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our nation’s
secret epidemic
Good for your
brain, heart, skin,
joints and more
Yes, it can really
happen faster
than you think
10 Essentials
for health and wellness
The 10 Essentials were created to suit
every Wellness Seeker. Taking even small
steps in each one will improve your life and
wellness in wonderful ways.
1. Breathe Deeply
Deep breathing expels body toxins
faster than any other means.
2. Drink Water
Getting enough water provides an instant
energy boost – and you may even eat less.
3. Sleep Peacefully
Establishing a bedtime routine will help
you sleep longer and more soundly.
4. Eat Nutritiously
Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes
blood sugar swings.
5. Enjoy Activity
An active lifestyle enables every
system in your body to work better.
6. Give and Receive Love
Heart-focused, sincere and positive
feelings boost the immune system.
7. Be Forgiving
As you let go of negative feelings toward
others, you will find greater peace and optimism.
8. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude brings instant joy, builds
physical defenses and reduces stress.
9. Develop Acceptance
Practicing acceptance clears your mind of
needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life.
10. Develop a Relationship with God
As your relationship grows, you will enjoy
all the blessings of unconditional love.
Letter from TriVita’s CEO
It is staggering and alarming to see the growth and escalation
of inflammation-related diseases in America. This is especially
disturbing considering that we lead the world in medical science
and spend more on healthcare than any other nation in the world.
Now, my intention is not to use scare tactics in this article but to
make you aware of dangers to your health so you can make the best
choices for good health. One reason disease continues to escalate is that our healthcare methods
focus on the symptoms – not the causes – of disease. It is now estimated that 50% of our nation’s
population is dealing with an inflammation-related disease.
What is inflammation and how does it evolve into disease? Inflammation is a process by which
the body’s immune system protects us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria
and viruses. However, sometimes the immune system overreacts. This can lead to chronic
inflammation. Chronic inflammation is an immune response of prolonged duration that
eventually leads to tissue damage. When chronic inflammation is in an organ or in a primary
body system, it can lead to disease and a significant deterioration of health.
When your body is sending you a signal that inflammation is present, it wants you to make
changes and deal with the inflamed area. Normally pain is associated with inflammation but
many types of internal inflammation are not identified by pain but by various symptoms.
•	 Inflammation of the heart: shortness of breath, leg swelling
•	 Stomach inflammation: constipation, irritation, gas, swelling
•	 Inflammation of the large intestines: cramps, diarrhea
•	 Inflammation of the kidneys: high blood pressure
Over time, these symptoms can progress to serious diseases. Obesity and diabetes are two
inflammation-related diseases that don’t necessarily start with pain. In most cases they are
recognized through symptoms; when lifestyle choices are made to reduce the inflammation,
the risks of the disease can be reduced. When your body is giving you a symptomatic
response, you can make decisions to help stop the progression of inflammation.
Let me give you a personal example. Several years ago I was on one of my wilderness adventures
in northern British Columbia. I love that country with its beauty and remoteness. While
hiking above the timberline and the vast water tributaries in the valley below, I lost my water
bottle with its good pure water to quench my thirst. So rather than retreating miles back to our
camp, I chose to drink water that unbeknownst to me was infected with bacteria. Within hours
inflammation was at work!
As I returned home my symptoms did not change even though I had good water and healthy
food. As I gradually lost weight, my energy and strength deteriorated almost daily. My body was
entering a state of chronic inflammation, and my stomach tissue was being damaged. Fortunately,
through the efforts of Dr. Conard and the University of British Columbia, the bacteria was
identified and a therapy was administered.
Now, think of the many things that could introduce bacteria or foreign substance into your
body without you being aware of it. Such things can be found in the air you breathe and the
foods you eat. Please give consideration to what I am saying as it may be critical to your health.
The latest statistics from Heart Screen show that 80% of illnesses are preventable and 90% of
healthcare costs deal with preventable illnesses.
2 l June 2008
...when lifestyle choices are made to reduce the inflammation,
the risks of the disease can be reduced.
Letter from Michael Ellison continued on page 5...
4 omega-3 fatty Acids
A key to the inflammation –
disease connection.
6 B-12 Update With dr. Conard
Vitamin B-12 can help slow brain erosion –
and help you regain mental energy.
9 not Your mother’s
menopause – part II
What every woman needs to know.
12 The Body mass Index: If It’s
high, So Is Your disease Risk
What BMI means and how you can
get it in the healthy range.
15 grandparents Raising
grandchildren; It’s All
Too Common
Helpful tips for a second round
of parenthood.
16 dropping Weight and
picking Up Rewards
Ulonda is succeeding as an Affiliate
Member referring Leanology products.
10 foundational
10 foundational
1. physician-Formulated Supplements
our physicians use their extensive health and nutrition
knowledge to create proprietary TriVita supplements
based on the latest scientific research and the health
and wellness concerns of our Members.
2. patented Absorption Systems
unlike other supplements that can be dicult to
absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for
maximum absorption and effect.
3. Controlled Laboratory Studies
signature products from TriVita undergo medical
studies and trials at accredited universities and
medical centers to ensure their effectiveness.
4. purest natural Ingredients
TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients
available to create effective, body-friendly formulas
without mood altering stimulants
or harmful chemicals.
5. pharmaceutical-grade Quality
we voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing
guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
6. Third-party Testing and Certication
in addition to our own quality control, we
commission third-party testing and research to
guarantee that our products are full potency and
meet all regulatory standards.
7. Quality-Controlled
packaging and production
safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing;
we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two
safety seals per package on all ingestible products to
guarantee safety, freshness and product potency.
8. dedicated to product Innovation
TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force
behind our superior quality products, from formulation
to production. Led by our Chief science ocer and
renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost
care into creating products that deliver positive and
lifelong wellness experiences for our Members.
9. Medical Advisory Board
TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians
provide us with the latest information on scientific
developments and testing methods.
10. Complete Customer
Satisfaction guarantee
we promise to provide the best customer experience
possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back
Guarantee on all of our products.
In this
nutrients. 24
20 how To Live Longer
Simple lifestyle changes can add years
to your life – and life to your years.
26 Earn great Rewards When
You Refer Trivita products
Receive $25 Gift Cards
and cash rewards;
it’s so easy!
lossplans. 13
You can win cash prizes and a grand
prize trip! Details in the July catalog.
You can win cash prizes and a grand
trivita.com4 l June 2008
ou may have heard health
experts explaining the poten-
tial cardiovascular benefits
of Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Yes,
they’re certainly great for your heart.
Now, there’s increasing evidence that
these fatty acids offer many other
immediate benefits.
Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary
throughout life
What are Omega-3 fatty acids and why are they
considered “good fats?” It’s because good fats
make your brain and heart healthy. They help
reduce inflammation, improve circulation and
the immune system, and help reduce pain.
Essential fatty acids make the immune
system work smarter, not harder. They can
help right now by easing pain and inflamma-
tion, nourishing the brain and hormones and
helping ease the inflammation that can trigger
asthma and arthritis.
Essential fatty acids can help your body protect
against or help manage:
•	Coronary heart disease and stroke
•	Crohn’s disease
•	Mild hypertension
•	Autoimmune disorders including
lupus and nephropathy
•	Rheumatoid arthritis.
Cardiovascular health
Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help
your body protect against heart disease and
death from coronary disease, especially cardiac
arrest. This has been verified in hundreds of
experiments and clinical studies.
The immense health-giving power of essential
fatty acids was first observed when scientists
investigated the incredible good health of Green-
land Eskimos. Their diets were very high in fat
from seals, whales and fish – yet they had a very
low rate of coronary heart disease. Further studies
confirmed that the majority of the fat that
Eskimos consumed came from fish that provide
large amounts of essential fatty acids.
Brain health
Many health experts believe that Omega-3
fatty acids may be crucial for brain function
and that a deficiency could lead to or increase
mental illness in certain people.
•	The blues – several studies suggest that
Omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial in
the treatment of the blues.
•	Bipolar disorder – a Harvard study
published in the Archives of General
Psychiatry found that Omega-3 fatty
acids were effective in the treatment
of bipolar disorder.
•	Schizophrenia – according to a study
published in the journal Lipids, essential
fatty acids helped reduce the severity of
symptoms in a group of 34 patients with
•	Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) – preliminary evidence suggests
that a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids
may be responsible for recent high rates of
ADHD diagnosis among children.
An Australian study tested a combina-
tion of Omega-3 fish oil and evening
primrose oil on 132 children with ADHD.
At the study’s conclusion, almost half of
the parents reported that their children’s
symptoms had improved.
While additional research is needed to confirm
the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and mental
health, some psychiatrists have already recom-
mended that patients with mood disorders eat
foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids.
Skin health
Essential fatty acids play an important role in
the health of our skin and can help you avoid
skin rashes and infections.
Skin disorders such as psoriasis have been
improved by supplementation with Omega-3
fatty acids. Psoriasis sufferers typically have more
inflammation in their skin. Omega-3 fatty acids
help inhibit production of these inflammatory
compounds. Clinical trials have shown that
Omega-3 fatty acids can successfully assist in the
treatment of eczema. Omega-3 fatty acids have
also been known to help reduce skin blemishes.
There’s another great benefit of Omega-3s – they
help lock moisture into skin cells, encouraging
the production of strong collagen and elastic
fibers, which aid in youthful-looking skin.
Joint health
Numerous reports show that Omega-3 fatty acids
help reduce inflammation and joint pain. As you
age, the constant movement of joints creates
wear and tear. Continual inflammation can also
cause joint damage. Essential fatty acids provide
lubrication for the joints as they move against
each other. This reduces the wear that can occur
at these joints and helps reduce inflammation.
It’s amazing what one supplement
containing essential fatty acids can
do to help protect your brain, heart,
skin, joints and more!
VITAJOURNAL l 51-800-991-7116
This means that there are things we can do to help prevent the deterioration of our
health. It is time for us to think outside the box as to what is causing this escalation of
inflammatory diseases.
Let’s briefly look at how the foods we eat could trigger inflammation. If we ate meat
that was tainted with E. coli or chicken tainted with salmonella we would ingest a foreign
substance that would create an inflammatory condition. What if you ate farm-raised
salmon – thinking it was good for you – and the pellets that fed that salmon were full
of pollutants? What if you were eating turkey, chicken or beef that was full of hormones?
What if the vegetables you ate were contaminated with pesticides?
Obviously we cannot be hermits, but we can be more aware of the things in the world
around us that are contributing to inflammatory diseases. You may be thinking, “Michael
that is an interesting point, but what can I do about it?” There are several things you can
do that will make a significant difference:
1. Understand that fat cells are like a storage warehouse in our bodies for toxic foreign
substances. By reducing your body fat, you actually cut down on the storage capacity
of these foreign substances.
2. Exercise can improve circulation and the lymphatic cleansing of the unwanted
foreign substances.
3. By supplementing with OmegaPrime, which is an inflammation fighter, you can
help reduce inflammation.
4. By eating organic vegetables and free-range meats, you can reduce your exposure.
Although we are just scratching the surface of this subject, hopefully you will be inspired
to at least consider the dangers and understand that there are things you can do to lower
your risk of chronic inflammation.
TriVita is committed to helping each person achieve greater wellness so they may fulfill
their important life purposes.
Pursue health and wellness with passion and purpose!
Michael R. Ellison
P.S. We want to wish all fathers a happy and healthy Father’s Day!
Your chance to win BIG prizes! Look for details in your upcoming July catalog.
I’m interested in your opinions and concerns. Email your feedback to
or mail TriVita, PO Box 13565, Scottsdale, AZ 85267, attention: CEO Care Team.
Letter from Michael Ellison continued from page 2...
The best foods for Omega-3
fatty acids
fatty sh, including:
Note: salmon, tuna and halibut should be eaten
in moderation, because they may contain large
amounts of mercury and toxins.
plant-based foods, including:
The American Heart Association recommends
that healthy people and those at risk, or who
have, heart disease take .5 to 1.8 grams of
Omega-3 daily. It may be difficult for you to
get all the essential fatty acids you need from
food sources.
• Salmon
• Mackerel
• Tuna
• Herring
• Halibut.
• Ground flaxseed
• Flaxseed oil
• Canola oil
• Soybean oil
• Walnuts
• Leafy greens
• Tofu.
TriVita OmegaPrime
helps fight inflammation
and pain
When we developed
OmegaPrime we set out to
create nothing less than the
best essential fatty acid
supplement available. I believe we have succeeded because
our blend of essential fatty acids is of the finest quality to
support vibrant good health.
• Contains all four premier essential fatty acids in
precise proportion: Omega-3 fish and flaxseed oils
and Omega-6 evening primrose and Perilla seed oil.
• Perilla seed oil helps:
• Reduce inflammation in airways and the
digestive track
• Reduce frequency and intensity of
asthma/allergy symptoms
• Protect against sinus inflammation and
stomach bloating common with allergies.
• OmegaPrime is fortified with twice the Vitamin E of
other formulas to protect and preserve the molecular
integrity of the fatty acids.
• Delivers a balanced daily serving of essential fatty
acids in two soft-gel capsules.
• Scientifically-formulated for increased
absorption and maximum potency.
Go to page 11 to get started
on OmegaPrime today.
Brazos Minshew
TriVita Chief science officer
trivita.com6 l June 2008
scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth,
an organization of medical doctors in primary care
practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain
wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert
on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts
clinical trials.
scott Conard, M.D.
Founder, TienaHealth
However, if your age is creeping up to
40, 50 or 60 then you have reason to be
concerned if:
• Your memory is starting to slip
• Your agility, coordination and balance
may be off
• It’s harder for you to focus
and concentrate
• Your attention span is shorter
• Your concentration is scattered
• It’s more difficult for you to start
or sustain a conversation
• Your handwriting is becoming sloppy
or illegible
• You are starting to wonder whether
you are getting dementia.
If one or more of these is happening to you,
it could be the result of brain erosion. Brain
erosion means that the brain actually erodes
or shrinks. Can the brain really shrink? Yes it
can! The human brain may lose from 10 to 25
percent of its total volume due to the effects
of stress.
That’s scary enough, but now brain erosion
is happening to people at a much younger age
than in the past. Statistics from the 1970s
and 1980s found brain erosion only in people
over 50. However, a major study conducted by
Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri)
detected brain volume loss as early as age 30.
Researchers also discovered that this brain
volume loss often leads to dementia.
People under the age of 30 may also lose
cognitive function as a result of asthma,
ADHD, allergies, digestive issues or diabetes.
These medical issues can result in a much
lower B vitamin absorption rate. That means
the brain is literally “starving” for the right
kind of nutrition. B vitamins, especially B-12,
are so important because they help increase
the effectiveness of other essential nutrients
like Omega-3 fatty acids.
Why are we seeing this dramatic change over
a few decades? Stress and its damaging effects
on our bodies is a major reason. Stress may
come from the pollution in our environment,
lack of nutrients in our foods, the accumulation
of small and large injuries that we carry with
us, the relentless expectations that we place
on ourselves and the pressure of other people’s
expectations of us.
Stress places such a demand on us that it
overcomes our body’s ability to cope. Brain
erosion is one result. How can you tell if your
brain is shrinking?
You may initially have a nagging feeling that
your mental performance is starting to slide –
that you are no longer at your peak. When this
happens, it’s easy to feel frightened, depressed
or frustrated, thinking that your mental abilities
are slipping away. But don’t despair or lose hope,
because there is a lot you can do to slow and
even repair brain erosion.
by Dr. Scott Conard, M.D.
B-12 updateB-12 update
B-12 is the key to reclaiming your mental energy
Brain erosion can start
as early as age 30
Brain erosion can start
as early as age 30
Most everyone has “senior moments.” You’ll be talking with someone and
suddenly you can’t remember your best friend’s name or the movie you saw
last night. These are fairly commonplace occurrences for people as they age
and nothing to worry about as long as they don’t happen very often.
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Vitamin B-12 is the answer
Your brain may be lacking some of the essential building blocks it needs
to thrive – especially B-12 or Omega-3 fatty acids. This lack can cause your
brain volume to shrink. But Vitamin B can help protect against this. This
was confirmed by a University of Illinois study which stated that people
with greater B-12 intake were also able to maintain greater brain volume
for a longer period of their life.
So, how eager are you to do whatever it takes to improve brain fitness now
and help protect against much worse problems like dementia from developing?
I know I’m dedicated and that’s why I’m such a strong believer in B-12
supplementation. Based upon research studies, it should begin as early
as age 30. While there’s nothing that’s going to stop you from having
an occasional “senior moment”, you should feel heartened to know that
Vitamin B-12 is readily available and easy to take.
Now’s the time to turn back the clock on brain erosion. Don’t lose any
more brain cells to poor nutrition, stress and bad habits. Reclaim your
mental energy, ease irritability and slow brain erosion with Vitamin B-12.
suCCEss sToRiEs
“trivita sublingual B-12 saved my life...”
“A year ago, I returned from
a trip to see my daughter.
As soon as I turned on the
television, there was a program
promoting TriVita Sublingual
B-12 tablets. I’d been anemic
most of my life, so it really
caught my attention. I quickly
ordered two boxes, one for
me, and one for my 86-year-
old dad, who was getting a B-12 shot at the doctor’s office the next
morning. I asked the doctor about them and he said that he had seen
much success with sublingual tablets, so I knew I was on the right track.
My dad has Parkinsons disease which affects his gait, and the next day
he fell and fractured the top of his tibia, under the kneecap. He was in
the hospital for three weeks.
The day my dad was released from the hospital, we found out that my
husband had prostate cancer, and had robotic surgery a month later.
Three weeks after his surgery, my mother was taken to the ER in septic
shock and she passed away shortly after.
I still work full time and sleep every night at my dad’s so that he can
stay in his home. I take a Sublingual B-12 tablet every day and with all
the family’s medical problems I would have folded a long time ago if
it wasn’t for the B-12. It has allowed me to keep going at 60, and
I tell everyone that I can about how TriVita Sublingual B-12 saved my life
at a time when I needed it most.”
– JoettA D. SHerwooD, Ar
By placing our B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supplement under your
tongue, TriVita sublingual B-12 is directly absorbed into your
bloodstream where it can be used quickly.
• sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid absorbs through the
veins under your tongue for fast B vitamin delivery
• As early as age 30, B-12 deficiency can lead to
brain shrinkage
• After age 40, your ability to absorb B vitamins begins
to diminish
• Your brain needs B vitamins to function properly
• if you are deficient in B vitamins, you could be aging
prematurely and becoming more susceptible to disease
trivita.com8 l June 2008
y adding
these nutri-
tious foods to
your diet, you can
go a long way
toward reducing
inflammation –
as well as
improving your
overall health.
Inflammation: immune systems
gone wild!
Inflammation is your immune system’s response
to damage. This damage can arise from trauma,
stress, genetic abnormalities, metabolic disorders
and a host of other sources including bacterial,
viral or parasitic infection. Certain lifestyle
choices can also contribute to inflammation:
poor diet, stress, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle
and smoking. Inflammation can cause redness,
swelling, heat, pain and loss of function.
Perhaps while cutting vegetables the knife
slips and cuts your hand. The inflammatory
response immediately moves into action.
White blood cells rush to the scene of the
damage and begin to destroy the damaged cells,
while sending out chemical signals that call for
more help. That’s when unstable molecules
called free radicals are released. Free radicals,
now considered key players in many diseases,
start to attack the damaged area with indiscrim-
inate zeal, destroying some healthy cells in the
process. This new damage leads to yet another
round of inflammation.
