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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 35:
Social Media Products
St. Andrew’s Catholic School –
Courtney Edwards 3042
Unit 35 Overview
ContentLo1 slide 4 -
Chosen social media products (slide 4)
• Purpose (slide 5)
• Content ( slide 6)
• target user / membership ( slide 7)
• Source of revenue (slide 8)
• Legal and ethical issues ( slide 9)
• Positive and negative (slide 10)
• Purpose (slide 11)
• Content ( slide 12)
• target user / membership ( slide 13)
• Source of revenue (slide 14)
• Legal and ethical issues ( slide 15)
• Positive and negative (slide 16)
• Purpose (slide 17)
• Content ( slide 18)
• target user / membership ( slide 19)
• Source of revenue (slide 20)
• Legal and ethical issues ( slide 21)
• Positive and negative (slide 22)
• Survey monkey (slide 23 - 33)
• Social media effects (slide 34)
• Moral panic (slide 35)
• Convergence (slide 36)
• Data protection act (slide 37)
• Commercial Uses – Advertising ( slide 38-39)
• Commercial uses – Viral marketing ( Slide 40)
• Commercial uses – product advertising (slide 41)
• Commercial uses – product review (slide 42)
• Commercial Uses consumer Product Reviews
(continued) (slide 43)
• Conclusion ( slide 44)
Chosen Social Media Products
Facebook is an American for-profit
corporation and an online social
media and social networking service
based in Menlo Park, California.
Which was Founded in February
2004, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
United States by Mark Zuckerberg. It
currently has 17,048 of employees
(31 December 2016).
Snapchat is an image messaging and
multimedia mobile application created by
Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie
Brown, former students at Stanford
University, and developed by Snap Inc.,
originally Snapchat Inc. it was release to
the public in September 2011.
Instagram is a mobile, desktop,
and Internet-based photo-sharing
application and service that allows
users to share pictures and videos
either publicly, or privately to pre-
approved followers. Which was
released in 2010 owned by
Facebook, Inc, and developed by
Facebook, Kevin Systrom, Mike
Instagram is an app which let you share photos, contact people who follow you and that
you follow back. Instagram also has privacies settings such as blocking follower you don’t
know . You also have your own story which save time than posting every single image that
you have taken. They also have a filter setting and by using Instagram it helps to express
your creative side and be free to be who you are. They also have the option on making
multiple accounts, maybe one just for your self, one for work and another one for your
passion e.g. photography.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's career, a clear pattern emerges: he walked away from a
lot of potentially great deals. In hindsight, it's easy to see that Zuckerberg made the right
move every time, but back then these decisions were hardly cut-and-dried. One of
Facebook's early investors, Peter Thiel, has admitted that when Facebook turned down
Yahoo's $1 billion acquisition offer, he was a "little worried." But his concerns were eased
by the fact that Zuckerberg had a strong vision for the future of his company--which was to
connect billions of users. To see how Zuckerberg's strategic decisions led Facebook to
where it is today, check out the infographic below. Credit goes to Funders and Founders'
information designer Anna Vital.
Instagram use a colour scheme of white and black on their
home page and on the new logo they use the colours of
purple, yellow, red, pink and orange which could imply that
people of different coloured skin , race and culture are
united and treated with the same care as anyone else. On
their home page they have the people you follow most
resent post on display and their Instagram stories displayed
at the top. Also at the top they have a picture of a camera
which allows you to take photos also there is a little ‘paper
aeroplane’ like symbol where you can send messages to
your friend and other people how follow you. At the bottom
of the home page it has a house icon which brings you back
to the main page. Also it has a magnifying glass which lets
you brows through other peoples work who have posted
recently. Then there is a plus symbol where you can upload
you photos and next to that you have a heart , which shows
you who has liked your post or people who has requested to
follow you. Finally you have your icon which takes you to
your account page which has all your details and who you
are following, who’s following you back and the amount of
post you have posted.
Target user/ membership
Instagram is amide towards 13 year olds up
to 65 of all genders but over 55% of people
who use Instagram are female. Not only is
Instagram For your own personal use ,
people tend to make other accounts
involving their work e.g.
@Gingernutwithacamrea. She post not only
images of her family and friends but also her
latest work when on photo shoots , involving
babies and weddings.
Sources of revenue
On Instagram there are a lot of
sponsorship and advertising .
