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6GEO3 Unit 3 Contested Planet
Topic 5: Bridging the Development Gap
What is this topic about?
• ‘Bridging the Development Gap’ should be seen as complimenting the
  ‘Superpower Geographies’ topic
• The two topics represent two sides of the same coin – the rich and
  developing on one side, the poor and underdeveloped on the other
• The topic explores the causes and consequences of the development
• The last section of this topic focuses on solutions – can the ‘gap’ be
           1. The causes of the gap
           2. The consequences of the gap
           3. Bridging the gap

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1. The causes of the gap
• The development gap relates
  to global inequality
• Around 2.8 billion people live
  on under $2 per day
  (‘moderate poverty’)
• Some 1.1 billion people live
  on less than $1.25 per day
  (‘extreme poverty’)               Since 1980, the percentage of
                                   people living in extreme poverty
• Over time a greater
                                    has fallen from 40% to 20% of
  proportion of wealth has         world population, but because of
  concentrated in the hands of        population growth the total
  the richest 20% of people,         number of people is extreme
                                       poverty is still very high.
  compared to the poorest 20%
  of people (see graph)
Measuring development
• Measuring development levels
   is a challenge.
• Traditionally development has
   measured using economic data
   such as GDP or GNI per capita.
• These measures fail to
1. Income distribution
2. The local value of money
3. The non-money economy e.g.          This basket of goods costs 112 Indian Rupees in
                                      India, the equivalent of £1.50*. To buy the same
   barter and exchange                basket of goods in the UK would cost around £6.
• It is also important to recognise    The difference in how much goods and services
   that development has social           really cost, is why PPP (purchasing power
                                        parity) GDP income is used rather than ‘raw’
   and quality of life aspects                               GDP.
• Measures such as life                  Using raw GDP per capita average income in
                                        India is about $1000, but PPP GDP per capita
   expectancy, education level,                         income is $2800
   access to sanitation are
                                                                   *data for Dec 2009
• As the development cable model
  (right) shows, development is a
  multi-faceted process
• At its core is economic
  development, but to achieve real
  progress social, political,
  environmental and personal
  development is also needed.
• Recognising the complex nature of
  development is why development
  is often measured using an index,            Physical Quality of Life Index
  which combines a range of data                          (PQLI)
• Indices are considered more               Life expectancy + Literacy rate +
  accurate than single data points                 Infant Mortality rate
  such as GDP per capita.

                      The Human Development Index (HDI)
                     Life expectancy at birth + Literacy rate
                     + Enrolment rate + GDP per capita PPP
The Millennium Development Goals
• The MDG were adopted by the UN in
  the year 2000
• The MDG are a global attempt to
  measure, and actively improve,
  quality of life for the poorest
• There are 8 Goals, with 21 targets
  within these. The target date to
  achieve the MDG is 2015
• The most famous Goals are
1.   Halve the proportion of people living on less
     than $1 a day
2.   Halve the proportion of people who suffer
     from hunger
                                                     Explore MDG progress and annual
3.   Achieve universal primary education             reports at
4.   Reduce by two thirds the under 5 mortality
• Progress has been patchy, especially
  in Africa and South Asia were the
  problem tend to be most acute.
The development gap
•   The geography of the development gap is more complex than a simple ‘North-South
•   Latin America has HDI levels similar to eastern Europe; China’s HDI and some
    others in SE Asia are relatively high
•   South Asia has a concentration of levels below 0.6
•   Level in the Middle East are relatively high, although not in Yemen, Syria and Iraq
•   The picture for Africa is very complex, with the extreme north and south having
    decent HDI levels, but some regions with shockingly low numbers
Core and Periphery

• Some countries remain
  largely unconnected to
  the modern globalised
• This is especially true in
  Sub-Saharan Africa , which
  remains very much part of
  the global periphery (see
• Other peripheral regions
  include north South Asia,
  the Andean region, parts
  of East and Central Asia.    Sub-Saharan Africa has a range of factors which make
                                 development very challenging; these include debt
• Growth areas (upward         levels, landlocked states, conflict, corruption, Aids/
  transition) are much                HIV, malaria, lack of infrastructure and
  better connected to the       communications, low education levels, drought and
  global core areas.                                many others
Global Players
 • There are a range of players involved in the development process:

    Player                                            Role
World Bank /     These two IGOs lend money to the developing world – essentially funding
IMF              development, and as part of this process guide economic policy (the IMF). Much
                 of the developing world’s debt is owed to the IMF and WB.
