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West African Religion
The scholars begin to debate whether Egyptians were black or white because the states of Africa
were becoming independent. The West African art and music related to religion because the art
symbolize their ancestors, spirits and they're used for rituals practices. The music is related to
religion by using the instruments to create rhythm and to dance to the religious rituals. The
difference between the practice of Christianity, Islam and the indigenous religions in West Africa.
Christianity was the first religion to arrive in Africa and it travels to the West from Alexandria and
East of Ethiopia. For Islam, Arab traders introduced Islam in West Africa. "Unlike Christianity,
Islam tolerated traditional values, allowing a man to have more than
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Similarities Between African And Near East Religions
Indian, African and Near East Religions
Jeff Clark
HIS 103: World Civilizations
Lawrence Vellucci
January 20, 2017 Indian, African and Near East Religions
Ever since the beginning of civilizations, there has been many different religions or beliefs. Just like
religions in present time, there are different religions practiced in several regions of the world. There
are also instances where certain religions and beliefs are practiced in a single region or area. Also a
lot like today, Religion was a major part of life and created a lot of power for the rulers of the
Empires in Ancient India, Africa and The Near East. Some religions were also moved from region to
region, where they were adopted and created power for the next civilizations. ... Show more content
on ...
These religions and beliefs from the different regions were brought to these regions from traveler
and people migrating to new areas. Rulers also played a major role introducing religions to the
people of their empires and also used these religions to become more powerful. Religion has had a
hold on people since the beginning of time in all civilizations and even continue to have that same
power and control in todays society.
Brenner, Louis (2000, May). Histories of Religion in Africa. Journal of Religion in Africa, Vol. 30,
Fasc. 2, pp. 143–167. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from JSTOR database.
Dehejia, R. H., & Dehejia, V. H. (1993). Religion and Economic Activity in India: An Historical
Perspective. American Journal Of Economics And Sociology, 52(2), 145–153. Retrieved March 4,
2013, from EBSCOHost database.
Mahdavi, F. (2012). World History: The Human Experience to 1500, San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint
Stern, K. B. (2008). Limitations of "Jewish" as a Label in Roman North Africa. Journal For The
Study Of Judaism: In The Persian Hellenistic & Roman Period, 39(3), 307–336.
doi:10.1163/157006308X294582. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from EBSCOHost database.
TRADITION?. Religion & Theology, 11(3/4), 313–330. Retrieved March 4, 2013,
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The Continent Of Africa, By Thomas Getz 's Cosmopolitan...
In studying the continent of Africa, a person simply cannot underestimate the importance and impact
the time period 1770–1875 had on the shaping of pre–colonial Africa's historical experience. By
diving head first into Africa's past and closely examining several themes and concepts of the time,
one can fully comprehend just how much the colonization of Africa changed it forever, both for the
better and the worse. The many reasons as to the "how and why" Africa was shaped into what it has
become today can be seen within Thomas Getz's book, Cosmopolitan Africa. Specifically, it is
through the examination of the themes of the globalization of Africa in the oceanic era, the practice
and belief of religions, and the significance of the Industrial Revolution, that the specific ways
Africa was shaped from 1770–1875 can clearly be demonstrated.
To begin with, the rise in oceanic trading during this time period had a direct and profound impact
on Africa. Though this was not the first time in history that the world's oceans were used to trade
with Africa, there was seen a tremendous rise in both the trade's significance and volume. Note that
this increase in trade was not as prevalent on Africa's interior as it was on coastal Africa, which
includes the coastlines of the continent that touch the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and the
Indian Ocean. (Getz, 25) The use of the Mediterranean Sea was the main catalyst for the
"cosmopolitanization" of Mediterranean Africa for many
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Islam, Christianity, Religion, And Religion In South Africa
Religion in South Africa
Through the many years, there has been a surplus of different religions in South Africa. The main
religions that are practiced in Southern Africa are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and the
Traditional African religion. All of these religions were brought by foreigners. South Africa is called
the Rainbow Nation because of the variety of people, cultures, and religions.
What is Hinduism? Hinduism is the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its
resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation and ascetic practices.
Hindus believe in a Supreme Being. They believe that everything comes from God and that he is the
root of a tree, while the rest of the world is the branches and leaves of the tree. (2011) When
indentured servants from India worked for farmers. They usually had 4–year contracts and when
those were over they could go back to India or stay in South Africa. 1.2% of the population is
Hindu. Currently, there are 6 Hindu Temples in South Africa.
Although the Islam Religion was in Africa, it was only a minor religion. Only 1.5% of the people
practice it. What is the Islam Religion? The Islam Religion is the religious faith of Muslims
including belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet. There were two types of
Muslims that brought the religion to Africa. Merchants/Traders and immigrants. The merchants and
traders, also known as "Passenger Indians", arrived from North India
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Impressions of the Meaning and Significance of African...
In his book African Religions and Philosophy professor John Mbiti continually explains that all
African cultures and societies, regardless of differences in national origin, language, or ethnicity are
deeply religious. African traditional religion is so much a part of the African traditional heritage that
it is found in every aspect of life. Traditional religion for the Africans is the normal way of looking
at the world and experiencing life itself. Therefore, as Mbiti interprets, "A study of these religious
systems is, therefore, ultimately a study of the peoples themselves in all the complexities of both
traditional and modern life." (p.1). This statement, along with many others similar to it in the first
few pages of chapter one ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, it is not unusual for an African Christian to participate in Christian religious practice
by going to church on Sunday and then to participate in African religious practice later on in the
same week.
At first this was something I did not truly understand because in my religion (Judaism) I believe we
are taught to only participate in the practice/rituals of one single faith, the Jewish faith. However,
my confusion was cleared up by professor Mbiti's following explanation:
"It is not enough to learn and embrace a faith which is active once a week, either on Sunday or
Friday, while the rest of the week is virtually empty. It is not enough to embrace a faith which is
confined to a church building or mosque, which is locked up six days and opened only once or twice
a week. Unless Christianity and Islam fully occupy the whole person as much as, if not more than,
traditional religions do, most converts to these faiths will continue to revert to their old beliefs and
practices for perhaps six days a week, and certainly in times or emergency and crisis." (p.3)
When evaluating these statements in the context of what I had learned earlier regarding how African
traditional religions permeate every aspect of a person's life, everything in existence has actual or
potential religious significance, and that there is no dichotomy between
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Examples Of Hardships Of African American Identity
Hardships in Identity
There are many reasons why African Americans have had difficult time achieving equality; the most
notorious events that are factors of their inequality can be trace back to the past five or six centuries.
As a result of these events, people brought from Africa have lost their culture identity and/or
heritage; as Alain Locke gives a brief explanation on how did they lost their heritage "There is one
great historical reason; incidentally one that, tragically enough, explains much about the Negro.
Slavery is the answer. Slavery not only physically transplanted the Negro, it cut him off sharply
from his cultural roots "(ALAIN LOCKE) When their "cultural roots" where "cut off" different
aspects of the Negro culture where affected, which include but are not limited to family life,
religion, music and/or Art. But despite all the endeavors African Americans have always been
fighting for dignity and justice, over the centuries the situation with equality have improved and
African Americans have been able to maintain certain sense of their cultural identity in the aspects
mention before which are family life, religion, music and/or Art. One of the events that damaged the
Negro Culture in the aspect of Music and art is when they were brought to America. According to an
article wrote for black history month by the constitutional right foundation "In the mid–1500s,
European mariners started bringing black Africans to America as slaves. This forced migration
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Essay On Black Religion
The dark tint represents the large population of Africans in Africa before the Europeans came.
"Some estimate that without slavery the population of Africa would have been double the 25m it had
reached by 1850"(BBC). Before Europeans invaded Africa, Africa had a population of 25 million
people. The large population helped Africa maintain strong kingdoms such as Axum and Mali.
The black color of the Supra represents the variety of traditional religions that different African
groups worshipped. The color black can represent all different religions since the mix of all colors
make black, therefore black can represent a mixture of many religions that different Africans
practiced. "The first opinion is that there are several African Religions. The reason given is that
these religions are tribal / clan based and therefore there are as many religions as there are tribes /
clans" (African Mission). The variety of traditional religions allowed Africans to practice any
religion freely. When missionaries from Europe came, many Africans accepted ... Show more
content on ...
The system of African kingdoms allowed them to be more organized and have more control in
across the kingdom. The order brought by the hierarchal system strengthened kingdoms by having
less disputes and being more unified.
The clean, clear hood represents how little conflict there was in Africa and the unification of Africa.
"They also shared other cultural characteristics such as matrilineal social organization and a
cosmology expressed in their religious beliefs and practices"(Captivity). Africa was once unified
and had a syncretism between different cultures across Africa. The bond shared within each
kingdom made Africa stronger and invulnerable to European
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Native American Religion Chapter 3 Summary
In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the book highlights some interesting parts about indigenous religions of
North America and Africa. For starters, in the indigenous religions, they have some interesting
beliefs about how the world was created. Many of the beliefs they hold about the origin of the
creation of man, is from ancient myths of North America. The belief that North America is the
motherland for all creation. However, each native religion has different t how they describe their
superman being. Another interesting aspect about the indigenous religions of the native American
was the tale about how the coyote became a dirt color. At first, the coyote was green and was
envious of the bluebird which was a beautiful blue. The coyote eventually asked the bluebird how it
got its color and eventually, the coyote became ... Show more content on ...
An arrogant spirit filled the coyote and he walked proudly, so every creature would admire. The
arrogant coyote wasn't looking where he was going one day and tripped and fell in a pile of dirt.
When the coyote got up, its color changed from the beautiful blue to a dirt color. I found this tale
interesting because it shows the danger of arrogance and some of the moral teachings of humbleness
in indigenous native American religions. I believe that religions that have tales about how their
moral and ethical teaching came about are interesting because I can trace the source of how it came
about. Chapter 3 described the indigenous religions of Africa and the myths, supernatural being's
history, and the incorporation of Islam and Christianity into the different indigenous religions. I
found it interesting that many of the indigenous religions keep the tradition from their culture into
Islam and Christianity. In Islam for instance, it has spread through North Africa and in West Africa
where many of its followers retain beliefs about possession by spirits called
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The Importance Of Culturalization In Africa
In the year 1235 C.E a new empire arose in Africa just after the fall of the strong Ghana years before
this empire, Mali was one of the strongest and wealthiest empires in Africa. Mali was one of the
three strongest and wealthiest empires,it is located in west Africa and above the Niger river. Mali
became a site of cultural exchange because when the people of the north seen their wealth they went
to trade,exchange ideas and share religion.
Mali became a cultural exchange because years before the empire of Mali arised the empire of
ghana was already there it had already attracted people from the north to trade for gold.
The first reason Mali became a site of cultural exchange is because they were the wealthiest empire
in africa located west of africa and people up north started traveling down west africa to trade for
gold and when people from foreign countries come to a new country they will share their culture
along with trading their goods.
According to The Ghana empire by U.C Davis Social Science in the year 2014 it states " Mali was
one of three medieval kingdoms that ruled over West Africa. The first empire was Ghana, which was
ruled by a king from the Soninke people" and "Trade with the Arabs did not create the Ghana
empire, but it certainly made the rulers and merchants of Ghana much richer".These quotes show
that Ghana was one of the strongest and wealthy kingdoms and Mali was one of those
strong,wealthy kingdoms and a cultural exchange site.This proves that Mali was
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South Afric A Nation Of Diversity
South Africa is located in Southern Africa, it stretches along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
South Africa is ranked the 25th largest country in the world by land area and 25th most populated
nation. South Africa is the only nation–state named after its geographic location. After the
establishment of a constitutional nonracial democracy in 1994, there was an agreement signed not to
change its name. It is a nation of diversity. South Africa has 49.32–million people and a variety of
cultures, languages and religious beliefs.
It is a multiethnic society because it has a wide variety of languages, religions, and cultures. It has
11 official languages, which make it among the highest number of any country in the world. Also,
80 ... Show more content on ...
This area of Africa known for its wind most of the year. According to the event speakers, the
weather was not really hot while their visit in the summer, it was moderated which makes them
enjoy their time. However, they said that there was many small animals found while their staying in
the cave for the first three days. South Africa has many small animals that lives around the plants all
over the country.
South Africa spends big share of its GDP on education than any other country on the continent.