And that’s where the trouble begins! This
damage to healthy tissue can lead to a vicious
cycle of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflam-
mation has been linked with heart disease,
arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, certain
types of cancer and more.
Lifestyle choices
The first step you can take to help reduce
inflammation is to eliminate some of the
behaviors that can contribute to it:
1.	 If you smoke, quit. This is the number
one preventable cause of death!
2.	 Practice stress management techniques
such as deep breathing to help manage
your stress load.
3.	 Simply being overweight can increase
inflammation. Start a sensible diet and
exercise plan – it will help with inflamma-
tion and your overall sense of health and
4.	 Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, three
to five days per week.
5.	 Cut out unhealthy food choices – some of
which can actually contribute to inflam-
mation. Some examples are:
a. Trans fats – read all food labels so you
can avoid trans fats and any other
hydrogenated oils
b. Refined carbohydrates – avoid
processed starchy foods such as white
pasta, rice and bread
c. Processed foods – if possible, remove
all these health-stealing foods from
your diet.
A healthful diet to the rescue
A wholesome diet and supplementation can never
be overemphasized. This is especially true when it
comes to fighting inflammation. Make these anti-
inflammatory foods a staple in your diet:
•	 Omega-3 fatty acids – Omega-3 fatty
acids are well-known for their inflamma-
tion-fighting benefits. Include the
following rich sources of Omega-3 fatty
acids in your diet:
o	 Salmon 	 o	 Mackerel
o	 Sardines	 o	 Flaxseed.
o	 Walnuts
•	 Vitamin C – this vitamin has been shown
to reduce inflammation and is found in a
wide variety of fruits and vegetables:
o	 Strawberries	 o	 Oranges
o	 Grapefruit 	 o	 Kiwi
o	 Green peppers	 o	 Tomatoes
o	 Broccoli 	 o	 Brussels sprouts
o	 Kidney beans 	 o	 Kale.
o	 Papaya
•	 Bing cherries – cherries have been shown
to reduce inflammation, especially that
associated with arthritis
•	 Blueberries – blueberries have become
famous for their health-enhancing anti-
oxidant properties
•	 Turmeric – turmeric is a spice commonly
found in curry, and contains the anti-
inflammatory compound, curcumin
•	 Grapes – grapes contain quercetin,
a bioflavonoid with antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory effects.
The foods you eat can help defeat inflammation
Find out which foods pack an
anti-inflammatory punch!
VITAJOURNAL l 91-800-991-7116
Bone loss and osteoporosis risk
According to the National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease, meno-
pausal women begin to lose bone at an esti-
mated rate of three to five percent per year. This
is because estrogen levels drop – and estrogen
protects bone. The good news is that osteoporo-
sis is highly preventable. You simply must make
healthy lifestyle choices.
• Get plenty of Vitamin D and calcium.
The National Osteoporosis Foundation
recommends that women over 50 get
1,200 mg of calcium and 800–1,200 IU
of Vitamin D daily.
• Exercise for at least 30 minutes on
most days. Weight-bearing exercise is
especially important and has been
shown in studies to strengthen bone.
Plus, exercise has been shown to help
reduce the symptoms of menopause as
well as improve mental well-being.
• If you smoke, stop. Nicotine and other
chemicals are toxic to your bone cells.
• Avoid excessive alcohol.
• Get a bone density test. Your risk factors
will determine at what age you should
get tested. Talk with your healthcare
provider about your individual needs.
If you have been diagnosed with bone loss, visit to learn more about TriVita Bone
Builder, proven to rebuild bone!
Weight gain: It’s not inevitable!
It is true that many women gain weight during
the menopause years. However, you don’t have
to accept this as inevitable! As you age, your
metabolic rate tends to slow down. Most people
continue with their same eating patterns, which
results in weight gain.
This is where you will have to take special care.
You may need to reduce your caloric intake and
exercise more. Plus, make sure what you are eat-
ing constitutes a well-balanced diet. Be sure to
include plenty of fiber, whole grains, fruits and
vegetables. Keep saturated fats to a minimum.
Exercise 30 minutes per day, most days of
the week. Also, try to fit exercise into your
daily activities:
• Park far away from entrances to banks,
grocery stores, etc.
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator
whenever possible
• Turn off the television and take a walk
around the block
• If you work at a desk all day, stand up at
least once an hour; do some stretching
and take a short walk.
Menopause and sexuality
There is a common misconception that meno-
pause negatively affects your sex life – every-
thing from reducing your interest in it, to even
stealing your ability to perform. Although there
are physical changes at menopause that can
change your sex life, it certainly doesn’t have to
spell the end of it!
Menopause and the accompanying drop in
estrogen can result in vaginal dryness and pain
during intercourse. However, a study out of
the New England Research Institute and the
University of Massachusetts Medical School,
Worcester, found that diminished hormones
do not necessarily affect a woman’s interest in
sex. Rather, lack of interest has more to do with
general health and social factors.
Medications, stress and other health problems
can all affect libido. Discuss any fears and
worries with your partner. Age can also affect
men’s sexual drive and performance. Together,
you can discover new sexual experiences that
will satisfy you both.
A different kind of menopause
Don’t let menopause – or the fear of it – control
your life. Take control by arming yourself with
the knowledge you need to help minimize symp-
toms and keep yourself healthy and happy. Un-
like menopause experienced by women decades
ago, this can be a time you look forward to: you
are an empowered woman, and you are ready
to roar!
MENOPAUSE!Bone loss, weight gain and sexuality
noT YoUR moThER’S
Bad Fat
Saturated fats – Saturated fat is bad fat. These fats are solid at
room temperature and do not turn rancid easily when exposed to
air. Saturated fat is guilty of raising blood cholesterol levels, which
put you at greater risk for stroke and heart disease.
Food sources: Animal products.
Ugly Fat
Trans-fats – Trans-fat is the biggest threat to your health, and
as many as 40% of foods in a grocery store include trans-fat. Trans-
fat is found in virtually every cookie, cracker and pastry available,
as well as being used heavily in restaurant and fast food cooking.
You are most likely to find it on an ingredient label as a “partially
hydrogenated” vegetable fat (e.g. soybean oil, etc.). To help foods
stay fresh on grocery shelves, or to create a solid fat product such
as margarine, food manufacturers hydrogenate – add hydrogen to –
polyunsaturated oils. Fortunately, since January 2006, the Food and
Drug Administration has required that food labels show the trans-fat
content, making it easier for us to avoid it.
Trans-fatty acids raise “bad” cholesterol levels and lower “good”
cholesterol levels, which raises the risk of heart disease.
Food sources: Cookies, crackers, french fries, donuts and commer-
cially fried foods.
Trimming the Fat
To avoid the unhealthy fats, you should:
•	Severely restrict intake of packaged baked goods like cookies
and pastries
•	Eliminate commercially fried foods (like french fries) as
much as possible
•	Reduce the amount of animal products you eat
•	Use 1% or skim milk instead of whole milk.
To get more healthy fats into your diet:
•	Eat more fish, such as salmon and tuna
•	Use olive oil for cooking
•	Try a handful of nuts in place of a sweet snack.
Remember, too much fat of any kind can be unhealthy. Realize,
too, that just because a product is labeled “low fat,” does not mean
it is low in trans-fat. It is always better to go with unprocessed food,
and shop for fresh produce instead.
It’s not easy to get the skinny on fats. There is a lot of
information out there to sort through. Which fats are
good, bad or ugly? What foods contain these fats? What
should you be eating regularly, occasionally, or not at all?
Use this guide to trim the fat off all you have heard.
trivita.com10 l June 2008
Good Fat
Unsaturated fats – good fats that lower bad cholesterol or raise
good cholesterol – are found in many forms. Unsaturated fats are the
good fats. They are either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. While
unsaturated fats can lower your blood cholesterol level and offer other
health benefits, you should moderate your fat intake because all fats
contain more than double the calories of proteins or carbohydrates.
Monounsaturated fats – oils made from this fat are liquid at
room temperature, but begin to get solid when refrigerated. Mono-
unsaturated fat lowers blood cholesterol when used in place of
saturated fats.
Food sources: avocados, olives and peanuts; and canola, almond,
hazelnut, peanut and olive oils.
•	Omega-9 is a monounsaturated fatty acid that converts to oleic
acid. High consumption is linked to reduced incidence of breast
cancer and heart disease.
Food sources: flax, olive, evening primrose and borage oil.
Polyunsaturated fats – oils made from this fat are liquid at
both room temperature and refrigerator temperatures. These fats turn
rancid when combined with oxygen. Polyunsaturated fat also lowers
blood cholesterol when used in place of saturated fats.
Two important polyunsaturated fats are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty
acids, which come mostly from fish sources. Both are essential fatty
acids (EFAs), which means the body does not naturally produce
them; they must be derived from foods.
•	Omega-3 makes the blood less likely to form clots that cause
heart attacks, protect against irregular heartbeats that can cause
sudden death, and lower blood pressure.
Food sources: salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, mackerel,
albacore tuna, nuts, green leafy vegetables; and safflower, flax, corn,
canola and sunflower oils.
•	 Omega-6 is also known as Linoleic acid, which is turned into
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) by the body. It reduces choles-
terol, improves the effects of insulin and improves effectiveness
of the immune system.
Food sources: evening primrose, borage and black currant oils.
fats:the good, the
bad & the ugly
70% of how you age is directly linked to your lifestyle – learn
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Are you looking forward to your golden years as a time to enjoy all life has to offer? Maybe you plan
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healthy aging
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1. Four of the five top killers in America – heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke –
are all strongly linked to diet, so it’s vital to eat a healthy, balanced diet. True False
2. older people and those following restrictive diets have an increased risk for vitamin
deficiencies and can benefit from daily nutritional supplementation. True False
3. Checking your skin regularly for any noticeable changes can help you detect possible
skin cancers early, and may save your life. True False
4. it’s important to have annual physical exams and other medical screening tests, especially
after the age of 40, to help prevent and detect potential health threats. True False
5. Exercise, at any age, can help strengthen your heart and lungs, lower your blood
pressure and improve muscular strength. Age-related bone loss can also be lessened
when the activity is weight-bearing. True False
6. You can avoid constipation and reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease by drinking
eight glasses of water and getting plenty of fiber every day. True False
7. Breathing deeply is key to good health and the detoxification of the body. in fact, about
75% of body toxins are eliminated through deep breathing. True False
8. seven to eight hours of sleep each night is critical to your health. sleep deprivation is
associated with premature aging, free radical damage, sexual dysfunction and depression.
True False
9. High blood pressure, smoking, obesity and a lack of regular exercise all increase the risk
of heart disease. True False
10. staying socially involved and participating in mind-stimulating activities, such as
reading, playing strategy games like Chess or working crossword puzzles, will help
your mind stay young and alert. True False
11. As you age, your thirst sensation diminishes and you may not feel the need to drink as you
should. so, it’s important to make certain you’re drinking enough water. True False
12. Drinking excess amounts of alcohol and smoking both significantly raise your risk for
osteoporosis and other debilitating diseases. True False
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trivita.com12 l June 2008
What is BMI?
Body Mass Index (BMI) – most people have heard about it, but very
few people know what it really means. BMI is a number calculated from
a person’s weight and height. It is considered by many healthcare profes-
sionals to be a reliable indicator of body fat for people. And, it’s also an
inexpensive and easy-to-perform screening tool that may help indicate
possible weight-related health problems.
How BMI is used
BMI is a measurement tool, not a diagnostic one. Just because you have a
high BMI doesn’t necessarily mean you should be alarmed. To determine
if excess weight is a health risk, a healthcare professional may use other
assessments, including:
•	 Skinfold thickness
•	 Diet
•	 Level of physical activity
•	 Family history and other appropriate health screenings.
Calculating BMI is easy
With BMI, you don’t need to be a math genius to quickly assess weight
and obesity. You only need to calculate height and weight. This makes
it an inexpensive and easy tool for clinicians and the general public.
Use the following chart to find your BMI:
BMI reliability as an indicator of body fat
The relationship between the BMI number and body fat is fairly
strong; however the correlation varies by sex, race and age. Look for
these variations:
•	 At the same BMI, women tend to have more body fat then men
•	 At the same BMI, older people on average have more body fat than
younger adults
•	 Highly trained athletes have a high BMI because of increased
muscularity, instead of increased body fat.
Higher BMI = higher disease risk
Statistics clearly indicate that higher BMI reading often means obesity.
Obesity also increases your risk of getting a disease. So, by lowering your
BMI readings you will improve your chances for good health.
If your BMI is between 25 and 30, you should seek ways to lower BMI using
diet and exercise.
A BMI reading over 30 indicates an unhealthy condition. You may be
at risk for serious medical problems. A change in your diet and exercise
program is strongly encouraged.
* Ideal Body Weight is based on mathematics and may vary for individuals based on
muscle mass and/or other factors.
Normal Overweight Obese
91	 96	 100	105	 110	 115	 119	124	 129	 134	 138	 143	148	153	 158	 162	 167
94	 99	 104	109	 114	 119	 124	128	 133	 138	 143	 148	153	158	 163	 168	 173
97	 102	107	 112	 118	 123	 128	133	 138	 143	 148	 153	158	163	 168	 174	 179
100	106	 111	 116	 122	 127	 132	137	 143	 148	 153	 158	164	169	 174	 180	 185
104	109	 115	 120	 126	 131	 136	142	 147	 153	 158	 164	169	175	 180	 186	 191
107	113	 118	 124	 130	135	 141	146	 152	 158	 163	 169	175	180	 186	 191	 197
110	 116	 122	 128	 134	140	 145	151	 157	 163	 169	 174	180	186	 192	 197	204
114	 120	126	 132	 138	144	 150	156	 162	 168	 174	 180	186	192	 198	204	210
118	 124	130	 136	 142	148	 155	161	 167	 173	 179	 186	192	198	 204	210	 216
121	 127	134	 140	 146	153	 159	166	 172	 178	 185	 191	 198	204	 211	 217	 223
125	 131	 138	 144	 151	 158	 164	171	 177	 184	 190	 197	203	210	 216	 223	230
128	135	142	 149	 155	162	 169	176	 182	 189	 196	203	209	216	 223	230	236
132	139	146	 153	 160	167	 174	 181	 188	 195	202	209	216	222	 229	236	243
136	143	150	 157	 165	172	 179	186	 193	200	208	215	222	229	 236	243	250
140	147	154	 162	 169	177	 184	191	 199	206	213	 221	228	235	 242	250	258
144	151	 159	 166	 174	 182	 189	197	 204	212	 219	 227	235	242	250	257	265
148	155	163	 171	 179	186	 194	202	 210	 218	 225	233	241	249	256	264	272
152	160	168	 176	 184	192	 200	208	 216	224	232	240	248	256	264	272	279
156	164	172	 180	 189	197	 205	213	 221	230	238	246	254	263	 271	 279	287
Body Weight (pounds)
19	 20	 21	 22	 23	 24	 25	 26	 27	 28	 29	 30	 31	 32	 33	 34	 35
Here’s another good reason to pay attention to your BMI
A comprehensive study indicates that abdominal fat boosts dementia risk
According to a large study, a potbelly in middle age more than triples the risk
of senility decades later. The connection between obesity and cognitive decline
has been studied for years. Researchers with the Kaiser Permanente Division
of Research in Oakland, CA recently reported that people who were fatter in
middle age were as much as 74% more likely to develop dementia when they
became senior citizens.
This study looked specifically at belly fat, to see if it was a risk factor for people
who were not otherwise considered overweight. The study examined 6,583
Kaiser Permanente healthcare plan members between the ages of 40 and 45
who had their abdominal fat measured in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The
researchers recently followed up to see what happened when these same people
reached their 70s and beyond.
Approximately 16% of those studied developed dementia. Researchers found
that obese people in their 40s with the most abdominal fat were 3.6 times more
likely to develop dementia than those with the least amount of abdominal fat.
Researchers also noted that the roots of dementia develop years before it
becomes obvious, so a positive change in belly fat now could create a big
benefit late in life.
Find out how to lower your
Body Mass Index
and reduce serious health risks
It’s easy to estimate your body fat
nutritional shake
Dutch Chocolate #30620,
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Leanology Weight Loss Capsules
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any women can relate to Rose’s
weight story. It’s called having
children and not being able to
get the extra weight off.
“After my last child I never returned to my
pre-pregnancy weight,” Rose says. “Plus, as I got
older, even more weight seemed to stick. I was
discouraged, depressed and embarrassed by my
increased weight.”
Rose attempted several weight loss programs –
with little success. She would lose some weight
and then eventually put it all right back on.
“I was frustrated because I didn’t have lasting
results,” she says. “It seemed hopeless. The very
thought of denying myself food actually made
me more hungry. I felt totally defeated.”
Her road to success began in January 2007
when she organized a weight loss contest with
other members of her family. Rose started out
modestly until she bought the Leanology
capsules and shakes – and then the pounds
really started peeling off.
“Over the next five months, I lost 30 more
pounds,” she says, “and I have managed to
keep it off ever since.”
Rose also discovered another big difference
between Leanology and all those other weight
loss programs. With many of them, weight
loss from diet and exercise is 78% from fat
and 22% from lean body mass. Leanology is
clinically proven to burn up to 132% more body
fat and actually puts back on 32% lean body
mass – the good stuff.
Rose loved the taste of the mixed berry shakes
and the convenience of the Leanology capsules.
She had more energy to do the things she
enjoys – such as walking and bike riding. Rose
is also a big believer in TriVita’s 10 Essentials for
Health and Wellness – especially drinking water,
eating nutritiously and enjoying activity to lose
weight, but her favorite life-long pursuit has
been #10 – to develop a relationship with God.
She eventually did win the weight loss contest
with her family members, but only because she
found and started Leanology. According to
Rose, “Leanology was an excellent investment
in my health, my energy levels and in my
emotional outlook on life.”
“I’m truly thankful to the Lord for getting me
in the program and helping me lose weight.”
“I really like
the new me!”
Rose reached for Leanology when she
decided to get serious about losing weight
Leanology is stimulant-free, easy to follow and it works!
Enjoy the flowers
of summer
Add Some COLOR To Your Life
Summer flowers are in bloom! And there’s no better way to enjoy a summer evening than sipping iced tea on
the porch, surrounded by the beauty and fragrance of a summer garden. From petunias and vincas to zinnias
and sunflowers, there are a variety of summer flowers that will keep your garden a kaleidoscope of color.
Although it may be too late in the season to plant certain bulb flowers, there are still opportunities for
summer blooms. But there’s no time to waste! Get your summer garden in as soon as possible.
1.	Find out which USDA Plant Hardiness Zone you live in; this will determine the type of flowers that
grow best in your neck of the woods. You can find this information on online gardening Web sites,
in gardening books or at your local nursery.
2.	If you’re a beginning gardener, a trip to the nursery will prove invaluable. Gardening books will also
come in handy but consulting with someone about your particular setup will make a big difference
in your gardening success.
3.	Pay close attention to planting and watering instructions. You’ll need to know how deep to plant the
seeds/plants, how far apart to plant them, how much sun they should get and how often they should
be watered.
Tips for keeping summer gardens in tip-top shape
• Put down a thick layer of mulch to help keep the soil cool, retain water and reduce weeds.
• Deadhead flowers – this means removing the bloom when it begins wilting to make way
for new growth.