TNCs             Invest in the developing world e.g. building factories; Foreign Direct
                 Investment tends to flow to low cost locations, but where people are educated
                 and skilled; Africa’s share of FDI is therefore small.
United Nations   Monitors the MDG, but has many component organisation which focus on
                 development (UNDP), health (WHO), food and farming (FAO) and
                 environmental issues (UNEP); often involved in disaster relief as well as longer
                 term aid.
Governments      Developed world governments provide funding for the UN, IMF and WB. They
                 also provide bi-lateral aid the developing world in the form of Official
                 Development Assistance (ODA). Developing World governments manage their
                 countries path to development.
NGOs             Charities and not-for-profit organisations provide aid to the developing world,
                 often in a smaller, more localised way compared to Governments and IGOs.
                 Some NGOs receive government funding
Individuals      As consumers and voters, individuals can alter government policy both in the
                 developed and developing world; community led development in becoming
                 more common; developed world consumers may support fair trade.
Trade and development
• Trade is important to
  development, because it
  generates income.
• Least developed countries play a
  limited role in trade:
• LDCs tend not to be part of trade
  blocs, so their exports are subject
  to tariffs
• LDCs often export commodities,
  the price of which fluctuates
  wildly (see graph)
• Cheap commodity export earn                   The 49 least
  few Dollars, but Dollars have to               countries
  be used to import manufactured                account for
                                                only 0.9% of
  good – this creates poor terms of             world trade,
  trade (see picture)                          but have over
                                                700 million
• Much of the value of the products               people
  we buy is added outside the
  country which supplied the raw
2. The consequences of the gap
• The development gap means               The African countries shown all
  that poverty is common in               have infant mortality rates of
                                          over 80/1000 live births, and
  least developed countries,              under 5 mortality of over
  especially in Sub-Saharan               100/1000; Sierra Leone’s 2008
  Africa                                  rates were 160 and 278
• In many countries males still
  have more access to
  education than females, and
  this has an impact on
  opportunities later in life
  (see diagram for Pakistan)
• In some situations, such as
  the Indian Caste system (still
  prevalent in rural India – see
  pyramid), society has built
  inequality into the social
• Poverty and lack of
  opportunity is often most              A UN-Habitat report in 2006 stated there was
  acute in rural areas*                  “concrete evidence that there are two cities within
                                         one city – one part of the urban population that has
• However, developing world              all the benefits of urban living, and the other part,
  megacities contain growing             the slums and squatter settlements, where the poor
                                         often live under worse conditions than their rural
  concentrations of urban
• Some 1 billion people live in
  urban slums, likely to grow to
  2 billion by 2030
• Slums often have:
Poorly built, shack housing
Limited and expensive water supply
Limited sanitation
Informal, unreliable employment
Lack of rubbish collection
Social problems such as disease, crime
Few services such as education and
                                    *see the rural urban data for Pakistan
                                    and Guatemala on previous and next slides
Ethnic and religious dimensions
• Ethnic and religious minorities
  often suffer worse poverty than
  the wider population
• The data for Guatemala show a
  large different between poverty
  rates for Native Indians and the
  White Hispanic population
• Such differences can result from
  subtle prejudice, and direct
  discrimination and persecution
• In South Africa, the long history of   2001 Census         Black South   White South
  apartheid has left a legacy of stark                       Africans      Africans
  differences between black and          Under 15 yrs old    34%           19%
  white populations                      No education        22%           1%
• Often different ethnic groups live     Households with a   31%           95%
  in different geographical areas
                                         Adult mean income   $1600         $8800
  e.g. white gated communities
  versus black townships in South
East Timor
• East Timor (Timor-Leste) was a
  Portuguese colony which gained
  independence in 1975, and was
  invaded by Indonesia in the same
• Indonesia occupied East Timor
  until 1999; East Timor regained its
  independence in 2002.                                   East Timor   Indonesia
•   The Indonesian campaign against East     Colony of    Portugal     Holland
    Timorese resistance fighters involved
    forced resettlement of 1000s of people   Religion     Catholic     Muslim
    into camps                               Ave Income   $2300        $4000
•   The death toll from fighting was high    HDI          0.49         0.73
•   Portuguese was banned
•   Around 150,000 Indonesians were             Indonesia’s occupation created a
    settled on East Timor as part of the        dual population of poor Timorese
    Transmigration Programme                   and better off Indonesian migrants,
•   Most businesses were taken over by         reflected in the post-independence
    Indonesians                                  differences in HDI and income
Poverty reduction at a price?