However, it is among the worst educational system in the world. Students have twelve years of
formal schooling, from grade 1 to 12. There are many issues in the education system in South Africa
such as the low quality of schools and teaching. Students don't even get to learn the basics due to the
bad way of teaching. Also most of the learners don't have access to the internet. One of the event's
speakers mentioned that teachers don't care about the teaching because they know that the students
would not use in the future because there is not much jobs available for them. Since 2003, the
number of jobs decreased and the unemployment rate rise rapidly.
South Africa has many religions represented that shows a diversity of the population. Christianity is
the common religion in South Africa; Christians accounted for 79.8% of the population, and most of
them are Protestants. The majority of them being members of various Protestant
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Rise Of Islam Research Paper
The Impact of Islam
"In world history, the most important new factor in the eastern hemisphere was Islam,a religion that
is linked to Judaic–Samaritan tradition of the Middle East." Islam spread across North Africa to
West Africa beginning from the eighth century onwards, by means of military conquest, enabling
Muslims to wield tremendous political influence and power. The introduction of Islamic religion
impacted social, political and cultural aspects of Africa by means of trade, politics, and conversion.
The expansion of Islam in Africa reconfigured many existing African communities and empires to
be based on Islamic models. One major shift due to the adoption of Islam was the adoption of
shariah or Islamic law. In many cities, the shariah ... Show more content on ...
The establishment of the first Islamic empire, Umayyad Caliphate, shifted key routes to Damascus
which led to a large new ruling system and and the ability to pay for products of other communities.
As Islamic religion spread, there was a growth in political diversity that led to a rise in competing
Muslim states in Egypt and North Africa. "The growth of the trans–Saharan trade and the re–
energizing of the Mediterranean Sea trade after the spread of Islam tied together the economic fates,
but not necessarily the political allegiances of North Africans." However, these developments did
revive the commerce of the Red Sea and brought new scale of commercial activity to Eastern Africa.
Trade between West Africa and the Mediterranean predated Islam, however North African Muslims
intensified the Trans–Saharan trade. In later centuries it was then carried by commercial contacts
across the Sahara and into the western and central Sudan. Commercial relations have often been the
means of spreading new ideas as well as diffusing new kinds of commodities. The commercial
dealings of the Sudan belt of Africa in the centuries before the thirteenth century were no
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Similarities Between Africa And China
There are many different ways that Africa compares to other civilizations. In this paper, Africa and
China will be compared. Trade, Religion and Government, Family groups, and Conquering style
will be discussed. To begin, China and Africa were both very powerful at their separate times, and
they both had many comparable things about them. Firstly, Africa was vastly impacted from trade
and impacted others by trade. Africa was the main country in charge of the Gold–Salt trade at this
time. Gold and salt were both equal, as salt had just as many values as gold did. Africa used gold
and salt to trade for more goods. Africa also tried to expand trade, but it also spreads religion. This
links to China when they completed the Grand Canal to expand ... Show more content on ...
Those are a few of the names of the family groups that were present during these time periods.
Lineages, from Africa, and Kin Groups, from China, are the most alike. A Lineage is a group of
close family members that live and hunt together. A kin group is a group of nomads that are
connected by a common ancestor. These two things go hand and hand with each other because they
are both family based. Africa's lineages lived and hunted together, as did China's kin groups.
Lineages were mostly made up of hunter–gatherers and kin groups were made up of nomads,
particularly. Both of these countries were both dominant in their separate time, but their style was
particularly interesting. The conquering style is kind of what determines if you hold up a strong
empire of not. China definitely had a more "brute force" style of rule. Africa was a lot more strategic
and calm when it came to conquering other places. They both had their fair share of fighting though.
The Mongol style was complete force and violence when it came to taking over. Africa tried to
spread its empire more through trade, religion, and army. To conclude this essay, Africa and China
were very different in ways such as ruling style and religion, but also very similar when it came to
family groups and trade. China and Africa both were great countries in terms of success and trade.
Religion and government, ruling style, family groups, and trade were the main points of each
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Augustines And St. Augustine's Views Of Religion And Politics
Religion and politics play a significant role in the way individuals view and experience the world.
Talal Asad maintains that there cannot be a collective description for religion(Asad, 2002: 116).He
then continues to state that religion is "a system of symbols which act to establish powerful,
pervasive, and long–lasting moods and motivations in men, by formulating conceptions of a general
order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that those moods
and motivations seem uniquely realistic"(Asad, 2002:116).Politics, according to Heywood, is an
action through which individuals make, preserve and modify the general rules of their daily
nature(Heywood, 2013: 2). St.Augustine of Hippo, a Christian Father and philosopher, whose
literature has a vast influence on Western Christianity, possessed the founding views on religion and
politics. This paper aims to discuss the similarities and differences between St. Augustine's and pre–
colonial African views of religion and politics, and further explains the relevance of these views in
contemporary South Africa. The first section will discuss the similarities between the respective
views on religion and politics, while the second section will focus on the differences. The third
section will then elaborate on the relevance of these views in contemporary South Africa. This will
be followed by a summary and opinion piece on the respective views, which will conclude this
paper.Books and academic journals
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Northern Africa And Southern Asia
Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia are the most prominent and politically controversial region.
The area is known to have dry climates and environmental problems that affect their source of fresh
water. The political control of Ottoman Empire affected much of the world culture and trade. The
region is also known for the diversity of many religions and languages that influences their beliefs.
Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia have become the country it is today due to the arid climates,
political control, and the diversity of religion and languages.
The environment is known for having little or no rain and affects where the people live. Most places
have some rain; however, aridity rises and rain falls at random. Therefore, majority of the fresh
water comes from the lakes and rain. The authors state, "The fresh water that is available comes
from rain or from rivers, lakes..." (Roudi–Fahimi, Creel, and Souza). Rivers are rare in the dry
climatic environment of Southwestern Asia and Northern Africa. Therefore, the main water source is
the stream in the nearby mountains or harvesting rainwater outside the area.
Due to the difficulty of receiving fresh water and the growing population; this leads to water
becoming scarce in specific regions. The authors write, "While natural factors such as intermittent
droughts and limited freshwater reserves can cause scarcity..." (Roudi–Fahimi, Creel, and Souza).
Certain parts of Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia rain falls
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Similarities Between Africa And Mongols
In the following paper there will be comparisons and contrasts of four different points of Africa to
any other civilization the has been taught in class. The four points are: the government between
Africa and the Mongols, the religion between Africa and Greece, trade between Africa and China,
and societies/social standards between Africa and China. The government in Africa was very
different from the government of the Mongols. In Africa they chose to have a stateless society and
the Mongols chose to govern by force and brutality. Africans had to trade with other societies so that
they could improve their wealth. The Mongols didn't trade, the went from town to town destroying it
and causing everyone to fear them to expand their empire. The African kings were the richest people
in the whole society because they had the most gold. Genghis Khan, the ruler of the Mongols for a
period of time, controlled his empire because he the most power and force so that he could overtake
other societies. ... Show more content on ...
The Africans believed in one god, Allah, and the people of Greece believed in multiple gods and that
each god has a specific role of keeping the country in order. In Greece, if you messed up you made
the gods mad and they brought about hard times. With the Africans were Muslim, so they
worshipped Allah. Most of the societies in Africa took their religion and radicalized it to force
surrender among their neighboring societies to expand their rule and also their religion. So the
Greeks used their religion to provide some sort of comfort among their people and rule the people
but the Africans used their religion to expand their own personal
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Islam: The Most Prominent Religion In Sub-Saharan West Africa
Beginning in the mid–8th century, Islam was the most prominent religion in Sub–Saharan West
Africa. One century after the blossoming of Islam (when it spread throughout the Middle East and
North Africa), Islam merchants penetrated the Saharan, and quickly spread their beliefs among their
new trading partners. While the states of West Africa remained independent from the main empires
of Islam, the religion permanently changed the region's landscape. Not only did Islam become the
most popular religion in West Africa, but it also spurred trade, opened up the region to outsiders, and
helped to modernize architecture. Trans–Saharan trade brought Islam to West Africa in the 8th
century, as the religion looked to expand its sphere of influence after ... Show more content on ...
Due possibly to his eagerness to impress and make a name for his empire, Musa constructed an
elaborate, and pompous caravan to bring with him to Arabia. The caravan overflowed with gold, and
demanded the attention of many. While seemingly against the nature of the trip, Musa's show of
wealth guaranteed that everyone in both the Islamic, and non–Islamic world would be familiar with
Mali. With greater recognition from the Muslim community, and armed with the knowledge of his
travels, Musa incorporated many Islamic features within his empire. Mali began creating beaten–
clay buildings, which were inspired by the architecture of Muslim Spain. Due to its newfound
openness to the Islamic world, Mali also incorporated the Muslim emphasis on education into their
empire. Timbuktu, a renowned center for scholarship, became a world–recognized site, and was
solely created because of Islam's emergence in Mali. The most important effect of Islam entering
West Africa was that, by the time of the Songhai Empire (right after Mali), Islam was by far the
most popular religion in West Africa. Islam remains the most prominent religion of the region today.
While the
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Religion In Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub– Saharan Africa Sub– Saharan Africa is one of the most versatile places in the world. It's
climate is wet during the summer and dry during the winter. It's home to the tropical Savanna zone
and many types of people causing this continent to be very diverse. The main language spoken is
Swahili but many also speak Lingala and Zulu. In Sub– Saharan Africa language shows people's
background by separating cultures and colonies.
Another way of separating cultures is through religion. The main religion in Sub– Saharan Africa is
Christianity. 20% of the region is made up of Christians even though in the early 1900s Christianity
was very small in this area. As many know through the news, Sub– Saharan Africa is not a wealthy
nor financially stable
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Ancient Ghana Research Paper
Uneducated and underdeveloped? "Half devil half child?" These phrases were used to describe the
"underdeveloped" "country" of Africa. Ancient Ghana proved modern day authors and historians
wrong as it created a culture which focused on trade, government, and religion. This quote is a basic
description of Ghana during their rule from 400–1200 AD, "...Ghana's capital is described as a large
city with twelve mosques where the kings took an active role in day–to–day affairs." The common
misconception of Africa being underdeveloped is proven untrue by the advanced civilization of
Ghana which thrived on trade, was led by intelligent kings, and influenced the spread of the Islamic
Religion. The mining and trade of gold, iron, and slaves further prove how Africa was developed as
a continent. Ancient Ghana, "...Controlled the flow of goods coming in and going out of the area and
managed the export of gold and the import of salt from the north of the Sahara desert." They did this
by creating land routes which they were able to traverse using camels. This quote shows the
advancement of their economy due ... Show more content on ...
The Islamic religion was spread many different ways. The first way it was spread was through
jihads. The second being trade by spreading ideas along trade routes. The first way that Islam was
spread was through merchants and travelers. The final way it was spread was through cultural
exchange of objects and books which included ideas of these religions. These objects although
spread along trade routes as well were mostly books and writings relating to the religion. The quote
"There was no official religion in Ghana," shows how the freedom of religion. Without a specific
religion the people of Ghana were allowed to choose their religion for themselves. The ideas and
spread of the Islamic culture strongly augment the argument that Africa was cultured and
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The Various Religions in Africa and Religions...
The Various Religions in Africa and Religions African–Americans Preach
My assignment is to write about the various religions that are situated in Africa and religions
African–Americans preach. There are many different religions in Africa because there are various
regions and countries in Africa. Also Africa and its inhabitants have been around for many, many
years. One reason that there are so many different religions. The first and most widespread religion I
am going to talk about is Christianity. Christianity was introduced into Northern Africa in the first
century. It later spread to the regions of Ethiopia and Sudan around the fourth century. Christianity
was able to survive in Ethiopia because of the Coptic Church but in ... Show more content on ...
The Swedish are established in the Italian colony of Erythracea and the Norwegians have an
important mission in Betsileo. The English though, have had a long history of missions in Africa.
Some of the more important ones are: The London Missionary Society, which was established in
1795. This church was primarily felt in South Africa with Moffat and Dr. Livingstone. Also was the
Universities Mission Society, which was based in Zanzibar. The French Protestants were successful
in the Northeastern Cape Colony, and in the French Congo where the replaced the American
Presbyterians in 1892. Lets not forget America though; the Methodist Episcopal Church, The Baptist
church and the Presbyterian Church are all in Africa from America. The Methodists began the
colony of Liberia in 1820 but was only able to establish a permanent Bishopric there until 1858. The
Baptists have missions in Monrovia, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Lagos. Presbyterians are very
influential also. In Egypt almost every village on the Nile is not without one of their schools. In light
of this, you can see that Christian Religions from all parts of the world flourished in Africa. The
second most widespread religion in Africa is Islam. Islam was introduced to Northern Africa in the
seventh century. In the following centuries it
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Portuguese Colonization Of Africa During The 16th And 16th...