Celebrities and YouTubers tend to
post themselves with a product
and say “Ad”. For example
Jonathan joly posted a picture of
his daughter Emilia underneath the
Cadbury sign . Also zoella posted
herself using a skin care product
and mentioned where it was from
in the description underneath the
posted picture.
Legal and ethical issues
On December 17, 2012 Instagram announced several changes to its
tearms of service. The new terms of service suggested Instagram
would be allowed to use pictures in advertisements without notifying
or compensation users, and to disclose user data to Facebook and to
advertisers. Instagram also proposed that the parents of minors
implicitly consent to the use of their children's’ images for advertising
purposes. The new terms of service also introduced a mandatory
arbitration clause which would force users to waive their rights to file a
class action lawsuit in most circumstances. The changes were to take
effect on January 16,2013 and would not apply to pictures uploads
before that date.
Positives and negatives
• Keep in contact with friend you
have lost contact with
• A chance to express yourself
• Gain confidences
• Entertainment
• Senses of security when privacy
setting have been put in place.
• Cyber bullying
• Not setting the privacy settings
• ruin relationship (jealousy)
• Waste of time
• Sleep deprived
Facebook is a social media website originally and then became an app so peoples
daily news and gossip could be shared faster without the need of a computer. This
website offers a chance to get in contact with family you lost contact with or even
friends and have a chance to chat and catch up with one another. Also like
Instagram Facebook lets you upload photos , and you are able to block people you
don’t know as well
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's career, a clear pattern emerges: he walked away
from a lot of potentially great deals. In hindsight, it's easy to see that Zuckerberg
made the right move every time, but back then these decisions were hardly cut-
and-dried. One of Facebook's early investors, Peter Thiel, has admitted that when
Facebook turned down Yahoo's $1 billion acquisition offer, he was a "little worried."
But his concerns were eased by the fact that Zuckerberg had a strong vision for the
future of his company--which was to connect billions of users. To see how
Zuckerberg's strategic decisions led Facebook to where it is today, check out the
infographic below. Credit goes to Funders and Founders' information designer Anna
Facebook use a colour scheme of dark,
light blue and white. When you go
onto the website it will either ask you
to sign in if you have an account or if
your new to make one. Once signed
inn it will bring you to the main page
which features all the resent post the
people you follow have posted. Also
along the side of the main page it tells
you who is online which you follow .
Also along the top you have your icon
which takes you to your page , new
people who want to follow you and
many other things.
Target user/ membership
A study done by Pingdom in 2012 showed that 65 percent of users on
Facebook are 35 or older. The average age is just over 40 with the
largest group aged 45 to 54 . A comparison with previous study , done
2010 showed that the average age of Facebook user increased by two
years . Only 14 present of Facebook users are under the age of 24.Since
June 2017 there are 2 billion monthly active users.
Sources of revenue
Much like Instagram Facebook post ads that will get
peoples attention while scrolling through peoples post.
Types of things you see are product like camera bags,
jewellery and many more.
Legal and ethical issues
Following the release of study , which has since gone viral online the
researchers have been criticized for their apparently unscrupulous use
of unsuspecting Facebook users. Critics have questioned the ethical
study and the legality of Facebook's actions including over half a
million participants without their consent.
Positives and negatives
• Keep in contact with friend you
have lost contact with
• A chance to express yourself
• Gain confidences
• Entertainment
• Senses of security when privacy
setting have been put in place.
• Cyber bullying
• Not setting the privacy settings
• ruin relationship (jealousy)
• Waste of time
• Sleep deprived
Snapchat is an app which is available to download on android and iPhone users . It enables users to send snaps or
videos to selected recipients for some seconds after which these snaps get deleted. Originally , Snapchat was
centred on private person-to-person photo sharing. Snapchat is an image messaging and multimedia mobile
application created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, former students at Stanford University, and
developed by Snap Inc., originally Snapchat Inc. it was release to the public in September 2011. In 2012, Evan left
Stanford to focus on Snapchat shortly before completing his degree. While studying product design at Stanford he
proposed Snapchat as a product design class project, an idea which his classmates ridiculed. Spiegel co-founded the
mobile application Snapchat along with Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown. He is the Founder and CEO of Snap, Inc.