• The pressing need to reduce
                                             Social and Environmental Issues
  poverty has led some
  countries to ‘go for growth’             •Increased rural –v- urban inequality
• Both China and India (and the            •Mass rural-urban migration and rise
                                                        in urban slums
  ‘Asian Tigers’ before them)                •Increased air and water pollution
  have opened their economies                            from industry
  to world trade and                        •Stress on forests and water supply
  investment                                      as resource demands rise
                                            •Possibility of rising debt; financial
• This has created                                           crises
  employment, raised incomes                •Social problems – urban crime and
  and reduced poverty                                       disease
                                              •Worker exploitation and human
(estimates of                                            rights abuses
extreme poverty)   1980         2005
                                              •Breakdown of traditional family
India              45%          25%         structures and community support
China              60%+         10%
3. Bridging the gap
• How should the development gap be bridged?
• This question is important because there are a number of
  different approaches that might be taken
• The choice of approach is influenced by political viewpoint
    Neo-liberal /          Marxist/ Socialist              Populist                 Grassroots
China, Asian Tigers       Cuba, Kerala (India)        Venezuela / Latin         Community based
•Market led               •Breaking free of          •Charismatic ‘man of      •Small-scale,
development,              capitalism and profit.     the people’ leaders       community focussed
following the             •State ownership and       create a ‘them and us’    development often
‘Modernisation Theory’    planning so that profits   discourse promising       aiming to meet basic
of WW Rostow              from industry and uses     social equality and       needs rather than
•Stressing industry and   for health and             using policies that       hugely improve
infrastructure, free      education; usually         appeal to the pockets     incomes
trade and attracting      involves wholesale         of ordinary people        •Often involves local or
foreign direct            land reform .              •Critics state populism   international NGOs
investment to create      •State control and         is directionless and      who provide some
jobs and raise            limited involvement in     leads to poor economic    funding and other
incomes.                  world trade and TNCs       decision-making           support.
• Development projects are often characterised as either
  ‘top-down’ or ‘bottom-up’: (see the next slide for examples)

                Bottom up                              Top Down

   Scale        Small; based on one community or       Large; often part of national planning
                area e.g. a valley                     aims
   Leadership   Community and NGOs; partnership        Government and government agencies;
                arrangements                           construction and engineering TNCs
   Funding      Local people and NGOs; donations or    Government, via multilateral aid (WB /
   source       earned income recycled into the        IMF) or bilateral aid; private
                community                              investment
   Aims         Meeting basic needs of food, health,   Meeting national needs in terms of
                education and water; small             energy or water supply, or transport;
                improvements in income                 profit
   Technology   Intermediate / appropriate             Hi-Tech

   Types of     Food production, water supply,         Electricity, transport, industry and
   project      small scale renewable energy           infrastructure
   Winners      Local people; the environment          Industry, urban dwellers, TNCs

   Losers       Usually are none                       Environment, rural people
• These three projects
  show contrasting
• ‘A’ is a small-scale,
   bottom-up intermediate
   technology project
• ‘C’ is a classic ‘top-
   down’ ‘big project’ with
   clear winners and losers
• ‘B’ is less easy to
   pigeon-hole as it is a
   national scheme, hi-
   tech, but aimed at the
   poorest and led by an
   NGO with a private
• Aid means assistance given to
  the developing world
• Aid can be in the form of
  money, food, goods, advice and
  technical assistance
• Aid comes from a variety of
  sources (see diagram).