The Portuguese conquests in Africa in the 15th and 16th century has expanded our knowledge of the
world around us and was extremely important to Portuguese operations. What made this truly
remarkable was the sheer scale of the land that they had taken, as it was twenty–three times bigger
than Portugal itself but the importance of trade was the most distinguishing feature in Portuguese
colonial cities as the Portuguese created a huge trade complex to centralise their African trade, and
the sheer scale of operations identified the focus on the trading possibilities of African colonial
cities. Another feature of the Portuguese colonial cities in Africa was the importance of religion and
spreading the Christian faith across the globe, just like the Spanish in South America. However,
trade should be considered the most important feature of these colonial cities as it provided the
Portuguese with the necessary commodities needed to become a major power in Europe and allowed
the Portuguese to gain a foothold in the New World through these resources.
Firstly, the economic features of the Portuguese influence in Africa was essential to the Portuguese
as it allowed them to access different parts of the world and were able to acquire new commodities
that were in demand, especially gold, textiles and salt. These were decisive commodities amongst
European nations, and masses of these products signified mass wealth and power in the world as
well as Europe. The West African Trade was of
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Western Imperialism Essay
Western Imperialism
Beginning in 1880, there was a growing desire for European countries to expand and control their
rule. The only continent at that time that was left uncontrolled and, in the European's eyes
uncivilized, was Africa. This was the start of Western Imperialism. All European countries wanted
their piece of Africa and to get it, they would let nothing stand in their way. They would change the
entire government, religion, market, and behavior of most of the African nation and affect almost
every person living there. An account of the impact of Imperialism is given in Chinua Achebe's
Things Fall Apart. This book shows the changes that occurred in Africa during Imperialism and its
affect on the community and the people ... Show more content on ...
In Things Fall Apart there is a good example of this. The tribe of the main character Okonkwo has a
polytheistic religion that they have followed for as long as they can remember. When the Europeans
get there they build a church and the missionaries that came get many of the people to convert to
Christianity. Okonkwo is one of the few who sticks to the traditional view and keeps his original
religion. This changing of religion was a very important event that occurred in Africa but another
important result of Imperialism in Africa was a change in Government. When the Europeans got to
Africa they brought with them their governments and enforced them as if they were the new
governments of the Africans. Most African tribes had their own government system that they had
developed over time. When the Europeans settled in Africa they totally dismissed these government
and inflicted their own government on these people. In Things Fall Apart, the elders of the village
make the laws, which the people live by. They also have a ritual called the Egwugwu in which the
leaders of the village dress up as Gods and give laws and direction to the villagers. When the
Europeans get there they dismiss the laws the elders have made and live under their own
government. At one point a villager influenced by a European leader unmasks the leaders during
Egwugwu, which in their society is totally unacceptable. As more and more control was turned
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Interregional Trade In Africa
Analyze the impacts of interregional trade in either Africa or the Americas during the period 600
BCE – 1200 CE. Interregional trade in Africa between 600 BCE and 1200 CE caused the fall of
some civilizations and the diffusion of cultural aspects, such as language and religion, throughout
the continent. Trading resulted in a high demand for limited resources, which led to the downfall of
some societies in Africa and more interaction between different people, which allowed for the
diffusion of language and religion. Trade was a major contributing factor to the demise of some
societies throughout Africa. Meroë, a kingdom in Northwestern Africa, had an abundance of
resources, such as iron weapons, cotton cloth and gold. This vast quantity of resources allowed for
Meroë to ... Show more content on ...
However, following 100 CE, the demand for resources by other empires exceeded the supply that
Meroë had. Trading with other empires had caused a deficit of resources and eventually, the fall of
the kingdom. Trees, for example, were especially important to Meroë's success, for the wood was
needed to smelt their iron into weapons. Unfortunately, the overuse of lumber in the making of iron
weapons led to deforestation, which severely reduced Meroë's trade with other kingdoms. Since
there were not enough resources, the government and military declined, and the state was conquered
by the 5th century. The people of Meroë had exploited their environment and lost their core
industry; without the ability to make weapons and trade, it was conquered by neighboring Axum.
Essentially, trade caused the fall of the Meroë empire because it stripped valuable resources from the
area. Interregional trade in Africa also caused the diffusion of cultural aspects throughout the
continent. Trading promoted
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World Religions and the North Africa/Southwest Asia Realm
Nancy Brown
Walden University
The realm of North Africa/Southwest Asia is a site of rich oil and natural gas deposits, economic
growth and international relationships. The realm is also the birthplace of the three major world
religions; Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Centuries of conflict lie at the heart of this realm due to
differences in religious beliefs. In reviewing the scripture readings presented for this lesson, each
religion has one intrinsic similarity; that is the belief in God. Where both Islam and Judaism view
God as one entity, Christians believe in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), ("Islam, Judaism
and," 2004–2013). Review of the scripture ... Show more content on ...
Another field lies on the Gaza Strip which has created contention. Palastines are ready to begin
taking advantage of opportunity for economic relief; however Israel has not given permission.
The scriptures have shown that there are similarities of Christianity, Judaism and Islamic beliefs.
The major difference in the writings is the treatment of strangers. In examining the contentious
behaviors of the people in the Middle East, both past and present, religious beliefs have played a
part in the development of the realm's history.
de Blij, H. J., Muller, P., & Nijman, J. (2013). The world today. (Sixth ed.). Hoboken: John
Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Islam vs. christianity. (2008 – 2013). Retrieved from
Islam, judiasm and christianity comparison chart. (2004–2013). Retrieved from
Jerusalem 101 – four quarters of the old city – jerusalem. (n.d.). Retrieved from–four–quarters.htm
Religion facts – medina: city of the prophet. (2004–2013). Retrieved from
The Koran Interpreted, a translation by A. J. Arberry (New York: Touchstone, 1996). ©1955 by
George Allen
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Changes In Sub-Saharan African Societies
During the age of cross–cultural interactions, regions went through similar changes and continuities.
These regions allowed consistent causes and effects to emerge and change their societies. These
changes and continuities are evident in the regional societies located within Sub–Saharan Africa and
the Americas. In Sub–Saharan Africa and the Americas from 600 to 1450 CE, opportunities for
women changed, however religion and labor continued to influence society. Women's privileges in
society transformed due to new opportunities that enabled possession of freedom and high esteem.
Within Sub–Saharan Africa, if a woman was raised in a blacksmith family, she would enjoy special
treatment since she obtained amazing pottery skills. Furthermore, ... Show more content on ...
African society included intelligent people who were said to have the power to mediate between
humanity and supernatural beings, elevating their social standing. These people were often called
diviners and were mostly men, but sometimes women. Furthermore, African religion stated if high
moral standards were not fulfilled it would lead to disorder, causing deities, spirits, and departed
ancestor to feel displeasure. If the deities felt this emotion, it would promise misfortune to the
society. Likewise, societies in the Americas also had multiple deities they would try to please with
bloodletting rituals. The rituals in Sub–Saharan Africa included prayers, animal sacrifices, and birth
or circumcision ceremonies. Along with rituals, Mexica priests often pierced their earlobes or
penises with cactus spines to honor their deities. Mexica religion also practiced human sacrifice of
criminals or prisoners held captive from battle. As the Mexica people believed these practices were
essential to the world's survival, the people of Sub–Saharan Africa felt identical about their
practices. For this reason, family and kinship groups of Sub–Saharan Africa made an effort to
discipline those in their own family who fell short of the moral standards that were expected. Thus,
family and kinship groups were affected by religion in these
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Spread of Islam to North Africa Essay
"There are about 1.6 billion Muslims, or 23% of the world's population, making Islam the second–
largest religion"(Desilver 1). The Muslim religion is very dominant religion in the 21st century. It is
grown about 2.9% a year. This religion wasn't always always so prominent, and so widely accepted.
The Muslim religion was created by the Prophet Muhammad around 610 C.E. The religion started
off in present day Saudi Arabia, the religions followers soon realized they would need to spread if
they wish to keep their religion alive. Islam was spread to North Africa as a result of conquest over
African tribes, missionary efforts by the Muslim people, and traders spreading the religion by ear.
At first the amount of people that supported the Muslim ... Show more content on ...
Although missionary efforts played a big role in the spread of the Islamic religion; traders who
spread the religion by ear were the most effective.
Trade played a massive part in the spread in the Islamic religion. Not because the people would
"trade" the religion but they would talk about it and discuss the up and down to the Muslim faith.
This would get people to see the upside of the Islamic religion. It also helped that during this time
period the Arabian peninsula could have been the trade center of the world because it was in the
middle of the known world. The Muslim people would also spread the religion through trade
because it would help the trade and economy of the country. The main reason that it spread the
fastest and the most effective, was because it was quickest way to speak about the religion to other
people in the world.
North Africa was exposed to the Islamic religion because of the Muslim Arab army conquering
African tribes, the Muslims missionary efforts, and traders telling people about the religion. During
the time while the Muslims were conquering, they actually did very little conquering and more
spreading. They didn't force the religion just showed the good side of the religion. When the people
who tried to spread the religion to help out their religion, they would state the good sides of the
religion. The good sides were that
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The Intersection of Religion and Politics in 17th-19th...
The Intersection of Religion and Politics in 17th–19th Century Africa
The stories of Dona Beatriz, Uthman dan Fodio, and Guimba the Tyrant present three cases in which
religion and politics overlapped in different ways and to varying degrees. These three individuals
lived in distinct historical contexts and had unique religious trainings, sources of spiritual power,
track records as religious and political authorities, goals for reshaping the religious and political
landscape of their regions, reputations among their contemporaries, and obstacles with which to
contend. Some common themes of 17th–19th century African social and political history span these
three stories despite their distinct historical contexts ... Show more content on ...
Accordingly, Dona Beatriz was trained as a nganga marinda, an intermediary between the spiritual
and temporal worlds in African societies. She displayed spiritual gifts from a young age, which was
unsurprising among aristocrats in Kimpasi society. While realizing that she could not conform to
traditional social roles, such as that of a subservient wife, Beatriz actively cultivated her spiritual
gifts for greater social good and "waged a war against all forms of greed and jealousy and its most
obvious manifestation, misuse of kindoki," supernatural powers or curses (Thornton 110). Her
attacks on individuals, most notably some Capuchin missionaries, preceded her martial entrance into
the political fray. Dona Beatriz grew up among political instability, and by 1703 a number of
religious signs had convinced many people that religious purification would bring about political
stability. Dona Beatriz preached that peace could be achieved only through unification under one
king, guided by devotion to Kongolese Catholic belief. Beatriz's mandate came from St. Anthony,
who took up residence in her body and revealed truths about the Kongolese origins of Christianity.
In the context of the ideological divide and political tensions between the Capuchin missionaries
from Europe and native Kongolese Catholics over the
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Effects Of Religion On The Northern Africa And Southern Asia
Effect of Religion and Oil in Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia
The Northern part of Africa (Maghreb) and the Southwestern Asia regions constituting Levant,
Anatolia and Mesopotamia are considered to be the birthplace of the world's 3 major religions. Also,
this region accounts for more than 60% of the world's oil reserves. Religions have had significant
effects on the region adding to its strengths and detriments just as has oil contributing to its growth
and at the same time its wars.
Cities such as Jerusalem are considered to have been sites for important events directly affecting
each of the religions aforementioned. As a result, the different religious groups have been fighting to
have control of the specific regional sites such as the Western Wall, Dome of Rock and the Church
of Nativity (Rowntree et al., 2011). For example, there have been conflicts between Israel versus
Palestine for Jerusalem to protect their sacred grounds; and the Israeli–Iranian conflict that would
spur trouble even to the US. Earlier in history, the religious trends involved the Judeo–Christian
practices of monotheism until after A.D 622 when the advent of Islam saw the region becoming
overwhelmingly Islamic. The development of Islam spurred the growth of Islamic fundamentalism
that advocated for preservation of Islamic customs, fusion of civil governance and religious rule,
and challenged western popular culture. Consequently, theocratic states such as Iran were
established. Religion was
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How Did Religion Affect African Americans
From the slave trade that devastated parts of Africa beginning in the early 1500s to the present,
European activity among Africans had tremendous consequences. White domination created
questions of identity, culture, politics, and economics that African society are still working to
Once Africa was colonized by the Europeans there was major effects on the people of Africa. They
were forced to work for the European settlers with no pay. Yet, they were not considered slaves.
