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Mr. Estrella
Wildlife Ethics
Mahatma Gandhi once said that “Earth
provides enough to satisfy every man’s
needs, but not every man’s greed.”
The Earth – Our home
Milky Way -
light years
estimated 200 billion stars in our
The Universe contains an estimated 100-200 billion
The Milky Way Galaxy -
The Milky Way Galaxy in
 Earthlings: any living organism that shares the
Earth with us.
 All living things have evolved from common
ancestors that lived in the ocean.
Animal Ethics
It is a true miracle that any
organism gets to
experience life. The odds
of fertilization, gestation,
birth and surviving to
adulthood are against
every living thing..
It is amazing to be
Consciousness -What is it?Curious Chimpanzee
Consciousness Questions
1. How do you feel about
consciousness? Is it amazing,
miraculous, etc. Explain.
2. What would you miss most if
you were going to lose your
3. How do you feel about
murderers who take away the
consciousness / life of another
4. Most animals run when
threatened, what do you think
they like about being
Plants react to
How Smart Are Animals
How Smart Are Animals
Animal Ethics
(Watch the rest of the
video if we don’t watch
it all and use the Video
Note-Taker worksheet
next to the video on my
 All living things want to
remain alive. This is
why prey tries its best
to evade being eaten or
Animal Ethics
Chimpanzee mother and her dead
infant Mourning -Elephants
Mourning Dog
Animal Ethics
1. What is the value of life
to a human?
2. What is the value of life
to an animal?
3. Why are living things
afraid of death?
How We Treat Other Earthlings
-what makes people so different?
 Whaling (killing whales) brought whales to the
verge of extinction.
 Banned or greatly limited by international
convention. Today, some species seem on the
rise, others do not seem to be recovering.
Threats to Whales & Dolphins
Whale Wars
• Japan
• Norway
• Iceland
 Bycatch (non-target animals killed while trying to
catch something else). Dolphins have been killed as
bycatch in tuna fishing.
Threats to Whales & Dolphins
Bycatch -tuna
boat kills
Climate Change
Ship Strikes
Water Pollution
Oil Spills
Threats to Whales & Dolphins
The Cove
 Use the “Cove
Worksheet” with this
 Can also be
downloaded on my
website, next to the
video link.
Threats to Whales & Dolphins
The CoveThere will be a few questions on the
quiz that will not be on the worksheet.
59 minute
The Cove
Threats to Whales & Dolphins
1. Do the people in
North America and
South America have
the power to stop the
killing of dolphins and
whales? If so, what
can we do?
2. What are you
willing to do to help
stop the killings?
5 - 20
Fur - List of most common species used for fur
5 - 21
5 - 22
 Mink one of the most used for fur.
 Faux Fur: artificial fur that is NOT
made from animals.
Sales of fur have been rising over
the years.
Fur – Killing Methods
Fox - Long Clip
• Drowned
• Leg Trap
Fur – Killing Methods
Martha Stewart PETA
Or watch on
• Lethal Injection
Seal Hunting for Fur -
Humane Society
Canada: Hundreds of thousands of seals have been
killed annually in the commercial seal hunt for fur.
brutally-beaten-during-canadian-seal-hunt-Seal Hunt in Canada
China: Largest fur producing country in the world. Cat
and dog fur is sold to the world labeled as rabbit fur.
China Dog & Cat Fur
China Killing For Fur
HW: watch “Kill it, Skin it, Wear it” video. Print
worksheet (documentary note-taker) and answer
Fur Review
1. List and explain the
different ways animals are
killed for fur.
2. What word means that it
looks like fur, but it is not
real animal fur?
3. What are your thoughts on
people wearing fur?
Bull-Fighting / Running of the Bulls
Bullfighting: corrida de toros is a traditional
spectacle of Spain, Portugal, southern
France and some Latin American countries
(Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and
Peru), in which one or more bulls are killed in a
Bull Fighting
Dog Fighting
The American pit bull
terrier-type dogs are used in
the majority of dog fights
and have been specifically
bred and trained for fighting.
With extremely powerful
jaws, they are able to inflict
severe bruising, deep
puncture wounds, and
broken bones.
Dog Fighting
Dogs often die from blood
loss, shock, dehydration,
exhaustion, or infection
after the fight. Other
animals are often
sacrificed as well; dogs
who are born "cold," or
won't fight, may be kept
around to sic other dogs
Dog Fight Documentary
Bull & Dog Fighting Review
Bull and Dog fighting
1. Explain how the bull is
killed in bull fighting?
2. What are four countries
that still have bull
3. Why do some people get
involved with dog
4. Explain what the causes
of death are for fighting
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chinese Traditional
Medicine is a broad range
of practices which are
based on a tradition of
more than 2,000 years,
includes various forms of
herbal medicine,
acupuncture, massage (Tui
na), exercise (qigong), and
dietary therapy. It is
primarily used as a
complementary alternative
medicine approach. It is
also used in the West.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
5 - 34
Chinese Traditional Medicine &
Slaughter Houses
Animal slaughter is
the killing of animals,
usually referring to
killing domestic
livestock. In general,
the animals are killed
for food.
Slaughterhouse Cattle -
How It's Done
Slaughterhouse - Livestock
The Ivory Trade
The ivory trade is the
commercial, often illegal
trade in the ivory tusks of the
hippopotamus, walrus,
narwhal and most commonly,
Asian and African elephants.
