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SECTION I – What is
WEEK 1 4/4/2014
 Let us look at the UAG to see what
assessment tasks are required for this unit.
What do we mean by the
term sustainability?
Webster Dictionary (1913) To maintain, to support, to keep
alive, to subsist, to nourish.
Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of current and
future generations through simultaneous environmental,
social and economic improvement. State Sustainability
Strategy (Western Australia)
“Using, conserving and enhancing the community's
resources so that ecological processes, on which life
depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now
and in their future, can be increased”
Ecologically Sustainable Development Steering Committee 1992.
Educators are becoming increasingly aware
of the importance of sustainability in early
childhood and school – aged services.
Services that embrace and promote
sustainability can actively contribute to
using the earth's resources responsibly.
They can inspire children to develop an
appreciation for the natural environment
and to become sustainably competent
participants in creating their future.
So why do early childhood
educators need to understand
and promote this learning to
children? This e-book tells us
why from a child's point of
Engaging children with sustainability
practices relates to the National Quality
Standards. What quality area do you think it
might connect with?
What standard and elements would it
connect with?
Let's relook at this document, and see what
it says.
Engaging children with sustainability
practices ALSO relates to a number of the
Early Years Learning Framework outcomes
in Belonging, Being and Becoming.
Let's revisit this document, and investigate
the learning outcomes.
Social sustainability
Is concerned with the impact of business practices on the
working conditions, community and regions in which it
operates. It can also refer to the degree of satisfaction and
well-being of people.
Environmental sustainability
Is concerned with the environmental impacts of business
such as the impact on the natural environment and
environmental processes; the consumption of energy/water
and other non-renewables; waste production and disposal;
and the impacts of the production and disposal of goods.
Economic sustainability
Is concerned with measuring the external cost of an
organisation on its environment (including its influence on the
land and the economic impacts on the surrounding people),
not just the internal profit.
 Australia and the world are experiencing rapid changes in
climatic conditions.
 This human induced climate change is resulting in
significant changes in weather patterns.
 Since the middle of the 20th
century, Australian
temperatures have, on average, risen by about 1c in an
increase in the frequency of heatwaves and a decrease in
the number of frosts and cold days.
 Rainfall patterns have also changed – the northwest has
seen an increase in rainfall over the last 50 years while
much of Eastern Australia and the far southwest have
experienced a decline.
Australian Bureau of Meterology
 This is a naturally occurring process that occurs
as the heat radiated from the sun warms up the
various gases that are in the earths atmosphere.
 Without these gases it would be impossible for
living things to survive.
 The gases play an important role in trapping
heat from the sun.
 They keep the earth warm and insulated –
similar to what happens within a
greenhouse for plants.
 The 'enhanced greenhouse effect' refers to
the effect that the increasing concentration
gases has on increasing the world's
average temperature – a direct result of
Post Industrial Revolution activities.
 There is “ altered balance between
input and output radiation of the Earth. If
the input is greater than the output, the
difference causes the temperature of the
Earth to increase” (BOM, 2010)
Gases that contribute to this
 Carbon dioxide is released into the air as humans
and animals exhale and as we burn fossil fuels.
 Plants and trees absorb much of this.
 Deforestation is the major contributor to
increases in carbon dioxide as trees are cleared
for wood and development and the plants and
trees are no longer able to absorb carbon dioxide
via the process of photosynthesis. (Vivian Head, 2008)
Gases that contribute to this
Gases that contribute to this
“The Amazon Rainforest has been described
as the Lungs of our Planet because it
provides the essential environmental world
service of continuously recycling carbon
dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent
of the world oxygen is produced in the
Amazon Rainforest”. Raintree website (1996)
Gases that contribute to this
 While there is not much methane in the
atmosphere as carbon dioxide, methane
traps heat 21 times more effectively
(National Centre for Sustainability). It is
mainly a by product of bacteria that live in
the intestines of some animals, including
cows and sheep. It helps to break down
organic matter in wetlands (i.e. rice fields).
Gases that contribute to this
 Rubbish dumps also release large amounts
of methane into the atmosphere as
discarded organic matter beaks down.
