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Lecture 1 - Introduction: economic geography and its recent paradigms
WS 2021-20220
Lecture 3 – 10.11.2021
• 27-10: Introduction
• 03-11: Making progress towards the SDGs through the lens of
evolutionary economic geography (EEG)
• 10-11: Governance of sustainability transitions
• 17-11: Slow innovation and circular economy
• 24-11: Corporate social responsibility vs. corporate spatial
responsibility and Greenwashing effect
• 01-12: Mission-oriented innovation policies and sustainable
economic geography (e.g., degrowth; EU Green Deal)
Third lecture of this WS 2021-22
Direct link literature
I Part:
• A recap of last week’s lecture
• Defining (territorial) governance
• Why governance matters in the context of “Transitions”
:::10 minutes Break:::
II Part:
• Defining sustainability transitions (ST)
• Where EG stands in ST debates
• Socio-technical dimension
• Multi-level dimension
• Geographical dimension
III Part:
• Open debate, retrospective or forward looking
In today’s lecture
A recap of last week’s lecture
Grand sustainability challenges such as climate
change, degradation of ecosystems, biodiversity loss,
waste production and disposal, lack of clean water,
poverty, or socio-spatial inequality pose
extraordinary societal risks.
The global initiative to target 17 sustainable
development goals (SDGs) and the Paris
climate agreement, Green Deals etc.
Underline the urgency of these challenges
A recap of last week’s lecture
economic geography
Sustainable development &
Sustainable Development Goals
Pluralism  multi- trans-disciplinary
(Barnes and Sheppard, 2010)
Understanding how the spatial
organization of economic processes –
production, distribution and
consumption – are transformed over
time (Boschma & Martin 2010; Hassink et al. 2009).
Why regional economies become
locked into development paths that
lose dynamism, whilst other regional
economies seem able to avoid this
danger? (Martin and Sunley, 2006).
Humanity must change its practices
production and consumption etc.,
quickly and strategically
Collective efforts + public and
private institutions play a role
A recap of last week’s lecture
Reducing the physical distance
production and consumption,
technological innovations and
new infrastructures
Establishing direct links
with consumers
Adding value to
local resources
Developing appropriate
communication strategies (Horlings et al 2020; Brunori and Galli, 2016)
Transition in
discourse and
practices from the
global to local
Small wins
approach as
a new
strategy to
deal grand
Bours et al. 2021
guided by
a shared
Integrating solutions to adapt territories for climate change
Lin et al. 2021
A recap of last week’s lecture
U.S. Energy Information Administration
• Norway compensates by intensive
investments in the transition to a carbon
capture and sequestration strategy.
• Energi21 is the Norwegian national
strategy for research, development,
demonstration, and commercialization of
new energy technology.
• Norway was among the pioneers in
exploring the potentials of wave and tidal
energy within their energy transition
• Critique…
Norway is the third largest exporter of
natural gas in the world and exports
around 2% of the world’s oil trade
(Norby et al, 2019)
Business as usual
In recent years, governments, NGOs, pressure groups
across the globe have developed environmentally
friendly plans to curb the economic and ecological
crisis. Broad societal and industrial transformations
should accelerate and widen in scope sustainable
modes of production and consumption.
Moving forward
(Markard et al 2020; Coenen & Truffer, 2012)
Sustainability transitions
a major opportunity (?)
Conditions for sustainability transitions
Governance dimension
Co-evolution of
new technologies,
small niches
(satisfying specific
market needs)
(Coenen et al. 2015;
Smith et al., 2010)
Changes in
markets and
energy systems
Policy and cultural discourses & unavoidable interests
Sustainability transitions > research gaps
::::::::::::::::::::Governance dimension:::::::::::::::::::::
Globally there is an emerging movement where
innovative, new sustainable solutions are being
experimented, shared, scaled and translated -
requiring >new approaches< to spatial/territorial
governance, to accelerate sustainability transitions
(Loorbach et al. 2016)
Sustainability transitions > research gaps
::::::::::::::::::::Geographical dimension ::::::::::::::::::
Questions concerning where sustainability
transitions take place and why have remained largely
off the radar in this otherwise increasing field of
(Coenen & Truffer, 2012)
How do we define governance?
Positioning territorial governance
within spatial-multilevel governance
(link OLAT)
Defining territorial governance
sustainable spatial development
(link OLAT)
Disrupting established systems
Defining territorial governance
Going beyond government-based decision-making
In 2013, Mariana Mazzucato published her
seminal book The Entrepreneurial State in
which she shows the importance of state
intervention in the economy to foster
radical technological innovations
(Mazzucato, 2013).
The State (public admins.), she says,
has/have been behind every major
technological innovations of the past.
✓ Think of the Internet, biotechnology,
robotics, or even every major
component of the iPhone.
✓ Governments through various
initiatives/policies promote localized
technological innovations > foster entre.
Entrepreneurial State/Region: basics
Entrepreneurial State
✓ Directly, the most famous example
being the program Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) in the United States;
Read more here
✓ Indirectly through massive tax-breaks
and public procurements +
investment infrastructures
(hard/soft), of which Tesla and
SpaceX are prime examples;
Indirectly public admin. support
(cold war period)
The State behind the iPhone
Steve Jobs highlights the fact that underlying the
success of a company like Apple – at the heart of the
Silicon Valley revolution – is not (just) the experience
and technical expertise of its staff, but (also) their
ability to be a bit ‘crazy’, take risks and give ‘design’ as
much importance as hardcore technology.
