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Why I Want To Be A Society Of Trout Persuasive Essay
I would like to participate in the Society of Fellows because I am a lover of philosophy and it seems
as if the Society of Fellows mix topics that intrigue me into one program, which is a great fit for me.
The Society of Fellows examines the American Constitution, the same way my Constitutional
Rights class discusses it, it asks more of people than to just know what the American Constitution
says, but also asks what it means, and how that meaning of particular words has changed over time.
This is the reason I am ecstatic about the program, being able to be a part of a program that looks at
the Constitution in ways many do not try to. Also, to be able to belong to a program that does this a
wonderful experience to have. Society of Fellows dissects the Constitution, and this is something I
have always wanted to do with a group of individuals who has the same excitement level as I do
while doing it. These are the reasons I would like to participate in the Society of Fellows.
I expect to contribute my knowledge in discussions and my different view points on certain topics
and issues to the fellowship class of 2016–2017. Society of Fellows seems to put and emphasis on
in–depth exploration and philosophy. Being a philosophy minor and taking a few classes to do with
philosophy within political ... Show more content on ...
I can contribute my questions and explorations of the philosophical debates on the American
Constitution and the historical development of the Constitution, or whatever theme is given to the
Journal on Constitutional Democracy. The theme of this year's journal is, "American rhetoric: then
& now". I would be able to contribute my thoughts of these topics. Since I am such a lover of
philosophy, I can compare philosophers who speak on our government then and now (or on
government in general). I would be able to explain why something happens from my perspective of
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Article Analysis
This article mainly focuses on the means–tested government assistance for lower–middle class
couples that are married. The essential points in the article explain who should be given the
assistance and those that cannot apply for it. They are not discouraging low–middle class couples
from getting married, but in fact, their income as a couple can go slightly over that cusp,
subsequently not enabling them to not receive government assistance. Couples that have children
and who are unmarried get great assistance if it is needed, "The expanding reach of the welfare state
means that a substantial share of lower–middle–class couples with children receive such aid–and
many of these couples receive more generous support if they are unmarried", ... Show more content
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My aunts put themselves through school at a young age, had a job, children, owned a home, and
worked very hard. There were definitely tough times when assistance was needed, and without it,
my aunts and cousins would not have had a comfortable life growing up. My family was very
fortunate to receive the education they had, gifts and food that she provided and grew up in a safe
and happy surroundings.
This can be connected to the course concept of Social Welfare and the appreciation for the Social
Welfare policies and programs as an expression of society's attempt to enhance social functioning.
In order for low–middle class couples married or not, and single–parents to function socially, it is
imperative that there are programs just like these. Programs like these demonstrate an appreciation
for these Social Welfare policies that affect so many people. Without these couples receiving the
care that they need, they would not be able to function socially. Without these programs, people
would suffer tremendously, both physically and mentally. For example, they may not have enough
money to eat, so they would become physically weak and emotionally drained. As for their mental
health, not having assistance when in this position could lead to depression and anxiety for not being
able to care for their families and themselves.
The sponsor of this information is an organization by the name of, AEI and Institute for Family
Studies. This is an educational
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Allen Ginsberg Biography
The world today is filled with a lot of good authors, poets, and writers. Sometimes I wish I was a
writer. I have read and focused on the works of a lot of good poets. Allen Ginsberg is an amazing
poet. He is legendary. The work that he has done will always be remembered. I like the person
Ginsberg was when he was growing up. People spoke a lot about him. Nowadays people still follow
his work. He was born in Newark, New Jersey. Ginsberg attended high school in Paterson, New
Jersey. After high school Ginsberg attended Columbia University where he graduated from in 1948.
Writing poetry was one of Ginsberg's strengths. His famous poems mean a lot to some people. A lot
of people are living the same way Ginsberg lived just by reading his poems. ... Show more content
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The thoughts most people are scared to share they was not. Ginsberg writing showed a lot of people
how to express themselves. I am learning how to express myself more by reading Ginsberg's poetry.
Nowadays Ginsberg is still a motivator. I wished the poet was still alive. He would change a lot of
things other than literature. The beat generation made people want to come together and work as a
team. Ginsberg went through a lot of things growing up. He was wise. He knew how to lead his
fellow beats. He had the experience. Allen prayed for the better, but prepared for the worse. It felt
like he wasn't afraid of what would happen to him. Nothing he experienced in his life lead him to
have those thoughts. Nothing I had experienced in my life led me to expect what would happen to
me in my loneliness(Morgan,2006). I wish I had Ginsberg's mindset. He had 20/20 vision. That is
what his fellow beats loved about him. Allen didn't want to take all the credit for all his work and
accomplishments. He wanted his fellow beats to be recognized as well. They did things together
from city to city and Ginsberg wanted everyone to know that. I like the fact that Ginsberg wasn't a
greedy person that wanted all the attention. Some people want to take the credit for every single
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Speech About Civil Rights Freedom
Hundreds years later the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of
prosperity.1954 the day when African Americans were marching down on 6th street to fight for the
civil rights freedom. I saw the kids leaving the classrooms to go march down the streets with my
fellow classmates and i decide i want to fight for our freedom so i left school to go down 6th street
and protest for our civil rights freedom. All i heard was the sounds of dogs and firehose being
launched at my fellow African Americans and then i could also hear the sounds of everyone saying
let us have our civil rights freedom we want them back now we won't stop until we have them.
Martin Luther once said my fellow African Americans are freedom is nearly here he just have to
keep fighting for our freedom and not let nothing stop use. Rhetoric was important back then
because Martin Luther King wants to show to us that we can't give up we have to keep fighting until
we have our freedom unless we want to live the rest of our lives in slavery. We want to stop the
whole racial inequality and slavery and end poverty and just live in a peaceful environment and live
in harmony and live together in brotherhood. They think they can boss us around but i think not we
have to stop letting them boss us around and stop racial inequality and show that we should have the
right to do what we want in our life. Martin Luther King Once said The powers that be rule over a
racist society filled with
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Racial Discrimination
Racism has been an international catastrophe for many centuries. With all of the advances in modern
society and human behavior, racism is still a crisis that many people have to deal with. It can occur
in any place or at any time, including in the workplace. Racial discrimination arises when someone
is treated differently based on their actual or perceived race. Many people believe that if one were to
be in the vicinity of a respected workplace that they would be respected by all co–workers and
employers; this is in no way true. A big amount of minority employees are affected by racial
discrimination in the workplace whether it's from their employers or their fellow co–workers. Racial
discrimination is something that is always going to ... Show more content on ...
There are many instances where employers/employees are not even aware that they are
discriminating against someone. Although they might not be aware of it, when employers hand out
hiring tests and have hiring practices that single out people, that is considered racial discrimination
as well.
Racial discrimination in the workplace does not only occur between the employer and the employee,
it could happen between employees and other fellow employees. There have been numerous
instances where employees of color are treated with disrespect from other co–workers. They
associate African–American co–workers with racial slurs and can be very rude to them as well. With
all of these negative interactions occurring, there are still many instances where the problem is either
dealt with poorly or not even dealt with at all; and that is something that needs to change. As I stated
before, there are many problems associated with racial discrimination in the workplace that are left
unattended. Those problems are associated with many solutions as well. For example, if a company
starts up an anonymous racial discrimination complaint service, it would most likely make a lot of
minorities feel a lot more comfortable in the workplace. Whenever a racial situation comes across in
the workplace, employees can anonymously report the situation without being judged by fellow co–
workers or
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Did John F Kennedy Influence Martin Luther King Jr
John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. are both influential men from the nineteen–sixtie's.
They impacted the American people in countless ways, changing our country forever. John F.
Kennedy was the thirty–fifth and youngest president of the United States ("John F. Kennedy").
When Kennedy was elected into office, he gave an inaugural address that will be remembered for
centuries. Martin Luther King was an African–American baptist minister from Atlanta, Georgia
("Martin Luther King Jr. Biography"). When Martin was growing up, his father fought strongly
against racial prejudice, which left an impression on him that would last forever ("Martin Luther
King Jr. Biography"). He went on to lead the civil rights movement and is best known for ... Show
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John F. Kennedy's speech was proving to the nation, and world, that with him, nothing could bring
America down. "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and
success of liberty" (Kennedy 511). Martin Luther King delivered a much more emotional speech
which showed he was extremely genuine about his cause. In "I Have a Dream", Martin uses his
beliefs and past experiences to join the people together. Martin lived in a time where all Americans
were promised "the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" (King 371), but
the white men still segregated the black men. After a complete comparison of the great speeches
given by Kennedy and King, there are many similarities and differences. While they both spoke to
American Citizens, King addressed those supporting him and Kennedy addressed everyone. Both
speeches were written to unify the American People. Despite different causes, they both believed in
our country's ability to be great. Their speeches may have been given in two different style,
Kennedy being more businesslike and King being very emotional, but each of them delivered a
speech that changed our nation and that will be remembered in our country's history
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Persuasive Essay On American Rights
Fellow American patrons and citizens, During this year of 1794, we have come through many
tribulations and have suffered to great extent for our freedom of Britain. This country has lost
fathers and sons to bring us freedom and ensure our rights are kept. It brings me displeasure to write
about grievances with our own government. However we must be aware of current and past issues
and let it be known that this country and government will defend its people's rights and preserve
their freedom. As this country grows and becomes an independent nation we must continue to fund
the government (Public Broadcasting Corporation, 2000). As we battle the Indians for property and
peace we must continue to grow our military power. As necessary it is vital to implement taxes to
continue supporting the military. The taxation of whiskey was decided and voted upon our senate
and House of Representatives. Objections to the tax was heard and brought to this government's
attention. It comes to my surprise that we have citizens that are acting out and causing a disruption
for government officials that's sole duty is to uphold the law. Various reports have been filtering in
about ... Show more content on ...
As Americans and our right to ownership of property we have grown our territory from the eastern
colonies. As our earlier negotiations with the Southwest tribes were successful at first, with the
association of Alexander McGillivray, our negotiations and treaty are currently suspended (Roark et
al., 2014). With great pleausre and resignation, the battles with the Northwest Indian tribes are over.
One of our finiest military generals, General Anthony Wayne, has successfully defended the attacks
and counteracted the Indians ( Staff, 2009). I expect a peaceful treaty to be signed by the
chiefs of the indian tribes. Our terrorites are safe with the support of our militia and our
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The World Is Not A Victory Of Freedom
We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom––symbolizing an end as well
as a beginning––signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty
God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The
world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of
human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our
forebears fought are still at issue around the globe––the belief that the rights of man come not from
the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs
of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that
the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans––born in this century, tempered by war,
disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage––and unwilling to witness or
permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and
to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it
wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any
friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge––and
more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of
faithful friends.
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Essay On If I Were A Soldier At Valley Forge
"These are the times that try men's souls" wrote Thomas Paine on Valley Forge in his book
"American Crisis". Valley Forge is the camp that George Washington and the Continental Army
stayed at during the winter of 1777. Valley Forge is located 18 miles away from Philadelphia. The
conditions that the soldiers had to face through the tough winter is the worst they have ever
experienced. If I was a soldier at Valley Forge I would choose to reenlist. I would choose to reenlist
because my fellow soldiers need me, I'm supported by my country, And I'm not a summer soldier.