The Wall Street Journal has reported that after the predicted March 2017 IPO for Snap Inc., Murphy and Spiegel
would hold over "70% of the voting power" in the company, and own around 45% of the total stock.
In February 2017, Spiegel and Murphy pledged to donate upwards of 13,000,000 shares of Class A common stock
over the next 15–20 years to an arts, education and youth non-profit.
Snapchat use the colour scheme of
yellow , white and black. When you open
up Snapchat it will go straight to camera
where you can see the different filters .
Swiping right you can see the people you
follow Snapchat story and what they are
doing . If you swipe left you can send
messages to the people you follow as
Target user/ membership
The average users of Snapchat are between the ages of 13 and 25 years
Sources of revenue
After people have look at your story or your looking at someone else
towards the end their tends to be an advert promoting a product or
brand for example eBay.
Legal and ethical issues
By using Snapchat it is easier for teenagers to send text messages to
one another. But it is also a place of vulnerability for cyber stalkers and
cyber bulling by sharing embarrassing photos and not asking the
person consent on publishing the photos. This can be seen a breach of
privacy as the pictures can be saved on the receivers phone.
Positives and negatives
• Keep in contact with friend you
have lost contact with
• A chance to express yourself
• Gain confidences
• Entertainment
• Senses of security when privacy
setting have been put in place.
• Cyber bullying
• Not setting the privacy settings
• ruin relationship (jealousy)
• Waste of time
• Sleep deprived
Survey monkey
Preferences of social media
What social media platform they use?
How offend do they access social media?
Which social media is their favorite?
Do you think social media is a safe place for everyone to be on?
What can be done to make it safer if not?
What make social media so appealing to you as the user?
Do you understand the tearms and conditions?
Do you feel comfortable having your personal information available for anyone to read?
The average that answered my
survey was ‘15-17’ so sort of
the middle stages of teenage
years. These people are the
most active on social media
sites , so there will be a lot of
mixed opinions through this
The people who answered this
survey was a split mix between
‘male’ and ‘female’.
The most used social media site
is ‘Instagram’ followed by
‘Snapchat’ and the ‘YouTube’.
The social media that is used the
least is Facebook and the twitter.
Even thou ‘Instagram’ is the most
used social media it is not the
peoples favorite. The peoples
favorite social media site is
‘Snapchat’ followed by a tie
between ‘ YouTube’ and
‘Instagram’. The least favorite
social media is again ‘Facebook’
followed by ‘twitter’ and ‘tinder’.
From this question the data
shows that people offend spend
‘Everyday’ on social media,
followed by ‘ Every Hour’.
People don’t use it ‘once a
month’ which is then followed
by ‘Once a year’ and ‘ Once a
From this question
there is a lot of
mixed opinions.
Some people find it
safe as it is , other
people find it safe
as long as they have
the correct settings
in place. Others
don’t find it safe at
People have
suggested in order to
make it safer , it to
have tighter security
. Not to do stupid
things like following
people you don’t
know , just to get
more followers. Also
to add age
restriction on
peoples post so
younger users cant
see it.
Majority of people do
not understand the
tearms and
conditions which is
slightly worrying. But
the other present do
, what can be done is
to make the tearms
and conditions easier
to understand as
there is no age
restrictions on some
social media site so
they need to make it
easier for younger
users to understand.
People find social
media interesting
and fun way to
spend time. Also
it is a distraction
but also a way to
keep in contact
with friends.
People use social
media to escape
reality and just
get lost in
another world.
Majority of people did not feel
comfortable having their
personal information available
for anyone to read . Some
people said it was okay as long
as you don’t go into to much
detail or depending on the
Social media effects
Eroding social media behavior ( Noam Chomsky)
Noam Chomsky say that todays social media is becoming an obstacle between
people interacting , with one another face to face or even in the same building.
Eroding social behavior now with technology we have face time when calling others
, instant massager , a place with the purpose to post photos (Instagram). I do agree
with this statement that social media has overtaken with our everyday live , as
people find it easier to face time than to go out and meet up with them or posting
images that are inappropriate in the sense of their job title. An example of this is an
police officer form new York posted a picture of a political protest which was then
deleted. The Polices Department must all take the oath to not reveal information
about what happens in their job, and this NYPD officer did not follow that principle.
If police think that posting that type of information is acceptable, are we truly safe
with them around , we start to codirect are trust in the police force.
