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Nguyen Phuoc Thanh. MD
Congenital Deformities of the Hand and Upper Limb 2018
Wei Wang • Jianmin Yao
Thumb anatomy
Thumb function
Blood supply of thumb
SPA: superficial palmar arch
DPA: deep palmar arch
UA: ulnar artery
RA: radial artery
UPDAT: ulnopalmar digital
artery of the thumb
UDDAT: ulnodorsal digital
artery of the thumb
RPDAT: radiopalmar digital
artery of the thumb
RDDAT: radiodorsal
digital artery of the thumb
FPMA: first palmar
metacarpal artery
FDMA: first dorsal
metacarpal artery
SPBRA: superficial palmar
branch of radial arteryArterial Supply of the Thumb – Systemic Review
Miletin J, Sukop A, Baca V, Kachlik D
doi: 10.1002/ca.22973
Blood supply of thumb
Arterial Supply of the Thumb – Systemic Review
Miletin J, Sukop A, Baca V, Kachlik D
doi: 10.1002/ca.22973
Blood supply of thumb
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Branches, distributions and anastomosis
of right thumb dorsal artery.
(a) Radial view, (b) Dorsal view.
1. Radial palmar thumb
2. ulnar palmar thumb artery,
3. thumb dorsal artery,
4. dorsal perforator,
5. tendon of extensor pollicis longus,
6. tendon of extensor pollicis brevis,
7. tendon of abductor pollicis longus,
8. cutaneous nerve of radial dorsal thumb
Thumb softissue defects
• Amputations
• Dorsal defects
• Palmar tip defects
• Glove injury
• Absence of thumb = 40% disability of hand as a whole
Full-thickness skin grap
• Defects up to 1.5 cm in diameter with no bone exposure can
be effectively treated with dressing changes. Daily dressing
changes with petroleum or bismuth-impregnated gauze are
relatively easy for patients.
• Defects > 1,5 cm with a stable base, however, require skin grafting.
Full-thickness grafts are usually preferred, as they are more durable
and stable, especially in the contact areas subject to pressure and
shear. Small full-thickness skin grafts can be harvested from the
hypothenar eminence or the volar wrist crease. Larger skin grafts,
however, are best harvested from the upper inner arm or groin
V-Y flap, Moberg flap
• When phalangeal
bone is exposed
at the thumb tip
• This flap can
easily cover a
defect of 1–2 cm2
CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques
Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th
Chang J
Moberg flap
a Intraoperative picture of thumb-tip amputation
with Moberg advancement flap (MAF) elevation
in progress.
b Flexed thumb IP joint with MAF inset to cover
thumb-tip amputation.
cThumb appearance at 3 months with early
d Thumb appearance at 3 weeks showing
maintained first web space.
e Full IP joint extension 4 months following MAF
f Satisfactory IP joint flexion 4 months following
MAF coverage
Cross-finger flap
• The cross-fnger flap from the index
fnger is an excellent
reconstructive technique for larger
volar and tip defects of the thumb,
up to 2–3 cm2
• A full-thickness skin graft is then
sutured to the dorsum of the index
fnger. A bulky thumb splint is
• At 2 or 3 weeks, the flap is divided
and the inset to the thumb is
completed After division,
range-of-motion therapy for both
the thumb and index fnger should
begin.CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques
Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th
Chang J
Cross-finger flap
CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques
Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th
Chang J
Digital dorsal perforator flap
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap
Detect and select the appropriate perforators at proximal
end of thumb metacarpophalangeal joint of the hand and radial
edge using Doppler ultrasound, expose the vessels and nerve tract
on the radial thumb, and then further identify the radial palmar
artery perforator. Skin graft in full-thickness from inner forearm to
repair the donor site by free transplantation.
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap
Displaced thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap in
repairing defects of thumb pulp skin and soft tissues
(surgical photos provided by Xiao Zhou). (a) Defect
wound, (b) design of the flap, (c) flap dissociation and
vessel pedicle exposure, (d) repair fnished, (e) thumb
appearance 2 months after operation, (f) thumb function
2 months after operation
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap
Displaced thumb radialis palmar
artery dorsal perforator flap in
repairing defects of the skin and
soft tissue on thumb pulp (surgical
photos provided by Zengbing Xia).