They collected rubber from trees for the Europeans to send back to their country and process the raw
material. They were forced to forage for the rubber and hunt food for the Europeans and if they
didn't meet the quota for amount of rubber or didn't come back with ... Show more content on ...
Religion took a hold on the African even though they changed it to their language and change how it
was taught, it was still European influenced. It alters the foundation of the culture, by added religion
more so different ideas that change the way the people now think of themselves and of their people.
It raises questions on if this religion is really a part of their culture, or really a part of who they are
as a nation. Democratic government was also heavily applied with religion, those who came and
wanted to help the Africans, showed them a way of organizing their village, or state. Then the few
Africans changed the idea to Democratic Socialism, were they helped where help was needed. They
come together and help one another. The people of Africa were not won over easily with the ways of
the European, free enterprise and bases life around money. African people have values that are with
them with where they go, "Negritude is the whole complex of civilized values–cultural, economic,
social, and political–which characterize the black peoples, or, more precisely, the Negro–African
world" (Senghor). Negritude is in everything that African do, from soul to the rhythms. The white
Europeans cannot take that away from
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The Importance Of Religion In Central Africa
The DRC is located in Central Africa, is about one fourth the size of the United States, and has the
potential to be a rich country as a result of its excellent farm land and abundant natural resources.
Coffee beans, potatoes, tomatoes, yams, and leeks are among the many crops that grow well; the
land is also rich in diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, zinc, etc.
Despite its immense potential, very little of this wealth has benefited the Congolese people. Instead,
all of its riches have attracted adventurers, warlords, corrupt governments, and unscrupulous
corporations, and divided the population into competing groups. This is the main source of the
conflict that rids the majority of eastern DRC ("The world factbook," 2017).
Ethnicities and Religions:
With a population of roughly 70 million people, the DRC is ethnically diverse, with about 200
ethnic groups that speak a combined total of approximately 700 different languages and dialects.
The population is predominantly Christian (mostly Catholic) but also includes Muslims, followers
of traditional African beliefs, and Kambuangists–members of a native Congolese Christian sect.
("The world factbook," 2017). Religion is extremely important to Congolese as it is considered "a
refuge, a place of great comfort and peace that provides a solution to personal problems" and as a
result of this religious leaders are highly respected ("Refugees from the democratic republic of the
congo," 2014). While most are Christian, it is not
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What Are The Similarities Between Africa And China
This paper will discuss, compare and contrast early Africa to other early societies that have been
reviewed this year. One main point will be comparing and contrasting the trade of Africa and
Greece. The next main topic will discuss the government of Africa and China. The most important
point will discuss the religion of Africa and China and how they grew during this time. The last
point will talk about the types of society's in Africa and Greece. In early Africa there were three
main types of societies, Hunter gatherer, Islamic states and stateless societies. This differs from
Greece where they had mainly one type of society and that was city states. A city state is a smaller
part of an Empire so many city states are brought together under ... Show more content on ...
In China they had empires, this means there is a leader than can become emperor many ways they
can enter through force or fighting or they could wait for a lineage to and they could enter. Once you
became emperor after you die if you don't have any kids then it is open. Most times the son of the
past emperor would take over but one famous example of that not happening is Wu Zhao. She was
an emperor a very powerful emperor and one of the only women to be the emperor of China. In
Africa there was not a single type of government that reigned over all of Africa. In a hunter gatherer
society problems were solved by the discussion of elders, there was no written laws. In a stateless
society there was no law or anything that could make you do anything you didn't want to, there was
simply no central government. In an Islamic society the rules were very strict, most Islamic societies
were connected to the Almoravids or Almohads. All of types of government are no longer in use
except for China's, this tells you which type is the most
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East African Conflict: Causes Of Conflicts In East Africa
Conflicts can be regarded as a strong disagreement between people, groups etc. Or as differences
that prevent agreement. Conflicts are not just about power and resources but are rooted in the denial
of human needs such as identity, security, respect and recognition. (Barbara A, 2007).
East Africa is part of sub Saharan, Africa consisting of two known regions. The East Africa is made
up of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. And the Horn of Africa, made up of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea,
and Somalia.
Eastern Africa comprises of plateaus and it is one of the most developed the continent in africa. The
two most outstanding highlands are in Ethiopia and Kenya respectively. They have about 6,500 to
10,000 feet (2,000 to 3,000 meters) of land. (Anthony D, 2015)
East Africa is one of the easterly region in the African continent. It consists of about 20 territories. It
was reported that in January 2000 more than half of the countries in Africa were affected by conflict.
The conflicts have resulted in massive loss of life, huge displacement and vast costs to the economy,
seriously obstructing the development of African states. These conflicts clearly need to be faced to
reduce the level of human suffering and address the threat to global security. ... Show more content
on ...
It possesses a strategic location in abundance of natural resources. Significant parts of East Africa
are unable to break free of the dangerous combination of armed conflicts, violent crime, extremism,
communal violence, political instability, and state failure that has plagued the region for decades.
However, few regional states have the capability to effectively control their remote, extensive border
areas. As a result, much trans–border conflict management and prevention falls on the shoulders of
local communities and local authorities, in partnership with central governments and interstate
regional organizations. (wolf L,
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Africa Selected Readings By Fred Burke
During 300 C.E to 1200 C.E, the Kingdom of Ghana was far from the typical preconceived notions
made about Africa. Many have observed Africa as a dark, jungle full, and unknown continent. In
reality, Africa has been developing as a beautiful and modern continent for as long as historians
have traced back. The majority of Africa was split into empires of different regions that flourished
with multinational structures. Africa encompassed diverse polities and populations through its
empires, which ultimately led to what it is today. The Kingdom of Ghana, one of the many
kingdoms, is a perfect example for Africa's growth and development. The kingdom was located in
the western sudan region of the continent, along the bend of the Niger River. Although ... Show
more content on ...
Pierre–Damien Mvuyekure exhibited various examples through his research on the Kingdom of
Ghana's governing and leadership. Firstly, Mvuyekure claimed that with superior military power and
competent political leadership, strong kingdoms like Ghana were able to dominate less–powerful
states, turning these vanquished entities into vassal states. Not only Ghana, but several kingdoms
flourished in terms of their military and politics, dominating smaller states. Ghana thrived by
capturing and rebuilding new states to aid the growth of Africa. Finally, Mvuyekure explained that
their rise to prominence was based on factors such as astute political leadership, effective and
efficient bureaucracies, well organized armies, and strong economies. Ghana's steps to success were
procured from their overall political structure and form of government. The Kingdom of Ghana was
a substantial representation of a well structured and cosmopolitan civilization at the
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Four Reasons Why Religious Groups Should Go To Africa
Four reasons why religious groups should stop going to Africa
Every year, hundreds of missionaries travel to Africa, teaching them their beliefs and points of view.
But that's not different from colonizers at all! Portuguese, British people and many others that had
ripped Africa apart, keep sending people to teach them about their beliefs, something that they don't
need. And here's why:
1– If you or your religious group are going to Africa to help them just because you think that they
are poor, I'm sure that there are poor people in your neighborhood too, you don't need to spend
thousands of money just to go to Africa when you can get a car and help people in the same way.
2– Africa has its own beliefs! Bantu, Dinka, and Mumboism are just
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The African Elephant : Animals And Elephants
The African elephant is the largest living land mammal and one of the most impressive animals on
Earth. The elephant trunk serves as a nose, hand, extra foot, helps gather food, siphoning water,
dusting, and digging. The trunk can reach up to 23ft. The elephant habitat is dense forest to open
planes. Elephants are herbivore. An elephant's lifespan is 60 to 70 years. A elephants predator is a
Buffalo are extremely large animals. Buffalo stand approximately 65 inches at the shoulder and
weigh up to 1760 (males) 1650 (female). The front hooves are larger than the hind because of how
much the buffalo weighs. Both male and female carries horns. The habitat of a buffalo s dense forest
to open plane. A buffalo is a herbivore. The life expectancy of a buffalo is 18 to 20 years. The
predator of a buffalo are humans, lions, and crocodiles.
Lions are the second largest animal in the feline family. Lions stand about 48 inches at the shoulder.
Lions weigh about 416 pounds (male) and 277 pounds (female). A lion's habitat is savannahs,
grasslands, and woodland. Lions are carnivores. A lion predator is a human.
The rhinoceros is a large primitive looking mammal that dates from the Miocene era from millions
of years ago. Rhinos stand about 60 inches at the shoulder. A rhino weighs about 1 to ½ tons (black
rhino) and over 2 tons (white rhino). A rhino habitat is grassland and savannahs. A rhino's life span
is 35 to 40 years. The predator is humans.
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Why Did Imperialism Make The World Better
Imperialism may improve lives for some people, but still made the world worse than better because
there was terrible work conditions for the workers, native religions and cultures were ignored or
destroyed. The workers of the factories were almost like slaves. They did not get paid almost at all
and many were injured or died. The native religions were disappearing because of the powerful
European countries. Along with the native religions, The languages, governments, and others were
deserted or destroyed. All of Africa was changed forever and Europe did not even care about what
they were doing. One of the reason Why Imperialism was worse than better was because the
workers were put through the most terrible working environments.
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Cultural Exchange In Africa
In the year 1235 C.E a new empire arose in africa just after the fall of the strong ghana years before
this empire, Mali was one of the strongest and wealthiest empires in Africa. Mali was one of the
three strongest and wealthiest empires,it is located in west Africa and above the Niger river. Mali
became a site of cultural exchange because when the people of the north seen their wealth they went
to trade,exchange ideas and share religion.
Mali became a cultural exchange because years before the empire of Mali arised the empire of
ghana was already there it had already attracted people from the north to trade for gold.
The first reason Mali became a site of cultural exchange is because they were the wealthiest empire
in africa located west of africa and people up north started traveling down west africa to trade for
gold and when people from foreign countries come to a new country they will share their culture
along with trading their goods.
According to The Ghana empire by U.C Davis Social Science in the year 2014 it states " Mali was
one of three medieval kingdoms that ruled over West Africa. The first empire was Ghana, which was
ruled by a king from the Soninke people" and "Trade with the Arabs did not create the Ghana
empire, but it certainly made the rulers and merchants of Ghana much richer".These quotes show
that Ghana was one of the strongest and wealthy kingdoms and Mali was one of those
strong,wealthy kingdoms and a cultural exchange site.This proves that Mali was
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The Positives Of Colonialism
World Issues: Personal Opinion Essay–
The Positives of Colonialism:
Colonialism has been portrayed as leaving negative impacts on countries, however many do not take
into consideration the positives effects of colonization. The people of Africa established a
mainstream religion to follow (Christianity), including new laws and a new political system.
Countries bonded with one another and signed agreements to prevent conflict between countries. It
has benefited many people that were illiterate; schools and education were given importance by the
British, whether it was education in India or Africa all of them were given universal education.
Colonization has brought many benefits to countries like Africa, Pakistan and India. Each country
was given the opportunity to shape themselves, to be able to stand up on their own with British aid.
Colonialism moulded the countries to what they are, and in return the British requested much less
than the countries it supported. With the help of the British, countries managed to stabilize their
justice systems, boost their economy, and introduce a new religion. People misunderstood the
British because of the power they had and assumed that if they were to take over their land, they
would lose all control over their country. However contradicting their common beliefs, countries
remained to have control over their colonies and Britain continued to do its job as a provider. The
power Britain encompassed provided countries with safety and
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What Role Did Religion Play In The Colonization Of Africa
Religion played an important factor in the colonization of Africa. For both England and France, they
used religion in order to foster new partnerships with local leaders or to rid of former religions that
was considered barbaric. At the same time, the influence of Christianity and the work of churches
and missionaries had a powerful affect on Africans in the British and French colonies in many
different ways. For the most part, it led to many of them turning from their previous faiths and
practices, and converting to Christianity. It also led them to adopt many different customs from this
new religious influence. During the 19th century, there was a period of expansion and conquest by
the French. They had established colonies in places such as Senegal, Mauritania, Tunis, Morocco
and Algeria. As France was taking these areas, and recognized a strong Islamic influence, the French
believed the best policy would be to not force Christianity upon them, but as David Robinson points
out, "they would have to establish institutions of control." This means that even though they did not
like Islam, they did not want to take Muslims' identity from them. They would ... Show more
content on ...
