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Look For Great Savings on Three Products
10 essentials
for health and wellness
the 10 essentials were created to suit
every Wellness seeker. taking even small
steps in each one will improve your life and
wellness in wonderful ways.
1. Breathe Deeply
Deep breathing expels body toxins
faster than any other means.
2. Drink Water
Getting enough water provides an instant
energy boost – and you may even eat less.
3. Sleep Peacefully
Establishing a bedtime routine will help
you sleep longer and more soundly.
4. Eat Nutritiously
Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes
blood sugar swings.
5. Enjoy Activity
An active lifestyle enables every
system in your body to work better.
6. Give and Receive Love
Heart-focused, sincere and positive
feelings boost the immune system.
7. Be Forgiving
As you let go of negative feelings toward
others, you will find greater peace and optimism.
8. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude brings instant joy, builds
physical defenses and reduces stress.
9. Develop Acceptance
Practicing acceptance clears your mind of
needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life.
10. Develop a Relationship with God
As your relationship grows, you will enjoy
all the blessings of unconditional love.
Taking Care of Your Heart
by michael r. ellison, Ceo & founder of triVita, inc.
February is Heart Health Month. Because of the significant rise in
heart disease, Congress passed a resolution on December 30, 1963
that each year the President would declare February our National
Heart Health Awareness Month.
Heart disease is still the number one killer in 2009. With 64 million
Americans, plus millions more in Canada being affected by cardiovascular
disease, we want to inspire you to take action to create a lifestyle that will
give you a healthy heart. Your heart health is also crucial to your overall
health and well-being.
While your heart is a small organ about the size of your fist, it has major responsibilities. Every 60
seconds it must pump two gallons of blood through an entire cycle: from the heart, through the arteries,
veins and capillaries, and back to the heart. Every cell in your body relies on the blood to carry oxygen
and the nutrients your body needs to function properly as well as resist disease.
With us being so dependent on our heart functioning properly, isn’t it wonderful that the decisions we
make can determine if we have a healthy heart. Some people act as if their heart is a machine that either
works or doesn’t work – and there is nothing they can do about its health. Well, there is good news for all
of you who care about your heart and want better health.
The American Heart Association and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic have much to say about
improving heart health by choosing a lifestyle that promotes heart health. Basically, it comes down
to three things you can do:
1. Think smart
2. Eat well
3. Move more
That provides a simple guideline to the daily decisions we must make.
I would like to add that thinking smart is being aware of what we are thinking; many people do not
realize the thoughts and feelings they dwell on are also a part of their daily diet for heart health. Every
thought and emotion triggers a chemical reaction that is either good or bad for the heart. For example,
when you have an angry thought or a fearful, anxious thought, your body releases significant adrenaline
to help stimulate the muscles and mind for the fight or flight response needed.
That was great for our ancient ancestors when faced with a saber-toothed tiger, but where I live in
Scottsdale, Arizona that is not likely to happen. However, there are plenty of opportunities for adrenaline
rushes from rude drivers, snarled traffic, construction delays, or the fear of a poor economy that seems to
be impacting many people. Thoughts and feelings from all kinds of issues we face create chemicals that
are not healthy for the heart when they bombard us on a daily basis.
I would encourage you to read the article by Dr. Lundell on pages 4 and 5. Here is a viewpoint of one
of the most outstanding heart surgeons who spent much of his career performing thousands of heart
surgeries and consulting with his patients about heart health. We are pleased to bring this information
to you as it gives another view as to what really will bring healthy hearts to those of us in the U.S. and
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 11...
I would like to add that thinking smart is being aware of what we are
thinking; many people do not realize the thoughts and feelings they
dwell on are also a part of their daily diet for heart health.
2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
10 foundational
4 a famed specialist
on the “heart” truth
VitaJournal exclusive!
Dwight Lundell, M.D., speaks out.
6 dr. libby’s b-12 research
Scott Conard, M.D., praises
Dr. Libby’s pioneering work.
9 let your mouth
protect your health
Heart-healthy choices
from our food expert.
11 Click for support
in tough times
Internet resources can
help with many crises.
12 lower your Weight,
lower your risk
Why excess pounds
weigh down your heart.
In this
16 tribute to alfred f. libby, m.d.
His widow, Carolyn, reflects
on a great man’s legacy.
25 donnie is a sharing
and earning dynamo
She has over 23 referrals
in a few short months.
30 triVita’s spectacular
30 City tour
Michael R. Ellison and Brazos
Minshew will take you to a whole
new level of wealth and wellness.
10 foundational
1. Physician-approved Formulas
Our medical board uses their extensive health and
nutrition knowledge to approve proprietary TriVita
supplements based on the latest scientific research and
the health and wellness concerns of our Members.
2. Unique Delivery Systems
Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to
absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for
maximum absorption and effect.
3. Controlled laboratory Studies
Signature products from TriVita undergo medical
studies and trials at accredited universities and
medical centers to ensure their effectiveness.
4. Purest Natural ingredients
TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients
available to create effective, body-friendly formulas
without mood altering stimulants
or harmful chemicals.
5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality
We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing
guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
6. Third-Party Testing and Certification
In addition to our own quality control, we
commission third-party testing and research to
guarantee that our products are full potency and
meet all regulatory standards.
7. Quality-Controlled
Packaging and Production
Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing;
we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two
safety seals per package on all ingestible products to
guarantee safety, freshness and product potency.
8. Dedicated to Product innovation
TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force
behind our superior quality products, from formulation
to production. Led by our Chief Science Officer and
renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost
care into creating products that deliver positive and
lifelong wellness experiences for our Members.
9. Medical advisory Board
TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians
provide us with the latest information on scientific
developments and testing methods.
10. Complete Customer
Satisfaction Guarantee
We promise to provide the best customer experience
possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back
Guarantee on all of our products.
February 2009 l 3
latehusbandDr.AlfredLibby. 16
trivita.com4 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
wight Lundell, M.D., is a
renowned cardiovascular
surgeon and a pioneer in
“off-pump” heart surgery. A former
chief resident at Yale University
Hospital, where he served as chief
of staff and chief of surgery, he has
performed over 5,000 coronary
bypass surgeries. Dr. Lundell was
one of the founding partners of the
Lutheran Heart Hospital, which
became the second largest in the U.S.
Dr. Lundell joins with TriVita®
promote nutrients and nurturing as
the best path to wellness. Dr. Lundell
practices what he preaches and
competes in triathlons to maintain
his health. He recently won his age
group at Ironman Arizona and has
qualified to compete in the world
championship of an upcoming
triathlon in Kona, Hawaii.
The cholesterol connection
When doctors prescribe cholesterol-lowering
medication, they usually are doing what they
think is best. But they don’t tell the patient
(possibly because they don’t know) that there
is less than a one in 100 chance that the
patient will benefit in any way from the
cholesterol-lowering medication. Less than
50% of people who have a heart attack have
elevated cholesterol. So, why are we still
chasing the cholesterol theory?
I’ll tell you why: marketing has trumped
medicine. Strong marketing forces have
unduly influenced doctors in North America,
the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
and NCEP (National Cholesterol Education
Program), ignoring better solutions and
real statistics.
What are better solutions?
In the last few years, massive amounts of
evidence are proving that inflammation is
the root cause of heart disease as well as
many other chronic diseases. It’s time to
focus on ways to eliminate and correct the
inflammation that is reducing the quality
and quantity of our lives.
Weight Control: Overloaded fat cells produce
chemicals that directly cause inflammation
in our arteries. As little as a 10% reduction
in weight can correct the problem. Insulin is
an inflammatory hormone. Obesity is often
accompanied by insulin resistance with large
amounts of inflammatory insulin remaining in
the bloodstream.
Baby Aspirin: The original anti-inflammatory
has been proven to be more effective than
drugs to protect against heart attack.
Avoid Bad Oils: Stay away from soybean
and corn oil. These oils, which are in every
prepared food, and which we often consume
instead of animal oils, contain fatty acids
which we need, but excessive amounts can
cause inflammation and heart disease.
Good Oils: Take a fish oil supplement.
Omega-3 from fish oil is nature’s most
effective anti-inflammatory – demonstrated
in large studies to help drastically reduce
heart attacks. Most of us do not eat enough
fatty fish and need to supplement. Flax oil
supplements have likewise proven to be
good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.
These also reduce inflammation in the
cells that line the arteries. Perilla seed
oil and evening primrose oil likewise help
reduce inflammation.
Physical Activity: Recent studies have
shown that the active muscle cell produces
anti-inflammatory compounds and releases
them into the bloodstream. Exercise also
reduces inflammatory levels of insulin and
stabilizes blood sugar.
Proof positive
In November 2008, the Jupiter Study
was published where 17,802 people with
normal cholesterol and elevated CRP (a
blood test indication of inflammation) took
a cholesterol-lowering drug. Half of the study
participants were given a placebo and half
were given 20 mg of a statin, daily.
MARKETINGBy Dr. Dwight Lundell
Heart surgeon and author of the book,
“The Cure for Heart Disease”
Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints and glands
with Essential Fatty Acids!
OmegaPrime: Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids
Premier blend of essential fatty acids from four sources –
fish, flaxseed, evening primrose and perilla seed oils
Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s
Inflammation-fighting formula
Mercury/contaminant free fish oil
Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation
Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime!
OmegaPrime: Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids
Non-Member $22.99
Member $17.99
Redeem with 180 VitaPoints
After two years there was a reduction in
risk of less than ½ percent per year at a cost
of $3.95 per day.
And, what’s more interesting – and
more alarming – is that the reduction of
inflammation, not cholesterol, is most likely
responsible for the small benefit.
For real heart health benefits we need to
achieve and maintain a healthy weight. We
need daily activity and the right balance of
Omega-3s and Omega-6s. We need to take
responsibility for our own health and become
an expert about our own body. Information
at the right time can be as effective as any
medication if we focus on the truth and reject
bad lifestyle choices.
The american Heart
association recommends...
Taking EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids
to benefit heart health. Studies show Omega-3
helps people at risk for coronary heart disease.
Studies show .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 fatty
acids ingested daily, significantly reduces heart
disease. The AHA recommends healthy people
and those at risk for, or who have heart disease,
take .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 daily.
NOTE: 1 capsule of OmegaPrime® contains .5
grams (500 milligrams) of Omega-3 fatty acids.
“I was thrilled with the results,
and so was my doctor.”
“When I saw my doctor
he said my cholesterol
was a little high and that
he wanted me to take a
prescribed drug to lower
my cholesterol. I did, and
after 30-40 days I went
in for a follow-up test.
My total cholesterol did
go down, but so did the good cholesterol, and
my triglycerides didn’t change at all. So, I did a
little research online and decided that I wasn’t
comfortable taking what he had given to me.*
My doctor finally asked me if I’d try taking fish
oil to help control my cholesterol. So that’s
when I tried the OmegaPrime.
I took OmegaPrime religiously for 30-40 days
before my follow-up test. When I got my results
back, I learned that my total cholesterol was
under 200, my good cholesterol was over 80, and
my triglycerides were cut in half. I was thrilled
with the results, and so was my doctor. He hasn’t
mentioned a prescription drug since!
If I hadn’t researched statins and talked to my
doctor about my concerns with them, I wouldn’t
have known that TriVita’s OmegaPrime would
have worked for me. It’s sad that so many people
are taking statins and spending so much money,
when they may be able to achieve success by
using a natural alternative that is not harmful to
your body. I tell everyone about OmegaPrime!”
– aliCe H. DenTon, TX
*You should not stop taking any medication
without first consulting your healthcare provider.
Exercise reduces
levels of insulin
and stabilizes
blood sugar.
Heart HealthySavings!
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get the second one
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Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
“To ‘B’ or not to ‘B’” – that was the title
of an address I gave at a wellness conference
in Scottsdale, Arizona recently. I was
speaking, of course, about Vitamin B-12, and
the event gave me the chance to review its
growth from an undervalued vitamin to a
recognized powerhouse in health. It also gave
me the chance to recall my early involvement
with TriVita®
and respect for the work of
Alfred Libby, M.D., the inventor of TriVita
Sublingual B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid.
As you may know, Dr. Libby was a pioneer
in nutrients and health, and an associate
of Linus Pauling, Ph.D., the two-time Nobel
Laureate and “Father of Vitamin C.” Early in
his career, Dr. Libby discovered the dramatic
health changes that B-12 could make, and
worked for decades to raise awareness.
“We’ve given people
back their lives”
Along with B-12, Dr. Libby was the “star”
of the original TriVita TV infomercials
beginning in 2000. It is still his original,
patented formula (contained in over 11
million boxes of Sublingual B-12 sold) that
has helped so many. Here, I’ve selected some
of his memorable thoughts:
“We’ve given people back their lives,” Dr.
Libby said. At the time, painful and expensive
injections were the only way to supplement
effectively with B-12. And, undiagnosed B-12
deficiency caused untold damage.
“B-12 deficiency, undiagnosed and untreated,
wreaks havoc,” he declared. This “havoc”
took many forms:
• Moodiness
• Low energy
• A heart-damaging buildup
of homocysteine
• High cholesterol
He would talk about patients who, with
Sublingual B-12, went from moodiness and
lethargy to enthusiasm and energy... older
people, sent to nursing homes because they
were disruptive and difficult, becoming
“functional human beings again”... heart
patients having their blood pressure and
cholesterol levels stabilized.
A key element in Dr. Libby’s Sublingual
B-12 is its unique delivery system: “sublingual”
means under the tongue, where the tablets
dissolve and get quickly into the bloodstream.
This is crucial to maximum absorption and
maximum benefit.
Dramatic effects,
and a change of career
In my own medical practice, I found the
same kinds of patient results that Dr. Libby
witnessed years before. In fact, that’s how
I came to be associated with TriVita and
Sublingual B-12. For years, my medical
practice specialized in treating the elderly.
Patients would come into my office
complaining that they had no energy, felt
“low” and depressed and they would beg for
B-12 “shots.” After their shots they became so
much more alive, so much more well, that I
changed course in my career.
B-12 update
by Dr. Scott Conard
dr. libby’s legacy of pioneering continues
How Vitamin B-12 became
a mainstay of wellness
6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116
or visit us at
Faster-acting, longer-lasting and
more potent than ever before
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
• Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness
• Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life
• Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration
• Sharper memory with less forgetfulness.
Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain
and nerves the essential nutrients they need to
help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves.
And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better
every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this
unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar
mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D.
I founded TienaHealth to focus on preventive
medicine, convinced that the way to make a
difference in people’s lives was to help them
get the vitamins and nutrients they need
before health issues arise. After the world lost
Dr. Libby in 2002, I began speaking up about
Sublingual B-12 for TriVita, and am proud to
continue today.
My own experience has shown me the truth
of Dr. Libby’s statement: “It’s so fulfilling, so
gratifying to be involved with this (Sublingual
B-12)... and with the right company, TriVita.”
On his original infomercial, Dr. Libby would
gesture toward the phone banks and say,
“When I see the phones light up it reminds
me of the song, ‘You Light Up My Life.’ That’s
how I feel when I see those lights; people’s
lives are lighting up.”
Having seen so many lives “light up” with
Sublingual B-12, I can only say I whole-
heartedly agree.
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Non-Member $28.99
Member $22.99
Redeem with 230 VitaPoints
TriVita Super
“ mood had changed, my thinking
was clearer and my energy level had
increased tremendously.”
“I had an opportunity to attend TriVita’s Galaxy
of Stars event. That first morning my team leader
saw me and he noticed my facial tension. He
gave me a sample of TriVita’s Super Sublingual
B-12, and encouraged me to try it.
I began to feel a quick change in my mood.
Later I took another Super B-12 during the
afternoon session, and I was acutely aware
of an even greater change in my mental clarity,
mood and energy. When I came back for the
Galaxy of Stars the following day, my friend
marveled at how much more relaxed I looked.
She also noticed that my mood had changed,
my thinking was clearer and my energy level had
increased tremendously. When my team leader
saw me again, he noticed the difference too.
Later that week I went to church, and several
people noticed that I looked more relaxed and
comfortable. Now I really realize that I must
make this product a priority. Thank you, TriVita!”
– maRJoRie H. pHoeniX, aZ
For maximum
sustained mental
energy take
Sublingual B-12
For maximum
sustained mental
energy take
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Counting too many sheep? Poor sleep can lead to heart trouble
Tochigi, Japan
If you have high blood pressure and don’t get a lot of sleep, you may be at increased risk for heart disease and
stroke. Researchers in Japan discovered that people with high blood pressure who slept less than 7.5 hours per
night had a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke – 68% higher.
The study, which appeared in the November 2008 Archives of Internal Medicine, followed 1,255 adults for an
average of four years, monitoring their blood pressure as well as sleep patterns. Participants were between 33
and 97 years old, with an average age of 70.
Typically, blood pressure drops during the night. However, those who experienced no drop in blood pressure –
in addition to short sleep – had four times the risk of cardiovascular problems.
Researchers suggest that a lack of sleep contributes to increased nervous system activity during the day, which
can stress the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure that doesn’t drop during the night can have a similar effect
on the nervous system.
Tune in to this: joyful music can make your heart happy
Baltimore, Maryland
Listening to music that makes you happy can be good for your cardiovascular system, according to researchers from
the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Center in Baltimore. In the study, the emotions
aroused by joyful music caused tissue in the inner lining of blood vessels to expand, which helps increase blood flow.
Participants were asked to choose music that brought them joy and music that made them feel anxious.
After listening to the joyful music, participants experienced an average 26% increase in blood vessel
diameter. After listening to music that made them anxious, blood vessels narrowed an average of six percent.
The results of the study were presented at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in
November 2008.
Fat around the heart may increase heart attack risk
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Having excess fat around your heart may increase your risk of heart attack, researchers reported in the August
2008 issue of the journal Obesity. The study investigated whether a link exists between fat deposits around the
heart (pericardial fat) and calcified coronary plaque in the arteries. Although calcified plaque isn’t a risk factor in
itself, it is associated with fatty deposits that can lead to heart attack and stroke.
Researchers studied 159 people (55 to 74 years old), measuring the amount of fat around their hearts. Those with
the highest levels of fat were over four times more likely to have calcified coronary plaque. Body mass index and
waist circumference were unrelated to levels of calcified coronary plaque.
“Our findings suggest that local fat deposits, rather than total body fat, are most related to calcified coronary
plaque,” said Jingzhong Ding, M.D., lead researcher and assistant professor of gerontology at Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Center.
Further research is needed to learn how to prevent buildup of fat around the heart. See page 12 for information
on how to drop excess weight. 
8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
Eat your way to
a healthier heart
By Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor
othing matters more than
taking good care of your
heart. We can keep ourselves
in shape by getting regular exercise,
not smoking and controlling stress.
Just as important: eating a variety of
nutritious, heart-healthy foods that
make up a healthy diet.
Where to start? Increase these “super foods”
to eat your way to a healthier heart.
Blueberries: They top the list as one of
the most powerful disease-fighting foods.
That’s because they contain anthocyanins,
the antioxidant responsible for their dark blue
color. These delicious jewels are packed with
fiber, Vitamin C and heart-healthy potassium.