 Methane emissions may account for as
much as a third towards global warming
and as the main cause for rising ozone
levels. Vivian Head (2008)
Gases that contribute to this
When a cow belches methane is released. In
one day a cow can emit up to a quarter of a
kilo of methane! (Vivian Head, 2008)
Multiply that by how many cows there are in
the world!!!
Gases that contribute to this
 This gas is present in very small quantities in the
atmosphere but is 200-300 times more effective
at trapping heat than carbon dioxide (National
Centre for Sustainability). Again, Nitrous Oxide is
produced naturally by bacteria that live in the soil.
Since 1970 nitrous oxide has risen by more than
15 percent, mainly due to our increased use of
nitrogen based fertilizers, emissions from
sewerage plants and vehicles' exhaust fumes.
(Vivian Head, 2008)
Gases that contribute to this
 Also known as CFC's these gases can be
easily converted into liquid and used in the
production of fridges, air conditioners and
aerosols. CFC's have a warming effect of
3000 to 13000 times more than carbon
dioxide and they take up to 400 years to
break down. They also contribute to the
depletion of the ozone layer.
Gases that contribute to this
 About 90% of ozone is concentrated
between 15 and 30 kilometers above the
earth's surface which is called the
 This is the ozone layer.
 It absorbs 93-99% of the high frequency
ultraviolet light from the sun.
Gases that contribute to this
 Exposure to this form of light is potentially
damaging to living things. The ozone layer
protects us from this.
 Ozone is also found closer to the ground in
the troposphere in lower concentrations
where it is a large contributor of the smog
often seen hanging over major cities
around the world (BOM,2010)
Gases that contribute to this
Over the past 20 years the widespread use
of CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbons) in products
like spray cans and refrigeration units has
significantly contributed to the hole in the
ozone layer.
Gases that contribute to this
Assessing your ecological footprint is a way to
calculate the demands you put on natural
resources compared to the earth's ability to
regenerate these resources. It shows the
impact you are having on the planet's
“The Earth's biocapacity is the amount of
biologically productive area – cropland, pasture,
forest, and fisheries – that is avilable to meet
humanity's needs. ” World Wildlife Fund
 The WWF Living Planet Report (2008)
states that since the late 1980's human
consumption has exceeded the earth's
biocapacity and continues to 'overshoot' at
an alarming rate. By 2003 the overshoot
had reached 25%. by 2007 it had reached
 Lets us have a look at this video Change
the way you think from the World Wildlife
Fund about how much it takes to make a
WWF Composition of Australia's Ecological Footprint
 The Earth's biocapacity to sustain human
consumption is being exceeded by many
countries including Australia.
 Australia's Ecological Footprint – the
amount of land and water area a population
uses to sustain themselves – significantly
exceeds the Earth's capacity.
 Examples can be seen in ??? ...students to
 Critical water shortages
 Decline of certain species
 Stressed fisheries (not enough fish)
 Land degradation
ACTIVITY 3 – Working in pairs
Using your iPads let us spend some time
calculating our own ecological footprint!
Children of Rio – Sustainable Development.
This was a study initiated after the First
Earth Summit in Rio
United Nations Economic and Social Council.
 Energy is the major cause of climate change in
Australia. This is because 90% of the electricity
we use is produced by burning polluting coal.
This has made Australians the highest per
capita greenhouse polluters in the world.
 While most greenhouse gas omissions are
produced by industry, the amount and type of
energy used by households also has
considerable implications for the environment.
 In 2006-2007 household energy consumption
made up about 8% of total energy use.
 Electricity is used by almost every Australian
household and accounts for 85% of household
greenhouse emissions (excluding car).
 Some electricity comes from renewable energy
(8%) but MOST electricity (92%) comes from
burning fossil fuels such as coal and gas.
 So how do we reduce greenhouse pollution?
renewable energy
 This is energy sourced from the wind,
water, sun and biomass products, such as
2 ways to use renewable energy
1. installing small renewable generation units
i.e. wood or solar hot water
2. choose renewable energy as part of their
electricity supply via Greenpower.
renewable energy
 What is Greenpower?
