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dEcEmbEr 2009
multi-nutrient complex
from trivita
Special Holiday Savings!
Gifts of the heart are the
ones that glow the most
by michael r. Ellison, cEo & founder of trivita, inc.
The Christmas season is here, bringing with it the spirit of cheer and
giving. Giving and Receiving Love is one of TriVita’s 10 Essentials and is at
the heart and soul of the Christmas season. The gifts we value most are not
material, but the ones given of love, respect, kindness and hope. TriVita®
is a company where the whole person matters. Health is more than the
absence of disease, but it is the feeling of wellness that comes from having
experienced the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness in our lives.
One of the fondest memories I have of Christmas, and of any gift that has ever been given me, was when
our family went to our ranch in Colorado. Our second grandson, Chase, was only a couple of months
old, and we were so excited about spending a couple days with our growing family. The night we arrived
it began to snow, and it continued throughout the next day, putting down over a foot of snow. The
lights on the tree twinkled, the fire danced and glowed in the fireplace, but it was the glow of the hearts
I remember most. Oh, we had gifts, but I cannot remember one of them. We had a fabulous dinner,
although I do not remember the entrée. We even had a sleigh ride with horses and bells. But it was
little Chase, buried under the blankets, unable to see or speak of the beauty of a white world, that gave
us a special glow. It was our three-year-old grandson Parker, gazing with wide-eyed wonder at the little
snowmen casting their different shapes and shadows of the dark forest, who caused our hearts to be filled
with cheer. It was the family together – forgetting the daily grind of a busy schedule – creating memories
with picture taking and sharing the moment, that created the gift that will last a lifetime for me.
That was six years ago, and last year we had the joy of doing it all over again, but this time with our three-
year-old granddaughter, Emmaline. The sleigh was filled with holiday cheer as we sang our Christmas
carols and watched our nine-year-old, Parker, take the reins to the team of horses and guide us home.
Giving is also something that is not seasonal and is wonderful for both the receiver and the giver.
Almost every day I receive a phone call or an email from one of our Affiliates sharing their excitement
after hearing the results of someone who has taken the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge. This Challenge
is simply a gift of a free bottle of Nopalea offered by an Affiliate to someone who has agreed to try this
amazing product to see if it will help with their inflammatory issues. Yes, TriVita is a very different
company – our Affiliates are not selling but telling the Nopalea story. We are also unique in that our
Product Team won’t even consider bringing a product to market that does not have high efficacy and
create a wellness experience when taken as recommended.
This month we’re excited to introduce the latest product from our Sonoran Bloom™ line. Wellavoh™
is a new multi-nutrient complex rooted in the healing plants of the Sonoran Desert. This uniquely
formulated men’s and women’s formula may have no peers in the market as it is formulated with four
exclusive blends of rare and beneficial nutrients that help target the different needs of both men
and women. Please read about this fabulous product on pages 4-5 and 13, and what a perfect time to
purchase when you can receive additional tiered savings.
Our dream in the pursuit of wellness at TriVita is found in this quote, “One generation opens the road
upon which another generation travels.” May our children and grandchildren find the joy and wellness
for traveling the road lined with the signs of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness.
May you have a Blessed, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.
Giving is also something that is not seasonal and is wonderful
for both the receiver and the giver.
10Essentialsfor health and wellness
Join with TriVita as we begin our second
decade of health and wellness for all. We
encourage you to experience wellness™
through these 10 Essentials, created to
enhance life in wonderful ways.
1. Breathe Deeply
Inhale life fully, cleanse your body
of toxins and feel calm.
2. Drink Water
As you quench your thirst for water,
you also boost your energy.
3. Sleep Peacefully
Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep
routine lets your body do its work.
4. Eat Nutritiously
Choose healthy, wholesome foods
to fuel a healthy body and mind.
5. Enjoy Activity
Move it to improve it! Your whole being
benefits from an active lifestyle.
6. Give and Receive Love
Feel the power of positive emotions while
you strengthen your immune system.
7. Be Forgiving
To be at peace, unburden yourself of
hostility and resentment towards others.
8. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude brings gratification: less stress,
more joy, greater well-being.
9. Develop Acceptance
Releasing what you can’t change frees
you from worry and enriches your life.
10. Develop a Relationship with God
Nourish your spirituality to nourish
personal growth and happiness.
Give and
Receive Love
See page 12
2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
4 A Harvest of Health
New multi-nutrient complex!
offers a bounty of
wellness for men and women.
8 Season’s Greetings
From Everyone at TriVita®
Holiday wishes to all of you
from all of us.
14 Four Easy Steps to Stay
Balanced During the Holidays
Healthy dining tips to keep
you on track this season.
16 “I Feel Better at 41
Than I Did at 28”
John’s amazing
health transformation
with TriVita products.
20 Lose with Leanology®
For Your Health’s Sake
Research uncovers big dangers
from excess weight.
21 ‘Tis the Season for Giving
Your contribution to the
House of Giving will touch
countless lives.
25 Tula’s Freedom
from Pain and Illness
TriVita products have given
her a new lease on life.
27 Is Your “Self-Talk”
Helping or Hurting?
Make 2010 your year of
positive living.
Christmas is one of my favorite
holidays, and this year it will be
especially wonderful. The newest
member of the family, my six-month-old
grandson, Harper, will be filling my home
with extra joy and laughter. I can hardly wait
to have all three of my daughters at home to
celebrate this special season.
It’s hard to believe that my daughter Brittany is
a mother herself. It seems like just a few years
ago that my girls were very young, and I’ll always
treasure Christmas 1989 in particular. My girls
were two, six and nine at the time. I had one
favorite book I read them from the time they
were old enough to sit still and listen. It was
a book about the true meaning of Christmas
surrounding the story of St. Nicholas. The
book focused on how much St. Nicholas truly
loved God and how he gave secretly to others,
wanting no recognition. You see, I shared with
my daughters how God is their Provider and
everything we have comes from Him.
They loved the story, enjoying everything
about Christmas – even going to the mall and
sitting on Santa’s lap and getting their pictures
taken. They knew the truth and recognized
that the celebration where we gathered
together family and friends and exchanged gifts
was for one reason only – to honor God and
celebrate the birth of His Son.
My daughters all have sensitive, giving hearts
and have always been more concerned with
what they could give others, rather than
focusing on what they wanted for themselves.
They would often wrap up some of their
favorite personal treasures and give them
to each other – what a sacrifice!
All families have their traditions and one
that I grew up with was opening a few
presents on Christmas Eve, then finding
special gifts sitting under the tree Christmas
morning, along with meaningful little gifts
in our homemade stockings. This particular
Christmas Eve, we had drawn names with
our extended family for a gift exchange,
On My Mind is continued on page 21...
The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right
to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. December 2009 l 3
Season’s greetings from
all the TriVita departments.
Wellavoh is designed with whole-food
complexes containing virtually every
nutrient known to science.
Make a lasting difference by
donating to the House of Giving.
a daily multi-nutrient complex that provides superior day and night health support
By Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer
o matter
you live,
your core health,
or foundational
health, can now
draw its strongest
support from the
extreme conditions of the Sonoran
Desert. Altogether 17 different tribes
thrive in the Southwestern region of
North America, and the people who
prosper in this environment have
lessons for the rest of the world. It
was here that we at TriVita® found
the inspiration for Nopalea™, the
astonishing wellness drink, and now
we draw on the secrets of this region
again to bring you Wellavoh™
Wellavoh (wel-lah vo¯h) is derived from the
Native American language of the Sonoran
Desert. It means “Wellness Harvest.” These
people regard the Sonoran Desert as a wellspring
of wellness. Their concept of wellness is a belief
that individuals can be healthy only within a
healthy community. The skills and wisdom they
have developed over many generations have
produced a nearly illness-free society.
We have included many plants indigenous to
the Sonoran Desert in our Sonoran Bloom™
multi-nutrient complex, Wellavoh. These
same plants are used as health-promoting
foods by the people of the region.
Vitamins and minerals –
essential for human health
If we have the nutrients we need at the moment
we need them, we will thrive! Conversely, if
we do not have the proper nutrient base in our
system every day, we will suffer loss of energy,
poor mental performance and increased risk for
disease. All experts agree that the best way to
get the nutrients we need is from whole foods.
Most experts agree that the best way to ensure
that you absorb your vitamin supplements is to
take them with food.
Wellavoh is designed with whole-food
complexes containing virtually every nutrient
known to science. This exceptional formula
feeds your body the nutrients it desires and
lacks, every day, to avoid any potential gaps
in nutrition. It provides you with hard-to-
find healthful nutrients that go far beyond
an ordinary multi-vitamin. Wellavoh is a
multi-nutrient complex that offers complete
nutrition both day and night.
Different needs for different times
Have you ever looked at a restaurant
menu and wondered why certain foods are
“breakfast” foods while others are preferred
at supper? Well, restaurant owners followed
the requests of their customers; customers
followed the cravings of their body. Our
body craves certain nutrients in the morning
to support energy throughout the day. The
morning serving of Wellavoh concentrates
energy-producing nutrients for greater vitality.
Now, think of the foods we crave for supper.
Typically, heavier, more mineral-rich foods
are preferred in the evening. The evening
serving of Wellavoh supports what you need
most – rest, repair and rejuvenation. These
easy-to-swallow soft-gel capsules provide
improved absorption for maximum benefit.
Wellavoh vitamins are also individually
packaged for easy on the go use.
Targeted nutrition
for men and women
The nutrient needs for men and women are
different. For example, the men’s formula
supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and
blood sugar health. The Wellavoh women’s
formula supports optimal bone, skin, hormone
and breast health.
trivita.com4 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Brazos Minshew
Wellavoh is designed with whole-food
complexes containing virtually every
nutrient known to science.
What’s more, Wellavoh™
contains four
exclusive blends of rare nutrients from herbs,
plants, fruits, oils and more – combined to
deliver essential health benefits using soft
gels. These blends include the Sonoran
Blend (with healing plants from the Sonoran
Desert); Heart Healthy Oil Complex;
Digestive Blend and Whole Food Blend.
Wellavoh also includes six essential
nutrient classes that make it a
complete multi-nutrient complex:
• Vitamins (for vitality and health)
• Macro and trace minerals (to maintain
healthy bones, muscles and heart)
• Phytonutrients (whole food
concentrates for better absorption)
• Enzymes (to support metabolism at
the cellular level)
• Essential Fatty Acids (for heart and
brain health)
The importance of supplements
The word supplement means an addition to
something to make up for a deficiency. All
supplements are in addition to a healthy
diet. They make up for the deficiency we face
because of poor nutrient density in our foods.
They also help out when we miss the mark of
diet perfection.
Supplements won’t make up for bad dietary
choices. We created Wellavoh to fill in the
gaps of a healthy diet. As you review your diet
for the past week, ask yourself, “Did I eat the
right amount of fruits and vegetables every
day?” (5 servings for children, 7 servings for
women and 9 servings for men.) If you can say
“yes” – congratulations! If you are like most
people you did not reach that goal. And, if you
are like most of us, you did not eat all of your
fruits and vegetables from an organic source;
so, the fruits and vegetables may have been of
low nutrient value.
Staying on top of our nutrient reserve is
important. Our body makes millions of new
cells every day – heart cells, brain cells, bone
and blood cells. Every time a cell dies, it should
be replaced. If you do not have the right
amount of nutrients to construct a new cell you
will either make an incomplete cell or none at
all. The outcome is bad in either case; so, we
really need to keep all nutrients on board at all
times. This is why we suggest Sonoran Bloom™
Wellavoh – because it gives you the nutrients
you need at the moment you need them.
Feed your body the nutrients it may lack from an average diet: take Sonoran
Bloom Wellavoh, the complete multi-nutrient complex. Wellavoh’s customized
men’s and women’s formulas give you 22 different vitamins and minerals.
• The MEN’S FORMULA supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood
sugar health.
• The WOMEN’S FORMULA supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and
breast health.
• AM and PM formula keeps you energized during the day, helps your body
repair and rejuvenate during the night.
• Easy-to-swallow, individually-packaged soft-gel capsules for improved
absorption, maximum benefit.
Wellavoh gives your body powerful support in these key areas:
• Cardiovascular health
• Skin health
• Immune function
• Bone health
• Cognitive health
• Hormonal health
• Digestive health
• Reproductive health
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at
Women #30740
Men #30750
Non-Member $62.99
Member $49.99
Redeem with 500 VitaPoints
A daily multi-nutrient
complex for optimal health
Unique men’s and women’s formulas support
wellness, strength and vitality
formulated for
formulated for
For a full list of ingredients visit
(wel-lah voh)
formulated for
(wel-lah voh)
formulated for
(wel-lah voh)(wel-lah voh)¯
trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
f you’re a regular reader of the
VitaJournal, you probably know
how crucial Vitamin B-12 is to
brain health. As I’ve written here,
study after study shows B-12’s role
in fighting brain erosion, dementia
(including Alzheimer’s disease),
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD), bipolar disorder and other
inflammatory brain conditions.
As a practicing physician, I can tell you about
something even more remarkable: when you
take TriVita® Sublingual B-12 with the
new wellness drink Nopalea™, the unique
combination can help both your brain and your
body achieve optimal health. I recommend
Sublingual B-12 with anti-inflammatory Nopalea
for a range of inflammatory brain disorders, and
for inflammatory artery disorders such as high
blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.
The science behind
the powerhouse pair
For a scientific look at why B-12 and Nopalea
work so well together, I’ve asked TriVita Chief
Science Officer Brazos Minshew to explain.
“This is a story about fat: good fat, properly
metabolized fat. Two-thirds of the human
brain is fat. When people have Alzheimer’s,
or ADHD, the big thing they’re missing is
good fat that gets where it needs to go to
help the brain and body work well.”
“The truth is – most of us don’t eat enough
of the right kinds of fats. But even when we do,
there are toxins in our environment that keep
us from metabolizing them properly (using them
for energy). The soil that most food is grown in
that most of us eat is contaminated with lead and
other heavy metals that block metabolism of fat.”
“So what can detoxify the lead that blocks
the good fat from getting through? TriVita’s
Sublingual B-12. One of the most important
things that Sublingual B-12 does for us is to
unblock our metabolism so that the fats can get
to where we need them. These fats repair our
nerves, keep our brains from being eroded
and produce the energy we need to live full
and healthy lives.”
Meet taurine, the “pilot”
of our fat transport system
“Once the good fats have been unblocked by
B-12, they need to get to all the places in the
brain and body where they do their good work.
They need a transport ‘specialist’ (actually a
transport molecule), and it’s an amino acid
called taurine. However, we don’t get taurine
in our diet. Our bodies have to manufacture
it, and almost anything (such as toxic lead,
emotional distress, injury or trauma or nutrient
deficiencies) can interrupt the process. Here’s
the exciting part where Nopalea comes in:
Nopalea is loaded with taurine!”
“That’s right, Nopalea, which is so beneficial in
helping our bodies fight inflammation and toxins,
also helps feed our brains and bodies with taurine.”
“Now, you may have heard that a little taurine
is contained in beef and fish, and that’s true.
However, taurine is what we call ‘heat-fragile’
and is destroyed by cooking. So a supplemental
source of taurine must be found if we are to
have optimum fat metabolism. This is where
Nopalea comes in: Nopalea is the only mature
fruit source of taurine in all of nature!”
B-12 Update
by Dr. Scott Conard
B-12 and Nopalea –
The perfect combination for your brain
this powerful duo helps feed both mind and body with a hard-to-get amino acid
Faster-acting, longer-lasting
and more potent than ever before
with three times the Vitamin B-12
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
• Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness
• Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life
• Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration
• Sharper memory with less forgetfulness
Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain
and nerves the essential nutrients they need to
help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves.
And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better
every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this
unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar
mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D.
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Non-Member $28.99
Member $22.99
Redeem with 230 VitaPoints
TriVita Super
For maximum sustained
mental energy take
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116
or visit us at
“I have been taking Sublingual
B-12 for many years... adding
Nopalea has been a real blessing.”
“I have been taking TriVita Sublingual B-12
for many years and adding Nopalea has
been a real blessing. The B-12 gives me a
boost and I am getting to the age where
people get dementia. I take this to protect
against it. Right now, I don’t seem to have
any issues, but I do want to take preventative
measures. I am going to start my husband
on Sublingual B-12 as well, so he can feel the
benefits. I am thoroughly sold. I take it more
for the mental clarity and energy, along with
protection from dementia and memory loss.”
“I take TriVita’s Super Sublingual
B-12 and it is working great!”
“At the age of 35 my doctor diagnosed the
pain in the middle of my back as a rib nerve
condition. I started with Vitamin B injections.
However, I didn’t like the side effects. TriVita
Sublingual B-12 greatly improved my life
because I don’t have that nasty vitamin
taste in my mouth. Now I take TriVita’s Super
Sublingual B-12 and it is working great!”
Get what you need with
Sublingual B-12 & Nopalea
“So that’s another reason why Nopalea is such
a breakthrough. Not only does it help fight
the inflammation of allergies, arthritis, auto-
immune disorders and more, but in partnership
with Sublingual B-12 it’s a ‘must’ to help us
think, feel and function at our best. Here’s an
analogy that may help you remember: think of
a gondola on a canal in Venice. Taurine is the
gondola, Sublingual B-12 is the gondolier, and
the good fats are the happy couple sitting there
enjoying the ride to their destination.”
My thanks to Brazos for that clear and colorful
explanation. I hope he’s helped you better
understand the science behind Nopalea and its
remarkable benefits.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not intended
to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
s fast as trivita is growing, it makes it
difficult to feature photographs of all of our
employees, so this year’s photos are solely
from our carE center and affiliate member services.
these are the men and women who enjoy speaking
with you regularly and helping you create wellness in
your life and in the lives of others.
Season’s Greetings
8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Blessings from the CEO’s Office
During this Christmas season, we want to thank you,
not only for this year, but for 10 wonderful years of
letting us be a part of your Wellness Journey. We have
been very blessed by our relationship with you. Our
desire will always be to help you live a healthier, more
prosperous and joyful life. Have a Blessed Christmas
and a healthy and Happy New Year.
Blessings from the Legal Department
With sincere gratitude we want to thank you for your
dedication to health and wellness. Your health and
relationship with God is important to us and we partner
together with you for physical and spiritual well-being.
We wish you a Merry Christmas.
Blessings from the Canadian Office
Holiday wishes from TriVita Canada as we express
to all our loyal Members and Affiliates a very Merry
Christmas. Enjoy the season; we wish you a very healthy
and prosperous New Year.
Blessings from Human Resources, Operations
and Information Technology
May your health, wellness and your personal walk
with God find you filled with gratitude and peace this
Christmas season. We are grateful you have partnered
with TriVita and pray for you as you continue on your
journey towards your physical, emotional and spiritual
wellness into 2010!
Blessings from Creative Services
The Creative Services Department sends the warmest
of holiday greetings to everyone in the TriVita wellness
community. We wish you health, happiness and
prosperity, now and through all the joyful seasons
to come.
Blessings from Sales and Marketing
From all of us on the Sales and Marketing team, we
thank you for your commitment to your own health
and inspiring others to experience greater wellness.
Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a New Year
filled with health, wellness and happiness.
Blessings from the Finance Department
Our Finance Department wishes you and your loved ones
a blessed, joyful holiday season. We hope that 2010 is the
year for everyone to experience wellness and abundance!
Blessings from Order Fulfillment
Season’s Greetings from the staff at GDF. It has been our
pleasure serving you in 2009. We wish you and your loved
ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
from all of us at TriVita
December 2009 l 9
Blessings from the CARE Center
and Affiliate Member Services
The most rewarding aspect of being
a part of the CARE Center is having
the opportunity to speak with you, our
valued Members and Affiliates, about
your wellness experiences. As 2009 comes
to an end, we would like to thank you for
enriching our lives each time you call us!
Your stories of triumph touch our hearts,
and you bring us a greater sense of
achievement at the end of the day know-
ing we helped you come one step closer
to fulfilling your life purpose. As a part
of our TriVita family, we CARE about
you and look forward to hearing
about your accomplishments in
2010. On behalf of all of us, we
wish you and your loved ones
a blessed holiday season and
a safe, happy, healthy and
peaceful New Year!
1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
So many astonishing benefits in a bottle
Nopalea, the latest breakthrough in wellness drinks
Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend
of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful
nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body:
So many astonishing benefits in a bottle
Non-Member $49.99
Member $39.99
4 bottle pack
Non-Member $199.96
Member $139.99
Special – 4 Pack Savings!Drink it and thrive!
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116.
• Lessen inflammation
which causes pain
• Cleanse itself
of daily toxins
• Promote optimal health
right down to your cells
• Protect against
premature aging
What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy even more benefits: a $25 TriVita
Gift Card, PLUS an exclusive Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea
story to, or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your
address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one).
There are plenty of reasons to love Nopalea,
but don’t just take our word for it.
“My husband and I were in awe over
how effectively Nopalea worked...”
“One of the loves of my life is
time spent with my beautiful
little six-year-old goddaughter
who is very active to say the
least. While getting ready to go
to a church event, I picked her
up awkwardly with my left hand
instead of both hands, and her
weight shifted, injuring my left hand. The pain was
excruciating and I had to put her down immediately.
When I looked at my hand, there was immediate
swelling, redness and pain. It got increasingly worse
as the day progressed and I thought I would have
to go to the emergency room. I booked a next-
day appointment with my healthcare provider
and decided to endure the pain until morning.
After reading the testimonies of Nopalea, I told my
husband that I would put Nopalea to the test and
take eight ounces before bed and hope for the best.
When I awoke the next morning, I was totally blown
away by the results. Not only was there no pain
but there was no noticeable swelling or redness in
my hand. My husband and I were in awe over how
effectively Nopalea worked with eliminating the
swelling and the pain so quickly. Nevertheless, I
kept my doctor’s appointment and told my Air Force
primary care provider what happened and how
well Nopalea worked. After examining my hand,
she validated my results and wanted to know more
about the ingredients in Nopalea. When I gave her
the Nopalea flyer, she became very interested and
wanted me to send her more information because
she was going into private practice. Thanks to
Nopalea, I can once again hold my goddaughter
in my arms and feel her sweet kisses on my face.
After that experience, the words of Brazos Minshew
resonated with my wellness experience and my
heart, ‘If inflammation is the problem, Nopalea
is a solution.’”
“I have been using TriVita
products for at least nine years...”
“In 1996, my left foot suffered second and third
degree burns. It took eight years for my foot to
heal completely, leaving me with three toes that
were stiff and unmovable. My doctors prescribed
inflammatory drugs throughout the years, but
nothing helped. I have been using TriVita products
for at least nine years, so when Nopalea was
introduced, I tried it. Three weeks after taking it
I began to feel a tingling in my toes and after six
weeks I had some movement in my toes. They are
no longer stiff and I have complete flexibility in
all three toes. I have high blood pressure and I am
diabetic. Two months after taking Nopalea I went
from taking three pills for high blood pressure to
half a pill daily, and cut my diabetic medicine in
half. I feel blessed.”
“Within minutes, I felt calm, and the
inflammation in my sinuses decreased...”
“Sometimes my sinuses
get so blocked, I can hardly
breathe, and it wakes me
up at night. Recently, I took
a prescribed nasal spray,
which hardly gave me any
relief. Then, I decided to
take my Nopalea. Within
minutes, I felt calm and the inflammation in my
sinuses decreased to the point where I could rest
comfortably. When I finally got up to start my
day, I felt rested, refreshed and was breathing
freely again. Thank you, TriVita, for Nopalea!”
“ hands are no longer going numb.”
“I am a certified nurse’s aid and work with people
every day. I often wake up at night with my hands
numb. They go numb when I drive and often
throughout the day. I was introduced to Nopalea
about two months ago and my hands are no longer
going numb. This is great and I love it! Have a
blessed day and thank you TriVita!”
Results may vary. Do not stop taking any medication
without first consulting your healthcare provider.
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December 2009 l 11
This feature continues a new VitaJournal series
about toxins around us: in our food, air and water
and in our daily environments.
Do you have hay fever that seems unrelated
to the season? Is there an asthma sufferer in
your home with unexplained attacks? Is a
persistent skin rash a mystery? The culprit in
all these cases could be lurking right inside
your home: mold.
Mold is a growing organism, a fungus found
everywhere. Outdoors, it’s part of the natural
cycle, breaking down dead matter such as
fallen leaves and dead trees. Indoors, though,
mold can be a problem. Take a wet or damp
spot, add mold’s reproductive spores and you
can have a full-blown health crisis.
Mold is a well-known allergen (something that
causes allergic reactions), and can trigger all
these symptoms:
• Sneezing • Runny nose
• Red eyes • Skin rash
• Asthma attacks
Your home may be spotless and seemingly
dry, but mold can lurk in hidden areas:
where pipes leak, where appliances don’t vent
properly or where a rain gutter drips water
into a foundation.
There are many types of mold, and they can
vary in color from black to green to white. If
you suspect mold in your home, how to handle
it will depend on the size of the problem,
according to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). If the moldy area is less than
about 10 square feet (less than roughly 3
feet by 3 feet), you can probably handle the
job yourself. First, fix the leak or other water
problem that nurtured the mold. Then scrub
mold off hard surfaces with detergent and
water, and dry completely. Soft materials like
ceiling tiles or carpet may have to be replaced.
To handle a bigger problem, check your
phone book for cleaners who specialize in
water damage or water restoration. Be sure
to check references, and look for companies
affiliated with professional organizations.
Keeping mold under control
The EPA advises these steps to prevent and
control mold in the home:
• Fix water leaks or spills fast.
• Clean and repair roof gutters regularly.
• Be sure the ground slopes away from
the foundation so water doesn’t enter or
collect around it.
• Keep air conditioning drip pans clean,
and drain lines flowing freely.
• Keep indoor humidity between
30 and 50 percent.
For more details on mold and how to control it,
visit the EPA website at
Do all you can to help your body protect
itself against the dangers of mold and other
damaging substances in the environment:
drink Nopalea™, the astonishing new wellness
drink. Packed with rare, powerful antioxidants
called Betalains, Nopalea is formulated to
help the body cleanse itself of toxins and fight
inflammation (see page 10).
Your home may be spotless
and seemingly dry, but mold
can lurk in hidden areas...
Buy both and
Agency (EPA). If the moldy area is less thanseries
Fight back against the
indoor mold menace
To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 Essentials for
health and Wellness. this month, discover more about Essentials #4 and #6:
Eat nutritiously and Give and receive love.
Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials
Essential #4
Pies, cookies and other delectable treats
can make it difficult to eat nutritiously this
time of year. However, with a few strategies
under your belt, you can partake of some holiday
fare – while still maintaining a balanced diet.
Plan ahead
1. Don’t go to parties hungry. Eat a healthy snack or have a
delicious Leanology® shake before leaving home so you won’t
be as tempted by holiday delicacies.
2. Think about the parties and gatherings you will be attending
and decide which treats you will enjoy (the must-have pumpkin
pie) and which ones you can forgo (green bean casserole).
3. Don’t plan on starting a diet January 1; thinking about it can
lead to binge eating during the holidays.
Here are some tips for controlling your food intake during this most
tempting of seasons:
1. Cut corners where you can: If you skip the whipped cream on
the pumpkin pie, you can save yourself about 100 calories. Look
for low-fat dips and sauces.
2. Don’t linger by the table holding the food; you may eat several
more cookies than you planned!
3. Prepare one plate of food, keep the portions small and eat slowly.
After you’ve eaten, chew gum or sip on a tall glass of water the
rest of the evening.
4. Avoid alcohol as it is high in calories. Choose water or another
low-calorie beverage. Sparkling water is another option; add a
wedge of lemon or lime to give it a little more flavor.
5. Focus on people, not on the platters! Try to spend more time
chatting with friends and family – and less time eating.
This year, with some simple planning and determination, you can
have your cake – and eat it, too!
Essential #6
During the holiday season, people tend to
give love more freely than any other time
of year. But you can give and receive love
year-round in simple, heartfelt ways:
• Reach out and hug someone – Make it a goal to give at least
five hugs a day; you can hug your spouse, members of your family
and your friends. You never know when you can make someone’s
day with this easy way to show affection. A simple pat on the
back or a squeeze of the hand can also show someone you care.
• Call a friend – You probably know someone who could use a
listening ear; take a few minutes to call someone and spend a few
minutes asking them about their day.
• Practice kindness – A simple act of kindness can really make
someone’s day! Hold open the door for someone or ask if they
need help carrying groceries. Keep an eye out: Opportunities for
kindness abound.
• Make complimenting a habit – If you notice someone looks
good in a certain color or they did a good job on a work project,
compliment them. It will make them feel good and their pleasure
will make you happy as well.
Did you know that giving and receiving love can also improve your
heart health?
Hug your way to health
Researchers from the University of North Carolina found that hugging
your partner can help reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Women
who regularly hugged their significant other had increased levels of the
hormone oxytocin, which in turn helped lower their blood pressure.
Another study found that women in happy marriages had fewer risk
factors for cardiovascular disease than single women or women in
unhappy marriages.
Part V of V
under your belt, you can partake of some holiday
fare – while still maintaining a balanced diet.
trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Wellavoh provides four exclusive,
rare nutrient blends
By Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer
s I look
over the
discoveries in the
past year I am struck
with wonder. We
have learned so much
in such a brief time. And yet, really
what we have validated with test
tubes, lab rats and population-based
scientific studies has merely confirmed
what our ancestors have known for
thousands of years: a healthy diet is
the foundation for wellness!
Wellavoh is designed with whole-food
complexes containing virtually every
nutrient known to science. Many of
these foods have known health values,
such as pomegranate for the heart,
cranberry for the kidneys and bilberry
for the eyes. However, all of these super
foods belong in a healthy diet.
Sonoran Blend
Contains two healing
plants from the Sonoran
Desert that were used by
native peoples for food: the
nopal cactus, which helps
the body stabilize blood
sugar and support healthy
cholesterol, and sage seed,
which provides daily energy.
Heart Healthy Oil Complex
Contains fish oil, flax
seed oil, sesame seed oil,
pumpkin seed oil (men’s
only) and sage seed oil.
These oils contain Omega-3
fatty acids as well as lignans
– oil-based plant chemicals
that help reduce cholesterol
and inflammation.
Digestive Blend
Includes ginger extract,
an anti-inflammatory
spice that helps improve
appetite, reduce nausea
and inflammation, and
long pepper extract which
helps reduce cramping
and indigestion.
Whole Food Blend
Includes 24 whole food
concentrates: pomegranate,
grape seed, bilberry, green
tea, nopal cactus fruit and
many other antioxidant-rich
fruits and vegetables.
Wellavoh means
a harvest of wellness
Let the gentle, profound wisdom of the
Sonoran Desert guide you to increased vitality
and sustained energy. Let the strength of this
extreme environment provide you with the
nutrients you need every day. The right nutrients
help your body do what it does best: THRIVE!
Please see the story on pages 4-5 for more
information about Wellavoh.
THRIVEwith a daily multi-nutrient
complex for optimal health
December 2009 l 13
Brazos Minshew
is designed with whole-
food complexes containing virtually
every nutrient known to science.
December 2009 l 13
Soft-gel capsules are simply the best way to combine
all the heart-healthy oils, blends, vitamins and minerals
together in one formula to give your body power
packed nutrients 24/7! Soft gels also ensure exceptional
absorbency for maximum health benefits.
And, they are
easy to swallow!
1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Staying balanced during the holidays:
FOUR EASY STEPSby Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor
hile the
holidays can
be a magical
time of connection, sharing
and love, they can also be a
time when we throw caution
to the wind with our diets,
leading to an imbalance
in our health, weight and
moods. Celebratory treats
like alcohol, sugar and rich meals are everywhere
during this time of year. Many of us eat out more
often and attend many parties. So what can we
do to enjoy all the fun and beauty of the season
without taxing our health?
You can start by following my four easy tips for
eating out during the holidays.
1: Have a glass of room tempera-
ture water with lemon before
your meal arrives. The water will
hydrate you so you don’t mistake excess
thirst for hunger. The lemon will alkalize
your system, ensuring less probability for
heartburn. The room temperature water
will pass through you quicker than cold
water, which impedes digestion.
2: Choose protein-based
appetizers/hors d’oeuvres.
This can be anything from chicken satay
or shrimp cocktail, to a piece of cheese,
edamame or nuts. The protein will satisfy
you so you do not start the carbohydrate
craving cycle that happens when we
begin our meals with bread.
3. If you are drinking alcohol,
drink it with food. By waiting until
you eat to drink alcohol, your blood sugar
will not spike as high, and thus you are
less likely to fall prey to the carbohydrate/
dessert craving.
4: Follow my “Whole Journey
80/20 Rule.” This means that what you
eat 80% of the time makes up your health
and you can be lenient with the other
20%. Consider all of the following as
sugar: alcohol, bread, starch (white
potatoes/white rice) and dessert. Choose
only one of those when you are dining
out as your “sugar” for the night.
The food that we eat is very important for
health and balance, but what really feeds
us – a full and fulfilling life – doesn’t come
on a plate. These are things like honest and
open relationships, creative outlets, exercise
and spirituality. I encourage you also to feed
yourself an abundance of these throughout the
holidays to ensure you stay balanced and get
the most out of the season.
making gifts for your friends
and family is a great creative outlet.
i love giving healthy, homemade
sweet treats. try my no sugar (but
tasty!) recipes below. they are
guilt-free, good for you, easy and
fun to make!
Christa Orecchio
Raw Chocolate Truffles
• ½ cup raw cacao
butter, melted
• ½ cup raw cashews
• ½ cup raw
agave nectar
• 1 cup raw cacao powder
(or ½ cup carob and ½ cup cacao powder)
• 2 tsp. vanilla extract (alcohol-free)
or ½ vanilla bean seed
• Pinch sea salt (preferably Himalayan
Pink or Real Salt Sea Salt)
In a food processor fitted with the S-blade,
process cashews, melted cacao butter and
agave until smooth. Add the remaining
ingredients and process until well mixed
and smooth.
Chill in freezer for 20-40 minutes. The more
chilled the mixture is, the easier it will be
to roll into truffles. Once chilled, roll with
your hands into balls and then roll into your
choice of shredded coconut, raw cacao nibs
or raw cacao powder. Store in refrigerator!
Be creative! Add goji berries, dried
mulberries, mint extract, nuts, whatever
you like with chocolate!
Almond Torte Cookies
• 1 cup rolled oats
• 1 cup almonds,
• 1 cup spelt or
brown rice flour
• ½ cup canola or
safflower oil
• ½ cup agave nectar
• Fruit-sweetened
jam of your choice
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine oats
and almonds in a blender or food processor
and blend until they have the consistency of
flour. Put the mix in a large bowl with spelt
flour. In a small bowl mix together the oil and
agave nectar. Combine wet and dry ingredients
and mix well. Make 1-inch balls with your hands
and press flat onto a cookie sheet. Make an
indentation with your thumb into the center of
each cookie. Fill each cookie with a teaspoon of
jam. Bake 15 minutes. Cool and enjoy!
ad posture can affect everything from your
muscles, joints and lung capacity to your
vital organs and even your self-esteem.
Poor posture can put undue stress on muscles,
joints and ligaments, potentially leading to fatigue,
muscle strain and pain. A lifetime of poor posture
can even result in structural changes to your body;
your bones can remodel into a permanent slouch.
Good posture, on the other hand, can help
reduce stress on those areas of your body as well
as make you appear taller – not to mention help
you exude an air of confidence!
Get it straight: check your posture
Enlist a friend to assess your posture from a side
view. Your ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle
should be aligned. Your back should have three
natural curves to it: curve in the neck (cervical
curve), upper back (thoracic curve) and low back
(lumbar curve).
These curves should be in balanced alignment.
If you’re like most people, there is probably room
for improvement. If you feel you have a posture
problem that requires professional intervention,
consult your healthcare provider.
Exercises for improving
and maintaining posture
Try these tips from the American Physical
Therapy Association to help improve or maintain
posture. Even if you have a permanent stoop
or slouch, these exercises can help protect your
posture from getting worse.
Standing position
• Stand with your back against a wall,
heels about three inches from the wall
and feet about six inches apart; weight
should be evenly distributed.
• Place arms at your sides, palms forward.
• Keep ankles straight and kneecaps
facing front.
• Keep your low back close to the wall.
• Straighten the upper back, lifting
the chest and bringing shoulders
back against the wall.
• Bring your head back to touch the wall
while keeping the chin tucked in as if a
string is attached to the middle of the
back of your head, pulling it back.
• Pull up and in with the muscles in
the lower abdomen, trying to flatten
the abdomen.
• Hold position for about 10 seconds,
breathing normally.
• Relax and repeat three to four times.
• Repeat entire exercise at least three
times a day for best results.
Sitting position
• Sit in a straight-backed armless chair,
with both feet flat on the floor and back
resting against the chair.
• Place arms at your sides, palms forward.
• Straighten the upper back, lifting the chest.
• Bring shoulders back against the chair.
• Hold head erect.
• Pull up and in with the muscles in
the lower abdomen, trying to flatten
the abdomen.
• Hold position for about 10 seconds,
breathing normally and keeping the
rest of the body relaxed.
• Relax your abdominal muscles and
repeat three to four times.
• Repeat entire exercise at least three
times a day.
So straighten up and start enjoying the benefits
of good posture!
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improve your posture, improve your health
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trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
n the surface everything
seemed to be going great
for John. He was a
successful entrepreneur, living
a dream life in the suburbs of
Spokane, Washington. John and
his wife, Nancy, were the proud
parents of two daughters and a
son. The entire family was also
involved in church activities.
However, this picture-perfect family was
being quietly undermined by John’s serious
health crisis. He discovered that he had a
very rare inherited condition, a debilitating
form of soft tissue arthritis that causes extreme
fragility and joint pain. John was also born
with scoliosis and suffered from fibromyalgia.
Because of the toxins in his system and
inability to exercise, he was wracked with
pain and his weight eventually ballooned
to 330 pounds.