Regularly add them into your diet in yogurt,
trail mix, salads, cereal, in your favorite
shake or just by themselves.
Salmon: This cold-water fish is a great source
of protein and is also packed with heart-healthy
Omega-3 fatty acids. The American Heart
Association advises eating salmon and other
Omega-3 rich foods twice a week for benefits
that go beyond heart health. Make sure
your salmon is wild caught to avoid toxic
heavy metals and lack of nutrients that
can be found in farm-raised salmon.
Recipe Idea: Marinate salmon in a lime,
onion, garlic and soy sauce mixture for 15
minutes before grilling for a delicious fish
taco or grilled fish sandwich.
oatmeal: Oats are
nourishing whole grains
and a great source of
vitamins, minerals and
fiber. Research
shows that oats lower
cholesterol levels, keep
you regular and may
help protect against
certain cancers.
Recipe Ideas: Add oats whenever
you bake. Substitute oat flour for
white or wheat flour in pancakes, muffins,
quick breads, cookies and coffee cakes for an
added dose of fiber. Or try oats in place of bread
crumbs in dishes such as meatloaf, meatballs
or breading on poultry.
Kale: Even mightier than spinach, kale is
the powerhouse of the vegetable kingdom.
Its rich, dark color comes from the multiple
phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals
(especially folate and iron) it contains that
fight disease, protect the heart and preserve
your eyesight. To top it off, kale is also the “king
of calcium” – it delivers the highest absorbable
form of calcium possible.
Recipe Idea: Mix kale with pine
nuts and raisins, then stuff into
winter squash and bake for a
colorful, delicious main or side
dish. Even easier – sauté with
garlic and olive oil.
Flaxseed: Rich in
Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans,
phytoestrogens and fiber, this
powerful seed is most effective when
it is ground up and stored away from
light, heat and air. Studies suggest that
flaxseed lowers the risk of blood clots, stroke
and irregular heartbeat. It may also help lower
LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides.
Menu Idea: Ground flaxseed works easily in
all sorts of foods – on top of salads or soup, in
yogurt parfaits, smoothies or morning cereal.
almonds and walnuts: These nuts are
high in plant Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E,
magnesium, folate, fiber, heart-favorable mono-
and polyunsaturated fats and phytosterols.
Menu Idea: Mix a few almonds (and berries)
into low-fat yogurt, trail mix or fruit salads, and
add walnuts to salads, pastas, cookies, muffins
and even pancakes for a flavorful crunch.
Brown rice: Contains high levels of
B-complex vitamins and magnesium, which
nourish our central nervous system. Vitamin
B-12 (folate) and Vitamin B-6 protect against
Christa orecchio
The American Heart
Association advises eating
salmon and other Omega-3
rich foods twice a week for
benefits that go beyond
heart health.
Add oats whenever
you bake. Substitute oat flour for
Recipe Idea:
nuts and raisins, then stuff into
Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans,
phytoestrogens and fiber, this
powerful seed is most effective when
it is ground up and stored away from
light, heat and air. Studies suggest that
flaxseed lowers the risk of blood clots, stroke
Article continued on page 23...
February 2009 l 9
HCY Guard®
Non-Member $29.99
Member $23.99
Redeem with 240 VitaPoints
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
High homocysteine levels can
wreak havoc!
• HCY Guard has been clinically-proven to lower dangerous homocysteine
levels 30-40% in just 42 days
• Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures that you continue to
maintain healthy homocysteine levels
• HCY Guard has an exclusive blend of nutrients, specifically chosen
for their ability to protect against homocysteine escaping into
your bloodstream
o you have a regular blood
test for homocysteine (HCY)
levels? Many healthcare
providers believe that homocysteine
levels are a more accurate indicator
of Vitamin B-12 blood levels than a
B-12 blood test. Here’s why:
The blood level of Vitamin B-12 is discovered
by taking a number of people (usually fewer
than 100) and testing their blood levels.
These people are chosen at random and are
reasonably healthy, showing no obvious signs
of disease. All of their blood test results are
added together and an average from the entire
group serves as a midline. Usually, both the
lowest and highest numbers of responding
people are eliminated. The next lowest
number and the next highest number are used
as the lower and upper limits for that test at
that lab. That is one reason why different labs
may have different “normal” values.
That is the simplified version of how highs
and lows are discovered for nutrients like B-12.
Can you see the flaws in this kind of thinking?
First, I do not want to be compared to the
average person on the street. I want to be
compared to the healthiest people around. My
goal is to have abundant energy and be disease
resistant. Therefore, I want to be compared to
the people who have already achieved those
benchmarks. Second, we know that people
with “normal” levels of B-12 often have high
levels of homocysteine and low moods.
Both mood and HCY levels improve when we
supplement with the right kind of B-12. That
means that the lab values for what should
be considered “low” are too low. It also tells
us that what is considered “high” is likewise
erroneous. High lab values for B-12 are based
on the survey of “normal” people. We know
that normal in our culture does not reflect our
health aspirations!
ideal B-12 levels
If you have read our Weekly Wellness
Reports regularly you know that there
are different types of B-12 that do different
jobs. For instance, cyanocobalamin is a
complete form of B-12 that nourishes the
brain and nerves. Methylcobalamin is a
B-12 enzyme that detoxifies homocysteine
in the liver and kidneys.
The best way to tell if you need cyanoco-
balamin is if you have “brain fog” that lifts
when you take TriVita®
Sublingual B-12.
The best way to tell if you need methylco-
balamin is to have your blood tested for
homocysteine levels. The normal value for
homocysteine is between 4 and 8, with the
ideal number being 6.3. Any value higher
than 8 indicates that you need the methylco-
balamin and other methylation cycle nutrients
found in TriVita’s HCY Guard®
– regardless
of what your actual B-12 blood test says.
Dr. Dwight Lundell’s excellent article
on medical marketing in this issue of the
VitaJournal speaks directly to the nature of
this controversy. According to Dr. Lundell,
it’s not how much cholesterol you have in
your blood that matters, it is how inflamed
the arteries are and how oxidized the LDL
(bad) cholesterol is that gives people heart
attacks. Similarly, it is not how much B-12
you have in your blood test that tells you if
you have enough. Instead, it is how effective
the type of B-12 is at reducing the harmful,
deadly levels of elevated homocysteine.
HCY update
Brazos Minshew’s experience as TriVita’s Chief Science
Officer makes him uniquely suited to not only advise
VitaJournal readers on the dangers of homocysteine,
but how the B vitamins can lower HCY.
Don’t be
misled by
B-12 blood tests
homocysteine levels are
a more reliable indicator of disease risk
By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer
Brazos Minshew
Heart HealthySavings!
Buy One
HCY Guard
get the second one
50% oFF
good through 2-28-09
Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2...
I am very excited about the development and introduction of
our new product line Sonoran Bloom™, which we have been
working on for the last two years. In fact, I am so enthusiastic
about the wellness benefits of these products, that we are going
to 30 cities in a pre-launch campaign to introduce the product
to our Members. We will be giving a 32-ounce bottle of the
delicious Opuntia liquid concentrate FREE to each person
who attends. We want to hear about the amazing results our
Members will experience from the product. This product has
helped people with arthritis, joint and back pain, foot pain,
muscle soreness, and overall aches and pains that are caused
by inflammation.
This product addresses the hottest issue in medical research
today: inflammation. Inflammation is being linked to many
diseases. It weakens the body and enables disease to set in.
You will learn a lot about what you can do to reduce and
monitor inflammation. Our mission is to inspire people to
experience wellness and create wealth for their life purposes!
Helping people live a vibrant and healthy life is why TriVita
was founded. Let us help you!
There will also be a brief introduction of the income
opportunity for Affiliates who want to share information with
those they know and care about. TriVita is proud of the way we
do business with our customers in that we provide opportunities
based on the desires of each Member: opportunities to simply
purchase products for their own wellness as well as the chance
to be involved with the sharing opportunity. It is simple and
rewarding to help someone enjoy and experience greater
wellness with TriVita products.
If you want to know more about this product in our pre-
launch campaign and our mission of helping people experience
wellness, please plan to join us in a city near you. On page 30,
you will find a listing of some of the cities we will be visiting.
Make 2009 your year of experiencing greater
wellness and take someone with you on your
wellness journey!
Our mission is to inspire people to
experience wellness and create wealth
for their life purposes! Helping people live
a vibrant and healthy life is why TriVita
was founded. Let us help you!
February 2009 l 11
In the midst of a family crisis, it can be difficult to keep relatives and
friends informed. With trips to the hospital, fatigue and the accompanying
emotional stress, calling everyone in your address book can be a challenge.
Fortunately, free online resources are available to help you easily keep
everyone up-to-date.
One online resource dedicated to providing free websites for people going
through health crises is Founded in 1997, CaringBridge
is a nonprofit Web service that helps keep families and friends connected
during difficult times. Over 150,000 families have created personal websites
– and over half a billion people have visited the site. You can create a site
for yourself or a loved one. Some of the health crises that have prompted
people to create CaringBridge websites include:
• Cancer treatment • Long-term illness
• Hospice care • War injury
• Premature birth • Stroke
• Car accidents • International adoption
• Rehabilitation
The site was created to be user-friendly, so that everyone in the family –
even those new to the Internet – won’t have problems accessing the
information. The personal websites are private; they can’t be found via
search engines and you control your privacy settings.
Website features
The website offers ways for you to inform others of the latest developments,
as well as allowing them to offer words of support and encouragement.
There is also a photo gallery option available.
How you can help
Even if you’re not experiencing a crisis, you can help spread the word
about this free service.
• Tell everyone you know about this resource; they may know someone
who could use it
• Go online and download brochures to hand out; you can
also request that materials be sent to you
• If you have a website or blog, link to
• If you’ve benefited from CaringBridge, share it with others
tiPS FOR HealtHY CaReGivinG
If you are a caregiver, it can be easy to lose sight of your own personal needs.
Take care of yourself, as well as the person in your care.
• take time for yourself – it’s easy to get burned out and lose sight of your
own needs. Reserve some time each day for yourself. One option is respite
care; someone comes to your house and takes care of the patient for a few
hours while you are away.
• Share the load – many caregivers internalize all their stress and conflicting
emotions. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others; support groups are available.
Have a HeartCommunicating in times of crisis
trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
s you probably know,
a big risk for heart disease
is excessive weight. Not only
does it increase the strain on the heart
but it also contributes to high blood
pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
A high-fat diet combined with little or
no exercise is a major factor in rising
cholesterol levels and heart disease.
In the United States, approximately
one-third of the adult population
weighs 20% or more over their
ideal weight.
Can losing weight lower your
cholesterol levels?
Being overweight has been shown to increase
total cholesterol levels. It can also cause your
cholesterol levels to get out of balance, raising
levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol that clogs blood
vessels and lowering levels of HDL (good)
cholesterol by raising blood pressure and
straining the heart.
Do you weigh more than you should?
Most of us have done the simple “mirror test” –
we simply look in the mirror and see if we are
overweight. If you can pinch an inch at your
waist, chances are you need to lose weight. Also,
if you weigh 10 to 15 pounds more than you did
when you were 20, you may need to drop some
weight with the help of the Leanology® Weight
Loss System and lifestyle changes.
What is your ideal weight?
Your ideal weight is determined by lean body mass
(everything but fat) plus the amount of fat you
need for good health. This ranges from 10%-18%
of total body weight for men and 18%-25% of
total body weight for women. A health profes-
sional can estimate your own percentage by
measuring your body fat with a skinfold caliper.
How body shape impacts heart health
Recent research suggests that heart health can be
affected as much by body shape as by weight. For
example, people whose waists are nearly as large
as or larger than their hips have a higher rate of
heart disease.
To determine your waist-to-hip ratio, measure
your waist just above the navel. Measure your
hips at their widest. Divide your waist measure-
ment by your hip measurement. A waist-to-hip
ratio greater than 0.8 for women and 0.95 for
men indicates higher heart disease risk.
The different kinds of body fat –
and their importance
Some of us carry excess weight in the hips and
thighs while others carry it in the abdominal
area. Several studies have indicated that excess
fat in the abdominal area is more likely to cause
health problems such as high cholesterol levels.
Since the measurement around your waistline
reflects your level of abdominal fat, a waist
measurement can provide a good clue to whether
you have too much upper body fat. You may have
too much abdominal fat if your waist measure-
ment exceeds:
• 40 inches for men • 35 inches for women
Fat around
the heart may
increase heart
attack risk
A recent study from
Wake Forest University
indicates that having
excess fat around the
heart may also be a
health risk. Even a thin
person can have fat
around the heart.
Pericardial fat, or stores
of fat around the heart,
is known to cause higher secretion of inflamma-
tory substances, which may accelerate the
development of heart disease.
Weight control tips
• Eat more high-fiber foods, including
fruits and grains.
• Use non-fat or low-fat dairy products.
• Eat only lean meats, fish, skinless poultry
and low-fat vegetable proteins such as tofu.
• Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
• Keep serving sizes moderate and avoid
second helpings.
• Get regular physical activity. Even a
brisk walk is great exercise.
• Limit sugary desserts and soft drinks.
• Limit alcohol consumption.
• Celebrate your successes with non-food
treats, such as a weekend getaway, a
massage or a new look or hairstyle.
Since February is Heart Health Month, there’s
never been a better time to get your weight and
your health under control.
lose weight,
lighten up...
to help your heart!
dropping excess fat is an important first step to reducing your heart disease risk
lose the Weight You
Want – in 3 easy Steps!
Fat burning capsules
for “losing the bulge”
Leanology® Weight
Loss Capsules (180 ct.)
Non-Member $74.99
Member $59.99
Redeem with 600 VitaPoints
Tasty chews for
snack replacement
and appetite control
Appetite Control
Chews (60 soft chews)
Flavor: Chocolate Mocha
Non-Member $37.99
Member $29.99
Redeem with 300 VitaPoints
Delicious shakes
for low calorie
meal substitution
Nutritional Shakes
(15 shakes per 2 lb bag)
Flavors: Creamy Vanilla, Dutch
Chocolate and Mixed Berry
Non-Member $56.99
Member $44.99
Redeem with 450 VitaPoints
The Value Pack includes:
Bag of
Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack
Member $129.99
Redeem with 1300 VitaPoints
SAVE $34.97!
Wendy lives in Towson, MD with her husband,
David, and owns a tea room called The Casual
Cup. She started preparing for bariatric bypass
weight loss surgery in the fall of 2007. “I’ve
fought weight issues most of my adult life,”
Wendy says. “Having tipped the scales at
just over 220 pounds and getting less-than-
favorable news from the doctor about my
cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides, he
and I knew that something had to be done.”
In addition to reaching her 50th birthday
and dealing with the effects of menopause,
she felt like she was losing control of her
body and mind. A 70 pound weight loss
was Wendy’s ultimate goal.
Then fate took a turn for the better when
she confided in a local TriVita®
who frequented Wendy’s tea room. “When
I mentioned to her that I was preparing for
weight loss surgery, she asked me to please
wait and consider using a new product that
TriVita would be introducing in the fall of
2007,” Wendy recalls. “I agreed to look at the
information about Leanology, since I knew that
the earliest I would be having surgery would
be March of 2008.”
By that point she had already taken just
about every diet pill around, counted the
points, shaken the shake and disco boogied
with Richard Simmons. Says Wendy, “I was
willing to try something else since I knew that
the final victory in this weight battle would
be at the hands of the bariatric surgeon, just
months away.”
She tried Leanology shakes and capsules
and was immediately pleased. The shakes
were filling and left no unpleasant aftertaste
found in so many other shake products.
Leanology Chews helped curb cravings and
tasted great. Wendy’s energy level also started
improving – an absolute necessity to keep
up with her busy tea room.
“I started losing some weight – 10 pounds or
so and the next thing I knew, I was getting
better reports from the doctor about my
cholesterol and other important levels,” she
notes. “I then added Energy Now!®
to my
daily Leanology regimen. More weight
started coming off and I’ve now lost 30
pounds. Admittedly, it’s been a slow process
which I know would speed up if I exercised
more. However, my cholesterol numbers
and blood pressure numbers are all in the
good range.
“I would encourage anyone to try Leanology
products whether you need to lose a little or
a lot of weight,” she concludes. “I’m well on
my way to my ultimate weight loss goal... 70
pounds and I’m just thrilled by my progress!”
After taking Leanology®
Wendy stopped her plans
for weight loss surgery
has lost
trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Quick: What’s your blood pressure (BP)? If you have no idea, you might
also be in the dark about some serious effects of unmanaged high blood
pressure (HBP), also called hypertension. Grave conditions like heart
disease, heart failure, stroke and kidney failure can be caused by HBP,
so it’s important to know where you stand.
Just what is blood pressure? It’s the force of blood pushing against our
artery walls as our heart pumps out blood. If this pressure is too high
for too long, it can damage our arteries, over-work our heart and damage
other major organs. What’s worse: HBP usually has no symptoms, so you
might be unaware of the damage it’s doing.
Get to know your numbers
When a blood pressure measurement is taken, two things are measured:
systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. This is then expressed as a
number, such as 120/70 (120 over 70). The first number, systolic, is the
pressure when the heart is pumping blood; the second number, diastolic,
is the pressure when the heart rests between beats.
This table from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute shows
normal numbers for adults (18 and over), and which numbers put you
at greater risk for health problems.
Categories for blood pressure levels in adults
Note: If you have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, HBP is defined
as 130/80 or higher. HBP numbers also differ for children and teens.
Age does make a difference: blood pressure tends to rise as we get older,
making it even more important to keep it under control. If you’re a male
older than 45 or a female older than 55, your risk for HBP is higher.
About one-third of U.S. adults have HBP.
“White coat hypertension”: truth or myth?
There is a real health syndrome called “white coat hypertension” that
has to do with medical checkups. Some people’s blood pressure readings
are high only when they visit their healthcare provider’s office because
they’re nervous or anxious. In these cases, the person might be asked to
monitor their blood pressure at home, or to wear a device for a short time
that takes blood pressure every 30 minutes. If you’re familiar enough with
your numbers to know that your first reading is high (you may have to
ask), request another reading at the end of your visit.
Taking the pressure off
If you have HBP, your healthcare provider may recommend lifestyle
changes to help keep it under control, including:
•	 Following a healthy eating plan
•	 Getting enough physical activity
•	 Maintaining a healthy weight
•	 Quitting smoking
•	 Managing and learning to cope with stress
As research continues into HBP, science is also discovering some “tasty”
ways to help take the pressure off, including these fascinating findings:
•	 Steering clear of table salt? Don’t pass on the potassium or
magnesium at the same time. A recent review in the Journal
of Clinical Hypertension found that the numbers go down
when we boost our intake of fruits and vegetables like squash,
bananas, dates and spinach.
•	 Chocolate-lovers, rejoice: Yale University researchers have
found more evidence that antioxidants in dark chocolate
can help lower BP.
If you don’t know your blood pressure, February’s Heart Health Month is
the perfect time to give your heart a “valentine”: find out and, if needed,
take action. 