• Fertilize after deadheading flowers.
• Keep an eye out for pests; they love the summer weather. Avoid harmful pesticides,
however. There are many online gardening sites that can give you tips for healthy
pest control.
• Don’t forget to water! You’ll have to be extra careful in the summer to ensure
your flowers get the water they need. Try to water during the coolest part of
the day as water will mostly evaporate in warmer temperatures.
If you love summer flowers but simply don’t have a green thumb, visit
your local florist. You’ll be able to boast beautiful blooms all summer
long – without lifting a finger!
• Aster
• Verbena
• Dahlia
• Amaranthus
• Cockscomb
• Tithonia
• Agapanthus
• Begonias
• Gladiolus
• Iris
• Calla Lily
• Dahlia
• Canna
• Geraniums
• Snapdragons
trivita.com14 l June 2008
More and more grandparents, in fact millions
of them, have a new and often unexpected
career – that of primary caregivers for their
grandchildren. What is causing this trend? An
increasing number of parents are either unable or
unwilling to raise their children. Another reason
is the divorce epidemic. Sometimes grandparents
are the only ones available with the maturity,
resources and stability to step in and shoulder
the burden of raising their children’s children.
U.S. Census figures from 2000 show that 2.4
million grandparents are singlehandedly raising
their grandchildren. A large number of them
have been doing it for five or more years.
Most grandparents would agree that parent-
ing grandchildren is completely different from
parenting their own children. These “second
time around” parents may feel unprepared to
handle today’s challenges relating to custody,
child care, access to services, medical care
and everything else. You’ll find some helpful
resources in this article.
dealing with the emotional issues
Grandparents are often thrust into the caregiver
role because of a volatile family situation. And,
after children are separated from their parents,
they may be angry with Mom and Dad, confused
by their absence and divided in their loyalties.
Children may also feel they can’t show affection
to their grandparents in front of their parents, or
vice versa – without hurting one of the adults.
Because of the emotional complications of
the children, grandparents may be uncertain
about how to discipline them. The children are
already having a difficult time and the grand-
parents may feel that discipline will make them
feel even worse. On the other hand, grandparents
may try to overcompensate by setting overly rigid
boundaries or becoming over-protective.
Here are some simple ways for grandparents to
build a trusting bond with younger grandchildren
and help them adjust to this big change in
their lives:
• Set a good example. Work out disputes by
not using hurtful words and by definitely
avoiding aggressive behavior and violence.
• Offer lots of love and support. Children feel
safer being with people they love and trust.
• Follow a routine. Change is usually upset-
ting for young children. If they know what
to expect they will feel both safer and more
in control of their life.
• Help them express their feelings. Young
children often lack the words to describe
how they feel and may need your help to put
their feelings into words. Some grandparents
find a “feelings or emotions poster” useful –
it presents a range of simply-drawn faces
such as sad, happy, scared, neutral, etc. The
child then simply points to the face that
reflects how they are feeling inside. Many
schools have these, and they are available
on the Internet.
• Encourage friendships. Children will feel
more emotionally grounded if they have
bonds of friendship, both with children their
own age and their siblings.
• Assign chores so the child will feel helpful.
Connect with other grandparents
facing similar issues
The American Association for Retired
Person’s (AARP) National Grandparent
Information Center provides a listing of
relevant support groups.
• Visit and click on the
“family” tab.
• Go to the grandparent’s section and click
on the Grandparent Information Center.
• Go to the GIC Database and enter a zip
code in the online search to find resources,
support groups and public assistance options
in your area.
Tips for grandparents raising grandchildren
Becoming a parent againBecoming a parent again
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trivita.com16 l June 2008
londa’s journey from regular Membership
to Affiliate Membership is a tale worth
repeating. It is a tale of product success,
easy referrals and future hopes. And it’s a tale
others might find valuable to follow.
Four years ago, Ulonda became a Member when
she started taking three different TriVita prod-
ucts – TriVita Sublingual B-12, Vitamin C and
VitaDaily AM/PM. She also got her husband on
this same regimen to better his health. This was
quite a feat, she says, because her husband
doesn’t like to take pills of any kind. Today,
Ulonda and her husband still take three prod-
ucts each, except that they switched from
VitaDaily AM/PM to Daily Women/Daily Men.
Over the years, Ulonda hadn’t really given
much thought to stepping up from regular
membership to Affiliate Membership. But all
that started changing as her Leanology results
materialized. Ulonda began taking it in June
2007, and it only took her three months to
achieve her desired weight of 145 pounds – a
loss of 27 pounds. This was a welcoming
surprise because Ulonda had tried many
different weight loss programs in the past, but,
as she says, “They just would stop working after
a point and I couldn’t lose any more weight.
With Leanology, however, I could just keep
losing weight – I’m really sold on it.”
Ulonda’s success with Leanology led her to
becoming an official Affiliate Member. She says,
“What happened was, other women would see I
lost weight, and then come up to me to ask about
it.” Ulonda adds, “I wasn’t an Affiliate Member
after referring Leanology to the first woman who
asked me about my weight loss. But then I saw
an advertisement in one of the publications,
and decided to check it out. I went to TriVita’s
website, read about the programs, and chose
the Affiliate Membership because it was free.”
That was in January 2008.
ulonda shows
how making
referrals is both
and easy
“If you like the product,
you can refer it to people
who need it, and then you
get paid for it.”
– Ulonda
VITAJOURNAL l 171-800-991-7116
It was good that she did sign up because
Ulonda has now referred a total of six women
to TriVita with Leanology. Five are relatives:
three sisters, a sister-in-law, and a niece. The
sixth is a woman from church. What’s so good
about all this is that Leanology is working for
these women, too. Ulonda says, “Two of my
sisters lost 20 pounds each, and my other sister,
while losing only 7 pounds so far, is still pleased
because she’s losing inches. Plus, my later
Leanology referrals, to my sister-in-law and
niece, have lost 15 pounds each.”
One of the great things about Leanology is the
way it helped Ulonda lose weight and reshape
her body.
“Leanology has helped me lose inches every-
where – I’ve lost 25 inches total. But it has
especially helped me lose those stubborn inches
around the abdomen, which up until now, was
impossible to do. My improved figure is one of
the things other women are noticing.” In fact,
several women from church noticed the changes
and approached Ulonda. She ended up referring
three more women to TriVita for Leanology. At
this time they haven’t bought yet, but Ulonda
has high hopes.
Ulonda uses the 10% Discount Referral Cards
when making the referrals. She says, “When I
first signed up, I downloaded the online Referral
Cards, then printed them up and passed a few
out. Later, along with my cash rewards checks, I
also got booklets of these cards and now I use
them, too. I just write in my ID number and
hand them out.” As for the $25 Gift Cards she
gets for referring others to TriVita, Ulonda uses
them to help pay for her favorite products she
orders each month.
Right now, Ulonda is a stay-at-home mom. She’s
raising several children, with her youngest still
not in school. “Being at home all day long limits
my chances for talking to people,” she says,
“except for when I go to church. But once my
youngest starts school next year, I’ll be able to go
out more in public and make more referrals.”
Asked why she likes doing these referrals,
Ulonda says, “If you like the product, you can
refer it to people who need it, and then you get
paid for it.” Then she adds with a chuckle, “It’s
really not a lot of work.”
Believing in the product is crucial and
Ulonda really believes in Leanology. About
her own progress, she says, “After reaching
my desired weight in October, 2007, I went
into the plan of just maintaining it. Then in
March, 2008, I started up again and now I’ve
lost another five pounds.”
Interestingly enough, she also reports, “My
niece had a problem with cholesterol, and since
starting on Leanology, her level has dropped
100 points.” Asked if this remarkable drop was
due to Leanology or to some other medication,
Ulonda replied, without missing a beat, “My
niece says it just has to be Leanology because
she doesn’t like taking medications, and isn’t
taking anything for cholesterol.”
Ulonda also likes TriVita Sublingual B-12 for her
husband. She says, “My husband says he can’t
function without it. If he stops taking it, he
really feels it.”
Much of Ulonda’s initial referral success came
from a reactive mode – women noticed and
approached her about her great weight loss and
body-reshaping results. But now Ulonda has
started acting proactively, too. “There was this
woman at church who had several medical
problems, including being overweight and
diabetic,” she says, “so I referred Leanology to
her. She needs the help, and it felt good referring
this product I believe in so strongly to someone
who could benefit from it.”
Referring is working out so well for Ulonda that
she sees a future where she might even sign up to
become a Business Affiliate. Her feeling is, “If
you really believe in your product, referring it to
others is easy.”
uLOndA’S reFerrIng MeTHOd:
ulonda worked on herself
and lost weight with Leanology.
she made one Leanology
referral. Then, after seeing an
ad in a TriVita publication
about earning rewards for
referring, she went to the TriVita
website, read about the program,
and signed up to be an Aliate Member.
she also downloaded and printed out
Referral Cards.
ulonda basically followed the
strategy, “if you build it, they will
come.” Due to her slimmer new
look, others came to her and
asked how she was losing weight. she
then referred them to TriVita and
Leanology, and gave them a Referral
Card containing her iD number.
she received a $25 Gift Card
for each new referral ($125 total
for five people). she received
monthly cash rewards checks,
and new Referral Card booklets to use.
in the future, ulonda won’t just
wait for others to come to her
about her weight loss success.
instead, when it’s appropriate, she’s going to
proactively offer the good news about TriVita’s
Leanology to others struggling with weight problems.
Aliate member highlights
name and Location:
ulonda P.
Marianna, FL
Occupation: Age 41,
married, full-time home-
maker, with three younger
children and one older one.
Favorite products: TriVita
sublingual B-12, Vitamin C,
Daily women, Leanology
referring Stats: Aliate
Member since January
2008. Referred 10 people to
TriVita for Leanology. six
have purchased.
Ulonda, before Leanology.
do you have a great referring story to share?
Call us at 1-800-693-4083 or email your story to
Bromelain and cat’s claw may help inflammation
New York, New York
A clinical study has indicated that the enzyme bromelain has a much higher success rate than many prescription
drugs in treating inflammation and pain. Most of the people in this study who took bromelain reported less pain
and were discharged from the hospital sooner than those who took prescription drugs. These same patients also
experienced fewer side effects. The results of several other studies showed that bromelain has been effective in
reducing inflammation from arthritis or sports injuries.
Cat’s claw, an herb that grows in South America, not only enhances the functioning of the immune system, but
also has been found to reduce inflammation. Several studies have indicated that cat’s claw may help people with
either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.
TriVita’s OptimaFlex has both bromelain and cat’s claw. See page 19.
Omega-3 fatty acids show promise in treating arthritis
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Clinical trials have examined the effectiveness of Omega-3 supplementation in a variety of inflammatory and
autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and migraine headaches. In some
cases, patients who supplement with Omega-3 have been able to reduce reliance on anti-inflammatory drugs for
relief from painful symptoms.
Experts have noted that Omega-3s are excellent at lowering inflammation. These fats actually “crowd out” excess
arachidonic acid – an immune system compound that promotes pain and inflammation. Studies have shown that
when Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are balanced, much less arachidonic acid is produced. Fewer of these
compounds in circulation usually results in less inflammation. See page 4 for more on Omega-3 fatty acids.
Exercise may ease menopause symptoms
New York, New York
A new study suggests that regular brisk walks may help improve the mental well-being of menopausal women.
Researchers discovered that middle-aged women who exercised regularly had lower stress levels, anxiety and
depression during menopause than those who didn’t exercise regularly. These findings, published in the
Medicine and Science in Sports and Medicine Journal, add to the body of evidence that physical activity benefits
both mental and physical health.
The study included 380 Philadelphia women who were 42 years old and premenopausal at the beginning of the
study. After eight years, 20% were menopausal and another 18% were in the late transitional phase. The research-
ers discovered that menopausal women who had exercised at moderate to high levels had lower stress levels than
inactive women. Postmenopausal women who exercised regularly had lower stress levels and suffered less from
anxiety and depression symptoms.
The latest Scientific research that affects you, your health and your life
Research and focus
trivita.com18 l June 2008
summer’s here. That means it’s time to lace
up the hiking boots and head for the great
outdoors! But first you need to figure out
where you’re going. whether you’re looking
for a gentle urban stroll or a rugged, fend-
for-yourself hike, there are a number of ways
to find the trail that’s just right for you.
Online resources
The internet is a great tool for finding hiking
trails. A simple internet search will pull up sites
that include all the information you’ll need to
get started. Plus, you may even find a local
hiking club to join.
if you’re ready to embark on a hiking
vacation, consider researching the national
trail systems on the u.s. Forest service web
site: You’ll find information on
national scenic Trails such as the Appalachian
Trail (2,144 miles from Maine to Georgia) and
national Historic Trails such as the Lewis &
Clark national Historic Trail (3,700 miles from
illinois to oregon).
Maps and books
Maps and books are the best sources of trail
information. They tell you everything you need
to know, including:
• Topographic information
• Trail length
• Points of interest
• Picnic areas
• Restroom facilities
• Trailhead parking information.
Plus, maps are easy to come by. Here are just a
few places where you can find them:
• Bookstores – visit your nearest
book store. often, they will have an
entire section devoted to hiking maps
and books.
• outdoor gear retail outlets – many
retailers that specialize in outdoor gear
also carry trail maps. Here you will find
waterproof, tear resistant maps. Plus,
this will give you the opportunity to
shop for anything you might need to
take on your trip!
• public library – an often underutilized
resource is the public library. Visit your
local branch – they are sure to carry
books and maps that you can check out.
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20 l June 2008
Simple ways
that can add years to
your life
Add one year
Get a pet – or if you have one, play with it
So many positive things happen when you
interact with your pet. Your blood pressure and
stress levels drop – while your mood-boosting
hormone oxytocin rises.
A less stressed out heart is a healthy one. And
dog owners have an added advantage: they walk
more often and cover more distance. One study
found that heart attack victims who own dogs are
eight times more likely to survive an attack than
people without pet dogs.
Add two years
According to the Framingham Heart Study,
walking just 30 minutes a day can lengthen your
life. Regular exercise helps you burn calories and
maintain a healthy weight. It also helps protect
against everything from type 2 diabetes and heart
disease to high blood pressure and stroke.
Weight training two to three times a week
can also be an important part of your exercise
regimen. Your muscles and bones weaken with
age; weight lifting can help reverse this and keep
you strong well into your 80s and 90s.
Add three years
Lose weight
Your body mass index (BMI) measures body
fat based on height and weight. It may also
affect how long you live. Being overweight
(a BMI of 25 to 29.9) can take three years off your
life. Being obese (a BMI of 30 or higher) may cost
you seven years. Those extra pounds
could raise your risk of heart disease, diabetes,
high blood pressure and other life-shortening
diseases. A BMI range of 18.5 to 24.9 is con-
sidered healthiest. See our chart on page 12
to calculate your healthy weight.
Add six years
Floss regularly
The very same bacteria that cause periodontal
diseases such as gingivitis also trigger an immune
response that can cause arteries to swell, which
constricts blood flow and increases plaque depos-
its. It also may increase your risk of cardiovascular
disease. Routine daily flossing combined with
regular brushing after meals, will help protect
against these problems.
Add seven years
Positive outlook
According to Yale University researchers, an
optimistic attitude increases life span by at least
7.5 years. That’s because a positive outlook boosts
your body’s immune system, which allows it to
better handle the destructive effects of stress. So,
it makes sense to keep looking on the brighter
side of life.
Add eight years
Stop smoking
Research shows that smokers who quit by age 35
live about six to eight years longer than people
who continue smoking. Kicking the smoking
habit lowers your risk of developing many deadly
conditions, including lung cancer, heart disease,
stroke, chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Remember, while you may have limited control
over your genetics, you have lots of control over
different lifestyle choices that can add years to
your life − and life to your years.
There are 108 boys born in the USA for every 100
girls. Yet, by age 5 the numbers are about even for
boys and girls. By age 65 the numbers are signifi-
cantly different: 235 women for every 100 men.
There are several causes of this disparity. The first
is genetic.
That pesky “y” chromosome!
Genetically, men have one “X” chromosome and
one “Y” chromosome. Women, meanwhile, have
just two “X” chromosomes. These chromosomes
are literally shaped like X’s and Y’s. If you look at
the X and Y shapes, you can see the Y is missing a
leg when compared to the X. As a result, women
have eight regions of genetic material to rely on,
but men have only seven. The gene pool that helps
a body resist disease is smaller for men than for
women. And the smaller size also means that men
have a lower number of disease-protecting genes
in total.
So, men need to take better care of themselves,
and not neglect the gifts of life and health.
Beyond genetics – other risks for men
Risky lifestyle
When we look at health risks, men tend to engage
in more risky, dangerous behaviors and generally
live more hazardous lives than women. Men tend
to smoke more, drink more and don’t wear their
seatbelts as often.
Poor diet
Men also eat fewer vegetables. Yet, men need the
nutrients and antioxidants from fruits and vegeta-
bles even more than women. Why? Because men
tend to be bigger. The average man needs nine
servings of vegetables and fruit every day to pro-
vide the antioxidants necessary to reduce disease.
If you are bigger than average, you need even more
fruits and vegetables.
Lung cancer
The most prevalent form of lethal cancer in men
and women is lung cancer, which is primarily
caused by smoking. To help prevent this type of
cancer, stop smoking.
Colon and prostate cancer
These two cancers are the second and third
leading causes of death by cancer in men. They
kill roughly 40,000 men in the U.S. every year.
Leading physicians and health policy experts tell
us that these deaths are mostly preventable. That’s
because the incidence of colon cancer is reduced
in those who routinely eat a high fiber diet or take
a fiber supplement daily. This is another reason to
eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Besides all the
antioxidants, they are also very high in fiber.
Obstructive sleep apnea
Another killer of men is sleep apnea. Obstructive
sleep apnea (OSA) kills nearly as many men as
does colon cancer and prostate cancer – just under
40,000 per year.
Obstructive sleep apnea often occurs in conjunc-
tion with obesity. The more obese a person is, the
more likely they are to have OSA. You can tell
if a person is at risk for OSA because they snore
loudly. Many heart attacks and strokes that occur
during sleep are caused by OSA. It is also the most
common trigger in congestive heart failure.
Over 60 years of accumulated data clearly indicates
that proper lifestyle choices are the best remedy
against early death and disability in men.
Genetics are a two-way street. Men definitely
have a genetic disadvantage compared to women.
But, this doesn’t have to mean an early death
sentence. Knowledge is very empowering. By
making proper lifestyle choices and following
TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness,
men can live longer, healthier lives, too.
Healthy Aging
Men – find out how to increase your longevity
don’t let genetics prevent you from living a healthier, longer life
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trivita.com22 l June 2008
Everyone has experienced loneliness at one time or another; whether it
was loss of a loved one through death or divorce or simply a feeling of
loss when the kids move away. Loneliness is a state of mind and a part of
everyday living, times when you may feel abandoned, dejected or simply
lost. Being alone on the other hand is a state of being – of being solitary
or independent on your own. It’s important to realize that just because
you are alone, it doesn’t mean you must be lonely or lonesome.
Just as a wound takes time to heal, the emotional pain felt by someone
who has experienced a loss may be felt for a long time. While it is true
that you may always miss the person or the thing that was lost, it doesn’t
mean that you must suffer permanent loneliness. Many times, older men
who are retired are less likely to have close friends and are thrown into
despair after losing their spouse. It may be harder for them to connect
with the outside world when their whole life has been wrapped around
that person. The same could go for many older women who find them-
selves alone and feeling lonely because they have spent much of their
adult lives caring for others. If you are in one of these positions, being
patient with your emotional healing and remaining hopeful enables you
to learn to move ahead.