This is an Australian government accreditation program
for renewable energy. The energy is generated by
mini hydro, wind power and biomass which produce
no greenhouse gas omissions.
 Your chosen service provider organises this on your
Students to now complete ACTIVITY 4 (p24)
 The impact of climate change is also linked to the
reduction in the amount of rainfall we have
 Higher temperatures is another factor.
 If you combine this with the increasing population you
can see that we are running out of water.
 Australia is one of the driest countries on Earth.
 Many regions have had water restrictions placed there
for a number of years - others have annual changes to
the restrictions.
Water usage by Australian States (HANDOUT 1)
Volume of household water used per capita (kL) 1993-94 – 2011-12
What could you do to conserve water at a either
your home or a children's service?
 The ABS (March 2007) suggests that
Australians saved a large proportion of
water in their households -
1. bathroom used 66.5% of the household
2. followed by the laundry (63.9%)
3. and the kitchen (49.9%)
4. only 39.8% saved water in the toilet.
 Everyone is familiar with the saying “you are
what you eat”. However do we really know what
we are eating?
 The Australian Dietary Guidelines inform us
about what food groups and servings we should
have – however many of us are unaware of
what ingredients have been added in food
production. And how these additives can affect
our health.
 1. Additives - many are known to cause allergies and
reactions – especially in children.
 2. Antibiotics – many large scale meat production uses
antibiotics and other drugs to increase animal yields.
 3. Genetic Engineering – this is the changing of the
genetic makeup of a plant or animal by the
transference of genes to improve production and resist
EARTH RESOURCES – food waste
There are over a billion people on this planet
who do not have enough to eat – yet stop
and think about how much food is thrown
away every week. The cost of food waste in
Australia is more than 13 times the $386
million that was donated by Australian
households to overseas aid agencies in
2003. Australian Conservation Foundation
EARTH RESOURCES – food waste
 The most recent estimate by the United
Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation,
released in October 2009, says that 1.02
billion people are undernourished, a
sizeable increase from its 2006 estimate of
854 million people.
 Let us have a look at some specific facts....
EARTH RESOURCES – food waste
 Commercial packaging is now everywhere in
our modern world. Our food, drinks, clothing,
medicine, furniture, computers, cleaning
materials, publications all come packaged.
Much packaging cannot be recycled and ends
up as land fill. Some products sold today break
down more easily than the traditional plastic
“Without growing awareness of the detrimental
environmental effects of current waste disposal,
there is a significant onus of accountability for
effective waste management. Better practice
and safer solutions are required. Not only is
there a need for more research on current
disposal methods such as landfill, incineration,
chemical and effluent treatment, but also on
recycling, waste management, clean
technologies, waste monitoring, public and
corporate awareness and general education.”
Wessex Institute of Technology
Handout 3
Clean Up Australia Fact Sheet
List 3 ways in which you could reduce the
amount of waste you produce at your
 We are now bombarded with a wide range of
chemical products to choose from.....however
the frightening fact is we simply do not know
what affects these chemicals are having on our
bodies – both short and long term.
 Very little research has been carried out on the
chemicals we use in our homes and
 One of the main reason is that Australia has no
government regulatory body that overseas
chemical production or use to ensure
consumers are protected from toxic products.
 Hazardous chemicals are also included in the
carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide gases
emitted from cars, and industry manufacturers.
After use the storage containers of these
pollutants end up as landfill which then pollutes
our soil and waterways.
 The effect that chemicals are having on children's
health is extremely concerning as children are
more vulnerable than adults. Again there is no
regulatory body or regulations in Australia
independently testing products and protecting
children's health.
 According to the National Toxics Network, since
World War II approximately 80,000 new synthetic
chemicals have been manufactured and released
in our environment.
 A 2002 report by the World Health Organization
(WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
identified a growing number of children's health
impacts caused by chemical exposure.
 The WHO has stated that approximately 3 million
children under the age of five die every year due to
environmental hazards and this is not limited to
developing countries.
Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Intergenerational Equity in Action
A solution to our pollution problems?