(Mazzucato, 2013).
Why territorial governance matters in the context of
Economic Geography and Sustainability transitions
Brings together
the terms ‘territory’, ‘space’ and ‘place’ (Elden 2010; Giddens 1981)
Devotes attention to
How knowledge of territorial specificities and the territorial impacts of various
courses of action are used in decision-making
Stead and Kovács, 2016; Lisa Van Well and Peter Schmitt, 2016
This includes ways in which the need for territorial knowledge (for
instance, technical knowledge of the impacts of climate change) is
identified, understood and integrated into governance.
Place-based decisions involving production, distribution and consumption
Supports active responses to
common societal challenges such as sustainable development, climate
change, social exclusion, territorial cohesion and competiveness
Why territorial governance matters in the context of EG
& Sustainability > territorial focus > examples
Baltic Sea Region
Danube Region
Multiple scales, territories (i.e., identities; political), cultures, interests,
ambitions, realities, various “economic geographies”
across scales
Again, let’s look to the big picture here >
sustainability transitions
Doing things
Institutional barriers are the
hardest for small wins
to overcome and
achieve wider impact
Critique > territorial governance > EG&S
The vision of these new, sustainable-oriented
territories valuing local tangible and intangible
elements is a result of the desire expressed by
an increasing number of consumers, often from
urban areas, anxious about environmental
issues, to preserve and contemplate natural
Torre and Traversac, 2011
They want to consume authentic food products,
products from sustainable farming practices with
SD as a vocation.
How local communities deal with this
contradictions of seeking calm environments
sustain their families?
Key: discussing sustainability transitions is not only about
Urban, Rural or the Industrial > territories and connections
Sources Sources Sources
Transitions research would do well to take a closer look
at the geographical unevenness of transition processes
from the perspective of global networks to the local.
Coenen et al. 2012
Disentangle sustainability transitions
The need for spatial analyses of sustainability transitions (ST)
How do we define transitions ?
Transitions > from Latin transitionem
go or cross over
passage from one state, stage to another
evolution from one form to another
Transitions are defined as the result of co-evolving processes in economy,
society, ecology, and technology that progressively build up toward a
revolutionary systemic change on the very long term (Rotmans et al. 2001;
Frantzeskaki and de Haan 2009; Loorbach 2010).
Defining transitions
Transition is here understood as shifts or ‘system innovations’
between distinctive socio-technical configurations encompassing new
technologies but also corresponding changes in markets, user
practices, policy and cultural discourses as well as governance
configurations (Ehnert et al., 2018; Geels et al., 2008).
Geels and Schot (2010) characterize transitions according to:
(1) co-evolution and multiple changes in socio-technical
(2) multi-actor interactions between social groups including
firms, user groups, scientific communities, policy makers,
social movements and special interest groups,
(3) ‘radical’ change in terms of scope/nature of change (but
not speed – doing things differently, strategically)
(4) long-term processes over 40–50-year periods.
Defining transitions
Transitions typically unfolds over distinct phases including…
Pre-formation / Start-up > formation of
new niche technologies / discovery
Acceleration > upscaling and massive
diffusion of those core technologies
(Geels and Schot 2010)
Example > in the case of energy transitions,
renewable energy technologies that help
achieve key environmental goals as
decarbonization (i.e., reduction or
elimination of carbon dioxide from energy
Stabilization > socio-technical
configuration stabilize
Most countries are still in the first two of these phases
which is also what research has been investigating
To address grand societal and sustainability challenges transitions
need to enter the acceleration phase.
Climate change > new tech
Food security > social inequality
High urbanization > densify/multi use/decarb
Biodiversity loss > nature conservation
(Markard et al 2020)
(Campbell et al 2018)
Transition within agriculture and food systems
Short- and long-term impacts need to be understood.
Transitions > sustainability transitions
Progress has been rather limited, because existing systems of provision and
consumption exhibit high degrees of inaction (Sachs et al 2019)
As a response: interdisciplinary field of research on ‘sustainability transitions’
emerged (Markard et al 2012).
Sustainability transitions are fundamental changes in socio-technical systems such
as energy, food or transport that aim to address grand challenges in a way that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs. (Geels 2011).
Sustainability transitions research investigates how radical innovations emerge,
struggle with incumbent/deeply rooted interests, and eventually lead to major
changes (Coenen et al 2011)
Current research within ST
Where EG stands in ST debates
While many sustainability challenges are global, transitions research often
focuses at the regional or local level, where situated innovations and
interactions between policymakers, firms, consumers, and civil society
organizations can be empirically analyzed. (Markard et al 2020)
EG is focused on
• Innovations, including the spatial organization of
novel technologies to explore wind or solar power
• Alternative business models (e.g., circular economy)
• Understanding changes in social practices and
linkage to territory (e.g., sharing or consuming less).
• Technological change is viewed as an integral
element of wider social, political and corporate
transformation processes and responsability
(Köhler et al 2019)
Where EG stands in ST debates
Space is relational (relational economic geography):
Distance between actors affects how they interact – regular interactions between
actors can build up into more solid connections, institutions and networks which in
turn can support further ‘remote’ relationships > new niches, new technologies.
(Bathelt and Glueckler, 2003)
Appreciation of the importance of overlapping relationships and networks,
alongside providing a set of conceptual tools for understanding their place-specific
What a geographical analysis brings?
