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                Unit 4
       Introduction to Computer
There are different types of      Notebook (size of a
computer of varying size          sheet of notebook
and power, including the          paper)
following:                        Hand held (can be held
Supercomputer (the most           in one hand)
powerful type of                      Pen-based (main
mainframe)                            input device is an
                                      electronic pen)
Mainframe (large, very                PDA (personal digital
powerful, multi-user i.e.can          assistant, has
be used by many people at             function such as task
the same time, multi-tasking          lists, diary, address
i.e. can run many programs            book)
and process different sets of Note that the term PC
data at the same time)        usually refers to an IBM
Minicomputer (smaller than Compatible personal
a mainframe, powerful,        computer i.e. an Apple Mac
multi-user, multi-tasking)    personal computer is not
                              referred to as a PC. A
Personal computer (PC)        computer that provides a
(single user) Desktop         service on a network e.g.
  computer (suitable size for   storing files, sharing a
  sitting on an office desk)    printer, is known as a server
     Workstation (most          computer. Server
     powerful type of           Computers usually have a
     desktop, used for          UPS (uninterruptible power
     graphic design, etc.)      supply) attached to them.
Portable (can be carried        This is a battery that
around, can operate with        automatically provides an
batteries)                      electricity supply to allow
     Laptop (large portable,    the server to shut itself
     can be rested on user’s    down properly if the main
     lap)                       supply fails.

                                The processor e.g.
                                Pentium, is the most
                                important part of the
                                computer. It processes the
                                data and controls the
computer. Powerful           hard disk, CD-ROM, CD-R
computers used as servers    disks, CD-RW disks, DVDs
often have more than one     and MO disks, A common
processor. There are tow     Communications device
main types of memory:        is a modem (a modulator/
a      RAM (random access    demodulator used for
    memory) holds the        converting Digital signals to
    program instructions     analogue signals and vice
    and the data that is     versa ในทำงกลับกัน to
    being used กำำลังถูกใช้  allow a computer to be
    by the processor.        connected to the ordinary
b      ROM (read only        telephone system).
    memory) holds the             A set of connector used
    program instructions     for carrying signals between
    and settings required to the different parts of a
    start up the computer    Computer is known as a
                             bus, Data is transferred
The combination of the       constantly between the
processor and memory is processor and memory
sometimes referred to as     along the system bus. Each
the CPU (central processing part of memory has its own
unit), although sometimes    memory address determines
the processor itself is      where processed data is
referred to as the CPU. The stored ถูกเก็บ by sending an
other parts connected to the address signal along an
CPU are known as( periph address bus and data along
erals.อุปกรณ์เสริม )These a data bus. This is
can include input devices,   synchronized by an
output devices, storage      electronic clock in the CPU
devices and                  that determines the
communications devices. operation speed of the
Input devices include:       processor. Transferring data
keyboards, scanners,         between the processor and
barcode readers, digital     RAM can slow up the
cameras, microphones and     computer; therefore, some
video cameras e.g.           very expensive, extremely
webcams (small digital       fast memory is usually used
video cameras used on the    as a cache to hold the most
Web). Output devices         frequently used data.
include: monitors (VDU            In a desktop computer,
display screens) printers,   the CPU (central processing
plotters, loudspeakers,      unit) and storage devices
headphones. Storage          (pieces of equipment used
devices include: magnetic    for
tape , floppy disks
reading from and writing to     American spelling of disk is
a storage medium) are           commonly used, although
normal built inside a system    the British spelling, disc, is
unit which consists of a        sometimes used. Before a
metal chassis enclosed in a     program or data can be
flat desktop or a tower         used, it must be transferred
shaped case. Other              from the Storage device to
peripherals are attached to     the main RAM memory.
the system unit by cables.      Hard disks consist of a set
Each peripheral uses its own    of magnetic coated metal
driver card or controller (an   disks that are vacuum-
expansion card that is          sealed inside a case to keep
plugged ถูกเสียบ into special   out the dust. The magnetic
expansion slots in the          surfaces of the disks are
system unit). Expansion         formatted using a
cards contain the               read/write head to provide
electronics required to         magnetic storage areas.
communicate with and            These storage areas form
control the device e.g. video   concentric circles called
or graphics cards are used      tracks and each track is
for monitors, soundcards        subdivided into sections
are used for audio              called sectors. The disks are
input/output and NICs           rotated at high speed and
(network interface cards)       read from or written to by
are used for connection to      the read/write head that
other computers in a            moves across the surface of
network (computing devices      the disks, In server
connected together). Extra      computers, hard disks can
memory can also be added        be connected together and
to the computer using           made to operate as one unit
special memory expansion        using RAID (a redundant
slots inside the computer. A    array of inexpensive disks).
portable computer that does     This can speed up the
not have enough space           system and provide a way
inside to fit expansion cards   of recovering data if the
may use an external device      system crashes (fails
called a port replicator to     suddenly and completely,
provide connections for         usually referring to the
peripherals.                    failure of a hard disk). there
     Storage devices in the     is a variety of optical
form of a disk or tape are      storage devices that use
used to store the programs      laser light to read or write
and data that are not being     to a disk, including: CD-
used, Note that the             ROMs (compact disk read
                                only memory), CD-R
compact disk), CD-RW               a multiple of the speed of
(rewritable compact disk),         the first devices produced
DVD (digital versatile disk-       e.g. CD-ROM, DVD (given
previously known as digital        as a multiple of the speed
video disk).                       of the first devices
    An input device called a       produced e.g. 24x = 24
barcode reader is a special        times, 12x = 12 times)
type of scanner for reading    e    The display monitor size
barcodes (a set of printed         (measured in inches
bars of varying thickness          diagonally across the
that are used to identify a        screen surface)
product e.g. used to price     f     the monitor image
items in supermarkets)             quality (resolution) given
    When comparing                 by the number of pixels
computers, the power of the        (picture elements) that
computer is important. This        are used across and
is mainly determined by the        down the screen e.g.
speed and capacity (size) of       800x600, or by the
each part of the computer.         graphics standard used
    Speed is measured in           e.g. VGA (video graphics
hertz (Hz) i.e. cycles per         array), SVGA (super video
second                             graphics array)
    Capacity is measured in    g     the graphics card
bytes (B) where 1 byte = 8         memory size (MB-
bits (binary digits) = 1           megabytes)
character. When specifying     h     the speed of the modem
a computer the following           (measured in kbps-
are normally quoted:               kilobits per second)
a the speed of the
   processor (MHz -            Two different number
   megahertz, GHz -            systems are used in
   gigahertz) b the            computer specifications:
   capacity (size) of the      A The decimal system,
   memory (MB-megabytes)          which consists of the
c  the capacity (size) of      digits from 0 of 9, is used
 the magnetic storage          for measuring speed.
 devices e.g. hard disk,     B   The binary system,
 floppy disk (MB-              which only has two digits
 megabytes, GB-                (1 and 0), is used for
 gigabytes)                    measuring capacity.
d the speed of the optical
 storage devices e.g. CD-
 ROM, DVD (given as
The following prefixes are Communication is provided
also used in measurements: between applications
                            programs (wordprocessors,
                            drawing programs, etc.) and
                            the computer hardware (the
                            physical components of a
                            computer system) by a set
                            of programs collectively
                            known as the operation
                            system e.g. Microsoft
                            Windows, MacOS.
                            (Glendinning, 2002, pp

