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The Popularity of York
The total population of York, as of the 2011 census, is 198,051.
Statistically, there are more women than men living in York with
101,797 women and 96,254 men within the city limits.
Age statistics show that there are 158,773 adults above the age of 16
living in York. The majority are between the ages of 35 and 54, with 51,
588 people within this age bracket. The median age in York is 38.
There are currently 83,552 households and, of that number, only
26,903 claim that they are married. Cohabitating couples make up
9,173 of the total and there are 136 households with same sex
marriage partners.
York Buildings
York Minster would be an interesting place for young adults to visit as it has the
cultural and historic aspect to it which, along with the aesthetic view which young
people are likely to find intriguing.
A lot of the time, with social media being the main source to connect with people,
people will want to post about aesthetic and popular attractions so York Minster
would be a popular place to visit among young people, specifically young adults.
It is very common for tours to take place in the Minster for students in and outside
of York. These tours may have been arranged by a school/college/university but it
is still a chance for young adults to see the cultural and historic aspect of York.
Therefor, studying the architecture of York Minster would be something worth
looking into for students to be interested in. Over 650,000 people visit the York
minster every year, with statistics rising to 690,000 visits a year in 2017.
The Shambles is one of the main attractions in York and I think
this would also be a fascinating place when studying
architecture in York.
The Shambles isn’t just popular because of the historic aspect it
brings but the Shambles is sometimes referred to ‘Harry Potter
Street’. This is because the street is said to have the famous
‘Diagon Alley’ in J.K Rowling's ‘Harry Potter’ books. On the
street of the Shambles is a couple of Harry Potter shops; ‘The
Shop That Must Not Be Named’ and ‘The World of Wizardry’.
These two popular shops draw lots of attention from Harry
Potter fans all across the world. These type of attractions will
attract lots of young people aged 16-24 as this is the most
common age range for Harry Potter fans.
York Art Gallery
The York Art Gallery is known for it’s 14th Century artwork displayed inside of the
gallery. The gallery consists of contemporary, prints, watercolors, drawings and
cinematic. It’s said that an average of 7,658 people visit the art gallery in a
month, which is actually less than what is predicted which proves the art gallery
may not be gaining as much popularity as it could be.
The view that is displayed outside of the art gallery attracts plenty of attention.
Just in front of the art Gallery is a stature of York artist, William Etty, born in 1787
and died in 1849. The statue is overlooking a water fountain pool which gives a
scenic and aesthetic like view.
The gallery is also well known for the architecture shown outside and inside the
This faience tiled wall is truly an eye catching piece of architecture built within the art
gallery which was added in 2015.
Mike Woodward, chief operating officer for York’s Museum Trust, said:
“The double hexagon style is in keeping with the fantastic contemporary art that will
be on show in the gallery but at the same time draws influence from a part of Yorks
I think that the architecture of the art gallery could attract more people, especially
young people, to visit the gallery. Creating something like a magazine or an attraction
guide for people aged 16-25 for students with an interest for architecture and history
will be more likely to be interested in visiting places like the art gallery in york.
York Architecture
York is well known for
having old buildings within
the walls, and it’s large and
beautiful cathedral. These
buildings have ancient
architecture within the walls
which draws a lot of tourism
and attractions to York.
There is plenty of
ancient architecture to
admire, such as this
historic piece located
inside the York Minster.
This picture shows a
part of the ceiling in
the minster.
Primary Research- Age Range
The first question I asked on my
survey is how old the person I am
asking questions too is. This is so I
can get an idea of the kind of people
who are answering my survey and
how the questions might apply to
certain people of age.
For my client research, I need to make
sure my product is aimed at young
adults/students so creating this survey
for people of this age range to answer
is a good way for me to get to know
my audience more. The survey will
also help me have a better idea as to
how I can apply my given answers to
my project.
As you can see from my survey answers, the people who have answered my survey are aged
16-22. 14 people answered this question altogether and ages 16-17 and ages 18-22 both have
equal amounts of people in each age range meaning 7 people are aged 16-17 and 7 people are
aged 18-22.
Primary Research-Visiting York’s Centre
I think that this is a useful question
to ask my audience as I am basing
my project in York’s City Centre.
Using my results, I can determine
how often people of this age range
go and visit York’s City Centre. This
is useful to know because, for
example, if no one of my targeted
age range was interested in ever
visiting York’s City Centre then it
would make it difficult for me to
make my York project targeted to
young people.