The trade has led to
endangerment of species.
"Fang traders with ivory" by Robert H. Milligan
5 - 37
Elephant Ivory
Trade w China
The Ivory Trade
An elephant’s tusks are
actually its teeth (upper
incisor). About two-thirds of
the elephant’s tusk is visible,
with the remainder being
lodged in tooth sockets. The
inside of the tusk contains
blood vessels and nerves If
an elephant were to have its
tusk broken off, it could cause
a massive infection and an
eventual painful death. -Erin
The Ivory Trade
Canned Hunts
Canned Hunt
A canned hunt is a hunt
in which an animal is kept
in a confined area, such
as in a fenced-in
area, increasing the
likelihood of the hunter
obtaining a kill. Most
animals have been raised
on game ranches until
they are mature enough
to be killed as a trophy."
Trophy Hunting
5 - 40
A hunting trophy is
an item prepared from
an animal killed by a
hunter and kept as a
souvenir of the
Animal Ethics Review #1
1. List 4 animal ethics issues
that we covered and explain
each one.
2. What do you think
makes people believe
it is okay to enslave
other people for their
own benefit? -
Animal Ethics Review #1
3. Why do you think Nazis thought it was okay
to torture, embarrass and kill Jewish adults
and even children? –paragraph (Turn
Animal Ethics Review #1
Click on this link to
watch it.
Use the “Earthlings
Worksheet” to
answer the
You can also
download the
worksheet from my
Earthlings Overview
1. Do you think we have the
right to own and even kill
other living things for our
own benefit? Explain.
2. If you don’t think we have
that right, will you become
a vegetarian or a vegan
or… ? Why or why not?
1-2 paragraphs each.
HW: Earthlings Essay
“Pain and suffering are in themselves bad and
should be prevented or minimized,
irrespective of the race, sex or species of
being that suffers.”
 Introduction -1 Paragraph
 Body -3 paragraphs with 3 points you make.
 Conclusion Paragraph with your closing
statement. (What do you want people to
remember about your essay.)
But Mr. What Can We Do?
1. Volunteer for a non-profit
2. Contribute monetarily.
Make A Difference – “lucky 7”
List of Non-Profit Environmental
The following organizations are just an example
of the many organizations that you can look
into. These were just randomly selected to
serve as examples.
Make A Difference
Defenders of Wildlife: They
Dedicated to the protection
of all native animals and
plants in their natural
A major national conservation
organization focused solely on
wildlife and habitat
conservation and the
safeguarding of biodiversity.
They believe in the inherent
value of wildlife and the
natural world.
Defenders of Wildlife -
Ashley Judd re Palin
A U.S. charitable environmental
organization that works to
preserve the plants, animals,
and natural communities by
protecting the lands and waters
they need to survive. Often
buying land to protect from
Founded in 1951, works in more
than 30 countries.
World's largest private
international conservation group.
The Nature Conservancy - Thank
In over 40 countries.
Mission Statement: uses
non-violent, creative
confrontation to expose
global environmental
problems, ( they trespass a
lot and sometimes get
arrested) and to force the
solutions which are essential to
a green and peaceful future.
Therefore Greenpeace seeks
protect biodiversity in all its
prevent pollution and abuse of
GP Whats in Your Tuna
Greenpeace -Thanks
People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals (PETA)
is an American animal rights
organization based in the U.S.
• Eating
• Wearing
• Experimenting on
• Using for Entertainment.”
Bacon in Reverse
Dairy Farm Cruelty
Dade City's Wild Things
The Sierra Club is the oldest, largest,
and most influential grassroots
environmental organization in the
United States.
Mission is "To explore, enjoy, and
protect the wild places of the earth; To
practice and promote the responsible
use of the earth's ecosystems and
resources; To educate and enlist
humanity to protect and restore the
quality of the natural and human
environment; and to use all lawful
means to carry out these objectives
three components:
• Educating to Protect the
• Promote Responsible Use of
EWG: Environmental Working
An American environmental
organization that specializes in
research and advocacy in the areas
of toxic chemicals, agricultural
subsidies, public lands, and
corporate accountability. whose
mission is "to use the power of public
information to protect public health
and the environment."
Founded in 1993 by Ken Cook and
Richard Wiles. The EWG publishes
a "Dirty Dozen" list of foods with the
highest pesticide residue. EWG
EWG: Environmental Working
Group EWG
World Wildlife Fund
• Protect and Restore Forests. ...
• Safeguard Healthy Oceans and Marine
Livelihoods. ...
• Secure Water for People and Nature. ...
• Protect the World's Important Species. ...
• Freeze the Footprint of Food. ...
• Create a Zero-carbon Future.
WWF -We Are All
WWF -Thank You
An American nonprofit
organization founded by
journalist Fred Myers and
three others in 1954, to
address what they saw as
animal-related cruelties
of national scope.
Targets five issues:
 factory farming
 animal fighting
 fur trade
 puppy mills
 wildlife abuse
Humane Society of the
US - Accomplishments
Slogan: “Because the earth
needs a good lawyer.” In other
words, the work of Earthjustice is
providing legal representation to
individuals and organizations
involved in environmental litigation.
