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The Four Principles Of Object Oriented Programming
COS20007 Object Oriented Programming Pass Task 13 – Principles of Object Oriented
Programming Student Name: Damon Koo Ka Poh Student ID: 100076771 Year: 1 Semester: 2
Lecturer: Mr. Ong Chin Ann Principle of Object Oriented Programming There are four major
principles for Object Oriented Programming which are Encapsulation, Abstraction, Inheritance and
Polymorphism. These principles are useful for programmers to manage their coding and work easily
by breaking down to small pieces, using superclass and subclass, hiding data and all others stuff.
These principles are important for especially big project of programs, or complex and complicated
program that required often maintenance and changes. Encapsulation Encapsulation is to protect or
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This is abstraction principle. Inheritance Inheritance mean receiving members from the parent class,
a way allowing us to reuse the pre–written code from parent classes. It is a relationship between
classes. This help programmers to save time while coding. In inheritance, there are subclass and
superclass. Subclass is the child class and superclass is the parent class. public class Rectangle
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Questions On Object Oriented Programming
Growing a Language– by Guy Steele
Shobha M. Kand
Department Of Computer Science and Informatics, Purdue School of Science, IUPUI Abstract– A lecture given by Guy L. Steele in 1998 at "OOPSLA 13th ACM
SIGPLAN conference on Object–oriented programming" focuses mainly on the nature and growth
of programming–language design. The speaker started his lecture by giving insights into the use and
nature of programming–languages. He started with examples of English language comparing with a
programming–language. He talked about the set of constraints showing one may use any word of
single syllable. The speaker also demonstrates it can be confining to expressing yourself when you
don't have access to an extensive vocabulary. If someone wishes to use the longer words, one must
define them using only such words have one syllable Guy Steele shows with his talk is that small
language restricts the expressiveness of thoughts. You must define a lot of new words to express
your thoughts and ideas clearly. .He gives many more interesting points how languages should be
grown. He discusses that how programmer needs to enhance the ability to expand the vocabularies
of languages that feels weakened. The speaker ends his lecture after explaining the main goal of
programming language design by giving various examples. [1][2][5]
Keywords– Programming Language, Software Design, Object Oriented Programming, ACM
conference, OOPSLA'98.
1. INTRODUCTION "A programming language is a
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Essay On Object Oriented Approach
OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Introduction to object– oriented approach Basic concepts of
object–oriented programming Benefits of OOP Applications of OOP How java differs from C and
C++ Java character set Keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, separators INTRODUCTION
Object–oriented approach was developed in late 1950's in MIT to overcome the drawbacks of
procedural– oriented approach. Ii is commonly known as OOPS. Now, it has become most preferred
programming approach by software engineers to solve real world complex problems. The traditional
procedural languages solve problems in terms of the structure of the computer i.e. memory bits and
bytes, array, decision, loop rather than thinking in terms of the problem which is to be solved. Some
of the noticeable drawbacks of traditional procedural–oriented programming languages such as C,
Fortran, Cobol and Pascal are: Procedural–oriented programs are designed by functions which are
less reusable and not well encapsulated. Global variables and other functions are also need to be
referenced while using same function for other program. This makes reusability of functions very
difficult in procedural– oriented programming. Procedural languages are not suitable of high–level
abstraction for solving real life problems. Traditional procedural–languages separate the data
structures and algorithms of the software entities. To overcome these problems
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How Did Roswell Who Found The Object
What happened at Roswell and why did the government hind it. Who found the object? What did the
army do with it at that time? What did the government do?
Who Fond The Object
The name of the person that found it was Mac Brazel and he lived just outside of Roswell, New
Mexico( para 1). The object he found look like something out of this world with
metallic sticks held together with tape, chunks of plastic and a reflecting surface. After the find Mac
called the police and in turn the police called the air base on the outside of town. Then the army
came and toke it away in armored trucks then said it was a weather balloon. Many people said that it
was a UFO or a undefined unidentified flying object. Mac was almost happy he got some
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Creating An Object Orientated Program Essay
Introduction. This report discusses the task of creating an Object Orientated program, using a
software named Alice, whilst implementing the preferred computing language,"JAVA." As a base
line to the project, part of my instructions were to create a suitable scene, for six individual avatars,
to sequentially animate around the said scene in coordination. Whilst completing this project, I kept
in mind the disciplines and guidlines of good Human– Computer Interaction and quality usability
throughout; enabling the user to engage in the interaction of the animation and foremost enjoy using
it. This report documents the project from the planning process through to completion. During the
completion process I critically analised the weaknesses and strengths in my code, debugged the
project and ammended any errors. This report finishes with a critical post project analysis of my
project. Method. Alice is a excellent choice of software to use whilst learning to code. It pays
particular attention to good Human Computer Interaction for users of all intellect and experience.
On reflection, experiencing the usability of Alice, it became apparent that the user of my animation
was of the utmost importance. Neilson (2012) suggests, simply adhering to these factors would lead
to positive design and development, in terms of usability, of any computer software. From this,
knowledge was gained, that good HCI is putting the user first. Keeping the user in mind, I needed to
create a source file
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Theme Of The Solid Object By Virginia Woolf
The Adverse Effects of Obsession: Solid Object by Virginia Woolf
The Solid Objects by Virginia Woolf similarly encapsulates the prevailing modernist conception of
the impulse to collect, and the author conveys her strong disapproval of the protagonist, John's
collection by describing the negative effects. Implies by Woolf, John raises the lump of glass to the
light and holds it "so that its irregular mass blotted out the body and extended right arm of his
friend" (11), prefiguring the way in which his growing obsession with collection will eclipse his
interest in friends, work, and everyday concerns (Alt, 88).
To start with, Woolf points out that John's obsession has destroyed his social life. Woolf describes
"He was too silent...never talked ... Show more content on ...
Rather than weighing him down, John's objects represent his desire to escape from the predictability
and drabness of politics (Julie), and Woolf explains the joy brings to John by describing "if he had
not been consumed by ambition and ... would have made him give up the pursuit" (14).
John achieves an elevating sense that he can make his own choice, which is the desire of controlling
through his collection, where Woolf describes "it might so easily have been any other of the millions
of stones, but it was I, I, I" (12). The collecting behaviour fulfils his life as mentioned by Alt that the
collected object's "absolute singularity ... arises from the fact of being possessed by the collector –
and this allows the collector, in turn, to recognise himself in the object as an absolutely singular
In conclusion, John in Solid Objects by Virginia Woolf seeks to escape from the realities of life by
seeking purpose in the collection of esoteric objects. Woolf's condemnation of John's deeds is
reflected in his mental illness and the destruction both of his social life and political
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Evolution Of Object Oriented Technology
This paper is about the evolution of Object–oriented technology in software design and
implementation and its role in current market for developing web based products or server side
scripting. Many Object–oriented languages have come in market but among them companies prefer
to use open source OO languages such as Java, C++, C# .NET, and Visual Basic .NET etc. The
demand for these languages has increased because the cost of licensing is very less or nothing. As
these languages are open source, it easy to find relevant libraries and source code for the developers
while developing a product. The cost of the infrastructure such as development IDE's or testing tools
are also minimal or available for free. Hence all these factors ... Show more content on ...
Many programming languages, office information systems, system simulation and artificial
intelligence have adopted object–oriented technology. It is an assumption that learning specific
development method or a set of tools.
The theory of objects in the Simula 67 was introduced by the discrete event simulation which was
the outcome of the formal programming language, designed in 1960's, created by Kristen Niggard
has and Ole–Johan Dahl of Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Oslo. Simula 67 has been
influenced by the C.A.R. and SIMSCRIPT. "Tony" Hoare's proposed the Record classes. As part of
the explicit programming model the Classes and objects or their instances were presented in Simula.
The Automatic Garbage collection concept that was created earlier for the functional programming
language Lisp was used by Simula. For the study and improvement of ship movements and the
contents on them via cargo ports, Simula was utilized for creating the physical model of ships and
the content that they carried. Many languages were influenced by Simula 67 such as derivatives of
LISP (CLOS), Smalltalk, Pascal, and C++ Object.
The Smalltalk language:
Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and others in the 1970s. The term object–
oriented programming was introduced to represent the extensive use of objects
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Object Oriented Approach For Software Development
Linguistic is the analysis which is applied to the object oriented which gives the accurate results
when compare to other analysis. The main drawback of the object oriented approaches for software
development is the object oriented analysis process which do not having the exact information.
When the particular project was given by the clients they specify the information about the project
which was in natural language. The information is tendered in linguistic it is a study of scientific
language. The software engineering projects starts from the information given by the customer. Then
the company has to work with that and analyze the complete information, requirements about the
project. The main thing is to know about the project is to ... Show more content on
A relationship between classes/items can demonstrate different qualities named as composition.
Word–labeling breaks down how a statement is utilized within a sentence. Specifically, words can
be variably from one sentence to an alternate relying upon connection (e.g. light can be utilized as
thing, verb, modifier and intensifier; keeping in mind can be utilized as relational word, conjunction,
verb also thing). Naming systems are utilized to point out word–structure for each one single word
in a sentence, and each word is labeled as a Part Of Speech (POS), label would indicate a particular
thing, while VBB would mean the base manifestation of a word class that server as the predicate of
a sentence. Object orientation is one of the software development model playing role in software
engineering. In object oriented analysis there are many problems facing by the software developers
in order to replace all these and get the accurate results the developers are following the linguistic
analysis. Linguistic completely relates on the set which has the other members included in it of
structures from linguistic models and subset of models from the allocated examples. This method
divide the information given by the clients and allocates it to the different frame work and then
process it. The linguistic data mainly includes the words which focuses to components of object
oriented analysis. The natural language information analyses
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Melanie Klein, The Mother Of Object Relations
She is a drive theorist who influenced child psychology and is known as the mother of Object
Relations. Melanie Klein believed that drives are object seeking, relational in their essence and not
just meant for resolutions of tensions as Freud suggested.
Klein postulated that internal object formation is integral to the psychic life of the infant and is
based on powerful struggle between the internal forces of 'life' and death instincts', child's 'phantasy',
'innate envy' and 'gratification and lack of ' with the prime object (mother).
Klein believed that the mother is most important and infants have an "innate mother' an unconscious
inner knowing by the child of the primal maternal image of the mother," .
She laid emphasis on 'phantasy'; a state of ... Show more content on ...
The client for the therapist sometimes plays out this position also. Is he there to be good or bad?
'Depressive position' follows the paranoid schizoid position as the anxiety of being destroyed by the
object gets replaced by fear of destroying the object. The infant then begins a cycle where some
negativity is internalized in order to gain control of it, and some good is projected onto the mother
so that she could protect the infant. These cycles of projection and introjection continue until the
infant realizes that the good mother and the bad mother are one and the mother whom he
phantasized of destroying is the same mother he loves.
This causes immense guilt for earlier persecutory feelings towards the object and the infant realizes
that the mother cannot be blamed all the time and this explains the far away look children have
sometimes in their eyes.
The infant suffers from depressive anxiety and this position is defined by 'a loss of innocence' . This
is a healthy development and depressive word is misleading here because actually it's a step forward
and if this position is not resolved it can lead to
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Difference Between Object Oriented And Object-Driven...
Unit 6 Assignment by Ali Shafiq
In programming, there are three different types of paradigms that we use in programming. And they
are procedural, object–oriented and event–driven programming paradigms.
Procedural Language
Procedural programming is a programming paradigm which is derived from structured
programming and it is based upon the concept of the procedure call such as where you can keep a
record of procedure call programs. It's also a list or set of instructions telling a computer what to do
step by step. Also tell the computer how to perform from the first code to the second code. The
program can be broken into procedures or subroutines or functions such as Anglo, C and Pascal.
Procedural programming uses a list of instruction to tell the computer what to do step by step. It
relies on procedures, routines and sub–routine. The procedural contents of capitation of steps to be
carry ... Show more content on ...
Object–oriented programming is a programming language model organized around objects. And it
represents the concept of object that has data fields. The Object–oriented programming is a type of
language that is oriented around objects. They do not base their action on the logic that manipulate
the object, but on object.
By using object–oriented, you can solve problems. The object–oriented language is a type of
programming that is kept in a single unit called object. Meaning that the only way user can access
the data is by using the objects methods. This can insure that the user will be incapable of corrupting
the object and also internal working can be changed without corrupting the code using the object.