This was due to the concept of social Darwinism and the fact that since the faith itself "had a written
culture, was considered midway between barbarism and progress. In the context of the Maghreb,
what was emphasized and denounced above all was the perception that Islam blocked progress." It
was considered backwards when viewed alongside Western industrial countries. However, when
viewed from the other side, it was as progressive and considered as a tool to help civilize West
Africa. This would not last, due to World War I igniting new fears and conspiracies against Islam. It
would not be until the end of World War I and recognition of Muslims who served bravely for the
French, that there would be less fear about the Islamic
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West African Religion

  • 1. West African Religion The scholars begin to debate whether Egyptians were black or white because the states of Africa were becoming independent. The West African art and music related to religion because the art symbolize their ancestors, spirits and they're used for rituals practices. The music is related to religion by using the instruments to create rhythm and to dance to the religious rituals. The difference between the practice of Christianity, Islam and the indigenous religions in West Africa. Christianity was the first religion to arrive in Africa and it travels to the West from Alexandria and East of Ethiopia. For Islam, Arab traders introduced Islam in West Africa. "Unlike Christianity, Islam tolerated traditional values, allowing a man to have more than ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Similarities Between African And Near East Religions Indian, African and Near East Religions Jeff Clark HIS 103: World Civilizations Lawrence Vellucci January 20, 2017 Indian, African and Near East Religions Ever since the beginning of civilizations, there has been many different religions or beliefs. Just like religions in present time, there are different religions practiced in several regions of the world. There are also instances where certain religions and beliefs are practiced in a single region or area. Also a lot like today, Religion was a major part of life and created a lot of power for the rulers of the Empires in Ancient India, Africa and The Near East. Some religions were also moved from region to region, where they were adopted and created power for the next civilizations. ... Show more content on ... These religions and beliefs from the different regions were brought to these regions from traveler and people migrating to new areas. Rulers also played a major role introducing religions to the people of their empires and also used these religions to become more powerful. Religion has had a hold on people since the beginning of time in all civilizations and even continue to have that same power and control in todays society. References Brenner, Louis (2000, May). Histories of Religion in Africa. Journal of Religion in Africa, Vol. 30, Fasc. 2, pp. 143–167. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from JSTOR database. Dehejia, R. H., & Dehejia, V. H. (1993). Religion and Economic Activity in India: An Historical Perspective. American Journal Of Economics And Sociology, 52(2), 145–153. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from EBSCOHost database. Le Roux, M. (2004). LEMBA RELIGION. ANCIENT JUDAISM OR EVOLVING LEMBA Mahdavi, F. (2012). World History: The Human Experience to 1500, San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Stern, K. B. (2008). Limitations of "Jewish" as a Label in Roman North Africa. Journal For The Study Of Judaism: In The Persian Hellenistic & Roman Period, 39(3), 307–336. doi:10.1163/157006308X294582. Retrieved March 4, 2013, from EBSCOHost database. TRADITION?. Religion & Theology, 11(3/4), 313–330. Retrieved March 4, 2013, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Continent Of Africa, By Thomas Getz 's Cosmopolitan... In studying the continent of Africa, a person simply cannot underestimate the importance and impact the time period 1770–1875 had on the shaping of pre–colonial Africa's historical experience. By diving head first into Africa's past and closely examining several themes and concepts of the time, one can fully comprehend just how much the colonization of Africa changed it forever, both for the better and the worse. The many reasons as to the "how and why" Africa was shaped into what it has become today can be seen within Thomas Getz's book, Cosmopolitan Africa. Specifically, it is through the examination of the themes of the globalization of Africa in the oceanic era, the practice and belief of religions, and the significance of the Industrial Revolution, that the specific ways Africa was shaped from 1770–1875 can clearly be demonstrated. To begin with, the rise in oceanic trading during this time period had a direct and profound impact on Africa. Though this was not the first time in history that the world's oceans were used to trade with Africa, there was seen a tremendous rise in both the trade's significance and volume. Note that this increase in trade was not as prevalent on Africa's interior as it was on coastal Africa, which includes the coastlines of the continent that touch the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. (Getz, 25) The use of the Mediterranean Sea was the main catalyst for the "cosmopolitanization" of Mediterranean Africa for many ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Islam, Christianity, Religion, And Religion In South Africa Religion in South Africa Through the many years, there has been a surplus of different religions in South Africa. The main religions that are practiced in Southern Africa are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and the Traditional African religion. All of these religions were brought by foreigners. South Africa is called the Rainbow Nation because of the variety of people, cultures, and religions. What is Hinduism? Hinduism is the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation and ascetic practices. Hindus believe in a Supreme Being. They believe that everything comes from God and that he is the root of a tree, while the rest of the world is the branches and leaves of the tree. (2011) When indentured servants from India worked for farmers. They usually had 4–year contracts and when those were over they could go back to India or stay in South Africa. 1.2% of the population is Hindu. Currently, there are 6 Hindu Temples in South Africa. Although the Islam Religion was in Africa, it was only a minor religion. Only 1.5% of the people practice it. What is the Islam Religion? The Islam Religion is the religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet. There were two types of Muslims that brought the religion to Africa. Merchants/Traders and immigrants. The merchants and traders, also known as "Passenger Indians", arrived from North India ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Impressions of the Meaning and Significance of African... In his book African Religions and Philosophy professor John Mbiti continually explains that all African cultures and societies, regardless of differences in national origin, language, or ethnicity are deeply religious. African traditional religion is so much a part of the African traditional heritage that it is found in every aspect of life. Traditional religion for the Africans is the normal way of looking at the world and experiencing life itself. Therefore, as Mbiti interprets, "A study of these religious systems is, therefore, ultimately a study of the peoples themselves in all the complexities of both traditional and modern life." (p.1). This statement, along with many others similar to it in the first few pages of chapter one ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, it is not unusual for an African Christian to participate in Christian religious practice by going to church on Sunday and then to participate in African religious practice later on in the same week. At first this was something I did not truly understand because in my religion (Judaism) I believe we are taught to only participate in the practice/rituals of one single faith, the Jewish faith. However, my confusion was cleared up by professor Mbiti's following explanation: "It is not enough to learn and embrace a faith which is active once a week, either on Sunday or Friday, while the rest of the week is virtually empty. It is not enough to embrace a faith which is confined to a church building or mosque, which is locked up six days and opened only once or twice a week. Unless Christianity and Islam fully occupy the whole person as much as, if not more than, traditional religions do, most converts to these faiths will continue to revert to their old beliefs and practices for perhaps six days a week, and certainly in times or emergency and crisis." (p.3) When evaluating these statements in the context of what I had learned earlier regarding how African traditional religions permeate every aspect of a person's life, everything in existence has actual or potential religious significance, and that there is no dichotomy between ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Examples Of Hardships Of African American Identity Hardships in Identity There are many reasons why African Americans have had difficult time achieving equality; the most notorious events that are factors of their inequality can be trace back to the past five or six centuries. As a result of these events, people brought from Africa have lost their culture identity and/or heritage; as Alain Locke gives a brief explanation on how did they lost their heritage "There is one great historical reason; incidentally one that, tragically enough, explains much about the Negro. Slavery is the answer. Slavery not only physically transplanted the Negro, it cut him off sharply from his cultural roots "(ALAIN LOCKE) When their "cultural roots" where "cut off" different aspects of the Negro culture where affected, which include but are not limited to family life, religion, music and/or Art. But despite all the endeavors African Americans have always been fighting for dignity and justice, over the centuries the situation with equality have improved and African Americans have been able to maintain certain sense of their cultural identity in the aspects mention before which are family life, religion, music and/or Art. One of the events that damaged the Negro Culture in the aspect of Music and art is when they were brought to America. According to an article wrote for black history month by the constitutional right foundation "In the mid–1500s, European mariners started bringing black Africans to America as slaves. This forced migration ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay On Black Religion The dark tint represents the large population of Africans in Africa before the Europeans came. "Some estimate that without slavery the population of Africa would have been double the 25m it had reached by 1850"(BBC). Before Europeans invaded Africa, Africa had a population of 25 million people. The large population helped Africa maintain strong kingdoms such as Axum and Mali. The black color of the Supra represents the variety of traditional religions that different African groups worshipped. The color black can represent all different religions since the mix of all colors make black, therefore black can represent a mixture of many religions that different Africans practiced. "The first opinion is that there are several African Religions. The reason given is that these religions are tribal / clan based and therefore there are as many religions as there are tribes / clans" (African Mission). The variety of traditional religions allowed Africans to practice any religion freely. When missionaries from Europe came, many Africans accepted ... Show more content on ... The system of African kingdoms allowed them to be more organized and have more control in across the kingdom. The order brought by the hierarchal system strengthened kingdoms by having less disputes and being more unified. The clean, clear hood represents how little conflict there was in Africa and the unification of Africa. "They also shared other cultural characteristics such as matrilineal social organization and a cosmology expressed in their religious beliefs and practices"(Captivity). Africa was once unified and had a syncretism between different cultures across Africa. The bond shared within each kingdom made Africa stronger and invulnerable to European ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Native American Religion Chapter 3 Summary In Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, the book highlights some interesting parts about indigenous religions of North America and Africa. For starters, in the indigenous religions, they have some interesting beliefs about how the world was created. Many of the beliefs they hold about the origin of the creation of man, is from ancient myths of North America. The belief that North America is the motherland for all creation. However, each native religion has different t how they describe their superman being. Another interesting aspect about the indigenous religions of the native American was the tale about how the coyote became a dirt color. At first, the coyote was green and was envious of the bluebird which was a beautiful blue. The coyote eventually asked the bluebird how it got its color and eventually, the coyote became ... Show more content on ... An arrogant spirit filled the coyote and he walked proudly, so every creature would admire. The arrogant coyote wasn't looking where he was going one day and tripped and fell in a pile of dirt. When the coyote got up, its color changed from the beautiful blue to a dirt color. I found this tale interesting because it shows the danger of arrogance and some of the moral teachings of humbleness in indigenous native American religions. I believe that religions that have tales about how their moral and ethical teaching came about are interesting because I can trace the source of how it came about. Chapter 3 described the indigenous religions of Africa and the myths, supernatural being's history, and the incorporation of Islam and Christianity into the different indigenous religions. I found it interesting that many of the indigenous religions keep the tradition from their culture into Islam and Christianity. In Islam for instance, it has spread through North Africa and in West Africa where many of its followers retain beliefs about possession by spirits called ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Importance Of Culturalization In Africa In the year 1235 C.E a new empire arose in Africa just after the fall of the strong Ghana years before this empire, Mali was one of the strongest and wealthiest empires in Africa. Mali was one of the three strongest and wealthiest empires,it is located in west Africa and above the Niger river. Mali became a site of cultural exchange because when the people of the north seen their wealth they went to trade,exchange ideas and share religion. Mali became a cultural exchange because years before the empire of Mali arised the empire of ghana was already there it had already attracted people from the north to trade for gold. The first reason Mali became a site of cultural exchange is because they were the wealthiest empire in africa located west of africa and people up north started traveling down west africa to trade for gold and when people from foreign countries come to a new country they will share their culture along with trading their goods. According to The Ghana empire by U.C Davis Social Science in the year 2014 it states " Mali was one of three medieval kingdoms that ruled over West Africa. The first empire was Ghana, which was ruled by a king from the Soninke people" and "Trade with the Arabs did not create the Ghana empire, but it certainly made the rulers and merchants of Ghana much richer".These quotes show that Ghana was one of the strongest and wealthy kingdoms and Mali was one of those strong,wealthy kingdoms and a cultural exchange site.This proves that Mali was ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. South Afric A Nation Of Diversity South Africa is located in Southern Africa, it stretches along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. South Africa is ranked the 25th largest country in the world by land area and 25th most populated nation. South Africa is the only nation–state named after its geographic location. After the establishment of a constitutional nonracial democracy in 1994, there was an agreement signed not to change its name. It is a nation of diversity. South Africa has 49.32–million people and a variety of cultures, languages and religious beliefs. It is a multiethnic society because it has a wide variety of languages, religions, and cultures. It has 11 official languages, which make it among the highest number of any country in the world. Also, 80 ... Show more content on ... This area of Africa known for its wind most of the year. According to the event speakers, the weather was not really hot while