Category Systolic
(top number)
(bottom number)
Normal Less than 120 And Less than 80
Prehypertension 120–139 Or 80–89
High blood pressure
Stage 1 140–159 Or 90–99
Stage 2 160 or higher Or 100 or higher
Give your heart a
valentineManage blood pressure to help
manage your health
improve and Protect your eyesight!
VisionGuard is formulated using the latest science.
Each serving of TriVita’s VisionGuard has
20 milligrams of lutein, the most important
nutrient for healthy eyesight.
Plus, we’ve added other eye-specific antioxidants
to help your eyes defend themselves against
time and damaging pollutants.
TRY IT TODAY! CALL 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at
Non-Member $34.99
Member $27.99
Redeem with 280 VitaPoints
This month is AMD/Low Vision Awareness
Month, a good time to keep an eye on your eye
health. Certainly, loss of vision can be one of
the most debilitating conditions you face. By
taking care of your eyes and recognizing the
symptoms of certain eye conditions, you can
help preserve the precious gift of sight.
age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the
leading cause of vision loss in people over 60,
according to the National Eye Institute. It may
come on quickly, but typically, it progresses slowly.
AMD affects the macula (located in the retina),
which allows you to see sharp detail. There are
two forms of AMD: dry and wet.
• Dry AMD – cells in the macula break
down, blurring vision.
• Wet AMD – abnormal blood vessels grow
under the macula and leak blood and
other fluids, which move the macula from
its normal place. Damage occurs quickly;
wet AMD is also called advanced AMD.
Signs of aMD
Dry AMD starts with blurred vision and
can eventually progress to a blind spot in
the center of the field of vision. The most
common symptom of wet AMD is straight lines
appearing wavy. Those with wet AMD may also
experience a small blind spot.
low vision
Do you have a hard time doing everyday tasks –
even with glasses, contact lenses, medicine
or surgery? The problem may be what the
National Eye Institute describes as “low vision.”
Low vision can be caused by birth defects
or injury, or result from eye disorders and
conditions such as macular degeneration,
glaucoma, cataracts and diabetes.
Signs of low vision
If you or someone you know experiences any of
the following, it could be a sign of low vision:
• Trouble reading street signs
• Trouble doing things at home or work
because the lights seem dimmer
• Trouble recognizing the faces of friends
and family
• Trouble with close work such as reading,
sewing or picking out matching clothes
If any of the symptoms of AMD or low vision
occur, it’s time to make an appointment with
an eye care professional. Encourage friends and
family with these symptoms to do the same. It’s
important that these eye conditions be identified
early; it can mean the difference between
successful treatment and lost vision.
Protect your eye health now
Even if you don’t have these conditions, you can
never be too careful when it comes to vision
health; don’t wait for blurry or impaired vision
before taking steps to protect your eyesight.
• Get your eyes checked. The American
Optometric Association recommends
eye exams according to the following
• 18-60 years: every 2 years
• 61+ years: every year
• Those who wear glasses or
contacts: every year
• Good eats for good eyes. Studies have
shown that nutrients found in colorful
fruits and vegetables may help reduce
your risk of eye problems.
• Supplement with eye-protective
nutrients. TriVita’s VisionGuard was
formulated with important nutrients
that have been shown to nourish the
eyes and help keep eyesight strong.
Keep an Eye
on Your Vision
Watch for the signs of these life-changing conditions
“ vision had actually improved...”
“I have glaucoma. I noticed my vision was not as
good as it had been. Just after seeing my doctor,
I ordered VisionGuard. After taking it for three
months, I went back to see him, and he was going
to check my cataracts. Well, at this visit, he said
that my vision had actually improved, and that he
didn’t need to do anything about the cataracts
at this time. Plus, I could see the vision charts
better. The only change I made was adding the
VisionGuard to my daily routine.”
– Jan b. Due wesT, sC
ith his white hair and
half-smile, Alfred F. Libby,
M.D., Ph.D., nutraceutical
pioneer, looks like a gentle soul. That
kind, grandfatherly face (you’ve seen
his photos in the VitaJournal and
catalogs) could be deceptive,
though: it hid a spirit so strong, so
fierce, that he defied the medical
establishment – and triumphed.
Dr. Libby, of course, is famed for his work with
two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Ph.D.,
who was often called “The Father of Vitamin
C.” Dr. Libby earned five doctorates and is
recognized as one of the world’s pioneering
authorities on therapeutic nutrition. Thanks to
him, through TriVita, the world has Sublingual
B-12, Non-Acidic Vitamin C (now Vital C in the
U.S.), Balanced Woman®, VitaCal-Mag D™
Digestive Complex. And in large part because
of him, the world also has a more compassionate
understanding of substance abusers. Dr. Libby
was awarded a Doctor of Humanities Degree by
the World Congress on Health for his
research into using Vitamin C
against drug addiction.
Dr. Libby “stood up for
what he believed was
right, and openly
opposed what he
believed was wrong,”
recalls Carolyn
Libby, his widow.
One example: In
the early 1970s
the U.S. Congress
was in the process
of restricting the sale
of over-the-counter
nutrients. After hearing
testimony by Dr. Libby and
Dr. Pauling, Congress eased up.
About the same time, Dr. Libby encountered a
young man on methadone, a drug used to treat
drug addictions. He wanted to help, and soon
opened a door into research on substance abuse
that would become his life quest.
In that era, Carolyn recalls, “The prevailing
attitude was ‘us against them.’ Nowhere in
medicine were patients treated with such
disregard as people struggling with drugs or
alcohol,” she says. But Dr. Libby, believing that
every person deserved to be treated with
respect, followed his passion to find
answers. The treatment protocols
he developed through study,
research and “practice”
were truly revolutionary
and are in use today.
Dr. Libby’s decades
of research made
him “absolutely
convinced that God,
in His infinite love
and mercy, left the
healing herbs, vitamins,
minerals and amino acids
for our... good health.” For
those who knew him only
through his TriVita infomer-
cials, which began in 2000, it’s
“I am absolutely convinced that
God, in His infinite love and
mercy, left the healing herbs,
vitamins, minerals and amino
acids for our use in order to
maintain good health.”
– Alfred F. Libby, M.D.
Carolyn Libby salutes her
“warrior for the sick“
trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Dr. Alfred Libby
in 1978
Dr. Alfred Libby: The fierce heart of a great man
reaffirming to know
that he also said
this: “Following the
concepts outlined
and so wonderfully
expressed by TriVita,
your pathway to
maintaining, or
regaining, your good
health is assured.”
“I saw him as the best
doctor on the planet,” says
Carolyn, a view that was shared
by many. “Early in our life together he
said to me, ‘You will say of your husband, he was
fierce.’ And he was. He was a warrior for the sick
and for those bound by addictions. He fought for
their well-being.”
(Editor’s note: After Dr. Libby’s death in 2002,
Scott Conard, M.D., stepped into the Sublingual
B-12 infomercials. A champion of preventive health,
Dr. Conard has a monthly column about B-12
in the VitaJournal; see page 6).
Carolyn Libby starts a new
chapter of sharing wellness
For years, Carolyn Libby’s mission was to stand
by her late husband, Dr. Alfred Libby, as he
pioneered the use of nutrients for health (he
was the inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12; see
page 7). When he died in 2002 she found a new
mission, serving the poor and sick in Africa.
Now, she’s adding a new chapter to her life of
commitment and purpose: she’s among TriVita’s
newest Business Affiliates.
Soon she’ll return from one of her semi-annual
trips to Uganda, comforting those stricken with
HIV/AIDS, and she’ll pick right up spreading
the TriVita message of health and wellness
from her California home. “Countless people
I know have been using TriVita products for
years,” she says. “It’s an honor for me to now
be representing TriVita.”
As you might expect, Carolyn has been a
long-time advocate of exercise, healthy eating and
supplementation. Her daily list of health-boosters
is topped by Sublingual B-12 and Vitamin C
(in the formulas created by her late husband),
along with his
other formulations:
VitaCal-Mag D™,
Balanced Woman
and Digestive
Complex. She
also takes
CoEnzyme Q-10 and
Adaptogen 10 Plus®.
have been my
life. They’re the
heart of everything.”
Asked to single out one most
important product, Carolyn responds “The
Vitamin C crystals, hands down. Alfred always
said that Vitamin C is life itself.” Also, she adds
with a laugh, “If he is looking down from heaven
at this moment, I had just better say Vitamin C!”
She’s serious about the message of health, though.
“TriVita’s emphasis on wellness and faith are
exactly parallel with my beliefs and, indeed, my
life experiences with Alfred,” she notes. As one
who started her own wellness journey decades
ago, Carolyn says, “Nutrients have been my life.
They’re the heart of everything.”
Like Dr. Libby, Carolyn has a heart for those in
need. Just two days after Dr. Libby died, Carolyn
met a missionary, and the work of helping others
“scooped me up... it took over. A new season
began in my life.” Now she visits the villages,
hospitals and prisons in Uganda, traveling solo,
praying for hours with people who desperately
need hope and providing HIV/AIDS education.
When Carolyn visits, Ugandan villagers “line up
for prayer, even though many don’t understand
my language.” Better than most, Carolyn knows
how blessed many people in Western nations
truly are. “It is shocking to learn that only a
small minority of the people on this earth have
sufficient food to eat each day, clean water to
drink and a sheltered place to sleep in safety.
God blesses us so that we can share it with
others. That’s what life is really about, isn’t it?”
Sharing a vision, beginning a mission
When she returns home, Carolyn will embrace
her new mission as an Affiliate with the same
conviction. She and Dr. Libby became involved
with TriVita not long after the company began,
and she has high praise for CEO Michael Ellison.
“Michael’s vision has built a magnificent company,
dedicated to building healthy lives through cutting-
edge products and a strong foundation of integ-
rity,” she says. “Today, I am thankful to be a part
of this God-ordained company.”
To those who are more recent members of
the TriVita family, this “new” Business Affiliate
has spirited words: “You are now part of a
most extraordinary mission. You can trust the
leadership of this company to present the truth
and provide the very finest quality nutrients.”
If you think that sounds like a woman on a
mission, you’re right. 
1-800-991-7116 February 2009 l 17
Dr. Alfred &
Carolyn Libby in 2001
“You are now part of a most
extraordinary mission.
You can trust the leadership
of this company to present
the truth and provide the very
finest quality nutrients.”
alling in love... such
a powerful emotion
that has inspired
countless artists to paint
masterpieces, composers
to create unforgettable
music and authors to
write best-selling novels.
Love in other languages
Languages from around the world have a
phrase of their own that expresses this intense
emotion called love. Here is a small sampling
of phrases that express I love you in other
languages: Chinese, Wo ai ni; Hawaiian,
Aloha wau la oe; Romanian, Te iubesc; and
Hebrew, Ani ohev otakh, to mention just a few.
No matter which language is spoken, I love you
is the most beautiful phrase anyone could say
to another person.
However, falling in love is assisted by the
hormone, oxytocin, sometimes referred to as
the “love hormone” by social scientists. This
normally stable hormone is released in excess
during hugging and pleasant physical touch,
which helps humans bond and attach. But,
don’t count on the “love hormone” to be there
for the long haul. You become immune to it in
about 18 months. After the love hormone
tapers off, love becomes a matter of choice and
maintenance. It takes more than falling in love
to establish a lasting relationship.
In North America, February 14 has been set
aside to express our love for others. In honor of
this day, I have chosen the top 14 attributes of
enduring relationships that consistently appear
in scientific research studies. And you will
notice love is not at the top of the list.
14 attributes of lasting relationships
1.	 Communication
2.	 Trust
3.	 Commitment
4.	 Love
5.	 Intimacy
6.	 Acceptance
7.	 Shared values
8.	 Selflessness
9.	 Consideration
10.	 Kindness
11.	 Mutual understanding
12.	 Reciprocal respect
13.	 Laughter
14.	 Forgiveness
Communication: #1 key to a long-
lasting friendship and marriage
When both people get their needs met in a
relationship, then that relationship is going to
be successful. Each partner needs to
communicate his or her needs. If you think
that you shouldn’t have to tell your partner, he
or she should just know, then think again.
Most people are not mind readers.
Everyone needs to feel valued and important.
Lack of attention and neglect can make your
partner feel as if you no longer care, which will
then allow your partner to hold things in and
not discuss issues. This will lead to an unhappy
marriage and unresolved concerns.
Take time each year for
an annual relationship checkup
I would suggest going away for a weekend
once a year for a “relationship checkup” to
assess the status of your relationship. Go
over the 14 attributes and see how well you
are doing in each of the categories. Give
time for each person to talk about what
makes him or her feel valued and important,
as well as to talk freely about any concerns.
Marriage is about imperfect people doing
their best to nurture and care for one
another in love. This includes all the
essentials we’ve been talking about. Trust,
commitment, intimacy, reciprocal respect,
togetherness and maintaining a positive
focus are attributes that cultivate lasting
love – a truly, forever relationship. 
Attributes of
by Dr. Judy
suddenlytheonlypersonyoucaneverimagineyourselfwith.” – Gillian Anderson
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a success coach, author,
motivational speaker and psychologist. She has inspired
people around the world to reach within and find their
passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life.
trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
t this time of
year, the signs
of romantic love
are everywhere. We’re urged
to give Valentine’s Day gifts
of flowers, chocolates,
perfume, jewelry, and, of
course, cards. Even my granddaughter, in her
first year of school, got caught up in the fun
of exchanging Valentines with her classmates.
But I must admit that she made me pause when
she looked at all the cards ready for her to sign
and said, “Granddad, these all say ‘I love you.’
What is love, really?”
And isn’t that the question of the ages? What is
love, really? The Bible talks about four kinds of
love: parental, brother-sister, husband-wife and
agape love. Agape love is that pure, uncondi-
tional love that has no expectation of return.
God’s love for us is real agape love. Scripture
tells us that He loves us forever... no conditions:
“Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures
forever” – Psalm 136:2. So, I told my grand-
daughter that love is wanting the very best for
someone without getting anything in return.
“If God was giving out Valentine cards in your
class,” I said, “He would give them all without
expecting any in return.”
What is love? The Bible describes it in detail
for us, in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not
envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not
easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices
with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always
hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.”
your body, His Temple
1 Cor. 6:19-20
“Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13:8
Walking with God, seeing through the eyes of love
by Chaplain Gene Henderson
That’s quite a list, and most of us will come
up short sometimes – even with those who
are most precious to us. With our loved ones,
and with people not so close to us, God is
telling us that when others don’t motivate us
to walk in love, when we find them downright
unloveable, that the way to find grace is
through God’s eyes.
We can choose how we see others (and
ourselves). When we see through our human
eyes, with all our shortcomings, biases,
judgments and faults, that’s what we see in
others: shortcomings, biases, judgments and
faults. But when we look through God’s eyes,
and not our own, we can see with love.
look through His loving eyes
By walking with God and looking through His
loving eyes, we can see the truth of ourselves
and others with all our imperfections, but we
can also see the reasons why we act as we do.
I’m not suggesting that we turn a blind eye to
bad behaviors and pretend that things are
fine when they aren’t.
While it may be difficult, I am suggesting that
we try to rise above our own flawed selves and
let our Creator’s goodness direct our eyes.
In a way, it’s like looking through different
filters. With our everyday human filters, we
color our vision of the world with all of our
own attitudes, assumptions and perspectives.
But when we see through God’s eyes, the
eyes of love look with compassion, patience,
kindness... all those wonderful attributes we
read in 1 Corinthians.
During this month of celebrating love, and
always, remember that God’s love never fails.
We can strive to love ourselves and others
with that same unconditional, agape love.
When we see through God’s
eyes, the eyes of love look
with compassion,
patience, kindness...
By walking with God and looking through His loving eyes, we can
see the truth of ourselves and others with all our imperfections...
February 2009 l 19
trivita.com20 l February 2009
with Vital C!
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disease. It also helps build collagen to foster
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• Time-Release Crystal Tablets are ideal
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are you prepared for a
heart attack emergency?
Check your knowledge with this fact sheet from the
national heart, lung and blood institute
Discomfort or a heavy feeling in the
chest can signal a heart attack.
TRUE: Chest pain is the most commonly reported
heart attack symptom. But the pain may not feel severe
or “stabbing.” It may feel more like a discomfort. Chest
discomfort may be accompanied by or follow shortness
of breath. Discomfort or pain may be felt in other areas
of the upper body, such as one or both arms, the back,
neck, jaw or stomach. Other symptoms that can occur
include breaking out in a “cold sweat,” nausea or
Women do not frequently experience
heart attacks.
FALSE: Heart disease is the number one killer
of American women, and nearly half of all heart
attack deaths happen to women. Furthermore, women
are less likely to survive a heart attack than are men.
(Women are less likely than men to believe they’re
having a heart attack and more likely to delay in
seeking emergency treatment.)
Some people who are experiencing
the symptoms of a heart attack may
wait hours or even days before seeking
needed medical care.
TRUE: Many people do not recognize their symptoms
as life-threatening. That’s why it’s important to know
the warning signs and take action quickly. (See warning
signs below.)
Being treated within about an
hour of the first symptoms can
make a significant difference.
TRUE: Heart attack deaths and heart damage can
often be avoided when treatment begins within an
hour of when the symptoms started.
Many heart attack victims say their heart
attack wasn’t what they’d expected.
TRUE: Most people expect a heart attack to be a
sudden intense pain, but often heart attacks start
slowly as a mild pain.
Most heart attacks occur in people over 65.
TRUE: However, 45% of all heart attacks occur in people
under age 65. And 5% occur in people under age 40.
The major issue in delay is how long it
takes for emergency medical personnel
to find the address and deliver the patient
to the hospital.
FALSE: The most significant portion of delay time is
due to patient delay, the time it takes for an individual to
decide to ask for help. Sometimes a patient does not want
to believe anything bad is happening and dismisses the
seriousness of the symptoms. Sometimes people do not
know the symptoms of heart attack.
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Heart attack Warning Signs
• Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than
a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing,
fullness or pain.
• Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: Can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back,
neck, jaw or stomach.
• Shortness of breath: Often comes along with chest discomfort. But it can also occur before chest discomfort.
• Other symptoms: May include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light-headedness.
note to women: As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women
are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath,
nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain.
even if you’re not sure it’s a heart attack, you should still have it checked out.
Fast action can save lives – maybe your own.
lack History Month is an
annual remembrance of
important people and events
in the history of the African-
American people. It is observed
in the United States and Canada
during the month of February, and
reminds us all of the many significant
contributions and advances made
by African-Americans. This year’s
observance of Black History Month
has a special resonance because
the United States’ first African-
American president, Barack
Obama, was inaugurated in January.
In addition to honoring achievements, Black
History Month is also an apt time to look
at some of the healthcare challenges that
face African-Americans specifically. With
awareness and preventive measures, these
challenges can be better faced in the years
to come. Happily, the rates for heart disease,
breast cancer, infant mortality and teenage
pregnancy are down for this group. However,
African-Americans are still more likely to
develop cancer than other racial or ethnic
groups and AIDS and kidney disease remain
major killers.