Some of the limitations for this programming language are that you have to do most of the task
manually. Object oriented programming is also limited with low amount of functions as comparing
to low programming that interacts directly with hardware.
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Essay about Commentary on Impossible Object
Commentary on Impossible Object (Nicholas Mosley) Tara Singh 12/3/12 English Grade 12 In
Nocholas Mosley's prose piece Impossible Object he depicts the life of a Hippolyta a mother of one
child who is separated from her husband. Mosley's depiction of Rome as a city, along with his
depiction of Hippolyta herself and her relationship with her husband and child illustrates his main
idea of happiness and love being unattainable for an affluent member of society. Hippolyta: 1) The
opening sentence of the prose piece introduces Hippolyta "overlooking the Borghese gardens." a.
This image sets up an atmosphere of regality where Hippolyta is described to look over gardens that
are something natural and beautiful. This image ... Show more content on ...
f. This is further extrapolated during Hippoyta's conversation with her husband when she pays no
attention to her child that is emptying a bowl of soup on the floor. g. The child is described to have a
face like a war–leader. The war that the child is combating is the one between her mother and father.
Both her parents seem to neglect it. As it pours more soup the narrator describes the child to "see
what it's enemies would do."The enemy being the mother who neglects the child. h. When
Hippolyta realizes that the child has spilled the soup the narrator says, "Hippolyta lunged either to
hit it or love it; the child might have liked either. But Hippolyta could not get far enough because of
the cord of the telephone." i. This indicates that the child is neglected in her relationship with
Hippolyta as she would like any sort of attention even if it is violent. j. Hippolyta's relationship with
her husband prevents her from loving her child which is a fundamental value in families. k. Narrator
has to clean up the mess. l. Instead of introducing the narrator to Hippolyta's child she instead says,
"Do you like my kid?" Almost addressing the child as an object. She later continues to say, "I'd be
dead without that kid." This brings to surface the reality of her
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Object Relations Theory Is A Psychodynamic Theory
Object Relations Theory Object relations theory is a psychodynamic theory that observes our
capability to form long–lasting attachments, and is based on our early experiences of disconnection
from and connections with out primary caregivers. We internalize our initial relationship examples,
which means that our first relationships make lasting impressions on us, determining how we
approach future relationships. Also, object relations theory studies how people form various
attitudes towards others and how those attitudes affect their view of themselves as well as social
relationships. There is a central notion of object relation's theory, which is that all people naturally
search for relationships with others, what this theory looks at is how well an individual can form the
interpersonal relationship and what, if any, deficiencies in social functioning may have occurred. For
social workers, this theory is helpful in seeing an individual in the framework of the relationship
rather than an individual being. According to object relations theory, the ultimate situation is to be
raised by caregivers who in turn help us to progressively and appropriately move away from their
physical and emotional direct care while they continue to convey their availability for support
(Hutchison, 2013). These early associations are a major determinant of our personalities and the
quality of our interpersonal performance (Hutchison, 2013; Dorfman, Meyer, & Morgan, 1998).
Essentially, an
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A Strong Object Recognition Is Implemented By Lbp, Ltp And...
A Strong Object Recognition is Implemented by LBP, LTP and RLBP vany.s
PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tamilnadu
Tiruchengode, India
Karthi Prem. S
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tamilnadu
Tiruchengode, India Udhayachandrika. A
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology
Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tamilnadu
Tiruchengode, India Abstract– This paper proposed two set of edge–texture
features is such as Discriminative Robust Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP) and Discriminative Robust
Local Ternary Pattern (DRLTP) for object recognition. The proposed DLBP and DRLTP are
resultant from the disadvantage of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) and
Robust LBP (RLBP).The LBP system and the RLBP system are mapped in the same block .The
proposed feature indentifies the problem of discrimination between a bright object against dark
background and vice–versa. The proposed feature also retains contrast information for object
contours the LBP, LTP and RLBP discards. By the proposed features the objects is further analyzed
for the accurate position of the object in the given image.
Index Terms– Object recognition, Local Binary pattern, Local Ternary Pattern, Texture, features
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Process Description Of Object Oriented Programming
Object–Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm emphasized on "objects" which consists
of data attributes and methods (Lewis; Loftus). Data attributes are comparable to nouns while
methods are comparable to verbs in English. For instance, a person represented by object, has name,
age, and gender as its data attributes. The person will be able to think, speak, and write with the
representation of methods in the object.
The main purpose of learning Object–Oriented Programming is to create programs that are
maintainable and scalable. Maintainability is essential for programmers to understand the codes in a
program. Therefore, the codes have to be concise and clear. Moreover, programs need to be easy to
upgrade to accommodate changes in real world. Hence, we need to have the capability to build a
program on another program.
Object–Oriented Programming enables programmers to program by modeling the real world instead
of defining the logic of how the world works. It focuses more on what makes up an object rather
than what the object does. Programmers can focus on creating small components or objects, and
group them together based on their relationships to build a larger object, which can be built upon
again in future. The process of developing the paradigm consists the following steps: Encapsulation,
Inheritance, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism.
Encapsulation is an
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Ufo(Unidentified Flying Object)
The Oxford English Dictionary defines a UFO as "An unidentified flying object; a 'flying saucer'."
The word was first used in print by Donald Keyhoe in 1953.[1] The acronym "UFO" was coined by
Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book, then the USAF's official investigation of
UFOs. He wrote, "Obviously the term 'flying saucer' is misleading when applied to objects of every
conceivable shape and performance. For this reason the military prefers the more general, if less
colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced Yoo–foe) for short." [2] Other phrases
that were used officially and that predate the UFO acronym include "flying flapjack", "flying disc",
"unexplained flying discs", "unidentifiable flying object", ... Show more content on
An example is Halley's Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and
possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural
portents, angels, or other religious omens. Some current–day UFO researchers have noticed
similarities between some religious symbols in medieval paintings and UFO reports[21] though the
canonical and symbolic character of such images is documented by art historians placing more
conventional religious interpretations on such images.[22] On January 25, 1878, The Denison Daily
News noted that John Martin, a local farmer, had reported seeing a large, dark, circular object
resembling a balloon flying "at wonderful speed." Martin, according to the newspaper account, said
it appeared to be about the size of a saucer, the first known use of the word "saucer" in association
with a UFO.[23] On February 28, 1904, there was a sighting by three crew members on the USS
Supply 300 miles west of San Francisco, reported by Lt. Frank Schofield, later to become
Commander–in–Chief of the Pacific Battle Fleet. Schofield wrote of three bright red egg–shaped
and circular objects flying in echelon formation that approached beneath the cloud layer, then
changed course and "soared" above the clouds, departing directly away from the earth after two to
three minutes. The largest had an apparent size of about six suns,
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Java Language : An Object Oriented Programming
Java language is simple. Java language syntax and the C language and C ++ language is very close,
so most programmers are easy to learn and use Java. On the other hand, Java discarded rarely used
in C ++, it is difficult to understand, confusing those features, such as operator overloading, multiple
inheritance, automatic casts. In particular, Java language does not use pointers, and provides
automatic garbage collection, so programmers do not have to worry about memory management.
Java is an object–oriented language. Java language provides classes, interfaces and inheritance
primitives, for simplicity, only supports single inheritance between classes, but between interfaces
support multiple inheritance, and to support the implementation mechanism between classes and
interfaces (keyword implements) . Full support for dynamic binding Java language, C ++ language
and only use dynamic binding of virtual functions. In short, Java language is a pure object–oriented
programming language. Java language is distributed. Java language support for Internet
development and application, there is a network application programming interfaces ( in
basic Java application programming interfaces, it provides a programming library for network
applications, including URL, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket like. Java 's RMI (remote
method activation) mechanism is an important means to develop distributed applications Java
language is robust. Java 's strong typing, exception
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4 Pilars of Object Oriented Design
De La Salle University–Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology
NO.3 Submitted By: Depone, Carmela R. CPE52 Submitted To: Mr. Dwight Sabio Instructor Date
Submitted: August 4, 2014 ABSTRACTION A model of a complex system that includes only the
details essential to perspective of the viewer of the system or Only the characteristics of the system
that are essential to the problem being studied are modelled; minor or irrelevant details are ignored.
Example and Explanation * An abstraction is a model of a complex system that includes only the
essential details. * Abstractions are the ... Show more content on ...
However, in one way, inheritance actually breaks encapsulation! * As already mentioned,
Encapsulation is the process of packaging classes into the public interface and the private
implementation. * In essence, a class hides everything that is not necessary for other classes to know
about. * It makes a case that when using inheritance, Encapsulation is inherently weakened within a
class hierarchy, Because it introduces a specific risk as Inheritance connotes strong encapsulation
with other classes but weak encapsulation between a superclass and its subclasses. * The problem is
that if you inherit an implementation from a super class and then change that implementation, the
change from the super class ripples through the class hierarchy. * This rippling effect potentially
affects all the subclasses. At first, this might not seem like a major problem; however, as we have
seen, a rippling effect such as this can cause unanticipated problems. * For example, testing can
become a nightmare. * But with proper implementation of Encapsulation makes testing systems
easier. Reference [1] Encapsulation, updated last April, 2014, Available:–
concepts/encapsulation/what–is–encapsulation–example–tutorial–how–to–use INHERITANCE
Inheritance as its name implies, involves inheriting attributes and behaviours from other
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The Development of Object Permanence Essay
The Development of Object Permanence
I never realized when I played Peek–A–Boo with different infants in my family, that I was teaching
them one of the most valuable lessons in their life. I just thought it was a game that infants liked to
play and it made them laugh. I didn't know that this was so funny to them because they were
fascinated with the fact that for one moment I wasn't there and a moment later I popped back up.
Little did I know I was teaching them one of their most important accomplishments.
Adults and older children never give a second thought to the fact that when something disappears
out of sight that it still exists. It never crosses our minds to think about when exactly did the ability
to "just ... Show more content on ...
He came to the conclusions from his many experiments that an infant prior to eight months of age
do not possess the understanding that because they cannot see an object does not mean that it does
not exist (Siegler & Alibali,2005).
Piaget proposed that object permanence doesn't develop until during what he identifies as the
sensorimotor stage. The sensorimotor stage he identifies as being from birth to about two years of
age. Piaget broke the sensorimotor stage down into six sub stages. Piaget also broke down the idea
of object permanence according to the sub stages of the sensorimotor stage. During the first stage of
object permanence which is roughly between the ages of birth to one month old, an infant will look
at an object only while it is directly in front of their eyes. However, if an object was to move to the
left of right of an infants direct line of vision, the infant would no longer look at the object. During
the second sub stage which lasted from one to four months, Piaget said that infants will look for an
extended period of time to an area where an object had disappeared from. He said that an infant will
not however, follow the object if it were to move out of their line of sight. In the third sub stage
which is between the ages of four and eight months, an infant will anticipate where a moving object
will go and they will begin to look for the object there. They will only do this though if the object is
partially visible, they will not make
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Advantages Of Object Oriented Languages
Object–oriented programming language is a high–level programming language based on the object.
Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this
method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language
for modern computer programming.
Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object–oriented languages are include on
Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented
Smalltalk developed by Xerox PARC research group, was coined in the early 1970s, the
programming language. However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further ... Show
more content on ...
This relationship is structural, because it specifies that objects of one kind are connected to objects
of another and does not represent behavior.
The objects that are related via the association are considered to act in a role with respect to the
association, if object's current state in the active situation allows the other associated objects to use
the object in the manner specified by the role. A role can be used to distinguish two objects of the
same class when describing its use in the context of the association. A role describes the public
aspects of an object with respect to an association.
Example: Student and teacher, where multiple students can associate with single teacher and single
student can associate with multiple teachers. Both can be added and removed
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Evolution Of Object Oriented Technology
This paper is discuss about the evolution of Object–oriented technology in software design and
implementation and it's role in the present market for developing server side scripting or web based
products. There are many Object–oriented languages are available in the market but in all of them
companies choose to use open source languages like Java, .NET , C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET
etc. The call for these languages has improved because the license cost is very less, negligible or
zero. Because of these open source languages, it is easy to find applicable libraries and development
source code while product development. The infrastructure cost such as testing tools or development
IDE's is also nominal or freely available. ... Show more content on ...
