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auguST 2009 TriViTa.CoM
50% OFF when you buy Nopalea™
thanks to nopalea
how to have both
Choose a lifestyle of wellness –
not illness
by Michael r. ellison, Ceo & founder of TriVita, inc.
I believe that almost every person wants to grow older with zest
and a vitality for life, and if possible, without illness and disease.
As we traveled across North America introducing the wellness
and anti-inflammatory benefits of Nopalea™, people expressed
their strong hopes of it helping them reduce the symptoms that
are robbing them of their quality of life. The good news is that
Nopalea is now making a significant difference in the lives of
people who have suffered with inflammatory issues. Stories are rolling in about people with
pain, breathing problems, nerve issues, high blood pressure and other inflammatory issues,
who are now experiencing symptom reduction in an amazingly short amount of time. I am
very excited about Nopalea’s potential to help people with aging issues.
As North Americans, we face what seem like undeniable aspects of aging: There appears to
be no escape from the illness and symptoms of disease as we grow older. It seems that the
entire aging population is facing serious health issues. Healthcare has now become a major
political agenda. But the question we all need to pose is this: Is disease and illness an
inevitable part of the aging process, or is it a result of the lifestyle North Americans have
embraced? Is there something we can do to help our bodies do what they are designed to do?
(Make us well, that is.) We believe that there is!
No matter what age we are today, there are decisions we can make about our lifestyle that
will help reduce illness and disease and give us a greater quality of life. We can engage in
actions that will turn the tide and promise us a greater quality of health and wellness than
most people are experiencing today.
I believe it is time we say that enough is enough. It alarms me that current research states
that my grandkids’ generation will have a shorter lifespan and a lesser quality of life than
their parents; this has never happened in North American history. I believe we can make
a difference by embracing a lifestyle that promotes wellness and gets us back on track to
always improving our quality of life. That is the North American dream!
Lifestyle is not just what we do as individuals, but also the lifestyle we embrace in our
community living. For example, while in Toronto for the Nopalea event, I learned that the
city of Toronto now has sufficient evidence to prove that the use of pesticides on lawns,
park grasses and golf courses actually contributes to breast cancer in women and a number
of children’s illnesses. Fortified with this information, the municipality of Toronto has
passed an ordinance that forbids the use of pesticides in the city. Now cities all over the
world are sending delegates to Toronto to discuss the research and how their cities may
reduce the toxic environment for their own residents. These are actions people are taking
to change lifestyle behaviors and help embrace a greater quality of life.
While it is the North American mindset to deal with symptoms, I want to encourage you
to think of causes as well. Be on the lookout for anything you may be doing that has a toxic
We can engage in actions that will turn the tide and promise us a greater
quality of health and wellness than most people are experiencing today.
10essentialsfor health and wellness
Join with TriVita as we begin our second
decade of health and wellness for all. We
encourage you to experience wellness™
through these 10 Essentials, created to
enhance life in wonderful ways.
1. Breathe Deeply
Inhale life fully, cleanse your body of
toxins and feel calm.
2. Drink Water
As you quench your thirst for water, you
also boost your energy.
3. Sleep Peacefully
Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep
routine lets your body do its work.
4. Eat Nutritiously
Choose healthy, wholesome foods to
fuel a healthy body and mind.
5. Enjoy Activity
Move it to improve it! Your whole being
benefits from an active lifestyle.
6. Give and Receive Love
Feel the power of positive emotions while
you strengthen your immune system.
7. Be Forgiving
To be at peace, unburden yourself of
hostility and resentment towards others.
8. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude brings gratification: less stress,
more joy, greater well-being.
9. Develop Acceptance
Releasing what you can’t change frees
you from worry and enriches your life.
2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Drink Water
See page 8
10. Develop a Relationship with God
Nourish your spirituality to nourish
personal growth and happiness.
Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
4 Healthy Aging is All
About Healthy Living
Why nutrients and exercise
are so important.
6 Take a Stand NOW Against
Premature Aging
Thrive with Nopalea™ – the
ultimate wellness solution.
12 ”B” Sharp in
Today’s Economy
Why B vitamins can help
build or re-build careers.
16 Pathrecy is a Walking,
Talking Advertisement
for Healthy Living
“I love all my TriVita®
supplements, especially
Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea.”
19 Become Your Own
Smoothie Chef
Refreshing summer drinks
loaded with healthy goodness.
Take a stand against
premature aging
with Nopalea.
25 David is Breathing Easier
Thanks to Nopalea
He’s much more active now
that his asthma symptoms
have disappeared.
29 Sharpen Your
Social Skills...
With Your Computer
Social websites provide
new friends, connections
and business opportunities.
hen I hear the term “Healthy Aging,”
I immediately think about my own mom
(pictured above with me). She had me late
in life, when her three older children were grown.
The way each of my parents took care of themselves
was like night and day. My mom never drank alcohol
or smoked cigarettes, and took great care of herself.
My dad, on the other hand, smoked, drank and ate
whatever he wanted and never sought medical help
for any of his ailments. His lifestyle choices robbed
him of life at the early age of 62. That was 36 years
ago, and my mom has since lived another lifetime.
She remarried a man who was 13 years her junior,
only to outlive him. For the past few years, she’s
lived in an assisted living home, and earlier last
year, she fell and broke her hip. She successfully
went through a partial hip replacement at age 95,
and although we figured she’d never get out of a
wheelchair, I am happy to say that she’s now using
the support of a walker, and we just celebrated her
96th birthday.
I have been sending my mom TriVita’s B-12 for the
past 10 years, and at this rate, we just may be seeing
Willard Scott wish her a happy 100th in a few years!
Every time I speak with her, she expresses gratitude
for her good health, the fact that she doesn’t hurt
anywhere and the love of her children, all the way
to her great-great-grandchildren.
So many people regard the aging process as negative,
and dread each birthday. Yes, we’re all aging, but our
choices and proper nutrients can mean the difference
between years of disability or years of vibrant life.
I hope you benefit from all the articles on
Healthy Aging in this issue. Be sure to take
advantage of the savings on some of your favorite
healthy aging products from TriVita this month –
and to hopefully find a new favorite in our
astonishing wellness drink, Nopalea.
Pam Knox, Editor of Publications
August 2009 l 31-800-991-7116
Refreshing summer
smoothie recipes.
10-step process for
greater purity.
We value your feedback.
Please send your comments to: editor@ or mail to Editor, c/o
TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden
Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
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one bottle of Nopalea
ave you ever
been told
you look
younger than your
age? What a wonderful
compliment! Why is
it that some people
age so gracefully? Is it purely genetic
or can others share in this fountain
of youth?
For some reason we inherently know the answer
but don’t take it to heart: Eat right, exercise and
reduce stress. Really? Can’t I do something else?
Isn’t that what supplements are for? Supplements
are just that, supplements. They can enhance
physiology, but sometimes cannot overcome
the effect of poor lifestyle choices. Even the
best supplements can be powerless against what
people purposefully do to their bodies.
Scientists have studied Okinawan centenarians
(people who live to over 100) for years because
they seemed to have the inside track on healthy
aging. Many of their “secrets” are very similar to
TriVita’s 10 Essentials (see page 2): clean air, clean
water, nutritious food, daily physical activity and
emotional balance. For many years, Okinawans
held the distinction of having the lowest death
rates resulting from heart disease and stroke as
compared to the rest of Japan. However, in 2000,
they lost that honor as the age-adjusted death rate
for heart disease and stroke for Okinawan men
increased to the same level as average Japanese
men. How did they lose their edge?
Scientists observed Okinawans shifting away
from their traditional foods, eating 50% less
green and yellow vegetables. It is not just the
Japanese who are seeing the impact of dietary
change. In the United Kingdom, there is an
increasing trend of mental illnesses such as
Alzheimer’s, attention deficit hyperactive
disorder and schizophrenia, among others.
That’s partly because the UK population is
consuming one-third fewer vegetables and two-
thirds less fish than they did 50 years ago. In
North America, eating nutrient-depleted food
and the lack of physical activity have also been
taking a toll on the health of our population.
Chronic disease is on the rise, not just for people
in their prime, but also among our youth. Many
parents express the sentiment that young people
are growing up too fast! As a physician, I can
say there is truth to that statement, but not in
a favorable way. Diseases that I typically see in
50-year-olds are becoming apparent in young
children: insulin-resistant diabetes, fatty liver
disease, atherosclerotic heart disease and high
HealtHy lIVING
HealtHy aGING
Tammy Pon, M.D.
Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually...
and your body will take care of you
by Dr. Tammy Pon
August 2009 l 51-800-991-7116
blood pressure. Unfortunately, this may be
the first generation of children to not outlive
their parents.
I’d also like to point out the huge quality of
life difference between healthy aging versus
longevity. On average, life expectancy has been
increasing in America: from 47.3 years in 1900
to 68.2 years in 1950, and it now stands at 77.7
years since 2006. Sadly, for many, the golden
years are not golden. The growing need for
“long-term care” becomes an almost inevitable
reality as 10% of all people over the age of 65,
and as many as 50% of those over the age of 85,
are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, which is
the seventh leading cause of death.
Can we turn things around? Of course, but it
means taking TriVita’s 10 Essentials to heart!
Your action plan should include:
Defend your DNA
I recently wrote about Essential #5 in the
VitaJournal: Enjoy Activity. Exercise generally
improves mood, stamina, balance, but more
importantly it may help keep DNA young.
Essential #4 is to eat nutritiously. By doing
this, you provide building blocks for your body
to use for maintenance and repair. Our DNA
undergoes many assaults daily. Your body needs
essential nutrients to repair DNA damage and
avoid inflammation. Chronic inflammation ages
the body, destroys brain cells, weakens bones
and contributes to chronic disease in general.
Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke contains up to
4,000 chemicals. Not only is smoking bad for
you, it is bad for the loved ones around you.
Children who are around cigarette smoke tend
to have more asthma and ear infections. The
good news is the minute you quit, your body
begins to heal. After one year of quitting, your
heart attack risk is half that of a smoker and,
after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer for an
average ex-smoker is cut in half as well.
Guard your gut
Traditional yogurt is one of many fermented
foods loaded with “good germs” called probiotics.
In fact, many cultures around the world have
some type of fermented food in their diet
such as Korean kimchee, Japanese natto and
miso, German sauerkraut, etc. Scientists are
discovering the symbiotic nature of these
trillions of good germs that inhabit our gut.
They kick-start the gut immune system in
infancy. Plus, over time these probiotics evolve
into “helpers,” producing extra enzymes to help
us break down foods to help release nutrients,
as well as neutralize some potentially cancerous
compounds. Regular consumption of fermented
foods rich with probiotics may help maintain the
proper balance of good germs in the gut, thus
enhancing the immune systems and reducing
the risk of some chronic diseases.
Many diseases have been linked to reduced
numbers of the good germs including Crohn’s
disease, asthma, allergies, breast cancer, brain
dysfunction from liver cirrhosis and obesity.
Helicobacter pylori, the “bad” bacteria associated
with peptic ulcers and gastric cancer, may also
contribute to some cases of schizophrenia,
autoimmune thyroid disease, diabetes, high
cholesterol and osteoporosis.
Make your mind merry
This encompasses Essentials #6-10. Many
vibrant centenarians have learned the secret of
being content, holding no grudges, continuing
to challenge their minds and counting each day
as a blessing.
Research demonstrates that exercising, being
socially engaged and participating in some type
of mental stimulation such as bridge, chess
or crossword puzzles helps reduce the risk
of dementia.
Actively participating in music can be benefi-
cial. A 1999 research study at Michigan State
University found that group keyboard lessons
given to older Americans reduced stress,
loneliness and anxiety while increasing levels
of human growth hormone.
Our body is an incredible masterpiece –
able to repair and heal itself, given the right
input. For many, the road to restoring health
and vitality is daunting, but not impossible.
Persistence and determination are important,
but do not necessitate perfection in every
aspect of your lifestyle. They can help you find
the courage to get back on track if you get
sidetracked. It can be hard going at it alone,
so “buddy up” and include your family.
Can we turn things around?
Of course, but it means taking
TriVita’s 10 Essentials to heart!
Our body is an incredible
masterpiece – able to
repair and heal itself...
Essential #4 is to eat
nutritiously. By doing this
you provide building blocks
for your body to use for
maintenance and repair.
Essential #4 is to eat
nutritiously. By doing this
you provide building blocks
for your body to use for
maintenance and repair.
Essential #4 is to eat
nutritiously. By doing this
you provide building blocks
for your body to use for
maintenance and repair.
Tammy Pon, M.D., a functional medicine physician, received
her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston.
She completed specialty training in Healthy Aging.
trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
y seventh-grade
teacher was an
ancient fossil of a
man – much older than even
my parents! I think he was
50. He told me a truth about
aging that I have never
forgotten: The only way to
avoid getting old is to die
young. With that in mind I
found great wisdom in the words of Benjamin
Franklin who said, “All would live long but none
would be old.”
So, healthy aging is about living long without
being old! To reach that goal we need to take a
brief look at the process called “biological aging.”
Biological aging does not happen with the
tick of the clock or the pages turning on your
calendar; it happens in your cells. During its life
cycle, a cell may be damaged by exposure to:
• Toxins
• Direct trauma
• Nutrient deficiencies
• Stress
Each of these circumstances causes inflamma-
tion and free radical production. Intense
nutrition is needed to battle these causes of
premature cell death. Premature biological
aging occurs when more cells die than you
can replace.
Fighting inflammation
The human body is designed to fight premature
aging and remain young. A powerful force called
homeostasis mobilizes your immune system,
hormones, nerves and other important systems
to ignite the healing process. Homeostasis uses
focused inflammation to remodel your cells
following injury, illness or even the extreme
challenges of emotional stress. Once the healing
process is complete, homeostasis extinguishes
the fire of inflammation and returns your body
to a state of dynamic and vital balance – free
from the effects of runaway inflammation.
However, there are times when your body cannot
heal itself. If inflammation overwhelms a cell, it
may be damaged beyond repair. Damaged, dead
cells must be removed or they will become the
focus of infection and illness. Betalains, a unique
class of nutrients that is both an antioxidant
and a protein, assists a special cell called a
macrophage (literally “big eater”) to engulf the
dead cell and eliminate it from your body. This
makes room for a brand-new replacement cell
and the cycle of wellness continues.
Intense nutrition
The supplements of healthy aging include four
critical components:
• A balanced multiple vitamin/mineral
supplement to establish a solid foundation
for healthy aging
• An essential fatty acid supplement
to nourish the arteries and rehydrate
the brain
• A Vitamin C supplement to serve as an
antioxidant reserve and keep the immune
system active
• A B-12 supplement to keep the energy
level up and the mind bright
Nopalea – protects against
premature aging
There are many things that contribute to
premature aging, including:
• Excess exposure to the sun
• A poor diet
• Stress
• Inactivity
The most common contributors, however, are
inflammation, muscle and joint pain and poor
circulation. Since Nopalea targets inflamma-
tion, aids detoxification and optimizes cell
health, it can help slow down the process of
premature aging.
Daily servings of Nopalea will provide you
with the betalains that put out the fire of
inflammation and rescue cells under attack
by free radicals. Further, betalains act to clean
up the dead cells and help to protect them
from becoming a target for disease. Betalains
help you thrive as they help your body reduce
inflammation and support the miracle
of homeostasis.
Remember, premature aging is about losing
more cells than we replace. Healthy aging is
about closing the gap between loss of our cells
and repair or replacement of our cells as directed
by homeostasis and fueled by nutrients.
To take control of your health and protect
against premature aging, follow these simple
• Learn, live and share the 10 Essentials
for Health and Wellness (see page 2)
• Take your supplements:
• A multiple vitamin/mineral
• Sublingual B-12
• Vitamin C
• OmegaPrime®
• Take Nopalea to help your body
ease inflammation
Nopalea is your premier wellness partner in
your body’s never-ending quest for good health.
To find out more about how Nopalea can help
you, read the testimonials and ad on page 7,
or visit
Brazos Minshew
against premature aging
nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution
By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science OfficerBy Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science OfficerBy Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science OfficerBy Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer
against premature aging
nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution
against premature aging
nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution
experience Nopalea,
the breakthrough wellness drink, and save
on the triVita products you already love!
With its exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains, plus
other healthful nutrients, a daily dose of Nopalea can help your body:
• Fight inflammation
• Cleanse itself of daily toxins
• Promote optimal health right down to your cells
• Protect against premature aging
How can delicious Nopalea pack so many astonishing benefits in a
single bottle? Find out for yourself! Order now, and also enjoy big
savings on your choice of these TriVita healthy aging favorites:
• VitaDaily AM/PM™
, the best multi-vitamin for everyone
(see page 4)
• Vital C Crystals & Time-Release Tablets, the ultimate C
(see page 28)
• OmegaPrime®, with Essential Fatty Acids for vibrant good
health (see page 18)
Save 50%
on featured
healthy aging products
when you try Nopalea
Thrive at any age with
“I am proof of the power of this product.”
“I’ve had ongoing pain in my left arm and chest since I got my
new car. It has a shifter, and the way I hold the steering wheel
continues to agitate muscles in that area. When I was traveling I
had one of my worst flare-ups. I loaded up on ibuprofen, but after
discovering this product, I was loading up on Nopalea. The pain is
gone! I am proof of the power of this product.”
patti w. – matthews, nC
“... my back and hips did not hurt... after 33 years of pain...”
“After one day of taking Nopalea, I woke up and my back and hips did not
hurt me at all. This is after 33 years of being in pain every single day. When
I was 13, I was helping tear down an old building and a wall fell on me,
breaking my pelvis and injuring my lower back. Needless to say, Nopalea is
quite a welcome surprise. My dad even bought his first bottle of Nopalea
from me. If it helps him with his knee pain he will be back for more. The taste
of Nopalea is awesome! Thank you, Trivita, for such a wonderful product!”
bOb K. – Chamberlain, sd
“... I have completely stopped taking prescription pain killers.”
“I broke my back twice while I was in the Marine Corps. Within the
last year I’ve been to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, neurosurgeon
and a pain management specialist. I found out that I have
osteoarthritis in my spine and spondylolisthesis, which is a forward
slip of one vertebra relative to another. So it is very difficult for
me to find a comfortable position, and I am in pain 24/7. After four months
of having procedures done, the pain in my back became worse. I took two
prescription pain killers and they did not help. I started taking Nopalea in the
morning, afternoon and in the evening before bed. Since taking Nopalea, I have
completely stopped taking prescription pain killers*, and have started running
two miles per day. I’ve noticed a tremendous difference with the Nopalea and
absolutely love it! Thanks.”
aarOn m. – sCOttsdale, aZ
“Two weeks later the pain was totally gone.”
“I had been suffering from an aching elbow all winter. I started taking Nopalea,
and a week later the pain was starting to dissipate; two weeks later the pain
was totally gone. Thank you, TriVita!”
lOrne t. – winnipeG, mb
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trivita.com8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 essentials for health
and wellness. This month, discover more about essentials #2 and #10: drink water
and develop a relationship with god.
Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials
÷2 =
Your weight
in pounds
Ounces of water
per day
How much should you drink?