“Walk around Australia. Try not to use the
car”. Maeve, 4 years
Working in pairs research the internet to
locate any childhood diseases that are
caused by chemicals.
 Can you think of any others?
Health Impacts include:
 Asthma
 Birth defects
 Hypospadis
 Behavioural disorders learning disabilites
 Autism
 Cancer
 Dysfunctional immune systems
 Neurological impairments
 Reproductive disorders
What do we mean by the term biodiversity?
“Biodiversity is the variety of life:the different
plants, animals and micro-organisms, their
genes and the ecosystems of which they
are a part. Australia is one of the diverse
countries on the planet. It is home to more
than one million species of plants and
animals, many of which are found nowhere
else in the world.”
Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage
and the Arts (1996)
It encompasses environments and ecosystems
that are present on the land and in the water at
3 levels:
 1. genetic activity – the variety of genetic
information in all plants, animals and
 2. species diversity – the variety of the species
 3. ecosystems diversity – the variety of habitats,
biotic communities and ecological processes.
Sometimes there is no one perfect solution or choice.
 Try and buy organically grown cotton or wool products
 Hemp is know to be a sustainable product
 Choose organic vegetables
 Choose ethically responsible companies
 Look for eco labels whenever possible
 Select items from recycled or sustainable sources
Labels that promote environmental
 Some eco friendly labels include
A Sustainable Story
Sustainability: told as a Children's Fairy Tale
with Beautiful Montage

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Week 1 support children to connect

  • 1. SECTION I – What is sustainability? CHCECE012 SUPPORT CHILDREN TO CONNECT TO THEIR WORLD WEEK 1 4/4/2014
  • 2. UAG REQUIREMENTS  Let us look at the UAG to see what assessment tasks are required for this unit.
  • 3. What do we mean by the term sustainability?
  • 4. DEFINITIONS OF SUSTAINABILITY. Webster Dictionary (1913) To maintain, to support, to keep alive, to subsist, to nourish. Sustainability is defined as meeting the needs of current and future generations through simultaneous environmental, social and economic improvement. State Sustainability Strategy (Western Australia) “Using, conserving and enhancing the community's resources so that ecological processes, on which life depends, are maintained, and the total quality of life, now and in their future, can be increased” Ecologically Sustainable Development Steering Committee 1992.
  • 5. Educators are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability in early childhood and school – aged services. Services that embrace and promote sustainability can actively contribute to using the earth's resources responsibly. They can inspire children to develop an appreciation for the natural environment and to become sustainably competent participants in creating their future.
  • 6. So why do early childhood educators need to understand and promote this learning to children? This e-book tells us why from a child's point of view. B
  • 7. ACTIVITY 1 Engaging children with sustainability practices relates to the National Quality Standards. What quality area do you think it might connect with? What standard and elements would it connect with? Let's relook at this document, and see what it says.
  • 8. Engaging children with sustainability practices ALSO relates to a number of the Early Years Learning Framework outcomes in Belonging, Being and Becoming. Let's revisit this document, and investigate the learning outcomes. ACTIVITY 2
  • 9. Social sustainability Is concerned with the impact of business practices on the working conditions, community and regions in which it operates. It can also refer to the degree of satisfaction and well-being of people. Environmental sustainability Is concerned with the environmental impacts of business such as the impact on the natural environment and environmental processes; the consumption of energy/water and other non-renewables; waste production and disposal; and the impacts of the production and disposal of goods. Economic sustainability Is concerned with measuring the external cost of an organisation on its environment (including its influence on the land and the economic impacts on the surrounding people), not just the internal profit.
  • 11. CLIMATE CHANGE  Australia and the world are experiencing rapid changes in climatic conditions.  This human induced climate change is resulting in significant changes in weather patterns.  Since the middle of the 20th century, Australian temperatures have, on average, risen by about 1c in an increase in the frequency of heatwaves and a decrease in the number of frosts and cold days.  Rainfall patterns have also changed – the northwest has seen an increase in rainfall over the last 50 years while much of Eastern Australia and the far southwest have experienced a decline.
