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Town Hall Meetings
A. Updates – Steve Reider
Welcomed Brian Krick, Director of Risk Management
Director of Risk Management / PI position will be split into 2 separate roles. The position was
posted yesterday, January 3rd. The PI position will also fill the role of the Patient Advocate. This
information is to remain confidential.
The CNO position was not offered to the first CNO candidate. An additional CNO candidate will be
on site next week, Caanan Blakemore. Another candidate is also being spoken to and Steve hopes to
bring that person on sire also.
An Executive Director has been identified for Residential Services, John Smith. Start date is January
15th. Very experienced and knowledgeable. He has also worked with Universal ... Show more
content on ...
24th, 6:00am, Admin Conference Room
Wed., Jan. 24th, 2:00pm, Private Dining Room
Wed., Jan. 24th, 3:30pm, Private Dining Room
C. Action Planning – Steve Reider
The goal for Poplar Springs Hospital is that we keep moving forward as a facility and become more
action oriented and less discussion oriented. There are many priorities that each Sr. Leadership
member has that sometimes creates struggles and prevents the team from staying on track. In order
to help accomplish our goals is to bring discussion to our Sr. Leadership team to help define action
items that need to be completed as a team. This will help define roles of each team member, and it
also creates accountability and responsibility. Each week action items will be defined and weekly
past action items will also be reviewed. Action items will be public and placed on a flip chart.
Each action item will be assigned a team member who will be responsible, a start date, target date,
and updates will be given weekly until completed. Steve started the process by stating his action
items. Items were written on the flip chart by Tina.
– Recruitment of New Hires.
– Participate in CNO / PI Hiring Process
– Orient Brian Krick, Risk
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My First 12 Step Meeting
For posterity's sake, I tried to recall my first 12–step meeting and have concluded that it was most
likely the year 1996, it was cold in the little town of Altoona. The clubhouse was strange, dark,
smelled of coffee, and full of smoke there, the people were all so different, but all of them seemed to
know some secret code, plus they seemed to talk as if reading bumper–stickers. As I "kept coming
back," I began to feel more comfortable, understand what was going on, and want what these people
had. People at these meetings were open, appeared comfortable in their own skins, and had such,
dramatic, fascinating stories that were dark, yet somehow uplifting. Since that time, I have been to a
plethora of various types of meetings at various locations, but there is a theme throughout of trust,
and a bond of acceptance that makes one feel welcome wherever one goes to a meeting. Therefore, I
had a plan to go to Allentown with my fiancée to an NA meeting he used to go to on Saturday night,
however, as things sometimes happens, this did not go as planned. Not to worry, I have learned long
ago that alternative meetings can work just as well, or better. In fact, for all the meetings I have
attended, I have never regretted going, or not gotten something out of it. Ending up going to one of
my favorite meeting places, all worked out for the best, as I felt it would. The Sunday Morning
Speakers Group D–33 at the Muhlenberg Recreation Center on River Road starts at 11:00 a.m.,
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Challenges for Urban Local Governments in India
Asia Research Centre Working Paper 19 Challenges for Urban Local Governments in India Written
by Rumi Aijaz Rumi Aijaz was Visiting Research Fellow at Asia Research Centre in 2006. E–mail: A section of this working paper has been accepted for publication in a
forthcoming issue of the Journal of Asian and African Studies, by Sage Publications Ltd. Copyright
© Rumi Aijaz, 2007 All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research or
private study, or criticism or review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing
of the publisher nor be issued to the public ... Show more content on ...
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Rules And Requirements Of The Records Required From A Hui...
A typical Agenda: 1
The Process and Regulations: 1
The records required from a hui meeting: 2
a copy of the attendance register 2
any apologies from those who may have wanted to attend and could not 2
discussion items listed separately and a general overview of the discussion 2
any decisions made 2
any action items with timeframes and who is responsible 2
records of people who have offered to help and exactly what they will be doing 2
any data or data source that may assist the group in contacting those in the target population 2
if there is to be another meeting, a record of the time and date 2
a record of how people can get access to the minutes 2
any other information that the group feels is relevant 2
(education, 2015) 2
Regulations and statutory requirements associated with such a meetings: 3
A typical agenda: 3
The process required for such meetings: 4
The records required for such meetings: 4
Bibliography 6
Formal Meeting Guide for two NZ Cultures, one to include Maori:
Part 1: Maori Culture:
A typical Agenda:
Hui is a Maori meeting or gathering. To discuss a meeting, this group has a problem in the series
that is used to guide the bending process and include protocol. Hui can last the length of time from
three days to one hour. Hui is also very difficult for recording, audio–visual, including written and
verbal account may require the use of multiple methods. Absolutely central to Maori marae way of
life, it is the focus
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Characteristics Of The New England Colonies
During the seventeenth century most of the early settlers came to America in order escape what they
considered English tyranny. Most of the colonies consisted of diverse people from different
European countries such as, England, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, Spain, and France. The environment
created many challenges for early settlers looking to start a new life in the ever expanding new
world. As more immigrants settled in the colonies, they were becoming more and more like the
country they had fled, but at the same time they were becoming different form one another, which
resulted in two different social groups separated by a region, New England and Chesapeake. New
England states included, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and
Rhode Island whereas Chesapeake states included Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and
Pennsylvania. What set them apart was their different views towards religion, economy, and politics.
Most of the people who settle in the Chesapeake region were farmers, second sons of gentries, and
indenture servants, while most of the settlers in New England consisted of puritans, separatist, and
families. Indentured servants came to America on fixed terms of servitude expanding from four to
five years. Once they completed their terms, their masters were to grant the males clothing, tools,
and occasionally land, but in the end, they were left with nothing. As for the women, upon
competing their term, they were expected to marry.
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Essay on Business: Management and Assessment Task
Simulated workplace
Observation checklists
(Diploma of Business)
Semester 2, 2014
Bernadette Squire
Leading Vocational Teacher
Bachelor of Education/Diploma of Business/Diploma of Project Management
Mob: 0401 098 448
Case Study: Business plan (excerpt)
Conference concept
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
Candidates will need to conduct individual research of available materials and local resources, show
initiative and ... Show more content on ...
Describe the types of benefits and outcomes you expect attendees or others to receive from this
When, Where and Who
Briefly describe approximately when and where the conference will be, as well as the expected
number of attendees. In particular, check the timing of the conference does not clash with any other
key events for your organisation or for target attendees.
Describe broadly what resources (facilities, equipment and people) are available or accessible to
support the conference?
Note: Especially which of these may need to be hired, purchased or tasked from another department
or part of the organisation.
Is there sufficient time for planning and organising the event? In particular, do you have sufficient
human resources to ensure you achieve deadlines in the lead up to the event?
What are the estimated costs (time, personnel, money)? What is the estimated income (money and
in–kind)? This should not be a detailed budget, just an overview of your estimates for these figures.
What barriers could present for this conference? How can any potential barriers be overcome?
Offer your final thoughts and comments about the feasibility of running this conference.
Conference plan
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
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4.1 Explain The Characteristics, Requirements And Purposes...
.1 Explain the characteristics, requirements and purposes of different types of events.
Events are a good way of making a lot of people aware of a particular subject matter. These can be
formal or informal and require a large amount of preparation. Generally events are held over a
longer period of time than a meeting and include a larger audience. They can be held at various
venues such as a marquee, a hotel with conference facilities or in the open air. They can involve
members of your organisation, members of other organisations or the general public. The different
purposes of holding an event could be for an exhibition a trade show or fundraisers which are
generally held on a large scale. Product launches and team events are another type of event. Please
see 6.4 for further details.
6.2 Explain the types of information and information sources needed to organise an event.
A venue is required to hold the event. A presenter is required to deliver the presentation of the event,
furniture will be needed, chairs, tables, OHP's or laptops to help with the presentation as ... Show
more content on ...
From this you can then arrange for a venue. A plan is then needed of what information is going to
communicated and who will present this, will it be just 1 presenter or a number of different people.
Will any films / videos be shown, will it be interactive. Invitations should be sent out plenty of time
before the event so that you can gauge how many people are likely to attend. A number of people
will be required to help set up the venue with tables, chairs, refreshments and other facilities. You
should consider whether anyone requires an overnight stay and whether this will be paid for by the
company or by the individual. Confirmation of the venue should be sought a month before the actual
date of the event to avoid any
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Personal Narrative: The Chamber Of Commerce
I had the chance to attend the final legislative breakfast of the year sponsored by the Chamber of
Commerce on April 17th. When I first walked into the room I wasn't sure where I was supposed to
sit or if there was something I had to do before I sat down. Luckily, one of the ladies from the
Fairfield Chamber of Commerce noticed I was a little lost, so she asked me if I was a student and
then she showed me where my seat was, right in front of the representatives' tables and the podium.
More people started to show up and eventually, Representative Curt Hanson, Senator Mark
Chelgren, and Representative David Heaton arrived.
Quite a few issues were covered during the meeting, one question lead to the discussion of the
dismantling of the Des Moines
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Case Study Sterling
This experience was definitely not what I expected it to be; Sterling is a small town and it always
seems like there is nothing to do. However, not I see that it is looking to expand and incorporate
many modern ideas into the old–fashioned community. In addition, I did not realize how many
crucial issues the Council deals with on a daily basis (i.e. the marijuana bill). Although Sterling may
be a smaller town, but a lot of government and other proceedings go on actively. Moreover, I
expected a much longer meeting both times. The first time I understand there was not much to talk
about; however, even for all the things covered in the second meeting, it went relatively fast. Maybe
if I had stayed for the work session it would seem longer. Secondly, ... Show more content on ...
The first is the level of government responsible. We had a discussion over this early in the course
and I got the full understanding after attending these meetings. For example, the marijuana–selling
bill came up at the first meeting I attended. It is legal in the state of Colorado to sell marijuana;
however, if you local county/city/etc. does not permit it, you are not allowed to. This is the case in
Sterling, but it may soon change. The second concept I witnessed when attending these meeting was
voter, or public, participation. As I stated before, not many people attended the first meeting. Maybe
two rows of chair were filled total. If more people were involved with their local governments, more
actions could be completed and things could be done quicker. I am going to encourage more people
I know to attend these meetings, not only for the publics' sake but also for their own knowledge and
awareness. Finally, I witnessed many tax and other budget issues being handled and contemplated at
the meetings. For example, the City Manager Saling talked about the sales tax is still on a steady
incline that is likely to continue. He encouraged the public to be aware and watch this so they can
adjust their personal budgets. In addition, the budget issue appeared again with the marijuana bill.
The Council
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The At The Busse Woods Dam
The meeting began with the traditional role call. All six members of the Board of Trustees were
present, the mayor, and two additional people who were never introduced also sat at the podium in
front of the crowd. A convocation was said by Dickens Arnegie from St. Julian Church in the Village
and then the Board and Mayor approved the minutes for the evening. A few awards were given to
members of the community. The first was to an Elk Grove Village Police Officer who was being
promoted to Sergeant and the others were for the newest member of the K–9 team, for the oldest
member who was retiring, and the veterinarian who offers his services for free to the K–9 team at all
hours of the day.
After the awards were presented, the mayor ... Show more content on ...
Along with the overall community report, each member of the board gave a brief description about a
meeting or event they attended that month and what happened at the meeting or event. They also
gave a report about each of their committees. Here is a list of the Trustees and the committee they
reported on:
Nancy J. Czarnik:Parade Committee
Patton L. Feichter: Recycling and Waste Committee
Jeffrey C. Franke: Youth Committee
James P. Petri: Capital Improvements Committee
Samuel L. Lissner: Business Leaders Forum
Christine K. Prochno: Information Committee, no report
The Village Manager, who we later find out is one of the two not introduced members sitting on the
podium, reports that he has no announcements, except that last meeting someone (the Mayor)
brought up El Nino and the town had bad weather because of it. The only other activity of the
evening was a gentleman who addressed the board about continuing municipal likeness for his
community center.
This unit of government is very focused on its people. Every topic discussed is related to their
community and how successful community events were or what the meetings mean to the public.
This really brings the local government idea to life. The people know their leaders. They can put a
face to the name because the members of the Board and the Mayor attend community events.
During the meeting the Mayor recognized one of the people in the crowd and said,
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Cedar Knolls Meeting Report
The A.A Meeting took place in the Church Notre Dame of Mt at Cedar Knolls. When the meeting
started, I ask myself where are the guys seeking for help? When I realized that they all were
seeking for help. They did not look like they need it help, they look like you and me. When the
meeting started first they when in to The twelve traditions and then to the events that they have
each week, at the first I could understand what was going on they were laughing one another. When
an old man when to the front to introduced his self. At the end of his introduction he asks everyone
(except us) to give money to him, because he has things to pay, when he pasted the pot all around
the room, everyone started to give something. I thought it was a joke but ... Show more content on ...