Moral Panic
With the upraise of technology and new additions to social media
websites and app, teenagers these day are on them coastally posting
their everyday life and their personal information. These has cause
parents to become more concerned and go into a state of ‘panic’. As
this creates low self-esteem amongst girls , making them feel isolated
and a victim to cyber- bulling which often result to teen suicide.
Parents are becoming more worried about their children , as they don’t
want them to fall into the loop . Not is that the only worry parents are
losing the connection between themselves and their child due to social
media app, they are spending less time together and drifting apart.
Media convergence transforms established industries, service, and
work practices which enables an entirely new forms of contact to
emerge. It’s long-established media industry and content increasingly
uncouples content form particular devices , which in turns present
major elements of media convergence the technological, the industrial,
the social, the textual and the political.
Data Protection act (1998)
All social media products have to conform with the legislations within this
law. But when you process any personal information, the data protection act
will not apply. In section 36 it clearly states that ‘ personal data processed by
an individual only for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family, or
even household affairs which includes recreational purposes are exempt
form the data protection principles and the provisions of part 2 and
3.’however if you are an organization, section 36 then it can’t be used. This is
because they have responsibilities under the data protection act which are ‘
if they post personal data on their or on a third party website it is out of their
control and are unable to make changes once it has been posted’. Also if you
are a sole trader and will process personal information , you have
responsibility under the data protection act.
Commercial Uses – Advertising
Pay-per-click Advertising:
Also known as ‘cost per click’ is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to
websites, in which advertisers pay a publisher when the ad has been clicked on. Such
website that use this method are eBay , you tube , Facebook , twitter and many more.
Sponsored advertising:
Social media networks like twitter , instagram and Facebook are adjusting their content
to ensure the least amount of organic visibility for brands too. Traditional paid media,
such as banner advertising, is becoming less effective year-over-year because banner
blindness runs rampant.
Personal Recommendation:
As far as advertising is concerned the people which said that this is the best source
because it is trustworthy. Therefore , if more people start to trust your website and it’s
uses, then they will spread the word to their friends and family which will result in
more customers.
Commercial uses advertising (continued)
An example of commercial uses
advertising , is placing ads
before watching a video on
YouTube . They always while
the ad is playing place a link on
top of the video to get more
people to click on it . They also
place the link in the description
to promote more people to
click on to it .
Commercial uses viral marketing (continued)
Out of the three social media product I
researched only Facebook and snap
chat use adverts. They types of adverts
they promote are for products like
make- up or a jewelers. These ads
become viral as anyone who uses these
two social media website will come
across these ads sooner or later. For
example the eBay advert around
Christmas time, was shown every time
after a snap chat story had ended. Also
on Facebook the ad for ‘fang jewelry’
especially their feather ring has made
constants operas from the month of
September 2017 to the new year 2018.
Commercial Use Product Advertised
At the moment snap chat does not
have many advertisement at the
moment , apart from the eBay at at
Christmas time . Which help to
promote their services of getting
quick Christmas gifts before the big
day arrives. As for Instagram and
Facebook have celebrities and well
known YouTube stars promoting
companies products , they do place a
‘hash tag spon’ so people known
they are being paid to help promote
the product .
Commercial Uses (continued) Product
Now that Instagram has joined Facebook , you can now
upload the same content in one go instead of doing them
both separately for the different social media websites.
This has not only benefited Instagram because Facebook
has been around longer, it also means that Instagram
gains more followers and have a bigger target audiences
thanks to Facebook . Not only do Facebook and Instagram
link together but also snap chat and Instagram. As you
can share posts or what your doing in your day-to-day life
with just your friends if they are interested.
Commercial Uses consumer Product Reviews
(continued) Not all reviews on product are positive in away to
sell the item. For example take the 2017 Christmas
zoella beauty/ lifestyle calendar. Fan and beauty
lovers where appalled not of the product itself but
the price of the 12 day calendar cost. People said it
was a scam for charging £50 for a calendar that did
not hold full size products or anything more
luxurious than candles , stationary and cookie
To conclude , I have done research on three popular social media site
e.g. : Facebook , Snap chat and Instagram. The reason why is so I could
find out their purpose , layout and they way they advertise.
