposes. Coronary lesions                  sinus by the PCI team immediately after completion of the
were characterized by 3 experienced interventional cardiol-                   coronary procedures. We recorded coronary sinus images at
                                                                              the venous phase of left coronary angiography. A right
    Division of Cardiology, First Department of Medicine, Niigata Uni-
                                                                              Judkins catheter was inserted into the coronary sinus using
versity Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan.       a right jugular vein approach. Adequate posture was verified
Manuscript received February 16, 2006; revised manuscript received April      by simultaneous fluoroscopy of the frontal and lateral
21, 2006 and accepted April 25, 2006.                                         views. The obtained blood samples were then centrifuged at
    Dr. Ramadan was supported by a research grant from the Japanese
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Tokyo, Japan.
                                                                              3,000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4°C, and the sera were collected
    *Corresponding author: Tel: 81-25-227-2185; fax: 81-25-227-0774.          and immediately stored frozen at 80°C in small tubes for
    E-mail address: (M. Ramadan).                  future assay. In the coronary sinus sera, we measured the

0002-9149/06/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.                                    
916                                             The American Journal of Cardiology (

Table 1
Baseline characteristics of the study population (n   87)
Variable                                                       Statistic

Age (yrs)                                                    67.9 9.8
Men/women                                                       60/27
Body mass index (kg/m2)                                        24 3.3
Smoker (current)                                              45 (52%)
Hypertension (essential)                                      56 (64%)
Diabetes mellitus                                             29 (33%)
CAD angiographic grade
 Control (no significant organic coronary artery stenosis)     24 (28%)
 Mild CAD (1 vessel narrowed)                                 33 (38%)
 Severe CAD ( 2 vessels narrowed)                             30 (34%)
 Angiotensin-converting enzyme                                45 (52%)
    inhibitors/angiotensin-receptor blockers
   -adrenergic receptor blockers                              25 (29%)
 Statins                                                      38 (44%)

  Values are presented as mean    SD or number of subjects (percentages).
                                                                              Figure 2. Mean coronary sinus CRP values in relation to existence and
                                                                              severity of CAD.

                                                                              cient. Differences were considered significant at a 2-sided
                                                                              p 0.05.
                                                                                  The mean coronary IL-6 value was significantly higher in
                                                                              the severe than in the mild CAD group (3.67 2.48 vs 2.3
                                                                              1.15 pg/ml, respectively, p 0.027). The mean coronary IL-6
                                                                              value was significantly higher in patients with CAD who un-
                                                                              derwent PCI compared with those who did not (2.9 1.23 vs
                                                                              1.87      0.9 pg/ml, respectively, p   0.037; Figure 1). Simi-
                                                                              larly, the mean coronary CRP value was significantly higher in
                                                                              patients with CAD who underwent PCI compared with those
                                                                              who did not (1.244 0.72 vs 0.498 0.51 mg/L, respectively,
                                                                              p      0.032; Figure 1). Although not statistically significant
                                                                              (p 0.05, 1-way analysis of variance test), the coronary CRP
                                                                              mean values showed a trend to increase as the existence and
                                                                              severity of CAD increased (0.64        0.62, 0.87    0.72, and
                                                                              0.94 0.66 mg/L for the non-CAD, mild CAD, and severe
Figure 1. Mean coronary sinus IL-6 and CRP values in relation to PCI use      CAD groups, respectively; Figure 2). The coronary IL-6 values
in patients with CAD. ANOVA analysis of variance.                             correlated positively with the coronary CRP values (r 0.374,
                                                                              p 0.017).

IL-6 levels with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits
(Pelikine Compact, Sanqin Reagents, Amsterdam, The                            Discussion
Netherlands) using the “sandwich enzyme-linked immu-                          Many clinical studies have evaluated the inflammatory re-
nosorbent assay” principle. High-sensitivity CRP levels                       sponse (mainly IL-6 and CRP) after PCI in patients with
were measured using the latex immunonephelometry tech-                        CAD,2–7 and they have reported conflicting results about the
nique.                                                                        source of elevation of these inflammatory markers, whether
   Data analyses were performed using Statistical Package                     local (by way of their release from the coronary atheroma)
for Social Sciences for Windows, version 13 (SPSS, Inc.,                      or systemic. However, in all these studies, peripheral blood
Chicago, Illinois). The normality of the distribution of the                  samples were assayed; thus, the data obtained could not
values of the different variables was checked using the                       precisely prove or rule out the coronary source of inflam-
1-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The results for contin-                     matory response after PCI. In our study, we tried to ap-
uous variables are expressed as mean SD. Differences in                       proach the coronary station as proximally as possible, so
the means of the continuous variables were assessed using                     that the assayed blood samples could represent—to a high
the 2-tailed Student’s t test. Correlation between continuous                 degree of confidence—the immediate IL-6 and CRP release
variables was assessed by the Pearson correlation coeffi-                      dynamics in the coronary milieu in response to PCI.
Coronary Artery Disease/Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein                                                917