You can see from the results that it is more common for young adults to visit York’s City Centre more regularly
(every day-weekly) rather than every few weeks/never. The fact that it is more common for teenagers to visit
town regularly means that some of the locations will be familiar to them, however for the few that don’t go into
town regularly might find some of the locations to be somewhere they have never heard of or visited yet.
Primary Research- Clients Interest
Finding out if any of my clients are interested in York’s architecture is important and relevant to my project-as my
project is based on York’s architecture and is targeted to young adults!
Based on the results, more people state that they are interested in York’s Architecture rather than not being
interested at all. It is important to get a better understanding of who is going to be fascinated in the booklet that I
am making and whether it’s worth making depending on who would be interested in it.
‘Only in York’ Magazine- Visitor Guide 2019
This DPS I found of a magazine tells us about the attractions in York that is
likely to be aimed at teenagers or young adults. The DPS tells us about the
Shambles and the Harry Potter attractions that are located in the shambles.
There is a wide age range between Harry Potter fans but it is more likely
that teenagers and young adults will visit these shops as Harry Potter is
popular among young people.
For my client work I will take pictures of attractions in York’s city centre that
appeal to teenagers and young adults (ages 16-24 years) like this DPS
I think that including the Harry Potter theme in my client project is important
because the Harry Potter shops are located in the Shambles and if tourists
and fans are visiting for this reason, they will also get a chance to
appreciate the historic and cultural aspect of York when walking through the
shambles, along with viewing the architectural outlook.
The DPS uses high quality photos and each photo has an effect which is
like an autumn theme. This color theme across the page will attract the
attention of people who are looking for attractions to visit and the fact that
the page is Harry Potter themed will catch the eye of fans of Harry Potter.
‘Only in York’ Magazine- Visitor Guide
The Minster is the main attraction in the City of
The magazines I have looked at include lots of
aesthetic and architectural photos of the minster.
These type of images would likely catch the
attention of young adults or students who are
looking for popular places to visit and take photos
This magazine page shows images from outside
and inside the York Minster. This gives people a
better insight into what you will see if you visit the
minster, making it more of an exciting place to
Each of the images used on this page has a
theme to it (orange/brown, baby blue) which I
think makes the page look more neat and
professionally done.
Picture Brochures
These existing brochures are good examples about
how I want my booklet/brochure, that I am making,
to be laid out.
I like how, in these brochures, that the layout is
mainly pictures. I find this style of layout appealing
because it is easy for people, who are interested in
the brochure, to skim through and see what section
may appeal to them best. For example if a brochure
was full of text it may put people off.
For my brochure I want to show off the creative
aspect that I can produce, which would mainly be
the photography and photo editing of the pictures.
You can see in the first brochure shown that there is
some sort of color theme going on (blue). The main
picture shown on the page is blue, so therefor the
headers shown in the text are blue as well. This
technique of using a color theme makes a page look
more professional and neat in my opinion.
Cover Ideas for Brochure
I really like this sort of layout shown in both of these brochures. Both
styles, in my opinion, reflect the idea of architecture as architectural
photography is commonly experimented with diagonal lines.
Both of these brochures use quite neutral colors on the cover and don’t
use a lot of different designs and colors which I quite like as it doesn't’t
make the cover look messy and unappealing to look at. The fact that
the main image is black and white means that the picture used can still
fit in with the color theme of black text used on the front.
However on my own brochure I would probably want to keep the picture
colored and then have the same color theme as what is shown in the
picture. I will probably use the idea of cropping out
some of the picture diagonal as I like that design and
it also gives me a clear background area where I can
put the title and a header.
Fonts (allfrom1001fontswebsite)
I quite like this text due to the simplicity of it, but it’s different from regular serif
font. I like how the stroke is broadened in the font and there are rounded curves
making the font look a bit fancy.
The the is clear to read so this font would be great for headers or a section of text.
I found this particular font unique and I think this would be really interesting
in my work. The font itself is put together creatively-it looks as if someone
has partly painted or drew over the letters, making the text look like it has a
kind of back shadow. This is the type of font I would use for a header as it
is clearer to read in large text, I feel like it could be quite difficult to read in
small text or in a paragraph. This text is also rather artistic so I could use
this on a page where I am talking about the Art Gallery in York.