It’s not an overstatement to say that water
is essential to your very existence. Over
60% of your body is made up of water; it does
everything from regulate body temperature and carry
nutrients, to flush out waste products, moisten tissues and lubricate joints.
But, how much water is enough? Use the formula below to determine the
ideal amount of clean, pure water you should drink each day. Remember
to down extra water when you exercise and during hot weather.
Example: A 150-pound person would need to drink about 75 ounces of
water per day. 150 ÷ 2 = 75 ounces (a little over 9 cups of water)
When you don’t get enough
Because your body is so dependent on water, there can be serious problems
when you don’t get enough. You lose water through natural processes such
as sweating, breathing, urinating and bowel movements. However, when you
lose much more water than you replace, you can become dehydrated. This
can be caused by loss of fluids, not drinking enough fluids or a combination
of the two. Dehydration is classified as mild, moderate or severe.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine lists the symptoms of dehydration as:
• Dry or sticky mouth
• Low or no urine output; concentrated urine appears dark yellow
• Not producing tears
• Sunken eyes
• Markedly sunken fontanelles (the soft spot on the top of the head)
in an infant
• Lethargic or comatose (with severe dehydration)
They recommend calling your doctor if the following symptoms appear:
• Not producing tears
• Sunken eyes
• Little or no urine output for 8 hours
• Dry skin that sags back into position slowly when
pinched up into a fold
• Dry mouth or dry eyes
Severe dehydration is considered a life-threatening emergency and can
result in seizures, brain damage and even death.
Water is life – so drink up!
Spirituality and health
Spiritual health plays a crucial role in your
overall well-being; by embracing spirituality, you
can positively contribute to your healthy aging.
People who practice daily devotion have been shown
to have lower blood pressure, fewer strokes and less
emotional turmoil.
In fact, one study from Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of
Medicine found that attending a religious service at least once a week
reduced the risk of death by 20%!
Building your relationship
Are you growing daily with God or would you consider yourself a spiritual
infant? As with any relationship, a relationship with God takes time and
attention. Here are some tips to get you started:
• Take time each day for prayer and reflection – This can be
a time of praise, thanksgiving, repentance and petition. And it
can be any time of day: when you’re in the car, in line at the
grocery store, anywhere.
• Communicate freely with Him – Let Him know your cares
and concerns – you’ll immediately feel better. The more you
share, the stronger your relationship will become.
• Get to know Him through a daily devotion – Reading God’s
Word is one of the best ways of getting to know Him.
• Worship with others – Build relationships with fellow believers
as you build one with God. You can learn from others as well as
create a stronger, healthier social life.
However you choose to approach spirituality, remember that it is an
integral part of overall wellness. Physical, emotional and spiritual health
work together to create a healthier, happier you!
Every month in the VitaJournal, you can find spiritual counsel and
insights from TriVita’s own chaplain, Gene Henderson. See page 23 for
his feature on this month’s topic: “Give the gift of giving.”
People who practice daily devotion have been shown
Part I of V
August 2009 l 91-800-991-7116
mega-3 Essential
Fatty Acids (EFAs)
are among the
most important nutrients
in our diet. We simply
must have them in order
to build healthy brain
cells, to establish optimum
circulation in our heart
and blood vessels and, most
important, to reduce the inflammation in our
entire body. Omega-3s are “good fats.” Good fats
make good cholesterol; good cholesterol makes
good hormones. Everyone needs good hormones
for physical and emotional health.
Omega-3 EFAs come from animal and vege-
table sources. Walnuts, flax seeds and perilla
seeds are examples of vegetarian sources
of Omega-3. Plankton, krill and fish oil are
examples of animal-source Omega-3. A distinct
advantage to vegetarian-source Omega-3 is that
they metabolize slowly and remain in your body
all day long. A significant advantage of fish oil
is that it requires very little (if any) metabolism.
Therefore, it speeds directly to your arteries and
brain with quick nutrition.
So you can see that each source of EFA has
advantages. Are there disadvantages to fish-
oil derived Omega-3 EFA? Possibly – unless
you are using pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3.
Deadly toxins in fishing waters
For decades now many short-sighted
industrialists have been using the world’s oceans
as their own private dumping grounds. As a
result, many of the fishing grounds have been
contaminated. Plankton and krill absorb PCBs
and dioxins – chemicals lethal to humans –
as well as mercury, arsenic and lead. Small
fish eat these tiny denizens, and the chain of
contamination begins. Larger fish eat smaller
fish and bigger fish eat them in return. Poisons
concentrate at each exchange. Finally, big fish
are eaten by humans who may suffer ill health
from concentrated toxins.
Is there a way to get the Omega-3 EFAs we need
without risk of contamination? The answer is an
emphatic “YES!” – if you are not afraid of a little
extra effort.
The healthiest fish
from pristine sources
The first step in collecting healthy Omega-3 EFAs
is to select uncontaminated waters. Very few clean
regions remain in today’s oceans. We use the area
close to the Arctic Circle between Norway and
Greenland as one of the most uncontaminated
sections of ocean today. Also, the source of our
Omega-3 is small fish that live in this region year-
round. Why is this important? Migratory fish may
bring toxins in from other less pristine areas. Also,
larger fish may simply concentrate the toxins as
they come up the food chain.
After selecting the smallest fish from the
cleanest area, we check them for baseline
contamination and measure their pH. Toxic fish
will be very acidic (just like toxic humans). Fish
with high acid levels are rejected and only the
healthiest fish are retained. Since freshness is
critical, the fish are cold-stored as soon as they
are caught and the oils are harvested right at
dockside. As always, our fish oil is processed in
an oxygen-free environment to prevent spoilage.
As the oil is extracted it is tested for the
presence of oxidation and decay using three
tests: Anisidine to test for past oxidation,
peroxide value to test for current oxidation
and TOTOX to test for total oxidation.
Molecular distillation –
the best way to remove impurities
The next steps are among the most important
in the entire process of delivering healthy
Omega-3 EFAs to you. It begins with molecular
distillation. Distilling oils is a way to take out
impurities such as dioxin and mercury. However,
standard “flash distillation” techniques merely
reduce the toxic load in the Omega-3 EFA. If
you want to totally eliminate harmful toxins,
you simply must use molecular distillation!
Our exclusive 10 stage process helps
ensure purity, potency and quality
1. Select pristine waters to collect Omega-3
2. Choose small fish to reduce concentrated
3. Measure pH and reject acidic (toxic) fish
4. Cold store the high-omega EFA fish
5. Harvest the oils immediately
6. Process Omega-3 EFAs in oxygen-free
7. Measure anisidine for past oxidation
8. Measure peroxide for current oxidation
9. Measure TOTOX to protect against
rancid oils
10. Molecularly distill the oils to remove even
trace contaminants
Yes, this is an
expensive, time-
consuming process
but we cannot
deliver less than
the best to the
people who trust
us. By choosing
OmegaPrime®, you
can rest assured
that you are
getting the highest
quality product for
your needs.
See page 18
for more infor-
mation about
to deliver the powerful
benefits of Omega-3s
we use a rigorous 10-step process to ensure purity
Brazos Minshew
By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer
adaptogen 10 Plus – your everyday Stress Solution
TriVita’s powerful, stress relieving formula:
• Helps counteract damage caused by various types of stress: mental, physical, emotional, environmental
• Contains all 10 adaptogens that have been proven to help the body “adapt” to stress
• Fights free radical damage and helps boost your immune system
Adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part formula includes:
• Adaptogens – herbal extracts chosen specifically for their natural ability to help the
body cope with stress
• Antioxidants – immune boosters that help fight the damage caused by stress
• Aloe Vera – helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption
TRY IT TODAY! 1-800-991-7116 or visit
f you’re one of the millions of baby boomers
who care for both your children and your
aging parents, then you are part of the
so-called “sandwich generation.”
You may feel like you’re doing too much or too
little; torn between your kids and the person
you’re caring for; and that you don’t have any
time for yourself. Caring for children and
parents simultaneously can leave you drained,
depressed – and unhealthy. What’s more, the
economy may have driven grown children
back to the “nest,” adding to the strain.
Empower yourself with knowledge and good
health to make the best of a difficult situation.
Take a break each and every day –
Avoid burnout by spending at least a few
minutes each day relaxing. Prayer, mediation,
or even a short walk can help rejuvenate
you. Depending on your situation, you may
want to consider respite care to give yourself
time to focus on your own well-being. Take
time out to visit with friends and plan fun,
relaxing activities.
Watch for signs of depression –
Join a caregiver support group if necessary.
You can share your feelings with a group of
people who know exactly what you’re going
through. You can get the emotional and
practical support you need, and it’s a great place
to learn coping and stress-reduction techniques.
Delegate the care – You don’t have to
do this alone, so if someone offers to help,
take them up on it. Give them a specific task
they can help you with. Also, hold a family
meeting with siblings and extended family to
cover topics such as time and financial issues.
Form a support network to share the care.
Take a caregiver training class –
You can learn everything from how to properly
bathe someone with limited mobility to handling
medical equipment. Some organizations offer
disease-specific caregiver training; this will help
you provide the very best care possible.
Educate yourself about the disease –
If the person you’re caring for has a specific
disease, learn as much as you can about it.
This can help with treatment, let you know
what to expect, and help you make long-term
plans and decisions.
Plan for the future – Although these
topics are difficult to address, it’s important
to discuss such things as living wills, medical
power of attorney and even estate planning. You
may want to consider opening a joint checking
account with your parents so you can pay the
bills if necessary.
Discuss the situation with your
children – Sit down with your children to
discuss the changes taking place and ask for
their help and understanding. You can reassure
them that you are not abandoning them, but
you have new responsibilities that may require
more of your time and resources.
Maintain your health
• Eat a balanced diet. Fast and processed
foods are easy – but they won’t help
the amazing
effects of
10 Plus®
Adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part
10 Plus®
Non-Member $62.99
Member $49.99
Redeem with 500 VitaPoints
Taking care of yourself... along with children and aging parents
Are you part of the
sandwich generation?
Are you part of the
sandwich generation?sandwich generation?
Are you part of the
sandwich generation?
Are you part of theAre you part of the
sandwich generation?
Family Health
August 2009 l 111-800-991-7116
Backpack safety
• Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back.
• Pack light. Organize the backpack to use all of its compartments. Pack heavier items closest to the center
of the back. The backpack should never weigh more than 10 to 20 percent of the student’s body weight.
• Always use both shoulder straps. Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can strain muscles.
• Consider a rolling backpack. This type of backpack may be a good choice for students who must tote a heavy
load. Remember that rolling backpacks still must be carried up stairs, and they may be difficult to roll in snow.
Traveling to and from school
Review the basic rules with your youngster:
School Bus
• If your child’s school bus has lap/shoulder seat belts, make sure your child uses one at all times when
in the bus.
• Wait for the bus to stop before approaching it from the curb.
• Do not move around on the bus.
• Check to see that no other traffic is coming before crossing.
• Make sure to always remain in clear view of the bus driver.
• Always wear a bicycle helmet, no matter how short or long the ride.
• Ride on the right, in the same direction as traffic.
• Use appropriate hand signals.
• Respect traffic lights and stop signs.
• Wear bright colored clothing to increase visibility.
Walking to School
• Make sure your child takes a safe route to school with well-trained adult crossing guards at every intersection.
• Be realistic about your child’s pedestrian skills. Because small children are impulsive and less cautious around
traffic, carefully consider whether or not your child is ready to walk to school without adult supervision.
• Bright colored clothing will make your child more visible to drivers.
Making the first day easier
• Point out the positive aspects of starting school: It will be fun. They’ll see old friends and meet new ones.
Refresh their memory about previous years, when they may have returned home after the first day with high
spirits because they had a good time.
• Find another child in the neighborhood with whom your youngster can walk to school or ride with on the bus.
• If you feel it is appropriate, drive your child (or walk with them) to school and pick them up on the first day.
you cope with your situation. Be sure
to include plenty of fruits and vegetables
in your diet.
• Don’t abandon your exercise routine.
Even if you have to break it up into
10-minute increments, it will still help.
Exercise is important for your overall
health and it’s a good stress-buster. Plus,
if you’re caring for someone with limited
mobility, you will need to be able to lift,
push and pull.
• Get regular check-ups. Stay up-to-date
on your annual medical visits.
Arm yourself with knowledge –
A multitude of resources is available for
caregivers. It’s easy to get caught up in feelings
of helplessness, but remember, you’re not alone;
there is plenty of help out there. Empower
yourself and take control of the situation
instead of allowing it to control you.
• Services – The Department of Health &
Human Services’ website
is a great tool for finding local home and
community-based services.
• Benefits – can help
you figure out what benefits your relative
qualifies for in federal, state, local and
private programs.
• Assistance programs – is
a collaborative effort of 17 federal agencies
that can help you find federal, state and
local government assistant programs.
• Medicare – An entire section of medicare.
gov is dedicated to caregivers. You’ll
find publications, videos, answers on
navigating Medicare, the options you have
and other resources to help you through.
Get plenty of sleep – Sleep is the best
way to recharge your batteries – get at least 7.5
to 9 hours per night. This is especially important
for caregivers who can be drained emotionally,
physically and mentally.
Above all, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If
you feel you are drowning in responsibility or
are confused about which steps to take, share
your concerns with friends, a therapist or
clergyman. They may be able to offer valuable
guidance. Recognize that asking for help is a
sign of strength, not of weakness.
Are your kids or
grandkids going
back to school?
Tips from the american academy of pediatrics
trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary
care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles
to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered
a national expert on disease prevention.
TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials.
Scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
n today’s economy, people
everywhere are re-packaging
themselves to adjust to a tougher
job market. Whether you’re taking a
computer course, working toward a
degree or simply looking for income
in a new field, you need to be sharp.
Maybe “B” sharp is more to the
point, as in Vitamin B-12.
No matter how many job training courses
you take or how impressive your resumé
is, you can’t be a standout if you’re tired,
irritable or forgetful. And that may be just
the impression you give if, like so many in
today’s stressful world, you’re suffering from
a B-12 deficiency.
Symptoms that others will notice
Low energy is one of the most well-known
symptoms that your body is low on the
important “B” nutrients we all need to thrive.
What you may not know – but you can be
sure others notice – are these additional
symptoms of B-12 deficiency:
•	 Depression
•	 Confusion
•	 Moodiness
•	 Poor memory
Just as troublesome, though they may not
be so obvious to others, are these additional
symptoms of low B-12: weakness, loss of
appetite, weight loss, numbness/tingling in
the hands and feet and trouble maintaining
balance. And don’t think that just because
you’re a certain age, you’re “immune” from a
lack of B-12. A B-12 deficiency can start as
early as age 30 and can cause brain erosion.
As early as age 40, the body’s ability to absorb
B vitamins may decrease.
So, if it’s important to you to function at the
peak of your powers, it’s important to give
your brain and body the B-12 it needs.
That’s why it’s important to replenish your
B-12 “resumé” every day with TriVita’s quality
B-12 products. You get maximum absorption
from their unique formulas, which dissolve
right under the tongue to speed their benefits
into the bloodstream. Pills that you swallow
don’t deliver maximum absorption. And as
you may know, injections of B-12 are painful
and expensive.
Give yourself the best:
TriVita’s B-12
Once you decide to upgrade your B-12
levels, commit to giving yourself only the
best... only TriVita’s B-12 products give
you these benefits:
•	 Dr. Alfred Libby’s original, patented
sublingual (under-the-tongue) delivery
system for maximum absorption
•	 Nutrient-based, with no stimulants
•	 Pharmaceutical-grade quality
•	 Clinically tested for purity
and effectiveness
B-12 Update
by Dr. Scott Conard
Upgrading your career skills?	
Don’t leave your brain behind
Faster-acting, longer-lasting
and more potent than ever before
with three times the Vitamin B-12
TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve:
• Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness
• Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life
• Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration
• Sharper memory with less forgetfulness
Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain
and nerves the essential nutrients they need to
help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves.
And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet.
Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid
Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better
every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this
unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar
mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D.
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Non-Member $28.99
Member $22.99
Redeem with 230 VitaPoints
TriVita Super
For maximum sustained
mental energy take
TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12
Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116
or visit us at
In my medical experience, I have found that
quality B-12 supplementation can make all
the difference between fatigue and energy,
brain fog and alertness, the blues and vitality.
And if you were an employer, which qualities
would you want to hire?
Naturally, we’d all like to be at our best,
no matter what our employment status. So
if you’re re-entering the job market, switching
careers to adapt to a shifting economy or just
looking for renewed energy, vitality and focus,
give yourself every advantage. Give yourself
TriVita B-12.
“I feel like I have a new lease on life.“
“For years I have struggled with
extremely low energy. At the age
of 15 I started seeing doctors and
undergoing numerous tests to
get to the bottom of my energy
related issues. All testing would come back
normal, so it just became a part of life for me.
I always felt as though I was dragging myself
around, and those around me would often
comment to me or my husband about how
tired and exhausted I looked. My energy issue
became an even greater problem over the
past four years, and in February 2007, I was
diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
Have you ever been so tired that it was all you
could do to pull yourself out of bed? Some
days I was in tears when I woke up because of
how exhausted I felt. Living life with a lack of
energy does damage to your spirit. Also, I was
no longer able to keep up with taking care of
my home and work like I had in the past.
In January 2009, I began taking TriVita Super
Sublingual B-12, and within several weeks I
started to notice a difference. One day as I was
picking up my children from school, I suddenly
realized that I had cleaned my home, completed
the laundry and even sent off several emails for
my business – and still felt good.
I remember calling my husband and telling
him, ‘These vitamins are really working.’ I now
get through my days with great energy and
feel like I have a new lease on life. I recently
saw my doctor, and she asked me what I was
doing because I looked so different. This is
something I have been hearing more of, and I
have to say it feels great!”
GlOria C. – COQuitlam, bC
Charlotte Riegel,
affiliate Member
“Since I cannot stop
the biological clock from
ticking off my life on
earth, I do the following
to feel young:
• Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water
• Get adequate sleep (more rather than less)
• Stay active by walking, gardening and
entertaining grandchildren
• Volunteer at my church (this has both
physical and emotional benefits)
• Think positively and express gratitude
• Express love to family, friends
and neighbors
• Change what I should and can, leaving
the rest to God
• Maintain a deep relationship with God
All of what I do helps maintain a sense of
well-being and has been developed through
deliberate discipline. I am most energized
when engaged with my passions of reading,
writing and gardening.
At my age, youth is a matter of perception
and attitude.”
Elizabeth Welsh,
affiliate Member
“TriVita products have helped
keep me young. I started with
Sublingual B-12 and Vital
C Crystals, and added other
vitamins as they came along.
I’m especially excited by the
new Nopalea. In addition, Joint Complex helped
ease my arthritis. There are many supplement
companies out there, and some even have
decent products, but none can compare to
TriVita. So today I can say I have used most
of TriVita’s products with great success. I am
56-years-old, and I am able to hike, bike and
ski. And I love to dance! I eat a healthy diet,
exercise at the gym at least three times a week
and drink eight glasses of water daily! I also use
totally natural jojoba oil with essential oils on
my face and body, wash with natural soaps and
use natural shampoo and conditioner that I buy
at the farmers’ market. Aging is natural; looking
and feeling young is a choice!”