their visit in the summer, it was moderated which makes them enjoy their time. However, they said that there was many small animals found while their staying in the cave for the first three days. South Africa has many small animals that lives around the plants all over the country. South Africa spends big share of its GDP on education than any other country on the continent. However, it is among the worst educational system in the world. Students have twelve years of formal schooling, from grade 1 to 12. There are many issues in the education system in South Africa such as the low quality of schools and teaching. Students don't even get to learn the basics due to the bad way of teaching. Also most of the learners don't have access to the internet. One of the event's speakers mentioned that teachers don't care about the teaching because they know that the students would not use in the future because there is not much jobs available for them. Since 2003, the number of jobs decreased and the unemployment rate rise rapidly. South Africa has many religions represented that shows a diversity of the population. Christianity is the common religion in South Africa; Christians accounted for 79.8% of the population, and most of them are Protestants. The majority of them being members of various Protestant ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Rise Of Islam Research Paper The Impact of Islam "In world history, the most important new factor in the eastern hemisphere was Islam,a religion that is linked to Judaic–Samaritan tradition of the Middle East." Islam spread across North Africa to West Africa beginning from the eighth century onwards, by means of military conquest, enabling Muslims to wield tremendous political influence and power. The introduction of Islamic religion impacted social, political and cultural aspects of Africa by means of trade, politics, and conversion. The expansion of Islam in Africa reconfigured many existing African communities and empires to be based on Islamic models. One major shift due to the adoption of Islam was the adoption of shariah or Islamic law. In many cities, the shariah ... Show more content on ... The establishment of the first Islamic empire, Umayyad Caliphate, shifted key routes to Damascus which led to a large new ruling system and and the ability to pay for products of other communities. As Islamic religion spread, there was a growth in political diversity that led to a rise in competing Muslim states in Egypt and North Africa. "The growth of the trans–Saharan trade and the re– energizing of the Mediterranean Sea trade after the spread of Islam tied together the economic fates, but not necessarily the political allegiances of North Africans." However, these developments did revive the commerce of the Red Sea and brought new scale of commercial activity to Eastern Africa. Trade between West Africa and the Mediterranean predated Islam, however North African Muslims intensified the Trans–Saharan trade. In later centuries it was then carried by commercial contacts across the Sahara and into the western and central Sudan. Commercial relations have often been the means of spreading new ideas as well as diffusing new kinds of commodities. The commercial dealings of the Sudan belt of Africa in the centuries before the thirteenth century were no ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Similarities Between Africa And China There are many different ways that Africa compares to other civilizations. In this paper, Africa and China will be compared. Trade, Religion and Government, Family groups, and Conquering style will be discussed. To begin, China and Africa were both very powerful at their separate times, and they both had many comparable things about them. Firstly, Africa was vastly impacted from trade and impacted others by trade. Africa was the main country in charge of the Gold–Salt trade at this time. Gold and salt were both equal, as salt had just as many values as gold did. Africa used gold and salt to trade for more goods. Africa also tried to expand trade, but it also spreads religion. This links to China when they completed the Grand Canal to expand ... Show more content on ... Those are a few of the names of the family groups that were present during these time periods. Lineages, from Africa, and Kin Groups, from China, are the most alike. A Lineage is a group of close family members that live and hunt together. A kin group is a group of nomads that are connected by a common ancestor. These two things go hand and hand with each other because they are both family based. Africa's lineages lived and hunted together, as did China's kin groups. Lineages were mostly made up of hunter–gatherers and kin groups were made up of nomads, particularly. Both of these countries were both dominant in their separate time, but their style was particularly interesting. The conquering style is kind of what determines if you hold up a strong empire of not. China definitely had a more "brute force" style of rule. Africa was a lot more strategic and calm when it came to conquering other places. They both had their fair share of fighting though. The Mongol style was complete force and violence when it came to taking over. Africa tried to spread its empire more through trade, religion, and army. To conclude this essay, Africa and China were very different in ways such as ruling style and religion, but also very similar when it came to family groups and trade. China and Africa both were great countries in terms of success and trade. Religion and government, ruling style, family groups, and trade were the main points of each ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Augustines And St. Augustine's Views Of Religion And Politics Religion and politics play a significant role in the way individuals view and experience the world. Talal Asad maintains that there cannot be a collective description for religion(Asad, 2002: 116).He then continues to state that religion is "a system of symbols which act to establish powerful, pervasive, and long–lasting moods and motivations in men, by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that those moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic"(Asad, 2002:116).Politics, according to Heywood, is an action through which individuals make, preserve and modify the general rules of their daily nature(Heywood, 2013: 2). St.Augustine of Hippo, a Christian Father and philosopher, whose literature has a vast influence on Western Christianity, possessed the founding views on religion and politics. This paper aims to discuss the similarities and differences between St. Augustine's and pre– colonial African views of religion and politics, and further explains the relevance of these views in contemporary South Africa. The first section will discuss the similarities between the respective views on religion and politics, while the second section will focus on the differences. The third section will then elaborate on the relevance of these views in contemporary South Africa. This will be followed by a summary and opinion piece on the respective views, which will conclude this paper.Books and academic journals ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Northern Africa And Southern Asia Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia are the most prominent and politically controversial region. The area is known to have dry climates and environmental problems that affect their source of fresh water. The political control of Ottoman Empire affected much of the world culture and trade. The region is also known for the diversity of many religions and languages that influences their beliefs. Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia have become the country it is today due to the arid climates, political control, and the diversity of religion and languages. The environment is known for having little or no rain and affects where the people live. Most places have some rain; however, aridity rises and rain falls at random. Therefore, majority of the fresh water comes from the lakes and rain. The authors state, "The fresh water that is available comes from rain or from rivers, lakes..." (Roudi–Fahimi, Creel, and Souza). Rivers are rare in the dry climatic environment of Southwestern Asia and Northern Africa. Therefore, the main water source is the stream in the nearby mountains or harvesting rainwater outside the area. Due to the difficulty of receiving fresh water and the growing population; this leads to water becoming scarce in specific regions. The authors write, "While natural factors such as intermittent droughts and limited freshwater reserves can cause scarcity..." (Roudi–Fahimi, Creel, and Souza). Certain parts of Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia rain falls ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Similarities Between Africa And Mongols In the following paper there will be comparisons and contrasts of four different points of Africa to any other civilization the has been taught in class. The four points are: the government between Africa and the Mongols, the religion between Africa and Greece, trade between Africa and China, and societies/social standards between Africa and China. The government in Africa was very different from the government of the Mongols. In Africa they chose to have a stateless society and the Mongols chose to govern by force and brutality. Africans had to trade with other societies so that they could improve their wealth. The Mongols didn't trade, the went from town to town destroying it and causing everyone to fear them to expand their empire. The African kings were the richest people in the whole society because they had the most gold. Genghis Khan, the ruler of the Mongols for a period of time, controlled his empire because he the most power and force so that he could overtake other societies. ... Show more content on ... The Africans believed in one god, Allah, and the people of Greece believed in multiple gods and that each god has a specific role of keeping the country in order. In Greece, if you messed up you made the gods mad and they brought about hard times. With the Africans were Muslim, so they worshipped Allah. Most of the societies in Africa took their religion and radicalized it to force surrender among their neighboring societies to expand their rule and also their religion. So the Greeks used their religion to provide some sort of comfort among their people and rule the people but the Africans used their religion to expand their own personal ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Islam: The Most Prominent Religion In Sub-Saharan West Africa Beginning in the mid–8th century, Islam was the most prominent religion in Sub–Saharan West Africa. One century after the blossoming of Islam (when it spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa), Islam merchants penetrated the Saharan, and quickly spread their beliefs among their new trading partners. While the states of West Africa remained independent from the main empires of Islam, the religion permanently changed the region's landscape. Not only did Islam become the most popular religion in West Africa, but it also spurred trade, opened up the region to outsiders, and helped to modernize architecture. Trans–Saharan trade brought Islam to West Africa in the 8th century, as the religion looked to expand its sphere of influence after ... Show more content on ... Due possibly to his eagerness to impress and make a name for his empire, Musa constructed an elaborate, and pompous caravan to bring with him to Arabia. The caravan overflowed with gold, and demanded the attention of many. While seemingly against the nature of the trip, Musa's show of wealth guaranteed that everyone in both the Islamic, and non–Islamic world would be familiar with Mali. With greater recognition from the Muslim community, and armed with the knowledge of his travels, Musa incorporated many Islamic features within his empire. Mali began creating beaten– clay buildings, which were inspired by the architecture of Muslim Spain. Due to its newfound openness to the Islamic world, Mali also incorporated the Muslim emphasis on education into their empire. Timbuktu, a renowned center for scholarship, became a world–recognized site, and was solely created because of Islam's emergence in Mali. The most important effect of Islam entering West Africa was that, by the time of the Songhai Empire (right after Mali), Islam was by far the most popular religion in West Africa. Islam remains the most prominent religion of the region today. While the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Religion In Sub-Saharan Africa Sub– Saharan Africa Sub– Saharan Africa is one of the most versatile places in the world. It's climate is wet during the summer and dry during the winter. It's home to the tropical Savanna zone and many types of people causing this continent to be very diverse. The main language spoken is Swahili but many also speak Lingala and Zulu. In Sub– Saharan Africa language shows people's background by separating cultures and colonies. Another way of separating cultures is through religion. The main religion in Sub– Saharan Africa is Christianity. 20% of the region is made up of Christians even though in the early 1900s Christianity was very small in this area. As many know through the news, Sub– Saharan Africa is not a wealthy nor financially stable ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Ancient Ghana Research Paper Uneducated and underdeveloped? "Half devil half child?" These phrases were used to describe the "underdeveloped" "country" of Africa. Ancient Ghana proved modern day authors and historians wrong as it created a culture which focused on trade, government, and religion. This quote is a basic description of Ghana during their rule from 400–1200 AD, "...Ghana's capital is described as a large city with twelve mosques where the kings took an active role in day–to–day affairs." The common misconception of Africa being underdeveloped is proven untrue by the advanced civilization of Ghana which thrived on trade, was led by intelligent kings, and influenced the spread of the Islamic Religion. The mining and trade of gold, iron, and slaves further prove how Africa was developed as a continent. Ancient Ghana, "...Controlled the flow of goods coming in and going out of the area and managed the export of gold and the import of salt from the north of the Sahara desert." They did this by creating land routes which they were able to traverse using camels. This quote shows the advancement of their economy due ... Show more content on ... The Islamic religion was spread many different ways. The first way it was spread was through jihads. The second being trade by spreading ideas along trade routes. The first way that Islam was spread was through merchants and travelers. The final way it was spread was through cultural exchange of objects and books which included ideas of these religions. These objects although spread along trade routes as well were mostly books and writings relating to the religion. The quote "There was no official religion in Ghana," shows how the freedom of religion. Without a specific religion the people of Ghana were allowed to choose their religion for themselves. The ideas and spread of the Islamic culture strongly augment the argument that Africa was cultured and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Various Religions in Africa and Religions... The Various Religions in Africa and Religions African–Americans Preach My assignment is to write about the various religions that are situated in Africa and religions African–Americans preach. There are many different religions in Africa because there are various regions and countries in Africa. Also Africa and its inhabitants have been around for many, many years. One reason that there are so many different religions. The first and most widespread religion I am going to talk about is Christianity. Christianity was introduced into Northern Africa in the first century. It later spread to the regions of Ethiopia and Sudan around the fourth century. Christianity was able to survive in Ethiopia because of the Coptic Church but in ... Show more content on ... The Swedish are established in the Italian colony of Erythracea and the Norwegians have an important mission in Betsileo. The English though, have had a long history of missions in Africa. Some of the more important ones are: The London Missionary Society, which was established in 1795. This church was primarily felt in South Africa with Moffat and Dr. Livingstone. Also was the Universities Mission Society, which was based in Zanzibar. The French Protestants were successful in the Northeastern Cape Colony, and in the French Congo where the replaced the American Presbyterians in 1892. Lets not forget America though; the Methodist Episcopal Church, The Baptist church and the Presbyterian Church are all in Africa from America. The Methodists began the colony of Liberia in 1820 but was only able to establish a permanent Bishopric there until 1858. The Baptists have missions in