Explaining the uneven geographical landscape of innovation and technological change
Identifying key spatial dimensions of sustainability transitions > address inequalities
Understanding socio-technical systems as semi-coherently interrelated sets of actors,
networks institutions and technologies within a multi-level perspective (MLP)
Socio-technical dimension of ST
Technological developments and social change
influence each other.
(Kemp, 1994; Rip and Kemp, 1998; Kemp et al. 1998; van den Ende and Kemp, 1999; Geels
and Schot, 2007; Rip, 2018; Romero-Lankao et al. 2018)
Sociotechnical and
Theories of
processes through which
socioecological and
technical systems
Socio-technical because
A technological
Changes in practices
in institutional
Changes in cultural
meaning and
Changes in
in tech policy
(Schot and Kanger, 2016)
Example of a socio-technical system
Geels, 2005
Socio-technical > current research
Analysing long-lasting transformation processes of socio-technical
systems, such as the transition from conventional to renewable energies
(good references are Frank Geels and Johan Schot)
Understanding better the relationships between the technical network, the
user, the environment, the institutions responsible, and society at large
(Furlong, 2010)
Explaining social preconditions for the development of socio-technical
systems as well as their impact on society (Truffer, 2008)
A commonly shared starting point on which all strands of
economic geography and SST research agree is related to
the importance of innovations in society.
Technological transitions as evolutionary
From socio-technical systems
To the socio-technical transitions
Socio-technical transitions do not only involve technological changes, but
also changes in elements such as user practices, regulation, industrial
networks, infrastructure, and symbolic meaning. (Geels, 2002)
Within a multi-level perspective (MLP)
The multi-level perspective (MLP)
The MLP can be regarded as a hybrid theoretical framework bridging science
and technology studies and evolutionary economics
Stabilizing influence of a
socio-technical regimes
(rule-set embedded in complex of practices)
(Coenen et al. 2012)
MLP in-depth understanding of the complexity of scientific
knowledge, engineering practices, production process
technologies, product characteristics, skills and procedures,
established user needs, regulatory requirements, institutions
and infrastructures > ‘strengthening’ socio-technical regimes
(Rip and Kemp, 1998).
The multi-level perspective (MLP) on
socio-technical transitions is about ‘consolidation’
The multi-level perspective (MLP) on
socio-technical transitions
(Geels, 2002)
Trying to simplify an otherwise complex endeavor
Find a path
Fuel it
Accelerate it
Scale-up of local
Lin et al. 2021
Challenges of
implementing green
> improve existing ones
Limited financial
> leverage existing
projects; pay for
ecosystems services;
ask the private sector
Your essay
Play between global and local
Research needs > accelerating local solutions
The MLP on socio-technical transitions >
From idea to market or practical application
External conditions
i.e. coordination;
rooted practices;
Incubation rooms
for networks and
(Geels, 2002)
Your essay?
The MLP on socio-technical transitions >
From idea to market or practical application
(Geels, 2002)
(Geels, 2002)
Multi-Level Dynamics
Hence, transitions are
An outcome of multidimensional
interactions between radical niche-
innovations, an regimes (e.g. governance
configurations) and external
factors/conditions (Verbong and Geels 2010)
Multiple levels as a nested hierarchy
The multi-level perspective (MLP) on
socio-technical transitions
The MLP has been applied empirically in various historical cases
• Hygienic reform of wastewater disposal in Netherlands (Geels, 2006)
• The transition from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles in the US
1870–1930 (Geels, 2005)
• Emergence of renewable energy in the Netherlands (Verbong et al.,
Geography of sustainability transitions
Importance of a spatial understanding
of transitions towards sustainability
Spatial distribution of ‘transitions’ (or benefits)
(Affolderbach and Schulz 2015; Bulkeley and Broto 2013; Hodson and Marvin 2009)
Importance of contexts for transition processes
(Bridge et al. 2013; Coenen and Truffer 2012; Faller 2015; Faller and Schulz 2017; Murphy 2015)
climate change experiment
production and disposal of waste
The energy challenge in the twenty-first century is to bring about a
new transition, towards a more sustainable energy system
characterized by universal access to energy services, and security
and reliability of supply from efficient, low-carbon sources.