The first reason I would reenlist would be that my fellow soldiers and friends need me. Valley Forge
had very harsh conditions many people were freezing or sick. They need my help. In ... Show more
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The conditions are tough but I still need to stay. As said in "American Crisis" by Thomas Paine "
These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in time of
crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love of man
and woman." (Doc.D). Also in Dr. Waldo's journal it talks about how the soldiers are still cheerful
even through these tough times. "...Now begins to grow sickly from the continued fatigues they have
suffered this campaign. et they still show a spirit of alacrity [cheerful willingness] and contentment
not to be expected from so young troops."(Doc.C). These show that even through tough times we
will stay fight willingly because we are fighting for our country. I believe in the cause I'm fighting
for so why would i quit. I will keep fighting until we have gotten our independence or untill I die.
I'm no summer soldier, I will fight even when it gets tough, and I deserve love from man,woman and
my country. I will reenlist because I'm not a summer soldier and i support the cause I'm fighting
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“And So My Fellow Americans, Ask Not What Your Country
"And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for
your county" (MacSiccar, 1995, p. 46). People don't realize that phrase was borrowed by JFK from
one of America's least memorable presidents, Warren G. Harding. The reason that quote is now
remembered in today 's time is because of John F. Kennedy, one of the most iconic presidents ever,
in his presidency and his life, achieved many accomplishments.
Early Life Throughout high school history classes, we have discussed many of the past presidents
who have had major impacts on America and how they have shaped this country today: John F.
Kennedy represents one of those influential presidents. Before his presidency, John Fitzgerald
Kennedy's legacy ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, during the spring term he had to have an emergency surgery done and it was called
an appendectomy and it caused him to not be able to finish the school year. In the fall, he was sent to
the same college preparatory school as his older brother, Joe, Jr., had went to two years earlier: the
Choate School in Wallingford, Connecticut. When JFK got there, his brother was already one of
outstanding athletes and scholars in the school but JFK could never be either. His grades were low
and he was too small to even make the varsity football team, then he was also troubled with a bunch
of sickness, and to top it off, he was a little rebellious. He graduated in 1935 and was only ranked
64th out of 112 students. One year, while playing football, he ruptured his lower lumbar disc, this
stopped him from playing football ever again and caused him lots of pain for the rest of his life.
During JFK's senior year at Harvard, he wrote a paper that all of his mentors liked and he graduated
cum laude in 1940. Then a publisher that his dad knew published JFK's thesis and it sold 80,000
copies. This was the first time he came out from his older brother 's shadow at the age of 23.
The Navy In October 1940, JFK's name was one of the first names drawn in the new national draft
lottery, this didn't bother John because he and his dad were strong believers in American military
preparedness. JFK
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Tension Between Great Britain And Colonies In North America
As I have said in my previous letters, we should all be concerned about the growing tension between
Great Britain and its colonies in North America. Many colonists, including me, opposed parliament's
attempts to tighten control over Britain's, North American Empire. For example, The Stamp Act, it
led to violence and it also led to protesting. If you didn't notice, this was very widespread. This is
why us, colonists, wanted to repeal this law. There is also The Quartering Act. This made the
colonists provide the soldiers with food and also many other supplies or goods. My fellow colonists
protested angrily. We complained about how The Quartering Act violated our rights. The reasoning
for this letter was to stop sending redcoats that shoot
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How Does Thomas Paine Use Pathos In The Revolutionary War
How did the American army win in the revolutionary war? Who helped motivate them to fight for
their nation? Thomas Paine using pathos in his "Crisis No.1." The revolutionary war was the war
America fought to gain their independence from Britain. America fought the strongest army in the
world in harsh conditions. Thomas Paine effectively uses pathos to motivate and persuade the
American army to fight. He appeals to their emotions regarding this country, their fellow Americans,
and for their children.
Thomas Paine uses pathos to show the soldiers that they should fight, not rest. He is saying that the
best time for a soldier is peace time, but right now, it is wartime. He says that only the weak ones
will back down from the fight. "These are
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How Has The American Dream Changed Over Time
The American dream, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our founding fathers set ideas
of democracy, rights of liberty and opportunity. Over generations of men and women, the American
dream has changed as our society has progressed over time. The dream varies from the beginning
were our founding fathers started to our new generation in tremendous ways for better. The
American dream is alive. In the beginning, from when the thirteen colonies started this fairyland of
dreams of ideas. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers all started it off by created the
declaration of independence. The opportunities were life changing, to be able to fulfill a destiny in
the Americas dream. People from all over the world, starting with England to all over the world in
search for freedom. Thomas Jefferson states " I believe the American Dream is not something we've
invented but inherited". Jefferson had a huge roll in understanding the meanings of life, liberty, and
happiness. Also Jefferson states "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is much more than full
filling our own dreams, doing what we want an feeling good. It's about using the ... Show more
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To me this new American generation needs to re–learn the messages from our fathers before it sinks
in for us to understand. Laws have been changing, political views have also changed. Outcomes of
our urban lifestyle is still in the making as a historical mark in the books. Many of Americans are
looking for a stand in searching and treasuring their American dream. "Get off your bottom and be
the stand, and do the work you can pursue the American dream for yourself, and help others to do
the same" David Pratt mentions to his audience. Everything is still up for grabs for this generation.
Has history has shown, America is a freedom lifestyle that we live an breathe. It's up to us as
citizens to unite as a
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Narrative Essay About Going To College
I'm raised in an environment filled with negative stereotypes, high dropout rates, fewer resources,
and low expectations. As a Mexican American from the San Fernando Valley, educational
opportunities do not come often. In middle school it massed into my head that going to college is
my way towards success. Soon it became the only option for me and as a result, I joined Project
Grad to begin my journey towards college. They introduced me to the Chicano Youth Leadership
Conference during my junior year. After applying and attending, the conference eliminated the label
that Latinos are not college material. Subsequently, I grabbed as many opportunities as I could. In
my junior my school did not put me in any AP classes. Therefore, I went to go
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My Fellow Americans: John F. Kennedy´s Presidential Speech...
Lots of things were happening in 1960 with John F. Kennedy was to be the president of the United
States of America. America is going through a period of where they are scared and worried about
what is going on in the world around them. They needed a strong leader to turn them around and get
them back on top. John F. Kennedy gave them just what they need to hear with his inauguration
address. He spoke of helping others, working together and protecting are freedom at all cost. It was
exactly what the citizens of the United States needed to hear at exact moment.
So what was going on leading up to John F. Kennedy's famous speech? After war world II and when
America used nukes, everyone in the world was trying to gain nuclear capabilities so ... Show more
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Kennedy challenged America to be the best they could be. He knew that if the citizens of America
worked together, nothing could stop them. That line put hope back into citizens hearts, knowing that
their president had faith in them and wanted to protect freedom at all cost. Now, maybe not his most
well known line; "My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what
together we can do for the freedom of man." John F. Kennedy was telling everyone in the world that
if they didn't have freedom, if they were trapped by communism, America was by their side. He
intended the world to know, that The United States of America would do everything they could to
free man of all bonds.
I cannot give justice to how much impact John F. Kennedy had on the American people. His voice,
so full of hope but yet so strong and stern, rang in the hearts of millions of Americans as he stood in
front of them giving his inaugural address. He gave his speech in such a way that Americans knew
he was the right man for the job. During his speech, he paused in all the right places to let is his
message sink in to not only Americans but to the citizens of the world his message. What was his
message? His message was simple: protect freedom at all cost. He promised that no matter what,
America would be free and everyone who asked the USA for help would get it.
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Personal Narrative: A Career As A Student During The Civil...
It was 1861 and I thought that it was about time that my fellow brothers and sisters were freed so I
took matter into my own hands. I wasn't scared of helping my fellow african americans matter of
fact I wanted to help them. Yes bringing a couple of them to the underground railroad was freeing
some but I wasn't making the impact that I wanted to. So in 1861 I decided to join forces with the
federal military. At first was enrolled as a nurse I helped wounded soldiers of both races. Eventually
I realized that I didn't want to be a nurse but I wanted to actually fight a battle for my people. I was
eventually made a scout so I could expand my efforts and I could spy for the union. When the civil
war started I was already a freedom fighter and
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Persuasive Essay On Respect In Society
"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for
your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what,
together, we can do for the freedom of man", states the revered and sound late President Kennedy, a
man who truly believed in the cruciality of respect within and for the nation one inhabits. A society
is not only the making up a community, but it is a factor reflecting the ideals of justice, morality, and
the overall character of every individual within the given society. Without respect, without
consideration for the greater good, there is simply no reasonable possibility of a prospering and
flourishing society ever emerging. In this current world one experiences day in and day out, the
slaughtering of the innocent, the unrelenting violence, the angst between races, and the lack of
integrity all influence the declining of our once thriving nation, therefore causing a termination to
the aspects of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Within the last year, if one were to access
any form of news media, more than half of the material displayed would include one of the three
following topics: terrorism, massacre, death. In correlation to the definition of respect, a feeling of
deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements,
those three topics do not seem to elicit one's pride and devotion to bettering
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Isaiah Carter Research Paper
This is Isaiah Carter. After coming back from the heart breaking Normandy Invasion. There's
something more devastating than losing my fellows during the war. I saw the news of Rosa Parks.
Because she's black just like me, so she was forced to yield the seat on the bus and she even got
arrested by the cops because she refused. Man, what kind of mistakes have we done to deserve all
these. Therefore, after serving in the army as a patriot I decide to serve for my African American
people. I joined the sit–ins in the 1960. I want the white people to know we are humans too. We
African Americans should be treated the same as you white people. Rosa Parks was brave enough to
fight against you police officers. Now, I, Isaiah Carter is going to challenge ... Show more content
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I was wondering how this kiddo will be treated in the prison in this nasty 1960s. After all these, two
of the greatest leaders began to lead their group of people. Our two great leaders, they are Martin
Luther KingJr.,and Malcolm X. As people know King was the captain of the non–violence protest
groups. On the other hand, Malcolm X, he's like a flame and a toxic bomb to the white people.
When he was young, he couldn't be a lawyer because he's black like me. Moreover, white people
punished his parents in a sense. Therefore, he suggested African American people to control our
community. Because we are African Americans it has always been hard for us to get a proper job in
the "Great America". On October 15, 1963, the day that the United States sell four million tons of
wheat to the Soviet Union. Reading the article from the Office of Research and Reports/Central
Intelligence Agency, it says, "Any shortages of bread might have disturbing political
consequences..." Guess what, that is why the Black Community is having trouble with the
government. My fellow Black brothers were not being able to feed themselves because factories hire
white people first. This pisses me off. That is why after serving in the military during World War II
makes me want to serve for my own race – the African
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My Fellow America Rhetorical Analysis
I don't begin my speech today with the classic introduction "My fellow Americans" because I am
speaking to more than just Americans today. While several stories come to mind, a multitude share
one similar to mine, coming from a mixed background into a country that has opened its doors as a
land of opportunity and a second home. Those who have built a life of significance have often
extended a helping hand to many who did not have the same prospects or success in their own
ventures. This is the unifying thread in the saga of the American epic and what I seek to revitalize as
President of the United States.
Native to all tales of America are accounts of achievement, people who took from their sweat and
labor untold riches. The path to their goal was often marred by monumental obstacles, naturally
different to every story. While my family constructed their own road for progress, I spent my time
inside and outside the classroom making the greatest mark I could in my community. My time in
high school was characterized by excelling spectacularly in academics while simultaneously
working as captain of the soccer team ... Show more content on ...
Their work parallels my message, one which focuses on self–sacrifice for the sake of humanity and
furthering the interests of individuals and society alike. This attitude has been shaped by an
experience in my junior year where I helped the impoverished child communities of Ecuador. It was
my first volunteer opportunity abroad and the discoveries brought on by the service emboldened my
posture of selfless action. As a result, I will be volunteering once again next year in the Dominican
Republic, building homes and distributing medical supplies in a local village. The work we do as
Americans should be shaped by our chosen mission in life and pave a path towards success
everyone can
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Walt Whitman's I Hear America Singing
In the poem "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman, the Americans were singing happily while
doing their jobs they love to do. Immigrants come to America hoping to achieve the American
Dream. Most people go to New York where the Statue of Liberty represents freedom and hope.