John was resigned to a lifetime of prescription
pills. However, these very powerful medica-
tions not only failed to help ease the pain, but
also caused unwanted side effects, including
diverculitis, a colon disorder.
John’s dramatic change
“I felt I was at a crossroads when I made a
conscious decision to regain my quality of life,”
John recalls. “My quest for better health began
with the basics – by eating much healthier
foods, including fresh fruit and vegetables,
drinking more fresh water and exercising
regularly. However, the most dramatic
improvement in my health came when I
discovered TriVita and its excellent selection
of high quality supplements.”
He started regularly taking a “core package”
of TriVita® products and soon realized a near
miraculous improvement in his health. These
products include:
• VitaDaily AM/PM™
this premier multi-
vitamin gives him all
the important nutrients he needs. The
AM formula helps promote natural energy
and vitality and the PM formula helps
support repair, rejuvenation and a more
restful sleep.
• Super Sublingual B-12 –
helps greatly with John’s
chronic fatigue, and
improved mental function
and concentration. It also provides key
nutrients to keep his nerves healthy.
Adds John, “Super Sublingual B-12
helps me sleep better at night.”
• Vital C Crystals –
“Vital C is crucial
to my good health because
it helps lower toxicity in my
system,” says John. “It also
supports my immune system
when I’m under stress, helps my
heart health and is easy to digest.”
• OptimaFlex® –
“This top-quality
blend is tremendous
for my joints,” John
says. “OptimaFlex’s
antioxidants also keep inflammation
under control and other vital nutrients
have greatly improved my flexibility.”
John reserves his strongest praise for Nopalea™.
“I can’t even begin to explain how much
this wonderful product has helped me,” John
exclaims. “First and foremost, it has helped
my body dramatically reduce inflammation
and my extreme pain. I really feel that Nopalea
has helped save my life.”
trivita products have helped him replace pain and illness with joy
to TriVita,
John feels better at
41 than he did at 28
1-800-991-7116 December 2009 l 17
“After three weeks and three days
on Nopalea™, I realized I wasn’t
complaining about how bad I felt,”
John continues. “My wife started
noticing these positive changes, too.
Nopalea does so much for me; it’s a
tonic for my entire body and I know
I’m doing something good for myself
when I take it.”
No longer a slave to
prescription medications
He has also weaned himself off the prescription
pain medicines that were wreaking havoc on
his body. Now John is enjoying a new lease on
life and no one is more thrilled than his doctors
about his renewed good health. “They’re amazed
at my dramatic improvement,” John states.
“They’re also very pleased that I’ve lost
much of the weight that I packed on
as a result of my chronic pain and
inactivity.” He credits Leanology®
capsules for helping him lose 20
pounds in 30 days.
Benefiting the entire family
John has shared his enthusiasm for TriVita
products with his entire family. For example,
his sister is a registered nurse who often works
the night shift. She was prepared to undergo a
hip replacement operation when she decided
to give a “last ditch” try with Nopalea and
OptimaFlex®. She is now thrilled to report
that the vast majority of her hip pain is gone
and she doesn’t need the hip replacement
surgery after all.
John’s 78-year-old mother suffers from bad
knees and a variety of other age-related
conditions. Once she started taking Nopalea,
many of these aches and pains disappeared.
“My mother is a testament to wanting to be
well,” John proudly notes. “She’s never been
one to take prescription drugs for aches and
pains, but rather has always believed that
God gave us in nature all that we need to be
well. In fact, my mom has told me that the
difference in her situation is like night and
day. Inflammation is no longer a problem and
she says, ‘I feel alive and hopeful once again.’”
The importance of the 10 Essentials
John also appreciates that TriVita encourages
positive lifestyle changes with the 10 Essentials for
Health and Wellness. He knows that TriVita goes
the extra mile to ensure high quality with its 10
Foundational Values, including physician-approved
formulas, natural ingredients in all its supplements
and third-party testing and certification.
In fact, John was so “sold” on TriVita products
that he decided to become an Affiliate Member.
It allows him to get his products for free and
enjoy a sizeable residual income.
“When I began taking TriVita products, I
challenged myself to change,” John remembers.
“Now I feel better at 41 than I did at 28. Bringing
TriVita products into my life has been nothing
less than a life-changing experience.”
You should not stop taking any medication without
first consulting with your healthcare provider.
“When I began taking TriVita
products, I challenged myself to
change... bringing TriVita products
into my life has been nothing less
than a life-changing experience.”
John enjoys quality time with his family.
trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
olidays are
or remembrances of
events in history that
have been important
for one reason or
another. They point
to ways that we, as
diverse human beings, celebrate, pass
on and remember our highest values.
December hosts many festivities for these
beloved traditions to be honored year after year;
a time of hope for the future and reminiscing
about the past. The holiday season is a time
for family and friends to come together and
celebrate the joy of the season.
This year is especially meaningful for me. My
son, Kelly, and his wife, Melissa, have moved
back to my home state of Arizona, with their
identical one-year-old twin daughters, Isa and
Zoe, after living in Boston for four years. I am
looking forward to sharing the holiday season
with family – but not everyone feels so positive.
Stressful relationships
For many people the holidays not only bring the
joy of celebrating with family and friends, but
also the occasion for tension and strife to surface
between certain individuals. Relationships can
cause turmoil, conflict or stress at any time, but
are often heightened during the holidays.
Family misunderstandings and conflicts can
intensify, especially if you are together for
several days. A common family issue is when a
holiday gathering turns into a competitive arena
for adult sibling rivalry. There are a host of
feelings that show up when one sibling thinks
the parents favor one child over the other.
It’s natural for some people to be more drawn
together due to geographical proximity (your
sister lives closer to your parents), shared person-
ality features (your brother and your dad think
the same way so they understand each other
more easily). Whatever the reason, if you feel
your parents are favoring another sibling it can
make for a stressful family gathering.
Set aside differences
Try to accept family members and friends as
they are, even if they don’t live up to your
expectations. If you usually have conflict when
you get together with your family, be prepared
for it. Perhaps your mother always critiques your
appearance, or your brother tells crude jokes.
Don’t expect them to change. Have a sense
of humor about it and remind yourself of what
you love about them.
Be forgiving
Many times we say and do things that offend
our loved ones and vice versa. None of us are
perfect in maintaining family relationships.
The seventh essential in TriVita’s 10 Essentials
for Health and Wellness is Be Forgiving. It is
important to set aside grievances and forgive.
Forgiveness is an essential aspect of strong
family relationships.
Maybe at this holiday season you have someone
you need to forgive, or you need someone’s
forgiveness. A sincere apology goes a long way
in bringing reconciliation. “I’m sorry, I was
wrong, please forgive me” is one of the most
healing things said between two people. Most
people who have forgiven others will testify to
the great joy they experience as the emotional
burden they carry has been released.
During this season of love, remembrance
and sometimes turmoil, I hope that the
power of forgiveness brings you peace in
your relationships. 
and reconcile:
finish out the year
making peace in
your relationships
by Dr. Judy
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational
speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach
within and find their passionate purpose to live a more
meaningful life.
Try to accept family members and
friends as they are, even if they don’t
live up to your expectations.
“Be still and know
that I am God.”
– Psalm 46:10
The best Christmas my
family ever had was the
worst, financially. Bankrupt
and about to have our house
foreclosed, we had no money
to buy material gifts. We
were too embarrassed to share our situation,
and so decided to celebrate the season with
just us: my wife Sharon and I and our 11 and
12-year-old kids.
Using scrap wood, I made a doll stand for my
daughter, and a sword for my son. Those were
the sum total of the tangible gifts exchanged
that year – but oh, how I remember that
Christmas. We visited an old folks’ home down
the street and sang carols. We wrote letters to
each other about how much we appreciated each
other, and what the Lord meant to us at this
special time of year. We prayed for each other.
Since then our worldly goods have increased
considerably, but I’m hard-pressed to recall a
single Christmas as memorable as that one.
It had nothing to do with money, shopping,
planning elaborate dinners or fretting over what
to bring to which holiday party. It had
everything to do, though, with what I consider
the shining gift of the season: peace.
Lighter and brighter,
or pressured and stressed?
The glorious gift that we celebrate at this time
of year was intended to lift our burden, not add
to it with going and doing and buying and all
the rest. We’re supposed to be lighter and
brighter, taking comfort in “the reason for
the season.” Instead, especially in the
current tough times, so many of us feel
pressured and stressed that the rates of
crime and suicide go up.
Let’s stop. Let’s stop and remember that gifts
don’t have to cost money, and that the
real gift of Christmas cannot be bought.
Wouldn’t you love to feel the serenity,
the peace of this special time, instead of
the commercial mania? Instead of feeling
obligated to buy a pile of needless gifts, wouldn’t
your spirit be lifted by giving something from
the heart?
Here’s my holiday suggestion: Take the pressure
off yourself this year and do something kind for
others. You’ll get a spiritual benefit, too, from
ideas like these:
• Take time each day to pray or meditate.
Give thanks for your blessings.
• Read from Scripture to your loved
ones (the Christmas story in Matthew
and Luke is the perfect choice).
• Pay a visit to your housebound
neighbor (and see if you might run an
errand for them while you’re there).
• Shovel someone else’s driveway
• Volunteer a little time to a homeless shelter.
• Replace one shopping expedition with a
visit to a hospital ward, or an assisted
living center – maybe to sing carols?
Give to yourself by giving to others
If you just look around your community, I know
you can find more ways to give (and get back)
true joy and peace by helping others.
With so many people struggling through hard
times, it may be the best time to, as Psalm 46:10
tells us, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Here, being still doesn’t literally mean to be
motionless; it means to recognize that the power
to overcome, the power to triumph, is God’s and
not ours. God will defend and protect us; God
will keep us in His heart always.
Are you feeling a financial pinch, but also an
obligation to make this holiday filled with
material things? Then do yourself and your loved
ones a real favor: Sit down and talk with your
family about the economic realities. Then, share
the joy of planning an old-fashioned Christmas.
Fill it with simple ways to share the love and
peace that He bestows on us all.
I wish you and yours the peace of the season,
every blessed season of the year.
Finding true peace
in a frenzied season
by Chaplain Gene Henderson
Gene Henderson
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Take the pressure off
yourself this year and
do something kind
for others.
December 2009 l 19
Lose the Weight You
Want – in 3 Easy Steps!
Fat burning capsules
for “losing the bulge”
Loss Capsules (180 ct.)
Non-Member $74.99
Member $59.99
Redeem with 600 VitaPoints
Tasty chews for
snack replacement
and appetite control
Appetite Control
Chews (60 soft chews)
Flavor: Chocolate Mocha
Non-Member $37.99
Member $29.99
Redeem with 300 VitaPoints
Delicious shakes
for low calorie
meal substitution
Nutritional Shake
(2 lbs – 30 servings)
Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla
Non-Member $68.99
Member $54.99
Redeem with 550 VitaPoints
The Value Pack includes:
• 1bottleofWeightLossCapsules
• 1container(30servings)of
• 2bags(1FREE)of
3-Step Value Pack
Member $139.99
Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints
SAVE $34.97!
Bag of
You know that excess weight can result in
heart disease, diabetes and many more serious
conditions. But did you know that those extra
pounds also weigh down your brain, your lungs
and (more and more) your children’s health, too?
If you need one more reason to try Leanology®
here are three, backed by the newest findings
about health and weight:
Adding pounds subtracts from brains
Want to lose your skills in memory and decision-
making? Gain weight. That’s the message from
a study that followed almost 100 people in
their 70s for five years. “The brains of obese
people looked 16 years older than their healthy
counterparts while (those of) overweight people
looked 8 years older,” said UCLA neuroscientist
Paul Thompson, senior author of a study
published online in Human Brain Mapping.
The aging differences were figured on the basis
of lost brain tissue. Much of the lost tissue was
in the parts of the brain that handle decision-
making and memory, among other things.
The findings seem to explain why heavier people
are more prone to such disorders as Alzheimer’s
disease and other cognitive (brain) problems.
Big bellies bad for breathing
If there’s too much “you” around your middle,
there might not be enough breathing power
in your lungs. No matter what your body mass
index (BMI, a standardized measurement of
weight), research suggests that abdominal fat
means reduced lung function.
The study, conducted by the French National
Institute for Health and Medical Research,
looked at lung function among some 122,000
people, average age 45. Conclusion: women
with waistlines of 35 inches or more, and men
with 40 inches or more, were about twice as
likely to have below-normal lung power as
slimmer people.
Severe childhood obesity
jumps threefold
As many as 2.7 million children in the U.S.
may be severely obese, according to research
into national health statistics. Medically, severe
obesity means a BMI that’s in the top 1% of all
those measured. The number of children classed
as severely obese has tripled in the last 25 years.
Researchers looked at National Health and
Nutrition Survey data on 12,384 youths, ages
2 to 19 years. The researchers, publishing in
Academic Pediatrics, also found that a third of
severely obese children had metabolic syndrome,
a group of risk factors for diabetes, stroke and
heart attack. The risk factors include high blood
pressure, cholesterol and insulin levels.
Try Leanology’s 3-step weight loss system today
to lose unwanted pounds.
Lose with Leanology for your
health’s sakeresearch uncovers new dangers of extra pounds
“This is an easy system... the product
does what it says it can do.”
“A month ago I ordered my
Leanology capsules and shakes.
I lost 10 pounds the first month,
and am working on losing
another 15 pounds before the
holidays. I love the capsules!
I hardly get hungry. In fact, I
have to remind myself to eat.
I love the chocolate shake. It is great for a quick
breakfast in the morning or a quick snack later in
the day, which helps get me the protein I need.
The capsules are convenient and they work
so well. I take two twice a day or three twice a
day, depending on how I feel. They keep me
from craving food. For those times that I need
something to hold me over, the chews are just
the thing. I feel very confident that I will reach
my goal. This is an easy system and the product
does what it says it can do.”
“I have lost over 30 pounds
and am down 4 dress sizes.”
“I have tried many of the fad
diets out there – but found they
just didn’t work. My attempts to
lose weight were also hindered
by a variety of ailments,
including fibromyalgia, degen-
erative disk disease and chronic
fatigue syndrome. I was ready
ON MY MIND continued from page 3...
and I had hosted the evening with the traditional Mexican
food spread (El Paso tamales – yum!). After everyone left, I
was walking through the house picking up empty boxes and
wrapping paper when I walked by my daughter Brittany’s room.
She was six at the time. There she was in her bedroom with all
of her gifts around her laid out perfectly. Her back was to the
open door and I caught a glimpse of her standing there with
her arms and head lifted high, eyes closed, and in her sweet
little voice saying, “Thank You God for all my gifts – You gave
me everything I wanted!”
That night I knew that the foundation their father and I
had instilled in them would be one that would support them
forever. Today my girls are in their twenties, and although they
are all living away from home, we always come together for
a wonderful Christmas with each other – sharing the love of
family, celebrating the birth of our Savior, and giving thanks
to God, our Provider.
Whatever your beliefs or traditions, it is our hope that you are
open to giving and receiving the grace of the season: to friends,
family, co-workers... and especially the person who delivers your
VitaJournal! Please enjoy the articles throughout this month’s
issue as we cover life-changing stories from our Members, helpful
ways to survive the season, healthy comfort foods and great
product information.
Together, let’s believe that 2010 will be the greatest year of
your life. Make sure you read the article on Uncovering Your
Vision, page 29, as this will help you set positive things in
motion. To our extended TriVita family, may your holiday
season be filled with peace, joy, love and most of all health
and wellness!
Pam Knox, Editor of Publications
TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered
to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families:
• Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have
access to pure, fresh water
• Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas
• Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life
• With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving
the gift of life
Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new
wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year,
we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more!
Want to make a difference?
Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take
your tax-deductible donation along with your order.
You can mail your donation to:
House of Giving
16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop
Ste. 950
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
You can make a
Your contribution will touch countless lives
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor,
c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden
Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
December 2009 l 21
To our extended TriVita family,
may your holiday season be filled with
peace, joy, love and most of all
health and wellness!
to make a life change and felt that Leanology was the healthiest choice available.
This time I was realistic and decided to make both short- and long-term goals.
My strategy was successful... and my weight loss with Leanology has been
astounding. I have lost over 30 pounds and lost 4 dress sizes. I look and
feel younger.
With the capsules and shakes, I no longer have the cravings that used to make
other weight loss programs so difficult. I’m a ‘chocoholic’ and I especially love
the creamy chocolate Leanology shakes. Sometimes I’ll add a little non-fat milk
for extra calcium, and I add fruit to the vanilla shakes to get more vitamins and
minerals. After drinking a shake, I feel like I’ve had a balanced meal. To further
help with my weight loss effort, I gave up diet sodas, started eating healthier
meals and learned how to make some great-tasting sugar-free desserts to satisfy
my sweet tooth.”
1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Exercise your brain, delay memory loss
Bronx, New York
People who do crossword puzzles, play card games and take part in other “brain” activities may help delay the
onset of rapid memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, according to a study in the August
2009 journal Neurology.
The study followed 488 healthy people (age 75 to 85), who had enrolled in the Bronx Aging Study between
1980 and 1983. At the beginning of the study, participants reported how often they participated in six
activities: reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles, playing board or card games, having group discussions
and playing music.
Researchers found that each additional day of activity delayed memory loss by .18 years, roughly 1 to 2 months.
“The point of accelerated decline was delayed by 1.29 years for the person who participated in 11 activities per
week compared to the person who participated in only 4 activities per week,” said study author Charles B. Hall,
Ph.D., of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.
Live near a noisy road? It could be bad for your heart
Lund, Sweden
Those who live near noisy roads could be at increased risk for high blood pressure, say researchers from Lund
University in Sweden.
The study, from a public survey of 24,238 Swedish adults between the ages of 18 and 80, showed that people between
the ages of 40 and 59 who were exposed to constant noise over 64 decibels were twice as likely to report high blood
pressure as others. Younger adults also reported hypertension but the elderly experienced negligible effects.
The results were published in the online journal Environmental Health. Researchers said that the study doesn’t
prove the noise caused the blood pressure increases, but still could have played a part in it. 
Poor physical fitness increases death risk
Indianapolis, Indiana
Physically unfit people have twice the mortality risk of even those in slightly better shape, according to a recent
study in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise.
Researchers followed 4,300 people over a period of 20 years, assessing fitness and physical activity through
treadmill tests and questionnaires, and tracking mortality rates.
The least fit of the subjects had a mortality rate twice that of the group only in slightly better shape and a
mortality rate four times that of the most-fit group.
“Given the considerable survival benefit associated with improving fitness in the least-fit group, increasing fitness
through regular physical activity should be a priority in unfit individuals,” said Sandra Mandic, Ph.D., a member
of the research team. “Health professionals should consider a sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness as treatable and
major risk factors.” 
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
December 2009 l 23
Sally Campbell,
affiliate member
“Christmastime was always
so very exciting, as I grew up
in the 1940s in a very small
town in Northern California
(population 300). I think
that we were poor, but we
didn’t know it. We began singing Christmas
carols at our little Methodist Mission church
probably around Halloween.