Importance of a spatial understanding
of transitions towards sustainability
Spatial dimensions of networks (local to global to local)
(Binz et al. 2014; Coenen et al. 2012; Gibbs and O’Neill 2015)
Governance of transitions at across scales
(Coenen et al. 2012)
By tracking the activities of core actors over time, processes like
knowledge creation, entrepreneurial experimentation or market
formation can be related to specific spatial setups
Apart from showing where and when specific innovations develop and
diffuse, a - spatial perspective also sheds light on how innovation
processes might interrelate between seemingly unrelated places
Ability to work together locally, and persuade or compel sufficient
external agents to support their activities i.e., a coordinated response
and the availability of resources
Smith et al 2015
Example: Importance of a spatial understanding
of transitions towards sustainability
Christian Binz,
Bernhard Truffer and
Lars Coenen 2015
Mapping global
knowledge dynamics
of membrane
technology aiming
at biological
treatment (1966)
Importance of a spatial understanding
of transitions towards sustainability
Transitions are spatially-constituted, a geographical perspective
on transition foregrounds questions about:
• spatial difference;
• relations of position and connection; and
• spatial configuration and scales of organization (Bridge et al 2013)
Two geographical concepts that are key to understanding
spatial difference of transitions:
• space > spatial embeddedness
• scale > multiscalar interactions
(Hansen and Coenen 2015)
Spatial embeddedness > creating/securing ties
Approaches in Economic Geography Spatial embeddedness
Evolutionary EG Regional industry structures > related and
unrelated variety > path dependence
Relational EG Relational embeddedness > historical ties
Institutional EG Formal and informal institutional
preconditions > territorial governance
Geographical political economy Economic organization under capitalism, the
role of the state > evolutionary governance
Proximity or nearness in geographic space
has been found to be extremely important
in technological development processes
whereby people make and break a
number of different types of relationships,
even at very local scales, may endure
subsequent geographical separation…
Habinek et al 2015
The origin of the current sustainability transitions theories
Where STs take place and why; two key concepts – space and scale;
lack of original theories – under investigation
• Energy production
• Food systems prime domains research/practice
• Transportation
Useful in tracing historically societal transformation; lacks spatial
dimension essential to understand maturation processes
Socio-technical systems
Multi-level perspective
Geography of sustainability transitions
Territorial governance
Key ingredients:
Key ingredients: ST in cities and regions
(Lars Coenen)
Clear, well-defined processes and strategies
1) Go beyond entrepreneurial discovery and knowledge exploitation
2) Towards open-ended, inclusive experimentalism based on
socio-technical innovation and socio-ecological innovation
Key ingredients: ST in cities and regions
(Lars Coenen)
Strong ‘experimentalism’ e.g., during COVID-19
Acuto et al 2020
Key ingredients: ST in cities and regions
(Lars Coenen)
Doing it with a purpose – doing it strategically
1) Beyond growth poles and uneven development assessments
2) Social and ecological impact of transitions (not only economic)
3) Foundational Economy (‘a new way of thinking which
challenges mainstream ideas about what economic policy
should be’) + collective responsibility
(Barbera et al. 2020)
Policy integration
1) Sustainable smart specialization strategies
2) Governance experimentation but locally-based and embedded
3) Pop up innovation systems – ‘our role’; ‘your role’
4) Challenge-oriented innovation policies (e.g., mission oriented)
(Wanzenbock and Frenken 2020)
Key ingredients: acceleration of
sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020
Challenge-oriented approach > addressing acceleration challenges
Complementary interactions between multiple innovation
In Germany, for example, there is a lack of transmission grid capacity
to transport electricity from wind parks in the North to the centers of
consumption further south, hampering the acceleration of the
renewable energy transition.
In electricity, the integration of renewable energies is a key issue in this
regard. Solar or wind require complementary storage technologies
such as batteries or hydropower to provide back-up capacity
Overcoming tensions as interactions between different systems
For example, Norway, a country with an abundance of hydropower,
is pursuing a strategy to electrify transportation, heating and
industrial production for deep decarbonization. This may create
tensions, e.g., as different sectors compete for the same resource.
Key ingredients: acceleration of
sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020
Challenge-oriented approach > addressing acceleration challenges
Think strategically phase-out policies – integrated planning
Accomplish wider societal support for long-term transition targets and
to form broad constituencies of actors who are in favor of the transition,
e.g., as they benefit from jobs in clean-tech industry.
In Germany, for example, policymakers are helping regions suffering
from the decline of lignite mining by providing financial compensation,
establishing innovation parks (e.g., on energy efficiency), and supporting
new industries.
Focus on consumers and social practices
• For instance, electric vehicles presently require changes in trip
planning and refueling practices.
• Reducing levels of consumption is desirable but difficult.
Key ingredients: acceleration of
sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020
Reducing levels of consumption is desirable but difficult
….are important for sustainability reasons.
But such demand reductions are culturally and politically
challenging because consumption is closely related to social
norms (e.g., freedom; democratic principles) and
established practices around work, family and identity.
(Dubois et al 2019)
Climate policies targeting household consumption
and behavioral decisions
Relationship between acceptance and environmental
improvements of different consumer practice changes
(Dubois et al 2019)
The reduction of
consumption levels is
more challenging,
because policymakers
and environmentalists
are cautious about
lecturing consumers
about their lifestyles as
this may evoke
resistance, hinder
economic growth, or
threaten jobs.
Key ingredients: acceleration of
sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020
Governance > political power > lobbies
The acceleration of sustainability transitions is not only associated with
public policies that stimulate innovation or target decline, but also with
broader governance challenges
The European Commission, for instance, can formulate ambitious
visions (e.g., Energy Union, Circular Economy policies, Green Deal),
but has relatively limited financial resources (capped at 1% of
European GDP) to realize them.
Sustainability transitions require a shift from a neo-liberal policy
paradigm and hands-off policy style towards a more interventionist
approach with a stronger role for policymakers in shaping markets
stimulating innovation, launching larger missions, building infrastructure,
and regulating businesses.
(Roberts and Geels 2019).