It’s true for African-Americans and for
all people: “An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure.” Seeing your
healthcare provider regularly and getting
proper screenings reduce the health risks
for people of all ethnic backgrounds.
at risk for several illnesses
Several diseases and health issues continue
to challenge African-Americans specifically:
• African-Americans have a 50% higher
prevalence of hypertension (high blood
pressure) than the overall population.
• The diabetes-related death rate has
increased for the total population and
even more so, for African-Americans.
• African-Americans develop kidney
failure about four times more frequently
than Caucasians. Both high blood pres-
sure and diabetes are the major culprits.
• The elderly African-American
population still lags behind the total
elderly population in immunization rates.
• The rate of coronary artery disease
among African-Americans has decreased
in recent years. However, because this
group has higher blood pressure than
other ethnic groups, the risk of coronary
heart disease remains higher.
Here’s how you can take control of your
healthcare destiny – regardless of your
ethnic background:
• Make sure your healthcare provider
discusses your health with you and
that you form a partnership to maintain
your good health.
• Looking for a healthcare provider?
Studies show that healthcare providers
with racial and ethnic background
similar to their patients are more likely
to have a partnering relationship with
their patients.
• Don’t be passive. If you don’t understand
or agree with your healthcare provider’s
recommendations, then don’t be afraid
to ask questions.
• Follow the 10 Essentials for Health
and Wellness – found on page 2 of the
VitaJournal. These rules for building
health allow every one of us to take
advantage of our genetic strengths.
We all require the same things for health and
happiness, no matter where our ancestors came
from. The “10 Essentials” are universal. These
cherished guidelines apply to men and women
everywhere in the world, regardless of their
ethnic origin.
February 2009 l 21
a special time for african-americans,
a great time to address health challenges
African-Americans have a 50% higher
prevalence of hypertension (high blood
pressure) than the overall population.
What keeps you feeling
healthy, happy and blessed?
Your answer could earn you a $25 Gift Card!
Do you have a tip that enhances your life? Tell us! If we select yours to feature in the VitaJournal, you’ll earn a $25 TriVita® Gift Card!
Whether it’s about exercise, eating, TriVita products (which ones stand out?) or The 10 Essentials, tell us about it. Just email us at, or write to: VitaJournal, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste. 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please include
your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one).
Note: When you submit a letter or email, you are also giving TriVita full rights to it, including the right to publish it in future publications and to edit it as needed.
Have your New Year’s goals fallen by the wayside? Maybe
you’ve even had trouble getting started. Breathe new
life into your goals with these tips to help put an end to
procrastination – and a beginning to reaching your goals.
Perhaps you bit off more goals and resolutions than you can chew. Having
too many goals can be discouraging – and an easy way to keep you from
accomplishing any of them. Review your goals and prioritize them. What’s
most important to you? Pick the top one or two and go from there.
1. First things first: commit. Write down your goals.
2. Read them out loud each morning to reinforce your commitment.
Take baby steps
Didn’t lose 25 pounds in a month? Unrealistic (and unhealthy!)
expectations can lead to disappointment, discouragement – and an
early end to your goals. Break your objectives down into manageable
(healthy) pieces. Here’s an example:
• Goal: Fit into last year’s jeans by the end of June
• Lose 25 pounds in 4 months
• Lose 6 pounds per month
• Lose 1.5 pounds per week
Make – and meet – deadlines
Set timelines so you can track your progress – and reward yourself for your
personal victories. Decide which steps you need to take to reach your goals
and add them to your daily to-do list.
Perhaps your goal is to clean out the attic. Clean in sections, giving yourself
a designated amount of time for each section. As you finish each area, mark
it off your to-do list. Nothing is more encouraging than checked-off items!
Visualize your success
Don’t tell yourself, “I’d like to,” say, “I will!” Picture yourself reaching your
goals. Write down a list of benefits you’ll gain from reaching your goals.
• I will lose the weight by June!
• I will be healthier.
• I will feel better about myself.
Tell a friend
Take it a step further than merely telling friends and family about
your goals. Set up a time each week for them to check up on you –
and encourage you. This will keep you accountable and spur you on.
Don’t get discouraged
Just because you may have already strayed from your goal, it doesn’t
mean you can’t refocus. You can get started on a goal anytime. It doesn’t
have to be on January 1. Don’t wait until next year. Each new day is a
great day to get started!
Get your New Year’s goals back on track... you’ll be happy you did.
Not only will you reach your goals, but you’ll also feel a great sense
of accomplishment just for sticking to your guns. Don’t put it off any
longer; get started today!
How are you
doing with your
new Year’s goals?
tips for keeping your resolutions on track
When you call to place your next order, ask a Wellness Consultant
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One package per household. Not available with Web orders. While supplies last.
This gift set includes 12 All-Occasion Cards (blank inside) with envelopes, perfect for:
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All photos by Bruce W. Heinemann
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blood clots and atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
Niacin (Vitamin B-3) helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol.
What about when eating out?
Many restaurants do not yet offer things like kale, flaxseed
or brown rice. However, there are many choices you can
make to support your heart and your health. When dining
out, ask that your food be steamed, poached or baked instead
of sautéed or fried. Ask for a side of olive oil and lemon to
dress it yourself with the “good” fat. When eating salads,
request your dressing on the side and choose oil and vinegar
whenever possible. Get an extra serving of veggies (broccoli,
carrots, spinach) and forego the white rice or potato. Choose
lighter sauces vs. cream-based sauces. Also, it’s important to
think outside the box. If there is nothing on the menu that
speaks to you, make up your own meal from the appetizers
and sides that are offered.
By choosing heart-healthy foods, the “bad” fats naturally find
their way out of our diet and life. Steer clear of margarine or
anything labeled trans-fats or fractionated palm kernel oil.
Moderate other high cholesterol foods like butter, cheese, ice
cream, red meat and other highly dense animal foods. With
only a few simple changes, you will be well on your way to
lowering your cholesterol, having more energy and taking
care of that amazing heart that beats for you, every second
of every single day.
the american Heart association Recommends...
Taking EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids to benefit heart health. Studies
show Omega-3 helps people at risk for coronary heart disease. Studies
show .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids ingested daily, significantly
reduce heart disease. The AHA recommends healthy people and those at
risk for, or who have heart disease, take .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 daily.
Note:1capsulesofOmegaPrime® contains.5grams(500milligrams)ofOmega-3fattyacids.
Please go to page 5 for more information about
TriVita OmegaPrime.
continued from page 9...
Eat your way to
a healthier heart
here’s a fun presidents’ day activity to engage your mind.
see how many of the u.s. presidents’ names you can find
below. search diagonally, across, down and backwards to
complete this brain-teaser.
Presidents’Day WorD JUMBle
“I’m feeling very happy with the
results I’ve gotten from TriVita’s
Vitamin C products.”
“I work in childcare, taking care
of 10 babies aged three months
to one year. I was really tired and
nervous. I’ve found that when
I take Vital C, I don’t get sick,
even when the babies do! People
tell me it’s expensive to buy all of the things they
need, but I still tell them they should do it, to do
something good for themselves. I’m feeling very
happy with the results I’ve gotten from TriVita’s
Vitamin C products.”
– Rosy H. Copperas Cove, TX
“I had more energy and seemed
to be able to concentrate better.”
“I am a mother of two young boys. I also teach
fifth grade and I am an independent beauty
consultant for a national franchise. As you can
imagine, I am very busy, always exhausted, and
unfortunately forgetful. During my last pregnancy,
I was diagnosed as having protein S deficiency
and the gene, MTHFR, mutation, which affects my
homocysteine levels. When I got the opportunity
to try TriVita’s HCY Guard, I was hopeful. About
halfway into my first box of the HCY Guard, I began
to notice that I had more energy and seemed to be
able to concentrate better. I just know that if HCY
Guard can do this for me, then it must be helping
my homocysteine levels as well! I am now anxious
to have my levels tested. Thank you, TriVita.”
– Krissi F. Gilbert, AZ
“The headaches were gone and
the sinus problems were disappearing.”
“Since our move, my wife has suffered from
allergies, sinus problems and headaches. She has
never dealt with this before, so we tried many
different solutions, but nothing was working. I
ordered TriVita’s Non-Acidic Vitamin C Time-
Release Tablets and within a few weeks, we
began to notice that the headaches were gone
and the sinus problems were disappearing. This
was a great surprise! What she loves best is the
speed at which it dissolves and how quickly it
works. Thank you, TriVita.” – David H. Porter, TX
“It helped to ease the pain.”
“I have osteoarthritis and when I first began taking
TriVita’s OmegaPrime it helped to ease the pain.
I still work two jobs and my overnight shift can
sometimes be difficult when my arthritis kicks in.
I can climb up and down the ladder all night long
stocking the shelves and not be in the pain that
I was before. Thank you, TriVita, for a fantastic
product.” – Jerrie T. Oklahoma City, OK
“I now realize more than ever how
OmegaPrime has been helping me.”
“I was diagnosed with mitral valve
prolapse when I was about 16 and
was told to avoid caffeine and
alcoholic beverages because they
could increase the palpitations and
pain in my chest. I recently added
OmegaPrime to my vitamin
because I heard there were specific heart benefits
associated with Omega-3s and 6s. The OmegaPrime
helped my skin clear up and also seemed to help
with the mitral valve prolapse symptoms. On a recent
weekend trip I forgot to bring my vitamins with
me. I now realize more than ever how OmegaPrime
has been helping me – try taking something
away and you’ll notice what benefits you’ve been
receiving. Thank you TriVita for creating such quality
supplements.” – Brittany S. New York, NY
Real Stories							 from real people
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita®
“I had a PERFECT score; I never lost my focus.”
“I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about 17
years ago. Over the past couple years my neurologist
has had me take a cognitive test which measures
my ability to focus and have clarity of mind. The first
time he did it was to set a baseline for my cognitive
abilities. Every time after that is to make sure my ability
is not diminishing or at least not diminishing at an
abnormal rate. The few times I have taken it I did well;
I lost my focus a couple times and got about three
or four things wrong. Over the past couple months
I have been taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12. I went to my neurologist
yesterday and he had me take the cognitive test again. This time, I had a PERFECT
score; I never lost my focus. The woman who administered the test was amazed
and very impressed; they don’t normally see a perfect score and especially with
someone with my condition.”
– Angelyn F. Largo, FL
“The first day I took your product I felt a mental clarity
I had not enjoyed in a while.”
“I am a Woman’s Health Nurse Practitioner who leads
a very busy life. Between the mental fatigue of seeing
numerous patients to planning a wedding and traveling
out of state at least twice a month, I was running on
empty! Even with exercising regularly, eating properly,
and taking vitamin supplements every day, I was
feeling worn out. I also had my thyroid examined to
see if there was a physical problem. However, after
watching your infomercials for over a year, I decided
to order Sublingual B-12 and give it a try. The first
morning I took your product I felt a mental clarity I had not enjoyed in a while.
When I took the second dose at noon I began to feel even more energy and I felt I
could go on for another eight hours. Since then (I am on the second box) I have so
much energy. I have been referring my patients to your website and encouraging
other staff members to try it. So, all I have to say is thank you. I would not have
believed it if I had not tried it myself.” – Cheryl C. Port Arthur, TX
24 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
onnie is filled with an
overwhelming love for life.
She’s also an enthusiastic
devotee of TriVita®
supplements – and it has paid off
in sizable referral rewards. “I’m not
an Affiliate Member just to make
money,” Donnie emphasizes. “I want
to help other people – especially
those who are less fortunate than
me.” Her giving nature is exemplified
by the care she gives to those in
need and the meals she makes for
them through the Miracle Abounds
Outreach Program.
Donnie first heard about TriVita from her
sister who raved about her fantastic product
experience. She immediately started sampling
a wide variety of TriVita products and
noticed a big change in her overall health.
“I can’t even begin to describe how great
I feel now,” Donnie exclaims. Her favorite
products include VitaCal-Mag D™
Sublingual B-12, CoEnzyme Q-10 and Daily
Women. She has since added OmegaPrime®
Green Foods and NutraFruits to her nutrition
regimen. “Taking Sublingual B-12 has given
me an enormous energy and stamina boost,”
she states. “VitaCal-Mag D has helped with
my bones, muscles and joints and aided my
recovery from a work-related injury.”
“i’m so grateful for what TriVita
has done for my own health.”
Donnie’s spiritual beliefs are always close to
the surface. “I give praise to the Lord and
also pray for TriVita every day,” she says. “I’m
so grateful for what TriVita has done for my
own health and feel an urgent need
to share my experience with others.”
So, Donnie was a “natural” for the Affiliate
Member Referral Program. She signed up
last July and she has set a torrid pace for
referrals – with over 23 sign-ups in just a
few short months. Donnie says, “I was so
excited about this program that I started
referring even before I received the
introductory packet.”
Calling herself a real “people person,”
as she always finds ways to meet people.
Donnie has handed out catalogs and the
VitaJournal at churches, stores and
community centers. Everyone responds
to her effervescent personality, her genuine
interest in the welfare of others and her
positive attitude. “I’m not judgmental,”
Donnie remarks. “I let people know about
my own positive experience with TriVita
products and gently suggest they
give TriVita products a try.”
Now she’s taken her referral business to a
whole new level by sponsoring meetings at
restaurants and her church where she shows
product samples and hands out TriVita
publications. “These meetings have gone
really well,” she remarks. “The Lord has
prompted me to reach out to people in any
way possible.” She considers referring an
important part of her mission to help others
in need.
The financial rewards have also been
impressive. To date, Donnie has earned
hundreds and hundreds of dollars in
compensation which she has reinvested
in her favorite TriVita products. She
certainly enjoys the compensation but
always emphasizes her true calling. “TriVita
is a blessing to me,” Donnie exults. “I’m so
excited by the opportunity to help other
people. My greatest reward is helping
someone else enjoy greater wellness.” And
although Donnie has had her ups and downs
throughout life she always stays upbeat and
ever optimistic.
Donnie’s devotion to greater wellness and
referring remains as strong as ever. “I love
to talk to people. I really feel that TriVita
products are life changers,” she observes. “I
also believe that people really enjoy feeling
the power of the Lord. My purpose is to help
people enjoy both better health and a strong
spiritual presence in their lives.”
Donnie is a sharing
and earning dynamo
she already has 23 referrals in just a few months
Affiliate Member Spotlight
So, Donnie was a “natural” for the Affiliate
February 2009 l 25
elseenjoygreaterwellness.” –Donnie
“Taking Sublingual
B-12 has given me an
enormous energy
and stamina boost.”
Donnie has earned
hundreds and
hundreds of dollars
in compensation which
she has reinvested in her
favorite TriVita products.
• sublingual b-12
• nutrafruits
• VitaCal-mag d
• Coenzyme Q-10
• daily Women
• omegaprime
• green foods
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I have referred over 16 people already
and love being able to give them a 10%
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the connection between
CoQ-10 & StatinsCholesterol-lowering drugs can deplete your body
of this vital nutrient
If you’re one of the millions of people taking
a statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug, there’s
some important information you should
know: Statins are known to reduce levels
of CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10), a nutrient
that helps fuel your entire body.
What is CoQ-10?
CoQ-10 is a vitamin-like substance found
throughout the body, including the heart,
brain, liver and kidneys. Many experts believe
that CoQ-10 is the key nutrient for generating
95% of the total energy required by your body.
It can also act as an antioxidant. Additionally,
CoQ-10 has been used in Japan as a treatment
for congestive heart failure since 1974. And one
study found that CoQ-10 helped slow functional
decline in Parkinson’s disease patients.
Although produced in the body, blood levels
of CoQ-10 may begin dropping as early as age
21. Without enough CoQ-10, your body systems
won’t have the optimal amount of fuel to do
their jobs. Once you’re over 50, CoQ-10 levels
can be very low.
CoQ-10 is found naturally in organ meats, beef,
poultry and fish. It’s also found in soybean and
canola oils and certain nuts. However, CoQ-10
supplements may be the best source of CoQ-10,
as food does not provide therapeutic amounts of
the nutrient.
Statins and CoQ-10
Several studies have confirmed that many
statin drugs (such as atorvastatin, cerivastatin,
lovastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin) interfere
with CoQ-10 production, causing blood levels
of CoQ-10 to drop. Those with high cholesterol
already have reduced levels of CoQ-10, so statin
use can further reduce blood levels of the nutrient.
If you take statins, talk to your healthcare
provider to find out if you’re a good candidate for
CoQ-10 supplementation. Your continued good
health may depend on it!
CoQ-10 supplementation
There are many CoQ-10 supplements on
the market, but they are not all made alike.
Remember, it’s not how much CoQ-10 you take
– but how much your body absorbs – that counts.
That’s what makes TriVita’s CoQ-10 so
effective. TriVita’s CoQ-10 is similar to the
kind of CoQ-10 the body produces on its own.
It is formulated to be in perfect balance for
your body’s nutritional needs.
TriVita’s CoQ-10 is fat-soluble and is easily
absorbed because it is in an oil-based soft gel
cap. Studies show TriVita’s CoQ-10 has up
to 10 times better absorption with soft gel
caps than the lower quality dry form found
on many drugstore shelves.
“CoQ-10 gives me confidence that I am
helping protect my overall heart health.”
“I lost my father and five brothers
to heart disease so I have always
been aware of my high risk factor.
I have been diligent about visiting my
cardiologist yearly and it was during
one of these routine exams that he recommended
coronary triple bypass surgery. After going through
a successful surgery the only non-prescription drug
recommended by my cardiologist and surgeon
was CoQ-10. I began taking TriVita’s CoQ-10 daily
and haven’t gone without it since. CoQ-10 gives
me confidence that I am helping protect my overall
heart health.“ – paTRiCK G. lubboCK, TX
CoEnzyme Q-10
Non-Member $19.99
Member $15.99
Redeem with 240 VitaPoints
HaVe a MiGraiNe?
CoQ-10 might help
If you suffer from migraine headaches, you know
just how debilitating they can be. The severity
of the headaches can vary, but many people are
completely incapacitated – sometimes for several
days at a time. Migraines can be preceded by
pulses of light, blind spots or tingling in the arms
or legs. They can be accompanied by nausea and
vomiting. Migraines can affect your home life, as
well as your job.
Now there’s good news from researchers in
Switzerland: Taking CoQ-10 daily may help reduce
In the study, participants were given 100 mg
of CoQ-10 three times a day for three months.
Nearly half of those taking CoQ-10 saw a
reduction in migraine frequency. The CoQ-10 also
helped reduce the length of headaches and the
accompanying nausea.