On Christmas morning it was exciting to find
under the tree all that Santa had brought...
the used bike my dad had fixed and painted
like new, the old wicker doll buggy that was
refurbished for my little sister and the wooden
World War II airplanes for my brother. My doll
always received a new wardrobe, thanks to
Mother’s hours at the sewing machine. There
were only two stores in town and it was always
such a thrill to walk down the road, cross the
railroad tracks and look in the store windows
and wish. Times were simpler then.”
Dana Maxwell,
trivita Employee
“I love the month of
December, because it
means the weather is
finally cold, family and
friends gather for holiday
traditions and it’s the last month to reflect on
the past and make goals for the New Year.
My favorite holiday memory was a few years
back when I visited my friends and family in
Israel, where I grew up. My closest friends came
over to my childhood home and together, we
lit the menorah for Hanukkah. We gathered
around the living room and sang traditional
songs. We ate yummy treats and just spent the
evening talking and laughing, as the candles
burned out. We didn’t exchange any gifts or
unwrap any presents – spending time together
was all we wanted. Since I no longer live in
Israel, being able to visit my friends and family
members is always a treat. No matter what
holiday I celebrate, it is the people around me
who make it special.”
Janine Theiss,
trivita Employee
“Having a fairly large-size
Hungarian family, I have
great holiday memories where
all the cousins, aunts, uncles
and grandparents would come
together and celebrate on Christmas day with a
traditional Hungarian dinner. Being raised close
with my cousins brought our family even closer
together. Now that we are all older and have
started our own families, it is more difficult to get
everyone together. However, we keep in touch
by sending photos via email and other social
networks. We also try to get together for small
reunions. I have now started my own family,
with my dog, Harley.”
Melona Anderson,
“My favorite December holidays are Christmas
and Boxing Day. I am from the Caribbean
Islands, and that is the time when every
family member gathers together. Any family
member who lives in another country or in
another part of the Island comes home. We
celebrate by eating our traditional Caribbean
feast. Then we play some good old family
games. The men play dominoes or cricket; the
women tell the children stories. Boxing Day
(December 26) is when we all take a trip to
the beach.”
in this column, members
of the trivita®
community share their
insights on health, wellness
and more.
This feature creates an open
forum to respond to a variety
of provocative questions about
a wide range of subjects.
Since the holiday season is now
upon us, we’ve asked Members of
TriVita’s wellness community to
share their favorite memories. We
hope you enjoy their personal,
heartwarming stories.
What’s your favorite holiday memory or tradition?
Your TriVita purchase is backed by our 60-day
money back guarantee, no-questions-asked.
You could earn a
when you share your
wellness story!
Send your product success
story to or
call us at 1-800-693-4083. If
we use it, we will send you a
$25 Gift Card as a thank you.
1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
Adaptogen 10 Plus
Your Everyday Stress Solution
trivita’s powerful, stress relieving formula:
• Helps counteract damage caused by
various types of stress: mental, physical,
emotional, environmental
• Contains all 10 adaptogens that have been
proven to help the body “adapt” to stress
• Fights free radical damage and helps boost
your immune system
adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part
formula includes:
• Adaptogens – herbal extracts chosen
specifically for their natural ability to help
the body cope with stress
• Antioxidants – immune boosters that help
fight the damage caused by stress
• Aloe Vera – helps improve digestion
and nutrient absorption
or visit
Discover the
amazing effects
of Adaptogen
10 Plus®
10 Plus®
Non-Member $62.99
Member $49.99
Redeem with 500 VitaPoints
or advice on feeling great all year ‘round,
nothing beats TriVita’s 10 Essentials for
Health and Wellness. Breathing deeply,
eating well, practicing gratitude... all these
positive habits are recognized as effective ways to
bring peace and joy into our lives. The holiday
season, however, can call for extra steps.
When all the demands of the season seem
overwhelming, it’s tough to get through the
day (let alone sleep in heavenly peace). So,
experts in the mental health fields offer these
10 tips on coping with holiday stress.
1. Be realistic
Can you really shop for seven people on your
lunch hour? Do you have to out-do the neighbors’
outdoor display? Try to keep your expectations
reasonable. Make a list of the things you’d like to
accomplish, and do the most important ones first.
2. Think “season,” not “day”
It’s the holiday season... a time of special joy
and remembrance. It isn’t just a single day that
has to hold all the importance and events you
can cram into it. You can spread activities out
to reduce stress.
3. Permit your feelings
Okay, so maybe sometime during the holidays
you don’t feel very festive. Let it be ok for you
and others to feel sad or lonely.
4. Avoid the “good ol’ days” trap
If you view the holidays through the mist of
nostalgia, what’s happening now can never
measure up to the past. Enjoy and embrace all
the changes and differences that are making
this holiday time unique.
5. Do unto others
There are lots of people who have less and
need more than you. Why not share some
of your own blessings (time, money, skill)
with a volunteer group?
6. Pay nothing for fun
Seek out seasonal activities that don’t cost a
dime. This will help avoid the financial stress
that can hit so hard this time of year. Stroll
around the neighborhood to admire holiday
decorations; go window-shopping; make a
snowman with a child (or a grown-up!).
7. Don’t over-do
It’s easy during the holidays to eat and drink
too much. If food and alcohol are your “escape”
from feeling tense or sad, know that neither will
really help you feel happier or more calm.
8. Go for new
Try something different to celebrate the holidays.
Dinner out when it’s usually at home, or vice versa?
Making a list of all the blessings to be grateful for?
Inviting someone who’s alone or separated from
loved ones to share an outing? Get creative!
9. Build your network
Get in touch with someone you haven’t heard from
in a while, or reach out to make a new friend. Try
to spend time with supportive, caring people.
10. Honor yourself
Sometimes, in order to be loving and
generous with others, it’s important to take
care of yourself. Reserve some time to do what-
ever will recharge your batteries. Let others
share in planning activities or running errands.
You may find that they jump at the chance.
10how to cope when all is not calm, all is not bright
Stress-busting tips
ula was searching online for a high-
quality B vitamin, when she struck
gold. This British Columbia resident
was convinced to try TriVita® Sublingual B-12
when she discovered that it utilized Dr. Alfred
Libby’s original, patented formula. Doctors told
Tula she was B-12 deficient and she started
taking B-12 injections when she was recovering
from hepatitis. “Although I felt really good after
taking the injections, the shots themselves were
incredibly painful and inconvenient,” she recalls.
“I also felt an inevitable letdown about three
days after each shot.”
Since taking Sublingual B-12, both Tula and
her husband have felt a big difference in their
energy levels and mood. “I used to get cranky
in the past,” she says. “Now, with Sublingual
B-12 my life seems to be a lot easier.”
Tula’s success with Sublingual B-12 made her
want to check out a variety of other TriVita
products, including:
• OmegaPrime® – She says, “I take
OmegaPrime because I know I need it and
it supports my body in so many ways.”
• VitaCal-Mag D™
– Tula’s nails and bones
were brittle and her hair was falling out.
Since she started taking VitaCal-Mag D
her bones are better nourished and her
hair loss has been drastically reduced.
• Digestive Complex™ – Tula takes it to
make sure she has enough probiotics in
her diet. She now notices an improvement
in her candida and psoriasis conditions.
• Vital C Crystals and Tablets – “Many of
my friends have gotten sick with colds or
flu,” Tula observes. “I credit Vital C Crystals
and Tablets for keeping me healthy.”
• VitaDaily AM/PM™
– Tula says this product
is so much better than most daily vitamins
because it packs so much more nutritional
power, including 13 vitamins, 6 minerals
and 25 whole food concentrates.
• NutraFruits™ – She has a hard time
eating fruits and vegetables, so Tula
takes NutraFruits to make sure she’s
getting enough antioxidants. “I love
the taste and often mix NutraFruits
with Vital C Crystals to get even
more nutrition.”
• Adaptogen 10 Plus® – Both Tula
and her husband love it and she’s seen
a remarkable difference in her husband’s
demeanor. Tula says, “He has a very
stressful job and often didn’t sleep
well. One week after he started taking
Adaptogen 10 Plus he realized it was
working and he now swears by the stuff.”
Even his co-workers have noticed a
big difference.
Tula’s incredible
Nopalea™ experience
Tula saves the best for last, because she has
nothing but rave reviews for Nopalea. She was
a teenage athlete and Tula’s body has paid the
price ever since. She’s had lots of accidents,
injuries, an inflamed Achilles tendon and
developed arthritis in her fingers. Tula also
suffers from sinusitis. “I started out taking one
ounce of Nopalea per day and realized it wasn’t
enough for my many aches and pains,” she says.
“However, once I increased my daily dosage to
four ounces per day I noticed a big difference
in pain within two days and it really helped
my Achilles tendon.”
Now, when Tula does strenuous landscaping
work, including moving heavy boulders, she has
much less inflammation and pain. Tula exclaims,
“Nopalea has given me a new lease on life.”
Her husband also had a nagging shoulder injury
and recently reinjured it after a fall. Nothing
seemed to ease the pain... until he started taking
Nopalea. He was thrilled to discover that he
could put his arms over his head and enjoy
complete free range of shoulder movement.
Another friend – a former football player with
a knee injury – was able to fully extend his leg
straight after taking Nopalea.
“I tell people that if Nopalea isn’t working then
they probably aren’t taking enough,” Tula states.
“Usually, a modest increase in dosage can make
a major difference in results.”
Spreading the word to the world
In fact, Tula and her husband are so thrilled by
their personal experience with TriVita products,
that they’ve signed up as Affiliate Members.
“We gain tremendous satisfaction helping others
enjoy better health,” Tula says. “When people
see our own improvement, we can clearly say we
owe it all to TriVita.”
Tula’s freedom
from pain and illness
nopalea – and many other trivita products –
have given her a new lease on life
Member Spotlight
oweitalltoTriVita.”– Tula
Tula’s favorite
TriVita products include:
• sublingual b-12
• omegaPrime
• vital c crystals and tablets
• vitacal-mag d
• digestive complex
• vitadaily am/Pm
• nutrafruits
• adaptogen 10 Plus
• nopalea
December 2009 l 251-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
trivita.com26 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
ut the ho-ho-ho in the holidays
with these ideas for joyful
merrymaking with family and
friends. At little or no cost, these
activities will help everyone savor
the spirit of the season.
Progressive dinners
Show off your festive décor while minimizing
the cooking workload: organize a progressive
dinner. If you’ve never been involved in a
progressive dinner, you’re in for a treat. Family
and/or friends pick a designated night to travel
to several homes for a single course of food (you
can also have progressive appetizers, holiday
treats, etc.). It will take a little pre-planning but
the result will be fun for the whole family.
• Send out invitations, requesting an RSVP
that includes the number of participants
as well as the dish to be provided.
• Schedule the order of the dinner and give
each stop a designated time allotment. (This
is also a good time to organize carpools.)
• At the first house, give everyone a plastic
beverage cup labeled with their name
that they can take from house to house;
have extras on hand – someone’s bound to
forget theirs somewhere along the way.
• Consider having a White Elephant
gift exchange at one of the stops (read
more below).
White Elephant gift exchange
Prepare for holiday amusement of elephantine
proportions when you plan a White Elephant
gift exchange. Nothing gets the laughter going
like some of the crazy gifts that are sure to be
unveiled. Each participant finds something
around their house that they no longer want –
or never wanted – and wraps it up. Everyone
draws a number which determines their place
in the gift-picking line.
Decide in advance if people can “steal” gifts
from others and how often a gift can be “stolen.”
Hilarity will ensue as people vie for the creepy
monkey coin bank or the coveted paper mache
teddy bear. Get creative; the more creative the
“gifts,” the more fun you’ll have!
Make a wish list for others
Instill generosity and goodwill in your children
by writing a family wish list for those in need.
Each family member comes up with their wishes
for a better world (e.g., no more homelessness, an
end to war, that every child would have a happy
holiday). Then, take it a step further by planning
how you as a family will help make one of these
wishes come true: saving money throughout
the year to participate in a toy drive, writing to
soldiers overseas, doing volunteer work, etc.
Read a holiday story each night
Sharpen kids’ reading skills while enjoying quality
family time by taking turns reading a holiday story
each night through the end of December. Time-
tested classics as well as more recent offerings can
provide you a variety of material – as well as easy-
to-read books for the children.
Another option is volunteering
to read to children at your local
library or bookstore.
Caroling, caroling
What would the holidays be without singing?
Plan a family and/or community caroling event.
Print out copies of popular and traditional tunes,
head out and make a joyful noise! Afterward,
take the chill off with some spicy hot cider and
healthful treats.
Family talent show
Showcase each family member’s special talent
by featuring a family talent show as part of
your festivities. If someone complains about
not having a talent, point out their strengths;
encourage them to do something different and
unique. You’ll discover all sorts of hidden talents
and have a great time in the process!
Board, card and other parlor games such as
chess, backgammon and dominoes can create a
spirit of fun at any gathering. For larger groups,
try a rousing game of charades – see how long
you can go without laughing.
family time
how to spend less and enjoy the
holidays more
Family Health
Here’s to a happy
and healthy holiday!
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nce upon a time, a little
steam engine chugged her
way into history with four
simple words, repeated over and over:
“I think I can, I think I can, I think
I can.” She was the star of the classic
children’s book “The Little Engine
That Could,” and she not only could,
but did: she pulled the big train
over the hill when none of the big
locomotives could.
In a way, that plucky engine was one of the first
popular icons of “self-talk,” or affirmations: the
messages we give ourselves every day, silently or out
loud. As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you
can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Unfortunately,
most self-talk is negative. However, if you’re ready
to climb out of an unhappy rut, you can start today
to make 2010 your year of living positively.
What are positive affirmations?
Positive affirmations are statements you make
about yourself to feel better about yourself.
They might describe ways you’d like to feel
about your work, your health, your happiness...
almost anything important, even if they don’t
describe how you do feel right now.
When you repeat a positive affirmation several
times a day, it helps break down the negative
beliefs and thoughts. In the process, you replace
those negative messages with positive ones that
help you instead of holding you down. Below
are some examples of positive affirmations that
might start you on your way. (If you suspect that
positive affirmations are some sort of New Age
hooey, maybe you won’t discount the source of
these suggestions: the U.S. National Mental
Health Information Center.)
• I feel good about myself
• I take good care of myself. I eat right, get
plenty of exercise, do things I enjoy
• I spend my time with people who are nice
to me and make me feel good about myself
• I am a good person
• I deserve to be alive
• Many people like me
These are the basics: solid, concrete, positive
thoughts that you can practice to help you
change and let go of the past.
Once you start affirming positive change in your
life, you may want to focus on specific issues that
matter most to you, such as health or self-esteem.
These examples may point you toward the short,
simple statements that apply most to your life:
Energy and health radiate from every cell
in my body.
My body heals quickly and easily.
I deserve love and I accept it now.
I am showered with love every day.
Prosperity fills my life.
The more I feel gratitude, the more I have
to be grateful for.
I am at peace with myself and my world.
I find peace in the process of life.
Your life, your affirmations
What area of life would you like to turn around,
to change from negative to positive? Your answer
will tell you what your personal affirmation(s)
might sound like and feel like.
Once you’ve settled on the affirmations right for
you, it’s helpful to recite them, to yourself and/or
aloud, whenever you can. Don’t stop there,
though: make a list and keep it handy. Consider
making copies, so you don’t forget; you might
share them with people you trust, too.
Remember: I think I can, I think I can,
I think I can.
make 2010 your year of positive living
trivita.com28 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
“The Sublingual B-12 combined with
the OmegaPrime really helped.”
“I was taking Sublingual B-12 for a few years. I
also started taking OmegaPrime and noticed that
my blood pressure, which was over the top, went
down and I no longer had to take my blood pressure
medication. About 10 years ago my doctor said
it was amazing that I did not have a heart attack
or stroke, because my numbers were way over
the 200s. The Sublingual B-12 combined with the
OmegaPrime really helped.”*
“Thank God for Adaptogen. It keeps me
feeling like I can get through each day
without feeling overwhelmed.”
“When my wife asked me three
years ago what I thought of her
going to medical school, I had no
idea what a journey it would evolve
into. Between moving a couple
thousand miles away and having
to find a new job, I knew our lives
were going to get a little more stressful.
Now living in New York and expecting our
first baby, life can come at us pretty fast. Not
to mention being an executive at a healthcare
startup that demands more hours than are in
the day. Caffeine from endless amounts of coffee
wasn’t doing the trick. I was always stressed
out and irritable. Then I was introduced to
Adaptogen 10 Plus. Since then, I not only feel
more refreshed, but I feel a sense of calmness.
Thank God for Adaptogen. It keeps me feeling
like I can get through each day without feeling
overwhelmed. I am better able to concentrate and
focus at work. TriVita’s high quality products are
the best!”
“I went from a depressed, exhausted,
weepy woman to my old positive and
vibrant self.”
“I am a menopausal 56-year-old woman who
was experiencing severe ‘brain fog.’ I discovered
TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12 and had
quick results. I was having trouble remembering
anything anyone said. Now I can concentrate
and fully enjoy conversations. I recommend this
product to everyone I see. I am so blessed to have
found TriVita’s products. I feel whole again. I went
from a depressed, exhausted, weepy woman to
my old positive and vibrant self. I love all of my
TriVita products.”
“A few days after taking these two
products, I felt 20 years younger!”
“I don’t know what led me to Adaptogen 10 Plus,
but I know it helps tremendously and I could not be
a happier person. I am alive! I felt dead for so long.
I didn’t move well, it was horrible. My work nearly
killed me. And, since taking Nopalea, I have been
able to take a brisk walk with my friends without
losing my breath. I could walk so easily, where I
could not before. It is literally a miracle for me. A
few days after taking these two products, I felt 20
years younger! I believe what brought me to want to
try Adaptogen was hearing the people around me
talk about how well it works. I decided at that time
that I would try it. Adaptogen 10 Plus really helps
relieve stress. You cannot put a price on your health
and I feel GREAT! The combination of Nopalea and
Adaptogen is really amazing. I tell everyone about
my experience and encourage them to take these
two great products together. I was on five different
medications for nerves for a very long time and now
I no longer take anything for my nerves.”*
see what members like you have to say about trivita®
“I was amazed at the difference.”
“I wanted to tell everyone why I started taking Nopalea.
First, I read all about its benefits. I started taking it
because I have severe carpal tunnel in my hands. They
were numb all the time, and I couldn’t hold the phone
for even a few seconds. After the first bottle of Nopalea,
I noticed some difference and my hands weren’t numb as
often. After the second bottle there was even a greater
difference. I just finished the third bottle and noticed I
haven’t had any numbness in a week or more. I can hold
the phone as long as I need. I was amazed at the difference. It was something
that didn’t go away all at once, but was gradual.
I had to see my doctor because she had recommended surgery. I told her I
wanted to try something natural before I made a decision concerning surgery.
Then, in August when I saw her I told her I was so much better and that I wanted
to wait longer to make a decision. I also gave her an article about Nopalea in the
VitaJournal and she was very interested in finding out more about this product.”
“Sublingual B-12 gives me the energy and focus that I need
to accomplish all that I have to do.”