• Development Aid given by OECD
  countries is termed Official
  Development Assistance (ODA)
• An UN target of OECD countries
  giving 0.7% of their GDP as ODA
  has existed for 40 years, but few
  countries actually give this
  amount (2006 data):
OECD average = 0.45%
USA = 0.17%
UK = 0.52%
Sweden = 1.02%
• Flows of money to the developing          Governments use Export Processing Zones
  world may be in the form of aid, but      (EPZs)and Free Trade Zones (FTZs) to help
                                            attract FDI. China has over 50 of these. In
  investment is important                      these zones foreign investors receive
• When companies and TNCs invest in        special tax breaks, rents are low and unions
  the developing world this flow is                      are often banned.
  called Foreign Direct Investment       The top 10 developing world locations for FDI in
  (FDI)                                  2007 (in $ millions).
• FDI is motivated by profit             Notice the lack of least developed countries in the
• FDI is used to set up factories fund   China & Hong Kong                1,511,000
  construction in the developing world   Brazil                            328,000
• Most FDI flows towards NICs and RICs   Mexico                            266,000
  because they have a skilled            Turkey                            146,000
                                         Chile                             106,000
  workforce, and large markets
                                         South Africa                       93,000
• There are question marks over the      Thailand                           86,000
  environmental and social value of      Malaysia                           77,000
  FDI is relation to pollution and       India                              76,000
  worker rights                          Saudi Arabia                      76,0000
• Some of the least developed
  countries face stark development
  choices                                        The Washington Consensus
                                        This is a set of economic reforms which the
• In order to qualify for debt relief    WB and IMF advise developing nations to
  under the HIPC scheme they must        undertake as part of a SAP to qualify for
  undertake ‘structural adjustment      debt relief, and to help development. The
  policies’ (SAPs)                                     reforms include:

• Critics argue that World Bank and              •Cutting public spending
  IMF sponsored SAPs and HIPC are          •Currency devaluation in some cases
                                           •Removal of import / export barriers
  simply another way of OECD                        •Opening up to FDI
  countries controlling the least                  •Removing subsidies
  developed world                            •Privatisation and deregulation
• Others say Washington Consensus          The aim of these policies is to help a
  reforms open countries and workers      country enter the global economy and
  up to exploitation by TNCs                          benefit trade.

• The counter argument is “Look at
Fair trade
• There are alternatives to FDI and Free
• ‘Fair-trade’ is perhaps the most well
• Fair-trade coffee, cocoa, cotton and
  tea farmers receive a ‘fair price’ for
  their produce, above market prices.
• The extra money improves income and
  some moneys is invested in community
  health and education projects
• Fair trade has grown and spread, but
  how much difference does it actually
  make?                                                                  In 2008 fair-trade coffee
                                                                           sales were $1.75 bil of
•Fair Trade coffee price = $1.55 per lb,10% above market price.               the global $70 bil
• Growers get 50¢ per lb. after Fair Trade cooperative fees, taxes
                                                                           market; only $5 bil of
and farm expenses.
•Most farmers earn $1,000 ($2.75 per day).                                that $70 bil went to the
• According to Fair Trade researchers at the University of California,        developing world
the price needed for farmers to rise above subsistence level is more
than $2 / lb.