People really don't know that the American Dream is not easy to accomplish. It takes hard work and
determination to achieve. An American is a person who is able and willing to work hard and are not
afraid to make mistakes, but will be able to learn from it. As a matter of fact, an American is a
person who works hard and is willing to learn from their mistakes to becomes successful. "The
delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing, Each
singing what belongs to him or her and to none else" (Whitman 9–10). That line is showing each
person singing as they work , which is a song of their own."The carpenter singing his as he
measures his plank or beam,"(Whitman 3). So as this man or women work as American they sing
."You have to show that you have something special ... Show more content on ...
"Choked for ages in the airless oppression of Russia(represented as an evil tyrant), the Promised
Land(America) rose up" (Yezierska 3). She expecting America to be promise land that will raise her
up in the world. "I had to put my feet down on earth(realize/check herself). I had to have food and
shelter. I had to have the money to pay for it"(Yezierska 4). At this point she realize that she won't be
hand a house, food ,and she will have earn money to pay for those things. "Only my eager, empty
hands, and my full heart shining from my eyes!" ( Yezierska 4) . She at the point where she is
acknowledge that working hard will help her success in the long run. If you want be American don't
expect things hand to
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Taking Down Tyrants Analysis
Taking Down Tyrants "Give me liberty or give me death," – Patrick Henry. The pursuit of of their
freedom is the current mission of the American Army, who find means to standby their cause
through hardships. It's 1777 and there's a war between between the Americans and the British.
George Washington, the leader of the continental army, has struggled to keep his soldiers fighting
for their freedom. He is keeping his troops in Valley Forge, 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia,
where the British are located. My 9 month enlistment will be over on February 1st, , and I have to
decide to stay or go. I'm going to stay for these three reasons. To be loyal to my country, to motivate
and lift the spirits of my fellow soldiers, and fight for my country. I'm going to stay and fight
because it means I am being loyal to my country. Thomas Paine wrote elaborately about the
importance of loyalty to your country during this desperate time. He states in his writing of The ...
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Thomas Paine reaches a point in The American Crisis where he begins to describe the wrath and
cruelty of British rule. During this description, he describes, "Britain, with an army to enforce her
tyranny... (Paine.)" Paine is showing just how Americans should not be held under these unwanted
circumstance and should be free from Britain's power. They are not treated the colonies with much
respect at all. Thomas Paine stays on the topic of Britain for a while, and continues to make
analogies. In one of the analogies of The American Crisis he states, "if being bound in that manner is
not slavery, there is not such a thing as slavery on Earth (Paine.)" Just the fact alone that he is
comparing Britain's rule with slavery is enough to make you think that they don't treat us Americans
well. It makes the will to break the connection with Great Britain even longer. This needs to be
fought for. Our own independance is worth the risk of staying to
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My Trip To The Vietnamese Community
I was recommended and influenced by peers and Perkins Fellows who have participated in the trip I
chose as my preferred trip. I believe my background and experiences will allow me to become an
advocate for the Vietnamese community, and will help our country take more steps into social
justice. The Vietnamese community here does not have many first–generation students that are
involved in community and leadership. There are only two first–generation, Vietnamese American
students at this college. The Vietnamese represent 70% of the Asian population in Grand Rapids. I
grew up, seeing with my own eyes, with the social issues and effects of oppression in our society. As
a first–generation student from immigrant parents, I believe I can apply my knowledge of third–
world cultures, all ranges of socioeconomic and racial communities, racial issues, and social
reconciliation to the trip and the community. I believe being a part of a leadership will allow me to
learn stories from another place in this country, as well as share my experiences as a low–income
immigrant child during the trip. ... Show more content on ...
I helped lead a small ROBLOX YouTube movement online with thousands of kids when I was
younger. I have participated in Kids' Food Basket, and Mel Trotter before
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A Letter To Breed's Hill
We decided to set up our fortification on top of Breed's Hill. We had to move here quickly over
nights because we just got word that the British are attempting to send troops from Boston to occupy
our cities and take land. If the British occupy this land, it would give them a major upper hand in the
current war. We must remain here and wait. Holding our position and keeping this land will allow us
to keep our upper hand in this war. We still have no sign of the British yet but Colonel is saying we
should be seeing them soon. I'm starting to become frightened that this may be the first time i
experience battle. I hope i ... Show more content on ...
We are out numbered but we have the advantage of the hill and higher elevation. They gunfire just
began, all i can hear are shouts and explosions. Men all around me are getting hit but the British are
going down as well. I can see bodies of my fellow Americans all around me and the sound of
gunfire is not slowing down. I am staying low and keeping my head down to avoid any fatal hits.
We are holding them off but i can hear the Colonel saying they are attacking again. I cannot see how
many British soldiers are down but they have taken out a very large amount of our men. The
chances of this battle being a victory are very little. Looking out from my cover i can see that there
are many more British soldiers than us. We are almost completely out of ammunition and the British
are moving up the hill. I fear this
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Sherwin Williams Discrimination
I was hoping you would find solutions to my obvious unfair treatment but instead you have provided
a number of excuses. You have provided explanations that only serve to allow and encourages this
unfair treatment. I am very disappointed in the lack of initiative on behalf of Sherwin–Williams to
address my issues with solutions and not excuses. I would have hoped it would be in Sherwin–
Williams's best interest to foster an environment that was more inclusive. The excuses that you have
provided do not promote inclusiveness nor provides any basis for erasing the obvious disparity in
my development between my fellow employees that are not African American. I've read your
excuses but what are the Solutions? What are the solutions for an African
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Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy's Adgural Address
John F. Kennedy's inaugural address was a carefully composed speech, that conveyed the primary
goals of the incoming president in a convincing way. It is important for the president to have a
strong inaugural address, because it informs the people of one's intentions as president. In order for
President Kennedy's address to be effective, he uses rhetorical strategies. Through the use of
rhetorical strategies, President Kennedy supports his objectives with reason and logic to appeal to
the people's desire for security and structure. He also alludes to his good character to make the
people feel safe and trust him to guide them. In the address, President Kennedy uses emotion to
make a connection with the people, this makes him seem more relatable and connected to the
people. These are strategies used in an attempt to persuade the audience to trust President Kennedy.
In President Kennedy's inaugural address, he convincingly conveys his message to his audience,
through the use of rhetorical devices. The use of anaphoras allow President Kennedy to stress his
message by repeating a word at the beginning of successive clauses. This helps to emphasize his
point to the audience. For example, President Kennedy uses an anaphora to express the importance
of bringing both sides together, and having them work together for the benefit of the country and its
citizens. "Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which
divide us. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the
inspection and control of arms––and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the
absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its
terrors"(Address). Kennedy also starts a series of paragraphs with "To those." This allows Kennedy
to personally address the people he will be working with during his presidency, by making specific
promises to them. It helps to create a personal bond with citizens, and other countries. This is
important because if people trust the President, the President will be more likely to achieve his
goals. As well as anaphoras, President Kennedy uses hyperphoria to gain the trust
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Civil Rights Reflection Paper
Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice president
Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens: We observe today not a victory of party
but a celebration of freedom––symbolizing an end as well as a beginning––signifying renewal as
well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears
prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds
in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.
And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the
globe––the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand
of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth
from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation
of Americans––born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud
of our ancient heritage––and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights
to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and
around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any
price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival
and the success of
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A Change Is Getting Come Rhetorical Devices
Although Sam Cooke expresses optimism in the refrain of "A Change Is Gonna Come "much of the
song concerns the harsh realities of African–American life in the early 1960's. Cooke begins his
song by alluding to African–Americans struggled with poverty and living. Cooke sings, "I was born
by the river in a little tent / oh and just like the river I've been running ever since" (1–2). The tent
depicts how African–Americans were not able to afford basic necessities such as a house .Cooke
sings "oh and just like the river I've been running ever since" (2) which is a simile and
personification; it shows that African Americans were constantly running from discrimination and
hate. Cooke infers African– Americans were facing discrimination from all
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Frederick Douglass Should Be Considered A Maryland State
Frederick Douglass should be considered a Maryland State Author despite the deplorable societal
conditions that constrained lives of African–Americans. Frederick Douglass managed to rise above
them, and ascended from the society's lowest conditions of slavery and racism, to become an
important, and a strong proponent of change in the ancient American society. Because of his
enthusiasm to work towards achieving change for himself and for society, he has received tribute of
admiration from various races and classes of people. Some of the reasons why Frederick Douglass is
admired not only by African–Americans, but also the American society at large are that, he achieved
his elevation from a despised African–America slave into a figure of reference through his native
energy, that was guided by wisdom and prudence. This research papers seeks to establish an
argument that Frederick Douglass should be considered a Maryland State Author. The paper will
establish that Frederick Douglass was born in Maryland and he used his impeccable skills as a
journalist, an orator, and a writer to fight for the rights of African–Americans, including abolition of
slavery and eradication of racial discrimination. He used his skills to fight for his fellow Americans;
in Maryland and in American at large. Robinson and Stanger state that "Some of the criteria used in
identifying state authors include: Their fame, must be born in the state, literal acclaim, and
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Immigration And Mass Immigration During The Gilded Age
At the conclusion of the Gilded Age America began to move into the Progressive Era. Immigration
during this era was exploding with significant differences from the initial mass immigration before
and during the Gilded Age. The social issues centered on race, origin of homeland, social status,
culture differences, and religion. Not all immigrants were treated the same or offered the same
opportunities. The viewpoints of a European immigrant from Ireland, Italy, Germany, England, or
France is very different than an Asian immigrant from China or Japan. Here are two reflections; one
from a white first generation European and one of a first generation Asian Immigrant. In my
European home country the people of the lesser social class suffered considerably. I have
experienced war, drought, famine, and religious persecution. It was time to leave the Old World for
a chance at better life. The trip costed me almost all I had to my name. The voyage was long and
miserable, but the idea of a better life provided me dreams which pumped me full of personal
strength and courage. After all, I heard of the Homestead Act which offered the chance to own land
and make my own destiny ("U.S. Immigration History," n.a., p. 1–3). This kind of opportunity is not
possible in my homeland. Although, opportunity does exist to make my own fortune the middle
class and the wealthy American citizens don't see me as an equal. The competition is tuff for us in
the job market with the high
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Harlingen High School's Argument Analysis
Throughout our lives, we will come across other individuals whose opinions differ from ours.
Whether we decide to shadow their beliefs or stay strong to our own, it is how we handle the
situation, as well as what we take from it, that shapes our character. I am now aware that, for the
most part, it is best to have your own voice and remain firm to what you believe in instead of
changing your views in order to please others just to fit in. As senior year approached, I had made
the decision to tryout for Harlingen High School's cheerleading squad. Being placed on a team of
thirty–two girls, it was surely unavoidable to become caught up in disagreements. For instance, in
June of 2015, our squad traveled to Austin, TX to attend UCA (Universal Cheerleaders Association)
cheer camp. At camp, the five seniors on our team each competed for UCAAll–American, an award
given to select individuals through a tryout process. Later, during camp, the cheerleaders who
happened to make All–American were announced. It was soon discovered that each five seniors had
received this award. I assumed everyone would be full of joy. However, to my amazement, the
atmosphere appeared much different. ... Show more content on ...