210 =

220 =

230 =
Task 1 What do these abbreviations mean?
     1. CD-ROM

     2. RDRAM

     3. MB

     4. GHz

     5. NICs

     6. SDRAM

     7. PDA

     8. UPS

9. DVD

     10.   RAID

Task 2 Match each item in column A with its function in
Column B. Then describe its function in two ways as given

        A : Item                       B : Function
_________ 1.RAM                a) controls the cursor
_________ 2.Processor
                               b) inputs data through keys
                                  like a typewriter
_________5. 3.5” floppy        c) displays the output from a
drive                             computer on a screen
_________6. monitor
                               d) reads DVD-ROMs
_________7. keyboard
_________8. DVD-ROM            e) reads and write to
drive                             removable magnetic disks
_________9. cache
                               f) holds data read or written
_________10. ROM
                                  to it by the processor
                          i)   g) provides extremely fast
                               access for sections of a
                               program and it data
                               h) controls the timing of
                               signals in the computer
                               i) controls all the operation
                               in a computer
                               j) stores the processed data
Task 3 Describe its function in two ways as given
      1. Using the present simple
         - RAM holds data read or written to it by the
      2. Emphasizing the function
         - The function of ROM is to hold data read or
written to it by the processor.
       1. Processor controls all the operation in a
       2. The function of Processor is to controls all the
operation in a computer.
            1. Mouse controls the cursor.
            2. The function of Mouse is to controls the
       1. Clock controls the timing of signals in the
       2. The function of Clock is to controls the timing of
signals in the computer.
3.5” floppy drive
       1. Floppy drive reads and write to removable
magnetic disks.
       2. The function of floppy drive is to reads and write
to removable magnetic disks.
       1. Monitor displays the output from a computer on a
       2. The function of Monitor is to displays the output
from a computer on a screen.
1. Keyboard inputs data through keys like a
      2. The function of Keyboard is to inputs data
through keys like a typewriter.
DVD-ROM drive
      1.    DVD-ROM drive reads DVD-ROMs.
      2. The function of DVD-ROM drive is to reads DVD-
      1. ROM stores the processed data.
      2. The function of ROM is to stores the processed
Task 4 Describe the function of an item in two ways as
the example given.
      1. Used to-infinitive
         ROM is used to hold instructions which are
needed to start up the computer.
      2. Used for +-ing form
         ROM is used for holding instructions which are
         needed to start up the computer.








3.5” floppy drive


     1. displays the output from a computer on a screen



DVD-ROM drive





Read the following passage
Basic elements
At a top level, a computer consists of processor, memory,
and input/output (I/O) components, with one or more
modules of each type. These are interconnected in some
fashion to achieve the main function of the computer,
which is to execute programs, Thus, there are four main
structural elements :
     • Processor: Controls the operation of the computer
       and performs its data processing functions. When
       there is only one processor, it is often refered to as
       the central processing unit. (CPU)
     • Main memory: Stores data and programs, this
       memory is typically volatile; it is also referred to as
       real memory or primary memory.
     • I/O modules : Move data between the computer
       and its external environment. The external
       environment consists of a variety of external
       devices, including secondary memory devices.
       Communication equipment and terminals.
     • System bus : Some structure and mechanism that
       provides for communication among processors,
       main memory, and I/Q modules
                          s, 2001)

Task 5 Complete the following statements by using
information from the passage.
      1. The passage is
      2. The functions of operating system are

3. A computer consists of
      4. CPU is often referred to

     5. I/O modules referred to
        is used to
      A computer is a device which enables you to
  process information (1) automatically and (2) in
3 accordance with instructions the you give it
    (1)    means that it can carry out capture-process-
        store-communicate all by itself, or at least with
        the minimum of human intervention. It dose
6       this be means of hardware, and communication
        devices, linked together electronically.
    (2)    means the it can be adapted to carry out
        almost any kind of information processing task,
9       whether word processing or stock control. It
        does this by means of software, i.e. set of
        instructions or programs which control these
        hardware device so that carry out the required
        operation on the information
                                           (Carter, 1991).

Task 6 Answer the following questions:
     1. What is the topic of this extract?
     2. What is the main idea?