(a) Soft tissue defect and flap design
(b) exposure of dorsal vessel branch
(c) resection of the flap
(d) after flap transposition surgery
(e) appearance of donor site 5 days
after operation
(f) appearance of flap 5 days after
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and
Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap
Displaced thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator
flap in
repairing thumb nail bed defect (surgical photos
provided by Xiao Zhou).
(a) Defect of left thumb nail bed and flap design,
(b) Flap dissection and vessel pedicle exposure,
(c) Repair fnished,
(d) Flap appearance 6 months after operation
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap
Displaced dorsal thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator
flap for repairing defect wound of thumb tip (surgical
photos provided by Zengbing Xia).
(a) Right thumb tip defect accompanied by bone exposure,
(b) Design of flap
(c) Vessel exposure
(d) Resection of flap
(e) Appearance 16 days after flap transposition surgery
(f) Conditions of donor site and recipient area 16 days
after operation
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and
Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap
Displaced dorsal thumb ulnar palmar artery
flap for repairing thumb pulp defect
(surgical photos provided by Jian Lin).
(a) Defect of left thumb pulp
(b) Design of the flap
(c) Flap resection and vessel pedicle
(d) Flap survived completely 10 days after
Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction
and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019)
He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
Neurovascular island flap
• It is rarely used as a primary
coverage flap, although it is
certainly possible to use it in that
manner. Rather, its most
common use is for the
restoration of sensation to the
thumb pulp following
• The flap is based on the ulnar
neurovascular bundle of either
the middle or ring fnger. The
ulnar side
of the digit is chosen because its
loss will have minimal effect on
grip and pinch activities.CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques
Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th
Chang J
First dorsal metacarpal artery flap
Sensate First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Resurfacing Extensive Pulp Defects of the Thumb
Shun-Cheng Chang, MD, Shao-Liang Chen, MD, Tim-Mo Chen, MD, Chia-Jueng Chuang, MD, Tian-Yeu Cheng, MD, and Hsian-Jenn Wang, MD
• The artery runs over the fascial layer of
the first dorsal interosseous muscle and
divides into the radial branch to the
thumb, the intermediate branch to the
first web space, and the ulnar branch to
the index finger
• The ulnar branch usually courses distally
within the musculo-osseous groove,
between the ulnar head of the first
dorsal interosseous muscle and the radial
shaft of the second metacarpal bone,
until it reaches the metacarpophalangeal
(MP) joint
First dorsal metacarpal artery flap
• Dorsal defects
• Anatomical snuffbox: princeps pollices artery (radially) & FDMA
• From index-finger dorsum
• Must include subcutaneous fat and interossious muscle fascia with
the pedicle
• Thick fatty tissue with venea comitantes of artery (venous outflow)
• Flap tranpositioned via tunnering or direct incision
• Dornal site grafting
Differentiated three different vascular patterns
for the terminal fascial branches of the FDMA
• Type I was the most frequent (11 out of 18 specimens), with three
vessels, ulnar, intermediate, and radial originating from a common
trunk that arose from the radial artery.
• Type II was far less frequent (3 out of 18 specimens) it involved two
vessels originating from a common trunk, and one separate vessel
issuing from the radial artery.
• Type III (4 out of 18 specimens), three arteries originated directly
from the radial artery
Treatment of thumb soft-tissue defects using a bipedicle island flap of the index finger: anatomical basis and clinical application
Hong-lue Tan • De-yan Tan • Jin-kun Zhao DOI 10.1007/s00402-013-1704-y
• The size of the soft-tissue defects ranged from
2.2 cm x 1.6 cm to 3.5 cm x 2.2 cm (mean, 3.07
cm x 2.0 cm).
• The size of the flaps ranged from 2.5 cm x 1.8
cm to 3.7 cm x 2.5 cm (mean, 3.3 cm 9 2.2 cm).