Development futures
• Bridging the development Gap is a story of both good and bad
              Good news                                    Bad news 
o In some countries, such as India and       o In regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa
China, the gap has narrowed                  little progress has been made and the gap
o Debts have been reduced fro some HIPC      has widened
countries, possibly giving them a chance     o Many African nations will fail to achieve
of a new start                               their MDG targets
o Aid in 2008 was at record levels and       o The 2008-09 recession may have tipped
many OECD countries seem serious about       up to 200 million people back into poverty
the MDG                                      and hunger, reversing progress
o Some initiatives such as Fair Trade have   o Aid may be less of a priority in the next
helped, and NGOs often make a difference     decade as OECD countries struggle with
with bottom-up community led projects,       their own financial problems
but these need to be spread much more        o Corruption, conflict and bad governance
widely                                       still bedevil may LDCs
o Progress has been made with some           o Neo-colonial relationships persist
diseases such as Aids and Malaria

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Unit 3 contested_planet_bridging_the_development_gap

  • 1. 6GEO3 Unit 3 Contested Planet Topic 5: Bridging the Development Gap
  • 2. What is this topic about? • ‘Bridging the Development Gap’ should be seen as complimenting the ‘Superpower Geographies’ topic • The two topics represent two sides of the same coin – the rich and developing on one side, the poor and underdeveloped on the other • The topic explores the causes and consequences of the development gap • The last section of this topic focuses on solutions – can the ‘gap’ be narrowed?
  • 3. CONTENTS 1. The causes of the gap 2. The consequences of the gap 3. Bridging the gap Click on the information icon to jump to that section. Click on the home button to return to this contents page
  • 4. 1. The causes of the gap • The development gap relates to global inequality • Around 2.8 billion people live on under $2 per day (‘moderate poverty’) • Some 1.1 billion people live on less than $1.25 per day (‘extreme poverty’) Since 1980, the percentage of people living in extreme poverty • Over time a greater has fallen from 40% to 20% of proportion of wealth has world population, but because of concentrated in the hands of population growth the total the richest 20% of people, number of people is extreme poverty is still very high. compared to the poorest 20% of people (see graph)
  • 5. Measuring development • Measuring development levels is a challenge. • Traditionally development has measured using economic data such as GDP or GNI per capita. • These measures fail to recognise: 1. Income distribution 2. The local value of money 3. The non-money economy e.g. This basket of goods costs 112 Indian Rupees in India, the equivalent of £1.50*. To buy the same barter and exchange basket of goods in the UK would cost around £6. • It is also important to recognise The difference in how much goods and services that development has social really cost, is why PPP (purchasing power parity) GDP income is used rather than ‘raw’ and quality of life aspects GDP. • Measures such as life Using raw GDP per capita average income in India is about $1000, but PPP GDP per capita expectancy, education level, income is $2800 access to sanitation are *data for Dec 2009 important
  • 6. • As the development cable model (right) shows, development is a multi-faceted process • At its core is economic development, but to achieve real progress social, political, environmental and personal development is also needed. • Recognising the complex nature of development is why development is often measured using an index, Physical Quality of Life Index which combines a range of data (PQLI) • Indices are considered more Life expectancy + Literacy rate + accurate than single data points Infant Mortality rate such as GDP per capita. The Human Development Index (HDI) Life expectancy at birth + Literacy rate + Enrolment rate + GDP per capita PPP
  • 7. The Millennium Development Goals • The MDG were adopted by the UN in the year 2000 • The MDG are a global attempt to measure, and actively improve, quality of life for the poorest people • There are 8 Goals, with 21 targets within these. The target date to achieve the MDG is 2015 • The most famous Goals are 1. Halve the proportion of people living on less than $1 a day 2. Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger Explore MDG progress and annual 3. Achieve universal primary education reports at 4. Reduce by two thirds the under 5 mortality rate • Progress has been patchy, especially in Africa and South Asia were the problem tend to be most acute.