Cases represented by Earthjustice
attorneys are chosen according to
three criterion: whether the case has
high stakes, whether the case
potentially has a landmark impact,
and whether the case would forge
strong partnerships with national and
Founded in 1986 to “protect
and restore the natural and
historic heritage of the Los
Angeles River and its riparian
Friends of the Los Angeles River
works to create a swimmable,
fishable, boatable, bikeable Los
Angeles River.
Earth First! is a radical
environmental advocacy
group that emerged in the
Southwestern United
States in 1979. It was co-
founded on April 4, 1980
by Dave Foreman, Mike
Roselle, Howie Wolke,
Bart Koehler, and Ron
Kezar. No Compromise in
Defense of Mother Earth!"
The Earth Liberation
Front, also known as
"Elves" or "The Elves", is the
collective name for
autonomous individuals or
covert cells who, according
to the ELF Press Office, use
"economic sabotage and
guerrilla warfare to stop the
exploitation and destruction
of the environment".
Founded 1992
If a Tree Falls A Story of
the ELF Trailer
• An agency of the state of
California. (paid for by
• It manages and protects the
state's fish, wildlife, plant
resources, and native habitats of
• Responsible for the use of fish
and wildlife including
recreational, commercial,
scientific and educational uses. It
The United States Fish and
Wildlife Service is a federal
government agency within
the U.S. Department of the
Interior dedicated to the
“Management of fish,
wildlife, and natural
habitats of the United
Work with others to
conserve, protect, and
enhance fish, wildlife,
plants and their habitats for
the benefit of the American
Wild Justice - Thrill
U-S- Fish and Wildlife
You will hear some
people speak badly
about these
organizations. Ex. “tree-
But what are they doing
to make the world a
better place for us and
for our children?
These organizations are
made mostly of
volunteers. Even if you
don’t agree, at least give
them the respect for
giving their time and
energy to make the
world a better place for
us all, while many
people choose to party
Make A Difference
HW: Environmental
 List each one that we covered and
describe what makes them different
from the others. No,
not work.
But Mr., I don’t have a
lot of money or free time
to volunteer! What can I
Make A Difference
3. A boycott is an
act of voluntarily
abstaining from
using, buying, or
dealing with a
organization or
country as an
expression of
protest, usually for
social or political
Make A Difference
4. Write Letters to
corporations and
show political power
by the number of
letters: For example,
some letter writing
especially with a
signed form letter
Make A Difference
5. Have two or fewer
children. The great
majority of problems
wildlife faces today are
brought on by human
over-population. Humans
daily take more and more
land from the world’s
wildlife, thus reducing
food for wildlife and
bringing animals into Zero Population Growth
Make A Difference
6. Reduce-Reuse –
Recycle Conserving the
Earth’s natural resources
helps place less pressure
on wild lands, thus helping
preserve natural habitats.
Make A Difference
7. Align your career in a way that
helps one of your causes.
 Ex. Environmental Lawyer
 Teacher
 Scientist
 Environmental Engineer
 Architect – design environmentally
friendly buildings. Choose a
company that does that.
 Law Enforcement – Ranger, CA.
Dept. of Fish & Game, U.S. Fish &
Wildlife Service
Make A Difference
Buddha Estrella Says “the
key to career fulfillment
consist of three steps.
1. Find a purpose in life –
find your passion (usually
something that bothers you
very much).
2. Be sure that your career
is connected / aligned to the
passion you feel.
3. Your career should make
the world a better place for
people, animals or nature.”
Make A Difference
Never forget
this. Do this
and your life will
be happier.
Wildlife – Animal – Nature Careers
HW: look at the web sites
and choose five careers
that sound interesting for
you or for someone who
cares about animals or
nature. For each one
explain what it is that
sounds interesting.
Animal Ethics Chapter Review
1. If people want to wear something that looks like fur,
what word should they look for on the clothes label?
2. What did Mr. Estrella say were three parts to career
3. What are the seven things one can do to make the
Earth a better place to live??
4. What is the difference between U.S. Fish & Wildlife
Service or the California Department of Fish & Wildlife
and organizations like Greenpeace or Nature
5. What does boycott mean?
6. What is a trophy hunt?
7. What is a slaughterhouse?
8. What is traditional Chinese medicine?
Choose an environmental or animal cause with a non-
profit organization:
 Anti-Fur – pick one fur type, where the animals come from,
show how they are killed. Volunteer jobs? Web site. Their
mission statement. Membership info. Year founded.
Color logo.
 Environmental Organizations – information on
organization, including membership, mission statement,
and volunteer jobs. Web site. Yr. Founded. Color logo.
 Wildlife / Animal Organizations / Animal Rehabilitation-
Information on them, including membership, mission
statement and volunteer jobs. Web site. Yr. Founded.
Color logo.
Non-Profit Organization Project
•On front right bottom corner of poster include;
•Your full name – Typed
•Period - Typed
•Be Neat – don’t bend poster.
•Picture of their “logo” on top right. – Color
•At least one large picture and a few others.
•Be creative
•Typed web site in large letters on bottom of
poster. -Ex. That is all a
website should be.
• Use sections with bullets for information
about the organizations.
• First bullet: Their mission statement
•Include at least 3 things (typed) they do or
have done. 1 paragraph for each thing
they’ve done.