Peter Dusharm,
TriVita employee
“It is important to continue
to feel and stay young as we
get older. I am motivated to
do so in order to be able to
play with my children, and
eventually grandchildren
as they grow. I focus on staying physically fit
so that I can remain active and energetic as
I age. Recently, my wife and I took up cycling,
a very challenging and rewarding activity. I
completed a two-day, 175-mile ride for charity
and since it was for a good cause, it was even
more rewarding. Every time I finish a ride I
feel a sense of accomplishment and complete
stress relief. I also enjoy the beautiful desert
landscape while being physically active. I would
encourage anyone to find a trail through a park
or neighborhood and begin to experience the
joy of cycling.
I like to use Optima4 to help me have
the energy to complete the rides, and
Adaptogen 10 Plus helps me to recover after
a ride. In addition, Nopalea contributes to
my overall health in numerous ways, and
helps reduce swelling in joints and muscles
after rigorous exercise.”
Each month three members
of the TriVita community
share their insights on health,
wellness and more.
This monthly feature creates an open forum
for members of the TriVita community to
respond to a variety of provocative questions
about a wide range of subjects. Join the
discussion! Your response could earn
you a $25 TriVita Gift
Card; see details at the
end of this article.
Do you feel younger
or older than your biological age?
Have you ever been so exhausted and
run-down that you felt much older?
Or, just the opposite – do you take
extra good care of yourself and feel
years younger than you think you
should? What you put in your body
and how you nurture it greatly affects
how you feel and look. Here are some
ways others feel and stay young.
What do you do to feel and stay young?
We invite you to answer
our upcoming question:
“How do you express
gratitude on a daily basis?”
Just email your response to,
or call 1-800-693-4083. You can also write to:
VitaJournal, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste. 950,
Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please include your Member ID,
your address and daytime phone number (along with
email address, if you have one).
This month’s question:
trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
August 2009 l 151-800-991-7116
“The Healthy Aging Pack is
everything I need.”
“Eight years ago my husband
and I were in a bad car
accident. A year into the
healing process, I saw TriVita
Sublingual B-12 on TV and
decided to try it. Within a
couple of days I noticed a
difference. Later I added Vital C Crystals. Now
I’m on the Healthy Aging Pack, which includes
these two products, plus VitaDaily AM/PM
and OmegaPrime. I keep taking them because
I feel much better. I sleep well at night. I have
minimal aches and pains. I have steady energy
throughout the day. Plus, it’s convenient and
there’s a cost savings. I love TriVita!”
Kathy G. – Jenks, OK
“The past four years have been
“I am a machine operator and a deep sea
fisherman. A few years ago, I was having back
problems and all my joints were so painful that
I didn’t know what to do. Then I discovered
OmegaPrime. After my first bottle I noticed
I could start doing things that previously had
been a problem. I continue to take OmegaPrime
and for the past four years have been pain-free.
I have recommended this fantastic product
to a few friends and family members, and it
has worked for each and every one of them.
Thank you, TriVita for this wonderful product.”
Oswald C. – Scarborough, ON
“Adaptogen 10 Plus remains one of
my daily rituals!”
“I’ve been using Adaptogen
10 Plus ever since it became
part of TriVita’s amazing
product line. At the time I
had an immense amount
of stress but noticed that
Adaptogen 10 Plus gave me
a real sense of calmness and a feeling of being
refreshed. Although I have since eliminated
the major sources of stress in my life, there are
still the environmental toxins that we can’t get
completely away from... so Adaptogen 10 Plus
remains one of my daily rituals!”
Rene F. – Kamloops, BC
“This product is amazing to me.”
“I take Dr. Libby’s Vital C Crystals. Since I
started taking Vital C, I’ve never gotten a cold,
and I’m usually the first one to get it. I’ll stand
behind it – this stuff really works. It’s the best
Vitamin C product I have found. I’ve tried other
brands, and they aren’t nearly as effective. The
people in my family that don’t take Vital C get
sinus colds, the flu and other viruses, but my
brother and I both take it and don’t get sick.
I used to have five or six colds a year, but last
year I had just one small one all winter long.
This product is amazing to me.”
Sam B. – Mena, AR
“I have a lot of energy and
feel better when I take them.”
“I love TriVita’s VitaDaily
AM/PM tablets... they are
very effective. I have a lot of
energy and feel better when
I take them. It has also helped
with my eczema. The itching
has decreased tremendously,
and the dry skin has smoothed quite a bit.
My stress levels are also down. The packaging
is great because you can easily take these
supplements with you. Finally, what I love most
about TriVita is how the company encourages
me to take care of myself mentally, physically
and spiritually. Thank you, TriVita.”
Bonnor S. – Plainfield, NJ
Real Stories							 from real people
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita®
“... I feel like a very young 76-year-old person.”
“I can’t begin to tell you what a difference
Sublingual B-12 has made in my life. All of my life I
have been active, with lots of energy. A few months
ago I had a complete physical and told the doctor
about my lack of energy. My husband died a little
over a year ago, so I kept blaming my frame of mind
and body on the stress of being a caregiver.
So I started taking every vitamin on the shelves, plus sleep aids until I
realized how much it was costing me. Now, thanks to Sublingual B-12, I
feel like a very young 76-year-old person. I want to be well to be here for
my children, grandchildren and others.”
Sophia P. – Mauldin, SC
“After taking Nopalea, I no longer have pain or
inflammation in my leg.”
“I have been taking two ounces of Sonoran
Bloom Nopalea for five days now. I had a freak
accident last year that severed a major artery and
two tendons in my leg, resulting in near death, two
hospitalizations, three surgeries and over three
months in a leg cast. Since my accident I have not
been able to walk barefoot without limping. When
I work out at the gym on the elliptical trainer or run on the treadmill,
I experience pain and swelling in my leg. After taking Nopalea, I no
longer have pain or inflammation in my leg. I’ve also noticed that
when I walk barefoot, I am not limping as badly as I was before. My
family and I are very happy with Nopalea and TriVita!”
Eric W. – Tampa, FL
athrecy’s introduction to
TriVita® products six years ago
began like so many others –
with a tiny pink pill that helped her
stay upbeat and maintain a balanced
mood. That product was Sublingual
B-12. “I was tired all the time,
and in just one month I noticed
a tremendous improvement in my
energy level,” she recalls. “I’ve since
graduated to Super Sublingual B-12,
and it has been even better, giving
me more energy and mental clarity.”
“My passion for TriVita begins with the
products – they’re so amazing,” Pathrecy
continues. “Both my husband, Jon, and I are
avid fans of many different TriVita products.
They have definitely helped our health and
quality of life. People can sense our genuine
enthusiasm for both the products and many
other aspects of the company, especially the
10 Essentials for Health and Wellness.”
Pathrecy’s lengthy product
favorites list
After taking Dr. Libby’s Vital C Crystals for
a short time, Pathrecy noticed a difference.
“My energy improved, and I just felt better
all around,” she says. “I also do the Vitamin
C flush, and that helps reduce my chances of
getting a cold.”
Another big favorite is OmegaPrime®.
“It’s just so effective in dealing with
women’s health issues, especially with skin
conditioning,” Pathrecy notes. “Before,
my skin would get dry and OmegaPrime
has really made a difference.”
Adaptogen 10 Plus® has helped boost her
overall energy and lower stress. “I noticed
that I felt better right after I started taking
it,” she says. “My body felt stronger and that
feeling has never stopped. This wonderful
product has also helped my body recover from
illness and injuries much faster.” Pathrecy
says, “My excitement over Adaptogen 10 Plus
has led me to wholeheartedly recommend it
to many others who suffer a variety of health
challenges. They have benefited significantly.
Even a close family member who has been
suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for
many years is seeing remarkable results.”
Pathrecy takes Energy Now!®
– another great
product that improves her mood and energy.
“I also recommend Balanced Woman® to all
the women in my family,” she adds. “With
today’s modern lifestyle, women don’t get the
nutrients they need. Balanced Woman really
helps with hormonal imbalance.”
“OptimaFlex® made a huge difference after
I had a car accident,” she recalls. “My car
flipped and rolled several times. I had a lot
of bruises and took OptimaFlex. Within
a short time, my pain from this accident
completely went away.”
Pathrecy’s other TriVita
favorites include:
•	 VisionGuard™
– it helped resolve
problems she had with her retina.
•	 Bone Builder – another TriVita
product that has helped facilitate
healthy bone growth.
•	 NutraFruits™ – she takes it knowing
that she is doing something good for
herself. “I get essential nutrients from
over 30 fruits and vegetables.”
•	 Peaceful Sleep™ – has really helped
Pathrecy fall asleep fast and wake up
refreshed and ready for the day.
trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Meet Pathrecy – she is a walking, talking adve
“I love all my TriVita supp
Sonoran Bloom™
“Sonoran Bloom™
Nopalea™ is so amazing.”
Although Pathrecy and Jon are
both very pleased by their TriVita®
product experiences, they are totally
“blown away” by the new Sonoran
Bloom Nopalea. “This product
is so outstanding because it’s
effective and quick,” she states.
“After taking Nopalea, I noticed
a difference within three days.
Before, because of inflammation I
wasn’t able to get my wedding ring
on my finger. After three days
I could easily put the ring on my
finger, and I felt so much better.”
Nopalea has also helped with
Pathrecy’s severe and very
debilitating allergies. “Within one
week all the allergies went away,”
she notes. “I used to get migraine
headaches and total body aches –
they’re both gone. I’m feeling so
good; I forgot what was wrong in
the first place.”
She has also noticed several other
unexpected benefits. “Post-workout
soreness is almost non-existent,”
she says. “I have better muscle
tone and don’t feel sore the next
day. So my workout is more
effective and fun. Ever since
Nopalea I have more energy; my
cells can receive nutrients and
work more efficiently.”
Her Nopalea parties
are a smash hit
Pathrecy is so enthusiastic about
this product that she hosts Nopalea
tasting parties. “I’m just thrilled by
this product,” she exclaims. “My
husband, Jon, and I love Nopalea
– the way it tastes and how good
it makes us feel. We feel compelled to let
the world know about this fantastic product.
Nopalea is one product I can definitely get
behind.” She has seen tremendous interest and
enthusiasm and party invitees are completely
“sold” on Nopalea once they experience
the delicious, refreshing taste. “The Share
and Earn possibilities for this product are
outstanding,” she notes.
Although Pathrecy is quick to praise TriVita
products for the important role they play
in her good health, she also stresses the
importance of exercise, especially strength
training. Pathrecy and Jon really enjoy the
rugged, outdoor lifestyle that their Arizona
home offers, with biking, hiking and exploring
as their favorite activities.
“With all these great products, especially
Nopalea, I now have the strength to combat
toxins in food, air and water,” concludes
Pathrecy. “TriVita products are helping us stay
strong to help us cope with modern life. We
love them all!”
August 2009 l 171-800-991-7116
vertisement for healthy living
pplements, especially new
– it’s wonderful!”
they’re both gone. I’m feeling so
good; I forgot what was wrong in
the first place.”
Pathrecy and her husband, Jon.
“The Share and Earn
possibilities are outstanding!”
Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints
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Premier blend of essential fatty acids from four sources –
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Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s
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Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation
Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime!
: Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids
Non-Member $22.99
Member $17.99
Redeem with 180 VitaPoints
50% OFFon OmegaPrimewhen you purchaseone bottle of NopaleaGoodthrough8-31-09.Limit2specialsperhousehold.
n today’s world, the spotlight repeatedly
shines on the young and successful. It seems
the younger an achiever is, the more he or
she is praised. However, this does not mean that
you should stop dreaming big if your youth is a
distant memory.
Do you have a passion to do something great,
but feel you missed your chance? Maybe you’ve
always wanted to write a novel, create a new
invention or contribute to society in some way.
Whatever your purpose in life, it’s never too
late to achieve remarkable things. Nowhere is
it written that success must happen by a certain
age. In fact, there are many people who have
contributed greatly to society at an older age
than you might expect.
Here are just a few examples of achievers who
were recognized for their talents later in life:
1. Laura Ingalls Wilder – Author of the
“Little House on the Prairie” books, Wilder didn’t
really become a serious writer (as a columnist)
until her 40s. The first book in her series was
only published nearly two decades later, when
she was 65.
2. Anna Mary Robertson Moses
(Grandma Moses) – This famous painter
abandoned a career in embroidery in her 70s,
when arthritis made it too difficult for her to
work. She began to paint and was discovered
by an art collector in New York City.
3. Colonel Harland Sanders – A
household name for his Kentucky-fried chicken,
Sanders became successful with his franchise at
the age of 65, when many people are practically
done with their careers.
4. Golda Meir – Meir was no stranger to
politics, even at a younger age, but it was not
until the age of 71 that she was elected Israel’s
Prime Minister in 1969. She was the third
female, worldwide, to ever be given this post.
5. Julia Child – Child’s first cooking book
“Mastering the Art of French Cooking” was
published when she was 49. She hosted her own
television show when she was in her early 50s.
6. Stan Lee – Perhaps the most famous
name in comic book history, Stan Lee achieved
great success later in life. While the artist
worked for Marvel Comics (a name that had
not yet been born) at the young age of 16, it
was not until the age of 44 that he created the
legend of Spiderman.
7. Charles Bukowski – The famous “beat”
poet and novelist worked as a postman for years.
His first book was published at the age of 49.
8. George Burns – While he built a long
career on stage and TV, it wasn’t until he was
80 that this beloved funnyman won movie-
land’s top honor: an Academy Award for his
supporting role in Neil Simon’s The Sunshine
Boys. He continued to live out his dreams for
20 more productive years.
9. Henri Rousseau – He served in the
French army and worked as a toll collector for
many years. It wasn’t until he was 40 that he
became a painter and was admired by other
artists of his time.
10. Frank Lloyd Wright – One of
the most influential modern architects of our
time, Frank Lloyd Wright completed New
York’s Guggenheim Museum at the age of
89 and continued to teach until his death
in 1959.
If you’ve ever lived with the notion that you
were too old to accomplish your dreams, it’s
time to re-evaluate. When you have the talent
and ambition to do great things, there are no
age limits to your capabilities. If you haven’t
started to live your life with passion and
purpose, it’s not too late. You can make
a difference – start today!
Accomplishing greatness later in life
your life purpose has no age limits
Frank Lloyd WrightStan Lee Julia Child
Chocoberry banana blast
1 scoop Chocolate
Leanology Shake Powder
1 banana
6 frozen strawberries
8 oz. skim milk*
½ cup ice
Blend until smooth
Chocolate Covered Cherry
1 scoop Chocolate
Leanology Shake Powder
1 handful pitted
black cherries
8 oz. skim milk*
½ cup ice
Blend until smooth
Tropical breeze
1 scoop Vanilla
Leanology Shake Powder
4 oz. cran-cherry juice
1 banana
4 frozen strawberries
¼ mango
½ cup ice
Blend until smooth
berry Sunrise
1 scoop Vanilla
Leanology Shake Powder
6 frozen strawberries
6 oz. crushed
pineapple w/juice
¼ cup orange juice
½ cup ice
Blend until smooth
ummer is the perfect time to drink
refreshing, fruit smoothies. They are cold,
tasty and good for you (as long as you stick
to healthy ingredients and don’t go overboard).
Some smoothie companies make fruit smoothies
with frozen yogurt or even ice cream. This offers
less nutritional value and packs on the calories.
Just because a smoothie has fruit in it, does not
mean it’s always healthy or low in fat. Create
your own smoothie, and you don’t have to guess
what you’re drinking.
Try the perfect ingredient you can’t get from
a smoothie store – Leanology® Shake Powder.
Leanology is a great addition to any smoothie
because it provides you with nutrients your
body needs, and helps curb your appetite so
you truly feel full.
With so many different options to flavor up
your smoothie, you can get creative. Mix and
match your Leanology
Shake Powder with your
favorite fruits and even
other TriVita® products
– the combinations
are endless.
To order Leanology
Nutritional Shakes,
see page 27.
For an extra boost of whatever
your body is craving, add these
TriVita nutrients:
• For an immunity boost,
add 1 tsp. Vital C Crystals
• For inflammation-busting nutrients,
add 1 oz. Nopalea™ – it’s “Nopalicious!”
• For stress-relieving nutrients,
add 1 oz. Adaptogen 10 Plus®
• For added flexibility and mobility,
add 1 packet OptimaFlex® (this really
gives it a great taste, especially to the
chocolate powder)
• To insure you’re getting all your daily fruits
and veggies, add 1 scoop of NutraFruits™
*For fewer calories, substitute skim milk with water.
Become your own
smoothie chefrefreshing summer drinks loaded with healthy goodness
August 2009 l 19
want more healthy ideas? read how Members
and TriVita employees are mixing up their favorite TriVita products:
“My husband Mark made the best afternoon ‘treat’ with 1 cup of vanilla yogurt and a splash of Nopalea,
and now I am hooked! I have it after my workout.” tina G. – CharlOtte, nC
“I like to start my day off with a bowl of plain hot oatmeal, and I add 1 scoop of Vanilla Leanology
Shake and a dash of cinnamon. It really adds flavor to my breakfast, and keeps me full all morning.”
dana m. – triVita emplOyee
“Every morning I mix 1 scoop of NutraFruits with half a cup of pure cranberry juice and half a cup
orange juice. Not only does it taste great, but it makes me feel healthier.” tiFFany h. – lOs anGeles, Ca
“What I do is get an empty 32 oz bottle and fill it with water. Next, I add 2 scoops of TriVita’s NutraFruits.
I then top it off with 1 oz of the Adaptogen 10 Plus.” mary lee t. – triVita emplOyee
“Every day, I enjoy my morning cocktail! I mix 2 oz of Nopalea and 1 oz of Adaptagon 10 Plus, which
has helped me stay focused and seems to give me the energy I need to handle all the demands of my
busy and hectic days!” rOn C. – sCOttsdale, aZ
and TriVita employees are mixing up their favorite TriVita products
trivita.com20 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Community-based art programs can improve health, study shows
Washington, D.C.
Art programs may be good for both body and mind. The Creativity and Aging Study, sponsored by the
National Endowment for the Arts and conducted by George Washington University’s Center on Aging, Health
& Humanities showed that weekly cultural programs helped improve the general health and mental health of
people aged 65 to 103. Additionally, overall social activity improved.
The study took place at art centers in Washington, D.C., New York and California. At each site, two groups
were studied: an intervention group, which participated in weekly programs in creative writing, visual arts,
music and theater and a control group which engaged in normal activities. A total of 150 people participated
in the intervention groups and 150 in the control groups.
Before the study began, participants in both groups shared similar levels of physical health, mental health and
activity. They were interviewed at the beginning of the study, after one year, and again two years after the study
began. At the one- and two-year marks, participants in the weekly program reported better health, fewer doctor
visits, less medication use, better mental health and increased involvement in overall activities.