How economic policymaking may accelerate transitions towards sustainability by
overcoming ‘transition failures’, with reference to policy learning and experimentation;
Reflections > and a call for critical work
What economic actors (organizations; entrepreneurs; investors) as well as the public
sector can instigate a particular direction of change/transformation across multiple
sectors amidst political contestation, including facilitating phase-out of environmentally
unsustainable activities;
How to deal with social backlashes against sustainability transition strategies;
Considering how transitions towards sustainability can not only ensure
decarbonization – to avoid breaching planetary boundaries – but also compensate
those who stand to ‘‘lose’’ from energy transition will be crucial for identifying
politically feasible transition pathways or elaborate roadmaps;
Lecture 1 - Introduction: economic geography and its recent paradigms
Next week > 17-11: Global production networks, slow
innovation and geographies of circular economy and
EU Green Deal

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The territorial governance of sustainability transitions by Eduardo Oliveira

  • 1. Lecture 1 - Introduction: economic geography and its recent paradigms Economic Geography and Sustainability WS 2021-20220 Lecture 3 – 10.11.2021
  • 2. • 27-10: Introduction • 03-11: Making progress towards the SDGs through the lens of evolutionary economic geography (EEG) • 10-11: Governance of sustainability transitions • 17-11: Slow innovation and circular economy • 24-11: Corporate social responsibility vs. corporate spatial responsibility and Greenwashing effect • 01-12: Mission-oriented innovation policies and sustainable economic geography (e.g., degrowth; EU Green Deal) Third lecture of this WS 2021-22 Direct link literature
  • 3. I Part: • A recap of last week’s lecture • Defining (territorial) governance • Why governance matters in the context of “Transitions” :::10 minutes Break::: II Part: • Defining sustainability transitions (ST) • Where EG stands in ST debates • Socio-technical dimension • Multi-level dimension • Geographical dimension III Part: • Open debate, retrospective or forward looking In today’s lecture Sustainability transitions
  • 4. A recap of last week’s lecture Grand sustainability challenges such as climate change, degradation of ecosystems, biodiversity loss, waste production and disposal, lack of clean water, poverty, or socio-spatial inequality pose extraordinary societal risks. The global initiative to target 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the Paris climate agreement, Green Deals etc. Underline the urgency of these challenges
  • 5. A recap of last week’s lecture Evolutionary economic geography Sustainable development & Sustainable Development Goals Pluralism  multi- trans-disciplinary (Barnes and Sheppard, 2010) Understanding how the spatial organization of economic processes – production, distribution and consumption – are transformed over time (Boschma & Martin 2010; Hassink et al. 2009). Why regional economies become locked into development paths that lose dynamism, whilst other regional economies seem able to avoid this danger? (Martin and Sunley, 2006). Humanity must change its practices production and consumption etc., quickly and strategically Collective efforts + public and private institutions play a role
  • 6. A recap of last week’s lecture Reducing the physical distance production and consumption, technological innovations and new infrastructures Establishing direct links with consumers Adding value to local resources Developing appropriate communication strategies (Horlings et al 2020; Brunori and Galli, 2016) Transition in discourse and practices from the global to local
  • 7. Small wins approach as a new governance strategy to deal grand societal problems Bours et al. 2021 Accelerating bottom-up initiatives guided by a shared mission.
  • 8. Integrating solutions to adapt territories for climate change Lin et al. 2021
  • 9. A recap of last week’s lecture U.S. Energy Information Administration • Norway compensates by intensive investments in the transition to a carbon capture and sequestration strategy. • Energi21 is the Norwegian national strategy for research, development, demonstration, and commercialization of new energy technology. • Norway was among the pioneers in exploring the potentials of wave and tidal energy within their energy transition strategy • Critique… Norway is the third largest exporter of natural gas in the world and exports around 2% of the world’s oil trade (Norby et al, 2019)
  • 12. In recent years, governments, NGOs, pressure groups across the globe have developed environmentally friendly plans to curb the economic and ecological crisis. Broad societal and industrial transformations should accelerate and widen in scope sustainable modes of production and consumption. Moving forward (Markard et al 2020; Coenen & Truffer, 2012) Sustainability transitions a major opportunity (?)
  • 13. Conditions for sustainability transitions Governance dimension Geographical dimension Socio- technical dimension Co-evolution of new technologies, small niches (satisfying specific market needs) (Coenen et al. 2015; Smith et al., 2010) Changes in markets and energy systems Policy and cultural discourses & unavoidable interests
  • 14. Sustainability transitions > research gaps ::::::::::::::::::::Governance dimension::::::::::::::::::::: Globally there is an emerging movement where innovative, new sustainable solutions are being experimented, shared, scaled and translated - requiring >new approaches< to spatial/territorial governance, to accelerate sustainability transitions (Loorbach et al. 2016)
  • 15. Sustainability transitions > research gaps ::::::::::::::::::::Geographical dimension :::::::::::::::::: Questions concerning where sustainability transitions take place and why have remained largely off the radar in this otherwise increasing field of studies. (Coenen & Truffer, 2012)
  • 16. How do we define governance?
  • 17. Positioning territorial governance within spatial-multilevel governance (link OLAT)
  • 18. Defining territorial governance sustainable spatial development (link OLAT) Disrupting established systems
  • 19.
  • 20. Defining territorial governance Going beyond government-based decision-making MARIANA MAZZUCATO Territorial governance
  • 21. In 2013, Mariana Mazzucato published her seminal book The Entrepreneurial State in which she shows the importance of state intervention in the economy to foster radical technological innovations (Mazzucato, 2013). The State (public admins.), she says, has/have been behind every major technological innovations of the past. ✓ Think of the Internet, biotechnology, robotics, or even every major component of the iPhone. ✓ Governments through various initiatives/policies promote localized technological innovations > foster entre. Entrepreneurial State/Region: basics (OLAT)
  • 22. Entrepreneurial State ✓ Directly, the most famous example being the program Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the United States; Read more here ✓ Indirectly through massive tax-breaks and public procurements + investment infrastructures (hard/soft), of which Tesla and SpaceX are prime examples; Indirectly public admin. support (cold war period)
  • 23. The State behind the iPhone Steve Jobs highlights the fact that underlying the success of a company like Apple – at the heart of the Silicon Valley revolution – is not (just) the experience and technical expertise of its staff, but (also) their ability to be a bit ‘crazy’, take risks and give ‘design’ as much importance as hardcore technology. (Mazzucato, 2013).