Each of them felt they were significantly more deserving of obtaining this award than I was and did
not believe I had earned it. Although I remained confused about why my fellow squad members
wouldn't be happy for me, or even all of us, I initially followed along with their beliefs. In order to
prevent them from turning their backs on me as well as excluding me, I agreed that I did not deserve
the award and forced myself to be unhappy simply to satisfy them. I allowed them to control my
emotions and lay negative thoughts inside my mind. For most of my life I would try to please others
in order to fit in, therefore, this situation was no
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Essay on Why Accountability in the Army Is Important!
Why Accountability is Important Accountability is very important in the Army. Accountability is
taking responsibility for your actions and your items. By meaning what you say, saying what you
mean, and doing what you say, when you say you will do it. By keeping track of all my items and
equipment I can always be ready for anything that is needed of me by my country, my superiors, or
other servicemen. Being accountable means being dependable. Where my country, my superiors and
fellow servicemen can count on me in any situation. to know I will be there to do what is necessary.
Taking responsibility for your own actions and equipment is what keeps things running smoothly.
And keeps things from turning into utter chaos. Being in ... Show more content on
Not being properly trained can result in many lives and poorly ran missions. I am told by my
superiors to put a lock on my wall locker for a reason, and make sure it is locked, at all times. This is
for me to learn to maintain all my equipment and items. And always abiding by the LDRSHIP
acronym (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self–less service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage) at all
times will keep me accountable and responsible and make me a better soldier. So I can always be the
soldier that my fellow servicemen would want to fight beside in any time of crisis. This acronym
should be the backbone of any American Soldier. L–Loyalty is my commitment I will always have
for my country, other service members and my superiors. loyalty is important because if I did not
care for my country I would have no motivation to serve and protect my fellow servicemen and the
citizens of my country. Loyalty also means that I will not betray my country, or fellow service
members in any way and I will always stay true to my country. Being a person that other people can
count on is being Loyal. D– Duty is what is required of me by my superiors and my country. I do
what needs to be done, and what I am told to do, no matter what. I will always obey my superiors
and carry out the Duty that is required of me as a American Soldier. R– Respect is treating other
people the way they want to be treated. By following what you learned in kindergarten.
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John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Speech
John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" left a respected
impact on the world as he used multiple rhetorical devices in order to provoke the audience's
feelings, convince of his character, and test their logic. One of the ways John F Kennedy
successfully reached his audience was by provoking their feelings. He creates a patriotic feeling by
calling out Americans "...born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter
peace, proud of our ancient heritage" (Kennedy). After creating a feeling of patriotism, he then
attaches to the emotions of those who are connected to "the graves of young Americans who
answered the call to service surround the globe" (Kennedy). By creating a patriotic ... Show more
content on ...
By doing this, he was able to persuade his audience easily. "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not
what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the
world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man"
(Kennedy). When Kennedy stated this, he caused his audience to reflect on what they are doing,
which was at the time asking more from their country than what they were willing to do. "Kennedy's
famous closing words expressed the need for cooperation and sacrifice on the part of the American
people" ( Staff). This then caused many people to begin to rally together for the greater
good. The people gave wondrous thought into what Kennedy said, which is obvious from his still
current standing of respect from Americans. Without John F Kennedy's outstanding use of rhetorical
devices, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, he would have had a much harder time attempting to
successfully persuade his audience. By using these rhetorical devices, he connected with the
audience, proved himself worthy to listen to, and tested their logic. These rhetorical devices allowed
John F Kennedy to more easily persuade his audience and also create a respected impact on the
world. Without the use of these rhetorical devices, Kennedy would not have been taken as seriously
as he
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Argumentative Performance Task Analysis
Argumentative Performance Task Task.
I want to provide a lot of opportunities for my fellow African Americans. Because even though we
have access to education and proper housing, I want to help my people so they can have the right to
vote. We want economic opportunities so that we can be happy and that we can live a better life.
Back in the day. Our people were used as slaves. We want bigger and better things for our people.
We always get judged by the white people. We want to live in a place where everybody is equal.
This is the reason why I am writing this letter this letter is for my people.
Please, We all need our rights. So that we can be good as the other groups of people. My job in
Georgia is giving kids an education. I have been asked
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Thomas Builds The Fire
The character Thomas Builds the–fire from "What it means to say Phoenix, Arizona" is the local
outcast of his Native American reservation. Thomas has lived his whole life on the reservation,
growing up alongside Victor his now distant childhood friend. Thomas seeing how his childhood
friend is trying to go to phoenix to gather victor's father remains, And truck, Thomas steps in and
pays for the trip so long as he can go along as well while showing his care for the people on the
reservation. Thomas develops an extremely caring nature toward his fellow Native Americans this
caring attribute was nurtured by very meaningful experiences in Thomas early life on the
reservation. An example of such an experience can be found when Thomas has a vision to travel to
Spokane Falls way outside of the reservation. "Your dad was my vision. Take care of each other is
what my dreams were saying". This ... Show more content on ...
Victor's father was the man who was sent to him from his dreams to instill in him the value of caring
for his fellow Native American peoples. Thomas showed the care he had to not only a friend, but a
fellow Native American Victor when Thomas saved Victor's life from hornets "He might have died
there, stung a thousand times, if Thomas Builds–the–fire had not come". This is a perfect example of
how much Thomas cares and how selfless he can be by charring in to help victor moreover, he knew
he would most likely be stung by the hive as well. Thomas has shown a willingness to help his
people with all manner of issues and problems from getting a foot stuck in a hornets nest to helping
an old friend travel the 1,379 mile journey to Phoenix, Arizona. These instances of caring are
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Unemployment In America Essay
MA 106
Unemployment: Support Our Fellow Americans by Representative Caroline Madsen, Liberal New
Greetings my fellow committee members. We need to support our nation's people in this time of
need. In the year 1934 the U.S. reported that there were 21.30% of people without a job. This means
that of the 39+ million people in the U.S. 8,286,243 people are living without an income. With no
jobs these fellow Americans have no way of supporting themselves. Our proposal lends a helping
hand to every family that has no income. We currently do not have any system in place for people
with no jobs. This means that even if they have no money coming in they are still charged for life.
Before you say we are just handing out money to lazy people, ... Show more content on ...
With more people getting jobs then the percent of unemployed would go down which causes the
percent out of yearly income to go down. We would like to work to get unemployment percentage
low enough so that only around 2% of yearly income goes to unemployment.
The idea we have for after we help get unemployment down is to keep it at 2% and start putting
away money to protect if the unemployment rate goes up again. This would help safeguard our
families from an income percent increase and still support families that are unemployed. This means
for you if you ever lost your job you would be guaranteed $750 a year to help you get back on your
In conclusion, we need to support our fellow Americans who are in need. With 21.30% of our
Americans unemployed. The plan we laid out helps only people who are actively searching for jobs.
Since we currently have no system in place, we aren't doing anything to help them. The method we
laid out will not cost very much of their income and will slowly become less as we help our nation
get back on their feet. Please take time to think, what if what you without a
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My Social Role In The Polish-American Community In Chicago
Socialization is the process by which individuals learn how to act in society which can be done
through observation and/or learning from other members of that particular society. Overtime, a
culture is created in which social roles and their designated scripts become part of the society. Many
times, social roles go hand in hand with one's self–identity. For instance, I consider my Polish
ethnicity as one of my social roles, and moreover, a self–identity. My Polish culture provides me
with a social role of participating in the Polish–American community in Chicago. Through my
social script, I take part in my Polish culture by going to Polish school, being part of a Polish
folklore dance group, and by taking part in different Polish organizations in Chicago. On a similar
note, my ambition for a career in the healthcare field gives me numerous social roles: a pre–medical
student, a volunteer, and a researcher. Moreover, I have a social script of being not only a daughter,
but a sister as well. ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, my Polish culture plays a big part of my life. Through my culture, I have had a social role
of being a student at Polish school every Saturday. With the assistance of the teacher and my
classmates, I have been given a social script of learning about my Polish culture – history and
literature – along with its geography and grammar. For twelve years, I excelled as a student because
I learned and became proficient in the Polish language. Through the experience of learning about
my Polish ethnicity – my self–identity – I was able to complete matura, a high school exit exam, and
most importantly, speak to my family members in
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Metaphors In Jfk Inaugural Address
He was making the point to Americans and the world, that called upon every man, woman and child
to dedicate themselves to the American cause, Freedom. " – Kennedy's choice of words contributed
because he used some intense words to make him look more professional and a leader. He also used
some of the exact words in the beginning of a few paragraphs to create effect or add emphasis
(Anaphora). Anaphora– In the beginning of a few paragraphs he will start with "To those"
Metaphor– "And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its
own house" Parallelism– "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the
few who are rich" Antithesis– "We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom,
symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change" Alliteration– "the
... Show more content on ...
Ethos– appealing to Americans' united ancestry of the revolutionary war. Logos– Logical cause and
effect– If citizens show their loyalty and devotion to America, then Democracy will be preserved.
Pathos– "born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by hard and bitter peace." Ethos– "we
are heirs to that first revolution," Logos– "In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will
rest the final success or failure of our course." – Kennedy's thesis was "rallied citizens to get
positively involved in serving their country and that freedom must prevail". "My fellow citizens of
the world: ask not what America will do for you. But what together we can do for the freedom of a
man" and "My fellow Americans: ask not what America will do for you. Ask what you can do for
your country" He is persuading the Americans by exclaiming that you should contribute to the
country, and how you can provide freedom to every citizen to make this country a better
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Margaret Kvelson Biography Essay
Margaret Kivelson was born in New York City on October 31, 1928. Raised in an American family
surrounded by science, her father was a medical doctor and her mother had an undergraduate degree
in physics. She knew in high school that she wanted to follow her parents footsteps into science, and
applied to Radcliffe College, Harvard college for women, in 1946. The separation of the men's and
women's colleges had occurred in answer to the start of World War II. In 1957, with her thesis
"Bremsstrahlung of High Energy Electrons", she completed and was awarded her PhD in Physics.
Based in Santa Monica California, Kivelson worked as physics consultant at the RAND Corporation
from 1955 to 1971. Here she received the opportunity to research the interactions of electron gases
and plasmas with mathematical techniques like those of quantum electrodynamics. She took a brief
leave from 1965–1966 to support her husband's sabbatical leave in Boston. During this time, she
was able to conduct scientific research at Harvard and MIT. In 1967, motivated by her experiences
through the Radcliffe Institute, Kivelson joined UCLA as an assistant geophysicist. Quickly
climbing through the ranks of the geophysics and space physics communities, she became a full
professor of UCLA's Department of Earth and ... Show more content on ...
Most of my family had joked that I was going to get an "MRS", a view that was widespread.
Harvard had no women professors." She was often the only woman in her classes. She faced
criticism for this, and later, for continuing to work after giving birth to her first child in 1954. Things
weren't improving after the birth of her second child in 1957, following the acceptance of her PhD.
It wasn't until she won a Guggenheim Fellowship to work at the Imperial College in London in 1973
did she say "that fellowship gave me for the first time the sense that I was being taken seriously as a
scientist. More than money, it gave me status and increased my self–confidence
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Silent Majority Essay
English 1613.010 March 25, 2011 Nixon's Silent Voice In a nation divided by war in 1969, Richard
Nixon delivered a speech with the hope that it would bring Americans together. At this time the
American people stood divided on their views on the war. Many people wanted to withdraw from
the war and many people supported the war in the quest for peace. The Vietnam War had already
been going on for quite some time when Nixon came into office. Nixon was the second youngest
president; he came to office in 1969 as the 37th president of the United States. (Sheppard) The goal
of his speech was to unite the nation as he pursued the war and to try to win peace. Americans were
divided among going to war and ending the war for peace. The tone ... Show more content on ...