Seniors feel younger than their chronological age
Ann Arbor, Michigan
A data analysis of the Berlin Aging Study shows that older people feel, on average, 13 years younger than
their chronological age. “People generally felt quite a bit younger than they actually were, and they also showed
relatively high levels of satisfaction with aging over the time period studied,” said Jacqui Smith, a psychologist
at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR). Smith conducted the research with two
colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin.
The Berlin Aging Study tracked 516 people’s perceptions of their own age over a six-year period. Researchers
found that this perception of feeling younger than chronological age did not change over time unless the
participant was experiencing poor health.
Researchers also asked subjects how old they felt they looked. At the beginning of the study, the answer
averaged around 10 years younger than actual age. After six years, the average went down to seven years.
Women tended to rate their appearance closer to their actual age.
Initially, men were more satisfied than women with their own aging. But as the study progressed, men’s
satisfaction decreased more than women’s. This decrease was associated with poor health.
Omega-3 fatty acids help relieve symptoms of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Ottawa, Ontario
Children showed improvements in ADHD symptoms after taking Omega-3 fatty acids, a study this year in
the journal Paediatrics & Child Health showed.
In the 16-week, 2-phase study, 37 children were divided into two groups: one group was given Omega-3 supple-
ments for both phases and the second group received a placebo in the first phase, followed by an Omega-3
supplement in the second phase. Improvements were seen in children who took Omega-3 supplements. The
most improvement was seen with the initial use of the supplement.
Research Desk
New findings in health and wellness
a Morning Cup of Coffee May noT help you waKe up
Burlington, Vermont
That cup of “joe” may not help you perk up, according to research
presented in the July 2009 journal Psychopharmacology. While studying
the physiological effects of caffeine withdrawal, researchers discovered
that caffeine’s effect on alertness is minimal.
In the study, 16 regular caffeine users were divided into a caffeine group
(400 mg daily) and a placebo group. After 14 or more days, the groups
were switched. The initial switch to caffeine or placebo caused blood flow
changes in the brain; those in the placebo group experienced increased
blood flow in their brain, which may explain the common withdrawal
effect of headaches. Subjects also reported feelings of fatigue.
However, when caffeine was administered, there were no appreciable
benefits commonly attributed to caffeine. The caffeine appeared to only
help reduce the symptoms of withdrawal caused by its consumption.
Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2...
effect and try to avoid that particular practice. Pollutants
and pesticides are definitely causes but stress can also be
a major contributor to a toxic lifestyle. Managing stress
has significant wellness benefits. I encourage you to seek
out information through our journals and Weekly Wellness
Reports which will help you reduce and manage stress.
By educating yourself you can also be a source of help
to others, and help them experience greater wellness.
Another way you can help others is by participating in our
Share and Earn opportunity and introducing people to the
powerful anti-inflammatory benefits of Nopalea. The product
is having such amazing results that you will find it easy to
share the story. We have tools to equip you such as product
brochures, DVDs and personal websites – all of which can
help you tell the Nopalea story. People are earning enough
through Share and Earn to pay for all their products; some
have even made it their full-time career, with income to
match what they were making at their previous job. We invite
you to call a TriVita Wellness Consultant and ask how you
may get involved in this great opportunity. Our mission is to
inspire people to experience wellness and to create wealth for
their life purposes. Sharing the Nopalea story is a wonderful
way for our Members to engage in our mission – and to make
a difference in our world!
TriVita is very committed to the mission of wellness. In
every VitaJournal and catalog we list the 10 Essentials for
Health and Wellness. They are the priorities or essentials
that have undeniable wellness benefits for physical, emotional
and spiritual health. I hope you will be inspired to take one
essential each day and to practice and receive its wellness
benefits. They may seem simple but they are profound in their
effects when practiced daily.
Aging with wellness – not illness or disability – is not a
gift for the lucky few, but is the reward of the diligent who
embrace the essentials of good health every day.
TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have part-
nered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families:
• Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have
access to pure, fresh water
• Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas
• Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life
• With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving
the gift of life
Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new
wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last
year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more!
Want to make a difference?
Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to
take your tax-deductible donation along with your order.
You can mail your donation to:
House of Giving
16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop
Ste. 950
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
You can make a
Your contribution will touch countless lives
August 2009 l 21
Our mission is to inspire people to
experience wellness and to create wealth
for their life purposes. Sharing the Nopalea™
story is a wonderful way for our Members
to engage in our mission – and to make a
difference in our world!
e have all
heard of
the midlife
crisis. Elliot Jacques
coined this term in
1965 in the article,
Death and the Midlife
Crisis, referring to a
time when adults realize their
mortality and how much time they
have remaining in their lives.
Recent research has found that while nearly every-
one will experience a mid-life transition, not all
experience midlife crisis. The difference between a
transition and a crisis are the choices we make.
Midlife transition is a natural stage of
psychosocial development that happens to
most people around age 40. This phase can
begin as early as mid 30s or as late as mid-to-
late 60s, depending on the person.
For most people across the globe, this midlife
phase is a time for much soul-searching. It is
also a time of great change for everyone.
Children are leaving the home; people are
getting different jobs, re-evaluating future
goals, and taking care of elderly parents.
This transition is a process of reassessing
your life to date and making choices for the
future. However, there is a pivot point where
the healthy midlife transition can develop
into a crisis.
Symptoms of midlife distress
•	 Feel tired of running like a gerbil on
his wheel, seemingly going nowhere
•	 Disappointment and sadness over
how your life has turned out
•	 You ask; “What about me now,
when is it my turn?”
•	 There is a growing need to get
away from it all
•	 You experience an overwhelming
sense of failure
•	 Depression sets in
If you are experiencing the above you can
choose to get help for the temporary depression
or tough it out. If you choose to tough it out,
this is a time when most people hit the boiling
point and make rash decisions.
The consequences of impulsive action can
be detrimental and prolong the crisis situation.
People who feel they have to change everything,
leave their spouse, quit their job, etc. may feel
better temporarily, but in a year or two may
wonder, “Why did I do this?”
Dr. Eva Stubits, a practicing clinical psychologist
for the last 20 years, recommends looking at this
transition as a great opportunity to take note of
what is really important to you so you can make
improvements. Here are some suggestions to put
a positive perspective on your transition.
Healthy aging
Put more energy into your relationship and
focus on the positive attributes of your spouse.
Spend more time together and rekindle your
relationship. Spend less time at work and
other obligations.
Take up exercising and get fit. Eat nutritiously and
include helpful supplements. A healthy diet and
physical activity can help you re-energize instead
of obsessing over loss of youth or an aging body.
Learn stress management skills like meditation,
yoga and personal journaling. Embrace the 10
Essentials and practice them daily for a healthy
mind, body and spirit.
Understand that this time of reflecting on
the aging process is natural and can be used
to enhance the human experience for the rest
of your days. Will your midlife stage be a crisis
or a transition to a grand new phase? The
choice is yours. 
Healthy aging
through midlife:
Are you showing signs of a common crisis?
by Dr. Judy
Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational
speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach
within and find their passionate purpose to live a more
meaningful life.
Judy Ellison, Ph.D.
A healthy diet and physical
activity can help you re-energize
instead of obsessing over loss of
youth or an aging body.
trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
“Give, and it will be
given to you. A good
measure, pressed
down, shaken together
and running over, will
be poured into your lap.
For with the measure
you use, it will be
measured to you...”
– Luke 6:38
Picture a family huddled in the dark around
a table. The children share a meager meal
by candlelight; the electricity is off. The
parents have no job prospects, no money to
pay the bills, to put gas in the car or to buy
food for themselves.
The bleak scene is interrupted by a knock at
the door: it’s a neighbor family, bearing plates
of hot food. “God told us we were supposed
to bring you dinner,” announces the wife. In
addition to dinner, the neighbors later shared
the year’s worth of food they had stored up in
case of disaster, plus some money for gas.
These were my own neighbors, many years
ago, and they had no prior idea of my family’s
situation. They were simply compelled by
the strength of God’s will to share what they
had. As they left, the neighbor said one more
thing: “Please pray for us. My husband just
lost his job.”
There is always a way to give
Sounds like current times, doesn’t it? With
money so tight now for so many, one of the
first things that gets cut is giving, to churches
and charities. But consider: monetary donations
aren’t all that we can give. There’s always
someone who has it tougher than we do, and
there’s always a way to give.
Giving to others freely and with no thought
of recognition or thanks is one of the bedrocks
of faith, of course. But ironically, we do “get”
when we give. The scripture at the top of this
page says it outright: generous giving comes
back to us; as we give, so shall we receive.
your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Give yourself the gift of giving
by Chaplain Gene Henderson
If you don’t feel blessed with financial
abundance right now, think of what you
do have that can be shared: perhaps it’s
some of your time, or a special skill, or
simply compassion that can be expressed
in so many ways. Here are just a few ideas:
• Clean out your closets of unused/
unwanted items, and donate them
to a local charity or thrift shop.
• Check with your local hospital
about their volunteer programs.
• Ask if the senior center could use you
to provide companionship or transpor-
tation for the housebound and infirm.
• Love to read? Share your love with the
blind through a reading aloud program.
• Help homeless animals by volunteering at
your local shelter or humane organization.
• If the outdoors and gardening are your
passions, see how you might donate time
to a public park, civic garden or school
planting project.
If you think about what you like to do, and
how your time and skills could benefit someone
else, I know you’ll come up with even more
ways to give.
Giving benefits the body,
mind and spirit
Some of the gifts that come with giving are
priceless: you probably feel good when you
give, but did you know that there are also
proven benefits to the body, mind and spirit?
It’s true – science tells us that giving, whether
of something tangible or not, actually eases
stress, and helps promote these benefits
as well:
• Strengthening the immune system
• Decreasing physical pain
• Boosting positive feelings, and reducing
negative ones
• The “helper’s high,” a period of elation
and then calm that follows a kind act
I don’t look on hard times as a test; I see them
as opportunities to show love. Our Creator
always sets up these opportunities for us, if only
we will be open to seeing them. You know the
saying, “I wept because I had no shoes, and then
I met a man who had no feet”? We can always
find someone who needs our help, who is worse
off than we are.
There is never a recession in God’s love. Where
will you find opportunities now to give some of
it back?
Gene Henderson
1-800-991-7116 August 2009 l 23
Check with your local
hospital about their
volunteer programs.
trivita.com24 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
Eating for your age
what foods you should eat at different
stages in your life
By Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist,
Holistic Health Counselor
ealthy eating for
any age involves
such basic tenets
as eating three meals a day
with nutrient-dense snacks
in-between, eating foods from
a variety of different food
groups, especially fruits and
vegetables and eating when
hungry/stopping when full.
However, as life changes and progresses, there
are different nutrients that have a specific call
to certain age groups. Take a look at ways to
optimize your nutrition for your age:
The teen years
Eating well helps teens to maintain enough
energy for school, sports and other activities,
and to reach their full height potential.
Teens can go a long way by including healthy
snacks in their diet such as almond butter or
peanut butter with celery, carrots or an apple,
high-quality protein bars, yogurt, trail mix, low
sugar granola and hummus with whole grain toast.
The ideal foods for teens to balance the body’s
energy needs are complex carbohydrates.
Encourage teens to eat whole grains, legumes and
root vegetables to satisfy this nutritional need.
Young adults
This is the time of life when people need to
work harder to balance their stress hormones
because getting out in the work force, building
a career, starting a family and other life stressors
are at their highest. Individuals in this age range
should safeguard themselves against adrenal
fatigue or burnout. Potassium is a great nutrient
for the adrenal glands. The foods below are
highest in potassium:
• Swiss chard • Kelp
• Sunflower seeds • Almonds
• Raisins • Parsley
• Figs • Avocados
• Yams • Pecans
Mature adults
As we grow older, the absorption and diges-
tion of proteins and minerals becomes more
difficult leading to a variety of ailments such
as osteoporosis, fatigue and chronic illness.
Take necessary precautions with these five
essential nutrients for anyone over 50.
1: betaine hydrochloride: Our bodies
digest foods less efficiently as we age; yet
nutrients from our foods are a critical
component to good health. Betaine
hydrochloride can support digestion
when taken with meals and may be taken
in conjunction with digestive enzymes,
such as TriVita Digestive Complex™.
2: Vitamin b-12: Insufficient Vitamin B-12
levels can lead to fatigue, brain fog and a
higher risk of heart disease. Vitamin B-12
is particularly hard to absorb as we age, so
a sublingual supplement, such as TriVita’s
Sublingual B-12 is suggested.
3: Magnesium: Magnesium is often
overlooked and is essential to your cellular
health. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables!
Kelp provides a rich source of magnesium.
4: Vitamin d: Vitamin D is another essen-
tial nutritional supplement. Not only is
Vitamin D critical for bone health, but
it also decreases the chance of breast
cancer. The most concentrated sources
of natural Vitamin D are found in fatty
fishes like tuna, herring, mackerel, salmon,
sardines and anchovies as well as egg
yolks. A Vitamin D supplement, such as
TriVita VitaCal-Mag D™
or Bone Builder
is a great choice.
5: protein: Choose foods that are rich
in high-quality protein, such as organic
eggs, free-range chicken and lamb, and
ocean wild-caught fish. Nuts and legumes
contain protein as well, but are not as
concentrated as the protein found in
meat and animal products.
Christa Orecchio
June 2009 l 19
Sautéed Chard and Salmon
• 1 lb. wild salmon
fillet, skinned
• Freshly ground black
pepper to taste
• Juice of ½ lemon
• 1 tsp. tamari
• 1 tsp. toasted dark
sesame oil
• 1 lb. swiss chard
• 4 tsp. extra
virgin olive oil
• 1 medium onion
• 3 garlic cloves,
thinly sliced
• Sea salt to taste
• Red radishes cut
into decorative
shapes for garnish
1. Cut salmon fillets into 6-8 pieces, season with
pepper to taste. Squeeze on lemon juice, and
then drizzle with tamari and sesame oil. Turn
pieces over and coat all surfaces. Set aside while
you prepare the greens.
2. Wash chard, and then cut/strip leaves from
stalks. Chop leaves coarsely. Slice stalks crosswise
into 1/4 inch pieces. Set aside.
3. In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil
over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté for
5-7 minutes, until soft and translucent. Reduce
heat if onions cook too fast. Add garlic and cook
for 1 minute.
4. Stir in chard stems and 2-3 tablespoons water.
Cover and cook for 2 minutes. Stir greens into
onion mixture, cover and cook for 3-5 minutes,
stirring frequently. When ready, greens should
be tender and still bright green. Sprinkle with a
pinch of sea salt and stir. Remove to a platter.
5. In a skillet, heat the remaining 2 teaspoons of oil
over medium heat. Add the salmon pieces in a
single layer and cook for 1 to 2 minutes each side;
when salmon is cooked, place on top of greens.
Garnish with radishes, serve with brown rice.
Recipe of
the month
Sautéed Chard
and Salmon
August 2009 l 25
f you ever see a very cool car
decorated with a striking desert
landscape, it’s probably David’s
brand new wheels. This San Diego
resident is such a strong believer
in Nopalea™, he made his hot new
“Nopalea-mobile” into a very fuel-
efficient advertisement for the
product. His car features a striking
Sonoran Desert picture and a big
bold message that says, “Sonoran
Bloom™ – Feel It,” along with an
easy-to-remember website address.
Nopalea took the wind out
of his asthma symptoms
David suffered from asthma for many years...
and this debilitating affliction required two
prescription medications, and constant use of
an inhaler. Worse yet, he could no longer enjoy
many of his favorite activities, including water
skiing, kayaking, tennis, walking and running.
“I was desperately looking for a solution to
my health crisis when I was fortunate enough
to attend the Nopalea pre-launch in
Phoenix last March,” David recalls.
“I especially enjoyed the presentation
by TriVita’s Chief Science Officer,
Brazos Minshew. When Brazos said,
‘If inflammation is the problem,
Nopalea is the solution,’ I realized
he was speaking directly to me about
my unique health condition. Brazos confirmed
everything I suspected about my asthma, and
what my doctor had already told me.”
David started taking Nopalea that very same day
and soon realized that his asthma symptoms were
rapidly diminishing. He wasn’t surprised because
that’s exactly what Nopalea is supposed to do –
helps your body reduce respiratory inflammation,
which causes allergies and asthmatic reactions.
His asthma medication was also running out
and he knew he was going to see his doctor
soon, so David decided not to reorder and
“fly solo” with Nopalea for a period of time.*
He strongly recommends consulting with
your healthcare provider before discontinuing
any medication.
Recommending Nopalea
to friends and family
“Much to my surprise I found out that I did just
fine without the asthma medication,” David
says. “Nopalea worked very effectively
and quickly, and many of my asthma
symptoms were fading fast.” He also
started getting much of his youthful
energy back. “I feel great and have lost
15 pounds because I’m more active,”
David states. “Thanks to Nopalea, I’m
proud to report that I’ve gone three
months without taking any asthma
“My doctor is absolutely amazed by
my progress with Nopalea,” he adds.
“He ran a battery of tests after I had
been taking Nopalea for a while,
that conclusively showed that I am
asthma-free. I’ve just turned 56
and it’s great to no longer have
aches and pains. I sleep well and
wake up feeling refreshed and
ready to take on the day.”
In fact, David is so “jazzed” by Nopalea that
he has already given away 12 bottles of this
delicious wellness drink to friends, family and
other people he knows will benefit from it.
Many of these same people are now reporting
significant health benefits from Nopalea.
Great results from other
TriVita products
David also loves NutraFruits™ and TriVita’s
Sublingual B-12 – and takes both products on
a regular basis. He says, “I’m a great believer in
NutraFruits because I know how important it is
to get your fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
It also tastes good. The Sublingual B-12 is great
for my mind, provides extra energy and I feel
great after taking it.” He also maintains vibrant
good health with the help of OmegaPrime®
and Daily Men™ Formula, which is a complete
multi-vitamin that addresses David’s general
nutritional needs. There have been some
unexpected benefits from his comprehensive
TriVita supplement regimen. David has much
less heartburn than before and no longer pops
antacids. His blood pressure numbers have also
substantially improved.
So, there’s no stopping David. He’s much
more active and can truly live life to its fullest
now. The latest evidence of the “new David”
is the fact that he’s recently ordered a kayak
and has big plans to enjoy even more of San
Diego’s beautiful weather and tremendous
recreational opportunities.
*You should not stop taking any medication without
first consulting your healthcare provider.
David’s Nopalea experience
is like a breath of fresh air
he’s thriving now that his asthma symptoms
have disappeared
Member Spotlight
– David
says. “Nopalea worked very effectively
and quickly, and many of my asthma
symptoms were fading fast.” He also
started getting much of his youthful
energy back. “I feel great and have lost
15 pounds because I’m more active,”
David states. “Thanks to Nopalea, I’m
proud to report that I’ve gone three
months without taking any asthma
“My doctor is absolutely amazed by
my progress with Nopalea,” he adds.