•Times Roman 14-16 size font
• Double space.
• I will ask you for definitions of certain words
you use on your poster.
• Good grammar & spelling. (on back of
poster write “Proof Read By ______”
Green Peace CLAW
Friends of the Earth World watch Institute
Earth Policy Institute Environment California
Environmental Working Group Earth watch Institute
Earth Island Institute Nature Conservancy
North coast Environmental Center Sierra Club
Environmental Defense Fund Defenders of Wildlife
National Audubon Society PETA
Union of Concerned Scientists CA Native Plant Society
Natural Resources Defense Council OPA CA Fish & Game (State)
Californians for Alternatives to ToxicsCal Trout
World Wildlife Fund Heal The Bay
Environmental Protection Information Center Anti Fur Society
California Wilderness Coalition Earth First
CA League of Conservation Voters National Wildlife
Los Angeles Audubon Society Friends of the L.A. River
Wildlife Conservation Society
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Fed.) Environmental Protection
Agency (Fed)
Poster: A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32
 Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3
 Mission of organization – ___ /5
 3 or more examples of their current or past work –
bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12
 Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4
 Membership info. – ___ / 5
 Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5
 Web site address, bottom – ___ /3
 Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6
 Creativity - ___ / 3
 Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4
 SPEECH: Do not read from your poster – use index card (10
 Video Clip? If you have one, send me the link or write it
down and I’ll copy it. ( – 5
 Answer 5 questions – 5
 Organization name
 Mission of organization – 5
 3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of
your presentation (about 3 minutes) – 5
 Local, state, national, international? - 5
 Membership info. – 3
 Volunteer jobs available – 3
 Web site. – 2
 Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? – 2
 Volume of Speech - 5
 Eye Contact - 5
 2:30 minute mark - 5
5 - 82
A: 45-50
B: 40-44
C: 33-39
D: 25-32
 Index card (10 bullet
 Look towards the computers
if nervous
 Speak Up! - Don’t mumble
 Be serious during
 Remember, almost everyone
here will be nervous in front
of the class.
 Let me know a day ahead of
time of video clip if you have
one and e-mail me the link.
Go Out There And Make A
Go Out There And Make A
Title: 15 MC on Animal
Make 15 multiple choice
question on the chapter.
No silly questions or
3 choices, circle the
correct one.
No true/false
No yes/no
 Have your family join one of the
organizations you heard about in
class or see on the wall. Bring
the membership card or letter you
will get in the mail as proof. Your
name should be on it. – 4% extra
 Include an essay on why you chose
that organization.
 Intro your concern
 Body – write about the concern in
detail. How does this org. help?
What are a couple of things they do
to help solve the problem?
 Conclusion – final thoughts
Extra Credit Assignment
5 - 87
 Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3
 Mission of organization – ___ /5
 3 or more examples of their current or past
work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12
 Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4
 Membership info. – ___ / 5
 Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5
 Web site address, bottom – ___ /3
 Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6
 Creativity - ___ / 3
 Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4
A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total
 Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3
 Mission of organization – ___ /5
 3 or more examples of their current or past
work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12
 Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4
 Membership info. – ___ / 5
 Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5
 Web site address, bottom – ___ /3
 Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6
 Creativity - ___ / 3
 Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4
A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32
Total _____
 Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3
 Mission of organization – ___ /5
 3 or more examples of their current or past
work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12
 Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4
 Membership info. – ___ / 5
 Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5
 Web site address, bottom – ___ /3
 Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6
 Creativity - ___ / 3
 Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4
A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total
 Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3
 Mission of organization – ___ /5
 3 or more examples of their current or past
work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12
 Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4
 Membership info. – ___ / 5
 Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5
 Web site address, bottom – ___ /3
 Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6
 Creativity - ___ / 3
 Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4
A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total
Speech- Student: _________________________ Per.
 Organization ____________________
 Mission of organization – ____ / 5
 3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk
of your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5
 Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5
 Membership info. – ____ / 3
 Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3
 Web site. – ____ / 2
 Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? –
____ / 2
 Video Clip? . –____ / 5
 Volume of Speech -____ / 5
 Eye Contact -____ / 5
 2:30 minute mark - ____ / 5 Questions - ___/ 5
5 - 88
Speech- Student: _________________________ Per.
 Organization ____________________
 Mission of organization – ____ / 5
 3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of
your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5
 Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5
 Membership info. – ____ / 3
 Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3
 Web site. – ____ / 2
 Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? –
____ / 2
 Video Clip? . –____ / 5
 Volume of Speech -____ / 5
 Eye Contact -____ / 5
Speech- Student: _________________________ Per.
 Organization ____________________
 Mission of organization – ____ / 5
 3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of
your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5
 Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5
 Membership info. – ____ / 3
 Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3
 Web site. – ____ / 2
 Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? –
____ / 2
 Video Clip? . –____ / 5
 Volume of Speech -____ / 5
 Eye Contact -____ / 5
 2:30 minute mark - ____ / 5 Questions ___/ 5
Speech- Student: _________________________ Per.
 Organization ____________________
 Mission of organization – ____ / 5
 3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of
your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5
 Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5
 Membership info. – ____ / 3
 Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3
 Web site. – ____ / 2
 Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? –
____ / 2
 Video Clip? . –____ / 5
 Volume of Speech -____ / 5
 Eye Contact -____ / 5

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Wildlife ethics

  • 1. Ecotourism Mr. Estrella Wildlife Ethics Contact: Mahatma Gandhi once said that “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”
  • 2. The Earth – Our home
  • 3.