  • 8. The development gap • The geography of the development gap is more complex than a simple ‘North-South divide’ • Latin America has HDI levels similar to eastern Europe; China’s HDI and some others in SE Asia are relatively high • South Asia has a concentration of levels below 0.6 • Level in the Middle East are relatively high, although not in Yemen, Syria and Iraq • The picture for Africa is very complex, with the extreme north and south having decent HDI levels, but some regions with shockingly low numbers
  • 9. Core and Periphery • Some countries remain largely unconnected to the modern globalised world. • This is especially true in Sub-Saharan Africa , which remains very much part of the global periphery (see map) • Other peripheral regions include north South Asia, the Andean region, parts of East and Central Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has a range of factors which make development very challenging; these include debt • Growth areas (upward levels, landlocked states, conflict, corruption, Aids/ transition) are much HIV, malaria, lack of infrastructure and better connected to the communications, low education levels, drought and global core areas. many others
  • 10. Global Players • There are a range of players involved in the development process: Player Role World Bank / These two IGOs lend money to the developing world – essentially funding IMF development, and as part of this process guide economic policy (the IMF). Much of the developing world’s debt is owed to the IMF and WB. TNCs Invest in the developing world e.g. building factories; Foreign Direct Investment tends to flow to low cost locations, but where people are educated and skilled; Africa’s share of FDI is therefore small. United Nations Monitors the MDG, but has many component organisation which focus on development (UNDP), health (WHO), food and farming (FAO) and environmental issues (UNEP); often involved in disaster relief as well as longer term aid. Governments Developed world governments provide funding for the UN, IMF and WB. They also provide bi-lateral aid the developing world in the form of Official Development Assistance (ODA). Developing World governments manage their countries path to development. NGOs Charities and not-for-profit organisations provide aid to the developing world, often in a smaller, more localised way compared to Governments and IGOs. Some NGOs receive government funding Individuals As consumers and voters, individuals can alter government policy both in the developed and developing world; community led development in becoming more common; developed world consumers may support fair trade.
  • 11. Trade and development • Trade is important to development, because it generates income. • Least developed countries play a limited role in trade: • LDCs tend not to be part of trade blocs, so their exports are subject to tariffs • LDCs often export commodities, the price of which fluctuates wildly (see graph) • Cheap commodity export earn The 49 least developed few Dollars, but Dollars have to countries be used to import manufactured account for only 0.9% of good – this creates poor terms of world trade, trade (see picture) but have over 700 million • Much of the value of the products people we buy is added outside the country which supplied the raw materials
  • 12. 2. The consequences of the gap • The development gap means The African countries shown all that poverty is common in have infant mortality rates of over 80/1000 live births, and least developed countries, under 5 mortality of over especially in Sub-Saharan 100/1000; Sierra Leone’s 2008 Africa rates were 160 and 278 • In many countries males still have more access to education than females, and this has an impact on opportunities later in life (see diagram for Pakistan) • In some situations, such as the Indian Caste system (still prevalent in rural India – see pyramid), society has built inequality into the social system