“My husband and I have been taking TriVita
Sublingual B-12 a long time and love it. We now
take it with Nopalea, and the combination is amazing.
My husband is 83, healthy as can be and still works.
I typically take two Sublingual B-12 tablets daily and
feel great. We are never sick! I still volunteer and help
seniors and families in crisis. Sublingual B-12 gives me
the energy and focus that I need to accomplish all that
I have to do.
I am feeling great. Now I take Sublingual B-12 in conjunction with Nopalea,
which tastes great and has really helped with pain. My doctor noticed that my
blood pressure went down and Nopalea is the only thing I have done different.
Because of this, my doctor has taken me off my blood pressure medication
and I am simply thrilled. Thank you, TriVita!”*
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  • 1. dEcEmbEr 2009 VITAVITA JOHN’S PAIN-FREE, JOYFUL LIFE INTRODUCING WELLAVOH™ – THE ULTIMATE DAILY multi-nutrient complex SEASON’S GREETINGS from trivita Special Holiday Savings! SAVEUPTO$40
  • 2. Gifts of the heart are the ones that glow the most by michael r. Ellison, cEo & founder of trivita, inc. The Christmas season is here, bringing with it the spirit of cheer and giving. Giving and Receiving Love is one of TriVita’s 10 Essentials and is at the heart and soul of the Christmas season. The gifts we value most are not material, but the ones given of love, respect, kindness and hope. TriVita® is a company where the whole person matters. Health is more than the absence of disease, but it is the feeling of wellness that comes from having experienced the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness in our lives. One of the fondest memories I have of Christmas, and of any gift that has ever been given me, was when our family went to our ranch in Colorado. Our second grandson, Chase, was only a couple of months old, and we were so excited about spending a couple days with our growing family. The night we arrived it began to snow, and it continued throughout the next day, putting down over a foot of snow. The lights on the tree twinkled, the fire danced and glowed in the fireplace, but it was the glow of the hearts I remember most. Oh, we had gifts, but I cannot remember one of them. We had a fabulous dinner, although I do not remember the entrée. We even had a sleigh ride with horses and bells. But it was little Chase, buried under the blankets, unable to see or speak of the beauty of a white world, that gave us a special glow. It was our three-year-old grandson Parker, gazing with wide-eyed wonder at the little snowmen casting their different shapes and shadows of the dark forest, who caused our hearts to be filled with cheer. It was the family together – forgetting the daily grind of a busy schedule – creating memories with picture taking and sharing the moment, that created the gift that will last a lifetime for me. That was six years ago, and last year we had the joy of doing it all over again, but this time with our three- year-old granddaughter, Emmaline. The sleigh was filled with holiday cheer as we sang our Christmas carols and watched our nine-year-old, Parker, take the reins to the team of horses and guide us home. Giving is also something that is not seasonal and is wonderful for both the receiver and the giver. Almost every day I receive a phone call or an email from one of our Affiliates sharing their excitement after hearing the results of someone who has taken the Nopalea™ Wellness Challenge. This Challenge is simply a gift of a free bottle of Nopalea offered by an Affiliate to someone who has agreed to try this amazing product to see if it will help with their inflammatory issues. Yes, TriVita is a very different company – our Affiliates are not selling but telling the Nopalea story. We are also unique in that our Product Team won’t even consider bringing a product to market that does not have high efficacy and create a wellness experience when taken as recommended. This month we’re excited to introduce the latest product from our Sonoran Bloom™ line. Wellavoh™ is a new multi-nutrient complex rooted in the healing plants of the Sonoran Desert. This uniquely formulated men’s and women’s formula may have no peers in the market as it is formulated with four exclusive blends of rare and beneficial nutrients that help target the different needs of both men and women. Please read about this fabulous product on pages 4-5 and 13, and what a perfect time to purchase when you can receive additional tiered savings. Our dream in the pursuit of wellness at TriVita is found in this quote, “One generation opens the road upon which another generation travels.” May our children and grandchildren find the joy and wellness for traveling the road lined with the signs of the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. May you have a Blessed, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. Giving is also something that is not seasonal and is wonderful for both the receiver and the giver. 10Essentialsfor health and wellness Join with TriVita as we begin our second decade of health and wellness for all. We encourage you to experience wellness™ through these 10 Essentials, created to enhance life in wonderful ways. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Inhale life fully, cleanse your body of toxins and feel calm. 2. Drink Water As you quench your thirst for water, you also boost your energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep routine lets your body do its work. 4. Eat Nutritiously Choose healthy, wholesome foods to fuel a healthy body and mind. 5. Enjoy Activity Move it to improve it! Your whole being benefits from an active lifestyle. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Feel the power of positive emotions while you strengthen your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving To be at peace, unburden yourself of hostility and resentment towards others. 8. Practice Gratitude Gratitude brings gratification: less stress, more joy, greater well-being. 9. Develop Acceptance Releasing what you can’t change frees you from worry and enriches your life. Spiritual 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nourish your spirituality to nourish personal growth and happiness. Give and Receive Love See page 12 2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 3. 4 A Harvest of Health New multi-nutrient complex! Wellavoh™ offers a bounty of wellness for men and women. 8 Season’s Greetings From Everyone at TriVita® Holiday wishes to all of you from all of us. 14 Four Easy Steps to Stay Balanced During the Holidays Healthy dining tips to keep you on track this season. 16 “I Feel Better at 41 Than I Did at 28” John’s amazing health transformation with TriVita products. 20 Lose with Leanology® For Your Health’s Sake Research uncovers big dangers from excess weight. DECEMBER2009 Inside 21 ‘Tis the Season for Giving Your contribution to the House of Giving will touch countless lives. 25 Tula’s Freedom from Pain and Illness TriVita products have given her a new lease on life. 27 Is Your “Self-Talk” Helping or Hurting? Make 2010 your year of positive living. ON MY MIND EDITOR’S NOTE Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, and this year it will be especially wonderful. The newest member of the family, my six-month-old grandson, Harper, will be filling my home with extra joy and laughter. I can hardly wait to have all three of my daughters at home to celebrate this special season. It’s hard to believe that my daughter Brittany is a mother herself. It seems like just a few years ago that my girls were very young, and I’ll always treasure Christmas 1989 in particular. My girls were two, six and nine at the time. I had one favorite book I read them from the time they were old enough to sit still and listen. It was a book about the true meaning of Christmas surrounding the story of St. Nicholas. The book focused on how much St. Nicholas truly loved God and how he gave secretly to others, wanting no recognition. You see, I shared with my daughters how God is their Provider and everything we have comes from Him. They loved the story, enjoying everything about Christmas – even going to the mall and sitting on Santa’s lap and getting their pictures taken. They knew the truth and recognized that the celebration where we gathered together family and friends and exchanged gifts was for one reason only – to honor God and celebrate the birth of His Son. My daughters all have sensitive, giving hearts and have always been more concerned with what they could give others, rather than focusing on what they wanted for themselves. They would often wrap up some of their favorite personal treasures and give them to each other – what a sacrifice! All families have their traditions and one that I grew up with was opening a few presents on Christmas Eve, then finding special gifts sitting under the tree Christmas morning, along with meaningful little gifts in our homemade stockings. This particular Christmas Eve, we had drawn names with our extended family for a gift exchange, On My Mind is continued on page 21... The information in this VitaJournal may contain errors or inaccuracies. We reserve the right to change prices, selections, update information and limit quantities without prior notice. December 2009 l 3 Season’s greetings from all the TriVita departments. 8 Wellavoh is designed with whole-food complexes containing virtually every nutrient known to science. 13 Make a lasting difference by donating to the House of Giving. 21
  • 4. a daily multi-nutrient complex that provides superior day and night health support By Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer N o matter where you live, your core health, or foundational health, can now draw its strongest support from the extreme conditions of the Sonoran Desert. Altogether 17 different tribes thrive in the Southwestern region of North America, and the people who prosper in this environment have lessons for the rest of the world. It was here that we at TriVita® found the inspiration for Nopalea™, the astonishing wellness drink, and now we draw on the secrets of this region again to bring you Wellavoh™ . Wellavoh (wel-lah vo¯h) is derived from the Native American language of the Sonoran Desert. It means “Wellness Harvest.” These people regard the Sonoran Desert as a wellspring of wellness. Their concept of wellness is a belief that individuals can be healthy only within a healthy community. The skills and wisdom they have developed over many generations have produced a nearly illness-free society. We have included many plants indigenous to the Sonoran Desert in our Sonoran Bloom™ multi-nutrient complex, Wellavoh. These same plants are used as health-promoting foods by the people of the region. Vitamins and minerals – essential for human health If we have the nutrients we need at the moment we need them, we will thrive! Conversely, if we do not have the proper nutrient base in our system every day, we will suffer loss of energy, poor mental performance and increased risk for disease. All experts agree that the best way to get the nutrients we need is from whole foods. Most experts agree that the best way to ensure that you absorb your vitamin supplements is to take them with food. Wellavoh is designed with whole-food complexes containing virtually every nutrient known to science. This exceptional formula feeds your body the nutrients it desires and lacks, every day, to avoid any potential gaps in nutrition. It provides you with hard-to- find healthful nutrients that go far beyond an ordinary multi-vitamin. Wellavoh is a multi-nutrient complex that offers complete nutrition both day and night. Different needs for different times Have you ever looked at a restaurant menu and wondered why certain foods are “breakfast” foods while others are preferred at supper? Well, restaurant owners followed the requests of their customers; customers followed the cravings of their body. Our body craves certain nutrients in the morning to support energy throughout the day. The morning serving of Wellavoh concentrates energy-producing nutrients for greater vitality. Now, think of the foods we crave for supper. Typically, heavier, more mineral-rich foods are preferred in the evening. The evening serving of Wellavoh supports what you need most – rest, repair and rejuvenation. These easy-to-swallow soft-gel capsules provide improved absorption for maximum benefit. Wellavoh vitamins are also individually packaged for easy on the go use. Targeted nutrition for men and women The nutrient needs for men and women are different. For example, the men’s formula supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood sugar health. The Wellavoh women’s formula supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and breast health. trivita.com4 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Brazos Minshew Wellavoh is designed with whole-food complexes containing virtually every nutrient known to science. wellavohwellavoh INTRODUCING
  • 5. What’s more, Wellavoh™ contains four exclusive blends of rare nutrients from herbs, plants, fruits, oils and more – combined to deliver essential health benefits using soft gels. These blends include the Sonoran Blend (with healing plants from the Sonoran Desert); Heart Healthy Oil Complex; Digestive Blend and Whole Food Blend. Wellavoh also includes six essential nutrient classes that make it a complete multi-nutrient complex: • Vitamins (for vitality and health) • Macro and trace minerals (to maintain healthy bones, muscles and heart) • Phytonutrients (whole food concentrates for better absorption) • Enzymes (to support metabolism at the cellular level) • Essential Fatty Acids (for heart and brain health) The importance of supplements The word supplement means an addition to something to make up for a deficiency. All supplements are in addition to a healthy diet. They make up for the deficiency we face because of poor nutrient density in our foods. They also help out when we miss the mark of diet perfection. Supplements won’t make up for bad dietary choices. We created Wellavoh to fill in the gaps of a healthy diet. As you review your diet for the past week, ask yourself, “Did I eat the right amount of fruits and vegetables every day?” (5 servings for children, 7 servings for women and 9 servings for men.) If you can say “yes” – congratulations! If you are like most people you did not reach that goal. And, if you are like most of us, you did not eat all of your fruits and vegetables from an organic source; so, the fruits and vegetables may have been of low nutrient value. Staying on top of our nutrient reserve is important. Our body makes millions of new cells every day – heart cells, brain cells, bone and blood cells. Every time a cell dies, it should be replaced. If you do not have the right amount of nutrients to construct a new cell you will either make an incomplete cell or none at all. The outcome is bad in either case; so, we really need to keep all nutrients on board at all times. This is why we suggest Sonoran Bloom™ Wellavoh – because it gives you the nutrients you need at the moment you need them. Feed your body the nutrients it may lack from an average diet: take Sonoran Bloom Wellavoh, the complete multi-nutrient complex. Wellavoh’s customized men’s and women’s formulas give you 22 different vitamins and minerals. • The MEN’S FORMULA supports optimal prostate, cholesterol and blood sugar health. • The WOMEN’S FORMULA supports optimal bone, skin, hormone and breast health. • AM and PM formula keeps you energized during the day, helps your body repair and rejuvenate during the night. • Easy-to-swallow, individually-packaged soft-gel capsules for improved absorption, maximum benefit. Wellavoh gives your body powerful support in these key areas: • Cardiovascular health • Skin health • Immune function • Bone health • Cognitive health • Hormonal health • Digestive health • Reproductive health Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at Wellavoh™ Women #30740 Men #30750 Non-Member $62.99 Member $49.99 Redeem with 500 VitaPoints A daily multi-nutrient complex for optimal health Unique men’s and women’s formulas support wellness, strength and vitality Scientifically formulated for MEN Scientifically formulated for WOMEN AM PM AM PM For a full list of ingredients visit NEW!wellavoh™ (wel-lah voh) Scientifically formulated for MEN (wel-lah voh) Scientifically formulated for WOMEN (wel-lah voh)(wel-lah voh)¯
  • 6. trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth I f you’re a regular reader of the VitaJournal, you probably know how crucial Vitamin B-12 is to brain health. As I’ve written here, study after study shows B-12’s role in fighting brain erosion, dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder and other inflammatory brain conditions. As a practicing physician, I can tell you about something even more remarkable: when you take TriVita® Sublingual B-12 with the new wellness drink Nopalea™, the unique combination can help both your brain and your body achieve optimal health. I recommend Sublingual B-12 with anti-inflammatory Nopalea for a range of inflammatory brain disorders, and for inflammatory artery disorders such as high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. The science behind the powerhouse pair For a scientific look at why B-12 and Nopalea work so well together, I’ve asked TriVita Chief Science Officer Brazos Minshew to explain. “This is a story about fat: good fat, properly metabolized fat. Two-thirds of the human brain is fat. When people have Alzheimer’s, or ADHD, the big thing they’re missing is good fat that gets where it needs to go to help the brain and body work well.” “The truth is – most of us don’t eat enough of the right kinds of fats. But even when we do, there are toxins in our environment that keep us from metabolizing them properly (using them for energy). The soil that most food is grown in that most of us eat is contaminated with lead and other heavy metals that block metabolism of fat.” “So what can detoxify the lead that blocks the good fat from getting through? TriVita’s Sublingual B-12. One of the most important things that Sublingual B-12 does for us is to unblock our metabolism so that the fats can get to where we need them. These fats repair our nerves, keep our brains from being eroded and produce the energy we need to live full and healthy lives.” Meet taurine, the “pilot” of our fat transport system “Once the good fats have been unblocked by B-12, they need to get to all the places in the brain and body where they do their good work. They need a transport ‘specialist’ (actually a transport molecule), and it’s an amino acid called taurine. However, we don’t get taurine in our diet. Our bodies have to manufacture it, and almost anything (such as toxic lead, emotional distress, injury or trauma or nutrient deficiencies) can interrupt the process. Here’s the exciting part where Nopalea comes in: Nopalea is loaded with taurine!” “That’s right, Nopalea, which is so beneficial in helping our bodies fight inflammation and toxins, also helps feed our brains and bodies with taurine.” “Now, you may have heard that a little taurine is contained in beef and fish, and that’s true. However, taurine is what we call ‘heat-fragile’ and is destroyed by cooking. So a supplemental source of taurine must be found if we are to have optimum fat metabolism. This is where Nopalea comes in: Nopalea is the only mature fruit source of taurine in all of nature!” B-12 Update by Dr. Scott Conard B-12 and Nopalea – The perfect combination for your brain this powerful duo helps feed both mind and body with a hard-to-get amino acid
  • 7. Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITA TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints TriVita Super SPECIALPRICE For maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at SUCCESS STORIES “I have been taking Sublingual B-12 for many years... adding Nopalea has been a real blessing.” “I have been taking TriVita Sublingual B-12 for many years and adding Nopalea has been a real blessing. The B-12 gives me a boost and I am getting to the age where people get dementia. I take this to protect against it. Right now, I don’t seem to have any issues, but I do want to take preventative measures. I am going to start my husband on Sublingual B-12 as well, so he can feel the benefits. I am thoroughly sold. I take it more for the mental clarity and energy, along with protection from dementia and memory loss.” NORMA S. – CHEROKEE VILLAGE, AR “I take TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12 and it is working great!” “At the age of 35 my doctor diagnosed the pain in the middle of my back as a rib nerve condition. I started with Vitamin B injections. However, I didn’t like the side effects. TriVita Sublingual B-12 greatly improved my life because I don’t have that nasty vitamin taste in my mouth. Now I take TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12 and it is working great!” NORMA H. – DOWNEY, CA 1-800-991-7116 Get what you need with Sublingual B-12 & Nopalea “So that’s another reason why Nopalea is such a breakthrough. Not only does it help fight the inflammation of allergies, arthritis, auto- immune disorders and more, but in partnership with Sublingual B-12 it’s a ‘must’ to help us think, feel and function at our best. Here’s an analogy that may help you remember: think of a gondola on a canal in Venice. Taurine is the gondola, Sublingual B-12 is the gondolier, and the good fats are the happy couple sitting there enjoying the ride to their destination.” My thanks to Brazos for that clear and colorful explanation. I hope he’s helped you better understand the science behind Nopalea and its remarkable benefits. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
  • 8. A s fast as trivita is growing, it makes it difficult to feature photographs of all of our employees, so this year’s photos are solely from our carE center and affiliate member services. these are the men and women who enjoy speaking with you regularly and helping you create wellness in your life and in the lives of others. Season’s Greetings 8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Blessings from the CEO’s Office During this Christmas season, we want to thank you, not only for this year, but for 10 wonderful years of letting us be a part of your Wellness Journey. We have been very blessed by our relationship with you. Our desire will always be to help you live a healthier, more prosperous and joyful life. Have a Blessed Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year. Blessings from the Legal Department With sincere gratitude we want to thank you for your dedication to health and wellness. Your health and relationship with God is important to us and we partner together with you for physical and spiritual well-being. We wish you a Merry Christmas. Blessings from the Canadian Office Holiday wishes from TriVita Canada as we express to all our loyal Members and Affiliates a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy the season; we wish you a very healthy and prosperous New Year. Blessings from Human Resources, Operations and Information Technology May your health, wellness and your personal walk with God find you filled with gratitude and peace this Christmas season. We are grateful you have partnered with TriVita and pray for you as you continue on your journey towards your physical, emotional and spiritual wellness into 2010! Blessings from Creative Services The Creative Services Department sends the warmest of holiday greetings to everyone in the TriVita wellness community. We wish you health, happiness and prosperity, now and through all the joyful seasons to come. Blessings from Sales and Marketing From all of us on the Sales and Marketing team, we thank you for your commitment to your own health and inspiring others to experience greater wellness. Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with health, wellness and happiness. Blessings from the Finance Department Our Finance Department wishes you and your loved ones a blessed, joyful holiday season. We hope that 2010 is the year for everyone to experience wellness and abundance! Blessings from Order Fulfillment Season’s Greetings from the staff at GDF. It has been our pleasure serving you in 2009. We wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  • 9. from all of us at TriVita December 2009 l 9 Blessings from the CARE Center and Affiliate Member Services The most rewarding aspect of being a part of the CARE Center is having the opportunity to speak with you, our valued Members and Affiliates, about your wellness experiences. As 2009 comes to an end, we would like to thank you for enriching our lives each time you call us! Your stories of triumph touch our hearts, and you bring us a greater sense of achievement at the end of the day know- ing we helped you come one step closer to fulfilling your life purpose. As a part of our TriVita family, we CARE about you and look forward to hearing about your accomplishments in 2010. On behalf of all of us, we wish you and your loved ones a blessed holiday season and a safe, happy, healthy and peaceful New Year! 1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
  • 10. So many astonishing benefits in a bottle Nopalea, the latest breakthrough in wellness drinks Try this delicious wellness drink, with an exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains and other healthful nutrients. A daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: So many astonishing benefits in a bottle Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 Nopalea™ 4 bottle pack #33400 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 Special – 4 Pack Savings!Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116. • Lessen inflammation which causes pain • Cleanse itself of daily toxins • Promote optimal health right down to your cells • Protect against premature aging Shareyourstory,getgreatrewards! What’s your amazing Nopalea story? Share it and enjoy even more benefits: a $25 TriVita Gift Card, PLUS an exclusive Nopalea t-shirt – a $14.99 value! Just email your Nopalea story to, or call 1-800-693-4083. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Whenyousubmitaletteroremail,youarealsogivingTriVitafullrightstoit,includingtherighttopublishitin futurepublicationsandtoedititasneeded. ™ FRONT BACKGiftCard $25 There are plenty of reasons to love Nopalea, but don’t just take our word for it. “My husband and I were in awe over how effectively Nopalea worked...” “One of the loves of my life is time spent with my beautiful little six-year-old goddaughter who is very active to say the least. While getting ready to go to a church event, I picked her up awkwardly with my left hand instead of both hands, and her weight shifted, injuring my left hand. The pain was excruciating and I had to put her down immediately. When I looked at my hand, there was immediate swelling, redness and pain. It got increasingly worse as the day progressed and I thought I would have to go to the emergency room. I booked a next- day appointment with my healthcare provider and decided to endure the pain until morning. After reading the testimonies of Nopalea, I told my husband that I would put Nopalea to the test and take eight ounces before bed and hope for the best. When I awoke the next morning, I was totally blown away by the results. Not only was there no pain but there was no noticeable swelling or redness in my hand. My husband and I were in awe over how effectively Nopalea worked with eliminating the swelling and the pain so quickly. Nevertheless, I kept my doctor’s appointment and told my Air Force primary care provider what happened and how well Nopalea worked. After examining my hand, she validated my results and wanted to know more about the ingredients in Nopalea. When I gave her the Nopalea flyer, she became very interested and wanted me to send her more information because she was going into private practice. Thanks to Nopalea, I can once again hold my goddaughter in my arms and feel her sweet kisses on my face. After that experience, the words of Brazos Minshew resonated with my wellness experience and my heart, ‘If inflammation is the problem, Nopalea is a solution.’” TYNEKIA T. – FREDERICK, MD “I have been using TriVita products for at least nine years...” “In 1996, my left foot suffered second and third degree burns. It took eight years for my foot to heal completely, leaving me with three toes that were stiff and unmovable. My doctors prescribed inflammatory drugs throughout the years, but nothing helped. I have been using TriVita products for at least nine years, so when Nopalea was introduced, I tried it. Three weeks after taking it I began to feel a tingling in my toes and after six weeks I had some movement in my toes. They are no longer stiff and I have complete flexibility in all three toes. I have high blood pressure and I am diabetic. Two months after taking Nopalea I went from taking three pills for high blood pressure to half a pill daily, and cut my diabetic medicine in half. I feel blessed.” MARVA H. – DAYTONA BEACH, FL “Within minutes, I felt calm, and the inflammation in my sinuses decreased...” “Sometimes my sinuses get so blocked, I can hardly breathe, and it wakes me up at night. Recently, I took a prescribed nasal spray, which hardly gave me any relief. Then, I decided to take my Nopalea. Within minutes, I felt calm and the inflammation in my sinuses decreased to the point where I could rest comfortably. When I finally got up to start my day, I felt rested, refreshed and was breathing freely again. Thank you, TriVita, for Nopalea!” JEAN S. – GLENDALE, AZ “ hands are no longer going numb.” “I am a certified nurse’s aid and work with people every day. I often wake up at night with my hands numb. They go numb when I drive and often throughout the day. I was introduced to Nopalea about two months ago and my hands are no longer going numb. This is great and I love it! Have a blessed day and thank you TriVita!” DEBBIE F. – BONHAM, TX Results may vary. Do not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.