What is cough me more the attention is that everyone donated, is like everyone helps one another in
the small room, because they know, what have been an alcoholic. A man introduced his self as
alcoholic, and he started to talk about his life. He said this addiction comes from my family, his
mom was alcoholic and his dad used drugs. He said I'm pretty sure that my mom used to drink
alcohol when she was pregnant of me, when he was a kid his mother used a pill to calm him down,
when he was sick. He moved to Florida, and he started his new job, which helped him to make
money, to spend in alcohol and drugs. At his early age he got married because his wife was
pregnant, she stop using drugs during her pregnancy, it became very hard for him because she was
his partner. One day one of his sister told him about a AA Meeting, and he wanted to try it because
he saw his sister into that, they
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Bob Whitley V. Skyfixter
Bob Whitley stood in front of his bathroom mirror and adjusted his red tie. He had to look neat, trim
and proper; for he had to deliver a public speech at the local town hall in 3 hours. It was a pleasant
Tuesday afternoon, and the weather felt just fine, and Bob wanted to look sharp. In 3 hours, he
would not only deliver a well–prepared speech but he also would have to answer any questions from
some concerned citizens. After all, Bob Whitley had been elected the local State Representative 3
years ago. As State representative, Bob's duties were not just passing bills into law, but also included
meeting with people he represented: Teachers, citizens, the police, local businesspeople, blue–collar
workers, and so on. It was quite a ... Show more content on ...
People might get even sicker or heaven forbid – die. But Skyfixter would do the best it could to
provide a safe environment. After all, these new chemicals would be scientifically innovative, reap
more profits and even provide more jobs. Bob would sometimes feel a little guilty about all of this.
What if the chemicals would be too dangerous? Bob didn't want to be responsible for people getting
sick – or worse. But Bob had 3 kids and a beautiful wife. He and his family had been used to the
good life, and none of them really wished to lower their value of living. Life was good for Bob and
his family, and now it was going to get even better. Much better. Bob and his family would enjoy a
wonderful life and not have to worry about anything, anymore. Bob looked at his front lawn and
saw his limousine driver pull up in his driveway. As Bob got up and picked up his briefcase and
papers, he told himself that everything would be fine. Just do what the Skyfixter officials have asked
you to do. Go by their instructions, and they will take care of the rest. Don't worry about the
dangerous chemicals, Skyfixter has got that covered, and they've done it many times before. They
know what they're doing and
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I Am Met With A Seminary Student Essay
Recently I met with a seminary student I have been meeting with for the past two years. Our normal
room was taken and we ended up in one across the hall. After setting into his chair, the man looked
around and said, I am glad we are in this room today. I wondered out loud, Why? He then
explained it was the room we used when we first began to meet in 2014, and being in it reminded
him of how much God had grown him since then.. We spent much of the hour remembering each
semester and what changed took place in each season. God had done a powerful work. We could see
how far he had come, and we were filled with anticipation for what God was doing in his life
This story was repeated over and over the past couple of weeks. The ending of another semester
provided a natural vista from which to gaze back over the previous months and years to see how
significantly the Spirit of God had been working and how much growth had taken place since we
have begun meeting.
For some, we have been meeting for years, long enough to see the ebbs and flows of their spiritual
life and to notice how different their response to the challenges and trials of life has become.
Sometimes our time together is a celebration of how much God has done and how much they have
grown. There is something very powerful in their finding themselves in a very familiar situation, and
noticing by the way they are walking through it that they are a different person than they were
before. It is the joy
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Mckinsey 7-Marc Case Study Essay
Case Study Analysis: Tufts–NEMC
Ellen Zane had her work cut out for her at Tufts–NEMC. The Tufts University affiliated teaching
and research hospital had long been on the decline. It was mired in financial difficulty, was falling
behind other teaching and research AMCs, and was not effectively serving its local community.
Beginning on the day she accepted her position as CEO, Ellen Zane started on a path of reform.
Upon learning that the hospital only had 10 months of cash on hand, she began brainstorming on
how to make the hospital financially viable, starting by meeting payroll needs first. She discovered
that Tufts–NEMC was being drastically underpaid and began looking for solutions to the problem of
reimbursements. One of the more ... Show more content on ...
Financial security remains one of the hospital's major challenges. Branding is also an issue. Tufts–
NEMC does not have a strong presence in the local community, and can improve its standing among
other AMCs. Findings its place among its competitors and creating a legacy are key components of
In analyzing this case study, we looked toward the McKinsey 7–S Model. This model was created
and developed by Peters and Waterman of McKinsey and Company. They investigated 43
companies in the US, such as IMB, McDonald's, TI, HP, etc., all of which were outstanding in their
industries, and found common points of success for these organizations. The McKinsey Model is the
result of this research. The model consists of 7 elements: Shared Value, Strategy, Structure, Systems,
Style, Staff, and Skill. The elements are of crucial importance to the organization and need to be
aligned when organizations experience change or challenges. These elements have been outlined
Strategy refers to the plan or action taken to achieve organizational goals. When Ellen took over
Tufts–NEMC, the hospital was struggling with payroll and scale. Ellen had to focus on meeting
payroll, a short–term strategy, and could not focus entirely on the longer term. She took some
immediate measures to help cut cost
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American Colony Lifestyles Essay examples
So close yet so far The lifestyle in the three American colonies sections, varied dramatically, the
most obvious was the difference between the New England and the Southern colonies. The New
England colonies varied in many ways from the southern colonies, the most obvious were the
motives for the founders, the political and social beliefs, and economic differences. The New
England colonies were much more interested in starting a new way of life for the generations to
come, the Southern colonies based lived for the day and the quick dollar. The Founders of the New
England colonies had different views for the new world then the views of the Southern Founders.
Although both founders were of English decent they came for very different ... Show more content
on ...
The differences in the governmental structure affected the social classes in the colonies. People were
looked at in very different ways in New England compared to the Southern Colonies. The social
structure in the New England Colonies based itself around family. Families would have around 8–10
children and at the same time, people began to live after 65, compared to the average of 40–50
before. Because of the high birthrate and the extended life expectancy, it is known as the New
England colonists that invented the modern day grandparents. In the South there was a high rate of
disease and the life expectancy was around 50 years old. There were very few women in the south,
making the women very important, giving them more power then in the north. The southern children
were rarely given education, if any it was by tutors. In the North almost all children got education.
These factors of family lead to a change in the economic structures. The economic aspirations of the
South were greatly different then those of the New England colonies. The New England soil was
rocky and not very suitable for growing many cash crops. New England spent a lot of its resources
on raising cattle and grain, where the South could focus on tobacco and rice. The New England
colonies did a lot of manufacturing, such as ship building, these types of jobs did not require slaves,
which reduced
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Disciplinary Process
Process – Report
Disciplinarily Process
Natalie Dahl
The purpose of this report is to provide the background and reasons why the decisions by Fair Work
Australia were made in Sam's favour. It identifies areas the company needs to address and
implement in order to prevent this type of situation from occurring again.
Work History as Sam's Team Manager
As Sam's Team Manager I was aware that my predecessors response when dealing with her lacked
in encouragement and was poorly handled. Sam is a diligent worker however, due to the company
changing programming language to one Sam was unfamiliar with she has been unable to meet
specific deadlines.
Time was spent with Sam trying to understand her issues ... Show more content on
The company needs to conduct Monthly performance reviews on all staff ensuring that agenda's are
used and meetings following the reviews are documented and filed according and if poor
performance is a topic on the agenda senior management and a human resources specialist is
attendance. Decisions made in performance management reviews are to be documented and
conducted using the recommended template (see appendix 3)
Should the employee still not meet expectations as agreed upon in Performance reviews the
following steps need to be followed and all actions taken need to comply with legislation (Fair work
Australia Act 2009 – Small business fair dismissal) as set by Fair Work Australia.
Proposed Company Strategy for Employee misconduct:
The company needs to review its policy on what is deemed as employee misconduct and the
consequences of employee misconduct, the review of this policy needs to be done by senior
management and the Human Resources Department making sure the policy and consequences are
clear, concise and in line with legislation as set by Fair Work Australia.
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Meeting At The Council Chambers Of The Durham Town Hall Essay
On Wednesday, October 26th, 2016, I attended the Durham planning board meeting located at the
Council Chambers of the Durham Town Hall. The meeting began at 7:00pm and went till 10:05 pm.
The planning board members that were present are as follows: Andrew Corrow, Chair, William
McGowan, Vice Chair, Barbara Dill, Jim Lawson, Town Council Rep., Lorne Parnell, Paul
Rasmussen, Alan Bennett, Council Alternate, Bob Brown, Alternate, Wayne Lewis, Alternate,
Michael Behrendt, Town Planner and Victoria Parmele, Minute Taker. Roughly 30 attendees came to
the meeting, including citizens with an interest in the community and intention to speak, as well as
the general public. The process first began with a call to order, followed by a roll call and then the
seating of alternates. There was then an approval of agenda items, a report given by the town
planner, reports from the board members, and then the board members opened the floor to public
comments, which none were given. Before the issues were addressed there was a review of old
minutes, and selection of a new secretary. Following the agenda items, the issues were presented.
David Newhall, who is a perspective lot buyer, brought the first issue to attention, which was asking
for approval to construct a driveway, and water and electric utilities for a new single–family house.
This new development would occur within the Wetland Conservation Overlay District and this
proposal was the final action of this movement. The board members
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Community Reflection Report
As a member of the city of Milwaukie's Vision Action Committee, I feel my contribution to my
community is substantial. Starting back in August of 2016 I began to meet with various individuals
from the community, all of which wanted to see change for the better in Milwaukie. These people
are men and women, old and young, lifelong Milwaukians and new residents, business owners and
employees of an organization, or in my case a student. Coming from all walks of life we divested a
few hours once a month to discuss and plan the future of Milwaukie. We started with a dream, a
single question, what is the most ideal Milwaukie? This question, of course, is different for every
person in that meeting, but that's the point. In the beginning stages of the VAC we discussed this
vision, our personal vision and eventually our collective vision. During this process we thought of
four major pillars of life, those being planet, place, people, and prosperity. These pillars were our
guiding principles that everything, one way or another had to come back to. Once our vision was set
and our mission statement drafted we opened our work to the public by holding a town hall meeting.
This town hall took place in November, nearly four months from the beginning of our endeavor. We
left that meeting with great feedback and fantastic suggestions, as well as the notion that we still
have a tremendous amount of work to complete. While our vision statement was liked and accepted
by the masses the main
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Town Hall Meeting Follow-Up
Discussion: A. Town Hall Meeting Follow–up – Steve Reider Notes from the Town Hall meeting
were distributed to the group. The notes were broken into categories: Maintenance, Nursing/MHT
Concerns, Care of Patients, MHT Increase/Incentive, HR, Clinicians/UM, and Miscellaneous.
During the discussion, Tina added additional notes as topics were discussed. Steve asked the team to
please review, and provide feedback in the next Sr. Leadership meeting. B. RTC Wrist Bands –
Felecia Arbuah Felecia shared that RTC patients do not wear wrist bands to identify allergies to
food. A picture is given to the dietary staff when the patient comes to eat the first time. Felecia will
follow–up with Gretchen to see how they are identifying patients with ... Show more content on ...
For a rolling 12 month period, the current turnover rate is at 74%. In some areas, it is over 100%.
Morry told the group that each Sr. Leader needs to focus on their department and establish a
retention plan on how to retain staff. Steve added that all departments have had their challenges and
the team needs to understand employee needs and what it takes to retain staff. Frank shared that in
Military they are working on creating a new atmosphere by creating a hospital within a hospital
concept. This would consist of a new name; instead of calling it the Military Program, it will have
some sort of Military based operational name where they can then create tee shirts for the staff, a
website that links to that name, and make the unit more cohesive. This will help bring the unit closer
together. It is also very important to have core teams on each unit. John added that the staff is upset
that core staff will be pulled to work other units, but the resource staff will be given the 1st option of
where they would like to work. Fulltime staff feels they are not being treated fairly. Michael also
added that a lot of times holes need to be filled at the last minute that create a hardship for all. More
staff is needed to help build a core
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Social Work Case Study Scenarios
Onboard as Chief of Police for the past two weeks, Chief William Ponce along with Lt. Ewald will
open next week's neighborhood watch meeting on Thursday, Oct. 6 at the Senior Center located on
40 N. Moon Mountain Ave., at 6 p.m.
Coordinated by the citizen group with David Bear Collier as the director, next week's meeting will
provide general concerns of the town, what residents can do to prevent them and ways to handle the
upcoming winter visitors.
