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Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Translating Clinical
Trial Data into Clinical Practice
Kim A. Eagle, MD,a David S. Cannom, MD,b David A. Garcia, MDc
  Albion Walter Hewlett, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor; bGood Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif; cUniversity
of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque.


                  Atrial fibrillation is a supraventricular tachyarrhythmia with significant consequences in terms of morbidity
                  and mortality. In light of the limitations of available pharmacologic treatment options (suboptimal efficacy
                  plus safety and tolerability issues), atrial fibrillation management should be individualized based on patient
                  characteristics and comorbidities that could influence response to specific management approaches. The
                  importance of adequate anticoagulation should not be overlooked. This review provides a practical guide
                  for primary care physicians, internists, and cardiologists on current management strategies for atrial
                  fibrillation, based on recent guidelines and current clinical data.
                  © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. • The American Journal of Medicine (2011) 124, 4-14

                   KEYWORDS: Atrial fibrillation; Management; Treatment

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac rhythm dis-                   than 5.5 million people in the United States will have atrial
turbance encountered by physicians in clinical practice.1                   fibrillation.1
Atrial fibrillation is characterized by uncoordinated atrial                     Atrial fibrillation presents in specific patterns and can be
activation, and if not managed appropriately, may be asso-                  classified as paroxysmal (self-terminating and lasting 7
ciated with significant morbidity and mortality and a reduc-                 days), persistent (not self-terminating and lasting 7 days),
tion in quality of life.2 It is estimated that 2.3 million                  and permanent (lasting 1 year and/or refractory to cardio-
Americans and 4.5 million Europeans are affected by atrial                  version).3 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and persistent atrial
fibrillation, which predominantly impacts persons 65                         fibrillation are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may
years of age.2 By the year 2050 it is estimated that more                   experience both at different times. A patient’s atrial fibril-
                                                                            lation often is characterized based on the most frequent or
                                                                            most sustained presentation. Well-known risk factors for
    Funding: The authors received editorial support in the preparation of   atrial fibrillation include coronary artery disease (CAD),
this manuscript. The editorial assistance was provided by Mary Tom,         diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and
PharmD, and funded by sanofi-aventis US. The authors, however, were          myocardial infarction.4
fully responsible for all content and editorial decisions and received no
                                                                                In animal models, atrial fibrillation has been shown
financial support or other form of compensation related to the development
of the article.                                                             to cause electrophysiologic changes in the atrium, includ-
    Conflicts of Interest: Dr Eagle has had research grants from sanofi-      ing marked shortening of the atrial effective refractory
aventis, the Hewlett Foundation, Mardigan Foundation, and Gore.             period.5,6 With continued atrial fibrillation, contractile and
Dr Cannom has acted as Chair for Medtronic Physician Advisory Group,        structural remodeling occurs, and atrial fibrillation can be-
and has been a speaker for Boston Scientific and sanofi-aventis. Dr Garcia
                                                                            come self-sustained, no longer requiring a trigger.5,7,8 Elec-
has received research grants and/or consulting honoraria from Bristol-
Myers Squibb and Boehringer Ingelheim.                                      trical, contractile, and structural changes also have been
    Authorship: All authors participated in the preparation and review of   observed in humans, and it has been noted that the duration
the manuscript, had access to the data, and had a role in writing the       of atrial fibrillation tends to correlate well with the progres-
manuscript.                                                                 sion of these changes.9-12 In addition to shortening of the
    Reprint requests should be addressed to Kim A. Eagle, MD, University
of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Suite
                                                                            atrial effective refractory period, several other factors have
2131, SPC 5852, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5852.                                   been associated with structural remodeling in atrial fibrilla-
    E-mail address:                                        tion. These include aging, alcohol consumption, autonomic

0002-9343/$ -see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Eagle et al   Atrial Fibrillation Management                                                                                         5

activation, obesity, the use of stimulants, inflammation              fibrillation.8 Electrical remodeling, which begins soon after
caused by pericarditis or other disorders, and pulmonary             arrhythmia onset, is characterized by a shortening of the atrial
disease.                                                             refractory period. This process may be reversible upon resto-
    Hospitalizations for atrial fibrillation have increased signif-   ration of sinus rhythm. Structural remodeling, which is likely
icantly in recent years, primarily due to the increased avail-       more permanent than electrical remodeling, occurs weeks to
ability and utilization of hospital-                                                             months after the onset of the ar-
based therapeutic options including                                                              rhythmia and includes changes at
drugs and nonpharmacologic inter-                                                                both the cellular and tissue lev-
                                             CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT
ventions (eg, cardioversion).13 The                                                              els.8,19,20 Together, these pro-
escalating prevalence of atrial fi-           ● Many established options for the treat-           cesses result in contractile remod-
brillation and the need for re-                ment of atrial fibrillation have limited           eling that may facilitate atrial
peated hospitalizations and long-              efficacy and safety/tolerability issues,           fibrillation persistence and the de-
term pharmacologic treatment of                                                                  velopment of negative sequelae
                                               but newer therapies attempt to address
these patients make the condition                                                                (eg, thrombus formation and atrial
costly; one recent European sur-
                                               these issues and have promising out-              dilation). Recovery of contractility
vey showed that the mean in-                   comes from clinical trials and postmar-           after restoration of sinus rhythm is
creased annual cost of caring for a            keting surveillance.                              typically slow.
patient with atrial fibrillation is           ● Customized atrial fibrillation manage-                 The pathophysiology of atrial fi-
approximately €3200 ($5000)                    ment, assessing individual patient char-          brillation in patients with underly-
compared with a matched popula-                acteristics and comorbidities, should             ing congestive heart failure seems
tion without atrial fibrillation.14                                                               to be somewhat different. In con-
                                               guide the optimal treatment selection.
Indeed, it has been estimated that                                                               gestive heart failure, interstitial fi-
the direct cost of managing atrial                                                               brosis is found to be increased in the
fibrillation to the United Kingdom                                                                atria, leading to heterogeneity of
National Health Service accounts for 2.4% of their annual            atrial conduction and regions of slow electrical conduction,
expenditure, amounting to more than £450 million.15 Atrial           predisposing to the occurrence of atrial fibrillation.21,22 The
fibrillation is associated with a significant economic burden in       atrial fibrosis in congestive heart failure seems to be due to
the US as well. Several studies have shown that health care          upregulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
costs in the US are approximately 5 times higher for patients        and dysregulation of intracellular Ca2 homeostasis in cells
with atrial fibrillation than for those without it, and hospital-     of the atrial myocardium.23
izations are a key contributor.                                          Thorough clinical evaluation of patients who present
    Early detection and intervention potentially could de-           with certain conditions (eg, hypertension/hypertensive heart
crease the burden of atrial fibrillation on the individual and        disease, congestive heart failure, CAD, ischemic cardiomy-
society by preventing progression and related conse-                 opathy, valvular [rheumatic] heart disease, diabetes, hyper-
quences. The purpose of this review was to briefly describe           thyroidism, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea)9,24,25 can
the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation and associated se-         facilitate early atrial fibrillation detection and timely inter-
quelas, review the goals of atrial fibrillation therapy, and          vention. Of course, clinicians should remain mindful that
provide a practical management guide for internists based            atrial fibrillation can occur even in the absence of predis-
on recent guidelines and current clinical data.                      posing factors. Typically, the term “lone atrial fibrillation”
                                                                     is used to describe younger patients ( 60 years of age) who
                                                                     have atrial fibrillation in the absence of underlying cardio-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND BURDEN OF                                        pulmonary disease.3
ATRIAL FIBRILLATION                                                      Up to 40% of patients in whom atrial fibrillation is found
The pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation remains incom-             on a baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) do not experience or
pletely understood; however, it is clear that its occurrence         recognize symptoms.1 Even among those that do manifest
requires a triggering factor and an appropriate substrate to         symptoms, clinical presentation is highly variable. When
sustain re-entry.3,17 In the majority of patients, the under-        present, symptoms can include palpitations, chest pain, dys-
lying triggering mechanism is thought to involve the inter-          pnea, fatigue, lightheadedness, syncope, and polyuria. The
action of rapidly firing ectopic foci in the pulmonary veins,         hemodynamic consequences of loss of atrial contraction
into which the atrial muscle is known to extend.18 The               with resultant loss of atrioventricular (AV) synchrony, heart
mechanism for aberrant impulse origin in pulmonary veins             rate irregularity, and rapid ventricular response that are
is uncertain but may involve automaticity, triggered activ-          typically found in atrial fibrillation may each contribute in
ity, and/or re-entry.18                                              varying degrees to the manifestations of these symptoms.1
    If atrial fibrillation has been sustained for a period of             Regardless of presentation, improperly managed atrial
time, physical and molecular changes in the electrical and           fibrillation is associated with significant morbidity and mor-
structural properties of the atria (“remodeling”) occur and          tality, including a 5-fold increased risk of stroke (in the
facilitate the conversion from transient to persistent atrial        absence of anticoagulation) and a 1.5-fold to 1.9-fold in-
6                                                                   The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 124, No 1, January 2011