  • 11. Dr. Libby’s Vital C standsabovetherest! Powerful immune system support and much more! It helps: • Fight free radicals that contribute to illness • Assist in normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol • Speed wound recovery and aid in healing • Support production and use of antibodies that fight illness • Detoxify alcohol, pesticides, smoke and pollution Take Crystal Tablets and Powdered Crystals for 24-hour protection. Vital C Crystals #30170 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints Vital C Tablets #30230 Non-member $18.99 Member $14.99 Redeem with 150 VitaPoints Vital C Pack #32661 1 bottle Crystals 1 bottle Tablets Non-member $43.98 Member $29.98 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints December 2009 l 11 This feature continues a new VitaJournal series about toxins around us: in our food, air and water and in our daily environments. Do you have hay fever that seems unrelated to the season? Is there an asthma sufferer in your home with unexplained attacks? Is a persistent skin rash a mystery? The culprit in all these cases could be lurking right inside your home: mold. Mold is a growing organism, a fungus found everywhere. Outdoors, it’s part of the natural cycle, breaking down dead matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees. Indoors, though, mold can be a problem. Take a wet or damp spot, add mold’s reproductive spores and you can have a full-blown health crisis. Mold is a well-known allergen (something that causes allergic reactions), and can trigger all these symptoms: • Sneezing • Runny nose • Red eyes • Skin rash • Asthma attacks Your home may be spotless and seemingly dry, but mold can lurk in hidden areas: where pipes leak, where appliances don’t vent properly or where a rain gutter drips water into a foundation. There are many types of mold, and they can vary in color from black to green to white. If you suspect mold in your home, how to handle it will depend on the size of the problem, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If the moldy area is less than about 10 square feet (less than roughly 3 feet by 3 feet), you can probably handle the job yourself. First, fix the leak or other water problem that nurtured the mold. Then scrub mold off hard surfaces with detergent and water, and dry completely. Soft materials like ceiling tiles or carpet may have to be replaced. To handle a bigger problem, check your phone book for cleaners who specialize in water damage or water restoration. Be sure to check references, and look for companies affiliated with professional organizations. Keeping mold under control The EPA advises these steps to prevent and control mold in the home: • Fix water leaks or spills fast. • Clean and repair roof gutters regularly. • Be sure the ground slopes away from the foundation so water doesn’t enter or collect around it. • Keep air conditioning drip pans clean, and drain lines flowing freely. • Keep indoor humidity between 30 and 50 percent. For more details on mold and how to control it, visit the EPA website at Do all you can to help your body protect itself against the dangers of mold and other damaging substances in the environment: drink Nopalea™, the astonishing new wellness drink. Packed with rare, powerful antioxidants called Betalains, Nopalea is formulated to help the body cleanse itself of toxins and fight inflammation (see page 10). Your home may be spotless and seemingly dry, but mold can lurk in hidden areas... Buy both and SAVE! Agency (EPA). If the moldy area is less thanseries 1-800-991-7116 Fight back against the indoor mold menace THE TOXIC TRUTH: To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
  • 12. I n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 Essentials for health and Wellness. this month, discover more about Essentials #4 and #6: Eat nutritiously and Give and receive love. Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials EatNutritiously Essential #4 Pies, cookies and other delectable treats can make it difficult to eat nutritiously this time of year. However, with a few strategies under your belt, you can partake of some holiday fare – while still maintaining a balanced diet. Plan ahead 1. Don’t go to parties hungry. Eat a healthy snack or have a delicious Leanology® shake before leaving home so you won’t be as tempted by holiday delicacies. 2. Think about the parties and gatherings you will be attending and decide which treats you will enjoy (the must-have pumpkin pie) and which ones you can forgo (green bean casserole). 3. Don’t plan on starting a diet January 1; thinking about it can lead to binge eating during the holidays. Control Here are some tips for controlling your food intake during this most tempting of seasons: 1. Cut corners where you can: If you skip the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie, you can save yourself about 100 calories. Look for low-fat dips and sauces. 2. Don’t linger by the table holding the food; you may eat several more cookies than you planned! 3. Prepare one plate of food, keep the portions small and eat slowly. After you’ve eaten, chew gum or sip on a tall glass of water the rest of the evening. 4. Avoid alcohol as it is high in calories. Choose water or another low-calorie beverage. Sparkling water is another option; add a wedge of lemon or lime to give it a little more flavor. 5. Focus on people, not on the platters! Try to spend more time chatting with friends and family – and less time eating. This year, with some simple planning and determination, you can have your cake – and eat it, too! GiveandReceiveLove Essential #6 During the holiday season, people tend to give love more freely than any other time of year. But you can give and receive love year-round in simple, heartfelt ways: • Reach out and hug someone – Make it a goal to give at least five hugs a day; you can hug your spouse, members of your family and your friends. You never know when you can make someone’s day with this easy way to show affection. A simple pat on the back or a squeeze of the hand can also show someone you care. • Call a friend – You probably know someone who could use a listening ear; take a few minutes to call someone and spend a few minutes asking them about their day. • Practice kindness – A simple act of kindness can really make someone’s day! Hold open the door for someone or ask if they need help carrying groceries. Keep an eye out: Opportunities for kindness abound. • Make complimenting a habit – If you notice someone looks good in a certain color or they did a good job on a work project, compliment them. It will make them feel good and their pleasure will make you happy as well. Did you know that giving and receiving love can also improve your heart health? Hug your way to health Researchers from the University of North Carolina found that hugging your partner can help reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Women who regularly hugged their significant other had increased levels of the hormone oxytocin, which in turn helped lower their blood pressure. Another study found that women in happy marriages had fewer risk factors for cardiovascular disease than single women or women in unhappy marriages. Part V of V under your belt, you can partake of some holiday fare – while still maintaining a balanced diet. trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 13. Wellavoh provides four exclusive, rare nutrient blends By Brazos Minshew, Chief Science Officer A s I look over the scientific discoveries in the past year I am struck with wonder. We have learned so much in such a brief time. And yet, really what we have validated with test tubes, lab rats and population-based scientific studies has merely confirmed what our ancestors have known for thousands of years: a healthy diet is the foundation for wellness! Wellavoh is designed with whole-food complexes containing virtually every nutrient known to science. Many of these foods have known health values, such as pomegranate for the heart, cranberry for the kidneys and bilberry for the eyes. However, all of these super foods belong in a healthy diet. Sonoran Blend Contains two healing plants from the Sonoran Desert that were used by native peoples for food: the nopal cactus, which helps the body stabilize blood sugar and support healthy cholesterol, and sage seed, which provides daily energy. Heart Healthy Oil Complex Contains fish oil, flax seed oil, sesame seed oil, pumpkin seed oil (men’s only) and sage seed oil. These oils contain Omega-3 fatty acids as well as lignans – oil-based plant chemicals that help reduce cholesterol and inflammation. Digestive Blend Includes ginger extract, an anti-inflammatory spice that helps improve appetite, reduce nausea and inflammation, and long pepper extract which helps reduce cramping and indigestion. Whole Food Blend Includes 24 whole food concentrates: pomegranate, grape seed, bilberry, green tea, nopal cactus fruit and many other antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables. Wellavoh means a harvest of wellness Let the gentle, profound wisdom of the Sonoran Desert guide you to increased vitality and sustained energy. Let the strength of this extreme environment provide you with the nutrients you need every day. The right nutrients help your body do what it does best: THRIVE! Please see the story on pages 4-5 for more information about Wellavoh. THRIVEwith a daily multi-nutrient complex for optimal health December 2009 l 13 Brazos Minshew Wellavoh™ is designed with whole- food complexes containing virtually every nutrient known to science. December 2009 l 13 Soft-gel capsules are simply the best way to combine all the heart-healthy oils, blends, vitamins and minerals together in one formula to give your body power packed nutrients 24/7! Soft gels also ensure exceptional absorbency for maximum health benefits. And, they are easy to swallow! WHY SOFT-GEL DELIVERY? AM PM 1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
  • 14. trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Staying balanced during the holidays: FOUR EASY STEPSby Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor W hile the holidays can be a magical time of connection, sharing and love, they can also be a time when we throw caution to the wind with our diets, leading to an imbalance in our health, weight and moods. Celebratory treats like alcohol, sugar and rich meals are everywhere during this time of year. Many of us eat out more often and attend many parties. So what can we do to enjoy all the fun and beauty of the season without taxing our health? You can start by following my four easy tips for eating out during the holidays. 1: Have a glass of room tempera- ture water with lemon before your meal arrives. The water will hydrate you so you don’t mistake excess thirst for hunger. The lemon will alkalize your system, ensuring less probability for heartburn. The room temperature water will pass through you quicker than cold water, which impedes digestion. 2: Choose protein-based appetizers/hors d’oeuvres. This can be anything from chicken satay or shrimp cocktail, to a piece of cheese, edamame or nuts. The protein will satisfy you so you do not start the carbohydrate craving cycle that happens when we begin our meals with bread. 3. If you are drinking alcohol, drink it with food. By waiting until you eat to drink alcohol, your blood sugar will not spike as high, and thus you are less likely to fall prey to the carbohydrate/ dessert craving. 4: Follow my “Whole Journey 80/20 Rule.” This means that what you eat 80% of the time makes up your health and you can be lenient with the other 20%. Consider all of the following as sugar: alcohol, bread, starch (white potatoes/white rice) and dessert. Choose only one of those when you are dining out as your “sugar” for the night. The food that we eat is very important for health and balance, but what really feeds us – a full and fulfilling life – doesn’t come on a plate. These are things like honest and open relationships, creative outlets, exercise and spirituality. I encourage you also to feed yourself an abundance of these throughout the holidays to ensure you stay balanced and get the most out of the season. making gifts for your friends and family is a great creative outlet. i love giving healthy, homemade sweet treats. try my no sugar (but tasty!) recipes below. they are guilt-free, good for you, easy and fun to make! Christa Orecchio Raw Chocolate Truffles INGREDIENTS • ½ cup raw cacao butter, melted • ½ cup raw cashews • ½ cup raw agave nectar • 1 cup raw cacao powder (or ½ cup carob and ½ cup cacao powder) • 2 tsp. vanilla extract (alcohol-free) or ½ vanilla bean seed • Pinch sea salt (preferably Himalayan Pink or Real Salt Sea Salt) DIRECTIONS In a food processor fitted with the S-blade, process cashews, melted cacao butter and agave until smooth. Add the remaining ingredients and process until well mixed and smooth. Chill in freezer for 20-40 minutes. The more chilled the mixture is, the easier it will be to roll into truffles. Once chilled, roll with your hands into balls and then roll into your choice of shredded coconut, raw cacao nibs or raw cacao powder. Store in refrigerator! Be creative! Add goji berries, dried mulberries, mint extract, nuts, whatever you like with chocolate! 1 2 3 4 Almond Torte Cookies INGREDIENTS • 1 cup rolled oats • 1 cup almonds, ground • 1 cup spelt or brown rice flour • ½ cup canola or safflower oil • ½ cup agave nectar • Fruit-sweetened jam of your choice DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine oats and almonds in a blender or food processor and blend until they have the consistency of flour. Put the mix in a large bowl with spelt flour. In a small bowl mix together the oil and agave nectar. Combine wet and dry ingredients and mix well. Make 1-inch balls with your hands and press flat onto a cookie sheet. Make an indentation with your thumb into the center of each cookie. Fill each cookie with a teaspoon of jam. Bake 15 minutes. Cool and enjoy!
  • 15. B ad posture can affect everything from your muscles, joints and lung capacity to your vital organs and even your self-esteem. Poor posture can put undue stress on muscles, joints and ligaments, potentially leading to fatigue, muscle strain and pain. A lifetime of poor posture can even result in structural changes to your body; your bones can remodel into a permanent slouch. Good posture, on the other hand, can help reduce stress on those areas of your body as well as make you appear taller – not to mention help you exude an air of confidence! Get it straight: check your posture Enlist a friend to assess your posture from a side view. Your ear, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle should be aligned. Your back should have three natural curves to it: curve in the neck (cervical curve), upper back (thoracic curve) and low back (lumbar curve). These curves should be in balanced alignment. If you’re like most people, there is probably room for improvement. If you feel you have a posture problem that requires professional intervention, consult your healthcare provider. Exercises for improving and maintaining posture Try these tips from the American Physical Therapy Association to help improve or maintain posture. Even if you have a permanent stoop or slouch, these exercises can help protect your posture from getting worse. Standing position • Stand with your back against a wall, heels about three inches from the wall and feet about six inches apart; weight should be evenly distributed. • Place arms at your sides, palms forward. • Keep ankles straight and kneecaps facing front. • Keep your low back close to the wall. • Straighten the upper back, lifting the chest and bringing shoulders back against the wall. • Bring your head back to touch the wall while keeping the chin tucked in as if a string is attached to the middle of the back of your head, pulling it back. • Pull up and in with the muscles in the lower abdomen, trying to flatten the abdomen. • Hold position for about 10 seconds, breathing normally. • Relax and repeat three to four times. • Repeat entire exercise at least three times a day for best results. Sitting position • Sit in a straight-backed armless chair, with both feet flat on the floor and back resting against the chair. • Place arms at your sides, palms forward. • Straighten the upper back, lifting the chest. • Bring shoulders back against the chair. • Hold head erect. • Pull up and in with the muscles in the lower abdomen, trying to flatten the abdomen. • Hold position for about 10 seconds, breathing normally and keeping the rest of the body relaxed. • Relax your abdominal muscles and repeat three to four times. • Repeat entire exercise at least three times a day. So straighten up and start enjoying the benefits of good posture! With savings of up to $40, now is the perfect time to order all of the products you love, including those you’ve been thinking about trying. Just phone in your TriVita order, and get: •$10 OFF your $100 order •$20 OFF your $150 order •$40 OFF your $200 or more order to receive your discount, CALL 18009917116 Good through 12-31-09. Savings offer applies to products only; does not apply to Gifts of Health or Gift Card purchases, taxes or shipping fees. This promotional offer is not available on website orders. improve your posture, improve your health Order more, save more... up to $40! SPECIAL HOLIDAYSAVINGS!