Also, there has been exponential growth due to the increase in number of software systems being
described as object–oriented. Many programming languages, office information systems, system
simulation and artificial intelligence have adopted object–oriented technology. It is an assumption
that learns specific development method or a set of tools.
The theory of objects in the Simula 67 was introduced by the discrete event simulation which was
the outcome of the formal programming language, designed in 1960's, created by Kristen Niggard
has and Ole–Johan Dahl of Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Oslo. Simula 67 has been
influenced by the C.A.R. and SIMSCRIPT. "Tony" Hoare's proposed the Record classes. As part of
the explicit programming model the Classes and objects or their instances were presented in Simula.
The Automatic Garbage collection concept that was created earlier for the functional programming
language Lisp was used by Simula. For the study and improvement of ship movements and the
contents on them via cargo ports, Simula was utilized for creating the physical model of ships and
the content that they carried. Many languages were influenced by Simula 67 such as derivatives of
LISP (CLOS), Smalltalk, Pascal, and C++ Object.
The Smalltalk language:
Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and others in the 1970s. The term object–
oriented programming was introduced to
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Differences Between Object And Colour Essay
Assignment 2
Discerned as the most common essences in the society, object and colour they are interrelated.
Substantially,the correlations are inevitable. Therefore it is not easy to address the works from these
aspects instead
I would like to address the prominent elements of each work to elaborate more on it.
It might be confusing yet this is one of the problem that I strive to tease out because both object and
colour are not authorised a declaration. They do not have the perfect exemplification to explain
thoroughly unlike science fomula
Intrinsic complexity
'defies linguistic description, and its intense engagement of feeling and sensitivity to context.
whereby the architectural space becomes the arena for an experience that melds physical and
immaterial/mental coordinates. What their work has in common is an immersion in the present and
the displacement of cognition by experience.
頭Nowadays we might be confronting with the situation that We put our own side of asthetic
opinions on to objests so much that we do not think of what their intrinsic vales truly are, or the
impact they actually bring us nor their relationships between the environment!
For the Turner Prize exhibition The main piece of work of Karla Black is called Doesn 't Care In
Words(2011), a hanging sculpture made of cellophane, paint, sugar paper, chalk, plaster powder,
powder paint, sellotape, cosmetics, paint, vaseline as well as moisturising cream. Bath bombs are
scattered with
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Virginia Woolf Solid Objects Analysis
Obsession of the Obsessed in Virginia Woolf's "Solid Objects" Obsession is defined as "the
domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea or desire." The desire for
nonconformity is a praiseworthy attribute but when taken too far, it can be disadvantageous to one's
goals and ambitions. While it is essential for one to seek transient passions, it is also crucial to
mollify this pursuit, with concern with actual use. The threats of overindulgence are notably
apparent in the case of John, the protagonist of Virginia Woolf's "Solid Objects", whose passion for
knickknacks turns into a subtle obsession. Woolf expresses her strong criticism of John by
intensifying his wasted potentiality and his fixation with fleeting dreams while she commends
Charles for his dependability and practicality. The title "Solid Objects" is a ... Show more content on ...
Charles who is a pragmatist cannot understand why John abandons his prospect. Nevertheless,
Charles remains to bolster John, in spite of realizing that John's inconceivable reappearance upon a
stage. He comprehends the stones for what they really are, nothing more than curios without
underlying meaning. He understands that John's ardent fixation is unusual and unsound, but still
retains belief for John's restoration. Charles's faith crushes amid their last communication when he
understands that the "pretty stones" have exhausted John's prudence (Woolf 5). In Virginia Woolf's
"Solid Objects", John attempts to break away from the facts of existence of life by looking for
aspiration in the accumulation of obscure items. Woolf's accusation of John's actions is expressed in
the devastation of his political prospect and his social life. In spite of Charles's greatest intentions to
act as John's g, John goes on chasing unreal targets in the hope of attaining liberation and
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Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming Language
Table of Contents
 Description and History 4
 Concepts 5–6
 Features and Advantages of OOP 7
 Different between Interface & Abstract classes 8
 Different between Overloading & overriding 9–10
 Encapsulation 11–12
 Association 13–14
 Polymorphism 15
 Harvard Referencing 16
Object–oriented programming language is a high–level programming language based on the object.
Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this
method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language
for modern computer programming.
Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object–oriented languages are include on
Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented
languages. ... Show more content on ...
However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further by the name of OOP Simula.
properties in simula, is equivalent to today object–oriented language. Thus OOP was around already
a quarter of a century ago, which makes it even more surprising that the approach only recently
began to gain widespread acceptance. This probably stems from the fact that Simula and Smalltalk
were considered specialized languages. Smalltalk was viewed like a toy by many computer
scientists. But, Simula was designed like a simulation language. Smalltalk became the prototype of
object–oriented languages. It still is one of the most successful OOP languages. Smalltalk usually
slow transformation. Although newer Smalltalk systems do generate machine code, message
dispatching is still interpretative. Furthermore, Smalltalk does not allow static type checking. This
limits its suitability for larger software
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A Strong Object Recognition Using Lbp, Ltp And Rlbp
A Robust Object Recognition using LBP, LTP and RLBP
Nithya.K1, Karthi Prem.S2 and Udhayachandrika.A3 1Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of
Engineering for Women, nithuthaara91 @gmailcom 2Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of
Engineering for Women, karthiprem
3Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, udhayaa11
Abstract– In this paper two set of edge–texture features is proposed such as Discriminative Robust
Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP) and Discriminative Robust Local Ternary Pattern (DRLTP) for
object recognition. The proposed DLBP and DRLTP are derived from the drawback of the Local
Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) and Robust LBP (RLBP).The LBP code and the
RLBP code are mapped in the same block .The proposed feature solves the problem of
discrimination between a bright object against dark background and vice–versa. The proposed
feature retains contrast information for representation of object contours the LBP, LTP and RLBP
discards. By this proposed features the objects in the image can be further analyzed for the exact
location of the object in the given image.
Keywords– Object recognition, Local Binary pattern, Local Ternary Pattern, Texture, features
The two part of the object recognition are category recognition and detection. The goal of the
category recognition is to classify object in to one of several predefined categories. The main aim of
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The Concept Of Classes And Object
Starting with the basic definition of Object which means an entity which be defined via dimensions
usually refer to a thing in the real world. It may be a mobile, laptop, chair etc.. Program can be
designed using the concept of Classes and Objects. To simplify the development and maintenance
concepts such as Object, Class, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation. An
object is a state or behavior of an entity. It can be a physical or a logical definition. Grouping or
Collection of such objects which have the same behavior is called a class, generally represents a
logical entity. Inheritance is using the exisitng functionalities and defining new methods. In other
words an object acquiring all the behaviors and ... Show more content on ...
Package Name – The whole name should be in lowercase letter like lang, util.
Constants Name – The whole name should be in Uppercase like MAX_DURATION,
SPEED_LIMIT. Every organization has their own standards but the base of Java naming concepts is
the same. Rules are built on top of this base. Objects and Classes are used to design a program in
object–oriented programming techniques. Object refers to physical and logical state of an entity
where as a Class is a logical entity only. Objects are entities that have state and behavior which can
be physical or logical and tangible or intangible. Banking Systems are an example for intangible
objects. The characteristics of an object is determined by its State – data or value the object
represents, Behavior – represents the functional aspects like start, stop and Identity – refers to the
unique ID assigned and used by JVM to identify objects uniquely not visible to the user. For
example: Phone is an object. It is name as Apple, Color is white which indicates the state and is used
to call or text is its behavior. Object is an instance of Class, the template and blueprint of the class in
used to create objects. In other words objects are the result of a class. Objects are real and runtime
entities and are determined by their state and behavior. Classes are collection or grouping objects of
similar functionalities and are just logical entities. A class in Java contains fields, methods,
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Object To Me Research Paper
If someone was going to ask me how I would represent myself with four objects, I would probably
have to take a day or two to think about it. Since I've already done that, I am now going to explain
these four items to you. The things I chose, with difficulty, were a picture of me with three of my
brothers, a sketchbook I've been looking for for a while, my phone (a most prized possession) and a
mason jar filled with pretty trinkets. I think these would be the objects that would best describe me.
First, I have a picture of me with three of my brothers at the zoo in Indianapolis. That is one of the
few pictures where we are all smiling and posing. Normally, we're super chaotic. We play around
and yell and argue a lot. But somehow we all get along ... Show more content on ...
It was very important to me, because some of my favorite drawings are in that book. When I found it
a while ago, I was ecstatic. Drawing brings out an artistic side in me that doesn't normally surface. It
also gives me an outlet to channel my ideas. I think creativity has given me a chance to express
myself and is a way to find who I am. The next thing I chose that represents me is my phone. It is
my connection to my friends and family and a world outside of where I am. It has several features
that were designed to help people with everyday life. My phone is one of the few things that manage
to stay consistent around me. It is very helpful to have around. A lot of children are getting phones at
younger and younger ages. I only got mine this year, so that makes me more careful and sensible
about it. The last thing that I selected to portray me is a jar full of pretty oddities and ornaments. I
believe this shows one of the most important things about me. In other words, it indicates my
organization and thought process, which seems practically nonexistent to most people, but I find a
lot of method to it. My room is usually like that jar on steroids. It makes no sense to whoever
stumbles upon it by accident, but it is easy to unravel when you see it all the time. I feel like this
represents the basics of me, as I
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Procedural Programming And Object Oriented Programming
programming–a–review/ )
Procedural Programming which has been referred to as inline programming takes a more top down
approach to solving problems. When a program starts with a problem then that problem is broken
down into smaller sub–problems or sub–procedures. These sub–problems are further broken down
until they get simple enough to be solved. The demerit with procedural programming is that if an
edit is needed to the program, we have to edit every line of it that corresponds to the original change
in the code. For example, a variable was set equal to 1 and if other sub–procedures of the program
rely on that variable to function ... Show more content on ...
4. Problems in procedural programming need to be individually addressed as the program is
executed whereas in object–oriented programming objects and classes can be referenced throughout
the program.
System engineering principles and techniques such as model building, simulation, estimation, and
measurement are used to build software products through the Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC). The software development life cycle is a stepwise and systematic process where each step
depends on the successful completion of the previous step all arranged in a sequential order. It can
be observed that the maintenance of software is 60% of overall cost, whereas all the other costs are
only 40%. High maintenance costs are because of poor reuse of software components which is a
critical factor in system development. Hence, maintenance is an important factor to be considered in
the software development process. Also, earlier programming languages did not support reuse
because of the dependence of the program on its environment. Thus, Software maintenance and
Software reuse are the two major problems that demanded a new programming approach. The
software required for advanced applications are very complex and evolving and developing them is
an equally challenging task. The complexity of software requires a programming methodology that
should have the
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Object Relations Theory Essay
Object Relations and Self Psychology Object relations refers to interpersonal relations
2. Object refers to that which will satisfy a need. Significant person or thing that is target of
another's feelings (drives).
3. In combination with relations, object refers to interpersonal relations and suggests inner residues
of past relations shaping present relations
4. Object relations theorists investigate the early formulation and differentiation of psychological
structure and how these inner structures are manifested in interpersonal situations
5. Theorists focus on relationships of early life that leave lasting impression within the psyche of the
1. Residues...inner ... Show more content on ...
Helps the immature infant hold both feelings together...with maturity can integrate feelings...infant
uses splitting to keep apart the conflicting feelings toward the good and bad aspects of mothering
Object Relations Theorist Share a common concern about the [primacy or relationships over innate
instinctual drives
5. Shifts from instinct to early relationships Emphasize environmental influences Weight is given to
how the infant develops a 'self' through relationships within family and how this self relates toward
others Study disorders in relationships – (personality disorders)
Self Psychology Emphasis on certain aspects of object relations Nature and kind of investment in
the self Normal narcissism is part of traditional theory
40. Kohut refers to narcissism – persons deal with objects as if objects were part of self and that
objects performs critical functions for the self
Core Issues Nature of objects and shift from emphasis on drives. Nature and formation of psychic
structures Developmental stages viewed in terms of relationships with objects Different views of
conflict and consequences for therapy
Nature of Objects Freud – the object is the creation of drives; object relations are the function of
46. Klein gave greater weight to the interpersonal environment; interested in drives as viewed in
transactions between infant and caregiver Fairbairn – main drive of a person is for a relationship; not
the satisfaction of a
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Components Programming And Object Oriented Programming...