With the help of former Chief H. Ernest Renfro, the people of Quartzsite established the program
last year, in hopes of boosting community morale and providing safety to different areas in town.
Sponsored by the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA), the National Crime Prevention Council
says, ... Show more content on ...
Rainbows are the group of people which tend to be a burden on both our citizens and our business
owners––– they live a drifter type lifestyle and typically don't work, Chief Ponce said. As a
caution,it is advised that during business hours, workers keep a watchful eye for large groups of
people entering the store. It is during those times when the group is known to heavily shoplift.
According to Chief Ponce, they're usually dressed in an unkempt fashion and travel in packs.
It's important for police departments to engage the community through outreach programs and to
build relationships that last, [since] we as police [officers] can't do this job alone, Chief Ponce
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My Observation Of Weekly Care Plan Meetings
I am expected to attend weekly care plan meetings every Thursday. In the past I was an observer in
the weekly care plan meetings. Now, I am a full participant as I am the person who schedule the
meeting over the phone and gather all the books and sheets before the meeting begins. Also, Cobble
Hill also has a resident council meeting in which I had the opportunity to attend. I also attend a
dementia meeting which is once a week. In addition to the various meetings that I attend, there are
also in–services that are mandated for all staff to attend such as, a town hall meeting, which is a
reminder about Cobble Hill policy and procedures such as infection control, HIPAA, safety and
emergency protocol.
Natasha Mahase is my field instructor. She
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A Meeting At The First Congregational Church
I went to an AA meeting at the First Congregational Church in New London, Connecticut on
Monday February 22, at 7 pm. It was located in a larger room in the basement of the church. There
were around fifteen members that attended. The individual's came from an array of different ages
and ethnicities, both men and woman. There was no one race or ethnicity that dominated another in
the meeting, it was a very warm, accepting atmosphere. I noticed right away that there was more
young adults around the age of thirty than elderly members. There was also around the same number
of males and females in attendance. The meeting began with the appointed leader asking if there
were any new members in the group, and gave them a chance to introduce themselves. I also
introduced myself at this time, and explained my role as a student. They then transitioned into
reciting the serenity prayer and having a moment of silence, allowing them to give thanks to their
higher power. The leader then had different individuals recite the week's motivational phrase and
reflect on the quote. The quote talked about forgiving yourself as an alcoholic, and the concept of
letting go of the guilt that they have over hurting themselves and the people that they love when they
were under the influence. This topic was very triggering for the members, and lead them into a very
power discussion around the different people in their lives that were directly affected by their
drinking. One woman spoke about losing the
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Town Hall Meeting Research Paper
The town hall meeting took place on Thursday July 14 in Washington D.C. and was hosted by
president Obama. The event was an hour long and broadcasted on ABC networks. It was a national
conversation about law enforcement, race, and about how important it is that we all come together
during times such as this instead of allowing these terrible acts of violence to create a divide among
us. The Town hall meeting consisted of Americans from all over the country in search of answers to
their questions from the president. There were discussions covering gun violence and police tactics
in the country. The audience of the event was full of family members, police officers, along with
mothers, fathers and their children. Many of the families in the room
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Kimberley Process Certification Scheme: Overview
Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS)
Africa has a history of political turmoil, which often led to frequent Coups staged by the military.
These armed forces used proceeds from sales of illegitimate diamonds to fund their operations. In
Angola, UNITA used the illegitimate trade of diamonds to fund itself. This resulted in sanctions
being placed upon Angola by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in July 1998. The world
became aware that conflict diamonds were being used fund and sustain armed rebel forces in
various African countries.
Establishment of the KPCS
A meeting of Southern African diamond–producing states was held in Kimberley in May 2000 to
discuss issues presented by conflict diamonds. This ... Show more content on ...
Regularly share information with other Participants including statistical data on mining production
and participating in peer review exercises. The WDC created a System of Warranties for diamonds
that has been endorsed by all KPCS participants. Each company trading in diamonds must also keep
records of the warranty invoices received and the warranty invoices issued when buying or selling
diamonds. This flow of warranties in and out must be audited and reconciled on an annual basis by
the company's auditors.
Failure to comply with the requirements of the KPCS will result in a suspension and possibly
expulsion from the KPCS. In an instance where non–compliance is reported, Participants are given
an opportunity and support to comply with the requirements before they are suspended. This is the
current case with Zimbabwe.
The Structure of the KPCS
The KPCS relies on The Chair supervises the KPCS. The Chair is elected on an annual basis at a
plenary meeting. Various Working Groups then support the Chair. A Working Group on Monitoring
monitors each participant to ensure that it is implementing the scheme correctly. Then there is the
Working Group of Diamond Experts that reports on the difficulties in implementation and proposed
solutions. The Statistics Working Group, which reports on diamond trading data. The Participation
Committee reports to the Chair on its recommendations on proposed
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Simulation Reflection Paper
Simulation Reflection The simulation was very interesting in that my partner and I were given an
opportunity to think critically about how to approach to influence different managers and workers
with different characteristics. By running the simulation twice, it allowed us to find out what actions
have worked and what did not during the first run, and then second run allowed us to apply what we
learned to complete the second simulation in a much more efficient and timely manner. There are
three stages in the simulation, including mobilization, movement, and sustain phases. The
simulation begins in the mobilization phase, and in this phase it was important to get everyone
aware of the new change we wish to initiate in the company. The key ... Show more content on ...
Now that we have completed the simulation, we realized that we would rather want to conduct
private means of persuasions in precedent to more public ones. In other words, we understood that
embarking our crews on a same boat comes before guiding all of our crews to focus on the same
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Case Study Of Urban Amarillo
Amarillo is the biggest city around the panhandle around us there are small counties that will benefit
greatly of services provided in the city. Many of the clients cannot afford or have the ability to travel
to get the services need it, social workers need to understand the importance of traveling and
meeting with clients. It also creates difficulties when communicating with agencies with in town in
order to get accurate information. People living in rural areas face different challenges including
transportation issues, not knowing where to go, and economic issues. The Elderly might find it
difficult to travel to the city due to transportation or health issues. During winter it can also be
difficult for the social worker to travel to different
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Obama At The Town Hall Meeting Of The 2008 Presidential...
Barack Obama at the town hall meeting of the 2008 presidential campaign, as reported CBS news,
said, I don 't speak a foreign language. It 's embarrassing! His statement was an emphatic response
to the English hegemony faced by the U.S. immigrants. They should be confident to have a language
ability other than English, despite the fact they have been struggling to learn English. In making this
comment, Obama urged us to learn a foreign language other than our native tongue because being
bilingual is better than monolingual. It was also a critique of the initiative of the English Only
movement which intensively advocates for making English as the official language of the United
States. Therefore, I agree that Americans should work together to foster a language pluralism and to
challenge any endeavors to make English–only as the official language.
The language policy which promotes English as the official language of the United States has been
controversial since three decades ago. The U.S. Congress had never considered declaring English as
the nation's official language. However, since 1981 there are the increased movements of the
English–only idea commenced by the late Senator S I. Hayakawa who introduced the English
Language Amendment. It was the first Congress proposal to declare English as the nation's official
language (Crawford 1992, p. 90). Fortunately, this proposal disappeared without Congressional
action. If the proposed bill had been approved by Congress,
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War Memorial History
From the outset parish war memorial committees sent out requests to members of the public to
nominate names for inclusion on the memorials. They received these in writing from the next of kin,
from descendants and, in some cases, from an informed member of the public (either privately or on
behalf of an organisation). They accepted evidence through word of mouth, from newspaper articles,
church announcements and through door–to–door enquiries. Some committees decided that only
those born in a town or village would be commemorated; some opted for birth and/or residence at
time of death, whilst others allowed the names of anyone who had lived in the village at any time.
Some, as in the case of Misterton, saw the addition of a female whose nursing ... Show more content
on ...
There were those who described it as evidence of a 'deplorable lack of interest by the general public
in this worthy object.' When it was put on the agenda for the Parish Council to discuss, the meeting
had to be cancelled owing to the schoolroom having no heat and the likelihood of there being no
gas. For a time it looked as though there would be no resolution. Many felt this would leave
Epworth as a 'town without a site' and cause considerable embarrassment, particularly as places such
as Belton, Finningley and Haxey were well advanced with their plans for a memorial. Mr. Arthur
Maw said that when he had spoken to people about a memorial, many believed that, since the Parish
Church and the Nonconformist Churches were erecting memorial tablets in their respective places of
worship, they felt there was no need for a public memorial. When the decision to continue was taken
there were issues over what style the memorial would take. For those who favoured a stone
monument their difficulty lay in finding a suitable site. Both the Market Place and the frontage of
Barnes and Breeze shop were considered but discounted. The idea of buying the Imperial Hall and
turning into a recreation and meeting place for the town was rejected. Upgrading the town's water
supply came up for consideration but was quickly dismissed. A deputation from the men who had
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Summary: Town Hall Meetings
The second objective our agency will advise to NFL to complete is for each team to create and
develop their own town hall meetings in their own cities. The purpose of these town hall meetings is
to connect the players with the police officers and start a dialogue about how change can happen.
The NFL would like the three following tactics to take place during these town hall meetings. First,
all players who decide to protest the Anthem must attend or will be subject to fines by the
Commissioner. Second, all police departments and fire departments in the surrounding area of the
team must be invited. The NFL wants everyone to feel welcome, so that we can discuss changes for
the present and the future. Third, the teams will sell tickets to the ... Show more content on ...
Each team will run a clinic at each of their facilities. Current players and coaches will run the
clinics. The participates will be local youth and high school teams and they will come to the team
facilities and have a clinic that involves hands on coaching from top NFL players and coaches. The
objective here is to have the coaches and players teach youth players proper tackling techniques that
will hopefully reduce the amount of concussions at the youth level and as those players progress in
the playing careers they will have the tools to play the game safely. The clinic will also feature a
panel of team doctors and medical professionals that will advocate to the youth players proper
protocol when dealing with a concussion. The medical officials will describe concussion symptoms
and help the youth players identify these symptoms for when they are playing. The doctors will also
provide the youth players with the steps necessary to recover properly from a concussion.
Concussions are a huge part of the current NFL game and being able to teach youth players how to
properly tackle and deal with concussions will only help reduce the number of concussions at the
youth level and as they progress through college and hopefully to the NFL. The second objective
that I will advise the NFL to complete is creating a league wide charity event. The money received
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The Representation Of Elected Board Members
On April 3rd, at 7:30 pm I went to a Town Hall meeting in Annville, PA. This representative town
meeting was led by five individuals elected by the township voters, and are known as the Township
Commissioners. These people are Thomas Embich, Henri Lively, Rex Moore (President), Jim Scott
(Vice–President), Joann Zimmerman. The job of these elected board members is to beresponsible
for the general governance of the Township with legislative, executive, and administrative powers to
ensure sound fiscal management and secure the health, safety, and welfare of community residents.
(Administration) With this in mind, the board was able to successfully go through and cover all
topics listed on the agenda in an organized fashion with ... Show more content on ...
I feel like Section 2:Reports of Special Committees went by at a really fast pace. We flew by a lot of
the topics brought up such as Part A:Executive Sessions, Part B: Planning Commissions, and Part
C:Economic Development.One topic that was given a little more attention was Part H:Stormwater
Management. It is going to need a two step process, the processes referred to last meeting. Worst
case scenario Annville pays $83463.63 per year for 5 years to renew 10% of the settlements on the
creek and chesapeake bay to keep them clean. Everyone was in favor of the two step process. From
this topic and others in this particular section I felt like the board really trusted their own judgement
which is an important quality to have as an individual in their position. They even had the courtesy
of turning to us and informing us on the exact amount of money that we would need to spend in
stormwater management if there was to be a huge problem. I appreciated that because a town hall
meeting if not only for the representatives, it's for the community to stay informed as well. In
Section 3:Old Business, there were only three parts, but we ended up spending the most time on this
section. Specifically on Part B:Sharrows which are Travel lane shared by motor vehicles and
bicycles. Henri Lively and Joann Zimmerman in particular had very strong feelings about
Sharrows.Lively felt as if there just wasn't enough room.He was concerned about how narrow our
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American Lip Project Analysis
I entered the delicate balance project process with the intention of continuing the American chestnut
restoration project that I initiated last semester. I was enticed by the appeal of bringing a lapsed
keystone species back into the forests of Vermont, and the romantic legacy it might provide for my
project. Unfortunately, I encountered a few challenging roadblocks in the American chestnut
project's early stages of implementation, such as lack of availability of blight resistant seedlings and
the reality that non–blight resistant seedlings would most likely die as they did at Sterling College.