creased mortality risk.26 Older patients and patients with
prior stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), or those with
hypertension, heart failure, or diabetes seem to be particu-
larly susceptible to stroke.27 Atrial fibrillation also reduces
quality of life relative to healthy controls, the general pop-
ulation, and patients with other cardiovascular disease.15
Reduced quality of life is generally attributed to the dis-
comfort associated with atrial fibrillation symptoms, re-
duced exercise tolerance, and chronic fatigue.2 Recent stud-
ies aimed at objectively quantifying the reduction in quality
of life in patients with atrial fibrillation, demonstrated that
the scores on all domains of the short-form health survey
(SF-36) among patients with intermittent atrial fibrillation
were significantly (P .05) worse than those of published                   Figure 1 Cumulative mortality from any cause in the
controls with significant coronary heart disease and no atrial             rhythm-control group and the rate-control group.29 These data,
fibrillation (eg, those who had recently undergone percuta-                from the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up Investigation of Rhythm
neous transluminal coronary angioplasty or suffered a myo-                Management (AFFIRM) trial, show that there is a mortality
cardial infarction).28                                                    difference between rhythm and rate control and that patients in
                                                                          whom a rhythm-control strategy is attempted have increased
                                                                          mortality compared with patients who received rate control
GOALS OF THERAPY                                                          alone. Time zero is the day of randomization. Data have been
Practical goals of atrial fibrillation therapy are to reduce               truncated at 5 years. Reprinted from: Wyse DG, Waldo AL,
                                                                          DiMarco JP, et al. A comparison of rate control and rhythm
morbidity and mortality and improve quality of life. More
                                                                          control in patients with atrial fibrilation. N Engl J Med 2002;
specific goals are control of heart rate, correction of the
                                                                          347:1825-1833. Copyright © 2002 Massachusetts Medical So-
rhythm disturbance, and prophylaxis against thromboembo-                  ciety. All rights reserved.
lism.3 Despite the availability of both rate-control and
rhythm-control options, the fundamental issue of which of
these treatment goals to pursue has been a source of debate.2
                                                                         example, in the AFFIRM study, the rates for noncardiovascu-
The restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm should,
                                                                         lar death were 12% in the rhythm-control group versus 8% in
theoretically, be a more favorable approach compared to a
                                                                         the rate-control group (P .0008).35
rate-control strategy, given that the reduction in ventricular
                                                                             These results have led, in part, to the fact that current
filling occurring during atrial fibrillation would be reversed
                                                                         treatment guidelines generally recommend rhythm-control
by the restoration of regular rhythm, which would result in
                                                                         therapy only for patients with persistent or recurrent parox-
normalization of heart rate, gain of atrial contraction, and
                                                                         ysmal atrial fibrillation if they are associated with disabling
restoration of AV synchrony. The restoration and mainte-
                                                                         symptoms.2 It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the
nance of sinus rhythm has been shown to be associated with
                                                                         use of safer, more effective rhythm-control strategies could
reduced atrial remodeling, improved left ventricular func-
                                                                         improve the rate of attainment and maintenance of normal
tion, reduced symptoms, greater exercise tolerance, in-
                                                                         sinus rhythm and subsequently lead to significantly im-
creased ability to perform activities of daily living, and
                                                                         proved clinical outcomes.
improved quality of life. Of course, the theoretical benefit of
rhythm control relies on the availability of safe, tolerable, and
effective rhythm-control methods. However, rates of attain-              GUIDELINES
ment and maintenance of sinus rhythm have been suboptimal                Several guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation
in comparative studies such as Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up             and the associated risk for thromboembolism have been
Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM),29 Polish                    published. The authoritative American College of Cardiol-
How to Treat Chronic Atrial Fibrillation,30 Pharmacological              ogy (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA)/European
Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation,31 Rate Control vs Elec-             Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines3 advocate more of
trical Cardioversion,32 Strategies of Treatment in Atrial                an individualized approach based on symptoms, duration
Fibrillation,33 and Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart             and pattern of atrial fibrillation, comorbidities, and short-term
Failure,34 all of which failed to demonstrate a survival                 and long-term treatment goals. The ACC/AHA/ESC guide-
benefit for rhythm-control over rate-control therapy (for ex-             lines recommend that, when rhythm control is desired, the
ample, as outlined in Figure 1 from the AFFIRM Study).29                 selection of therapy includes consideration of whether treat-
This is probably because the anti-arrhythmic therapies studied           ment is for newly discovered atrial fibrillation, recurrent par-
had limited efficacy, poor tolerability, and the potential to             oxysmal atrial fibrillation, recurrent persistent atrial fibrillation,
trigger new arrhythmias. Moreover, several of the anti-arrhyth-          or permanent atrial fibrillation, and whether there are con-
mics used for rhythm control in these studies were associated            comitant conditions such as hypertension, CAD, and heart
with a significant increase in noncardiovascular deaths. For              failure (Figure 2).3 These guidelines allow for individual-
Eagle et al   Atrial Fibrillation Management                                                                                        7

                   Figure 2 American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA)/Euro-
                   pean Society of Cardiology (ESC) algorithm for the selection of maintenance anti-arrhythmic
                   drug therapy.3 It can be seen that catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation is considered second-line
                   therapy after failure of an anti-arrhythmic drug. For the clinician, the decision is made after
                   careful consideration and discussion with the patient about the risks and benefits of either
                   approach. Reprinted from Fuster et al.,3 with permission from Oxford University Press.

ization of therapy based on the specific clinical character-             tions, the potential for drug-drug and drug-food interactions,
istics of the patient. The guidelines recognize the impor-              and the need for ongoing monitoring.41 Current guidelines
tance of concomitant anticoagulation therapy in the                     advocate more liberal use of warfarin, while full-dose aspi-
management of atrial fibrillation.                                       rin may be useful for patients at low risk for stroke.3,36,37
    Data from recently completed and ongoing studies of                     Stroke risk and the identification of atrial fibrillation
newer atrial fibrillation management therapies will likely               patients who may benefit most from antithrombotic therapy
play a major role in shaping future guidelines. Several                 can be assessed by the Congestive heart failure, Hyperten-
studies are investigating important clinical endpoints that             sion, Age, Diabetes, prior Stroke risk index by assigning
more closely reflect practical treatment goals, such as the              numerical values to accepted risk factors (advanced age of
prevention of cardiovascular hospitalization and death.                    75 years old; concomitant congestive heart failure, hyper-
                                                                        tension, or diabetes; and history of stroke or TIA).27 Bleed-
BENEFITS/RISKS OF MANAGEMENT OPTIONS                                    ing risk should also be determined and weighed against the
                                                                        potential benefit before anticoagulant initiation. Factors that
Antithrombotic Treatment                                                may influence risk include patient characteristics (eg, in-
Current guidelines recommend long-term anticoagulation in               creased age, history of bleeding, presence of treated hyper-
patients with atrial fibrillation and risk factors for thrombo-          tension, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic stroke, serious
embolism, regardless of atrial fibrillation management ap-               heart disease, diabetes, renal insufficiency, alcoholism, liver
proach.3,36,37 Even patients who seem to be in normal sinus             disease, or malignancy; or genetic factors affecting drug
rhythm after atrial fibrillation remain at considerable risk for         metabolism), concomitant medications (eg, antiplatelet
stroke. For this reason, longer-term risk-based anticoagula-            drugs), and proposed intensity and length of therapy.42
tion should be prescribed even in patients receiving anti-                  The protective effects of anticoagulants have been dem-
arrhythmic drug therapy and also in patients who have                   onstrated repeatedly and are generally greater than those
undergone electrical cardioversion or radiofrequency (RF)               associated with antiplatelet therapy.43 Results of the Atrial
ablation.26,38                                                          Fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with Irbesartan for Prevention
   Despite a strong body of evidence supportive of the                  of Vascular Events44 and Birmingham Atrial Fibrillation
benefits of antithrombotic therapy, it is widely underutilized           Treatment of the Aged45 studies provide evidence of the
in the atrial fibrillation population.39,40 The reluctance of            protective effects of warfarin therapy over clopidogrel plus
clinicians to prescribe, and patients to use, warfarin likely           aspirin, and aspirin alone, respectively. However, for pa-
arises from fear of increased risk for bleeding complica-               tients unable or unwilling to assume the risks of warfarin
8                                                                       The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 124, No 1, January 2011