• The mean length of the dorsal and palmar
pedicle were 7.1 cm (6.8–7.4 cm) and 5.0 cm
(4.8–5.2 cm)
Sensitive branches
• The terminal sensitive branches of the radial nerve
are present at the dorsum of the index finger, at the
area of the proximal phalanx, lying just beneath the
• In their dissections they always found a dorsal
branch of the digital nerve, which was deeper than
the radial nerve branches, lying just over the
extensor apparatus, and ending as three terminal
branches on the area of the middle phalanx.
• This dorsal nerve branch can be sacrificed to add
innervation to the flap if necessary.
Sensate First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Resurfacing Extensive Pulp
Defects of the Thumb
Shun-Cheng Chang, MD, Shao-Liang Chen, MD, Tim-Mo Chen, MD, Chia-Jueng Chuang, MD, Tian-Yeu Cheng, MD,
and Hsian-Jenn Wang, MD
Treatment of thumb soft-tissue defects using a bipedicle island flap of the index finger: anatomical basis and clinical application
Hong-lue Tan • De-yan Tan • Jin-kun Zhao . DOI 10.1007/s00402-013-1704-y
Treatment of thumb soft-tissue defects using a bipedicle island flap of the index finger: anatomical basis and clinical application
Hong-lue Tan • De-yan Tan • Jin-kun Zhao DOI 10.1007/s00402-013-1704-y
Goin flap
M.D.,4 and SHIUAN-CHIH CHEN, M.D., Ph.D.1,5*
DOI: 10.1002/micr.22442
A: Anatomy of the groin.
AL,adductor longus muscle; ASIS, anterior
superior iliac spine; FA, femoral artery; FV,
femoral vein; G, gracilis muscle; IL, inguinal
ligament; PT, pubic tubercle; RF, rectus
femoris muscle; S, Sartorius muscle; SCIa,
superficial circumflex iliac artery; SEa,
superficial epigastric artery; TFL, tensor
fasciae latae muscle; VL, vastus lateralis
B: The types of chimeric groin flaps.
C-C, cutaneous–cutaneous;
O-C, osteo-cutaneous;
M-C, musculo-cutaneous;
Vascular anatomy of groin flap. Variations
identified in arterial pedicle supplying ilioinguinal
FA, Femoral artery;
IL, ilioinguinal ligament;
SCIA, superficial circumflex iliac artery;
SIEA, superficial inferior epigastric artery
Chapter 63: Microsurgery – Campell’s Operative Orthopaedics 13e
Interrelated origins of superficial circumflex iliac (C)
and superficial inferior epigastric (E) arteries from
femoral artery (FA) or another parent artery (P).
1, Common origin;
2, compensatory superficial circumflex iliac with
absent superficial inferior epigastric;
3, separate origins;
4, origin from parent vessel other than femoral
1: 48%
2: 35%
3,4: 17%
Chapter 63: Microsurgery – Campell’s Operative Orthopaedics 13e
Goin flap
DOI: 10.1002/micr.22442
Goin flap
Postoperatively, both flaps were divided after 4 weeks
The Split Pedicle Groin Flap: New Refinement in Groin Flap Application and
Technique for Combined Thumb and Dorsal Hand Defects
Dr. Miranda DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31823af1e5
Goin flap
Defect Flap
Tip 1-2cm2 no bone exposure Full-thickness skin graft
Tip 1-2cm2 bone exposure V-Y flap, Moberg flap, cross finger flap,
neurovascular island flap
Tip 2-3cm2 no bone exposure Full-thickness skin graft
Tip 2-3cm2 bone exposure Cross finger flap, digital dorsal perforator flap,
first dorsal metacarpal artery flap,
neurovascular island flap
Dorsal no bone, tendon exposure Full-thickness skin grap
Dorasal bone, tendon exposure Digital dorsal perforator flap. First dorsal
metacarpal artery flap
Larger, complex defect, alvusion
Goin flap
Thumb soft tissue defects

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Thumb soft tissue defects

  • 2. Congenital Deformities of the Hand and Upper Limb 2018 Wei Wang • Jianmin Yao
  • 4.