  • 4. Milky Way - About 100,000 light years across 1250 generations estimated 200 billion stars in our
  • 5. The Universe contains an estimated 100-200 billion galaxies. The Milky Way Galaxy - Short The Milky Way Galaxy in Pictures
  • 7. Earthlings  Earthlings: any living organism that shares the Earth with us.  All living things have evolved from common ancestors that lived in the ocean.
  • 8. Animal Ethics It is a true miracle that any organism gets to experience life. The odds of fertilization, gestation, birth and surviving to adulthood are against every living thing..
  • 9. It is amazing to be conscious. Consciousness -What is it?Curious Chimpanzee
  • 10. Consciousness Questions 1. How do you feel about consciousness? Is it amazing, miraculous, etc. Explain. 2. What would you miss most if you were going to lose your consciousness? 3. How do you feel about murderers who take away the consciousness / life of another person? 4. Most animals run when threatened, what do you think they like about being conscious? Plants react to touch
  • 11. How Smart Are Animals How Smart Are Animals Animal Ethics (Watch the rest of the video if we don’t watch it all and use the Video Note-Taker worksheet next to the video on my site.)
  • 12.  All living things want to remain alive. This is why prey tries its best to evade being eaten or killed. Animal Ethics Chimpanzee mother and her dead infant Mourning -Elephants Mourning Dog
  • 13. Animal Ethics Questions 1. What is the value of life to a human? 2. What is the value of life to an animal? 3. Why are living things afraid of death?
  • 14. How We Treat Other Earthlings -what makes people so different? Contact:
  • 15.  Whaling (killing whales) brought whales to the verge of extinction.  Banned or greatly limited by international convention. Today, some species seem on the rise, others do not seem to be recovering. Threats to Whales & Dolphins Whale Wars • Japan • Norway • Iceland
  • 16.  Bycatch (non-target animals killed while trying to catch something else). Dolphins have been killed as bycatch in tuna fishing. Threats to Whales & Dolphins Bycatch -tuna boat kills dolphins
  • 17. Climate Change Ship Strikes Water Pollution Oil Spills Habitat Degradation Threats to Whales & Dolphins
  • 18. The Cove  Use the “Cove Worksheet” with this video.  Can also be downloaded on my website, next to the video link. Threats to Whales & Dolphins The CoveThere will be a few questions on the quiz that will not be on the worksheet. 59 minute mark
  • 19. The Cove Threats to Whales & Dolphins 1. Do the people in North America and South America have the power to stop the killing of dolphins and whales? If so, what can we do? 2. What are you willing to do to help stop the killings?
  • 21. Fur - List of most common species used for fur 5 - 21
  • 22. 5 - 22  Mink one of the most used for fur.  Faux Fur: artificial fur that is NOT made from animals. Fur
  • 23. Sales of fur have been rising over the years. Fur
  • 24. Electrocuted Fur – Killing Methods Fox - Long Clip • Drowned • Leg Trap
  • 25. Fur – Killing Methods Martha Stewart PETA Clubbing Or watch on watch?v=QG218nrZQig Neck-broken • Lethal Injection
  • 26. Fur Seal Hunting for Fur - Humane Society Canada: Hundreds of thousands of seals have been killed annually in the commercial seal hunt for fur. brutally-beaten-during-canadian-seal-hunt-Seal Hunt in Canada
  • 27. Fur China: Largest fur producing country in the world. Cat and dog fur is sold to the world labeled as rabbit fur. China Dog & Cat Fur China Killing For Fur
  • 28. Fur HW: watch “Kill it, Skin it, Wear it” video. Print worksheet (documentary note-taker) and answer Fur Review 1. List and explain the different ways animals are killed for fur. 2. What word means that it looks like fur, but it is not real animal fur? 3. What are your thoughts on people wearing fur?
  • 29. Bull-Fighting / Running of the Bulls Bullfighting: corrida de toros is a traditional spectacle of Spain, Portugal, southern France and some Latin American countries (Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Peru), in which one or more bulls are killed in a bullring. Bull Fighting
  • 30. Dog Fighting The American pit bull terrier-type dogs are used in the majority of dog fights and have been specifically bred and trained for fighting. With extremely powerful jaws, they are able to inflict severe bruising, deep puncture wounds, and broken bones.
  • 31. Dog Fighting Dogs often die from blood loss, shock, dehydration, exhaustion, or infection after the fight. Other animals are often sacrificed as well; dogs who are born "cold," or won't fight, may be kept around to sic other dogs on. Dog Fight Documentary
  • 32. Bull & Dog Fighting Review Bull and Dog fighting Review 1. Explain how the bull is killed in bull fighting? 2. What are four countries that still have bull fighting? 3. Why do some people get involved with dog fighting? 4. Explain what the causes of death are for fighting dogs?
  • 33. Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinese Traditional Medicine is a broad range of practices which are based on a tradition of more than 2,000 years, includes various forms of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage (Tui na), exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy. It is primarily used as a complementary alternative medicine approach. It is also used in the West.