  • 16. trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness O n the surface everything seemed to be going great for John. He was a successful entrepreneur, living a dream life in the suburbs of Spokane, Washington. John and his wife, Nancy, were the proud parents of two daughters and a son. The entire family was also involved in church activities. However, this picture-perfect family was being quietly undermined by John’s serious health crisis. He discovered that he had a very rare inherited condition, a debilitating form of soft tissue arthritis that causes extreme fragility and joint pain. John was also born with scoliosis and suffered from fibromyalgia. Because of the toxins in his system and inability to exercise, he was wracked with pain and his weight eventually ballooned to 330 pounds. John was resigned to a lifetime of prescription pills. However, these very powerful medica- tions not only failed to help ease the pain, but also caused unwanted side effects, including diverculitis, a colon disorder. John’s dramatic change “I felt I was at a crossroads when I made a conscious decision to regain my quality of life,” John recalls. “My quest for better health began with the basics – by eating much healthier foods, including fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking more fresh water and exercising regularly. However, the most dramatic improvement in my health came when I discovered TriVita and its excellent selection of high quality supplements.” He started regularly taking a “core package” of TriVita® products and soon realized a near miraculous improvement in his health. These products include: • VitaDaily AM/PM™ – this premier multi- vitamin gives him all the important nutrients he needs. The AM formula helps promote natural energy and vitality and the PM formula helps support repair, rejuvenation and a more restful sleep. • Super Sublingual B-12 – helps greatly with John’s chronic fatigue, and improved mental function and concentration. It also provides key nutrients to keep his nerves healthy. Adds John, “Super Sublingual B-12 helps me sleep better at night.” • Vital C Crystals – “Vital C is crucial to my good health because it helps lower toxicity in my system,” says John. “It also supports my immune system when I’m under stress, helps my heart health and is easy to digest.” • OptimaFlex® – “This top-quality blend is tremendous for my joints,” John says. “OptimaFlex’s antioxidants also keep inflammation under control and other vital nutrients have greatly improved my flexibility.” John reserves his strongest praise for Nopalea™. “I can’t even begin to explain how much this wonderful product has helped me,” John exclaims. “First and foremost, it has helped my body dramatically reduce inflammation and my extreme pain. I really feel that Nopalea has helped save my life.” trivita products have helped him replace pain and illness with joy Thanks to TriVita, John feels better at 41 than he did at 28
  • 17. 1-800-991-7116 December 2009 l 17 “After three weeks and three days on Nopalea™, I realized I wasn’t complaining about how bad I felt,” John continues. “My wife started noticing these positive changes, too. Nopalea does so much for me; it’s a tonic for my entire body and I know I’m doing something good for myself when I take it.” No longer a slave to prescription medications He has also weaned himself off the prescription pain medicines that were wreaking havoc on his body. Now John is enjoying a new lease on life and no one is more thrilled than his doctors about his renewed good health. “They’re amazed at my dramatic improvement,” John states. “They’re also very pleased that I’ve lost much of the weight that I packed on as a result of my chronic pain and inactivity.” He credits Leanology® capsules for helping him lose 20 pounds in 30 days. Benefiting the entire family John has shared his enthusiasm for TriVita products with his entire family. For example, his sister is a registered nurse who often works the night shift. She was prepared to undergo a hip replacement operation when she decided to give a “last ditch” try with Nopalea and OptimaFlex®. She is now thrilled to report that the vast majority of her hip pain is gone and she doesn’t need the hip replacement surgery after all. John’s 78-year-old mother suffers from bad knees and a variety of other age-related conditions. Once she started taking Nopalea, many of these aches and pains disappeared. “My mother is a testament to wanting to be well,” John proudly notes. “She’s never been one to take prescription drugs for aches and pains, but rather has always believed that God gave us in nature all that we need to be well. In fact, my mom has told me that the difference in her situation is like night and day. Inflammation is no longer a problem and she says, ‘I feel alive and hopeful once again.’” The importance of the 10 Essentials John also appreciates that TriVita encourages positive lifestyle changes with the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. He knows that TriVita goes the extra mile to ensure high quality with its 10 Foundational Values, including physician-approved formulas, natural ingredients in all its supplements and third-party testing and certification. In fact, John was so “sold” on TriVita products that he decided to become an Affiliate Member. It allows him to get his products for free and enjoy a sizeable residual income. “When I began taking TriVita products, I challenged myself to change,” John remembers. “Now I feel better at 41 than I did at 28. Bringing TriVita products into my life has been nothing less than a life-changing experience.” You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting with your healthcare provider. “When I began taking TriVita products, I challenged myself to change... bringing TriVita products into my life has been nothing less than a life-changing experience.” John enjoys quality time with his family.
  • 18. trivita.com18 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness H olidays are usually celebrations or remembrances of events in history that have been important for one reason or another. They point to ways that we, as diverse human beings, celebrate, pass on and remember our highest values. December hosts many festivities for these beloved traditions to be honored year after year; a time of hope for the future and reminiscing about the past. The holiday season is a time for family and friends to come together and celebrate the joy of the season. This year is especially meaningful for me. My son, Kelly, and his wife, Melissa, have moved back to my home state of Arizona, with their identical one-year-old twin daughters, Isa and Zoe, after living in Boston for four years. I am looking forward to sharing the holiday season with family – but not everyone feels so positive. Stressful relationships For many people the holidays not only bring the joy of celebrating with family and friends, but also the occasion for tension and strife to surface between certain individuals. Relationships can cause turmoil, conflict or stress at any time, but are often heightened during the holidays. Family misunderstandings and conflicts can intensify, especially if you are together for several days. A common family issue is when a holiday gathering turns into a competitive arena for adult sibling rivalry. There are a host of feelings that show up when one sibling thinks the parents favor one child over the other. It’s natural for some people to be more drawn together due to geographical proximity (your sister lives closer to your parents), shared person- ality features (your brother and your dad think the same way so they understand each other more easily). Whatever the reason, if you feel your parents are favoring another sibling it can make for a stressful family gathering. Set aside differences Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don’t live up to your expectations. If you usually have conflict when you get together with your family, be prepared for it. Perhaps your mother always critiques your appearance, or your brother tells crude jokes. Don’t expect them to change. Have a sense of humor about it and remind yourself of what you love about them. Be forgiving Many times we say and do things that offend our loved ones and vice versa. None of us are perfect in maintaining family relationships. The seventh essential in TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness is Be Forgiving. It is important to set aside grievances and forgive. Forgiveness is an essential aspect of strong family relationships. Maybe at this holiday season you have someone you need to forgive, or you need someone’s forgiveness. A sincere apology goes a long way in bringing reconciliation. “I’m sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me” is one of the most healing things said between two people. Most people who have forgiven others will testify to the great joy they experience as the emotional burden they carry has been released. During this season of love, remembrance and sometimes turmoil, I hope that the power of forgiveness brings you peace in your relationships.  Celebrate and reconcile: finish out the year making peace in your relationships by Dr. Judy Judy Ellison, Ph.D. Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. Try to accept family members and friends as they are, even if they don’t live up to your expectations.
  • 19. 1-800-991-7116 “Be still and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10 The best Christmas my family ever had was the worst, financially. Bankrupt and about to have our house foreclosed, we had no money to buy material gifts. We were too embarrassed to share our situation, and so decided to celebrate the season with just us: my wife Sharon and I and our 11 and 12-year-old kids. Using scrap wood, I made a doll stand for my daughter, and a sword for my son. Those were the sum total of the tangible gifts exchanged that year – but oh, how I remember that Christmas. We visited an old folks’ home down the street and sang carols. We wrote letters to each other about how much we appreciated each other, and what the Lord meant to us at this special time of year. We prayed for each other. Since then our worldly goods have increased considerably, but I’m hard-pressed to recall a single Christmas as memorable as that one. It had nothing to do with money, shopping, planning elaborate dinners or fretting over what to bring to which holiday party. It had everything to do, though, with what I consider the shining gift of the season: peace. Lighter and brighter, or pressured and stressed? The glorious gift that we celebrate at this time of year was intended to lift our burden, not add to it with going and doing and buying and all the rest. We’re supposed to be lighter and brighter, taking comfort in “the reason for the season.” Instead, especially in the current tough times, so many of us feel pressured and stressed that the rates of crime and suicide go up. Let’s stop. Let’s stop and remember that gifts don’t have to cost money, and that the real gift of Christmas cannot be bought. Wouldn’t you love to feel the serenity, the peace of this special time, instead of the commercial mania? Instead of feeling obligated to buy a pile of needless gifts, wouldn’t your spirit be lifted by giving something from the heart? Here’s my holiday suggestion: Take the pressure off yourself this year and do something kind for others. You’ll get a spiritual benefit, too, from ideas like these: • Take time each day to pray or meditate. Give thanks for your blessings. • Read from Scripture to your loved ones (the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke is the perfect choice). • Pay a visit to your housebound neighbor (and see if you might run an errand for them while you’re there). • Shovel someone else’s driveway anonymously. • Volunteer a little time to a homeless shelter. • Replace one shopping expedition with a visit to a hospital ward, or an assisted living center – maybe to sing carols? Give to yourself by giving to others If you just look around your community, I know you can find more ways to give (and get back) true joy and peace by helping others. With so many people struggling through hard times, it may be the best time to, as Psalm 46:10 tells us, “Be still and know that I am God.” Here, being still doesn’t literally mean to be motionless; it means to recognize that the power to overcome, the power to triumph, is God’s and not ours. God will defend and protect us; God will keep us in His heart always. Are you feeling a financial pinch, but also an obligation to make this holiday filled with material things? Then do yourself and your loved ones a real favor: Sit down and talk with your family about the economic realities. Then, share the joy of planning an old-fashioned Christmas. Fill it with simple ways to share the love and peace that He bestows on us all. I wish you and yours the peace of the season, every blessed season of the year. Finding true peace in a frenzied season by Chaplain Gene Henderson Gene Henderson your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 Take the pressure off yourself this year and do something kind for others. December 2009 l 19
  • 20. Lose the Weight You Want – in 3 Easy Steps! STEP 1: Fat burning capsules for “losing the bulge” Leanology® Weight Loss Capsules (180 ct.) #30615 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints STEP 2: Tasty chews for snack replacement and appetite control Leanology® Appetite Control Chews (60 soft chews) Flavor: Chocolate Mocha #30690 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints STEP 3: Delicious shakes for low calorie meal substitution Leanology® Nutritional Shake (2 lbs – 30 servings) Flavors: Chocolate and Vanilla Non-Member $68.99 Member $54.99 Redeem with 550 VitaPoints VALUE PACK The Value Pack includes: • 1bottleofWeightLossCapsules • 1container(30servings)of NutritionalShake(chooseflavor) • 2bags(1FREE)of AppetiteControlChews Leanology® 3-Step Value Pack Member $139.99 Redeem with 1400 VitaPoints SAVE $34.97! One FREE Bag of Chews You know that excess weight can result in heart disease, diabetes and many more serious conditions. But did you know that those extra pounds also weigh down your brain, your lungs and (more and more) your children’s health, too? If you need one more reason to try Leanology® here are three, backed by the newest findings about health and weight: Adding pounds subtracts from brains Want to lose your skills in memory and decision- making? Gain weight. That’s the message from a study that followed almost 100 people in their 70s for five years. “The brains of obese people looked 16 years older than their healthy counterparts while (those of) overweight people looked 8 years older,” said UCLA neuroscientist Paul Thompson, senior author of a study published online in Human Brain Mapping. The aging differences were figured on the basis of lost brain tissue. Much of the lost tissue was in the parts of the brain that handle decision- making and memory, among other things. The findings seem to explain why heavier people are more prone to such disorders as Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive (brain) problems. Big bellies bad for breathing If there’s too much “you” around your middle, there might not be enough breathing power in your lungs. No matter what your body mass index (BMI, a standardized measurement of weight), research suggests that abdominal fat means reduced lung function. The study, conducted by the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research, looked at lung function among some 122,000 people, average age 45. Conclusion: women with waistlines of 35 inches or more, and men with 40 inches or more, were about twice as likely to have below-normal lung power as slimmer people. Severe childhood obesity jumps threefold As many as 2.7 million children in the U.S. may be severely obese, according to research into national health statistics. Medically, severe obesity means a BMI that’s in the top 1% of all those measured. The number of children classed as severely obese has tripled in the last 25 years. Researchers looked at National Health and Nutrition Survey data on 12,384 youths, ages 2 to 19 years. The researchers, publishing in Academic Pediatrics, also found that a third of severely obese children had metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors for diabetes, stroke and heart attack. The risk factors include high blood pressure, cholesterol and insulin levels. Try Leanology’s 3-step weight loss system today to lose unwanted pounds. Lose with Leanology for your health’s sakeresearch uncovers new dangers of extra pounds “This is an easy system... the product does what it says it can do.” “A month ago I ordered my Leanology capsules and shakes. I lost 10 pounds the first month, and am working on losing another 15 pounds before the holidays. I love the capsules! I hardly get hungry. In fact, I have to remind myself to eat. I love the chocolate shake. It is great for a quick breakfast in the morning or a quick snack later in the day, which helps get me the protein I need. The capsules are convenient and they work so well. I take two twice a day or three twice a day, depending on how I feel. They keep me from craving food. For those times that I need something to hold me over, the chews are just the thing. I feel very confident that I will reach my goal. This is an easy system and the product does what it says it can do.” MELODY C. – DENVER, CO “I have lost over 30 pounds and am down 4 dress sizes.” “I have tried many of the fad diets out there – but found they just didn’t work. My attempts to lose weight were also hindered by a variety of ailments, including fibromyalgia, degen- erative disk disease and chronic fatigue syndrome. I was ready SUCCESS STORIES
  • 21. ON MY MIND continued from page 3... and I had hosted the evening with the traditional Mexican food spread (El Paso tamales – yum!). After everyone left, I was walking through the house picking up empty boxes and wrapping paper when I walked by my daughter Brittany’s room. She was six at the time. There she was in her bedroom with all of her gifts around her laid out perfectly. Her back was to the open door and I caught a glimpse of her standing there with her arms and head lifted high, eyes closed, and in her sweet little voice saying, “Thank You God for all my gifts – You gave me everything I wanted!” That night I knew that the foundation their father and I had instilled in them would be one that would support them forever. Today my girls are in their twenties, and although they are all living away from home, we always come together for a wonderful Christmas with each other – sharing the love of family, celebrating the birth of our Savior, and giving thanks to God, our Provider. Whatever your beliefs or traditions, it is our hope that you are open to giving and receiving the grace of the season: to friends, family, co-workers... and especially the person who delivers your VitaJournal! Please enjoy the articles throughout this month’s issue as we cover life-changing stories from our Members, helpful ways to survive the season, healthy comfort foods and great product information. Together, let’s believe that 2010 will be the greatest year of your life. Make sure you read the article on Uncovering Your Vision, page 29, as this will help you set positive things in motion. To our extended TriVita family, may your holiday season be filled with peace, joy, love and most of all health and wellness! Pam Knox, Editor of Publications TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have partnered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Ste. 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 You can make a LASTING DIFFERENCE Your contribution will touch countless lives We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 December 2009 l 21 To our extended TriVita family, may your holiday season be filled with peace, joy, love and most of all health and wellness! to make a life change and felt that Leanology was the healthiest choice available. This time I was realistic and decided to make both short- and long-term goals. My strategy was successful... and my weight loss with Leanology has been astounding. I have lost over 30 pounds and lost 4 dress sizes. I look and feel younger. With the capsules and shakes, I no longer have the cravings that used to make other weight loss programs so difficult. I’m a ‘chocoholic’ and I especially love the creamy chocolate Leanology shakes. Sometimes I’ll add a little non-fat milk for extra calcium, and I add fruit to the vanilla shakes to get more vitamins and minerals. After drinking a shake, I feel like I’ve had a balanced meal. To further help with my weight loss effort, I gave up diet sodas, started eating healthier meals and learned how to make some great-tasting sugar-free desserts to satisfy my sweet tooth.” BRENDA N. – NEW BERN, NC 1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
  • 22. trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Exercise your brain, delay memory loss Bronx, New York People who do crossword puzzles, play card games and take part in other “brain” activities may help delay the onset of rapid memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, according to a study in the August 2009 journal Neurology. The study followed 488 healthy people (age 75 to 85), who had enrolled in the Bronx Aging Study between 1980 and 1983. At the beginning of the study, participants reported how often they participated in six activities: reading, writing, doing crossword puzzles, playing board or card games, having group discussions and playing music. Researchers found that each additional day of activity delayed memory loss by .18 years, roughly 1 to 2 months. “The point of accelerated decline was delayed by 1.29 years for the person who participated in 11 activities per week compared to the person who participated in only 4 activities per week,” said study author Charles B. Hall, Ph.D., of Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. Live near a noisy road? It could be bad for your heart Lund, Sweden Those who live near noisy roads could be at increased risk for high blood pressure, say researchers from Lund University in Sweden. The study, from a public survey of 24,238 Swedish adults between the ages of 18 and 80, showed that people between the ages of 40 and 59 who were exposed to constant noise over 64 decibels were twice as likely to report high blood pressure as others. Younger adults also reported hypertension but the elderly experienced negligible effects. The results were published in the online journal Environmental Health. Researchers said that the study doesn’t prove the noise caused the blood pressure increases, but still could have played a part in it.  Poor physical fitness increases death risk Indianapolis, Indiana Physically unfit people have twice the mortality risk of even those in slightly better shape, according to a recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise. Researchers followed 4,300 people over a period of 20 years, assessing fitness and physical activity through treadmill tests and questionnaires, and tracking mortality rates. The least fit of the subjects had a mortality rate twice that of the group only in slightly better shape and a mortality rate four times that of the most-fit group. “Given the considerable survival benefit associated with improving fitness in the least-fit group, increasing fitness through regular physical activity should be a priority in unfit individuals,” said Sandra Mandic, Ph.D., a member of the research team. “Health professionals should consider a sedentary lifestyle and poor fitness as treatable and major risk factors.”  The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 23. December 2009 l 23 Sally Campbell, affiliate member “Christmastime was always so very exciting, as I grew up in the 1940s in a very small town in Northern California (population 300). I think that we were poor, but we didn’t know it. We began singing Christmas carols at our little Methodist Mission church probably around Halloween. On Christmas morning it was exciting to find under the tree all that Santa had brought... the used bike my dad had fixed and painted like new, the old wicker doll buggy that was refurbished for my little sister and the wooden World War II airplanes for my brother. My doll always received a new wardrobe, thanks to Mother’s hours at the sewing machine. There were only two stores in town and it was always such a thrill to walk down the road, cross the railroad tracks and look in the store windows and wish. Times were simpler then.” Dana Maxwell, trivita Employee “I love the month of December, because it means the weather is finally cold, family and friends gather for holiday traditions and it’s the last month to reflect on the past and make goals for the New Year. My favorite holiday memory was a few years back when I visited my friends and family in Israel, where I grew up. My closest friends came over to my childhood home and together, we lit the menorah for Hanukkah. We gathered around the living room and sang traditional songs. We ate yummy treats and just spent the evening talking and laughing, as the candles burned out. We didn’t exchange any gifts or unwrap any presents – spending time together was all we wanted. Since I no longer live in Israel, being able to visit my friends and family members is always a treat. No matter what holiday I celebrate, it is the people around me who make it special.” Janine Theiss, trivita Employee “Having a fairly large-size Hungarian family, I have great holiday memories where all the cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents would come together and celebrate on Christmas day with a traditional Hungarian dinner. Being raised close with my cousins brought our family even closer together. Now that we are all older and have started our own families, it is more difficult to get everyone together. However, we keep in touch by sending photos via email and other social networks. We also try to get together for small reunions. I have now started my own family, with my dog, Harley.” Melona Anderson, member “My favorite December holidays are Christmas and Boxing Day. I am from the Caribbean Islands, and that is the time when every family member gathers together. Any family member who lives in another country or in another part of the Island comes home. We celebrate by eating our traditional Caribbean feast. Then we play some good old family games. The men play dominoes or cricket; the women tell the children stories. Boxing Day (December 26) is when we all take a trip to the beach.” in this column, members of the trivita® wellness community share their insights on health, wellness and more. This feature creates an open forum to respond to a variety of provocative questions about a wide range of subjects. Since the holiday season is now upon us, we’ve asked Members of TriVita’s wellness community to share their favorite memories. We hope you enjoy their personal, heartwarming stories. What’s your favorite holiday memory or tradition? Embracing WELLNESS Your TriVita purchase is backed by our 60-day money back guarantee, no-questions-asked. T R I V I T A P R O M I S E You could earn a $25 GIFT CARD when you share your wellness story! Send your product success story to or call us at 1-800-693-4083. If we use it, we will send you a $25 Gift Card as a thank you. ThisGiftCardisgoodforanyTriVitaproductorservice.ThisGift Cardisnon-refundableandnotredeemableforcash.Thevalueof thiscardwillnotbereplacedifthecardislostorstolen.ThisGift Cardissubjecttolocal,governmentalandTriVitacurrentterms. $25 GIFT CARD GiftCard $ 25 1-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover.