Although I was enthusiastic about the hands–on physical element of my original project, I did feel
that it lacked an element of social justice that I hoped to convey through my project.
Given the lackluster social implications of the chestnut project, combined with its high likelihood of
failure, I decided to look for a worthy past delicate project to continue or for a current project to
join. Ultimately, I wanted to find a project that combined my passion for political activism with
meaningful, ... Show more content on ...
Over the course of several meeting with senate and specific senate members, it became clear that
senate was fully aware that something had to be done to involve students in campus wide decision
making and provide a forum where students' needs and concerns could be shared.
We ended up collaborating with senate in presenting the first community conversation to the student
body. Although this proto–community meeting didn't follow the structure of future community
meetings, it served to gauge student interest and exceeded our project proposals ideal results with
a turnout of over forty students (10% of the on campus student body). The feedback session we led
the following week was also a success, although, as expected, it did not generate the same level of
participation that the original community meeting
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Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay
Psych: Drug Addiction
The meeting I attended was held in Millersville University at Lehr Hall at 9:30 Am. I attended the
meeting alone and was initially very hesitant and uncomfortable with the idea. At the beginning not
unexpected occurred really happened. It appeared to be a very informal meeting that everyone
seemed to already be acquainted. All the members directed each other by name and I was welcomed
by, what seemed to be, a regular attendee as well as a new member. I sat down and initiated
conversation with the member next to me. She informed me that she goes to multiple meetings and
this was her first time at the specific location. She asked me of my major and other information. A
member of the group, who seemed to be the ... Show more content on ...
This put the topic more towards forgiveness rather than anything else. The only topic discussed, as I
recall, was forgiveness. Many members gave their accounts of moments in which they felt sorry
and how they handled the situation. I will refrain from going into further detail about any of the
members of the group to keep their anonymity. The meeting concluded with the serenity prayer. I
was not familiar with this prayer so I just held the hands of those near me and bowed my head out of
respect. Specific attendees of the meetings appeared more active and attentive than others. Some of
them seemed as though they did not want to be there and looked miserable. About one or two of the
members even fell asleep a couple of times. Maybe some members went because they had to or
because they just wanted to help tell themselves that they are trying. This really interested me
because it is important to take notice that some people go and progress due to being active and
others are just forced. In the case of being forced it is very easy to go to the meeting and just not be
attentive or active. During the meeting I felt very enlightened. The topic of forgiveness is very broad
and is even relevant in my own life. The viewpoint on the topic was very different and interesting.
They talked more about being forgiving of ourselves because we are the ones that cause ourselves to
react negatively to life's daily hassles and stressors. They also spoke on the control
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William Penn Informative Speech
We are all gathered here tonight to talk about a recent series of events that has come to my
attention, said Cotton Mather as he looked out at the group of board members. Anne Hutchinson
was always the one to speak at these kinds of meetings, but I guess she allowed Cotton to take over
for the night. Everyone sat eagerly at the edge of their seats except for Anne, who already knew
what this breaking news was. The other board members were Jonathan Edwards and William Penn,
two men who never seemed to get along with each other. William just wanted things to be peaceful,
but Jonathan always took to more dark and violent route. They sat at opposite ends of the room, and
rarely said a word to each other – well, at least not any kind ones. Two ... Show more content on ...
His father, Sir William Penn was an admiral and a landowner, and his mother Margaret Jasper
Vanderschuren was a merchant's daughter. Penn attended Christ Church College (University of
Oxford) in 1660, but was expelled after making a bad remark about the Church of England. His
father then sent him to France to study theology in a protestant academy. When he returned to
England, he briefly studied law, but that was all of the formal education he received. Penn had to
travel to Ireland to help with some of his father's land, and that was where he first came in contact
with the Quakers. They inspired him to join their faith. He then started to fight for freedom for some
persecuted religious groups. He began writing several works about his new religion in 1668, one of
which resulted in him getting arrested for blasphemy. While he was in jail, he wrote No Cross, No
Crown that was another proclamation of his faith. He was released from jail about a year later, and
continued to teach the Quaker beliefs. He made missionary trips and traveled throughout England
and Germany to preach to people about his religion. Penn married a Quaker woman named
Gulielma Maria Springett in 1672. They had three children
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Personal Narrative: The Super Bowl
The night of February 7, 2169 was one that Anderson, Eli, and Jade would never forget. Not just
because it was the date of the 200th Super Bowl in the United States, but also because it was the
night a deadly meteor shower hit Earth making it impossible for them to live there anymore. They
had been so excited to go to the game, it was the ultimate match–up between the Denver Broncos
and the Atlanta Falcons. It was an exciting game and just as it ended, flashes of light appeared in the
sky. At first, they thought it was part of the show but everyone quickly noticed it was a meteor
shower. They all took shelter inside the stadium and later that night unexpected saviors came to their
When Anderson, his family, and friends finally arrived ... Show more content on ...
A sport, the Marshall's answered at the same time.
What are sports? questioned Amara, the leader of Bolterina.
Sports are games that are competitive and fun, Mr. Marshall answered.
After a long debate, they still didn't understand what it was and by the end of the meeting, Amara
decided to ban all sports. She didn't see anything good that could come from them. Anderson, Eli,
and Jade couldn't believe what just happened.
How can they not know what sports are? asked Jade.
I don't know! answered Eli.
They seemed just like us, Anderson said.
Soon messengers came to tell everyone that sports were no longer allowed in Bolterina.
What are we supposed to do now? whined all the kids.
They don't let us help with anything, Eli said.
I know, they treat us like we don't belong here, Anderson replied.
I want to go home! whined Jade.
This is our home now, Anderson replied, and we just have to make the best of it... don't worry,
we'll find a way to show them that we belong here, sports and all!
But how? asked Eli.
We just have to find a way to show them that sports are not just a silly game, replied Anderson
we have to show them that it's fun and can help bring us all
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n n n n n n 2nd Edition
Manage meetings
lnnovotion 8. Business Skills Australio
Creati ng Australia 's Future
u u 0
n n n n n
n n n
n n n
Student Workbook
BSBADM502B Manage meetings
2nd Edition 2010
u u u
Part of a suite of support materials for the
BSB07 Business Services Training Package
lnnovaflon  Business Skills Australia
Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council (IBSA) would like to acknowledge Impact Training
and Development Solutions for their assistance with the development of ... Show more content on ...
Features of the training program ..................................................................... 1
Structure of the training program .................................................................... 1
Section 1– Prepare for Meetings .......................................................................... 3
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4
Identifying meeting requirements .................................................................... 4
Recommended reading .................................................................................... 2
What skills will you need? ................................................................................ 3
Developing the meeting agenda ...................................................................... 6
Determining the appropriate meeting format ............................................... 11
Making meeting arrangements ...................................................................... 15
Notifying participants ...................................................................................... 16
Distributing meeting papers ........................................................................... 19
Delegating preparation activities
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Pros And Cons Of California Town Hall Meetings
A California town is being threatened with a lawsuit over a 12–hour prayer rally held outside the
city hall for a 6–year–old girl who was shot last week, and for an upcoming town hall meeting at a
property belonging to a Christian organization. City mayor Anthony Silva received a letter from the
American Humanist Association and Stockton Area Atheists and Freethinkers, telling him that the
prayer rally held at a public property violated the Constitution. The rally was dedicated to the 6–
year–old child who was wounded in gunfire aimed at the car she was riding with her mother. The
mayor had organized the rally in hopes of ending homicidal violence, of which the little girl was
40th victim. My city had its 40th homicide. So we are in desperate need of immediate action.
Residents want something ... Show more content on ...
Mayors and other public officials cannot use the machinery of the state to push their religious
agendas. Using the state to promote prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the First
Amendment and alienates community members of minority faiths and of no faith, AHA senior
counsel Monica Miller said in a statement. The letter also complained that the town hall meetings
should not take place at properties of Christian organizations such as of Christian Life Center, where
it is set to take place on November 30. There is similarly no secular purpose for holding 'town hall'
meetings in religious Christian venues, especially when there are ample secular government venues
available. And clearly, there is no secular purpose in having a city–sponsored town hall meeting
'hosted' by a Christian organization. The city's 'rejection of the alternative of wholly secular [venues]
makes it very clear' that its purpose of holding the town hall meetings in churches is
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Essay On The Story Of A Short Story
In a small village called Rabbitville, there was a community of rabbits that worked together,
cherished each other and loved the environment. Everyday day little Jack Daniel would go to the
community carrot mine and harvest just enough carrots to keep his family sustained. The people of
this town tried to keep the carrot mine a secret from the outside rabbit cities, because of how
precious the mine was. It was also Jack Daniel's great– great–grandfather that had started this mine
and Jack would do anything to preserve the mine that has sustained the people for generations.
The next day Jack, while he was gathering carrots, he saw the rebel of Rabbitville, Colonel Rabbit
Tail, a greedy old army general. He was talking to a stranger that was holding a camera, Jack then
slowly crept forward toward them to listen to their conversation. As he crept towards them, he heard
Colonel say,  Look at our amazing mine that we have built and is ready to provide for many more
rabbits. Jack was shocked that Colonel has betrayed our community trust, sell us out for money,
and sacrifice our future. He then hopped back to his house and exclaimed to his parents,
 Colonel Rabbit tail has, spread the news of the carrot mine! What shall we do?
Jack's father calmly said,  That filthy old rabbit is out of his mind, but son we cannot do anything
about it. Jack was furious and adamant that he must do something to stop the colonel. Many days
had passed and not much change had taken place in Rabbitville. Then one day while Jack was
flipping through the channels he saw the announcement that the colonel made on the news and he
knew the inevitable is coming. After a few days, the Colonel's plan had been put into action, he had
started to build tall buildings that could fit many people. The days after people came by storm and
moved into these buildings. Which had increased the demand for more buildings which by this point
has taken over 50% of Rabbitville. Rabbitville was officially placed on the map.
News then goes around telling of a carrot feast to celebrate the finding of the mine. To prepare for
the feast the people had started to mine and drill at an exponential and alarming rate. Every day Jack
would just watch his family's
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Aa Meeting Experience Essay
I might be different than some people in this class, I've had already had some experience with AA
meetings and NA meetings albeit as a young child. I had a parent who would attend them from time
to time and my sister and I would attend. While this was many years ago, the setting was still the
same to me as it was then.
Going to these kinds of meetings is something that is quite simple. You find out where and you just
show up when it is convenient to you. There's no signing in, you don't have to pay anything, or
make appointments. There are no meddling questions, no commitments. Your confidentiality and
privacy will be appreciated. You won't be met with a mandate to come back to any meeting. You can
go to multiple or as little as you wish. Many have no idea what to expect in their first meeting. For
some the idea can be quite intimidating, so you will be relieved to find that your fears will be
unwarranted. AA meetings are stress–free, welcoming and open.
It should be no surprise about the type of people that make up these meetings. In terms of gender the
meeting I attended had just a couple of more males than females. There wasn't a huge disparity in
the number though. Race was different, there was not a prevailing race over another. I think that it ...
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I saw about every type of person there was! During the course of the meeting many of the
preconceptions I had about alcoholics and A.A meetings were brought clearly out into light as false.
I used to think religion played a strong role, but I soon learned that the A.A. based upon religion.
Many just simply believe in a power that is greater, but that's not to say that it is a god per say. I can
also now see members continue to attend meetings even after they have been sober for a while. I
think that this is because alcoholism is viewed by many as an illness that cannot be cured and people
most likely return to continue getting support and maintain
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Letter To Investigator To Desk Audit
I do apologize for sending the letter last night, I forgot that some of you all are like me and spent the
whole night thinking about this audit. Today I was able to get a little more information. I am
forwarding you all of the correspondences from Ms. Miles (so you know everything that I know). At
this time please plan to be available on October 22 (all day, unless I get the agenda that breaks it up
by grade band). I have set 2 deadlines and a meeting: September 25th please have all of your
documentation sent to me for the desk audit.
Desk Audit:
The desk review is attached and I highlighted the portions that you all need to send. Marsha you will
need to look at green and yellow and everyone else will just need to look at the yellow. As usual
there is a change from the previous year. Notice for Number 7 they are asking for additional
information for students served and how we documented the information. I attached a sample of
what my first thinking looks like for a possible documenting tool. You all generally have you own
thinking but just make sure to put in all of the documentation asked for below (see the attached
highlighted sheet).
– ... Show more content on ...
Here we identify assessment benchmark dates for TELD–3, DIBELS, and iSTEEP. Also, remember
last year we used the EOY iLEAP/LEAP for screening.