  • 13. Megacities • Poverty and lack of opportunity is often most A UN-Habitat report in 2006 stated there was acute in rural areas* “concrete evidence that there are two cities within one city – one part of the urban population that has • However, developing world all the benefits of urban living, and the other part, megacities contain growing the slums and squatter settlements, where the poor often live under worse conditions than their rural concentrations of urban relatives.” poverty • Some 1 billion people live in urban slums, likely to grow to 2 billion by 2030 • Slums often have: Poorly built, shack housing Limited and expensive water supply Limited sanitation Informal, unreliable employment Lack of rubbish collection Social problems such as disease, crime Few services such as education and health *see the rural urban data for Pakistan and Guatemala on previous and next slides
  • 14. Ethnic and religious dimensions • Ethnic and religious minorities often suffer worse poverty than the wider population • The data for Guatemala show a large different between poverty rates for Native Indians and the White Hispanic population • Such differences can result from subtle prejudice, and direct discrimination and persecution • In South Africa, the long history of 2001 Census Black South White South apartheid has left a legacy of stark Africans Africans differences between black and Under 15 yrs old 34% 19% white populations No education 22% 1% • Often different ethnic groups live Households with a 31% 95% telephone in different geographical areas Adult mean income $1600 $8800 e.g. white gated communities versus black townships in South Africa
  • 15. East Timor • East Timor (Timor-Leste) was a Portuguese colony which gained independence in 1975, and was invaded by Indonesia in the same year. • Indonesia occupied East Timor until 1999; East Timor regained its independence in 2002. East Timor Indonesia • The Indonesian campaign against East Colony of Portugal Holland Timorese resistance fighters involved forced resettlement of 1000s of people Religion Catholic Muslim into camps Ave Income $2300 $4000 • The death toll from fighting was high HDI 0.49 0.73 • Portuguese was banned • Around 150,000 Indonesians were Indonesia’s occupation created a settled on East Timor as part of the dual population of poor Timorese Transmigration Programme and better off Indonesian migrants, • Most businesses were taken over by reflected in the post-independence Indonesians differences in HDI and income
  • 16. Poverty reduction at a price? • The pressing need to reduce Social and Environmental Issues poverty has led some countries to ‘go for growth’ •Increased rural –v- urban inequality • Both China and India (and the •Mass rural-urban migration and rise in urban slums ‘Asian Tigers’ before them) •Increased air and water pollution have opened their economies from industry to world trade and •Stress on forests and water supply investment as resource demands rise •Possibility of rising debt; financial • This has created crises employment, raised incomes •Social problems – urban crime and and reduced poverty disease •Worker exploitation and human (estimates of rights abuses extreme poverty) 1980 2005 •Breakdown of traditional family India 45% 25% structures and community support China 60%+ 10%
  • 17. 3. Bridging the gap • How should the development gap be bridged? • This question is important because there are a number of different approaches that might be taken • The choice of approach is influenced by political viewpoint Neo-liberal / Marxist/ Socialist Populist Grassroots Capitalist China, Asian Tigers Cuba, Kerala (India) Venezuela / Latin Community based America •Market led •Breaking free of •Charismatic ‘man of •Small-scale, development, capitalism and profit. the people’ leaders community focussed following the •State ownership and create a ‘them and us’ development often ‘Modernisation Theory’ planning so that profits discourse promising aiming to meet basic of WW Rostow from industry and uses social equality and needs rather than •Stressing industry and for health and using policies that hugely improve infrastructure, free education; usually appeal to the pockets incomes trade and attracting involves wholesale of ordinary people •Often involves local or foreign direct land reform . •Critics state populism international NGOs investment to create •State control and is directionless and who provide some jobs and raise limited involvement in leads to poor economic funding and other incomes. world trade and TNCs decision-making support.