  • 24. Adaptogen 10 Plus Your Everyday Stress Solution trivita’s powerful, stress relieving formula: • Helps counteract damage caused by various types of stress: mental, physical, emotional, environmental • Contains all 10 adaptogens that have been proven to help the body “adapt” to stress • Fights free radical damage and helps boost your immune system adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part formula includes: • Adaptogens – herbal extracts chosen specifically for their natural ability to help the body cope with stress • Antioxidants – immune boosters that help fight the damage caused by stress • Aloe Vera – helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption TRY IT TODAY! 1-800-991-7116 or visit Discover the amazing effects of Adaptogen 10 Plus® Adaptogen 10 Plus® #30660 Non-Member $62.99 Member $49.99 Redeem with 500 VitaPoints Delicious BERRY Flavor F or advice on feeling great all year ‘round, nothing beats TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. Breathing deeply, eating well, practicing gratitude... all these positive habits are recognized as effective ways to bring peace and joy into our lives. The holiday season, however, can call for extra steps. When all the demands of the season seem overwhelming, it’s tough to get through the day (let alone sleep in heavenly peace). So, experts in the mental health fields offer these 10 tips on coping with holiday stress. 1. Be realistic Can you really shop for seven people on your lunch hour? Do you have to out-do the neighbors’ outdoor display? Try to keep your expectations reasonable. Make a list of the things you’d like to accomplish, and do the most important ones first. 2. Think “season,” not “day” It’s the holiday season... a time of special joy and remembrance. It isn’t just a single day that has to hold all the importance and events you can cram into it. You can spread activities out to reduce stress. 3. Permit your feelings Okay, so maybe sometime during the holidays you don’t feel very festive. Let it be ok for you and others to feel sad or lonely. 4. Avoid the “good ol’ days” trap If you view the holidays through the mist of nostalgia, what’s happening now can never measure up to the past. Enjoy and embrace all the changes and differences that are making this holiday time unique. 5. Do unto others There are lots of people who have less and need more than you. Why not share some of your own blessings (time, money, skill) with a volunteer group? 6. Pay nothing for fun Seek out seasonal activities that don’t cost a dime. This will help avoid the financial stress that can hit so hard this time of year. Stroll around the neighborhood to admire holiday decorations; go window-shopping; make a snowman with a child (or a grown-up!). 7. Don’t over-do It’s easy during the holidays to eat and drink too much. If food and alcohol are your “escape” from feeling tense or sad, know that neither will really help you feel happier or more calm. 8. Go for new Try something different to celebrate the holidays. Dinner out when it’s usually at home, or vice versa? Making a list of all the blessings to be grateful for? Inviting someone who’s alone or separated from loved ones to share an outing? Get creative! 9. Build your network Get in touch with someone you haven’t heard from in a while, or reach out to make a new friend. Try to spend time with supportive, caring people. 10. Honor yourself Sometimes, in order to be loving and generous with others, it’s important to take care of yourself. Reserve some time to do what- ever will recharge your batteries. Let others share in planning activities or running errands. You may find that they jump at the chance. 10how to cope when all is not calm, all is not bright Stress-busting tips
  • 25. T ula was searching online for a high- quality B vitamin, when she struck gold. This British Columbia resident was convinced to try TriVita® Sublingual B-12 when she discovered that it utilized Dr. Alfred Libby’s original, patented formula. Doctors told Tula she was B-12 deficient and she started taking B-12 injections when she was recovering from hepatitis. “Although I felt really good after taking the injections, the shots themselves were incredibly painful and inconvenient,” she recalls. “I also felt an inevitable letdown about three days after each shot.” Since taking Sublingual B-12, both Tula and her husband have felt a big difference in their energy levels and mood. “I used to get cranky in the past,” she says. “Now, with Sublingual B-12 my life seems to be a lot easier.” Tula’s success with Sublingual B-12 made her want to check out a variety of other TriVita products, including: • OmegaPrime® – She says, “I take OmegaPrime because I know I need it and it supports my body in so many ways.” • VitaCal-Mag D™ – Tula’s nails and bones were brittle and her hair was falling out. Since she started taking VitaCal-Mag D her bones are better nourished and her hair loss has been drastically reduced. • Digestive Complex™ – Tula takes it to make sure she has enough probiotics in her diet. She now notices an improvement in her candida and psoriasis conditions. • Vital C Crystals and Tablets – “Many of my friends have gotten sick with colds or flu,” Tula observes. “I credit Vital C Crystals and Tablets for keeping me healthy.” • VitaDaily AM/PM™ – Tula says this product is so much better than most daily vitamins because it packs so much more nutritional power, including 13 vitamins, 6 minerals and 25 whole food concentrates. • NutraFruits™ – She has a hard time eating fruits and vegetables, so Tula takes NutraFruits to make sure she’s getting enough antioxidants. “I love the taste and often mix NutraFruits with Vital C Crystals to get even more nutrition.” • Adaptogen 10 Plus® – Both Tula and her husband love it and she’s seen a remarkable difference in her husband’s demeanor. Tula says, “He has a very stressful job and often didn’t sleep well. One week after he started taking Adaptogen 10 Plus he realized it was working and he now swears by the stuff.” Even his co-workers have noticed a big difference. Tula’s incredible Nopalea™ experience Tula saves the best for last, because she has nothing but rave reviews for Nopalea. She was a teenage athlete and Tula’s body has paid the price ever since. She’s had lots of accidents, injuries, an inflamed Achilles tendon and developed arthritis in her fingers. Tula also suffers from sinusitis. “I started out taking one ounce of Nopalea per day and realized it wasn’t enough for my many aches and pains,” she says. “However, once I increased my daily dosage to four ounces per day I noticed a big difference in pain within two days and it really helped my Achilles tendon.” Now, when Tula does strenuous landscaping work, including moving heavy boulders, she has much less inflammation and pain. Tula exclaims, “Nopalea has given me a new lease on life.” Her husband also had a nagging shoulder injury and recently reinjured it after a fall. Nothing seemed to ease the pain... until he started taking Nopalea. He was thrilled to discover that he could put his arms over his head and enjoy complete free range of shoulder movement. Another friend – a former football player with a knee injury – was able to fully extend his leg straight after taking Nopalea. “I tell people that if Nopalea isn’t working then they probably aren’t taking enough,” Tula states. “Usually, a modest increase in dosage can make a major difference in results.” Spreading the word to the world In fact, Tula and her husband are so thrilled by their personal experience with TriVita products, that they’ve signed up as Affiliate Members. “We gain tremendous satisfaction helping others enjoy better health,” Tula says. “When people see our own improvement, we can clearly say we owe it all to TriVita.” Tula’s freedom from pain and illness nopalea – and many other trivita products – have given her a new lease on life Member Spotlight “Wegaintremendoussatisfactionhelping othersenjoybetterhealth...whenpeoplesee ourownimprovement,wecanclearlysaywe oweitalltoTriVita.”– Tula Tula’s favorite TriVita products include: • sublingual b-12 • omegaPrime • vital c crystals and tablets • vitacal-mag d • digestive complex • vitadaily am/Pm • nutrafruits • adaptogen 10 Plus • nopalea December 2009 l 251-800-991-7116 To find out how to SAVE $40, see back cover. “Wegaintremendoussatisfactionhelping
  • 26. trivita.com26 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness P ut the ho-ho-ho in the holidays with these ideas for joyful merrymaking with family and friends. At little or no cost, these activities will help everyone savor the spirit of the season. Progressive dinners Show off your festive décor while minimizing the cooking workload: organize a progressive dinner. If you’ve never been involved in a progressive dinner, you’re in for a treat. Family and/or friends pick a designated night to travel to several homes for a single course of food (you can also have progressive appetizers, holiday treats, etc.). It will take a little pre-planning but the result will be fun for the whole family. • Send out invitations, requesting an RSVP that includes the number of participants as well as the dish to be provided. • Schedule the order of the dinner and give each stop a designated time allotment. (This is also a good time to organize carpools.) • At the first house, give everyone a plastic beverage cup labeled with their name that they can take from house to house; have extras on hand – someone’s bound to forget theirs somewhere along the way. • Consider having a White Elephant gift exchange at one of the stops (read more below). White Elephant gift exchange Prepare for holiday amusement of elephantine proportions when you plan a White Elephant gift exchange. Nothing gets the laughter going like some of the crazy gifts that are sure to be unveiled. Each participant finds something around their house that they no longer want – or never wanted – and wraps it up. Everyone draws a number which determines their place in the gift-picking line. Decide in advance if people can “steal” gifts from others and how often a gift can be “stolen.” Hilarity will ensue as people vie for the creepy monkey coin bank or the coveted paper mache teddy bear. Get creative; the more creative the “gifts,” the more fun you’ll have! Make a wish list for others Instill generosity and goodwill in your children by writing a family wish list for those in need. Each family member comes up with their wishes for a better world (e.g., no more homelessness, an end to war, that every child would have a happy holiday). Then, take it a step further by planning how you as a family will help make one of these wishes come true: saving money throughout the year to participate in a toy drive, writing to soldiers overseas, doing volunteer work, etc. Read a holiday story each night Sharpen kids’ reading skills while enjoying quality family time by taking turns reading a holiday story each night through the end of December. Time- tested classics as well as more recent offerings can provide you a variety of material – as well as easy- to-read books for the children. Another option is volunteering to read to children at your local library or bookstore. Caroling, caroling What would the holidays be without singing? Plan a family and/or community caroling event. Print out copies of popular and traditional tunes, head out and make a joyful noise! Afterward, take the chill off with some spicy hot cider and healthful treats. Family talent show Showcase each family member’s special talent by featuring a family talent show as part of your festivities. If someone complains about not having a talent, point out their strengths; encourage them to do something different and unique. You’ll discover all sorts of hidden talents and have a great time in the process! Games Board, card and other parlor games such as chess, backgammon and dominoes can create a spirit of fun at any gathering. For larger groups, try a rousing game of charades – see how long you can go without laughing. Funandfestive family time how to spend less and enjoy the holidays more Family Health Here’s to a happy and healthy holiday!
  • 27. Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints and glands with Essential Fatty Acids! OmegaPrime® : Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids Premier blend of Essential Fatty Acids from four sources – fish, flaxseed, evening primrose and perilla seed oils Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s Inflammation-fighting formula Mercury/contaminant-free fish oil Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime! OmegaPrime® #30520 Non-Member $22.99 Member $17.99 Redeem with 180 VitaPoints O nce upon a time, a little steam engine chugged her way into history with four simple words, repeated over and over: “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” She was the star of the classic children’s book “The Little Engine That Could,” and she not only could, but did: she pulled the big train over the hill when none of the big locomotives could. In a way, that plucky engine was one of the first popular icons of “self-talk,” or affirmations: the messages we give ourselves every day, silently or out loud. As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Unfortunately, most self-talk is negative. However, if you’re ready to climb out of an unhappy rut, you can start today to make 2010 your year of living positively. What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are statements you make about yourself to feel better about yourself. They might describe ways you’d like to feel about your work, your health, your happiness... almost anything important, even if they don’t describe how you do feel right now. When you repeat a positive affirmation several times a day, it helps break down the negative beliefs and thoughts. In the process, you replace those negative messages with positive ones that help you instead of holding you down. Below are some examples of positive affirmations that might start you on your way. (If you suspect that positive affirmations are some sort of New Age hooey, maybe you won’t discount the source of these suggestions: the U.S. National Mental Health Information Center.) • I feel good about myself • I take good care of myself. I eat right, get plenty of exercise, do things I enjoy • I spend my time with people who are nice to me and make me feel good about myself • I am a good person • I deserve to be alive • Many people like me These are the basics: solid, concrete, positive thoughts that you can practice to help you change and let go of the past. Once you start affirming positive change in your life, you may want to focus on specific issues that matter most to you, such as health or self-esteem. These examples may point you toward the short, simple statements that apply most to your life: health Energy and health radiate from every cell in my body. My body heals quickly and easily. love I deserve love and I accept it now. I am showered with love every day. abundance Prosperity fills my life. The more I feel gratitude, the more I have to be grateful for. Peace I am at peace with myself and my world. I find peace in the process of life. Your life, your affirmations What area of life would you like to turn around, to change from negative to positive? Your answer will tell you what your personal affirmation(s) might sound like and feel like. Once you’ve settled on the affirmations right for you, it’s helpful to recite them, to yourself and/or aloud, whenever you can. Don’t stop there, though: make a list and keep it handy. Consider making copies, so you don’t forget; you might share them with people you trust, too. Remember: I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Isyour“self-talk” helpingorhurting? make 2010 your year of positive living
  • 28. trivita.com28 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness “The Sublingual B-12 combined with the OmegaPrime really helped.” “I was taking Sublingual B-12 for a few years. I also started taking OmegaPrime and noticed that my blood pressure, which was over the top, went down and I no longer had to take my blood pressure medication. About 10 years ago my doctor said it was amazing that I did not have a heart attack or stroke, because my numbers were way over the 200s. The Sublingual B-12 combined with the OmegaPrime really helped.”* BETHANN F. – INDIAN ORCHARD, MA “Thank God for Adaptogen. It keeps me feeling like I can get through each day without feeling overwhelmed.” “When my wife asked me three years ago what I thought of her going to medical school, I had no idea what a journey it would evolve into. Between moving a couple thousand miles away and having to find a new job, I knew our lives were going to get a little more stressful. Now living in New York and expecting our first baby, life can come at us pretty fast. Not to mention being an executive at a healthcare startup that demands more hours than are in the day. Caffeine from endless amounts of coffee wasn’t doing the trick. I was always stressed out and irritable. Then I was introduced to Adaptogen 10 Plus. Since then, I not only feel more refreshed, but I feel a sense of calmness. Thank God for Adaptogen. It keeps me feeling like I can get through each day without feeling overwhelmed. I am better able to concentrate and focus at work. TriVita’s high quality products are the best!” RYAN & BRITTANY S. – BROOKLYN, NY “I went from a depressed, exhausted, weepy woman to my old positive and vibrant self.” “I am a menopausal 56-year-old woman who was experiencing severe ‘brain fog.’ I discovered TriVita’s Super Sublingual B-12 and had quick results. I was having trouble remembering anything anyone said. Now I can concentrate and fully enjoy conversations. I recommend this product to everyone I see. I am so blessed to have found TriVita’s products. I feel whole again. I went from a depressed, exhausted, weepy woman to my old positive and vibrant self. I love all of my TriVita products.” KATHI D. – JUNCTION CITY, OR “A few days after taking these two products, I felt 20 years younger!” “I don’t know what led me to Adaptogen 10 Plus, but I know it helps tremendously and I could not be a happier person. I am alive! I felt dead for so long. I didn’t move well, it was horrible. My work nearly killed me. And, since taking Nopalea, I have been able to take a brisk walk with my friends without losing my breath. I could walk so easily, where I could not before. It is literally a miracle for me. A few days after taking these two products, I felt 20 years younger! I believe what brought me to want to try Adaptogen was hearing the people around me talk about how well it works. I decided at that time that I would try it. Adaptogen 10 Plus really helps relieve stress. You cannot put a price on your health and I feel GREAT! The combination of Nopalea and Adaptogen is really amazing. I tell everyone about my experience and encourage them to take these two great products together. I was on five different medications for nerves for a very long time and now I no longer take anything for my nerves.”* JANICE H. – INDEPENDENCE, MO *Youshouldconsultwithahealthcareproviderbeforestartinganydiet, exerciseorsupplementationprogram,beforetakinganymedicationorif yoususpectyoumighthaveaheartproblem.Youshouldnotstoptaking anymedicationwithoutfirstconsultingyourhealthcareprovider. see what members like you have to say about trivita® products! “I was amazed at the difference.” “I wanted to tell everyone why I started taking Nopalea. First, I read all about its benefits. I started taking it because I have severe carpal tunnel in my hands. They were numb all the time, and I couldn’t hold the phone for even a few seconds. After the first bottle of Nopalea, I noticed some difference and my hands weren’t numb as often. After the second bottle there was even a greater difference. I just finished the third bottle and noticed I haven’t had any numbness in a week or more. I can hold the phone as long as I need. I was amazed at the difference. It was something that didn’t go away all at once, but was gradual. I had to see my doctor because she had recommended surgery. I told her I wanted to try something natural before I made a decision concerning surgery. Then, in August when I saw her I told her I was so much better and that I wanted to wait longer to make a decision. I also gave her an article about Nopalea in the VitaJournal and she was very interested in finding out more about this product.” PAMELA R. – LAKELAND, FL “Sublingual B-12 gives me the energy and focus that I need to accomplish all that I have to do.” “My husband and I have been taking TriVita Sublingual B-12 a long time and love it. We now take it with Nopalea, and the combination is amazing. My husband is 83, healthy as can be and still works. I typically take two Sublingual B-12 tablets daily and feel great. We are never sick! I still volunteer and help seniors and families in crisis. Sublingual B-12 gives me the energy and focus that I need to accomplish all that I have to do. I am feeling great. Now I take Sublingual B-12 in conjunction with Nopalea, which tastes great and has really helped with pain. My doctor noticed that my blood pressure went down and Nopalea is the only thing I have done different. Because of this, my doctor has taken me off my blood pressure medication and I am simply thrilled. Thank you, TriVita!”* MOLLY B. – NAPA, CA Real Storiesfrom real people