    3. Write down the means to process information




     4. Write down the accordance with instructions.

     5. Find the reference for the words below
        (1) which (line 1)
        (2) this (line 4)
        (3) this (line 7)
        (4) programs                            (line 8)
     6. What are the functions of the programs?


Computer System Components
    Computer system hardware components include
devices that perform the functions of input, processing,
data storage and output.
    In computer system, processing is accomplished by
interplay between one or more of the central processing
units and primary storage. Each central processing unit
(CPU) consists of three associated elements; the
arithmetic/logic unit, the control unit, and the register
areas. The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) performs
mathematical calculations and makes logical comparisons.
The control unit sequentially accesses program instruction,
decodes them, and coordinates the flow of data in and out
of ALU, the registers, primary storage and even secondary
storage and various output devices. Registers are high-
speed storage areas used to temporarily hold small units
of program instructions and data immediately, during and
after execution by the CPU
    Primary storage, also called main memory or just
memory, with the CPU. Memory holds program
instructions and data immediately before of immediately
after the registers. (Stair, 1996).
Task 7 Answer the following questions.
     1. Write down the components devices of computer
hardware system




      2. Write down the elements of central processing
unit (CPU)



3. Complete the figure by using the information
          Input      devices
          Communication devices
          Output devices
          Processing devices
          Control unit
          Arithmetic logic unit
          Register storage area
Central processing unit (CPU)
     The central processing unit is the heart of any
computer system. It is in the central processing unit that
programs are executed. All data that are operated on by a
program must be copied into the CPU (although not
necessarily at the same time).
     The CPU can be viewed as consisting of three main
components. These are:
     1. The control unit
     2. The arithmetic and logic unit
     3. The storage unit
     The control unit consists of hardware that can monitor
the operation of the CPU itself. It initiates and controls the
flow of data and instructions within the CPU. It interprets
those instructions to be executed and the physically
implements what ever actions are necessary to carry out
the execution of those instruction.
     The arithmetic and logic unit carries out the arithmetic
operations determined by the control unit. It also can
make comparisons between data to determine if they are
equal or unequal, or if one piece of data is greater than,
or less than another piece of date.
     The storage unit consists of memory locations. It is
also called primary memory (to differentiate if from
secondary storage). It is also frequently called core. This
term relates to a no longer used memory technology that
used tiny ferrite core as the basic memory unit.
                                          (William, & Sawyer,

Task 8 Complete the figure below
Task 9 Answer the following question:
     1. What is the best topic of this extract?
     2. What is the main idea?

      3. What are the components of CPU.
      4. What are the components perform the execution
of an instruction.
      5. What are the functions of arithmetic and logic



CPU Characteristics
Machine cycle time
      Because having efficient processing and timely output
is important, organizations use a variety of measures to
gauge processing speed. These include the time it takes to
complete one machine cycle, clock speed, and others.
      Machine cycle time. The execution of an instruction
takes place during a machine cycle. The time in which a
machine cycle occurs is measured in fractions of a second.
Machine cycle time range from milliseconds (one
thousandth of one second) and microseconds (one
millionth of one second) for smaller computer to
nanoseconds (on billionth of one second) and picoseconds
(one trillionth of one second) for the larger ones. Machine
cycle time also can be measured in terms of how many
instructions are executed in a second. This measure,
called MIPS, stands for millions of instructions per second.
MIPS is used to measure speed for computer systems of
all sizes
      Another measure of machine cycle time is a FLOP, or
floating – point operation. A floating – point operation is
an arithmetic calculation where the decimal point “floats”
or moves to provide greater accuracy during computing.
Megaflop, millions of floating-point operations per second
and gigaflop, millions of floating-point operations per
second, are popular measures for large computer systems.
                                              (Ralph. 1996).

Task 10 Complete the following statements.
     1. Give the definition of each word.



2.    Write down 3 kinds of machine cycle time




Clock speed
     Each CPU produces a series of electronic pulses at a
predetermined rate, called the clock speed, which effects
machine cycle time. The control unit portion of the CPU
controls the various stages of the machine cycle by
following predetermined internal instructions, know as
microcode. The control unit executes the microcode in
accordance with the electronic cycle or pulses of the CPU
“clock”. Each microcode instruction takes at last the same
amount of time to occur as the interval between pulses.
The shorter the interval between pulses, the faster each
microcode instruction can be executed.
     Clock speed is often measured in megahertz. A hertz
is one cycle or pulse. Megahertz (MHz) is the
measurement of cycles in millions of cycles per second.
The clock speed for personal computers can’ range from
about 20 MHz too 100 MHz or more. (Ralph. 1996).
Task 11 Complete the following statements.
1. Clock speed refers to

     2. Microcode refers to

      3. The advantage of the shorter interval between
pluses is _________________

     4. Hertz refers

      5. MHz stands for ___________________________,
and refers to______________

Word length and bus line width
Data is moved around within a computer system, not
in a continuous stream, but in groups of bits. A bit is a
binary digit – 0 or 1. Therefore, another factor affecting
overall system performance, and particularly speed, is the
number of bits the CPU can process at any one time. This
number of bits is called the word length of the CPU. A CPU
with a word length of 32 (called a 32 – bit CPU) will
process 32 bits of data in one machine cycle.
     Data is transferred from the CPU to other system
components via bus lines, the physical wiring that
connects the computer system components. The number
of bits a bus line can transfer at any one time is known as
bus line width. (Ralph, 1996)

Task 12 Complete the statements below.
     1. “Bit” stands for ____________and refers to

     2. The number of bits is affected
     3. Wordlength of the CPU
        which ________________________in one
machine cycle.
     4. “Bus line width” refers to
     5. “Bus line”

Language focus
Word formation: prefixes
When you are reading, you will come across unfamiliar
words. It is often possible to guess the meanings of these
words if you understand the way words in English are
generally formed.