In the description of the text, it is said that the letterforms were found in a small
city church and the font is usually referred with tags like ‘religious’ and ‘church’.
This would be a good text to use on a page in my booklet that has church
buildings in it-like the minster or some historic churches in York.
This font would be great for the page that is based on the Harry Potter theme
in York. The font itself is very similar to the original font for the Harry potter
film and books, so this font should catch the attention of Harry Potter fans.
This font would be suitable for the header of the Harry Potter page, with the
color of the text being red or orange as that is the original Harry Potter color
When I visit the Shambles I want to also
take pictures of the Harry Potter Shop-‘The
Shop That Must Not Be Named’ and ‘The
World of Wizardry’ where Harry Potter fans
will want to visit. I will take pictures from
outside the store and, if possible, from
inside the store where client can have a
better look as to what it is like inside.
Before I do this I need to ask permission
as to whether it’s okay that I take pictures
in store. When I take photos outside I
should consider the weather and if it is
going to be the right kind of weather for
photographs. For me, I would want it to be
sunny and clear weather so I will have to
look in advance as to what the weather will
be like on the days I can go and take
For my project I need to take the time to visit the York City Centre and take photos of the attractions I have
looked at. Locations like the Minster and the Shambles are examples where I would like to take pictures.
Before I go and take pictures of the Minster I will
need to know the different angles I want to take
with the camera. Another factor I need to
consider for photography is lighting. If I am
taking pictures from outside the Minster I need
to know what time of day to go e.g. sunrise,
midday, sunset hour. For me, I would want the
time of day to be either midday or sunset.
I will try and take shots of the Minster from high
ground so I can get a bit more of York’s
buildings surrounding the Minster in the shot as
When I actually produce my client work I will talk
about activities and tours that take place in and
around the Minster that will be appealing to
young adults.
Production Work
Photoshop techniques:
Once I have started putting my production
work together for my client I will need to have
a clear idea as to how I am putting my work
together. For this, I will mainly be using adobe
Photoshop to put together my print and to use
different techniques and effects to make it
look professional.
Techniques I am going to use to edit the
photos will include tools like:
• Adjustment of Brightness
• Saturation
• Sharpen tool
• Highlights & Shadows
• Black & White
• Color balance
• Healing Brush
These techniques will hopefully make my
pictures look more professional and add a bit
more life and color into them.
I will have to plan out how this print-based
product is going to be laid out and put together.
This means possibly creating a mock up of my
main idea for production so I have an idea as to
what my final product will look like for my client
I still need to be focusing on my target audience
and the age group that my product is aimed at,
so I need to consider the detail and theme I use
when creating my product so that it appeals to
the audience intended.
Color Themes
#d5b678 #673d19 #4f4f4f#c9b998 #49631b#84703f
Color Themes
#42353e #2e1e29 #c35325 #ffcf90#c04121#ea9d4f
Photo location and angles-Mood Board
I want to try and take
some pictures inside
of the Harry Potter
store-giving the
audience a better
insight of York’s most
famous shop.
I am going to make sure I get some
photos of the York Minster as it is a
famous attraction in York and has a
lot of architectural and historic
detail surrounding it. Adding these
aesthetic images of The York
Minster will be more appealing for
teenagers or young adults as
architectural photography is
becoming more and more popular. York is most famous for it’s historical architecture and famous street-
The Shambles. This is why I want to use these locations and include
these images in my booklet.
I want to take a few different angles form places like The Minster so I
can let the audience see the different kind of architecture that The
Minster has.
To target my audience I will include photos from outside and inside the
Harry Potter stores
How am I going to show that my booklet
appeals to students/young adults?
For some of my pages in my booklet I want to add in pictures that
show student, round about the age range I am targeting the booklet
for, in some pictures in my set locations. For example, having
someone inside the Art Gallery looking at the pictures and
If I include some pictures with students or young adults in them then
it would make it more clear that my booklet is aimed at a younger
audience of 16-24 year old’s.
In my booklet, I will include locations in York which will appeal more
to my target audience. For example, I am going to include a page for
the Harry Potter Stores which are located down by the Shambles. It
is more common for young adults to be a fan of Harry Potter and the
Harry Potter theme is York is a popular attraction.
Basic Plan
Glitch effect
Tutorial for the glitch effect
The glitch effect is a technique that is fairly simple to follow through
with and is, in my opinion, an interesting technique to use.