“He ran a battery of tests after I had
been taking Nopalea for a while,
that conclusively showed that I am
my unique health condition. Brazos confirmed
everything I suspected about my asthma, and “ThankstoNopalea,I’mproudtoreportthatI’vegone

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  • 2. Choose a lifestyle of wellness – not illness by Michael r. ellison, Ceo & founder of TriVita, inc. I believe that almost every person wants to grow older with zest and a vitality for life, and if possible, without illness and disease. As we traveled across North America introducing the wellness and anti-inflammatory benefits of Nopalea™, people expressed their strong hopes of it helping them reduce the symptoms that are robbing them of their quality of life. The good news is that Nopalea is now making a significant difference in the lives of people who have suffered with inflammatory issues. Stories are rolling in about people with pain, breathing problems, nerve issues, high blood pressure and other inflammatory issues, who are now experiencing symptom reduction in an amazingly short amount of time. I am very excited about Nopalea’s potential to help people with aging issues. As North Americans, we face what seem like undeniable aspects of aging: There appears to be no escape from the illness and symptoms of disease as we grow older. It seems that the entire aging population is facing serious health issues. Healthcare has now become a major political agenda. But the question we all need to pose is this: Is disease and illness an inevitable part of the aging process, or is it a result of the lifestyle North Americans have embraced? Is there something we can do to help our bodies do what they are designed to do? (Make us well, that is.) We believe that there is! No matter what age we are today, there are decisions we can make about our lifestyle that will help reduce illness and disease and give us a greater quality of life. We can engage in actions that will turn the tide and promise us a greater quality of health and wellness than most people are experiencing today. I believe it is time we say that enough is enough. It alarms me that current research states that my grandkids’ generation will have a shorter lifespan and a lesser quality of life than their parents; this has never happened in North American history. I believe we can make a difference by embracing a lifestyle that promotes wellness and gets us back on track to always improving our quality of life. That is the North American dream! Lifestyle is not just what we do as individuals, but also the lifestyle we embrace in our community living. For example, while in Toronto for the Nopalea event, I learned that the city of Toronto now has sufficient evidence to prove that the use of pesticides on lawns, park grasses and golf courses actually contributes to breast cancer in women and a number of children’s illnesses. Fortified with this information, the municipality of Toronto has passed an ordinance that forbids the use of pesticides in the city. Now cities all over the world are sending delegates to Toronto to discuss the research and how their cities may reduce the toxic environment for their own residents. These are actions people are taking to change lifestyle behaviors and help embrace a greater quality of life. While it is the North American mindset to deal with symptoms, I want to encourage you to think of causes as well. Be on the lookout for anything you may be doing that has a toxic We can engage in actions that will turn the tide and promise us a greater quality of health and wellness than most people are experiencing today. 10essentialsfor health and wellness Join with TriVita as we begin our second decade of health and wellness for all. We encourage you to experience wellness™ through these 10 Essentials, created to enhance life in wonderful ways. Physical 1. Breathe Deeply Inhale life fully, cleanse your body of toxins and feel calm. 2. Drink Water As you quench your thirst for water, you also boost your energy. 3. Sleep Peacefully Rest, repair, rejuvenate: a regular sleep routine lets your body do its work. 4. Eat Nutritiously Choose healthy, wholesome foods to fuel a healthy body and mind. 5. Enjoy Activity Move it to improve it! Your whole being benefits from an active lifestyle. Emotional 6. Give and Receive Love Feel the power of positive emotions while you strengthen your immune system. 7. Be Forgiving To be at peace, unburden yourself of hostility and resentment towards others. 8. Practice Gratitude Gratitude brings gratification: less stress, more joy, greater well-being. 9. Develop Acceptance Releasing what you can’t change frees you from worry and enriches your life. Spiritual 2 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Drink Water See page 8 10. Develop a Relationship with God Nourish your spirituality to nourish personal growth and happiness. Article from Michael Ellison continued on page 21...
  • 3. 4 Healthy Aging is All About Healthy Living Why nutrients and exercise are so important. 6 Take a Stand NOW Against Premature Aging Thrive with Nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution. 12 ”B” Sharp in Today’s Economy Why B vitamins can help build or re-build careers. 16 Pathrecy is a Walking, Talking Advertisement for Healthy Living “I love all my TriVita® supplements, especially Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea.” 19 Become Your Own Smoothie Chef Refreshing summer drinks loaded with healthy goodness. Take a stand against premature aging with Nopalea. 6 AUGUST2009 Inside 25 David is Breathing Easier Thanks to Nopalea He’s much more active now that his asthma symptoms have disappeared. 29 Sharpen Your Social Skills... With Your Computer Social websites provide new friends, connections and business opportunities. W hen I hear the term “Healthy Aging,” I immediately think about my own mom (pictured above with me). She had me late in life, when her three older children were grown. The way each of my parents took care of themselves was like night and day. My mom never drank alcohol or smoked cigarettes, and took great care of herself. My dad, on the other hand, smoked, drank and ate whatever he wanted and never sought medical help for any of his ailments. His lifestyle choices robbed him of life at the early age of 62. That was 36 years ago, and my mom has since lived another lifetime. She remarried a man who was 13 years her junior, only to outlive him. For the past few years, she’s lived in an assisted living home, and earlier last year, she fell and broke her hip. She successfully went through a partial hip replacement at age 95, and although we figured she’d never get out of a wheelchair, I am happy to say that she’s now using the support of a walker, and we just celebrated her 96th birthday. I have been sending my mom TriVita’s B-12 for the past 10 years, and at this rate, we just may be seeing Willard Scott wish her a happy 100th in a few years! Every time I speak with her, she expresses gratitude for her good health, the fact that she doesn’t hurt anywhere and the love of her children, all the way to her great-great-grandchildren. So many people regard the aging process as negative, and dread each birthday. Yes, we’re all aging, but our choices and proper nutrients can mean the difference between years of disability or years of vibrant life. I hope you benefit from all the articles on Healthy Aging in this issue. Be sure to take advantage of the savings on some of your favorite healthy aging products from TriVita this month – and to hopefully find a new favorite in our astonishing wellness drink, Nopalea. Pam Knox, Editor of Publications August 2009 l 31-800-991-7116 ON MY MIND EDITOR’S NOTE Refreshing summer smoothie recipes. 19 OmegaPrime’s 10-step process for greater purity. 9 We value your feedback. Please send your comments to: editor@ or mail to Editor, c/o TriVita, Inc., 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Suite 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260
  • 4. triVita’s premium daily supplement for complete nutrition VitaDaily is a complete multi-vitamin supplement that offers numerous benefits: • Helps promote natural energy and vitality for the day • Helps promote repair and rejuvenation for the night • Contains 7 essential nutrient classes and 25 whole foods concentrates • Scientifically-formulated and physician-approved Take VitaDaily AM/PM™ multi-vitamin for optimal health and vitality! VitaDailyAM/PM ™ #30200 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints 50% OFF on VitaDaily AM/PM when you purchase one bottle of Nopalea Goodthrough8-31-09. Limit2specialsperhousehold. Seepage7formoredetails. H ave you ever been told you look younger than your age? What a wonderful compliment! Why is it that some people age so gracefully? Is it purely genetic or can others share in this fountain of youth? For some reason we inherently know the answer but don’t take it to heart: Eat right, exercise and reduce stress. Really? Can’t I do something else? Isn’t that what supplements are for? Supplements are just that, supplements. They can enhance physiology, but sometimes cannot overcome the effect of poor lifestyle choices. Even the best supplements can be powerless against what people purposefully do to their bodies. Scientists have studied Okinawan centenarians (people who live to over 100) for years because they seemed to have the inside track on healthy aging. Many of their “secrets” are very similar to TriVita’s 10 Essentials (see page 2): clean air, clean water, nutritious food, daily physical activity and emotional balance. For many years, Okinawans held the distinction of having the lowest death rates resulting from heart disease and stroke as compared to the rest of Japan. However, in 2000, they lost that honor as the age-adjusted death rate for heart disease and stroke for Okinawan men increased to the same level as average Japanese men. How did they lose their edge? Scientists observed Okinawans shifting away from their traditional foods, eating 50% less green and yellow vegetables. It is not just the Japanese who are seeing the impact of dietary change. In the United Kingdom, there is an increasing trend of mental illnesses such as Alzheimer’s, attention deficit hyperactive disorder and schizophrenia, among others. That’s partly because the UK population is consuming one-third fewer vegetables and two- thirds less fish than they did 50 years ago. In North America, eating nutrient-depleted food and the lack of physical activity have also been taking a toll on the health of our population. Chronic disease is on the rise, not just for people in their prime, but also among our youth. Many parents express the sentiment that young people are growing up too fast! As a physician, I can say there is truth to that statement, but not in a favorable way. Diseases that I typically see in 50-year-olds are becoming apparent in young children: insulin-resistant diabetes, fatty liver disease, atherosclerotic heart disease and high HealtHy lIVING isthekeyto HealtHy aGING Tammy Pon, M.D. Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually... and your body will take care of you by Dr. Tammy Pon
  • 5. August 2009 l 51-800-991-7116 blood pressure. Unfortunately, this may be the first generation of children to not outlive their parents. I’d also like to point out the huge quality of life difference between healthy aging versus longevity. On average, life expectancy has been increasing in America: from 47.3 years in 1900 to 68.2 years in 1950, and it now stands at 77.7 years since 2006. Sadly, for many, the golden years are not golden. The growing need for “long-term care” becomes an almost inevitable reality as 10% of all people over the age of 65, and as many as 50% of those over the age of 85, are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, which is the seventh leading cause of death. Can we turn things around? Of course, but it means taking TriVita’s 10 Essentials to heart! Your action plan should include: Defend your DNA I recently wrote about Essential #5 in the VitaJournal: Enjoy Activity. Exercise generally improves mood, stamina, balance, but more importantly it may help keep DNA young. Essential #4 is to eat nutritiously. By doing this, you provide building blocks for your body to use for maintenance and repair. Our DNA undergoes many assaults daily. Your body needs essential nutrients to repair DNA damage and avoid inflammation. Chronic inflammation ages the body, destroys brain cells, weakens bones and contributes to chronic disease in general. Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke contains up to 4,000 chemicals. Not only is smoking bad for you, it is bad for the loved ones around you. Children who are around cigarette smoke tend to have more asthma and ear infections. The good news is the minute you quit, your body begins to heal. After one year of quitting, your heart attack risk is half that of a smoker and, after 10 years, the risk of lung cancer for an average ex-smoker is cut in half as well. Guard your gut Traditional yogurt is one of many fermented foods loaded with “good germs” called probiotics. In fact, many cultures around the world have some type of fermented food in their diet such as Korean kimchee, Japanese natto and miso, German sauerkraut, etc. Scientists are discovering the symbiotic nature of these trillions of good germs that inhabit our gut. They kick-start the gut immune system in infancy. Plus, over time these probiotics evolve into “helpers,” producing extra enzymes to help us break down foods to help release nutrients, as well as neutralize some potentially cancerous compounds. Regular consumption of fermented foods rich with probiotics may help maintain the proper balance of good germs in the gut, thus enhancing the immune systems and reducing the risk of some chronic diseases. Many diseases have been linked to reduced numbers of the good germs including Crohn’s disease, asthma, allergies, breast cancer, brain dysfunction from liver cirrhosis and obesity. Helicobacter pylori, the “bad” bacteria associated with peptic ulcers and gastric cancer, may also contribute to some cases of schizophrenia, autoimmune thyroid disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and osteoporosis. Make your mind merry This encompasses Essentials #6-10. Many vibrant centenarians have learned the secret of being content, holding no grudges, continuing to challenge their minds and counting each day as a blessing. Research demonstrates that exercising, being socially engaged and participating in some type of mental stimulation such as bridge, chess or crossword puzzles helps reduce the risk of dementia. Actively participating in music can be benefi- cial. A 1999 research study at Michigan State University found that group keyboard lessons given to older Americans reduced stress, loneliness and anxiety while increasing levels of human growth hormone. Our body is an incredible masterpiece – able to repair and heal itself, given the right input. For many, the road to restoring health and vitality is daunting, but not impossible. Persistence and determination are important, but do not necessitate perfection in every aspect of your lifestyle. They can help you find the courage to get back on track if you get sidetracked. It can be hard going at it alone, so “buddy up” and include your family. Can we turn things around? Of course, but it means taking TriVita’s 10 Essentials to heart! Our body is an incredible masterpiece – able to repair and heal itself... Essential #4 is to eat nutritiously. By doing this you provide building blocks for your body to use for maintenance and repair. Essential #4 is to eat nutritiously. By doing this you provide building blocks for your body to use for maintenance and repair. Essential #4 is to eat nutritiously. By doing this you provide building blocks for your body to use for maintenance and repair. Tammy Pon, M.D., a functional medicine physician, received her medical degree from the University of Texas in Houston. She completed specialty training in Healthy Aging.
  • 6. trivita.com6 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness M y seventh-grade teacher was an ancient fossil of a man – much older than even my parents! I think he was 50. He told me a truth about aging that I have never forgotten: The only way to avoid getting old is to die young. With that in mind I found great wisdom in the words of Benjamin Franklin who said, “All would live long but none would be old.” So, healthy aging is about living long without being old! To reach that goal we need to take a brief look at the process called “biological aging.” Biological aging does not happen with the tick of the clock or the pages turning on your calendar; it happens in your cells. During its life cycle, a cell may be damaged by exposure to: • Toxins • Direct trauma • Nutrient deficiencies • Stress Each of these circumstances causes inflamma- tion and free radical production. Intense nutrition is needed to battle these causes of premature cell death. Premature biological aging occurs when more cells die than you can replace. Fighting inflammation The human body is designed to fight premature aging and remain young. A powerful force called homeostasis mobilizes your immune system, hormones, nerves and other important systems to ignite the healing process. Homeostasis uses focused inflammation to remodel your cells following injury, illness or even the extreme challenges of emotional stress. Once the healing process is complete, homeostasis extinguishes the fire of inflammation and returns your body to a state of dynamic and vital balance – free from the effects of runaway inflammation. However, there are times when your body cannot heal itself. If inflammation overwhelms a cell, it may be damaged beyond repair. Damaged, dead cells must be removed or they will become the focus of infection and illness. Betalains, a unique class of nutrients that is both an antioxidant and a protein, assists a special cell called a macrophage (literally “big eater”) to engulf the dead cell and eliminate it from your body. This makes room for a brand-new replacement cell and the cycle of wellness continues. Intense nutrition The supplements of healthy aging include four critical components: • A balanced multiple vitamin/mineral supplement to establish a solid foundation for healthy aging • An essential fatty acid supplement to nourish the arteries and rehydrate the brain • A Vitamin C supplement to serve as an antioxidant reserve and keep the immune system active • A B-12 supplement to keep the energy level up and the mind bright Nopalea – protects against premature aging There are many things that contribute to premature aging, including: • Excess exposure to the sun • A poor diet • Stress • Inactivity The most common contributors, however, are inflammation, muscle and joint pain and poor circulation. Since Nopalea targets inflamma- tion, aids detoxification and optimizes cell health, it can help slow down the process of premature aging. Daily servings of Nopalea will provide you with the betalains that put out the fire of inflammation and rescue cells under attack by free radicals. Further, betalains act to clean up the dead cells and help to protect them from becoming a target for disease. Betalains help you thrive as they help your body reduce inflammation and support the miracle of homeostasis. Remember, premature aging is about losing more cells than we replace. Healthy aging is about closing the gap between loss of our cells and repair or replacement of our cells as directed by homeostasis and fueled by nutrients. To take control of your health and protect against premature aging, follow these simple recommendations: • Learn, live and share the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness (see page 2) • Take your supplements: • A multiple vitamin/mineral • Sublingual B-12 • Vitamin C • OmegaPrime® • Take Nopalea to help your body ease inflammation Nopalea is your premier wellness partner in your body’s never-ending quest for good health. To find out more about how Nopalea can help you, read the testimonials and ad on page 7, or visit Brazos Minshew TAKE A STAND NOW against premature aging nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science OfficerBy Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science OfficerBy Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science OfficerBy Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer TAKE A STAND NOW against premature aging nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution TAKE A STAND NOW against premature aging nopalea™ – the ultimate wellness solution
  • 7. experience Nopalea, the breakthrough wellness drink, and save on the triVita products you already love! With its exclusive blend of rare antioxidants called Betalains, plus other healthful nutrients, a daily dose of Nopalea can help your body: • Fight inflammation • Cleanse itself of daily toxins • Promote optimal health right down to your cells • Protect against premature aging How can delicious Nopalea pack so many astonishing benefits in a single bottle? Find out for yourself! Order now, and also enjoy big savings on your choice of these TriVita healthy aging favorites: • VitaDaily AM/PM™ , the best multi-vitamin for everyone (see page 4) • Vital C Crystals & Time-Release Tablets, the ultimate C (see page 28) • OmegaPrime®, with Essential Fatty Acids for vibrant good health (see page 18) Save 50% on featured healthy aging products when you try Nopalea Thrive at any age with nopalea™ “I am proof of the power of this product.” “I’ve had ongoing pain in my left arm and chest since I got my new car. It has a shifter, and the way I hold the steering wheel continues to agitate muscles in that area. When I was traveling I had one of my worst flare-ups. I loaded up on ibuprofen, but after discovering this product, I was loading up on Nopalea. The pain is gone! I am proof of the power of this product.” patti w. – matthews, nC “... my back and hips did not hurt... after 33 years of pain...” “After one day of taking Nopalea, I woke up and my back and hips did not hurt me at all. This is after 33 years of being in pain every single day. When I was 13, I was helping tear down an old building and a wall fell on me, breaking my pelvis and injuring my lower back. Needless to say, Nopalea is quite a welcome surprise. My dad even bought his first bottle of Nopalea from me. If it helps him with his knee pain he will be back for more. The taste of Nopalea is awesome! Thank you, Trivita, for such a wonderful product!” bOb K. – Chamberlain, sd “... I have completely stopped taking prescription pain killers.” “I broke my back twice while I was in the Marine Corps. Within the last year I’ve been to a chiropractor, acupuncturist, neurosurgeon and a pain management specialist. I found out that I have osteoarthritis in my spine and spondylolisthesis, which is a forward slip of one vertebra relative to another. So it is very difficult for me to find a comfortable position, and I am in pain 24/7. After four months of having procedures done, the pain in my back became worse. I took two prescription pain killers and they did not help. I started taking Nopalea in the morning, afternoon and in the evening before bed. Since taking Nopalea, I have completely stopped taking prescription pain killers*, and have started running two miles per day. I’ve noticed a tremendous difference with the Nopalea and absolutely love it! Thanks.” aarOn m. – sCOttsdale, aZ *Youshouldnotstoptakinganymedicationwithoutfirstconsultingwithyourhealthcareprovider. “Two weeks later the pain was totally gone.” “I had been suffering from an aching elbow all winter. I started taking Nopalea, and a week later the pain was starting to dissipate; two weeks later the pain was totally gone. Thank you, TriVita!” lOrne t. – winnipeG, mb amazing wellness stories are pouring in! Nopalea™ #30710 Non-Member $49.99 Member $39.99 Nopalea™ 4 bottle pack #33400 Non-Member $199.96 Member $139.99 Special – 4 Pack Savings! Don’t miss out on the savings when you try the wellness drink everyone’s talking about! Limit two specials per household; offer valid through 8-31-09. Drink it and thrive! Call toll-free to order: 1-800-991-7116. Share your story, get great rewards! What’syouramazingNopaleastory? Shareitandenjoyevenmorebenefits: a$25TriVitaGiftCard,PLUSanexclusive Nopaleat-shirt–a$14.99value!Justemail, orcall1-800-693-4083.PleaseincludeyourMemberID, youraddressanddaytimephonenumber(alongwithemailaddress,ifyouhaveone). Whenyousubmitaletteroremail,youarealsogivingTriVitafullrightstoit,includingtherighttopublishit infuturepublicationsandtoedititasneeded. FRONT BACKNopaleat-shirt–a$14.99value!Justemail ™ GiftCard $25