  • 12. Australian Bureau of Meterology
  • 13. GREENHOUSE EFFECT  This is a naturally occurring process that occurs as the heat radiated from the sun warms up the various gases that are in the earths atmosphere.  Without these gases it would be impossible for living things to survive.  The gases play an important role in trapping heat from the sun.
  • 14. GREENHOUSE EFFECT  They keep the earth warm and insulated – similar to what happens within a greenhouse for plants.  The 'enhanced greenhouse effect' refers to the effect that the increasing concentration gases has on increasing the world's average temperature – a direct result of Post Industrial Revolution activities.
  • 15. GREENHOUSE EFFECT  There is “ altered balance between input and output radiation of the Earth. If the input is greater than the output, the difference causes the temperature of the Earth to increase” (BOM, 2010)
  • 16. Gases that contribute to this effect CARBON DIOXIDE  Carbon dioxide is released into the air as humans and animals exhale and as we burn fossil fuels.  Plants and trees absorb much of this.  Deforestation is the major contributor to increases in carbon dioxide as trees are cleared for wood and development and the plants and trees are no longer able to absorb carbon dioxide via the process of photosynthesis. (Vivian Head, 2008)
  • 17. Gases that contribute to this effect Photosynthesis
  • 18. Gases that contribute to this effect CARBON DIOXIDE “The Amazon Rainforest has been described as the Lungs of our Planet because it provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest”. Raintree website (1996)
  • 19. Gases that contribute to this effect METHANE  While there is not much methane in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, methane traps heat 21 times more effectively (National Centre for Sustainability). It is mainly a by product of bacteria that live in the intestines of some animals, including cows and sheep. It helps to break down organic matter in wetlands (i.e. rice fields).
  • 20. Gases that contribute to this effect METHANE  Rubbish dumps also release large amounts of methane into the atmosphere as discarded organic matter beaks down.  Methane emissions may account for as much as a third towards global warming and as the main cause for rising ozone levels. Vivian Head (2008)
  • 21. Gases that contribute to this effect METHANE When a cow belches methane is released. In one day a cow can emit up to a quarter of a kilo of methane! (Vivian Head, 2008) Multiply that by how many cows there are in the world!!!
  • 22. Gases that contribute to this effect NITROUS OXIDE  This gas is present in very small quantities in the atmosphere but is 200-300 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide (National Centre for Sustainability). Again, Nitrous Oxide is produced naturally by bacteria that live in the soil. Since 1970 nitrous oxide has risen by more than 15 percent, mainly due to our increased use of nitrogen based fertilizers, emissions from sewerage plants and vehicles' exhaust fumes. (Vivian Head, 2008)
  • 23. Gases that contribute to this effect CHLORINATED FLOROCARBONS  Also known as CFC's these gases can be easily converted into liquid and used in the production of fridges, air conditioners and aerosols. CFC's have a warming effect of 3000 to 13000 times more than carbon dioxide and they take up to 400 years to break down. They also contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer.
  • 24. Gases that contribute to this effect OZONE AND THE OZONE LAYER  About 90% of ozone is concentrated between 15 and 30 kilometers above the earth's surface which is called the stratosphere.  This is the ozone layer.  It absorbs 93-99% of the high frequency ultraviolet light from the sun.
  • 25. Gases that contribute to this effect OZONE AND THE OZONE LAYER  Exposure to this form of light is potentially damaging to living things. The ozone layer protects us from this.  Ozone is also found closer to the ground in the troposphere in lower concentrations where it is a large contributor of the smog often seen hanging over major cities around the world (BOM,2010)
  • 26. Gases that contribute to this effect Over the past 20 years the widespread use of CFC's (Chlorofluorocarbons) in products like spray cans and refrigeration units has significantly contributed to the hole in the ozone layer.
  • 27. Gases that contribute to this effect .
  • 28. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT Assessing your ecological footprint is a way to calculate the demands you put on natural resources compared to the earth's ability to regenerate these resources. It shows the impact you are having on the planet's biocapacity. “The Earth's biocapacity is the amount of biologically productive area – cropland, pasture, forest, and fisheries – that is avilable to meet humanity's needs. ” World Wildlife Fund
  • 29. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT  The WWF Living Planet Report (2008) states that since the late 1980's human consumption has exceeded the earth's biocapacity and continues to 'overshoot' at an alarming rate. By 2003 the overshoot had reached 25%. by 2007 it had reached 50%.