  • 18. Strategies • Development projects are often characterised as either ‘top-down’ or ‘bottom-up’: (see the next slide for examples) Bottom up Top Down Scale Small; based on one community or Large; often part of national planning area e.g. a valley aims Leadership Community and NGOs; partnership Government and government agencies; arrangements construction and engineering TNCs Funding Local people and NGOs; donations or Government, via multilateral aid (WB / source earned income recycled into the IMF) or bilateral aid; private community investment Aims Meeting basic needs of food, health, Meeting national needs in terms of education and water; small energy or water supply, or transport; improvements in income profit Technology Intermediate / appropriate Hi-Tech Types of Food production, water supply, Electricity, transport, industry and project small scale renewable energy infrastructure Winners Local people; the environment Industry, urban dwellers, TNCs Losers Usually are none Environment, rural people
  • 19. • These three projects show contrasting strategies. • ‘A’ is a small-scale, bottom-up intermediate technology project • ‘C’ is a classic ‘top- down’ ‘big project’ with clear winners and losers • ‘B’ is less easy to pigeon-hole as it is a national scheme, hi- tech, but aimed at the poorest and led by an NGO with a private partner
  • 20. Aid • Aid means assistance given to the developing world • Aid can be in the form of money, food, goods, advice and technical assistance • Aid comes from a variety of sources (see diagram). • Development Aid given by OECD countries is termed Official Development Assistance (ODA) • An UN target of OECD countries giving 0.7% of their GDP as ODA has existed for 40 years, but few countries actually give this amount (2006 data): OECD average = 0.45% USA = 0.17% UK = 0.52% Sweden = 1.02%
  • 21. Investment • Flows of money to the developing Governments use Export Processing Zones world may be in the form of aid, but (EPZs)and Free Trade Zones (FTZs) to help attract FDI. China has over 50 of these. In investment is important these zones foreign investors receive • When companies and TNCs invest in special tax breaks, rents are low and unions the developing world this flow is are often banned. called Foreign Direct Investment The top 10 developing world locations for FDI in (FDI) 2007 (in $ millions). • FDI is motivated by profit Notice the lack of least developed countries in the list • FDI is used to set up factories fund China & Hong Kong 1,511,000 construction in the developing world Brazil 328,000 • Most FDI flows towards NICs and RICs Mexico 266,000 because they have a skilled Turkey 146,000 Chile 106,000 workforce, and large markets South Africa 93,000 • There are question marks over the Thailand 86,000 environmental and social value of Malaysia 77,000 FDI is relation to pollution and India 76,000 worker rights Saudi Arabia 76,0000
  • 22. • Some of the least developed countries face stark development choices The Washington Consensus This is a set of economic reforms which the • In order to qualify for debt relief WB and IMF advise developing nations to under the HIPC scheme they must undertake as part of a SAP to qualify for undertake ‘structural adjustment debt relief, and to help development. The policies’ (SAPs) reforms include: • Critics argue that World Bank and •Cutting public spending IMF sponsored SAPs and HIPC are •Currency devaluation in some cases •Removal of import / export barriers simply another way of OECD •Opening up to FDI countries controlling the least •Removing subsidies developed world •Privatisation and deregulation • Others say Washington Consensus The aim of these policies is to help a reforms open countries and workers country enter the global economy and up to exploitation by TNCs benefit trade. • The counter argument is “Look at China”
  • 23. Fair trade • There are alternatives to FDI and Free Trade • ‘Fair-trade’ is perhaps the most well known • Fair-trade coffee, cocoa, cotton and tea farmers receive a ‘fair price’ for their produce, above market prices. • The extra money improves income and some moneys is invested in community health and education projects • Fair trade has grown and spread, but how much difference does it actually make? In 2008 fair-trade coffee sales were $1.75 bil of •Fair Trade coffee price = $1.55 per lb,10% above market price. the global $70 bil • Growers get 50¢ per lb. after Fair Trade cooperative fees, taxes market; only $5 bil of and farm expenses. •Most farmers earn $1,000 ($2.75 per day). that $70 bil went to the • According to Fair Trade researchers at the University of California, developing world the price needed for farmers to rise above subsistence level is more than $2 / lb.
  • 24. Development futures • Bridging the development Gap is a story of both good and bad news: Good news Bad news  o In some countries, such as India and o In regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa China, the gap has narrowed little progress has been made and the gap o Debts have been reduced fro some HIPC has widened countries, possibly giving them a chance o Many African nations will fail to achieve of a new start their MDG targets o Aid in 2008 was at record levels and o The 2008-09 recession may have tipped many OECD countries seem serious about up to 200 million people back into poverty the MDG and hunger, reversing progress o Some initiatives such as Fair Trade have o Aid may be less of a priority in the next helped, and NGOs often make a difference decade as OECD countries struggle with with bottom-up community led projects, their own financial problems but these need to be spread much more o Corruption, conflict and bad governance widely still bedevil may LDCs o Progress has been made with some o Neo-colonial relationships persist diseases such as Aids and Malaria