Furthermore it was important to also look at the negative and positives
when exposing ourselves to social media and the effects it has on us
emotionally. This will help me to come up with ideas for my own social
media website and what I want to achieve while making it .

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Unit 35

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 35: Social Media Products St. Andrew’s Catholic School – Courtney Edwards 3042 Unit 35 Overview
  • 2.
  • 3. ContentLo1 slide 4 - Chosen social media products (slide 4) Instagram: • Purpose (slide 5) • Content ( slide 6) • target user / membership ( slide 7) • Source of revenue (slide 8) • Legal and ethical issues ( slide 9) • Positive and negative (slide 10) Facebook: • Purpose (slide 11) • Content ( slide 12) • target user / membership ( slide 13) • Source of revenue (slide 14) • Legal and ethical issues ( slide 15) • Positive and negative (slide 16) Snapchat: • Purpose (slide 17) • Content ( slide 18) • target user / membership ( slide 19) • Source of revenue (slide 20) • Legal and ethical issues ( slide 21) • Positive and negative (slide 22) • Survey monkey (slide 23 - 33) • Social media effects (slide 34) • Moral panic (slide 35) • Convergence (slide 36) • Data protection act (slide 37) • Commercial Uses – Advertising ( slide 38-39) • Commercial uses – Viral marketing ( Slide 40) • Commercial uses – product advertising (slide 41) • Commercial uses – product review (slide 42) • Commercial Uses consumer Product Reviews (continued) (slide 43) • Conclusion ( slide 44)
  • 4. Chosen Social Media Products Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and an online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park, California. Which was Founded in February 2004, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States by Mark Zuckerberg. It currently has 17,048 of employees (31 December 2016). Snapchat is an image messaging and multimedia mobile application created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, former students at Stanford University, and developed by Snap Inc., originally Snapchat Inc. it was release to the public in September 2011. Instagram is a mobile, desktop, and Internet-based photo-sharing application and service that allows users to share pictures and videos either publicly, or privately to pre- approved followers. Which was released in 2010 owned by Facebook, Inc, and developed by Facebook, Kevin Systrom, Mike Krieger.
  • 5. Purpose Instagram is an app which let you share photos, contact people who follow you and that you follow back. Instagram also has privacies settings such as blocking follower you don’t know . You also have your own story which save time than posting every single image that you have taken. They also have a filter setting and by using Instagram it helps to express your creative side and be free to be who you are. They also have the option on making multiple accounts, maybe one just for your self, one for work and another one for your passion e.g. photography. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's career, a clear pattern emerges: he walked away from a lot of potentially great deals. In hindsight, it's easy to see that Zuckerberg made the right move every time, but back then these decisions were hardly cut-and-dried. One of Facebook's early investors, Peter Thiel, has admitted that when Facebook turned down Yahoo's $1 billion acquisition offer, he was a "little worried." But his concerns were eased by the fact that Zuckerberg had a strong vision for the future of his company--which was to connect billions of users. To see how Zuckerberg's strategic decisions led Facebook to where it is today, check out the infographic below. Credit goes to Funders and Founders' information designer Anna Vital.
  • 6. Content Instagram use a colour scheme of white and black on their home page and on the new logo they use the colours of purple, yellow, red, pink and orange which could imply that people of different coloured skin , race and culture are united and treated with the same care as anyone else. On their home page they have the people you follow most resent post on display and their Instagram stories displayed at the top. Also at the top they have a picture of a camera which allows you to take photos also there is a little ‘paper aeroplane’ like symbol where you can send messages to your friend and other people how follow you. At the bottom of the home page it has a house icon which brings you back to the main page. Also it has a magnifying glass which lets you brows through other peoples work who have posted recently. Then there is a plus symbol where you can upload you photos and next to that you have a heart , which shows you who has liked your post or people who has requested to follow you. Finally you have your icon which takes you to your account page which has all your details and who you are following, who’s following you back and the amount of post you have posted.
  • 7. Target user/ membership Instagram is amide towards 13 year olds up to 65 of all genders but over 55% of people who use Instagram are female. Not only is Instagram For your own personal use , people tend to make other accounts involving their work e.g. @Gingernutwithacamrea. She post not only images of her family and friends but also her latest work when on photo shoots , involving babies and weddings.