It also makes him authoritative which that is the job of being president. He is authoritative because
he is standing strong in his decisions and plans for the war. In effect he tries to wipe the bad guy
image he may have obtained by being the man in charge of a nation at war. Nixon wrote his speech
with the acknowledgement that the war was of great concern to his fellow Americans. He then based
that concern in a way to establish an emotional connection with the audience. He continued that
connection with the audience by developing questions which many Americans listening to this
speech would have already raised themselves. For example Nixon asks, "What choices do we have
if we are to end the war?" By asking these questions he is showing that he understands the concerns
of what the people have on the Vietnam War. He also makes it seem like he is not just making a
speech to make him look better; he has taken in consideration the feelings and concerns of the
people. By asking questions this sets up a balance early in his speech which he would then continue
on by examining the facts and answering those questions. For this reason it makes him seem like he
has a caring heart and is not just out for another vote in the ballot box. Another question Nixon asks
is "How and why did America get involved in Vietnam in the first
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Why I Want To Be A Society Of Trout Persuasive Essay

  • 1. Why I Want To Be A Society Of Trout Persuasive Essay I would like to participate in the Society of Fellows because I am a lover of philosophy and it seems as if the Society of Fellows mix topics that intrigue me into one program, which is a great fit for me. The Society of Fellows examines the American Constitution, the same way my Constitutional Rights class discusses it, it asks more of people than to just know what the American Constitution says, but also asks what it means, and how that meaning of particular words has changed over time. This is the reason I am ecstatic about the program, being able to be a part of a program that looks at the Constitution in ways many do not try to. Also, to be able to belong to a program that does this a wonderful experience to have. Society of Fellows dissects the Constitution, and this is something I have always wanted to do with a group of individuals who has the same excitement level as I do while doing it. These are the reasons I would like to participate in the Society of Fellows. I expect to contribute my knowledge in discussions and my different view points on certain topics and issues to the fellowship class of 2016–2017. Society of Fellows seems to put and emphasis on in–depth exploration and philosophy. Being a philosophy minor and taking a few classes to do with philosophy within political ... Show more content on ... I can contribute my questions and explorations of the philosophical debates on the American Constitution and the historical development of the Constitution, or whatever theme is given to the Journal on Constitutional Democracy. The theme of this year's journal is, "American rhetoric: then & now". I would be able to contribute my thoughts of these topics. Since I am such a lover of philosophy, I can compare philosophers who speak on our government then and now (or on government in general). I would be able to explain why something happens from my perspective of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Article Analysis This article mainly focuses on the means–tested government assistance for lower–middle class couples that are married. The essential points in the article explain who should be given the assistance and those that cannot apply for it. They are not discouraging low–middle class couples from getting married, but in fact, their income as a couple can go slightly over that cusp, subsequently not enabling them to not receive government assistance. Couples that have children and who are unmarried get great assistance if it is needed, "The expanding reach of the welfare state means that a substantial share of lower–middle–class couples with children receive such aid–and many of these couples receive more generous support if they are unmarried", ... Show more content on ... My aunts put themselves through school at a young age, had a job, children, owned a home, and worked very hard. There were definitely tough times when assistance was needed, and without it, my aunts and cousins would not have had a comfortable life growing up. My family was very fortunate to receive the education they had, gifts and food that she provided and grew up in a safe and happy surroundings. This can be connected to the course concept of Social Welfare and the appreciation for the Social Welfare policies and programs as an expression of society's attempt to enhance social functioning. In order for low–middle class couples married or not, and single–parents to function socially, it is imperative that there are programs just like these. Programs like these demonstrate an appreciation for these Social Welfare policies that affect so many people. Without these couples receiving the care that they need, they would not be able to function socially. Without these programs, people would suffer tremendously, both physically and mentally. For example, they may not have enough money to eat, so they would become physically weak and emotionally drained. As for their mental health, not having assistance when in this position could lead to depression and anxiety for not being able to care for their families and themselves. The sponsor of this information is an organization by the name of, AEI and Institute for Family Studies. This is an educational ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Allen Ginsberg Biography The world today is filled with a lot of good authors, poets, and writers. Sometimes I wish I was a writer. I have read and focused on the works of a lot of good poets. Allen Ginsberg is an amazing poet. He is legendary. The work that he has done will always be remembered. I like the person Ginsberg was when he was growing up. People spoke a lot about him. Nowadays people still follow his work. He was born in Newark, New Jersey. Ginsberg attended high school in Paterson, New Jersey. After high school Ginsberg attended Columbia University where he graduated from in 1948. Writing poetry was one of Ginsberg's strengths. His famous poems mean a lot to some people. A lot of people are living the same way Ginsberg lived just by reading his poems. ... Show more content on ... The thoughts most people are scared to share they was not. Ginsberg writing showed a lot of people how to express themselves. I am learning how to express myself more by reading Ginsberg's poetry. Nowadays Ginsberg is still a motivator. I wished the poet was still alive. He would change a lot of things other than literature. The beat generation made people want to come together and work as a team. Ginsberg went through a lot of things growing up. He was wise. He knew how to lead his fellow beats. He had the experience. Allen prayed for the better, but prepared for the worse. It felt like he wasn't afraid of what would happen to him. Nothing he experienced in his life lead him to have those thoughts. Nothing I had experienced in my life led me to expect what would happen to me in my loneliness(Morgan,2006). I wish I had Ginsberg's mindset. He had 20/20 vision. That is what his fellow beats loved about him. Allen didn't want to take all the credit for all his work and accomplishments. He wanted his fellow beats to be recognized as well. They did things together from city to city and Ginsberg wanted everyone to know that. I like the fact that Ginsberg wasn't a greedy person that wanted all the attention. Some people want to take the credit for every single ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Speech About Civil Rights Freedom Hundreds years later the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of prosperity.1954 the day when African Americans were marching down on 6th street to fight for the civil rights freedom. I saw the kids leaving the classrooms to go march down the streets with my fellow classmates and i decide i want to fight for our freedom so i left school to go down 6th street and protest for our civil rights freedom. All i heard was the sounds of dogs and firehose being launched at my fellow African Americans and then i could also hear the sounds of everyone saying let us have our civil rights freedom we want them back now we won't stop until we have them. Martin Luther once said my fellow African Americans are freedom is nearly here he just have to keep fighting for our freedom and not let nothing stop use. Rhetoric was important back then because Martin Luther King wants to show to us that we can't give up we have to keep fighting until we have our freedom unless we want to live the rest of our lives in slavery. We want to stop the whole racial inequality and slavery and end poverty and just live in a peaceful environment and live in harmony and live together in brotherhood. They think they can boss us around but i think not we have to stop letting them boss us around and stop racial inequality and show that we should have the right to do what we want in our life. Martin Luther King Once said The powers that be rule over a racist society filled with ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Racial Discrimination Racism has been an international catastrophe for many centuries. With all of the advances in modern society and human behavior, racism is still a crisis that many people have to deal with. It can occur in any place or at any time, including in the workplace. Racial discrimination arises when someone is treated differently based on their actual or perceived race. Many people believe that if one were to be in the vicinity of a respected workplace that they would be respected by all co–workers and employers; this is in no way true. A big amount of minority employees are affected by racial discrimination in the workplace whether it's from their employers or their fellow co–workers. Racial discrimination is something that is always going to ... Show more content on ... There are many instances where employers/employees are not even aware that they are discriminating against someone. Although they might not be aware of it, when employers hand out hiring tests and have hiring practices that single out people, that is considered racial discrimination as well. Racial discrimination in the workplace does not only occur between the employer and the employee, it could happen between employees and other fellow employees. There have been numerous instances where employees of color are treated with disrespect from other co–workers. They associate African–American co–workers with racial slurs and can be very rude to them as well. With all of these negative interactions occurring, there are still many instances where the problem is either dealt with poorly or not even dealt with at all; and that is something that needs to change. As I stated before, there are many problems associated with racial discrimination in the workplace that are left unattended. Those problems are associated with many solutions as well. For example, if a company starts up an anonymous racial discrimination complaint service, it would most likely make a lot of minorities feel a lot more comfortable in the workplace. Whenever a racial situation comes across in the workplace, employees can anonymously report the situation without being judged by fellow co– workers or ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Did John F Kennedy Influence Martin Luther King Jr John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. are both influential men from the nineteen–sixtie's. They impacted the American people in countless ways, changing our country forever. John F. Kennedy was the thirty–fifth and youngest president of the United States ("John F. Kennedy"). When Kennedy was elected into office, he gave an inaugural address that will be remembered for centuries. Martin Luther King was an African–American baptist minister from Atlanta, Georgia ("Martin Luther King Jr. Biography"). When Martin was growing up, his father fought strongly against racial prejudice, which left an impression on him that would last forever ("Martin Luther King Jr. Biography"). He went on to lead the civil rights movement and is best known for ... Show more content on ... John F. Kennedy's speech was proving to the nation, and world, that with him, nothing could bring America down. "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty" (Kennedy 511). Martin Luther King delivered a much more emotional speech which showed he was extremely genuine about his cause. In "I Have a Dream", Martin uses his beliefs and past experiences to join the people together. Martin lived in a time where all Americans were promised "the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" (King 371), but the white men still segregated the black men. After a complete comparison of the great speeches given by Kennedy and King, there are many similarities and differences. While they both spoke to American Citizens, King addressed those supporting him and Kennedy addressed everyone. Both speeches were written to unify the American People. Despite different causes, they both believed in our country's ability to be great. Their speeches may have been given in two different style, Kennedy being more businesslike and King being very emotional, but each of them delivered a speech that changed our nation and that will be remembered in our country's history ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Persuasive Essay On American Rights Fellow American patrons and citizens, During this year of 1794, we have come through many tribulations and have suffered to great extent for our freedom of Britain. This country has lost fathers and sons to bring us freedom and ensure our rights are kept. It brings me displeasure to write about grievances with our own government. However we must be aware of current and past issues and let it be known that this country and government will defend its people's rights and preserve their freedom. As this country grows and becomes an independent nation we must continue to fund the government (Public Broadcasting Corporation, 2000). As we battle the Indians for property and peace we must continue to grow our military power. As necessary it is vital to implement taxes to continue supporting the military. The taxation of whiskey was decided and voted upon our senate and House of Representatives. Objections to the tax was heard and brought to this government's attention. It comes to my surprise that we have citizens that are acting out and causing a disruption for government officials that's sole duty is to uphold the law. Various reports have been filtering in about ... Show more content on ... As Americans and our right to ownership of property we have grown our territory from the eastern colonies. As our earlier negotiations with the Southwest tribes were successful at first, with the association of Alexander McGillivray, our negotiations and treaty are currently suspended (Roark et al., 2014). With great pleausre and resignation, the battles with the Northwest Indian tribes are over. One of our finiest military generals, General Anthony Wayne, has successfully defended the attacks and counteracted the Indians ( Staff, 2009). I expect a peaceful treaty to be signed by the chiefs of the indian tribes. Our terrorites are safe with the support of our militia and our ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The World Is Not A Victory Of Freedom We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom––symbolizing an end as well as a beginning––signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe––the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans––born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage––and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge––and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Essay On If I Were A Soldier At Valley Forge "These are the times that try men's souls" wrote Thomas Paine on Valley Forge in his book "American Crisis". Valley Forge is the camp that George Washington and the Continental Army stayed at during the winter of 1777. Valley Forge is located 18 miles away from Philadelphia. The conditions that the soldiers had to face through the tough winter is the worst they have ever experienced. If I was a soldier at Valley Forge I would choose to reenlist. I would choose to reenlist because my fellow soldiers need me, I'm supported by my country, And I'm not a summer soldier. The first reason I would reenlist would be that my fellow soldiers and friends need me. Valley Forge had very harsh conditions many people were freezing or sick. They need my help. In ... Show more content on ... The conditions are tough but I still need to stay. As said in "American Crisis" by Thomas Paine " These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in time of crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love of man and woman." (Doc.D). Also in Dr. Waldo's journal it talks about how the soldiers are still cheerful even through these tough times. "...Now begins to grow sickly from the continued fatigues they have suffered this campaign. et they still show a spirit of alacrity [cheerful willingness] and contentment not to be expected from so young troops."