  • 34. Traditional Chinese Medicine 5 - 34 XWBzwtVXzXc Chinese Traditional Medicine & Wildlife
  • 35. Slaughter Houses Animal slaughter is the killing of animals, usually referring to killing domestic livestock. In general, the animals are killed for food. Slaughterhouse Cattle - How It's Done Slaughterhouse - Livestock
  • 36. The Ivory Trade The ivory trade is the commercial, often illegal trade in the ivory tusks of the hippopotamus, walrus, narwhal and most commonly, Asian and African elephants. The trade has led to endangerment of species. "Fang traders with ivory" by Robert H. Milligan
  • 37. 5 - 37 Elephant Ivory Trade w China The Ivory Trade
  • 38. An elephant’s tusks are actually its teeth (upper incisor). About two-thirds of the elephant’s tusk is visible, with the remainder being lodged in tooth sockets. The inside of the tusk contains blood vessels and nerves If an elephant were to have its tusk broken off, it could cause a massive infection and an eventual painful death. -Erin Keyes The Ivory Trade
  • 39. Canned Hunts Canned Hunt A canned hunt is a hunt in which an animal is kept in a confined area, such as in a fenced-in area, increasing the likelihood of the hunter obtaining a kill. Most animals have been raised on game ranches until they are mature enough to be killed as a trophy."
  • 40. Trophy Hunting 5 - 40 A hunting trophy is an item prepared from an animal killed by a hunter and kept as a souvenir of the
  • 41. Animal Ethics Review #1 Continued 1. List 4 animal ethics issues that we covered and explain each one.
  • 42. 2. What do you think makes people believe it is okay to enslave other people for their own benefit? - paragraph Animal Ethics Review #1
  • 43. 3. Why do you think Nazis thought it was okay to torture, embarrass and kill Jewish adults and even children? –paragraph (Turn in) Animal Ethics Review #1
  • 44. Earthlings Click on this link to watch it. m/watch?v=7nu- Use the “Earthlings Worksheet” to answer the questions. You can also download the worksheet from my website. Earthlings
  • 45. Earthlings Overview 1. Do you think we have the right to own and even kill other living things for our own benefit? Explain. 2. If you don’t think we have that right, will you become a vegetarian or a vegan or… ? Why or why not? 1-2 paragraphs each.
  • 46. HW: Earthlings Essay “Pain and suffering are in themselves bad and should be prevented or minimized, irrespective of the race, sex or species of being that suffers.”  Introduction -1 Paragraph  Body -3 paragraphs with 3 points you make.  Conclusion Paragraph with your closing statement. (What do you want people to remember about your essay.)
  • 47. But Mr. What Can We Do?
  • 48. 1. Volunteer for a non-profit organization. 2. Contribute monetarily. Make A Difference – “lucky 7”
  • 49. List of Non-Profit Environmental Organizations The following organizations are just an example of the many organizations that you can look into. These were just randomly selected to serve as examples. Make A Difference
  • 50. Defenders of Wildlife: They Sue. Dedicated to the protection of all native animals and plants in their natural habitat. A major national conservation organization focused solely on wildlife and habitat conservation and the safeguarding of biodiversity. They believe in the inherent value of wildlife and the natural world. Defenders of Wildlife - Ashley Judd re Palin
  • 51. A U.S. charitable environmental organization that works to preserve the plants, animals, and natural communities by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive. Often buying land to protect from development. Founded in 1951, works in more than 30 countries. World's largest private international conservation group. The Nature Conservancy - Thank You mission/index.htm
  • 52. In over 40 countries. Mission Statement: uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems, ( they trespass a lot and sometimes get arrested) and to force the solutions which are essential to a green and peaceful future. Therefore Greenpeace seeks to: protect biodiversity in all its forms prevent pollution and abuse of rnational/en/ GP Whats in Your Tuna Can Greenpeace -Thanks
  • 53. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is an American animal rights organization based in the U.S. Against: • Eating • Wearing • Experimenting on • Using for Entertainment.”
  • 54. Bacon in Reverse Dairy Farm Cruelty Dade City's Wild Things PETA FG
  • 55. The Sierra Club is the oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental organization in the United States. Mission is "To explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth; To practice and promote the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources; To educate and enlist humanity to protect and restore the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out these objectives three components: • Educating to Protect the Environment • Promote Responsible Use of m/watch?v=y6awuA1Q dVQ atch?v=M6svYwxaQIw
  • 56. EWG: Environmental Working Group An American environmental organization that specializes in research and advocacy in the areas of toxic chemicals, agricultural subsidies, public lands, and corporate accountability. whose mission is "to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment." Founded in 1993 by Ken Cook and Richard Wiles. The EWG publishes a "Dirty Dozen" list of foods with the highest pesticide residue. EWG
  • 58. World Wildlife Fund • Protect and Restore Forests. ... • Safeguard Healthy Oceans and Marine Livelihoods. ... • Secure Water for People and Nature. ... • Protect the World's Important Species. ... • Freeze the Footprint of Food. ... • Create a Zero-carbon Future. WWF -We Are All Connected WWF -Thank You
  • 59. An American nonprofit organization founded by journalist Fred Myers and three others in 1954, to address what they saw as animal-related cruelties of national scope. Targets five issues:  factory farming  animal fighting  fur trade  puppy mills  wildlife abuse RI Humane Society of the US - Accomplishments
  • 60. Slogan: “Because the earth needs a good lawyer.” In other words, the work of Earthjustice is providing legal representation to individuals and organizations involved in environmental litigation. Cases represented by Earthjustice attorneys are chosen according to three criterion: whether the case has high stakes, whether the case potentially has a landmark impact, and whether the case would forge strong partnerships with national and democracy
  • 61. Founded in 1986 to “protect and restore the natural and historic heritage of the Los Angeles River and its riparian habitat.” Friends of the Los Angeles River works to create a swimmable, fishable, boatable, bikeable Los Angeles River.