             Prefix              stem            suffixes

An English word can be divided into three parts: a prefix,
a stem, and a suffix. Pre-means ‘before’. A prefix,
therefore, is what comes before the stem. Consider. As an
example, the prefix de- (meaning ‘reduce’ of ‘reverse’) in
a word like demagnetize (meaning ‘to deprive of
magnetism’). A suffix is what is attached to the end of the
stem. Consider, as an example, the suffix-er (meaning
‘someone who’) in programmer (‘a person who program’).

Suffixes change the word from one part of speech to
another. For example, -ly added to the adjective quick
gives the adverb quickly. Prefixes, on the other hand,
usually change the meaning of the word. For example, un-
changes a word to the negative, Unmagnetizable means
‘not capable of being magnetized’. Let us now consider
some prefixes, their usual meanings, and how they
change the meanings of English words.

Negati      Size         Locatio     Time        Number
ve and                   n           and
positiv                              order
un-         semi-        inter-      pre-        mono-
non-        mini-        super-      ante-       bi-
in-         micro-       trans-      fore-       hex-
dis-                     ex-         post-       oct-
re-                      extra-                  multi-

Study these tables. Try to find additional examples, using
your dictionary if necessary.
1 Negative and positive prefixes:
            Prefix     Meaning          Examples
    Negative       un-
            im-                         incomplete
            i-         not              impossible
            il-                                   illegal
            ir-                                   irregular,
            non-       not connected with         non-
            mis-       bad, wrong       misdirect
            mal-                        malfunction
            dis-       opposite feeling disagree
                       opposite action disconnect
            anti-      against          antiglare
de-       reduce, reverse demagnetize,
              under-       too little     underestimate
   Positive     re-        do again       reorganize
              over-        too much       overload
2 Prefixes    of size :
  Prefix              Meaning                      Examples
  semi-               halt, partly    semiconductor
  equi-               equal           equidistant
  mini-               small           minicomputer
  micro-        very small            microcomputer
  macro-        large, great macroeconomics
  mege-                               megabyte

3 Prefixes of location:
  Prefix          Meaning                       Examples
  inter-          between, among interface, interactive
  super-     over        supersonic
  trans-          across          transmit, transfer
  ex-        out         exclude, extrinsic
  extra-          beyond          extraordinary
  sub-       under                subschema
  infra-          below           infra-red
  peri-      around               peripheral

4 Prefixes of time and order:
  Prefix           Meaning                        Examples
  ante-            before            antecedent
  pre-                               prefix
  prime-     first        primary,   primitive
  post-            after             postdated
  retro-           backward
5 Prefixes of numbers:
  Prefix           Meaning                      Examples
  semi-            half          semicircle
  mono-      one         monochromatic
  bi-        two         binary
  tri-       three               triangle
  quad-      four        quadruple
  penta-     five        pentagon
  hex-       six         hexadecimal
  sept(em)-seven                 September
  oct-       eight       octal
  dec-       ten         decimal
  multi-           many          multiplexor

6 Other prefixes:
  Prefix     Meaning               Examples
  pro-       before, in advance    program
           forward                 progress
  auto-      self         automatic
  co-      together, with co-ordinate
  con-       connect

Task 13 Read the following sentences and circle the
prefixes. For each word that has a prefix, try to decide
what the prefix means. Refer back to the table if you need
      1 Floppy disks are inexpensive and reuseable.
      2 If a printer malfunctions, you should check the
         interface cable.
      3 The multiplexor was not working because
         someone had disconnected it by mistake.
      4 Improper installation of the antiglare shield will
         make it impossible to read what is on the screen.
5 After you transfer text using the ‘cut and paste’
        feature, you may have to reformat the text you
        have inserted.
      6 You can maximize your chances of finding a job if
        you are bilingual or even trilingual.
      7 Peripheral devices can be either input devices
        (such as keyboards) or output devices (such as
      8 Your pay rise is retroactive to the beginning of
        June and you will receive a biannual bonus.
      9 The octal and hexadecimal systems are number
        systems used as a form of shorthand in reading
        groups of four binary digits.
      10As the results are irregular, the program will have
        to be rewritten.

Task 14 Fill in the gaps with the correct prefix from the
following list.

                auto      de
               dec   inter
                maxi       mega
               micro mini
                mono       multi
               semi   sub

      1 Most people prefer a color screen to a
        __________ chrome screen.
      2 __________script is a character or symbol written
        below and to the right of a number or letter,
        often used in science.
      3 A __________byte equals approximately on
        million bytes.
4 Once you finish your program, you will have to
       test it and __________ bug it to remove all the
     5 The introduction of __________ conductor
       technology revolutionized the computer industry.
     6 If a computer system has two or more central
       processors which are under common control, it is
       called a __________ processor system.
     7 The __________ system is a number system
       with a base of 10.
     8 When the user and the computer are in active
       communication on a graphics system, we refer to
       this as __________ active graphics.

       Through this unit you have learnt briefly the
different types of computers and theirs capabilities. Note
that a computer consists of processor, memory and I/O
which interconnected to execute programs. Also, you have
figured out the specific information of computer elements,
functions and interconnection. According to the physical
components of computer system and any supporting
equipment, the heart of any computer system is the
central processing unit, or CPU. To focus on the CPU
operation, you must understand machine cycle time and
FLOP which a machine cycle occurs is measured in
fractions of a second.