therapy, clopidogrel plus aspirin may reduce the risk of                       except amiodarone and propafenone, were associated with
major vascular events over aspirin alone.46                                    significant pro-arrhythmia risk.52 Rates of withdrawal due
    Other alternatives for reducing thromboembolism risk                       to adverse effects ranged from 9% to 23% and rates of
(eg, direct thrombin inhibitors) are in various stages of                      withdrawal due to pro-arrhythmia ranged from 1% to 7%.
clinical evaluation. The direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagat-                  Withdrawals due to both pro-arrhythmia and adverse events
ran was shown to be at least as effective as adjusted-dose                     were lower with amiodarone than with sodium channel
warfarin therapy for stroke/TIA prevention in noninferiority                   blockers.
trials (Stroke Prophylaxis Using an Oral Thrombin Inhibitor                       Because of the pro-arrhythmia risk, maintenance therapy
in Atrial Fibrillation III and V)47,48 but was not approved in                 with any of these agents generally should be initiated at
the United States because of concern about hepatotoxicity.                     relatively low doses and while the patient is hospitalized.
Another direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran, has been                        Clinicians should seek to identify at-risk patients via com-
shown to be at least as safe and effective as warfarin therapy                 plete medical history, physical examination, and/or electro-
in a large-scale, international, multicenter trial (Randomized                 cardiographic monitoring (Table provides typical doses of
Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy).49 Al-                          anti-arrhythmic drugs used to maintain normal sinus rhythm
though this was an open-label study, its other methodologic                    in atrial fibrillation).3 Established predisposing factors in-
strengths were significant; application for regulatory ap-                      clude QT interval 440 msec for men and 460 msec for
proval in the United States, Canada, and Europe is antici-                     women, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 40%,
pated soon. Two direct factor Xa inhibitors (apixaban and                      hypokalemia/hypomagnesemia, female sex, renal dysfunc-
rivaroxaban) are currently listed at in                     tion, bradycardia, concomitant drugs that prolong the QT
phase III trials designed to determine noninferiority to war-                  interval (eg, antifungals) or drugs associated with torsades
farin as a stroke prevention strategy. Although vitamin K                      de pointes, previous pro-arrhythmic response to anti-ar-
antagonists present challenges, such as a narrow therapeutic                   rhythmics, and concomitant ventricular tachycardia or rapid
index and numerous drug/dietary interactions, the conve-                       ventricular response rate.53
nience and safety of warfarin therapy can be increased with                       Generally, doses of anti-arrhythmic drugs are titrated to
access to a dedicated anticoagulation management service                       heart rate and electrocardiographic response. Changes in
and or both patient home measurement of international                          patient status also should be monitored, as changes in car-
normalized ratio values.50,51                                                  diac function, plasma electrolytes, or renal function could
                                                                               affect drug response and pro-arrhythmia risk. Patients
Maintenance of Normal Sinus Rhythm                                             should be counseled regarding potential signs of arrhythmia
(Pharmacologic Therapies)                                                      such as syncope, angina, or dyspnea.
A number of agents are effective for the maintenance of                           Potential drug-drug interactions need to be considered as
normal sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation.                       a number of anti-arrhythmics are cytochrome P enzyme
ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines describe amiodarone, disopyr-                           substrates (eg, quinidine, disopyramide, lidocaine, mexil-
amide, flecainide, propafenone, and sotalol as agents with                      etine, flecainide, and propafenone) or inhibitors (amioda-
proven efficacy for this use (Table).3 However, meta-anal-                      rone). Others undergo active tubular secretion (procain-
ysis of data from 44 clinical trials revealed high rates of                    amide), and are, therefore, influenced by inhibitors of this
atrial fibrillation recurrence (55% to 67%) with maintenance                    route of elimination (eg, cimetidine, trimethoprim).54 In
anti-arrhythmic therapy, and all atrial fibrillation therapies,                 some instances, dose adjustment for concomitant medica-

Table      Anti-arrhythmic agents used to maintain sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation.

Drug*                    Daily Dose                Potential Adverse Effects
Amiodarone†              100-400 mg                Photosensitivity, pulmonary toxicity, polyneuropathy, gastrointestinal upset, bradycardia,
                                                     torsades de pointes (rare), hepatic toxicity, thyroid dysfunction, eye complications
Disopyramide             400-750 mg                Torsades de pointes, heart failure, glaucoma, urinary retention, dry mouth
Dofetilide‡              500-1000 g                Torsades de pointes
Flecainide               200-300 mg                Ventricular tachycardia, heart failure, conversion to atrial flutter with rapid conduction
                                                     through the atrioventricular node
Propafenone              450-900 mg                Ventricular tachycardia, heart failure, conversion to atrial flutter with rapid conduction
                                                     through the atrioventricular node
Sotalol‡                 160-320 mg                Torsades de pointes, heart failure, bradycardia, exacerbation of chronic obstructive or
                                                     bronchospastic lung disease
    Modied from Fuster et al., with permission from Oxford University Press.
    *Drugs are listed alphabetically.
    †A loading dose of 600 mg/d is usually given for 1 month, or 1000 mg/d for 1 week.
    ‡Dosage should be adjusted for renal function and QT interval response during in-hospital initiation phase.
Eagle et al    Atrial Fibrillation Management                                                                                      9

tions should be made before beginning anti-arrhythmics.             mortality rate in the dronedarone-treated patients (16% risk
For example, doses of warfarin and digoxin should be                reduction; P       .18).58 Adverse event rates were higher in
halved before amiodarone administration in anticipation of          the dronedarone group than in the placebo group, and more
amiodarone-associated cytochrome P enzyme inhibition.               patients in the dronedarone group discontinued from the
    Despite amiodarone (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc.,/                study prematurely due to adverse events (12.7% vs 8.1%;
Pfizer, Philadelphia, Penn) being widely considered the              P .001). Approximately one-fourth of patients (26.2%)
most effective of the available anti-arrhythmic drugs for           treated with dronedarone reported gastrointestinal events
maintenance of sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation pa-               compared with 22% of patients who received a placebo
tients,55,56 it lacks the US Food and Drug Administration           (P .001). Bradycardia (3.5% vs 1.2%), QT prolongation
(FDA) approval for this indication. Additionally, its long-         (1.7% vs 0.6%), and increased serum creatinine (4.7% vs
term use has been associated with serious adverse effects,          1.3%) were also more common in the dronedarone treat-
including pulmonary and hepatic toxicity, thyroid dysfunc-          ment group (all P .001 vs placebo). The results of
tion, and eye complications.57 Therefore, there is a pressing       ATHENA provide evidence of the morbidity and mortality
unmet need for maintenance therapies with improved effi-             benefits of dronedarone in appropriate populations. The
cacy/safety profiles.                                                early discontinuation of one nonatrial fibrillation trial Anti-
    In contrast to these older agents, a newly approved ben-        arrhythmic Trial with Dronedarone in Moderate to Severe
zofuran derivative, dronedarone (Multaq [dronedarone];              Congestive Heart Failure Evaluating Morbidity Decrease
sanofi-aventis US LLC, Bridgewater, NJ), was recently ap-            (ANDROMEDA) conducted in high-risk patients with ad-
proved (July 2009) by the FDA to reduce the risk of hos-            vanced congestive heart failure and recent decompensation
pitalization in patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter   leading to hospitalization (regardless of the absence or pres-
and associated cardiovascular risk factors (ie, age 70 years        ence of atrial fibrillation), led to concern regarding the effects
old, hypertension, diabetes, prior cerebrovascular accident,        of dronedarone on mortality in this high-risk group.62
left atrial diameter 50 mm or LVEF 40%), who are in                 The ATHENA investigators suggested that the difference
sinus rhythm or will be cardioverted. Its use is contraindi-        in outcomes between ATHENA and ANDROMEDA may
cated in patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA)            be a reflection of the disparate populations studied (ie,
class IV heart failure, or NYHA class II to III heart failure       ANDROMEDA enrolled only patients with advanced heart
with a recent decompensation requiring hospitalization or           failure and recent decompensation leading to hospitalization;
specialist referral. Dronedarone has characteristics of all 4       ATHENA specifically excluded patients who had either hemo-
Vaughan–Williams classes and a short half-life (of approx-          dynamic instability or severe [NYHA class IV] heart failure).58
imately 24 hours), which reduces its accumulation in tissue.            A “pill-in-pocket” approach has been advocated for
Lacking an iodine moiety, dronedarone is expected to offer          some patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrilla-
reduced risk of thyroid and pulmonary toxicity.58                   tion.3 This approach, in which patients are instructed to
    In clinical studies,59,60 dronedarone 400 mg twice daily        self-administer a single dose of a Vaughan–Williams Class
was effective for preventing the recurrence of atrial fibril-        IC agent, such as flecainide or propafenone, upon the onset
lation or atrial flutter (prolonged time to recurrence relative      of atrial fibrillation symptoms, may terminate the episode or
to placebo) and was well tolerated (no serious side effects).       prevent recurrence in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibril-
Perhaps even more importantly, it has demonstrated bene-            lation and reduce the risk for toxicity associated with pro-
ficial effects with respect to cardiovascular morbidity and          longed anti-arrhythmic therapy. This method is associated
mortality in the atrial fibrillation population. Data from the       with few adverse effects in patients with no structural heart
recent A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel Arm             disease. All patients using this method should receive on-
Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Dronedarone 400 mg twice a           going beta-blockers or nondihydropyridine calcium channel
day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Hospitalization or         blocker therapy for rate control to prevent rapid AV con-
Death from Any Cause in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation/          duction. In addition to being rapidly effective and safe, the
Atrial Flutter (ATHENA) trial in patients with moderate-            pill-in-pocket approach has been associated with improved
risk to high-risk paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation       quality of life,63 reduced emergency department and hospi-
or atrial flutter (N 4628; 29% with history of class I, II, or       tal admissions,63,64 and lower costs.63
III heart failure and 12% with LVEF 45%) demonstrated
significantly reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortal-           Rate Control
ity in the dronedarone group.58 Compared with a placebo,            Generally, beta-blockers and nondihydropyridine calcium
treatment with dronedarone in ATHENA reduced the com-               channel blockers are appropriate for most patients with
posite endpoint of “time to first cardiovascular hospitaliza-        persistent or permanent atrial fibrillation for whom control
tion or death from any cause” by 24% (P .001), time to              of their ventricular rate is desired.3 (Digoxin or amiodarone
first cardiovascular hospitalization by 26% (P .001), car-           should be considered in patients with heart failure and no
diovascular mortality by 29% (P .03), and stroke by 34%             accessory pathway.) All of these agents can be administered
(P     .027).58,61 Unlike other rhythm-control agents which         intravenously in the acute setting and orally for maintenance
may be associated with an increase in noncardiovascular             therapy. For most patients, a target heart rate of 60 to 80
mortality, there was a trend toward improvement in the total        beats per minute at rest and 90 to 115 beats per minute
10                                                                   The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 124, No 1, January 2011