Vita journal v0209
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Vita journal v0209

  • 1. VITAfebruary 2009 triVita.Com CaROlYnliBBYPaYS tRiBUtetOHeRlateHUSBanD: DR. ALFRED LIBBY SUPER SUBLINGUAL B-12 has three times the Vitamin B-12 DONNIE is a “natural” at sharing TriVita products CELEBRATE HEART HEALTH MONTH Look For Great Savings on Three Products
  • 2. 10 essentials for health and wellness the 10 essentials were created to suit every Wellness seeker. taking even small steps in each one will improve your life and wellness in wonderful ways. PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply Deep breathing expels body toxins faster than any other means. 2. Drink Water Getting enough water provides an instant energy boost – and you may even eat less. 3. Sleep Peacefully Establishing a bedtime routine will help you sleep longer and more soundly. 4. Eat Nutritiously Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes blood sugar swings. 5. Enjoy Activity An active lifestyle enables every system in your body to work better. EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love Heart-focused, sincere and positive feelings boost the immune system. 7. Be Forgiving As you let go of negative feelings toward others, you will find greater peace and optimism. 8. Practice Gratitude Gratitude brings instant joy, builds physical defenses and reduces stress. 9. Develop Acceptance Practicing acceptance clears your mind of needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life. SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God As your relationship grows, you will enjoy all the blessings of unconditional love. Taking Care of Your Heart by michael r. ellison, Ceo & founder of triVita, inc. February is Heart Health Month. Because of the significant rise in heart disease, Congress passed a resolution on December 30, 1963 that each year the President would declare February our National Heart Health Awareness Month. Heart disease is still the number one killer in 2009. With 64 million Americans, plus millions more in Canada being affected by cardiovascular disease, we want to inspire you to take action to create a lifestyle that will give you a healthy heart. Your heart health is also crucial to your overall health and well-being. While your heart is a small organ about the size of your fist, it has major responsibilities. Every 60 seconds it must pump two gallons of blood through an entire cycle: from the heart, through the arteries, veins and capillaries, and back to the heart. Every cell in your body relies on the blood to carry oxygen and the nutrients your body needs to function properly as well as resist disease. With us being so dependent on our heart functioning properly, isn’t it wonderful that the decisions we make can determine if we have a healthy heart. Some people act as if their heart is a machine that either works or doesn’t work – and there is nothing they can do about its health. Well, there is good news for all of you who care about your heart and want better health. The American Heart Association and the world-renowned Mayo Clinic have much to say about improving heart health by choosing a lifestyle that promotes heart health. Basically, it comes down to three things you can do: 1. Think smart 2. Eat well 3. Move more That provides a simple guideline to the daily decisions we must make. I would like to add that thinking smart is being aware of what we are thinking; many people do not realize the thoughts and feelings they dwell on are also a part of their daily diet for heart health. Every thought and emotion triggers a chemical reaction that is either good or bad for the heart. For example, when you have an angry thought or a fearful, anxious thought, your body releases significant adrenaline to help stimulate the muscles and mind for the fight or flight response needed. That was great for our ancient ancestors when faced with a saber-toothed tiger, but where I live in Scottsdale, Arizona that is not likely to happen. However, there are plenty of opportunities for adrenaline rushes from rude drivers, snarled traffic, construction delays, or the fear of a poor economy that seems to be impacting many people. Thoughts and feelings from all kinds of issues we face create chemicals that are not healthy for the heart when they bombard us on a daily basis. I would encourage you to read the article by Dr. Lundell on pages 4 and 5. Here is a viewpoint of one of the most outstanding heart surgeons who spent much of his career performing thousands of heart surgeries and consulting with his patients about heart health. We are pleased to bring this information to you as it gives another view as to what really will bring healthy hearts to those of us in the U.S. and Canada. Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 11... I would like to add that thinking smart is being aware of what we are thinking; many people do not realize the thoughts and feelings they dwell on are also a part of their daily diet for heart health. 2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 3. 10 foundational Values Ournaturalproductsarefoodbased.Ifyouhaveanyfoodbasedallergies, pleasereadthelabels.Statementsorclaimsinthispublicationhavenot beenevaluatedbytheFoodandDrugAdministration.Theseproducts arenotintendedtodiagnose,treat,cureorpreventanydisease. 4 a famed specialist on the “heart” truth VitaJournal exclusive! Dwight Lundell, M.D., speaks out. 6 dr. libby’s b-12 research breakthroughs Scott Conard, M.D., praises Dr. Libby’s pioneering work. 9 let your mouth protect your health Heart-healthy choices from our food expert. 11 Click for support in tough times Internet resources can help with many crises. 12 lower your Weight, lower your risk Why excess pounds weigh down your heart. In this issue 16 tribute to alfred f. libby, m.d. His widow, Carolyn, reflects on a great man’s legacy. 25 donnie is a sharing and earning dynamo She has over 23 referrals in a few short months. 30 triVita’s spectacular 30 City tour Michael R. Ellison and Brazos Minshew will take you to a whole new level of wealth and wellness. 10 foundational Values 1. Physician-approved Formulas Our medical board uses their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to approve proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members. 2. Unique Delivery Systems Unlike other supplements that can be difficult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and effect. 3. Controlled laboratory Studies Signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their effectiveness. 4. Purest Natural ingredients TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals. 5. Pharmaceutical-Grade Quality We voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). 6. Third-Party Testing and Certification In addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards. 7. Quality-Controlled Packaging and Production Safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency. 8. Dedicated to Product innovation TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. Led by our Chief Science Officer and renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members. 9. Medical advisory Board TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods. 10. Complete Customer Satisfaction Guarantee We promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. Fataroundthe heartmayincrease heartattackrisk. 12 February 2009 l 3 Fataroundthe heartmayincrease heartattackrisk CarolynLibbyandher latehusbandDr.AlfredLibby. 16 Don’tbemisledby B-12bloodtests. 10
  • 4. trivita.com4 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness D wight Lundell, M.D., is a renowned cardiovascular surgeon and a pioneer in “off-pump” heart surgery. A former chief resident at Yale University Hospital, where he served as chief of staff and chief of surgery, he has performed over 5,000 coronary bypass surgeries. Dr. Lundell was one of the founding partners of the Lutheran Heart Hospital, which became the second largest in the U.S. Dr. Lundell joins with TriVita® to promote nutrients and nurturing as the best path to wellness. Dr. Lundell practices what he preaches and competes in triathlons to maintain his health. He recently won his age group at Ironman Arizona and has qualified to compete in the world championship of an upcoming triathlon in Kona, Hawaii. The cholesterol connection When doctors prescribe cholesterol-lowering medication, they usually are doing what they think is best. But they don’t tell the patient (possibly because they don’t know) that there is less than a one in 100 chance that the patient will benefit in any way from the cholesterol-lowering medication. Less than 50% of people who have a heart attack have elevated cholesterol. So, why are we still chasing the cholesterol theory? I’ll tell you why: marketing has trumped medicine. Strong marketing forces have unduly influenced doctors in North America, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program), ignoring better solutions and real statistics. What are better solutions? In the last few years, massive amounts of evidence are proving that inflammation is the root cause of heart disease as well as many other chronic diseases. It’s time to focus on ways to eliminate and correct the inflammation that is reducing the quality and quantity of our lives. Weight Control: Overloaded fat cells produce chemicals that directly cause inflammation in our arteries. As little as a 10% reduction in weight can correct the problem. Insulin is an inflammatory hormone. Obesity is often accompanied by insulin resistance with large amounts of inflammatory insulin remaining in the bloodstream. Baby Aspirin: The original anti-inflammatory has been proven to be more effective than drugs to protect against heart attack. Avoid Bad Oils: Stay away from soybean and corn oil. These oils, which are in every prepared food, and which we often consume instead of animal oils, contain fatty acids which we need, but excessive amounts can cause inflammation and heart disease. Good Oils: Take a fish oil supplement. Omega-3 from fish oil is nature’s most effective anti-inflammatory – demonstrated in large studies to help drastically reduce heart attacks. Most of us do not eat enough fatty fish and need to supplement. Flax oil supplements have likewise proven to be good sources of Omega-3 fatty acids. These also reduce inflammation in the cells that line the arteries. Perilla seed oil and evening primrose oil likewise help reduce inflammation. Physical Activity: Recent studies have shown that the active muscle cell produces anti-inflammatory compounds and releases them into the bloodstream. Exercise also reduces inflammatory levels of insulin and stabilizes blood sugar. Proof positive In November 2008, the Jupiter Study was published where 17,802 people with normal cholesterol and elevated CRP (a blood test indication of inflammation) took a cholesterol-lowering drug. Half of the study participants were given a placebo and half were given 20 mg of a statin, daily. INFLAMED BY MEDICAL MARKETINGBy Dr. Dwight Lundell Heart surgeon and author of the book, “The Cure for Heart Disease”
  • 5. Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints and glands with Essential Fatty Acids! OmegaPrime: Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids Premier blend of essential fatty acids from four sources – fish, flaxseed, evening primrose and perilla seed oils Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s Inflammation-fighting formula Mercury/contaminant free fish oil Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime! OmegaPrime: Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids OmegaPrime® #30520 Non-Member $22.99 Member $17.99 Redeem with 180 VitaPoints After two years there was a reduction in risk of less than ½ percent per year at a cost of $3.95 per day. And, what’s more interesting – and more alarming – is that the reduction of inflammation, not cholesterol, is most likely responsible for the small benefit. For real heart health benefits we need to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. We need daily activity and the right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s. We need to take responsibility for our own health and become an expert about our own body. Information at the right time can be as effective as any medication if we focus on the truth and reject bad lifestyle choices. The american Heart association recommends... Taking EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids to benefit heart health. Studies show Omega-3 helps people at risk for coronary heart disease. Studies show .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids ingested daily, significantly reduces heart disease. The AHA recommends healthy people and those at risk for, or who have heart disease, take .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 daily. NOTE: 1 capsule of OmegaPrime® contains .5 grams (500 milligrams) of Omega-3 fatty acids. SUCCESS STORIES “I was thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor.” “When I saw my doctor he said my cholesterol was a little high and that he wanted me to take a prescribed drug to lower my cholesterol. I did, and after 30-40 days I went in for a follow-up test. My total cholesterol did go down, but so did the good cholesterol, and my triglycerides didn’t change at all. So, I did a little research online and decided that I wasn’t comfortable taking what he had given to me.* My doctor finally asked me if I’d try taking fish oil to help control my cholesterol. So that’s when I tried the OmegaPrime. I took OmegaPrime religiously for 30-40 days before my follow-up test. When I got my results back, I learned that my total cholesterol was under 200, my good cholesterol was over 80, and my triglycerides were cut in half. I was thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor. He hasn’t mentioned a prescription drug since! If I hadn’t researched statins and talked to my doctor about my concerns with them, I wouldn’t have known that TriVita’s OmegaPrime would have worked for me. It’s sad that so many people are taking statins and spending so much money, when they may be able to achieve success by using a natural alternative that is not harmful to your body. I tell everyone about OmegaPrime!” – aliCe H. DenTon, TX *You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. Exercise reduces inflammatory levels of insulin and stabilizes blood sugar. Heart HealthySavings! Buy One OmegaPrime get the second one 50% oFF good through 2-28-09
  • 6. Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth “To ‘B’ or not to ‘B’” – that was the title of an address I gave at a wellness conference in Scottsdale, Arizona recently. I was speaking, of course, about Vitamin B-12, and the event gave me the chance to review its growth from an undervalued vitamin to a recognized powerhouse in health. It also gave me the chance to recall my early involvement with TriVita® and respect for the work of Alfred Libby, M.D., the inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 and Folic Acid. As you may know, Dr. Libby was a pioneer in nutrients and health, and an associate of Linus Pauling, Ph.D., the two-time Nobel Laureate and “Father of Vitamin C.” Early in his career, Dr. Libby discovered the dramatic health changes that B-12 could make, and worked for decades to raise awareness. “We’ve given people back their lives” Along with B-12, Dr. Libby was the “star” of the original TriVita TV infomercials beginning in 2000. It is still his original, patented formula (contained in over 11 million boxes of Sublingual B-12 sold) that has helped so many. Here, I’ve selected some of his memorable thoughts: “We’ve given people back their lives,” Dr. Libby said. At the time, painful and expensive injections were the only way to supplement effectively with B-12. And, undiagnosed B-12 deficiency caused untold damage. “B-12 deficiency, undiagnosed and untreated, wreaks havoc,” he declared. This “havoc” took many forms: • Moodiness • Low energy • A heart-damaging buildup of homocysteine • High cholesterol He would talk about patients who, with Sublingual B-12, went from moodiness and lethargy to enthusiasm and energy... older people, sent to nursing homes because they were disruptive and difficult, becoming “functional human beings again”... heart patients having their blood pressure and cholesterol levels stabilized. A key element in Dr. Libby’s Sublingual B-12 is its unique delivery system: “sublingual” means under the tongue, where the tablets dissolve and get quickly into the bloodstream. This is crucial to maximum absorption and maximum benefit. Dramatic effects, and a change of career In my own medical practice, I found the same kinds of patient results that Dr. Libby witnessed years before. In fact, that’s how I came to be associated with TriVita and Sublingual B-12. For years, my medical practice specialized in treating the elderly. Patients would come into my office complaining that they had no energy, felt “low” and depressed and they would beg for B-12 “shots.” After their shots they became so much more alive, so much more well, that I changed course in my career. B-12 update by Dr. Scott Conard dr. libby’s legacy of pioneering continues How Vitamin B-12 became a mainstay of wellness 6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Dr.Libbybroughthisdepthofknowledge toTriVita’searlyTVprogramming.
  • 7. 1-800-991-7116 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness. Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITA I founded TienaHealth to focus on preventive medicine, convinced that the way to make a difference in people’s lives was to help them get the vitamins and nutrients they need before health issues arise. After the world lost Dr. Libby in 2002, I began speaking up about Sublingual B-12 for TriVita, and am proud to continue today. My own experience has shown me the truth of Dr. Libby’s statement: “It’s so fulfilling, so gratifying to be involved with this (Sublingual B-12)... and with the right company, TriVita.” On his original infomercial, Dr. Libby would gesture toward the phone banks and say, “When I see the phones light up it reminds me of the song, ‘You Light Up My Life.’ That’s how I feel when I see those lights; people’s lives are lighting up.” Having seen so many lives “light up” with Sublingual B-12, I can only say I whole- heartedly agree. TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints TriVita Super SPECIALPRICE SUCCESS STORIES “ mood had changed, my thinking was clearer and my energy level had increased tremendously.” “I had an opportunity to attend TriVita’s Galaxy of Stars event. That first morning my team leader saw me and he noticed my facial tension. He gave me a sample of TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12, and encouraged me to try it. I began to feel a quick change in my mood. Later I took another Super B-12 during the afternoon session, and I was acutely aware of an even greater change in my mental clarity, mood and energy. When I came back for the Galaxy of Stars the following day, my friend marveled at how much more relaxed I looked. She also noticed that my mood had changed, my thinking was clearer and my energy level had increased tremendously. When my team leader saw me again, he noticed the difference too. Later that week I went to church, and several people noticed that I looked more relaxed and comfortable. Now I really realize that I must make this product a priority. Thank you, TriVita!” – maRJoRie H. pHoeniX, aZ For maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita’Super Sublingual B-12 For maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12