  • 24. Why territorial governance matters in the context of Economic Geography and Sustainability transitions Brings together the terms ‘territory’, ‘space’ and ‘place’ (Elden 2010; Giddens 1981) Devotes attention to How knowledge of territorial specificities and the territorial impacts of various courses of action are used in decision-making Stead and Kovács, 2016; Lisa Van Well and Peter Schmitt, 2016 This includes ways in which the need for territorial knowledge (for instance, technical knowledge of the impacts of climate change) is identified, understood and integrated into governance. Place-based decisions involving production, distribution and consumption Supports active responses to common societal challenges such as sustainable development, climate change, social exclusion, territorial cohesion and competiveness
  • 25. Why territorial governance matters in the context of EG & Sustainability > territorial focus > examples Baltic Sea Region Danube Region Multiple scales, territories (i.e., identities; political), cultures, interests, ambitions, realities, various “economic geographies” Changing processes across scales
  • 26. Again, let’s look to the big picture here > sustainability transitions Doing things differently Institutional barriers are the hardest for small wins to overcome and achieve wider impact
  • 27. Critique > territorial governance > EG&S The vision of these new, sustainable-oriented territories valuing local tangible and intangible elements is a result of the desire expressed by an increasing number of consumers, often from urban areas, anxious about environmental issues, to preserve and contemplate natural areas. Torre and Traversac, 2011 They want to consume authentic food products, products from sustainable farming practices with SD as a vocation. How local communities deal with this contradictions of seeking calm environments versus sustain their families?
  • 28. Key: discussing sustainability transitions is not only about Urban, Rural or the Industrial > territories and connections Sources Sources Sources Transitions research would do well to take a closer look at the geographical unevenness of transition processes from the perspective of global networks to the local. Coenen et al. 2012
  • 29. Disentangle sustainability transitions The need for spatial analyses of sustainability transitions (ST) How do we define transitions ?
  • 30. Transitions > from Latin transitionem go or cross over passage from one state, stage to another evolution from one form to another changeover development transformation shift realignment turn innovation
  • 31. Transitions are defined as the result of co-evolving processes in economy, society, ecology, and technology that progressively build up toward a revolutionary systemic change on the very long term (Rotmans et al. 2001; Frantzeskaki and de Haan 2009; Loorbach 2010).
  • 32. Defining transitions Transition is here understood as shifts or ‘system innovations’ between distinctive socio-technical configurations encompassing new technologies but also corresponding changes in markets, user practices, policy and cultural discourses as well as governance configurations (Ehnert et al., 2018; Geels et al., 2008). Geels and Schot (2010) characterize transitions according to: (1) co-evolution and multiple changes in socio-technical systems (2) multi-actor interactions between social groups including firms, user groups, scientific communities, policy makers, social movements and special interest groups, (3) ‘radical’ change in terms of scope/nature of change (but not speed – doing things differently, strategically) (4) long-term processes over 40–50-year periods.
  • 33. Defining transitions Transitions typically unfolds over distinct phases including… Pre-formation / Start-up > formation of new niche technologies / discovery Acceleration > upscaling and massive diffusion of those core technologies (Geels and Schot 2010) Example > in the case of energy transitions, renewable energy technologies that help achieve key environmental goals as decarbonization (i.e., reduction or elimination of carbon dioxide from energy sources). Stabilization > socio-technical configuration stabilize
  • 34. Most countries are still in the first two of these phases which is also what research has been investigating To address grand societal and sustainability challenges transitions need to enter the acceleration phase. Climate change > new tech Food security > social inequality High urbanization > densify/multi use/decarb Biodiversity loss > nature conservation (Markard et al 2020)
  • 35. (Campbell et al 2018) Transition within agriculture and food systems Short- and long-term impacts need to be understood.
  • 36. Transitions > sustainability transitions Progress has been rather limited, because existing systems of provision and consumption exhibit high degrees of inaction (Sachs et al 2019) As a response: interdisciplinary field of research on ‘sustainability transitions’ emerged (Markard et al 2012). Sustainability transitions are fundamental changes in socio-technical systems such as energy, food or transport that aim to address grand challenges in a way that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Geels 2011). Sustainability transitions research investigates how radical innovations emerge, struggle with incumbent/deeply rooted interests, and eventually lead to major changes (Coenen et al 2011)
  • 39. Where EG stands in ST debates While many sustainability challenges are global, transitions research often focuses at the regional or local level, where situated innovations and interactions between policymakers, firms, consumers, and civil society organizations can be empirically analyzed. (Markard et al 2020) EG is focused on • Innovations, including the spatial organization of novel technologies to explore wind or solar power • Alternative business models (e.g., circular economy) • Understanding changes in social practices and linkage to territory (e.g., sharing or consuming less). • Technological change is viewed as an integral element of wider social, political and corporate transformation processes and responsability (Köhler et al 2019)
  • 40. Where EG stands in ST debates Space is relational (relational economic geography): Distance between actors affects how they interact – regular interactions between actors can build up into more solid connections, institutions and networks which in turn can support further ‘remote’ relationships > new niches, new technologies. (Bathelt and Glueckler, 2003) Appreciation of the importance of overlapping relationships and networks, alongside providing a set of conceptual tools for understanding their place-specific impacts. What a geographical analysis brings? Explaining the uneven geographical landscape of innovation and technological change Identifying key spatial dimensions of sustainability transitions > address inequalities Understanding socio-technical systems as semi-coherently interrelated sets of actors, networks institutions and technologies within a multi-level perspective (MLP)
  • 41. Socio-technical dimension of ST Technological developments and social change influence each other. (Kemp, 1994; Rip and Kemp, 1998; Kemp et al. 1998; van den Ende and Kemp, 1999; Geels and Schot, 2007; Rip, 2018; Romero-Lankao et al. 2018) Sociotechnical and Socioecological Theories of Transformation Multilevel processes through which socioecological and technical systems experience transformations
  • 42. Socio-technical because A technological dimension Changes in practices in institutional structures Changes in cultural meaning and behaviour Changes in markets in tech policy (Schot and Kanger, 2016)
  • 43. Example of a socio-technical system Geels, 2005 Transportation
  • 44. Socio-technical > current research Analysing long-lasting transformation processes of socio-technical systems, such as the transition from conventional to renewable energies (good references are Frank Geels and Johan Schot) Understanding better the relationships between the technical network, the user, the environment, the institutions responsible, and society at large (Furlong, 2010) Explaining social preconditions for the development of socio-technical systems as well as their impact on society (Truffer, 2008) A commonly shared starting point on which all strands of economic geography and SST research agree is related to the importance of innovations in society.