during moderate exercise is appropriate. The selection of                 cess rates with single procedures are approximately 60% in
appropriate rate-control therapy for each patient should in-              patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 30% in
clude consideration of the drug’s potential impact on co-                 patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, up to 70% and
morbid conditions such as hypertension, ischemic heart                      50% with a second or third attempt, respectively.68 How-
disease, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.                                 ever, there are no large well-designed trials to support wide-
    Generally, beta-blockers and nondihydropyridine cal-                  spread use of RF ablation. RF ablation is associated with a
cium channel blockers are well tolerated; however, they are               6% risk of major complications69 and should not be used in
not always effective at controlling heart rate nor always                 the presence of left atrial thrombus.68 This approach is best
titrated to suitable levels, possibly because up-titration is             performed early in the course of the disease, as longer
associated with the increased occurrence of adverse                       durations are associated with poorer outcomes.70
events.65 In at-risk patients, these agents may contribute to                Surgical maze procedures are usually optional add-on
the development of decreased blood pressure, heart block,
                                                                          procedures in patients undergoing other open-heart surgical
and/or heart failure.3,66 Beta-blockers should be used with
                                                                          operations.71 Similarly, AV node ablation is not recom-
caution in patients with asthma. Amiodarone may cause
                                                                          mended as a primary strategy, but is typically reserved for
bradycardia, hypotension, visual disturbances, and gastroin-
                                                                          symptomatic patients who have a rapid ventricular rate and
testinal events (oral route), or phlebitis (peripheral intravenous
route).3 Long-term use of amiodarone may result in end-organ              who are refractory to pharmacologic treatment.3 AV node
toxicity (pulmonary, hepatic, thyroid, neurologic, and/or                 ablation is warranted in patients with a rapid ventricular
skin).57 When digoxin is used, patients should be monitored               response to atrial fibrillation who cannot be controlled with
for signs of digoxin toxicity, especially in those with reduced           medication. It is associated with improved symptoms and
renal function, advanced age, acute or chronic hypoxia, or                quality of life and reduced health care resource utilization.72
thyroid disease.67                                                        Because this technique results in complete heart blockage,
                                                                          permanent pacing and long-term continuous anticoagulation
                                                                          are required.3
Conversion to normal sinus rhythm may be attempted using
electrical or pharmacologic measures and may be appropri-                 OTHER TREATMENT OPTIONS
ate for patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, symptom-
atic atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation-induced acute              Renin-angiotensin System Blockade
heart failure, hypotension, or worsening of angina pectoris               Several lines of evidence suggest that angiotensin-convert-
(in persons with CAD).3,36 Regardless of approach (electri-
                                                                          ing enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers
cal or pharmacologic), appropriate anticoagulation prophy-
                                                                          (ARBs) can retard or reverse atrial fibrosis and structural
laxis should be implemented before cardioversion whenever
                                                                          remodeling of the atria.73,74 These agents have been shown
                                                                          to decrease atrial pressure, reduce the frequency of prema-
   The efficacy of direct-current cardioversion is widely
accepted; however, limitations include the need for the                   ture atrial beats, reduce fibrosis, and may lower atrial fibril-
patient to receive conscious sedation or anesthesia along                 lation relapse rates after cardioversion. These actions have
with risks of thromboembolism and proarrhythmia.3,36                      promoted interest in their potential use for primary preven-
Pharmacologic cardioversion does not require sedation or                  tion or treatment of recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation,
anesthesia; however, it is likely less effective and still poses          particularly when associated with hypertension, myocardial
thromboembolic and pro-arrhythmia risks. The ACC/AHA/                     infarction, congestive heart failure, or diabetes mellitus.3
ESC guidelines identify dofetilide, ibutilide, and amioda-                Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors also may be useful in
rone as agents with efficacy for pharmacologic cardiover-                  patients receiving maintenance anti-arrhythmic drug ther-
sion of atrial fibrillation of         7 days’ duration and                apy. The combination of amiodarone plus an angiotensin-
disopyramide, flecainide, procainamide, propafenone, and                   converting enzyme inhibitor or ARB has been shown to
quinidine as less effective or incompletely studied.3                     result in better control of sinus rhythm in several
Ablation                                                                      Although the impact of renin-angiotensin system block-
Patients failing first-line anti-arrhythmic treatment should               ers on morbidity and mortality in patients with atrial fibril-
be considered candidates for amiodarone or RF ablation,                   lation has not been well studied, ARB therapy was associ-
which is considered to be a second-line option for paroxys-               ated with a reduction in the risk of the primary composite
mal or persistent atrial fibrillation, or may be useful in                 endpoint (cardiovascular mortality, stroke, and myocardial
patients with highly symptomatic lone atrial fibrillation.3                infarction), stroke, and cardiovascular death relative to beta-
Good candidates for RF ablation include individuals who                   blocker therapy in patients with hypertension, left ventric-
are 70 years of age, with highly symptomatic paroxysmal                   ular hypertrophy, and atrial fibrillation in the Losartan In-
atrial fibrillation, who have never cardioverted, and have a               tervention For Endpoint study.78 Additional studies are
left atrial size 5 cm and ejection fraction 40%.68 Suc-                   needed to confirm these findings.
Eagle et al   Atrial Fibrillation Management                                                                                            11

Statins, Steroids, and Polyunsaturated                            early reversible neutropenia86 have been identified and
Fatty Acids                                                       complicated the clinical development of this agent.
Cardiac inflammation seems to play a role in the pathogen-             Tedisamil is an anti-ischemic agent currently being eval-
esis of atrial fibrillation in some patients, and evidence         uated for use in patients with atrial fibrillation. In patients
                                                                  with recent-onset symptomatic atrial fibrillation or atrial
suggests that statins, steroids, and polyunsaturated fatty
                                                                  flutter, intravenous tedisamil has demonstrated rapid (within
acids may have beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-ar-
                                                                  30-40 minutes), dose-related effects (cardioversion); how-
rhythmic properties.73 The prevalence of atrial fibrillation is
                                                                  ever, pro-arrhythmic effects were evident in the high-dose
reportedly lower among patients with reduced LVEF taking
                                                                  group (1 case each of torsades de pointes and monomorphic
lipid-lowering drugs (fibric-acid derivatives, bile-acid se-
                                                                  ventricular tachycardia).87
questrants, statins, ezetimibe, or niacin) than among patients
                                                                      Vernakalant has demonstrated consistent conversion
with similar levels of ventricular function who are not           rates (as high as 61% with intravenous administration) and
taking these drugs.79                                             low pro-arrhythmia risk.88-90 Orally administered ver-
                                                                  nakalant reduced short-term recurrence (39%) relative to
Management of Concomitant Conditions                              placebo (57%) in a phase II clinical trial.91 Adverse events
Hypertension,80 heart failure,9,81 and diabetes82 all com-        that occurred more frequently in the active treatment groups
monly coexist with atrial fibrillation and may contribute to       than with placebo were bradycardia, sinus bradycardia, and
its development and progression. Therefore, strategies for        first-degree AV block (rates not provided). Torsades de
the management of these conditions should be part of the          pointes did not occur.
overall treatment plan. The ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines pro-               Additional studies are needed to determine if these
vide specific recommendations for maintenance of sinus             agents will have a role in the management of atrial fibril-
rhythm in patients with recurrent paroxysmal or persistent        lation in the future.
atrial fibrillation plus hypertension, CAD, or heart failure
(Figure 2).3 When no (or minimal) heart disease or uncom-
plicated hypertension is present, flecainide, propafenone, or
sotalol are recommended as first-line agents. However, fur-        Atrial fibrillation is an increasingly common supraventric-
                                                                  ular arrhythmia which, if not managed appropriately, results
ther clinical assessments should be made as, for example,
                                                                  in significant consequences in terms of patient morbidity
the choice of sotalol would not be recommended if the
                                                                  and mortality. The primary goals of atrial fibrillation ther-
patient has underlying bradycardia or a prior sensitivity to
                                                                  apy should be to reduce such consequences and minimize
beta-blockers. If hypertension is complicated with substan-
                                                                  symptoms (if present). To ensure the best possible outcome,
tial left ventricular hypertrophy, amiodarone or catheter
                                                                  atrial fibrillation management should be individualized
ablation is recommended. In patients with CAD, it is rec-
                                                                  based on patient characteristics and comorbidities that could
ommended that treatment be initiated using dofetilide or
                                                                  influence response to specific management approaches. The
sotalol, followed by amiodarone or ablation. In the case of       importance of adequate anticoagulation concomitant with
heart failure, amiodarone or dofetilide are first-choice           anti-arrhythmic therapy should not be overlooked. Histori-
agents, followed by catheter ablation if pharmacologic-           cally, anti-arrhythmic drugs have provided suboptimal effi-
based treatment is not successful. Again, choosing between        cacy and have had safety/tolerability issues, resulting in an
amiodarone or catheter ablation also would need to take into      unmet clinical need for atrial fibrillation drug therapies with
account the prospective patient’s age and comorbidities that      improved benefit/risk profiles and demonstrable benefits on
could exclude drug therapy.                                       clinically meaningful outcomes. Newer drugs, such as
                                                                  dronedarone and several other agents in later stages of
Investigational Agents                                            clinical development may potentially address this need by
New atrial fibrillation therapies being investigated that show     providing greater efficacy, reduced cardiovascular morbid-
particular promise include safer multi-ion channel blockers       ity and mortality, and an improved safety profile.
or atrial-selective/preferential ion channel blockers such as
azimilide, tedisamil, and vernakalant. Other agents in earlier    References
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Management della fibrillazione_atriale