– The numbers of students enrolled in intervention classes match the data management records
(where appropriate). I think this will be the student selection process that we use where we have the
students on the list that were assessed and then the students who received intervention. Remember
when we ran out of spots in some places there were students left over with no intervention. (I think
the only place where this happened was
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Town Hall Meetings

  • 1. Town Hall Meetings Discussion: A. Updates – Steve Reider Welcomed Brian Krick, Director of Risk Management Director of Risk Management / PI position will be split into 2 separate roles. The position was posted yesterday, January 3rd. The PI position will also fill the role of the Patient Advocate. This information is to remain confidential. The CNO position was not offered to the first CNO candidate. An additional CNO candidate will be on site next week, Caanan Blakemore. Another candidate is also being spoken to and Steve hopes to bring that person on sire also. An Executive Director has been identified for Residential Services, John Smith. Start date is January 15th. Very experienced and knowledgeable. He has also worked with Universal ... Show more content on ... 24th, 6:00am, Admin Conference Room Wed., Jan. 24th, 2:00pm, Private Dining Room Wed., Jan. 24th, 3:30pm, Private Dining Room C. Action Planning – Steve Reider The goal for Poplar Springs Hospital is that we keep moving forward as a facility and become more action oriented and less discussion oriented. There are many priorities that each Sr. Leadership member has that sometimes creates struggles and prevents the team from staying on track. In order to help accomplish our goals is to bring discussion to our Sr. Leadership team to help define action items that need to be completed as a team. This will help define roles of each team member, and it also creates accountability and responsibility. Each week action items will be defined and weekly past action items will also be reviewed. Action items will be public and placed on a flip chart. Each action item will be assigned a team member who will be responsible, a start date, target date, and updates will be given weekly until completed. Steve started the process by stating his action items. Items were written on the flip chart by Tina. Steve: – Recruitment of New Hires.
  • 2. – Participate in CNO / PI Hiring Process – Orient Brian Krick, Risk ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. My First 12 Step Meeting For posterity's sake, I tried to recall my first 12–step meeting and have concluded that it was most likely the year 1996, it was cold in the little town of Altoona. The clubhouse was strange, dark, smelled of coffee, and full of smoke there, the people were all so different, but all of them seemed to know some secret code, plus they seemed to talk as if reading bumper–stickers. As I "kept coming back," I began to feel more comfortable, understand what was going on, and want what these people had. People at these meetings were open, appeared comfortable in their own skins, and had such, dramatic, fascinating stories that were dark, yet somehow uplifting. Since that time, I have been to a plethora of various types of meetings at various locations, but there is a theme throughout of trust, and a bond of acceptance that makes one feel welcome wherever one goes to a meeting. Therefore, I had a plan to go to Allentown with my fiancée to an NA meeting he used to go to on Saturday night, however, as things sometimes happens, this did not go as planned. Not to worry, I have learned long ago that alternative meetings can work just as well, or better. In fact, for all the meetings I have attended, I have never regretted going, or not gotten something out of it. Ending up going to one of my favorite meeting places, all worked out for the best, as I felt it would. The Sunday Morning Speakers Group D–33 at the Muhlenberg Recreation Center on River Road starts at 11:00 a.m., ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Challenges for Urban Local Governments in India Asia Research Centre Working Paper 19 Challenges for Urban Local Governments in India Written by Rumi Aijaz Rumi Aijaz was Visiting Research Fellow at Asia Research Centre in 2006. E–mail: A section of this working paper has been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Asian and African Studies, by Sage Publications Ltd. Copyright © Rumi Aijaz, 2007 All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of research or private study, or criticism or review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher nor be issued to the public ... Show more content on ... ! I E ! 8 7 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¤ £ % ) £ ¤ ¥ ( % £ § £ £ ) ¤ £ ¦ £ $ # ¥ § ¥ ! ¦ ¤ § ¤ ¦ £ § ¥ ¦ ¥ ¨ ( ¥ B @ 0 9 % £ 3 3 8 D 7 ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ % ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Rules And Requirements Of The Records Required From A Hui... Contents A typical Agenda: 1 The Process and Regulations: 1 The records required from a hui meeting: 2 a copy of the attendance register 2 any apologies from those who may have wanted to attend and could not 2 discussion items listed separately and a general overview of the discussion 2 any decisions made 2 any action items with timeframes and who is responsible 2 records of people who have offered to help and exactly what they will be doing 2 any data or data source that may assist the group in contacting those in the target population 2 if there is to be another meeting, a record of the time and date 2 a record of how people can get access to the minutes 2 any other information that the group feels is relevant 2 (education, 2015) 2 Regulations and statutory requirements associated with such a meetings: 3 A typical agenda: 3 The process required for such meetings: 4 The records required for such meetings: 4 Bibliography 6 Formal Meeting Guide for two NZ Cultures, one to include Maori: Part 1: Maori Culture: A typical Agenda: Hui is a Maori meeting or gathering. To discuss a meeting, this group has a problem in the series that is used to guide the bending process and include protocol. Hui can last the length of time from three days to one hour. Hui is also very difficult for recording, audio–visual, including written and verbal account may require the use of multiple methods. Absolutely central to Maori marae way of life, it is the focus ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Characteristics Of The New England Colonies During the seventeenth century most of the early settlers came to America in order escape what they considered English tyranny. Most of the colonies consisted of diverse people from different European countries such as, England, Scotland, Ireland, Russia, Spain, and France. The environment created many challenges for early settlers looking to start a new life in the ever expanding new world. As more immigrants settled in the colonies, they were becoming more and more like the country they had fled, but at the same time they were becoming different form one another, which resulted in two different social groups separated by a region, New England and Chesapeake. New England states included, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay Colony, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island whereas Chesapeake states included Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. What set them apart was their different views towards religion, economy, and politics. Most of the people who settle in the Chesapeake region were farmers, second sons of gentries, and indenture servants, while most of the settlers in New England consisted of puritans, separatist, and families. Indentured servants came to America on fixed terms of servitude expanding from four to five years. Once they completed their terms, their masters were to grant the males clothing, tools, and occasionally land, but in the end, they were left with nothing. As for the women, upon competing their term, they were expected to marry. ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Essay on Business: Management and Assessment Task Simulated workplace Assessments, Templates, Observation checklists For BSBADM502B BSBADM503B BSBLED502A (Diploma of Business) Semester 2, 2014 Bernadette Squire Leading Vocational Teacher Bachelor of Education/Diploma of Business/Diploma of Project Management Email: Mob: 0401 098 448 Case Study: Business plan (excerpt) Conference concept Submission details The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. Performance objective Candidates will need to conduct individual research of available materials and local resources, show initiative and ... Show more content on ... Benefits Describe the types of benefits and outcomes you expect attendees or others to receive from this conference. When, Where and Who Briefly describe approximately when and where the conference will be, as well as the expected number of attendees. In particular, check the timing of the conference does not clash with any other key events for your organisation or for target attendees. Resources Describe broadly what resources (facilities, equipment and people) are available or accessible to support the conference?
  • 13. Note: Especially which of these may need to be hired, purchased or tasked from another department or part of the organisation. Time Is there sufficient time for planning and organising the event? In particular, do you have sufficient human resources to ensure you achieve deadlines in the lead up to the event? Financials What are the estimated costs (time, personnel, money)? What is the estimated income (money and in–kind)? This should not be a detailed budget, just an overview of your estimates for these figures. Barriers What barriers could present for this conference? How can any potential barriers be overcome? Summary Offer your final thoughts and comments about the feasibility of running this conference. Conference plan Submission details The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. 4.1 Explain The Characteristics, Requirements And Purposes... .1 Explain the characteristics, requirements and purposes of different types of events. Events are a good way of making a lot of people aware of a particular subject matter. These can be formal or informal and require a large amount of preparation. Generally events are held over a longer period of time than a meeting and include a larger audience. They can be held at various venues such as a marquee, a hotel with conference facilities or in the open air. They can involve members of your organisation, members of other organisations or the general public. The different purposes of holding an event could be for an exhibition a trade show or fundraisers which are generally held on a large scale. Product launches and team events are another type of event. Please see 6.4 for further details. 6.2 Explain the types of information and information sources needed to organise an event. A venue is required to hold the event. A presenter is required to deliver the presentation of the event, furniture will be needed, chairs, tables, OHP's or laptops to help with the presentation as ... Show more content on ... From this you can then arrange for a venue. A plan is then needed of what information is going to communicated and who will present this, will it be just 1 presenter or a number of different people. Will any films / videos be shown, will it be interactive. Invitations should be sent out plenty of time before the event so that you can gauge how many people are likely to attend. A number of people will be required to help set up the venue with tables, chairs, refreshments and other facilities. You should consider whether anyone requires an overnight stay and whether this will be paid for by the company or by the individual. Confirmation of the venue should be sought a month before the actual date of the event to avoid any ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Personal Narrative: The Chamber Of Commerce I had the chance to attend the final legislative breakfast of the year sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce on April 17th. When I first walked into the room I wasn't sure where I was supposed to sit or if there was something I had to do before I sat down. Luckily, one of the ladies from the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce noticed I was a little lost, so she asked me if I was a student and then she showed me where my seat was, right in front of the representatives' tables and the podium. More people started to show up and eventually, Representative Curt Hanson, Senator Mark Chelgren, and Representative David Heaton arrived. Quite a few issues were covered during the meeting, one question lead to the discussion of the dismantling of the Des Moines ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Case Study Sterling This experience was definitely not what I expected it to be; Sterling is a small town and it always seems like there is nothing to do. However, not I see that it is looking to expand and incorporate many modern ideas into the old–fashioned community. In addition, I did not realize how many crucial issues the Council deals with on a daily basis (i.e. the marijuana bill). Although Sterling may be a smaller town, but a lot of government and other proceedings go on actively. Moreover, I expected a much longer meeting both times. The first time I understand there was not much to talk about; however, even for all the things covered in the second meeting, it went relatively fast. Maybe if I had stayed for the work session it would seem longer. Secondly, ... Show more content on ... The first is the level of government responsible. We had a discussion over this early in the course and I got the full understanding after attending these meetings. For example, the marijuana–selling bill came up at the first meeting I attended. It is legal in the state of Colorado to sell marijuana; however, if you local county/city/etc. does not permit it, you are not allowed to. This is the case in Sterling, but it may soon change. The second concept I witnessed when attending these meeting was voter, or public, participation. As I stated before, not many people attended the first meeting. Maybe two rows of chair were filled total. If more people were involved with their local governments, more actions could be completed and things could be done quicker. I am going to encourage more people I know to attend these meetings, not only for the publics' sake but also for their own knowledge and awareness. Finally, I witnessed many tax and other budget issues being handled and contemplated at the meetings. For example, the City Manager Saling talked about the sales tax is still on a steady incline that is likely to continue. He encouraged the public to be aware and watch this so they can adjust their personal budgets. In addition, the budget issue appeared again with the marijuana bill. The Council ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The At The Busse Woods Dam The meeting began with the traditional role call. All six members of the Board of Trustees were present, the mayor, and two additional people who were never introduced also sat at the podium in front of the crowd. A convocation was said by Dickens Arnegie from St. Julian Church in the Village and then the Board and Mayor approved the minutes for the evening. A few awards were given to members of the community. The first was to an Elk Grove Village Police Officer who was being promoted to Sergeant and the others were for the newest member of the K–9 team, for the oldest member who was retiring, and the veterinarian who offers his services for free to the K–9 team at all hours of the day. After the awards were presented, the mayor ... Show more content on ... Along with the overall community report, each member of the board gave a brief description about a meeting or event they attended that month and what happened at the meeting or event. They also gave a report about each of their committees. Here is a list of the Trustees and the committee they reported on: Nancy J. Czarnik:Parade Committee Patton L. Feichter: Recycling and Waste Committee Jeffrey C. Franke: Youth Committee James P. Petri: Capital Improvements Committee Samuel L. Lissner: Business Leaders Forum Christine K. Prochno: Information Committee, no report The Village Manager, who we later find out is one of the two not introduced members sitting on the podium, reports that he has no announcements, except that last meeting someone (the Mayor) brought up El Nino and the town had bad weather because of it. The only other activity of the evening was a gentleman who addressed the board about continuing municipal likeness for his community center. This unit of government is very focused on its people. Every topic discussed is related to their community and how successful community events were or what the meetings mean to the public. This really brings the local government idea to life. The people know