  • 8. Sources of revenue On Instagram there are a lot of sponsorship and advertising . Celebrities and YouTubers tend to post themselves with a product and say “Ad”. For example Jonathan joly posted a picture of his daughter Emilia underneath the Cadbury sign . Also zoella posted herself using a skin care product and mentioned where it was from in the description underneath the posted picture.
  • 9. Legal and ethical issues On December 17, 2012 Instagram announced several changes to its tearms of service. The new terms of service suggested Instagram would be allowed to use pictures in advertisements without notifying or compensation users, and to disclose user data to Facebook and to advertisers. Instagram also proposed that the parents of minors implicitly consent to the use of their children's’ images for advertising purposes. The new terms of service also introduced a mandatory arbitration clause which would force users to waive their rights to file a class action lawsuit in most circumstances. The changes were to take effect on January 16,2013 and would not apply to pictures uploads before that date.
  • 10. Positives and negatives Positive: • Keep in contact with friend you have lost contact with • A chance to express yourself • Gain confidences • Entertainment • Senses of security when privacy setting have been put in place. Negative: • Cyber bullying • Not setting the privacy settings • ruin relationship (jealousy) • Waste of time • Sleep deprived
  • 11. Purpose Facebook is a social media website originally and then became an app so peoples daily news and gossip could be shared faster without the need of a computer. This website offers a chance to get in contact with family you lost contact with or even friends and have a chance to chat and catch up with one another. Also like Instagram Facebook lets you upload photos , and you are able to block people you don’t know as well Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's career, a clear pattern emerges: he walked away from a lot of potentially great deals. In hindsight, it's easy to see that Zuckerberg made the right move every time, but back then these decisions were hardly cut- and-dried. One of Facebook's early investors, Peter Thiel, has admitted that when Facebook turned down Yahoo's $1 billion acquisition offer, he was a "little worried." But his concerns were eased by the fact that Zuckerberg had a strong vision for the future of his company--which was to connect billions of users. To see how Zuckerberg's strategic decisions led Facebook to where it is today, check out the infographic below. Credit goes to Funders and Founders' information designer Anna Vital.
  • 12. Content Facebook use a colour scheme of dark, light blue and white. When you go onto the website it will either ask you to sign in if you have an account or if your new to make one. Once signed inn it will bring you to the main page which features all the resent post the people you follow have posted. Also along the side of the main page it tells you who is online which you follow . Also along the top you have your icon which takes you to your page , new people who want to follow you and many other things.
  • 13. Target user/ membership A study done by Pingdom in 2012 showed that 65 percent of users on Facebook are 35 or older. The average age is just over 40 with the largest group aged 45 to 54 . A comparison with previous study , done 2010 showed that the average age of Facebook user increased by two years . Only 14 present of Facebook users are under the age of 24.Since June 2017 there are 2 billion monthly active users.
  • 14. Sources of revenue Much like Instagram Facebook post ads that will get peoples attention while scrolling through peoples post. Types of things you see are product like camera bags, jewellery and many more.
  • 15. Legal and ethical issues Following the release of study , which has since gone viral online the researchers have been criticized for their apparently unscrupulous use of unsuspecting Facebook users. Critics have questioned the ethical study and the legality of Facebook's actions including over half a million participants without their consent.
  • 16. Positives and negatives Positive: • Keep in contact with friend you have lost contact with • A chance to express yourself • Gain confidences • Entertainment • Senses of security when privacy setting have been put in place. Negative: • Cyber bullying • Not setting the privacy settings • ruin relationship (jealousy) • Waste of time • Sleep deprived
  • 17. Purpose Snapchat is an app which is available to download on android and iPhone users . It enables users to send snaps or videos to selected recipients for some seconds after which these snaps get deleted. Originally , Snapchat was centred on private person-to-person photo sharing. Snapchat is an image messaging and multimedia mobile application created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown, former students at Stanford University, and developed by Snap Inc., originally Snapchat Inc. it was release to the public in September 2011. In 2012, Evan left Stanford to focus on Snapchat shortly before completing his degree. While studying product design at Stanford he proposed Snapchat as a product design class project, an idea which his classmates ridiculed. Spiegel co-founded the mobile application Snapchat along with Bobby Murphy and Reggie Brown. He is the Founder and CEO of Snap, Inc. The Wall Street Journal has reported that after the predicted March 2017 IPO for Snap Inc., Murphy and Spiegel would hold over "70% of the voting power" in the company, and own around 45% of the total stock. In February 2017, Spiegel and Murphy pledged to donate upwards of 13,000,000 shares of Class A common stock over the next 15–20 years to an arts, education and youth non-profit.