Build a timetable
Learning to schedule your time is crucial when it comes to being alone.
Buy a journal and make lots of notes in it. Write down your feelings, your
dreams and desires. Give yourself some short and long-term goals. This
helps you put a “method to the madness.”
You may go through a transition stage before you’re ready to adapt to
the new you, but there is support out there. In time, you will evolve,
and you’ll find you can be very comfortable in your own skin – with or
without anyone around.
Don’t worry about the “what ifs”
Interestingly enough, there is an increasing trend toward single living –
in adults of all ages. Whether you’re widowed, divorced, or single, there is
available support for you. You’ll need to keep reminding yourself that you
have the energy, enthusiasm and interest to give and to receive. While it
may not be easy, you will go on to thrive once again. Keep in mind that
God is with you all the time. You may ask yourself, “What if I’m alone
the rest of my life?” “What if this pain I’m feeling never goes away?”
“What if, what if, what if?...” You may not ever be able to answer all the
“what ifs” in life, but knowing that God is with you all the time assures
you that He has all the answers you’ll ever need.
Doesn’t Have to
Mean Loneliness
Coping with despair and loneliness
Being Alone
your body, His Temple
1 Cor. 6:19-20
Although Father’s Day
was June 15th this
year, and most likely
passed by the time you
received this month’s
VitaJournal, I couldn’t
let the month go by
without acknowledging
fathers across North
America. “Father,”
“Dad,” “Daddy,” “Pop” –
these are words many of us may have used at one
time or another regarding our fathers. I know in
my own life, I called mine “Daddy” up until he
passed away. Even as an adult, I was always
“Daddy’s little girl.”
Growing up in a home with loving parents is
something I am very thankful for, and yet I
realize that’s not always the case for many. There
are many people who never knew their father or
if they did, they might prefer they never knew
him. I’ve heard horror stories about men and
women who were physically, emotionally or
sexually abused by their fathers. My heart goes
out to them, as I couldn’t imagine my own father
doing anything that would be hurtful to me or
my siblings.
With all the broken homes that exist in our day
and time, there are many offspring, especially
girls, who wind up seeking out male approval
their entire lives, simply because they didn’t
receive it from their own father. This is very sad,
and you often see these women migrating from
relationship to relationship simply to find that
one man who approves of them and makes them
feel special. The really sad part is that approval
from another human being is never going to be
sufficient. People are just that – human – and
they will always let you down.
The only approval that matters is
god’s approval
Yes, it’s awesome to have a loving earthly father,
but for those who don’t, I offer hope in sharing
with you the love of the Heavenly Father. I am
reminded of the scripture in Matthew 7:11 –
“If you then, being evil, know how to give good
gifts to your children, how much more will
your Father who is in heaven give good things
to those who ask Him!” So many people picture
God sitting in heaven – distant, angry and ready
no Greater Love
“Dad, your guiding hand
on my shoulder will remain
with me forever.”
– Author Unknown
by Pam Knox, Guest Writer
This father’s day, experience perfect love from the “perfect father“
Steps to help you in your walk
with god
1. get a Bible and read it daily.
2. Begin to put time aside daily to
“talk to god.”
3. go to a place of worship that encour-
ages you in god’s Word.
4. Share your decision with a
close friend.
to smote them with a big lightning rod. This
perception has been misrepresented over the
centuries, distorting God’s true image. The Bible
says that God is love – pure love. He wants to
lavish His love on you, not because you deserve
it, but just because He made you.
Connect with your Heavenly Father
You may have had or currently have a
wonderful relationship with your father, and
if he is still alive, this is wonderful news! Along
with a relationship with God, nurturing family
relationships is important to your health –
physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you’ve
either lost a father or never knew yours, I
encourage you to reach out to your Heavenly
Father and establish or re-establish a relationship
with Him. There is nothing except a personal
relationship with God that can fill the void of
love and acceptance that we are all born with.
This month, we honor fathers across North
America, but in doing so, I also ask
that you seek your Heavenly Father, for
He is standing there with open arms ready
to receive you – just the way you are. His
unconditional love is yours for the asking.
on my shoulder will remain
This month, we honor fathers across North
with me forever.”
– Author Unknown
trivita.com24 l June 2008
Broccoli: The king of vegetables! This member of the cabbage family is
bursting with healthful nutrients that have been shown to help protect
against everything from cancer to heart disease. A recent study even
suggested that broccoli may help boost aging immune systems. And,
broccoli may help lower the possibility of prostate cancer, especially
when eaten with tomatoes.
Broccoli is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. But,
if you overcook it, you won’t get the health benefits; overcooking can
leach the nutrients right out of it. A study in the Journal of the Science
of Food and Agriculture found that steaming broccoli is the best way to
preserve its nutrients; microwaving is the worst way to prepare it.
Broccoli was developed from wild cabbage in ancient Roman times.
It made its way to the U.S. in colonial times, brought over by Italian
immigrants. However, its popularity didn’t really start to grow until
the 1970s. By 2005, Americans were eating 5.6 pounds of broccoli per
capita every year!
When choosing broccoli at the store or farmer’s market, look for firm
stalks and florets that are tightly closed and green.
Probably the only bad thing you’ll hear about broccoli is that it can be
odiferous when cooked. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying this
health-enhancing, delicious treat!
Spice up your steamed broccoli!
Toss with:
• Olive oil and lemon zest
• Italian dressing.
Dip in:
• Low-fat sauces
of your choice.
Eat your broccoli!
Get the most out of this powerhouse vegetable
Fresh pick
Tomato-Broccoli Salad
Cut broccoli into bite-size florets. Steam broccoli for one minute
or until bright green. Pour broccoli into colander and rinse in cold
water; drain well. Cut tomato into small slices and combine with
broccoli in bowl. Toss with dressing.
2 medium tomatoes • 1 bunch of broccoli • Vinegar and oil dressing
Chicken and Broccoli Casserole
Preheat oven to 350°F. In 9 x 13 casserole dish, layer chicken,
broccoli and one cup of cheese. In separate bowl, combine soup,
mayonnaise and lemon juice. Pour into casserole dish. Top with
cheese and bake 20-30 minutes.
4 cooked chicken breasts, diced
2 bunches steamed broccoli
2 cans low-sodium cream of
chicken soup
1 ½ C low-fat mayonnaise
1 T lemon juice
1 ½ C grated cheddar cheese
Our environment means everything to us – it’s
the land we live on, the air we breathe and the
water we drink. Think of it this way – the earth is
like a spaceship, traveling through the universe,
with its own self-contained environment. Now, if
we ruin that environment, we’re stuck with the
damage we’ve done. That’s why we must all take
personal responsibility for the environment.
The good news is that all of us can do
something to improve it. Many waste materials
are renewable, which means they can be used
again. For example, we can recycle bottles, cans
and other items. Cardboard and paper are also
recyclable. This means that fewer trees are
needed to make paper products.
Plant waste in gardens can be saved in a wood
or wire frame or a plastic bin. It eventually will
decompose and then be used as compost to help
fertilize new plants.
Here are other ways to help create a
cleaner environment:
• Clean or replace air filters in your
home monthly
• Lower the thermostat on your water
heater to 120 degrees
• Turn off lights even when leaving a
room for a short time
• Set your refrigerator temperature at 36o
F to
F and your freezer at 0o
F to 5o
• Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every
load so it uses less energy
• Use a microwave whenever you can instead
of a conventional oven or stove
• Wash clothes with warm or cold water
instead of hot
• Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save
money and energy
In THe yArd
• Use an electric lawn mower instead of a
gas-powered one
• Leave grass clippings on the yard – they
decompose and return nutrients to the soil
• Minimize pesticide use and use a minimal
amount of fertilizer
• Water grass early in the morning instead of
later in the day
• Lower your fireplace’s air pollution by using
seasoned wood (it burns cleaner than
green wood)
• Don’t use your wood stove or fireplace
when air quality is poor
• Use less gasoline by purchasing radial tires
and keeping them properly inflated
• Also, join a carpool or vanpool to get
to work
uSe LeSS WATer
• Check and fix any water leaks in your
faucets, toilets and other plumbing
• Install water-saving devices on all faucets
and toilets
• Don’t wash dishes or brush teeth with the
water running continuously
• Wash and dry only full loads of laundry
and dishes
• Install a low-flow shower head
• Replace old toilets with new ones that use
less water
• Replant or mulch cleared, bare soil as soon
as possible
• Never dump anything down a storm drain
• Inspect and pump out your septic
tank regularly
• Check your car for oil and other leaks, and
recycle motor oil
• Buy products that you can reuse
• Maintain and repair durable products
instead of buying new ones
• Reuse items like bags and containers
when possible
• Shop with reusable canvas bags instead of
always taking new paper and plastic bags
• Use rechargeable batteries for frequently
used devices
• Compost your vegetable scraps
Over 30 suggestions were presented above, and if
you just do a few of them, you’ll be really helping
our planet. What’s more, you’ll be helping future
generations and saving money, too.
This reusable bag has plenty
of room to carry everything
you need when you are on
the go.
• It has the look, feel, strength
and quality of cloth
• Stitched side seams and
bottom gusset
• Tear resistant
• Water repellent
• made from recyclable
Help improve the environment
And SAVe MOney
By following some of these tips, you won’t just feel good –
you’ll save money, too
Ask for your
when you place your
next order – while
supplies last
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Not available with web orders.
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the story and make money is wonderful. It’s easy to share
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“I would like to get all my family on TriVita products –
i am almost 90 years old and just walked 36 holes of golf this
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“My sister introduced me to TriVita products over two years
ago. since then, i have never stopped using them. i have expe-
rienced greater health and well-being. i appreciate the fact that
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a health products
“My energy level increased, my sharp
memory returned and the dizziness
went away.”
“I was diagnosed with severe anemia and my
hemoglobin count was very low at 9.0. I felt dizzy,
foggy and did not have the energy to make it
through the day. I was wondering, ‘Where has my
elephant memory gone? What’s happening to me?’
One day, I did an online search for new solutions and
I found TriVita’s website. I was impressed by what I
saw. I ordered two boxes of TriVita Sublingual
B-12 immediately. The product arrived just three
days after I placed the order. It was well packed and
I was impressed with the customer service and the
fast shipping. After I started taking the product back
in October 2007, I noticed my energy level increased,
my sharp memory returned and the dizziness went
away. My hemoglobin count is up to 11.6 and I
expect that count will soon rise to the normal figure
of 12 as long as I keep taking TriVita Sublingual B-12.
Thanks TriVita, I love your product, and I strongly
recommend that everyone should add Sublingual
B-12 to his or her daily vitamin intake.”
– Alice L. San Antonio, TX
“Energy Now! is the reason I can do what
I can do.”
“I’ve had chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) for over
twenty years. I went to every doctor and tried every
medication in the world trying to find relief, and
nothing worked. I kept trying to find something to
help me through the day.
Then I saw one of your TV programs and got
TriVita’s Two-Step Energy System, including
Sublingual B-12 and Energy Now!. I’m 62 years
old and care for my mother. With CFS, I have weak-
ness, pain in all of my joints and very little stamina.
On bad days I also have blurred vision, mental fog,
and I’m so weak I can’t hold up a paperback book.
Energy Now! is the reason I can do what I can do. It
gives me energy and stamina. I just thank God for
it. I take two in the morning and another one a little
after lunch. But I’d tell anyone to play it by ear and
adjust individually-sometimes I’d need just one in
the morning or I’d have to take two in the afternoon.
But I want everyone with chronic fatigue to know
that Energy Now! really helps me.”
– Virginia C. Lexington, MS
“Now that I take TriVita Sublingual B-12 the
trembling has left me, and I get up bouncing!”
“For years I had suffered with a weak trembling plus
soreness in my back each morning. Now that I take
TriVita Sublingual B-12 the trembling has left me,
and I get up bouncing! I am alert and ready to take
on any chores. I’m the oldest person in my apart-
ment complex, and I find myself helping the other
residents. I am 89 years old, live on my own and do
all of my own cleaning. My friends and neighbors
are amazed that I never have colds and other health
problems. I have the energy to write history books
by hand. I wrote my first book in 1982; it was on my
family history. I’m working on my fifth book now. I
haven’t slowed down! My 72 year old daughter has
begun taking Sublingual B-12, too. I have noticed
that both her strength and attitude have changed
for the better.”
– Lottie S. Georgetown, TX
Real Stories							 from real people
See what Members like you have to say about TriVita products!
Go to page 26 to find out how
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experience with others.
“I have lost a lot of body fat and feel
more energetic.”
“I decided to try Leanology after attempting other
diets which didn’t work for me. I wasn’t focused
enough to follow any one diet.
I found that Leanology shakes keep me fully satisfied
for 3 ½ to 4 hours. I also like the taste of the Leanology
shakes and spice them up with frozen strawberries and other fruits. I take
the Leanology capsules along with my meal or snack. My body shape is more
defined and my clothes fit better.
I have lost a lot of body fat and feel more energetic. My wife has also had a lot
of success with Leanology.”
– Norf. F. Pointe Claire, QC
“…my triglycerides were cut in half. I was
thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor.”
“When I saw my doctor he said my cholesterol was a
little high and that he wanted me to take Lipitor. I did,
and after 30-40 days I went in for a follow-up test. My
cholesterol did go down, but so did the good choles-
terol, and my triglycerides didn’t change at all. I did a
little online research and decided that I wasn’t comfort-
able taking any statins, so I asked my doctor if I could stop the Lipitor. He then
suggested I take fish oil to help control my cholesterol. So that’s when I tried
TriVita OmegaPrime. I took OmegaPrime religiously for 30-40 days before
my follow-up test. When I got my results back, I learned that my total choles-
terol was under 200, my good cholesterol was over 80 and my triglycerides
were cut in half. I was thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor. He hasn’t
mentioned Lipitor since! It’s sad that so many people are taking statins and
spending so much money, when there is a natural alternative that works. I tell
everyone about OmegaPrime.”* – Alice H. Denton, TX
*You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation
program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should
not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider.
trivita.com28 l June 2008
Jeff and Joan reside in Long Island, New York. He
is 81 years old, she’s 75, and they’ve been married for
57 years. Back in the late 1940s, the couple was into
competitive roller skating, which is more accurately
described as “skate dancing.” As a result, they perform
many of the same moves that are commonly seen in
ballroom dancing – but they’re doing so on skates.
After getting married and taking over forty years off
to raise a family, the couple started talking one day and
began wondering if they could still skate as a couple.
It wasn’t long before they walked into a rink and were
shocked to find that people were still skate dancing.
So they strapped up their skates, hit the floor, and were
pleased to find they could basically still perform a lot
of their old moves. “But we were out of style, older and
didn’t have any stamina. At first I just attributed it to
the fact that we were out of practice and much older,
but it wasn’t long until we realized we were really lacking
energy,” explained Joan. Jeff and Joan were also pleased to
find some of the same skaters they had competed with as
kids. And it wasn’t long until they were happily reunited
with their original coach, Millie, who is now 93.
Joan discovered TriVita about four years ago when
watching TV. She says they weren’t feeling that well at
the time and were struggling with getting all the way
through their workouts. So she placed an order for
Sublingual B-12 and began experiencing a noticeable
boost of energy and stamina in the first few days. “I have
to tell you that within one week of being on Sublingual
B-12, I felt as if I had never taken my skates off. It was the
most fantastic feeling, but it wasn’t like speed. It was a
lasting feeling of stamina and being strong again,” she
proclaimed. “So then we decided that we would try and
compete again in the seniors division. The other couples
had surprising amounts of stamina, so it was real work,
like a job, to get back to
that level. It took us
about a year, but we
qualified and we’re able to
compete again. And we ended
up making it to the nationals a
couple of times and winning some contests!”
The couple usually attends skating practice
three days per week. When asked about their
practice sessions, Joan explains that their
practice sessions typically last about three
hours. The instruction portion with their
coach lasts for about 90 minutes. Then they
go directly into a free-skate session, which
typically lasts for another 90 minutes.
That’s three hours of non-stop physical
activity and exercise!
“Now I don’t go anywhere without Sublingual
B-12,” Joan said. “And the addition of Adaptogen
10 Plus has been a tremendous gift. I have pretty
bad knees, but once I get going on my skates, I
loosen up and feel just fine. This powerful combina-
tion of products has absolutely helped me to keep
going strong all the way through the end of our routines.”
For Jeff and Joan, skate dancing is much more than
just a fun way to socialize with like-minded people
their own age. Nowadays, it’s actually more about
staying active and getting the type of exercise that
makes them feel energetic and young again. For
example, they lost a combined 84 pounds after adding
Sublingual B-12 to their regimen. TriVita is honored
to know that we have helped this couple continue
with a sport they’ve loved for a lifetime.
dancing the blues away
Trivita’s cutting-edge supplements have helped one couple stay
active and competitive in a sport they’ve loved for a lifetime
Member spotlight
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money-back guarantee, no-questions-asked.