  • 8. trivita.com8 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness I n this five-part series, we’re taking an in-depth look at the 10 essentials for health and wellness. This month, discover more about essentials #2 and #10: drink water and develop a relationship with god. Exploring TriVita’s 10 Essentials ÷2 = Your weight in pounds Ounces of water per day DrinkWater, Essential#2 How much should you drink? It’s not an overstatement to say that water is essential to your very existence. Over 60% of your body is made up of water; it does everything from regulate body temperature and carry nutrients, to flush out waste products, moisten tissues and lubricate joints. But, how much water is enough? Use the formula below to determine the ideal amount of clean, pure water you should drink each day. Remember to down extra water when you exercise and during hot weather. Example: A 150-pound person would need to drink about 75 ounces of water per day. 150 ÷ 2 = 75 ounces (a little over 9 cups of water) When you don’t get enough Because your body is so dependent on water, there can be serious problems when you don’t get enough. You lose water through natural processes such as sweating, breathing, urinating and bowel movements. However, when you lose much more water than you replace, you can become dehydrated. This can be caused by loss of fluids, not drinking enough fluids or a combination of the two. Dehydration is classified as mild, moderate or severe. The U.S. National Library of Medicine lists the symptoms of dehydration as: • Dry or sticky mouth • Low or no urine output; concentrated urine appears dark yellow • Not producing tears • Sunken eyes • Markedly sunken fontanelles (the soft spot on the top of the head) in an infant • Lethargic or comatose (with severe dehydration) They recommend calling your doctor if the following symptoms appear: • Not producing tears • Sunken eyes • Little or no urine output for 8 hours • Dry skin that sags back into position slowly when pinched up into a fold • Dry mouth or dry eyes Severe dehydration is considered a life-threatening emergency and can result in seizures, brain damage and even death. Water is life – so drink up! DevelopaRelationship withGod,Essential#10 Spirituality and health Spiritual health plays a crucial role in your overall well-being; by embracing spirituality, you can positively contribute to your healthy aging. People who practice daily devotion have been shown to have lower blood pressure, fewer strokes and less emotional turmoil. In fact, one study from Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that attending a religious service at least once a week reduced the risk of death by 20%! Building your relationship Are you growing daily with God or would you consider yourself a spiritual infant? As with any relationship, a relationship with God takes time and attention. Here are some tips to get you started: • Take time each day for prayer and reflection – This can be a time of praise, thanksgiving, repentance and petition. And it can be any time of day: when you’re in the car, in line at the grocery store, anywhere. • Communicate freely with Him – Let Him know your cares and concerns – you’ll immediately feel better. The more you share, the stronger your relationship will become. • Get to know Him through a daily devotion – Reading God’s Word is one of the best ways of getting to know Him. • Worship with others – Build relationships with fellow believers as you build one with God. You can learn from others as well as create a stronger, healthier social life. However you choose to approach spirituality, remember that it is an integral part of overall wellness. Physical, emotional and spiritual health work together to create a healthier, happier you! Every month in the VitaJournal, you can find spiritual counsel and insights from TriVita’s own chaplain, Gene Henderson. See page 23 for his feature on this month’s topic: “Give the gift of giving.” People who practice daily devotion have been shown Part I of V
  • 9. August 2009 l 91-800-991-7116 O mega-3 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are among the most important nutrients in our diet. We simply must have them in order to build healthy brain cells, to establish optimum circulation in our heart and blood vessels and, most important, to reduce the inflammation in our entire body. Omega-3s are “good fats.” Good fats make good cholesterol; good cholesterol makes good hormones. Everyone needs good hormones for physical and emotional health. Omega-3 EFAs come from animal and vege- table sources. Walnuts, flax seeds and perilla seeds are examples of vegetarian sources of Omega-3. Plankton, krill and fish oil are examples of animal-source Omega-3. A distinct advantage to vegetarian-source Omega-3 is that they metabolize slowly and remain in your body all day long. A significant advantage of fish oil is that it requires very little (if any) metabolism. Therefore, it speeds directly to your arteries and brain with quick nutrition. So you can see that each source of EFA has advantages. Are there disadvantages to fish- oil derived Omega-3 EFA? Possibly – unless you are using pharmaceutical-grade Omega-3. Deadly toxins in fishing waters For decades now many short-sighted industrialists have been using the world’s oceans as their own private dumping grounds. As a result, many of the fishing grounds have been contaminated. Plankton and krill absorb PCBs and dioxins – chemicals lethal to humans – as well as mercury, arsenic and lead. Small fish eat these tiny denizens, and the chain of contamination begins. Larger fish eat smaller fish and bigger fish eat them in return. Poisons concentrate at each exchange. Finally, big fish are eaten by humans who may suffer ill health from concentrated toxins. Is there a way to get the Omega-3 EFAs we need without risk of contamination? The answer is an emphatic “YES!” – if you are not afraid of a little extra effort. The healthiest fish from pristine sources The first step in collecting healthy Omega-3 EFAs is to select uncontaminated waters. Very few clean regions remain in today’s oceans. We use the area close to the Arctic Circle between Norway and Greenland as one of the most uncontaminated sections of ocean today. Also, the source of our Omega-3 is small fish that live in this region year- round. Why is this important? Migratory fish may bring toxins in from other less pristine areas. Also, larger fish may simply concentrate the toxins as they come up the food chain. After selecting the smallest fish from the cleanest area, we check them for baseline contamination and measure their pH. Toxic fish will be very acidic (just like toxic humans). Fish with high acid levels are rejected and only the healthiest fish are retained. Since freshness is critical, the fish are cold-stored as soon as they are caught and the oils are harvested right at dockside. As always, our fish oil is processed in an oxygen-free environment to prevent spoilage. As the oil is extracted it is tested for the presence of oxidation and decay using three tests: Anisidine to test for past oxidation, peroxide value to test for current oxidation and TOTOX to test for total oxidation. Molecular distillation – the best way to remove impurities The next steps are among the most important in the entire process of delivering healthy Omega-3 EFAs to you. It begins with molecular distillation. Distilling oils is a way to take out impurities such as dioxin and mercury. However, standard “flash distillation” techniques merely reduce the toxic load in the Omega-3 EFA. If you want to totally eliminate harmful toxins, you simply must use molecular distillation! Our exclusive 10 stage process helps ensure purity, potency and quality 1. Select pristine waters to collect Omega-3 2. Choose small fish to reduce concentrated contaminants 3. Measure pH and reject acidic (toxic) fish 4. Cold store the high-omega EFA fish 5. Harvest the oils immediately 6. Process Omega-3 EFAs in oxygen-free environment 7. Measure anisidine for past oxidation 8. Measure peroxide for current oxidation 9. Measure TOTOX to protect against rancid oils 10. Molecularly distill the oils to remove even trace contaminants Yes, this is an expensive, time- consuming process but we cannot conscientiously deliver less than the best to the people who trust us. By choosing OmegaPrime®, you can rest assured that you are getting the highest quality product for your needs. See page 18 for more infor- mation about OmegaPrime. TRIVITA GOES THE “EXTRA MILE” to deliver the powerful benefits of Omega-3s we use a rigorous 10-step process to ensure purity Brazos Minshew By Brazos Minshew, TriVita Chief Science Officer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • 10. adaptogen 10 Plus – your everyday Stress Solution TriVita’s powerful, stress relieving formula: • Helps counteract damage caused by various types of stress: mental, physical, emotional, environmental • Contains all 10 adaptogens that have been proven to help the body “adapt” to stress • Fights free radical damage and helps boost your immune system Adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part formula includes: • Adaptogens – herbal extracts chosen specifically for their natural ability to help the body cope with stress • Antioxidants – immune boosters that help fight the damage caused by stress • Aloe Vera – helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption TRY IT TODAY! 1-800-991-7116 or visit I f you’re one of the millions of baby boomers who care for both your children and your aging parents, then you are part of the so-called “sandwich generation.” You may feel like you’re doing too much or too little; torn between your kids and the person you’re caring for; and that you don’t have any time for yourself. Caring for children and parents simultaneously can leave you drained, depressed – and unhealthy. What’s more, the economy may have driven grown children back to the “nest,” adding to the strain. Empower yourself with knowledge and good health to make the best of a difficult situation. Take a break each and every day – Avoid burnout by spending at least a few minutes each day relaxing. Prayer, mediation, or even a short walk can help rejuvenate you. Depending on your situation, you may want to consider respite care to give yourself time to focus on your own well-being. Take time out to visit with friends and plan fun, relaxing activities. Watch for signs of depression – Join a caregiver support group if necessary. You can share your feelings with a group of people who know exactly what you’re going through. You can get the emotional and practical support you need, and it’s a great place to learn coping and stress-reduction techniques. Delegate the care – You don’t have to do this alone, so if someone offers to help, take them up on it. Give them a specific task they can help you with. Also, hold a family meeting with siblings and extended family to cover topics such as time and financial issues. Form a support network to share the care. Take a caregiver training class – You can learn everything from how to properly bathe someone with limited mobility to handling medical equipment. Some organizations offer disease-specific caregiver training; this will help you provide the very best care possible. Educate yourself about the disease – If the person you’re caring for has a specific disease, learn as much as you can about it. This can help with treatment, let you know what to expect, and help you make long-term plans and decisions. Plan for the future – Although these topics are difficult to address, it’s important to discuss such things as living wills, medical power of attorney and even estate planning. You may want to consider opening a joint checking account with your parents so you can pay the bills if necessary. Discuss the situation with your children – Sit down with your children to discuss the changes taking place and ask for their help and understanding. You can reassure them that you are not abandoning them, but you have new responsibilities that may require more of your time and resources. Maintain your health • Eat a balanced diet. Fast and processed foods are easy – but they won’t help Discover the amazing effects of Adaptogen 10 Plus® Delicious BERRY Flavor Adaptogen 10 Plus’ unique three-part Adaptogen 10 Plus® #30660 Non-Member $62.99 Member $49.99 Redeem with 500 VitaPoints Taking care of yourself... along with children and aging parents Are you part of the sandwich generation? Are you part of the sandwich generation?sandwich generation? Are you part of the sandwich generation? Are you part of theAre you part of the sandwich generation? Family Health
  • 11. August 2009 l 111-800-991-7116 Backpack safety • Choose a backpack with wide, padded shoulder straps and a padded back. • Pack light. Organize the backpack to use all of its compartments. Pack heavier items closest to the center of the back. The backpack should never weigh more than 10 to 20 percent of the student’s body weight. • Always use both shoulder straps. Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can strain muscles. • Consider a rolling backpack. This type of backpack may be a good choice for students who must tote a heavy load. Remember that rolling backpacks still must be carried up stairs, and they may be difficult to roll in snow. Traveling to and from school Review the basic rules with your youngster: School Bus • If your child’s school bus has lap/shoulder seat belts, make sure your child uses one at all times when in the bus. • Wait for the bus to stop before approaching it from the curb. • Do not move around on the bus. • Check to see that no other traffic is coming before crossing. • Make sure to always remain in clear view of the bus driver. Bike • Always wear a bicycle helmet, no matter how short or long the ride. • Ride on the right, in the same direction as traffic. • Use appropriate hand signals. • Respect traffic lights and stop signs. • Wear bright colored clothing to increase visibility. Walking to School • Make sure your child takes a safe route to school with well-trained adult crossing guards at every intersection. • Be realistic about your child’s pedestrian skills. Because small children are impulsive and less cautious around traffic, carefully consider whether or not your child is ready to walk to school without adult supervision. • Bright colored clothing will make your child more visible to drivers. Making the first day easier • Point out the positive aspects of starting school: It will be fun. They’ll see old friends and meet new ones. Refresh their memory about previous years, when they may have returned home after the first day with high spirits because they had a good time. • Find another child in the neighborhood with whom your youngster can walk to school or ride with on the bus. • If you feel it is appropriate, drive your child (or walk with them) to school and pick them up on the first day. you cope with your situation. Be sure to include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. • Don’t abandon your exercise routine. Even if you have to break it up into 10-minute increments, it will still help. Exercise is important for your overall health and it’s a good stress-buster. Plus, if you’re caring for someone with limited mobility, you will need to be able to lift, push and pull. • Get regular check-ups. Stay up-to-date on your annual medical visits. Arm yourself with knowledge – A multitude of resources is available for caregivers. It’s easy to get caught up in feelings of helplessness, but remember, you’re not alone; there is plenty of help out there. Empower yourself and take control of the situation instead of allowing it to control you. • Services – The Department of Health & Human Services’ website is a great tool for finding local home and community-based services. • Benefits – can help you figure out what benefits your relative qualifies for in federal, state, local and private programs. • Assistance programs – is a collaborative effort of 17 federal agencies that can help you find federal, state and local government assistant programs. • Medicare – An entire section of medicare. gov is dedicated to caregivers. You’ll find publications, videos, answers on navigating Medicare, the options you have and other resources to help you through. Get plenty of sleep – Sleep is the best way to recharge your batteries – get at least 7.5 to 9 hours per night. This is especially important for caregivers who can be drained emotionally, physically and mentally. Above all, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you feel you are drowning in responsibility or are confused about which steps to take, share your concerns with friends, a therapist or clergyman. They may be able to offer valuable guidance. Recognize that asking for help is a sign of strength, not of weakness. Are your kids or grandkids going back to school? Tips from the american academy of pediatrics
  • 12. trivita.com12 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. Scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth I n today’s economy, people everywhere are re-packaging themselves to adjust to a tougher job market. Whether you’re taking a computer course, working toward a degree or simply looking for income in a new field, you need to be sharp. Maybe “B” sharp is more to the point, as in Vitamin B-12. No matter how many job training courses you take or how impressive your resumé is, you can’t be a standout if you’re tired, irritable or forgetful. And that may be just the impression you give if, like so many in today’s stressful world, you’re suffering from a B-12 deficiency. Symptoms that others will notice Low energy is one of the most well-known symptoms that your body is low on the important “B” nutrients we all need to thrive. What you may not know – but you can be sure others notice – are these additional symptoms of B-12 deficiency: • Depression • Confusion • Moodiness • Poor memory Just as troublesome, though they may not be so obvious to others, are these additional symptoms of low B-12: weakness, loss of appetite, weight loss, numbness/tingling in the hands and feet and trouble maintaining balance. And don’t think that just because you’re a certain age, you’re “immune” from a lack of B-12. A B-12 deficiency can start as early as age 30 and can cause brain erosion. As early as age 40, the body’s ability to absorb B vitamins may decrease. So, if it’s important to you to function at the peak of your powers, it’s important to give your brain and body the B-12 it needs. That’s why it’s important to replenish your B-12 “resumé” every day with TriVita’s quality B-12 products. You get maximum absorption from their unique formulas, which dissolve right under the tongue to speed their benefits into the bloodstream. Pills that you swallow don’t deliver maximum absorption. And as you may know, injections of B-12 are painful and expensive. Give yourself the best: TriVita’s B-12 Once you decide to upgrade your B-12 levels, commit to giving yourself only the best... only TriVita’s B-12 products give you these benefits: • Dr. Alfred Libby’s original, patented sublingual (under-the-tongue) delivery system for maximum absorption • Nutrient-based, with no stimulants • Pharmaceutical-grade quality • Clinically tested for purity and effectiveness B-12 Update by Dr. Scott Conard Upgrading your career skills? Don’t leave your brain behind
  • 13. 1-800-991-7116 Faster-acting, longer-lasting and more potent than ever before with three times the Vitamin B-12 TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 helps you achieve: • Sustained mental energy, stamina and alertness • Improved mood with a more positive outlook on life • Greater mental focus, clarity and concentration • Sharper memory with less forgetfulness Plus, Super Sublingual B-12 gives your brain and nerves the essential nutrients they need to help replenish brain fuel and help repair damaged nerves. And all this is yours with a convenient, once-a-day tablet. Alfred Libby, M.D. – Inventor of TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid Dr. Libby, a renowned nutraceutical pioneer, worked to help hundreds of patients feel better every day. An associate of Dr. Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Laureate), Dr. Libby developed this unique, sublingual delivery system for his own patients. It was known to give similar mental energy results as B-12 shots, but without the shots’ added pain and expense. Alfred Libby, M.D. SUP ER SUBLINGUAL B-12 AVAILABLE EXCLUSIVELY FR O M TRIVITA TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 #33356 Non-Member $28.99 Member $22.99 Redeem with 230 VitaPoints TriVita Super SPECIALPRICE For maximum sustained mental energy take TriVita Super Sublingual B-12 Call toll-free to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at In my medical experience, I have found that quality B-12 supplementation can make all the difference between fatigue and energy, brain fog and alertness, the blues and vitality. And if you were an employer, which qualities would you want to hire? Naturally, we’d all like to be at our best, no matter what our employment status. So if you’re re-entering the job market, switching careers to adapt to a shifting economy or just looking for renewed energy, vitality and focus, give yourself every advantage. Give yourself TriVita B-12. SUCCESS STORIES “I feel like I have a new lease on life.“ “For years I have struggled with extremely low energy. At the age of 15 I started seeing doctors and undergoing numerous tests to get to the bottom of my energy related issues. All testing would come back normal, so it just became a part of life for me. I always felt as though I was dragging myself around, and those around me would often comment to me or my husband about how tired and exhausted I looked. My energy issue became an even greater problem over the past four years, and in February 2007, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Have you ever been so tired that it was all you could do to pull yourself out of bed? Some days I was in tears when I woke up because of how exhausted I felt. Living life with a lack of energy does damage to your spirit. Also, I was no longer able to keep up with taking care of my home and work like I had in the past. In January 2009, I began taking TriVita Super Sublingual B-12, and within several weeks I started to notice a difference. One day as I was picking up my children from school, I suddenly realized that I had cleaned my home, completed the laundry and even sent off several emails for my business – and still felt good. I remember calling my husband and telling him, ‘These vitamins are really working.’ I now get through my days with great energy and feel like I have a new lease on life. I recently saw my doctor, and she asked me what I was doing because I looked so different. This is something I have been hearing more of, and I have to say it feels great!” GlOria C. – COQuitlam, bC
  • 14. Charlotte Riegel, affiliate Member “Since I cannot stop the biological clock from ticking off my life on earth, I do the following to feel young: • Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water • Get adequate sleep (more rather than less) • Stay active by walking, gardening and entertaining grandchildren • Volunteer at my church (this has both physical and emotional benefits) • Think positively and express gratitude • Express love to family, friends and neighbors • Change what I should and can, leaving the rest to God • Maintain a deep relationship with God All of what I do helps maintain a sense of well-being and has been developed through deliberate discipline. I am most energized when engaged with my passions of reading, writing and gardening. At my age, youth is a matter of perception and attitude.” Elizabeth Welsh, affiliate Member “TriVita products have helped keep me young. I started with Sublingual B-12 and Vital C Crystals, and added other vitamins as they came along. I’m especially excited by the new Nopalea. In addition, Joint Complex helped ease my arthritis. There are many supplement companies out there, and some even have decent products, but none can compare to TriVita. So today I can say I have used most of TriVita’s products with great success. I am 56-years-old, and I am able to hike, bike and ski. And I love to dance! I eat a healthy diet, exercise at the gym at least three times a week and drink eight glasses of water daily! I also use totally natural jojoba oil with essential oils on my face and body, wash with natural soaps and use natural shampoo and conditioner that I buy at the farmers’ market. Aging is natural; looking and feeling young is a choice!” Peter Dusharm, TriVita employee “It is important to continue to feel and stay young as we get older. I am motivated to do so in order to be able to play with my children, and eventually grandchildren as they grow. I focus on staying physically fit so that I can remain active and energetic as I age. Recently, my wife and I took up cycling, a very challenging and rewarding activity. I completed a two-day, 175-mile ride for charity and since it was for a good cause, it was even more rewarding. Every time I finish a ride I feel a sense of accomplishment and complete stress relief. I also enjoy the beautiful desert landscape while being physically active. I would encourage anyone to find a trail through a park or neighborhood and begin to experience the joy of cycling. I like to use Optima4 to help me have the energy to complete the rides, and Adaptogen 10 Plus helps me to recover after a ride. In addition, Nopalea contributes to my overall health in numerous ways, and helps reduce swelling in joints and muscles after rigorous exercise.” Each month three members of the TriVita community share their insights on health, wellness and more. This monthly feature creates an open forum for members of the TriVita community to respond to a variety of provocative questions about a wide range of subjects. Join the discussion! Your response could earn you a $25 TriVita Gift Card; see details at the end of this article. Do you feel younger or older than your biological age? Have you ever been so exhausted and run-down that you felt much older? Or, just the opposite – do you take extra good care of yourself and feel years younger than you think you should? What you put in your body and how you nurture it greatly affects how you feel and look. Here are some ways others feel and stay young. What do you do to feel and stay young? GiftCard $ 25 We invite you to answer our upcoming question: “How do you express gratitude on a daily basis?” Yourresponsecouldearnyoua$25TriVitaGiftCard! Just email your response to, or call 1-800-693-4083. You can also write to: VitaJournal, 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop, Ste. 950, Scottsdale, AZ 85260. Please include your Member ID, your address and daytime phone number (along with email address, if you have one). Note:Whenyousubmitaletteroremail,youarealsogivingTriVitafullrightstoit, includingtherighttopublishitinfuturepublicationsandtoedititasneeded. This month’s question: trivita.com14 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Embracing WELLNESS