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Xa unit4computerarchitector

  • 1. นมัสการพระนิสตทุกรูป ิ กิจกรรมของห้องเรียนวันนี้ประกอบด้วย 1. การสอบปากเปล่า นิมนต์ให้นำาใบคะแนนมาด้วยขอรับ 2. บทเรียนการอ่านในไฟล์นี้ เนื่องจากบทเรียนยาวมากให้มั่นใจ ว่า 2.1ท่านเข้าถึง Internet file ในห้องเรียนได้ 2.2หรือ ท่านได้ print out document มาพร้อมก่อนเข้า ห้องเรียน Unit 4 Introduction to Computer Architecture There are different types of Notebook (size of a computer of varying size sheet of notebook and power, including the paper) following: Hand held (can be held Supercomputer (the most in one hand) powerful type of Pen-based (main mainframe) input device is an electronic pen) Mainframe (large, very PDA (personal digital powerful, multi-user i.e.can assistant, has be used by many people at function such as task the same time, multi-tasking lists, diary, address i.e. can run many programs book) and process different sets of Note that the term PC data at the same time) usually refers to an IBM Minicomputer (smaller than Compatible personal a mainframe, powerful, computer i.e. an Apple Mac multi-user, multi-tasking) personal computer is not referred to as a PC. A Personal computer (PC) computer that provides a
  • 2. (single user) Desktop service on a network e.g. computer (suitable size for storing files, sharing a sitting on an office desk) printer, is known as a server Workstation (most computer. Server powerful type of Computers usually have a desktop, used for UPS (uninterruptible power graphic design, etc.) supply) attached to them. Portable (can be carried This is a battery that around, can operate with automatically provides an batteries) electricity supply to allow Laptop (large portable, the server to shut itself can be rested on user’s down properly if the main lap) supply fails. The processor e.g. Pentium, is the most important part of the computer. It processes the data and controls the
  • 3. computer. Powerful hard disk, CD-ROM, CD-R computers used as servers disks, CD-RW disks, DVDs often have more than one and MO disks, A common processor. There are tow Communications device main types of memory: is a modem (a modulator/ a RAM (random access demodulator used for memory) holds the converting Digital signals to program instructions analogue signals and vice and the data that is versa ในทำงกลับกัน to being used กำำลังถูกใช้ allow a computer to be by the processor. connected to the ordinary b ROM (read only telephone system). memory) holds the A set of connector used program instructions for carrying signals between and settings required to the different parts of a start up the computer Computer is known as a bus, Data is transferred The combination of the constantly between the processor and memory is processor and memory sometimes referred to as along the system bus. Each the CPU (central processing part of memory has its own unit), although sometimes memory address determines the processor itself is where processed data is referred to as the CPU. The stored ถูกเก็บ by sending an other parts connected to the address signal along an CPU are known as( periph address bus and data along erals.อุปกรณ์เสริม )These a data bus. This is can include input devices, synchronized by an output devices, storage electronic clock in the CPU devices and that determines the communications devices. operation speed of the Input devices include: processor. Transferring data keyboards, scanners, between the processor and barcode readers, digital RAM can slow up the
  • 4. cameras, microphones and computer; therefore, some video cameras e.g. very expensive, extremely webcams (small digital fast memory is usually used video cameras used on the as a cache to hold the most Web). Output devices frequently used data. include: monitors (VDU In a desktop computer, display screens) printers, the CPU (central processing plotters, loudspeakers, unit) and storage devices headphones. Storage (pieces of equipment used devices include: magnetic for tape , floppy disks (diskettes),
  • 5. reading from and writing to American spelling of disk is a storage medium) are commonly used, although normal built inside a system the British spelling, disc, is unit which consists of a sometimes used. Before a metal chassis enclosed in a program or data can be flat desktop or a tower used, it must be transferred shaped case. Other from the Storage device to peripherals are attached to the main RAM memory. the system unit by cables. Hard disks consist of a set Each peripheral uses its own of magnetic coated metal driver card or controller (an disks that are vacuum- expansion card that is sealed inside a case to keep plugged ถูกเสียบ into special out the dust. The magnetic expansion slots in the surfaces of the disks are system unit). Expansion formatted using a cards contain the read/write head to provide electronics required to magnetic storage areas. communicate with and These storage areas form control the device e.g. video concentric circles called or graphics cards are used tracks and each track is for monitors, soundcards subdivided into sections are used for audio called sectors. The disks are input/output and NICs rotated at high speed and (network interface cards) read from or written to by are used for connection to the read/write head that other computers in a moves across the surface of network (computing devices the disks, In server connected together). Extra computers, hard disks can memory can also be added be connected together and to the computer using made to operate as one unit special memory expansion using RAID (a redundant slots inside the computer. A array of inexpensive disks). portable computer that does This can speed up the not have enough space system and provide a way
  • 6. inside to fit expansion cards of recovering data if the may use an external device system crashes (fails called a port replicator to suddenly and completely, provide connections for usually referring to the peripherals. failure of a hard disk). there Storage devices in the is a variety of optical form of a disk or tape are storage devices that use used to store the programs laser light to read or write and data that are not being to a disk, including: CD- used, Note that the ROMs (compact disk read only memory), CD-R (recordable
  • 7. compact disk), CD-RW a multiple of the speed of (rewritable compact disk), the first devices produced DVD (digital versatile disk- e.g. CD-ROM, DVD (given previously known as digital as a multiple of the speed video disk). of the first devices An input device called a produced e.g. 24x = 24 barcode reader is a special times, 12x = 12 times) type of scanner for reading e The display monitor size barcodes (a set of printed (measured in inches bars of varying thickness diagonally across the that are used to identify a screen surface) product e.g. used to price f the monitor image items in supermarkets) quality (resolution) given When comparing by the number of pixels computers, the power of the (picture elements) that computer is important. This are used across and is mainly determined by the down the screen e.g. speed and capacity (size) of 800x600, or by the each part of the computer. graphics standard used Speed is measured in e.g. VGA (video graphics hertz (Hz) i.e. cycles per array), SVGA (super video second graphics array) Capacity is measured in g the graphics card bytes (B) where 1 byte = 8 memory size (MB- bits (binary digits) = 1 megabytes) character. When specifying h the speed of the modem a computer the following (measured in kbps- are normally quoted: kilobits per second) a the speed of the processor (MHz - Two different number megahertz, GHz - systems are used in gigahertz) b the computer specifications: capacity (size) of the A The decimal system, memory (MB-megabytes) which consists of the