C++ programming language is one of the well designed and widely accepted object oriented
programming language. It was called that C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C
language with some extra keywords. It is improved and reliable form of C language.
C++ programming language has various properties due to which it becomes quite popular:–
⦁ It supports all features of both structure programming and object oriented programming language.
⦁ It provides the easiest way to handle the data hiding and encapsulation with the help of powerful
keywords such as class, private, public, and protected.
⦁ In this programming language we have to understand the meaning of various terms such as
objects, class, data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance (one of the most powerful concept),
polymorphism, data binding, and message passing etc.
⦁ It also provides overloading of operators and functions.
⦁ C++ focuses on function and class templates for handling parameterized data types.
Advantagses of C++ :–
⦁ C++, the object oriented language provides a standard class library that can be extended by the
users, thus saving a lot of coding and debugging effort.
⦁ Object oriented language greatly enhance the possibility of reuse.
⦁ It also provides many other advantages in the production and maintenance of software such as
shorter development times, high degree of code sharing and malleability.
These advantages make OOPs an important technology for building
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Object Oriented Programming Essay
Designing a Class Tutorial for C++ OOP (Object Oriented Programming) The modern programming
is based on the concept that "program little and use more". The object oriented programming
languages are playing a vital role in the industry of development. The OOP introduced following
concepts: Split a program into set of tasks and sub–tasks Develop functions for these tasks And
reuse these functions with little or less modifications This lead a new term "Reusability", which
means that you have to write a function once and use the function again and again by calling the
Object of that Class in which the function is present. You can also further implement the Class by
adopting the rules provided by OOP. C++ is a good example of object oriented programming.
Features of OOP There are many features of OOP, but the most common features are: Encapsulation
Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Contracts Class The class is capsule that is used to
encapsulate an abstract data type. When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type.
The class itself does not defines data, its only gives the name concerning with the objects. However
a class contains one or more than one objects. These objects are the operations which a class
performs. In short, a class provides blueprints of objects. The basic syntax for a class is: Objects
Objects are the actual operations and functions that a class performs. Each object has its own
characteristics/properties/attributes and
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Java Programming And Object Oriented Programming
Java programming is widely used programming language that has a wide verity of application, such
as; Mobile application, Enterprise Application, Desktop applications, etc. Java program was created
by Sun Microsystems in early 1990s. It was created to solve the problem of connecting many
household machines together. Java is class based and object oriented programming language. Java
programming is secure, fast and reliable. It's free and created for the general purpose.
Object Oriented is refers to a computer programming that defines the data of data structure and the
types of functions that can be applied to the data structure.
Classes: A class is specifically set of instructions that allow creating different objects, which define
the ... Show more content on ...
The class identifier should start with capital letter. A class should start in the first column of the line
followed by the rest of header information– an identifier in the simplest case. In Java class has two
access levels:
In Java class has two access levels:
Public: In class objects are accessible in coding in any package.
Default: In class objects are accessible inside the package. Java keywords: The Java complier
recognizes these keywords and treats them special (Fig–1):
Fig–1 (Online
Object: Object oriented is a software program that describes the data structure, data type but also the
types of operations or functions that can be applied to the data structure. Like that data structure
becomes an object, which includes data and functions. Object specifies the behavior that states each
class. This program can create the relationship between one object and another, such as; object can
inherit characteristic from another object. Object can be written and maintained independently
Concepts of Object oriented programming:
Principles: Inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism are the basic principles of Java
Abstraction: It's one of the central principles of object oriented programming. Abstraction is a
process of abstracting the common features of objects and procedures. Abstraction takes away or
removes the characteristic from something in order to reduce the
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Assignment On Object Oriented Programming
PID: 392427
DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2016
Doing the research about the object oriented programming on online and also while being enrolled
in this class I have learned so many new things about computer concepts, background and its
languages throughout this fall semester. Which I would like to use and share that information I
learned about object–oriented programming languages in this research paper. Even while looking
more depth on online about object oriented languages, I got excited to learn more and more about
different computer languages. In this research, I would share what object–oriented means, and also
describe two languages of Object–oriented programming particularly I would use Java and C++ to
compare and contrast while using their background information about each language of Java and
C++ of an object–oriented programming language.
First of all, let me begin with Object oriented programming. Object oriented programming is a type
of a computer programming language in which begin with the basic concept of an object. Where to
object is characterized by its states and behavior. The state is basically information about object
known about itself and behavior is an action that object can do or react. For example, if you meet a
new person the state is a name, address, height, weight, and so on and its behavior of a person can
be speaking, read, write, run, walk, swim, jump, and so on. Objects are
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Use Of Linguistic Instruments For Object Oriented
How to Use Linguistic Instruments for Object–Oriented Analysis SUMMARY Linguistic is the one
of the scientific language. It has three basic properties which describe linguistic language such as
language forms, language meaning and language in context. Linguistic language help in
development of object oriented models. Objected oriented programming language is high level
language which consists of object and methods. Now–a–days object oriented programming language
has high demanded in the development of different application where it has many advantages as it is
a platform independent, reusability, inheritance, information hiding, encapsulation, and
polymorphism so many organization uses oops concepts for software development. Object oriented
analysis and design are the two techniques which are used to analysis and design the application.
According to Alistair Sutcliffe, a system requirement should follow a set of rules of the methods
which are used to analyses the object oriented model. Some organization does not follow object
oriented concepts so in order to develop the software applications experienced people are required.
If there are no experts in the development then the object oriented model becomes slows. There is a
semiformal model which gives consistent concepts for object oriented models. This gives the
relationship between natural language and objected oriented components. As the natural language is
closely related to intermediate language that is related to high
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The Development of Object Permanence
I never realized when I played Peek–A–Boo with different infants in my family, that I was teaching
them one of the most valuable lessons in their life. I just thought it was a game that infants liked to
play and it made them laugh. I didn 't know that this was so funny to them because they were
fascinated with the fact that for one moment I wasn 't there and a moment later I popped back up.
Little did I know I was teaching them one of their most important accomplishments. Adults and
older children never give a second thought to the fact that when something disappears out of sight
that it still exists. It never crosses our minds to think about when exactly did the ability to "just
know"develop. If something ceases to exist that was ... Show more content on ...
These infants will sometimes make the mistake referred to as the A–not–B mistake. If an object is
repeatedly hidden in a particular place, an infant of this age will continue to look for the object there
despite the fact that they may have watched you hide the object in another place. Infants this age are
working according to an automatic process. By the time they are in the fifth sub stage between the
ages of twelve and eighteen months infants tend to grow out of this automatic processing and they
begin to search for an object in the last place that they saw it hidden. Once an infant reaches the last
sub stage between the ages of eighteen and twenty–four months he has mastered all the is to know
about object permanence according to Piaget(Siegler & Alibali, 2005). Since Piaget made these
claims there have been many experiments done that sought to disprove the claims that Piaget made.
These experiments thought that Piaget was giving infants far less credit than they deserved. Other
developmental psychologist wanted to prove that in fact infants learned the concept of object
permanence at a much earlier age than Piaget first proposed. People came up with many different
ideas as to why the infants failed to reach or search for objects that were hidden. They wouldn 't go
as far as to say that the infants just don
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Examples Of Object Oriented Analysis Design
Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) Object Oriental Analysis Design is a hands on approach
used to model and create systems as a group of interacting objects. The term "Object", describes a
form of entity or "thing" of concern. Objects are typically modeled after real world entities or
concepts. For the business analyst, examples of objects may range from; invoice, product, contract,
etc. Objects usually contain attributes that can be set to specific values. With Object Oriented
Approach to system design, it tries to lessen the impact of problems by combining related data and
functions into the same module. Objects In the real world can be characterized by two things; data
and behavior. For example, a television is an object and possess data in the sense that it is tuned to a
particular channel, the scan rate is set to a certain value, the contrast and brightness is a particular
value and so on. The television object can also "do" things. The television can switch on and off, the
channel can be changed, and so on. Below is a graphical representation of a single object and its
characteristics: ... Show more content on ...
"During the object–oriented analysis (OOA) phase object–modeling techniques are used to analyze
the functional requirements for a system and create models which reflect the logical design of the
system. During the object–oriented design (OOD) phase of the system, models are elaborated upon
to include implementation specific details that show how the physical design of the system will
come together. OOA focuses on what the system does (its static structure and behavior), OOD on
how the system does it (its run–time implementation)."
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What Is Piaget's Theory Of Object Permanence?
Jean Piaget (1896–1980), acknowledged as the most significant scholar of child development, was
the first psychologist to study cognitive development in a systematic and methodical approach
(Martin, Carlson & Buskist, 2013).
Bee and Boyd's (2014) definition of cognitive developmental theories is "a theory that emphasizes
actions on the environment and suggests that age–related changes in reasoning precede and explain
changes in other domains" (p. 2).
Martin et al. (2013) defines Piaget's theory, termed as genetic epistemology, as "the study of the
origin of knowledge in child development" (p. 29). Evaluating and amalgamating these definitions
show that Piaget's aim was to provide an explanation on how an infant matures into several different
stages, ultimately becoming an individual that is capable of demonstrating logical reasoning and
concepts and that Piaget believed development resulted from biological and ... Show more content
on ...
In this stage, infants rely on their senses and motor movements to experience the world and obtain
knowledge. The development of object permanence is one of the most significant features of the
sensorimotor stage. Object permanence can be described as the realisation that an object continues
to exist even if it cannot be sensed. Initially, an infant will almost instantly lose interest in the object
if they can't sense it (see, hear or feel). But through gradual development, generally taking two
years, the infant will search for an object if it's hidden (Bee & Boyd, 2014). Piaget believed this
development was a significant element in language development because without being able to
identify objects as distinct entities it would be impossible to attach a name to that object. This shows
that Piaget believes that thought comes before language. Whereas, Lev Vygotsky argues that
linguistic development and thought go hand in hand (Martin et al.,
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Object Permanentism
The first stage is called the Sensorimotor stage. It occupies the first two years of a child's life, from
birth to 2 years old. It is called the Sensorimotor stage because in it children are occupied with
sensing things and moving them. From these activities they learn what makes things happen, what
the connections are between actions and their consequences. They learn to grasp and hold and what
happens when they let go.
This happens later on in the stage. When they are new–born they have no concept of there being
anything else apart from themselves in the world. In fact they think that they are the world. Piaget
called this Egocentism; he said that children with this attitude were totally Egocentric. This does not
mean that ... Show more content on ...
Like most things in life, acquisition of the concept of the external world is not as simple as that, but
this is no place in which to enquire after such questions. It is easier to ask what evidence there may
be that an individual has acquired the concept.
One piece of evidence is the child's apparent belief that objects exist when not perceived. This is
called belief in Object Permanence. If a cloth is placed over a toy for which an eight–month old
child is reaching, the child will immediately lose interest in the toy, as if the toy had ceased to exist.
This is just what it has done for the child; as soon as anything passes from its experience that thing
is no more. However, only a couple of months later, the same child in a similar situation will
actively search for an object that has been hidden from its view. The older child has the concept of
Object Permanence; it believes that there is an object under the cloth even though it cannot see it,
feel it, hear it, taste it or smell it, and will make an effort to reach it if it so desires.
The child's problems are not over yet, though. It is not very agile in its thought; if a toy has been
hidden very often in one place,
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Object And Oriented Programing ( Oop ) Languages
Content Object – Oriented Programing (OOP) Languages. What is the Object – Oriented
Programing (OOP)? We should be talking about the "what is an Object?" before to talk about the
what is an Object – Oriented Programing. So what is the Object in the programing world: General
meaning of Object is a something. Sometimes it can be touch. Sometimes it cannot be touch. So
Object – Oriented Programing is the objects based programs. Also such kind of programs depend on
the interaction of objects. Ex :– Think about the Library management system. There are so many
objects. Books, Library members, Librarian are few of them. Anyway, Object has a main two parts.
i. Features / Fields ( Features represent as variables ) ii. Behaviours ( Behaviours represent as
Methods ) Ex :– Let us consider about a car object. Car object has so many features. Speed, gear,
RPM of the tyres are few of features. Also Car object has so many behaviours. Changing the gears,
brake, Change of the peddle cadence are few of behaviours. Code sample for Object:– class Car{
Car c = new Car ( ); // create the new Car object in the Car class. } Main features of Object –
Oriented Programing (OOP). There are so many features of Object – Oriented Programing. Among
all of them main features are , i. Object ii. Class iii. Inheritance iv. Abstract class v. Interface vi.