T R i V i T A P R o M i s E
You could earn a $25 Gift Card when you share your TriVita success story!
send your product success story
to or call us
at 1-800-693-4083. if we use
it, we will send you a $25 gIFT
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Ozempic: Preoperative Management of Patients on GLP-1 Receptor Agonists
Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana Chapter 15 Upakalpaniyaadhyaya
Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana Chapter 15 UpakalpaniyaadhyayaCharaka Samhita Sutra sthana Chapter 15 Upakalpaniyaadhyaya
Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana Chapter 15 Upakalpaniyaadhyaya

Vita journal v0608

  • 1. VITAJUnE 2008 TRIvITA.Com InFLAMMATIOn our nation’s secret epidemic OMegA-3 FATTy ACIdS Good for your brain, heart, skin, joints and more BrAIn SHrInKAge Yes, it can really happen faster than you think EASE INFLAMMATION & STAY ACTIVE with GREAT SAVINGS ON OMEGAPRIME sEE PAGE 11 FoR DETAiLs
  • 2. 10 Essentials for health and wellness The 10 Essentials were created to suit every Wellness Seeker. Taking even small steps in each one will improve your life and wellness in wonderful ways. PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply Deep breathing expels body toxins faster than any other means. 2. Drink Water Getting enough water provides an instant energy boost – and you may even eat less. 3. Sleep Peacefully Establishing a bedtime routine will help you sleep longer and more soundly. 4. Eat Nutritiously Choosing healthy, whole foods minimizes blood sugar swings. 5. Enjoy Activity An active lifestyle enables every system in your body to work better. EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love Heart-focused, sincere and positive feelings boost the immune system. 7. Be Forgiving As you let go of negative feelings toward others, you will find greater peace and optimism. 8. Practice Gratitude Gratitude brings instant joy, builds physical defenses and reduces stress. 9. Develop Acceptance Practicing acceptance clears your mind of needless anxiety, freeing you to enjoy life. SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God As your relationship grows, you will enjoy all the blessings of unconditional love. Letter from TriVita’s CEO OUR NATION’S SECRET EPIDEMIC – INFLAMMATION It is staggering and alarming to see the growth and escalation of inflammation-related diseases in America. This is especially disturbing considering that we lead the world in medical science and spend more on healthcare than any other nation in the world. Now, my intention is not to use scare tactics in this article but to make you aware of dangers to your health so you can make the best choices for good health. One reason disease continues to escalate is that our healthcare methods focus on the symptoms – not the causes – of disease. It is now estimated that 50% of our nation’s population is dealing with an inflammation-related disease. What is inflammation and how does it evolve into disease? Inflammation is a process by which the body’s immune system protects us from infection and foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. However, sometimes the immune system overreacts. This can lead to chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is an immune response of prolonged duration that eventually leads to tissue damage. When chronic inflammation is in an organ or in a primary body system, it can lead to disease and a significant deterioration of health. When your body is sending you a signal that inflammation is present, it wants you to make changes and deal with the inflamed area. Normally pain is associated with inflammation but many types of internal inflammation are not identified by pain but by various symptoms. • Inflammation of the heart: shortness of breath, leg swelling • Stomach inflammation: constipation, irritation, gas, swelling • Inflammation of the large intestines: cramps, diarrhea • Inflammation of the kidneys: high blood pressure Over time, these symptoms can progress to serious diseases. Obesity and diabetes are two inflammation-related diseases that don’t necessarily start with pain. In most cases they are recognized through symptoms; when lifestyle choices are made to reduce the inflammation, the risks of the disease can be reduced. When your body is giving you a symptomatic response, you can make decisions to help stop the progression of inflammation. Let me give you a personal example. Several years ago I was on one of my wilderness adventures in northern British Columbia. I love that country with its beauty and remoteness. While hiking above the timberline and the vast water tributaries in the valley below, I lost my water bottle with its good pure water to quench my thirst. So rather than retreating miles back to our camp, I chose to drink water that unbeknownst to me was infected with bacteria. Within hours inflammation was at work! As I returned home my symptoms did not change even though I had good water and healthy food. As I gradually lost weight, my energy and strength deteriorated almost daily. My body was entering a state of chronic inflammation, and my stomach tissue was being damaged. Fortunately, through the efforts of Dr. Conard and the University of British Columbia, the bacteria was identified and a therapy was administered. Now, think of the many things that could introduce bacteria or foreign substance into your body without you being aware of it. Such things can be found in the air you breathe and the foods you eat. Please give consideration to what I am saying as it may be critical to your health. The latest statistics from Heart Screen show that 80% of illnesses are preventable and 90% of healthcare costs deal with preventable illnesses. 2 l June 2008 ...when lifestyle choices are made to reduce the inflammation, the risks of the disease can be reduced. Letter from Michael Ellison continued on page 5...
  • 3. 4 omega-3 fatty Acids A key to the inflammation – disease connection. 6 B-12 Update With dr. Conard Vitamin B-12 can help slow brain erosion – and help you regain mental energy. 9 not Your mother’s menopause – part II What every woman needs to know. 12 The Body mass Index: If It’s high, So Is Your disease Risk What BMI means and how you can get it in the healthy range. 15 grandparents Raising grandchildren; It’s All Too Common Helpful tips for a second round of parenthood. 16 dropping Weight and picking Up Rewards Ulonda is succeeding as an Affiliate Member referring Leanology products. VITAJOURNAL l 3 10 foundational values 10 foundational values 1. physician-Formulated Supplements our physicians use their extensive health and nutrition knowledge to create proprietary TriVita supplements based on the latest scientific research and the health and wellness concerns of our Members. 2. patented Absorption Systems unlike other supplements that can be dicult to absorb, TriVita supplements are developed for maximum absorption and effect. 3. Controlled Laboratory Studies signature products from TriVita undergo medical studies and trials at accredited universities and medical centers to ensure their effectiveness. 4. purest natural Ingredients TriVita uses the highest-quality essential nutrients available to create effective, body-friendly formulas without mood altering stimulants or harmful chemicals. 5. pharmaceutical-grade Quality we voluntarily adhere to the strict manufacturing guidelines of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). 6. Third-party Testing and Certication in addition to our own quality control, we commission third-party testing and research to guarantee that our products are full potency and meet all regulatory standards. 7. Quality-Controlled packaging and production safety is a top priority in our packaging and manufacturing; we inspect each product at least 10 times and use two safety seals per package on all ingestible products to guarantee safety, freshness and product potency. 8. dedicated to product Innovation TriVita’s commitment to science is a driving force behind our superior quality products, from formulation to production. Led by our Chief science ocer and renowned nutraceutical pioneers, we put the utmost care into creating products that deliver positive and lifelong wellness experiences for our Members. 9. Medical Advisory Board TriVita’s advisory panel of Board Certified physicians provide us with the latest information on scientific developments and testing methods. 10. Complete Customer Satisfaction guarantee we promise to provide the best customer experience possible and offer a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee on all of our products. Ournaturalproductsarefoodbased.Ifyouhaveanyfoodbasedallergies, pleasereadthelabels.Statementsorclaimsinthispublicationhavenot beenevaluatedbytheFoodandDrugAdministration.Theseproducts arenotintendedtodiagnose,treat,cureorpreventanydisease. In this issue Broccolibursts withhealthful nutrients. 24 20 how To Live Longer Simple lifestyle changes can add years to your life – and life to your years. 26 Earn great Rewards When You Refer Trivita products Receive $25 Gift Cards and cash rewards; it’s so easy! Rosediscovered abigdifference betweenLeanology andotherweight lossplans. 13 You can win cash prizes and a grand prize trip! Details in the July catalog. You can win cash prizes and a grand
  • 4. trivita.com4 l June 2008 Y ou may have heard health experts explaining the poten- tial cardiovascular benefits of Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Yes, they’re certainly great for your heart. Now, there’s increasing evidence that these fatty acids offer many other immediate benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary throughout life What are Omega-3 fatty acids and why are they considered “good fats?” It’s because good fats make your brain and heart healthy. They help reduce inflammation, improve circulation and the immune system, and help reduce pain. Essential fatty acids make the immune system work smarter, not harder. They can help right now by easing pain and inflamma- tion, nourishing the brain and hormones and helping ease the inflammation that can trigger asthma and arthritis. Essential fatty acids can help your body protect against or help manage: • Coronary heart disease and stroke • Crohn’s disease • Mild hypertension • Autoimmune disorders including lupus and nephropathy • Rheumatoid arthritis. Cardiovascular health Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help your body protect against heart disease and death from coronary disease, especially cardiac arrest. This has been verified in hundreds of experiments and clinical studies. The immense health-giving power of essential fatty acids was first observed when scientists investigated the incredible good health of Green- land Eskimos. Their diets were very high in fat from seals, whales and fish – yet they had a very low rate of coronary heart disease. Further studies confirmed that the majority of the fat that Eskimos consumed came from fish that provide large amounts of essential fatty acids. Brain health Many health experts believe that Omega-3 fatty acids may be crucial for brain function and that a deficiency could lead to or increase mental illness in certain people. • The blues – several studies suggest that Omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial in the treatment of the blues. • Bipolar disorder – a Harvard study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry found that Omega-3 fatty acids were effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder. • Schizophrenia – according to a study published in the journal Lipids, essential fatty acids helped reduce the severity of symptoms in a group of 34 patients with schizophrenia. • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) – preliminary evidence suggests that a deficiency of Omega-3 fatty acids may be responsible for recent high rates of ADHD diagnosis among children. An Australian study tested a combina- tion of Omega-3 fish oil and evening primrose oil on 132 children with ADHD. At the study’s conclusion, almost half of the parents reported that their children’s symptoms had improved. While additional research is needed to confirm the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids and mental health, some psychiatrists have already recom- mended that patients with mood disorders eat foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids. Skin health Essential fatty acids play an important role in the health of our skin and can help you avoid skin rashes and infections. Skin disorders such as psoriasis have been improved by supplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids. Psoriasis sufferers typically have more inflammation in their skin. Omega-3 fatty acids help inhibit production of these inflammatory compounds. Clinical trials have shown that Omega-3 fatty acids can successfully assist in the treatment of eczema. Omega-3 fatty acids have also been known to help reduce skin blemishes. There’s another great benefit of Omega-3s – they help lock moisture into skin cells, encouraging the production of strong collagen and elastic fibers, which aid in youthful-looking skin. Joint health Numerous reports show that Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and joint pain. As you age, the constant movement of joints creates wear and tear. Continual inflammation can also cause joint damage. Essential fatty acids provide lubrication for the joints as they move against each other. This reduces the wear that can occur at these joints and helps reduce inflammation. Omega-3 FATTY ACIDS It’s amazing what one supplement containing essential fatty acids can do to help protect your brain, heart, skin, joints and more!
  • 5. VITAJOURNAL l 51-800-991-7116 This means that there are things we can do to help prevent the deterioration of our health. It is time for us to think outside the box as to what is causing this escalation of inflammatory diseases. Let’s briefly look at how the foods we eat could trigger inflammation. If we ate meat that was tainted with E. coli or chicken tainted with salmonella we would ingest a foreign substance that would create an inflammatory condition. What if you ate farm-raised salmon – thinking it was good for you – and the pellets that fed that salmon were full of pollutants? What if you were eating turkey, chicken or beef that was full of hormones? What if the vegetables you ate were contaminated with pesticides? Obviously we cannot be hermits, but we can be more aware of the things in the world around us that are contributing to inflammatory diseases. You may be thinking, “Michael that is an interesting point, but what can I do about it?” There are several things you can do that will make a significant difference: 1. Understand that fat cells are like a storage warehouse in our bodies for toxic foreign substances. By reducing your body fat, you actually cut down on the storage capacity of these foreign substances. 2. Exercise can improve circulation and the lymphatic cleansing of the unwanted foreign substances. 3. By supplementing with OmegaPrime, which is an inflammation fighter, you can help reduce inflammation. 4. By eating organic vegetables and free-range meats, you can reduce your exposure. Although we are just scratching the surface of this subject, hopefully you will be inspired to at least consider the dangers and understand that there are things you can do to lower your risk of chronic inflammation. TriVita is committed to helping each person achieve greater wellness so they may fulfill their important life purposes. Pursue health and wellness with passion and purpose! Michael R. Ellison P.S. We want to wish all fathers a happy and healthy Father’s Day! P.P.S. COMING SOON... TRIVITA’S ANNIVERSARY SWEEPSTAKES – Your chance to win BIG prizes! Look for details in your upcoming July catalog. I’m interested in your opinions and concerns. Email your feedback to or mail TriVita, PO Box 13565, Scottsdale, AZ 85267, attention: CEO Care Team. Letter from Michael Ellison continued from page 2... The best foods for Omega-3 fatty acids fatty sh, including: Note: salmon, tuna and halibut should be eaten in moderation, because they may contain large amounts of mercury and toxins. plant-based foods, including: The American Heart Association recommends that healthy people and those at risk, or who have, heart disease take .5 to 1.8 grams of Omega-3 daily. It may be difficult for you to get all the essential fatty acids you need from food sources. • Salmon • Mackerel • Tuna • Herring • Halibut. • Ground flaxseed • Flaxseed oil • Canola oil • Soybean oil • Walnuts • Leafy greens • Tofu. Scientifically-formulated TriVita OmegaPrime helps fight inflammation and pain When we developed OmegaPrime we set out to create nothing less than the best essential fatty acid supplement available. I believe we have succeeded because our blend of essential fatty acids is of the finest quality to support vibrant good health. • Contains all four premier essential fatty acids in precise proportion: Omega-3 fish and flaxseed oils and Omega-6 evening primrose and Perilla seed oil. • Perilla seed oil helps: • Reduce inflammation in airways and the digestive track • Reduce frequency and intensity of asthma/allergy symptoms • Protect against sinus inflammation and stomach bloating common with allergies. • OmegaPrime is fortified with twice the Vitamin E of other formulas to protect and preserve the molecular integrity of the fatty acids. • Delivers a balanced daily serving of essential fatty acids in two soft-gel capsules. • Scientifically-formulated for increased absorption and maximum potency. Go to page 11 to get started on OmegaPrime today. Brazos Minshew TriVita Chief science officer
  • 6. trivita.com6 l June 2008 scott Conard, M.D., is the founder of TienaHealth, an organization of medical doctors in primary care practice who emphasize healthy lifestyles to maintain wellness. Dr. Conard is considered a national expert on disease prevention. TienaHealth also conducts clinical trials. scott Conard, M.D. Founder, TienaHealth However, if your age is creeping up to 40, 50 or 60 then you have reason to be concerned if: • Your memory is starting to slip • Your agility, coordination and balance may be off • It’s harder for you to focus and concentrate • Your attention span is shorter • Your concentration is scattered • It’s more difficult for you to start or sustain a conversation • Your handwriting is becoming sloppy or illegible • You are starting to wonder whether you are getting dementia. If one or more of these is happening to you, it could be the result of brain erosion. Brain erosion means that the brain actually erodes or shrinks. Can the brain really shrink? Yes it can! The human brain may lose from 10 to 25 percent of its total volume due to the effects of stress. That’s scary enough, but now brain erosion is happening to people at a much younger age than in the past. Statistics from the 1970s and 1980s found brain erosion only in people over 50. However, a major study conducted by Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri) detected brain volume loss as early as age 30. Researchers also discovered that this brain volume loss often leads to dementia. People under the age of 30 may also lose cognitive function as a result of asthma, ADHD, allergies, digestive issues or diabetes. These medical issues can result in a much lower B vitamin absorption rate. That means the brain is literally “starving” for the right kind of nutrition. B vitamins, especially B-12, are so important because they help increase the effectiveness of other essential nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids. Why are we seeing this dramatic change over a few decades? Stress and its damaging effects on our bodies is a major reason. Stress may come from the pollution in our environment, lack of nutrients in our foods, the accumulation of small and large injuries that we carry with us, the relentless expectations that we place on ourselves and the pressure of other people’s expectations of us. Stress places such a demand on us that it overcomes our body’s ability to cope. Brain erosion is one result. How can you tell if your brain is shrinking? You may initially have a nagging feeling that your mental performance is starting to slide – that you are no longer at your peak. When this happens, it’s easy to feel frightened, depressed or frustrated, thinking that your mental abilities are slipping away. But don’t despair or lose hope, because there is a lot you can do to slow and even repair brain erosion. by Dr. Scott Conard, M.D. B-12 updateB-12 update B-12 is the key to reclaiming your mental energy Brain erosion can start as early as age 30 Brain erosion can start as early as age 30 Most everyone has “senior moments.” You’ll be talking with someone and suddenly you can’t remember your best friend’s name or the movie you saw last night. These are fairly commonplace occurrences for people as they age and nothing to worry about as long as they don’t happen very often.
  • 7. sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid B-12 Flavors: original Berry, Cinnamon, Strawberry, variety pack Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Redeem with 200 VitaPoints NomorePainfuland ExpensiveB-12shots. Why have satised customers purchased over 10 million boxes of dr. alfred libby’s original, patented formula – sublingual B-12? results show – it works! dr. Libby’s Original patented Formula VARIETY PACK STRAWBERRY VARIETY PACK CINNAMON ORIGINAL BERRY VARIETY PACK CINNAMON STRAWBERRY VARIETY PACK Call TOLL-FREE to order 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at For best results, take Sublingual B-12 daily. 1-800-991-7116 Vitamin B-12 is the answer Your brain may be lacking some of the essential building blocks it needs to thrive – especially B-12 or Omega-3 fatty acids. This lack can cause your brain volume to shrink. But Vitamin B can help protect against this. This was confirmed by a University of Illinois study which stated that people with greater B-12 intake were also able to maintain greater brain volume for a longer period of their life. So, how eager are you to do whatever it takes to improve brain fitness now and help protect against much worse problems like dementia from developing? I know I’m dedicated and that’s why I’m such a strong believer in B-12 supplementation. Based upon research studies, it should begin as early as age 30. While there’s nothing that’s going to stop you from having an occasional “senior moment”, you should feel heartened to know that Vitamin B-12 is readily available and easy to take. Now’s the time to turn back the clock on brain erosion. Don’t lose any more brain cells to poor nutrition, stress and bad habits. Reclaim your mental energy, ease irritability and slow brain erosion with Vitamin B-12. suCCEss sToRiEs “trivita sublingual B-12 saved my life...” “A year ago, I returned from a trip to see my daughter. As soon as I turned on the television, there was a program promoting TriVita Sublingual B-12 tablets. I’d been anemic most of my life, so it really caught my attention. I quickly ordered two boxes, one for me, and one for my 86-year- old dad, who was getting a B-12 shot at the doctor’s oce the next morning. I asked the doctor about them and he said that he had seen much success with sublingual tablets, so I knew I was on the right track. My dad has Parkinsons disease which affects his gait, and the next day he fell and fractured the top of his tibia, under the kneecap. He was in the hospital for three weeks. The day my dad was released from the hospital, we found out that my husband had prostate cancer, and had robotic surgery a month later. Three weeks after his surgery, my mother was taken to the ER in septic shock and she passed away shortly after. I still work full time and sleep every night at my dad’s so that he can stay in his home. I take a Sublingual B-12 tablet every day and with all the family’s medical problems I would have folded a long time ago if it wasn’t for the B-12. It has allowed me to keep going at 60, and I tell everyone that I can about how TriVita Sublingual B-12 saved my life at a time when I needed it most.” – JoettA D. SHerwooD, Ar By placing our B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid supplement under your tongue, TriVita sublingual B-12 is directly absorbed into your bloodstream where it can be used quickly. • sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid absorbs through the veins under your tongue for fast B vitamin delivery • As early as age 30, B-12 deficiency can lead to brain shrinkage • After age 40, your ability to absorb B vitamins begins to diminish • Your brain needs B vitamins to function properly • if you are deficient in B vitamins, you could be aging prematurely and becoming more susceptible to disease
  • 8. trivita.com8 l June 2008 B y adding these nutri- tious foods to your diet, you can go a long way toward reducing inflammation – as well as improving your overall health. Inflammation: immune systems gone wild! Inflammation is your immune system’s response to damage. This damage can arise from trauma, stress, genetic abnormalities, metabolic disorders and a host of other sources including bacterial, viral or parasitic infection. Certain lifestyle choices can also contribute to inflammation: poor diet, stress, overweight, a sedentary lifestyle and smoking. Inflammation can cause redness, swelling, heat, pain and loss of function. Perhaps while cutting vegetables the knife slips and cuts your hand. The inflammatory response immediately moves into action. White blood cells rush to the scene of the damage and begin to destroy the damaged cells, while sending out chemical signals that call for more help. That’s when unstable molecules called free radicals are released. Free radicals, now considered key players in many diseases, start to attack the damaged area with indiscrim- inate zeal, destroying some healthy cells in the process. This new damage leads to yet another round of inflammation. And that’s where the trouble begins! This damage to healthy tissue can lead to a vicious cycle of chronic inflammation. Chronic inflam- mation has been linked with heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, certain types of cancer and more. Lifestyle choices The first step you can take to help reduce inflammation is to eliminate some of the behaviors that can contribute to it: 1. If you smoke, quit. This is the number one preventable cause of death! 2. Practice stress management techniques such as deep breathing to help manage your stress load. 3. Simply being overweight can increase inflammation. Start a sensible diet and exercise plan – it will help with inflamma- tion and your overall sense of health and well-being. 4. Exercise at least 30 minutes per day, three to five days per week. 5. Cut out unhealthy food choices – some of which can actually contribute to inflam- mation. Some examples are: a. Trans fats – read all food labels so you can avoid trans fats and any other hydrogenated oils b. Refined carbohydrates – avoid processed starchy foods such as white pasta, rice and bread c. Processed foods – if possible, remove all these health-stealing foods from your diet. A healthful diet to the rescue A wholesome diet and supplementation can never be overemphasized. This is especially true when it comes to fighting inflammation. Make these anti- inflammatory foods a staple in your diet: • Omega-3 fatty acids – Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for their inflamma- tion-fighting benefits. Include the following rich sources of Omega-3 fatty acids in your diet: o Salmon o Mackerel o Sardines o Flaxseed. o Walnuts • Vitamin C – this vitamin has been shown to reduce inflammation and is found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables: o Strawberries o Oranges o Grapefruit o Kiwi o Green peppers o Tomatoes o Broccoli o Brussels sprouts o Kidney beans o Kale. o Papaya • Bing cherries – cherries have been shown to reduce inflammation, especially that associated with arthritis • Blueberries – blueberries have become famous for their health-enhancing anti- oxidant properties • Turmeric – turmeric is a spice commonly found in curry, and contains the anti- inflammatory compound, curcumin • Grapes – grapes contain quercetin, a bioflavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The foods you eat can help defeat inflammation Find out which foods pack an anti-inflammatory punch!