From an artistic standpoint, the digital glitch effect could be used at a
more popular location in York, like the Minster, or even just York’s
City Centre in general.
The digital glitch effect on a photo makes the image look more
modern and digital. If I put the glitch effect over an image of
something historic like The Minster or Clifford's Tower it will be a
contrasting image and effect. An image like that should make young
people think, who use the social media daily, about how they view
these historic monuments that were around when social media and
technology didn’t exist. Most 16-25 year olds partake in social media
or have a social media account. So the glitch effect over an historic
image would have a much deeper meaning to it.
I could also use this effect over an image of a building like the art
gallery where there is modern architecture displayed outside the
Quoted image
Quoted Poster tutorial
Adding in quotes for a magazine or a poster is a really effective way to grab the audiences
attention. Adding in a quote with an image is a good way to get a message across and it’s
also visually interesting and creative.
It isn’t a very complicated tutorial to follow through with so this kind of technique could be
really useful to create when you’re trying to get a message across in a poster or magazine.
I would use this type of technique against more of a clearer image, like the wall or side of a
building. I wouldn’t use this type of technique against a picture of a busy city centre or a
picture where there is a lot of detail and things happening because this could make the
picture look messy or less appealing to look at.
A lot of young people are becoming more interested in the creative aspects of the way
images are produced due to social media posts and how they are interpreted. This is why I
feel like this technique would be an interesting one to use
It is not only creative, but it is quick to read and understand the message to get the point
Text behind things
Text behind objects tutorial
Text behind objects gives off a 3D effect, making the picture itself
stand out. In the example I’ve done I put text behind lots of buildings
which makes the image seem unrealistic in real life, but realistic in
the photo.
In my opinion, this technique would look better in a cover photo as it
is an effective way to grab the audiences attention.
Using this technique is effective as it is a good way for the audience
to be able to read the header and for the header to stick in their
memory without even trying as it is so obvious and it’s the first thing
you will read when looking at the image.
While editing this technique you have to make sure you use the
layer mask tool carefully as it is easy to miss some spots and
edges-especially with a photo that has lots of detail/buildings in it
like the one I used to experiment on.
Editing raw outdoor photos
Photoshop is a great place to make your photos look more HD
and professional. For this experiment I took a regular image that
doesn’t look like it had been edited that much and started adding
in my own effects.
Tools I used in Photoshop to edit the photo:
• Hue/saturation
• Shadows
• Curves
• Brightness
• Sunlight effect
The saturation effect made the shops look
more lit up and cozy. The saturation makes
the picture have that evening mood to it.
I added in a sunlight effect
to make the picture look more
aesthetically pleasing. There’s
also that evening mood to it to
make the location look more
Adding small changes to your image
can make the difference to the way
your magazine looks. For example,
using the color saturation and effect
can help you make your photo fit a
color theme you specifically want.
Even if it’s just adding in highlight or
making the image brighter, can make
all the difference to your image.
Contingency Planning
Potential Issue Solution
Work gets lost Check that you backed up your work, if not
then use free time to re-do the work you
Absent for study lessons Try and do work at home, if you can’t then
use up free time in college to catch up on
Not able to reach location on a planned
Try and arrange another time during that
day or for the next day
Model isn’t able to do the photoshoot Have a back up model or arrange a
different day that can be done within a close
time slot.
Health and Safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
Back ache (computer work) Take a break regularly and go for a walk
Also be sat in a good posture instead of
Eyestrain (computer work) Take regular breaks when doing work away
from a computer screen and phone screen
Neck problems (either from carrying camera
or sitting in uncomfortable position)
Don’t carry camera by strap for long
periods of time/ sit up at a computer and
don’t slouch)
Being near busy areas/roads Look at surroundings before taking pictures
to make sure it is safe to stop and take
pictures. York can be very busy so
Production Schedule
Day/Lesson Tasks
Tue 8th October Start putting together the cover photo (editing the chosen
image and adding in header text)
Thurs 10th October-Fri 11th October Finish Cover photo if not already-start on first booklet
page and try and finish the first page
Tue 15th October Start on second page of booklet (editing the photos and
putting them the the planned layout)
Thurs and Fri 17th-18th October -adding in text on second page
-starting third page on Thursday and finishing on Friday
Tue 22nd October -start working on fourth page designs
-editing images
Thurs and Fri 24th-25th October -finish fourth page designs
-start working on 5th page Thursday and finish Friday
Tue 29th October -start on 6th page
-includes editing images and creating the planned layout
Thurs and Fri 31st October-1st November -finish 6th page on Thursday
-start on the seventh page on Thursday and finish on

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York, UK (Client) evaluation
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York- Client Project Research

  • 2. The Popularity of York The total population of York, as of the 2011 census, is 198,051. Statistically, there are more women than men living in York with 101,797 women and 96,254 men within the city limits. Age statistics show that there are 158,773 adults above the age of 16 living in York. The majority are between the ages of 35 and 54, with 51, 588 people within this age bracket. The median age in York is 38. There are currently 83,552 households and, of that number, only 26,903 claim that they are married. Cohabitating couples make up 9,173 of the total and there are 136 households with same sex marriage partners.