  • 1. REVIEW Management of Atrial Fibrillation: Translating Clinical Trial Data into Clinical Practice Kim A. Eagle, MD,a David S. Cannom, MD,b David A. Garcia, MDc a Albion Walter Hewlett, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor; bGood Samaritan Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif; cUniversity of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque. ABSTRACT Atrial fibrillation is a supraventricular tachyarrhythmia with significant consequences in terms of morbidity and mortality. In light of the limitations of available pharmacologic treatment options (suboptimal efficacy plus safety and tolerability issues), atrial fibrillation management should be individualized based on patient characteristics and comorbidities that could influence response to specific management approaches. The importance of adequate anticoagulation should not be overlooked. This review provides a practical guide for primary care physicians, internists, and cardiologists on current management strategies for atrial fibrillation, based on recent guidelines and current clinical data. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. • The American Journal of Medicine (2011) 124, 4-14 KEYWORDS: Atrial fibrillation; Management; Treatment Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac rhythm dis- than 5.5 million people in the United States will have atrial turbance encountered by physicians in clinical practice.1 fibrillation.1 Atrial fibrillation is characterized by uncoordinated atrial Atrial fibrillation presents in specific patterns and can be activation, and if not managed appropriately, may be asso- classified as paroxysmal (self-terminating and lasting 7 ciated with significant morbidity and mortality and a reduc- days), persistent (not self-terminating and lasting 7 days), tion in quality of life.2 It is estimated that 2.3 million and permanent (lasting 1 year and/or refractory to cardio- Americans and 4.5 million Europeans are affected by atrial version).3 Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and persistent atrial fibrillation, which predominantly impacts persons 65 fibrillation are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may years of age.2 By the year 2050 it is estimated that more experience both at different times. A patient’s atrial fibril- lation often is characterized based on the most frequent or most sustained presentation. Well-known risk factors for Funding: The authors received editorial support in the preparation of atrial fibrillation include coronary artery disease (CAD), this manuscript. The editorial assistance was provided by Mary Tom, diabetes, heart failure, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, and PharmD, and funded by sanofi-aventis US. The authors, however, were myocardial infarction.4 fully responsible for all content and editorial decisions and received no In animal models, atrial fibrillation has been shown financial support or other form of compensation related to the development of the article. to cause electrophysiologic changes in the atrium, includ- Conflicts of Interest: Dr Eagle has had research grants from sanofi- ing marked shortening of the atrial effective refractory aventis, the Hewlett Foundation, Mardigan Foundation, and Gore. period.5,6 With continued atrial fibrillation, contractile and Dr Cannom has acted as Chair for Medtronic Physician Advisory Group, structural remodeling occurs, and atrial fibrillation can be- and has been a speaker for Boston Scientific and sanofi-aventis. Dr Garcia come self-sustained, no longer requiring a trigger.5,7,8 Elec- has received research grants and/or consulting honoraria from Bristol- Myers Squibb and Boehringer Ingelheim. trical, contractile, and structural changes also have been Authorship: All authors participated in the preparation and review of observed in humans, and it has been noted that the duration the manuscript, had access to the data, and had a role in writing the of atrial fibrillation tends to correlate well with the progres- manuscript. sion of these changes.9-12 In addition to shortening of the Reprint requests should be addressed to Kim A. Eagle, MD, University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Suite atrial effective refractory period, several other factors have 2131, SPC 5852, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5852. been associated with structural remodeling in atrial fibrilla- E-mail address: tion. These include aging, alcohol consumption, autonomic 0002-9343/$ -see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.amjmed.2010.05.016
  • 2. Eagle et al Atrial Fibrillation Management 5 activation, obesity, the use of stimulants, inflammation fibrillation.8 Electrical remodeling, which begins soon after caused by pericarditis or other disorders, and pulmonary arrhythmia onset, is characterized by a shortening of the atrial disease. refractory period. This process may be reversible upon resto- Hospitalizations for atrial fibrillation have increased signif- ration of sinus rhythm. Structural remodeling, which is likely icantly in recent years, primarily due to the increased avail- more permanent than electrical remodeling, occurs weeks to ability and utilization of hospital- months after the onset of the ar- based therapeutic options including rhythmia and includes changes at drugs and nonpharmacologic inter- both the cellular and tissue lev- CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT ventions (eg, cardioversion).13 The els.8,19,20 Together, these pro- escalating prevalence of atrial fi- ● Many established options for the treat- cesses result in contractile remod- brillation and the need for re- ment of atrial fibrillation have limited eling that may facilitate atrial peated hospitalizations and long- efficacy and safety/tolerability issues, fibrillation persistence and the de- term pharmacologic treatment of velopment of negative sequelae but newer therapies attempt to address these patients make the condition (eg, thrombus formation and atrial costly; one recent European sur- these issues and have promising out- dilation). Recovery of contractility vey showed that the mean in- comes from clinical trials and postmar- after restoration of sinus rhythm is creased annual cost of caring for a keting surveillance. typically slow. patient with atrial fibrillation is ● Customized atrial fibrillation manage- The pathophysiology of atrial fi- approximately €3200 ($5000) ment, assessing individual patient char- brillation in patients with underly- compared with a matched popula- acteristics and comorbidities, should ing congestive heart failure seems tion without atrial fibrillation.14 to be somewhat different. In con- guide the optimal treatment selection. Indeed, it has been estimated that gestive heart failure, interstitial fi- the direct cost of managing atrial brosis is found to be increased in the fibrillation to the United Kingdom atria, leading to heterogeneity of National Health Service accounts for 2.4% of their annual atrial conduction and regions of slow electrical conduction, expenditure, amounting to more than £450 million.15 Atrial predisposing to the occurrence of atrial fibrillation.21,22 The fibrillation is associated with a significant economic burden in atrial fibrosis in congestive heart failure seems to be due to the US as well. Several studies have shown that health care upregulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system costs in the US are approximately 5 times higher for patients and dysregulation of intracellular Ca2 homeostasis in cells with atrial fibrillation than for those without it, and hospital- of the atrial myocardium.23 14,16 izations are a key contributor. Thorough clinical evaluation of patients who present Early detection and intervention potentially could de- with certain conditions (eg, hypertension/hypertensive heart crease the burden of atrial fibrillation on the individual and disease, congestive heart failure, CAD, ischemic cardiomy- society by preventing progression and related conse- opathy, valvular [rheumatic] heart disease, diabetes, hyper- quences. The purpose of this review was to briefly describe thyroidism, obesity, and obstructive sleep apnea)9,24,25 can the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation and associated se- facilitate early atrial fibrillation detection and timely inter- quelas, review the goals of atrial fibrillation therapy, and vention. Of course, clinicians should remain mindful that provide a practical management guide for internists based atrial fibrillation can occur even in the absence of predis- on recent guidelines and current clinical data. posing factors. Typically, the term “lone atrial fibrillation” is used to describe younger patients ( 60 years of age) who have atrial fibrillation in the absence of underlying cardio- PATHOPHYSIOLOGY AND BURDEN OF pulmonary disease.3 ATRIAL FIBRILLATION Up to 40% of patients in whom atrial fibrillation is found The pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation remains incom- on a baseline electrocardiogram (ECG) do not experience or pletely understood; however, it is clear that its occurrence recognize symptoms.1 Even among those that do manifest requires a triggering factor and an appropriate substrate to symptoms, clinical presentation is highly variable. When sustain re-entry.3,17 In the majority of patients, the under- present, symptoms can include palpitations, chest pain, dys- lying triggering mechanism is thought to involve the inter- pnea, fatigue, lightheadedness, syncope, and polyuria. The action of rapidly firing ectopic foci in the pulmonary veins, hemodynamic consequences of loss of atrial contraction into which the atrial muscle is known to extend.18 The with resultant loss of atrioventricular (AV) synchrony, heart mechanism for aberrant impulse origin in pulmonary veins rate irregularity, and rapid ventricular response that are is uncertain but may involve automaticity, triggered activ- typically found in atrial fibrillation may each contribute in ity, and/or re-entry.18 varying degrees to the manifestations of these symptoms.1 If atrial fibrillation has been sustained for a period of Regardless of presentation, improperly managed atrial time, physical and molecular changes in the electrical and fibrillation is associated with significant morbidity and mor- structural properties of the atria (“remodeling”) occur and tality, including a 5-fold increased risk of stroke (in the facilitate the conversion from transient to persistent atrial absence of anticoagulation) and a 1.5-fold to 1.9-fold in-