their leaders. They can put a face to the name because the members of the Board and the Mayor attend community events. During the meeting the Mayor recognized one of the people in the crowd and said, ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Cedar Knolls Meeting Report The A.A Meeting took place in the Church Notre Dame of Mt at Cedar Knolls. When the meeting started, I ask myself where are the guys seeking for help? When I realized that they all were seeking for help. They did not look like they need it help, they look like you and me. When the meeting started first they when in to The twelve traditions and then to the events that they have each week, at the first I could understand what was going on they were laughing one another. When an old man when to the front to introduced his self. At the end of his introduction he asks everyone (except us) to give money to him, because he has things to pay, when he pasted the pot all around the room, everyone started to give something. I thought it was a joke but ... Show more content on ... What is cough me more the attention is that everyone donated, is like everyone helps one another in the small room, because they know, what have been an alcoholic. A man introduced his self as alcoholic, and he started to talk about his life. He said this addiction comes from my family, his mom was alcoholic and his dad used drugs. He said I'm pretty sure that my mom used to drink alcohol when she was pregnant of me, when he was a kid his mother used a pill to calm him down, when he was sick. He moved to Florida, and he started his new job, which helped him to make money, to spend in alcohol and drugs. At his early age he got married because his wife was pregnant, she stop using drugs during her pregnancy, it became very hard for him because she was his partner. One day one of his sister told him about a AA Meeting, and he wanted to try it because he saw his sister into that, they ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Bob Whitley V. Skyfixter Bob Whitley stood in front of his bathroom mirror and adjusted his red tie. He had to look neat, trim and proper; for he had to deliver a public speech at the local town hall in 3 hours. It was a pleasant Tuesday afternoon, and the weather felt just fine, and Bob wanted to look sharp. In 3 hours, he would not only deliver a well–prepared speech but he also would have to answer any questions from some concerned citizens. After all, Bob Whitley had been elected the local State Representative 3 years ago. As State representative, Bob's duties were not just passing bills into law, but also included meeting with people he represented: Teachers, citizens, the police, local businesspeople, blue–collar workers, and so on. It was quite a ... Show more content on ... People might get even sicker or heaven forbid – die. But Skyfixter would do the best it could to provide a safe environment. After all, these new chemicals would be scientifically innovative, reap more profits and even provide more jobs. Bob would sometimes feel a little guilty about all of this. What if the chemicals would be too dangerous? Bob didn't want to be responsible for people getting sick – or worse. But Bob had 3 kids and a beautiful wife. He and his family had been used to the good life, and none of them really wished to lower their value of living. Life was good for Bob and his family, and now it was going to get even better. Much better. Bob and his family would enjoy a wonderful life and not have to worry about anything, anymore. Bob looked at his front lawn and saw his limousine driver pull up in his driveway. As Bob got up and picked up his briefcase and papers, he told himself that everything would be fine. Just do what the Skyfixter officials have asked you to do. Go by their instructions, and they will take care of the rest. Don't worry about the dangerous chemicals, Skyfixter has got that covered, and they've done it many times before. They know what they're doing and ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. I Am Met With A Seminary Student Essay Recently I met with a seminary student I have been meeting with for the past two years. Our normal room was taken and we ended up in one across the hall. After setting into his chair, the man looked around and said, I am glad we are in this room today. I wondered out loud, Why? He then explained it was the room we used when we first began to meet in 2014, and being in it reminded him of how much God had grown him since then.. We spent much of the hour remembering each semester and what changed took place in each season. God had done a powerful work. We could see how far he had come, and we were filled with anticipation for what God was doing in his life currently. This story was repeated over and over the past couple of weeks. The ending of another semester provided a natural vista from which to gaze back over the previous months and years to see how significantly the Spirit of God had been working and how much growth had taken place since we have begun meeting. For some, we have been meeting for years, long enough to see the ebbs and flows of their spiritual life and to notice how different their response to the challenges and trials of life has become. Sometimes our time together is a celebration of how much God has done and how much they have grown. There is something very powerful in their finding themselves in a very familiar situation, and noticing by the way they are walking through it that they are a different person than they were before. It is the joy ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mckinsey 7-Marc Case Study Essay Case Study Analysis: Tufts–NEMC Ellen Zane had her work cut out for her at Tufts–NEMC. The Tufts University affiliated teaching and research hospital had long been on the decline. It was mired in financial difficulty, was falling behind other teaching and research AMCs, and was not effectively serving its local community. Beginning on the day she accepted her position as CEO, Ellen Zane started on a path of reform. Upon learning that the hospital only had 10 months of cash on hand, she began brainstorming on how to make the hospital financially viable, starting by meeting payroll needs first. She discovered that Tufts–NEMC was being drastically underpaid and began looking for solutions to the problem of reimbursements. One of the more ... Show more content on ... Financial security remains one of the hospital's major challenges. Branding is also an issue. Tufts– NEMC does not have a strong presence in the local community, and can improve its standing among other AMCs. Findings its place among its competitors and creating a legacy are key components of sustainability. In analyzing this case study, we looked toward the McKinsey 7–S Model. This model was created and developed by Peters and Waterman of McKinsey and Company. They investigated 43 companies in the US, such as IMB, McDonald's, TI, HP, etc., all of which were outstanding in their industries, and found common points of success for these organizations. The McKinsey Model is the result of this research. The model consists of 7 elements: Shared Value, Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Staff, and Skill. The elements are of crucial importance to the organization and need to be aligned when organizations experience change or challenges. These elements have been outlined below. Strategy Strategy refers to the plan or action taken to achieve organizational goals. When Ellen took over Tufts–NEMC, the hospital was struggling with payroll and scale. Ellen had to focus on meeting payroll, a short–term strategy, and could not focus entirely on the longer term. She took some immediate measures to help cut cost ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. American Colony Lifestyles Essay examples So close yet so far The lifestyle in the three American colonies sections, varied dramatically, the most obvious was the difference between the New England and the Southern colonies. The New England colonies varied in many ways from the southern colonies, the most obvious were the motives for the founders, the political and social beliefs, and economic differences. The New England colonies were much more interested in starting a new way of life for the generations to come, the Southern colonies based lived for the day and the quick dollar. The Founders of the New England colonies had different views for the new world then the views of the Southern Founders. Although both founders were of English decent they came for very different ... Show more content on ... The differences in the governmental structure affected the social classes in the colonies. People were looked at in very different ways in New England compared to the Southern Colonies. The social structure in the New England Colonies based itself around family. Families would have around 8–10 children and at the same time, people began to live after 65, compared to the average of 40–50 before. Because of the high birthrate and the extended life expectancy, it is known as the New England colonists that invented the modern day grandparents. In the South there was a high rate of disease and the life expectancy was around 50 years old. There were very few women in the south, making the women very important, giving them more power then in the north. The southern children were rarely given education, if any it was by tutors. In the North almost all children got education. These factors of family lead to a change in the economic structures. The economic aspirations of the South were greatly different then those of the New England colonies. The New England soil was rocky and not very suitable for growing many cash crops. New England spent a lot of its resources on raising cattle and grain, where the South could focus on tobacco and rice. The New England colonies did a lot of manufacturing, such as ship building, these types of jobs did not require slaves, which reduced ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Disciplinary Process Process – Report Disciplinarily Process 07/02/13 Natalie Dahl Introduction: The purpose of this report is to provide the background and reasons why the decisions by Fair Work Australia were made in Sam's favour. It identifies areas the company needs to address and implement in order to prevent this type of situation from occurring again. Work History as Sam's Team Manager As Sam's Team Manager I was aware that my predecessors response when dealing with her lacked in encouragement and was poorly handled. Sam is a diligent worker however, due to the company changing programming language to one Sam was unfamiliar with she has been unable to meet specific deadlines. Time was spent with Sam trying to understand her issues ... Show more content on ... The company needs to conduct Monthly performance reviews on all staff ensuring that agenda's are used and meetings following the reviews are documented and filed according and if poor performance is a topic on the agenda senior management and a human resources specialist is attendance. Decisions made in performance management reviews are to be documented and conducted using the recommended template (see appendix 3) Should the employee still not meet expectations as agreed upon in Performance reviews the following steps need to be followed and all actions taken need to comply with legislation (Fair work Australia Act 2009 – Small business fair dismissal) as set by Fair Work Australia. Proposed Company Strategy for Employee misconduct: The company needs to review its policy on what is deemed as employee misconduct and the consequences of employee misconduct, the review of this policy needs to be done by senior
  • 34. management and the Human Resources Department making sure the policy and consequences are clear, concise and in line with legislation as set by Fair Work Australia. ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Meeting At The Council Chambers Of The Durham Town Hall Essay On Wednesday, October 26th, 2016, I attended the Durham planning board meeting located at the Council Chambers of the Durham Town Hall. The meeting began at 7:00pm and went till 10:05 pm. The planning board members that were present are as follows: Andrew Corrow, Chair, William McGowan, Vice Chair, Barbara Dill, Jim Lawson, Town Council Rep., Lorne Parnell, Paul Rasmussen, Alan Bennett, Council Alternate, Bob Brown, Alternate, Wayne Lewis, Alternate, Michael Behrendt, Town Planner and Victoria Parmele, Minute Taker. Roughly 30 attendees came to the meeting, including citizens with an interest in the community and intention to speak, as well as the general public. The process first began with a call to order, followed by a roll call and then the seating of alternates. There was then an approval of agenda items, a report given by the town planner, reports from the board members, and then the board members opened the floor to public comments, which none were given. Before the issues were addressed there was a review of old minutes, and selection of a new secretary. Following the agenda items, the issues were presented. David Newhall, who is a perspective lot buyer, brought the first issue to attention, which was asking for approval to construct a driveway, and water and electric utilities for a new single–family house. This new development would occur within the Wetland Conservation Overlay District and this proposal was the final action of this movement. The board members ... Get more on ...
  • 37.
  • 38. Community Reflection Report As a member of the city of Milwaukie's Vision Action Committee, I feel my contribution to my community is substantial. Starting back in August of 2016 I began to meet with various individuals from the community, all of which wanted to see change for the better in Milwaukie. These people are men and women, old and young, lifelong Milwaukians and new residents, business owners and employees of an organization, or in my case a student. Coming from all walks of life we divested a few hours once a month to discuss and plan the future of Milwaukie. We started with a dream, a single question, what is the most ideal Milwaukie? This question, of course, is different for every person in that meeting, but that's the point. In the beginning stages of the VAC we discussed this vision, our personal vision and eventually our collective vision. During this process we thought of four major pillars of life, those being planet, place, people, and prosperity. These pillars were our guiding principles that everything, one way or another had to come back to. Once our vision was set and our mission statement drafted we opened our work to the public by holding a town hall meeting. This town hall took place in November, nearly four months from the beginning of our endeavor. We left that meeting with great feedback and fantastic suggestions, as well as the notion that we still have a tremendous amount of work to complete. While our vision statement was liked and accepted by the masses the main ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Town Hall Meeting Follow-Up Discussion: A. Town Hall Meeting Follow–up – Steve Reider Notes from the Town Hall meeting were distributed to the group. The notes were broken into categories: Maintenance, Nursing/MHT Concerns, Care of Patients, MHT Increase/Incentive, HR, Clinicians/UM, and Miscellaneous. During the discussion, Tina added additional notes as topics were discussed. Steve asked the team to please review, and provide feedback in the next Sr. Leadership meeting. B. RTC Wrist Bands – Felecia Arbuah Felecia shared that RTC patients do not wear wrist bands to identify allergies to food. A picture is given to the dietary staff when the patient comes to eat the first time. Felecia will follow–up with Gretchen to see how they are identifying patients with ... Show more content on ... For a rolling 12 month period, the current turnover rate is at 74%. In some areas, it is over 100%. Morry told the group that each Sr. Leader needs to focus on their department and establish a retention plan on how to retain staff. Steve added that all departments have had their challenges and the team needs to understand employee needs and what it takes to retain staff. Frank shared that in Military they are working on creating a new atmosphere by creating a hospital within a hospital concept. This would consist of a new name; instead of calling it the Military Program, it will have some sort of Military based operational name where they can then create tee shirts for the staff, a website that links to that name, and make the unit more cohesive. This will help bring the unit closer together. It is also very important to have core teams on each unit. John added that the staff is upset that core staff will be pulled to work other units, but the resource staff will be given the 1st option of where they would like to work. Fulltime staff feels they are not being treated fairly. Michael also added that a lot of times holes need to be filled at the last minute that create a hardship for all. More staff is needed to help build a core ... Get more on ...
  • 41.