  • 15. August 2009 l 151-800-991-7116 “The Healthy Aging Pack is everything I need.” “Eight years ago my husband and I were in a bad car accident. A year into the healing process, I saw TriVita Sublingual B-12 on TV and decided to try it. Within a couple of days I noticed a difference. Later I added Vital C Crystals. Now I’m on the Healthy Aging Pack, which includes these two products, plus VitaDaily AM/PM and OmegaPrime. I keep taking them because I feel much better. I sleep well at night. I have minimal aches and pains. I have steady energy throughout the day. Plus, it’s convenient and there’s a cost savings. I love TriVita!” Kathy G. – Jenks, OK “The past four years have been pain-free.” “I am a machine operator and a deep sea fisherman. A few years ago, I was having back problems and all my joints were so painful that I didn’t know what to do. Then I discovered OmegaPrime. After my first bottle I noticed I could start doing things that previously had been a problem. I continue to take OmegaPrime and for the past four years have been pain-free. I have recommended this fantastic product to a few friends and family members, and it has worked for each and every one of them. Thank you, TriVita for this wonderful product.” Oswald C. – Scarborough, ON “Adaptogen 10 Plus remains one of my daily rituals!” “I’ve been using Adaptogen 10 Plus ever since it became part of TriVita’s amazing product line. At the time I had an immense amount of stress but noticed that Adaptogen 10 Plus gave me a real sense of calmness and a feeling of being refreshed. Although I have since eliminated the major sources of stress in my life, there are still the environmental toxins that we can’t get completely away from... so Adaptogen 10 Plus remains one of my daily rituals!” Rene F. – Kamloops, BC “This product is amazing to me.” “I take Dr. Libby’s Vital C Crystals. Since I started taking Vital C, I’ve never gotten a cold, and I’m usually the first one to get it. I’ll stand behind it – this stuff really works. It’s the best Vitamin C product I have found. I’ve tried other brands, and they aren’t nearly as effective. The people in my family that don’t take Vital C get sinus colds, the flu and other viruses, but my brother and I both take it and don’t get sick. I used to have five or six colds a year, but last year I had just one small one all winter long. This product is amazing to me.” Sam B. – Mena, AR “I have a lot of energy and feel better when I take them.” “I love TriVita’s VitaDaily AM/PM tablets... they are very effective. I have a lot of energy and feel better when I take them. It has also helped with my eczema. The itching has decreased tremendously, and the dry skin has smoothed quite a bit. My stress levels are also down. The packaging is great because you can easily take these supplements with you. Finally, what I love most about TriVita is how the company encourages me to take care of myself mentally, physically and spiritually. Thank you, TriVita.” Bonnor S. – Plainfield, NJ Real Stories from real people See what Members like you have to say about TriVita® products! “... I feel like a very young 76-year-old person.” “I can’t begin to tell you what a difference Sublingual B-12 has made in my life. All of my life I have been active, with lots of energy. A few months ago I had a complete physical and told the doctor about my lack of energy. My husband died a little over a year ago, so I kept blaming my frame of mind and body on the stress of being a caregiver. So I started taking every vitamin on the shelves, plus sleep aids until I realized how much it was costing me. Now, thanks to Sublingual B-12, I feel like a very young 76-year-old person. I want to be well to be here for my children, grandchildren and others.” Sophia P. – Mauldin, SC “After taking Nopalea, I no longer have pain or inflammation in my leg.” “I have been taking two ounces of Sonoran Bloom Nopalea for five days now. I had a freak accident last year that severed a major artery and two tendons in my leg, resulting in near death, two hospitalizations, three surgeries and over three months in a leg cast. Since my accident I have not been able to walk barefoot without limping. When I work out at the gym on the elliptical trainer or run on the treadmill, I experience pain and swelling in my leg. After taking Nopalea, I no longer have pain or inflammation in my leg. I’ve also noticed that when I walk barefoot, I am not limping as badly as I was before. My family and I are very happy with Nopalea and TriVita!” Eric W. – Tampa, FL Youshouldconsultwithahealthcareproviderbeforestartinganydiet, exerciseorsupplementationprogram,beforetakinganymedication,or ifyoususpectyoumighthaveaheartproblem.Youshouldnotstoptaking anymedicationwithoutfirstconsultingyourhealthcareprovider.
  • 16. P athrecy’s introduction to TriVita® products six years ago began like so many others – with a tiny pink pill that helped her stay upbeat and maintain a balanced mood. That product was Sublingual B-12. “I was tired all the time, and in just one month I noticed a tremendous improvement in my energy level,” she recalls. “I’ve since graduated to Super Sublingual B-12, and it has been even better, giving me more energy and mental clarity.” “My passion for TriVita begins with the products – they’re so amazing,” Pathrecy continues. “Both my husband, Jon, and I are avid fans of many different TriVita products. They have definitely helped our health and quality of life. People can sense our genuine enthusiasm for both the products and many other aspects of the company, especially the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness.” Pathrecy’s lengthy product favorites list After taking Dr. Libby’s Vital C Crystals for a short time, Pathrecy noticed a difference. “My energy improved, and I just felt better all around,” she says. “I also do the Vitamin C flush, and that helps reduce my chances of getting a cold.” Another big favorite is OmegaPrime®. “It’s just so effective in dealing with women’s health issues, especially with skin conditioning,” Pathrecy notes. “Before, my skin would get dry and OmegaPrime has really made a difference.” Adaptogen 10 Plus® has helped boost her overall energy and lower stress. “I noticed that I felt better right after I started taking it,” she says. “My body felt stronger and that feeling has never stopped. This wonderful product has also helped my body recover from illness and injuries much faster.” Pathrecy says, “My excitement over Adaptogen 10 Plus has led me to wholeheartedly recommend it to many others who suffer a variety of health challenges. They have benefited significantly. Even a close family member who has been suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome for many years is seeing remarkable results.” Pathrecy takes Energy Now!® – another great product that improves her mood and energy. “I also recommend Balanced Woman® to all the women in my family,” she adds. “With today’s modern lifestyle, women don’t get the nutrients they need. Balanced Woman really helps with hormonal imbalance.” “OptimaFlex® made a huge difference after I had a car accident,” she recalls. “My car flipped and rolled several times. I had a lot of bruises and took OptimaFlex. Within a short time, my pain from this accident completely went away.” Pathrecy’s other TriVita favorites include: • VisionGuard™ – it helped resolve problems she had with her retina. • Bone Builder – another TriVita product that has helped facilitate healthy bone growth. • NutraFruits™ – she takes it knowing that she is doing something good for herself. “I get essential nutrients from over 30 fruits and vegetables.” • Peaceful Sleep™ – has really helped Pathrecy fall asleep fast and wake up refreshed and ready for the day. trivita.com16 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Meet Pathrecy – she is a walking, talking adve “I love all my TriVita supp Sonoran Bloom™ Nopal
  • 17. “Sonoran Bloom™ Nopalea™ is so amazing.” Although Pathrecy and Jon are both very pleased by their TriVita® product experiences, they are totally “blown away” by the new Sonoran Bloom Nopalea. “This product is so outstanding because it’s effective and quick,” she states. “After taking Nopalea, I noticed a difference within three days. Before, because of inflammation I wasn’t able to get my wedding ring on my finger. After three days I could easily put the ring on my finger, and I felt so much better.” Nopalea has also helped with Pathrecy’s severe and very debilitating allergies. “Within one week all the allergies went away,” she notes. “I used to get migraine headaches and total body aches – they’re both gone. I’m feeling so good; I forgot what was wrong in the first place.” She has also noticed several other unexpected benefits. “Post-workout soreness is almost non-existent,” she says. “I have better muscle tone and don’t feel sore the next day. So my workout is more effective and fun. Ever since Nopalea I have more energy; my cells can receive nutrients and work more efficiently.” Her Nopalea parties are a smash hit Pathrecy is so enthusiastic about this product that she hosts Nopalea tasting parties. “I’m just thrilled by this product,” she exclaims. “My husband, Jon, and I love Nopalea – the way it tastes and how good it makes us feel. We feel compelled to let the world know about this fantastic product. Nopalea is one product I can definitely get behind.” She has seen tremendous interest and enthusiasm and party invitees are completely “sold” on Nopalea once they experience the delicious, refreshing taste. “The Share and Earn possibilities for this product are outstanding,” she notes. Although Pathrecy is quick to praise TriVita products for the important role they play in her good health, she also stresses the importance of exercise, especially strength training. Pathrecy and Jon really enjoy the rugged, outdoor lifestyle that their Arizona home offers, with biking, hiking and exploring as their favorite activities. “With all these great products, especially Nopalea, I now have the strength to combat toxins in food, air and water,” concludes Pathrecy. “TriVita products are helping us stay strong to help us cope with modern life. We love them all!” August 2009 l 171-800-991-7116 vertisement for healthy living pplements, especially new alea™ – it’s wonderful!” they’re both gone. I’m feeling so good; I forgot what was wrong in the first place.” Pathrecy and her husband, Jon. “The Share and Earn possibilities are outstanding!”
  • 18. Nourish your heart, brain, skin, joints and glands with essential Fatty acids! OmegaPrime® : Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids Premier blend of essential fatty acids from four sources – fish, flaxseed, evening primrose and perilla seed oils Right balance of Omega-3s and Omega-6s Inflammation-fighting formula Mercury/contaminant-free fish oil Evening primrose and perilla seed oils – the most potent EFAs for inflammation Give your body the support it needs with TriVita OmegaPrime! : Your PRIME source for Essential Fatty Acids OmegaPrime® #30520 Non-Member $22.99 Member $17.99 Redeem with 180 VitaPoints 50% OFFon OmegaPrimewhen you purchaseone bottle of NopaleaGoodthrough8-31-09.Limit2specialsperhousehold. Seepage7formoredetails. I n today’s world, the spotlight repeatedly shines on the young and successful. It seems the younger an achiever is, the more he or she is praised. However, this does not mean that you should stop dreaming big if your youth is a distant memory. Do you have a passion to do something great, but feel you missed your chance? Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a novel, create a new invention or contribute to society in some way. Whatever your purpose in life, it’s never too late to achieve remarkable things. Nowhere is it written that success must happen by a certain age. In fact, there are many people who have contributed greatly to society at an older age than you might expect. Here are just a few examples of achievers who were recognized for their talents later in life: 1. Laura Ingalls Wilder – Author of the “Little House on the Prairie” books, Wilder didn’t really become a serious writer (as a columnist) until her 40s. The first book in her series was only published nearly two decades later, when she was 65. 2. Anna Mary Robertson Moses (Grandma Moses) – This famous painter abandoned a career in embroidery in her 70s, when arthritis made it too difficult for her to work. She began to paint and was discovered by an art collector in New York City. 3. Colonel Harland Sanders – A household name for his Kentucky-fried chicken, Sanders became successful with his franchise at the age of 65, when many people are practically done with their careers. 4. Golda Meir – Meir was no stranger to politics, even at a younger age, but it was not until the age of 71 that she was elected Israel’s Prime Minister in 1969. She was the third female, worldwide, to ever be given this post. 5. Julia Child – Child’s first cooking book “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” was published when she was 49. She hosted her own television show when she was in her early 50s. 6. Stan Lee – Perhaps the most famous name in comic book history, Stan Lee achieved great success later in life. While the artist worked for Marvel Comics (a name that had not yet been born) at the young age of 16, it was not until the age of 44 that he created the legend of Spiderman. 7. Charles Bukowski – The famous “beat” poet and novelist worked as a postman for years. His first book was published at the age of 49. 8. George Burns – While he built a long career on stage and TV, it wasn’t until he was 80 that this beloved funnyman won movie- land’s top honor: an Academy Award for his supporting role in Neil Simon’s The Sunshine Boys. He continued to live out his dreams for 20 more productive years. 9. Henri Rousseau – He served in the French army and worked as a toll collector for many years. It wasn’t until he was 40 that he became a painter and was admired by other artists of his time. 10. Frank Lloyd Wright – One of the most influential modern architects of our time, Frank Lloyd Wright completed New York’s Guggenheim Museum at the age of 89 and continued to teach until his death in 1959. If you’ve ever lived with the notion that you were too old to accomplish your dreams, it’s time to re-evaluate. When you have the talent and ambition to do great things, there are no age limits to your capabilities. If you haven’t started to live your life with passion and purpose, it’s not too late. You can make a difference – start today! Accomplishing greatness later in life your life purpose has no age limits Frank Lloyd WrightStan Lee Julia Child
  • 19. 1-800-991-7116 Chocoberry banana blast 1 scoop Chocolate Leanology Shake Powder 1 banana 6 frozen strawberries 8 oz. skim milk* ½ cup ice Blend until smooth Chocolate Covered Cherry 1 scoop Chocolate Leanology Shake Powder 1 handful pitted black cherries 8 oz. skim milk* ½ cup ice Blend until smooth Tropical breeze 1 scoop Vanilla Leanology Shake Powder 4 oz. cran-cherry juice 1 banana 4 frozen strawberries ¼ mango ½ cup ice Blend until smooth berry Sunrise 1 scoop Vanilla Leanology Shake Powder 6 frozen strawberries 6 oz. crushed pineapple w/juice ¼ cup orange juice ½ cup ice Blend until smooth S ummer is the perfect time to drink refreshing, fruit smoothies. They are cold, tasty and good for you (as long as you stick to healthy ingredients and don’t go overboard). Some smoothie companies make fruit smoothies with frozen yogurt or even ice cream. This offers less nutritional value and packs on the calories. Just because a smoothie has fruit in it, does not mean it’s always healthy or low in fat. Create your own smoothie, and you don’t have to guess what you’re drinking. Try the perfect ingredient you can’t get from a smoothie store – Leanology® Shake Powder. Leanology is a great addition to any smoothie because it provides you with nutrients your body needs, and helps curb your appetite so you truly feel full. With so many different options to flavor up your smoothie, you can get creative. Mix and match your Leanology Shake Powder with your favorite fruits and even other TriVita® products – the combinations are endless. To order Leanology Nutritional Shakes, see page 27. For an extra boost of whatever your body is craving, add these TriVita nutrients: • For an immunity boost, add 1 tsp. Vital C Crystals • For inflammation-busting nutrients, add 1 oz. Nopalea™ – it’s “Nopalicious!” • For stress-relieving nutrients, add 1 oz. Adaptogen 10 Plus® • For added flexibility and mobility, add 1 packet OptimaFlex® (this really gives it a great taste, especially to the chocolate powder) • To insure you’re getting all your daily fruits and veggies, add 1 scoop of NutraFruits™ *For fewer calories, substitute skim milk with water. Become your own smoothie chefrefreshing summer drinks loaded with healthy goodness August 2009 l 19 want more healthy ideas? read how Members and TriVita employees are mixing up their favorite TriVita products: “My husband Mark made the best afternoon ‘treat’ with 1 cup of vanilla yogurt and a splash of Nopalea, and now I am hooked! I have it after my workout.” tina G. – CharlOtte, nC “I like to start my day off with a bowl of plain hot oatmeal, and I add 1 scoop of Vanilla Leanology Shake and a dash of cinnamon. It really adds flavor to my breakfast, and keeps me full all morning.” dana m. – triVita emplOyee “Every morning I mix 1 scoop of NutraFruits with half a cup of pure cranberry juice and half a cup orange juice. Not only does it taste great, but it makes me feel healthier.” tiFFany h. – lOs anGeles, Ca “What I do is get an empty 32 oz bottle and fill it with water. Next, I add 2 scoops of TriVita’s NutraFruits. I then top it off with 1 oz of the Adaptogen 10 Plus.” mary lee t. – triVita emplOyee “Every day, I enjoy my morning cocktail! I mix 2 oz of Nopalea and 1 oz of Adaptagon 10 Plus, which has helped me stay focused and seems to give me the energy I need to handle all the demands of my busy and hectic days!” rOn C. – sCOttsdale, aZ and TriVita employees are mixing up their favorite TriVita products
  • 20. trivita.com20 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Community-based art programs can improve health, study shows Washington, D.C. Art programs may be good for both body and mind. The Creativity and Aging Study, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts and conducted by George Washington University’s Center on Aging, Health & Humanities showed that weekly cultural programs helped improve the general health and mental health of people aged 65 to 103. Additionally, overall social activity improved. The study took place at art centers in Washington, D.C., New York and California. At each site, two groups were studied: an intervention group, which participated in weekly programs in creative writing, visual arts, music and theater and a control group which engaged in normal activities. A total of 150 people participated in the intervention groups and 150 in the control groups. Before the study began, participants in both groups shared similar levels of physical health, mental health and activity. They were interviewed at the beginning of the study, after one year, and again two years after the study began. At the one- and two-year marks, participants in the weekly program reported better health, fewer doctor visits, less medication use, better mental health and increased involvement in overall activities. Seniors feel younger than their chronological age Ann Arbor, Michigan A data analysis of the Berlin Aging Study shows that older people feel, on average, 13 years younger than their chronological age. “People generally felt quite a bit younger than they actually were, and they also showed relatively high levels of satisfaction with aging over the time period studied,” said Jacqui Smith, a psychologist at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research (ISR). Smith conducted the research with two colleagues at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin. The Berlin Aging Study tracked 516 people’s perceptions of their own age over a six-year period. Researchers found that this perception of feeling younger than chronological age did not change over time unless the participant was experiencing poor health. Researchers also asked subjects how old they felt they looked. At the beginning of the study, the answer averaged around 10 years younger than actual age. After six years, the average went down to seven years. Women tended to rate their appearance closer to their actual age. Initially, men were more satisfied than women with their own aging. But as the study progressed, men’s satisfaction decreased more than women’s. This decrease was associated with poor health. Omega-3 fatty acids help relieve symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Ottawa, Ontario Children showed improvements in ADHD symptoms after taking Omega-3 fatty acids, a study this year in the journal Paediatrics & Child Health showed. In the 16-week, 2-phase study, 37 children were divided into two groups: one group was given Omega-3 supple- ments for both phases and the second group received a placebo in the first phase, followed by an Omega-3 supplement in the second phase. Improvements were seen in children who took Omega-3 supplements. The most improvement was seen with the initial use of the supplement. The Research Desk New findings in health and wellness
  • 21. 1-800-991-7116 a Morning Cup of Coffee May noT help you waKe up Burlington, Vermont That cup of “joe” may not help you perk up, according to research presented in the July 2009 journal Psychopharmacology. While studying the physiological effects of caffeine withdrawal, researchers discovered that caffeine’s effect on alertness is minimal. In the study, 16 regular caffeine users were divided into a caffeine group (400 mg daily) and a placebo group. After 14 or more days, the groups were switched. The initial switch to caffeine or placebo caused blood flow changes in the brain; those in the placebo group experienced increased blood flow in their brain, which may explain the common withdrawal effect of headaches. Subjects also reported feelings of fatigue. However, when caffeine was administered, there were no appreciable benefits commonly attributed to caffeine. The caffeine appeared to only help reduce the symptoms of withdrawal caused by its consumption. Article from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... effect and try to avoid that particular practice. Pollutants and pesticides are definitely causes but stress can also be a major contributor to a toxic lifestyle. Managing stress has significant wellness benefits. I encourage you to seek out information through our journals and Weekly Wellness Reports which will help you reduce and manage stress. By educating yourself you can also be a source of help to others, and help them experience greater wellness. Another way you can help others is by participating in our Share and Earn opportunity and introducing people to the powerful anti-inflammatory benefits of Nopalea. The product is having such amazing results that you will find it easy to share the story. We have tools to equip you such as product brochures, DVDs and personal websites – all of which can help you tell the Nopalea story. People are earning enough through Share and Earn to pay for all their products; some have even made it their full-time career, with income to match what they were making at their previous job. We invite you to call a TriVita Wellness Consultant and ask how you may get involved in this great opportunity. Our mission is to inspire people to experience wellness and to create wealth for their life purposes. Sharing the Nopalea story is a wonderful way for our Members to engage in our mission – and to make a difference in our world! TriVita is very committed to the mission of wellness. In every VitaJournal and catalog we list the 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness. They are the priorities or essentials that have undeniable wellness benefits for physical, emotional and spiritual health. I hope you will be inspired to take one essential each day and to practice and receive its wellness benefits. They may seem simple but they are profound in their effects when practiced daily. Aging with wellness – not illness or disability – is not a gift for the lucky few, but is the reward of the diligent who embrace the essentials of good health every day. TriVita’s House of Giving and Life Outreach International have part- nered to provide pure, fresh water for children and their families: • Over 1 billion people throughout the world do not have access to pure, fresh water • Waterborne illnesses run rampant in these areas • Just a $4.80 donation can save one person’s life • With your donation, you can leave a legacy by giving the gift of life Your tax-deductible gift can be combined with others to create new wells – providing water to thousands of people for a lifetime! Last year, we saved 21,000 lives. This year, our goal is to save even more! Want to make a difference? Call 1-800-991-7116 and a Wellness Consultant will be happy to take your tax-deductible donation along with your order. You can mail your donation to: House of Giving 16100 N. Greenway Hayden Loop Ste. 950 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 You can make a LASTING DIFFERENCE Your contribution will touch countless lives August 2009 l 21 Our mission is to inspire people to experience wellness and to create wealth for their life purposes. Sharing the Nopalea™ story is a wonderful way for our Members to engage in our mission – and to make a difference in our world!