  • 3. York Buildings York Minster would be an interesting place for young adults to visit as it has the cultural and historic aspect to it which, along with the aesthetic view which young people are likely to find intriguing. A lot of the time, with social media being the main source to connect with people, people will want to post about aesthetic and popular attractions so York Minster would be a popular place to visit among young people, specifically young adults. It is very common for tours to take place in the Minster for students in and outside of York. These tours may have been arranged by a school/college/university but it is still a chance for young adults to see the cultural and historic aspect of York. Therefor, studying the architecture of York Minster would be something worth looking into for students to be interested in. Over 650,000 people visit the York minster every year, with statistics rising to 690,000 visits a year in 2017. The Shambles is one of the main attractions in York and I think this would also be a fascinating place when studying architecture in York. The Shambles isn’t just popular because of the historic aspect it brings but the Shambles is sometimes referred to ‘Harry Potter Street’. This is because the street is said to have the famous ‘Diagon Alley’ in J.K Rowling's ‘Harry Potter’ books. On the street of the Shambles is a couple of Harry Potter shops; ‘The Shop That Must Not Be Named’ and ‘The World of Wizardry’. These two popular shops draw lots of attention from Harry Potter fans all across the world. These type of attractions will attract lots of young people aged 16-24 as this is the most common age range for Harry Potter fans.
  • 4. York Art Gallery The York Art Gallery is known for it’s 14th Century artwork displayed inside of the gallery. The gallery consists of contemporary, prints, watercolors, drawings and cinematic. It’s said that an average of 7,658 people visit the art gallery in a month, which is actually less than what is predicted which proves the art gallery may not be gaining as much popularity as it could be. The view that is displayed outside of the art gallery attracts plenty of attention. Just in front of the art Gallery is a stature of York artist, William Etty, born in 1787 and died in 1849. The statue is overlooking a water fountain pool which gives a scenic and aesthetic like view. The gallery is also well known for the architecture shown outside and inside the building. This faience tiled wall is truly an eye catching piece of architecture built within the art gallery which was added in 2015. Mike Woodward, chief operating officer for York’s Museum Trust, said: “The double hexagon style is in keeping with the fantastic contemporary art that will be on show in the gallery but at the same time draws influence from a part of Yorks history” I think that the architecture of the art gallery could attract more people, especially young people, to visit the gallery. Creating something like a magazine or an attraction guide for people aged 16-25 for students with an interest for architecture and history will be more likely to be interested in visiting places like the art gallery in york.
  • 5. York Architecture York is well known for having old buildings within the walls, and it’s large and beautiful cathedral. These buildings have ancient architecture within the walls which draws a lot of tourism and attractions to York. There is plenty of ancient architecture to admire, such as this historic piece located inside the York Minster. This picture shows a part of the ceiling in the minster.
  • 7. Primary Research- Age Range The first question I asked on my survey is how old the person I am asking questions too is. This is so I can get an idea of the kind of people who are answering my survey and how the questions might apply to certain people of age. For my client research, I need to make sure my product is aimed at young adults/students so creating this survey for people of this age range to answer is a good way for me to get to know my audience more. The survey will also help me have a better idea as to how I can apply my given answers to my project. As you can see from my survey answers, the people who have answered my survey are aged 16-22. 14 people answered this question altogether and ages 16-17 and ages 18-22 both have equal amounts of people in each age range meaning 7 people are aged 16-17 and 7 people are aged 18-22.