  • 45. Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration From socio-technical systems To the socio-technical transitions Summary: Socio-technical transitions do not only involve technological changes, but also changes in elements such as user practices, regulation, industrial networks, infrastructure, and symbolic meaning. (Geels, 2002) Within a multi-level perspective (MLP)
  • 46. The multi-level perspective (MLP) The MLP can be regarded as a hybrid theoretical framework bridging science and technology studies and evolutionary economics Stabilizing influence of a socio-technical regimes (rule-set embedded in complex of practices) (Coenen et al. 2012) MLP in-depth understanding of the complexity of scientific knowledge, engineering practices, production process technologies, product characteristics, skills and procedures, established user needs, regulatory requirements, institutions and infrastructures > ‘strengthening’ socio-technical regimes (Rip and Kemp, 1998). The multi-level perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions is about ‘consolidation’
  • 47. The multi-level perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions (Geels, 2002)
  • 48. Trying to simplify an otherwise complex endeavor Idea Novelty Niche Gap Find a path Fuel it Accelerate it Scale-up of local solutions
  • 49. Lin et al. 2021 Challenges of implementing green spaces? > improve existing ones Limited financial resources? > leverage existing projects; pay for ecosystems services; ask the private sector
  • 50. Your essay Play between global and local Research needs > accelerating local solutions
  • 51. The MLP on socio-technical transitions > From idea to market or practical application External conditions Governance Configurations i.e. coordination; rooted practices; know-how Incubation rooms for networks and knowledge Idea Application (Geels, 2002) Lieferkettengesetz Your essay?
  • 52. The MLP on socio-technical transitions > From idea to market or practical application Multi-Actor-Network (Geels, 2002)
  • 54. Hence, transitions are An outcome of multidimensional interactions between radical niche- innovations, an regimes (e.g. governance configurations) and external factors/conditions (Verbong and Geels 2010) Multiple levels as a nested hierarchy
  • 55. The multi-level perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions The MLP has been applied empirically in various historical cases • Hygienic reform of wastewater disposal in Netherlands (Geels, 2006) • The transition from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles in the US 1870–1930 (Geels, 2005) • Emergence of renewable energy in the Netherlands (Verbong et al., 2008).
  • 57. Importance of a spatial understanding of transitions towards sustainability Spatial distribution of ‘transitions’ (or benefits) (Affolderbach and Schulz 2015; Bulkeley and Broto 2013; Hodson and Marvin 2009) Importance of contexts for transition processes (Bridge et al. 2013; Coenen and Truffer 2012; Faller 2015; Faller and Schulz 2017; Murphy 2015) climate change experiment production and disposal of waste The energy challenge in the twenty-first century is to bring about a new transition, towards a more sustainable energy system characterized by universal access to energy services, and security and reliability of supply from efficient, low-carbon sources.