Monrovia, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Lagos. Presbyterians are very influential also. In Egypt almost every village on the Nile is not without one of their schools. In light of this, you can see that Christian Religions from all parts of the world flourished in Africa. The second most widespread religion in Africa is Islam. Islam was introduced to Northern Africa in the seventh century. In the following centuries it ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Portuguese Colonization Of Africa During The 16th And 16th... The Portuguese conquests in Africa in the 15th and 16th century has expanded our knowledge of the world around us and was extremely important to Portuguese operations. What made this truly remarkable was the sheer scale of the land that they had taken, as it was twenty–three times bigger than Portugal itself but the importance of trade was the most distinguishing feature in Portuguese colonial cities as the Portuguese created a huge trade complex to centralise their African trade, and the sheer scale of operations identified the focus on the trading possibilities of African colonial cities. Another feature of the Portuguese colonial cities in Africa was the importance of religion and spreading the Christian faith across the globe, just like the Spanish in South America. However, trade should be considered the most important feature of these colonial cities as it provided the Portuguese with the necessary commodities needed to become a major power in Europe and allowed the Portuguese to gain a foothold in the New World through these resources. Firstly, the economic features of the Portuguese influence in Africa was essential to the Portuguese as it allowed them to access different parts of the world and were able to acquire new commodities that were in demand, especially gold, textiles and salt. These were decisive commodities amongst European nations, and masses of these products signified mass wealth and power in the world as well as Europe. The West African Trade was of ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Western Imperialism Essay Western Imperialism Beginning in 1880, there was a growing desire for European countries to expand and control their rule. The only continent at that time that was left uncontrolled and, in the European's eyes uncivilized, was Africa. This was the start of Western Imperialism. All European countries wanted their piece of Africa and to get it, they would let nothing stand in their way. They would change the entire government, religion, market, and behavior of most of the African nation and affect almost every person living there. An account of the impact of Imperialism is given in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart. This book shows the changes that occurred in Africa during Imperialism and its affect on the community and the people ... Show more content on ... In Things Fall Apart there is a good example of this. The tribe of the main character Okonkwo has a polytheistic religion that they have followed for as long as they can remember. When the Europeans get there they build a church and the missionaries that came get many of the people to convert to Christianity. Okonkwo is one of the few who sticks to the traditional view and keeps his original religion. This changing of religion was a very important event that occurred in Africa but another important result of Imperialism in Africa was a change in Government. When the Europeans got to Africa they brought with them their governments and enforced them as if they were the new governments of the Africans. Most African tribes had their own government system that they had developed over time. When the Europeans settled in Africa they totally dismissed these government and inflicted their own government on these people. In Things Fall Apart, the elders of the village make the laws, which the people live by. They also have a ritual called the Egwugwu in which the leaders of the village dress up as Gods and give laws and direction to the villagers. When the Europeans get there they dismiss the laws the elders have made and live under their own government. At one point a villager influenced by a European leader unmasks the leaders during Egwugwu, which in their society is totally unacceptable. As more and more control was turned ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Interregional Trade In Africa Analyze the impacts of interregional trade in either Africa or the Americas during the period 600 BCE – 1200 CE. Interregional trade in Africa between 600 BCE and 1200 CE caused the fall of some civilizations and the diffusion of cultural aspects, such as language and religion, throughout the continent. Trading resulted in a high demand for limited resources, which led to the downfall of some societies in Africa and more interaction between different people, which allowed for the diffusion of language and religion. Trade was a major contributing factor to the demise of some societies throughout Africa. Meroë, a kingdom in Northwestern Africa, had an abundance of resources, such as iron weapons, cotton cloth and gold. This vast quantity of resources allowed for Meroë to ... Show more content on ... However, following 100 CE, the demand for resources by other empires exceeded the supply that Meroë had. Trading with other empires had caused a deficit of resources and eventually, the fall of the kingdom. Trees, for example, were especially important to Meroë's success, for the wood was needed to smelt their iron into weapons. Unfortunately, the overuse of lumber in the making of iron weapons led to deforestation, which severely reduced Meroë's trade with other kingdoms. Since there were not enough resources, the government and military declined, and the state was conquered by the 5th century. The people of Meroë had exploited their environment and lost their core industry; without the ability to make weapons and trade, it was conquered by neighboring Axum. Essentially, trade caused the fall of the Meroë empire because it stripped valuable resources from the area. Interregional trade in Africa also caused the diffusion of cultural aspects throughout the continent. Trading promoted ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. World Religions and the North Africa/Southwest Asia Realm WORLD RELIGIONS AND THE NORTH AFRICA/SOUTHWEST ASIA REALM Nancy Brown Walden University The realm of North Africa/Southwest Asia is a site of rich oil and natural gas deposits, economic growth and international relationships. The realm is also the birthplace of the three major world religions; Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Centuries of conflict lie at the heart of this realm due to differences in religious beliefs. In reviewing the scripture readings presented for this lesson, each religion has one intrinsic similarity; that is the belief in God. Where both Islam and Judaism view God as one entity, Christians believe in the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), ("Islam, Judaism and," 2004–2013). Review of the scripture ... Show more content on ... Another field lies on the Gaza Strip which has created contention. Palastines are ready to begin taking advantage of opportunity for economic relief; however Israel has not given permission. The scriptures have shown that there are similarities of Christianity, Judaism and Islamic beliefs. The major difference in the writings is the treatment of strangers. In examining the contentious behaviors of the people in the Middle East, both past and present, religious beliefs have played a part in the development of the realm's history. References de Blij, H. J., Muller, P., & Nijman, J. (2013). The world today. (Sixth ed.). Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Islam vs. christianity. (2008 – 2013). Retrieved from Islam, judiasm and christianity comparison chart. (2004–2013). Retrieved from Jerusalem 101 – four quarters of the old city – jerusalem. (n.d.). Retrieved from–four–quarters.htm Religion facts – medina: city of the prophet. (2004–2013). Retrieved from The Koran Interpreted, a translation by A. J. Arberry (New York: Touchstone, 1996). ©1955 by George Allen ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Changes In Sub-Saharan African Societies During the age of cross–cultural interactions, regions went through similar changes and continuities. These regions allowed consistent causes and effects to emerge and change their societies. These changes and continuities are evident in the regional societies located within Sub–Saharan Africa and the Americas. In Sub–Saharan Africa and the Americas from 600 to 1450 CE, opportunities for women changed, however religion and labor continued to influence society. Women's privileges in society transformed due to new opportunities that enabled possession of freedom and high esteem. Within Sub–Saharan Africa, if a woman was raised in a blacksmith family, she would enjoy special treatment since she obtained amazing pottery skills. Furthermore, ... Show more content on ... African society included intelligent people who were said to have the power to mediate between humanity and supernatural beings, elevating their social standing. These people were often called diviners and were mostly men, but sometimes women. Furthermore, African religion stated if high moral standards were not fulfilled it would lead to disorder, causing deities, spirits, and departed ancestor to feel displeasure. If the deities felt this emotion, it would promise misfortune to the society. Likewise, societies in the Americas also had multiple deities they would try to please with bloodletting rituals. The rituals in Sub–Saharan Africa included prayers, animal sacrifices, and birth or circumcision ceremonies. Along with rituals, Mexica priests often pierced their earlobes or penises with cactus spines to honor their deities. Mexica religion also practiced human sacrifice of criminals or prisoners held captive from battle. As the Mexica people believed these practices were essential to the world's survival, the people of Sub–Saharan Africa felt identical about their practices. For this reason, family and kinship groups of Sub–Saharan Africa made an effort to discipline those in their own family who fell short of the moral standards that were expected. Thus, family and kinship groups were affected by religion in these ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Spread of Islam to North Africa Essay "There are about 1.6 billion Muslims, or 23% of the world's population, making Islam the second– largest religion"(Desilver 1). The Muslim religion is very dominant religion in the 21st century. It is grown about 2.9% a year. This religion wasn't always always so prominent, and so widely accepted. The Muslim religion was created by the Prophet Muhammad around 610 C.E. The religion started off in present day Saudi Arabia, the religions followers soon realized they would need to spread if they wish to keep their religion alive. Islam was spread to North Africa as a result of conquest over African tribes, missionary efforts by the Muslim people, and traders spreading the religion by ear. At first the amount of people that supported the Muslim ... Show more content on ... Although missionary efforts played a big role in the spread of the Islamic religion; traders who spread the religion by ear were the most effective. Trade played a massive part in the spread in the Islamic religion. Not because the people would "trade" the religion but they would talk about it and discuss the up and down to the Muslim faith. This would get people to see the upside of the Islamic religion. It also helped that during this time period the Arabian peninsula could have been the trade center of the world because it was in the middle of the known world. The Muslim people would also spread the religion through trade because it would help the trade and economy of the country. The main reason that it spread the fastest and the most effective, was because it was quickest way to speak about the religion to other people in the world. North Africa was exposed to the Islamic religion because of the Muslim Arab army conquering African tribes, the Muslims missionary efforts, and traders telling people about the religion. During the time while the Muslims were conquering, they actually did very little conquering and more spreading. They didn't force the religion just showed the good side of the religion. When the people who tried to spread the religion to help out their religion, they would state the good sides of the religion. The good sides were that ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. The Intersection of Religion and Politics in 17th-19th... The Intersection of Religion and Politics in 17th–19th Century Africa The stories of Dona Beatriz, Uthman dan Fodio, and Guimba the Tyrant present three cases in which religion and politics overlapped in different ways and to varying degrees. These three individuals lived in distinct historical contexts and had unique religious trainings, sources of spiritual power, track records as religious and political authorities, goals for reshaping the religious and political landscape of their regions, reputations among their contemporaries, and obstacles with which to contend. Some common themes of 17th–19th century African social and political history span these three stories despite their distinct historical contexts ... Show more content on ... Accordingly, Dona Beatriz was trained as a nganga marinda, an intermediary between the spiritual and temporal worlds in African societies. She displayed spiritual gifts from a young age, which was unsurprising among aristocrats in Kimpasi society. While realizing that she could not conform to traditional social roles, such as that of a subservient wife, Beatriz actively cultivated her spiritual gifts for greater social good and "waged a war against all forms of greed and jealousy and its most obvious manifestation, misuse of kindoki," supernatural powers or curses (Thornton 110). Her attacks on individuals, most notably some Capuchin missionaries, preceded her martial entrance into the political fray. Dona Beatriz grew up among political instability, and by 1703 a number of religious signs had convinced many people that religious purification would bring about political stability. Dona Beatriz preached that peace could be achieved only through unification under one king, guided by devotion to Kongolese Catholic belief. Beatriz's mandate came from St. Anthony, who took up residence in her body and revealed truths about the Kongolese origins of Christianity. In the context of the ideological divide and political tensions between the Capuchin missionaries from Europe and native Kongolese Catholics over the ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Effects Of Religion On The Northern Africa And Southern Asia Effect of Religion and Oil in Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia The Northern part of Africa (Maghreb) and the Southwestern Asia regions constituting Levant, Anatolia and Mesopotamia are considered to be the birthplace of the world's 3 major religions. Also, this region accounts for more than 60% of the world's oil reserves. Religions have had significant effects on the region adding to its strengths and detriments just as has oil contributing to its growth and at the same time its wars. Cities such as Jerusalem are considered to have been sites for important events directly affecting each of the religions aforementioned. As a result, the different religious groups have been fighting to have control of the specific regional sites such as the Western Wall, Dome of Rock and the Church of Nativity (Rowntree et al., 2011). For example, there have been conflicts between Israel versus Palestine for Jerusalem to protect their sacred grounds; and the Israeli–Iranian conflict that would spur trouble even to the US. Earlier in history, the religious trends involved the Judeo–Christian practices of monotheism until after A.D 622 when the advent of Islam saw the region becoming overwhelmingly Islamic. The development of Islam spurred the growth of Islamic fundamentalism that advocated for preservation of Islamic customs, fusion of civil governance and religious rule, and challenged western popular culture. Consequently, theocratic states such as Iran were established. Religion was ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. How Did Religion Affect African Americans From the slave trade that devastated parts of Africa beginning in the early 1500s to the present, European activity among Africans had tremendous consequences. White domination created questions of identity, culture, politics, and economics that African society are still working to resolve. Once Africa was colonized by the Europeans there was major effects on the people of Africa. They were forced to work for the European settlers with no pay. Yet, they were not considered slaves. They collected rubber from trees for the Europeans to send back to their country and process the raw material. They were forced to forage for the rubber and hunt food for the Europeans and if they didn't