  • 8. Primary Research-Visiting York’s Centre I think that this is a useful question to ask my audience as I am basing my project in York’s City Centre. Using my results, I can determine how often people of this age range go and visit York’s City Centre. This is useful to know because, for example, if no one of my targeted age range was interested in ever visiting York’s City Centre then it would make it difficult for me to make my York project targeted to young people. You can see from the results that it is more common for young adults to visit York’s City Centre more regularly (every day-weekly) rather than every few weeks/never. The fact that it is more common for teenagers to visit town regularly means that some of the locations will be familiar to them, however for the few that don’t go into town regularly might find some of the locations to be somewhere they have never heard of or visited yet.
  • 9. Primary Research- Clients Interest Finding out if any of my clients are interested in York’s architecture is important and relevant to my project-as my project is based on York’s architecture and is targeted to young adults! Based on the results, more people state that they are interested in York’s Architecture rather than not being interested at all. It is important to get a better understanding of who is going to be fascinated in the booklet that I am making and whether it’s worth making depending on who would be interested in it.
  • 11. ‘Only in York’ Magazine- Visitor Guide 2019 This DPS I found of a magazine tells us about the attractions in York that is likely to be aimed at teenagers or young adults. The DPS tells us about the Shambles and the Harry Potter attractions that are located in the shambles. There is a wide age range between Harry Potter fans but it is more likely that teenagers and young adults will visit these shops as Harry Potter is popular among young people. For my client work I will take pictures of attractions in York’s city centre that appeal to teenagers and young adults (ages 16-24 years) like this DPS does. I think that including the Harry Potter theme in my client project is important because the Harry Potter shops are located in the Shambles and if tourists and fans are visiting for this reason, they will also get a chance to appreciate the historic and cultural aspect of York when walking through the shambles, along with viewing the architectural outlook. The DPS uses high quality photos and each photo has an effect which is like an autumn theme. This color theme across the page will attract the attention of people who are looking for attractions to visit and the fact that the page is Harry Potter themed will catch the eye of fans of Harry Potter.
  • 12. ‘Only in York’ Magazine- Visitor Guide 2019 The Minster is the main attraction in the City of York. The magazines I have looked at include lots of aesthetic and architectural photos of the minster. These type of images would likely catch the attention of young adults or students who are looking for popular places to visit and take photos of. This magazine page shows images from outside and inside the York Minster. This gives people a better insight into what you will see if you visit the minster, making it more of an exciting place to visit. Each of the images used on this page has a theme to it (orange/brown, baby blue) which I think makes the page look more neat and professionally done.
  • 13. Picture Brochures These existing brochures are good examples about how I want my booklet/brochure, that I am making, to be laid out. I like how, in these brochures, that the layout is mainly pictures. I find this style of layout appealing because it is easy for people, who are interested in the brochure, to skim through and see what section may appeal to them best. For example if a brochure was full of text it may put people off. For my brochure I want to show off the creative aspect that I can produce, which would mainly be the photography and photo editing of the pictures. You can see in the first brochure shown that there is some sort of color theme going on (blue). The main picture shown on the page is blue, so therefor the headers shown in the text are blue as well. This technique of using a color theme makes a page look more professional and neat in my opinion.
  • 14. Cover Ideas for Brochure I really like this sort of layout shown in both of these brochures. Both styles, in my opinion, reflect the idea of architecture as architectural photography is commonly experimented with diagonal lines. Both of these brochures use quite neutral colors on the cover and don’t use a lot of different designs and colors which I quite like as it doesn't’t make the cover look messy and unappealing to look at. The fact that the main image is black and white means that the picture used can still fit in with the color theme of black text used on the front. However on my own brochure I would probably want to keep the picture colored and then have the same color theme as what is shown in the picture. I will probably use the idea of cropping out some of the picture diagonal as I like that design and it also gives me a clear background area where I can put the title and a header.
  • 16.
  • 17. Fonts (allfrom1001fontswebsite) I quite like this text due to the simplicity of it, but it’s different from regular serif font. I like how the stroke is broadened in the font and there are rounded curves making the font look a bit fancy. The the is clear to read so this font would be great for headers or a section of text. I found this particular font unique and I think this would be really interesting in my work. The font itself is put together creatively-it looks as if someone has partly painted or drew over the letters, making the text look like it has a kind of back shadow. This is the type of font I would use for a header as it is clearer to read in large text, I feel like it could be quite difficult to read in small text or in a paragraph. This text is also rather artistic so I could use this on a page where I am talking about the Art Gallery in York. In the description of the text, it is said that the letterforms were found in a small city church and the font is usually referred with tags like ‘religious’ and ‘church’. This would be a good text to use on a page in my booklet that has church buildings in it-like the minster or some historic churches in York. This font would be great for the page that is based on the Harry Potter theme in York. The font itself is very similar to the original font for the Harry potter film and books, so this font should catch the attention of Harry Potter fans. This font would be suitable for the header of the Harry Potter page, with the color of the text being red or orange as that is the original Harry Potter color theme.