(Doc.C). These show that even through tough times we will stay fight willingly because we are fighting for our country. I believe in the cause I'm fighting for so why would i quit. I will keep fighting until we have gotten our independence or untill I die. I'm no summer soldier, I will fight even when it gets tough, and I deserve love from man,woman and my country. I will reenlist because I'm not a summer soldier and i support the cause I'm fighting ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. “And So My Fellow Americans, Ask Not What Your Country "And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your county" (MacSiccar, 1995, p. 46). People don't realize that phrase was borrowed by JFK from one of America's least memorable presidents, Warren G. Harding. The reason that quote is now remembered in today 's time is because of John F. Kennedy, one of the most iconic presidents ever, in his presidency and his life, achieved many accomplishments. Early Life Throughout high school history classes, we have discussed many of the past presidents who have had major impacts on America and how they have shaped this country today: John F. Kennedy represents one of those influential presidents. Before his presidency, John Fitzgerald Kennedy's legacy ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, during the spring term he had to have an emergency surgery done and it was called an appendectomy and it caused him to not be able to finish the school year. In the fall, he was sent to the same college preparatory school as his older brother, Joe, Jr., had went to two years earlier: the Choate School in Wallingford, Connecticut. When JFK got there, his brother was already one of outstanding athletes and scholars in the school but JFK could never be either. His grades were low and he was too small to even make the varsity football team, then he was also troubled with a bunch of sickness, and to top it off, he was a little rebellious. He graduated in 1935 and was only ranked 64th out of 112 students. One year, while playing football, he ruptured his lower lumbar disc, this stopped him from playing football ever again and caused him lots of pain for the rest of his life. During JFK's senior year at Harvard, he wrote a paper that all of his mentors liked and he graduated cum laude in 1940. Then a publisher that his dad knew published JFK's thesis and it sold 80,000 copies. This was the first time he came out from his older brother 's shadow at the age of 23. The Navy In October 1940, JFK's name was one of the first names drawn in the new national draft lottery, this didn't bother John because he and his dad were strong believers in American military preparedness. JFK ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Tension Between Great Britain And Colonies In North America As I have said in my previous letters, we should all be concerned about the growing tension between Great Britain and its colonies in North America. Many colonists, including me, opposed parliament's attempts to tighten control over Britain's, North American Empire. For example, The Stamp Act, it led to violence and it also led to protesting. If you didn't notice, this was very widespread. This is why us, colonists, wanted to repeal this law. There is also The Quartering Act. This made the colonists provide the soldiers with food and also many other supplies or goods. My fellow colonists protested angrily. We complained about how The Quartering Act violated our rights. The reasoning for this letter was to stop sending redcoats that shoot ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. How Does Thomas Paine Use Pathos In The Revolutionary War How did the American army win in the revolutionary war? Who helped motivate them to fight for their nation? Thomas Paine using pathos in his "Crisis No.1." The revolutionary war was the war America fought to gain their independence from Britain. America fought the strongest army in the world in harsh conditions. Thomas Paine effectively uses pathos to motivate and persuade the American army to fight. He appeals to their emotions regarding this country, their fellow Americans, and for their children. Thomas Paine uses pathos to show the soldiers that they should fight, not rest. He is saying that the best time for a soldier is peace time, but right now, it is wartime. He says that only the weak ones will back down from the fight. "These are ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. How Has The American Dream Changed Over Time The American dream, the land of the free and the home of the brave. Our founding fathers set ideas of democracy, rights of liberty and opportunity. Over generations of men and women, the American dream has changed as our society has progressed over time. The dream varies from the beginning were our founding fathers started to our new generation in tremendous ways for better. The American dream is alive. In the beginning, from when the thirteen colonies started this fairyland of dreams of ideas. Thomas Jefferson and the founding fathers all started it off by created the declaration of independence. The opportunities were life changing, to be able to fulfill a destiny in the Americas dream. People from all over the world, starting with England to all over the world in search for freedom. Thomas Jefferson states " I believe the American Dream is not something we've invented but inherited". Jefferson had a huge roll in understanding the meanings of life, liberty, and happiness. Also Jefferson states "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, is much more than full filling our own dreams, doing what we want an feeling good. It's about using the ... Show more content on ... To me this new American generation needs to re–learn the messages from our fathers before it sinks in for us to understand. Laws have been changing, political views have also changed. Outcomes of our urban lifestyle is still in the making as a historical mark in the books. Many of Americans are looking for a stand in searching and treasuring their American dream. "Get off your bottom and be the stand, and do the work you can pursue the American dream for yourself, and help others to do the same" David Pratt mentions to his audience. Everything is still up for grabs for this generation. Has history has shown, America is a freedom lifestyle that we live an breathe. It's up to us as citizens to unite as a ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Narrative Essay About Going To College I'm raised in an environment filled with negative stereotypes, high dropout rates, fewer resources, and low expectations. As a Mexican American from the San Fernando Valley, educational opportunities do not come often. In middle school it massed into my head that going to college is my way towards success. Soon it became the only option for me and as a result, I joined Project Grad to begin my journey towards college. They introduced me to the Chicano Youth Leadership Conference during my junior year. After applying and attending, the conference eliminated the label that Latinos are not college material. Subsequently, I grabbed as many opportunities as I could. In my junior my school did not put me in any AP classes. Therefore, I went to go ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. My Fellow Americans: John F. Kennedy´s Presidential Speech... Lots of things were happening in 1960 with John F. Kennedy was to be the president of the United States of America. America is going through a period of where they are scared and worried about what is going on in the world around them. They needed a strong leader to turn them around and get them back on top. John F. Kennedy gave them just what they need to hear with his inauguration address. He spoke of helping others, working together and protecting are freedom at all cost. It was exactly what the citizens of the United States needed to hear at exact moment. So what was going on leading up to John F. Kennedy's famous speech? After war world II and when America used nukes, everyone in the world was trying to gain nuclear capabilities so ... Show more content on ... Kennedy challenged America to be the best they could be. He knew that if the citizens of America worked together, nothing could stop them. That line put hope back into citizens hearts, knowing that their president had faith in them and wanted to protect freedom at all cost. Now, maybe not his most well known line; "My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." John F. Kennedy was telling everyone in the world that if they didn't have freedom, if they were trapped by communism, America was by their side. He intended the world to know, that The United States of America would do everything they could to free man of all bonds. I cannot give justice to how much impact John F. Kennedy had on the American people. His voice, so full of hope but yet so strong and stern, rang in the hearts of millions of Americans as he stood in front of them giving his inaugural address. He gave his speech in such a way that Americans knew he was the right man for the job. During his speech, he paused in all the right places to let is his message sink in to not only Americans but to the citizens of the world his message. What was his message? His message was simple: protect freedom at all cost. He promised that no matter what, America would be free and everyone who asked the USA for help would get it. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Personal Narrative: A Career As A Student During The Civil... It was 1861 and I thought that it was about time that my fellow brothers and sisters were freed so I took matter into my own hands. I wasn't scared of helping my fellow african americans matter of fact I wanted to help them. Yes bringing a couple of them to the underground railroad was freeing some but I wasn't making the impact that I wanted to. So in 1861 I decided to join forces with the federal military. At first was enrolled as a nurse I helped wounded soldiers of both races. Eventually I realized that I didn't want to be a nurse but I wanted to actually fight a battle for my people. I was eventually made a scout so I could expand my efforts and I could spy for the union. When the civil war started I was already a freedom fighter and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Persuasive Essay On Respect In Society "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what, together, we can do for the freedom of man", states the revered and sound late President Kennedy, a man who truly believed in the cruciality of respect within and for the nation one inhabits. A society is not only the making up a community, but it is a factor reflecting the ideals of justice, morality, and the overall character of every individual within the given society. Without respect, without consideration for the greater good, there is simply no reasonable possibility of a prospering and flourishing society ever emerging. In this current world one experiences day in and day out, the slaughtering of the innocent, the unrelenting violence, the angst between races, and the lack of integrity all influence the declining of our once thriving nation, therefore causing a termination to the aspects of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Within the last year, if one were to access any form of news media, more than half of the material displayed would include one of the three following topics: terrorism, massacre, death. In correlation to the definition of respect, a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements, those three topics do not seem to elicit one's pride and devotion to bettering ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Isaiah Carter Research Paper This is Isaiah Carter. After coming back from the heart breaking Normandy Invasion. There's something more devastating than losing my fellows during the war. I saw the news of Rosa Parks. Because she's black just like me, so she was forced to yield the seat on the bus and she even got arrested by the cops because she refused. Man, what kind of mistakes have we done to deserve all these. Therefore, after serving in the army as a patriot I decide to serve for my African American people. I joined the sit–ins in the 1960. I want the white people to know we are humans too. We African Americans should be treated the same as you white people. Rosa Parks was brave enough to fight against you police officers. Now, I, Isaiah Carter is going to challenge ... Show more content on ... I was wondering how this kiddo will be treated in the prison in this nasty 1960s. After all these, two of the greatest leaders began to lead their group of people. Our two great leaders, they are Martin Luther KingJr.,and Malcolm X. As people know King was the captain of the non–violence protest groups. On the other hand, Malcolm X, he's like a flame and a toxic bomb to the white people. When he was young, he couldn't be a lawyer because he's black like me. Moreover, white people punished his parents in a sense. Therefore, he suggested African American people to control our community. Because we are African Americans it has always been hard for us to get a proper job in the "Great America". On October 15, 1963, the day that the United States sell four million tons of wheat to the Soviet Union. Reading the article from the Office of Research and Reports/Central Intelligence Agency, it says, "Any shortages of bread might have disturbing political consequences..." Guess what, that is why the Black Community is having trouble with the government. My fellow Black brothers were not being able to feed themselves because factories hire white people first. This pisses me off. That is why after serving in the military during World War II makes me want to serve for my own race – the African ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. My Fellow America Rhetorical Analysis I don't begin my speech today with the classic introduction "My fellow Americans" because I am speaking to more than just Americans today. While several stories come to mind, a multitude share one similar to mine, coming from a mixed background into a country that has opened its doors as a land of opportunity and a second home. Those who have built a life of significance have often extended a helping hand to many who did not have the same prospects or success in their own ventures. This is the unifying thread in the saga of the American epic and what I seek to revitalize as President of the United States. Native to all tales of America are accounts of achievement, people who took from their sweat and labor untold riches. The path to their goal was often marred by monumental obstacles, naturally different to every story. While my family constructed their own road for progress, I spent my time inside and outside the classroom making the greatest mark I could in my community. My time in high school was characterized by excelling spectacularly in academics while simultaneously working as captain of the soccer team ... Show more content on ... Their work parallels my message, one which focuses on self–sacrifice for the sake of humanity and furthering the interests of individuals and society alike. This attitude has been shaped by an experience in my junior year where I helped the impoverished child communities of Ecuador. It was my first volunteer opportunity abroad and the discoveries brought on by the service emboldened my posture of selfless action. As a result, I will be volunteering once again next year in the Dominican Republic, building homes