  • 9. VITAJOURNAL l 91-800-991-7116 Bone loss and osteoporosis risk According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease, meno- pausal women begin to lose bone at an esti- mated rate of three to five percent per year. This is because estrogen levels drop – and estrogen protects bone. The good news is that osteoporo- sis is highly preventable. You simply must make healthy lifestyle choices. • Get plenty of Vitamin D and calcium. The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends that women over 50 get 1,200 mg of calcium and 800–1,200 IU of Vitamin D daily. • Exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days. Weight-bearing exercise is especially important and has been shown in studies to strengthen bone. Plus, exercise has been shown to help reduce the symptoms of menopause as well as improve mental well-being. • If you smoke, stop. Nicotine and other chemicals are toxic to your bone cells. • Avoid excessive alcohol. • Get a bone density test. Your risk factors will determine at what age you should get tested. Talk with your healthcare provider about your individual needs. If you have been diagnosed with bone loss, visit to learn more about TriVita Bone Builder, proven to rebuild bone! Weight gain: It’s not inevitable! It is true that many women gain weight during the menopause years. However, you don’t have to accept this as inevitable! As you age, your metabolic rate tends to slow down. Most people continue with their same eating patterns, which results in weight gain. This is where you will have to take special care. You may need to reduce your caloric intake and exercise more. Plus, make sure what you are eat- ing constitutes a well-balanced diet. Be sure to include plenty of fiber, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Keep saturated fats to a minimum. Exercise 30 minutes per day, most days of the week. Also, try to fit exercise into your daily activities: • Park far away from entrances to banks, grocery stores, etc. • Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible • Turn off the television and take a walk around the block • If you work at a desk all day, stand up at least once an hour; do some stretching and take a short walk. Menopause and sexuality There is a common misconception that meno- pause negatively affects your sex life – every- thing from reducing your interest in it, to even stealing your ability to perform. Although there are physical changes at menopause that can change your sex life, it certainly doesn’t have to spell the end of it! Menopause and the accompanying drop in estrogen can result in vaginal dryness and pain during intercourse. However, a study out of the New England Research Institute and the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, found that diminished hormones do not necessarily affect a woman’s interest in sex. Rather, lack of interest has more to do with general health and social factors. Medications, stress and other health problems can all affect libido. Discuss any fears and worries with your partner. Age can also affect men’s sexual drive and performance. Together, you can discover new sexual experiences that will satisfy you both. A different kind of menopause Don’t let menopause – or the fear of it – control your life. Take control by arming yourself with the knowledge you need to help minimize symp- toms and keep yourself healthy and happy. Un- like menopause experienced by women decades ago, this can be a time you look forward to: you are an empowered woman, and you are ready to roar! MENOPAUSE!Bone loss, weight gain and sexuality noT YoUR moThER’S pArT II OF II
  • 10. Bad Fat Saturated fats – Saturated fat is bad fat. These fats are solid at room temperature and do not turn rancid easily when exposed to air. Saturated fat is guilty of raising blood cholesterol levels, which put you at greater risk for stroke and heart disease. Food sources: Animal products. Ugly Fat Trans-fats – Trans-fat is the biggest threat to your health, and as many as 40% of foods in a grocery store include trans-fat. Trans- fat is found in virtually every cookie, cracker and pastry available, as well as being used heavily in restaurant and fast food cooking. You are most likely to find it on an ingredient label as a “partially hydrogenated” vegetable fat (e.g. soybean oil, etc.). To help foods stay fresh on grocery shelves, or to create a solid fat product such as margarine, food manufacturers hydrogenate – add hydrogen to – polyunsaturated oils. Fortunately, since January 2006, the Food and Drug Administration has required that food labels show the trans-fat content, making it easier for us to avoid it. Trans-fatty acids raise “bad” cholesterol levels and lower “good” cholesterol levels, which raises the risk of heart disease. Food sources: Cookies, crackers, french fries, donuts and commer- cially fried foods. Trimming the Fat To avoid the unhealthy fats, you should: • Severely restrict intake of packaged baked goods like cookies and pastries • Eliminate commercially fried foods (like french fries) as much as possible • Reduce the amount of animal products you eat • Use 1% or skim milk instead of whole milk. To get more healthy fats into your diet: • Eat more fish, such as salmon and tuna • Use olive oil for cooking • Try a handful of nuts in place of a sweet snack. Remember, too much fat of any kind can be unhealthy. Realize, too, that just because a product is labeled “low fat,” does not mean it is low in trans-fat. It is always better to go with unprocessed food, and shop for fresh produce instead. It’s not easy to get the skinny on fats. There is a lot of information out there to sort through. Which fats are good, bad or ugly? What foods contain these fats? What should you be eating regularly, occasionally, or not at all? Use this guide to trim the fat off all you have heard. trivita.com10 l June 2008 Good Fat Unsaturated fats – good fats that lower bad cholesterol or raise good cholesterol – are found in many forms. Unsaturated fats are the good fats. They are either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. While unsaturated fats can lower your blood cholesterol level and offer other health benefits, you should moderate your fat intake because all fats contain more than double the calories of proteins or carbohydrates. Monounsaturated fats – oils made from this fat are liquid at room temperature, but begin to get solid when refrigerated. Mono- unsaturated fat lowers blood cholesterol when used in place of saturated fats. Food sources: avocados, olives and peanuts; and canola, almond, hazelnut, peanut and olive oils. • Omega-9 is a monounsaturated fatty acid that converts to oleic acid. High consumption is linked to reduced incidence of breast cancer and heart disease. Food sources: flax, olive, evening primrose and borage oil. Polyunsaturated fats – oils made from this fat are liquid at both room temperature and refrigerator temperatures. These fats turn rancid when combined with oxygen. Polyunsaturated fat also lowers blood cholesterol when used in place of saturated fats. Two important polyunsaturated fats are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which come mostly from fish sources. Both are essential fatty acids (EFAs), which means the body does not naturally produce them; they must be derived from foods. • Omega-3 makes the blood less likely to form clots that cause heart attacks, protect against irregular heartbeats that can cause sudden death, and lower blood pressure. Food sources: salmon, lake trout, herring, sardines, mackerel, albacore tuna, nuts, green leafy vegetables; and safflower, flax, corn, canola and sunflower oils. • Omega-6 is also known as Linoleic acid, which is turned into gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) by the body. It reduces choles- terol, improves the effects of insulin and improves effectiveness of the immune system. Food sources: evening primrose, borage and black currant oils. fats:the good, the bad & the ugly
  • 11. 70% of how you age is directly linked to your lifestyle – learn how you’re doing, and where to make improvements. Are you looking forward to your golden years as a time to enjoy all life has to offer? Maybe you plan to spend time with grandkids, travel, get involved in your community, or enjoy a new hobby. The good news is, about 70% of how you age is directly linked to your lifestyle. Take our Healthy Aging IQ quiz and discover if you know what it takes to enjoy vibrant health for years to come! Circle True or False for each question below. Answers:IfyouansweredTruetoalloftheabovequestions,you’reright!Chancesaregoodyouhaveafirm grasponwhat’shealthyforyouandwhat’snot.Ifyoumissedtwoorthree,takeacloserlookatthoseareas inyourlifetoseewhereyoucanmakeimprovements.Ifyoumissedhalformore,youmaywanttomakean appointmentwithyourhealthcareprovidertobesureyouunderstandexactlywhathealthrisksyouare facing–andwhatyoucandoaboutthemtoday! IQ?IQ?WHAT’S YOUR healthy aging 1-800-991-7116 TriVita uses only the highest quality essential fatty acids from natural sources omegaprime™ #30520 Non-Member $22.99 Member $17.99 Redeem with 180 VitaPoints Contains Perilla seed oil Call 1-800-991-7116 or visit us at 1. Four of the five top killers in America – heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke – are all strongly linked to diet, so it’s vital to eat a healthy, balanced diet. True False 2. older people and those following restrictive diets have an increased risk for vitamin deficiencies and can benefit from daily nutritional supplementation. True False 3. Checking your skin regularly for any noticeable changes can help you detect possible skin cancers early, and may save your life. True False 4. it’s important to have annual physical exams and other medical screening tests, especially after the age of 40, to help prevent and detect potential health threats. True False 5. Exercise, at any age, can help strengthen your heart and lungs, lower your blood pressure and improve muscular strength. Age-related bone loss can also be lessened when the activity is weight-bearing. True False 6. You can avoid constipation and reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease by drinking eight glasses of water and getting plenty of fiber every day. True False 7. Breathing deeply is key to good health and the detoxification of the body. in fact, about 75% of body toxins are eliminated through deep breathing. True False 8. seven to eight hours of sleep each night is critical to your health. sleep deprivation is associated with premature aging, free radical damage, sexual dysfunction and depression. True False 9. High blood pressure, smoking, obesity and a lack of regular exercise all increase the risk of heart disease. True False 10. staying socially involved and participating in mind-stimulating activities, such as reading, playing strategy games like Chess or working crossword puzzles, will help your mind stay young and alert. True False 11. As you age, your thirst sensation diminishes and you may not feel the need to drink as you should. so, it’s important to make certain you’re drinking enough water. True False 12. Drinking excess amounts of alcohol and smoking both significantly raise your risk for osteoporosis and other debilitating diseases. True False Buy 2 get 3rd omegaprime Freegood through 6-30-08limit 2 specialsper household and nourish your heart, brain, skin, glands and joints Help Reduce Harmful Inflammation VITAJOURNAL l 11 • Reduce inflammation – help clean up sinuses and reduce infection • Protect circulation – promote HDL (good cholesterol), and help lower triglycerides and bad cholesterol • Help reduce pain – in joints and inflammation while increasing flexibility
  • 12. trivita.com12 l June 2008 What is BMI? Body Mass Index (BMI) – most people have heard about it, but very few people know what it really means. BMI is a number calculated from a person’s weight and height. It is considered by many healthcare profes- sionals to be a reliable indicator of body fat for people. And, it’s also an inexpensive and easy-to-perform screening tool that may help indicate possible weight-related health problems. How BMI is used BMI is a measurement tool, not a diagnostic one. Just because you have a high BMI doesn’t necessarily mean you should be alarmed. To determine if excess weight is a health risk, a healthcare professional may use other assessments, including: • Skinfold thickness • Diet • Level of physical activity • Family history and other appropriate health screenings. Calculating BMI is easy With BMI, you don’t need to be a math genius to quickly assess weight and obesity. You only need to calculate height and weight. This makes it an inexpensive and easy tool for clinicians and the general public. Use the following chart to find your BMI: BMI reliability as an indicator of body fat The relationship between the BMI number and body fat is fairly strong; however the correlation varies by sex, race and age. Look for these variations: • At the same BMI, women tend to have more body fat then men • At the same BMI, older people on average have more body fat than younger adults • Highly trained athletes have a high BMI because of increased muscularity, instead of increased body fat. Higher BMI = higher disease risk Statistics clearly indicate that higher BMI reading often means obesity. Obesity also increases your risk of getting a disease. So, by lowering your BMI readings you will improve your chances for good health. If your BMI is between 25 and 30, you should seek ways to lower BMI using diet and exercise. A BMI reading over 30 indicates an unhealthy condition. You may be at risk for serious medical problems. A change in your diet and exercise program is strongly encouraged. * Ideal Body Weight is based on mathematics and may vary for individuals based on muscle mass and/or other factors. BMI Height (inches) Normal Overweight Obese 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 148 153 158 162 167 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 173 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 158 163 168 174 179 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 164 169 174 180 185 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 169 175 180 186 191 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 175 180 186 191 197 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174 180 186 192 197 204 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 186 192 198 204 210 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186 192 198 204 210 216 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191 198 204 211 217 223 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197 203 210 216 223 230 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 209 216 223 230 236 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 209 216 222 229 236 243 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 222 229 236 243 250 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221 228 235 242 250 258 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 235 242 250 257 265 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233 241 249 256 264 272 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 248 256 264 272 279 156 164 172 180 189 197 205 213 221 230 238 246 254 263 271 279 287 Body Weight (pounds) 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Here’s another good reason to pay attention to your BMI A comprehensive study indicates that abdominal fat boosts dementia risk According to a large study, a potbelly in middle age more than triples the risk of senility decades later. The connection between obesity and cognitive decline has been studied for years. Researchers with the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, CA recently reported that people who were fatter in middle age were as much as 74% more likely to develop dementia when they became senior citizens. This study looked specifically at belly fat, to see if it was a risk factor for people who were not otherwise considered overweight. The study examined 6,583 Kaiser Permanente healthcare plan members between the ages of 40 and 45 who had their abdominal fat measured in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The researchers recently followed up to see what happened when these same people reached their 70s and beyond. Approximately 16% of those studied developed dementia. Researchers found that obese people in their 40s with the most abdominal fat were 3.6 times more likely to develop dementia than those with the least amount of abdominal fat. Researchers also noted that the roots of dementia develop years before it becomes obvious, so a positive change in belly fat now could create a big benefit late in life. Find out how to lower your Body Mass Index and reduce serious health risks It’s easy to estimate your body fat
  • 13. leanology™ nutritional shake Flavors: Dutch Chocolate #30620, Creamy Vanilla #30630, Mixed Berry #30640 Non-Member $56.99 (15 shakes per 2 lb bag) Member $44.99 Redeem with 450 VitaPoints leanology™ Weight loss Capsules #30610 Non-Member $37.99 Member $29.99 Redeem with 300 VitaPoints lose weight the healthy, natural way Leanology Weight Loss Capsules • Contain ConvertaTM , a proprietary blend of natural ingredients found exclusively in Leanology • Converta actually converts stored fat into energy • Just take two capsules twice daily with meals Leanology Nutritional Shakes • Enjoy these delicious, nutritionally balanced shakes as a meal substitute once or twice daily • Several delicious flavors to choose from • Shakes are packed with protein, healthy carbs, ber, vitamins and minerals VITAJOURNAL l 131-800-991-7116 M any women can relate to Rose’s weight story. It’s called having children and not being able to get the extra weight off. “After my last child I never returned to my pre-pregnancy weight,” Rose says. “Plus, as I got older, even more weight seemed to stick. I was discouraged, depressed and embarrassed by my increased weight.” Rose attempted several weight loss programs – with little success. She would lose some weight and then eventually put it all right back on. “I was frustrated because I didn’t have lasting results,” she says. “It seemed hopeless. The very thought of denying myself food actually made me more hungry. I felt totally defeated.” Her road to success began in January 2007 when she organized a weight loss contest with other members of her family. Rose started out modestly until she bought the Leanology capsules and shakes – and then the pounds really started peeling off. “Over the next five months, I lost 30 more pounds,” she says, “and I have managed to keep it off ever since.” Rose also discovered another big difference between Leanology and all those other weight loss programs. With many of them, weight loss from diet and exercise is 78% from fat and 22% from lean body mass. Leanology is clinically proven to burn up to 132% more body fat and actually puts back on 32% lean body mass – the good stuff. Rose loved the taste of the mixed berry shakes and the convenience of the Leanology capsules. She had more energy to do the things she enjoys – such as walking and bike riding. Rose is also a big believer in TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness – especially drinking water, eating nutritiously and enjoying activity to lose weight, but her favorite life-long pursuit has been #10 – to develop a relationship with God. She eventually did win the weight loss contest with her family members, but only because she found and started Leanology. According to Rose, “Leanology was an excellent investment in my health, my energy levels and in my emotional outlook on life.” “I’m truly thankful to the Lord for getting me in the program and helping me lose weight.” “I really like the new me!” Rose reached for Leanology when she decided to get serious about losing weight Leanology is stimulant-free, easy to follow and it works! BEFoRE
  • 14. Enjoy the flowers of summer Add Some COLOR To Your Life Summer flowers are in bloom! And there’s no better way to enjoy a summer evening than sipping iced tea on the porch, surrounded by the beauty and fragrance of a summer garden. From petunias and vincas to zinnias and sunflowers, there are a variety of summer flowers that will keep your garden a kaleidoscope of color. Although it may be too late in the season to plant certain bulb flowers, there are still opportunities for summer blooms. But there’s no time to waste! Get your summer garden in as soon as possible. 1. Find out which USDA Plant Hardiness Zone you live in; this will determine the type of flowers that grow best in your neck of the woods. You can find this information on online gardening Web sites, in gardening books or at your local nursery. 2. If you’re a beginning gardener, a trip to the nursery will prove invaluable. Gardening books will also come in handy but consulting with someone about your particular setup will make a big difference in your gardening success. 3. Pay close attention to planting and watering instructions. You’ll need to know how deep to plant the seeds/plants, how far apart to plant them, how much sun they should get and how often they should be watered. Tips for keeping summer gardens in tip-top shape • Put down a thick layer of mulch to help keep the soil cool, retain water and reduce weeds. • Deadhead flowers – this means removing the bloom when it begins wilting to make way for new growth. • Fertilize after deadheading flowers. • Keep an eye out for pests; they love the summer weather. Avoid harmful pesticides, however. There are many online gardening sites that can give you tips for healthy pest control. • Don’t forget to water! You’ll have to be extra careful in the summer to ensure your flowers get the water they need. Try to water during the coolest part of the day as water will mostly evaporate in warmer temperatures. If you love summer flowers but simply don’t have a green thumb, visit your local florist. You’ll be able to boast beautiful blooms all summer long – without lifting a finger! • Aster • Verbena • Dahlia • Amaranthus • Cockscomb • Tithonia • Agapanthus • Begonias • Gladiolus • Iris • Calla Lily • Dahlia • Canna • Geraniums • Snapdragons trivita.com14 l June 2008