  • 3. 6 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 124, No 1, January 2011 creased mortality risk.26 Older patients and patients with prior stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), or those with hypertension, heart failure, or diabetes seem to be particu- larly susceptible to stroke.27 Atrial fibrillation also reduces quality of life relative to healthy controls, the general pop- ulation, and patients with other cardiovascular disease.15 Reduced quality of life is generally attributed to the dis- comfort associated with atrial fibrillation symptoms, re- duced exercise tolerance, and chronic fatigue.2 Recent stud- ies aimed at objectively quantifying the reduction in quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation, demonstrated that the scores on all domains of the short-form health survey (SF-36) among patients with intermittent atrial fibrillation were significantly (P .05) worse than those of published Figure 1 Cumulative mortality from any cause in the controls with significant coronary heart disease and no atrial rhythm-control group and the rate-control group.29 These data, fibrillation (eg, those who had recently undergone percuta- from the Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up Investigation of Rhythm neous transluminal coronary angioplasty or suffered a myo- Management (AFFIRM) trial, show that there is a mortality cardial infarction).28 difference between rhythm and rate control and that patients in whom a rhythm-control strategy is attempted have increased mortality compared with patients who received rate control GOALS OF THERAPY alone. Time zero is the day of randomization. Data have been Practical goals of atrial fibrillation therapy are to reduce truncated at 5 years. Reprinted from: Wyse DG, Waldo AL, DiMarco JP, et al. A comparison of rate control and rhythm morbidity and mortality and improve quality of life. More control in patients with atrial fibrilation. N Engl J Med 2002; specific goals are control of heart rate, correction of the 347:1825-1833. Copyright © 2002 Massachusetts Medical So- rhythm disturbance, and prophylaxis against thromboembo- ciety. All rights reserved. lism.3 Despite the availability of both rate-control and rhythm-control options, the fundamental issue of which of these treatment goals to pursue has been a source of debate.2 example, in the AFFIRM study, the rates for noncardiovascu- The restoration and maintenance of sinus rhythm should, lar death were 12% in the rhythm-control group versus 8% in theoretically, be a more favorable approach compared to a the rate-control group (P .0008).35 rate-control strategy, given that the reduction in ventricular These results have led, in part, to the fact that current filling occurring during atrial fibrillation would be reversed treatment guidelines generally recommend rhythm-control by the restoration of regular rhythm, which would result in therapy only for patients with persistent or recurrent parox- normalization of heart rate, gain of atrial contraction, and ysmal atrial fibrillation if they are associated with disabling restoration of AV synchrony. The restoration and mainte- symptoms.2 It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that the nance of sinus rhythm has been shown to be associated with use of safer, more effective rhythm-control strategies could reduced atrial remodeling, improved left ventricular func- improve the rate of attainment and maintenance of normal tion, reduced symptoms, greater exercise tolerance, in- sinus rhythm and subsequently lead to significantly im- creased ability to perform activities of daily living, and proved clinical outcomes. improved quality of life. Of course, the theoretical benefit of rhythm control relies on the availability of safe, tolerable, and effective rhythm-control methods. However, rates of attain- GUIDELINES ment and maintenance of sinus rhythm have been suboptimal Several guidelines for the management of atrial fibrillation in comparative studies such as Atrial Fibrillation Follow-Up and the associated risk for thromboembolism have been Investigation of Rhythm Management (AFFIRM),29 Polish published. The authoritative American College of Cardiol- How to Treat Chronic Atrial Fibrillation,30 Pharmacological ogy (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA)/European Intervention in Atrial Fibrillation,31 Rate Control vs Elec- Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines3 advocate more of trical Cardioversion,32 Strategies of Treatment in Atrial an individualized approach based on symptoms, duration Fibrillation,33 and Atrial Fibrillation and Congestive Heart and pattern of atrial fibrillation, comorbidities, and short-term Failure,34 all of which failed to demonstrate a survival and long-term treatment goals. The ACC/AHA/ESC guide- benefit for rhythm-control over rate-control therapy (for ex- lines recommend that, when rhythm control is desired, the ample, as outlined in Figure 1 from the AFFIRM Study).29 selection of therapy includes consideration of whether treat- This is probably because the anti-arrhythmic therapies studied ment is for newly discovered atrial fibrillation, recurrent par- had limited efficacy, poor tolerability, and the potential to oxysmal atrial fibrillation, recurrent persistent atrial fibrillation, trigger new arrhythmias. Moreover, several of the anti-arrhyth- or permanent atrial fibrillation, and whether there are con- mics used for rhythm control in these studies were associated comitant conditions such as hypertension, CAD, and heart with a significant increase in noncardiovascular deaths. For failure (Figure 2).3 These guidelines allow for individual-
  • 4. Eagle et al Atrial Fibrillation Management 7 Figure 2 American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA)/Euro- pean Society of Cardiology (ESC) algorithm for the selection of maintenance anti-arrhythmic drug therapy.3 It can be seen that catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation is considered second-line therapy after failure of an anti-arrhythmic drug. For the clinician, the decision is made after careful consideration and discussion with the patient about the risks and benefits of either approach. Reprinted from Fuster et al.,3 with permission from Oxford University Press. ization of therapy based on the specific clinical character- tions, the potential for drug-drug and drug-food interactions, istics of the patient. The guidelines recognize the impor- and the need for ongoing monitoring.41 Current guidelines tance of concomitant anticoagulation therapy in the advocate more liberal use of warfarin, while full-dose aspi- management of atrial fibrillation. rin may be useful for patients at low risk for stroke.3,36,37 Data from recently completed and ongoing studies of Stroke risk and the identification of atrial fibrillation newer atrial fibrillation management therapies will likely patients who may benefit most from antithrombotic therapy play a major role in shaping future guidelines. Several can be assessed by the Congestive heart failure, Hyperten- studies are investigating important clinical endpoints that sion, Age, Diabetes, prior Stroke risk index by assigning more closely reflect practical treatment goals, such as the numerical values to accepted risk factors (advanced age of prevention of cardiovascular hospitalization and death. 75 years old; concomitant congestive heart failure, hyper- tension, or diabetes; and history of stroke or TIA).27 Bleed- BENEFITS/RISKS OF MANAGEMENT OPTIONS ing risk should also be determined and weighed against the potential benefit before anticoagulant initiation. Factors that Antithrombotic Treatment may influence risk include patient characteristics (eg, in- Current guidelines recommend long-term anticoagulation in creased age, history of bleeding, presence of treated hyper- patients with atrial fibrillation and risk factors for thrombo- tension, cerebrovascular disease, ischemic stroke, serious embolism, regardless of atrial fibrillation management ap- heart disease, diabetes, renal insufficiency, alcoholism, liver proach.3,36,37 Even patients who seem to be in normal sinus disease, or malignancy; or genetic factors affecting drug rhythm after atrial fibrillation remain at considerable risk for metabolism), concomitant medications (eg, antiplatelet stroke. For this reason, longer-term risk-based anticoagula- drugs), and proposed intensity and length of therapy.42 tion should be prescribed even in patients receiving anti- The protective effects of anticoagulants have been dem- arrhythmic drug therapy and also in patients who have onstrated repeatedly and are generally greater than those undergone electrical cardioversion or radiofrequency (RF) associated with antiplatelet therapy.43 Results of the Atrial ablation.26,38 Fibrillation Clopidogrel Trial with Irbesartan for Prevention Despite a strong body of evidence supportive of the of Vascular Events44 and Birmingham Atrial Fibrillation benefits of antithrombotic therapy, it is widely underutilized Treatment of the Aged45 studies provide evidence of the in the atrial fibrillation population.39,40 The reluctance of protective effects of warfarin therapy over clopidogrel plus clinicians to prescribe, and patients to use, warfarin likely aspirin, and aspirin alone, respectively. However, for pa- arises from fear of increased risk for bleeding complica- tients unable or unwilling to assume the risks of warfarin
  • 5. 8 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 124, No 1, January 2011 therapy, clopidogrel plus aspirin may reduce the risk of except amiodarone and propafenone, were associated with major vascular events over aspirin alone.46 significant pro-arrhythmia risk.52 Rates of withdrawal due Other alternatives for reducing thromboembolism risk to adverse effects ranged from 9% to 23% and rates of (eg, direct thrombin inhibitors) are in various stages of withdrawal due to pro-arrhythmia ranged from 1% to 7%. clinical evaluation. The direct thrombin inhibitor ximelagat- Withdrawals due to both pro-arrhythmia and adverse events ran was shown to be at least as effective as adjusted-dose were lower with amiodarone than with sodium channel warfarin therapy for stroke/TIA prevention in noninferiority blockers. trials (Stroke Prophylaxis Using an Oral Thrombin Inhibitor Because of the pro-arrhythmia risk, maintenance therapy in Atrial Fibrillation III and V)47,48 but was not approved in with any of these agents generally should be initiated at the United States because of concern about hepatotoxicity. relatively low doses and while the patient is hospitalized. Another direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran, has been Clinicians should seek to identify at-risk patients via com- shown to be at least as safe and effective as warfarin therapy plete medical history, physical examination, and/or electro- in a large-scale, international, multicenter trial (Randomized cardiographic monitoring (Table provides typical doses of Evaluation of Long-Term Anticoagulant Therapy).49 Al- anti-arrhythmic drugs used to maintain normal sinus rhythm though this was an open-label study, its other methodologic in atrial fibrillation).3 Established predisposing factors in- strengths were significant; application for regulatory ap- clude QT interval 440 msec for men and 460 msec for proval in the United States, Canada, and Europe is antici- women, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 40%, pated soon. Two direct factor Xa