  • 8. c the capacity (size) of digits from 0 of 9, is used the magnetic storage for measuring speed. devices e.g. hard disk, B The binary system, floppy disk (MB- which only has two digits megabytes, GB- (1 and 0), is used for gigabytes) measuring capacity. d the speed of the optical storage devices e.g. CD- ROM, DVD (given as
  • 9. The following prefixes are Communication is provided also used in measurements: between applications programs (wordprocessors, drawing programs, etc.) and the computer hardware (the physical components of a computer system) by a set of programs collectively known as the operation system e.g. Microsoft Windows, MacOS. (Glendinning, 2002, pp 14-16)
  • 10. Deci mal syste m Binar y syste m Kilo 103 =1 thou sand 210 = 1,02 4 Meg a 106 =1 millio n 220 = 1,04 8,57 6 Giga 109 =1 thou sand millio n 230 = 1,07 3,74 1,82 4
  • 11. Task 1 What do these abbreviations mean? 1. CD-ROM _______________________________________________ _______. 2. RDRAM _______________________________________________ _______. 3. MB _______________________________________________ _______. 4. GHz _______________________________________________ _______. 5. NICs _______________________________________________ _______. 6. SDRAM _______________________________________________ _______. 7. PDA _______________________________________________ _______. 8. UPS _______________________________________________ _______.
  • 12. 9. DVD _______________________________________________ _______. 10. RAID _______________________________________________ _______.
  • 13. Task 2 Match each item in column A with its function in Column B. Then describe its function in two ways as given example. A : Item B : Function _________ 1.RAM a) controls the cursor _________ 2.Processor b) inputs data through keys _________3.Mouse like a typewriter _________4.Clock _________5. 3.5” floppy c) displays the output from a drive computer on a screen _________6. monitor d) reads DVD-ROMs _________7. keyboard _________8. DVD-ROM e) reads and write to drive removable magnetic disks _________9. cache f) holds data read or written _________10. ROM to it by the processor i) g) provides extremely fast access for sections of a program and it data h) controls the timing of signals in the computer i) controls all the operation in a computer j) stores the processed data
  • 14. Task 3 Describe its function in two ways as given example 1. Using the present simple - RAM holds data read or written to it by the processor. 2. Emphasizing the function - The function of ROM is to hold data read or written to it by the processor. Processor 1. Processor controls all the operation in a computer. 2. The function of Processor is to controls all the operation in a computer. Mouse 1. Mouse controls the cursor. 2. The function of Mouse is to controls the cursor. Clock 1. Clock controls the timing of signals in the computer. 2. The function of Clock is to controls the timing of signals in the computer. 3.5” floppy drive 1. Floppy drive reads and write to removable magnetic disks. 2. The function of floppy drive is to reads and write to removable magnetic disks. Monitor 1. Monitor displays the output from a computer on a screen. 2. The function of Monitor is to displays the output from a computer on a screen. Keyboard
  • 15. 1. Keyboard inputs data through keys like a typewriter. 2. The function of Keyboard is to inputs data through keys like a typewriter. DVD-ROM drive 1. DVD-ROM drive reads DVD-ROMs. 2. The function of DVD-ROM drive is to reads DVD- ROMs. ROM 1. ROM stores the processed data. 2. The function of ROM is to stores the processed data. Task 4 Describe the function of an item in two ways as the example given. 1. Used to-infinitive ROM is used to hold instructions which are needed to start up the computer. 2. Used for +-ing form ROM is used for holding instructions which are needed to start up the computer. RAM 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Processor 1. _______________________________________________ _______.
  • 16. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Mouse 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Clock 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. 3.5” floppy drive 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Monitor 1. displays the output from a computer on a screen
  • 17. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Keyboard 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. DVD-ROM drive 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Cache 1. _______________________________________________ _______. 2. _______________________________________________ _______. Read the following passage
  • 18. Basic elements At a top level, a computer consists of processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) components, with one or more modules of each type. These are interconnected in some fashion to achieve the main function of the computer, which is to execute programs, Thus, there are four main structural elements : • Processor: Controls the operation of the computer and performs its data processing functions. When there is only one processor, it is often refered to as the central processing unit. (CPU) • Main memory: Stores data and programs, this memory is typically volatile; it is also referred to as real memory or primary memory. • I/O modules : Move data between the computer and its external environment. The external environment consists of a variety of external devices, including secondary memory devices. Communication equipment and terminals. • System bus : Some structure and mechanism that provides for communication among processors, main memory, and I/Q modules (Stalling s, 2001) Task 5 Complete the following statements by using information from the passage. 1. The passage is about__________________________________________ ______. 2. The functions of operating system are 2.1
  • 19. _______________________________________________ ________________. 2.2 _______________________________________________ ________________.
  • 20. 3. A computer consists of ______________________________________________. 4. CPU is often referred to ______________________________________________. for controlling_______________________________________ ________________. _______________________________________________ ____________________. 5. I/O modules referred to _________________________________________which is used to A computer is a device which enables you to process information (1) automatically and (2) in 3 accordance with instructions the you give it (1) means that it can carry out capture-process- store-communicate all by itself, or at least with the minimum of human intervention. It dose 6 this be means of hardware, and communication devices, linked together electronically. (2) means the it can be adapted to carry out almost any kind of information processing task, 9 whether word processing or stock control. It does this by means of software, i.e. set of instructions or programs which control these hardware device so that carry out the required operation on the information (Carter, 1991). Task 6 Answer the following questions: 1. What is the topic of this extract?