  • 15. More and more grandparents, in fact millions of them, have a new and often unexpected career – that of primary caregivers for their grandchildren. What is causing this trend? An increasing number of parents are either unable or unwilling to raise their children. Another reason is the divorce epidemic. Sometimes grandparents are the only ones available with the maturity, resources and stability to step in and shoulder the burden of raising their children’s children. U.S. Census figures from 2000 show that 2.4 million grandparents are singlehandedly raising their grandchildren. A large number of them have been doing it for five or more years. Most grandparents would agree that parent- ing grandchildren is completely different from parenting their own children. These “second time around” parents may feel unprepared to handle today’s challenges relating to custody, child care, access to services, medical care and everything else. You’ll find some helpful resources in this article. dealing with the emotional issues Grandparents are often thrust into the caregiver role because of a volatile family situation. And, after children are separated from their parents, they may be angry with Mom and Dad, confused by their absence and divided in their loyalties. Children may also feel they can’t show affection to their grandparents in front of their parents, or vice versa – without hurting one of the adults. Because of the emotional complications of the children, grandparents may be uncertain about how to discipline them. The children are already having a difficult time and the grand- parents may feel that discipline will make them feel even worse. On the other hand, grandparents may try to overcompensate by setting overly rigid boundaries or becoming over-protective. Here are some simple ways for grandparents to build a trusting bond with younger grandchildren and help them adjust to this big change in their lives: • Set a good example. Work out disputes by not using hurtful words and by definitely avoiding aggressive behavior and violence. • Offer lots of love and support. Children feel safer being with people they love and trust. • Follow a routine. Change is usually upset- ting for young children. If they know what to expect they will feel both safer and more in control of their life. • Help them express their feelings. Young children often lack the words to describe how they feel and may need your help to put their feelings into words. Some grandparents find a “feelings or emotions poster” useful – it presents a range of simply-drawn faces such as sad, happy, scared, neutral, etc. The child then simply points to the face that reflects how they are feeling inside. Many schools have these, and they are available on the Internet. • Encourage friendships. Children will feel more emotionally grounded if they have bonds of friendship, both with children their own age and their siblings. • Assign chores so the child will feel helpful. Connect with other grandparents facing similar issues The American Association for Retired Person’s (AARP) National Grandparent Information Center provides a listing of relevant support groups. • Visit and click on the “family” tab. • Go to the grandparent’s section and click on the Grandparent Information Center. • Go to the GIC Database and enter a zip code in the online search to find resources, support groups and public assistance options in your area. Tips for grandparents raising grandchildren Becoming a parent againBecoming a parent again VITAJOURNAL l 151-800-991-7116 enjoy the warm days ahead! Get quick and lasting energy with the Two-Step Energy System Two-step energy systemTM One box energy now! and One box Sublingual B-12 B-12 Flavors: original Berry, strawberry, Cinnamon or Variety Pack Non-Member $56.98 Member $39.99 Redeem with 400 VitaPoints Substitute HCy guard for B-12 and add $4.00 #32690.02 Non-Member $61.98 Member $43.99 Redeem with 440 VitaPoints Note: If you have PKU or are taking MAO inhibitors, do not take Energy Now. To order call 1-800-991-7116 or visit ORIGINAL BERRY VARIETY PACK CINNAMON STRAWBERRY Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid The B vitamins in TriVita Sublingual B-12, B-6 & Folic Acid provide nutrients essential to a healthy brain and nervous system, which produce “feel-good” energy. Sublingual B-12’s original, patented sublingual delivery system ensures maximum absorption of the highest quality natural ingredients that help to produce lasting energy. energy now! The nutrients in scientifically-formulated Energy Now! help your body generate a burst of natural, non-jittery energy within minutes. SAVE $16.99over non-memberprices
  • 16. trivita.com16 l June 2008 U londa’s journey from regular Membership to Affiliate Membership is a tale worth repeating. It is a tale of product success, easy referrals and future hopes. And it’s a tale others might find valuable to follow. Four years ago, Ulonda became a Member when she started taking three different TriVita prod- ucts – TriVita Sublingual B-12, Vitamin C and VitaDaily AM/PM. She also got her husband on this same regimen to better his health. This was quite a feat, she says, because her husband doesn’t like to take pills of any kind. Today, Ulonda and her husband still take three prod- ucts each, except that they switched from VitaDaily AM/PM to Daily Women/Daily Men. Over the years, Ulonda hadn’t really given much thought to stepping up from regular membership to Affiliate Membership. But all that started changing as her Leanology results materialized. Ulonda began taking it in June 2007, and it only took her three months to achieve her desired weight of 145 pounds – a loss of 27 pounds. This was a welcoming surprise because Ulonda had tried many different weight loss programs in the past, but, as she says, “They just would stop working after a point and I couldn’t lose any more weight. With Leanology, however, I could just keep losing weight – I’m really sold on it.” Ulonda’s success with Leanology led her to becoming an official Affiliate Member. She says, “What happened was, other women would see I lost weight, and then come up to me to ask about it.” Ulonda adds, “I wasn’t an Affiliate Member after referring Leanology to the first woman who asked me about my weight loss. But then I saw an advertisement in one of the publications, and decided to check it out. I went to TriVita’s website, read about the programs, and chose the Affiliate Membership because it was free.” That was in January 2008. ulonda shows how making referrals is both rewarding and easy FROM DROPPING WEIGHT TO “If you like the product, you can refer it to people who need it, and then you get paid for it.” – Ulonda
  • 17. VITAJOURNAL l 171-800-991-7116 It was good that she did sign up because Ulonda has now referred a total of six women to TriVita with Leanology. Five are relatives: three sisters, a sister-in-law, and a niece. The sixth is a woman from church. What’s so good about all this is that Leanology is working for these women, too. Ulonda says, “Two of my sisters lost 20 pounds each, and my other sister, while losing only 7 pounds so far, is still pleased because she’s losing inches. Plus, my later Leanology referrals, to my sister-in-law and niece, have lost 15 pounds each.” One of the great things about Leanology is the way it helped Ulonda lose weight and reshape her body. “Leanology has helped me lose inches every- where – I’ve lost 25 inches total. But it has especially helped me lose those stubborn inches around the abdomen, which up until now, was impossible to do. My improved figure is one of the things other women are noticing.” In fact, several women from church noticed the changes and approached Ulonda. She ended up referring three more women to TriVita for Leanology. At this time they haven’t bought yet, but Ulonda has high hopes. Ulonda uses the 10% Discount Referral Cards when making the referrals. She says, “When I first signed up, I downloaded the online Referral Cards, then printed them up and passed a few out. Later, along with my cash rewards checks, I also got booklets of these cards and now I use them, too. I just write in my ID number and hand them out.” As for the $25 Gift Cards she gets for referring others to TriVita, Ulonda uses them to help pay for her favorite products she orders each month. Right now, Ulonda is a stay-at-home mom. She’s raising several children, with her youngest still not in school. “Being at home all day long limits my chances for talking to people,” she says, “except for when I go to church. But once my youngest starts school next year, I’ll be able to go out more in public and make more referrals.” Asked why she likes doing these referrals, Ulonda says, “If you like the product, you can refer it to people who need it, and then you get paid for it.” Then she adds with a chuckle, “It’s really not a lot of work.” Believing in the product is crucial and Ulonda really believes in Leanology. About her own progress, she says, “After reaching my desired weight in October, 2007, I went into the plan of just maintaining it. Then in March, 2008, I started up again and now I’ve lost another five pounds.” Interestingly enough, she also reports, “My niece had a problem with cholesterol, and since starting on Leanology, her level has dropped 100 points.” Asked if this remarkable drop was due to Leanology or to some other medication, Ulonda replied, without missing a beat, “My niece says it just has to be Leanology because she doesn’t like taking medications, and isn’t taking anything for cholesterol.” Ulonda also likes TriVita Sublingual B-12 for her husband. She says, “My husband says he can’t function without it. If he stops taking it, he really feels it.” Much of Ulonda’s initial referral success came from a reactive mode – women noticed and approached her about her great weight loss and body-reshaping results. But now Ulonda has started acting proactively, too. “There was this woman at church who had several medical problems, including being overweight and diabetic,” she says, “so I referred Leanology to her. She needs the help, and it felt good referring this product I believe in so strongly to someone who could benefit from it.” Referring is working out so well for Ulonda that she sees a future where she might even sign up to become a Business Affiliate. Her feeling is, “If you really believe in your product, referring it to others is easy.” uLOndA’S reFerrIng MeTHOd: ulonda worked on herself and lost weight with Leanology. she made one Leanology referral. Then, after seeing an ad in a TriVita publication about earning rewards for referring, she went to the TriVita website, read about the program, and signed up to be an Aliate Member. she also downloaded and printed out Referral Cards. ulonda basically followed the strategy, “if you build it, they will come.” Due to her slimmer new look, others came to her and asked how she was losing weight. she then referred them to TriVita and Leanology, and gave them a Referral Card containing her iD number. she received a $25 Gift Card for each new referral ($125 total for five people). she received monthly cash rewards checks, and new Referral Card booklets to use. in the future, ulonda won’t just wait for others to come to her about her weight loss success. instead, when it’s appropriate, she’s going to proactively offer the good news about TriVita’s Leanology to others struggling with weight problems. Aliate member highlights name and Location: ulonda P. Marianna, FL Occupation: Age 41, married, full-time home- maker, with three younger children and one older one. Favorite products: TriVita sublingual B-12, Vitamin C, Daily women, Leanology referring Stats: Aliate Member since January 2008. Referred 10 people to TriVita for Leanology. six have purchased. 1 2 3 4 5 Ulonda, before Leanology. do you have a great referring story to share? Call us at 1-800-693-4083 or email your story to
  • 18. Bromelain and cat’s claw may help inflammation New York, New York A clinical study has indicated that the enzyme bromelain has a much higher success rate than many prescription drugs in treating inflammation and pain. Most of the people in this study who took bromelain reported less pain and were discharged from the hospital sooner than those who took prescription drugs. These same patients also experienced fewer side effects. The results of several other studies showed that bromelain has been effective in reducing inflammation from arthritis or sports injuries. Cat’s claw, an herb that grows in South America, not only enhances the functioning of the immune system, but also has been found to reduce inflammation. Several studies have indicated that cat’s claw may help people with either rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. TriVita’s OptimaFlex has both bromelain and cat’s claw. See page 19. Omega-3 fatty acids show promise in treating arthritis Fort Lauderdale, Florida Clinical trials have examined the effectiveness of Omega-3 supplementation in a variety of inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, lupus and migraine headaches. In some cases, patients who supplement with Omega-3 have been able to reduce reliance on anti-inflammatory drugs for relief from painful symptoms. Experts have noted that Omega-3s are excellent at lowering inflammation. These fats actually “crowd out” excess arachidonic acid – an immune system compound that promotes pain and inflammation. Studies have shown that when Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are balanced, much less arachidonic acid is produced. Fewer of these compounds in circulation usually results in less inflammation. See page 4 for more on Omega-3 fatty acids. Exercise may ease menopause symptoms New York, New York A new study suggests that regular brisk walks may help improve the mental well-being of menopausal women. Researchers discovered that middle-aged women who exercised regularly had lower stress levels, anxiety and depression during menopause than those who didn’t exercise regularly. These findings, published in the Medicine and Science in Sports and Medicine Journal, add to the body of evidence that physical activity benefits both mental and physical health. The study included 380 Philadelphia women who were 42 years old and premenopausal at the beginning of the study. After eight years, 20% were menopausal and another 18% were in the late transitional phase. The research- ers discovered that menopausal women who had exercised at moderate to high levels had lower stress levels than inactive women. Postmenopausal women who exercised regularly had lower stress levels and suffered less from anxiety and depression symptoms. The latest Scientific research that affects you, your health and your life Research and focus trivita.com18 l June 2008
  • 19. summer’s here. That means it’s time to lace up the hiking boots and head for the great outdoors! But first you need to figure out where you’re going. whether you’re looking for a gentle urban stroll or a rugged, fend- for-yourself hike, there are a number of ways to find the trail that’s just right for you. Online resources The internet is a great tool for finding hiking trails. A simple internet search will pull up sites that include all the information you’ll need to get started. Plus, you may even find a local hiking club to join. if you’re ready to embark on a hiking vacation, consider researching the national trail systems on the u.s. Forest service web site: You’ll find information on national scenic Trails such as the Appalachian Trail (2,144 miles from Maine to Georgia) and national Historic Trails such as the Lewis & Clark national Historic Trail (3,700 miles from illinois to oregon). Maps and books Maps and books are the best sources of trail information. They tell you everything you need to know, including: • Topographic information • Trail length • Points of interest • Picnic areas • Restroom facilities • Trailhead parking information. Plus, maps are easy to come by. Here are just a few places where you can find them: • Bookstores – visit your nearest book store. often, they will have an entire section devoted to hiking maps and books. • outdoor gear retail outlets – many retailers that specialize in outdoor gear also carry trail maps. Here you will find waterproof, tear resistant maps. Plus, this will give you the opportunity to shop for anything you might need to take on your trip! • public library – an often underutilized resource is the public library. Visit your local branch – they are sure to carry books and maps that you can check out. VITAJOURNAL l 191-800-991-7116 Feelyounger,bemoreactiveandincreaseflexibilitywithOptimaFlex CALL 1-800-991-7116 and help ght joint pain with OptimaFlex! • helps your body reduce inflammation & pain • helps increase joint hydration • helps your body repair connective tissue optimaFlex – 30ct Box #30580 Non-Member $87.99 Member $69.99 Redeem with 700 VitaPoints optimaFlex – 30 1-scoop serving Tub #30590 Non-Member $74.99 Member $59.99 Redeem with 600 VitaPoints Summer hiking season is here!Summer hiking season is here! fInd ThE TRAIL ThAT’S RIghT foR YoU for more information on optima products, go to
  • 20. Delicious Berry Flavor Reduce the damaging effects of stress • Promote mental calmness • Improve physical stamina The only way to know how wonderful you’ll feel is to try it DISCOVER the amazing effects of Adaptogen 10 PlusTM Adaptogen™ 10 Plus 16 oz ea #30550 Non-Member $31.99 Member $24.99 Redeem with 250 VitaPoints Adaptogen 10 Plus™ 3 oz 10 pack #33116 Non-Member $59.99 Member $49.99 Redeem with 500 VitaPoints Adaptogen 10 Plus™ 3 oz (3 servings) Travel Bottle #30555 Non-Member $5.99 Member $4.99 Redeem with 50 VitaPoints Call 1-800-991-7116 today 20 l June 2008 Simple ways that can add years to your life Add one year Get a pet – or if you have one, play with it So many positive things happen when you interact with your pet. Your blood pressure and stress levels drop – while your mood-boosting hormone oxytocin rises. A less stressed out heart is a healthy one. And dog owners have an added advantage: they walk more often and cover more distance. One study found that heart attack victims who own dogs are eight times more likely to survive an attack than people without pet dogs. Add two years Exercise According to the Framingham Heart Study, walking just 30 minutes a day can lengthen your life. Regular exercise helps you burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. It also helps protect against everything from type 2 diabetes and heart disease to high blood pressure and stroke. Weight training two to three times a week can also be an important part of your exercise regimen. Your muscles and bones weaken with age; weight lifting can help reverse this and keep you strong well into your 80s and 90s. Add three years Lose weight Your body mass index (BMI) measures body fat based on height and weight. It may also affect how long you live. Being overweight (a BMI of 25 to 29.9) can take three years off your life. Being obese (a BMI of 30 or higher) may cost you seven years. Those extra pounds could raise your risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other life-shortening diseases. A BMI range of 18.5 to 24.9 is con- sidered healthiest. See our chart on page 12 to calculate your healthy weight. Add six years Floss regularly The very same bacteria that cause periodontal diseases such as gingivitis also trigger an immune response that can cause arteries to swell, which constricts blood flow and increases plaque depos- its. It also may increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Routine daily flossing combined with regular brushing after meals, will help protect against these problems. Add seven years Positive outlook According to Yale University researchers, an optimistic attitude increases life span by at least 7.5 years. That’s because a positive outlook boosts your body’s immune system, which allows it to better handle the destructive effects of stress. So, it makes sense to keep looking on the brighter side of life. Add eight years Stop smoking Research shows that smokers who quit by age 35 live about six to eight years longer than people who continue smoking. Kicking the smoking habit lowers your risk of developing many deadly conditions, including lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Remember, while you may have limited control over your genetics, you have lots of control over different lifestyle choices that can add years to your life − and life to your years.