  • 8. Counting too many sheep? Poor sleep can lead to heart trouble Tochigi, Japan If you have high blood pressure and don’t get a lot of sleep, you may be at increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Researchers in Japan discovered that people with high blood pressure who slept less than 7.5 hours per night had a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke – 68% higher. The study, which appeared in the November 2008 Archives of Internal Medicine, followed 1,255 adults for an average of four years, monitoring their blood pressure as well as sleep patterns. Participants were between 33 and 97 years old, with an average age of 70. Typically, blood pressure drops during the night. However, those who experienced no drop in blood pressure – in addition to short sleep – had four times the risk of cardiovascular problems. Researchers suggest that a lack of sleep contributes to increased nervous system activity during the day, which can stress the cardiovascular system. Blood pressure that doesn’t drop during the night can have a similar effect on the nervous system. Tune in to this: joyful music can make your heart happy Baltimore, Maryland Listening to music that makes you happy can be good for your cardiovascular system, according to researchers from the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Center in Baltimore. In the study, the emotions aroused by joyful music caused tissue in the inner lining of blood vessels to expand, which helps increase blood flow. Participants were asked to choose music that brought them joy and music that made them feel anxious. After listening to the joyful music, participants experienced an average 26% increase in blood vessel diameter. After listening to music that made them anxious, blood vessels narrowed an average of six percent. The results of the study were presented at the Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association in November 2008. Fat around the heart may increase heart attack risk Winston-Salem, North Carolina Having excess fat around your heart may increase your risk of heart attack, researchers reported in the August 2008 issue of the journal Obesity. The study investigated whether a link exists between fat deposits around the heart (pericardial fat) and calcified coronary plaque in the arteries. Although calcified plaque isn’t a risk factor in itself, it is associated with fatty deposits that can lead to heart attack and stroke. Researchers studied 159 people (55 to 74 years old), measuring the amount of fat around their hearts. Those with the highest levels of fat were over four times more likely to have calcified coronary plaque. Body mass index and waist circumference were unrelated to levels of calcified coronary plaque. “Our findings suggest that local fat deposits, rather than total body fat, are most related to calcified coronary plaque,” said Jingzhong Ding, M.D., lead researcher and assistant professor of gerontology at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. Further research is needed to learn how to prevent buildup of fat around the heart. See page 12 for information on how to drop excess weight.  8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 9. Eat your way to a healthier heart By Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor N othing matters more than taking good care of your heart. We can keep ourselves in shape by getting regular exercise, not smoking and controlling stress. Just as important: eating a variety of nutritious, heart-healthy foods that make up a healthy diet. Where to start? Increase these “super foods” to eat your way to a healthier heart. Blueberries: They top the list as one of the most powerful disease-fighting foods. That’s because they contain anthocyanins, the antioxidant responsible for their dark blue color. These delicious jewels are packed with fiber, Vitamin C and heart-healthy potassium. Regularly add them into your diet in yogurt, trail mix, salads, cereal, in your favorite Leanology® shake or just by themselves. Salmon: This cold-water fish is a great source of protein and is also packed with heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids. The American Heart Association advises eating salmon and other Omega-3 rich foods twice a week for benefits that go beyond heart health. Make sure your salmon is wild caught to avoid toxic heavy metals and lack of nutrients that can be found in farm-raised salmon. Recipe Idea: Marinate salmon in a lime, onion, garlic and soy sauce mixture for 15 minutes before grilling for a delicious fish taco or grilled fish sandwich. oatmeal: Oats are nourishing whole grains and a great source of vitamins, minerals and cholesterol-lowering fiber. Research shows that oats lower cholesterol levels, keep you regular and may help protect against certain cancers. Recipe Ideas: Add oats whenever you bake. Substitute oat flour for white or wheat flour in pancakes, muffins, quick breads, cookies and coffee cakes for an added dose of fiber. Or try oats in place of bread crumbs in dishes such as meatloaf, meatballs or breading on poultry. Kale: Even mightier than spinach, kale is the powerhouse of the vegetable kingdom. Its rich, dark color comes from the multiple phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals (especially folate and iron) it contains that fight disease, protect the heart and preserve your eyesight. To top it off, kale is also the “king of calcium” – it delivers the highest absorbable form of calcium possible. Recipe Idea: Mix kale with pine nuts and raisins, then stuff into winter squash and bake for a colorful, delicious main or side dish. Even easier – sauté with garlic and olive oil. Flaxseed: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, phytoestrogens and fiber, this powerful seed is most effective when it is ground up and stored away from light, heat and air. Studies suggest that flaxseed lowers the risk of blood clots, stroke and irregular heartbeat. It may also help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides. Menu Idea: Ground flaxseed works easily in all sorts of foods – on top of salads or soup, in yogurt parfaits, smoothies or morning cereal. almonds and walnuts: These nuts are high in plant Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin E, magnesium, folate, fiber, heart-favorable mono- and polyunsaturated fats and phytosterols. Menu Idea: Mix a few almonds (and berries) into low-fat yogurt, trail mix or fruit salads, and add walnuts to salads, pastas, cookies, muffins and even pancakes for a flavorful crunch. Brown rice: Contains high levels of B-complex vitamins and magnesium, which nourish our central nervous system. Vitamin B-12 (folate) and Vitamin B-6 protect against Christa orecchio The American Heart Association advises eating salmon and other Omega-3 rich foods twice a week for benefits that go beyond heart health. Add oats whenever you bake. Substitute oat flour for Recipe Idea: nuts and raisins, then stuff into Flaxseed: Omega-3 fatty acids, lignans, phytoestrogens and fiber, this powerful seed is most effective when it is ground up and stored away from light, heat and air. Studies suggest that flaxseed lowers the risk of blood clots, stroke Article continued on page 23... February 2009 l 9
  • 10. HCY Guard® #30460 Non-Member $29.99 Member $23.99 Redeem with 240 VitaPoints Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. High homocysteine levels can wreak havoc! • HCY Guard has been clinically-proven to lower dangerous homocysteine levels 30-40% in just 42 days • Taken daily, HCY Guard ensures that you continue to maintain healthy homocysteine levels • HCY Guard has an exclusive blend of nutrients, specifically chosen for their ability to protect against homocysteine escaping into your bloodstream D o you have a regular blood test for homocysteine (HCY) levels? Many healthcare providers believe that homocysteine levels are a more accurate indicator of Vitamin B-12 blood levels than a B-12 blood test. Here’s why: The blood level of Vitamin B-12 is discovered by taking a number of people (usually fewer than 100) and testing their blood levels. These people are chosen at random and are reasonably healthy, showing no obvious signs of disease. All of their blood test results are added together and an average from the entire group serves as a midline. Usually, both the lowest and highest numbers of responding people are eliminated. The next lowest number and the next highest number are used as the lower and upper limits for that test at that lab. That is one reason why different labs may have different “normal” values. That is the simplified version of how highs and lows are discovered for nutrients like B-12. Can you see the flaws in this kind of thinking? First, I do not want to be compared to the average person on the street. I want to be compared to the healthiest people around. My goal is to have abundant energy and be disease resistant. Therefore, I want to be compared to the people who have already achieved those benchmarks. Second, we know that people with “normal” levels of B-12 often have high levels of homocysteine and low moods. Both mood and HCY levels improve when we supplement with the right kind of B-12. That means that the lab values for what should be considered “low” are too low. It also tells us that what is considered “high” is likewise erroneous. High lab values for B-12 are based on the survey of “normal” people. We know that normal in our culture does not reflect our health aspirations! ideal B-12 levels If you have read our Weekly Wellness Reports regularly you know that there are different types of B-12 that do different jobs. For instance, cyanocobalamin is a complete form of B-12 that nourishes the brain and nerves. Methylcobalamin is a B-12 enzyme that detoxifies homocysteine in the liver and kidneys. The best way to tell if you need cyanoco- balamin is if you have “brain fog” that lifts when you take TriVita® Sublingual B-12. The best way to tell if you need methylco- balamin is to have your blood tested for homocysteine levels. The normal value for homocysteine is between 4 and 8, with the ideal number being 6.3. Any value higher than 8 indicates that you need the methylco- balamin and other methylation cycle nutrients found in TriVita’s HCY Guard® – regardless of what your actual B-12 blood test says. Dr. Dwight Lundell’s excellent article on medical marketing in this issue of the VitaJournal speaks directly to the nature of this controversy. According to Dr. Lundell, it’s not how much cholesterol you have in your blood that matters, it is how inflamed the arteries are and how oxidized the LDL (bad) cholesterol is that gives people heart attacks. Similarly, it is not how much B-12 you have in your blood test that tells you if you have enough. Instead, it is how effective the type of B-12 is at reducing the harmful, deadly levels of elevated homocysteine. HCY update Brazos Minshew’s experience as TriVita’s Chief Science Officer makes him uniquely suited to not only advise VitaJournal readers on the dangers of homocysteine, but how the B vitamins can lower HCY. Don’t be misled by B-12 blood tests homocysteine levels are a more reliable indicator of disease risk By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew ChiefScienceOfficer Heart HealthySavings! Buy One HCY Guard get the second one 50% oFF good through 2-28-09
  • 11. 1-800-991-7116 Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... I am very excited about the development and introduction of our new product line Sonoran Bloom™, which we have been working on for the last two years. In fact, I am so enthusiastic about the wellness benefits of these products, that we are going to 30 cities in a pre-launch campaign to introduce the product to our Members. We will be giving a 32-ounce bottle of the delicious Opuntia liquid concentrate FREE to each person who attends. We want to hear about the amazing results our Members will experience from the product. This product has helped people with arthritis, joint and back pain, foot pain, muscle soreness, and overall aches and pains that are caused by inflammation. This product addresses the hottest issue in medical research today: inflammation. Inflammation is being linked to many diseases. It weakens the body and enables disease to set in. You will learn a lot about what you can do to reduce and monitor inflammation. Our mission is to inspire people to experience wellness and create wealth for their life purposes! Helping people live a vibrant and healthy life is why TriVita was founded. Let us help you! There will also be a brief introduction of the income opportunity for Affiliates who want to share information with those they know and care about. TriVita is proud of the way we do business with our customers in that we provide opportunities based on the desires of each Member: opportunities to simply purchase products for their own wellness as well as the chance to be involved with the sharing opportunity. It is simple and rewarding to help someone enjoy and experience greater wellness with TriVita products. If you want to know more about this product in our pre- launch campaign and our mission of helping people experience wellness, please plan to join us in a city near you. On page 30, you will find a listing of some of the cities we will be visiting. Make 2009 your year of experiencing greater wellness and take someone with you on your wellness journey! Our mission is to inspire people to experience wellness and create wealth for their life purposes! Helping people live a vibrant and healthy life is why TriVita was founded. Let us help you! February 2009 l 11 In the midst of a family crisis, it can be difficult to keep relatives and friends informed. With trips to the hospital, fatigue and the accompanying emotional stress, calling everyone in your address book can be a challenge. Fortunately, free online resources are available to help you easily keep everyone up-to-date. CaringBridge One online resource dedicated to providing free websites for people going through health crises is Founded in 1997, CaringBridge is a nonprofit Web service that helps keep families and friends connected during difficult times. Over 150,000 families have created personal websites – and over half a billion people have visited the site. You can create a site for yourself or a loved one. Some of the health crises that have prompted people to create CaringBridge websites include: • Cancer treatment • Long-term illness • Hospice care • War injury • Premature birth • Stroke • Car accidents • International adoption • Rehabilitation The site was created to be user-friendly, so that everyone in the family – even those new to the Internet – won’t have problems accessing the information. The personal websites are private; they can’t be found via search engines and you control your privacy settings. Website features The website offers ways for you to inform others of the latest developments, as well as allowing them to offer words of support and encouragement. There is also a photo gallery option available. How you can help Even if you’re not experiencing a crisis, you can help spread the word about this free service. • Tell everyone you know about this resource; they may know someone who could use it • Go online and download brochures to hand out; you can also request that materials be sent to you • If you have a website or blog, link to • If you’ve benefited from CaringBridge, share it with others tiPS FOR HealtHY CaReGivinG If you are a caregiver, it can be easy to lose sight of your own personal needs. Take care of yourself, as well as the person in your care. • take time for yourself – it’s easy to get burned out and lose sight of your own needs. Reserve some time each day for yourself. One option is respite care; someone comes to your house and takes care of the patient for a few hours while you are away. • Share the load – many caregivers internalize all their stress and conflicting emotions. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others; support groups are available. Have a HeartCommunicating in times of crisis
  • 12. trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness A s you probably know, a big risk for heart disease is excessive weight. Not only does it increase the strain on the heart but it also contributes to high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. A high-fat diet combined with little or no exercise is a major factor in rising cholesterol levels and heart disease. In the United States, approximately one-third of the adult population weighs 20% or more over their ideal weight. Can losing weight lower your cholesterol levels? Being overweight has been shown to increase total cholesterol levels. It can also cause your cholesterol levels to get out of balance, raising levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol that clogs blood vessels and lowering levels of HDL (good) cholesterol by raising blood pressure and straining the heart. Do you weigh more than you should? Most of us have done the simple “mirror test” – we simply look in the mirror and see if we are overweight. If you can pinch an inch at your waist, chances are you need to lose weight. Also, if you weigh 10 to 15 pounds more than you did when you were 20, you may need to drop some weight with the help of the Leanology® Weight Loss System and lifestyle changes. What is your ideal weight? Your ideal weight is determined by lean body mass (everything but fat) plus the amount of fat you need for good health. This ranges from 10%-18% of total body weight for men and 18%-25% of total body weight for women. A health profes- sional can estimate your own percentage by measuring your body fat with a skinfold caliper. How body shape impacts heart health Recent research suggests that heart health can be affected as much by body shape as by weight. For example, people whose waists are nearly as large as or larger than their hips have a higher rate of heart disease. To determine your waist-to-hip ratio, measure your waist just above the navel. Measure your hips at their widest. Divide your waist measure- ment by your hip measurement. A waist-to-hip ratio greater than 0.8 for women and 0.95 for men indicates higher heart disease risk. The different kinds of body fat – and their importance Some of us carry excess weight in the hips and thighs while others carry it in the abdominal area. Several studies have indicated that excess fat in the abdominal area is more likely to cause health problems such as high cholesterol levels. Since the measurement around your waistline reflects your level of abdominal fat, a waist measurement can provide a good clue to whether you have too much upper body fat. You may have too much abdominal fat if your waist measure- ment exceeds: • 40 inches for men • 35 inches for women Fat around the heart may increase heart attack risk A recent study from Wake Forest University indicates that having excess fat around the heart may also be a health risk. Even a thin person can have fat around the heart. Pericardial fat, or stores of fat around the heart, is known to cause higher secretion of inflamma- tory substances, which may accelerate the development of heart disease. Weight control tips • Eat more high-fiber foods, including fruits and grains. • Use non-fat or low-fat dairy products. • Eat only lean meats, fish, skinless poultry and low-fat vegetable proteins such as tofu. • Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. • Keep serving sizes moderate and avoid second helpings. • Get regular physical activity. Even a brisk walk is great exercise. • Limit sugary desserts and soft drinks. • Limit alcohol consumption. • Celebrate your successes with non-food treats, such as a weekend getaway, a massage or a new look or hairstyle. Since February is Heart Health Month, there’s never been a better time to get your weight and your health under control. lose weight, lighten up... to help your heart! dropping excess fat is an important first step to reducing your heart disease risk
  • 13. 1-800-991-7116 lose the Weight You Want – in 3 easy Steps! STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #30615 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shakes (15 shakes per 2 lb bag) Flavors: Creamy Vanilla, Dutch Chocolate and Mixed Berry Non-Member $56.99 Member $44.99 Redeem with 450 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: •WeightLossCapsules(1bottle) •NutritionalShakes(1bag) •AppetiteControlChews(2bags) one Free Bag of Chews Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $129.99 Redeem with 1300 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! Wendy lives in Towson, MD with her husband, David, and owns a tea room called The Casual Cup. She started preparing for bariatric bypass weight loss surgery in the fall of 2007. “I’ve fought weight issues most of my adult life,” Wendy says. “Having tipped the scales at just over 220 pounds and getting less-than- favorable news from the doctor about my cholesterol, blood glucose and triglycerides, he and I knew that something had to be done.” In addition to reaching her 50th birthday and dealing with the effects of menopause, she felt like she was losing control of her body and mind. A 70 pound weight loss was Wendy’s ultimate goal. Then fate took a turn for the better when she confided in a local TriVita® Member, who frequented Wendy’s tea room. “When I mentioned to her that I was preparing for weight loss surgery, she asked me to please wait and consider using a new product that TriVita would be introducing in the fall of 2007,” Wendy recalls. “I agreed to look at the information about Leanology, since I knew that the earliest I would be having surgery would be March of 2008.” By that point she had already taken just about every diet pill around, counted the points, shaken the shake and disco boogied with Richard Simmons. Says Wendy, “I was willing to try something else since I knew that the final victory in this weight battle would be at the hands of the bariatric surgeon, just months away.” She tried Leanology shakes and capsules and was immediately pleased. The shakes were filling and left no unpleasant aftertaste found in so many other shake products. Leanology Chews helped curb cravings and tasted great. Wendy’s energy level also started improving – an absolute necessity to keep up with her busy tea room. “I started losing some weight – 10 pounds or so and the next thing I knew, I was getting better reports from the doctor about my cholesterol and other important levels,” she notes. “I then added Energy Now!® to my daily Leanology regimen. More weight started coming off and I’ve now lost 30 pounds. Admittedly, it’s been a slow process which I know would speed up if I exercised more. However, my cholesterol numbers and blood pressure numbers are all in the good range. “I would encourage anyone to try Leanology products whether you need to lose a little or a lot of weight,” she concludes. “I’m well on my way to my ultimate weight loss goal... 70 pounds and I’m just thrilled by my progress!” After taking Leanology® Wendy stopped her plans for weight loss surgery Wendy has lost 30pounds! SUCCESS STORIES
  • 14. trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Quick: What’s your blood pressure (BP)? If you have no idea, you might also be in the dark about some serious effects of unmanaged high blood pressure (HBP), also called hypertension. Grave conditions like heart disease, heart failure, stroke and kidney failure can be caused by HBP, so it’s important to know where you stand. Just what is blood pressure? It’s the force of blood pushing against our artery walls as our heart pumps out blood. If this pressure is too high for too long, it can damage our arteries, over-work our heart and damage other major organs. What’s worse: HBP usually has no symptoms, so you might be unaware of the damage it’s doing. Get to know your numbers When a blood pressure measurement is taken, two things are measured: systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. This is then expressed as a number, such as 120/70 (120 over 70). The first number, systolic, is the pressure when the heart is pumping blood; the second number, diastolic, is the pressure when the heart rests between beats. This table from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute shows normal numbers for adults (18 and over), and which numbers put you at greater risk for health problems. Categories for blood pressure levels in adults Note: If you have diabetes or chronic kidney disease, HBP is defined as 130/80 or higher. HBP numbers also differ for children and teens. Age does make a difference: blood pressure tends to rise as we get older, making it even more important to keep it under control. If you’re a male older than 45 or a female older than 55, your risk for HBP is higher. About one-third of U.S. adults have HBP. “White coat hypertension”: truth or myth? There is a real health syndrome called “white coat hypertension” that has to do with medical checkups. Some people’s blood pressure readings are high only when they visit their healthcare provider’s office because they’re nervous or anxious. In these cases, the person might be asked to monitor their blood pressure at home, or to wear a device for a short time that takes blood pressure every 30 minutes. If you’re familiar enough with your numbers to know that your first reading is high (you may have to ask), request another reading at the end of your visit. Taking the pressure off If you have HBP, your healthcare provider may recommend lifestyle changes to help keep it under control, including: • Following a healthy eating plan • Getting enough physical activity • Maintaining a healthy weight • Quitting smoking • Managing and learning to cope with stress As research continues into HBP, science is also discovering some “tasty” ways to help take the pressure off, including these fascinating findings: • Steering clear of table salt? Don’t pass on the potassium or magnesium at the same time. A recent review in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension found that the numbers go down when we boost our intake of fruits and vegetables like squash, bananas, dates and spinach. • Chocolate-lovers, rejoice: Yale University researchers have found more evidence that antioxidants in dark chocolate can help lower BP. If you don’t know your blood pressure, February’s Heart Health Month is the perfect time to give your heart a “valentine”: find out and, if needed, take action.  Category Systolic (top number) Diastolic (bottom number) Normal Less than 120 And Less than 80 Prehypertension 120–139 Or 80–89 High blood pressure Stage 1 140–159 Or 90–99 Stage 2 160 or higher Or 100 or higher Give your heart a valentineManage blood pressure to help manage your health