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The American Journal of Cardiology

  • 1. Impact of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention on the Levels of Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein in the Coronary Circulation of Subjects With Coronary Artery Disease Mahmoud M. Ramadan, MD*, Makoto Kodama, PhD, Wataru Mitsuma, MD, Masahiro Ito, PhD, Takeshi Kashimura, MD, Taruna Ikrar, MD, Satoru Hirono, PhD, Yuji Okura, PhD, and Yoshifusa Aizawa, PhD Many clinical studies have evaluated the inflammatory response (mainly interleukin [IL]-6 and C-reactive protein [CRP]) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). The aim of this study was to verify the source of possible elevation of IL-6 and CRP after PCI using coronary sinus sampling. We studied 87 subjects who underwent coronary angiography for diagnostic, therapeutic, or follow-up purposes. Blood samples were taken by the PCI team during the catheterization study from the coronary sinus. We measured coronary IL-6 levels by sandwich enzyme-linked immu- nosorbent assay, and high-sensitivity CRP levels were measured by latex immunoneph- elometry. The subjects were then classified according to their coronary angiographic findings into non-CAD (no evidence of significant organic CAD), mild CAD (1 vessel narrowed), and severe CAD (>2 vessels narrowed) groups. PCI (including stent deploy- ment) was performed in 16 patients with CAD. The mean coronary IL-6 value was higher in the severe than in the mild CAD group (3.67 2.48 vs 2.3 1.15 pg/ml, p 0.027). The mean coronary IL-6 value was higher in the subjects who underwent PCI than in those who did not (2.9 1.23 vs 1.87 0.9 pg/ml, p 0.037), and the same was found regarding CRP (1.244 0.72 vs 0.498 0.51 mg/L, p 0.032). The coronary IL-6 values correlated positively with the coronary CRP values (r 0.374, p 0.017). In conclusion, the increase in coronary IL-6 and CRP levels after PCI in patients with CAD might be attributed to their release from the coronary atheroma secondary to the direct mechanical effect applied on the atheroma itself by balloon inflation and stent deployment. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2006;98:915–917) The present report was aimed at studying the impact of ogists. A significant lesion was defined as 75% stenosis of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on the levels of the arterial luminal diameter on coronary angiography by interleukin (IL)-6 and C-reactive protein (CRP) in the cor- visual assessment according to the American College of onary circulation of patients with coronary artery disease Cardiology/American Heart Association lesion classifica- (CAD) and to verify the source of possible postprocedural tion scheme.1 The subjects were then classified according to elevation of these markers using coronary sinus sampling. their coronary angiographic findings into non-CAD (no ev- idence of significant organic CAD), mild CAD (1 vessel Methods and Results narrowed), and severe CAD ( 2 vessels narrowed) groups. The study group consisted of 87 subjects who were consec- PCI (including stent deployment) was performed in 16 pa- utively admitted to the cardiology section of Niigata Uni- tients with CAD, and it was considered successful when a versity Hospital from September 2004 to May 2005 because visually estimated reduction of stenosis to 50% residual of suspected or already diagnosed CAD. The baseline clin- narrowing occurred after the procedure. ical characteristics of the studied subjects are listed in Table Heparinized blood samples (5 ml each) were taken dur- 1. All subjects underwent coronary angiography for diag- ing the coronary angiographic session from the coronary nostic, therapeutic, or follow-up purposes. Coronary lesions sinus by the PCI team immediately after completion of the were characterized by 3 experienced interventional cardiol- coronary procedures. We recorded coronary sinus images at the venous phase of left coronary angiography. A right Division of Cardiology, First Department of Medicine, Niigata Uni- Judkins catheter was inserted into the coronary sinus using versity Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan. a right jugular vein approach. Adequate posture was verified Manuscript received February 16, 2006; revised manuscript received April by simultaneous fluoroscopy of the frontal and lateral 21, 2006 and accepted April 25, 2006. views. The obtained blood samples were then centrifuged at Dr. Ramadan was supported by a research grant from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Tokyo, Japan. 3,000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4°C, and the sera were collected *Corresponding author: Tel: 81-25-227-2185; fax: 81-25-227-0774. and immediately stored frozen at 80°C in small tubes for E-mail address: (M. Ramadan). future assay. In the coronary sinus sera, we measured the 0002-9149/06/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.amjcard.2006.04.034