  • 42. Social Work Case Study Scenarios Onboard as Chief of Police for the past two weeks, Chief William Ponce along with Lt. Ewald will open next week's neighborhood watch meeting on Thursday, Oct. 6 at the Senior Center located on 40 N. Moon Mountain Ave., at 6 p.m. Coordinated by the citizen group with David Bear Collier as the director, next week's meeting will provide general concerns of the town, what residents can do to prevent them and ways to handle the upcoming winter visitors. With the help of former Chief H. Ernest Renfro, the people of Quartzsite established the program last year, in hopes of boosting community morale and providing safety to different areas in town. Sponsored by the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA), the National Crime Prevention Council says, ... Show more content on ... Rainbows are the group of people which tend to be a burden on both our citizens and our business owners––– they live a drifter type lifestyle and typically don't work, Chief Ponce said. As a caution,it is advised that during business hours, workers keep a watchful eye for large groups of people entering the store. It is during those times when the group is known to heavily shoplift. According to Chief Ponce, they're usually dressed in an unkempt fashion and travel in packs. It's important for police departments to engage the community through outreach programs and to build relationships that last, [since] we as police [officers] can't do this job alone, Chief Ponce ... Get more on ...
  • 43.
  • 44. My Observation Of Weekly Care Plan Meetings I am expected to attend weekly care plan meetings every Thursday. In the past I was an observer in the weekly care plan meetings. Now, I am a full participant as I am the person who schedule the meeting over the phone and gather all the books and sheets before the meeting begins. Also, Cobble Hill also has a resident council meeting in which I had the opportunity to attend. I also attend a dementia meeting which is once a week. In addition to the various meetings that I attend, there are also in–services that are mandated for all staff to attend such as, a town hall meeting, which is a reminder about Cobble Hill policy and procedures such as infection control, HIPAA, safety and emergency protocol. Natasha Mahase is my field instructor. She ... Get more on ...
  • 45.
  • 46. A Meeting At The First Congregational Church I went to an AA meeting at the First Congregational Church in New London, Connecticut on Monday February 22, at 7 pm. It was located in a larger room in the basement of the church. There were around fifteen members that attended. The individual's came from an array of different ages and ethnicities, both men and woman. There was no one race or ethnicity that dominated another in the meeting, it was a very warm, accepting atmosphere. I noticed right away that there was more young adults around the age of thirty than elderly members. There was also around the same number of males and females in attendance. The meeting began with the appointed leader asking if there were any new members in the group, and gave them a chance to introduce themselves. I also introduced myself at this time, and explained my role as a student. They then transitioned into reciting the serenity prayer and having a moment of silence, allowing them to give thanks to their higher power. The leader then had different individuals recite the week's motivational phrase and reflect on the quote. The quote talked about forgiving yourself as an alcoholic, and the concept of letting go of the guilt that they have over hurting themselves and the people that they love when they were under the influence. This topic was very triggering for the members, and lead them into a very power discussion around the different people in their lives that were directly affected by their drinking. One woman spoke about losing the ... Get more on ...
  • 47.
  • 48. Town Hall Meeting Research Paper The town hall meeting took place on Thursday July 14 in Washington D.C. and was hosted by president Obama. The event was an hour long and broadcasted on ABC networks. It was a national conversation about law enforcement, race, and about how important it is that we all come together during times such as this instead of allowing these terrible acts of violence to create a divide among us. The Town hall meeting consisted of Americans from all over the country in search of answers to their questions from the president. There were discussions covering gun violence and police tactics in the country. The audience of the event was full of family members, police officers, along with mothers, fathers and their children. Many of the families in the room ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Kimberley Process Certification Scheme: Overview Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) Background Africa has a history of political turmoil, which often led to frequent Coups staged by the military. These armed forces used proceeds from sales of illegitimate diamonds to fund their operations. In Angola, UNITA used the illegitimate trade of diamonds to fund itself. This resulted in sanctions being placed upon Angola by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in July 1998. The world became aware that conflict diamonds were being used fund and sustain armed rebel forces in various African countries. Establishment of the KPCS A meeting of Southern African diamond–producing states was held in Kimberley in May 2000 to discuss issues presented by conflict diamonds. This ... Show more content on ... Regularly share information with other Participants including statistical data on mining production and participating in peer review exercises. The WDC created a System of Warranties for diamonds that has been endorsed by all KPCS participants. Each company trading in diamonds must also keep records of the warranty invoices received and the warranty invoices issued when buying or selling diamonds. This flow of warranties in and out must be audited and reconciled on an annual basis by the company's auditors. Failure to comply with the requirements of the KPCS will result in a suspension and possibly expulsion from the KPCS. In an instance where non–compliance is reported, Participants are given an opportunity and support to comply with the requirements before they are suspended. This is the current case with Zimbabwe. The Structure of the KPCS [pic] The KPCS relies on The Chair supervises the KPCS. The Chair is elected on an annual basis at a plenary meeting. Various Working Groups then support the Chair. A Working Group on Monitoring monitors each participant to ensure that it is implementing the scheme correctly. Then there is the Working Group of Diamond Experts that reports on the difficulties in implementation and proposed
  • 51. solutions. The Statistics Working Group, which reports on diamond trading data. The Participation Committee reports to the Chair on its recommendations on proposed ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Simulation Reflection Paper Simulation Reflection The simulation was very interesting in that my partner and I were given an opportunity to think critically about how to approach to influence different managers and workers with different characteristics. By running the simulation twice, it allowed us to find out what actions have worked and what did not during the first run, and then second run allowed us to apply what we learned to complete the second simulation in a much more efficient and timely manner. There are three stages in the simulation, including mobilization, movement, and sustain phases. The simulation begins in the mobilization phase, and in this phase it was important to get everyone aware of the new change we wish to initiate in the company. The key ... Show more content on ... Now that we have completed the simulation, we realized that we would rather want to conduct private means of persuasions in precedent to more public ones. In other words, we understood that embarking our crews on a same boat comes before guiding all of our crews to focus on the same ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Case Study Of Urban Amarillo Amarillo is the biggest city around the panhandle around us there are small counties that will benefit greatly of services provided in the city. Many of the clients cannot afford or have the ability to travel to get the services need it, social workers need to understand the importance of traveling and meeting with clients. It also creates difficulties when communicating with agencies with in town in order to get accurate information. People living in rural areas face different challenges including transportation issues, not knowing where to go, and economic issues. The Elderly might find it difficult to travel to the city due to transportation or health issues. During winter it can also be difficult for the social worker to travel to different ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Obama At The Town Hall Meeting Of The 2008 Presidential... Barack Obama at the town hall meeting of the 2008 presidential campaign, as reported CBS news, said, I don 't speak a foreign language. It 's embarrassing! His statement was an emphatic response to the English hegemony faced by the U.S. immigrants. They should be confident to have a language ability other than English, despite the fact they have been struggling to learn English. In making this comment, Obama urged us to learn a foreign language other than our native tongue because being bilingual is better than monolingual. It was also a critique of the initiative of the English Only movement which intensively advocates for making English as the official language of the United States. Therefore, I agree that Americans should work together to foster a language pluralism and to challenge any endeavors to make English–only as the official language. The language policy which promotes English as the official language of the United States has been controversial since three decades ago. The U.S. Congress had never considered declaring English as the nation's official language. However, since 1981 there are the increased movements of the English–only idea commenced by the late Senator S I. Hayakawa who introduced the English Language Amendment. It was the first Congress proposal to declare English as the nation's official language (Crawford 1992, p. 90). Fortunately, this proposal disappeared without Congressional action. If the proposed bill had been approved by Congress, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. War Memorial History From the outset parish war memorial committees sent out requests to members of the public to nominate names for inclusion on the memorials. They received these in writing from the next of kin, from descendants and, in some cases, from an informed member of the public (either privately or on behalf of an organisation). They accepted evidence through word of mouth, from newspaper articles, church announcements and through door–to–door enquiries. Some committees decided that only those born in a town or village would be commemorated; some opted for birth and/or residence at time of death, whilst others allowed the names of anyone who had lived in the village at any time. Some, as in the case of Misterton, saw the addition of a female whose nursing ... Show more content on ... There were those who described it as evidence of a 'deplorable lack of interest by the general public in this worthy object.' When it was put on the agenda for the Parish Council to discuss, the meeting had to be cancelled owing to the schoolroom having no heat and the likelihood of there being no gas. For a time it looked as though there would be no resolution. Many felt this would leave Epworth as a 'town without a site' and cause considerable embarrassment, particularly as places such as Belton, Finningley and Haxey were well advanced with their plans for a memorial. Mr. Arthur Maw said that when he had spoken to people about a memorial, many believed that, since the Parish Church and the Nonconformist Churches were erecting memorial tablets in their respective places of worship, they felt there was no need for a public memorial. When the decision to continue was taken there were issues over what style the memorial would take. For those who favoured a stone monument their difficulty lay in finding a suitable site. Both the Market Place and the frontage of Barnes and Breeze shop were considered but discounted. The idea of buying the Imperial Hall and turning into a recreation and meeting place for the town was rejected. Upgrading the town's water supply came up for consideration but was quickly dismissed. A deputation from the men who had returned ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Summary: Town Hall Meetings The second objective our agency will advise to NFL to complete is for each team to create and develop their own town hall meetings in their own cities. The purpose of these town hall meetings is to connect the players with the police officers and start a dialogue about how change can happen. The NFL would like the three following tactics to take place during these town hall meetings. First, all players who decide to protest the Anthem must attend or will be subject to fines by the Commissioner. Second, all police departments and fire departments in the surrounding area of the team must be invited. The NFL wants everyone to feel welcome, so that we can discuss changes for the present and the future. Third, the teams will sell tickets to the ... Show more content on ... Each team will run a clinic at each of their facilities. Current players and coaches will run the clinics. The participates will be local youth and high school teams and they will come to the team facilities and have a clinic that involves hands on coaching from top NFL players and coaches. The objective here is to have the coaches and players teach youth players proper tackling techniques that will hopefully reduce the amount of concussions at the youth level and as those players progress in the playing careers they will have the tools to play the game safely. The clinic will also feature a panel of team doctors and medical professionals that will advocate to the youth players proper protocol when dealing with a concussion. The medical officials will describe concussion symptoms and help the youth players identify these symptoms for when they are playing. The doctors will also provide the youth players with the steps necessary to recover properly from a concussion. Concussions are a huge part of the current NFL game and being able to teach youth players how to properly tackle and deal with concussions will only help reduce the number of concussions at the youth level and as they progress through college and hopefully to the NFL. The second objective that I will advise the NFL to complete is creating a league wide charity event. The money received ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. The Representation Of Elected Board Members On April 3rd, at 7:30 pm I went to a Town Hall meeting in Annville, PA. This representative town meeting was led by five individuals elected by the township voters, and are known as the Township Commissioners. These people are Thomas Embich, Henri Lively, Rex Moore (President), Jim Scott (Vice–President), Joann Zimmerman. The job of these elected board members is to beresponsible for the general governance of the Township with legislative, executive, and administrative powers to ensure sound fiscal management and secure the health, safety, and welfare of community residents. (Administration) With this in mind, the board was able to successfully go through and cover all topics listed on the agenda in an organized fashion with ... Show more content on ... I feel like Section 2:Reports of Special Committees went by at a really fast pace. We flew by a lot of the topics brought up such as Part A:Executive Sessions, Part B: Planning Commissions, and Part C:Economic Development.One topic that was given a little more attention was Part H:Stormwater Management. It is going to need a two step process, the processes referred to last meeting. Worst case scenario Annville pays $83463.63 per year for 5 years to renew 10% of the settlements on the creek and chesapeake bay to keep them clean. Everyone was in favor of the two step process. From this topic and others in this particular section I felt like the board really trusted their own judgement which is an important quality to have as an individual in their position. They even had the courtesy of turning to us and informing us on the exact amount of money that we would need to spend in stormwater management if there was to be a huge problem. I appreciated that because a town hall meeting if not only for the representatives, it's for the community to stay informed as well. In Section 3:Old Business, there were only three parts, but we ended up spending the most time on this section. Specifically on Part B:Sharrows which are Travel lane shared by motor vehicles and bicycles. Henri Lively and Joann Zimmerman in particular had very strong feelings about Sharrows.Lively felt as if there just wasn't enough room.He was concerned about how narrow our streets ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. American Lip Project Analysis I entered the delicate balance project process with the intention of continuing the American chestnut restoration project that I initiated last semester. I was enticed by the appeal of bringing a lapsed keystone species back into the forests of Vermont, and the romantic legacy it might provide for my project. Unfortunately, I encountered a few challenging roadblocks in the American chestnut project's early stages of implementation, such as lack of availability of blight resistant seedlings and the reality