  • 15. improve and Protect your eyesight! VisionGuard is formulated using the latest science. Each serving of TriVita’s VisionGuard has 20 milligrams of lutein, the most important nutrient for healthy eyesight. Plus, we’ve added other eye-specific antioxidants to help your eyes defend themselves against time and damaging pollutants. TRY IT TODAY! CALL 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at VisionGuard #30570 Non-Member $34.99 Member $27.99 Redeem with 280 VitaPoints This month is AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month, a good time to keep an eye on your eye health. Certainly, loss of vision can be one of the most debilitating conditions you face. By taking care of your eyes and recognizing the symptoms of certain eye conditions, you can help preserve the precious gift of sight. age-related macular degeneration Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 60, according to the National Eye Institute. It may come on quickly, but typically, it progresses slowly. AMD affects the macula (located in the retina), which allows you to see sharp detail. There are two forms of AMD: dry and wet. • Dry AMD – cells in the macula break down, blurring vision. • Wet AMD – abnormal blood vessels grow under the macula and leak blood and other fluids, which move the macula from its normal place. Damage occurs quickly; wet AMD is also called advanced AMD. Signs of aMD Dry AMD starts with blurred vision and can eventually progress to a blind spot in the center of the field of vision. The most common symptom of wet AMD is straight lines appearing wavy. Those with wet AMD may also experience a small blind spot. low vision Do you have a hard time doing everyday tasks – even with glasses, contact lenses, medicine or surgery? The problem may be what the National Eye Institute describes as “low vision.” Low vision can be caused by birth defects or injury, or result from eye disorders and conditions such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts and diabetes. Signs of low vision If you or someone you know experiences any of the following, it could be a sign of low vision: • Trouble reading street signs • Trouble doing things at home or work because the lights seem dimmer • Trouble recognizing the faces of friends and family • Trouble with close work such as reading, sewing or picking out matching clothes If any of the symptoms of AMD or low vision occur, it’s time to make an appointment with an eye care professional. Encourage friends and family with these symptoms to do the same. It’s important that these eye conditions be identified early; it can mean the difference between successful treatment and lost vision. Protect your eye health now Even if you don’t have these conditions, you can never be too careful when it comes to vision health; don’t wait for blurry or impaired vision before taking steps to protect your eyesight. • Get your eyes checked. The American Optometric Association recommends eye exams according to the following schedule: • 18-60 years: every 2 years • 61+ years: every year • Those who wear glasses or contacts: every year • Good eats for good eyes. Studies have shown that nutrients found in colorful fruits and vegetables may help reduce your risk of eye problems. • Supplement with eye-protective nutrients. TriVita’s VisionGuard was formulated with important nutrients that have been shown to nourish the eyes and help keep eyesight strong. Keep an Eye on Your Vision Watch for the signs of these life-changing conditions SUCCESS STORIES “ vision had actually improved...” “I have glaucoma. I noticed my vision was not as good as it had been. Just after seeing my doctor, I ordered VisionGuard. After taking it for three months, I went back to see him, and he was going to check my cataracts. Well, at this visit, he said that my vision had actually improved, and that he didn’t need to do anything about the cataracts at this time. Plus, I could see the vision charts better. The only change I made was adding the VisionGuard to my daily routine.” – Jan b. Due wesT, sC
  • 16. W ith his white hair and half-smile, Alfred F. Libby, M.D., Ph.D., nutraceutical pioneer, looks like a gentle soul. That kind, grandfatherly face (you’ve seen his photos in the VitaJournal and TriVita’s® catalogs) could be deceptive, though: it hid a spirit so strong, so fierce, that he defied the medical establishment – and triumphed. Dr. Libby, of course, is famed for his work with two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Ph.D., who was often called “The Father of Vitamin C.” Dr. Libby earned five doctorates and is recognized as one of the world’s pioneering authorities on therapeutic nutrition. Thanks to him, through TriVita, the world has Sublingual B-12, Non-Acidic Vitamin C (now Vital C in the U.S.), Balanced Woman®, VitaCal-Mag D™ and Digestive Complex. And in large part because of him, the world also has a more compassionate understanding of substance abusers. Dr. Libby was awarded a Doctor of Humanities Degree by the World Congress on Health for his research into using Vitamin C against drug addiction. Dr. Libby “stood up for what he believed was right, and openly opposed what he believed was wrong,” recalls Carolyn Libby, his widow. One example: In the early 1970s the U.S. Congress was in the process of restricting the sale of over-the-counter nutrients. After hearing testimony by Dr. Libby and Dr. Pauling, Congress eased up. About the same time, Dr. Libby encountered a young man on methadone, a drug used to treat drug addictions. He wanted to help, and soon opened a door into research on substance abuse that would become his life quest. In that era, Carolyn recalls, “The prevailing attitude was ‘us against them.’ Nowhere in medicine were patients treated with such disregard as people struggling with drugs or alcohol,” she says. But Dr. Libby, believing that every person deserved to be treated with respect, followed his passion to find answers. The treatment protocols he developed through study, research and “practice” were truly revolutionary and are in use today. Dr. Libby’s decades of research made him “absolutely convinced that God, in His infinite love and mercy, left the healing herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for our... good health.” For those who knew him only through his TriVita infomer- cials, which began in 2000, it’s “I am absolutely convinced that God, in His infinite love and mercy, left the healing herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids for our use in order to maintain good health.” – Alfred F. Libby, M.D. Carolyn Libby salutes her “warrior for the sick“ trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Dr. Alfred Libby in 1978 Dr. Alfred Libby: The fierce heart of a great man
  • 17. reaffirming to know that he also said this: “Following the concepts outlined and so wonderfully expressed by TriVita, your pathway to maintaining, or regaining, your good health is assured.” “I saw him as the best doctor on the planet,” says Carolyn, a view that was shared by many. “Early in our life together he said to me, ‘You will say of your husband, he was fierce.’ And he was. He was a warrior for the sick and for those bound by addictions. He fought for their well-being.” (Editor’s note: After Dr. Libby’s death in 2002, Scott Conard, M.D., stepped into the Sublingual B-12 infomercials. A champion of preventive health, Dr. Conard has a monthly column about B-12 in the VitaJournal; see page 6). Carolyn Libby starts a new chapter of sharing wellness For years, Carolyn Libby’s mission was to stand by her late husband, Dr. Alfred Libby, as he pioneered the use of nutrients for health (he was the inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12; see page 7). When he died in 2002 she found a new mission, serving the poor and sick in Africa. Now, she’s adding a new chapter to her life of commitment and purpose: she’s among TriVita’s newest Business Affiliates. Soon she’ll return from one of her semi-annual trips to Uganda, comforting those stricken with HIV/AIDS, and she’ll pick right up spreading the TriVita message of health and wellness from her California home. “Countless people I know have been using TriVita products for years,” she says. “It’s an honor for me to now be representing TriVita.” As you might expect, Carolyn has been a long-time advocate of exercise, healthy eating and supplementation. Her daily list of health-boosters is topped by Sublingual B-12 and Vitamin C (in the formulas created by her late husband), along with his other formulations: VitaCal-Mag D™, Balanced Woman and Digestive Complex. She also takes CoEnzyme Q-10 and Adaptogen 10 Plus®. “Nutrients have been my life. They’re the heart of everything.” Asked to single out one most important product, Carolyn responds “The Vitamin C crystals, hands down. Alfred always said that Vitamin C is life itself.” Also, she adds with a laugh, “If he is looking down from heaven at this moment, I had just better say Vitamin C!” She’s serious about the message of health, though. “TriVita’s emphasis on wellness and faith are exactly parallel with my beliefs and, indeed, my life experiences with Alfred,” she notes. As one who started her own wellness journey decades ago, Carolyn says, “Nutrients have been my life. They’re the heart of everything.” Like Dr. Libby, Carolyn has a heart for those in need. Just two days after Dr. Libby died, Carolyn met a missionary, and the work of helping others “scooped me up... it took over. A new season began in my life.” Now she visits the villages, hospitals and prisons in Uganda, traveling solo, praying for hours with people who desperately need hope and providing HIV/AIDS education. When Carolyn visits, Ugandan villagers “line up for prayer, even though many don’t understand my language.” Better than most, Carolyn knows how blessed many people in Western nations truly are. “It is shocking to learn that only a small minority of the people on this earth have sufficient food to eat each day, clean water to drink and a sheltered place to sleep in safety. God blesses us so that we can share it with others. That’s what life is really about, isn’t it?” Sharing a vision, beginning a mission When she returns home, Carolyn will embrace her new mission as an Affiliate with the same conviction. She and Dr. Libby became involved with TriVita not long after the company began, and she has high praise for CEO Michael Ellison. “Michael’s vision has built a magnificent company, dedicated to building healthy lives through cutting- edge products and a strong foundation of integ- rity,” she says. “Today, I am thankful to be a part of this God-ordained company.” To those who are more recent members of the TriVita family, this “new” Business Affiliate has spirited words: “You are now part of a most extraordinary mission. You can trust the leadership of this company to present the truth and provide the very finest quality nutrients.” If you think that sounds like a woman on a mission, you’re right.  1-800-991-7116 February 2009 l 17 Dr. Alfred & Carolyn Libby in 2001 “You are now part of a most extraordinary mission. You can trust the leadership of this company to present the truth and provide the very finest quality nutrients.”
  • 18. F alling in love... such a powerful emotion that has inspired countless artists to paint masterpieces, composers to create unforgettable music and authors to write best-selling novels. Love in other languages Languages from around the world have a phrase of their own that expresses this intense emotion called love. Here is a small sampling of phrases that express I love you in other languages: Chinese, Wo ai ni; Hawaiian, Aloha wau la oe; Romanian, Te iubesc; and Hebrew, Ani ohev otakh, to mention just a few. No matter which language is spoken, I love you is the most beautiful phrase anyone could say to another person. However, falling in love is assisted by the hormone, oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the “love hormone” by social scientists. This normally stable hormone is released in excess during hugging and pleasant physical touch, which helps humans bond and attach. But, don’t count on the “love hormone” to be there for the long haul. You become immune to it in about 18 months. After the love hormone tapers off, love becomes a matter of choice and maintenance. It takes more than falling in love to establish a lasting relationship. In North America, February 14 has been set aside to express our love for others. In honor of this day, I have chosen the top 14 attributes of enduring relationships that consistently appear in scientific research studies. And you will notice love is not at the top of the list. 14 attributes of lasting relationships 1. Communication 2. Trust 3. Commitment 4. Love 5. Intimacy 6. Acceptance 7. Shared values 8. Selflessness 9. Consideration 10. Kindness 11. Mutual understanding 12. Reciprocal respect 13. Laughter 14. Forgiveness Communication: #1 key to a long- lasting friendship and marriage When both people get their needs met in a relationship, then that relationship is going to be successful. Each partner needs to communicate his or her needs. If you think that you shouldn’t have to tell your partner, he or she should just know, then think again. Most people are not mind readers. Everyone needs to feel valued and important. Lack of attention and neglect can make your partner feel as if you no longer care, which will then allow your partner to hold things in and not discuss issues. This will lead to an unhappy marriage and unresolved concerns. Take time each year for an annual relationship checkup I would suggest going away for a weekend once a year for a “relationship checkup” to assess the status of your relationship. Go over the 14 attributes and see how well you are doing in each of the categories. Give time for each person to talk about what makes him or her feel valued and important, as well as to talk freely about any concerns. Marriage is about imperfect people doing their best to nurture and care for one another in love. This includes all the essentials we’ve been talking about. Trust, commitment, intimacy, reciprocal respect, togetherness and maintaining a positive focus are attributes that cultivate lasting love – a truly, forever relationship.  Attributes of Lasting Relationships by Dr. Judy “Well,itseemstomethatthebestrelationships–theonesthatlast–are frequentlytheonesthatarerootedinfriendship.Youknow,onedayyoulook atthepersonandyouseesomethingmorethanyoudidthenightbefore.Like aswitchhasbeenflickedsomewhere.Andthepersonwhowasjustafriendis... suddenlytheonlypersonyoucaneverimagineyourselfwith.” – Gillian Anderson Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a success coach, author, motivational speaker and psychologist. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
  • 19. A t this time of year, the signs of romantic love are everywhere. We’re urged to give Valentine’s Day gifts of flowers, chocolates, perfume, jewelry, and, of course, cards. Even my granddaughter, in her first year of school, got caught up in the fun of exchanging Valentines with her classmates. But I must admit that she made me pause when she looked at all the cards ready for her to sign and said, “Granddad, these all say ‘I love you.’ What is love, really?” And isn’t that the question of the ages? What is love, really? The Bible talks about four kinds of love: parental, brother-sister, husband-wife and agape love. Agape love is that pure, uncondi- tional love that has no expectation of return. God’s love for us is real agape love. Scripture tells us that He loves us forever... no conditions: “Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever” – Psalm 136:2. So, I told my grand- daughter that love is wanting the very best for someone without getting anything in return. “If God was giving out Valentine cards in your class,” I said, “He would give them all without expecting any in return.” What is love? The Bible describes it in detail for us, in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” your body, His Temple 1 Cor. 6:19-20 “Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13:8 Walking with God, seeing through the eyes of love by Chaplain Gene Henderson That’s quite a list, and most of us will come up short sometimes – even with those who are most precious to us. With our loved ones, and with people not so close to us, God is telling us that when others don’t motivate us to walk in love, when we find them downright unloveable, that the way to find grace is through God’s eyes. We can choose how we see others (and ourselves). When we see through our human eyes, with all our shortcomings, biases, judgments and faults, that’s what we see in others: shortcomings, biases, judgments and faults. But when we look through God’s eyes, and not our own, we can see with love. look through His loving eyes By walking with God and looking through His loving eyes, we can see the truth of ourselves and others with all our imperfections, but we can also see the reasons why we act as we do. I’m not suggesting that we turn a blind eye to bad behaviors and pretend that things are fine when they aren’t. While it may be difficult, I am suggesting that we try to rise above our own flawed selves and let our Creator’s goodness direct our eyes. In a way, it’s like looking through different filters. With our everyday human filters, we color our vision of the world with all of our own attitudes, assumptions and perspectives. But when we see through God’s eyes, the eyes of love look with compassion, patience, kindness... all those wonderful attributes we read in 1 Corinthians. During this month of celebrating love, and always, remember that God’s love never fails. We can strive to love ourselves and others with that same unconditional, agape love. When we see through God’s eyes, the eyes of love look with compassion, patience, kindness... 1-800-991-7116 By walking with God and looking through His loving eyes, we can see the truth of ourselves and others with all our imperfections... February 2009 l 19
  • 20. trivita.com20 l February 2009 Promote heart health with Vital C! • Vital C helps protect the body against heart disease. It also helps build collagen to foster cardiovascular health • Time-Release Crystal Tablets are ideal in the evening to help protect your heart while you sleep • Powdered Crystals are easy to take – simply mix into your favorite beverage • Maximum absorption and potency • Easy to digest and gentle on the body (non-acidic/neutral pH) Take Crystal Tablets and Powdered Crystals for 24-hour protection. Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. are you prepared for a heart attack emergency? Check your knowledge with this fact sheet from the national heart, lung and blood institute Discomfort or a heavy feeling in the chest can signal a heart attack. TRUE: Chest pain is the most commonly reported heart attack symptom. But the pain may not feel severe or “stabbing.” It may feel more like a discomfort. Chest discomfort may be accompanied by or follow shortness of breath. Discomfort or pain may be felt in other areas of the upper body, such as one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. Other symptoms that can occur include breaking out in a “cold sweat,” nausea or light-headedness. Women do not frequently experience heart attacks. FALSE: Heart disease is the number one killer of American women, and nearly half of all heart attack deaths happen to women. Furthermore, women are less likely to survive a heart attack than are men. (Women are less likely than men to believe they’re having a heart attack and more likely to delay in seeking emergency treatment.) Some people who are experiencing the symptoms of a heart attack may wait hours or even days before seeking needed medical care. TRUE: Many people do not recognize their symptoms as life-threatening. That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs and take action quickly. (See warning signs below.) Being treated within about an hour of the first symptoms can make a significant difference. TRUE: Heart attack deaths and heart damage can often be avoided when treatment begins within an hour of when the symptoms started. Many heart attack victims say their heart attack wasn’t what they’d expected. TRUE: Most people expect a heart attack to be a sudden intense pain, but often heart attacks start slowly as a mild pain. Most heart attacks occur in people over 65. TRUE: However, 45% of all heart attacks occur in people under age 65. And 5% occur in people under age 40. The major issue in delay is how long it takes for emergency medical personnel to find the address and deliver the patient to the hospital. FALSE: The most significant portion of delay time is due to patient delay, the time it takes for an individual to decide to ask for help. Sometimes a patient does not want to believe anything bad is happening and dismisses the seriousness of the symptoms. Sometimes people do not know the symptoms of heart attack. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Vital C Crystals #30170 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints Vital C Tablets #30230 Non-Member $18.99 Member $14.99 Redeem with 150 VitaPoints Heart HealthySavings! Buy One vital C get the second same one 50% oFFgood through 2-28-09 Heart HealthySavings! Heart attack Warning Signs • Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back. The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain. • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body: Can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. • Shortness of breath: Often comes along with chest discomfort. But it can also occur before chest discomfort. • Other symptoms: May include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or light-headedness. note to women: As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. even if you’re not sure it’s a heart attack, you should still have it checked out. Fast action can save lives – maybe your own.