  • 18. Photography When I visit the Shambles I want to also take pictures of the Harry Potter Shop-‘The Shop That Must Not Be Named’ and ‘The World of Wizardry’ where Harry Potter fans will want to visit. I will take pictures from outside the store and, if possible, from inside the store where client can have a better look as to what it is like inside. Before I do this I need to ask permission as to whether it’s okay that I take pictures in store. When I take photos outside I should consider the weather and if it is going to be the right kind of weather for photographs. For me, I would want it to be sunny and clear weather so I will have to look in advance as to what the weather will be like on the days I can go and take pictures. For my project I need to take the time to visit the York City Centre and take photos of the attractions I have looked at. Locations like the Minster and the Shambles are examples where I would like to take pictures. Before I go and take pictures of the Minster I will need to know the different angles I want to take with the camera. Another factor I need to consider for photography is lighting. If I am taking pictures from outside the Minster I need to know what time of day to go e.g. sunrise, midday, sunset hour. For me, I would want the time of day to be either midday or sunset. I will try and take shots of the Minster from high ground so I can get a bit more of York’s buildings surrounding the Minster in the shot as well. When I actually produce my client work I will talk about activities and tours that take place in and around the Minster that will be appealing to young adults.
  • 19. Production Work Photoshop techniques: Once I have started putting my production work together for my client I will need to have a clear idea as to how I am putting my work together. For this, I will mainly be using adobe Photoshop to put together my print and to use different techniques and effects to make it look professional. Techniques I am going to use to edit the photos will include tools like: • Adjustment of Brightness • Saturation • Sharpen tool • Highlights & Shadows • Black & White • Color balance • Healing Brush These techniques will hopefully make my pictures look more professional and add a bit more life and color into them. I will have to plan out how this print-based product is going to be laid out and put together. This means possibly creating a mock up of my main idea for production so I have an idea as to what my final product will look like for my client work. I still need to be focusing on my target audience and the age group that my product is aimed at, so I need to consider the detail and theme I use when creating my product so that it appeals to the audience intended.
  • 20. Color Themes #d5b678 #673d19 #4f4f4f#c9b998 #49631b#84703f
  • 21. Color Themes #42353e #2e1e29 #c35325 #ffcf90#c04121#ea9d4f
  • 22. Photo location and angles-Mood Board I want to try and take some pictures inside of the Harry Potter store-giving the audience a better insight of York’s most famous shop. I am going to make sure I get some photos of the York Minster as it is a famous attraction in York and has a lot of architectural and historic detail surrounding it. Adding these aesthetic images of The York Minster will be more appealing for teenagers or young adults as architectural photography is becoming more and more popular. York is most famous for it’s historical architecture and famous street- The Shambles. This is why I want to use these locations and include these images in my booklet. I want to take a few different angles form places like The Minster so I can let the audience see the different kind of architecture that The Minster has. To target my audience I will include photos from outside and inside the Harry Potter stores
  • 23. How am I going to show that my booklet appeals to students/young adults? For some of my pages in my booklet I want to add in pictures that show student, round about the age range I am targeting the booklet for, in some pictures in my set locations. For example, having someone inside the Art Gallery looking at the pictures and exhibitions. If I include some pictures with students or young adults in them then it would make it more clear that my booklet is aimed at a younger audience of 16-24 year old’s. In my booklet, I will include locations in York which will appeal more to my target audience. For example, I am going to include a page for the Harry Potter Stores which are located down by the Shambles. It is more common for young adults to be a fan of Harry Potter and the Harry Potter theme is York is a popular attraction.