  • 30. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT  Lets us have a look at this video Change the way you think from the World Wildlife Fund about how much it takes to make a coffee. /
  • 31. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT WWF Composition of Australia's Ecological Footprint footprint/footprint_calculator/
  • 32. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT  The Earth's biocapacity to sustain human consumption is being exceeded by many countries including Australia.  Australia's Ecological Footprint – the amount of land and water area a population uses to sustain themselves – significantly exceeds the Earth's capacity.  Examples can be seen in ??? ...students to answer.....
  • 33. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT  Critical water shortages  Decline of certain species  Stressed fisheries (not enough fish)  Land degradation
  • 34. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT ACTIVITY 3 – Working in pairs Using your iPads let us spend some time calculating our own ecological footprint! /footprint_calculator/
  • 35. ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT DVD Children of Rio – Sustainable Development. This was a study initiated after the First Earth Summit in Rio United Nations Economic and Social Council. jfo
  • 36. EARTH RESOURCES - energy  Energy is the major cause of climate change in Australia. This is because 90% of the electricity we use is produced by burning polluting coal. This has made Australians the highest per capita greenhouse polluters in the world.  While most greenhouse gas omissions are produced by industry, the amount and type of energy used by households also has considerable implications for the environment.
  • 37. EARTH RESOURCES - energy  In 2006-2007 household energy consumption made up about 8% of total energy use.  Electricity is used by almost every Australian household and accounts for 85% of household greenhouse emissions (excluding car).  Some electricity comes from renewable energy (8%) but MOST electricity (92%) comes from burning fossil fuels such as coal and gas.  So how do we reduce greenhouse pollution?
  • 38. EARTH RESOURCES – renewable energy  This is energy sourced from the wind, water, sun and biomass products, such as wood. 2 ways to use renewable energy 1. installing small renewable generation units i.e. wood or solar hot water 2. choose renewable energy as part of their electricity supply via Greenpower.
  • 39. EARTH RESOURCES – renewable energy  What is Greenpower? This is an Australian government accreditation program for renewable energy. The energy is generated by mini hydro, wind power and biomass which produce no greenhouse gas omissions.  Your chosen service provider organises this on your behalf. Students to now complete ACTIVITY 4 (p24)
  • 40. EARTH RESOURCES - water  The impact of climate change is also linked to the reduction in the amount of rainfall we have  Higher temperatures is another factor.  If you combine this with the increasing population you can see that we are running out of water.  Australia is one of the driest countries on Earth.  Many regions have had water restrictions placed there for a number of years - others have annual changes to the restrictions.
  • 41. EARTH RESOURCES - water Water usage by Australian States (HANDOUT 1) Volume of household water used per capita (kL) 1993-94 – 2011-12 What could you do to conserve water at a either your home or a children's service?
  • 42. EARTH RESOURCES - water  The ABS (March 2007) suggests that Australians saved a large proportion of water in their households - 1. bathroom used 66.5% of the household water 2. followed by the laundry (63.9%) 3. and the kitchen (49.9%) 4. only 39.8% saved water in the toilet.
  • 43. EARTH RESOURCES – food  Everyone is familiar with the saying “you are what you eat”. However do we really know what we are eating?  The Australian Dietary Guidelines inform us about what food groups and servings we should have – however many of us are unaware of what ingredients have been added in food production. And how these additives can affect our health.
  • 44. EARTH RESOURCES – food  1. Additives - many are known to cause allergies and reactions – especially in children.  2. Antibiotics – many large scale meat production uses antibiotics and other drugs to increase animal yields.  3. Genetic Engineering – this is the changing of the genetic makeup of a plant or animal by the transference of genes to improve production and resist pests.