  • 58. Importance of a spatial understanding of transitions towards sustainability Spatial dimensions of networks (local to global to local) (Binz et al. 2014; Coenen et al. 2012; Gibbs and O’Neill 2015) Governance of transitions at across scales (Coenen et al. 2012) By tracking the activities of core actors over time, processes like knowledge creation, entrepreneurial experimentation or market formation can be related to specific spatial setups Apart from showing where and when specific innovations develop and diffuse, a - spatial perspective also sheds light on how innovation processes might interrelate between seemingly unrelated places Ability to work together locally, and persuade or compel sufficient external agents to support their activities i.e., a coordinated response and the availability of resources Smith et al 2015
  • 59. Example: Importance of a spatial understanding of transitions towards sustainability Christian Binz, Bernhard Truffer and Lars Coenen 2015 Mapping global knowledge dynamics of membrane bioreactor technology - Environmental technology aiming at biological wastewater treatment (1966)
  • 60. Importance of a spatial understanding of transitions towards sustainability Transitions are spatially-constituted, a geographical perspective on transition foregrounds questions about: • spatial difference; • relations of position and connection; and • spatial configuration and scales of organization (Bridge et al 2013) Two geographical concepts that are key to understanding spatial difference of transitions: • space > spatial embeddedness • scale > multiscalar interactions (Hansen and Coenen 2015)
  • 61. Spatial embeddedness > creating/securing ties Approaches in Economic Geography Spatial embeddedness Evolutionary EG Regional industry structures > related and unrelated variety > path dependence Relational EG Relational embeddedness > historical ties Institutional EG Formal and informal institutional preconditions > territorial governance Geographical political economy Economic organization under capitalism, the role of the state > evolutionary governance Proximity or nearness in geographic space has been found to be extremely important in technological development processes whereby people make and break a number of different types of relationships, even at very local scales, may endure subsequent geographical separation… Habinek et al 2015
  • 62. Summary The origin of the current sustainability transitions theories Where STs take place and why; two key concepts – space and scale; lack of original theories – under investigation • Energy production • Food systems prime domains research/practice • Transportation Useful in tracing historically societal transformation; lacks spatial dimension essential to understand maturation processes Socio-technical systems Multi-level perspective Geography of sustainability transitions Territorial governance settings
  • 65. Key ingredients: ST in cities and regions (Lars Coenen) Clear, well-defined processes and strategies 1) Go beyond entrepreneurial discovery and knowledge exploitation 2) Towards open-ended, inclusive experimentalism based on socio-technical innovation and socio-ecological innovation
  • 66. Key ingredients: ST in cities and regions (Lars Coenen) Strong ‘experimentalism’ e.g., during COVID-19 Acuto et al 2020
  • 67. Key ingredients: ST in cities and regions (Lars Coenen) Doing it with a purpose – doing it strategically 1) Beyond growth poles and uneven development assessments 2) Social and ecological impact of transitions (not only economic) 3) Foundational Economy (‘a new way of thinking which challenges mainstream ideas about what economic policy should be’) + collective responsibility (Barbera et al. 2020) Policy integration 1) Sustainable smart specialization strategies 2) Governance experimentation but locally-based and embedded 3) Pop up innovation systems – ‘our role’; ‘your role’ 4) Challenge-oriented innovation policies (e.g., mission oriented) (Wanzenbock and Frenken 2020)
  • 68. Key ingredients: acceleration of sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020 Challenge-oriented approach > addressing acceleration challenges Complementary interactions between multiple innovation systems In Germany, for example, there is a lack of transmission grid capacity to transport electricity from wind parks in the North to the centers of consumption further south, hampering the acceleration of the renewable energy transition. In electricity, the integration of renewable energies is a key issue in this regard. Solar or wind require complementary storage technologies such as batteries or hydropower to provide back-up capacity Overcoming tensions as interactions between different systems intensify For example, Norway, a country with an abundance of hydropower, is pursuing a strategy to electrify transportation, heating and industrial production for deep decarbonization. This may create tensions, e.g., as different sectors compete for the same resource.
  • 69. Key ingredients: acceleration of sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020 Challenge-oriented approach > addressing acceleration challenges Think strategically phase-out policies – integrated planning Accomplish wider societal support for long-term transition targets and to form broad constituencies of actors who are in favor of the transition, e.g., as they benefit from jobs in clean-tech industry. In Germany, for example, policymakers are helping regions suffering from the decline of lignite mining by providing financial compensation, establishing innovation parks (e.g., on energy efficiency), and supporting new industries. Focus on consumers and social practices • For instance, electric vehicles presently require changes in trip planning and refueling practices. • Reducing levels of consumption is desirable but difficult.
  • 70. Key ingredients: acceleration of sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020 Reducing levels of consumption is desirable but difficult ….are important for sustainability reasons. But such demand reductions are culturally and politically challenging because consumption is closely related to social norms (e.g., freedom; democratic principles) and established practices around work, family and identity. (Dubois et al 2019) Climate policies targeting household consumption and behavioral decisions
  • 71. Relationship between acceptance and environmental improvements of different consumer practice changes (Dubois et al 2019) The reduction of consumption levels is more challenging, because policymakers and environmentalists are cautious about lecturing consumers about their lifestyles as this may evoke resistance, hinder economic growth, or threaten jobs.
  • 72. Key ingredients: acceleration of sustainability transitions Markard et al 2020 Governance > political power > lobbies The acceleration of sustainability transitions is not only associated with public policies that stimulate innovation or target decline, but also with broader governance challenges The European Commission, for instance, can formulate ambitious visions (e.g., Energy Union, Circular Economy policies, Green Deal), but has relatively limited financial resources (capped at 1% of European GDP) to realize them. Sustainability transitions require a shift from a neo-liberal policy paradigm and hands-off policy style towards a more interventionist approach with a stronger role for policymakers in shaping markets stimulating innovation, launching larger missions, building infrastructure, and regulating businesses. (Roberts and Geels 2019).
  • 73. How economic policymaking may accelerate transitions towards sustainability by overcoming ‘transition failures’, with reference to policy learning and experimentation; Reflections > and a call for critical work What economic actors (organizations; entrepreneurs; investors) as well as the public sector can instigate a particular direction of change/transformation across multiple sectors amidst political contestation, including facilitating phase-out of environmentally unsustainable activities; How to deal with social backlashes against sustainability transition strategies; Considering how transitions towards sustainability can not only ensure decarbonization – to avoid breaching planetary boundaries – but also compensate those who stand to ‘‘lose’’ from energy transition will be crucial for identifying politically feasible transition pathways or elaborate roadmaps;
  • 74. Lecture 1 - Introduction: economic geography and its recent paradigms Next week > 17-11: Global production networks, slow innovation and geographies of circular economy and EU Green Deal