  • 26. Glitch effect Tutorial for the glitch effect The glitch effect is a technique that is fairly simple to follow through with and is, in my opinion, an interesting technique to use. From an artistic standpoint, the digital glitch effect could be used at a more popular location in York, like the Minster, or even just York’s City Centre in general. The digital glitch effect on a photo makes the image look more modern and digital. If I put the glitch effect over an image of something historic like The Minster or Clifford's Tower it will be a contrasting image and effect. An image like that should make young people think, who use the social media daily, about how they view these historic monuments that were around when social media and technology didn’t exist. Most 16-25 year olds partake in social media or have a social media account. So the glitch effect over an historic image would have a much deeper meaning to it. I could also use this effect over an image of a building like the art gallery where there is modern architecture displayed outside the building.
  • 27. Quoted image Quoted Poster tutorial Adding in quotes for a magazine or a poster is a really effective way to grab the audiences attention. Adding in a quote with an image is a good way to get a message across and it’s also visually interesting and creative. It isn’t a very complicated tutorial to follow through with so this kind of technique could be really useful to create when you’re trying to get a message across in a poster or magazine. I would use this type of technique against more of a clearer image, like the wall or side of a building. I wouldn’t use this type of technique against a picture of a busy city centre or a picture where there is a lot of detail and things happening because this could make the picture look messy or less appealing to look at. A lot of young people are becoming more interested in the creative aspects of the way images are produced due to social media posts and how they are interpreted. This is why I feel like this technique would be an interesting one to use It is not only creative, but it is quick to read and understand the message to get the point across.
  • 28. Text behind things Text behind objects tutorial Text behind objects gives off a 3D effect, making the picture itself stand out. In the example I’ve done I put text behind lots of buildings which makes the image seem unrealistic in real life, but realistic in the photo. In my opinion, this technique would look better in a cover photo as it is an effective way to grab the audiences attention. Using this technique is effective as it is a good way for the audience to be able to read the header and for the header to stick in their memory without even trying as it is so obvious and it’s the first thing you will read when looking at the image. While editing this technique you have to make sure you use the layer mask tool carefully as it is easy to miss some spots and edges-especially with a photo that has lots of detail/buildings in it like the one I used to experiment on.
  • 29. Editing raw outdoor photos Photoshop is a great place to make your photos look more HD and professional. For this experiment I took a regular image that doesn’t look like it had been edited that much and started adding in my own effects. Tools I used in Photoshop to edit the photo: • Hue/saturation • Shadows • Curves • Brightness • Sunlight effect The saturation effect made the shops look more lit up and cozy. The saturation makes the picture have that evening mood to it. I added in a sunlight effect to make the picture look more aesthetically pleasing. There’s also that evening mood to it to make the location look more exquisite. Before After Adding small changes to your image can make the difference to the way your magazine looks. For example, using the color saturation and effect can help you make your photo fit a color theme you specifically want. Even if it’s just adding in highlight or making the image brighter, can make all the difference to your image.
  • 30. Contingency Planning Potential Issue Solution Work gets lost Check that you backed up your work, if not then use free time to re-do the work you lost Absent for study lessons Try and do work at home, if you can’t then use up free time in college to catch up on work Not able to reach location on a planned time Try and arrange another time during that day or for the next day Model isn’t able to do the photoshoot Have a back up model or arrange a different day that can be done within a close time slot.
  • 31. Health and Safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? Back ache (computer work) Take a break regularly and go for a walk Also be sat in a good posture instead of slouching Eyestrain (computer work) Take regular breaks when doing work away from a computer screen and phone screen Neck problems (either from carrying camera or sitting in uncomfortable position) Don’t carry camera by strap for long periods of time/ sit up at a computer and don’t slouch) Being near busy areas/roads Look at surroundings before taking pictures to make sure it is safe to stop and take pictures. York can be very busy so
  • 32. Production Schedule Day/Lesson Tasks Tue 8th October Start putting together the cover photo (editing the chosen image and adding in header text) Thurs 10th October-Fri 11th October Finish Cover photo if not already-start on first booklet page and try and finish the first page Tue 15th October Start on second page of booklet (editing the photos and putting them the the planned layout) Thurs and Fri 17th-18th October -adding in text on second page -starting third page on Thursday and finishing on Friday Tue 22nd October -start working on fourth page designs -editing images Thurs and Fri 24th-25th October -finish fourth page designs -start working on 5th page Thursday and finish Friday Tue 29th October -start on 6th page -includes editing images and creating the planned layout Thurs and Fri 31st October-1st November -finish 6th page on Thursday -start on the seventh page on Thursday and finish on Friday.