  • 22. W e have all heard of the midlife crisis. Elliot Jacques coined this term in 1965 in the article, Death and the Midlife Crisis, referring to a time when adults realize their mortality and how much time they have remaining in their lives. Recent research has found that while nearly every- one will experience a mid-life transition, not all experience midlife crisis. The difference between a transition and a crisis are the choices we make. Midlife transition is a natural stage of psychosocial development that happens to most people around age 40. This phase can begin as early as mid 30s or as late as mid-to- late 60s, depending on the person. For most people across the globe, this midlife phase is a time for much soul-searching. It is also a time of great change for everyone. Children are leaving the home; people are getting different jobs, re-evaluating future goals, and taking care of elderly parents. This transition is a process of reassessing your life to date and making choices for the future. However, there is a pivot point where the healthy midlife transition can develop into a crisis. Symptoms of midlife distress • Feel tired of running like a gerbil on his wheel, seemingly going nowhere • Disappointment and sadness over how your life has turned out • You ask; “What about me now, when is it my turn?” • There is a growing need to get away from it all • You experience an overwhelming sense of failure • Depression sets in   If you are experiencing the above you can choose to get help for the temporary depression or tough it out. If you choose to tough it out, this is a time when most people hit the boiling point and make rash decisions. The consequences of impulsive action can be detrimental and prolong the crisis situation. People who feel they have to change everything, leave their spouse, quit their job, etc. may feel better temporarily, but in a year or two may wonder, “Why did I do this?” Dr. Eva Stubits, a practicing clinical psychologist for the last 20 years, recommends looking at this transition as a great opportunity to take note of what is really important to you so you can make improvements. Here are some suggestions to put a positive perspective on your transition. Healthy aging Put more energy into your relationship and focus on the positive attributes of your spouse. Spend more time together and rekindle your relationship. Spend less time at work and other obligations. Take up exercising and get fit. Eat nutritiously and include helpful supplements. A healthy diet and physical activity can help you re-energize instead of obsessing over loss of youth or an aging body. Learn stress management skills like meditation, yoga and personal journaling. Embrace the 10 Essentials and practice them daily for a healthy mind, body and spirit. Understand that this time of reflecting on the aging process is natural and can be used to enhance the human experience for the rest of your days. Will your midlife stage be a crisis or a transition to a grand new phase? The choice is yours.  Healthy aging through midlife: Are you showing signs of a common crisis? by Dr. Judy Judy Ellison, Ph.D., is a psychologist, author and motivational speaker. She has inspired people around the world to reach within and find their passionate purpose to live a more meaningful life. Judy Ellison, Ph.D. A healthy diet and physical activity can help you re-energize instead of obsessing over loss of youth or an aging body. trivita.com22 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness
  • 23. “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you...” – Luke 6:38 Picture a family huddled in the dark around a table. The children share a meager meal by candlelight; the electricity is off. The parents have no job prospects, no money to pay the bills, to put gas in the car or to buy food for themselves. The bleak scene is interrupted by a knock at the door: it’s a neighbor family, bearing plates of hot food. “God told us we were supposed to bring you dinner,” announces the wife. In addition to dinner, the neighbors later shared the year’s worth of food they had stored up in case of disaster, plus some money for gas. These were my own neighbors, many years ago, and they had no prior idea of my family’s situation. They were simply compelled by the strength of God’s will to share what they had. As they left, the neighbor said one more thing: “Please pray for us. My husband just lost his job.” There is always a way to give Sounds like current times, doesn’t it? With money so tight now for so many, one of the first things that gets cut is giving, to churches and charities. But consider: monetary donations aren’t all that we can give. There’s always someone who has it tougher than we do, and there’s always a way to give. Giving to others freely and with no thought of recognition or thanks is one of the bedrocks of faith, of course. But ironically, we do “get” when we give. The scripture at the top of this page says it outright: generous giving comes back to us; as we give, so shall we receive. your body, His Temple – 1 Cor. 6:19-20 Give yourself the gift of giving by Chaplain Gene Henderson If you don’t feel blessed with financial abundance right now, think of what you do have that can be shared: perhaps it’s some of your time, or a special skill, or simply compassion that can be expressed in so many ways. Here are just a few ideas: • Clean out your closets of unused/ unwanted items, and donate them to a local charity or thrift shop. • Check with your local hospital about their volunteer programs. • Ask if the senior center could use you to provide companionship or transpor- tation for the housebound and infirm. • Love to read? Share your love with the blind through a reading aloud program. • Help homeless animals by volunteering at your local shelter or humane organization. • If the outdoors and gardening are your passions, see how you might donate time to a public park, civic garden or school planting project. If you think about what you like to do, and how your time and skills could benefit someone else, I know you’ll come up with even more ways to give. Giving benefits the body, mind and spirit Some of the gifts that come with giving are priceless: you probably feel good when you give, but did you know that there are also proven benefits to the body, mind and spirit? It’s true – science tells us that giving, whether of something tangible or not, actually eases stress, and helps promote these benefits as well: • Strengthening the immune system • Decreasing physical pain • Boosting positive feelings, and reducing negative ones • The “helper’s high,” a period of elation and then calm that follows a kind act I don’t look on hard times as a test; I see them as opportunities to show love. Our Creator always sets up these opportunities for us, if only we will be open to seeing them. You know the saying, “I wept because I had no shoes, and then I met a man who had no feet”? We can always find someone who needs our help, who is worse off than we are. There is never a recession in God’s love. Where will you find opportunities now to give some of it back? Gene Henderson 1-800-991-7116 August 2009 l 23 Check with your local hospital about their volunteer programs.
  • 24. trivita.com24 l VITAJOURNAL Celebrating 10 Years of Health and Wellness Eating for your age what foods you should eat at different stages in your life By Christa Orecchio, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Counselor H ealthy eating for any age involves such basic tenets as eating three meals a day with nutrient-dense snacks in-between, eating foods from a variety of different food groups, especially fruits and vegetables and eating when hungry/stopping when full. However, as life changes and progresses, there are different nutrients that have a specific call to certain age groups. Take a look at ways to optimize your nutrition for your age: The teen years Eating well helps teens to maintain enough energy for school, sports and other activities, and to reach their full height potential. Teens can go a long way by including healthy snacks in their diet such as almond butter or peanut butter with celery, carrots or an apple, high-quality protein bars, yogurt, trail mix, low sugar granola and hummus with whole grain toast. The ideal foods for teens to balance the body’s energy needs are complex carbohydrates. Encourage teens to eat whole grains, legumes and root vegetables to satisfy this nutritional need. Young adults This is the time of life when people need to work harder to balance their stress hormones because getting out in the work force, building a career, starting a family and other life stressors are at their highest. Individuals in this age range should safeguard themselves against adrenal fatigue or burnout. Potassium is a great nutrient for the adrenal glands. The foods below are highest in potassium: • Swiss chard • Kelp • Sunflower seeds • Almonds • Raisins • Parsley • Figs • Avocados • Yams • Pecans Mature adults As we grow older, the absorption and diges- tion of proteins and minerals becomes more difficult leading to a variety of ailments such as osteoporosis, fatigue and chronic illness. Take necessary precautions with these five essential nutrients for anyone over 50. 1: betaine hydrochloride: Our bodies digest foods less efficiently as we age; yet nutrients from our foods are a critical component to good health. Betaine hydrochloride can support digestion when taken with meals and may be taken in conjunction with digestive enzymes, such as TriVita Digestive Complex™. 2: Vitamin b-12: Insufficient Vitamin B-12 levels can lead to fatigue, brain fog and a higher risk of heart disease. Vitamin B-12 is particularly hard to absorb as we age, so a sublingual supplement, such as TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 is suggested. 3: Magnesium: Magnesium is often overlooked and is essential to your cellular health. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables! Kelp provides a rich source of magnesium. 4: Vitamin d: Vitamin D is another essen- tial nutritional supplement. Not only is Vitamin D critical for bone health, but it also decreases the chance of breast cancer. The most concentrated sources of natural Vitamin D are found in fatty fishes like tuna, herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines and anchovies as well as egg yolks. A Vitamin D supplement, such as TriVita VitaCal-Mag D™ or Bone Builder is a great choice. 5: protein: Choose foods that are rich in high-quality protein, such as organic eggs, free-range chicken and lamb, and ocean wild-caught fish. Nuts and legumes contain protein as well, but are not as concentrated as the protein found in meat and animal products. Christa Orecchio June 2009 l 19 Sautéed Chard and Salmon INGREDIENTS • 1 lb. wild salmon fillet, skinned • Freshly ground black pepper to taste • Juice of ½ lemon • 1 tsp. tamari • 1 tsp. toasted dark sesame oil • 1 lb. swiss chard • 4 tsp. extra virgin olive oil • 1 medium onion • 3 garlic cloves, thinly sliced • Sea salt to taste • Red radishes cut into decorative shapes for garnish DIRECTIONS 1. Cut salmon fillets into 6-8 pieces, season with pepper to taste. Squeeze on lemon juice, and then drizzle with tamari and sesame oil. Turn pieces over and coat all surfaces. Set aside while you prepare the greens. 2. Wash chard, and then cut/strip leaves from stalks. Chop leaves coarsely. Slice stalks crosswise into 1/4 inch pieces. Set aside. 3. In a large skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of the oil over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté for 5-7 minutes, until soft and translucent. Reduce heat if onions cook too fast. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute. 4. Stir in chard stems and 2-3 tablespoons water. Cover and cook for 2 minutes. Stir greens into onion mixture, cover and cook for 3-5 minutes, stirring frequently. When ready, greens should be tender and still bright green. Sprinkle with a pinch of sea salt and stir. Remove to a platter. 5. In a skillet, heat the remaining 2 teaspoons of oil over medium heat. Add the salmon pieces in a single layer and cook for 1 to 2 minutes each side; when salmon is cooked, place on top of greens. Garnish with radishes, serve with brown rice. 1 2 3 4 5 Recipe of the month Sautéed Chard and Salmon
  • 25. August 2009 l 25 I f you ever see a very cool car decorated with a striking desert landscape, it’s probably David’s brand new wheels. This San Diego resident is such a strong believer in Nopalea™, he made his hot new “Nopalea-mobile” into a very fuel- efficient advertisement for the product. His car features a striking Sonoran Desert picture and a big bold message that says, “Sonoran Bloom™ – Feel It,” along with an easy-to-remember website address. Nopalea took the wind out of his asthma symptoms David suffered from asthma for many years... and this debilitating affliction required two prescription medications, and constant use of an inhaler. Worse yet, he could no longer enjoy many of his favorite activities, including water skiing, kayaking, tennis, walking and running. “I was desperately looking for a solution to my health crisis when I was fortunate enough to attend the Nopalea pre-launch in Phoenix last March,” David recalls. “I especially enjoyed the presentation by TriVita’s Chief Science Officer, Brazos Minshew. When Brazos said, ‘If inflammation is the problem, Nopalea is the solution,’ I realized he was speaking directly to me about my unique health condition. Brazos confirmed everything I suspected about my asthma, and what my doctor had already told me.” David started taking Nopalea that very same day and soon realized that his asthma symptoms were rapidly diminishing. He wasn’t surprised because that’s exactly what Nopalea is supposed to do – helps your body reduce respiratory inflammation, which causes allergies and asthmatic reactions. His asthma medication was also running out and he knew he was going to see his doctor soon, so David decided not to reorder and “fly solo” with Nopalea for a period of time.* He strongly recommends consulting with your healthcare provider before discontinuing any medication. Recommending Nopalea to friends and family “Much to my surprise I found out that I did just fine without the asthma medication,” David says. “Nopalea worked very effectively and quickly, and many of my asthma symptoms were fading fast.” He also started getting much of his youthful energy back. “I feel great and have lost 15 pounds because I’m more active,” David states. “Thanks to Nopalea, I’m proud to report that I’ve gone three months without taking any asthma medications.” “My doctor is absolutely amazed by my progress with Nopalea,” he adds. “He ran a battery of tests after I had been taking Nopalea for a while, that conclusively showed that I am asthma-free. I’ve just turned 56 and it’s great to no longer have aches and pains. I sleep well and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.” In fact, David is so “jazzed” by Nopalea that he has already given away 12 bottles of this delicious wellness drink to friends, family and other people he knows will benefit from it. Many of these same people are now reporting significant health benefits from Nopalea. Great results from other TriVita products David also loves NutraFruits™ and TriVita’s Sublingual B-12 – and takes both products on a regular basis. He says, “I’m a great believer in NutraFruits because I know how important it is to get your fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. It also tastes good. The Sublingual B-12 is great for my mind, provides extra energy and I feel great after taking it.” He also maintains vibrant good health with the help of OmegaPrime® and Daily Men™ Formula, which is a complete multi-vitamin that addresses David’s general nutritional needs. There have been some unexpected benefits from his comprehensive TriVita supplement regimen. David has much less heartburn than before and no longer pops antacids. His blood pressure numbers have also substantially improved. So, there’s no stopping David. He’s much more active and can truly live life to its fullest now. The latest evidence of the “new David” is the fact that he’s recently ordered a kayak and has big plans to enjoy even more of San Diego’s beautiful weather and tremendous recreational opportunities. *You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. David’s Nopalea experience is like a breath of fresh air he’s thriving now that his asthma symptoms have disappeared Member Spotlight “ThankstoNopalea,I’mproudtoreportthatI’vegone threemonthswithouttakinganyasthmamedications.” – David says. “Nopalea worked very effectively and quickly, and many of my asthma symptoms were fading fast.” He also started getting much of his youthful energy back. “I feel great and have lost 15 pounds because I’m more active,” David states. “Thanks to Nopalea, I’m proud to report that I’ve gone three months without taking any asthma medications.” “My doctor is absolutely amazed by my progress with Nopalea,” he adds. “He ran a battery of tests after I had been taking Nopalea for a while, that conclusively showed that I am my unique health condition. Brazos confirmed everything I suspected about my asthma, and “ThankstoNopalea,I’mproudtoreportthatI’vegone