  • 6. Blood supply of thumb SPA: superficial palmar arch DPA: deep palmar arch UA: ulnar artery RA: radial artery UPDAT: ulnopalmar digital artery of the thumb UDDAT: ulnodorsal digital artery of the thumb RPDAT: radiopalmar digital artery of the thumb RDDAT: radiodorsal digital artery of the thumb FPMA: first palmar metacarpal artery FDMA: first dorsal metacarpal artery SPBRA: superficial palmar branch of radial arteryArterial Supply of the Thumb – Systemic Review Miletin J, Sukop A, Baca V, Kachlik D doi: 10.1002/ca.22973
  • 7. Blood supply of thumb Arterial Supply of the Thumb – Systemic Review Miletin J, Sukop A, Baca V, Kachlik D doi: 10.1002/ca.22973
  • 8. Blood supply of thumb Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu Branches, distributions and anastomosis of right thumb dorsal artery. (a) Radial view, (b) Dorsal view. 1. Radial palmar thumb artery 2. ulnar palmar thumb artery, 3. thumb dorsal artery, 4. dorsal perforator, 5. tendon of extensor pollicis longus, 6. tendon of extensor pollicis brevis, 7. tendon of abductor pollicis longus, 8. cutaneous nerve of radial dorsal thumb
  • 9. Thumb softissue defects • Amputations • Dorsal defects • Palmar tip defects • Glove injury • Absence of thumb = 40% disability of hand as a whole
  • 10. Full-thickness skin grap • Defects up to 1.5 cm in diameter with no bone exposure can be effectively treated with dressing changes. Daily dressing changes with petroleum or bismuth-impregnated gauze are relatively easy for patients. • Defects > 1,5 cm with a stable base, however, require skin grafting. Full-thickness grafts are usually preferred, as they are more durable and stable, especially in the contact areas subject to pressure and shear. Small full-thickness skin grafts can be harvested from the hypothenar eminence or the volar wrist crease. Larger skin grafts, however, are best harvested from the upper inner arm or groin crease.
  • 11. V-Y flap, Moberg flap • When phalangeal bone is exposed at the thumb tip • This flap can easily cover a defect of 1–2 cm2 CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th Chang J
  • 12. Moberg flap a Intraoperative picture of thumb-tip amputation with Moberg advancement flap (MAF) elevation in progress. b Flexed thumb IP joint with MAF inset to cover thumb-tip amputation. cThumb appearance at 3 months with early healing. d Thumb appearance at 3 weeks showing maintained first web space. e Full IP joint extension 4 months following MAF coverage. f Satisfactory IP joint flexion 4 months following MAF coverage
  • 13. Cross-finger flap • The cross-fnger flap from the index fnger is an excellent reconstructive technique for larger volar and tip defects of the thumb, up to 2–3 cm2 • A full-thickness skin graft is then sutured to the dorsum of the index fnger. A bulky thumb splint is applied. • At 2 or 3 weeks, the flap is divided and the inset to the thumb is completed After division, aggressive range-of-motion therapy for both the thumb and index fnger should begin.CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th Chang J
  • 14. Cross-finger flap CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th Chang J
  • 15. Digital dorsal perforator flap Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 16. Thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap Detect and select the appropriate perforators at proximal end of thumb metacarpophalangeal joint of the hand and radial edge using Doppler ultrasound, expose the vessels and nerve tract on the radial thumb, and then further identify the radial palmar artery perforator. Skin graft in full-thickness from inner forearm to repair the donor site by free transplantation. Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 17. Thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap Displaced thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap in repairing defects of thumb pulp skin and soft tissues (surgical photos provided by Xiao Zhou). (a) Defect wound, (b) design of the flap, (c) flap dissociation and vessel pedicle exposure, (d) repair fnished, (e) thumb appearance 2 months after operation, (f) thumb function 2 months after operation Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 18. Thumb radialis palmar artery perforator flap Displaced thumb radialis palmar artery dorsal perforator flap in repairing defects of the skin and soft tissue on thumb pulp (surgical photos provided by Zengbing Xia). (a) Soft tissue defect and flap design (b) exposure of dorsal vessel branch (c) resection of the flap (d) after flap transposition surgery (e) appearance of donor site 5 days after operation (f) appearance of flap 5 days after operation Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 19. Thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap Displaced thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap in repairing thumb nail bed defect (surgical photos provided by Xiao Zhou). (a) Defect of left thumb nail bed and flap design, (b) Flap dissection and vessel pedicle exposure, (c) Repair fnished, (d) Flap appearance 6 months after operation Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 20. Thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap Displaced dorsal thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap for repairing defect wound of thumb tip (surgical photos provided by Zengbing Xia). (a) Right thumb tip defect accompanied by bone exposure, (b) Design of flap (c) Vessel exposure (d) Resection of flap (e) Appearance 16 days after flap transposition surgery (f) Conditions of donor site and recipient area 16 days after operation Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 21. Thumb ulnar palmar artery perforator flap Displaced dorsal thumb ulnar palmar artery flap for repairing thumb pulp defect (surgical photos provided by Jian Lin). (a) Defect of left thumb pulp (b) Design of the flap (c) Flap resection and vessel pedicle exposure (d) Flap survived completely 10 days after operation Atlas of Perforator Flap and Wound Healing_ Microsurgical Reconstruction and Cases-Springer Singapore (2019) He-Ping Zheng, Jian Lin, Yong-Qing Xu, De-Qing Hu
  • 22. Neurovascular island flap • It is rarely used as a primary coverage flap, although it is certainly possible to use it in that manner. Rather, its most common use is for the restoration of sensation to the thumb pulp following reconstruction. • The flap is based on the ulnar neurovascular bundle of either the middle or ring fnger. The ulnar side of the digit is chosen because its loss will have minimal effect on grip and pinch activities.CHAPTER 13 • Thumb reconstruction: Non-microsurgical techniques Plastic Surgery - Hand and Upper Extremity - Volume Six- Edition 4th Chang J
  • 23. First dorsal metacarpal artery flap Sensate First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Resurfacing Extensive Pulp Defects of the Thumb Shun-Cheng Chang, MD, Shao-Liang Chen, MD, Tim-Mo Chen, MD, Chia-Jueng Chuang, MD, Tian-Yeu Cheng, MD, and Hsian-Jenn Wang, MD DOI • The artery runs over the fascial layer of the first dorsal interosseous muscle and divides into the radial branch to the thumb, the intermediate branch to the first web space, and the ulnar branch to the index finger • The ulnar branch usually courses distally within the musculo-osseous groove, between the ulnar head of the first dorsal interosseous muscle and the radial shaft of the second metacarpal bone, until it reaches the metacarpophalangeal (MP) joint
  • 24. First dorsal metacarpal artery flap • Dorsal defects • Anatomical snuffbox: princeps pollices artery (radially) & FDMA (unarly) • From index-finger dorsum • Must include subcutaneous fat and interossious muscle fascia with the pedicle • Thick fatty tissue with venea comitantes of artery (venous outflow) • Flap tranpositioned via tunnering or direct incision • Dornal site grafting
  • 25.