  • 21. _______________________________________________ ____________________. 2. What is the main idea? _______________________________________________ ____________________. 3. Write down the means to process information automatically. (1) _______________________________________________ _ (2) _______________________________________________ _ (3) _______________________________________________ _ (4) _______________________________________________ _ 4. Write down the accordance with instructions. (1) _______________________________________________ _ (2)
  • 22. _______________________________________________ _ 5. Find the reference for the words below (1) which (line 1) ___________________________________ (2) this (line 4) ___________________________________ (3) this (line 7) ___________________________________ (4) programs (line 8) ___________________________________ 6. What are the functions of the programs? _______________________________________________ ____________________ Computer System Components Computer system hardware components include devices that perform the functions of input, processing, data storage and output. In computer system, processing is accomplished by interplay between one or more of the central processing units and primary storage. Each central processing unit (CPU) consists of three associated elements; the arithmetic/logic unit, the control unit, and the register areas. The arithmetic/logic unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations and makes logical comparisons. The control unit sequentially accesses program instruction, decodes them, and coordinates the flow of data in and out of ALU, the registers, primary storage and even secondary
  • 23. storage and various output devices. Registers are high- speed storage areas used to temporarily hold small units of program instructions and data immediately, during and after execution by the CPU Primary storage, also called main memory or just memory, with the CPU. Memory holds program instructions and data immediately before of immediately after the registers. (Stair, 1996).
  • 24. Task 7 Answer the following questions. 1. Write down the components devices of computer hardware system (1) _______________________________________________ _ (2) _______________________________________________ _ (3) _______________________________________________ _ (4) _______________________________________________ _ 2. Write down the elements of central processing unit (CPU) (1) _______________________________________________ _ (2) _______________________________________________ _ (3) _______________________________________________ _
  • 25. 3. Complete the figure by using the information given Input devices Communication devices Output devices Processing devices Control unit Arithmetic logic unit Register storage area
  • 26. Central processing unit (CPU) The central processing unit is the heart of any computer system. It is in the central processing unit that programs are executed. All data that are operated on by a program must be copied into the CPU (although not necessarily at the same time). The CPU can be viewed as consisting of three main components. These are: 1. The control unit 2. The arithmetic and logic unit 3. The storage unit The control unit consists of hardware that can monitor the operation of the CPU itself. It initiates and controls the flow of data and instructions within the CPU. It interprets those instructions to be executed and the physically implements what ever actions are necessary to carry out the execution of those instruction. The arithmetic and logic unit carries out the arithmetic operations determined by the control unit. It also can make comparisons between data to determine if they are equal or unequal, or if one piece of data is greater than, or less than another piece of date. The storage unit consists of memory locations. It is also called primary memory (to differentiate if from secondary storage). It is also frequently called core. This term relates to a no longer used memory technology that used tiny ferrite core as the basic memory unit. (William, & Sawyer, 2001). Task 8 Complete the figure below
  • 27. Task 9 Answer the following question: 1. What is the best topic of this extract? ________________________________________ ___________________________ 2. What is the main idea? _______________________________________________ ____________________ 3. What are the components of CPU. ________________________________________ ___________________________ 4. What are the components perform the execution of an instruction. ________________________________________ ___________________________ 5. What are the functions of arithmetic and logic unit? (1) _______________________________________________ _ (2) _______________________________________________ _ (3) _______________________________________________ _
  • 28. CPU Characteristics Machine cycle time Because having efficient processing and timely output is important, organizations use a variety of measures to gauge processing speed. These include the time it takes to complete one machine cycle, clock speed, and others. Machine cycle time. The execution of an instruction takes place during a machine cycle. The time in which a machine cycle occurs is measured in fractions of a second. Machine cycle time range from milliseconds (one thousandth of one second) and microseconds (one millionth of one second) for smaller computer to nanoseconds (on billionth of one second) and picoseconds (one trillionth of one second) for the larger ones. Machine cycle time also can be measured in terms of how many instructions are executed in a second. This measure, called MIPS, stands for millions of instructions per second. MIPS is used to measure speed for computer systems of all sizes Another measure of machine cycle time is a FLOP, or floating – point operation. A floating – point operation is an arithmetic calculation where the decimal point “floats” or moves to provide greater accuracy during computing. Megaflop, millions of floating-point operations per second and gigaflop, millions of floating-point operations per second, are popular measures for large computer systems. (Ralph. 1996). Task 10 Complete the following statements. 1. Give the definition of each word. a.
  • 30. 2. Write down 3 kinds of machine cycle time measurements a. _______________________________________________ _______________ b. _______________________________________________ _______________ c. _______________________________________________ _______________ Clock speed Each CPU produces a series of electronic pulses at a predetermined rate, called the clock speed, which effects machine cycle time. The control unit portion of the CPU controls the various stages of the machine cycle by following predetermined internal instructions, know as microcode. The control unit executes the microcode in accordance with the electronic cycle or pulses of the CPU “clock”. Each microcode instruction takes at last the same amount of time to occur as the interval between pulses. The shorter the interval between pulses, the faster each microcode instruction can be executed. Clock speed is often measured in megahertz. A hertz is one cycle or pulse. Megahertz (MHz) is the measurement of cycles in millions of cycles per second. The clock speed for personal computers can’ range from about 20 MHz too 100 MHz or more. (Ralph. 1996). Task 11 Complete the following statements.