  • 45. EARTH RESOURCES – food waste There are over a billion people on this planet who do not have enough to eat – yet stop and think about how much food is thrown away every week. The cost of food waste in Australia is more than 13 times the $386 million that was donated by Australian households to overseas aid agencies in 2003. Australian Conservation Foundation (2007)
  • 46. EARTH RESOURCES – food waste  The most recent estimate by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, released in October 2009, says that 1.02 billion people are undernourished, a sizeable increase from its 2006 estimate of 854 million people.  Let us have a look at some specific facts.... facts/
  • 47. EARTH RESOURCES – food waste .
  • 48. EARTH RESOURCES – waste  Commercial packaging is now everywhere in our modern world. Our food, drinks, clothing, medicine, furniture, computers, cleaning materials, publications all come packaged. Much packaging cannot be recycled and ends up as land fill. Some products sold today break down more easily than the traditional plastic products.
  • 49. EARTH RESOURCES – waste “Without growing awareness of the detrimental environmental effects of current waste disposal, there is a significant onus of accountability for effective waste management. Better practice and safer solutions are required. Not only is there a need for more research on current disposal methods such as landfill, incineration, chemical and effluent treatment, but also on recycling, waste management, clean technologies, waste monitoring, public and corporate awareness and general education.” Wessex Institute of Technology
  • 50. EARTH RESOURCES – waste Handout 3 Clean Up Australia Fact Sheet ACTIVITY 5 List 3 ways in which you could reduce the amount of waste you produce at your workplace/home.
  • 51. CHEMICALS  We are now bombarded with a wide range of chemical products to choose from.....however the frightening fact is we simply do not know what affects these chemicals are having on our bodies – both short and long term.  Very little research has been carried out on the chemicals we use in our homes and workplaces.
  • 52. CHEMICALS  One of the main reason is that Australia has no government regulatory body that overseas chemical production or use to ensure consumers are protected from toxic products.  Hazardous chemicals are also included in the carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide gases emitted from cars, and industry manufacturers. After use the storage containers of these pollutants end up as landfill which then pollutes our soil and waterways.
  • 53. CHEMICALS  The effect that chemicals are having on children's health is extremely concerning as children are more vulnerable than adults. Again there is no regulatory body or regulations in Australia independently testing products and protecting children's health.  According to the National Toxics Network, since World War II approximately 80,000 new synthetic chemicals have been manufactured and released in our environment.
  • 54. CHEMICALS  A 2002 report by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) identified a growing number of children's health impacts caused by chemical exposure.  The WHO has stated that approximately 3 million children under the age of five die every year due to environmental hazards and this is not limited to developing countries. Dr Mariann Lloyd-Smith, Intergenerational Equity in Action :http://ntn,
  • 55. CHEMICALS A solution to our pollution problems? “Walk around Australia. Try not to use the car”. Maeve, 4 years HANDOUT 4
  • 56. CHEMICALS ACTIVITY 6 Working in pairs research the internet to locate any childhood diseases that are caused by chemicals.  Can you think of any others?
  • 57. CHEMICALS Health Impacts include:  Asthma  Birth defects  Hypospadis  Behavioural disorders learning disabilites  Autism  Cancer  Dysfunctional immune systems  Neurological impairments  Reproductive disorders
  • 60. BIODIVERSITY “Biodiversity is the variety of life:the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Australia is one of the diverse countries on the planet. It is home to more than one million species of plants and animals, many of which are found nowhere else in the world.” Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (1996)
  • 61. BIODIVERSITY It encompasses environments and ecosystems that are present on the land and in the water at 3 levels:  1. genetic activity – the variety of genetic information in all plants, animals and microorganisms  2. species diversity – the variety of the species  3. ecosystems diversity – the variety of habitats, biotic communities and ecological processes. HANDOUT 5
  • 62. SUSTAINABLE RESOURCES Sometimes there is no one perfect solution or choice.  Try and buy organically grown cotton or wool products  Hemp is know to be a sustainable product  Choose organic vegetables  Choose ethically responsible companies  Look for eco labels whenever possible  Select items from recycled or sustainable sources
  • 63. Labels that promote environmental performance  Some eco friendly labels include
  • 64. A Sustainable Story Sustainability: told as a Children's Fairy Tale with Beautiful Montage