  • 21. There are 108 boys born in the USA for every 100 girls. Yet, by age 5 the numbers are about even for boys and girls. By age 65 the numbers are signifi- cantly different: 235 women for every 100 men. There are several causes of this disparity. The first is genetic. That pesky “y” chromosome! Genetically, men have one “X” chromosome and one “Y” chromosome. Women, meanwhile, have just two “X” chromosomes. These chromosomes are literally shaped like X’s and Y’s. If you look at the X and Y shapes, you can see the Y is missing a leg when compared to the X. As a result, women have eight regions of genetic material to rely on, but men have only seven. The gene pool that helps a body resist disease is smaller for men than for women. And the smaller size also means that men have a lower number of disease-protecting genes in total. So, men need to take better care of themselves, and not neglect the gifts of life and health. Beyond genetics – other risks for men Risky lifestyle When we look at health risks, men tend to engage in more risky, dangerous behaviors and generally live more hazardous lives than women. Men tend to smoke more, drink more and don’t wear their seatbelts as often. Poor diet Men also eat fewer vegetables. Yet, men need the nutrients and antioxidants from fruits and vegeta- bles even more than women. Why? Because men tend to be bigger. The average man needs nine servings of vegetables and fruit every day to pro- vide the antioxidants necessary to reduce disease. If you are bigger than average, you need even more fruits and vegetables. Lung cancer The most prevalent form of lethal cancer in men and women is lung cancer, which is primarily caused by smoking. To help prevent this type of cancer, stop smoking. Colon and prostate cancer These two cancers are the second and third leading causes of death by cancer in men. They kill roughly 40,000 men in the U.S. every year. Leading physicians and health policy experts tell us that these deaths are mostly preventable. That’s because the incidence of colon cancer is reduced in those who routinely eat a high fiber diet or take a fiber supplement daily. This is another reason to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Besides all the antioxidants, they are also very high in fiber. Obstructive sleep apnea Another killer of men is sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) kills nearly as many men as does colon cancer and prostate cancer – just under 40,000 per year. Obstructive sleep apnea often occurs in conjunc- tion with obesity. The more obese a person is, the more likely they are to have OSA. You can tell if a person is at risk for OSA because they snore loudly. Many heart attacks and strokes that occur during sleep are caused by OSA. It is also the most common trigger in congestive heart failure. Over 60 years of accumulated data clearly indicates that proper lifestyle choices are the best remedy against early death and disability in men. Genetics are a two-way street. Men definitely have a genetic disadvantage compared to women. But, this doesn’t have to mean an early death sentence. Knowledge is very empowering. By making proper lifestyle choices and following TriVita’s 10 Essentials for Health and Wellness, men can live longer, healthier lives, too. VITAJOURNAL l 21 Healthy Aging Men – find out how to increase your longevity don’t let genetics prevent you from living a healthier, longer life Great Father’s Day Savings! Save $5 on Daily Men – no limit through 6-30-08 • Whole food concentrates contain seven classes of nutrients • Safeguard prostate and urinary tract health with Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle and Beta Sitosterol daily Men #33071 Non-Member $24.99 Member $19.99 Now $14.99 SAVe$5OndAILyMenSTOCK up – nO LIMITOffergoodthrough6-30-08
  • 22. trivita.com22 l June 2008 Everyone has experienced loneliness at one time or another; whether it was loss of a loved one through death or divorce or simply a feeling of loss when the kids move away. Loneliness is a state of mind and a part of everyday living, times when you may feel abandoned, dejected or simply lost. Being alone on the other hand is a state of being – of being solitary or independent on your own. It’s important to realize that just because you are alone, it doesn’t mean you must be lonely or lonesome. Just as a wound takes time to heal, the emotional pain felt by someone who has experienced a loss may be felt for a long time. While it is true that you may always miss the person or the thing that was lost, it doesn’t mean that you must suffer permanent loneliness. Many times, older men who are retired are less likely to have close friends and are thrown into despair after losing their spouse. It may be harder for them to connect with the outside world when their whole life has been wrapped around that person. The same could go for many older women who find them- selves alone and feeling lonely because they have spent much of their adult lives caring for others. If you are in one of these positions, being patient with your emotional healing and remaining hopeful enables you to learn to move ahead. Build a timetable Learning to schedule your time is crucial when it comes to being alone. Buy a journal and make lots of notes in it. Write down your feelings, your dreams and desires. Give yourself some short and long-term goals. This helps you put a “method to the madness.” You may go through a transition stage before you’re ready to adapt to the new you, but there is support out there. In time, you will evolve, and you’ll find you can be very comfortable in your own skin – with or without anyone around. Don’t worry about the “what ifs” Interestingly enough, there is an increasing trend toward single living – in adults of all ages. Whether you’re widowed, divorced, or single, there is available support for you. You’ll need to keep reminding yourself that you have the energy, enthusiasm and interest to give and to receive. While it may not be easy, you will go on to thrive once again. Keep in mind that God is with you all the time. You may ask yourself, “What if I’m alone the rest of my life?” “What if this pain I’m feeling never goes away?” “What if, what if, what if?...” You may not ever be able to answer all the “what ifs” in life, but knowing that God is with you all the time assures you that He has all the answers you’ll ever need. Doesn’t Have to Mean Loneliness Coping with despair and loneliness Being Alone
  • 23. your body, His Temple 1 Cor. 6:19-20 1-800-991-7116 Although Father’s Day was June 15th this year, and most likely passed by the time you received this month’s VitaJournal, I couldn’t let the month go by without acknowledging fathers across North America. “Father,” “Dad,” “Daddy,” “Pop” – these are words many of us may have used at one time or another regarding our fathers. I know in my own life, I called mine “Daddy” up until he passed away. Even as an adult, I was always “Daddy’s little girl.” Growing up in a home with loving parents is something I am very thankful for, and yet I realize that’s not always the case for many. There are many people who never knew their father or if they did, they might prefer they never knew him. I’ve heard horror stories about men and women who were physically, emotionally or sexually abused by their fathers. My heart goes out to them, as I couldn’t imagine my own father doing anything that would be hurtful to me or my siblings. With all the broken homes that exist in our day and time, there are many offspring, especially girls, who wind up seeking out male approval their entire lives, simply because they didn’t receive it from their own father. This is very sad, and you often see these women migrating from relationship to relationship simply to find that one man who approves of them and makes them feel special. The really sad part is that approval from another human being is never going to be sufficient. People are just that – human – and they will always let you down. The only approval that matters is god’s approval Yes, it’s awesome to have a loving earthly father, but for those who don’t, I offer hope in sharing with you the love of the Heavenly Father. I am reminded of the scripture in Matthew 7:11 – “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” So many people picture God sitting in heaven – distant, angry and ready no Greater Love “Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.” – Author Unknown by Pam Knox, Guest Writer This father’s day, experience perfect love from the “perfect father“ Steps to help you in your walk with god 1. get a Bible and read it daily. 2. Begin to put time aside daily to “talk to god.” 3. go to a place of worship that encour- ages you in god’s Word. 4. Share your decision with a close friend. VITAJOURNAL l 23 PHOTOS: PAM KNOX’S FAMILY, 1955-1959 to smote them with a big lightning rod. This perception has been misrepresented over the centuries, distorting God’s true image. The Bible says that God is love – pure love. He wants to lavish His love on you, not because you deserve it, but just because He made you. Connect with your Heavenly Father You may have had or currently have a wonderful relationship with your father, and if he is still alive, this is wonderful news! Along with a relationship with God, nurturing family relationships is important to your health – physically, emotionally and spiritually. If you’ve either lost a father or never knew yours, I encourage you to reach out to your Heavenly Father and establish or re-establish a relationship with Him. There is nothing except a personal relationship with God that can fill the void of love and acceptance that we are all born with. This month, we honor fathers across North America, but in doing so, I also ask that you seek your Heavenly Father, for He is standing there with open arms ready to receive you – just the way you are. His unconditional love is yours for the asking. on my shoulder will remain This month, we honor fathers across North with me forever.” – Author Unknown VITAJOURNALVITAJOURNALVITA l 23 PHOTOS: PAM KNOX’S FAMILY, 1955-1959
  • 24. trivita.com24 l June 2008 Broccoli: The king of vegetables! This member of the cabbage family is bursting with healthful nutrients that have been shown to help protect against everything from cancer to heart disease. A recent study even suggested that broccoli may help boost aging immune systems. And, broccoli may help lower the possibility of prostate cancer, especially when eaten with tomatoes. Broccoli is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber. But, if you overcook it, you won’t get the health benefits; overcooking can leach the nutrients right out of it. A study in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture found that steaming broccoli is the best way to preserve its nutrients; microwaving is the worst way to prepare it. Broccoli was developed from wild cabbage in ancient Roman times. It made its way to the U.S. in colonial times, brought over by Italian immigrants. However, its popularity didn’t really start to grow until the 1970s. By 2005, Americans were eating 5.6 pounds of broccoli per capita every year! When choosing broccoli at the store or farmer’s market, look for firm stalks and florets that are tightly closed and green. Probably the only bad thing you’ll hear about broccoli is that it can be odiferous when cooked. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying this health-enhancing, delicious treat! Spice up your steamed broccoli! Toss with: • Olive oil and lemon zest • Italian dressing. Dip in: • Low-fat sauces of your choice. Eat your broccoli! Get the most out of this powerhouse vegetable Fresh pick Tomato-Broccoli Salad Directions Cut broccoli into bite-size florets. Steam broccoli for one minute or until bright green. Pour broccoli into colander and rinse in cold water; drain well. Cut tomato into small slices and combine with broccoli in bowl. Toss with dressing. 2 medium tomatoes • 1 bunch of broccoli • Vinegar and oil dressing Ingredients Chicken and Broccoli Casserole Directions Preheat oven to 350°F. In 9 x 13 casserole dish, layer chicken, broccoli and one cup of cheese. In separate bowl, combine soup, mayonnaise and lemon juice. Pour into casserole dish. Top with cheese and bake 20-30 minutes. Ingredients 4 cooked chicken breasts, diced 2 bunches steamed broccoli 2 cans low-sodium cream of chicken soup 1 ½ C low-fat mayonnaise 1 T lemon juice 1 ½ C grated cheddar cheese
  • 25. 1-800-991-7116 Our environment means everything to us – it’s the land we live on, the air we breathe and the water we drink. Think of it this way – the earth is like a spaceship, traveling through the universe, with its own self-contained environment. Now, if we ruin that environment, we’re stuck with the damage we’ve done. That’s why we must all take personal responsibility for the environment. The good news is that all of us can do something to improve it. Many waste materials are renewable, which means they can be used again. For example, we can recycle bottles, cans and other items. Cardboard and paper are also recyclable. This means that fewer trees are needed to make paper products. Plant waste in gardens can be saved in a wood or wire frame or a plastic bin. It eventually will decompose and then be used as compost to help fertilize new plants. Here are other ways to help create a cleaner environment: In THe HOMe • Clean or replace air filters in your home monthly • Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120 degrees • Turn off lights even when leaving a room for a short time • Set your refrigerator temperature at 36o F to 38o F and your freezer at 0o F to 5o F • Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load so it uses less energy • Use a microwave whenever you can instead of a conventional oven or stove • Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot • Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy In THe yArd • Use an electric lawn mower instead of a gas-powered one • Leave grass clippings on the yard – they decompose and return nutrients to the soil • Minimize pesticide use and use a minimal amount of fertilizer • Water grass early in the morning instead of later in the day prOTeCT THe AIr • Lower your fireplace’s air pollution by using seasoned wood (it burns cleaner than green wood) • Don’t use your wood stove or fireplace when air quality is poor • Use less gasoline by purchasing radial tires and keeping them properly inflated • Also, join a carpool or vanpool to get to work uSe LeSS WATer • Check and fix any water leaks in your faucets, toilets and other plumbing • Install water-saving devices on all faucets and toilets • Don’t wash dishes or brush teeth with the water running continuously • Wash and dry only full loads of laundry and dishes • Install a low-flow shower head • Replace old toilets with new ones that use less water prOTeCT THe WATer • Replant or mulch cleared, bare soil as soon as possible • Never dump anything down a storm drain • Inspect and pump out your septic tank regularly • Check your car for oil and other leaks, and recycle motor oil CreATe LeSS TrASH • Buy products that you can reuse • Maintain and repair durable products instead of buying new ones • Reuse items like bags and containers when possible • Shop with reusable canvas bags instead of always taking new paper and plastic bags • Use rechargeable batteries for frequently used devices • Compost your vegetable scraps Over 30 suggestions were presented above, and if you just do a few of them, you’ll be really helping our planet. What’s more, you’ll be helping future generations and saving money, too. This reusable bag has plenty of room to carry everything you need when you are on the go. • It has the look, feel, strength and quality of cloth • Stitched side seams and bottom gusset • Tear resistant • Water repellent • made from recyclable materials CALL 1-800-991-7116 TO PLACE YOUR ORDER AND REQUEST YOUR FREE TRIVITA TOTE BAG Help improve the environment And SAVe MOney VITAJOURNAL l 25 By following some of these tips, you won’t just feel good – you’ll save money, too Ask for your FREE TRIVITA TOTE BAG when you place your next order – while supplies last Limit 1 per household Not available with web orders.
  • 26. Call1-800-991-7116Today! *To sign up and learn more about TriVita’s gift of Health and our Aliate program: Call1-800-991-7116Today! ReceiveYourProductsFREEforL Others are enjoying the benets. you can too! Here’s how: (1) SHAre your favorite TriVita product experience with others so they too can use quality products and enjoy wellness (2) gIVe others a Referral Card that includes a discount towards a great product that really works, or give them a Gift of Health* (3) reCeIVe a $25 Gift Card upon each new referrals’ first TriVita purchase, plus get 21% cash rewards on their lifetime purchases (4) redeeM your Gift Cards and rewards to reduce the cost of your favorite TriVita products. YES! It’s possible and easy by referring TriVita h trivita.com26 l June 2008 purchase, plus get 21% cash rewards on their lifetime purchases GiftCard $ 25
  • 27. Our gift of Appreciation to you We’d like to give you TriVita Founder and CEO, Michael Ellison’s book, 10 Keys to Create Wealth and Wellness absolutely free for just becoming a new Affiliate Member. Fulfill your hopes and dreams – as well as your loved ones by signing up today! CALL 1-800-991-7116 to sign up for the Aliate Member referral program and receive 10 Keys to Create Wealth and Wellness absolutely Free! read how Aliate Members are helping others improve their health and quality of life rLife...Callandsignuptoday! It’s simple: Thousands of Trivita Aliate members have already signed up... and many are enthusiastically sharing their wellness experience “This is exciting! i have already been sharing the story behind TriVita with many of my family and friends. At least two have ordered product. now to be able to share the story and make money is wonderful. It’s easy to share something you believe in, especially when it helps people and increases their health. Thank you!” – SteVe M. oAKleY, cA “I would like to get all my family on TriVita products – i am almost 90 years old and just walked 36 holes of golf this past saturday and sunday. i attribute my good health and strength, first to God and then to TriVita products, especially TriVita sublingual B-12.” – BettY t. Del norte, co “My sister introduced me to TriVita products over two years ago. since then, i have never stopped using them. i have expe- rienced greater health and well-being. i appreciate the fact that you continually inform your Members. The VitaJournal gives me lots of great tips on healthy living. I’m also very enthusiastic about your Aliate Member referral program. i know lots of people who will be interested in your products and i would definitely like to participate in this program.” – AMY U. winDSor, ct a health products 1-800-991-7116
  • 28. “My energy level increased, my sharp memory returned and the dizziness went away.” “I was diagnosed with severe anemia and my hemoglobin count was very low at 9.0. I felt dizzy, foggy and did not have the energy to make it through the day. I was wondering, ‘Where has my elephant memory gone? What’s happening to me?’ One day, I did an online search for new solutions and I found TriVita’s website. I was impressed by what I saw. I ordered two boxes of TriVita Sublingual B-12 immediately. The product arrived just three days after I placed the order. It was well packed and I was impressed with the customer service and the fast shipping. After I started taking the product back in October 2007, I noticed my energy level increased, my sharp memory returned and the dizziness went away. My hemoglobin count is up to 11.6 and I expect that count will soon rise to the normal figure of 12 as long as I keep taking TriVita Sublingual B-12. Thanks TriVita, I love your product, and I strongly recommend that everyone should add Sublingual B-12 to his or her daily vitamin intake.” – Alice L. San Antonio, TX “Energy Now! is the reason I can do what I can do.” “I’ve had chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) for over twenty years. I went to every doctor and tried every medication in the world trying to find relief, and nothing worked. I kept trying to find something to help me through the day. Then I saw one of your TV programs and got TriVita’s Two-Step Energy System, including Sublingual B-12 and Energy Now!. I’m 62 years old and care for my mother. With CFS, I have weak- ness, pain in all of my joints and very little stamina. On bad days I also have blurred vision, mental fog, and I’m so weak I can’t hold up a paperback book. Energy Now! is the reason I can do what I can do. It gives me energy and stamina. I just thank God for it. I take two in the morning and another one a little after lunch. But I’d tell anyone to play it by ear and adjust individually-sometimes I’d need just one in the morning or I’d have to take two in the afternoon. But I want everyone with chronic fatigue to know that Energy Now! really helps me.” – Virginia C. Lexington, MS “Now that I take TriVita Sublingual B-12 the trembling has left me, and I get up bouncing!” “For years I had suffered with a weak trembling plus soreness in my back each morning. Now that I take TriVita Sublingual B-12 the trembling has left me, and I get up bouncing! I am alert and ready to take on any chores. I’m the oldest person in my apart- ment complex, and I find myself helping the other residents. I am 89 years old, live on my own and do all of my own cleaning. My friends and neighbors are amazed that I never have colds and other health problems. I have the energy to write history books by hand. I wrote my first book in 1982; it was on my family history. I’m working on my fifth book now. I haven’t slowed down! My 72 year old daughter has begun taking Sublingual B-12, too. I have noticed that both her strength and attitude have changed for the better.” – Lottie S. Georgetown, TX Real Stories from real people See what Members like you have to say about TriVita products! Go to page 26 to find out how you can earn free products by sharing your wellness experience with others. “I have lost a lot of body fat and feel more energetic.” “I decided to try Leanology after attempting other diets which didn’t work for me. I wasn’t focused enough to follow any one diet. I found that Leanology shakes keep me fully satisfied for 3 ½ to 4 hours. I also like the taste of the Leanology shakes and spice them up with frozen strawberries and other fruits. I take the Leanology capsules along with my meal or snack. My body shape is more defined and my clothes fit better. I have lost a lot of body fat and feel more energetic. My wife has also had a lot of success with Leanology.” – Norf. F. Pointe Claire, QC “…my triglycerides were cut in half. I was thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor.” “When I saw my doctor he said my cholesterol was a little high and that he wanted me to take Lipitor. I did, and after 30-40 days I went in for a follow-up test. My cholesterol did go down, but so did the good choles- terol, and my triglycerides didn’t change at all. I did a little online research and decided that I wasn’t comfort- able taking any statins, so I asked my doctor if I could stop the Lipitor. He then suggested I take fish oil to help control my cholesterol. So that’s when I tried TriVita OmegaPrime. I took OmegaPrime religiously for 30-40 days before my follow-up test. When I got my results back, I learned that my total choles- terol was under 200, my good cholesterol was over 80 and my triglycerides were cut in half. I was thrilled with the results, and so was my doctor. He hasn’t mentioned Lipitor since! It’s sad that so many people are taking statins and spending so much money, when there is a natural alternative that works. I tell everyone about OmegaPrime.”* – Alice H. Denton, TX *You should consult with a healthcare provider before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you might have a heart problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your healthcare provider. trivita.com28 l June 2008
  • 29. Jeff and Joan reside in Long Island, New York. He is 81 years old, she’s 75, and they’ve been married for 57 years. Back in the late 1940s, the couple was into competitive roller skating, which is more accurately described as “skate dancing.” As a result, they perform many of the same moves that are commonly seen in ballroom dancing – but they’re doing so on skates. After getting married and taking over forty years off to raise a family, the couple started talking one day and began wondering if they could still skate as a couple. It wasn’t long before they walked into a rink and were shocked to find that people were still skate dancing. So they strapped up their skates, hit the floor, and were pleased to find they could basically still perform a lot of their old moves. “But we were out of style, older and didn’t have any stamina. At first I just attributed it to the fact that we were out of practice and much older, but it wasn’t long until we realized we were really lacking energy,” explained Joan. Jeff and Joan were also pleased to find some of the same skaters they had competed with as kids. And it wasn’t long until they were happily reunited with their original coach, Millie, who is now 93. Joan discovered TriVita about four years ago when watching TV. She says they weren’t feeling that well at the time and were struggling with getting all the way through their workouts. So she placed an order for Sublingual B-12 and began experiencing a noticeable boost of energy and stamina in the first few days. “I have to tell you that within one week of being on Sublingual B-12, I felt as if I had never taken my skates off. It was the most fantastic feeling, but it wasn’t like speed. It was a lasting feeling of stamina and being strong again,” she proclaimed. “So then we decided that we would try and compete again in the seniors division. The other couples had surprising amounts of stamina, so it was real work, like a job, to get back to that level. It took us about a year, but we qualified and we’re able to compete again. And we ended up making it to the nationals a couple of times and winning some contests!” The couple usually attends skating practice three days per week. When asked about their practice sessions, Joan explains that their practice sessions typically last about three hours. The instruction portion with their coach lasts for about 90 minutes. Then they go directly into a free-skate session, which typically lasts for another 90 minutes. That’s three hours of non-stop physical activity and exercise! “Now I don’t go anywhere without Sublingual B-12,” Joan said. “And the addition of Adaptogen 10 Plus has been a tremendous gift. I have pretty bad knees, but once I get going on my skates, I loosen up and feel just fine. This powerful combina- tion of products has absolutely helped me to keep going strong all the way through the end of our routines.” For Jeff and Joan, skate dancing is much more than just a fun way to socialize with like-minded people their own age. Nowadays, it’s actually more about staying active and getting the type of exercise that makes them feel energetic and young again. For example, they lost a combined 84 pounds after adding Sublingual B-12 to their regimen. TriVita is honored to know that we have helped this couple continue with a sport they’ve loved for a lifetime. dancing the blues away Trivita’s cutting-edge supplements have helped one couple stay active and competitive in a sport they’ve loved for a lifetime Member spotlight Your TriVita purchase is backed by our 60-day money-back guarantee, no-questions-asked. T R i V i T A P R o M i s E GiftCard $25 You could earn a $25 Gift Card when you share your TriVita success story! send your product success story to or call us at 1-800-693-4083. if we use it, we will send you a $25 gIFT CArd as a thank you. ThisGiftCardisgoodforanyTriVitaproductorservice.ThisGift Cardisnon-refundableandnotredeemableforcash.Thevalueof thiscardwillnotbereplacedifthecardislostorstolen.ThisGift Cardissubjecttolocal,governmentalandTriVitacurrentterms. VITAJOURNAL l 291-800-991-7116