  • 18. Content Snapchat use the colour scheme of yellow , white and black. When you open up Snapchat it will go straight to camera where you can see the different filters . Swiping right you can see the people you follow Snapchat story and what they are doing . If you swipe left you can send messages to the people you follow as well.
  • 19. Target user/ membership The average users of Snapchat are between the ages of 13 and 25 years old.
  • 20. Sources of revenue After people have look at your story or your looking at someone else towards the end their tends to be an advert promoting a product or brand for example eBay.
  • 21. Legal and ethical issues By using Snapchat it is easier for teenagers to send text messages to one another. But it is also a place of vulnerability for cyber stalkers and cyber bulling by sharing embarrassing photos and not asking the person consent on publishing the photos. This can be seen a breach of privacy as the pictures can be saved on the receivers phone.
  • 22. Positives and negatives Positive: • Keep in contact with friend you have lost contact with • A chance to express yourself • Gain confidences • Entertainment • Senses of security when privacy setting have been put in place. Negative: • Cyber bullying • Not setting the privacy settings • ruin relationship (jealousy) • Waste of time • Sleep deprived
  • 23. Survey monkey Questions Preferences of social media Age? gender? What social media platform they use? How offend do they access social media? Which social media is their favorite? Do you think social media is a safe place for everyone to be on? What can be done to make it safer if not? What make social media so appealing to you as the user? Do you understand the tearms and conditions? Do you feel comfortable having your personal information available for anyone to read?
  • 24. The average that answered my survey was ‘15-17’ so sort of the middle stages of teenage years. These people are the most active on social media sites , so there will be a lot of mixed opinions through this survey.
  • 25. The people who answered this survey was a split mix between ‘male’ and ‘female’.
  • 26. The most used social media site is ‘Instagram’ followed by ‘Snapchat’ and the ‘YouTube’. The social media that is used the least is Facebook and the twitter.
  • 27. Even thou ‘Instagram’ is the most used social media it is not the peoples favorite. The peoples favorite social media site is ‘Snapchat’ followed by a tie between ‘ YouTube’ and ‘Instagram’. The least favorite social media is again ‘Facebook’ followed by ‘twitter’ and ‘tinder’.
  • 28. From this question the data shows that people offend spend ‘Everyday’ on social media, followed by ‘ Every Hour’. People don’t use it ‘once a month’ which is then followed by ‘Once a year’ and ‘ Once a week’
  • 29. From this question there is a lot of mixed opinions. Some people find it safe as it is , other people find it safe as long as they have the correct settings in place. Others don’t find it safe at all.
  • 30. People have suggested in order to make it safer , it to have tighter security . Not to do stupid things like following people you don’t know , just to get more followers. Also to add age restriction on peoples post so younger users cant see it.
  • 31. Majority of people do not understand the tearms and conditions which is slightly worrying. But the other present do , what can be done is to make the tearms and conditions easier to understand as there is no age restrictions on some social media site so they need to make it easier for younger users to understand.
  • 32. People find social media interesting and fun way to spend time. Also it is a distraction but also a way to keep in contact with friends. People use social media to escape reality and just get lost in another world.
  • 33. Majority of people did not feel comfortable having their personal information available for anyone to read . Some people said it was okay as long as you don’t go into to much detail or depending on the situation.
  • 34. Social media effects Eroding social media behavior ( Noam Chomsky) Noam Chomsky say that todays social media is becoming an obstacle between people interacting , with one another face to face or even in the same building. Eroding social behavior now with technology we have face time when calling others , instant massager , a place with the purpose to post photos (Instagram). I do agree with this statement that social media has overtaken with our everyday live , as people find it easier to face time than to go out and meet up with them or posting images that are inappropriate in the sense of their job title. An example of this is an police officer form new York posted a picture of a political protest which was then deleted. The Polices Department must all take the oath to not reveal information about what happens in their job, and this NYPD officer did not follow that principle. If police think that posting that type of information is acceptable, are we truly safe with them around , we start to codirect are trust in the police force.