  • 21. 1-800-991-7116 B lack History Month is an annual remembrance of important people and events in the history of the African- American people. It is observed in the United States and Canada during the month of February, and reminds us all of the many significant contributions and advances made by African-Americans. This year’s observance of Black History Month has a special resonance because the United States’ first African- American president, Barack Obama, was inaugurated in January. In addition to honoring achievements, Black History Month is also an apt time to look at some of the healthcare challenges that face African-Americans specifically. With awareness and preventive measures, these challenges can be better faced in the years to come. Happily, the rates for heart disease, breast cancer, infant mortality and teenage pregnancy are down for this group. However, African-Americans are still more likely to develop cancer than other racial or ethnic groups and AIDS and kidney disease remain major killers. It’s true for African-Americans and for all people: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Seeing your healthcare provider regularly and getting proper screenings reduce the health risks for people of all ethnic backgrounds. at risk for several illnesses Several diseases and health issues continue to challenge African-Americans specifically: • African-Americans have a 50% higher prevalence of hypertension (high blood pressure) than the overall population. • The diabetes-related death rate has increased for the total population and even more so, for African-Americans. • African-Americans develop kidney failure about four times more frequently than Caucasians. Both high blood pres- sure and diabetes are the major culprits. • The elderly African-American population still lags behind the total elderly population in immunization rates. • The rate of coronary artery disease among African-Americans has decreased in recent years. However, because this group has higher blood pressure than other ethnic groups, the risk of coronary heart disease remains higher. Here’s how you can take control of your healthcare destiny – regardless of your ethnic background: • Make sure your healthcare provider discusses your health with you and that you form a partnership to maintain your good health. • Looking for a healthcare provider? Studies show that healthcare providers with racial and ethnic background similar to their patients are more likely to have a partnering relationship with their patients. • Don’t be passive. If you don’t understand or agree with your healthcare provider’s recommendations, then don’t be afraid to ask questions. • Follow the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness – found on page 2 of the VitaJournal. These rules for building health allow every one of us to take advantage of our genetic strengths. We all require the same things for health and happiness, no matter where our ancestors came from. The “10 Essentials” are universal. These cherished guidelines apply to men and women everywhere in the world, regardless of their ethnic origin. February 2009 l 21 a special time for african-americans, a great time to address health challenges African-Americans have a 50% higher prevalence of hypertension (high blood pressure) than the overall population. BLACK HISTORY Month
  • 22. What keeps you feeling healthy, happy and blessed? Your answer could earn you a $25 Gift Card! Do you have a tip that enhances your life? Tell us! If we select yours to feature in the VitaJournal, you’ll earn a $25 TriVita® Gift Card! Whether it’s about exercise, eating, TriVita products (which ones stand out?) or The 10 Essentials, tell us about it. Just email us at, or write to: VitaJournal, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste. 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Note: When you submit a letter or email, you are also giving TriVita full rights to it, including the right to publish it in future publications and to edit it as needed. GiftCard $25 Have your New Year’s goals fallen by the wayside? Maybe you’ve even had trouble getting started. Breathe new life into your goals with these tips to help put an end to procrastination – and a beginning to reaching your goals. Prioritize Perhaps you bit off more goals and resolutions than you can chew. Having too many goals can be discouraging – and an easy way to keep you from accomplishing any of them. Review your goals and prioritize them. What’s most important to you? Pick the top one or two and go from there. 1. First things first: commit. Write down your goals. 2. Read them out loud each morning to reinforce your commitment. Take baby steps Didn’t lose 25 pounds in a month? Unrealistic (and unhealthy!) expectations can lead to disappointment, discouragement – and an early end to your goals. Break your objectives down into manageable (healthy) pieces. Here’s an example: • Goal: Fit into last year’s jeans by the end of June • Lose 25 pounds in 4 months • Lose 6 pounds per month • Lose 1.5 pounds per week Make – and meet – deadlines Set timelines so you can track your progress – and reward yourself for your personal victories. Decide which steps you need to take to reach your goals and add them to your daily to-do list. Perhaps your goal is to clean out the attic. Clean in sections, giving yourself a designated amount of time for each section. As you finish each area, mark it off your to-do list. Nothing is more encouraging than checked-off items! Visualize your success Don’t tell yourself, “I’d like to,” say, “I will!” Picture yourself reaching your goals. Write down a list of benefits you’ll gain from reaching your goals. • I will lose the weight by June! • I will be healthier. • I will feel better about myself. Tell a friend Take it a step further than merely telling friends and family about your goals. Set up a time each week for them to check up on you – and encourage you. This will keep you accountable and spur you on. Don’t get discouraged Just because you may have already strayed from your goal, it doesn’t mean you can’t refocus. You can get started on a goal anytime. It doesn’t have to be on January 1. Don’t wait until next year. Each new day is a great day to get started! Get your New Year’s goals back on track... you’ll be happy you did. Not only will you reach your goals, but you’ll also feel a great sense of accomplishment just for sticking to your guns. Don’t put it off any longer; get started today! How are you doing with your new Year’s goals? tips for keeping your resolutions on track
  • 23. When you call to place your next order, ask a Wellness Consultant to include your TriVita All-Occasion Cards and envelopes (12 pack). Call 1-800-991-7116 to order! One package per household. Not available with Web orders. While supplies last. This gift set includes 12 All-Occasion Cards (blank inside) with envelopes, perfect for: • Sending thank-you notes • Wishing a loved one a happy birthday • Saying “I’m thinking about you” • Each card features a different nature shot to brighten up someone’s day with an inspiring quote on the back Ask for your FREE TriVita® All-Occasion Cards! All photos by Bruce W. Heinemann world-renowned photographer a $7.99ValUe! blood clots and atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Niacin (Vitamin B-3) helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol. What about when eating out? Many restaurants do not yet offer things like kale, flaxseed or brown rice. However, there are many choices you can make to support your heart and your health. When dining out, ask that your food be steamed, poached or baked instead of sautéed or fried. Ask for a side of olive oil and lemon to dress it yourself with the “good” fat. When eating salads, request your dressing on the side and choose oil and vinegar whenever possible. Get an extra serving of veggies (broccoli, carrots, spinach) and forego the white rice or potato. Choose lighter sauces vs. cream-based sauces. Also, it’s important to think outside the box. If there is nothing on the menu that speaks to you, make up your own meal from the appetizers and sides that are offered. By choosing heart-healthy foods, the “bad” fats naturally find their way out of our diet and life. Steer clear of margarine or anything labeled trans-fats or fractionated palm kernel oil. Moderate other high cholesterol foods like butter, cheese, ice cream, red meat and other highly dense animal foods. With only a few simple changes, you will be well on your way to lowering your cholesterol, having more energy and taking care of that amazing heart that beats for you, every second of every single day. the american Heart association Recommends... Taking EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids to benefit heart health. Studies show Omega-3 helps people at risk for coronary heart disease. Studies show .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 fatty acids ingested daily, significantly reduce heart disease. The AHA recommends healthy people and those at risk for, or who have heart disease, take .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 daily. Note:1capsulesofOmegaPrime® contains.5grams(500milligrams)ofOmega-3fattyacids. Please go to page 5 for more information about TriVita OmegaPrime. continued from page 9... Eat your way to a healthier heart A O W O I J S S K A E C I D Z B E N N D R O F E I L F B R G B A J M R E O H N I G T G O N T N A A Y W D R N J S R L O I Y A C D S O N T E S N T A S D U M K I R H O F D V O R F F R Q U S S R N F L Y B O N L G A A R O O S E V E L T U O E R H M T N N R S A D A M S S H G E A W A S H I N G T O N L H R E B J O O R E T R A C S I E A A O N L O C N I L N N O W N N N Z S S R N F L T M A G A A T Q T I C E G D I L O O C H L S R R D E O R N O M S D O O X C T Y R Z T F A T K J I P U Y A S here’s a fun presidents’ day activity to engage your mind. see how many of the u.s. presidents’ names you can find below. search diagonally, across, down and backwards to complete this brain-teaser. adams bush Carter Clinton Coolidge eisenhower ford grant harding hoover jackson jefferson johnson kennedy lincoln madison monroe obama reagan roosevelt taft truman Washington Wilson Presidents’Day WorD JUMBle
  • 24. “I’m feeling very happy with the results I’ve gotten from TriVita’s Vitamin C products.” “I work in childcare, taking care of 10 babies aged three months to one year. I was really tired and nervous. I’ve found that when I take Vital C, I don’t get sick, even when the babies do! People tell me it’s expensive to buy all of the things they need, but I still tell them they should do it, to do something good for themselves. I’m feeling very happy with the results I’ve gotten from TriVita’s Vitamin C products.” – Rosy H. Copperas Cove, TX “I had more energy and seemed to be able to concentrate better.” “I am a mother of two young boys. I also teach fifth grade and I am an independent beauty consultant for a national franchise. As you can imagine, I am very busy, always exhausted, and unfortunately forgetful. During my last pregnancy, I was diagnosed as having protein S deficiency and the gene, MTHFR, mutation, which affects my homocysteine levels. When I got the opportunity to try TriVita’s HCY Guard, I was hopeful. About halfway into my first box of the HCY Guard, I began to notice that I had more energy and seemed to be able to concentrate better. I just know that if HCY Guard can do this for me, then it must be helping my homocysteine levels as well! I am now anxious to have my levels tested. Thank you, TriVita.” – Krissi F. Gilbert, AZ “The headaches were gone and the sinus problems were disappearing.” “Since our move, my wife has suffered from allergies, sinus problems and headaches. She has never dealt with this before, so we tried many different solutions, but nothing was working. I ordered TriVita’s Non-Acidic Vitamin C Time- Release Tablets and within a few weeks, we began to notice that the headaches were gone and the sinus problems were disappearing. This was a great surprise! What she loves best is the speed at which it dissolves and how quickly it works. Thank you, TriVita.” – David H. Porter, TX “It helped to ease the pain.” “I have osteoarthritis and when I first began taking TriVita’s OmegaPrime it helped to ease the pain. I still work two jobs and my overnight shift can sometimes be difficult when my arthritis kicks in. I can climb up and down the ladder all night long stocking the shelves and not be in the pain that I was before. Thank you, TriVita, for a fantastic product.” – Jerrie T. Oklahoma City, OK “I now realize more than ever how OmegaPrime has been helping me.” “I was diagnosed with mitral valve prolapse when I was about 16 and was told to avoid caffeine and alcoholic beverages because they could increase the palpitations and pain in my chest. I recently added OmegaPrime to my vitamin because I heard there were specific heart benefits associated with Omega-3s and 6s. The OmegaPrime helped my skin clear up and also seemed to help with the mitral valve prolapse symptoms. On a recent weekend trip I forgot to bring my vitamins with me. I now realize more than ever how OmegaPrime has been helping me – try taking something away and you’ll notice what benefits you’ve been receiving. Thank you TriVita for creating such quality supplements.” – Brittany S. New York, NY Real Stories from real people See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products! “I had a PERFECT score; I never lost my focus.” “I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about 17 years ago. Over the past couple years my neurologist has had me take a cognitive test which measures my ability to focus and have clarity of mind. The first time he did it was to set a baseline for my cognitive abilities. Every time after that is to make sure my ability is not diminishing or at least not diminishing at an abnormal rate. The few times I have taken it I did well; I lost my focus a couple times and got about three or four things wrong. Over the past couple months I have been taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12. I went to my neurologist yesterday and he had me take the cognitive test again. This time, I had a PERFECT score; I never lost my focus. The woman who administered the test was amazed and very impressed; they don’t normally see a perfect score and especially with someone with my condition.” – Angelyn F. Largo, FL “The first day I took your product I felt a mental clarity I had not enjoyed in a while.” “I am a Woman’s Health Nurse Practitioner who leads a very busy life. Between the mental fatigue of seeing numerous patients to planning a wedding and traveling out of state at least twice a month, I was running on empty! Even with exercising regularly, eating properly, and taking vitamin supplements every day, I was feeling worn out. I also had my thyroid examined to see if there was a physical problem. However, after watching your infomercials for over a year, I decided to order Sublingual B-12 and give it a try. The first morning I took your product I felt a mental clarity I had not enjoyed in a while. When I took the second dose at noon I began to feel even more energy and I felt I could go on for another eight hours. Since then (I am on the second box) I have so much energy. I have been referring my patients to your website and encouraging other staff members to try it. So, all I have to say is thank you. I would not have believed it if I had not tried it myself.” – Cheryl C. Port Arthur, TX Youshouldconsultwithahealthcareproviderbeforestartinganydiet, exerciseorsupplementationprogram,beforetakinganymedication, orifyoususpectyoumighthaveaheartproblem.Youshouldnotstop takinganymedicationwithoutfirstconsultingyourhealthcareprovider. 24 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 25. D onnie is filled with an overwhelming love for life. She’s also an enthusiastic devotee of TriVita® nutritional supplements – and it has paid off in sizable referral rewards. “I’m not an Affiliate Member just to make money,” Donnie emphasizes. “I want to help other people – especially those who are less fortunate than me.” Her giving nature is exemplified by the care she gives to those in need and the meals she makes for them through the Miracle Abounds Outreach Program. Donnie first heard about TriVita from her sister who raved about her fantastic product experience. She immediately started sampling a wide variety of TriVita products and noticed a big change in her overall health. “I can’t even begin to describe how great I feel now,” Donnie exclaims. Her favorite products include VitaCal-Mag D™ , Sublingual B-12, CoEnzyme Q-10 and Daily Women. She has since added OmegaPrime® , Green Foods and NutraFruits to her nutrition regimen. “Taking Sublingual B-12 has given me an enormous energy and stamina boost,” she states. “VitaCal-Mag D has helped with my bones, muscles and joints and aided my recovery from a work-related injury.” “i’m so grateful for what TriVita has done for my own health.” Donnie’s spiritual beliefs are always close to the surface. “I give praise to the Lord and also pray for TriVita every day,” she says. “I’m so grateful for what TriVita has done for my own health and feel an urgent need to share my experience with others.” So, Donnie was a “natural” for the Affiliate Member Referral Program. She signed up last July and she has set a torrid pace for referrals – with over 23 sign-ups in just a few short months. Donnie says, “I was so excited about this program that I started referring even before I received the introductory packet.” Calling herself a real “people person,” as she always finds ways to meet people. Donnie has handed out catalogs and the VitaJournal at churches, stores and community centers. Everyone responds to her effervescent personality, her genuine interest in the welfare of others and her positive attitude. “I’m not judgmental,” Donnie remarks. “I let people know about my own positive experience with TriVita products and gently suggest they give TriVita products a try.” Now she’s taken her referral business to a whole new level by sponsoring meetings at restaurants and her church where she shows product samples and hands out TriVita publications. “These meetings have gone really well,” she remarks. “The Lord has prompted me to reach out to people in any way possible.” She considers referring an important part of her mission to help others in need. The financial rewards have also been impressive. To date, Donnie has earned hundreds and hundreds of dollars in compensation which she has reinvested in her favorite TriVita products. She certainly enjoys the compensation but always emphasizes her true calling. “TriVita is a blessing to me,” Donnie exults. “I’m so excited by the opportunity to help other people. My greatest reward is helping someone else enjoy greater wellness.” And although Donnie has had her ups and downs throughout life she always stays upbeat and ever optimistic. Donnie’s devotion to greater wellness and referring remains as strong as ever. “I love to talk to people. I really feel that TriVita products are life changers,” she observes. “I also believe that people really enjoy feeling the power of the Lord. My purpose is to help people enjoy both better health and a strong spiritual presence in their lives.” Donnie is a sharing and earning dynamo she already has 23 referrals in just a few months Affiliate Member Spotlight So, Donnie was a “natural” for the Affiliate February 2009 l 25 “I’msoexcitedbytheopportunitytohelpother people.Mygreatestrewardishelpingsomeone elseenjoygreaterwellness.” –Donnie “Taking Sublingual B-12 has given me an enormous energy and stamina boost.” Donnie has earned hundreds and hundreds of dollars in compensation which she has reinvested in her favorite TriVita products. DONNIE’S FAVORITE TRIVITA PRODUCTS INCLUDE: • sublingual b-12 • nutrafruits • VitaCal-mag d • Coenzyme Q-10 • daily Women • omegaprime • green foods
  • 26. TriVita® has bundled your favorite nutrient-rich products at fantastic savings! BEST VALUE SAVE 30% Over individual non-member pricing. Stress Protection Pack Combining nature’s most powerful stress-fighting nutrients Don’t let stress rob you of your quality of life – protect yourself from the damages of stress with the Stress Protection Pack. Adaptogen 10 Plus® helps your body balance itself when it’s under stress. It’s antioxidant-rich and helps to neutralize damaging free radicals that can hurt your immune system. Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supports brain and nervous system health; its sublingual delivery system ensures fast B vitamin absorption. FREE CD First-time buyers of the Stress Protection Pack get a FREE Stress Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!) Stress Protection Pack™ #33236 Non-Member $88.97 Member $59.99 Substitute Original B-12 with Super B-12 and add $3.00 #33342 Substitute Original B-12 with HCY Guard® and add $4.00 #33340 Healthy Aging Pack Nutrients to strengthen your body’s ability to combat illness TriVita’s Healthy Aging Pack gives you the essential nutrients you will need to help combat changes that occur with age, like increased inflammation and a weakened immune system. The B vitamins in Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid help keep your brain and nervous system healthy. Avoid becoming nutrient deficient and low in energy with VitaDaily™ AM/PM. Vital C Tablets provide powerful immune protection. Help reduce inflammation in your joints and throughout your body with OmegaPrime®. Take daily, or more as needed. FREE CD First-time buyers of the Healthy Age Pack get a FREE Healthy Aging Audiobook! (A $9.99 value!) Adaptogen 10 Plus: 1 bottle (32 servings) Sublingual B-12: 1 box (30 count) Take daily, or more as needed. Member $59.99 throughout your body with OmegaPrime®. Healthy Aging Pack™ #32272 Non-Member $104.96 Member $72.99 Substitute Original B-12 with Super B-12 and add $3.00 #32278 Substitute Original B-12 with HCY Guard® and add $4.00 #32273 Member $72.99
  • 27. 1-800-991-7116 1. SHARE YOUR PRODUCT EXPERIENCE When you’ve had a positive experience with a product, it feels good to share it. Let others know how they too, may benefit from similar products and experience greater wellness. When they place their first product order, they’ll receive 10% off just for being referred by you! 2. EARN REWARDS You’ll start receiving a $25 TriVita Gift Card for each referral’s first purchase. Then, you’ll receive 21% cash rewards for the remainder of each referral’s purchases... for life! 3. SIGN UP TODAY! It’s free to sign up for an Affiliate Membership. Simply go to and click on the Affiliate Members tab on the home page to sign up online or call Plus, when you sign up, you’ll receive a free copy of Michael Ellison’s book, 10 Keys to Create Wealth and Wellness. Thousands of Members have already referred their friends and family to quality TriVita® products and are earning rewards for doing so. It’s so easy... SHARE your product experience and EARN rewards SHare and earN your way to greater wealth and wellness. 1-800-991-7116. February 2009 l 27 “i have referred over 16 people already...” “I just love getting my TriVita checks. I deposit them into a special ‘vitamin fund’ and then use the money from the fund to buy products I haven’t tried yet. I have referred over 16 people already and love being able to give them a 10% discount on their first purchase. I work as a flight attendant and people always inquire about my cheerfulness and energy. I’m quick to tell them about TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 and Adaptogen 10 Plus. My husband takes these products too and loves them. Leading a healthy lifestyle really makes me feel good about myself, and TriVita allows me to do that.” – LYNN H. CLEAR LAKES, TX
  • 28. nourish your heart and brain! CoQ-10 provides essential fuel for your body •Soft gels are fat-soluble and easily absorbed •Helps your body protect against a wide variety of illnesses and enhances heart health •Creates the perfect nutritional balance for your body’s daily needs Soft gel capsules offer up to 10 times the absorption rate! TRY IT TODAY! CALL 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at the connection between CoQ-10 & StatinsCholesterol-lowering drugs can deplete your body of this vital nutrient If you’re one of the millions of people taking a statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug, there’s some important information you should know: Statins are known to reduce levels of CoEnzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10), a nutrient that helps fuel your entire body. What is CoQ-10? CoQ-10 is a vitamin-like substance found throughout the body, including the heart, brain, liver and kidneys. Many experts believe that CoQ-10 is the key nutrient for generating 95% of the total energy required by your body. It can also act as an antioxidant. Additionally, CoQ-10 has been used in Japan as a treatment for congestive heart failure since 1974. And one study found that CoQ-10 helped slow functional decline in Parkinson’s disease patients. Although produced in the body, blood levels of CoQ-10 may begin dropping as early as age 21. Without enough CoQ-10, your body systems won’t have the optimal amount of fuel to do their jobs. Once you’re over 50, CoQ-10 levels can be very low. CoQ-10 is found naturally in organ meats, beef, poultry and fish. It’s also found in soybean and canola oils and certain nuts. However, CoQ-10 supplements may be the best source of CoQ-10, as food does not provide therapeutic amounts of the nutrient. Statins and CoQ-10 Several studies have confirmed that many statin drugs (such as atorvastatin, cerivastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin and simvastatin) interfere with CoQ-10 production, causing blood levels of CoQ-10 to drop. Those with high cholesterol already have reduced levels of CoQ-10, so statin use can further reduce blood levels of the nutrient. If you take statins, talk to your healthcare provider to find out if you’re a good candidate for CoQ-10 supplementation. Your continued good health may depend on it! CoQ-10 supplementation There are many CoQ-10 supplements on the market, but they are not all made alike. Remember, it’s not how much CoQ-10 you take – but how much your body absorbs – that counts. That’s what makes TriVita’s CoQ-10 so effective. TriVita’s CoQ-10 is similar to the kind of CoQ-10 the body produces on its own. It is formulated to be in perfect balance for your body’s nutritional needs. TriVita’s CoQ-10 is fat-soluble and is easily absorbed because it is in an oil-based soft gel cap. Studies show TriVita’s CoQ-10 has up to 10 times better absorption with soft gel caps than the lower quality dry form found on many drugstore shelves. SUCCESS STORIES “CoQ-10 gives me confidence that I am helping protect my overall heart health.” “I lost my father and five brothers to heart disease so I have always been aware of my high risk factor. I have been diligent about visiting my cardiologist yearly and it was during one of these routine exams that he recommended coronary triple bypass surgery. After going through a successful surgery the only non-prescription drug recommended by my cardiologist and surgeon was CoQ-10. I began taking TriVita’s CoQ-10 daily and haven’t gone without it since. CoQ-10 gives me confidence that I am helping protect my overall heart health.“ – paTRiCK G. lubboCK, TX CoEnzyme Q-10 #31160 Non-Member $19.99 Member $15.99 Redeem with 240 VitaPoints HaVe a MiGraiNe? CoQ-10 might help If you suffer from migraine headaches, you know just how debilitating they can be. The severity of the headaches can vary, but many people are completely incapacitated – sometimes for several days at a time. Migraines can be preceded by pulses of light, blind spots or tingling in the arms or legs. They can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Migraines can affect your home life, as well as your job. Now there’s good news from researchers in Switzerland: Taking CoQ-10 daily may help reduce migraines. In the study, participants were given 100 mg of CoQ-10 three times a day for three months. Nearly half of those taking CoQ-10 saw a reduction in migraine frequency. The CoQ-10 also helped reduce the length of headaches and the accompanying nausea.