  • 2. 916 The American Journal of Cardiology ( Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population (n 87) Variable Statistic Age (yrs) 67.9 9.8 Men/women 60/27 Body mass index (kg/m2) 24 3.3 Smoker (current) 45 (52%) Hypertension (essential) 56 (64%) Diabetes mellitus 29 (33%) CAD angiographic grade Control (no significant organic coronary artery stenosis) 24 (28%) Mild CAD (1 vessel narrowed) 33 (38%) Severe CAD ( 2 vessels narrowed) 30 (34%) Medications Angiotensin-converting enzyme 45 (52%) inhibitors/angiotensin-receptor blockers -adrenergic receptor blockers 25 (29%) Statins 38 (44%) Values are presented as mean SD or number of subjects (percentages). Figure 2. Mean coronary sinus CRP values in relation to existence and severity of CAD. cient. Differences were considered significant at a 2-sided p 0.05. The mean coronary IL-6 value was significantly higher in the severe than in the mild CAD group (3.67 2.48 vs 2.3 1.15 pg/ml, respectively, p 0.027). The mean coronary IL-6 value was significantly higher in patients with CAD who un- derwent PCI compared with those who did not (2.9 1.23 vs 1.87 0.9 pg/ml, respectively, p 0.037; Figure 1). Simi- larly, the mean coronary CRP value was significantly higher in patients with CAD who underwent PCI compared with those who did not (1.244 0.72 vs 0.498 0.51 mg/L, respectively, p 0.032; Figure 1). Although not statistically significant (p 0.05, 1-way analysis of variance test), the coronary CRP mean values showed a trend to increase as the existence and severity of CAD increased (0.64 0.62, 0.87 0.72, and 0.94 0.66 mg/L for the non-CAD, mild CAD, and severe Figure 1. Mean coronary sinus IL-6 and CRP values in relation to PCI use CAD groups, respectively; Figure 2). The coronary IL-6 values in patients with CAD. ANOVA analysis of variance. correlated positively with the coronary CRP values (r 0.374, p 0.017). IL-6 levels with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits (Pelikine Compact, Sanqin Reagents, Amsterdam, The Discussion Netherlands) using the “sandwich enzyme-linked immu- Many clinical studies have evaluated the inflammatory re- nosorbent assay” principle. High-sensitivity CRP levels sponse (mainly IL-6 and CRP) after PCI in patients with were measured using the latex immunonephelometry tech- CAD,2–7 and they have reported conflicting results about the nique. source of elevation of these inflammatory markers, whether Data analyses were performed using Statistical Package local (by way of their release from the coronary atheroma) for Social Sciences for Windows, version 13 (SPSS, Inc., or systemic. However, in all these studies, peripheral blood Chicago, Illinois). The normality of the distribution of the samples were assayed; thus, the data obtained could not values of the different variables was checked using the precisely prove or rule out the coronary source of inflam- 1-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The results for contin- matory response after PCI. In our study, we tried to ap- uous variables are expressed as mean SD. Differences in proach the coronary station as proximally as possible, so the means of the continuous variables were assessed using that the assayed blood samples could represent—to a high the 2-tailed Student’s t test. Correlation between continuous degree of confidence—the immediate IL-6 and CRP release variables was assessed by the Pearson correlation coeffi- dynamics in the coronary milieu in response to PCI.
  • 3. Coronary Artery Disease/Interleukin-6 and C-Reactive Protein 917 Our study showed that the mean coronary sinus IL-6 outcome with angioplasty for multivessel coronary disease: implications value was significantly higher in the severe CAD than in the for patient selection. Circulation 1990;82:1193–1202. 2. Bonz AW, Lengenfelder B, Jacobs M, Strotmann J, Held S, Ertl G, mild CAD patient group, and a similar, although statistically Voelker W. Cytokine response after percutaneous coronary interven- insignificant, result was found regarding the coronary CRP tion in stable angina: effect of selective glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor levels. This could suggest an association between IL-6 and antagonism. Am Heart J 2003;145:693– 699. CAD severity. IL-6 may contribute to the atherosclerotic 3. Goldberg A, Zinder O, Zdorovyak A, Diamond E, Lischinsky S, process by representing potent stimuli for vascular smooth Gruberg L, Markiewicz W, Beyar R, Aronson D. Diagnostic coronary muscle cell proliferation.8 The plasma levels of IL-6, CRP, angiography induces a systemic inflammatory response in patients with stable angina. Am Heart J 2003;146:819 – 823. and other inflammatory markers are associated with the 4. Almagor M, Keren A, Banai S. Increased C-reactive protein level after severity of atherosclerosis and the risk of cardiovascular percutaneous coronary stent implantation in patients with stable cor- events.9 Our results have shown that the mean values of onary artery disease. Am Heart J 2003;145:248 –253. coronary IL-6 and CRP were higher in those who underwent 5. Aggarwal A, Schneider DJ, Terrien EF, Gilbert KE, Dauerman HL. PCI compared with those who did not. It has been reported Increase in interleukin-6 in the first hour after coronary stenting: an that PCI elicits a systemic inflammatory response that can early marker of the inflammatory response. 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