  • 35. Moral Panic With the upraise of technology and new additions to social media websites and app, teenagers these day are on them coastally posting their everyday life and their personal information. These has cause parents to become more concerned and go into a state of ‘panic’. As this creates low self-esteem amongst girls , making them feel isolated and a victim to cyber- bulling which often result to teen suicide. Parents are becoming more worried about their children , as they don’t want them to fall into the loop . Not is that the only worry parents are losing the connection between themselves and their child due to social media app, they are spending less time together and drifting apart.
  • 36. Convergence Media convergence transforms established industries, service, and work practices which enables an entirely new forms of contact to emerge. It’s long-established media industry and content increasingly uncouples content form particular devices , which in turns present major elements of media convergence the technological, the industrial, the social, the textual and the political.
  • 37. Data Protection act (1998) All social media products have to conform with the legislations within this law. But when you process any personal information, the data protection act will not apply. In section 36 it clearly states that ‘ personal data processed by an individual only for the purposes of that individual’s personal, family, or even household affairs which includes recreational purposes are exempt form the data protection principles and the provisions of part 2 and 3.’however if you are an organization, section 36 then it can’t be used. This is because they have responsibilities under the data protection act which are ‘ if they post personal data on their or on a third party website it is out of their control and are unable to make changes once it has been posted’. Also if you are a sole trader and will process personal information , you have responsibility under the data protection act.
  • 38. Commercial Uses – Advertising Pay-per-click Advertising: Also known as ‘cost per click’ is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites, in which advertisers pay a publisher when the ad has been clicked on. Such website that use this method are eBay , you tube , Facebook , twitter and many more. Sponsored advertising: Social media networks like twitter , instagram and Facebook are adjusting their content to ensure the least amount of organic visibility for brands too. Traditional paid media, such as banner advertising, is becoming less effective year-over-year because banner blindness runs rampant. Personal Recommendation: As far as advertising is concerned the people which said that this is the best source because it is trustworthy. Therefore , if more people start to trust your website and it’s uses, then they will spread the word to their friends and family which will result in more customers.
  • 39. Commercial uses advertising (continued) An example of commercial uses advertising , is placing ads before watching a video on YouTube . They always while the ad is playing place a link on top of the video to get more people to click on it . They also place the link in the description to promote more people to click on to it .
  • 40. Commercial uses viral marketing (continued) Out of the three social media product I researched only Facebook and snap chat use adverts. They types of adverts they promote are for products like make- up or a jewelers. These ads become viral as anyone who uses these two social media website will come across these ads sooner or later. For example the eBay advert around Christmas time, was shown every time after a snap chat story had ended. Also on Facebook the ad for ‘fang jewelry’ especially their feather ring has made constants operas from the month of September 2017 to the new year 2018.
  • 41. Commercial Use Product Advertised (continued) At the moment snap chat does not have many advertisement at the moment , apart from the eBay at at Christmas time . Which help to promote their services of getting quick Christmas gifts before the big day arrives. As for Instagram and Facebook have celebrities and well known YouTube stars promoting companies products , they do place a ‘hash tag spon’ so people known they are being paid to help promote the product .
  • 42. Commercial Uses (continued) Product Reviews Now that Instagram has joined Facebook , you can now upload the same content in one go instead of doing them both separately for the different social media websites. This has not only benefited Instagram because Facebook has been around longer, it also means that Instagram gains more followers and have a bigger target audiences thanks to Facebook . Not only do Facebook and Instagram link together but also snap chat and Instagram. As you can share posts or what your doing in your day-to-day life with just your friends if they are interested.
  • 43. Commercial Uses consumer Product Reviews (continued) Not all reviews on product are positive in away to sell the item. For example take the 2017 Christmas zoella beauty/ lifestyle calendar. Fan and beauty lovers where appalled not of the product itself but the price of the 12 day calendar cost. People said it was a scam for charging £50 for a calendar that did not hold full size products or anything more luxurious than candles , stationary and cookie cutters.
  • 44. Conclusion To conclude , I have done research on three popular social media site e.g. : Facebook , Snap chat and Instagram. The reason why is so I could find out their purpose , layout and they way they advertise. Furthermore it was important to also look at the negative and positives when exposing ourselves to social media and the effects it has on us emotionally. This will help me to come up with ideas for my own social media website and what I want to achieve while making it .

Editor's Notes