Data hiding and Encapsulation vii. Data Abstraction viii. Polymorphism We already know now
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  • 3. Questions On Object Oriented Programming 1 Growing a Language– by Guy Steele Shobha M. Kand Department Of Computer Science and Informatics, Purdue School of Science, IUPUI Abstract– A lecture given by Guy L. Steele in 1998 at "OOPSLA 13th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object–oriented programming" focuses mainly on the nature and growth of programming–language design. The speaker started his lecture by giving insights into the use and nature of programming–languages. He started with examples of English language comparing with a programming–language. He talked about the set of constraints showing one may use any word of single syllable. The speaker also demonstrates it can be confining to expressing yourself when you don't have access to an extensive vocabulary. If someone wishes to use the longer words, one must define them using only such words have one syllable Guy Steele shows with his talk is that small language restricts the expressiveness of thoughts. You must define a lot of new words to express your thoughts and ideas clearly. .He gives many more interesting points how languages should be grown. He discusses that how programmer needs to enhance the ability to expand the vocabularies of languages that feels weakened. The speaker ends his lecture after explaining the main goal of programming language design by giving various examples. [1][2][5] Keywords– Programming Language, Software Design, Object Oriented Programming, ACM conference, OOPSLA'98. 2 1. INTRODUCTION "A programming language is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay On Object Oriented Approach LESSON 1: FUNDAMENTAL OF OBJECT–ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Introduction to object– oriented approach Basic concepts of object–oriented programming Benefits of OOP Applications of OOP How java differs from C and C++ Java character set Keywords, identifiers, literals, operators, separators INTRODUCTION Object–oriented approach was developed in late 1950's in MIT to overcome the drawbacks of procedural– oriented approach. Ii is commonly known as OOPS. Now, it has become most preferred programming approach by software engineers to solve real world complex problems. The traditional procedural languages solve problems in terms of the structure of the computer i.e. memory bits and bytes, array, decision, loop rather than thinking in terms of the problem which is to be solved. Some of the noticeable drawbacks of traditional procedural–oriented programming languages such as C, Fortran, Cobol and Pascal are: Procedural–oriented programs are designed by functions which are less reusable and not well encapsulated. Global variables and other functions are also need to be referenced while using same function for other program. This makes reusability of functions very difficult in procedural– oriented programming. Procedural languages are not suitable of high–level abstraction for solving real life problems. Traditional procedural–languages separate the data structures and algorithms of the software entities. To overcome these problems ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. How Did Roswell Who Found The Object What happened at Roswell and why did the government hind it. Who found the object? What did the army do with it at that time? What did the government do? Who Fond The Object The name of the person that found it was Mac Brazel and he lived just outside of Roswell, New Mexico( para 1). The object he found look like something out of this world with metallic sticks held together with tape, chunks of plastic and a reflecting surface. After the find Mac called the police and in turn the police called the air base on the outside of town. Then the army came and toke it away in armored trucks then said it was a weather balloon. Many people said that it was a UFO or a undefined unidentified flying object. Mac was almost happy he got some ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Creating An Object Orientated Program Essay Introduction. This report discusses the task of creating an Object Orientated program, using a software named Alice, whilst implementing the preferred computing language,"JAVA." As a base line to the project, part of my instructions were to create a suitable scene, for six individual avatars, to sequentially animate around the said scene in coordination. Whilst completing this project, I kept in mind the disciplines and guidlines of good Human– Computer Interaction and quality usability throughout; enabling the user to engage in the interaction of the animation and foremost enjoy using it. This report documents the project from the planning process through to completion. During the completion process I critically analised the weaknesses and strengths in my code, debugged the project and ammended any errors. This report finishes with a critical post project analysis of my project. Method. Alice is a excellent choice of software to use whilst learning to code. It pays particular attention to good Human Computer Interaction for users of all intellect and experience. On reflection, experiencing the usability of Alice, it became apparent that the user of my animation was of the utmost importance. Neilson (2012) suggests, simply adhering to these factors would lead to positive design and development, in terms of usability, of any computer software. From this, knowledge was gained, that good HCI is putting the user first. Keeping the user in mind, I needed to create a source file ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Theme Of The Solid Object By Virginia Woolf The Adverse Effects of Obsession: Solid Object by Virginia Woolf The Solid Objects by Virginia Woolf similarly encapsulates the prevailing modernist conception of the impulse to collect, and the author conveys her strong disapproval of the protagonist, John's collection by describing the negative effects. Implies by Woolf, John raises the lump of glass to the light and holds it "so that its irregular mass blotted out the body and extended right arm of his friend" (11), prefiguring the way in which his growing obsession with collection will eclipse his interest in friends, work, and everyday concerns (Alt, 88). To start with, Woolf points out that John's obsession has destroyed his social life. Woolf describes "He was too silent...never talked ... Show more content on ... Rather than weighing him down, John's objects represent his desire to escape from the predictability and drabness of politics (Julie), and Woolf explains the joy brings to John by describing "if he had not been consumed by ambition and ... would have made him give up the pursuit" (14). John achieves an elevating sense that he can make his own choice, which is the desire of controlling through his collection, where Woolf describes "it might so easily have been any other of the millions of stones, but it was I, I, I" (12). The collecting behaviour fulfils his life as mentioned by Alt that the collected object's "absolute singularity ... arises from the fact of being possessed by the collector – and this allows the collector, in turn, to recognise himself in the object as an absolutely singular being". In conclusion, John in Solid Objects by Virginia Woolf seeks to escape from the realities of life by seeking purpose in the collection of esoteric objects. Woolf's condemnation of John's deeds is reflected in his mental illness and the destruction both of his social life and political ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Evolution Of Object Oriented Technology ABSTRACT This paper is about the evolution of Object–oriented technology in software design and implementation and its role in current market for developing web based products or server side scripting. Many Object–oriented languages have come in market but among them companies prefer to use open source OO languages such as Java, C++, C# .NET, and Visual Basic .NET etc. The demand for these languages has increased because the cost of licensing is very less or nothing. As these languages are open source, it easy to find relevant libraries and source code for the developers while developing a product. The cost of the infrastructure such as development IDE's or testing tools are also minimal or available for free. Hence all these factors ... Show more content on ... Many programming languages, office information systems, system simulation and artificial intelligence have adopted object–oriented technology. It is an assumption that learning specific development method or a set of tools. HISTORY OF SIMULAAND SMALLTALK Simula: The theory of objects in the Simula 67 was introduced by the discrete event simulation which was the outcome of the formal programming language, designed in 1960's, created by Kristen Niggard has and Ole–Johan Dahl of Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Oslo. Simula 67 has been influenced by the C.A.R. and SIMSCRIPT. "Tony" Hoare's proposed the Record classes. As part of the explicit programming model the Classes and objects or their instances were presented in Simula. The Automatic Garbage collection concept that was created earlier for the functional programming language Lisp was used by Simula. For the study and improvement of ship movements and the contents on them via cargo ports, Simula was utilized for creating the physical model of ships and the content that they carried. Many languages were influenced by Simula 67 such as derivatives of LISP (CLOS), Smalltalk, Pascal, and C++ Object. The Smalltalk language: Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and others in the 1970s. The term object– oriented programming was introduced to represent the extensive use of objects ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Object Oriented Approach For Software Development Linguistic is the analysis which is applied to the object oriented which gives the accurate results when compare to other analysis. The main drawback of the object oriented approaches for software development is the object oriented analysis process which do not having the exact information. When the particular project was given by the clients they specify the information about the project which was in natural language. The information is tendered in linguistic it is a study of scientific language. The software engineering projects starts from the information given by the customer. Then the company has to work with that and analyze the complete information, requirements about the project. The main thing is to know about the project is to ... Show more content on ... A relationship between classes/items can demonstrate different qualities named as composition. Word–labeling breaks down how a statement is utilized within a sentence. Specifically, words can be variably from one sentence to an alternate relying upon connection (e.g. light can be utilized as thing, verb, modifier and intensifier; keeping in mind can be utilized as relational word, conjunction, verb also thing). Naming systems are utilized to point out word–structure for each one single word in a sentence, and each word is labeled as a Part Of Speech (POS), label would indicate a particular thing, while VBB would mean the base manifestation of a word class that server as the predicate of a sentence. Object orientation is one of the software development model playing role in software engineering. In object oriented analysis there are many problems facing by the software developers in order to replace all these and get the accurate results the developers are following the linguistic analysis. Linguistic completely relates on the set which has the other members included in it of structures from linguistic models and subset of models from the allocated examples. This method divide the information given by the clients and allocates it to the different frame work and then process it. The linguistic data mainly includes the words which focuses to components of object oriented analysis. The natural language information analyses ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Melanie Klein, The Mother Of Object Relations She is a drive theorist who influenced child psychology and is known as the mother of Object Relations. Melanie Klein believed that drives are object seeking, relational in their essence and not just meant for resolutions of tensions as Freud suggested. Klein postulated that internal object formation is integral to the psychic life of the infant and is based on powerful struggle between the internal forces of 'life' and death instincts', child's 'phantasy', 'innate envy' and 'gratification and lack of ' with the prime object (mother). Klein believed that the mother is most important and infants have an "innate mother' an unconscious inner knowing by the child of the primal maternal image of the mother," . She laid emphasis on 'phantasy'; a state of ... Show more content on ... The client for the therapist sometimes plays out this position also. Is he there to be good or bad? 'Depressive position' follows the paranoid schizoid position as the anxiety of being destroyed by the object gets replaced by fear of destroying the object. The infant then begins a cycle where some negativity is internalized in order to gain control of it, and some good is projected onto the mother so that she could protect the infant. These cycles of projection and introjection continue until the infant realizes that the good mother and the bad mother are one and the mother whom he phantasized of destroying is the same mother he loves. This causes immense guilt for earlier persecutory feelings towards the object and the infant realizes that the mother cannot be blamed all the time and this explains the far away look children have sometimes in their eyes. The infant suffers from depressive anxiety and this position is defined by 'a loss of innocence' . This is a healthy development and depressive word is misleading here because actually it's a step forward and if this position is not resolved it can lead to ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Difference Between Object Oriented And Object-Driven... Unit 6 Assignment by Ali Shafiq (P1–P2) In programming, there are three different types of paradigms that we use in programming. And they are procedural, object–oriented and event–driven programming paradigms. Procedural Language Procedural programming is a programming paradigm which is derived from structured programming and it is based upon the concept of the procedure call such as where you can keep a record of procedure call programs. It's also a list or set of instructions telling a computer what to do step by step. Also tell the computer how to perform from the first code to the second code. The program can be broken into procedures or subroutines or functions such as Anglo, C and Pascal. Procedural programming uses a list of instruction to tell the computer what to do step by step. It relies on procedures, routines and sub–routine. The procedural contents of capitation of steps to be carry ... Show more content on ... Object–oriented programming is a programming language model organized around objects. And it represents the concept of object that has data fields. The Object–oriented programming is a type of language that is oriented around objects. They do not base their action on the logic that manipulate the object, but on object. By using object–oriented, you can solve problems. The object–oriented language is a type of programming that is kept in a single unit called object. Meaning that the only way user can access the data is by using the objects methods. This can insure that the user will be incapable of corrupting the object and also internal working can be changed without corrupting the code using the object. Some of the limitations for this programming language are that you have to do most of the task manually. Object oriented programming is also limited with low amount of functions as comparing to low programming that interacts directly with hardware. ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Essay about Commentary on Impossible Object Commentary on Impossible Object (Nicholas Mosley) Tara Singh 12/3/12 English Grade 12 In Nocholas Mosley's prose piece Impossible Object he depicts the life of a Hippolyta a mother of one child who is separated from her husband. Mosley's depiction of Rome as a city, along with his depiction of Hippolyta herself and her relationship with her husband and child illustrates his main idea of happiness and love being unattainable for an affluent member of society. Hippolyta: 1) The opening sentence of the prose piece introduces Hippolyta "overlooking the Borghese gardens." a. This image sets up an atmosphere of regality where Hippolyta is described to look over gardens that are something natural and beautiful. This image ... Show more content on ... f. This is further extrapolated during Hippoyta's conversation with her husband when she pays no attention to her child that is emptying a bowl of soup on the floor. g. The child is described to have a face like a war–leader. The war that the child is combating is the one between her mother and father. Both her parents seem to neglect it. As it pours more soup the narrator describes the child to "see what it's enemies would do."The enemy being the mother who neglects the child. h. When Hippolyta realizes that the child has spilled the soup the narrator says, "Hippolyta lunged either to hit it or love it; the child might have liked either. But Hippolyta could not get far enough because of the cord of the telephone." i. This indicates that the child is neglected in her relationship with Hippolyta as she would like any sort of attention even if it is violent. j. Hippolyta's relationship with her husband prevents her from loving her child which is a fundamental value in families. k. Narrator has to clean up the mess. l. Instead of introducing the narrator to Hippolyta's child she instead says, "Do you like my kid?" Almost addressing the child as an object. She later continues to say, "I'd be dead without that kid." This brings to surface the reality of her ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Object Relations Theory Is A Psychodynamic Theory Object Relations Theory Object relations theory is a psychodynamic theory that observes our capability to form long–lasting attachments, and is based on our early experiences of disconnection from and connections with out primary caregivers. We internalize our initial relationship examples, which means that our first relationships make lasting impressions on us, determining how we approach future relationships. Also, object relations theory studies how people form various attitudes towards others and how those attitudes affect their view of themselves as well as social relationships. There is a central notion of object relation's theory, which is that all people naturally search for relationships with others, what this theory looks at is how well an individual can form the interpersonal relationship and what, if any, deficiencies in social functioning may have occurred. For social workers, this theory is helpful in seeing an individual in the framework of the relationship rather than an individual being. According to object relations theory, the ultimate situation is to be raised by caregivers who in turn help us to progressively and appropriately move away from their physical and emotional direct care while they continue to convey their availability for support (Hutchison, 2013). These early associations are a major determinant of our personalities and the quality of our interpersonal performance (Hutchison, 2013; Dorfman, Meyer, & Morgan, 1998). Essentially, an ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. A Strong Object Recognition Is Implemented By Lbp, Ltp And... A Strong Object Recognition is Implemented by LBP, LTP and RLBP vany.s PG Scholar, Department of Information Technology Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tamilnadu Tiruchengode, India Karthi Prem. S Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tamilnadu Tiruchengode, India Udhayachandrika. A Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women (Autonomous), Tamilnadu Tiruchengode, India Abstract– This paper proposed two set of edge–texture features is such as Discriminative Robust Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP) and Discriminative Robust Local Ternary Pattern (DRLTP) for object recognition. The proposed DLBP and DRLTP are resultant from the disadvantage of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) and Robust LBP (RLBP).The LBP system and the RLBP system are mapped in the same block .The proposed feature indentifies the problem of discrimination between a bright object against dark background and vice–versa. The proposed feature also retains contrast information for object contours the LBP, LTP and RLBP discards. By the proposed features the objects is further analyzed for the accurate position of the object in the given image. Index Terms– Object recognition, Local Binary pattern, Local Ternary Pattern, Texture, features extraction. ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Process Description Of Object Oriented Programming PROCESS DESCRIPTION OF OBJECT–ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Introduction Object–Oriented Programming is a programming paradigm emphasized on "objects" which consists of data attributes and methods (Lewis; Loftus). Data attributes are comparable to nouns while methods are comparable to verbs in English. For instance, a person represented by object, has name, age, and gender as its data attributes. The person will be able to think, speak, and write with the representation of methods in the object. The main purpose of learning Object–Oriented Programming is to create programs that are maintainable and scalable. Maintainability is essential for programmers to understand the codes in a program. Therefore, the codes have to be concise and clear. Moreover, programs need to be easy to upgrade to accommodate changes in real world. Hence, we need to have the capability to build a program on another program. Object–Oriented Programming enables programmers to program by modeling the real world instead of defining the logic of how the world works. It focuses more on what makes up an object rather than what the object does. Programmers can focus on creating small components or objects, and group them together based on their relationships to build a larger object, which can be built upon again in future. The process of developing the paradigm consists the following steps: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism. Discussion Encapsulation Encapsulation is an ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Ufo(Unidentified Flying Object) The Oxford English Dictionary defines a UFO as "An unidentified flying object; a 'flying saucer'." The word was first used in print by Donald Keyhoe in 1953.[1] The acronym "UFO" was coined by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt, who headed Project Blue Book, then the USAF's official investigation of UFOs. He wrote, "Obviously the term 'flying saucer' is misleading when applied to objects of every conceivable shape and performance. For this reason the military prefers the more general, if less colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced Yoo–foe) for short." [2] Other phrases that were used officially and that predate the UFO acronym include "flying flapjack", "flying disc", "unexplained flying discs", "unidentifiable flying object", ... Show more content on ... An example is Halley's Comet, which was recorded first by Chinese astronomers in 240 BC and possibly as early as 467 BC. Such sightings throughout history often were treated as supernatural portents, angels, or other religious omens. Some current–day UFO researchers have noticed similarities between some religious symbols in medieval paintings and UFO reports[21] though the canonical and symbolic character of such images is documented by art historians placing more conventional religious interpretations on such images.[22] On January 25, 1878, The Denison Daily News noted that John Martin, a local farmer, had reported seeing a large, dark, circular object resembling a balloon flying "at wonderful speed." Martin, according to the newspaper account, said it appeared to be about the size of a saucer, the first known use of the word "saucer" in association with a UFO.[23] On February 28, 1904, there was a sighting by three crew members on the USS Supply 300 miles west of San Francisco, reported by Lt. Frank Schofield, later to become Commander–in–Chief of the Pacific Battle Fleet. Schofield wrote of three bright red egg–shaped and circular objects flying in echelon formation that approached beneath the cloud layer, then changed course and "soared" above the clouds, departing directly away from the earth after two to three minutes. The largest had an apparent size of about six suns, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Java Language : An Object Oriented Programming Java language is simple. Java language syntax and the C language and C ++ language is very close, so most programmers are easy to learn and use Java. On the other hand, Java discarded rarely used in C ++, it is difficult to understand, confusing those features, such as operator overloading, multiple inheritance, automatic casts. In particular, Java language does not use pointers, and provides automatic garbage collection, so programmers do not have to worry about memory management. Java is an object–oriented language. Java language provides classes, interfaces and inheritance primitives, for simplicity, only supports single inheritance between classes, but between interfaces support multiple inheritance, and to support the implementation mechanism between classes and interfaces (keyword implements) . Full support for dynamic binding Java language, C ++ language and only use dynamic binding of virtual functions. In short, Java language is a pure object–oriented programming language. Java language is distributed. Java language support for Internet development and application, there is a network application programming interfaces ( in basic Java application programming interfaces, it provides a programming library for network applications, including URL, URLConnection, Socket, ServerSocket like. Java 's RMI (remote method activation) mechanism is an important means to develop distributed applications Java language is robust. Java 's strong typing, exception ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. 4 Pilars of Object Oriented Design De La Salle University–Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology Engineering Department– CPE FOUR PILARS OF OBJECT ORIENTED DESIGN HOMEWORK NO.3 Submitted By: Depone, Carmela R. CPE52 Submitted To: Mr. Dwight Sabio Instructor Date Submitted: August 4, 2014 ABSTRACTION A model of a complex system that includes only the details essential to perspective of the viewer of the system or Only the characteristics of the system that are essential to the problem being studied are modelled; minor or irrelevant details are ignored. Example and Explanation * An abstraction is a model of a complex system that includes only the essential details. * Abstractions are the ... Show more content on ... However, in one way, inheritance actually breaks encapsulation! * As already mentioned, Encapsulation is the process of packaging classes into the public interface and the private implementation. * In essence, a class hides everything that is not necessary for other classes to know about. * It makes a case that when using inheritance, Encapsulation is inherently weakened within a class hierarchy, Because it introduces a specific risk as Inheritance connotes strong encapsulation with other classes but weak encapsulation between a superclass and its subclasses. * The problem is that if you inherit an implementation from a super class and then change that implementation, the change from the super class ripples through the class hierarchy. * This rippling effect potentially affects all the subclasses. At first, this might not seem like a major problem; however, as we have seen, a rippling effect such as this can cause unanticipated problems. * For example, testing can become a nightmare. * But with proper implementation of Encapsulation makes testing systems easier. Reference [1] Encapsulation, updated last April, 2014, Available:– concepts/encapsulation/what–is–encapsulation–example–tutorial–how–to–use INHERITANCE Inheritance as its name implies, involves inheriting attributes and behaviours from other ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Development of Object Permanence Essay The Development of Object Permanence I never realized when I played Peek–A–Boo with different infants in my family, that I was teaching them one of the most valuable lessons in their life. I just thought it was a game that infants liked to play and it made them laugh. I didn't know that this was so funny to them because they were fascinated with the fact that for one moment I wasn't there and a moment later I popped back up. Little did I know I was teaching them one of their most important accomplishments. Adults and older children never give a second thought to the fact that when something disappears out of sight that it still exists. It never crosses our minds to think about when exactly did the ability to "just ... Show more content on ... He came to the conclusions from his many experiments that an infant prior to eight months of age do not possess the understanding that because they cannot see an object does not mean that it does not exist (Siegler & Alibali,2005). Piaget proposed that object permanence doesn't develop until during what he identifies as the sensorimotor stage. The sensorimotor stage he identifies as being from birth to about two years of age. Piaget broke the sensorimotor stage down into six sub stages. Piaget also broke down the idea of object permanence according to the sub stages of the sensorimotor stage. During the first stage of object permanence which is roughly between the ages of birth to one month old, an infant will look at an object only while it is directly in front of their eyes. However, if an object was to move to the left of right of an infants direct line of vision, the infant would no longer look at the object. During the second sub stage which lasted from one to four months, Piaget said that infants will look for an extended period of time to an area where an object had disappeared from. He said that an infant will not however, follow the object if it were to move out of their line of sight. In the third sub stage which is between the ages of four and eight months, an infant will anticipate where a moving object will go and they will begin to look for the object there. They will only do this though if the object is partially visible, they will not make ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Advantages Of Object Oriented Languages OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Object–oriented programming language is a high–level programming language based on the object. Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language for modern computer programming. Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object–oriented languages are include on Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented languages. History Smalltalk developed by Xerox PARC research group, was coined in the early 1970s, the programming language. However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further ... Show more content on ... This relationship is structural, because it specifies that objects of one kind are connected to objects of another and does not represent behavior. The objects that are related via the association are considered to act in a role with respect to the association, if object's current state in the active situation allows the other associated objects to use the object in the manner specified by the role. A role can be used to distinguish two objects of the same class when describing its use in the context of the association. A role describes the public aspects of an object with respect to an association. Example: Student and teacher, where multiple students can associate with single teacher and single student can associate with multiple teachers. Both can be added and removed ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Evolution Of Object Oriented Technology ABSTRACT This paper is discuss about the evolution of Object–oriented technology in software design and implementation and it's role in the present market for developing server side scripting or web based products. There are many Object–oriented languages are available in the market but in all of them companies choose to use open source languages like Java, .NET , C++, C#, and Visual Basic .NET etc. The call for these languages has improved because the license cost is very less, negligible or zero. Because of these open source languages, it is easy to find applicable libraries and development source code while product development. The infrastructure cost such as testing tools or development IDE's is also nominal or freely available. ... Show more content on ... Also, there has been exponential growth due to the increase in number of software systems being described as object–oriented. Many programming languages, office information systems, system simulation and artificial intelligence have adopted object–oriented technology. It is an assumption that learns specific development method or a set of tools. HISTORY OF SIMULAAND SMALLTALK Simula: The theory of objects in the Simula 67 was introduced by the discrete event simulation which was the outcome of the formal programming language, designed in 1960's, created by Kristen Niggard has and Ole–Johan Dahl of Norwegian Computing Center (NCC) in Oslo. Simula 67 has been influenced by the C.A.R. and SIMSCRIPT. "Tony" Hoare's proposed the Record classes. As part of the explicit programming model the Classes and objects or their instances were presented in Simula. The Automatic Garbage collection concept that was created earlier for the functional programming language Lisp was used by Simula. For the study and improvement of ship movements and the contents on them via cargo ports, Simula was utilized for creating the physical model of ships and the content that they carried. Many languages were influenced by Simula 67 such as derivatives of LISP (CLOS), Smalltalk, Pascal, and C++ Object. The Smalltalk language: Smalltalk was developed at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay and others in the 1970s. The term object– oriented programming was introduced to ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Differences Between Object And Colour Essay Assignment 2 Discerned as the most common essences in the society, object and colour they are interrelated. Substantially,the correlations are inevitable. Therefore it is not easy to address the works from these aspects instead I would like to address the prominent elements of each work to elaborate more on it. It might be confusing yet this is one of the problem that I strive to tease out because both object and colour are not authorised a declaration. They do not have the perfect exemplification to explain thoroughly unlike science fomula Intrinsic complexity 'defies linguistic description, and its intense engagement of feeling and sensitivity to context. whereby the architectural space becomes the arena for an experience that melds physical and immaterial/mental coordinates. What their work has in common is an immersion in the present and the displacement of cognition by experience. 