and distributing medical supplies in a local village. The work we do as Americans should be shaped by our chosen mission in life and pave a path towards success everyone can ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Walt Whitman's I Hear America Singing In the poem "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman, the Americans were singing happily while doing their jobs they love to do. Immigrants come to America hoping to achieve the American Dream. Most people go to New York where the Statue of Liberty represents freedom and hope. People really don't know that the American Dream is not easy to accomplish. It takes hard work and determination to achieve. An American is a person who is able and willing to work hard and are not afraid to make mistakes, but will be able to learn from it. As a matter of fact, an American is a person who works hard and is willing to learn from their mistakes to becomes successful. "The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or of the girl sewing or washing, Each singing what belongs to him or her and to none else" (Whitman 9–10). That line is showing each person singing as they work , which is a song of their own."The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam,"(Whitman 3). So as this man or women work as American they sing ."You have to show that you have something special ... Show more content on ... "Choked for ages in the airless oppression of Russia(represented as an evil tyrant), the Promised Land(America) rose up" (Yezierska 3). She expecting America to be promise land that will raise her up in the world. "I had to put my feet down on earth(realize/check herself). I had to have food and shelter. I had to have the money to pay for it"(Yezierska 4). At this point she realize that she won't be hand a house, food ,and she will have earn money to pay for those things. "Only my eager, empty hands, and my full heart shining from my eyes!" ( Yezierska 4) . She at the point where she is acknowledge that working hard will help her success in the long run. If you want be American don't expect things hand to ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Taking Down Tyrants Analysis Taking Down Tyrants "Give me liberty or give me death," – Patrick Henry. The pursuit of of their freedom is the current mission of the American Army, who find means to standby their cause through hardships. It's 1777 and there's a war between between the Americans and the British. George Washington, the leader of the continental army, has struggled to keep his soldiers fighting for their freedom. He is keeping his troops in Valley Forge, 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia, where the British are located. My 9 month enlistment will be over on February 1st, , and I have to decide to stay or go. I'm going to stay for these three reasons. To be loyal to my country, to motivate and lift the spirits of my fellow soldiers, and fight for my country. I'm going to stay and fight because it means I am being loyal to my country. Thomas Paine wrote elaborately about the importance of loyalty to your country during this desperate time. He states in his writing of The ... Show more content on ... Thomas Paine reaches a point in The American Crisis where he begins to describe the wrath and cruelty of British rule. During this description, he describes, "Britain, with an army to enforce her tyranny... (Paine.)" Paine is showing just how Americans should not be held under these unwanted circumstance and should be free from Britain's power. They are not treated the colonies with much respect at all. Thomas Paine stays on the topic of Britain for a while, and continues to make analogies. In one of the analogies of The American Crisis he states, "if being bound in that manner is not slavery, there is not such a thing as slavery on Earth (Paine.)" Just the fact alone that he is comparing Britain's rule with slavery is enough to make you think that they don't treat us Americans well. It makes the will to break the connection with Great Britain even longer. This needs to be fought for. Our own independance is worth the risk of staying to ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. My Trip To The Vietnamese Community I was recommended and influenced by peers and Perkins Fellows who have participated in the trip I chose as my preferred trip. I believe my background and experiences will allow me to become an advocate for the Vietnamese community, and will help our country take more steps into social justice. The Vietnamese community here does not have many first–generation students that are involved in community and leadership. There are only two first–generation, Vietnamese American students at this college. The Vietnamese represent 70% of the Asian population in Grand Rapids. I grew up, seeing with my own eyes, with the social issues and effects of oppression in our society. As a first–generation student from immigrant parents, I believe I can apply my knowledge of third– world cultures, all ranges of socioeconomic and racial communities, racial issues, and social reconciliation to the trip and the community. I believe being a part of a leadership will allow me to learn stories from another place in this country, as well as share my experiences as a low–income immigrant child during the trip. ... Show more content on ... I helped lead a small ROBLOX YouTube movement online with thousands of kids when I was younger. I have participated in Kids' Food Basket, and Mel Trotter before ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. A Letter To Breed's Hill We decided to set up our fortification on top of Breed's Hill. We had to move here quickly over nights because we just got word that the British are attempting to send troops from Boston to occupy our cities and take land. If the British occupy this land, it would give them a major upper hand in the current war. We must remain here and wait. Holding our position and keeping this land will allow us to keep our upper hand in this war. We still have no sign of the British yet but Colonel is saying we should be seeing them soon. I'm starting to become frightened that this may be the first time i experience battle. I hope i ... Show more content on ... We are out numbered but we have the advantage of the hill and higher elevation. They gunfire just began, all i can hear are shouts and explosions. Men all around me are getting hit but the British are going down as well. I can see bodies of my fellow Americans all around me and the sound of gunfire is not slowing down. I am staying low and keeping my head down to avoid any fatal hits. We are holding them off but i can hear the Colonel saying they are attacking again. I cannot see how many British soldiers are down but they have taken out a very large amount of our men. The chances of this battle being a victory are very little. Looking out from my cover i can see that there are many more British soldiers than us. We are almost completely out of ammunition and the British are moving up the hill. I fear this ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Sherwin Williams Discrimination I was hoping you would find solutions to my obvious unfair treatment but instead you have provided a number of excuses. You have provided explanations that only serve to allow and encourages this unfair treatment. I am very disappointed in the lack of initiative on behalf of Sherwin–Williams to address my issues with solutions and not excuses. I would have hoped it would be in Sherwin– Williams's best interest to foster an environment that was more inclusive. The excuses that you have provided do not promote inclusiveness nor provides any basis for erasing the obvious disparity in my development between my fellow employees that are not African American. I've read your excuses but what are the Solutions? What are the solutions for an African ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Rhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy's Adgural Address John F. Kennedy's inaugural address was a carefully composed speech, that conveyed the primary goals of the incoming president in a convincing way. It is important for the president to have a strong inaugural address, because it informs the people of one's intentions as president. In order for President Kennedy's address to be effective, he uses rhetorical strategies. Through the use of rhetorical strategies, President Kennedy supports his objectives with reason and logic to appeal to the people's desire for security and structure. He also alludes to his good character to make the people feel safe and trust him to guide them. In the address, President Kennedy uses emotion to make a connection with the people, this makes him seem more relatable and connected to the people. These are strategies used in an attempt to persuade the audience to trust President Kennedy. In President Kennedy's inaugural address, he convincingly conveys his message to his audience, through the use of rhetorical devices. The use of anaphoras allow President Kennedy to stress his message by repeating a word at the beginning of successive clauses. This helps to emphasize his point to the audience. For example, President Kennedy uses an anaphora to express the importance of bringing both sides together, and having them work together for the benefit of the country and its citizens. "Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms––and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors"(Address). Kennedy also starts a series of paragraphs with "To those." This allows Kennedy to personally address the people he will be working with during his presidency, by making specific promises to them. It helps to create a personal bond with citizens, and other countries. This is important because if people trust the President, the President will be more likely to achieve his goals. As well as anaphoras, President Kennedy uses hyperphoria to gain the trust ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Civil Rights Reflection Paper Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice president Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens: We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom––symbolizing an end as well as a beginning––signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe––the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans––born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage––and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. A Change Is Getting Come Rhetorical Devices Although Sam Cooke expresses optimism in the refrain of "A Change Is Gonna Come "much of the song concerns the harsh realities of African–American life in the early 1960's. Cooke begins his song by alluding to African–Americans struggled with poverty and living. Cooke sings, "I was born by the river in a little tent / oh and just like the river I've been running ever since" (1–2). The tent depicts how African–Americans were not able to afford basic necessities such as a house .Cooke sings "oh and just like the river I've been running ever since" (2) which is a simile and personification; it shows that African Americans were constantly running from discrimination and hate. Cooke infers African– Americans were facing discrimination from all ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Frederick Douglass Should Be Considered A Maryland State Frederick Douglass should be considered a Maryland State Author despite the deplorable societal conditions that constrained lives of African–Americans. Frederick Douglass managed to rise above them, and ascended from the society's lowest conditions of slavery and racism, to become an important, and a strong proponent of change in the ancient American society. Because of his enthusiasm to work towards achieving change for himself and for society, he has received tribute of admiration from various races and classes of people. Some of the reasons why Frederick Douglass is admired not only by African–Americans, but also the American society at large are that, he achieved his elevation from a despised African–America slave into a figure of reference through his native energy, that was guided by wisdom and prudence. This research papers seeks to establish an argument that Frederick Douglass should be considered a Maryland State Author. The paper will establish that Frederick Douglass was born in Maryland and he used his impeccable skills as a journalist, an orator, and a writer to fight for the rights of African–Americans, including abolition of slavery and eradication of racial discrimination. He used his skills to fight for his fellow Americans; in Maryland and in American at large. Robinson and Stanger state that "Some of the criteria used in identifying state authors include: Their fame, must be born in the state, literal acclaim, and sometimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Immigration And Mass Immigration During The Gilded Age At the conclusion of the Gilded Age America began to move into the Progressive Era. Immigration during this era was exploding with significant differences from the initial mass immigration before and during the Gilded Age. The social issues centered on race, origin of homeland, social status, culture differences, and religion. Not all immigrants were treated the same or offered the same opportunities. The viewpoints of a European immigrant from Ireland, Italy, Germany, England, or France is very different than an Asian immigrant from China or Japan. Here are two reflections; one from a white first generation European and one of a first generation Asian Immigrant. In my European home country the people of the lesser social class suffered considerably. I have experienced war, drought, famine, and religious persecution. It was time to leave the Old World for a chance at better life. The trip costed me almost all I had to my name. The voyage was long and miserable, but the idea of a better life provided me dreams which pumped me full of personal strength and courage. After all, I heard of the Homestead Act which offered the chance to own land and make my own destiny ("U.S. Immigration History," n.a., p. 1–3). This kind of opportunity is not possible in my homeland. Although, opportunity does exist to make my own fortune the middle class and the wealthy American citizens don't see me as an equal. The competition is tuff for us in the job market with the high ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Harlingen High School's Argument Analysis Throughout our lives, we will come across other individuals whose opinions differ from ours. Whether we decide to shadow their beliefs or stay strong to our own, it is how we handle the situation, as well as what we take from it, that shapes our character. I am now aware that, for the most part, it is best to have your own voice and remain firm to what you believe in instead of changing your views in order to please others just to fit in. As senior year approached, I had made the decision to tryout for Harlingen High School's cheerleading squad. Being placed on a team of thirty–two girls, it was surely unavoidable to become caught up in disagreements. For instance, in June of 2015, our squad traveled to Austin, TX to attend UCA (Universal Cheerleaders Association) cheer camp. At camp, the five seniors on our team each competed for UCAAll–American, an award given to select individuals through a tryout process. Later, during camp, the cheerleaders who happened to make All–American were announced. It was soon discovered that each five seniors had received this award. I assumed everyone would be full of joy. However, to my amazement, the atmosphere appeared much different. ... Show more content on ... Each of them felt they were significantly more deserving of obtaining this award than I was and did not believe I had earned it. Although I remained confused about why my fellow squad members wouldn't be happy for me, or even all of us, I initially followed along with their beliefs. In order to prevent them from turning their backs on me as well as excluding me, I agreed that I did not deserve the award and forced myself to be unhappy simply to satisfy them. I allowed them to control my emotions and lay negative thoughts inside my mind. For most of my life I would try to please others in order to fit in, therefore, this situation was no ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Essay on Why Accountability in the Army Is Important! Why Accountability is Important Accountability is very important in the Army. Accountability is taking responsibility for your actions and your items. By meaning what you say, saying what you mean, and doing what you say, when you say you will do it. By keeping track of all my items and equipment I can always be ready for anything that is needed of me by my country, my superiors, or other servicemen. Being accountable means being dependable. Where my country, my superiors and fellow servicemen can count on me in any situation. to know I will be there to do what is necessary. Taking responsibility for your own actions and equipment is what keeps things running smoothly. And keeps things from turning into utter chaos. Being in ... Show more content on ... Not being properly trained can result in many lives and poorly ran missions. I am told by my superiors to put a lock on my wall locker for a reason, and make sure it is locked, at all times. This is for me to learn to maintain all my equipment and items. And always abiding by the LDRSHIP acronym (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self–less service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage) at all times will keep me accountable and responsible and make me a better soldier. So I can always be the soldier that my fellow servicemen would want to fight beside in any time of crisis. This acronym should be the backbone of any American Soldier. L–Loyalty is my commitment I will always have for my country, other service members and my superiors. loyalty is important because if I did not care for my country I would have no motivation to serve and protect my fellow servicemen and the citizens of my country. Loyalty also means that I will not betray my country, or fellow service members in any way and I will always stay true to my country. Being a person that other people can count on is being Loyal. D– Duty is what is required of me by my superiors and my country. I do what needs to be done, and what I am told to do, no matter what. I will always obey my superiors and carry out the Duty that is required of me as a American Soldier. R– Respect is treating other people the way they want to be treated. By following what you learned in kindergarten. ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Speech John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" left a respected impact on the world as he used multiple rhetorical devices in order to provoke the audience's feelings, convince of his character, and test their logic. One of the ways John F Kennedy successfully reached his audience was by provoking their feelings. He creates a patriotic feeling by calling out Americans "...born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage" (Kennedy). After creating a feeling of patriotism, he then attaches to the emotions of those who are connected to "the graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe" (Kennedy). By creating a patriotic ... Show more content on ... By doing this, he was able to persuade his audience easily. "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you–ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man" (Kennedy). When Kennedy stated this, he caused his audience to reflect on what they are doing, which was at the time asking more from their country than what they were willing to do. "Kennedy's famous closing words expressed the need for cooperation and sacrifice on the part of the American people" ( Staff). This then caused many people to begin to rally together for the greater good. The people gave wondrous thought into what Kennedy said, which is obvious from his still current standing of respect from Americans. Without John F Kennedy's outstanding use of rhetorical devices, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, he would have had a much harder time attempting to successfully persuade his audience. By using these rhetorical devices, he connected with the audience, proved himself worthy to listen to, and tested their logic. These rhetorical devices allowed John F Kennedy to more easily persuade his audience and also create a respected impact on the world. Without the use of these rhetorical devices, Kennedy would not have been taken as seriously as he ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Argumentative Performance Task Analysis Argumentative Performance Task Task. I want to provide a lot of opportunities for my fellow African Americans. Because even though we have access to education and proper housing, I want to help my people so they can have the right to vote. We want economic opportunities so that we can be happy and that we can live a better life. Back in the day. Our people were used as slaves. We want bigger and better things for our people. We always get judged by the white people. We want to live in a place where everybody is equal. This is the reason why I am writing this letter this letter is for my people. Please, We all need our rights. So that we can be good as the other groups of people. My job in Georgia is giving kids an education. I have been asked ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Thomas Builds The Fire The character Thomas Builds the–fire from "What it means to say Phoenix, Arizona" is the local outcast of his Native American reservation. Thomas has lived his whole life on the reservation, growing up alongside Victor his now distant childhood friend. Thomas seeing how his childhood friend is trying to go to phoenix to gather victor's father remains, And truck, Thomas steps in and pays for the trip so long as he can go along as well while showing his care for the people on the reservation. Thomas develops an extremely caring nature toward his fellow Native Americans this caring attribute was nurtured by very meaningful experiences in Thomas early life on the reservation. An example of such an experience can be found when Thomas has a vision to travel to Spokane Falls way outside of the reservation. "Your dad was my vision. Take care of each other is what my dreams were saying". This ... Show more content on ... Victor's father was the man who was sent to him from his dreams to instill in him the value of caring for his fellow Native American peoples. Thomas showed the care he had to not only a friend, but a fellow Native American Victor when Thomas saved Victor's life from hornets "He might have died there, stung a thousand times, if Thomas Builds–the–fire had not come". This is a perfect example of how much Thomas cares and how selfless he can be by charring in to help victor moreover, he knew he would most likely be stung by the hive as well. Thomas has shown a willingness to help his people with all manner of issues and problems from getting a foot stuck in a hornets nest to helping an old friend travel the 1,379 mile journey to Phoenix, Arizona. These instances of caring are ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Unemployment In America Essay MA 106 Unemployment: Support Our Fellow Americans by Representative Caroline Madsen, Liberal New Dealer Greetings my fellow committee members. We need to support our nation's people in this time of need. In the year 1934 the U.S. reported that there were 21.30% of people without a job. This means that of the 39+ million people in the U.S. 8,286,243 people are living without an income. With no jobs these fellow Americans have no way of supporting themselves. Our proposal lends a helping hand to every family that has no income. We currently do not have any system in place for people with no jobs. This means that even if they have no money coming in they are still charged for life. Before you say we are just handing out money to lazy people, ... Show more content on ... With more people getting jobs then the percent of unemployed would go down which causes the percent out of yearly income to go down. We would like to work to get unemployment percentage low enough so that only around 2% of yearly income goes to unemployment. The idea we have for after we help get unemployment down is to keep it at 2% and start putting away money to protect if the unemployment rate goes up again. This would help safeguard our families from an income percent increase and still support families that are unemployed. This means for you if you ever lost your job you would be guaranteed $750 a year to help you get back on your feet. In conclusion, we need to support our fellow Americans who are in need. With 21.30% of our Americans unemployed. The plan we laid out helps only people who are actively searching for jobs. Since we currently have no system in place, we aren't doing anything to help them. The method we laid out will not cost very much of their income and will slowly become less as we help our nation get back on their feet. Please take time to think, what if what you without a ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. My Social Role In The Polish-American Community In Chicago Socialization is the process by which individuals learn how to act in society which can be done through observation and/or learning from other members of that particular society. Overtime, a culture is created in which social roles and their designated scripts become part of the society. Many times, social roles go hand in hand with one's self–identity. For instance, I consider my Polish ethnicity as one of my social roles, and moreover, a self–identity. My Polish culture provides me with a social role of participating in the Polish–American community in Chicago. Through my social script, I take part in my Polish culture by going to Polish school, being part of a Polish folklore dance group, and by taking part in different Polish organizations in Chicago. On a similar note, my ambition for a career in the healthcare field gives me numerous social roles: a pre–medical student, a volunteer, and a researcher. Moreover, I have a social script of being not only a daughter, but a sister as well. ... Show more content on ... Therefore, my Polish culture plays a big part of my life. Through my culture, I have had a social role of being a student at Polish school every Saturday. With the assistance of the teacher and my classmates, I have been given a social script of learning about my Polish culture – history and literature – along with its geography and grammar. For twelve years, I excelled as a student because I learned and became proficient in the Polish language. Through the experience of learning about my Polish ethnicity – my self–identity – I was able to complete matura, a high school exit exam, and most importantly, speak to my family members in ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Metaphors In Jfk Inaugural Address He was making the point to Americans and the world, that called upon every man, woman and child to dedicate themselves to the American cause, Freedom. " – Kennedy's choice of words contributed because he used some intense words to make him look more professional and a leader. He also used some of the exact words in the beginning of a few paragraphs to create effect or add emphasis (Anaphora). Anaphora– In the beginning of a few paragraphs he will start with "To those" Metaphor– "And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house" Parallelism– "If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich" Antithesis– "We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change" Alliteration– "the ... Show more content on ... Ethos– appealing to Americans' united ancestry of the revolutionary war. Logos– Logical cause and effect– If citizens show their loyalty and devotion to America, then Democracy will be preserved. Pathos– "born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by hard and bitter peace." Ethos– "we are heirs to that first revolution," Logos– "In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course." – Kennedy's thesis was "rallied citizens to get positively involved in serving their country and that freedom must prevail". "My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you. But what together we can do for the freedom of a man" and "My fellow Americans: ask not what America will do for you. Ask what you can do for your country" He is persuading the Americans by exclaiming that you should contribute to the country, and how you can provide freedom to every citizen to make this country a better ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Margaret Kvelson Biography Essay Margaret Kivelson was born in New York City on October 31, 1928. Raised in an American family surrounded by science, her father was a medical doctor and her mother had an undergraduate degree in physics. She knew in high school that she wanted to follow her parents footsteps into science, and applied to Radcliffe College, Harvard college for women, in 1946. The separation of the men's and women's colleges had occurred in answer to the start of World War II. In 1957, with her thesis "Bremsstrahlung of High Energy Electrons", she completed and was awarded her PhD in Physics. Based in Santa Monica California, Kivelson worked as physics consultant at the RAND Corporation from 1955 to 1971. Here she received the opportunity to research the interactions of electron gases and plasmas with mathematical techniques like those of quantum electrodynamics. She took a brief leave from 1965–1966 to support her husband's sabbatical leave in Boston. During this time, she was able to conduct scientific research at Harvard and MIT. In 1967, motivated by her experiences through the Radcliffe Institute, Kivelson joined UCLA as an assistant geophysicist. Quickly climbing through the ranks of the geophysics and space physics communities, she became a full professor of UCLA's Department of Earth and ... Show more content on ... Most of my family had joked that I was going to get an "MRS", a view that was widespread. Harvard had no women professors." She was often the only woman in her classes. She faced criticism for this, and later, for continuing to work after giving birth to her first child in 1954. Things weren't improving after the birth of her second child in 1957, following the acceptance of her PhD. It wasn't until she won a Guggenheim Fellowship to work at the Imperial College in London in 1973 did she say "that fellowship gave me for the first time the sense that I was being taken seriously as a scientist. More than money, it gave me status and increased my self–confidence ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Silent Majority Essay English 1613.010 March 25, 2011 Nixon's Silent Voice In a nation divided by war in 1969, Richard Nixon delivered a speech with the hope that it would bring Americans together. At this time the American people stood divided on their views on the war. Many people wanted to withdraw from the war and many people supported the war in the quest for peace. The Vietnam War had already been going on for quite some time when Nixon came into office. Nixon was the second youngest president; he came to office in 1969 as the 37th president of the United States. (Sheppard) The goal of his speech was to unite the nation as he pursued the war and to try to win peace. Americans were divided among going to war and ending the war for peace. The tone ... Show more content on ... It also makes him authoritative which that is the job of being president. He is authoritative because he is standing strong in his decisions and plans for the war. In effect he tries to wipe the bad guy image he may have obtained by being the man in charge of a nation at war. Nixon wrote his speech with the acknowledgement that the war was of great concern to his fellow Americans. He then based that concern in a way to establish an emotional connection with the audience. He continued that connection with the audience by developing questions which many Americans listening to this speech would have already raised themselves. For example Nixon asks, "What choices do we have if we are to end the war?" By asking these questions he is showing that he understands the concerns of what the people have on the Vietnam War. He also makes it seem like he is not just making a speech to make him look better; he has taken in consideration the feelings and concerns of the people. By asking questions this sets up a balance early in his speech which he would then continue on by examining the facts and answering those questions. For this reason it makes him seem like he has a caring heart and is not just out for another vote in the ballot box. Another question Nixon asks is "How and why did America get involved in Vietnam in the first ... Get more on ...