inhibitors (apixaban and hypokalemia/hypomagnesemia, female sex, renal dysfunc- rivaroxaban) are currently listed at in tion, bradycardia, concomitant drugs that prolong the QT phase III trials designed to determine noninferiority to war- interval (eg, antifungals) or drugs associated with torsades farin as a stroke prevention strategy. Although vitamin K de pointes, previous pro-arrhythmic response to anti-ar- antagonists present challenges, such as a narrow therapeutic rhythmics, and concomitant ventricular tachycardia or rapid index and numerous drug/dietary interactions, the conve- ventricular response rate.53 nience and safety of warfarin therapy can be increased with Generally, doses of anti-arrhythmic drugs are titrated to access to a dedicated anticoagulation management service heart rate and electrocardiographic response. Changes in and or both patient home measurement of international patient status also should be monitored, as changes in car- normalized ratio values.50,51 diac function, plasma electrolytes, or renal function could affect drug response and pro-arrhythmia risk. Patients Maintenance of Normal Sinus Rhythm should be counseled regarding potential signs of arrhythmia (Pharmacologic Therapies) such as syncope, angina, or dyspnea. A number of agents are effective for the maintenance of Potential drug-drug interactions need to be considered as normal sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation. a number of anti-arrhythmics are cytochrome P enzyme ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines describe amiodarone, disopyr- substrates (eg, quinidine, disopyramide, lidocaine, mexil- amide, flecainide, propafenone, and sotalol as agents with etine, flecainide, and propafenone) or inhibitors (amioda- proven efficacy for this use (Table).3 However, meta-anal- rone). Others undergo active tubular secretion (procain- ysis of data from 44 clinical trials revealed high rates of amide), and are, therefore, influenced by inhibitors of this atrial fibrillation recurrence (55% to 67%) with maintenance route of elimination (eg, cimetidine, trimethoprim).54 In anti-arrhythmic therapy, and all atrial fibrillation therapies, some instances, dose adjustment for concomitant medica- Table Anti-arrhythmic agents used to maintain sinus rhythm in patients with atrial fibrillation. Drug* Daily Dose Potential Adverse Effects Amiodarone† 100-400 mg Photosensitivity, pulmonary toxicity, polyneuropathy, gastrointestinal upset, bradycardia, torsades de pointes (rare), hepatic toxicity, thyroid dysfunction, eye complications Disopyramide 400-750 mg Torsades de pointes, heart failure, glaucoma, urinary retention, dry mouth Dofetilide‡ 500-1000 g Torsades de pointes Flecainide 200-300 mg Ventricular tachycardia, heart failure, conversion to atrial flutter with rapid conduction through the atrioventricular node Propafenone 450-900 mg Ventricular tachycardia, heart failure, conversion to atrial flutter with rapid conduction through the atrioventricular node Sotalol‡ 160-320 mg Torsades de pointes, heart failure, bradycardia, exacerbation of chronic obstructive or bronchospastic lung disease Modied from Fuster et al., with permission from Oxford University Press. *Drugs are listed alphabetically. †A loading dose of 600 mg/d is usually given for 1 month, or 1000 mg/d for 1 week. ‡Dosage should be adjusted for renal function and QT interval response during in-hospital initiation phase.
  • 6. Eagle et al Atrial Fibrillation Management 9 tions should be made before beginning anti-arrhythmics. mortality rate in the dronedarone-treated patients (16% risk For example, doses of warfarin and digoxin should be reduction; P .18).58 Adverse event rates were higher in halved before amiodarone administration in anticipation of the dronedarone group than in the placebo group, and more amiodarone-associated cytochrome P enzyme inhibition. patients in the dronedarone group discontinued from the Despite amiodarone (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Inc.,/ study prematurely due to adverse events (12.7% vs 8.1%; Pfizer, Philadelphia, Penn) being widely considered the P .001). Approximately one-fourth of patients (26.2%) most effective of the available anti-arrhythmic drugs for treated with dronedarone reported gastrointestinal events maintenance of sinus rhythm in atrial fibrillation pa- compared with 22% of patients who received a placebo tients,55,56 it lacks the US Food and Drug Administration (P .001). Bradycardia (3.5% vs 1.2%), QT prolongation (FDA) approval for this indication. Additionally, its long- (1.7% vs 0.6%), and increased serum creatinine (4.7% vs term use has been associated with serious adverse effects, 1.3%) were also more common in the dronedarone treat- including pulmonary and hepatic toxicity, thyroid dysfunc- ment group (all P .001 vs placebo). The results of tion, and eye complications.57 Therefore, there is a pressing ATHENA provide evidence of the morbidity and mortality unmet need for maintenance therapies with improved effi- benefits of dronedarone in appropriate populations. The cacy/safety profiles. early discontinuation of one nonatrial fibrillation trial Anti- In contrast to these older agents, a newly approved ben- arrhythmic Trial with Dronedarone in Moderate to Severe zofuran derivative, dronedarone (Multaq [dronedarone]; Congestive Heart Failure Evaluating Morbidity Decrease sanofi-aventis US LLC, Bridgewater, NJ), was recently ap- (ANDROMEDA) conducted in high-risk patients with ad- proved (July 2009) by the FDA to reduce the risk of hos- vanced congestive heart failure and recent decompensation pitalization in patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter leading to hospitalization (regardless of the absence or pres- and associated cardiovascular risk factors (ie, age 70 years ence of atrial fibrillation), led to concern regarding the effects old, hypertension, diabetes, prior cerebrovascular accident, of dronedarone on mortality in this high-risk group.62 left atrial diameter 50 mm or LVEF 40%), who are in The ATHENA investigators suggested that the difference sinus rhythm or will be cardioverted. Its use is contraindi- in outcomes between ATHENA and ANDROMEDA may cated in patients with New York Heart Association (NYHA) be a reflection of the disparate populations studied (ie, class IV heart failure, or NYHA class II to III heart failure ANDROMEDA enrolled only patients with advanced heart with a recent decompensation requiring hospitalization or failure and recent decompensation leading to hospitalization; specialist referral. Dronedarone has characteristics of all 4 ATHENA specifically excluded patients who had either hemo- Vaughan–Williams classes and a short half-life (of approx- dynamic instability or severe [NYHA class IV] heart failure).58 imately 24 hours), which reduces its accumulation in tissue. A “pill-in-pocket” approach has been advocated for Lacking an iodine moiety, dronedarone is expected to offer some patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrilla- reduced risk of thyroid and pulmonary toxicity.58 tion.3 This approach, in which patients are instructed to In clinical studies,59,60 dronedarone 400 mg twice daily self-administer a single dose of a Vaughan–Williams Class was effective for preventing the recurrence of atrial fibril- IC agent, such as flecainide or propafenone, upon the onset lation or atrial flutter (prolonged time to recurrence relative of atrial fibrillation symptoms, may terminate the episode or to placebo) and was well tolerated (no serious side effects). prevent recurrence in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibril- Perhaps even more importantly, it has demonstrated bene- lation and reduce the risk for toxicity associated with pro- ficial effects with respect to cardiovascular morbidity and longed anti-arrhythmic therapy. This method is associated mortality in the atrial fibrillation population. Data from the with few adverse effects in patients with no structural heart recent A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel Arm disease. All patients using this method should receive on- Trial to Assess the Efficacy of Dronedarone 400 mg twice a going beta-blockers or nondihydropyridine calcium channel day for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Hospitalization or blocker therapy for rate control to prevent rapid AV con- Death from Any Cause in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation/ duction. In addition to being rapidly effective and safe, the Atrial Flutter (ATHENA) trial in patients with moderate- pill-in-pocket approach has been associated with improved risk to high-risk paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation quality of life,63 reduced emergency department and hospi- or atrial flutter (N 4628; 29% with history of class I, II, or tal admissions,63,64 and lower costs.63 III heart failure and 12% with LVEF 45%) demonstrated significantly reduced cardiovascular morbidity and mortal- Rate Control ity in the dronedarone group.58 Compared with a placebo, Generally, beta-blockers and nondihydropyridine calcium treatment with dronedarone in ATHENA reduced the com- channel blockers are appropriate for most patients with posite endpoint of “time to first cardiovascular hospitaliza- persistent or permanent atrial fibrillation for whom control tion or death from any cause” by 24% (P .001), time to of their ventricular rate is desired.3 (Digoxin or amiodarone first cardiovascular hospitalization by 26% (P .001), car- should be considered in patients with heart failure and no diovascular mortality by 29% (P .03), and stroke by 34% accessory pathway.) All of these agents can be administered (P .027).58,61 Unlike other rhythm-control agents which intravenously in the acute setting and orally for maintenance may be associated with an increase in noncardiovascular therapy. For most patients, a target heart rate of 60 to 80 mortality, there was a trend toward improvement in the total beats per minute at rest and 90 to 115 beats per minute