  • 62. Earth First! is a radical environmental advocacy group that emerged in the Southwestern United States in 1979. It was co- founded on April 4, 1980 by Dave Foreman, Mike Roselle, Howie Wolke, Bart Koehler, and Ron Kezar. No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth!"
  • 63. The Earth Liberation Front, also known as "Elves" or "The Elves", is the collective name for autonomous individuals or covert cells who, according to the ELF Press Office, use "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment". Founded 1992 1I If a Tree Falls A Story of the ELF Trailer IF A TREE FALLS
  • 64. • An agency of the state of California. (paid for by taxpayers) • It manages and protects the state's fish, wildlife, plant resources, and native habitats of California. • Responsible for the use of fish and wildlife including recreational, commercial, scientific and educational uses. It
  • 65. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service is a federal government agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior dedicated to the “Management of fish, wildlife, and natural habitats of the United States.” Work with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the benefit of the American people." Wild Justice - Thrill Killer U-S- Fish and Wildlife Service
  • 66. You will hear some people speak badly about these organizations. Ex. “tree- hugger” But what are they doing to make the world a better place for us and for our children? These organizations are made mostly of volunteers. Even if you don’t agree, at least give them the respect for giving their time and energy to make the world a better place for us all, while many people choose to party Make A Difference
  • 67. HW: Environmental Organizations  List each one that we covered and describe what makes them different from the others. No, please, not work.
  • 68. But Mr., I don’t have a lot of money or free time to volunteer! What can I do? Make A Difference
  • 69. 3. A boycott is an act of voluntarily abstaining from using, buying, or dealing with a person, organization or country as an expression of protest, usually for social or political Make A Difference
  • 70. 4. Write Letters to corporations and show political power by the number of letters: For example, some letter writing campaigns especially with a signed form letter Make A Difference
  • 71. 5. Have two or fewer children. The great majority of problems wildlife faces today are brought on by human over-population. Humans daily take more and more land from the world’s wildlife, thus reducing food for wildlife and bringing animals into Zero Population Growth Make A Difference
  • 72. 6. Reduce-Reuse – Recycle Conserving the Earth’s natural resources helps place less pressure on wild lands, thus helping preserve natural habitats. Make A Difference
  • 73. 7. Align your career in a way that helps one of your causes.  Ex. Environmental Lawyer  Teacher  Scientist  Environmental Engineer  Architect – design environmentally friendly buildings. Choose a company that does that.  Law Enforcement – Ranger, CA. Dept. of Fish & Game, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Make A Difference
  • 74. Buddha Estrella Says “the key to career fulfillment consist of three steps. 1. Find a purpose in life – find your passion (usually something that bothers you very much). 2. Be sure that your career is connected / aligned to the passion you feel. 3. Your career should make the world a better place for people, animals or nature.” Make A Difference Never forget this. Do this and your life will be happier.
  • 75. Wildlife – Animal – Nature Careers HW: look at the web sites and choose five careers that sound interesting for you or for someone who cares about animals or nature. For each one explain what it is that sounds interesting. careers/nres-careers
  • 76. Animal Ethics Chapter Review 1. If people want to wear something that looks like fur, what word should they look for on the clothes label? 2. What did Mr. Estrella say were three parts to career fulfillment? 3. What are the seven things one can do to make the Earth a better place to live?? 4. What is the difference between U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service or the California Department of Fish & Wildlife and organizations like Greenpeace or Nature Conservancy? 5. What does boycott mean? 6. What is a trophy hunt? 7. What is a slaughterhouse? 8. What is traditional Chinese medicine?
  • 77. Choose an environmental or animal cause with a non- profit organization:  Anti-Fur – pick one fur type, where the animals come from, show how they are killed. Volunteer jobs? Web site. Their mission statement. Membership info. Year founded. Color logo.  Environmental Organizations – information on organization, including membership, mission statement, and volunteer jobs. Web site. Yr. Founded. Color logo.  Wildlife / Animal Organizations / Animal Rehabilitation- Information on them, including membership, mission statement and volunteer jobs. Web site. Yr. Founded. Color logo. Non-Profit Organization Project
  • 78. Poster: •On front right bottom corner of poster include; •Your full name – Typed •Period - Typed •Be Neat – don’t bend poster. •Picture of their “logo” on top right. – Color preferred. •At least one large picture and a few others. •Be creative •Typed web site in large letters on bottom of poster. -Ex. That is all a website should be.