  • 31. 1. Clock speed refers to _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________ 2. Microcode refers to _______________________________________________ __ _______________________________________________ ____________________ 3. The advantage of the shorter interval between pluses is _________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________ 4. Hertz refers to_____________________________________________ __________ _______________________________________________ ____________________ 5. MHz stands for ___________________________, and refers to______________ _______________________________________________ ____________________ Word length and bus line width
  • 32. Data is moved around within a computer system, not in a continuous stream, but in groups of bits. A bit is a binary digit – 0 or 1. Therefore, another factor affecting overall system performance, and particularly speed, is the number of bits the CPU can process at any one time. This number of bits is called the word length of the CPU. A CPU with a word length of 32 (called a 32 – bit CPU) will process 32 bits of data in one machine cycle. Data is transferred from the CPU to other system components via bus lines, the physical wiring that connects the computer system components. The number of bits a bus line can transfer at any one time is known as bus line width. (Ralph, 1996) Task 12 Complete the statements below. 1. “Bit” stands for ____________and refers to _____________________________ _______________________________________________ ____________________. 2. The number of bits is affected by______________________________________ ____________and_____________________. 3. Wordlength of the CPU means________________________________________ which ________________________in one machine cycle. 4. “Bus line width” refers to _____________________________________________
  • 33. _______________________________________________ ____________________ 5. “Bus line” means._________________________________________ __________ _______________________________________________ ____________________
  • 34. Language focus Word formation: prefixes When you are reading, you will come across unfamiliar words. It is often possible to guess the meanings of these words if you understand the way words in English are generally formed. Prefix stem suffixes An English word can be divided into three parts: a prefix, a stem, and a suffix. Pre-means ‘before’. A prefix, therefore, is what comes before the stem. Consider. As an example, the prefix de- (meaning ‘reduce’ of ‘reverse’) in a word like demagnetize (meaning ‘to deprive of magnetism’). A suffix is what is attached to the end of the stem. Consider, as an example, the suffix-er (meaning ‘someone who’) in programmer (‘a person who program’). Suffixes change the word from one part of speech to another. For example, -ly added to the adjective quick gives the adverb quickly. Prefixes, on the other hand, usually change the meaning of the word. For example, un- changes a word to the negative, Unmagnetizable means ‘not capable of being magnetized’. Let us now consider some prefixes, their usual meanings, and how they change the meanings of English words.
  • 35. Prefixes Negati Size Locatio Time Number ve and n and positiv order e un- semi- inter- pre- mono- non- mini- super- ante- bi- in- micro- trans- fore- hex- dis- ex- post- oct- re- extra- multi- peri- Study these tables. Try to find additional examples, using your dictionary if necessary. 1 Negative and positive prefixes: Prefix Meaning Examples Negative un- unmagnetized im- incomplete i- not impossible il- illegal ir- irregular, irrelevant non- not connected with non- programmable, mis- bad, wrong misdirect mal- malfunction dis- opposite feeling disagree opposite action disconnect anti- against antiglare
  • 36. de- reduce, reverse demagnetize, decode under- too little underestimate Positive re- do again reorganize over- too much overload 2 Prefixes of size : Prefix Meaning Examples semi- halt, partly semiconductor equi- equal equidistant mini- small minicomputer micro- very small microcomputer macro- large, great macroeconomics mege- megabyte 3 Prefixes of location: Prefix Meaning Examples inter- between, among interface, interactive super- over supersonic trans- across transmit, transfer ex- out exclude, extrinsic extra- beyond extraordinary sub- under subschema infra- below infra-red peri- around peripheral 4 Prefixes of time and order: Prefix Meaning Examples ante- before antecedent pre- prefix prime- first primary, primitive post- after postdated retro- backward retroactive
  • 37. 5 Prefixes of numbers: Prefix Meaning Examples semi- half semicircle mono- one monochromatic bi- two binary tri- three triangle quad- four quadruple penta- five pentagon hex- six hexadecimal sept(em)-seven September oct- eight octal dec- ten decimal multi- many multiplexor 6 Other prefixes: Prefix Meaning Examples pro- before, in advance program forward progress auto- self automatic co- together, with co-ordinate con- connect Task 13 Read the following sentences and circle the prefixes. For each word that has a prefix, try to decide what the prefix means. Refer back to the table if you need help. 1 Floppy disks are inexpensive and reuseable. 2 If a printer malfunctions, you should check the interface cable. 3 The multiplexor was not working because someone had disconnected it by mistake. 4 Improper installation of the antiglare shield will make it impossible to read what is on the screen.
  • 38. 5 After you transfer text using the ‘cut and paste’ feature, you may have to reformat the text you have inserted. 6 You can maximize your chances of finding a job if you are bilingual or even trilingual. 7 Peripheral devices can be either input devices (such as keyboards) or output devices (such as printers). 8 Your pay rise is retroactive to the beginning of June and you will receive a biannual bonus. 9 The octal and hexadecimal systems are number systems used as a form of shorthand in reading groups of four binary digits. 10As the results are irregular, the program will have to be rewritten. Task 14 Fill in the gaps with the correct prefix from the following list. auto de dec inter maxi mega micro mini mono multi semi sub 1 Most people prefer a color screen to a __________ chrome screen. 2 __________script is a character or symbol written below and to the right of a number or letter, often used in science. 3 A __________byte equals approximately on million bytes.
  • 39. 4 Once you finish your program, you will have to test it and __________ bug it to remove all the mistakes. 5 The introduction of __________ conductor technology revolutionized the computer industry. 6 If a computer system has two or more central processors which are under common control, it is called a __________ processor system. 7 The __________ system is a number system with a base of 10. 8 When the user and the computer are in active communication on a graphics system, we refer to this as __________ active graphics. Conclusion Through this unit you have learnt briefly the different types of computers and theirs capabilities. Note that a computer consists of processor, memory and I/O which interconnected to execute programs. Also, you have figured out the specific information of computer elements, functions and interconnection. According to the physical components of computer system and any supporting equipment, the heart of any computer system is the central processing unit, or CPU. To focus on the CPU operation, you must understand machine cycle time and FLOP which a machine cycle occurs is measured in fractions of a second.