  • 7. 10 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol 124, No 1, January 2011 during moderate exercise is appropriate. The selection of cess rates with single procedures are approximately 60% in appropriate rate-control therapy for each patient should in- patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 30% in clude consideration of the drug’s potential impact on co- patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, up to 70% and morbid conditions such as hypertension, ischemic heart 50% with a second or third attempt, respectively.68 How- disease, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. ever, there are no large well-designed trials to support wide- Generally, beta-blockers and nondihydropyridine cal- spread use of RF ablation. RF ablation is associated with a cium channel blockers are well tolerated; however, they are 6% risk of major complications69 and should not be used in not always effective at controlling heart rate nor always the presence of left atrial thrombus.68 This approach is best titrated to suitable levels, possibly because up-titration is performed early in the course of the disease, as longer associated with the increased occurrence of adverse durations are associated with poorer outcomes.70 events.65 In at-risk patients, these agents may contribute to Surgical maze procedures are usually optional add-on the development of decreased blood pressure, heart block, procedures in patients undergoing other open-heart surgical and/or heart failure.3,66 Beta-blockers should be used with operations.71 Similarly, AV node ablation is not recom- caution in patients with asthma. Amiodarone may cause mended as a primary strategy, but is typically reserved for bradycardia, hypotension, visual disturbances, and gastroin- symptomatic patients who have a rapid ventricular rate and testinal events (oral route), or phlebitis (peripheral intravenous route).3 Long-term use of amiodarone may result in end-organ who are refractory to pharmacologic treatment.3 AV node toxicity (pulmonary, hepatic, thyroid, neurologic, and/or ablation is warranted in patients with a rapid ventricular skin).57 When digoxin is used, patients should be monitored response to atrial fibrillation who cannot be controlled with for signs of digoxin toxicity, especially in those with reduced medication. It is associated with improved symptoms and renal function, advanced age, acute or chronic hypoxia, or quality of life and reduced health care resource utilization.72 thyroid disease.67 Because this technique results in complete heart blockage, permanent pacing and long-term continuous anticoagulation are required.3 Cardioversion Conversion to normal sinus rhythm may be attempted using electrical or pharmacologic measures and may be appropri- OTHER TREATMENT OPTIONS ate for patients with persistent atrial fibrillation, symptom- atic atrial fibrillation, or atrial fibrillation-induced acute Renin-angiotensin System Blockade heart failure, hypotension, or worsening of angina pectoris Several lines of evidence suggest that angiotensin-convert- (in persons with CAD).3,36 Regardless of approach (electri- ing enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers cal or pharmacologic), appropriate anticoagulation prophy- (ARBs) can retard or reverse atrial fibrosis and structural laxis should be implemented before cardioversion whenever remodeling of the atria.73,74 These agents have been shown possible. to decrease atrial pressure, reduce the frequency of prema- The efficacy of direct-current cardioversion is widely accepted; however, limitations include the need for the ture atrial beats, reduce fibrosis, and may lower atrial fibril- patient to receive conscious sedation or anesthesia along lation relapse rates after cardioversion. These actions have with risks of thromboembolism and proarrhythmia.3,36 promoted interest in their potential use for primary preven- Pharmacologic cardioversion does not require sedation or tion or treatment of recurrent episodes of atrial fibrillation, anesthesia; however, it is likely less effective and still poses particularly when associated with hypertension, myocardial thromboembolic and pro-arrhythmia risks. The ACC/AHA/ infarction, congestive heart failure, or diabetes mellitus.3 ESC guidelines identify dofetilide, ibutilide, and amioda- Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors also may be useful in rone as agents with efficacy for pharmacologic cardiover- patients receiving maintenance anti-arrhythmic drug ther- sion of atrial fibrillation of 7 days’ duration and apy. The combination of amiodarone plus an angiotensin- disopyramide, flecainide, procainamide, propafenone, and converting enzyme inhibitor or ARB has been shown to quinidine as less effective or incompletely studied.3 result in better control of sinus rhythm in several studies.75-77 Ablation Although the impact of renin-angiotensin system block- Patients failing first-line anti-arrhythmic treatment should ers on morbidity and mortality in patients with atrial fibril- be considered candidates for amiodarone or RF ablation, lation has not been well studied, ARB therapy was associ- which is considered to be a second-line option for paroxys- ated with a reduction in the risk of the primary composite mal or persistent atrial fibrillation, or may be useful in endpoint (cardiovascular mortality, stroke, and myocardial patients with highly symptomatic lone atrial fibrillation.3 infarction), stroke, and cardiovascular death relative to beta- Good candidates for RF ablation include individuals who blocker therapy in patients with hypertension, left ventric- are 70 years of age, with highly symptomatic paroxysmal ular hypertrophy, and atrial fibrillation in the Losartan In- atrial fibrillation, who have never cardioverted, and have a tervention For Endpoint study.78 Additional studies are left atrial size 5 cm and ejection fraction 40%.68 Suc- needed to confirm these findings.
  • 8. Eagle et al Atrial Fibrillation Management 11 Statins, Steroids, and Polyunsaturated early reversible neutropenia86 have been identified and Fatty Acids complicated the clinical development of this agent. Cardiac inflammation seems to play a role in the pathogen- Tedisamil is an anti-ischemic agent currently being eval- esis of atrial fibrillation in some patients, and evidence uated for use in patients with atrial fibrillation. In patients with recent-onset symptomatic atrial fibrillation or atrial suggests that statins, steroids, and polyunsaturated fatty flutter, intravenous tedisamil has demonstrated rapid (within acids may have beneficial anti-inflammatory and anti-ar- 30-40 minutes), dose-related effects (cardioversion); how- rhythmic properties.73 The prevalence of atrial fibrillation is ever, pro-arrhythmic effects were evident in the high-dose reportedly lower among patients with reduced LVEF taking group (1 case each of torsades de pointes and monomorphic lipid-lowering drugs (fibric-acid derivatives, bile-acid se- ventricular tachycardia).87 questrants, statins, ezetimibe, or niacin) than among patients Vernakalant has demonstrated consistent conversion with similar levels of ventricular function who are not rates (as high as 61% with intravenous administration) and taking these drugs.79 low pro-arrhythmia risk.88-90 Orally administered ver- nakalant reduced short-term recurrence (39%) relative to Management of Concomitant Conditions placebo (57%) in a phase II clinical trial.91 Adverse events Hypertension,80 heart failure,9,81 and diabetes82 all com- that occurred more frequently in the active treatment groups monly coexist with atrial fibrillation and may contribute to than with placebo were bradycardia, sinus bradycardia, and its development and progression. Therefore, strategies for first-degree AV block (rates not provided). Torsades de the management of these conditions should be part of the pointes did not occur. overall treatment plan. The ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines pro- Additional studies are needed to determine if these vide specific recommendations for maintenance of sinus agents will have a role in the management of atrial fibril- rhythm in patients with recurrent paroxysmal or persistent lation in the future. atrial fibrillation plus hypertension, CAD, or heart failure (Figure 2).3 When no (or minimal) heart disease or uncom- plicated hypertension is present, flecainide, propafenone, or SUMMARY sotalol are recommended as first-line agents. However, fur- Atrial fibrillation is an increasingly common supraventric- ular arrhythmia which, if not managed appropriately, results ther clinical assessments should be made as, for example, in significant consequences in terms of patient morbidity the choice of sotalol would not be recommended if the and mortality. The primary goals of atrial fibrillation ther- patient has underlying bradycardia or a prior sensitivity to apy should be to reduce such consequences and minimize beta-blockers. If hypertension is complicated with substan- symptoms (if present). To ensure the best possible outcome, tial left ventricular hypertrophy, amiodarone or catheter atrial fibrillation management should be individualized ablation is recommended. In patients with CAD, it is rec- based on patient characteristics and comorbidities that could ommended that treatment be initiated using dofetilide or influence response to specific management approaches. The sotalol, followed by amiodarone or ablation. In the case of importance of adequate anticoagulation concomitant with heart failure, amiodarone or dofetilide are first-choice anti-arrhythmic therapy should not be overlooked. Histori- agents, followed by catheter ablation if pharmacologic- cally, anti-arrhythmic drugs have provided suboptimal effi- based treatment is not successful. Again, choosing between cacy and have had safety/tolerability issues, resulting in an amiodarone or catheter ablation also would need to take into unmet clinical need for atrial fibrillation drug therapies with account the prospective patient’s age and comorbidities that improved benefit/risk profiles and demonstrable benefits on could exclude drug therapy. clinically meaningful outcomes. Newer drugs, such as dronedarone and several other agents in later stages of Investigational Agents clinical development may potentially address this need by New atrial fibrillation therapies being investigated that show providing greater efficacy, reduced cardiovascular morbid- particular promise include safer multi-ion channel blockers ity and mortality, and an improved safety profile. or atrial-selective/preferential ion channel blockers such as azimilide, tedisamil, and vernakalant. Other agents in earlier References stages of development include new rate-control agents (eg, 1. Rho RW, Page RL. Asymptomatic atrial fibrillation. Prog Cardiovasc tecadenoson, selodenoson), stretch-activated ion channel Dis. 2005;48:79-87. blockers (eg, GsMTx-4), and gap junction modifiers (eg, 2. Cohen M, Naccarelli GV. Pathophysiology and disease progression of atrial fibrillation: importance of achieving and maintaining sinus rotigaptide, AAP10). rhythm. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2008;19:885-890. The investigational agent azimilide has demonstrated 3. Fuster V, Rydén LE, Cannom DS, et al. ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guide- mixed results in clinical trials conducted in patients with lines for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation-executive atrial fibrillation.83-85 Although its potential role remains to summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines and the European be established, the benefit of azimilide may be greater in Society of Cardiology Committee for Practice Guidelines (Writing patients with a history of ischemic heart disease or heart Committee to Revise the 2001 Guidelines for the Management of failure. An increased risk of torsades de pointes and, rarely, Patients with Atrial Fibrillation). Eur Heart J. 2006;27:1979-2030.
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