  • 79. Poster: • Use sections with bullets for information about the organizations. • First bullet: Their mission statement •Include at least 3 things (typed) they do or have done. 1 paragraph for each thing they’ve done. •Times Roman 14-16 size font • Double space. • I will ask you for definitions of certain words you use on your poster. • Good grammar & spelling. (on back of poster write “Proof Read By ______”
  • 80. Green Peace CLAW Friends of the Earth World watch Institute Earth Policy Institute Environment California Environmental Working Group Earth watch Institute Earth Island Institute Nature Conservancy North coast Environmental Center Sierra Club Environmental Defense Fund Defenders of Wildlife National Audubon Society PETA Union of Concerned Scientists CA Native Plant Society Natural Resources Defense Council OPA CA Fish & Game (State) Californians for Alternatives to ToxicsCal Trout World Wildlife Fund Heal The Bay Environmental Protection Information Center Anti Fur Society California Wilderness Coalition Earth First CA League of Conservation Voters National Wildlife Federation Los Angeles Audubon Society Friends of the L.A. River Wildlife Conservation Society U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (Fed.) Environmental Protection Agency (Fed)
  • 81. Grading Poster: A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32  Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3  Mission of organization – ___ /5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12  Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4  Membership info. – ___ / 5  Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5  Web site address, bottom – ___ /3  Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6  Creativity - ___ / 3  Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4
  • 82.  SPEECH: Do not read from your poster – use index card (10 things)  Video Clip? If you have one, send me the link or write it down and I’ll copy it. ( – 5  Answer 5 questions – 5  Organization name  Mission of organization – 5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation (about 3 minutes) – 5  Local, state, national, international? - 5  Membership info. – 3  Volunteer jobs available – 3  Web site. – 2  Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? – 2  Volume of Speech - 5  Eye Contact - 5  2:30 minute mark - 5 5 - 82 A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32
  • 83.  Index card (10 bullet sentences)  Look towards the computers if nervous  Speak Up! - Don’t mumble  Be serious during presentations  Remember, almost everyone here will be nervous in front of the class.  Let me know a day ahead of time of video clip if you have one and e-mail me the link. To PRESENTATION DAY
  • 84. Go Out There And Make A Difference!
  • 85. Go Out There And Make A Difference! Title: 15 MC on Animal Ethics Make 15 multiple choice question on the chapter. No silly questions or answers. 3 choices, circle the correct one. No true/false No yes/no
  • 86.  Have your family join one of the organizations you heard about in class or see on the wall. Bring the membership card or letter you will get in the mail as proof. Your name should be on it. – 4% extra credit.  Include an essay on why you chose that organization.  Intro your concern  Body – write about the concern in detail. How does this org. help? What are a couple of things they do to help solve the problem?  Conclusion – final thoughts Extra Credit Assignment
  • 87. 5 - 87  Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3  Mission of organization – ___ /5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12  Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4  Membership info. – ___ / 5  Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5  Web site address, bottom – ___ /3  Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6  Creativity - ___ / 3  Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4 A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total _____  Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3  Mission of organization – ___ /5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12  Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4  Membership info. – ___ / 5  Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5  Web site address, bottom – ___ /3  Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6  Creativity - ___ / 3  Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4 A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total _____  Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3  Mission of organization – ___ /5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12  Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4  Membership info. – ___ / 5  Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5  Web site address, bottom – ___ /3  Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6  Creativity - ___ / 3  Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4 A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total  Logo – Top Right - ___ / 3  Mission of organization – ___ /5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation – ___/ 12  Local, state, national, international? -___/ 4  Membership info. – ___ / 5  Are volunteer jobs available? – ___ /5  Web site address, bottom – ___ /3  Pictures (at least 3) - ___ / 6  Creativity - ___ / 3  Proof-reading / grammar / spelling - ___ /4 A: 45-50 B: 40-44 C: 33-39 D: 25-32 Total
  • 88. Speech- Student: _________________________ Per. ______  Organization ____________________  Mission of organization – ____ / 5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5  Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5  Membership info. – ____ / 3  Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3  Web site. – ____ / 2  Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? – ____ / 2  Video Clip? . –____ / 5  Volume of Speech -____ / 5  Eye Contact -____ / 5  2:30 minute mark - ____ / 5 Questions - ___/ 5 5 - 88 Speech- Student: _________________________ Per. ______  Organization ____________________  Mission of organization – ____ / 5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5  Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5  Membership info. – ____ / 3  Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3  Web site. – ____ / 2  Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? – ____ / 2  Video Clip? . –____ / 5  Volume of Speech -____ / 5  Eye Contact -____ / 5 Speech- Student: _________________________ Per. ______  Organization ____________________  Mission of organization – ____ / 5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5  Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5  Membership info. – ____ / 3  Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3  Web site. – ____ / 2  Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? – ____ / 2  Video Clip? . –____ / 5  Volume of Speech -____ / 5  Eye Contact -____ / 5  2:30 minute mark - ____ / 5 Questions ___/ 5 Speech- Student: _________________________ Per. ______  Organization ____________________  Mission of organization – ____ / 5  3 or more examples of their current or past work – bulk of your presentation (about 3 minutes) – ____ / 5  Local, state, national, international? - ___ / 5  Membership info. – ____ / 3  Volunteer jobs available – ____ / 3  Web site. – ____ / 2  Conclusion – what did you like about the organization? – ____ / 2  Video Clip? . –____ / 5  Volume of Speech -____ / 5  Eye Contact -____ / 5