頭Nowadays we might be confronting with the situation that We put our own side of asthetic opinions on to objests so much that we do not think of what their intrinsic vales truly are, or the impact they actually bring us nor their relationships between the environment! For the Turner Prize exhibition The main piece of work of Karla Black is called Doesn 't Care In Words(2011), a hanging sculpture made of cellophane, paint, sugar paper, chalk, plaster powder, powder paint, sellotape, cosmetics, paint, vaseline as well as moisturising cream. Bath bombs are scattered with ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Virginia Woolf Solid Objects Analysis Obsession of the Obsessed in Virginia Woolf's "Solid Objects" Obsession is defined as "the domination of one's thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea or desire." The desire for nonconformity is a praiseworthy attribute but when taken too far, it can be disadvantageous to one's goals and ambitions. While it is essential for one to seek transient passions, it is also crucial to mollify this pursuit, with concern with actual use. The threats of overindulgence are notably apparent in the case of John, the protagonist of Virginia Woolf's "Solid Objects", whose passion for knickknacks turns into a subtle obsession. Woolf expresses her strong criticism of John by intensifying his wasted potentiality and his fixation with fleeting dreams while she commends Charles for his dependability and practicality. The title "Solid Objects" is a ... Show more content on ... Charles who is a pragmatist cannot understand why John abandons his prospect. Nevertheless, Charles remains to bolster John, in spite of realizing that John's inconceivable reappearance upon a stage. He comprehends the stones for what they really are, nothing more than curios without underlying meaning. He understands that John's ardent fixation is unusual and unsound, but still retains belief for John's restoration. Charles's faith crushes amid their last communication when he understands that the "pretty stones" have exhausted John's prudence (Woolf 5). In Virginia Woolf's "Solid Objects", John attempts to break away from the facts of existence of life by looking for aspiration in the accumulation of obscure items. Woolf's accusation of John's actions is expressed in the devastation of his political prospect and his social life. In spite of Charles's greatest intentions to act as John's g, John goes on chasing unreal targets in the hope of attaining liberation and ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Advantages Of Object Oriented Programming Language Table of Contents  Description and History 4  Concepts 5–6  Features and Advantages of OOP 7  Different between Interface & Abstract classes 8  Different between Overloading & overriding 9–10  Encapsulation 11–12  Association 13–14  Polymorphism 15  Harvard Referencing 16 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Object–oriented programming language is a high–level programming language based on the object. Data hiding, Inheritance, and polymorphism such basic features of this programming languages. this method is not used for computer programming Until the early 1990s. But, mostly use this language for modern computer programming. Very Successful object oriented languages are in present. object–oriented languages are include on Python, C++, Delphi, Java, PHP, Swift, Perl, Ruby and C# Those are can be used as object oriented languages. ... Show more content on ... However, the University of Oslo in 1967 was developed further by the name of OOP Simula. properties in simula, is equivalent to today object–oriented language. Thus OOP was around already a quarter of a century ago, which makes it even more surprising that the approach only recently began to gain widespread acceptance. This probably stems from the fact that Simula and Smalltalk were considered specialized languages. Smalltalk was viewed like a toy by many computer scientists. But, Simula was designed like a simulation language. Smalltalk became the prototype of object–oriented languages. It still is one of the most successful OOP languages. Smalltalk usually slow transformation. Although newer Smalltalk systems do generate machine code, message dispatching is still interpretative. Furthermore, Smalltalk does not allow static type checking. This limits its suitability for larger software ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. A Strong Object Recognition Using Lbp, Ltp And Rlbp A Robust Object Recognition using LBP, LTP and RLBP Nithya.K1, Karthi Prem.S2 and Udhayachandrika.A3 1Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, nithuthaara91 @gmailcom 2Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, karthiprem 3Department of IT, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, udhayaa11 Abstract– In this paper two set of edge–texture features is proposed such as Discriminative Robust Local Binary Pattern (DRLBP) and Discriminative Robust Local Ternary Pattern (DRLTP) for object recognition. The proposed DLBP and DRLTP are derived from the drawback of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP), Local Ternary Pattern (LTP) and Robust LBP (RLBP).The LBP code and the RLBP code are mapped in the same block .The proposed feature solves the problem of discrimination between a bright object against dark background and vice–versa. The proposed feature retains contrast information for representation of object contours the LBP, LTP and RLBP discards. By this proposed features the objects in the image can be further analyzed for the exact location of the object in the given image. Keywords– Object recognition, Local Binary pattern, Local Ternary Pattern, Texture, features extraction. I. INTRODUCTION The two part of the object recognition are category recognition and detection. The goal of the category recognition is to classify object in to one of several predefined categories. The main aim of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Concept Of Classes And Object Starting with the basic definition of Object which means an entity which be defined via dimensions usually refer to a thing in the real world. It may be a mobile, laptop, chair etc.. Program can be designed using the concept of Classes and Objects. To simplify the development and maintenance concepts such as Object, Class, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction and Encapsulation. An object is a state or behavior of an entity. It can be a physical or a logical definition. Grouping or Collection of such objects which have the same behavior is called a class, generally represents a logical entity. Inheritance is using the exisitng functionalities and defining new methods. In other words an object acquiring all the behaviors and ... Show more content on ... Package Name – The whole name should be in lowercase letter like lang, util. Constants Name – The whole name should be in Uppercase like MAX_DURATION, SPEED_LIMIT. Every organization has their own standards but the base of Java naming concepts is the same. Rules are built on top of this base. Objects and Classes are used to design a program in object–oriented programming techniques. Object refers to physical and logical state of an entity where as a Class is a logical entity only. Objects are entities that have state and behavior which can be physical or logical and tangible or intangible. Banking Systems are an example for intangible objects. The characteristics of an object is determined by its State – data or value the object represents, Behavior – represents the functional aspects like start, stop and Identity – refers to the unique ID assigned and used by JVM to identify objects uniquely not visible to the user. For example: Phone is an object. It is name as Apple, Color is white which indicates the state and is used to call or text is its behavior. Object is an instance of Class, the template and blueprint of the class in used to create objects. In other words objects are the result of a class. Objects are real and runtime entities and are determined by their state and behavior. Classes are collection or grouping objects of similar functionalities and are just logical entities. A class in Java contains fields, methods, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Object To Me Research Paper If someone was going to ask me how I would represent myself with four objects, I would probably have to take a day or two to think about it. Since I've already done that, I am now going to explain these four items to you. The things I chose, with difficulty, were a picture of me with three of my brothers, a sketchbook I've been looking for for a while, my phone (a most prized possession) and a mason jar filled with pretty trinkets. I think these would be the objects that would best describe me. First, I have a picture of me with three of my brothers at the zoo in Indianapolis. That is one of the few pictures where we are all smiling and posing. Normally, we're super chaotic. We play around and yell and argue a lot. But somehow we all get along ... Show more content on ... It was very important to me, because some of my favorite drawings are in that book. When I found it a while ago, I was ecstatic. Drawing brings out an artistic side in me that doesn't normally surface. It also gives me an outlet to channel my ideas. I think creativity has given me a chance to express myself and is a way to find who I am. The next thing I chose that represents me is my phone. It is my connection to my friends and family and a world outside of where I am. It has several features that were designed to help people with everyday life. My phone is one of the few things that manage to stay consistent around me. It is very helpful to have around. A lot of children are getting phones at younger and younger ages. I only got mine this year, so that makes me more careful and sensible about it. The last thing that I selected to portray me is a jar full of pretty oddities and ornaments. I believe this shows one of the most important things about me. In other words, it indicates my organization and thought process, which seems practically nonexistent to most people, but I find a lot of method to it. My room is usually like that jar on steroids. It makes no sense to whoever stumbles upon it by accident, but it is easy to unravel when you see it all the time. I feel like this represents the basics of me, as I ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Procedural Programming And Object Oriented Programming PROCEDURAL PROGRAMMING (–design/procedural–programming–vs–object–oriented– programming–a–review/ ) Procedural Programming which has been referred to as inline programming takes a more top down approach to solving problems. When a program starts with a problem then that problem is broken down into smaller sub–problems or sub–procedures. These sub–problems are further broken down until they get simple enough to be solved. The demerit with procedural programming is that if an edit is needed to the program, we have to edit every line of it that corresponds to the original change in the code. For example, a variable was set equal to 1 and if other sub–procedures of the program rely on that variable to function ... Show more content on ... 4. Problems in procedural programming need to be individually addressed as the program is executed whereas in object–oriented programming objects and classes can be referenced throughout the program. RESEARCH FINDINGS ON OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING ( System engineering principles and techniques such as model building, simulation, estimation, and measurement are used to build software products through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The software development life cycle is a stepwise and systematic process where each step depends on the successful completion of the previous step all arranged in a sequential order. It can be observed that the maintenance of software is 60% of overall cost, whereas all the other costs are only 40%. High maintenance costs are because of poor reuse of software components which is a critical factor in system development. Hence, maintenance is an important factor to be considered in the software development process. Also, earlier programming languages did not support reuse because of the dependence of the program on its environment. Thus, Software maintenance and Software reuse are the two major problems that demanded a new programming approach. The software required for advanced applications are very complex and evolving and developing them is an equally challenging task. The complexity of software requires a programming methodology that should have the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Object Relations Theory Essay OBJECT RELATIONS THEORIES AND SELF PSYCHOLOGY Object Relations and Self Psychology Object relations refers to interpersonal relations 2. Object refers to that which will satisfy a need. Significant person or thing that is target of another's feelings (drives). 3. In combination with relations, object refers to interpersonal relations and suggests inner residues of past relations shaping present relations 4. Object relations theorists investigate the early formulation and differentiation of psychological structure and how these inner structures are manifested in interpersonal situations 5. Theorists focus on relationships of early life that leave lasting impression within the psyche of the individual. 1. Residues...inner ... Show more content on ... Helps the immature infant hold both feelings together...with maturity can integrate feelings...infant uses splitting to keep apart the conflicting feelings toward the good and bad aspects of mothering Object Relations Theorist Share a common concern about the [primacy or relationships over innate instinctual drives 5. Shifts from instinct to early relationships Emphasize environmental influences Weight is given to how the infant develops a 'self' through relationships within family and how this self relates toward others Study disorders in relationships – (personality disorders) Self Psychology Emphasis on certain aspects of object relations Nature and kind of investment in the self Normal narcissism is part of traditional theory 40. Kohut refers to narcissism – persons deal with objects as if objects were part of self and that objects performs critical functions for the self Core Issues Nature of objects and shift from emphasis on drives. Nature and formation of psychic structures Developmental stages viewed in terms of relationships with objects Different views of conflict and consequences for therapy