that non–blight resistant seedlings would most likely die as they did at Sterling College. Although I was enthusiastic about the hands–on physical element of my original project, I did feel that it lacked an element of social justice that I hoped to convey through my project. Given the lackluster social implications of the chestnut project, combined with its high likelihood of failure, I decided to look for a worthy past delicate project to continue or for a current project to join. Ultimately, I wanted to find a project that combined my passion for political activism with meaningful, ... Show more content on ... Over the course of several meeting with senate and specific senate members, it became clear that senate was fully aware that something had to be done to involve students in campus wide decision making and provide a forum where students' needs and concerns could be shared. We ended up collaborating with senate in presenting the first community conversation to the student body. Although this proto–community meeting didn't follow the structure of future community meetings, it served to gauge student interest and exceeded our project proposals ideal results with a turnout of over forty students (10% of the on campus student body). The feedback session we led the following week was also a success, although, as expected, it did not generate the same level of participation that the original community meeting ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Essay Psych: Drug Addiction The meeting I attended was held in Millersville University at Lehr Hall at 9:30 Am. I attended the meeting alone and was initially very hesitant and uncomfortable with the idea. At the beginning not unexpected occurred really happened. It appeared to be a very informal meeting that everyone seemed to already be acquainted. All the members directed each other by name and I was welcomed by, what seemed to be, a regular attendee as well as a new member. I sat down and initiated conversation with the member next to me. She informed me that she goes to multiple meetings and this was her first time at the specific location. She asked me of my major and other information. A member of the group, who seemed to be the ... Show more content on ... This put the topic more towards forgiveness rather than anything else. The only topic discussed, as I recall, was forgiveness. Many members gave their accounts of moments in which they felt sorry and how they handled the situation. I will refrain from going into further detail about any of the members of the group to keep their anonymity. The meeting concluded with the serenity prayer. I was not familiar with this prayer so I just held the hands of those near me and bowed my head out of respect. Specific attendees of the meetings appeared more active and attentive than others. Some of them seemed as though they did not want to be there and looked miserable. About one or two of the members even fell asleep a couple of times. Maybe some members went because they had to or because they just wanted to help tell themselves that they are trying. This really interested me because it is important to take notice that some people go and progress due to being active and others are just forced. In the case of being forced it is very easy to go to the meeting and just not be attentive or active. During the meeting I felt very enlightened. The topic of forgiveness is very broad and is even relevant in my own life. The viewpoint on the topic was very different and interesting. They talked more about being forgiving of ourselves because we are the ones that cause ourselves to react negatively to life's daily hassles and stressors. They also spoke on the control ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. William Penn Informative Speech We are all gathered here tonight to talk about a recent series of events that has come to my attention, said Cotton Mather as he looked out at the group of board members. Anne Hutchinson was always the one to speak at these kinds of meetings, but I guess she allowed Cotton to take over for the night. Everyone sat eagerly at the edge of their seats except for Anne, who already knew what this breaking news was. The other board members were Jonathan Edwards and William Penn, two men who never seemed to get along with each other. William just wanted things to be peaceful, but Jonathan always took to more dark and violent route. They sat at opposite ends of the room, and rarely said a word to each other – well, at least not any kind ones. Two ... Show more content on ... His father, Sir William Penn was an admiral and a landowner, and his mother Margaret Jasper Vanderschuren was a merchant's daughter. Penn attended Christ Church College (University of Oxford) in 1660, but was expelled after making a bad remark about the Church of England. His father then sent him to France to study theology in a protestant academy. When he returned to England, he briefly studied law, but that was all of the formal education he received. Penn had to travel to Ireland to help with some of his father's land, and that was where he first came in contact with the Quakers. They inspired him to join their faith. He then started to fight for freedom for some persecuted religious groups. He began writing several works about his new religion in 1668, one of which resulted in him getting arrested for blasphemy. While he was in jail, he wrote No Cross, No Crown that was another proclamation of his faith. He was released from jail about a year later, and continued to teach the Quaker beliefs. He made missionary trips and traveled throughout England and Germany to preach to people about his religion. Penn married a Quaker woman named Gulielma Maria Springett in 1672. They had three children ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Personal Narrative: The Super Bowl The night of February 7, 2169 was one that Anderson, Eli, and Jade would never forget. Not just because it was the date of the 200th Super Bowl in the United States, but also because it was the night a deadly meteor shower hit Earth making it impossible for them to live there anymore. They had been so excited to go to the game, it was the ultimate match–up between the Denver Broncos and the Atlanta Falcons. It was an exciting game and just as it ended, flashes of light appeared in the sky. At first, they thought it was part of the show but everyone quickly noticed it was a meteor shower. They all took shelter inside the stadium and later that night unexpected saviors came to their rescue. When Anderson, his family, and friends finally arrived ... Show more content on ... A sport, the Marshall's answered at the same time. What are sports? questioned Amara, the leader of Bolterina. Sports are games that are competitive and fun, Mr. Marshall answered. After a long debate, they still didn't understand what it was and by the end of the meeting, Amara decided to ban all sports. She didn't see anything good that could come from them. Anderson, Eli, and Jade couldn't believe what just happened. How can they not know what sports are? asked Jade. I don't know! answered Eli. They seemed just like us, Anderson said. Soon messengers came to tell everyone that sports were no longer allowed in Bolterina. What are we supposed to do now? whined all the kids. They don't let us help with anything, Eli said. I know, they treat us like we don't belong here, Anderson replied. I want to go home! whined Jade. This is our home now, Anderson replied, and we just have to make the best of it... don't worry, we'll find a way to show them that we belong here, sports and all! But how? asked Eli. We just have to find a way to show them that sports are not just a silly game, replied Anderson we have to show them that it's fun and can help bring us all ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. BSBADM502B MANAGE MEETINGS STUDENT n n n n n n 2nd Edition Manage meetings 0 BSBADM502B ~ 1 StudentVVorkbook CJ 0 CJ 0 IBSA lnnovotion 8. Business Skills Australio INDUSTRY SKILLS COUNCILS Creati ng Australia 's Future 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  • 75. 0 0 0 Student Workbook BSBADM502B Manage meetings 2nd Edition 2010 u u u u u (__, L; 8 u Part of a suite of support materials for the BSB07 Business Services Training Package lnnovaflon Business Skills Australia n 0 n Acknowledgment Q Q Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council (IBSA) would like to acknowledge Impact Training and Development Solutions for their assistance with the development of ... Show more content on ... 1 Features of the training program ..................................................................... 1 n Structure of the training program .................................................................... 1
  • 76. n Section 1– Prepare for Meetings .......................................................................... 3 () Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4 0 0 Identifying meeting requirements .................................................................... 4 n n Recommended reading .................................................................................... 2 What skills will you need? ................................................................................ 3 Developing the meeting agenda ...................................................................... 6 Determining the appropriate meeting format ............................................... 11 Making meeting arrangements ...................................................................... 15 Notifying participants ...................................................................................... 16 Distributing meeting papers ........................................................................... 19 Delegating preparation activities ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Pros And Cons Of California Town Hall Meetings A California town is being threatened with a lawsuit over a 12–hour prayer rally held outside the city hall for a 6–year–old girl who was shot last week, and for an upcoming town hall meeting at a property belonging to a Christian organization. City mayor Anthony Silva received a letter from the American Humanist Association and Stockton Area Atheists and Freethinkers, telling him that the prayer rally held at a public property violated the Constitution. The rally was dedicated to the 6– year–old child who was wounded in gunfire aimed at the car she was riding with her mother. The mayor had organized the rally in hopes of ending homicidal violence, of which the little girl was 40th victim. My city had its 40th homicide. So we are in desperate need of immediate action. Residents want something ... Show more content on ... Mayors and other public officials cannot use the machinery of the state to push their religious agendas. Using the state to promote prayer violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and alienates community members of minority faiths and of no faith, AHA senior counsel Monica Miller said in a statement. The letter also complained that the town hall meetings should not take place at properties of Christian organizations such as of Christian Life Center, where it is set to take place on November 30. There is similarly no secular purpose for holding 'town hall' meetings in religious Christian venues, especially when there are ample secular government venues available. And clearly, there is no secular purpose in having a city–sponsored town hall meeting 'hosted' by a Christian organization. The city's 'rejection of the alternative of wholly secular [venues] makes it very clear' that its purpose of holding the town hall meetings in churches is ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. Essay On The Story Of A Short Story In a small village called Rabbitville, there was a community of rabbits that worked together, cherished each other and loved the environment. Everyday day little Jack Daniel would go to the community carrot mine and harvest just enough carrots to keep his family sustained. The people of this town tried to keep the carrot mine a secret from the outside rabbit cities, because of how precious the mine was. It was also Jack Daniel's great– great–grandfather that had started this mine and Jack would do anything to preserve the mine that has sustained the people for generations. The next day Jack, while he was gathering carrots, he saw the rebel of Rabbitville, Colonel Rabbit Tail, a greedy old army general. He was talking to a stranger that was holding a camera, Jack then slowly crept forward toward them to listen to their conversation. As he crept towards them, he heard Colonel say, Look at our amazing mine that we have built and is ready to provide for many more rabbits. Jack was shocked that Colonel has betrayed our community trust, sell us out for money, and sacrifice our future. He then hopped back to his house and exclaimed to his parents, Colonel Rabbit tail has, spread the news of the carrot mine! What shall we do? Jack's father calmly said, That filthy old rabbit is out of his mind, but son we cannot do anything about it. Jack was furious and adamant that he must do something to stop the colonel. Many days had passed and not much change had taken place in Rabbitville. Then one day while Jack was flipping through the channels he saw the announcement that the colonel made on the news and he knew the inevitable is coming. After a few days, the Colonel's plan had been put into action, he had started to build tall buildings that could fit many people. The days after people came by storm and moved into these buildings. Which had increased the demand for more buildings which by this point has taken over 50% of Rabbitville. Rabbitville was officially placed on the map. News then goes around telling of a carrot feast to celebrate the finding of the mine. To prepare for the feast the people had started to mine and drill at an exponential and alarming rate. Every day Jack would just watch his family's ... Get more on ...
  • 81.
  • 82. Aa Meeting Experience Essay I might be different than some people in this class, I've had already had some experience with AA meetings and NA meetings albeit as a young child. I had a parent who would attend them from time to time and my sister and I would attend. While this was many years ago, the setting was still the same to me as it was then. Going to these kinds of meetings is something that is quite simple. You find out where and you just show up when it is convenient to you. There's no signing in, you don't have to pay anything, or make appointments. There are no meddling questions, no commitments. Your confidentiality and privacy will be appreciated. You won't be met with a mandate to come back to any meeting. You can go to multiple or as little as you wish. Many have no idea what to expect in their first meeting. For some the idea can be quite intimidating, so you will be relieved to find that your fears will be unwarranted. AA meetings are stress–free, welcoming and open. It should be no surprise about the type of people that make up these meetings. In terms of gender the meeting I attended had just a couple of more males than females. There wasn't a huge disparity in the number though. Race was different, there was not a prevailing race over another. I think that it ... Show more content on ... I saw about every type of person there was! During the course of the meeting many of the preconceptions I had about alcoholics and A.A meetings were brought clearly out into light as false. I used to think religion played a strong role, but I soon learned that the A.A. based upon religion. Many just simply believe in a power that is greater, but that's not to say that it is a god per say. I can also now see members continue to attend meetings even after they have been sober for a while. I think that this is because alcoholism is viewed by many as an illness that cannot be cured and people most likely return to continue getting support and maintain ... Get more on ...
  • 83.
  • 84. Letter To Investigator To Desk Audit Ladies, I do apologize for sending the letter last night, I forgot that some of you all are like me and spent the whole night thinking about this audit. Today I was able to get a little more information. I am forwarding you all of the correspondences from Ms. Miles (so you know everything that I know). At this time please plan to be available on October 22 (all day, unless I get the agenda that breaks it up by grade band). I have set 2 deadlines and a meeting: September 25th please have all of your documentation sent to me for the desk audit. Desk Audit: The desk review is attached and I highlighted the portions that you all need to send. Marsha you will need to look at green and yellow and everyone else will just need to look at the yellow. As usual there is a change from the previous year. Notice for Number 7 they are asking for additional information for students served and how we documented the information. I attached a sample of what my first thinking looks like for a possible documenting tool. You all generally have you own thinking but just make sure to put in all of the documentation asked for below (see the attached highlighted sheet). – ... Show more content on ... Here we identify assessment benchmark dates for TELD–3, DIBELS, and iSTEEP. Also, remember last year we used the EOY iLEAP/LEAP for screening. – The numbers of students enrolled in intervention classes match the data management records (where appropriate). I think this will be the student selection process that we use where we have the students on the list that were assessed and then the students who received intervention. Remember when we ran out of spots in some places there were students left over with no intervention. (I think the only place where this happened was ... Get more on ...