  • 26. Differentiated three different vascular patterns for the terminal fascial branches of the FDMA • Type I was the most frequent (11 out of 18 specimens), with three vessels, ulnar, intermediate, and radial originating from a common trunk that arose from the radial artery. • Type II was far less frequent (3 out of 18 specimens) it involved two vessels originating from a common trunk, and one separate vessel issuing from the radial artery. • Type III (4 out of 18 specimens), three arteries originated directly from the radial artery
  • 27. Treatment of thumb soft-tissue defects using a bipedicle island flap of the index finger: anatomical basis and clinical application Hong-lue Tan • De-yan Tan • Jin-kun Zhao DOI 10.1007/s00402-013-1704-y • The size of the soft-tissue defects ranged from 2.2 cm x 1.6 cm to 3.5 cm x 2.2 cm (mean, 3.07 cm x 2.0 cm). • The size of the flaps ranged from 2.5 cm x 1.8 cm to 3.7 cm x 2.5 cm (mean, 3.3 cm 9 2.2 cm). • The mean length of the dorsal and palmar pedicle were 7.1 cm (6.8–7.4 cm) and 5.0 cm (4.8–5.2 cm)
  • 28. Sensitive branches • The terminal sensitive branches of the radial nerve are present at the dorsum of the index finger, at the area of the proximal phalanx, lying just beneath the skin. • In their dissections they always found a dorsal branch of the digital nerve, which was deeper than the radial nerve branches, lying just over the extensor apparatus, and ending as three terminal branches on the area of the middle phalanx. • This dorsal nerve branch can be sacrificed to add innervation to the flap if necessary. Sensate First Dorsal Metacarpal Artery Flap for Resurfacing Extensive Pulp Defects of the Thumb Shun-Cheng Chang, MD, Shao-Liang Chen, MD, Tim-Mo Chen, MD, Chia-Jueng Chuang, MD, Tian-Yeu Cheng, MD, and Hsian-Jenn Wang, MD DOI
  • 29. Treatment of thumb soft-tissue defects using a bipedicle island flap of the index finger: anatomical basis and clinical application Hong-lue Tan • De-yan Tan • Jin-kun Zhao . DOI 10.1007/s00402-013-1704-y
  • 30. Treatment of thumb soft-tissue defects using a bipedicle island flap of the index finger: anatomical basis and clinical application Hong-lue Tan • De-yan Tan • Jin-kun Zhao DOI 10.1007/s00402-013-1704-y
  • 31. Goin flap CHIMERIC GROIN FREE FLAPS: DESIGN AND CLINICAL APPLICATION WAI-NANG CHAO, M.D.,1,2,3 PO-HUI WANG, M.D., Ph.D.,1 BING-REN CHEN, M.D.,4 and SHIUAN-CHIH CHEN, M.D., Ph.D.1,5* DOI: 10.1002/micr.22442 A: Anatomy of the groin. AL,adductor longus muscle; ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine; FA, femoral artery; FV, femoral vein; G, gracilis muscle; IL, inguinal ligament; PT, pubic tubercle; RF, rectus femoris muscle; S, Sartorius muscle; SCIa, superficial circumflex iliac artery; SEa, superficial epigastric artery; TFL, tensor fasciae latae muscle; VL, vastus lateralis muscle. B: The types of chimeric groin flaps. C-C, cutaneous–cutaneous; O-C, osteo-cutaneous; M-C, musculo-cutaneous;
  • 32. Vascular anatomy of groin flap. Variations identified in arterial pedicle supplying ilioinguinal region. FA, Femoral artery; IL, ilioinguinal ligament; SCIA, superficial circumflex iliac artery; SIEA, superficial inferior epigastric artery Chapter 63: Microsurgery – Campell’s Operative Orthopaedics 13e
  • 33. Interrelated origins of superficial circumflex iliac (C) and superficial inferior epigastric (E) arteries from femoral artery (FA) or another parent artery (P). 1, Common origin; 2, compensatory superficial circumflex iliac with absent superficial inferior epigastric; 3, separate origins; 4, origin from parent vessel other than femoral artery 1: 48% 2: 35% 3,4: 17% Chapter 63: Microsurgery – Campell’s Operative Orthopaedics 13e
  • 35. Goin flap Postoperatively, both flaps were divided after 4 weeks The Split Pedicle Groin Flap: New Refinement in Groin Flap Application and Technique for Combined Thumb and Dorsal Hand Defects Dr. Miranda DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31823af1e5
  • 37.
  • 38. Sumary Defect Flap Tip 1-2cm2 no bone exposure Full-thickness skin graft Tip 1-2cm2 bone exposure V-Y flap, Moberg flap, cross finger flap, neurovascular island flap Tip 2-3cm2 no bone exposure Full-thickness skin graft Tip 2-3cm2 bone exposure Cross finger flap, digital dorsal perforator flap, first dorsal metacarpal artery flap, neurovascular island flap Dorsal no bone, tendon exposure Full-thickness skin grap Dorasal bone, tendon exposure Digital dorsal perforator flap. First dorsal metacarpal artery flap Larger, complex defect, alvusion injury Goin flap