  • 56. Nature of Objects Freud – the object is the creation of drives; object relations are the function of drives 46. Klein gave greater weight to the interpersonal environment; interested in drives as viewed in transactions between infant and caregiver Fairbairn – main drive of a person is for a relationship; not the satisfaction of a ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Components Programming And Object Oriented Programming... 1. INTRODUCTION: C++ programming language is one of the well designed and widely accepted object oriented programming language. It was called that C++ programming language is an enhanced version of C language with some extra keywords. It is improved and reliable form of C language. C++ programming language has various properties due to which it becomes quite popular:– ⦁ It supports all features of both structure programming and object oriented programming language. ⦁ It provides the easiest way to handle the data hiding and encapsulation with the help of powerful keywords such as class, private, public, and protected. ⦁ In this programming language we have to understand the meaning of various terms such as objects, class, data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance (one of the most powerful concept), polymorphism, data binding, and message passing etc. ⦁ It also provides overloading of operators and functions. ⦁ C++ focuses on function and class templates for handling parameterized data types. Advantagses of C++ :– ⦁ C++, the object oriented language provides a standard class library that can be extended by the users, thus saving a lot of coding and debugging effort. ⦁ Object oriented language greatly enhance the possibility of reuse. ⦁ It also provides many other advantages in the production and maintenance of software such as shorter development times, high degree of code sharing and malleability. These advantages make OOPs an important technology for building ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Object Oriented Programming Essay Designing a Class Tutorial for C++ OOP (Object Oriented Programming) The modern programming is based on the concept that "program little and use more". The object oriented programming languages are playing a vital role in the industry of development. The OOP introduced following concepts: Split a program into set of tasks and sub–tasks Develop functions for these tasks And reuse these functions with little or less modifications This lead a new term "Reusability", which means that you have to write a function once and use the function again and again by calling the Object of that Class in which the function is present. You can also further implement the Class by adopting the rules provided by OOP. C++ is a good example of object oriented programming. Features of OOP There are many features of OOP, but the most common features are: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Abstraction Contracts Class The class is capsule that is used to encapsulate an abstract data type. When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type. The class itself does not defines data, its only gives the name concerning with the objects. However a class contains one or more than one objects. These objects are the operations which a class performs. In short, a class provides blueprints of objects. The basic syntax for a class is: Objects Objects are the actual operations and functions that a class performs. Each object has its own characteristics/properties/attributes and ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Java Programming And Object Oriented Programming Java programming is widely used programming language that has a wide verity of application, such as; Mobile application, Enterprise Application, Desktop applications, etc. Java program was created by Sun Microsystems in early 1990s. It was created to solve the problem of connecting many household machines together. Java is class based and object oriented programming language. Java programming is secure, fast and reliable. It's free and created for the general purpose. Object Oriented is refers to a computer programming that defines the data of data structure and the types of functions that can be applied to the data structure. Classes: A class is specifically set of instructions that allow creating different objects, which define the ... Show more content on ... The class identifier should start with capital letter. A class should start in the first column of the line followed by the rest of header information– an identifier in the simplest case. In Java class has two access levels: In Java class has two access levels: Public: In class objects are accessible in coding in any package. Default: In class objects are accessible inside the package. Java keywords: The Java complier recognizes these keywords and treats them special (Fig–1): Fig–1 (Online Object: Object oriented is a software program that describes the data structure, data type but also the types of operations or functions that can be applied to the data structure. Like that data structure becomes an object, which includes data and functions. Object specifies the behavior that states each class. This program can create the relationship between one object and another, such as; object can inherit characteristic from another object. Object can be written and maintained independently Concepts of Object oriented programming: Principles: Inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism are the basic principles of Java programming: Abstraction: It's one of the central principles of object oriented programming. Abstraction is a process of abstracting the common features of objects and procedures. Abstraction takes away or removes the characteristic from something in order to reduce the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Assignment On Object Oriented Programming TITLE PAGE COP 3330 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING NAME: DEVARSHI PATEL PID: 392427 DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2016 Doing the research about the object oriented programming on online and also while being enrolled in this class I have learned so many new things about computer concepts, background and its languages throughout this fall semester. Which I would like to use and share that information I learned about object–oriented programming languages in this research paper. Even while looking more depth on online about object oriented languages, I got excited to learn more and more about different computer languages. In this research, I would share what object–oriented means, and also describe two languages of Object–oriented programming particularly I would use Java and C++ to compare and contrast while using their background information about each language of Java and C++ of an object–oriented programming language. First of all, let me begin with Object oriented programming. Object oriented programming is a type of a computer programming language in which begin with the basic concept of an object. Where to object is characterized by its states and behavior. The state is basically information about object known about itself and behavior is an action that object can do or react. For example, if you meet a new person the state is a name, address, height, weight, and so on and its behavior of a person can be speaking, read, write, run, walk, swim, jump, and so on. Objects are ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Use Of Linguistic Instruments For Object Oriented How to Use Linguistic Instruments for Object–Oriented Analysis SUMMARY Linguistic is the one of the scientific language. It has three basic properties which describe linguistic language such as language forms, language meaning and language in context. Linguistic language help in development of object oriented models. Objected oriented programming language is high level language which consists of object and methods. Now–a–days object oriented programming language has high demanded in the development of different application where it has many advantages as it is a platform independent, reusability, inheritance, information hiding, encapsulation, and polymorphism so many organization uses oops concepts for software development. Object oriented analysis and design are the two techniques which are used to analysis and design the application. According to Alistair Sutcliffe, a system requirement should follow a set of rules of the methods which are used to analyses the object oriented model. Some organization does not follow object oriented concepts so in order to develop the software applications experienced people are required. If there are no experts in the development then the object oriented model becomes slows. There is a semiformal model which gives consistent concepts for object oriented models. This gives the relationship between natural language and objected oriented components. As the natural language is closely related to intermediate language that is related to high ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Development of Object Permanence I never realized when I played Peek–A–Boo with different infants in my family, that I was teaching them one of the most valuable lessons in their life. I just thought it was a game that infants liked to play and it made them laugh. I didn 't know that this was so funny to them because they were fascinated with the fact that for one moment I wasn 't there and a moment later I popped back up. Little did I know I was teaching them one of their most important accomplishments. Adults and older children never give a second thought to the fact that when something disappears out of sight that it still exists. It never crosses our minds to think about when exactly did the ability to "just know"develop. If something ceases to exist that was ... Show more content on ... These infants will sometimes make the mistake referred to as the A–not–B mistake. If an object is repeatedly hidden in a particular place, an infant of this age will continue to look for the object there despite the fact that they may have watched you hide the object in another place. Infants this age are working according to an automatic process. By the time they are in the fifth sub stage between the ages of twelve and eighteen months infants tend to grow out of this automatic processing and they begin to search for an object in the last place that they saw it hidden. Once an infant reaches the last sub stage between the ages of eighteen and twenty–four months he has mastered all the is to know about object permanence according to Piaget(Siegler & Alibali, 2005). Since Piaget made these claims there have been many experiments done that sought to disprove the claims that Piaget made. These experiments thought that Piaget was giving infants far less credit than they deserved. Other developmental psychologist wanted to prove that in fact infants learned the concept of object permanence at a much earlier age than Piaget first proposed. People came up with many different ideas as to why the infants failed to reach or search for objects that were hidden. They wouldn 't go as far as to say that the infants just don ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Examples Of Object Oriented Analysis Design Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) Object Oriental Analysis Design is a hands on approach used to model and create systems as a group of interacting objects. The term "Object", describes a form of entity or "thing" of concern. Objects are typically modeled after real world entities or concepts. For the business analyst, examples of objects may range from; invoice, product, contract, etc. Objects usually contain attributes that can be set to specific values. With Object Oriented Approach to system design, it tries to lessen the impact of problems by combining related data and functions into the same module. Objects In the real world can be characterized by two things; data and behavior. For example, a television is an object and possess data in the sense that it is tuned to a particular channel, the scan rate is set to a certain value, the contrast and brightness is a particular value and so on. The television object can also "do" things. The television can switch on and off, the channel can be changed, and so on. Below is a graphical representation of a single object and its characteristics: ... Show more content on ... "During the object–oriented analysis (OOA) phase object–modeling techniques are used to analyze the functional requirements for a system and create models which reflect the logical design of the system. During the object–oriented design (OOD) phase of the system, models are elaborated upon to include implementation specific details that show how the physical design of the system will come together. OOA focuses on what the system does (its static structure and behavior), OOD on how the system does it (its run–time implementation)." ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. What Is Piaget's Theory Of Object Permanence? Jean Piaget (1896–1980), acknowledged as the most significant scholar of child development, was the first psychologist to study cognitive development in a systematic and methodical approach (Martin, Carlson & Buskist, 2013). Bee and Boyd's (2014) definition of cognitive developmental theories is "a theory that emphasizes actions on the environment and suggests that age–related changes in reasoning precede and explain changes in other domains" (p. 2). Martin et al. (2013) defines Piaget's theory, termed as genetic epistemology, as "the study of the origin of knowledge in child development" (p. 29). Evaluating and amalgamating these definitions show that Piaget's aim was to provide an explanation on how an infant matures into several different stages, ultimately becoming an individual that is capable of demonstrating logical reasoning and concepts and that Piaget believed development resulted from biological and ... Show more content on ... In this stage, infants rely on their senses and motor movements to experience the world and obtain knowledge. The development of object permanence is one of the most significant features of the sensorimotor stage. Object permanence can be described as the realisation that an object continues to exist even if it cannot be sensed. Initially, an infant will almost instantly lose interest in the object if they can't sense it (see, hear or feel). But through gradual development, generally taking two years, the infant will search for an object if it's hidden (Bee & Boyd, 2014). Piaget believed this development was a significant element in language development because without being able to identify objects as distinct entities it would be impossible to attach a name to that object. This shows that Piaget believes that thought comes before language. Whereas, Lev Vygotsky argues that linguistic development and thought go hand in hand (Martin et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Object Permanentism The first stage is called the Sensorimotor stage. It occupies the first two years of a child's life, from birth to 2 years old. It is called the Sensorimotor stage because in it children are occupied with sensing things and moving them. From these activities they learn what makes things happen, what the connections are between actions and their consequences. They learn to grasp and hold and what happens when they let go. This happens later on in the stage. When they are new–born they have no concept of there being anything else apart from themselves in the world. In fact they think that they are the world. Piaget called this Egocentism; he said that children with this attitude were totally Egocentric. This does not mean that ... Show more content on ... Like most things in life, acquisition of the concept of the external world is not as simple as that, but this is no place in which to enquire after such questions. It is easier to ask what evidence there may be that an individual has acquired the concept. One piece of evidence is the child's apparent belief that objects exist when not perceived. This is called belief in Object Permanence. If a cloth is placed over a toy for which an eight–month old child is reaching, the child will immediately lose interest in the toy, as if the toy had ceased to exist. This is just what it has done for the child; as soon as anything passes from its experience that thing is no more. However, only a couple of months later, the same child in a similar situation will actively search for an object that has been hidden from its view. The older child has the concept of Object Permanence; it believes that there is an object under the cloth even though it cannot see it, feel it, hear it, taste it or smell it, and will make an effort to reach it if it so desires. The child's problems are not over yet, though. It is not very agile in its thought; if a toy has been hidden very often in one place, ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Object And Oriented Programing ( Oop ) Languages Content Object – Oriented Programing (OOP) Languages. What is the Object – Oriented Programing (OOP)? We should be talking about the "what is an Object?" before to talk about the what is an Object – Oriented Programing. So what is the Object in the programing world: General meaning of Object is a something. Sometimes it can be touch. Sometimes it cannot be touch. So Object – Oriented Programing is the objects based programs. Also such kind of programs depend on the interaction of objects. Ex :– Think about the Library management system. There are so many objects. Books, Library members, Librarian are few of them. Anyway, Object has a main two parts. i. Features / Fields ( Features represent as variables ) ii. Behaviours ( Behaviours represent as Methods ) Ex :– Let us consider about a car object. Car object has so many features. Speed, gear, RPM of the tyres are few of features. Also Car object has so many behaviours. Changing the gears, brake, Change of the peddle cadence are few of behaviours. Code sample for Object:– class Car{ Car c = new Car ( ); // create the new Car object in the Car class. } Main features of Object – Oriented Programing (OOP). There are so many features of Object – Oriented Programing. Among all of them main features are , i. Object ii. Class iii. Inheritance iv. Abstract class v. Interface vi. Data hiding and Encapsulation vii. Data Abstraction viii. Polymorphism We already know now ... Get more on ...