meet the quota for amount of rubber or didn't come back with ... Show more content on ... Religion took a hold on the African even though they changed it to their language and change how it was taught, it was still European influenced. It alters the foundation of the culture, by added religion more so different ideas that change the way the people now think of themselves and of their people. It raises questions on if this religion is really a part of their culture, or really a part of who they are as a nation. Democratic government was also heavily applied with religion, those who came and wanted to help the Africans, showed them a way of organizing their village, or state. Then the few Africans changed the idea to Democratic Socialism, were they helped where help was needed. They come together and help one another. The people of Africa were not won over easily with the ways of the European, free enterprise and bases life around money. African people have values that are with them with where they go, "Negritude is the whole complex of civilized values–cultural, economic, social, and political–which characterize the black peoples, or, more precisely, the Negro–African world" (Senghor). Negritude is in everything that African do, from soul to the rhythms. The white Europeans cannot take that away from ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. The Importance Of Religion In Central Africa The DRC is located in Central Africa, is about one fourth the size of the United States, and has the potential to be a rich country as a result of its excellent farm land and abundant natural resources. Coffee beans, potatoes, tomatoes, yams, and leeks are among the many crops that grow well; the land is also rich in diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, zinc, etc. Despite its immense potential, very little of this wealth has benefited the Congolese people. Instead, all of its riches have attracted adventurers, warlords, corrupt governments, and unscrupulous corporations, and divided the population into competing groups. This is the main source of the conflict that rids the majority of eastern DRC ("The world factbook," 2017). Ethnicities and Religions: With a population of roughly 70 million people, the DRC is ethnically diverse, with about 200 ethnic groups that speak a combined total of approximately 700 different languages and dialects. The population is predominantly Christian (mostly Catholic) but also includes Muslims, followers of traditional African beliefs, and Kambuangists–members of a native Congolese Christian sect. ("The world factbook," 2017). Religion is extremely important to Congolese as it is considered "a refuge, a place of great comfort and peace that provides a solution to personal problems" and as a result of this religious leaders are highly respected ("Refugees from the democratic republic of the congo," 2014). While most are Christian, it is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. What Are The Similarities Between Africa And China This paper will discuss, compare and contrast early Africa to other early societies that have been reviewed this year. One main point will be comparing and contrasting the trade of Africa and Greece. The next main topic will discuss the government of Africa and China. The most important point will discuss the religion of Africa and China and how they grew during this time. The last point will talk about the types of society's in Africa and Greece. In early Africa there were three main types of societies, Hunter gatherer, Islamic states and stateless societies. This differs from Greece where they had mainly one type of society and that was city states. A city state is a smaller part of an Empire so many city states are brought together under ... Show more content on ... In China they had empires, this means there is a leader than can become emperor many ways they can enter through force or fighting or they could wait for a lineage to and they could enter. Once you became emperor after you die if you don't have any kids then it is open. Most times the son of the past emperor would take over but one famous example of that not happening is Wu Zhao. She was an emperor a very powerful emperor and one of the only women to be the emperor of China. In Africa there was not a single type of government that reigned over all of Africa. In a hunter gatherer society problems were solved by the discussion of elders, there was no written laws. In a stateless society there was no law or anything that could make you do anything you didn't want to, there was simply no central government. In an Islamic society the rules were very strict, most Islamic societies were connected to the Almoravids or Almohads. All of types of government are no longer in use except for China's, this tells you which type is the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. East African Conflict: Causes Of Conflicts In East Africa CONFLICTS IN EAST AFRICA Conflicts can be regarded as a strong disagreement between people, groups etc. Or as differences that prevent agreement. Conflicts are not just about power and resources but are rooted in the denial of human needs such as identity, security, respect and recognition. (Barbara A, 2007). East Africa is part of sub Saharan, Africa consisting of two known regions. The East Africa is made up of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. And the Horn of Africa, made up of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, and Somalia. Eastern Africa comprises of plateaus and it is one of the most developed the continent in africa. The two most outstanding highlands are in Ethiopia and Kenya respectively. They have about 6,500 to 10,000 feet (2,000 to 3,000 meters) of land. (Anthony D, 2015) East Africa is one of the easterly region in the African continent. It consists of about 20 territories. It was reported that in January 2000 more than half of the countries in Africa were affected by conflict. The conflicts have resulted in massive loss of life, huge displacement and vast costs to the economy, seriously obstructing the development of African states. These conflicts clearly need to be faced to reduce the level of human suffering and address the threat to global security. ... Show more content on ... It possesses a strategic location in abundance of natural resources. Significant parts of East Africa are unable to break free of the dangerous combination of armed conflicts, violent crime, extremism, communal violence, political instability, and state failure that has plagued the region for decades. However, few regional states have the capability to effectively control their remote, extensive border areas. As a result, much trans–border conflict management and prevention falls on the shoulders of local communities and local authorities, in partnership with central governments and interstate regional organizations. (wolf L, ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Africa Selected Readings By Fred Burke During 300 C.E to 1200 C.E, the Kingdom of Ghana was far from the typical preconceived notions made about Africa. Many have observed Africa as a dark, jungle full, and unknown continent. In reality, Africa has been developing as a beautiful and modern continent for as long as historians have traced back. The majority of Africa was split into empires of different regions that flourished with multinational structures. Africa encompassed diverse polities and populations through its empires, which ultimately led to what it is today. The Kingdom of Ghana, one of the many kingdoms, is a perfect example for Africa's growth and development. The kingdom was located in the western sudan region of the continent, along the bend of the Niger River. Although ... Show more content on ... Pierre–Damien Mvuyekure exhibited various examples through his research on the Kingdom of Ghana's governing and leadership. Firstly, Mvuyekure claimed that with superior military power and competent political leadership, strong kingdoms like Ghana were able to dominate less–powerful states, turning these vanquished entities into vassal states. Not only Ghana, but several kingdoms flourished in terms of their military and politics, dominating smaller states. Ghana thrived by capturing and rebuilding new states to aid the growth of Africa. Finally, Mvuyekure explained that their rise to prominence was based on factors such as astute political leadership, effective and efficient bureaucracies, well organized armies, and strong economies. Ghana's steps to success were procured from their overall political structure and form of government. The Kingdom of Ghana was a substantial representation of a well structured and cosmopolitan civilization at the ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Four Reasons Why Religious Groups Should Go To Africa Four reasons why religious groups should stop going to Africa Every year, hundreds of missionaries travel to Africa, teaching them their beliefs and points of view. But that's not different from colonizers at all! Portuguese, British people and many others that had ripped Africa apart, keep sending people to teach them about their beliefs, something that they don't need. And here's why: 1– If you or your religious group are going to Africa to help them just because you think that they are poor, I'm sure that there are poor people in your neighborhood too, you don't need to spend thousands of money just to go to Africa when you can get a car and help people in the same way. 2– Africa has its own beliefs! Bantu, Dinka, and Mumboism are just ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. The African Elephant : Animals And Elephants The African elephant is the largest living land mammal and one of the most impressive animals on Earth. The elephant trunk serves as a nose, hand, extra foot, helps gather food, siphoning water, dusting, and digging. The trunk can reach up to 23ft. The elephant habitat is dense forest to open planes. Elephants are herbivore. An elephant's lifespan is 60 to 70 years. A elephants predator is a human. Buffalo Buffalo are extremely large animals. Buffalo stand approximately 65 inches at the shoulder and weigh up to 1760 (males) 1650 (female). The front hooves are larger than the hind because of how much the buffalo weighs. Both male and female carries horns. The habitat of a buffalo s dense forest to open plane. A buffalo is a herbivore. The life expectancy of a buffalo is 18 to 20 years. The predator of a buffalo are humans, lions, and crocodiles. Lion Lions are the second largest animal in the feline family. Lions stand about 48 inches at the shoulder. Lions weigh about 416 pounds (male) and 277 pounds (female). A lion's habitat is savannahs, grasslands, and woodland. Lions are carnivores. A lion predator is a human. Rhino The rhinoceros is a large primitive looking mammal that dates from the Miocene era from millions of years ago. Rhinos stand about 60 inches at the shoulder. A rhino weighs about 1 to ½ tons (black rhino) and over 2 tons (white rhino). A rhino habitat is grassland and savannahs. A rhino's life span is 35 to 40 years. The predator is humans. Leopard ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Why Did Imperialism Make The World Better Imperialism may improve lives for some people, but still made the world worse than better because there was terrible work conditions for the workers, native religions and cultures were ignored or destroyed. The workers of the factories were almost like slaves. They did not get paid almost at all and many were injured or died. The native religions were disappearing because of the powerful European countries. Along with the native religions, The languages, governments, and others were deserted or destroyed. All of Africa was changed forever and Europe did not even care about what they were doing. One of the reason Why Imperialism was worse than better was because the workers were put through the most terrible working environments. ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Cultural Exchange In Africa In the year 1235 C.E a new empire arose in africa just after the fall of the strong ghana years before this empire, Mali was one of the strongest and wealthiest empires in Africa. Mali was one of the three strongest and wealthiest empires,it is located in west Africa and above the Niger river. Mali became a site of cultural exchange because when the people of the north seen their wealth they went to trade,exchange ideas and share religion. Mali became a cultural exchange because years before the empire of Mali arised the empire of ghana was already there it had already attracted people from the north to trade for gold. The first reason Mali became a site of cultural exchange is because they were the wealthiest empire in africa located west of africa and people up north started traveling down west africa to trade for gold and when people from foreign countries come to a new country they will share their culture along with trading their goods. According to The Ghana empire by U.C Davis Social Science in the year 2014 it states " Mali was one of three medieval kingdoms that ruled over West Africa. The first empire was Ghana, which was ruled by a king from the Soninke people" and "Trade with the Arabs did not create the Ghana empire, but it certainly made the rulers and merchants of Ghana much richer".These quotes show that Ghana was one of the strongest and wealthy kingdoms and Mali was one of those strong,wealthy kingdoms and a cultural exchange site.This proves that Mali was ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Positives Of Colonialism World Issues: Personal Opinion Essay– The Positives of Colonialism: Colonialism has been portrayed as leaving negative impacts on countries, however many do not take into consideration the positives effects of colonization. The people of Africa established a mainstream religion to follow (Christianity), including new laws and a new political system. Countries bonded with one another and signed agreements to prevent conflict between countries. It has benefited many people that were illiterate; schools and education were given importance by the British, whether it was education in India or Africa all of them were given universal education. Colonization has brought many benefits to countries like Africa, Pakistan and India. Each country was given the opportunity to shape themselves, to be able to stand up on their own with British aid. Colonialism moulded the countries to what they are, and in return the British requested much less than the countries it supported. With the help of the British, countries managed to stabilize their justice systems, boost their economy, and introduce a new religion. People misunderstood the British because of the power they had and assumed that if they were to take over their land, they would lose all control over their country. However contradicting their common beliefs, countries remained to have control over their colonies and Britain continued to do its job as a provider. The power Britain encompassed provided countries with safety and ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. What Role Did Religion Play In The Colonization Of Africa Religion played an important factor in the colonization of Africa. For both England and France, they used religion in order to foster new partnerships with local leaders or to rid of former religions that was considered barbaric. At the same time, the influence of Christianity and the work of churches and missionaries had a powerful affect on Africans in the British and French colonies in many different ways. For the most part, it led to many of them turning from their previous faiths and practices, and converting to Christianity. It also led them to adopt many different customs from this new religious influence. During the 19th century, there was a period of expansion and conquest by the French. They had established colonies in places such as Senegal, Mauritania, Tunis, Morocco and Algeria. As France was taking these areas, and recognized a strong Islamic influence, the French believed the best policy would be to not force Christianity upon them, but as David Robinson points out, "they would have to establish institutions of control." This means that even though they did not like Islam, they did not want to take Muslims' identity from them. They would ... Show more content on ... This was due to the concept of social Darwinism and the fact that since the faith itself "had a written culture, was considered midway between barbarism and progress. In the context of the Maghreb, what was emphasized and denounced above all was the perception that Islam blocked progress." It was considered backwards when viewed alongside Western industrial countries. However, when viewed from the other side, it was as progressive and considered as a tool to help civilize West Africa. This would not last, due to World War I igniting new fears and conspiracies against Islam. It would not be until the end of World War I and recognition of Muslims who served bravely for the French, that there would be less fear about the Islamic ... Get more on ...